#soylent | Logs for 2025-03-01
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[00:14:10] -!- duke [duke!~duke@192.241.lhi.pj] has joined #soylent
[00:19:48] <duke> The official langange of SN is now Anglais/Anglesprach, per an Exective Order from our Illegal expatriate precedent.
[01:05:15] -!- duke has quit [K-Lined]
[01:17:01] <c0lo> Such an ethical offer https://www.politico.com
[01:17:01] <systemd> ^ 03Just a moment...
[01:18:10] <chromas> To be fair, Verizon sucks ass
[01:21:45] <c0lo> I never had my ass sucked, how does it feel?
[01:45:12] <drussell> Elon says he doesn't see any sort of conflict of interest... 🙄
[01:45:50] <drussell> See? This Verizon contract that hasn't even technically started yet isn't working, so I'll just replace it with Starlink instead.
[01:46:00] <drussell> Nothing to see here.
[01:46:07] <drussell> Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
[04:23:56] <c0lo> =submit https://www.science.org
[04:23:57] <systemd> âś“ Sub-ccess! "03Just a Moment..." (1p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[05:18:01] <c0lo> =submit https://www.microsoft.com
[05:18:03] <systemd> âś“ Sub-ccess! "03The Next Chapter: Moving From Skype to Microsoft Teams" (16p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[05:23:36] <chromas> cloudflare--
[05:23:36] <bender> cloudflare: -6
[05:24:29] <chromas> I wonder if it's true that Microsoft made Skype shitty to get people to move over to Teams
[05:30:59] <c0lo> I'll be searching a VoIP app that can call international numbers - anything Facebook related is exclude.
[05:31:00] <c0lo> Any suggestions?
[05:33:36] <chromas> I think google Voice is still around
[05:35:07] <c0lo> Thanks. At the rate Google kill projects, one should wonder for how long.
[05:35:33] <chromas> Who knows, but it's been around for longer than any of their other murdered projects I think
[05:35:52] <chromas> They did try to integrate it into Hangouts at one point
[05:36:49] <chromas> In the really olden days you could pick from most any supported area code, so you could have the number be local to wherever you call the most
[05:37:10] <chromas> I don't know about international numbers though
[05:37:38] <chromas> What I do know though, is numbers don't matter on the plant tiles in Mahjongg
[07:40:02] -!- jje has quit [Quit: ZNC - https://znc.in]
[07:49:04] <Ingar> I love the speed of Wifi in the morning
[07:50:24] <halibut> Because the water is less dense, so the packets flow closer to the speed of light?
[07:51:07] <Ingar> there is some mist though, so I'm not sure that's the full story
[07:52:03] <halibut> Oh, wait. You probably live above sea level, so I guess air is your tramsmission medium.
[07:53:22] <Ingar> barely, according to the latest projections I should have some nice beach property in a few decades
[07:55:20] <halibut> I am always impressed by how much extra land can be covered by a few feet of rise in sea level.
[07:56:41] <Ingar> there's a reason this area is called the lowlands :)
[07:58:17] <halibut> Sea-dwellers are about to start referring to it a future real estate.
[07:58:46] <prg> don't worry, now that trump is president, global warming isn't a thing anymore.
[07:59:02] <prg> just carry on as usual.
[07:59:15] <Ingar> I bet he wrote an executive order to state global warming doesn't exist
[07:59:25] <Ingar> soon he'll order pi to be equal to 3
[07:59:42] <halibut> Minor correction: He may have signed such an order; he probably did not read it, and almost certainly did not write ite.
[07:59:57] <Ingar> halibut: point taken
[08:00:00] <Ingar> :)
[08:00:13] <c0lo> Or, if global warming exists, deport it.
[08:00:47] <Ingar> c0lo: that could explain that anomaly in the magnetic field
[08:01:13] <halibut> Where would you deport global warming to, I wonder?
[08:01:21] <Ingar> Greenland?
[08:01:22] <prg> it's just a hoax of the leftist liberals to destroy the lives of freedom loving americans
[08:01:46] <chromas> deport it to epstein island
[08:01:55] <c0lo> Deport it on Mars, Elon is there to take the money
[08:02:57] <c0lo> NATO is dead. Switch the Earth poles and call it SATO.
[08:03:14] <halibut> Not that sense seems to much in evidence, but deporting an undesireable to Greenland while planning to annex (replace with appropriate verb) Greenland would mean you are just going to reabsorb the problem you tried to get rid of.
[08:03:36] <chromas> think of nesting dolls
[08:03:44] <Ingar> halibut: departing global warming to Greenland will turn it into a nexotic resort
[08:03:54] <Ingar> *an exotic
[08:04:00] <c0lo> Russia dolls?
[08:04:17] <chromas> deport to an island. take ownership of island. deport island somewhere else then take it over
[08:04:42] <chromas> deport, annex, deport, annex, until we can deport the whole planet
[08:06:43] <c0lo> What do you do with all the water, tho'? It's incompressible and damages WiFi.
[08:06:51] -!- jje [jje!~jje@ddjffrbpjin.info] has joined #soylent
[08:07:46] <chromas> The wifi crossed the boarder illegally. deport it!
[08:08:24] <halibut> If the Wi-Fi signals were sent with an antenna with gold-plated contacts, is that a path to citizenship?
[08:09:32] <Ingar> unfortunately, they're made of chinesium
[08:09:40] <Ingar> I know, because I just had to replace a broken one
[08:09:48] <chromas> golden wifis do love showers, so the water won't be a problem
[08:10:15] <Ingar> chromas: my SSID is BobbyBrown
[08:12:55] <chromas> the rappa or the zappa?
[08:15:34] <Ingar> the zappa ofc
[08:18:26] <c0lo> "Let her do all the work
[08:18:27] <c0lo> And maybe later I'll rappa" ?
[08:18:49] <c0lo> Why not both?
[11:07:48] -!- duke [duke!~duke@216.238.vlo.shp] has joined #soylent
[11:11:25] <duke> =sub 0ld, but funny https://newrepublic.com
[11:11:28] <systemd> âś“ Sub-ccess! "03The Town That Went Feral" (26p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[11:18:44] -!- duke has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[13:33:50] -!- halibut has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[13:34:04] -!- halibut [halibut!~halibut@CanHazVHOST/halibut] has joined #soylent
[19:56:01] -!- duke [duke!~duke@98.98.ol.ixr] has joined #soylent
[19:56:52] <duke> =sub From Rickrolled to fartbombed https://www.newscientist.com
[19:56:55] <systemd> âś“ Sub-ccess! "03Electronic Tongue Could Let You Taste Cake in Virtual Reality" (20p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[20:17:55] -!- duke has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[22:45:03] <c0lo> LOFLcopter https://wolfsdorf.com
[22:45:03] <systemd> ^ 03President Trump Muses: “By Issuing 10 Million “Trump Gold Cards” We Can Pay Off The $35 Trillion National Debt (with a $15 Trillion Surplus)" - WR Immigration
[22:45:46] <c0lo> s/LOFL/ROFL/
[22:50:02] <c0lo> Total US govt as today: $36.22T. But of course the number is fraudulent!
[22:50:02] <c0lo> https://theconversation.com
[22:50:02] <systemd> ^ 03Trump’s claim that US debt calculation may be fraudulent could put the economy in danger
[22:53:46] <c0lo> It's not enough to have a dumb idea if you don't put it in practice. Repeatdly: https://www.axios.com
[22:53:47] <systemd> ^ 03Just a moment...