#Soylent | Logs for 2014-04-01

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[00:00:01] <NCommander> Blackmoore, thanks. I appericate it
[00:00:15] <NCommander> Blackmoore, we've got some announcements for tomorrow I think you'll appreicate
[00:03:11] <prospectacle> paulej72, whereas if you're looking for where the message is created, you could easily miss it if it's just in the assignment of some other variable.
[00:04:41] <NCommander> prospectacle, while you're rooting around through that code, can you see if you can find where the submit rate limiter is?
[00:05:31] <Cyprus> you may not like that form, but that is the example methodology in a *lot* of perl documentation and books
[00:06:35] <prospectacle> NCommander, lol. I was just talking about paulej72s message. I wouldn't know where to start with the actual source.
[00:07:04] <Cyprus> if it's still an unknown i can look when i get home
[00:07:23] <NCommander> er, paulej72 no prospectacle
[00:07:23] * prospectacle thinks he should probably learn perl at some point
[00:07:24] * NCommander is tired
[00:07:29] <prospectacle> np
[00:07:39] <Cyprus> ncommander: go sleep =P
[00:07:44] <NCommander> Cyprus, I *just* woke up
[00:07:50] * NCommander is holding off on moderate^post, but I'm going to open a discussion on it
[00:07:52] <Cyprus> that's unfortunate
[00:08:04] <Cyprus> anyway, i'm out
[00:08:17] -!- Cyprus has quit [Quit: homeward bound]
[00:08:36] -!- pbnjoe has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[00:08:48] <prospectacle> I notice the queue has gone empty a few times. Only submitted a couple of stories myself, so can't complain, but I do have a modest proposal to fix the problem:
[00:09:04] SoyGuest66773 is now known as bet0x
[00:09:08] <prospectacle> If stories were published at an interval that's directly proportional to the rate of submissions (plus a buffer to err on the site of not running out), then it should be easy to not run out.
[00:09:10] bet0x is now known as Alberto
[00:09:49] <paulej72> prospectacle: we have a fix that will go live tomorrow and the editors already do that to a certain extent
[00:10:04] <prospectacle> E.g publish stories at an interval of: "average time between submissions + 10%". This can be worked out simply by taking (time of last submission in queue - earliest submission time) divided by number of submissions, times 1.1 (i.e. add 10%).
[00:10:07] <NCommander> prospectacle, we're also working to restore slash's nexus support
[00:10:14] <prospectacle> paulej72, oh ok, never mind.
[00:10:16] <NCommander> prospectacle, so we can have subsections like slashdot used to
[00:10:21] <prospectacle> cool
[00:10:35] <Teckla> NCommander: If I may ask a personal question, are you American? :) (Give me a good e-beating if that question is inappropriate, heh)
[00:10:44] <NCommander> Teckla, I am.
[00:11:00] * NCommander is from New York actually
[00:11:17] <prospectacle> NCommander, can't wait for your book on slash to be kickstarted (maybe if I pretend like it's inevitable it will come true)
[00:11:27] <prospectacle> You could say this site is your "research project" for writing the book
[00:11:36] <NCommander> prospectacle, you have no idea how long my todo list is
[00:11:38] <MileyCyrus> [SoylentNews] - USAF Secret Plane Makes Longevity Record - http://sylnt.us - not-so-secret-classified-projects
[00:11:55] <NCommander> Huh?
[00:11:55] <prospectacle> NCommander, true that
[00:11:57] <NCommander> That sounds like a dupe
[00:12:06] * NCommander is hoping to have the review for incorporation done soon, and here's hoping that he'll be sane by the end of it
[00:12:21] <Teckla> NCommander: Are you still in NY? (NY is awesome... my wife is from NY)
[00:12:39] <NCommander> Teckla, I actually had left the United States about a year ago to live as a permament nomad
[00:12:53] <NCommander> I only returned after Jon stepped down and someone needed to take charge of incorporation
[00:13:07] <Teckla> NCommander: Wow, cool, and brave.
[00:13:26] <NCommander> Incidently, this solved the site finance issue nicely
[00:13:32] <NCommander> My travel fund became the Soylentnews Fund :-)
[00:14:50] <Teckla> I do hope SoyNews becomes economically self sustaining for you soon!
[00:15:12] <NCommander> Teckla, we need to incorporate for that, and my legal review got bogged down
[00:15:30] <prospectacle> NCommander, well I hope you make it all back, (when you eventually kickstart your book on creating an online community with slash :)
[00:15:33] <NCommander> Teckla, http://wiki.soylentnews.org - here's the first 3k words explaining legal protections in the US
[00:15:45] <paulej72> Blackmoore: I looked as best as I could into the code and even though there is a daily limit variable set in the vars table, it is not used anywhere to enforce a limit. Also I can not find any othe limiting code within the submit system.
[00:17:59] <NCommander> prospectacle, thanks :-). I do think this weekend I'm going to take off
[00:18:06] <NCommander> Might go to phily; just hop Amtrak
[00:19:09] <paulej72> Blackmoore: my thoughts are that your last sumission had an error in it, unless you can provide me with an error message that specifically says it was rate limiting you.
[00:19:56] <prospectacle> NCommander, yes it seems like the urgent armour-plating is in the past, and you have more choice about the rate of progress from here on. Don't burn yourself out, or nobody wins
[00:22:06] -!- willyg_cos [willyg_cos!~joeuser@06-377-63-214.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #Soylent
[00:24:48] <prospectacle> Is amtrak a good service? I like catching trains but especially ones with tables and shops and power outlets.
[00:26:21] <Blackmoore> Amtrak is ok. but i only know of service in NY.
[00:26:49] <Blackmoore> @NC the message I am getting is "You have used this resource too much; please try again later."
[00:27:09] <Blackmoore> on the submissions page.
[00:29:03] <Blackmoore> @NC I've sent you a pm, screenshot of the messaging.
[00:30:20] <Blackmoore> in any case I'm not really sweating it. I can send in the other one tommorrow
[00:30:58] -!- pbnjoe [pbnjoe!~pbnjoe@Soylent/Users/313/pbnjoe] has joined #Soylent
[00:32:55] <Blackmoore> and i cleard my cookies, logged back in, and the page is fine
[00:34:47] <NCommander> Blackmoore, did you just send me a bug email?
[00:36:05] <paulej72> NCommander: the message comes from the reskey system that is used to follow forms
[00:36:23] <NCommander> paulej72, oh yay, more blackbox
[00:38:21] -!- Anon3 has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[00:40:10] <Blackmoore> yes; that was me
[00:40:30] <Blackmoore> i'm at work
[00:40:46] <NCommander> Blackmoore, nm
[00:41:01] -!- Cyprus [Cyprus!~Cyprus@68.63.ljr.ppx] has joined #Soylent
[00:41:16] * NCommander is thinking a weekend in Philly sounds like an extremely doubleplus good idea
[00:41:35] <NCommander> I think I may even leave the laptop at home
[00:41:58] <mattie_p> what? nooooooooooooo!
[00:42:10] <NCommander> mattie_p, are you philly based?
[00:42:22] <mattie_p> negative, in Denver for now
[00:42:45] <NCommander> mattie_p, pity, I can't take a train there
[00:42:58] <NCommander> er nm
[00:43:03] <NCommander> southwest chief
[00:43:09] <mattie_p> NCommander, I don't think we'll be here long anyway
[00:43:16] <mattie_p> looks like we might be moving back east soon
[00:43:37] * NCommander would love to buy a USA Rail Pass, and criss-cross the country by rail
[00:44:32] <mattie_p> NCommander, back in 20, need to deal with kids
[00:44:39] <NCommander> mattie_p, cya
[00:47:09] <NCommander> The few times I'm at Penn Station
[00:47:36] <NCommander> I like to look at the departure board, and for a minute, imagine what it was like back in the golden age of rail, with trains leaving every minute from one end of the country to another
[00:47:59] <NCommander> Or when I'm in Grand Central, when people used to line up for the 20th Century Limited along New York Central's Water Table Route
[00:49:59] -!- everdred has quit [Changing host]
[00:49:59] -!- everdred [everdred!~irssi@Soylent/Users/110/Everdred] has joined #Soylent
[00:50:15] <Blackmoore> It's a sad state that we've lost that service to cars and planes.
[00:50:30] <Blackmoore> something majestic about riding on the old trains.
[00:51:09] <NCommander> Blackmoore, I travelled through the Balkins a week straight on rail
[00:51:12] <Blackmoore> and the old art deco train stations
[00:51:36] <NCommander> Blackmoore, most of those have survived. The destruction of the old Penn Station was what created teh US Landmark laws
[00:51:58] <NCommander> Though a couple of cities, there just isnt' enough money to use the old stations, so Amshelds reign
[00:52:03] <NCommander> *cough*Buffalo*/cough*
[00:52:15] <Blackmoore> well, how was the service there? (the old station here has managed to get on ghost hunters a few times)
[00:52:24] <Blackmoore> yeah that station
[00:53:37] <NCommander> Suprisingly good
[00:53:47] <NCommander> The rolling stock was old soviet era rail cars
[00:53:56] <NCommander> The soviets knew how to build a train, let me tell you that
[00:55:02] <NCommander> The US Railpass is incredible value
[00:55:22] <NCommander> $800 dollars, 18 segments to use as you want, and can upgrade to sleepers and such
[00:55:37] * NCommander did Miami -> New York via sleeper once, it was awesome
[00:56:17] <prospectacle> Rail is easily the best way to travel over land > 1hr. No queues, security checks, no paying attention to the road
[00:56:38] <Cyprus> provided it goes there
[00:57:05] <prospectacle> Yes
[00:57:26] <prospectacle> That's the problem. Rail not being built. Come on, government
[00:57:48] <NCommander> prospectacle, what are trains like in Oz?
[00:58:05] * NCommander notes he's got driving AU-1 the full length is on my TODO list
[00:59:01] <NCommander> The Pan-American though remains on top of my list
[00:59:07] <prospectacle> NCommander, well I've only used the NSW network, but there's the basic cityrail (which goes well beyond the city) and is fine but fairly standard. Then there's countrylink which is more expensive, goes further and has a cafe car, more options (first class), better seats with little fold-down tables, etc
[00:59:13] <NCommander> I *might* do the African East Access Route if I feel lucky
[00:59:28] <NCommander> prospectacle, reminds me of VIA Rail in Canada
[00:59:45] * NCommander is still *hoping* he might be able to kick off the Pan-Am this year
[00:59:58] <NCommander> Before SoylentNews, I was aiming for an early summer departure
[01:00:02] <prospectacle> NCommander, there are proper services (sleeper cars, etc) if you want to go cross country
[01:00:09] <prospectacle> I intend to do so one day
[01:00:09] <NCommander> prospectacle, sounds awesome.
[01:00:15] * NCommander plans to go everywhere
[01:00:37] <paulej72> here it is INSERT INTO reskey_vars VALUES (6, 'duration_max-uses', 5, 'how many uses per timeframe');
[01:00:46] <NCommander> paulej72, what's the timeframe?
[01:01:12] <NCommander> mcasadevall@am2:~$ file qemu-arm-peter.tgz
[01:01:12] <NCommander> qemu-arm-peter.tgz: bzip2 compressed data, block size = 900k
[01:01:15] * NCommander bangs head
[01:01:23] <paulej72> The time frame is 14400 seconds and the 6 above is for the submit system
[01:01:48] <NCommander> paulej72, hrm ....
[01:01:53] <NCommander> paulej72, I feel like we should up that
[01:02:00] <prospectacle> for crossing the whole country, there's basically an east to west one (The indian pacific), and a north to south one (the Ghan). I hear good things, but, expensive
[01:02:15] <NCommander> prospectacle, the funny thing about US rail, is if you go economy, its stupid cheap
[01:02:17] <paulej72> NCommander: yes we should
[01:02:22] <NCommander> prospectacle, $280 from New York to Portland
[01:02:36] <prospectacle> NCommander, wow. How long would that take (you sit up the whole time?)
[01:02:50] <NCommander> prospectacle, the long-distince trains have recliners in economy
[01:03:10] <NCommander> prospectacle, I did New York->Chicago (17 hours, via DC on the Cardinals) and had no problem
[01:03:30] <NCommander> That was my first attempt to ever go coast-to-coast by rail
[01:03:39] <prospectacle> I guess as long as you've got leg room, and can get up and walk around, you'll be right.
[01:03:40] <NCommander> The country got pounded by blizzard so the trains were the only thing still moving
[01:03:50] <NCommander> I got to Chicago, and got stuck
[01:04:00] <NCommander> But I managed to get a flight out of Chicago which I failed to do so from NYC
[01:04:17] <paulej72> NCommander: need to look at slascode/plugins/ResKey/mysql_dump.sql
[01:04:19] * NCommander loves the soundtrack to Final Fantasy Tactics
[01:04:21] <prospectacle> They phone-surveyed me once about building high-speed rail down the east-coast, I hope they do it, but I'm not holding my breath.
[01:04:37] <prospectacle> Would be great, though. Three times as fast, internet and electricity onboard.
[01:04:39] <paulej72> NCommander: there are some scary settings in there
[01:05:20] <NCommander> prospectacle, how is the progress on the National Broadband Network?
[01:05:27] <NCommander> prospectacle, (aka, when the internet will properly arrive in AU)
[01:05:34] <NCommander> paulej72, looking
[01:06:10] <prospectacle> Change of government means it's being badly diluted. Fibre to the node instead of to the home. Assuming they do what they said they would (it' a nice idea)
[01:06:36] <NCommander> prospectacle, joy :-/
[01:06:50] * NCommander is missing the open road with this discussion
[01:07:05] <NCommander> Then again, if SN becomes cash flow positive, perhaps, just perhaps, someday I can quit my job
[01:07:06] <prospectacle> NCommander, it's sad though, because just recently lots of people have got proper fibre to the home as part of the old-governments roll-out (this is six months after govt changed), and they all say it's awesome.
[01:07:19] <NCommander> prospectacle, you in NSW or Queensland?
[01:07:32] <NCommander> (yes, I'm an American who knows something about Oz territories :-))
[01:07:39] <prospectacle> NCommander Capital territory (which is inside NSW)
[01:07:56] <NCommander> prospectacle, ah, so you have the funny lights and left turns :-)
[01:08:25] <prospectacle> Do we?
[01:08:33] <NCommander> prospectacle, or am I thinking of a different territory
[01:08:42] <prospectacle> Yes, we have left turn on red after stopping (but only when signposted)
[01:08:49] <NCommander> Gah, we have that in Portland
[01:08:55] <NCommander> As in ANY one way
[01:09:03] <NCommander> I totally freaked the first time I saw someone do it
[01:09:09] <NCommander> prospectacle, BTW, if you want to show me your live and apperiation, I'd *love* to get some jars of vegemite
[01:09:15] * NCommander hasn't seen one in two years ;.;
[01:09:42] <prospectacle> haha, gross. I'll send you vegemite if you want, but there must be better aus. food than that
[01:09:57] <NCommander> prospectacle, nothing I can't get locally
[01:10:17] <mattie_p> NCommander, I'm back
[01:10:36] <prospectacle> oh well each to their own, I can't stand the stuff, but send me your postal details and I'll be sure to send you some jars.
[01:10:47] <mattie_p> by the way, what do you need from me so I can set up the MUD on a shell account on a node?
[01:11:52] <Blackmoore> @nc i can find vegamite local. but i cant imagine why you'd want it :P
[01:11:56] juggs|afk is now known as juggs
[01:12:09] <NCommander> mattie_p, I need to dig you up a node
[01:12:17] <prospectacle> NCommander, I saw a youtube of someone trying vegemite by the spoonful. That's got to be almost as bad as the cinnamon challenge.
[01:12:24] <NCommander> mattie_p, hrm, do you think you can get it up tonight to roll into the 04/01 update?
[01:12:55] <mattie_p> NCommander I can. I compiled it on the dev VM so I know it works on ubuntu 12.04
[01:13:13] <mattie_p> I've been running it on that vm for the past 36 hours or so
[01:14:05] <mattie_p> just need to know where to login, how to login, I'll ftp the code up, recompile, and we can launch
[01:14:15] <mattie_p> if you need something from me I'll get it to you
[01:14:52] -!- SoylentMUD [SoylentMUD!~SoylentMU@i-73-121-697-34.hsd8.co.comcast.net] has parted #Soylent
[01:15:33] <paulej72> Ok I need to go home and get some food.
[01:15:39] <paulej72> bbl
[01:15:44] <Blackmoore> i'll have to keep the ny to portland train in mind. I've driven to vegas before/ I don't recommend it.
[01:16:24] <mattie_p> later, paulej72
[01:17:43] <mattie_p> remember I probably don't need a dedicated node at this point. we have no idea how many people would be interested
[01:18:12] <mattie_p> although if you want to pop me on a dedicated games node I'm fine with that, up to you
[01:18:56] <NCommander> mattie_p, hrm, I think we can put it in beryllium, but I rather put it in a chroot in case there's something lurking in the depths
[01:19:40] <NCommander> ^- xlefay thoughts?
[01:19:45] <mattie_p> chroot should be fine as long as I can access system c libraries to compile
[01:19:59] <mattie_p> we can test it out if you'd like
[01:20:32] <NCommander> mattie_p, I'll give you a full chroot environment, I can give you Ubuntu on it, even though beryllium is CentOS
[01:20:44] <NCommander> mattie_p, let me smoke a cigarette then get a shell up
[01:20:53] <Cyprus> then you can run xen inside of emacs...
[01:21:00] * NCommander beats Cyprus
[01:21:09] <Cyprus> lol
[01:21:10] <mattie_p> NCommander sounds good, I gotta do a couple of things but I'll be mostly here all night
[01:21:27] <mattie_p> specifically, I need to chop some cabbage for dinner
[01:21:33] <Cyprus> oh god i can't breath im laughing so hard
[01:22:29] <NCommander> Cyprus, I would like to offer shell accounts to subscribers
[01:22:45] <Cyprus> that sounds horrrifying
[01:22:58] <NCommander> Cyprus, why?
[01:23:03] <Cyprus> fork
[01:23:05] <NCommander> Cyprus, shell accounts used to be common
[01:23:14] <NCommander> Cyprus, preventable with SANE ulimits
[01:23:40] <Cyprus> so did machines that would xrat those weren't saf ershoes. They figured out those weren't saf =)
[01:23:50] <Cyprus> errr safe either =)
[01:23:56] <Cyprus> wow
[01:24:05] <Cyprus> im not sure i have enough sed to fix that sentence
[01:24:17] <NCommander> Cyprus, I'd like to think I know what I'm doing to allow people to use shell accounts and not pwn themselves
[01:24:43] <NCommander> mattie_p, can you generate a SSH key and send it to me, so I can add you to the LDAP?
[01:24:55] <Cyprus> can't really argue with that
[01:25:39] <Cyprus> what are you thinking of offering via shell?
[01:25:42] <NCommander> Cyprus, you should see our backend, its nuts
[01:25:54] <NCommander> Cyprus, let me give you a slight preview in whats in the queue
[01:25:54] <Cyprus> we talking like, bbs here or something?
[01:25:59] <NCommander> probably
[01:26:07] <Cyprus> theres a throwback
[01:26:08] <NCommander> as well as hosted email
[01:26:13] <NCommander> userdir HTTP
[01:26:18] <NCommander> etc.
[01:26:22] <Cyprus> neat
[01:26:36] <NCommander> Cyprus, from the story hopper
[01:26:36] <NCommander> We've Killed IPv4!
[01:26:36] <NCommander> posted by NCommander on Tuesday April 01, @12:00PM Printer-friendly
[01:26:36] <NCommander> from the there-was-much-rejoicing dept.
[01:27:07] * NCommander is extremely proud of that tagline :-)
[01:27:09] <Cyprus> oh April 1 is coming up
[01:27:26] <Cyprus> can't wait to see how stupid the web is tomorrow
[01:27:55] <NCommander> Cyprus, indeed!
[01:28:57] juggs is now known as juggs|afk
[01:29:17] <mattie_p> alright back, had some time before cabbage, this was just some dishes
[01:30:16] <mattie_p> I set everything I could to AF_UNSPEC, which means it shouldn't differentiate between IPv4 and v6, but I have no idea what the repurcussions will be
[01:31:14] <mattie_p> I know there is still some residual IPv4 stuff in there, hopefully it won't break things terribly
[01:31:30] <mattie_p> I'm working with network code that hasn't been changed (probably) since 1990
[01:32:19] juggs|afk is now known as juggs
[01:32:20] <Cyprus> eh its just 96 more bits
[01:32:32] <Cyprus> what all could break? =P
[01:32:36] <mattie_p> :)
[01:32:45] <mattie_p> I've had some overflows already in my testing
[01:32:58] <mattie_p> let me find one particular line I know exists
[01:33:09] <Cyprus> i know there are some literals in the code
[01:33:36] <mattie_p> ok, more than one line:
[01:33:37] <mattie_p> int addr;
[01:33:37] <mattie_p> addr = ntohl( sock.sin_addr.s_addr );
[01:33:37] <mattie_p> sprintf( buf, "%d.%d.%d.%d",
[01:33:37] <mattie_p> ( addr >> 24 ) & 0xFF, ( addr >> 16 ) & 0xFF,
[01:33:37] <mattie_p> ( addr >> 8 ) & 0xFF, ( addr ) & 0xFF
[01:33:39] <mattie_p> );
[01:33:59] <Cyprus> yeah fun
[01:33:59] <mattie_p> that is clearly a 32 bit IP address there
[01:34:26] <mattie_p> I think I can offload most of that to the OS at some point, just need to work on it
[01:34:41] <Cyprus> either that, or throw it behind 6to4
[01:35:00] <mattie_p> I'd love to open source this, but the licenses that come with the code are pretty amateur and non-GPL, or anything similar
[01:37:08] <mattie_p> technically, when I install the code, I need to email the people who originally wrote it (ranging in time from 1990-1998, about 10 individuals) and let them know I am doing so before I have permission
[01:37:28] <mattie_p> so will dutifully do that, knowing their accounts do not exist any longer, I'm sure
[01:37:59] <Cyprus> heh
[01:38:53] -!- willyg_cos has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[01:40:05] -!- willyg_cos [willyg_cos!~joeuser@06-377-63-214.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #Soylent
[01:40:44] <MileyCyrus> [SoylentNews] - Stolen Twitter Accounts More Valuable Than Credit - http://sylnt.us - you-would-think-that-they-would-be-made-more-secure-then?
[01:41:23] <mattie_p> this is part one of the license: http://en.wikipedia.org
[01:43:09] <NCommander> mattie_p, we can just have things connect via IPv4
[01:43:18] <NCommander> mattie_p, ugh, that license doesn't make me hugely happy
[01:43:28] <NCommander> mattie_p, I think we're OK as long as the MUD itself is always free to use
[01:43:45] <mattie_p> NCommander I agree
[01:44:23] <NCommander> mattie_p, don't worry about IPv6ing the MUD for now, we can do that later
[01:44:23] <mattie_p> NCommander using existing codebase for modification will always have to play with licences, and I'm unfamiliar with GPL MUDs (at least for now)
[01:44:29] <mattie_p> NCommander ok
[01:44:59] <mattie_p> NCommander I'll work on that later anyway, I think for now almost anyone who wants to should be able to connect once its public
[01:45:49] <NCommander> mattie_p, I'll create a new subdomain (dikamud?) for it
[01:45:54] <NCommander> which only has an A record
[01:46:07] <mattie_p> mud.soylentnews.org will work
[01:46:38] <mattie_p> you have a port preference? it defaults to 9000, but that is easy to change.
[01:46:46] <NCommander> mattie_p, not really
[01:47:10] <mattie_p> just making sure
[01:47:31] <mattie_p> unless we want to change to 1337 :p
[01:47:47] <mattie_p> but that is the same as your dev vm, don't want to cause confusion
[01:48:39] -!- Alberto has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[01:48:45] <paulej72> i am back
[01:49:11] <mattie_p> hey, welcome back!
[01:49:20] <mattie_p> I gotta run to make cabbage now
[01:49:26] <mattie_p> back in a bit
[01:56:01] <prospectacle> Ok I've submitted a story about how great bounties are in getting things built.
[01:57:23] <prospectacle> Was thinking of mentioning the clock invented to win the "longitude prize" in 1765, but that may have dwarfed the recent accomplishment of getting quake 3 to run well on raspberry pi without proprietary drivers.
[02:00:42] <paulej72> prospectacle: are you saying we should post bounties to fix slash code? :)
[02:02:04] <prospectacle> paulej72, lol no. I might if I thought the organisation had any money (or existed, at a minimum). But maybe one day that will be the cheap option for some dev. tasks.
[02:03:38] <paulej72> I can offer a buck 2.50 for the first persion to find the javascript that resizes fonts of iPhones :)
[02:04:19] <prospectacle> Sounds promising
[02:08:10] <prospectacle> Obviously this is way down the line, but probably if you had a crowd-sourced bounty you could get users to pay for stuff they wanted done.
[02:08:46] <Blackmoore> I'll offer $5 for anyone who can put up code to alter the size of the iphone.
[02:08:54] <prospectacle> kind of like hybrid between a vote and a kickstarter. i.e. whichever of these features gets the most pledges, we will take that money and offer it as a bounty for that feature.
[02:08:55] * NCommander swears
[02:08:58] <prospectacle> The rest gets refunded.
[02:09:11] * NCommander builds gdb from scratch
[02:09:22] <prospectacle> or I should say, not taken in the first place.
[02:09:29] <prospectacle> Blackmoore, does it also happen on android phones?
[02:13:18] -!- Teckla has quit []
[02:13:56] <prospectacle> oh wait I get it
[02:19:53] -!- SpallsHurgenson [SpallsHurgenson!~SpallsHur@xqzt-30-396-388-29.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #Soylent
[02:22:34] <prospectacle> Spalls, greetings
[02:22:36] <SpallsHurgenson> weren't they going to take down soylent tonight?
[02:23:36] <Blackmoore> :P
[02:23:50] <paulej72> 1:37 to go till updates
[02:24:06] <SpallsHurgenson> I think we all know the real reason for this
[02:24:23] <SpallsHurgenson> tomorrow is April 1st... OMG Ponies is coming to Soylent! :-)
[02:24:32] <Blackmoore> *cringe*
[02:24:43] <paulej72> OMG Ponies, I missed that the first time arround
[02:26:05] <paulej72> I just looked at that rith now, and I am faily sure it would be a upgrade for our site :)
[02:26:08] -!- n1 has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[02:26:48] <SpallsHurgenson> actually, I hope that April 1st tomfoolery is one tradition that carries over from slashdot (although I'll forgive them if they don't manage to do anything THIS year :)
[02:28:34] <prospectacle> Probably if you press down to scroll it will turn into a game of snake where the title eats the articles
[02:30:25] <SpallsHurgenson> Soylent: now sponsored by Microsoft!
[02:30:49] <SirFinkus> dice would be funnier
[02:31:02] -!- keplr [keplr!~Julian@66-48-811-374.dhcp.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[02:31:35] <SpallsHurgenson> how about Facebook. :)
[02:31:52] -!- anthem has quit [Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
[02:31:52] <SirFinkus> google+
[02:32:04] <SirFinkus> link your google+ account to comment
[02:32:09] <prospectacle> "We need your help: SoylentNews is running low on corpses to power our generators, please send more to ..."
[02:32:42] <prospectacle> "powered by disqus"
[02:33:04] <SirFinkus> beta.soylentnews.org
[02:33:16] <SpallsHurgenson> SirFinkus: OUCH
[02:33:18] <keplr> April fools joke?
[02:33:21] <keplr> Has to be beta
[02:33:44] <SirFinkus> idk if that works though, the site is basically in beta now
[02:34:00] <keplr> Just redirect people to a version of the site that's 80% wide
[02:34:00] <prospectacle> "this website requires flash"
[02:34:14] <SpallsHurgenson> SoylentBI!
[02:34:54] <prospectacle> best viewed with mosaic
[02:35:11] <SpallsHurgenson> no, Internet Explorer 6 of course
[02:35:49] <prospectacle> "Click here to download ActiveX plugin required by this site"
[02:35:52] <SirFinkus> they got these web designers
[02:35:53] <SirFinkus> http://www.evangelcathedral.net
[02:36:15] <prospectacle> SirFinkus, awesome
[02:36:20] <keplr> I can't tell of the OkCupid Firefox mishegosh is an AFJ or actual misplaced outrage.
[02:36:31] <NCommander> We will be doing something for 04/01
[02:36:32] <NCommander> BUT
[02:36:45] <NCommander> It will be fairly low key, we haven't had too much time to plan it with other stuff taking priority
[02:36:57] <Blackmoore> +1 for Mosaic
[02:37:06] <NCommander> Blackmoore, the site works fine in Mosaic
[02:37:17] <NCommander> (you can't login because Mosaic predates cookies, but AC posting works)
[02:37:17] <Blackmoore> i know it does :)
[02:37:33] <NCommander> Blackmoore, I'd like to get a cleaned up frontend EVENTUALLY so things work very good with lynx
[02:37:40] * NCommander notes lynx is the LCD I want to support
[02:37:50] <NCommander> Right now, lynx is "usable"
[02:37:51] <Blackmoore> that would be extremely cool
[02:38:04] <NCommander> I actually did some work on implementing a gopher frontend to slash
[02:38:07] <prospectacle> "Please subscribe to read this premium content"
[02:38:25] <SirFinkus> oh, that'd be good
[02:38:36] <NCommander> I actually had part of the main index dynamically generating over gopher :-)
[02:38:36] <keplr> Some sort of usable CLI for SN would be cool.
[02:38:55] * NCommander notes he had to patch pygopherd to make THAT work
[02:39:00] <Blackmoore> gopher for april fools would be classic
[02:39:01] <SirFinkus> do an expertsexchange thing
[02:39:10] <NCommander> Blackmoore, probably next year, just not enough time this year
[02:39:12] <SirFinkus> where you can read the first few sentences, then it fades out
[02:39:13] <Blackmoore> anycase - I FINALLY can go home
[02:39:21] <NCommander> I also was going to look at setting up a HURD node for Slash
[02:39:23] <NCommander> :-)
[02:39:27] <NCommander> But again, ENOTIME
[02:39:37] <Blackmoore> or set up the site as a MUD
[02:40:13] <Blackmoore> anyway i might check back after the drive.
[02:40:16] <Blackmoore> gnight
[02:40:30] -!- Blackmoore has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[02:40:39] <NCommander> mattie_p, I do believe that's your cue
[02:41:34] <prospectacle> You are in the middle of a forest of articles, a flamewar burns ever closer
[02:41:35] <prospectacle> #
[02:42:01] <prospectacle> go left
[02:42:33] <keplr> You are eaten by a grue.
[02:42:54] <prospectacle> chloride writes "A group of academic researchers has published an exploitation analysis on Dual EC as used in TLS "
[02:42:55] <prospectacle> #
[02:43:53] <SpallsHurgenson> hehe, I'm sure this will go far :) http://www.dslreports.com
[02:43:55] <SirFinkus> oh god, they're making new iron chef episodes
[02:44:03] <SirFinkus> there goes my week
[02:44:14] juggs is now known as juggs|afk
[02:44:46] <paulej72> here is something that I found that mad me laugh: https://msmvps.com
[02:46:48] <SpallsHurgenson> in the immortal words of generation y: tl;dr
[02:52:48] juggs|afk is now known as juggs
[02:56:09] <NCommander> paulej72, re: that reskey, think its safe to change it?
[02:56:16] * NCommander thinks bumping it up to 10 probably a safe bet
[02:56:32] -!- Cyprus has quit []
[02:56:35] -!- willyg_cos has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[02:56:39] <SpallsHurgenson> are those famous last words I hear?
[02:57:19] <juggs> soon to be followed by.... *NCommander swears
[02:57:22] <paulej72> NCommander: 10 sounds good, but requires to touch teh db directly as there is no admin interface for that
[02:57:39] <SpallsHurgenson> 10 should be enough for anybody.
[02:57:51] <NCommander> juggs, I swear, I'm a fucking meme generator
[02:57:54] <chromas> Mine goes to eleven
[02:58:05] <paulej72> !todo add amin interface for stuff we need to touch in the db like css, menus, and reskey
[02:58:05] <MileyCyrus> todo item 13 added
[02:58:23] <NCommander> !todo recover paulej72's mind for when he goes batshit crazy
[02:58:23] <MileyCyrus> todo item 10 added
[02:58:37] <SpallsHurgenson> that deserves a lol
[02:58:39] <paulej72> lol already gone
[02:58:46] <NCommander> !todo-done 10
[02:58:46] <MileyCyrus> 1 item deleted
[02:59:46] * NCommander waits for a tarball to upload for work
[03:00:11] <paulej72> one hour till update time
[03:00:20] <NCommander> paulej72, BTW, I modified the deploy script to flush memcache
[03:00:36] <paulej72> let me have a look
[03:02:09] <NCommander> Hrm
[03:02:09] <NCommander> if ($constants->{cvs_tag_currentcode_emit}
[03:02:10] <NCommander> && $constants->{cvs_tag_currentcode}
[03:02:10] <NCommander> && $constants->{cvs_tag_currentcode} =~ /_(\d+)$/) {
[03:02:10] <NCommander> $version_code .= sprintf("%03d", $1);
[03:02:15] <NCommander> I feel like we need to change YET ANOTHER VARIABLE
[03:02:54] <NCommander> sql/mysql/upgrades:INSERT INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('cvs_tag_currentcode_emit','1','Emit cvs_tag_currentcode revision number in the X-Powered-By header. If you are paranoid or believe in security through obscurity feel free to leave this false, but in the event of a security hole it may help us contact you');
[03:03:01] <NCommander> Oh good, that one only exists in the upgrades file
[03:03:07] * NCommander swears more more more more more more more
[03:03:40] <SpallsHurgenson> I feel like there should be an Apollo-mission style "beep" after everything these guys say :)
[03:03:56] -!- SirFinkus has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[03:05:41] <NCommander> our $VERSION = '2.005001'; # v2.5.1
[03:05:42] <NCommander> Ah
[03:05:46] <NCommander> So that's where the mythical variable lives
[03:05:48] * NCommander changes that
[03:07:01] * NCommander commits that change
[03:07:57] -!- SirFinkus [SirFinkus!~textual@l-64-313-06-125.hsd0.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[03:08:31] <SpallsHurgenson> anybody else smell smoke? :)
[03:09:07] <NCommander> Its mostly a matter to see if lithium explodes
[03:09:14] * NCommander notes the dev box was aptly named
[03:09:56] * NCommander punches the Linode manual snapshot feature
[03:10:04] <NCommander> Have you hugged your backup today?
[03:10:48] <NCommander> Ok, helium and hydrogen are snapshotting
[03:11:19] <prospectacle> is using a mirror server the best way to backup a mysqldb without halting its execution on the live site?
[03:11:34] <NCommander> prospectacle, that's what the plan is, but right now, we just backup the table files
[03:11:44] <NCommander> Which to mysql looks like its recovering from a hard crash
[03:11:50] * NCommander is going to dump the database at the start of downtime
[03:11:52] <prospectacle> NCommander, I ask because at my work the DB is now pausing for a few minutes every day while the dump runs
[03:12:00] <prospectacle> It's getting to be a problem.
[03:12:06] <NCommander> prospectacle, you can use mysqlhotcopy for MyISAM tables.
[03:12:21] <NCommander> prospectacle, eh, its probably easier if they setup master->slave replication, then stop the mysql slave, back up its files, then turn it back on
[03:12:23] <prospectacle> oh interesting
[03:12:30] <NCommander> We'll likely do something like that once we setup replication
[03:12:42] <prospectacle> Yes that seems to be the best way, I'll just have to learn how to do it
[03:12:48] * prospectacle adds to his own todo list
[03:12:53] <NCommander> w00t
[03:13:00] <NCommander> X-Powered-By: slashcode 14.04
[03:13:02] <NCommander> on dev
[03:13:23] * NCommander notes that also gives us a break in naming as while we call it slashcode, the codebase is formally called "slash"
[03:13:33] <NCommander> Ahah
[03:13:40] <NCommander> X-Bender "Hooray, we didn't have to do anything"
[03:13:50] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@universe2.us/Subsentient] has joined #Soylent
[03:14:54] * NCommander decides what the release tag should be
[03:15:13] <prospectacle> i like the "only X submissions in queue" at the top of Dev server. You could add "We'll run out in Z hours!" or something.
[03:15:19] <NCommander> mcasadevall@tranquility:~/src/slashcode$ git tag
[03:15:19] <NCommander> RELEASE_14.04
[03:15:27] <NCommander> We're tagged!
[03:16:37] <SpallsHurgenson> run for your lives!
[03:16:42] -!- BadCoderFinger [BadCoderFinger!~BadCoderF@23-663-529-38.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #Soylent
[03:16:45] <prospectacle> does that mean a new version has been formally committed?
[03:17:55] <prospectacle> if so, congratulations
[03:18:02] <NCommander> https://github.com
[03:18:07] <NCommander> Boom
[03:18:11] <NCommander> Get your hot fresh tarballs
[03:18:34] <paulej72> NCommander: cvs_tag is slashcode_04_14 do you wnat that changed to somthing else?
[03:18:40] <prospectacle> downloading...
[03:18:46] <NCommander> paulej72, eh, doesn't really matter
[03:18:53] <NCommander> paulej72, the tag will only show up if we turn on emitversion
[03:18:57] * prospectacle doesn't know perl but wants to be one fo the first as it seems like a cool thing to be.
[03:19:40] <NCommander> prospectacle, enjoy your fresh steaming pile of shit^Wslashcode
[03:19:44] <Konomi> perl is like c
[03:19:46] <Konomi> that is all ~
[03:19:47] <paulej72> that is the one used to tag the css code. I noticed that is not the same as what we are using elseware
[03:19:52] <prospectacle> how big is it? I've only got 500gb quota each month.
[03:19:57] <prospectacle> "Unknown time remaining..."
[03:19:59] <Konomi> without all the annoying data typing
[03:20:08] <prospectacle> oh, done
[03:20:11] <NCommander> prospectacle, true
[03:20:17] * NCommander notes we need to rename slashcode at some point
[03:20:21] <NCommander> librenews-slash :-)
[03:20:55] <paulej72> new-slash?
[03:21:02] <NCommander> goodslash
[03:21:05] * NCommander winces
[03:21:08] <Konomi> I was fond of "suckit-slashdot"
[03:21:15] <juggs> soyled-slash
[03:21:27] <paulej72> sucks-less-than-slash
[03:21:46] <prospectacle> slashtastic
[03:21:54] <paulej72> lol
[03:22:01] <Konomi> eww I cringed
[03:22:05] <paulej72> !grab prospectacle
[03:22:05] <MileyCyrus> Added quote 75
[03:23:42] <prospectacle> dr-slash-and-sons-scientific-forum-potion
[03:23:56] <Konomi> >.<
[03:24:09] <NCommander> paulej72, I'd love to know what the "autonode" checkbox does
[03:24:12] <NCommander> I'm afraid to click it
[03:24:35] <SpallsHurgenson> oh, go on! what's the worst that could happen :)
[03:25:00] <Konomi> you lot are a bad influence ;p
[03:25:01] <paulej72> Where is that checkbox?
[03:25:11] <NCommander> paulej72, story post page
[03:25:31] <paulej72> tryit on a dev vm
[03:25:55] <Konomi> 20 seconds of curiousity 5 days of fixing
[03:28:10] <prospectacle> It's only 6mb people. Get your copy now before they sell out. A priceless heirloom for your family.
[03:28:41] <juggs> They wouldn't thank me for it
[03:29:38] <BadCoderFinger> git clone --depth 1
[03:29:52] <prospectacle> juggs, you are looking at it in its present context, or perhaps assuming it will fade away in significance over time
[03:30:04] <BadCoderFinger> So you don't get the whole repo.
[03:30:45] <prospectacle> juggs, what if you had an early draft of the canterbury tales?
[03:31:01] <juggs> :D
[03:31:08] <prospectacle> but you were like "pfff, poetry in english, yeah that might be good to line the dog house"
[03:31:12] <paulej72> I can’t read Old Engilsh so it would be useless to me
[03:31:19] <SpallsHurgenson> you mean before Chaucer removed all the hard-core porn? :)
[03:31:42] <prospectacle> Spalls, exactly
[03:31:43] <paulej72> All I can think about is A Knight’s Tale
[03:32:09] <prospectacle> paulej72, who knew "we will rock you" was written so long ago.
[03:32:10] <MileyCyrus> [SoylentNews] - Glyphosate and Kidney Damage - http://sylnt.us - that-wasn't-meant-to-happen
[03:32:51] <SpallsHurgenson> earlier revisions had "The Three Saucy Wenches of Birmingham and the Waterboy's Tale"
[03:33:10] <prospectacle> lol
[03:34:06] * NCommander is writing up three posts for April Fools
[03:34:19] <SpallsHurgenson> sshhhh! it's a surprise!
[03:34:31] <paulej72> could we hav put that glyphosate is a herbicide in the summary
[03:34:54] <keplr> The OkCupid story isn't a joke.
[03:35:26] <keplr> paulej72: is that not well known?
[03:35:43] <BadCoderFinger> April 1st: "Slashdot to Shut Down, Dice Says Not Enough Windows Shills"
[03:35:50] <paulej72> I have never heard of it
[03:36:09] <NCommander> The other site didn't do anything last year I think
[03:36:15] * NCommander guesses DICE has no sense of humor
[03:36:18] <keplr> I noticed that Slashdot beta now shows user ID# in the comment section. They probably think that'll do it
[03:36:34] <SpallsHurgenson> I would love Slashdot to post an article tomorrow saying something along the lines of "oops, we were wrong, we'll never do beta"
[03:36:56] <SpallsHurgenson> then leave everybody to wonder if it is an april fools joke or not :)
[03:37:02] <BadCoderFinger> Yeah, that would be funny!
[03:37:30] <NCommander> That would be sad
[03:37:40] <prospectacle> 'Dice would like to thank you for participating in our latest "Soylent" beta. The site will now revert to the original slashdot-beta design while we review the data"
[03:37:45] <NCommander> I do wonder when DICE will push Beta full time
[03:37:54] <SirFinkus> they've made a few tweaks to the beta, it seems like they're at least trying to fix it a little
[03:37:58] <paulej72> the joke last year on the other site was you still could not see what was fake and what was not even with them all real stories
[03:38:02] <SirFinkus> it's still garbage
[03:38:09] <BadCoderFinger> NCommander: Can't be much longer.
[03:38:12] <Konomi> I wish they would so our user count can increase
[03:39:02] <keplr> There's still way too much whitespace.
[03:39:08] <keplr> Can we switch back to TNR, btw? :p
[03:39:27] <paulej72> TNR?
[03:39:34] <SirFinkus> http://imgur.com looks like they have some work to do still
[03:39:44] <NCommander> http://beta.slashdot.org - holy crap, thats obxinous
[03:39:48] * NCommander was looking for beta news
[03:39:49] <keplr> Slashdot used to use a serif font, Times New Roman by default on Windows.
[03:40:01] <Konomi> damn looks like reddit is joining in the stupid day there goes my news ;_;
[03:40:23] -!- anthem [anthem!~textual@128.114.t.vp] has joined #Soylent
[03:40:26] <SirFinkus> it's 10x better than it was
[03:40:29] <NCommander> Konomi, we're going to be running regular news
[03:40:32] <NCommander> SirFinkus, what, beta?
[03:40:40] <SirFinkus> yeah
[03:40:57] <NCommander> SirFinkus, how?
[03:41:05] <Konomi> NCommander: it's the au subreddit unless soylent becomes au news only somehow it's not going to help ._.
[03:41:14] <SirFinkus> last time I looked at it, probably a month ago, it was barely usable
[03:41:16] <NCommander> Konomi, submit AU news!
[03:41:23] <paulej72> shit autoopening menus
[03:41:39] <NCommander> paulej72, yeah, its like someone discovered Javascript and went bonkers
[03:41:46] <SirFinkus> the "above the fold" was just pictures
[03:41:57] * NCommander notes pipedot.org is still looking healthy
[03:41:59] <paulej72> made me go into an epilptic fit
[03:42:02] <Konomi> NCommander: our current government removed the science ministor as a position I doubt I'll have anything worthy of soylent news
[03:42:03] <SirFinkus> comments just looked like disqus ones
[03:42:15] <NCommander> FUck disqus
[03:42:24] <prospectacle> Funny thing is beta could have been great if they'd gone one small step at a time, and asked for feedback. Or if they'd put up multiple *opt-in* interfaces and asked for feedback. But instead they're all "use this now, it doesn't work but use it, we'll fix it later"
[03:42:27] <Konomi> urk
[03:42:32] <Konomi> don't even bring up disqus
[03:42:37] <Konomi> with their shit cookie management
[03:42:50] -!- SirFinku_ [SirFinku_!~textual@l-64-313-06-125.hsd0.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[03:43:11] <juggs> why do many sites use that shite anyway? laziness?
[03:43:12] <SirFinku_> woah, what was that?
[03:43:17] <prospectacle> even if you don't give two shits about your audience, it's a bad way to develop software.
[03:43:40] <paulej72> and for anyone that asks we have no betas here. we are officially in gamma developent
[03:43:43] <prospectacle> juggs, exactly. They don't want to pay for a forum developer
[03:43:56] <prospectacle> or don't want to put the work in themselves
[03:44:02] <keplr> phpbb is simple enough for anyone to administer
[03:44:08] <NCommander> I'm curious what pipedot's hit count is like
[03:44:10] <SirFinku_> is anyone else having irc connectivity issues or is the problem on my end?
[03:44:14] <juggs> or SMF
[03:44:19] * NCommander notes their site seems incomplete
[03:44:21] <SirFinku_> all my other servers seem fine
[03:44:22] <NCommander> Vs. ours which is just buggy
[03:44:47] <prospectacle> pipedot looks promising. Starting from scratch is no walk in the park but they're making good progress.
[03:45:18] <NCommander> prospectacle, I think we stole their thunder though
[03:45:25] <NCommander> Our comment count is at 30k
[03:45:28] <NCommander> There's hasn't hit 1k
[03:45:31] <NCommander> *their's
[03:46:17] -!- SirFinkus has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[03:46:34] <prospectacle> NCommander, no doubt, but it's not a zero-sum game. I mean, it's not like people have a fixed "nerd news" time budget. The two sites together can create a bigger "market" for such sites
[03:47:04] <prospectacle> I check in to pipedot from time to time, and the better it gets, the more I check in
[03:47:07] <NCommander> prospectacle, agreed. I do wonder where the pipedot guy went. He used to be active on IRC for awhile
[03:47:35] <prospectacle> They've got logged-in-only approval voting up and running, which is nice
[03:47:40] <SirFinku_> is pipedot free software?
[03:47:42] <NCommander> prospectacle, we actually have that
[03:47:42] -!- Nerdfest has quit [Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.]
[03:47:47] SirFinku_ is now known as SirFinkus
[03:47:52] <NCommander> prospectacle, its disabled in slash though, but we can set polls to be logged in only
[03:48:15] -!- Nerdfest [Nerdfest!~quassel@614-36-601-610.cpe.teksavvy.com] has joined #Soylent
[03:48:30] <NCommander> heh
[03:48:36] <NCommander> Someone added me as a friend on Soylent
[03:48:38] <prospectacle> NCommander. That's cool. But do you have approval voting?
[03:48:50] <NCommander> prospectacle, approval voting?
[03:48:58] * NCommander notes that Pollbooth is scheduled for a fucking rewrite
[03:48:59] <prospectacle> NCommander, you can tick as many options as you want.
[03:49:10] <prospectacle> winner is whoever gets the most ticks
[03:49:13] <NCommander> prospectacle, there's nothing in pollbooth to stop us from implementing it
[03:49:19] <FoobarBazbot_> SirFinku_, i's not released yet, but the pipedot guy has stated he plans to release it as open source
[03:49:23] <prospectacle> functionally way better than single-vote, as there is no "vote splitting"
[03:49:32] <prospectacle> no spoiler candidates
[03:49:35] <SirFinkus> cool
[03:49:35] <NCommander> prospectacle, agreed. Work in progress :-/
[03:49:56] <prospectacle> Nice
[03:49:58] <NCommander> I have to give the pipedot guy credit, it IS one guy doing all of it
[03:50:05] <NCommander> I have no fucking clue how he manages it
[03:50:25] * NCommander struggles to find time to dev work with our incorporation status + my day job
[03:51:02] <NCommander> The only site that really failed to get any traction was technocrat
[03:51:05] <NCommander> (again)
[03:51:07] <prospectacle> NCommander, for the first 100 yards, starting a program from scratch is probably way faster than customising an existing megalith of a codebase
[03:51:29] <paulej72> agree
[03:51:33] <prospectacle> Technocrat looks poor and its lack of layout scares and confuses me
[03:51:39] <NCommander> prospectacle, honestly, I'm of the opinion that unless there's a really good reason to, we're not chucking slash
[03:51:49] <NCommander> (i.e., if mod_perl ends development all together, that's a damn good reason)
[03:51:54] <prospectacle> NCommander. Not suggesting you should, it's just an explanation for pipedot's progress
[03:52:07] <NCommander> prospectacle, agreed, plus they haven't had some of the internal friction we did
[03:52:11] -!- SoyGuest45988 has quit [Read error: Connection timed out]
[03:52:19] * NCommander notes that what I posted was the tip of the iceberg
[03:52:43] <paulej72> plus there is only 10% of slash that would need to be rewritten to get a site working
[03:53:00] * NCommander nods
[03:53:00] <prospectacle> NCommander, yes, true. Similar principle applies to one-man-show vs organisation. One man can finish the first sprint before the org. has agreed what shoes to wear
[03:53:11] <prospectacle> But once they get running together, they will cover much more ground.
[03:54:01] <NCommander> prospectacle, I suspect technocrat will go away sooner or later unless Bruce puts SOME eye candy on it
[03:54:10] <NCommander> and stops ticking off his community
[03:54:48] <prospectacle> Yeah I'm a big believer in function over form, but I mean you have to feel comfortable and happy browsing something or you'll quickly go away.
[03:55:07] * NCommander notes he kinda wishes he had the site licensed CC-BY-SA when we launch
[03:55:19] <NCommander> I'm probably going to address copyright of content in a future post
[03:55:26] <prospectacle> Technocrat looks like my first 20 line forum script
[03:55:44] <NCommander> prospectacle, what shocks me is kuro5hin is showing a little bit of life
[03:55:48] <prospectacle> Copyright is the devil
[03:56:05] <prospectacle> wow, kuro5hin, that brings me back
[03:56:08] <NCommander> I always liked kuro5hin right up until things went bonkers
[03:56:23] <NCommander> Funny enough, both of the major Perl CMSes basically went away
[03:56:27] <NCommander> (I blame this on mod_perl)
[03:56:38] <prospectacle> I guess the only way a website really dies is if there isn't eve a single person willing to throw the occasionl update its way.
[03:56:45] <NCommander> PHP only got traction because doing anything with mod_perl requires you to have superuser permission
[03:57:08] * NCommander notes that PHP is cleaner syntaxily, its fucking lacking in basically all other prospects
[03:57:29] <prospectacle> php also has libraries for everything including the kitchen sink
[03:57:30] <NCommander> While I don't LOVE perl, I do like that if I need something, 9 times out of ten, there is a CPAN module for it
[03:57:39] <prospectacle> out of the box, so to speak
[03:58:01] <NCommander> prospectacle, right, but they need to be compiled into PHP. Its gotten better, but for years, using PEAR was pain
[03:58:26] <prospectacle> that's true, I remember trying to get various extensions to run, which now just come standard.
[03:58:26] <NCommander> It mostly comes from Facebook tossing ungodly amounts of money at Zend
[03:58:50] <NCommander> Perl's decline comes from the fact perl6 remains vaporware, and that its not a fun language to program in
[03:58:54] <NCommander> Python's biggest problem is its slow
[03:59:04] <prospectacle> maybe it is the syntax. Perl has a bit of a learning curve wrt syntax. PHP has a learning curve wrt program design (but what doesn't)
[03:59:12] <NCommander> (its stupidly hard to optimize Python. PyPy is one hell of an attempt, but it wasn't great)
[03:59:16] <NCommander> (yet)
[03:59:43] <NCommander> I know Technocrat is Ruby on Rails
[03:59:51] <NCommander> I *think* Pipedot is Python
[03:59:53] <NCommander> We're perl5
[04:00:24] <NCommander> Reddit is a python
[04:00:26] <NCommander> Oooh
[04:00:28] <NCommander> Its time
[04:00:30] <paulej72> NCommander: looks like it is time to start the updates
[04:00:39] NCommander changed topic of #Soylent to: SITE DOWN FOR UPGRADES | https://soylentnews.org | Wiki: http://sylnt.us | Code: http://sylnt.us | Got bugs? http://sylnt.us | Who's who? http://sylnt.us | Get Involved: http://sylnt.us | Staff discussions in #staff are now open for all, always | /join ## - to chill
[04:00:55] <NCommander> The grandfather clock just chimmed
[04:01:28] * NCommander backs up the DB
[04:01:31] <prospectacle> how exciting
[04:02:05] * NCommander takes a moment to install Ubuntu updates
[04:02:36] -!- pbnjoe has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[04:02:42] <NCommander> Ok, database is dumping
[04:02:56] * NCommander cleans up hydrogen's filesystem a little
[04:03:30] * prospectacle plays flight of the valkyries and turns up the volume
[04:03:39] <SirFinkus> OMG SITE IS DOWN
[04:03:46] <prospectacle> now that's some upgrading music
[04:03:54] <SpallsHurgenson> "And that was the last time that they ever had soylentnews.org up and running..."
[04:04:10] <prospectacle> lol
[04:04:16] <prospectacle> front page still works
[04:04:18] <prospectacle> which is nice
[04:05:08] <NCommander> prospectacle, varnish is in OH SHIT mode
[04:05:14] MrBluze|afk is now known as MrBluze
[04:05:18] <NCommander> which is what it does when apache is stopped
[04:05:35] <NCommander> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 103M Apr 1 02:04 soylentnews.sql.bz2
[04:05:37] <NCommander> Ye gads
[04:05:50] * NCommander checks the disk space used by the DB tables
[04:05:59] * juggs plays Mission Impossible theme music
[04:06:08] <paulej72> that is not that big NCommander
[04:06:11] <prospectacle> wik is still up. We can all read about the latest story style, and editors updates
[04:06:12] <NCommander> root@helium:/var/lib/mysql# du -hs .
[04:06:12] <NCommander> 1.8G .
[04:06:17] <NCommander> paulej72, we've only been up a month
[04:06:24] <NCommander> well, two I guess
[04:06:37] <paulej72> IT has been longer than that hasn’t it
[04:06:44] <paulej72> yes two
[04:06:46] <NCommander> paulej72, Feb 16th I think was our launch date
[04:07:22] * NCommander runs through our high tech schema editor
[04:07:30] <BadCoderFinger> Heh, Vim?
[04:09:25] <NCommander> BadCoderFinger, we have an "upgrades" file that we hand write SQL in
[04:09:33] <NCommander> paulej72, I'm not running the moderate_or_post var
[04:09:43] <NCommander> I didn't finish implementing it
[04:09:45] <NCommander> Ok
[04:09:48] <NCommander> schema updates complete
[04:09:50] <paulej72> NCommander: sure
[04:09:51] <NCommander> Now to update slash itself
[04:10:32] <NCommander> Deploy script is running
[04:11:18] <paulej72> NCommander: do you have a similar script as the one on dev?
[04:11:25] <NCommander> paulej72, I took the dev one, and tweaked it
[04:12:03] <juggs> I do enjoy NCommander's running commentaries :D
[04:12:10] <NCommander> mysql> update vars set value="slashcode_04_14" where name="cvs_tag_currentcode";
[04:12:16] <NCommander> er
[04:12:19] <NCommander> That should be 14.04
[04:12:31] <NCommander> mysql> update vars set value="slashcode_14_04" where name="cvs_tag_currentcode";
[04:12:31] <NCommander> Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
[04:12:31] <NCommander> Rows matched: 1 Changed: 1 Warnings: 0
[04:12:51] * NCommander sees if Apache kicks
[04:13:06] <NCommander> slash@hydrogen:~/src/slashcode$ sudo service slash start
[04:13:06] <NCommander> Starting slashd slash: ok PID = 10897
[04:13:08] <NCommander> One down
[04:13:27] <NCommander> slash@hydrogen:~/src/slashcode$ /srv/soylentnews.org/apache/bin/apachectl start
[04:13:46] <NCommander> /srv/soylentnews.org/apache/bin/apachectl start: httpd started
[04:13:51] <paulej72> NCommander: I mentioned that earlier that you changed the format from what you said yesterday in #staff
[04:14:00] <NCommander> paulej72, I did?
[04:14:04] * NCommander really shouldn't do dev work when tired
[04:14:21] <paulej72> I took that var right from the scrollback
[04:14:23] <NCommander> Hrm
[04:14:29] <NCommander> paulej72, I must have transcribed it
[04:14:30] <NCommander> paulej72, my fault
[04:14:37] <NCommander> paulej72, Ok, so the new CSS is showing up, but nothing else
[04:14:51] <NCommander> paulej72, OH
[04:14:58] <NCommander> The fucking slashbox order is in the database
[04:15:00] <NCommander> damn it
[04:15:04] * NCommander goes fishing
[04:16:12] <paulej72> NCommander: it is in backslash
[04:16:26] <NCommander> paulej72, yeah, I'm fiddling with it now
[04:16:49] <NCommander> I think varnish had a heart attack
[04:16:50] * NCommander kicks it
[04:16:53] <paulej72> makeing login first box?
[04:16:55] <NCommander> It won't log me in on the main page
[04:16:57] <NCommander> paulej72, yeah
[04:17:11] <NCommander> Yup
[04:17:14] <paulej72> I am getting in, try a reload,
[04:17:15] <NCommander> varnish had a heartattack
[04:17:21] <NCommander> paulej72, I just bounced varnish :-)
[04:18:05] <paulej72> this is why you do not purge varnish on a heavily loaded site :)
[04:18:15] <NCommander> paulej72, I didn't purge it, thats the problem :-P
[04:18:26] <NCommander> paulej72, I set subs_level to 20 so we can see it working
[04:18:30] <NCommander> (the queue was at 15)
[04:19:05] <paulej72> did you restart apache?
[04:19:14] <NCommander> Andhesaidtome (2884)
[04:19:14] <NCommander> Andhesaidtome
[04:19:14] <NCommander> (no real name given)Karma: 0
[04:19:15] <NCommander> Oh fuck
[04:19:20] <NCommander> Varnish cached someones log in page
[04:19:37] <NCommander> THATS a bug
[04:20:03] <NCommander> paulej72, apache restarted, still no message ...
[04:20:12] <paulej72> just saw that my self, looged out an back in it was ok
[04:20:33] <NCommander> paulej72, I nuked varnish
[04:20:36] <paulej72> 5 min for slash to rebuild page or make a chnge to force update
[04:20:46] <prospectacle> hey looks good
[04:20:47] <NCommander> paulej72, we don't use index.shtml anymore
[04:20:51] <NCommander> It should show up automagically
[04:21:02] <prospectacle> code inside jounral entries is way too small, but people can always zoom
[04:21:05] * NCommander updates mod point extension time
[04:21:09] <NCommander> prospectacle, that's an old bug
[04:21:18] <prospectacle> I mean it's smaller
[04:21:34] <NCommander> prospectacle, seriously? fuck.
[04:21:43] * NCommander uses a no-squint extension on firefox and didn't notice
[04:21:55] <NCommander> paulej72, still no nagger, it should be showing up on every page
[04:22:01] <prospectacle> well maybe I'm imagining it, cause the other text is smaller, but it feels smaller. Didn't keep any screenshots of old version
[04:22:16] <prospectacle> anyway no biggie
[04:22:46] <NCommander> SoylentNews is powered by your submissions, so send in your scoop. Only 15 submissions in the queue.
[04:22:48] <NCommander> There it is
[04:23:16] <paulej72> I kick the page refresh by updaing the first story with an unimportant edit
[04:23:27] <NCommander> " SoylentMuffins are made of people"
[04:23:30] <NCommander> My work here is done
[04:23:51] <prospectacle> ncommander++
[04:23:51] <MileyCyrus> karma - ncommander: 17
[04:24:02] <NCommander> prospectacle, I'm going to post about our new pastery overlords
[04:24:06] <paulej72> I say leave the nagger at 20 for now.
[04:24:07] * NCommander has three posts in the hopper about this
[04:24:21] MrBluze is now known as MrBluze|afk
[04:24:31] <Popeidol> NCommander: I assume this is the story that is actually true, and we have been bought out by a pasta company
[04:24:37] <Popeidol> NCommander: I would be okay with that if we got free samples
[04:24:52] * NCommander needs to shuffle the approved stories queue
[04:25:35] NCommander changed topic of #Soylent to: https://soylentnews.org | Wiki: http://sylnt.us | Code: http://sylnt.us | Got bugs? http://sylnt.us | Who's who? http://sylnt.us | Get Involved: http://sylnt.us | Staff discussions in #staff are now open for all, always | /join ## - to chill
[04:25:47] <NCommander> As far as Slash upgrades go, that one wasn't bad
[04:26:03] <prospectacle> 25 minutes
[04:26:29] <NCommander> prospectacle, with the main page still up the entire time
[04:26:31] <NCommander> Yay progress
[04:26:41] -!- Tachyon [Tachyon!~Tachyon@hollhb.kolej.mff.cuni.cz] has joined #Soylent
[04:26:57] <SpallsHurgenson> no everyone needs to hammer the site and find the bugs they DIDN'T fix :)
[04:27:04] <prospectacle> I think you've earned that train holiday. I'll have some vegemite waiting at the station when you arrive.
[04:27:08] <NCommander> prospectacle, nice
[04:27:17] <NCommander> prospectacle, we've been working pretty hard to fix a lot of the backend plumbing
[04:27:19] <paulej72> half of that was waiting for db backup
[04:27:26] <NCommander> It was really 12 minutes
[04:27:30] <NCommander> The last 10 was fiddling with DB vars
[04:27:35] -!- Tachyon_ has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[04:27:39] <NCommander> (I restarted Apache at 22:13)
[04:28:20] * NCommander is still not hugely thrilled with the "button" CSS, but its still a good improvement on look and feel
[04:28:28] <paulej72> I still like the April 1 joke of where did all the menus go.
[04:28:45] <NCommander> paulej72, our April 1st jokes mean huge site updates
[04:28:55] <NCommander> prospectacle, we've got a TON of new shit coming down the pipe that we haven't announced
[04:29:01] * NCommander has timers set off to publically announce them
[04:29:05] <paulej72> NCommander: I am not thrilled either with the buttons, but I did not have much to work with
[04:29:14] -!- Blackmoore [Blackmoore!~48581a0a@mpcu-55-16-09-48.bflony.east.verizon.net] has joined #Soylent
[04:29:19] <NCommander> paulej72, yeah, that's fine. Its still better looking now than it was before
[04:29:21] <paulej72> NCommander: I could have made them blue :)
[04:29:25] * NCommander stabs paulej72
[04:29:34] <NCommander> I'm going to go smoke, then write
[04:29:51] * NCommander needs to fiddle with nginx before EOD
[04:30:11] <paulej72> NCommander: your days never end
[04:30:52] * SpallsHurgenson is scared of new shit; I like things the way they were. But then, I'm old and there are wolves chasing me :)
[04:31:05] <NCommander> SpallsHurgenson, check out the user control panel pages, they're actually usable now
[04:32:01] <Blackmoore> soylent muffins eh?
[04:32:11] -!- Subsentient has quit [Quit: Derp.]
[04:32:45] <Blackmoore> nice looking update on the frontpage
[04:33:56] <paulej72> click on a story title
[04:35:50] <Popeidol> delicious soylentmuffins
[04:36:06] * SpallsHurgenson clicks on a story title and gets taken to the story... um; didn't it always do that?
[04:36:49] <chromas> But now it uses JavaScript (if you have it on)
[04:37:01] <chromas> The reply button doesn't, though
[04:37:23] * SpallsHurgenson has no idea if he whitelisted soylent in noscript
[04:37:23] <chromas> Oh maybe not. I'm just blind
[04:37:24] <paulej72> SpallsHurgenson: no not unitl yesterday
[04:38:55] <paulej72> No important user function uses JS, It has always been there, but it is old code that we have not stripped yet
[04:39:04] <Blackmoore> yeah i like the way this looks
[04:39:47] <chromas> Is the logo going to be replaced with a muffin?
[04:39:56] <chromas> Just for 04-01
[04:40:22] <prospectacle> NCommander, well if it ain't broke, you wouldn't be a developer if you didn't still want to fix it, but at least you can go at your own pace now it's more robust.
[04:42:16] <prospectacle> I look forward to seeing all the stuff in the pipeline when it's ready
[04:43:14] <NCommander> chromas, our graphics guy is glutin intolernate
[04:43:20] <NCommander> I'll take a donation of a muffin photo though :-)
[04:44:44] <SpallsHurgenson> damn gluten bigots!
[04:48:02] -!- BadCoderFinger has quit [Quit: Beer to drink...]
[04:48:13] * NCommander just got redirected to slashdot beta
[04:48:18] <NCommander> I forgot how fucking broken it is
[04:49:22] * NCommander finishes his dinner and gets to writing
[04:54:07] -!- prospectacle_ [prospectacle_!~3a6b4abe@l00-504-14-730.mit564.act.optusnet.com.au] has joined #Soylent
[04:54:53] -!- prospectacle has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[04:54:59] prospectacle_ is now known as prospectacle
[04:55:01] <mattie_p> NCommander, had a Star Wars interlude. We apparently needed to watch Star Wars, and I wasn't about to miss it
[04:55:20] <mattie_p> putting a kid to bed, give me a few minutes then I can do what I need to do
[04:55:40] <paulej72> IV mattie_p
[04:55:45] * NCommander is having a huge tounge in cheek moment
[04:56:00] <mattie_p> paulej72 of course. \
[04:59:02] -!- poutine [poutine!~soylentpo@poutine.pw] has joined #Soylent
[05:01:35] <NCommander> paulej72, so ... slight problem with the new CSS
[05:01:44] <NCommander> paulej72, ITS FUCKING HARD TO SEE THE + BUTTON TO ADD TOPICS >.<;
[05:01:44] <juggs> wth? a directly connecting poutine rather than a relayed poutine??? The world's gone mad!
[05:02:35] <NCommander> juggs, new feature in slashcode 14.04
[05:02:43] <juggs> lol
[05:03:05] <poutine> How exactly is it possible to have downtime in 2014?
[05:03:07] <juggs> That is a very Ubuntu-esque choice of version numbers :P
[05:03:09] * NCommander waits for the bot to see the new headline
[05:03:13] <NCommander> juggs, YY.MM
[05:03:17] <juggs> I know
[05:03:17] <NCommander> Next release will be 14.06
[05:03:21] <paulej72> NCommander: I never saw thoes buttons so I look into that.
[05:03:34] <NCommander> paulej72, well, yes, those buttons are hard to see, I'm not suprised you never saw them :-P!
[05:03:38] * NCommander ducks
[05:03:38] <poutine> you setup a machine, test it, that's your staging environment. When you're ready, you take the old one out of the load balancer and put the new one in
[05:03:41] <paulej72> NCommander: do you need the fixed
[05:03:46] <poutine> 0 downtime
[05:04:00] <NCommander> poutine, the site was up for the entire time, posting was disabled
[05:04:09] <NCommander> Ancient codebase is ancient
[05:04:16] <juggs> poutine, not when using dusty, crufty, downright beligerent codebase
[05:04:20] <poutine> NCommander, This methodology is old as dirt
[05:04:22] <juggs> beat me too it
[05:04:29] <poutine> predates slashcode by many many years
[05:04:41] <NCommander> poutine, yeah well, I can't help that slashcode was coded by drunken monkeys
[05:04:58] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@universe2.us/Subsentient] has joined #Soylent
[05:05:27] <poutine> I continually get form token not valid errors when posting as AC to soylentnews
[05:05:42] <prospectacle> I can't wait for poutine's site which does the same thing but better. That will show us all
[05:06:03] <poutine> I have no wish to compete with any news aggregation site
[05:06:08] <poutine> sorry to ruin your fantasy
[05:06:43] <NCommander> Anyone else having AC troubles?
[05:07:34] <prospectacle> poutine, I guess we'll just have to make do
[05:07:53] <Landon> !rss-get SoylentNews
[05:07:54] <MileyCyrus> results of SoylentNews: [SoylentNews] - Glyphosate and Kidney Damage - http://sylnt.us - that-wasn't-meant-to-happen || Site Downtime Tonight: 02:00 UTC - http://sylnt.us - do-not-adjust-your-browser || Stolen Twitter Accounts More Valuable Than Credit - http://sylnt.us - you-would-think-that-they-would-be-made-more-secure-then? || USAF Secret - 2 more
[05:08:44] <NCommander> Landon, hrm ...
[05:08:49] * NCommander goes to see where slashd went
[05:09:10] <xlefay> fishing expedition
[05:10:23] <MileyCyrus> [SoylentNews] - We Sold Out: SoylentNews Is Now SoylentMuffins! - http://sylnt.us - I-for-one-welcome-our-new-muffiny-overlords
[05:11:38] <NCommander> er
[05:11:39] <NCommander> oops
[05:11:48] * NCommander meant the post to say "one million Vietnamese Dong"
[05:11:52] <NCommander> But I think its funnier this way
[05:12:02] <Blackmoore> it is.
[05:13:17] <prospectacle> If we're forced to switch from bacon to halloumi, well, I guess I wouldn't mind too much
[05:13:36] <NCommander> Blackmoore, I corrected it since I made a typo
[05:13:45] <NCommander> Blackmoore, but I sold out for $45 USD (give or take)
[05:15:44] <NCommander> prospectacle, fuck it, I'm a millionare in vietnam, I don't need to take this!
[05:15:50] * NCommander goes to vietnam!
[05:16:59] <prospectacle> well I guess who could resist the sweet lure of vietnam high society
[05:19:44] <prospectacle> The sons of Trần Hưng Đạo will welcome you as a brilliant strategist
[05:25:02] <Blackmoore> one soylent muffin coming up.
[05:25:50] <prospectacle> can you make mine a double
[05:27:39] <prospectacle> What's does the time say for you guys? The muffin story says "Monday March 31, @10:50PM" for me.
[05:28:10] <SpallsHurgenson> Monday March 31, @02:50PM . I sense time zones in action :)
[05:28:11] <prospectacle> which, if I'm not mistaken, is march smart-persons day, not april fools'
[05:28:17] <prospectacle> oh ok
[05:28:23] <prospectacle> that's probably not a problem them.
[05:28:48] <NCommander> Its 04/01 server time
[05:29:24] <Blackmoore> @nc. you should have a muffin in your inbox. you may have to export to whatever format you need,
[05:29:25] <juggs> March 31, @10:50PM not logged in - April 01, @02:50AM logged in
[05:29:26] <mattie_p> server time = utc. let all the joking rock right now
[05:29:27] <prospectacle> Hmm, now that I think about it, it's the first where I am too, I wonder where the date for the story comes from.
[05:29:48] <prospectacle> juggs, yeah that's what I see (The not logged in one)
[05:30:23] <prospectacle> Maybe that's when it was added to the queue, according to server time.
[05:30:40] -!- Mattiep [Mattiep!~mattie_p@Soylent/Staff/Editor/mattiep] has joined #Soylent
[05:30:40] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Mattiep] by ChanServ
[05:31:53] <juggs> I guess so. Although given it is now ~03.30 UTC I assume NC queued for a while.
[05:32:05] <juggs> queued it*
[05:32:18] <prospectacle> that must be it. Queue time not post time
[05:33:37] <prospectacle> The real april fools joke is the march posting date. It's a subtle one, but this is a sophisticated crowd.
[05:34:05] -!- mattie_p has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[05:37:03] <juggs> Well what to do? April Fool jokes are meant to be committed before 12PM. If one has to wait for 1st April to commence everywhere, then half the world misses out on being able to perpetrate jokes, and the rest have a reduced time in which to do so. Timezones are a pain in the ass and illogical in so many ways, but they're not going away.
[05:37:23] <prospectacle> or are they
[05:37:34] <prospectacle> ?
[05:37:36] <prospectacle> no, probably not
[05:37:48] <SpallsHurgenson> actually...
[05:38:05] * SpallsHurgenson has a giant steamroller and plans to use it on the world in the near future
[05:38:07] <juggs> are they what? a. pain in the ass, b. illogical, c. not going away ?
[05:38:20] <SpallsHurgenson> once we have a nice flat world again, time zones will no longer be an issue :)
[05:38:52] <Blackmoore> ah Spalls, a member of the Society to pave the Earth
[05:39:13] <prospectacle> I think it would be fairly easy to talk about a day as 1.0 where 0 is gmt/utc, and 0.5 is midday.
[05:39:32] <prospectacle> You'd finish work each day at 0.71 or so (assuming you lived in grenwich)
[05:40:20] <prospectacle> "Let's meet for drinks at .77" would be a common phrase, no doubt
[05:40:46] <MileyCyrus> [SoylentNews] - Google Maps Has A Genuine Security Issue - http://sylnt.us - maps-of-never-never-land
[05:40:53] <prospectacle> I'm surprised this hasn't caught on yet in between me proposing it a minute ago and giving those two examples just. It's just that good an idea.
[05:41:42] <prospectacle> s/just./just now./
[05:41:42] <SedBot> <prospectacle> I'm surprised this hasn't caught on yet in between me proposing it a minute ago and giving those two examples just now. It's just that good an idea.
[05:41:54] <juggs> SpallsHurgenson, the curvature of the earth in no way predicates timezones. It is simply a social convention that most workers commence work at 7am/8am/9am and end work N hours later. Logically there is no reason why the whole world could not retain it's 24 hour day and all exist on the same TZ. The only difference would be which hour of the day is conventional to start work per locale.
[05:43:16] <juggs> But meh - this stuff has been argued over for centuries. It's probably best not to overturn the applecart now.
[05:43:25] -!- pbnjoe [pbnjoe!~pbnjoe@Soylent/Users/313/pbnjoe] has joined #Soylent
[05:43:38] <prospectacle> Yes it would no doubt become a good source of national pride. "Around *here* we start work at 1430! If you don't like it then leave"
[05:44:05] <juggs> hmm... did I mean predicates or would "mandates" have been a better choice of word...
[05:44:08] * SpallsHurgenson redefines the second to be 1.157 current seconds, then gets rid of hours and minutes completely. 100,000 seconds per day. Get up around 33000, at work at 37500, lunch at 50,000, quit at 70,500 and bed 97,900! What could be simpler! :)
[05:44:22] <prospectacle> juggs, it's only an applecart
[05:44:40] <prospectacle> Spalls, yes, same idea as mine. Also same as "beats" which swatch tried to promote a while back. They had 1000 "beats" in a day
[05:44:59] <SpallsHurgenson> mine is more annoying :)
[05:45:13] <prospectacle> True, you win points for that
[05:47:24] <SpallsHurgenson> to be fair, I did sort of steal the idea from a science-fiction novel :)
[05:47:53] <prospectacle> juggs. You could bring it in gradually. If one organisation or website used it, then members and fans would start to think in this new time-system as well as the old one.
[05:48:24] <prospectacle> It's like english. You don't replace other languages, you just make everyone learn english as well. Then when their guard is down, bam... everyone speaks english.
[05:48:59] <SpallsHurgenson> "Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."
[05:49:03] <prospectacle> Spalls, most good ideas are either from a science fiction noverl or get put into one.
[05:50:12] <paulej72> prospectacle: reminds me of XKCD/1190 time. where there were plugins to change the forum time to the frame number of the the time animation
[05:51:01] <prospectacle> makes sense
[05:51:20] <prospectacle> If only he'd written infinite frames
[05:51:57] -!- Blackmoore has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[05:52:28] * SpallsHurgenson prefers xkcd.com/1335 for getting the current time :)
[05:52:31] <prospectacle> Maybe if we ask him nicely he can keep it going and we can do away with these obsolete clocks we're all stuck with
[05:53:02] <NCommander> Ok, changelog is up
[05:53:14] <juggs> lol. I wasn't proposing a change to a more complex time keeping standard - although something that does away with leap seconds and years would be nice as would decimalisation (as much of the world seems to have standardised on that). I was just commenting on the logic of TZ's as they work now.
[05:53:21] <NCommander> 444 words in story - HOW THE FUCK DID I WRITE THAT MUCH IN 20 MINUTES?
[05:53:37] <SpallsHurgenson> cocaine?
[05:54:01] <prospectacle> That's 22 words a minute.
[05:54:09] * Konomi wonders if someone got inot her caffeine tables
[05:54:12] <Konomi> tablets*
[05:54:51] <pbnjoe> To echo the only comment on the changelog at the moment: Where did the google story go?
[05:55:00] <NCommander> pbnjoe, I pushed it back an hour
[05:55:08] <pbnjoe> ah, ok
[05:55:12] <juggs> fecking verbose hyperactive motherfuckers on a plane. Samuel L Jackson will be along any minute now.
[05:55:14] <NCommander> I didn't realize it was set to go
[05:55:18] <NCommander> Until after I posted
[05:55:22] <pbnjoe> gotcha
[05:55:26] <pbnjoe> I like the UI updates :)
[05:56:07] <Konomi> next update web2.0 features
[05:57:07] -!- anthem has quit [Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
[05:57:28] <Popeidol> Konomi: we definitely need more tag clouds
[05:57:35] <juggs> NCommander, how long before the Soyled front page gets the feature of automatically auto-refreshing? I always found that sooooo helpful and welcome back on /.
[05:57:38] * NCommander notes we could probably restore tags trivially
[05:57:49] <NCommander> juggs, as long as it takes for someone to code it :-)
[05:57:58] * NCommander would love to have the hitcounter inflated!
[05:58:19] <juggs> that's bad news - it's probably a 2 minute addition
[05:58:27] * Konomi has burnt out coding in the last month or so and is on break
[05:58:41] <Konomi> which means anime thehe
[05:58:58] <NCommander> juggs, if you can code it, I can drop it into the next point release
[05:59:21] <juggs> fucking tell me you are joking
[05:59:37] <NCommander> juggs, no?
[06:00:04] * NCommander doesn't object to javascript if its detracting from a site and as long as the site still works w/ noscript
[06:00:35] <NCommander> Konomi, I take it you like dongs then :-P
[06:00:39] * NCommander saw your comment on the site
[06:00:55] <SpallsHurgenson> somebody should make soylent a temporary muffin logo for April 1st.
[06:00:57] <Konomi> hmm not really
[06:00:59] <juggs> I'd be fine with it deployed as a check box option in user options a la Autorefresh Y/N
[06:01:01] <MileyCyrus> [SoylentNews] - Changelog: Muffincode 14.04 - http://sylnt.us - the-muffin-welcomes-you-to-the-future
[06:01:07] <Konomi> though I had to join in that pun
[06:01:15] <NCommander> SpallsHurgenson, one already came in to my inbox
[06:01:21] <prospectacle> juggs, make sure it resets the counter when you scrolling. one of the most annoying things is having a reresh forced on you while you're actively scrolling and reading.
[06:01:23] <NCommander> SpallsHurgenson, I asked them to resize it so it fits
[06:01:36] <prospectacle> s/reresh/refresh/
[06:01:36] <SedBot> <prospectacle> juggs, make sure it resets the counter when you scrolling. one of the most annoying things is having a refresh forced on you while you're actively scrolling and reading.
[06:01:40] * NCommander is going to wear out the muffin puns
[06:02:04] <SpallsHurgenson> you know, I have a sudden craving for a piping hot muffin. I wonder of the soylent crew owns stock in a bakery...
[06:02:05] <prospectacle> NCommander, such an endeavour will strain the very fibre of your being
[06:02:24] <Konomi> /ninc MuffinCommander
[06:02:25] <Konomi> imo
[06:02:28] <Konomi> nick*
[06:02:32] <prospectacle> sorry that one was half-baked
[06:02:40] <Konomi> >.>
[06:02:43] <Konomi> the bad joke groan
[06:02:44] <Konomi> I did it
[06:03:02] <juggs> prospectacle, exactly why it used to flabber my gast over on /. - be reading up on recent articles - blam - autorefresh dumps me back at the top of the page. Just NO.
[06:03:37] <Konomi> for those too stupid to find the reload button
[06:03:56] * NCommander is sorely tempted to make Buck Feta my first Foe :-P
[06:04:10] <prospectacle> juggs, agreed. You could have the auto-refresh as j.s. Then if no j.s. not refresh, and if j.s. then it can a)remember your position, or b)wait until you haven't done anything (scroll, etc) for a few minutes
[06:04:36] <juggs> c) make it an option
[06:04:46] <Konomi> d) i want muffins now
[06:04:51] <arti> e) ????
[06:04:54] <arti> f) profit
[06:05:12] <prospectacle> It's a bran new era of peace anad prosperity for the site
[06:05:17] <prospectacle> juggs, yes, agree
[06:05:35] <NCommander> prospectacle, .... I *really* wish I thought of that pun
[06:05:44] * NCommander would have used it, its too groan worthy not to
[06:05:50] <prospectacle> it's yours
[06:06:00] <NCommander> prospectacle, I'll have to work it into one of the announcements
[06:06:07] <Konomi> * NCommander aquired the bad pun sword!
[06:06:12] -!- SirFinku_ [SirFinku_!~textual@l-64-313-06-125.hsd0.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[06:06:28] <arti> the "punisher"
[06:06:28] <juggs> prospectacle, but then - uch - javascript is the answer to everything apparently. Again NO.
[06:06:42] * SpallsHurgenson doesn't admit that he actually likes how /, refreshes its front page lest he face fierce ridicule
[06:06:43] <NCommander> Konomi, you don't know me very well if you think I didn't already have one of those :-)
[06:06:44] <arti> sounds like you need a javascript framework or 3
[06:06:55] <arti> moar scriptz
[06:07:10] <Konomi> I have to trust you, you do have one million dongs after all
[06:07:49] <prospectacle> juggs, I guess as long as it's optional you could have: a) No refresh (default). b)Non-js version (uses <meta>, if you're busy when it fires then tought), c) js version which is smart.
[06:08:02] * NCommander beats Konomi with one million dongs in a rice patty. The first known case of a nick-nack patty whack
[06:08:12] <Konomi> ._.
[06:08:57] <SpallsHurgenson> somebody's been watching "Whose Line":)
[06:09:05] -!- SirFinkus has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[06:09:09] <NCommander> SpallsHurgenson, ah shit, my source has been revealed
[06:09:13] <prospectacle> arti, yeah, let's include three 20k libraries, because they will let us write it in 3 lines intead of 5. This means more lightweight!
[06:09:31] <prospectacle> brb, getting some free furniture...
[06:09:45] <juggs> SpallsHurgenson, as with everything it's horses for courses. All good if you appreciate it. But it should be optional. Even in this day and age some people live with restrictive data caps and an obnoxious webpage sat in an idle tab autorefreshing itself is not welcome - particularly if that cannot be disabled.
[06:09:55] <arti> 20k libraries! oh noes *downloads a single image* :O
[06:10:20] <arti> needs more asm.js
[06:10:50] <prospectacle> lol I guess but libraries are also slower cause of wrappers/normalisers
[06:11:36] <arti> they're slower because if they were too fast people wouldn't see any of the animation
[06:11:59] <arti> maybe the file size is a conspiracy by big internet
[06:12:13] <juggs> prospectacle, I think I've prematurely become a grumpy old git and should mostly be ignored :D
[06:13:08] * FoobarBazbot_ adds juggs to .git-ignore
[06:13:12] <NCommander> I'm trying to get the site down so it will work quickly on dial up without caching
[06:13:29] <SpallsHurgenson> what speed dial-up?
[06:13:31] <arti> make it a giant highly compressed monochrome image
[06:13:41] <Konomi> unfortantly most browsers don't work well for dial up even if your site is good
[06:13:52] <arti> what if you use an old browser?
[06:13:58] <Popeidol> firefox was always the best
[06:14:04] <Popeidol> because you could easily disable all images
[06:14:12] <arti> yes, the "best"
[06:14:21] <arti> they're best at changing stuff!
[06:14:22] <FoobarBazbot_> Konomi: lynx is not most browsers.
[06:14:31] <NCommander> I'm also trying to get lynx to not be shit
[06:14:37] <Konomi> I never used lynx on dial up
[06:14:40] <NCommander> It renders OK in lynx, but WE CAN DO BETTER
[06:14:44] <arti> haha
[06:14:50] <Konomi> and I was on dial up in 2007 still so ;p
[06:15:04] <NCommander> Konomi, Internet didn't come to Australia by that point
[06:15:13] <Konomi> it came on a boat
[06:15:17] <Konomi> so we sent it to an island
[06:15:23] <Konomi> and wouldn't let it in it looked a bit too brown
[06:15:30] <Konomi> we asked for white cables apparently
[06:15:40] <arti> :|
[06:15:45] * NCommander groans
[06:15:53] * NCommander notes the site appears to have no sense of humour :-/
[06:16:03] <arti> did you add the meta tags?
[06:16:19] <arti> also, april 1st is good for humor
[06:17:04] <NCommander> arti, only if you're funny
[06:17:31] <arti> that's a lie, there are other funny people
[06:18:09] <arti> oh you should load up a beta style sheet
[06:18:13] <arti> LOL
[06:18:43] * NCommander sighs
[06:19:13] <Mattiep> NCommander we're nerds and geeks, you want a sense of humor too?
[06:19:47] <Konomi> sorry I ran out of humor
[06:19:49] <prospectacle> I think we should steal pipedot's "design competition" idea (but not use a third party competition system)
[06:19:50] <Mattiep> of course, I am now going to rename SoylentMUD into MuffinMUD
[06:19:53] <SpallsHurgenson> wait, which one am I? Nerd or geek?
[06:19:58] <Konomi> nerd
[06:20:01] <Konomi> you had to ask so you must be
[06:20:13] <SpallsHurgenson> that explains the pocket-protector
[06:20:38] <Konomi> I have no pockets
[06:20:57] <Konomi> almost no girls clothing has pockets and if they do they're non functional
[06:20:59] -!- keplr has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[06:21:06] <arti> girl clothing pockets suck
[06:21:13] <Konomi> that's what hand bags are for
[06:21:16] <SpallsHurgenson> ahem. as a nerd on IRC, I am required to do the following.
[06:21:17] <poutine> I notice smaller counts in commenters, do we have official soylentnews usage stats anymore?
[06:21:26] <prospectacle> apparently men used to carry handbags until pockets were a thing
[06:21:31] <SpallsHurgenson> ohmigod, ohmigod! a girl! squeeeee!
[06:21:34] <NCommander> Mattiep, I'm goig to smoke, and then we'll get that up
[06:21:36] <Konomi> plus they make carrying netbooks easy
[06:21:39] <arti> -_-
[06:21:42] <Mattiep> NCommander its a plan
[06:22:12] <poutine> can I run a discouragement bot here?
[06:22:31] <arti> fek: xlefay has dealt arti a Critical Strike! 0 days, 23:41:54 is added to arti's clock.
[06:22:42] <Mattiep> what? poutine? Are you here for reals or is this an april fools joke? either way ...
[06:22:45] <Mattiep> poutine++
[06:22:45] <MileyCyrus> karma - poutine: -334
[06:25:09] <poutine> The discouragement bot will occasionally dish out brutally honest criticisms
[06:25:23] <poutine> Do not taunt discouragement bot
[06:25:43] <arti> sounds like a worthy goal
[06:25:52] * FoobarBazbot_ taunts poutine
[06:25:53] <arti> bot name: mirror
[06:26:09] <FoobarBazbot_> wait, you are the discouragement bot, right?
[06:26:35] <prospectacle> poutine, discouragement bot told me you could never pull it off. You can have them brutal or honest. Doing both requires a human.
[06:27:07] <prospectacle> which was remarkably insightful for a bot
[06:27:53] <poutine> I'm not writing a neural network, clearly discouragement bot will have human generated discouragements that are dished out at timed intervals, I only have so much free time
[06:28:27] <arti> first line for discouragement bot: "You only have so much free time"
[06:28:42] <prospectacle> "... and this is how you choose to spend it"
[06:28:55] <prospectacle> ouch, discouragement bot, that is brutal
[06:30:50] * NCommander has smoked
[06:30:59] <poutine> the amount of data you can consume before you die is finite, and dwindling
[06:31:31] <SpallsHurgenson> thank god; my brain is near overload already!
[06:31:49] <prospectacle> you're older than you've ever been
[06:31:55] <paulej72> so I need to get my porn watching in now
[06:31:56] <prospectacle> and now you're even older
[06:32:33] <Popeidol> paulej72: but there might be better quality stuff later on, after you've already filled your brain
[06:32:45] <Popeidol> paulej72: do you really want to be stuck remembering mediocre porn for the rest of your life?
[06:32:45] <SpallsHurgenson> speak for yourself. Thanks to an accident with a quantum singularity and some inside-out underwear, I'm actually aging backwards.
[06:33:08] <SpallsHurgenson> (MAD science!)
[06:33:13] <prospectacle> lucky
[06:33:22] <paulej72> Popeidol: I have a short menmory so no problems there
[06:34:20] <poutine> You will never be an authority in the field you're most interested in
[06:35:20] <Popeidol> that one cuts pretty deep
[06:35:48] * SpallsHurgenson is too shallow to be cut deep :)
[06:37:26] <juggs> prospectacle, male handbags have been on the resurgence for several years in the UK as part of the metro-sexual fashion. Although they are being branded as dispatch bags to woo the "oooh carrying a bag with shit in is not manly" uber-male types.
[06:38:17] <prospectacle> ah "dispatch" bags, of course. They should just call them rugged tool bags and be done with it
[06:38:30] * SpallsHurgenson prefers the batman utility belt look :)
[06:38:37] <prospectacle> because people who carry them, thinking they're not handbags, are rugged tools
[06:39:08] <poutine> pfft, if you can't make the stuff you carry electromagnetically levitate, you should turn in your man card
[06:39:15] <prospectacle> I guess laptop bags can be used in a similar way. It's not a handbag, it's roughly the shape of a computer or tablet
[06:41:58] <NCommander> prospectacle, story accepted
[06:42:07] <prospectacle> thanks
[06:42:12] <SpallsHurgenson> duffle bags are the way to go. They can hold all the stuff you need, and still have room for a dead body should the need ever arise
[06:42:38] <prospectacle> yes why rule that out
[06:43:00] <Popeidol> I vote for briefcase
[06:43:09] <SpallsHurgenson> erm, not that I am speaking from experience. Anything said on IRC cannot be used as evidence in the court of law!!!
[06:46:06] <juggs> Gillette will undoubtedly lauch a range of "rugged tool bag CVIX FOR MEN, with 6 blades, including a spare blade in each shoulder strap. You're not a REAL man unless carrying spare blades in each strap, only Gillette can bring you that level of manliness.".
[06:47:38] <SpallsHurgenson> I'll take two!
[06:48:54] <prospectacle> for the modern rugged tool
[06:50:25] -!- keplr [keplr!~Julian@66-48-811-374.dhcp.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[06:50:33] <SpallsHurgenson> nerds are naturally rugged :)
[06:53:05] -!- anthem [anthem!~textual@c-57-259-236-77.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[06:54:45] -!- SpallsHurgenson has quit [Quit: kitteh says I spend too much time on IRC - tummy rub time]
[06:56:40] <juggs> chiseled from granite, or more likely eroded over time by exposure to banality.
[06:58:03] <prospectacle> anyone seen "vikings"?
[07:01:20] <juggs> not recently. I believe they dropped in a few centuries ago though. Legend has it they combined sail with oar power to get around. Where have they been pillaging now?
[07:01:41] <prospectacle> that's smart
[07:01:48] <prospectacle> they're pillaging the history channel
[07:03:21] <prospectacle> I just noticed vikings and bikers on tv dress kind of the same. Leather, tats, half-shaved heads, long hair and beards.
[07:04:07] <prospectacle> Has anyone ever seen them in the same room together?
[07:04:44] <juggs> Oh. TV. I've heard "Vikings" mentioned a few times as a good docu-series but not bothered to watch.
[07:06:28] <juggs> Are bikers "on TV" different to real world bikers?
[07:06:46] <prospectacle> no idea
[07:07:00] <prospectacle> seems likely
[07:10:06] <poutine> what qualifies a biker
[07:12:26] <prospectacle> depends on the club I guess
[07:14:05] <juggs> seems likely to me too. Certainly was 20+ years ago when I was spannering on bikes - even then the media was portraying bikers as some feral outcast sub-species, but in reality I found them to be mostly intelligent unassuming types you congregated together because they happened to like bikes. But I I think the US bike gang culture is another beast entirely and outwith my experience.
[07:18:30] <prospectacle> Yeah I was talking about 1%ers as portrayed on tv shows
[07:20:00] * NCommander is currently working through the submission queue
[07:20:07] <NCommander> Trying to keep us well balanced between site news and real news
[07:22:39] <NCommander> Ok
[07:22:46] <NCommander> From 10:00 UTC, we have an article going out every hour
[07:23:21] <NCommander> Two real news stories, followed by site news, repeating
[07:23:25] <juggs> eek - that cranks up the pressure for submitters
[07:23:55] <NCommander> juggs, exactly :-)
[07:24:13] <NCommander> juggs, actually, its not much more than we normally run, but with I've got four site news submissions in the hopper
[07:24:18] <NCommander> I'm trying to space the out
[07:25:00] * juggs renames NCommander ~Capt_Evil~ muahahahahaha
[07:27:15] <prospectacle> you're playing a dangerous game, sir
[07:27:44] * juggs suspects NCommander doesn't want the pleasure of stroking a white haired pussy
[07:27:58] <juggs> /me ducks
[07:28:19] <prospectacle> The device activates when the submission queue goes above 20, and when it drops to zero.....
[07:28:20] * juggs takes cover
[07:28:31] <NCommander> prospectacle, rm -rf /
[07:29:11] <juggs> NCommander, sudo rm -rf / shurely?!
[07:29:13] <prospectacle> rebel
[07:29:31] <NCommander> juggs, pfft, we run slash as root don't you know
[07:30:55] <juggs> Gillette has a razor for you - - it has 8 blades.. including 2 on the handle... it's what real men use
[07:36:32] -!- anthem has quit [Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
[07:37:42] -!- Dopefish [Dopefish!~47b1d396@vmwi-30-331-920-319.lsanca.fios.verizon.net] has joined #Soylent
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[07:38:00] -!- Dopefish [Dopefish!~47b1d396@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Dopefish] has joined #Soylent
[07:38:00] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Dopefish] by ChanServ
[07:40:33] <juggs> If anyone wonders wtf I am going on about with my Gillette refs, I am referring to the triumph of marketing over sound engineering as summed up: http://www.theonion.com
[07:41:06] -!- prospectacle has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[07:46:12] -!- kobach [kobach!~nope@SettleDownKids/Staff/IRC/kobach] has joined #Soylent
[07:46:13] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v kobach] by ChanServ
[07:46:19] <kobach> poutine: HI
[08:03:04] -!- Subsentient1 [Subsentient1!~WhiteRat@universe2.us/Subsentient] has joined #Soylent
[08:03:42] -!- Subsentient1 [Subsentient1!~WhiteRat@universe2.us/Subsentient] has parted #Soylent
[08:03:54] -!- Subsentient1 [Subsentient1!~WhiteRat@universe2.us/Subsentient] has joined #Soylent
[08:04:05] <Subsentient1> $nickchange GerbilOverlord
[08:04:11] <Subsentient1> ...
[08:04:37] -!- aqu4 [aqu4!~aqu4bot@universe2.us/ircbot/aqu4] has parted #Soylent
[08:04:47] -!- GerbilOverlord [GerbilOverlord!~aqu4bot@universe2.us/ircbot/aqu4] has joined #Soylent
[08:05:25] <Subsentient1> $commands
[08:05:27] <Subsentient1> yep
[08:05:56] -!- Subsentient1 has quit [Client Quit]
[08:06:03] -!- Subsentient1 [Subsentient1!~WhiteRat@universe2.us/Subsentient] has joined #Soylent
[08:12:34] * juggs wakes up from 1000 year slumber
[08:16:09] -!- anthem [anthem!~textual@c-57-259-236-77.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[08:22:02] <poutine> If you're reading this sentence, chances are likely that you'll sleep with 5 women or fewer for the remainder of your life
[08:25:25] <Popeidol> at the same time, or consecutively?
[08:25:31] <Konomi> 5 is pretty generous
[08:25:58] <NCommander> poutine, that's pretty generous considering you've read what you've written :-)
[08:26:12] * arti chuckles
[08:26:32] <poutine> I have a girlfriend
[08:26:32] <arti> told.sh
[08:26:42] <arti> 4 more to go!
[08:27:29] * Konomi currently has someone too
[08:27:53] <Popeidol> there's also apparently no limit to the number of men
[08:27:56] <Popeidol> so we all have options open there
[08:28:06] <poutine> yeah
[08:28:51] <Konomi> I don't generally go for guys
[08:29:26] <poutine> Does anyone here do anything with voice recognition soft in either linux or windows?
[08:29:47] <Konomi> I used the one on vista once
[08:29:56] <Konomi> then I somehow managed to accidently post one of my dairy entries into irc
[08:30:03] <Konomi> I haven't used voice recongnition since
[08:30:15] <poutine> how lactose intolerant of you
[08:30:17] <Popeidol> poutine: I've done a few dragon naturally speaking installs
[08:30:21] <Konomi> fortuantly most of the more senstive stuff got cut off due to line length
[08:30:43] <poutine> Popeidol, Sadly I hear that it's one of the more advanced pieces of software out there
[08:31:06] <poutine> Do you know whether it'd be possible to do an open room microphone command to do something in dragon naturallyspeaking?
[08:31:17] <Konomi> no it wouldn;t
[08:31:44] <Popeidol> how much background noise?
[08:32:40] <poutine> I'd assume very little, no TV or other major noise sources
[08:33:01] <Konomi> there's a presentation of a guy using that software and one of the questions was about background noise and he basically said you need a high quality condensor mic or it will pick up everything
[08:33:09] <Popeidol> well, if you can get an audio feed into the computer you could use it as an audio source for dragon
[08:33:20] <Konomi> if that helps any
[08:33:29] <Popeidol> the problem is that dragon will basically take anything it picks up, yeah
[08:33:58] <arti> poutine is familiar with that behavior
[08:34:13] <Konomi> picking up everything ;p ?
[08:34:19] <Popeidol> I recall they had some specific licenses for software that could distinguish between multiple individuals when dictating, so it might do okay
[08:34:22] * juggs gives poutine a tuned tinfoil hat.
[08:35:20] <arti> konomi: *nod*
[08:35:49] <poutine> Ok I hand crafted a parabolic microphone
[08:36:03] <kobach> 01.01:31:05 < poutine> Do you know whether it'd be possible to do an open room microphone command to do something in dragon naturallyspeaking?
[08:36:06] <kobach> yes
[08:36:16] <poutine> kobach, eh, you've done it?
[08:36:16] <Konomi> quick everyone look out their window for poutine
[08:36:16] <kobach> as long as the audio comes in at a decent volume and clearly
[08:36:27] <kobach> not quite a whole room
[08:37:47] <poutine> my house has its own ticketing system
[08:38:11] <kobach> pull your vehicle over
[08:38:34] <kobach> sir you were doing 10 in a 5mph zone
[08:38:43] <kobach> how do you plead
[08:41:09] <chromas> "Not bacon"
[08:41:20] <kobach> LOL
[08:46:39] juggs is now known as juggs|afk
[08:48:20] -!- pbnjoe has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[08:49:29] <NCommander> !todo go one with without smoking
[08:49:29] <MileyCyrus> todo item 10 added
[08:49:30] <NCommander> Fuck it
[08:49:31] <NCommander> !todo
[08:49:33] <MileyCyrus> todo for ncommander: 1) make sure install-slashsite installs proper schema 2) write up YAFAP for nethack 3) find volunteer who may be willing to work on mod_perl rework effort 4) clean production database of unused vars/tables from Tags/FIrehose/Achievements 5) email to FSF/SPI w/ mattie_p input 6) upstart job for apache 7) replace mysql SSL certifcates/change soylent - 1 more
[08:49:44] <NCommander> !todo-done 7
[08:49:44] <MileyCyrus> 1 item deleted
[08:49:46] <NCommander> !todo
[08:49:48] <MileyCyrus> todo for ncommander: 1) make sure install-slashsite installs proper schema 2) write up YAFAP for nethack 3) find volunteer who may be willing to work on mod_perl rework effort 4) clean production database of unused vars/tables from Tags/FIrehose/Achievements 5) email to FSF/SPI w/ mattie_p input 6) upstart job for apache 7) package nagios check_by_kssh 8) sphinx 9) go - 1 more
[08:57:16] -!- Dopefish has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[08:57:20] crutchy|work is now known as crutchy
[08:59:04] <crutchy> ncommander: #3 on your todo is updating to apache2/mod_perl2?
[08:59:22] <ar> YAFAP?
[08:59:31] <NCommander> ar, Yet Another First Ascension Post
[08:59:36] * NCommander managed to beat nethack last week
[09:00:17] <arti> g'oop
[09:00:35] <crutchy> g'oop arti
[09:00:35] <Popeidol> so I just saw the pipedot page
[09:00:40] <crutchy> hoy you goin?
[09:01:02] <arti> doing well! researching stuff, and you?
[09:01:17] <MileyCyrus> [SoylentNews] - Moderation: Discussing !(post^moderate) - http://sylnt.us - now-with-longer-half-lifes
[09:01:23] <crutchy> is it suitably geocitieserized?
[09:01:33] <crutchy> been at work mostly
[09:01:44] <crutchy> slow day
[09:01:48] <arti> mostly? is part of you somewhere else?
[09:01:53] <Popeidol> crutchy: still better tahn beta
[09:01:56] <arti> quantumcrutchy
[09:02:53] <crutchy> spent some time raking up fucking tree things off my front nature strip cos the fucking birds are going nuts
[09:03:43] <arti> well, you seem to have a welcoming environment
[09:03:44] <crutchy> popeidol: i meant for april 1, using geocitiesirizer.com or whgatever it is
[09:04:04] <crutchy> dunnoi haven't been there was just wondering
[09:04:46] <crutchy> how's your research coming along arti?
[09:04:57] <Popeidol> crutchy: I highly recommend a visit
[09:05:00] <crutchy> beginning to sound like a full on thesis
[09:05:22] <arti> lol, well i'm waiting for them to review some more things for the payment stuff, so i've switched gears to analytics stuff
[09:05:31] * arti wasn't aware google dashboard had an api
[09:05:32] <crutchy> hahahaha
[09:05:36] <crutchy> gay
[09:05:43] <crutchy> i like it
[09:06:13] <crutchy> i like the poll question too
[09:06:17] <crutchy> very nerdy
[09:06:22] <arti> yeah, i haven't felt like working on the payment thing until i have an okay. i mean i got most of the kinks out of it, need to do reoccuring. been scouting some freelance websites for project ideas
[09:07:11] * arti needs to buy more beer
[09:07:19] <crutchy> arti++
[09:07:19] <MileyCyrus> karma - arti: 35
[09:07:58] <arti> quit the cigs. so that'll be the next est
[09:08:00] <arti> test*
[09:08:26] <arti> +5 to smelling
[09:08:29] * crutchy wants to make a mini bender-like karma bot that output fully rainbowed bacon
[09:08:33] <crutchy> lol
[09:08:38] <arti> gay bacon?
[09:08:42] * NCommander is working on it
[09:08:43] <crutchy> smoking is expensive
[09:08:50] <arti> its an investment in yourself
[09:08:53] * NCommander hopes to get some good feedback on the current discussion
[09:09:09] <crutchy> u making rainbow karma ncommander?
[09:09:43] <crutchy> oh quitting smoking
[09:09:53] * NCommander sighs
[09:09:53] <crutchy> s/oh/or/
[09:09:53] <SedBot> <crutchy> or quitting smoking
[09:10:03] <NCommander> new user accounts have become but a trickle
[09:10:28] <crutchy> yeah that was always gunna happen eventually
[09:10:30] <arti> maybe a referral box, and some badges
[09:10:40] <arti> !current-uid
[09:10:40] <MileyCyrus> The current maximum UID is 4007, owned by cybernot
[09:10:47] <crutchy> or a mafia
[09:11:04] <arti> where they hang around the login form and encourage you?
[09:11:16] <arti> "sure would be a shame if anyone, registered your nick"
[09:11:25] <Popeidol> I'm sure it's just a matter of time until DICE do something inane and cause another exodus
[09:11:26] <crutchy> they hang around /.'s login form and "encourage" you :-P
[09:11:43] <arti> just feed them cheap food and nature will do the rest
[09:11:59] <crutchy> more people will come if we have punch and pie
[09:12:10] <crutchy> viva la resistance!
[09:12:26] <arti> apple butter maybe
[09:12:41] <arti> maybe we can do some ebook burnings
[09:12:58] <crutchy> and make some whacko religious statements
[09:13:07] <Popeidol> the classic way to attract new people is to have original content
[09:13:10] <arti> "belief begins with bacon, and ends with blood"
[09:13:11] <Popeidol> which is easier said than done
[09:13:18] <crutchy> nah original content is overrated
[09:13:25] <arti> why don't we get manson to write for us
[09:13:40] <crutchy> blatant falsification is in
[09:14:20] <crutchy> manson is actually very well spopken
[09:14:29] <crutchy> too bad i can't type for shit
[09:14:43] <arti> i like you this way
[09:14:44] <crutchy> spopken++
[09:14:45] <MileyCyrus> karma - spopken: 1
[09:14:54] * arti tosses crutchy another beer
[09:15:09] <crutchy> cheers arti... that will help my typering
[09:15:17] <arti> hell yes it will
[09:15:30] <arti> it'll help it deteriorate
[09:15:38] <crutchy> and if i mix it with some $2.50 bottle of red
[09:16:02] <crutchy> i'll turn into whatsisname from engrish
[09:16:05] <crutchy> that guy
[09:16:15] <crutchy> fuckin shakespear
[09:16:16] <crutchy> e
[09:16:34] <arti> engrish
[09:16:44] <arti> "presidential election"
[09:21:16] <swiss> Mattiep++, for the ocmment on the muffin post
[09:21:21] <swiss> Mattiep++
[09:21:21] <MileyCyrus> karma - mattiep: 1
[09:21:31] <arti> greetings swiss
[09:21:48] * arti greets swiss in a secure way
[09:22:02] <swiss> lol
[09:22:06] <swiss> been busy
[09:22:13] MrBluze|afk is now known as MrBluze
[09:22:13] <Mattiep> hey, swiss!
[09:22:21] <swiss> Mattiep: i lolled at the bacon++
[09:22:51] <swiss> anyone here do malware analysis?
[09:23:01] <Mattiep> swiss, it was mandatory, I think
[09:23:48] <arti> nothing too indepth, alberto might be one to talk to
[09:24:20] <arti> my reversing skill tree point distribution is still in the novice tier.
[09:30:53] <poutine> I have done malware analysis
[09:31:20] <poutine> to a stepping through packed/obfuscated debugger level
[09:31:50] <swiss> not looking for full reversing, just tried quite a few things against this sample, and I want a bit of advice with things like it doing strange NTFS filesystem modification
[09:32:07] <Subsentient> $tell kobach You forgot to ban my bot, and it recorded what you said afterwards. Your attitude is deplorable and you should be ashamed of yourself. Since the topic claims you are the devil, I hereby cover you in yellow mustard.
[09:32:09] <poutine> you want to know what it's doing?
[09:32:11] <poutine> use diskmon
[09:32:11] <swiss> and encrypted communication with a not-hardcoded set of servers afaict
[09:32:32] <poutine> That can be figured out with enough work
[09:33:15] <swiss> i don't know if it's using the dst IP, timestamp, or just a hardcoded key to encrypt/decrypt
[09:34:35] <poutine> You know it's not a set list eh
[09:34:40] <swiss> yes
[09:34:43] <poutine> How do you know it's not a set list
[09:34:50] <swiss> different each time i run the sample
[09:35:03] <poutine> so... that list could just have 1000 different servers
[09:35:37] <arti> or generated programatically
[09:35:48] <swiss> arti: they're compromised servers giving responses
[09:35:54] <swiss> it does a get on an encrypted file first
[09:35:58] <poutine> While it's entirely possible it could use some algorithm that will be right on say, june 4th of 2014, where it connects to the right server, and gets its payload
[09:36:02] <Subsentient> $quit
[09:36:03] -!- GerbilOverlord has quit [Quit: aqu4bot baking shutting down.]
[09:36:05] <poutine> it's more likely it just has a set list programmed in
[09:36:08] <swiss> i think that contains some info... but afaict that file sisn't changing
[09:36:20] -!- Subsentient has quit [Quit: .]
[09:36:28] <arti> have you tried getting the file elsewhere?
[09:36:44] <swiss> arti: yeah, it's encrypted, and i can't find the decryption key in the malware
[09:36:50] <arti> fek
[09:36:54] <swiss> poutine: more likely, it's communicating with an original server and identifying the next path
[09:37:12] <poutine> well, if you don't know that yet, you're failing at basic reversing
[09:37:37] <swiss> arti: and after it gets that file, it generates a new executable... one that can't be read, written to, or copied.... yet it can be executed again after it's killed.
[09:37:38] <poutine> does a server communication occur before it attempts to connect to this seemingly random server?
[09:38:27] -!- Subsentient1 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[09:38:32] <swiss> poutine: yes. And That's why i think it does that... but there are times it seems to start reaching out earlier. It's messing with a lot of strange stuff...
[09:39:48] <poutine> There's a pattern
[09:39:51] <poutine> or... it was Jesus
[09:40:25] <swiss> it's just exhibiting some behavior that I want to run by an actual malware analysis professional
[09:40:42] <arti> send it to kaspersky?
[09:40:53] <arti> or the other av vendors?
[09:41:15] <poutine> How did you come across this malware?
[09:41:33] * arti crosses fingers for a torrent site
[09:41:54] <swiss> poutine: i can't really say
[09:42:23] <poutine> has your organization been compromised?
[09:42:28] <swiss> no
[09:42:29] <arti> rename it keygen.exe and share it!
[09:42:48] <swiss> poutine: no compromise for me, firewalls are better than that
[09:43:05] <swiss> arti: >taking it out of the malware lab
[09:43:08] <swiss> lol
[09:43:55] <swiss> and already submitted it to multiple AV vendors
[09:44:18] <swiss> and I already found ways to identify it long before it has any compromise, and FireEye catches it
[09:45:36] <Popeidol> the guys at SANS are often interested in breaking down some new malware and figuring out what it does
[09:46:20] <swiss> i think it's there too. I'm not the only one investigating this, I just whacked at it for 2 hours today
[09:46:23] <Mattiep> anyone interested in a MUD? mud.soylentnews.org port 9000
[09:47:19] <swiss> tomorrow I'm going to be doing a hardware analysis bit on it. We'll see how it goes.
[09:48:02] <Popeidol> I'd be interested to hear how it goes
[09:49:23] <swiss> I'll see if I can write up an actual report at the end of this
[09:49:30] <swiss> and publish it on Soylent
[09:50:18] <crutchy> omfg poutine!
[09:50:41] <crutchy> the legend is real!
[09:52:23] <crutchy> what do i use to access the mud mattie_p?
[09:52:29] <crutchy> browser or irc
[09:52:36] <Mattiep> umm, telnet?
[09:52:39] <Mattiep> :)
[09:52:53] <Mattiep> there are some dedicated clients that work for it
[09:53:03] -!- crutchy_ [crutchy_!~crutchy@724-640-25-593.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[09:53:34] <Mattiep> mudlet is recommended, but there is a bug in that which might cause issues
[09:53:44] <Mattiep> there is a fix you can apply yourself
[09:55:15] -!- crutchy_ has quit [Client Quit]
[09:57:25] <crutchy> i connected to it in xchat, but not sure what to do
[09:57:40] <crutchy> actuallu i have nfi what i'm doing :-D
[09:57:58] <crutchy> ooh telnet
[09:57:59] MrBluze is now known as MrBluze|afk
[09:58:14] <crutchy> getting muddy in the raw are we :-P
[09:58:49] <crutchy> bash: telnet: command not found
[09:59:06] <Mattiep> yeah, I have no idea how to connect via xchat or anything like that. This is a game designed for telnet, and we're backwards compatible to telnet
[09:59:53] <crutchy> # apt-get install telnet
[10:01:51] <swiss> use nc
[10:02:30] <crutchy> lol "Entrance to Mud School"
[10:04:41] <Mattiep> yup
[10:04:48] <Mattiep> I knew you would need it, crutchy!
[10:06:19] MrBluze|afk is now known as MrBluze
[10:15:29] -!- keplr has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[10:23:57] -!- TME520 [TME520!~TME520@46.218.zuj.gm] has joined #Soylent
[10:24:15] <TME520> Good morning !
[10:24:23] * TME520 uses Universal Greeting Time
[10:25:56] -!- Vokbain [Vokbain!~Vokbain@108.181.khz.xqg] has joined #Soylent
[10:29:19] <NCommander> Mattiep, perhaps we should run an article on it
[10:30:41] <Mattiep> on the MUD? we can do that
[10:35:55] <Mattiep> later swiss
[10:36:00] <swiss> Mattiep: night
[10:36:03] <swiss> seems like fun
[10:40:25] -!- Brylarke [Brylarke!~Brylarke@73-51-404-28.dsl.zen.co.uk] has joined #Soylent
[10:44:51] -!- keplr [keplr!~Julian@66-48-811-374.dhcp.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[10:50:08] -!- keplr has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[11:02:40] MrBluze is now known as MrBluze|afk
[11:09:32] <NCommander> Mattiep, hrm, we're getting a lot of good feedback on the moderate^post discussion
[11:10:09] <crutchy> there's a moderate^post discussion?
[11:10:12] <Mattiep> let me check it out
[11:10:25] <Mattiep> crutchy yeah, its on soylentnews :)
[11:11:42] * NCommander notes this comment is sticking with me: https://soylentnews.org
[11:11:45] <swiss> http://qz.com
[11:11:52] <swiss> all my lul
[11:14:13] <crutchy> ncommander: let them have their tartar sauce
[11:14:36] <crutchy> we have bacon!
[11:25:29] <Mattiep> alright, its 3:30am so its time for bed
[11:30:53] -!- willyg_cos [willyg_cos!~joeuser@06-377-63-214.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #Soylent
[11:31:34] <crutchy> night mattiep
[11:31:49] <crutchy> thanks for the mud!
[11:34:01] <crutchy> is there a listing of slash template variables?
[11:39:37] -!- Ant [Ant!~Brylarke@73-51-404-28.dsl.zen.co.uk] has joined #Soylent
[11:42:17] -!- Brylarke has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[11:48:55] MrBluze|afk is now known as MrBluze
[11:49:28] <MrBluze> let the kurds have their way
[12:00:33] <MileyCyrus> [SoylentNews] - Supreme Court Watching Patent Trolls. - http://sylnt.us - troll-lol-lo-lio
[12:04:20] -!- willyg_cos has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[12:05:36] <xlefay> Good mornin' (ugt, naturally!)
[12:17:50] <crutchy> hi xlefay
[12:20:47] <MileyCyrus> [SoylentNews] - Supreme Court Watching Patent Trolls - http://sylnt.us - troll-lol-lo-lio
[12:46:18] <hka> xlefay: is it possible to wget the logs at logs.sylnt.us in some plain format?
[12:46:29] -!- keplr [keplr!~Julian@66-48-811-374.dhcp.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[12:46:46] <xlefay> not right now, you mean for the idlerpg stuff?
[12:46:58] <hka> yeah
[12:47:09] <xlefay> sec let me give you a file I saw yesterday
[12:47:59] <xlefay> http://logs.sylnt.us
[12:49:40] <xlefay> that be of any help?
[12:50:53] -!- keplr has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[12:51:12] <hka> does that contain everything? otherwise I'll wget logs.sylnt.us/%23irpg/ and strip the html stuff
[12:51:50] <xlefay> Fairly sure that isn't everything
[12:52:34] <hka> I'll manually grab some of the logs then and work with when trying to get it to work
[12:54:08] <xlefay> believe there was a sed one-liner to strip out the html *looks*
[12:54:38] <crutchy> i had a bit of trouble with that hka
[12:54:43] <crutchy> but i prolly just fked up
[12:55:08] <xlefay> curl "http://logs.sylnt.us/%23soylent/2014-03-[05-16].html" 2>/dev/null | grep -i Khyber | sed 's/.*<\(.*\)>\(.*\)/\1:\2/'
[12:55:21] <xlefay> We've got fatphil to thank for that one, incidentally, we also have khyber to thank for it
[12:57:16] <crutchy> if you wanna pilfer some work that i started hka, have a squiz @ https://github.com
[12:57:38] <xlefay> holy shit
[12:57:39] <xlefay> :o
[12:57:55] <xlefay> crutchy++ you really do love doing everything yourself eh? :P
[12:57:55] <MileyCyrus> karma - crutchy: 40
[12:58:45] <crutchy> the way i parse things is pretty agricultural though
[12:58:55] <xlefay> I was referring to wget() :P
[13:00:11] <crutchy> i try to avoid the exec functions
[13:00:46] <xlefay> such as file_get_contents?
[13:01:05] <xlefay> (which isn't an exec btw)
[13:01:16] <crutchy> http://www.php.net
[13:01:27] <xlefay> I know, I've used exec enough :P
[13:01:31] <xlefay> not for web shit tho
[13:01:32] <crutchy> :-P
[13:01:44] <xlefay> LOL @ php.net
[13:01:47] <xlefay> That logo!
[13:02:18] <xlefay> woa
[13:02:19] <MileyCyrus> [SoylentNews] - OK Cupid Protests Aginst Mozilla CEO - http://sylnt.us - i-guess-they'll-unfriend-mozilla
[13:02:30] <crutchy> shit i had to open it in a new window just to read what it said
[13:02:39] <crutchy> wtf is php/fi?
[13:02:41] <xlefay> Did you click on the logo?
[13:02:47] <xlefay> That's the original PHP rofl
[13:03:50] <crutchy> april 1st almost over here
[13:04:12] <xlefay> 13:00 here, I can still enjoy it for quite a bit!
[13:05:55] <hka> bah, my code is ugly as hell. University has destroyed me, only working in MATLAB and Mathematica makes one forget how to write proper code.
[13:06:13] <crutchy> how do i code xlefay?
[13:06:40] <crutchy> "i just make shit up as i go along" :-P
[13:07:04] <hka> I'm making a tangled mess^^
[13:07:17] <hka> and doing text parsing in c++
[13:07:21] <xlefay> crutchy, I like it, it's like artistic freedom ;)
[13:07:44] <xlefay> Instead of doing the conventional, you do something else ;)
[13:08:01] <xlefay> In this case, instead of file_get_content you decide to fsockopen and suck that content straight!
[13:08:04] <crutchy> lol @ "something else"
[13:08:18] <xlefay> It's well intended :p
[13:08:28] <crutchy> ahh now i get the get_file_content thing
[13:08:38] <crutchy> i think i disabled that in php.ini
[13:08:42] <xlefay> s/wget/file_get_content/ and you would've been done :P
[13:09:08] <xlefay> think that would also have blocked fsockopen no?
[13:09:23] <crutchy> nah i can't remember
[13:09:35] <crutchy> something to do with no file urls or some crap
[13:09:38] <xlefay> important thing is, it works!
[13:10:35] <crutchy> yeah but for some reason it doesn't get the "select a date" pages
[13:10:47] <crutchy> even though the uri that gets extracted looks ok
[13:10:54] <xlefay> Probably because the '#', are you doing urlencode first before hitting it?
[13:11:04] <crutchy> i think that's when i got bored and saw another pony
[13:11:10] <xlefay> !grab crisp
[13:11:10] <MileyCyrus> Added quote 76
[13:11:12] <xlefay> !grab crutchy
[13:11:12] <MileyCyrus> Added quote 77
[13:11:13] <xlefay> oops
[13:11:19] <crutchy> nah the # has gotta be escaped
[13:11:28] <xlefay> Don't know what you said crisp, but it better be funny!
[13:11:43] <crutchy> well i dunno if it has to be but it is in firefox
[13:12:26] <crutchy> i guess when/if i get back to it i can try without escaping cos i don't think i tried that
[13:12:49] <xlefay> I should probably remove those '#' from the log pages anyway
[13:12:53] <stdhell> xlefay: You should be careful with using that sed command to strip HTML. It doesn't always do the right thing...
[13:13:03] <crutchy> allow_url_fopen = Off << in my php
[13:13:05] <crutchy> .ini
[13:13:50] <xlefay> stdhell, when someone writes <p>lala</p> on IRC for instance?
[13:13:59] <stdhell> Yes.
[13:14:16] <stdhell> lynx -dump might be useful.
[13:14:52] <xlefay> Thanks :)
[13:14:56] <crutchy> real men recursively parse it manually... with rocks
[13:15:37] <xlefay> Personally, with PHP, I'd just use xpath, much simpler
[13:16:00] <xlefay> but lynx -dump might just be better, no need for php overkill :P
[13:16:44] <crutchy> hey mrbluze :-)
[13:16:52] <MrBluze> hey mate
[13:23:48] * hka need to learn some regexp
[13:25:28] * stdhell learns hka everything about .
[13:30:40] <stdhell> Kids today... No "thank you" or anything... :-(
[13:33:36] <hka> Sorry, was busy writing bad code
[13:33:46] <stdhell> :-)
[13:34:04] <hka> but didn't really feel any surge of knowledge:/
[13:34:25] <stdhell> Wh-wh-what?!
[13:35:05] <stdhell> Oh, wait, I only teached you about ., not .* or .+ My fault...
[13:39:14] <hka> god damnit, I'll just delete everything outputed by idlerpg, it doesn't have the same format as NerdRPG
[13:51:26] <MrBluze> i will bback later
[13:51:37] <MrBluze> happy fools day :) cheers ppl
[13:52:12] MrBluze is now known as MrBluze|afk
[13:53:14] <hka> It looks like between 13 mars and 30 mars xlefay gained most from combat (452208 seconds) and stderr lost most (48531 seconds) in irpg^^
[13:53:41] <xlefay> Really and here I thought I was losing the most
[13:54:19] <xlefay> Wonder if that's related to our alignments
[13:55:31] <hka> Is is also possible my code is doing silly stuff:P
[13:55:38] <xlefay> ha
[13:56:22] -!- SN [SN!SN@services.] has joined #Soylent
[13:56:22] -!- mode/#Soylent [+o SN] by services.
[13:57:34] <stdhell> xlefay: I wouldn't be surprised if it's true. I'm at spot 3 now. Spot 1 is about a week or more ahead of me.
[13:58:05] <xlefay> I lost spot 1 and I'm currently 4 :-/ so I wouldn't be surprised either
[13:58:36] <xlefay> if I lost a lot at some point, that got my set back a bit, and now it's a constant struggle to remain in the top 5 :<
[13:58:47] <xlefay> s/if //
[13:58:47] <SedBot> <xlefay> I lost a lot at some point, that got my set back a bit, and now it's a constant struggle to remain in the top 5 :<
[14:00:16] <hka> on the same note, I think nerdrpg.xlefay.nl has stopped refreshing
[14:00:57] <xlefay> Probably
[14:01:04] <MileyCyrus> [SoylentNews] - We've Killed IPv4! - http://sylnt.us - there-was-much-rejoicing
[14:07:20] -!- keplr [keplr!~Julian@66-48-811-374.dhcp.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
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[14:15:26] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v bytram|away] by SN
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[15:01:50] <MileyCyrus> [SoylentNews] - NSA and RSA - Claims of More Evidence - http://sylnt.us - bigger-can-of-worms-than-first-thought
[15:13:36] -!- TK [TK!~9ff52002@159.245.ju.y] has joined #Soylent
[15:16:58] -!- crutchy has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
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[15:39:43] MileyCyrus is now known as NotMileyCyrus
[15:49:43] -!- so-lent-nus [so-lent-nus!~user@56-92-522-495-my413.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #Soylent
[15:51:58] -!- Cyprus [Cyprus!~Cyprus@68.63.ljr.ppx] has joined #Soylent
[15:53:12] -!- keplr [keplr!~Julian@66-48-811-374.dhcp.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[15:53:41] <TK> Yay, the titles of articles are now hyperlinks to the comments!
[15:53:48] <TK> You've fixed my biggest pet peeve
[15:55:08] <weeds_> TK: I never noticed - I just clicked the "Read More" button. It's a nice addition.
[15:55:14] <so-lent-nus> yeah!
[15:55:38] <xlefay> paulej72++ :)
[15:55:38] <NotMileyCyrus> karma - paulej72: 14
[15:57:38] <so-lent-nus> so... is the "Read More..." link any need for anymore? instead just it could be the "4 comments" there? (ideally not only the 4 be the link)
[15:57:56] <paulej72> TK that got added to the code Sunday. It was one of my last additions before we wen live. I had been on my todo list, but I had forgotten about it. Ncommander made a comment on the issue, which reminded me that it should be an easy fix, so I did it.
[15:58:58] <paulej72> so-lent-nus: That read more button has been there so long that removing it would cause more issues than the title not linking to the story
[16:00:34] <NotMileyCyrus> [SoylentNews] - Bacon Bloc Respond: Site To Be Renamed BaconNews! - http://sylnt.us - slowly-regaining-control-the-bacon-doesn't-read-taglines
[16:00:42] <so-lent-nus> yeah perhaps :-)
[16:00:46] <xlefay> And ## has spoken!
[16:01:31] <kristian> maybe the read more button could be at least renamed? it always confused me that it's usually just a link to the comments, and you've actually read the complete summary already
[16:03:16] <so-lent-nus> is it only me that thinks the news summaries could be a bit shorter btw? The latest one fills the whole screen... I think the second should at least be visible before scrolling down right?
[16:03:34] * xlefay advises people to ctrl+f5 baconnews
[16:03:47] <so-lent-nus> ctrl-F5?
[16:04:06] <xlefay> refreshes your local cache
[16:04:09] <so-lent-nus> oh
[16:05:24] <TK> I haven't submitted any bugs myself, I've just been seething in the corner by myself
[16:05:30] <TK> Thanks for reading my mind
[16:06:05] <NCommander> BaconNews is made of BACON! (and is supported by muffins)
[16:06:08] <NCommander> My work here is done
[16:06:59] <TK> I don't know about you guys, but I usually don't keep muffins in the fridge
[16:07:23] <so-lent-nus> Can we trust news today btw? it is 1 April after all :-D
[16:07:24] <SirFinku_> about time the logo was changed to something more porcine
[16:08:00] <so-lent-nus> what is baconnews?
[16:09:10] <xlefay> BaconNews ... is people!
[16:09:18] <xlefay> err, wait.. that sounded somewhat cannabalistic
[16:09:59] <so-lent-nus> om nom nom
[16:11:28] * so-lent-nus turns on image loading in his web browser so he can see the nice new logo
[16:11:28] SirFinku_ is now known as SirFinkus
[16:11:29] <TK> Why else have humans been getting fatter?
[16:11:36] <TK> Clearly this is the reason
[16:14:16] -!- dx3bydt3 [dx3bydt3!~dx3bydt3@142.177.knz.ujt] has joined #Soylent
[16:17:10] <xlefay> "BaconNews is powered by your submissions, so send in your scoop. Only 16 submissions in the queue."
[16:17:33] <xlefay> ^ awesome
[16:18:27] -!- Blackmoore [Blackmoore!~4028ef96@64.40.xqg.gvs] has joined #Soylent
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[16:20:57] <Blackmoore> sup?
[16:21:26] <xlefay> bacon
[16:21:27] <Blackmoore> bacon ++
[16:21:29] <xlefay> you?
[16:21:47] <Blackmoore> another day at the grind.
[16:22:07] <xlefay> a general Tuesday then
[16:22:51] <Blackmoore> yeah, and other than april fools jokes it will be tough to find stuff to put in the queue
[16:23:49] <xlefay> I suppose that's true
[16:24:39] <Blackmoore> even wikipedia has jokes on the main page
[16:25:00] * xlefay goes to check
[16:27:27] -!- janrinok [janrinok!~janrinok@Soylent/Staff/Editor/janrinok] has joined #Soylent
[16:27:27] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v janrinok] by SN
[16:27:51] <xlefay> janrinok, is it really you?
[16:28:24] <janrinok> I think it is - I'm not sure what to do with the two people tied up in my garden.....
[16:28:28] <xlefay> Welcome to team bacon!
[16:28:49] <xlefay> Give them bacon and they'll be on your side, I'm sure of it
[16:28:50] <janrinok> Thx, I (think) I'm proud to be a member
[16:29:14] <janrinok> You mean I have to take the gags of them and feed them?
[16:29:58] <janrinok> That was an option I hadn't considered...
[16:30:04] <xlefay> Well, I'm sure there's someway to inject it straight into their blood stream
[16:30:23] <xlefay> Might turn them a bit crazy though
[16:31:04] <janrinok> Ah, that complicates matters - I'll probably leave them there for another day while I think about it some more ;)
[16:31:42] <xlefay> can't hurt, just to be on the safe side, of course, you should probably at least give them some bacon juice
[16:32:04] <janrinok> lol
[16:32:13] <janrinok> bacon juice - you mean blood?
[16:32:16] * Ingar milks his flying pig
[16:32:33] <xlefay> janrinok, I've heard it both ways
[16:32:50] <janrinok> I can't think that they'll thank me much for that!
[16:33:09] <janrinok> Still, they do belong to 'them', so perhaps it's fitting.
[16:33:39] <xlefay> Indeed, least they can't complain they weren't given something to drink!
[16:34:19] <janrinok> rofl - just reading the front page!
[16:34:38] <xlefay> did you see the new logo? If not, ctrl+f5!
[16:36:03] <janrinok> yep!
[16:36:44] <Blackmoore> mm.. liquified bacon, just hook them up to an IV feed.
[16:37:10] <janrinok> Blackmoore: good a'noon to you, guv'nor
[16:37:12] <xlefay> !grab Blackmoore
[16:37:12] <NotMileyCyrus> Added quote 78
[16:37:31] <Blackmoore> I think you'll have to just throw some coffee and bacon in a blender.
[16:37:35] <xlefay> janrinok, that's not a bad idea actually but that would make them somewhat happy, wouldn't it?
[16:38:02] <Blackmoore> quote 78?
[16:39:43] <xlefay> !quote bacon
[16:39:43] <NotMileyCyrus> Quote 18 - <FatPhil> I just tried to set via ssh my g/f's desktop image to that bacon in order to taunt her, but by command didn't work, and I ended up with it as my background image instead
[16:39:47] <xlefay> rofl
[16:39:47] <NotMileyCyrus> Also in quotes: 40, 51, 67, 78
[16:40:14] * xlefay reckons today will be bacon (quote) day
[16:43:02] <Blackmoore> Quote 78
[16:43:17] <Blackmoore> eh. someday I'll get this :P
[16:44:13] <xlefay> !quote 78
[16:44:13] <NotMileyCyrus> Quote 78 - <Blackmoore> mm.. liquified bacon, just hook them up to an IV feed.
[16:44:13] <xlefay> :)
[16:44:25] <Blackmoore> lol
[16:48:23] <Blackmoore> well now im infamous.. :P
[16:50:19] <Cyprus> a) i think they just call that fat, and b) it ruins it you get no flavor from an iv =/
[16:50:34] <xlefay> details...
[16:50:52] <Cyprus> now Bacon Bowls(tm) on the other hand...
[16:51:03] <Blackmoore> well, it was intended for the cople of victims janrinnok has
[16:51:09] <xlefay> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[16:51:16] <Blackmoore> having ballgags and all
[16:51:19] <xlefay> Blackmoore, s/victims/intruders/
[16:51:20] <xlefay> dammit
[16:51:41] <Blackmoore> victims/ intruders/ doplegangers
[16:51:58] <Blackmoore> redshirts..
[16:52:04] <xlefay> high heels
[16:52:10] <xlefay> oh wait, wrong conversation
[16:52:32] <Blackmoore> well i think the heels work really well with the uniform
[16:52:54] <janrinok> Blackmoore: Who told you I was making them wear ballgags. I hadn't mentioned that to anyone, er, well if I had made them wear ballgags, I wouldn't have told anyone. Anyway, they said they liked it - well, would have done if they hadn't been wearing ballgags, oh shit
[16:52:58] <xlefay> This is true, of course.
[16:53:15] <xlefay> !grab janrinok
[16:53:15] <NotMileyCyrus> Added quote 79
[16:53:33] * xlefay can't wait to take that one out of context... ;)
[16:53:38] <janrinok> 1rofl
[16:55:33] <Blackmoore> lol
[16:56:00] <Blackmoore> ok.. I just got an april fool AD from New egg. ?!?!
[16:56:15] <xlefay> Did it contain bacon? If not, disregard
[16:56:44] <Blackmoore> well it contains electronic eggs. so it is a side dish to the bacon
[16:57:05] <xlefay> Close enough!
[17:01:20] <NotMileyCyrus> [SoylentNews] - Raspberry PI and The Power of a Bounty - http://sylnt.us - now-fragging-folks-for-$25-dollars
[17:08:21] <Blackmoore> if you hvent seen this go to http://hackaday.com
[17:08:56] <Blackmoore> nice site april fool
[17:09:12] <Blackmoore> makes my inner hacker happy
[17:11:30] -!- keplr [keplr!~Julian@60-263-5-660.dhcp.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[17:17:47] <so-lent-nus> :)
[17:18:40] <Mattiep> shouldn't that be so-lent-gnus?
[17:20:58] <so-lent-nus> hahaha
[17:21:54] <so-lent-nus> we should remember the place SoylentGnews
[17:22:54] <so-lent-nus> *rename
[17:23:42] <so-lent-nus> but anyway. oh well. I should go out and taste the sun for a while. happy 1 april to all
[17:23:57] <Mattiep> happy 1 april to you
[17:24:03] <weeds_> SoyLentGnus?
[17:26:01] <Blackmoore> who will welcome the new bovine overlords?
[17:26:33] <janrinok> Oh no! This could start a Gnome/KDE/whatever war!
[17:27:26] <janrinok> so we move from pigs to gnus....
[17:28:22] <Blackmoore> Damn. i wanted the coffee to take over.
[17:28:45] <weeds_> Post on the Pi story: "Are the staff hungry? First muffins, then bacon, donuts and now Raspberry Pi! Do you need something to snack on, or is the corn muffin torturing you?"
[17:29:15] <janrinok> must go - time for my evening meal ! lol
[17:29:25] janrinok is now known as janrinok|afk
[17:37:20] <xlefay> janrinok|afk, no eating the prisoners!
[17:38:04] <Blackmoore> I'm sure he has to at least get the right wine for that.
[17:39:26] <xlefay> You're right, they're probably fine for the moment
[17:45:48] -!- Brylarke has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[18:02:06] <NotMileyCyrus> [SoylentNews] - Raspberry Pi and The Power of a Bounty - http://sylnt.us - now-fragging-folks-for-$25-dollars || Impartiality Concerns With "Illegal" Website Database - http://sylnt.us - bobby-tables-new-torrent-site
[18:06:58] <Blackmoore> I'm really liking the update to Soylent.
[18:10:47] -!- Tachyon has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[18:12:15] <kobach> WHAT HAVE I DONE
[18:12:17] <kobach> LOL
[18:13:07] -!- Tachyon [Tachyon!~Tachyon@hollhb.kolej.mff.cuni.cz] has joined #Soylent
[18:18:52] <Blackmoore> @kobach - i don't know, why did you do?
[18:19:27] <kobach> habit
[18:20:20] <NotMileyCyrus> [SoylentNews] - Linux 3.14 Kernel Update - http://sylnt.us - colonel-update-with-major-improvements
[18:20:30] <kobach> lol
[18:20:41] <kobach> perfect day to release the PI kernel
[18:28:17] <Blackmoore> because pi = 4
[18:30:23] <so-lent-nus> I think some goverment at some time decided that it was exactly 3.1 in that country... (or was it 3.2?)
[18:30:53] <so-lent-nus> anyway, math is hard ftw!
[18:35:51] <Blackmoore> I think the fundamentalists have tryied to point out the bible says the pi = 3.
[18:36:15] <Blackmoore> and I'm sure some goverment put a specific value on it.
[18:36:37] <Blackmoore> i'm all for 22/7
[18:37:37] <kobach> that was the state of kentucky i do believe
[18:37:50] <kobach> the state with the creation museum
[18:37:56] <kobach> very bright people there
[18:38:48] <Mattiep> I don't think the fundamentalists proved that, but if you do the math on the basin or something it works out to 3 if you follow the literal interpretation of the Bible
[18:41:35] <Blackmoore> hmph, as far as i could tell the fundamentalists proved that they dont belive in decimals.
[18:45:03] <Mattiep> well, that might be true as well
[18:45:11] <Mattiep> they use cubit fractions
[18:48:38] <so-lent-nus> can't we have octimals instead?
[18:49:19] <kobach> yes
[18:49:22] <Blackmoore> I'll stick to base 60 thank you
[18:50:28] <NCommander> wow
[18:50:30] <NCommander> http://linuxcounter.net
[18:50:35] <NCommander> That's incriebly annoying
[18:51:17] <dentonj> lol
[18:51:25] <dentonj> can't read backwards?
[18:52:08] -!- SirFinku_ [SirFinku_!~textual@l-64-313-06-125.hsd0.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[18:52:51] <Blackmoore> well then..
[18:53:04] <poutine> l
[18:53:09] <Blackmoore> tiger is selling a home powewr unit/
[18:53:09] <Blackmoore> http://www.tigerdirect.com
[18:53:36] <Blackmoore> and caapult delivery service
[18:55:35] -!- SirFinkus has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[18:55:41] SirFinku_ is now known as SirFinkus
[18:59:51] <so-lent-nus> pimals would be nice... where all fractions is parts of pi... "3.14" in that system would mean 3 +1/pi +4/pi/pi
[18:59:53] <kobach> https://xkcd.com
[19:00:50] <NotMileyCyrus> [SoylentNews] - Introducing The Nagger - http://sylnt.us - this-feature-maybe-a-nag
[19:01:43] -!- Tachyon has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[19:02:03] -!- Tachyon [Tachyon!Tachyon@hollhb.kolej.mff.cuni.cz] has joined #Soylent
[19:05:47] <janrinok|afk> Lez22740!
[19:07:14] janrinok|afk is now known as janrinok
[19:08:45] <janrinok> Oh, now I've repaired his computer, he'll have to change his pw. Danm - 2 days running.
[19:08:52] <janrinok> damn*
[19:09:13] <kobach> lol
[19:09:19] <kobach> thats twice
[19:09:48] <janrinok> yep - I'm wondering whether to tell him or just keep quiet....
[19:14:00] <janrinok> best tell him I suppose - after all, I know it.
[19:14:12] <janrinok> ... and a few thousand close friends now.
[19:17:52] <kobach> lol
[19:19:20] <kobach> wtf
[19:19:28] <kobach> lol
[19:22:32] -!- mth has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[19:23:01] -!- Brylarke has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[19:24:14] <kobach> halp, whos got modpoints
[19:24:26] <kobach> i need modded up
[19:25:27] <SirFinkus> link, I'll consider it
[19:25:48] <SirFinkus> oh wait, they expired
[19:27:06] -!- mth [mth!suaedgkq@wfkm-731-914-221-403.chello.nl] has joined #Soylent
[19:27:15] <kobach> lol
[19:29:52] <weeds_> kobach: What are you paying?
[19:31:32] <kobach> rofl
[19:31:40] <kobach> ill give you a slice of bacon for every modpoint
[19:33:56] <kobach> http://soylentnews.org
[19:33:58] <kobach> mod me up
[19:34:10] <kobach> i have bad karma for saying hi to poutine in the comments
[19:36:38] <kobach> btw poutine in case you didnt notice, you lost the irc discussion :p
[19:36:40] <dentonj> hmm, bacon
[19:40:04] <weeds_> Sorry, I have comments on that story!
[19:42:50] <Blackmoore> there you go kobach
[19:43:49] <Blackmoore> hey.. the nagger disapeared.
[19:44:20] <xlefay> 20 submissions = no nagger then ;)
[19:44:36] <Blackmoore> AH!
[19:45:23] <Blackmoore> well I like the nagger.
[19:47:05] <paulej72> Blackmoore: I plan to add the “this page was generated by” message to the place where the nagger is when the nagger is not needed.
[19:47:38] * xlefay was rather glad it was gone tbh
[19:48:12] <xlefay> (the "this page was generated by" stuff, that is)
[19:48:56] <paulej72> I think it will look ok in the new spot not so jarring in the header as it will not mess with the flow of the other elements on the page.
[19:54:23] -!- mth has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[19:55:53] <weeds_> Blackmoore: Informative?
[19:57:30] -!- soyforlent has quit [Changing host]
[19:57:30] -!- soyforlent [soyforlent!~soyforlen@s/me/you/gi] has joined #Soylent
[19:58:43] <Blackmoore> @ weeds *shug* i had to pick something.
[19:59:18] <Blackmoore> @paul yes; i like that idea - should blend right in
[19:59:25] <weeds_> Blackmoore: I suppose - maybe some options there might be a good addition
[20:00:14] <Blackmoore> "insipid" "Obscure" "ill-informed" ?
[20:00:23] weeds_ is now known as weeds|conf_call
[20:00:56] <Blackmoore> "Obtuse" "On-topic, but too damn late"
[20:01:36] -!- xlefay [xlefay!~xlefay@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/xlefay] has parted #Soylent
[20:01:37] <NotMileyCyrus> [SoylentNews] - NSA Wiretapped 122 World Leaders - http://sylnt.us - wonder-how-long-until-the-staff-gets-wiretapped
[20:05:07] <Blackmoore> why yes, I am looking for more stories to throw into submissions :P
[20:05:47] * dentonj looks over at fark.com
[20:05:59] <Blackmoore> yeah fark .. 2004..
[20:07:30] -!- mth [mth!agogxybd@wfkm-731-914-221-403.chello.nl] has joined #Soylent
[20:08:08] <Blackmoore> http://aprilfoolsdayontheweb.com
[20:08:22] <Blackmoore> not submitting this as a story.
[20:15:23] -!- SoyBull3320 has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[20:35:56] Cyprus is now known as Cyprus|datacenter
[20:55:08] -!- SoyCow3384 [SoyCow3384!~4160b8ac@h-98-74-412-905.hsd9.nh.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[20:55:29] -!- SoyCow3384 has quit [Client Quit]
[20:56:39] -!- SoyCow3384 [SoyCow3384!~4160b8ac@h-98-74-412-905.hsd9.nh.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[20:58:05] -!- keplr has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[20:59:14] -!- mike802 [mike802!~IceChat77@h-98-74-412-905.hsd9.nh.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
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[21:00:21] <NotMileyCyrus> [SoylentNews] - Microsoft Changes Policy on Email Inception - http://sylnt.us - we-won't-look-we'll-get-law-enforcement-to-do-that
[21:06:34] -!- keplr [keplr!~Julian@60-263-5-660.dhcp.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[21:07:21] -!- Anon3 [Anon3!~Anon3___@109.246.qxm.tzl] has joined #Soylent
[21:11:25] <kobach> sup keplr
[21:11:27] <kobach> how goes it
[21:21:41] <Blackmoore> i feel like i spammed the site *hangs head in shame*
[21:21:44] <keplr> Tired of .1 April jokes
[21:21:49] <Blackmoore> so many submissinons
[21:22:22] <keplr> This Internet tradition always gets annoying by lunch time.
[21:23:48] <kobach> agreed
[21:24:22] <Blackmoore> I must be exception. i actually like april fools
[21:24:46] <kobach> i dont mind it for a couple hours
[21:25:08] <Blackmoore> i have been disapointed so far. but then I cant watch any of the video stuff at work
[21:25:20] <kobach> lol
[21:27:03] <janrinok> Well it's evening here and I've had more than enough of it - in the UK it only lasts until lunchtime! Fortunately the French don't even seem to be aware of it....
[21:27:56] <Blackmoore> @NC -- you mentioned Vegamite yesterday? twitter.com/Vegemite
[21:29:40] <keplr> I got an April fools e-mail, "MS extends Windows XP support for another year"
[21:29:51] -!- mrcoolbp [mrcoolbp!~mrcoolbp@Soylent/Staff/mrcoolbp] has joined #Soylent
[21:29:51] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mrcoolbp] by SN
[21:29:57] <kobach> hi mrcoolbp
[21:30:11] <kobach> janrinok: nice
[21:31:11] <janrinok> as I go through the sub list I'm finding more and more worthless articles.
[21:31:32] <janrinok> ..but that's just me being grumpy.
[21:31:47] <mrcoolbp> sup kobach
[21:36:10] <Blackmoore> @janrinok it's been a lousy day fro real news
[21:36:52] <Blackmoore> i was hoping to find somethign nifty on Science Daily but nothign there either
[21:37:10] <Blackmoore> unless we want to talk climate change.
[21:37:14] <Blackmoore> ;/
[21:41:05] <arti> man this shitstorm at mozilla is entertaining
[21:41:28] <arti> greetings
[21:42:13] <kobach> not much
[21:42:33] <keplr> Big deal over nothing
[21:42:53] <kobach> whtas happening at mozilla?
[21:43:10] <keplr> There's a story on SN about it
[21:43:19] <kobach> i saw it but completely forgot what it was about
[21:44:14] <keplr> Go to okcupid.com in Firefo
[21:44:17] <keplr> *Firefox
[21:44:21] <kobach> oooooooooooh right that
[21:44:38] <kobach> yes i remember now
[21:45:00] <keplr> Yesterday they had Internet Explorer written as "Internet Exploder"
[21:45:08] <kobach> loool
[21:45:46] <keplr> http://www.nationaljournal.com
[21:46:19] <TK> I'm sure that typo was intentional
[21:46:48] <TK> Not a case of press sensationalism
[21:47:41] <TK> Don't tell me you wouldn't use a browser with "explode" in the name
[21:48:08] * mrcoolbp lies: "I don't"
[21:52:14] <weeds|conf_call> janrinok: More submissions --> more dreck
[21:52:43] -!- Teckla [Teckla!~42ac21e4@gydirmt.rm-f.net] has joined #Soylent
[21:53:56] <janrinok> weeds: conference call where and when?
[21:54:15] <weeds|conf_call> Oh, I was on one :)
[21:54:28] <weeds|conf_call> I need to figure out how to switch it back
[21:54:43] weeds|conf_call is now known as weeds_
[21:54:50] <weeds_> there
[21:55:33] <weeds_> So is Internet Exploder kind of like "Inception" (Inspection)?
[21:55:52] <kobach> i forgot what inception was about
[21:56:06] <kobach> wasnt it like that movie the thirteenth floor
[21:58:04] <weeds_> It was about reading/setting minds as I recall - a dream inside a dream inside a dream
[22:01:07] <NotMileyCyrus> [SoylentNews] - BaconNews: Now With Working SSL - http://sylnt.us - that-was-a-bitch-to-get-working
[22:01:07] <kobach> ahh yes i remember now
[22:01:13] <kobach> OMG
[22:01:15] <kobach> ITS WORKING
[22:01:24] <kobach> ill have to see it to believe it
[22:01:28] <kobach> because it wasntan hour ago
[22:02:38] <mrcoolbp> this story got rejected but I was amused anyway: http://techcrunch.com
[22:03:07] <mrcoolbp> possible Back to the Future 4???
[22:03:54] <kobach> nope
[22:03:56] <stderr> Debian Porject elects new leader: http://bits.debian.org
[22:03:58] <kobach> still missing stories
[22:04:06] <kobach> but it stays logged in :D
[22:04:14] <kobach> hi stderr
[22:04:25] <stderr> Hi.
[22:07:08] <kobach> how u
[22:07:44] <arti> kobah: http://arstechnica.com
[22:07:51] <arti> http://arstechnica.com
[22:08:00] NotMileyCyrus is now known as SlimShady
[22:08:14] <arti> http://arstechnica.com
[22:08:25] <kobach> oh my
[22:08:57] <arti> imagine how much software you wouldn't be able to use if you took developer political opinions into account
[22:09:40] <kobach> lol
[22:09:42] <kobach> much less bacon opinions
[22:10:44] <arti> I refuse to use this software because they eat meat
[22:10:48] * arti shakes fist
[22:12:16] <kobach> lol
[22:12:18] <kobach> apes
[22:12:23] <kobach> bunch of shitapes
[22:12:26] <Teckla> I am not sure comparing equal rights to vegetarians is a very good analogy
[22:12:38] -!- mrcoolbp has quit []
[22:12:40] <TK> A strict feminist would only use software written in COBOL
[22:12:48] <kobach> rofl
[22:12:49] <arti> teckla, its politics
[22:13:03] <kobach> we werent comparing
[22:13:06] <kobach> we changed the subject
[22:13:15] <SirFinkus> as far as the mozilla thing goes, I wouldn't at all be shocked if something else was behind it
[22:13:27] <SirFinkus> and the prop 8 thing is just a way to start up the internet hate machine
[22:13:32] <kobach> lol
[22:13:47] <arti> righteous indignation reigns
[22:13:53] <arti> BELIEVE AS I DO OR DIE!
[22:14:05] <Teckla> arti: Would you say the same thing if slavery were still legal and the CEO of an organization donated money to keep it legal?
[22:14:07] * arti tosses in some bigots and tolerance spells
[22:14:36] <arti> teckla, when you start going after people for political beliefs, it's a bad thing
[22:14:39] <Teckla> arti: I don't know about you, but I think I would strongly consider boycotting the company where that CEO worked as a way to say, "What you are pushing is not socially acceptable."
[22:14:44] * arti points to mcarthyism
[22:14:50] <kobach> lolol
[22:15:31] <Teckla> arti: Political beliefs are one thing, donating money to an organization that actively fights against equal rights is quite another.
[22:15:38] <kobach> ^
[22:15:44] <SirFinkus> there's a difference between the government doing it, and private people doing it
[22:15:56] <kobach> and private people are boycotting it
[22:15:59] <kobach> this is capitalism
[22:16:07] <arti> also, bacon!
[22:16:28] <kobach> if you're boycotting so much stuff you cant eat any form of faux-bacon
[22:16:32] <kobach> you need help
[22:16:55] <kobach> im pretty sure they have bacon made from everything
[22:16:55] <TK> If you consider eating faux bacon, you need help
[22:16:59] <SirFinkus> really though, someone at mozilla was passed over for the promotion, so they dug up dirt on the new ceo
[22:17:00] <kobach> i agree tk
[22:17:00] * arti has tried it
[22:17:11] <arti> i've tried a variety of meatless products
[22:17:16] <SirFinkus> that's probably what happened
[22:17:21] <arti> if it was so good, why do they try and make it meat like
[22:17:22] <TK> Was it like leather boiled in pork water?
[22:17:25] <kobach> ive tried several arti, mainly just burgers and sausages
[22:17:33] <arti> i've also had good experiences too
[22:17:43] <kobach> havent had anything i havent liked
[22:17:44] <TK> Or like a fruit roll up that tasted like bacon
[22:17:48] <kobach> oh m
[22:17:49] <Mattiep> i do vegetarian and vegan meals from time to time, but I don't try to pretend there is meat there
[22:17:50] <kobach> y
[22:17:57] <SirFinkus> I had a burrito thing that wasn't bad once
[22:18:06] -!- so-lent-nus [so-lent-nus!~user@56-92-522-495-my413.tbcn.telia.com] has parted #Soylent
[22:18:06] <TK> Or that bubblegum that comes in a tape dispenser
[22:18:09] <Mattiep> just embrace the fact there is no meat, no nned to fake it
[22:18:10] <arti> i usually feel better with more veggies to EVIL MURDER MEAT
[22:18:11] <TK> but with bacon
[22:18:20] <kobach> Mattiep: fried potatos are the bacon of the garden
[22:18:26] * arti enjoys when people use the term murder with meat
[22:18:29] <kobach> especially if you fry them in bacon grease
[22:18:29] <TK> If they're friend in bacon grease
[22:18:36] <kobach> ^
[22:18:36] <TK> kobachi: lol
[22:18:43] <kobach> hahaha
[22:18:46] <arti> brb, got some intolerance to spread
[22:18:53] <Mattiep> kobach I have to agree with you, we made sweet potato fries a few weeks ago that were especially "da bomb" delicious
[22:19:09] <kobach> yes i remember tell you about maple butter dip
[22:19:11] <kobach> telling(
[22:19:12] <kobach> *
[22:20:16] <SirFinkus> I've heard you can cook mushrooms so they taste like bacon, but that's a lie
[22:20:27] <kobach> not a lie
[22:20:30] <kobach> fry them in bacon grease
[22:20:47] <SirFinkus> it was like olive oil or something
[22:20:47] <janrinok> fry them _with_ bacon and have both!
[22:20:48] * kobach has experience frying stuff in bacon grease
[22:20:59] <kobach> janrinok: wrap them in bacon
[22:21:09] <kobach> preferably with some cheese too
[22:21:13] <kobach> mmmm
[22:21:51] <Mattiep> I have some bacon cheddar pretzel bits I'm going to dip into tomorrow
[22:22:03] <janrinok> I don't know if you've ever tried wrapping scallops in bacon, but it is delicious. All the 'top' restaurants do it.
[22:23:18] <kobach> "and now on todays edition of 'BN Food Today', kobach and mattie present to you: portabella, pork, and poutine
[22:23:21] <kobach> "
[22:23:37] Cyprus|datacenter is now known as Cyprus
[22:24:18] <janrinok> bake bread with bits of bacon, cheese, olives, and sun-dried tomatoes. Instant bread pizza that you can slice and have with meats etc.
[22:24:34] <kobach> oh i usually have marinara sauce on hand
[22:24:50] <kobach> and i dont care for olives
[22:25:05] <kobach> now, banana peppers, on the other hand
[22:25:06] <Mattiep> my wife and I once did a thing where if we were deserted on a desert itland, we could chose three condiments we'd have for the rest of our lives
[22:25:12] <Mattiep> one of mine was bacon
[22:25:13] MrBluze|afk is now known as MrBluze
[22:25:20] <kobach> smart move
[22:25:40] <kobach> hi MrBluze
[22:25:45] <MrBluze> hi kobach
[22:25:49] <janrinok> hi
[22:25:57] <Mattiep> after that, cooked bacon-wrapped chicken bits with brown sugar, chili powder, and garlic to prove it was a condiment
[22:26:01] <kobach> MrBluze: what are you making for breakfast this morning
[22:26:04] <Mattiep> the results were very successful
[22:26:07] <kobach> Mattiep: jesus
[22:26:19] <kobach> wait a second
[22:26:25] <kobach> i have these things
[22:26:26] <janrinok> Mattiep: we had that the other day - brilliant.
[22:26:36] <kobach> i know whats for dinner tonight
[22:26:45] <kobach> althought ill be eating only 1 because the chicken is factory chicken
[22:26:52] <Mattiep> janrinok wrap anything in bacon and it gets better, unless you keep kosher or halal
[22:26:57] <Mattiep> then its a sin
[22:27:03] <janrinok> so what?
[22:27:10] <MrBluze> stil makes it beter, Mattiep
[22:27:18] <kobach> Mattiep: only if you use real bacon
[22:27:21] <janrinok> we're all going to go someday.
[22:27:27] <Mattiep> fake_bacon--
[22:27:27] <SlimShady> karma - fake_bacon: -1
[22:27:33] <kobach> fake_bacon--
[22:27:33] <SlimShady> karma - fake_bacon: -2
[22:27:35] <kobach> jowl++
[22:27:35] <SlimShady> karma - jowl: 2
[22:27:38] <Mattiep> fake bacon sucks ass and needs to die
[22:27:40] <kobach> jowl++
[22:27:40] <SlimShady> karma - jowl: 3
[22:27:43] <MrBluze> baconwithbaconseasoning++
[22:27:43] <SlimShady> karma - baconwithbaconseasoning: 1
[22:27:57] <MrBluze> it's like blessed bacon
[22:27:58] <kobach> Mattiep: ive never had chicken bacon, if such a thing exists, but i think itd be good
[22:28:02] <kobach> its still a meat
[22:28:10] <Mattiep> if you want bacon just have some damn bacon already, don't try to futz around and pretend
[22:28:10] <kobach> beef bacon is good, bison bacon is good
[22:28:12] <kobach> why not chicken
[22:28:12] <MrBluze> kobach: chicken bacon is chicken kiev
[22:28:16] <kobach> oh ok
[22:28:23] <kobach> is it good, like the rest of chicken
[22:28:25] <Mattiep> I don't think chicken has enough fat for bacon
[22:28:25] -!- weeds_ has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[22:28:28] <MrBluze> or parmigiana
[22:28:34] <kobach> MrBluze: you can still slice it likebacon
[22:28:39] <Mattiep> also, its called chicken skin, that is pretty damn good too
[22:28:41] <kobach> fry it in real bacon grease
[22:28:43] <kobach> and there you go
[22:28:49] <kobach> that would be chicken rinds
[22:28:50] <MrBluze> yep
[22:29:00] <MrBluze> and bacon is the most efficient to grow meat
[22:29:12] <MrBluze> the world can be saved by bacon
[22:29:12] <kobach> plus pigs are good people
[22:29:25] <MrBluze> and bacon makes good pets
[22:29:29] <kobach> yes
[22:29:33] <Mattiep> bacon++
[22:29:34] <SlimShady> karma - bacon: 192
[22:29:36] <kobach> chickens are entertaining yes
[22:29:41] <kobach> but pigs are on another level
[22:29:44] <MrBluze> and Francis Bacon endorses this product
[22:29:48] <kobach> bacon++
[22:29:48] <SlimShady> karma - bacon: 193
[22:29:49] <kobach> indeed
[22:30:01] <MrBluze> i thought of that as a slogan
[22:30:09] <MrBluze> "I endorse Bacon News" - Francis Bacon
[22:30:24] <kobach> wasnt that some biologist or somthing
[22:31:06] <Cyprus> I call them like i see them, thats about it
[22:31:10] <kobach> lol
[22:31:29] <Mattiep> I studied premed in college, is that close enough?
[22:31:37] <kobach> sure
[22:31:41] <Cyprus> I've dated a premed
[22:31:43] <Mattiep> excellend
[22:31:44] <Cyprus> bout it
[22:31:53] <Mattiep> s/d/t/
[22:31:53] <SedBot> <Mattiep> excellent
[22:32:22] <kobach> s/u/bacon/
[22:32:23] <SedBot> <kobach> sbaconre
[22:32:30] <kobach> bacon++
[22:32:30] <SlimShady> karma - bacon: 194
[22:32:33] <janrinok> I once borrowed a bike from a bloke who knew a premed.
[22:32:33] <kobach> bacon++
[22:32:33] <SlimShady> karma - bacon: 195
[22:32:39] <kobach> rofl
[22:33:27] <Blackmoore> i hear the bacon was once a premed.
[22:33:39] <kobach> im sure some bacons have been yes
[22:34:29] <janrinok> time for me to go - cheers guys, keep up the sense of humour. See you all tomorrow.
[22:34:35] <kobach> cya
[22:34:53] <kobach> illbbiab
[22:34:59] <MrBluze> i gtg
[22:35:02] <MrBluze> back later
[22:35:11] <MrBluze> gotta drive to work ;)
[22:35:13] <MrBluze> ciao
[22:35:15] <MrBluze> bacon++
[22:35:15] <SlimShady> karma - bacon: 196
[22:35:18] -!- janrinok has quit [Quit: leaving]
[22:35:52] MrBluze is now known as MrBluze|afk
[22:35:53] <Blackmoore> bacon++
[22:35:53] <SlimShady> karma - bacon: 197
[22:37:07] -!- mike802 has quit [Quit: Always try to be modest, and be proud about it!]
[22:39:32] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~cb811792@724-640-25-593.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[22:41:30] <crutchy> g'day soylent
[22:44:51] <Blackmoore> g'day
[22:45:18] <Blackmoore> bacon ++
[22:45:27] <Blackmoore> bacon++
[22:45:27] <SlimShady> karma - bacon: 198
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[22:51:14] <kobach> bacon++
[22:51:14] <SlimShady> karma - bacon: 199
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[23:01:10] <arti> g'oop
[23:01:53] <SlimShady> [SoylentNews] - Gunshot Victims to be Put in Suspended Animation - http://sylnt.us - on-ice
[23:03:25] -!- Tachyon [Tachyon!tach@2002:4e80:oqgk::rknq:jgvp] has joined #Soylent
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[23:07:17] <crutchy> g'oop arti
[23:07:28] <arti> how's it going mate?
[23:07:32] <crutchy> g'day blackmoore
[23:07:43] <crutchy> sorry was finding socks for the kids
[23:07:49] <crutchy> not bad
[23:08:00] <arti> the great sock hunt
[23:08:08] <crutchy> yeah. fun
[23:08:10] * arti breeds socks
[23:08:19] <crutchy> only odd ones though right?
[23:08:42] <arti> well i'm trying to get more black ones but it's just not happening, i get blue or white mostly
[23:09:28] <crutchy> aww don't have pink? :-P
[23:09:44] <arti> pink socks are a sign of misfortune
[23:09:53] <arti> ancient internet proverb
[23:09:56] <crutchy> yes. yes they are
[23:10:11] <crutchy> white socks with misfortune of being washed with something red
[23:10:37] <arti> i already had the blue shirt incident
[23:10:41] <crutchy> though must admit i haven't had that problem much
[23:10:45] * arti corrected this in all but one garment
[23:10:45] <crutchy> maybe cos i wash in cold
[23:10:56] * arti soaked a bunch of stuff in cold water
[23:11:05] <arti> it was a new shirt, bleh my own fault
[23:11:09] <crutchy> lol
[23:11:26] <arti> trick with new stuff is wash with vinegar to set the color
[23:11:40] <crutchy> i got a bunch of new work shirts yesterday so now i don't have to buy more of my own yay!
[23:11:42] <arti> or you can just set the object's color bleed property to false
[23:11:51] <crutchy> yes
[23:11:57] <arti> or the color bleed global
[23:12:21] <crutchy> i'm not well versed in the fabric language though
[23:12:31] <arti> you need to learn more about threads
[23:12:38] <crutchy> and strings
[23:12:45] <arti> hahaha
[23:12:47] <crutchy> and buttons
[23:12:49] <Blackmoore> wait which markup are you using for that?
[23:12:59] <arti> i think its textile?
[23:13:00] <Blackmoore> I need to turn off fading
[23:14:04] <crutchy> holy shit textile is a real markup language
[23:14:12] <crutchy> shit just got weird
[23:14:20] <arti> hahaha
[23:14:50] <arti> softwarefags++
[23:14:51] <SlimShady> karma - softwarefags: 1
[23:15:52] <crutchy> lol
[23:16:13] <arti> i guess one way to make that support spaces is to treat the ++ as an end of line character
[23:16:23] <crutchy> anyways gotta brush daughters hair go to work. all that sort of stuff
[23:16:30] <crutchy> see yas later
[23:16:34] <arti> alright /salutes
[23:16:38] <Blackmoore> *nod*
[23:16:47] crutchy is now known as crutchy|afk
[23:23:52] <Blackmoore> huh.. just looked up textile.. it looks like the markup you'd use in a wiki.
[23:25:45] * arti rather likes markdown
[23:26:20] <arti> how's it going blackmoore?
[23:28:06] <Cyprus> that just makes me think of this http://www.bash.org
[23:28:21] <arti> wonder why they haven't added new quotes in ages
[23:28:26] <arti> not like there isn't a backlog
[23:28:47] <Cyprus> i think its just abandonded
[23:29:03] <Cyprus> they just suddenly stopped one day *years* ago
[23:29:32] <arti> well germanbash is still going o/
[23:30:13] <SlimShady> [SoylentNews] - Microsoft Changes Policy on Email Reading - http://sylnt.us - we-won't-look-we'll-get-law-enforcement-to-do-that
[23:30:31] <Blackmoore> fine fine another day in the cubicle farm
[23:31:22] <Blackmoore> Um thanks - my title clearly had the wrong word in it
[23:31:34] <arti> http://dilbert.com
[23:31:39] <Blackmoore> what the quot efeature in here?
[23:31:51] <arti> i believe !quote grab name
[23:32:08] <Blackmoore> two new ones earlyer.
[23:32:50] <Blackmoore> 378 and 79
[23:32:56] <Blackmoore> #78
[23:34:25] <Blackmoore> !quote 79
[23:34:49] <Blackmoore> well. I guess i havent learned that trick
[23:34:55] <pbnjoe> that last one was right
[23:34:58] <pbnjoe> !quote 1
[23:34:58] <SlimShady> Quote 1 - <NCommander> DarkMorph, because whenever I have to touch hashref's I want to stab my eyes out
[23:35:05] <pbnjoe> !quote 79
[23:35:05] <SlimShady> Quote 79 - <janrinok> Blackmoore: Who told you I was making them wear ballgags. I hadn't mentioned that to anyone, er, well if I had made them wear ballgags, I wouldn't have told anyone. Anyway, they said they liked it - well, would have done if they hadn't been wearing ballgags, oh shit
[23:35:32] <pbnjoe> !quote 78
[23:35:32] <SlimShady> Quote 78 - <Blackmoore> mm.. liquified bacon, just hook them up to an IV feed.
[23:35:39] <pbnjoe> there :P
[23:38:10] -!- mrcoolbp [mrcoolbp!~mrcoolbp@Soylent/Staff/mrcoolbp] has joined #Soylent
[23:38:10] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mrcoolbp] by SN
[23:40:17] <Blackmoore> :P
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