#wiki | Logs for 2014-03-24

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[00:03:41] <WikiRC> 14[[07SystemAdministration/AccessInstruction14]]4 N10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?oldid=6774&rcid=9589 5* 03NCommander 5* (+5259) 10Created page with "== SSH Requirements == We require that all users autheticate with SSH public keys, and that to prevent stupid config errors from becoming massive security breachs, require th..."
[00:13:07] <WikiRC> 14[[07SystemAdministration/AccessInstruction14]]4 10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?diff=6775&oldid=6774&rcid=9590 5* 03Xlefay 5* (+23) 10/* SSH Proxying */
[00:14:01] <WikiRC> 14[[07Special:Log/interwiki14]]4 iw_add10 02 5* 03FunPika 5* 10FunPika added prefix "$4" ($5) (trans: $6; local: $7) to the interwiki table: Add prefix for Wikimedia's Wikitech wiki.
[00:18:29] <WikiRC> 14[[07SystemAdministration/AccessInstruction14]]4 10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?diff=6776&oldid=6775&rcid=9592 5* 03FunPika 5* (+255) 10/* SSH Proxying */ Link to guide on Wikitech wiki about how how to use PuTTY to proxy into Wikimedia Labs instances, which should be a similar process to what would be needed here.
[00:30:48] <WikiRC> 14[[07SystemAdministration/TheHitchhikersGuideToTheli694-22Domain14]]4 10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?diff=6777&oldid=6773&rcid=9593 5* 03NCommander 5* (+168) 10
[01:45:16] <WikiRC> 14[[07SystemAdministration/TheHitchhikersGuideToTheli694-22Domain14]]4 10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?diff=6778&oldid=6777&rcid=9594 5* 03Xlefay 5* (+1970) 10
[01:51:12] -!- bytram [bytram!~pc@Soylent/Staff/Developer/martyb] has joined #wiki
[02:03:57] <WikiRC> 14[[07MediaWiki:Group-developer14]]4 N10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?oldid=6779&rcid=9595 5* 03FunPika 5* (+14) 10Created page with "Services roots"
[02:04:59] <WikiRC> 14[[07MediaWiki:Grouppage-developer14]]4 N10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?oldid=6780&rcid=9596 5* 03FunPika 5* (+29) 10Created page with "{{ns:project}}:Services roots"
[02:06:01] <WikiRC> 14[[07MediaWiki:Group-developer-member14]]4 N10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?oldid=6781&rcid=9597 5* 03FunPika 5* (+27) 10Created page with "{{GENDER:$1|services root}}"
[02:13:07] <WikiRC> 14[[07SoylentNews:Services roots14]]4 N10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?oldid=6782&rcid=9598 5* 03FunPika 5* (+909) 10Document this user group.
[02:13:48] <WikiRC> 14[[07Special:Log/rights14]]4 rights10 02 5* 03FunPika 5* 10changed group membership for User:Xlefay from (none) to developer: Has root on the services box.
[02:21:36] <WikiRC> 14[[07Special:Log/rights14]]4 rights10 02 5* 03FunPika 5* 10changed group membership for User:Mechanicjay from (none) to developer: Has root on the services box.
[02:37:02] <WikiRC> 14[[07Template:Development team14]]4 10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?diff=6783&oldid=6644&rcid=9601 5* 03FunPika 5* (-25) 10Remove stderr per request in #Soylent.
[02:57:36] <WikiRC> 14[[07SystemAdministration/TheHitchhikersGuideToTheli694-22Domain14]]4 10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?diff=6784&oldid=6778&rcid=9602 5* 03Xlefay 5* (+1039) 10/* DNS Setup */
[02:57:53] <WikiRC> 14[[07SystemAdministration/TheHitchhikersGuideToTheli694-22Domain14]]4 10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?diff=6785&oldid=6784&rcid=9603 5* 03Xlefay 5* (-1) 10/* DNS Setup */
[03:00:51] <WikiRC> 14[[07SystemAdministration/TheHitchhikersGuideToTheli694-22Domain14]]4 10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?diff=6786&oldid=6785&rcid=9604 5* 03Xlefay 5* (+103) 10/* Zone Serial */
[03:01:30] <WikiRC> 14[[07SystemAdministration/TheHitchhikersGuideToTheli694-22Domain14]]4 10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?diff=6787&oldid=6786&rcid=9605 5* 03Xlefay 5* (-10) 10/* Zone Serial */
[03:05:38] <WikiRC> 14[[07SystemAdministration/TheHitchhikersGuideToTheli694-22Domain14]]4 10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?diff=6788&oldid=6787&rcid=9606 5* 03NCommander 5* (+147) 10
[03:17:39] -!- FunPika has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[03:38:15] <WikiRC> 14[[07Special:Log/newusers14]]4 create10 02 5* 03MichaelWhiting 5* 10New user account
[03:38:26] <WikiRC> 14[[07User:MichaelWhiting14]]4 !N10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?oldid=6789&rcid=9608 5* 03MichaelWhiting 5* (+338) 10Created page with "My name is Michaela and I am studying Educational Studies and Comparative Politics at Bollnas / Sweden.<br><br>My webpage - phen375phen375 reviewsphen375 reviewphen375 austral..."
[03:56:46] <WikiRC> 14[[07SystemAdministration14]]4 10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?diff=6790&oldid=6770&rcid=9609 5* 03NCommander 5* (+144) 10/* Resources */
[04:18:50] <WikiRC> 14[[07SystemAdministration/KerberosAdministration14]]4 N10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?oldid=6791&rcid=9610 5* 03NCommander 5* (+4274) 10Created page with "Kerberos is a frequently misunderstood monster that lives in darkness, and eating unaware explorers. This guide is your 5 minute introduction to krb5, and how to manage it eff..."
[04:20:31] <WikiRC> 14[[07SystemAdministration/KerberosAdministration14]]4 10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?diff=6792&oldid=6791&rcid=9611 5* 03NCommander 5* (+6) 10/* Kerberos Teminology */
[04:21:07] <WikiRC> 14[[07SystemAdministration/KerberosAdministration14]]4 10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?diff=6793&oldid=6792&rcid=9612 5* 03NCommander 5* (+102) 10/* kadmin */
[04:23:46] <WikiRC> 14[[07SystemAdministration/KerberosAdministration14]]4 10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?diff=6794&oldid=6793&rcid=9613 5* 03Xlefay 5* (+22) 10/* Creating Users */
[04:24:30] <WikiRC> 14[[07SystemAdministration/KerberosAdministration14]]4 10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?diff=6795&oldid=6794&rcid=9614 5* 03Xlefay 5* (+92) 10/* Creating hosts */
[04:25:14] <WikiRC> 14[[07SystemAdministration/KerberosAdministration14]]4 10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?diff=6796&oldid=6795&rcid=9615 5* 03Xlefay 5* (-2) 10/* Creating hosts */
[04:45:55] bytram is now known as martyb|zzz
[04:52:38] -!- martyb|zzz has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[05:39:41] <WikiRC> 14[[07WhosWho14]]4 10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?diff=6797&oldid=6643&rcid=9616 5* 03Mrcoolbp 5* (-14) 10
[05:40:19] <WikiRC> 14[[07WhosWho14]]4 10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?diff=6798&oldid=6797&rcid=9617 5* 03Mrcoolbp 5* (+18) 10/* Team Contacts */
[06:01:10] <WikiRC> 14[[07TodoList14]]4 10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?diff=6799&oldid=6654&rcid=9618 5* 03Mrcoolbp 5* (-56) 10/* Staff Organization */
[06:06:03] -!- mrcoolbp [mrcoolbp!~mrcoolbp@Soylent/Staff/mrcoolbp] has joined #wiki
[06:06:03] -!- mode/#wiki [+v mrcoolbp] by SkyNet
[06:08:36] <WikiRC> 14[[07TodoList14]]4 10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?diff=6800&oldid=6799&rcid=9619 5* 03Mrcoolbp 5* (-1255) 10
[06:33:25] <WikiRC> 14[[07SystemAdministration/LDAPManagementForDummies14]]4 10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?diff=6801&oldid=6723&rcid=9620 5* 03Xlefay 5* (+20) 10/* Accessing phpLDAPadmin */
[06:41:35] <WikiRC> 14[[07CommunitySupport14]]4 10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?diff=6802&oldid=6653&rcid=9621 5* 03Mrcoolbp 5* (+240) 10
[06:51:20] -!- mrcoolbp has quit []
[06:53:11] <WikiRC> 14[[07CommunicationSystems14]]4 N10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?oldid=6803&rcid=9622 5* 03Mrcoolbp 5* (+1191) 10Created page with "Communication is essential to this project. Developing and implementing unique, modern methods could really further our goals. Below are some ideas on this topic. Feel free to..."
[06:57:30] <WikiRC> 14[[07CommunicationSystems14]]4 10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?diff=6804&oldid=6803&rcid=9623 5* 03Mrcoolbp 5* (+31) 10
[06:59:48] <WikiRC> 14[[07AudioGuyWorkNotes14]]4 10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?diff=6805&oldid=6744&rcid=9624 5* 03Mrcoolbp 5* (+37) 10
[07:09:44] <WikiRC> 14[[07SystemAdministration/TheHitchhikersGuideToTheli694-22Domain14]]4 10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?diff=6806&oldid=6788&rcid=9625 5* 03Xlefay 5* (+25) 10/* Common Information */
[08:08:30] <WikiRC> 14[[07Special:Log/newusers14]]4 create10 02 5* 03Verlene5460 5* 10New user account
[08:18:45] <WikiRC> 14[[07Special:Log/newusers14]]4 create10 02 5* 03Audrea53Srids 5* 10New user account
[08:27:04] <WikiRC> 14[[07Special:Log/newusers14]]4 create10 02 5* 03IanOMXCfvh 5* 10New user account
[10:04:41] <WikiRC> 14[[07Special:Log/newusers14]]4 create10 02 5* 03TerrancBaldessi 5* 10New user account
[10:33:00] <WikiRC> 14[[07User:Audrea53Srids14]]4 !N10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?oldid=6807&rcid=9630 5* 03Audrea53Srids 5* (+250) 10Created page with "Painting Positions Worker Parlee from Brompton, usually spends time with pastimes like driving, double stroller and diecast collectibles. Has completed a wonderful around the ..."
[10:33:02] <WikiRC> 14[[07The Best Double Stroller For Big Kids14]]4 !N10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?oldid=6808&rcid=9631 5* 03Audrea53Srids 5* (+3640) 10Created page with "It’s necessary to guarantee that each and every expenditure you make must have some type of protection for you because the customer. Verify transport details if it’s free ..."
[10:39:12] NCommander is now known as NotCommander
[10:39:27] NotCommander is now known as NCommander
[10:39:27] <WikiRC> 14[[07Special:Log/delete14]]4 delete10 02 5* 03FunPika 5* 10deleted "[[02User:Audrea53Srids10]]": Spam
[10:39:32] <WikiRC> 14[[07Special:Log/delete14]]4 delete10 02 5* 03FunPika 5* 10deleted "[[02The Best Double Stroller For Big Kids10]]": Spam
[10:39:38] <WikiRC> 14[[07Special:Log/block14]]4 block10 02 5* 03FunPika 5* 10blocked [[02User:Audrea53Srids10]] with an expiry time of indefinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites
[10:40:42] <WikiRC> 14[[07Special:Log/delete14]]4 delete10 02 5* 03FunPika 5* 10deleted "[[02User:MichaelWhiting10]]": Spam
[10:40:48] <WikiRC> 14[[07Special:Log/block14]]4 block10 02 5* 03FunPika 5* 10blocked [[02User:MichaelWhiting10]] with an expiry time of indefinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites
[11:03:54] <WikiRC> 14[[07Special:Log/newusers14]]4 create10 02 5* 03Geoffre9536 5* 10New user account
[11:03:59] <WikiRC> 14[[07User:Geoffre953614]]4 !N10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?oldid=6809&rcid=9638 5* 03Geoffre9536 5* (+223) 10Created page with "I'm Geoffrey and I live in a seaside city in northern Great Britain, Trowle Common. I'm 34 and I'm will soon finish my study at History.<br><br>Here is my page :: [http://www...."
[11:04:45] -!- FunPika [FunPika!~FunPika@Soylent/Staff/Wiki/FunPika] has joined #wiki
[11:04:45] -!- mode/#wiki [+v FunPika] by SkyNet
[11:05:40] <WikiRC> 14[[07Special:Log/newusers14]]4 create10 02 5* 03StepaniNTEH 5* 10New user account
[11:06:08] <WikiRC> 14[[07Special:Log/block14]]4 block10 02 5* 03FunPika 5* 10blocked [[02User:Geoffre953610]] with an expiry time of indefinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites
[11:06:21] <WikiRC> 14[[07Special:Log/delete14]]4 delete10 02 5* 03FunPika 5* 10deleted "[[02User:Geoffre953610]]": Spam
[11:08:43] <WikiRC> 14[[07Special:Log/block14]]4 block10 02 5* 03FunPika 5* 10blocked [[02User:]] with an expiry time of 1 year (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites
[11:12:39] <WikiRC> 14[[07Special:Log/block14]]4 block10 02 5* 03FunPika 5* 10blocked [[02User:]] with an expiry time of 4 years, 365 days, 43 minutes and 12 seconds (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites: Also an open proxy
[11:15:15] <WikiRC> 14[[07Special:Log/block14]]4 block10 02 5* 03FunPika 5* 10blocked [[02User:]] with an expiry time of 3 years, 6 hours, 32 minutes and 24 seconds (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites: Also an open proxy
[11:58:35] -!- FunPika has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[12:19:56] -!- bytram [bytram!~pc@Soylent/Staff/Developer/martyb] has joined #wiki
[12:41:53] <WikiRC> 14[[07EmergencyProcedures14]]4 !M10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?diff=6810&oldid=6593&rcid=9645 5* 03Martyb 5* (+2) 10Fixed detail line for slashd running; old entry was not in pstree output
[12:43:11] <WikiRC> 14[[07EmergencyProcedures14]]4 !M10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?diff=6811&oldid=6810&rcid=9646 5* 03Martyb 5* (+2) 10child of the "sudo" command, not "su"
[13:09:27] bytram is now known as bytram|away
[13:37:59] -!- bytram|away has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[15:41:51] -!- mrcoolbp [mrcoolbp!~mrcoolbp@Soylent/Staff/mrcoolbp] has joined #wiki
[15:41:51] -!- mode/#wiki [+v mrcoolbp] by SkyNet
[16:03:13] <WikiRC> 14[[07Special:Log/patrol14]]4 patrol10 02 5* 03FunPika 5* 10marked revision 6810 of [[02EmergencyProcedures10]] patrolled 
[16:03:26] <WikiRC> 14[[07Special:Log/patrol14]]4 patrol10 02 5* 03FunPika 5* 10marked revision 6811 of [[02EmergencyProcedures10]] patrolled 
[16:11:27] <WikiRC> 14[[07SystemAdministration/TheHitchhikersGuideToTheli694-22Domain14]]4 !10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?diff=6812&oldid=6806&rcid=9647 5* 03167.206.48.217 5* (+37) 10/* Common Information */
[16:23:07] <WikiRC> 14[[07CommunicationSystems14]]4 10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?diff=6813&oldid=6804&rcid=9648 5* 03Mrcoolbp 5* (+139) 10
[16:26:31] <WikiRC> 14[[07CommunitySupport14]]4 10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?diff=6814&oldid=6802&rcid=9649 5* 03Mrcoolbp 5* (-6) 10/* Depenencies */
[16:26:56] <WikiRC> 14[[07CommunitySupport14]]4 10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?diff=6815&oldid=6814&rcid=9650 5* 03Mrcoolbp 5* (-4) 10/* Depenencies */
[16:37:31] <WikiRC> 14[[07CommunicationSystems14]]4 10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?diff=6816&oldid=6813&rcid=9651 5* 03Mrcoolbp 5* (+1) 10
[16:42:17] <WikiRC> 14[[07CommunicationSystems14]]4 10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?diff=6817&oldid=6816&rcid=9652 5* 03Mrcoolbp 5* (+1) 10
[16:46:14] <WikiRC> 14[[07TeamPages14]]4 10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?diff=6818&oldid=6310&rcid=9653 5* 03Mrcoolbp 5* (+159) 10
[17:15:21] <WikiRC> 14[[07CommunicationSystems14]]4 10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?diff=6819&oldid=6817&rcid=9654 5* 03Mrcoolbp 5* (+52) 10
[17:53:32] <WikiRC> 14[[07Suggestions14]]4 10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?diff=6820&oldid=6629&rcid=9655 5* 03Mrcoolbp 5* (+68) 10
[19:28:47] <WikiRC> 14[[07Suggestions14]]4 10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?diff=6821&oldid=6820&rcid=9656 5* 03Mrcoolbp 5* (-283) 10added one, removed items already in bug tracker (and added some)
[19:48:06] <WikiRC> 14[[07CommunicationSystems14]]4 10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?diff=6822&oldid=6819&rcid=9657 5* 03Mrcoolbp 5* (-28) 10
[19:55:58] <WikiRC> 14[[07Special:Log/patrol14]]4 patrol10 02 5* 03FunPika 5* 10marked revision 6812 of [[02SystemAdministration/TheHitchhikersGuideToTheli694-22Domain10]] patrolled 
[19:59:18] -!- FunPika [FunPika!~FunPika@Soylent/Staff/Wiki/FunPika] has joined #wiki
[19:59:18] -!- mode/#wiki [+v FunPika] by SkyNet
[20:02:17] <WikiRC> 14[[07SystemAdministration/LDAPManagementForDummies14]]4 10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?diff=6823&oldid=6801&rcid=9658 5* 03Xlefay 5* (+0) 10/* Accessing the LDAP database */
[20:02:44] <mrcoolbp> Funpika: how are you?
[20:03:09] <FunPika> good
[20:03:15] <mrcoolbp> nice.
[20:03:53] <mrcoolbp> Quick question: is there anyway to put a disclaimer on the wiki login page that says "Soylentnews log in credentials don't transfer here. You need to create a new account"
[20:04:09] <mrcoolbp> it's not obvious to some
[20:06:59] <FunPika> on most of those special pages I could add text to the beginning...but I'm not seeing one on Special:UserLogin
[20:09:31] <FunPika> mrcoolbp: Best thing I can think of is the MediaWiki:Anonnotice page, which will add a sitenotice that only displays to logged out users
[20:10:01] <mrcoolbp> oh that's a good idea
[20:10:12] <mrcoolbp> that should work
[20:10:21] <FunPika> I have to go for a little bit
[20:10:33] <mrcoolbp> okay catch you later
[22:31:52] -!- mrcoolbp has quit []