#wiki | Logs for 2014-05-29
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[23:07:47] -!- Loggie [Loggie!Loggie@Soylent/Bot/Bender] has joined #wiki
[23:08:17] <Bytram> let's add some stuff so Loggie has something to work with
[23:08:19] <mattie_p> .deop
[23:08:19] -!- mode/#wiki [-o mattie_p] by SkyNet
[23:10:44] <WikiRC> 14[[07Incorporation/Bylaws14]]4 10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?diff=7649&oldid=7648&rcid=10707 5* 03Mattie p 5* (+84) 10/* Article VI ~ Board of Directors */
[23:12:12] <FunPika> .flags
[23:12:36] <mattie_p> .flags
[23:12:52] <FunPika> Looks like the way it is set up right now, only people in the !wiki group, those who are autovoiced in here, can OP in here.
[23:12:56] <mattie_p> They are: +AViortv but I have no idea what those are
[23:13:42] * mattie_p agrees with what FunPika just said
[23:13:52] <mattie_p> I also have no idea how to change the flags
[23:13:55] <FunPika> A=View the access list, V=autovoice, i=use of invite/getkey, o=op/deop, r=can't remember off the top of my head, t=change topic, v=voice/devoice
[23:15:29] <Bytram> r - is short for "arrrrgh" !
[23:15:46] <Bytram> =)
[23:15:47] <FunPika> mattie_p: What changes do you want to make. Currently I'm the only one who can change flags in this channel (unless another IRCop overrides them).
[23:16:41] <Bytram> FunPika: well, that looks like a single point of failure; would be a good idea to share a bit. Just in case.
[23:18:07] <Bytram> FunPika: it looks like MrBluze, xlefay, and kobach have been AWOL for a while. that leaves you and Landon on the IRCStaff.
[23:19:19] <Bytram> I know I don't really know what I'm doing, so I would generally NOT do anything unless instructed to by someone else.
[23:19:20] <mattie_p> MrBluze was just on earlier, I think, talking with stderr
[23:19:38] <Bytram> oh, cool! that's good to know... thanks!
[23:19:56] <mattie_p> but that's besides the point, it looks like I can do stuff as long as its not changing IRC channel flags
[23:20:03] <mattie_p> as I wouldn't know what I'm doing there anyway, that's ok
[23:20:04] <Bytram> my schedule has been all over the place the past few weeks; hardly know what day it is!
[23:20:51] <Bytram> speaking of which, today is my day off, and I've got plans for the evening. I think a nap is in order.
[23:20:56] <mattie_p> back in a few, time to pick up the little one
[23:21:02] <mattie_p> later, Bytram
[23:21:05] <Bytram> mattie_p: cya; thanks for your help!
[23:21:44] <FunPika> .flags !management +voAti
[23:21:44] -ChanServ:#wiki- FunPika set flags +Aiotv on !management.
[23:21:57] <FunPika> .flags !irc-staff +voAti
[23:21:57] -ChanServ:#wiki- FunPika set flags +Aiotv on !irc-staff.
[23:22:10] <FunPika> .flags
[23:23:56] Bytram is now known as Bytram|away
[23:26:56] -!- Bytram|away has quit [Quit: Leaving]