#sysops | Logs for 2024-01-31

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[07:10:30] -!- softserve [softserve!~softserve@149.88.vh.vmt] has joined #sysops
[07:14:08] <softserve> Silence, my old friend.   I've come to talk to you, again.  Because some staff were peeping, while the site was crashing, and the words of the kolie were written on the Soylent walls, and tenement halls, echoing the Sounds, of Silence.
[07:24:46] -!- softserve has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[20:31:28] -!- janpaulkevin [janpaulkevin!~janpaulke@45.76.nlm.tk] has joined #sysops
[20:42:14] -!- janpaulkevin has quit [Quit: Client closed]