#soylent | Logs for 2025-02-15
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[00:59:38] <chromas> Americans invented bait posts
[01:18:32] <c0lo> That doesn't cut, chromas
[04:21:28] <c0lo> That was a dodgy site https://fortune.com
[04:21:28] <systemd> ^ 03Elon Musk's DOGE launched its website. It was hacked within days
[06:45:01] <chromas> not too bad if it took multiple days
[06:53:58] <chromas> https://www.youtube.com
[06:54:00] <systemd> ^ 03WKUK Old Folks Home
[06:59:36] <chromas> https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net
[08:35:32] -!- Deucalion has quit [Quit: ~Quit~]
[08:36:00] -!- Deucalion [Deucalion!~Fluff@Soylent/Staff/IRC/juggs] has joined #soylent
[08:36:00] -!- mode/#soylent [+v Deucalion] by Imogen
[08:36:48] <c0lo> Texas is a historic Mexico territory and has a significant Spanish-speaking population. Pootin had some ideas about such cases.
[10:32:29] -!- jje has quit [Quit: ZNC - https://znc.in]
[10:32:54] -!- jje [jje!jje@ddjffrbpjin.info] has joined #soylent
[11:03:35] -!- momotaro [momotaro!~momotaro@159.65.so.kql] has joined #soylent
[11:07:48] <momotaro> =sub https://www.motherjones.com
[11:07:49] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03National Archives Head Resigns as Trump Takes Control of Records" (11p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[11:21:27] -!- momotaro has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[11:44:43] -!- AlwaysNever [AlwaysNever!~usuario1@] has joined #soylent
[11:45:58] <AlwaysNever> Hello, happy weekend!
[12:51:23] <c0lo> "Most influential member of NATO seems to be Putin, because his whims can block NATO decisions" – Zelenskyy
[13:16:10] <AlwaysNever> NATO is a defensive organization to mutually protect its members; Ukraine is not part ot NATO, Zelensky can go pound sand.
[13:18:29] <c0lo> Neither Russia is member of NATO, so he can go pound sand too.
[13:18:44] <c0lo> he=Putin
[13:19:12] <AlwaysNever> Russia is not damanding NATO protection
[13:21:21] <c0lo> Is anywhere written that people can't ask anything from anyone?
[13:21:21] <c0lo> Bottom line, NATO or individual countries can take their own decisions - if you don't like it, you can go pound sand too.
[13:21:25] <AlwaysNever> currently, that Russia is pounding are the Nazis who were conducting a civil war in the Donbass
[13:22:04] <c0lo> Donbass was Ukrainian and Putin invaded.
[13:22:25] <AlwaysNever> Good luck getting Trump to bring USA troops into Ukraine, I don't thing he sees value for USA in that
[13:23:42] <c0lo> Trump can keep his troupes for China, no American boots in Europe, no European boots in Pacific. Fair enough.
[13:24:41] <AlwaysNever> exactly, Trump knows his enemy is China, and Trump NEEDS to remove Russia form China's influence, therefore Trumps need to bring Russia back in G7 and other Western clubs
[13:24:50] <AlwaysNever> Ukraine is over
[13:28:12] <AlwaysNever> after all, Puting is applying the OTAM's Kosovo doctrine to the Donbass newly formed republics, so it won't a novel concept for NATO to accept and swallow
[13:28:18] <c0lo> Russia won't break with China for an idiot like Trump. If Xi intend to do anything in South China Sea, he will need oil that doesn't cross the strait of Malacca - the only source of such oil is Russia.
[13:28:49] <AlwaysNever> Puttin is very pro-western
[13:28:52] <c0lo> Good for Xi, good for Putin, no competition from US.
[13:29:21] <AlwaysNever> he only run to China because the Western "sanctioned" Russia
[13:30:20] <AlwaysNever> Trump groks it, and the geopolitical blunder that gave more influence to China is about to be corrected
[13:30:35] <c0lo> Oh, yes, Putin is very pro-west. He wanted a 3-days vacation west of him and Zelenskyy kicked his but.
[13:30:56] <AlwaysNever> Putin is very pro-western
[13:31:10] <AlwaysNever> the petitioned for UE memebership, he was denied
[13:31:23] <AlwaysNever> *he petitioned
[13:31:39] <AlwaysNever> he also petitiones for NATO membership, he was denied
[13:31:57] <AlwaysNever> if you know his biography, you can see he is very pro-western
[13:32:12] <AlwaysNever> he speaks fluent German and lived in Germany for years
[13:32:31] <c0lo> Good for EU and NATO, Putin can go pound sand. Both organisations require democracy.
[13:33:16] <AlwaysNever> he went to China, much to the Westen's concern, Trump is going to correct that
[13:33:27] <c0lo> I can speak more that 1 language too, one of which is european. How's that relevevant.
[13:34:18] <c0lo> Russia and US are competitors on the energy market.Trump corrects nothing, because he can't.
[13:34:21] <AlwaysNever> it proves Putin is very European and likes the West
[13:34:27] <Ingar> both trump and putin are egotistical maniacs who should be removed to better all of humanity
[13:34:53] <Ingar> *grabs popcorn*
[13:35:39] <AlwaysNever> insults aside, I don't care, the fact is Zelensky's demands are the demands of a sinking star
[13:35:45] <AlwaysNever> he is done and finished
[13:37:26] <c0lo> Putin being pro-west is irrelevant. Personalities are also irrelevant for accession in EU and NATO.
[13:38:38] <c0lo> Zelenskyy or not, Putin will end lynched by russians. 1917 style.
[13:38:40] <AlwaysNever> fine; but the discussion is that Zelensky's demand to get NATO protection are NOT going to happen
[13:38:50] <AlwaysNever> Zelensky can go pound sand
[13:38:54] <AlwaysNever> he is over
[13:39:21] <AlwaysNever> he will be lucky if he escapes the fate of Mussolini
[13:39:23] <Ingar> let's hope trumps keeps pestering europe enough so the eu realises they're on their own and get their act together
[13:40:14] <Ingar> but there's the possibility europe just slides into a murky pool of right-wingism
[13:40:25] <c0lo> Zelenskyy doesn't necessary need NATO protection, security guarantees are enough.
[13:40:26] <c0lo> NATO, or nukes, or just a bunch of willing countries in EU. Or all of that.
[13:41:23] <AlwaysNever> there will be no protection for Ukraine, because it will be demilitarized and become a neutral country, as Putin demanded in the very beginning
[13:42:00] <AlwaysNever> Ukraine will not be a NATO member, as Puting said it could not happen
[13:42:15] <drussell> Can we please take this over to #politics?
[13:42:15] <c0lo> Better late than never, Ingar, but it seems europeans are pissed or scared enough already https://www.politico.eu
[13:42:16] <systemd> ^ 03Von der Leyen demands trigger of emergency clause to massively boost defense spending
[13:42:21] <drussell> This is going to get out of control...
[13:42:33] <Ingar> c0lo: yes they are slowly waking up
[13:42:42] <AlwaysNever> Ukraine will be lucky if it survives as a country, it could be divided between Hungary, Poland, and Russia
[13:42:49] <Ingar> drussell: yes it is
[13:43:13] <c0lo> Apologies, I didn't know about #poiitics.
[13:43:33] <drussell> This is going to get out of control...
[13:43:43] <drussell> I'm joined over on #politics, we should all just auto-join and keep it in there I think, for the foseeable future. :)
[13:44:01] <drussell> (sorry, didn't mean to repeat the out of control line... accidentally hit up arrow... haha)
[13:44:37] <c0lo> I'm not going there, I going to sleep (if I can)
[13:45:22] <drussell> Yea, I'm going back to sleep for a couple hours... LOL It's still too early in the morning here... haha
[13:52:47] <AlwaysNever> ok, let's see what people say in #politics
[13:52:50] -!- AlwaysNever [AlwaysNever!~usuario1@] has parted #soylent
[14:04:43] <Ingar> well our new prime minister is a right-wing flemish nationalist, who likes latin quotes. his son celebrated his election with an SPQR eagle thing on a stick
[14:05:29] <Ingar> guess he's going to suck up well to the eu banking cartell
[14:29:06] <c0lo> underpants subscription https://www.youtube.com
[14:29:09] <systemd> ^ 03It just keeps working. #finance #business #comedy
[17:00:28] -!- jje has quit [Quit: ZNC - https://znc.in]
[17:00:52] -!- jje [jje!jje@ddjffrbpjin.info] has joined #soylent
[17:35:19] <c0lo> Sabine is extremely pissed: https://www.youtube.com
[17:35:21] <systemd> ^ 03I was asked to keep this confidential
[22:08:36] -!- binky [binky!~binky@140.174.wpl.pn] has joined #soylent
[22:09:10] <binky> Barbara Tuchman: ¨Ẅar is the unfolding of miscalculations.¨
[22:12:37] -!- binky has quit [Quit: Client closed]