#wiki | Logs for 2014-03-12

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[00:20:58] -!- FunPika has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 27.0.1/20140212131424]]
[00:34:42] -!- FunPika [FunPika!~FunPika@Soylent/Staff/Wiki/FunPika] has joined #wiki
[00:34:42] -!- mode/#wiki [+v FunPika] by ChanServ
[01:06:24] -!- FunPika has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 27.0.1/20140212131424]]
[02:21:04] -!- FunPika [FunPika!~FunPika@Soylent/Staff/Wiki/FunPika] has joined #wiki
[02:21:04] -!- mode/#wiki [+v FunPika] by ChanServ
[02:30:30] -!- FunPika has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 27.0.1/20140212131424]]
[05:57:59] -!- NCommander [NCommander!~mcasadeva@2600:3c00::gkjo:ggkm:vshr:juyz] has joined #wiki
[05:58:02] -!- NCommander has quit [Excess Flood]
[05:58:04] -!- NCommander [NCommander!~mcasadeva@2600:3c00::gkjo:ggkm:vshr:juyz] has joined #wiki
[05:58:05] -!- NCommander has quit [Excess Flood]
[05:58:06] -!- NCommander [NCommander!~mcasadeva@2600:3c00::gkjo:ggkm:vshr:juyz] has joined #wiki
[05:58:07] -!- NCommander has quit [Excess Flood]
[05:58:09] -!- NCommander [NCommander!~mcasadeva@2600:3c00::gkjo:ggkm:vshr:juyz] has joined #wiki
[05:58:09] -!- NCommander has quit [Excess Flood]
[05:58:11] -!- NCommander [NCommander!~mcasadeva@2600:3c00::gkjo:ggkm:vshr:juyz] has joined #wiki
[05:58:14] -!- NCommander has quit [Excess Flood]
[06:00:17] -!- NCommander [NCommander!~mcasadeva@2600:3c00::gkjo:ggkm:vshr:juyz] has joined #wiki
[10:20:06] -!- chromas has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[11:41:16] -!- chromas [chromas!~quassel@47-85-184-52.dhcp.knwc.wa.charter.com] has joined #wiki
[13:51:08] -!- cmdr_FatPhil [cmdr_FatPhil!~pcarmody@Soylent/Staff/Developer/FatPhil] has joined #wiki
[13:53:46] <cmdr_FatPhil> It would be nice to have a page on the wiki where the different staff/volunteers listed what times of day they are typically acive.
[13:55:06] <cmdr_FatPhil> It could be added to the WhosWho page, or be a separate page.
[13:55:30] <cmdr_FatPhil> Just as a start, marking what time zone people are in
[14:38:22] -!- cmdr_FatPhil [cmdr_FatPhil!~pcarmody@Soylent/Staff/Developer/FatPhil] has parted #wiki
[21:20:57] Hedonismbot is now known as Hyperbolebot
[21:32:31] -!- FunPika [FunPika!~FunPika@Soylent/Staff/Wiki/FunPika] has joined #wiki
[21:32:31] -!- mode/#wiki [+v FunPika] by ChanServ
[21:43:45] <Hyperbolebot> [WikiRecentChanges] - IncidentLog - http://sylnt.us || IncidentLog - http://sylnt.us || User:CameronWaldron - http://sylnt.us || Wiki - http://sylnt.us || IncidentLog - http://sylnt.us || User:Lauretta5a8z - http://sylnt.us || Wiki - http://sylnt.us || AudioGuyWorkNotes - http://sylnt.us || TodoList - http://sylnt.us - 4 more
[22:11:30] <Hyperbolebot> [WikiRecentChanges] - User:Ina992 - http://sylnt.us
[22:49:20] -!- FunPika has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 27.0.1/20140212131424]]
[23:12:23] <Hyperbolebot> [WikiRecentChanges] - IncidentLog - http://sylnt.us || User:Lena296 - http://sylnt.us
[23:40:39] <Hyperbolebot> [WikiRecentChanges] - User:Lois725 - http://sylnt.us
[23:49:48] <Hyperbolebot> [WikiRecentChanges] - User:Boot3insect - http://sylnt.us