#test | Logs for 2016-11-26

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[06:17:08] <chromas> =nick Kyennee
[06:17:09] systemd is now known as Kyennee
[06:17:10] <chromas> =part
[06:17:10] -!- Kyennee [Kyennee!~confirms@0::1] has parted #test
[06:17:18] -!- Kyennee [Kyennee!~confirms@0::1] has joined #test
[06:17:18] -!- mode/#test [+v Kyennee] by Artemis
[06:17:28] <Kyennee> #fite TheMightyBuzzard
[06:17:28] <MrPlow> #fite spam going to channel #fite
[06:17:39] -!- Kyennee [Kyennee!~confirms@0::1] has parted #test
[06:17:50] -!- systemd [systemd!~confirms@0::1] has joined #test
[06:17:50] -!- mode/#test [+v systemd] by Artemis
[06:18:42] <MrPlow> #fite Kyennee falls broken at TheMightyBuzzard's feet.
[06:19:02] <chromas> #fite scoreboard
[06:19:02] * MrPlow #fite looks around but doesn't see scoreboard
[06:19:12] <chromas> #fitectl scoreboard
[06:19:12] <MrPlow> #fite scoreboard updated: https://sylnt.us
[06:19:49] <Artemis> #fite TheMightyBuzzard
[06:19:50] <MrPlow> #fite spam going to channel #fite
[06:20:02] <MrPlow> #fite Artemis falls broken at TheMightyBuzzard's feet.
[06:20:03] <chromas> #fite TheMightyBuzzard
[06:20:03] <MrPlow> #fite spam going to channel #fite
[06:20:43] <MrPlow> #fite TheMightyBuzzard falls broken at chromas's feet.
[06:20:55] <chromas> #fitectl scoreboard
[06:20:55] <MrPlow> #fite scoreboard updated: https://sylnt.us
[12:36:00] <Artemis> #fite TheMightyBuzzard
[12:36:00] <MrPlow> #fite spam going to channel #fite
[12:36:28] <MrPlow> #fite Artemis falls broken at TheMightyBuzzard's feet.
[12:36:29] <chromas> #fitectl scoreboard
[12:36:29] <MrPlow> #fite scoreboard updated: https://sylnt.us
[12:37:35] <sedctl> #fite TheMightyBuzzard
[12:37:35] <MrPlow> #fite spam going to channel #fite
[12:37:44] <MrPlow> #fite sedctl falls broken at TheMightyBuzzard's feet.
[12:37:51] <chromas> #fitectl scoreboard
[12:37:51] <MrPlow> #fite scoreboard updated: https://sylnt.us
[12:38:16] <systemd> #fite TheMightyBuzzard
[12:38:16] <MrPlow> #fite spam going to channel #fite
[12:38:33] <MrPlow> #fite systemd falls broken at TheMightyBuzzard's feet.
[12:38:39] <systemd> almost
[12:39:00] <exec> #fite TheMightyBuzzard
[12:39:00] <MrPlow> #fite spam going to channel #fite
[12:39:01] <MrPlow> #fite exec falls broken at TheMightyBuzzard's feet.
[12:39:07] <chromas> no way
[12:39:10] <chromas> #fitectl scoreboard
[12:39:10] <MrPlow> #fite scoreboard updated: https://sylnt.us
[12:39:23] <chromas> nigga wat
[12:39:28] <chromas> you gained hp?
[12:40:00] <chromas> #smake TheMightyBuzzard
[12:40:00] * MrPlow smakes TheMightyBuzzard upside the head with Perpetual Victim Complex
[12:41:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> shurg
[12:41:21] <TheMightyBuzzard> bug I guess
[12:41:38] <chromas> it's weird. I was sure you had 11 hp when I checked it the last time, a couple fites ago
[12:42:24] <chromas> you probably get hp by pecking at our corpses
[12:42:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh, no. you get 1hp after each fite. I didn't get hit.
[12:42:37] <chromas> ah
[12:43:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> it's the one for leveling up
[12:45:12] -!- Shotgun [Shotgun!~2b@17-31-052-7.dhcp.knwc.wa.charter.com] has joined #test
[12:45:12] -!- mode/#test [+v Shotgun] by Artemis
[12:45:41] <Shotgun> #fite TheMightyBuzzard
[12:45:41] <MrPlow> #fite spam going to channel #fite
[12:45:51] <MrPlow> #fite Shotgun falls broken at TheMightyBuzzard's feet.
[12:45:56] <TheMightyBuzzard> #fitectl scoreboard
[12:45:56] <MrPlow> #fite scoreboard updated: https://sylnt.us
[12:46:08] Shotgun is now known as cannon
[12:46:10] -!- cannon [cannon!~2b@17-31-052-7.dhcp.knwc.wa.charter.com] has parted #test
[12:46:14] -!- cannon [cannon!~2b@17-31-052-7.dhcp.knwc.wa.charter.com] has joined #test
[12:46:14] -!- mode/#test [+v cannon] by Artemis
[12:46:26] <cannon> #fite TheMightyBuzzard
[12:46:26] <MrPlow> #fite spam going to channel #fite
[12:46:27] <MrPlow> #fite TheMightyBuzzard falls broken at cannon's feet.
[12:46:37] <cannon> shotgun'd've been better
[12:46:44] <cannon> cheating++
[12:47:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, I been pondering making it registered users only
[12:47:58] <chromas> #join &test
[12:48:06] <TheMightyBuzzard> not for cheating, for scoreboard cleanliness
[12:48:23] <chromas> doesn't take server channels eh
[12:48:27] <chromas> also can't join #
[12:48:53] <chromas> oh yeah, I spammed up the scoreboard :D
[12:49:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> might can now. did a cod change recently.
[12:49:26] <chromas> #join #
[12:49:44] <TheMightyBuzzard> joy?
[12:49:44] <chromas> probably needs at least two chars or somethin'
[12:49:57] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, prolly
[12:50:17] <chromas> #join ##
[12:50:21] <chromas> that one works
[12:50:30] <TheMightyBuzzard> nod nod
[12:51:21] <chromas> hm
[12:51:27] <TheMightyBuzzard> I could change that Monday but I don't care. is just the one channel.
[12:51:49] <chromas> I bet I could /nick /part /join one bot in several different channels then have them all take turns fiting
[12:52:01] <chromas> 'cause MrPlow doesn't recognize nick changes
[12:52:34] <cannon> #fite MrPlow
[12:52:34] <MrPlow> #fite spam going to channel #fite
[12:52:39] <MrPlow> #fite cannon falls broken at MrPlow's feet.
[12:52:45] cannon is now known as Shotgun
[12:52:48] <Shotgun> #fite MrPlow
[12:52:48] <MrPlow> #fite spam going to channel #fite
[12:52:48] <MrPlow> #fite How can you fight when you're dead? Try again tomorrow.
[12:52:57] Shotgun is now known as fart
[12:52:58] <fart> #fite MrPlow
[12:52:58] <MrPlow> #fite spam going to channel #fite
[12:53:03] <fart> oh that's new
[12:53:04] <MrPlow> #fite fart falls broken at MrPlow's feet.
[12:53:17] <fart> must be something you changed recently
[12:53:24] <fart> neato
[12:53:29] <fart> this'll make cheating that much faster
[12:53:58] <TheMightyBuzzard> probably. enjoy it while ya can though. it's gonna key on hostmasks of registered users soonish.
[12:54:58] -!- fart has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!]
[12:55:16] <chromas> =nick CheatMaster12000
[12:55:16] systemd is now known as CheatMaster12000
[12:55:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> scoreboard looks like shat right now.
[12:55:38] <CheatMaster12000> #fite MrPlow
[12:55:38] <MrPlow> #fite spam going to channel #fite
[12:55:51] <chromas> just needs a little css
[12:56:00] <MrPlow> #fite MrPlow falls broken at CheatMaster12000's feet.
[12:56:40] <chromas> make rows with dead guys have a special dead class then the css can highlight 'em
[12:56:57] <TheMightyBuzzard> write some and pull request it
[12:57:47] <TheMightyBuzzard> I'm too lazy
[12:58:14] <chromas> k
[12:59:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> if you can't find the repo, your hacker card gets cut up.
[13:01:38] <chromas> oh noes
[13:01:53] * chromas makes it dark themed
[13:02:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> make it vt100 if ya like
[13:04:36] <TheMightyBuzzard> oooh, make it use Noto. bonus for forcing a download of its enormous ass.
[13:05:01] <chromas> never seen the tbody tag before
[13:05:16] <chromas> there's a noto color font too
[13:05:22] <chromas> firefox supports it but most things don't
[13:05:29] <chromas> you can get colored poo glyph
[13:05:40] <TheMightyBuzzard> hmmmm
[13:05:43] <chromas> it's brown with eyes and a mouth
[13:08:15] <TheMightyBuzzard> k, pills time then smoke time.
[13:09:34] <chromas> oh hehe
[13:09:46] chromas is now known as Shotgun
[13:09:49] <Shotgun> #fite TheMightyBuzzard
[13:09:49] <MrPlow> #fite spam going to channel #fite
[13:09:57] Shotgun is now known as chromas
[13:11:02] <MrPlow> #fite Shotgun falls broken at TheMightyBuzzard's feet.
[13:11:10] <chromas> (from the assholery dept :D )
[13:11:10] <Artemis> #fite TheMightyBuzzard
[13:11:10] <MrPlow> #fite spam going to channel #fite
[13:11:14] <MrPlow> #fite Artemis falls broken at TheMightyBuzzard's feet.
[13:11:36] <CheatMaster12000> #fite TheMightyBuzzard
[13:11:36] <MrPlow> #fite spam going to channel #fite
[13:11:43] CheatMaster12000 is now known as systemd
[13:11:53] <MrPlow> #fite CheatMaster12000 falls broken at TheMightyBuzzard's feet.
[13:11:55] <systemd> #fite TheMightyBuzzard
[13:11:55] <MrPlow> #fite spam going to channel #fite
[13:11:57] <MrPlow> #fite systemd falls broken at TheMightyBuzzard's feet.
[13:12:12] <chromas> #fitectl scoreboard
[13:12:12] <MrPlow> #fite scoreboard updated: https://sylnt.us
[13:12:32] <sedctl> #fite TheMightyBuzzard
[13:12:32] <MrPlow> #fite spam going to channel #fite
[13:12:53] <MrPlow> #fite sedctl falls broken at TheMightyBuzzard's feet.
[13:13:02] <chromas> #fitectl scoreboard
[13:13:02] <MrPlow> #fite scoreboard updated: https://sylnt.us
[13:13:22] <chromas> #fite TheMightyBuzzard with prejudice
[13:13:22] * MrPlow #fite looks around but doesn't see TheMightyBuzzard with prejudice
[13:13:25] <chromas> #fite TheMightyBuzzard
[13:13:25] <MrPlow> #fite spam going to channel #fite
[13:13:44] <chromas> ooh, my level
[13:13:50] <chromas> 69, dudes!
[13:13:58] <MrPlow> #fite TheMightyBuzzard falls broken at chromas's feet.
[14:44:50] <chromas> #tell TheMightyBuzzard PRed. Criticize me, mofu
[14:44:50] <MrPlow> Okay, I'll tell them next time I see them.
[14:47:41] <chromas> "him", MrPlow. Assume his gender. In fact, fuck gender. People don't have gender, MrPlow. Assume his sex.