#civ | Logs for 2014-06-05

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[00:10:42] -!- arti has quit [Quit: Ende gut, alles gut.]
[00:13:38] -!- arti [arti!~arti@iminylescdbcem.com] has joined #civ
[00:32:13] -!- crutchy has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[00:32:16] -!- exec has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[02:59:44] -!- teste has quit [Quit: [BX] Time wasted: 27 days 10 hours 30 minutes 20 seconds 55 milliseconds]
[09:15:45] -!- exec [exec!~exec@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #civ
[09:15:45] -!- mode/#civ [+o exec] by ChanServ
[09:15:53] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "chromas"
[09:16:14] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #civ
[09:16:14] -!- mode/#civ [+o crutchy] by ChanServ
[09:16:16] <exec> IRCiv: login: welcome back "crutchy"
[09:41:07] <chromas> ~translate auto en veritas
[09:41:08] <exec> [google translate] veritas (auto -> en): veritas
[09:41:26] <chromas> ~translate auto en no hablas español
[09:41:28] <exec> [google translate] no hablas español (auto -> en): do not speak Spanish
[09:49:40] <crutchy> need another alias for specifying sl
[09:50:29] <chromas> ~computer translate
[09:50:47] <chromas> ~unlock computer
[09:51:14] <crutchy> ~reload
[09:51:17] <exec> successfully reloaded exec file
[09:52:31] <chromas> Icee what you did there
[09:52:42] <chromas> select langauge; cool
[09:53:14] <chromas> ~translate verutas
[09:53:15] <exec> syntax: ~translate <from> <to> <msg>
[09:53:15] <exec> eg (translate "test" from English to Spanish): ~translate en es test
[09:53:26] <chromas> ~translate en verutas
[09:53:28] <exec> [google translate] verutas (auto -> en): verutas
[09:53:34] <chromas> ~translate en veritas
[09:53:36] <exec> [google translate] veritas (auto -> en): veritas
[09:53:45] <chromas> ~translate-sl en es chips
[09:53:46] <exec> [google translate] chips (en -> es): patatas fritas
[09:53:56] <chromas> ~translate-sl en es pieces
[09:53:57] <exec> [google translate] pieces (en -> es): piezas
[09:54:11] <chromas> Hmm. I think Spanish changed since I last played with translators
[10:15:39] <chromas> http://cgi.en.ecplaza.net
[10:15:44] <chromas> http://google.com
[10:15:45] <monopoly> Title: Google
[10:15:52] <chromas> Feel free to abuse
[10:17:38] <crutchy> ooh
[10:20:10] <crutchy> http://localhost
[10:20:10] <monopoly> Title: Index of /
[10:20:48] <crutchy> http://localhost
[10:20:49] <monopoly> Title: Index of /
[10:20:54] <chromas> ~civ l
[10:20:55] <exec> IRCiv: #civ chromas => you moved a unit within the field of vision of player "crutchy"
[10:20:56] <exec> IRCiv: #civ chromas => you moved a unit within the field of vision of player "crutchy"
[10:20:56] <exec> IRCiv: #civ chromas => you moved a unit within the field of vision of player "crutchy"
[10:20:56] <exec> IRCiv: #civ chromas => successfully moved warrior left from (96,37) to (95,37)
[10:20:57] <exec> IRCiv: #civ chromas => http://irciv.port119.net
[10:20:58] <exec> IRCiv: #civ chromas => 0/2, settler, +100, (74,4)
[10:21:09] <chromas> Hm; didn't detect that url
[10:21:19] <chromas> http://irciv.port119.net
[10:21:30] <chromas> or something broken :)
[10:21:42] <crutchy> bug in irciv there
[10:21:56] <crutchy> 3 x same line
[10:22:32] <crutchy> /
[10:22:34] <chromas> http://cgi.en.ecplaza.net
[10:22:36] <monopoly> Title: JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.01
[10:23:09] <crutchy> http://
[10:23:15] <crutchy> :-P
[10:23:24] <chromas> probably should have some protections in there
[10:23:36] <chromas> it passes the url to wget
[10:23:53] <chromas> Stores in a temp file, calls file on it to detect the type
[10:24:07] <chromas> so it's kind of cheat-y
[10:24:22] <crutchy> i dunno what the big deal is with /etc/passwd tbh. its not like there are any passwords
[10:24:30] <chromas> not anymore
[10:24:38] <chromas> hooray for shadow passwords
[10:24:56] <chromas> file://
[10:25:06] <chromas> file://etc
[10:25:51] <crutchy> maybe cos no title tag?
[10:25:52] <chromas> oh I killed it
[10:26:25] <chromas> file://etc
[10:26:25] <monopoly> Filetype: empty
[10:26:51] <chromas> file://etc
[10:26:51] <monopoly> Filetype: empty
[10:26:54] <chromas> what
[10:27:42] <chromas> file://
[10:27:43] <monopoly> Filetype: empty
[10:27:48] <chromas> weird
[10:28:58] <chromas> I wonder how one could exploit that to get secretz
[10:28:59] <crutchy> file://
[10:28:59] <monopoly> Filetype: empty
[10:29:32] <crutchy> file://ps
[10:29:32] <monopoly> Filetype: empty
[10:29:43] <crutchy> file://bash ps
[10:29:43] <monopoly> Filetype: empty
[10:29:51] <chromas> http://localhost
[10:30:15] <chromas> huh, should be getting something
[10:30:40] <chromas> Who had that page that killed aqu4?
[10:30:42] <chromas> Was that ar?
[10:31:12] <monopoly> I should be resistant to that but who knows
[10:32:01] <crutchy> file://localhost
[10:32:01] <monopoly> Filetype: empty
[10:32:59] <crutchy> http://goatse.cx
[10:33:10] <crutchy> http://goat.cx
[10:33:14] <chromas> wtf
[10:33:30] <chromas> Must be broke
[10:33:32] <chromas> but I like that page
[10:33:42] <chromas> "A message from the goatse lawyer"
[10:33:49] <crutchy> maybe your bot is watching natalie portman pr0n?
[10:34:56] <crutchy> irc.sylnt.us
[10:35:23] <crutchy> file://monopoly.php
[10:35:23] <monopoly> Filetype: empty
[10:35:40] <crutchy> file://php monopoly.php
[10:35:56] <chromas> file://bewbs
[10:36:24] <chromas>
[10:36:24] <crutchy> i have nfi what i'm doing, but if i cause any trouble let me know so i can stop
[10:36:45] <chromas> Poke all you want
[10:36:54] <crutchy> !grab
[10:37:01] <crutchy> damn
[10:37:04] <chromas> aw
[10:37:21] <chromas> Can you /invite Bender?
[10:37:28] <crutchy> if xlefay was here i'd ask for a bender
[10:37:36] <crutchy> hmm don't think so
[10:37:44] <chromas> monopoly takes invitations
[10:37:50] <chromas> but doesn't do anything useful
[10:37:53] <crutchy> it does?
[10:38:09] <chromas> Should
[10:38:27] <crutchy> i'm not sure how they work
[10:38:40] <chromas> /invite nick
[10:38:49] <chromas> You just have to be op in the channel
[10:39:14] <chromas> oh it may be /invite nick channel
[10:46:54] <chromas> fixed
[10:46:56] <chromas> http://goat.cx
[10:46:57] <monopoly> Title: Eh
[10:47:29] <chromas> http://localhost
[10:47:29] <monopoly> Title: Index of /
[10:47:37] <chromas> file://etc
[10:47:53] <chromas> file://
[10:51:59] <chromas> ~civ d
[10:52:00] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => player "chromas" moved a unit within your field of vision
[10:52:01] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => http://irciv.port119.net
[10:52:01] <exec> IRCiv: #civ crutchy => 1/2, warrior, +100, (80,4)
[10:52:02] <exec> IRCiv: #civ chromas => successfully moved settler down from (74,4) to (74,5)
[10:52:03] <exec> IRCiv: #civ chromas => you moved a unit within the field of vision of player "crutchy"
[10:52:04] <exec> IRCiv: #civ chromas => http://irciv.port119.net
[10:52:05] <exec> IRCiv: #civ chromas => 1/2, warrior, +100, (95,37)
[10:52:23] <chromas> spankonopoly
[10:52:36] <chromas> oh wait it has an exception for that host
[10:53:10] <chromas> ~civ atk crutchy
[10:53:53] <chromas> One player's completely isolated from the other
[10:57:44] <chromas> http://arachnist.is-a.cat
[10:57:45] <monopoly> Title: FOOQUIT :bar
[10:57:51] <chromas> neat-o
[11:17:26] <crutchy> htp://ps
[11:17:54] <crutchy> http://ii
[11:17:55] <monopoly> Title:
[11:18:09] <crutchy> http://ls /
[11:18:09] <monopoly> Title:
[11:18:36] <crutchy> http://
[11:18:53] <crutchy> file://
[11:18:59] <crutchy> file://etc
[11:19:10] <crutchy> http://etc
[11:19:11] <monopoly> Title:
[11:20:07] <crutchy> http:// /join #soylent
[11:20:55] <crutchy>
[11:21:16] <crutchy>
[11:21:42] <chromas>
[11:21:42] <monopoly> Title: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"><!-- saved from url=(0033) --><HT ...
[11:21:50] <chromas> ooh
[11:22:14] <chromas> doesn't even have a <title> tag
[11:22:24] <chromas> frameset for modem config
[11:22:50] <chromas>
[11:22:51] <monopoly> Title: </TITLE><!--<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">--><META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text ...
[11:23:18] <chromas> bug
[11:23:27] <chromas> empty title tags
[11:24:57] <crutchy> ~define waffle cage
[11:25:03] <exec> waffle cage: unable to find definition
[11:25:05] <chromas> ~define blue waffle
[11:25:10] <exec> blue waffle: unable to find definition
[11:25:14] <chromas> whut
[11:25:16] <chromas> ~define bluewaffle
[11:25:21] <exec> bluewaffle: unable to find definition
[11:25:23] <crutchy> ~define waffle
[11:25:25] <exec> [urbandictionary] waffle: Like a pancake with syrup traps.
[11:26:48] <chromas> ~define giant radioactive rubber pants
[11:26:55] <exec> giant radioactive rubber pants: unable to find definition
[11:27:27] <crutchy> ~define cupcake
[11:27:32] <exec> [wolframalpha] cupcake: noun | small cake baked in a muffin tin
[11:27:50] <crutchy> ~define muffin tin
[11:27:54] <exec> muffin tin: unable to find definition
[11:28:09] <crutchy> ~define muffin man
[11:28:13] <exec> [wolframalpha] muffin man: noun | formerly an itinerant peddler of muffins
[11:28:36] <chromas> When all else fails, you can go to google: define %%trailing
[11:28:50] <crutchy> i thought it was a man made of muffins
[11:29:09] <crutchy> yeah thats a good idea
[11:29:28] <chromas> hm
[11:29:36] <chromas> without javascript it only fives results
[11:29:41] <chromas> s/fi/gi/
[11:29:42] <exec> chromas: without javascript it only gives results
[11:30:01] <chromas> the definition is inside a js-made box
[11:30:38] <chromas> bing does it though
[11:30:52] <chromas> or we just need to investigate the js
[12:15:49] crutchy is now known as crutchy_
[12:16:20] crutchy_ is now known as crutchy
[12:20:19] crutchy is now known as crutchy_
[12:26:46] chromas is now known as crutchy
[12:26:51] crutchy is now known as SoyGuest28812
[12:28:41] SoyGuest28812 is now known as chromas
[14:19:22] crutchy_ is now known as crutchy
[14:30:29] crutchy is now known as crutchy_
[14:47:49] crutchy_ is now known as crutchy
[14:54:12] <crutchy> ~php in_array
[14:54:13] <exec> bool in_array( mixed $needle , array $haystack [, bool $strict = FALSE] )
[14:56:55] <chromas> ~pp in
[15:07:19] <crutchy> ~q
[15:07:23] -!- exec has quit [Quit: exec]
[15:13:29] -!- exec [exec!~exec@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #civ
[15:13:30] -!- mode/#civ [+o exec] by ChanServ
[15:13:37] -!- exec has quit [Excess Flood]
[15:13:52] <chromas> Oh noes
[15:15:52] -!- exec [exec!~exec@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #civ
[15:15:52] -!- mode/#civ [+o exec] by ChanServ
[15:15:58] -!- exec has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[15:20:27] <crutchy> IRCiv is borked atm
[15:21:14] <crutchy> was kicked for trying to do whois on all nicks in all channels joined
[15:21:54] <crutchy> need to create an IRCiv init script to set a bucket with a list of game channels and only do whois on nicks in those channels
[15:22:26] <crutchy> then i need to separate game data from player data
[15:23:09] <crutchy> then hopefully will be able to spawn another game channel with a simple command
[15:23:23] <crutchy> s/channel/server/
[15:26:58] -!- exec [exec!~exec@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #civ
[15:26:59] -!- mode/#civ [+o exec] by ChanServ
[15:33:25] <chromas> ~define foot cheese
[15:33:31] <exec> foot cheese: unable to find definition
[15:33:36] <chromas> ~define footcheese
[15:33:41] <exec> footcheese: unable to find definition
[15:33:53] <chromas> ~define Ballmer curve
[15:33:58] <exec> Ballmer curve: unable to find definition
[15:34:05] <chromas> ~define ballmer curve
[15:34:10] <exec> ballmer curve: unable to find definition
[15:34:12] <chromas> No way
[15:37:25] <chromas> ~define Michael Jefferson
[15:37:31] <exec> Michael Jefferson: unable to find definition
[15:38:46] <chromas> ~define systemd
[15:38:51] <exec> systemd: unable to find definition
[15:47:46] <crutchy> ~define jefferson starship
[15:47:52] <exec> jefferson starship: unable to find definition
[15:48:40] <chromas> ~define shaft
[15:48:41] <exec> [urbandictionary] shaft: 1. A black private dick that's a sex machine to all the chicks. 2. The man that would risk his neck for his brother man 3. The cat that won't cop o...
[15:49:08] <chromas> Just talkig 'bout shaft
[15:50:34] <chromas> ~define rocket sauce
[15:50:35] <exec> [urbandictionary] rocket sauce: a term referring generally to sperm. This was most notably used by the popular band Tenacious D in their short-lived show on HBO.
[15:51:24] <chromas> exec: s/sperm/semen/
[15:51:25] <exec> last message by "exec" not found
[16:30:47] <crutchy> feels like exec is borked too. irciv is a big part
[16:31:19] <crutchy> hopefully will fix this weekend
[22:40:56] -!- monopoly has quit [Excess Flood]
[22:41:17] -!- monopoly [monopoly!~chromas@62-31-652-122.dhcp.mdfd.or.charter.com] has joined #civ
[23:46:53] <crutchy> ~join #>