#test | Logs for 2018-03-20

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[13:01:22] <chromas> ~ls
[13:01:23] <exec> 13current path for chromas: /
[13:01:24] <chromas> ~list
[13:01:25] <exec> ~list ~list-auth ~lock ~unlock
[13:01:25] <exec> ~! ~addr ~api ~arthur ~aur ~bday ~butt ~calc ~cat ~cd ~cid ~comments ~confucius ~convert ~count ~cowsay ~deb ~define ~define-add ~define-count ~define-delete ~define-sources ~devs ~eds ~exec-issue ~execfs ~fah ~filter ~filth ~first ~forex ~fortune ~funding ~g ~g'day ~g'night ~gday ~get ~github-add ~github-del ~github-list ~gnight ~google ~grab ~header ~header-login ~help ~isup ~jisho ~last ~link ~links ~location ~log ~ls ~md ~mkdir ~moo ~nyse
[13:01:26] <exec> ~openthepodbaydoors ~perl6 ~php ~queue ~quickpoll ~quote ~rainbow ~random ~rd ~rehash-issue ~remind ~rmdir ~romajidesu ~rps ~scramble ~sed ~seen ~set ~shorten ~sizeof ~sneak ~sneak-server ~staff ~stash ~story-search ~submit ~suggest ~suggest-api ~suggest-exec ~suggest-rss ~tell ~time ~time-add ~time-del ~time-prefs ~title ~trans ~translate ~translate-sl ~uid ~unset ~unstash ~up ~vote ~weather ~weather-add ~weather-del ~weather-old ~weather-prefs
[13:01:26] <exec> ~welcome ~wget ~youtube ~yt
[13:01:35] <chromas> ~help alias
[13:01:38] <chromas> ~help ~alias
[13:02:21] <chromas> ~alias .test test
[13:02:29] <chromas> .alias .test test
[13:06:21] <chromas> oh
[13:06:23] <chromas> ~macro
[13:06:25] <exec> 02 syntax to add: ~macro <trigger> <chanlist> PRIVMSG|INTERNAL <command_template>
[13:06:25] <exec> 02 syntax to delete: ~macro <trigger> -
[13:12:46] <chromas> ~macro ~karma internal ~api m=user op=get_user uid=%%trailing%% /karma
[13:12:48] <exec> 02 *** error: invalid cmd (must be either INTERNAL or PRIVMSG)
[13:12:58] <chromas> ~macro ~karma INTERNAL ~api m=user op=get_user uid=%%trailing%% /karma
[13:12:59] <exec> 02 *** error: invalid cmd (must be either INTERNAL or PRIVMSG)
[13:13:21] <chromas> ~macro ~karma internal * ~api m=user op=get_user uid=%%trailing%% /karma
[13:13:22] <exec> 02 *** error: invalid cmd (must be either INTERNAL or PRIVMSG)
[13:13:33] <chromas> ~macro ~karma * internal ~api m=user op=get_user uid=%%trailing%% /karma
[13:13:35] <exec> 02 *** macro with trigger "~karma" and INTERNAL command template "~api m=user op=get_user uid=%%trailing%% /karma" saved
[13:13:40] <chromas> ~karma 69
[13:14:16] <chromas> ~api m=user op=get_user uid=34 /karma
[13:14:39] <chromas> Guess I dun broke it
[13:14:51] <chromas> ~say test
[13:14:53] <exec> test
[13:14:57] <chromas> ~ps
[13:14:58] <exec> [21305] php scripts/sneak/sneak_server.php 'start' 'exec' '' 'irc.soylentnews.org' '' '~sneak-server' 'INTERNAL'
[13:14:59] <exec> [30826] php scripts/privmsg.php '~ps' 'chromas' '#test'
[13:15:00] <exec> [30830] php scripts/tell.php '~ps' '#test' 'chromas' '~tell-internal' 'irc.soylentnews.org'
[13:15:01] <exec> [30834] php scripts/inventory.php '~ps' '#test' 'chromas' '' '' '~inventory-internal' 'INTERNAL' '1521551698.5448' 'irc.soylentnews.org'
[13:15:01] <exec> [30838] php scripts/privmsg.php '~ps' 'chromas' '#test'
[13:15:02] <exec> [30842] php scripts/title.php 'event-privmsg chromas #test ~ps' '~title-internal' '#test' 'chromas'
[13:16:06] <chromas> ~api m=user op=get_user uid=18 /karma
[13:16:29] <chromas> ~api m=user op=get_user uid=18
[13:17:15] <chromas> oh shit there's already a karma command
[13:18:20] <chromas> ~macro-list
[13:18:21] <exec> 13 ~zub [*] PRIVMSG whaddaya lookin at ya zub?!
[13:18:21] <exec> 13 ~shit [*] PRIVMSG 05💩
[13:18:22] <exec> 13 ~socialist [*] PRIVMSG %%trailing%%, YOU'RE a SOCIALIST!
[13:18:22] <exec> 13 ~flip [*] PRIVMSG (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
[13:18:22] <exec> 13 ~ciri.poke [*] INTERNAL ~say <#> ciri: %%trailing%%
[13:18:23] <exec> 13 ~part [#freenode] INTERNAL ~minion raw sylnt :sylnt PART %%trailing%%
[13:18:25] <exec> 13 ~join [#freenode] INTERNAL ~minion raw sylnt :sylnt JOIN %%trailing%%
[13:18:26] <exec> 13 ~whois [#freenode] INTERNAL ~minion raw sylnt WHOIS %%trailing%%
[13:18:27] <exec> 13 lol [#] PRIVMSG ciri is a butthole
[13:18:28] <exec> 13 ~alljoins [#freenode] PRIVMSG .join #epoch,#boxedfox,##crawl,#NetHack
[13:18:29] <exec> 13 ~start [*] INTERNAL ~join #,#soylent,#belle,#crutchy,#nethack,#test,#crawl,#wiki,#editorial
[13:18:30] <exec> 13 ~sleep [*] PRIVMSG sleep is for the weak
[13:18:31] <exec> 13 ~sn [#Soylent] PRIVMSG https://soylentnews.org
[13:18:32] <exec> 13 ~g'morning [*] INTERNAL ~g'day %%trailing%%
[13:18:33] <exec> 13 ~soylentfart [*] INTERNAL ~sql query select comment_body from exec_irc_bot.sn_comments where (comment_body like '% fart %') order by rand() limit 1
[13:18:34] <exec> 13 ~soylentbutt [*] INTERNAL ~sql query select comment_body from exec_irc_bot.sn_comments where (comment_body like '%butt%') order by rand() limit 1
[13:18:35] <exec> 13 ~soyl [*] INTERNAL ~sql query select comment_body from exec_irc_bot.sn_comments where (comment_body like '%%%trailing%%%') order by rand() limit 1
[13:18:36] <exec> 13 ~pants [*] PRIVMSG %%trailing%%, ZOMGWTFBBQ YOU'RE wearing PANTS!
[13:18:37] <exec> 13 ~g'mornin [*] INTERNAL ~g'day %%trailing%%
[13:18:38] <exec> 13 ~lawn [*] PRIVMSG %%trailing%%, get off my lawn!
[13:18:39] <exec> 13 ~soycount [*] INTERNAL ~sql query select count(*) from exec_irc_bot.sn_comments where (comment_body like '%%%trailing%%%')
[13:18:40] <exec> 13 ~nativedance [*] INTERNAL .dothehustle
[13:18:41] <exec> 13 ~fight [*] PRIVMSG oi! why don't ya choke on some pig vomit, ya vagina!
[13:19:03] <chromas> ~fight sedctl
[13:19:04] <exec> oi! why don't ya choke on some pig vomit, ya vagina!
[13:19:22] <chromas> Shouldn't it be vagoina?
[13:24:03] <chromas> ~api m=user op=get_user uid=18 /nickname
[13:25:17] <chromas> ~soylentbutt
[13:25:19] <exec> Table 'exec_irc_bot.sn_comments' doesn't exist
[13:26:07] <chromas> .macro-list