#soylent | Logs for 2025-01-30
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[00:08:36] <kolie> whatup c0lo
[00:25:23] <Bytram> https://youtu.be
[00:25:24] <systemd> ^ 03Drummers juggling act from China Comedy Festival on CCTV - Jongleur_125 ( https://www.youtube.com )
[00:26:57] <Bytram> He is *amazing*!!!
[00:46:01] <Bytram> Here's a different (but similar) example:
[05:55:52] <c0lo> on Jan 21, trump fires the entire Aviation Security Advisory Committee
[05:55:52] <c0lo> on Jan 30, a civilian plane collides with a military black hawk helicopter
[05:55:53] <c0lo> trump must be the unluckiest pres ever.
[05:55:53] <c0lo> i mean... dealing with such a deep state...
[05:56:26] <chromas> it was the 29th where it happened
[05:58:49] <c0lo> Oh, they couldn't way another day, eh?
[05:59:18] <c0lo> s/way/wait/
[05:59:45] <chromas> wait a minute
[05:59:53] <chromas> are there non-military black hawks?
[06:00:00] <chromas> gotta get me one
[06:00:29] <ted-ious> I thought that those committees were unelected bureaucrats who were mainly responsible for getting in the way of the real workers trying to keep our institutions running.
[06:01:01] <chromas> well apparently the committee was directly responsible for directing air traffic
[06:01:19] <c0lo> idk what types are the black helicopters, so maybe the deep state use black hawks too?
[06:01:19] <chromas> probably were flying the planes too
[06:02:45] <ted-ious> Adam curry has been getting lots of texts from retired air force pilots over the last few years complaining that they can't get jobs because they don't have dei points.
[06:03:09] <ted-ious> If you want to know why air travel is less safe that's your answer.
[06:03:50] <ted-ious> The best and most experienced pilots have been forced to fly fedex and dhl planes instead of airlines.
[06:04:16] <c0lo> Dam' that inflation, the price of DEI point must have raised quite high, eh?
[06:04:32] <chromas> works for me. I don't travel by plane much, so I don't have to worry about crashing, but at least my packages will arrive safely
[06:04:43] <ted-ious> It will take years and lots more committee firings to clean up those messes.
[06:06:01] <chromas> YouTubers after hitting 1 million subscribers
[06:06:03] <chromas> https://www.youtube.com
[06:06:05] <systemd> ^ 03Friends - Ross Is A Pedophile - No Laughtrack/Laughter
[06:08:53] <ted-ious> https://twitter.com
[06:08:53] <systemd> ^ 03x.com ( https://x.com )
[06:09:02] <ted-ious> So was this not a training flight?
[06:09:19] <ted-ious> Trainers broadcast adsb.
[06:24:17] <c0lo> chromas maybe the japanese could sell you one? https://en.wikipedia.org
[06:24:17] <systemd> ^ 03Mitsubishi H-60 - Wikipedia
[06:26:00] <chromas> hey now, no derivatives
[07:10:59] <c0lo> I reckon they can deliver to you integrally.
[07:10:59] <c0lo> True, the black paint will be on you to apply.
[07:19:12] -!- soylentil89 [soylentil89!~soylentil@159.89.tgq.hux] has joined #soylent
[07:31:45] -!- soylentil89 has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[09:56:04] <Ingar> interesting how the heli was even allowed in that airspace
[09:56:22] <Ingar> it's right in the runway's takeoff zone
[09:57:02] <Ingar> there's no fucking heli's allowed there not even military
[09:57:12] <Ingar> (at least for the airport here )
[09:57:20] <ted-ious> Maybe it was defending the area from drones?
[09:58:25] <Ingar> there are no inidications that was the case
[09:58:51] <Ingar> ofc, I have to base my info on second hand local news
[10:00:20] <ted-ious> The whole region is full of military bases.
[10:00:31] <ted-ious> I don't think you can fly for 10 miles in any direction without crossing something military.
[10:54:14] <Ingar> NATO headquarters is on the other side of the airport, they really don't like unsolliceted traffic there
[10:58:06] <ted-ious> Then maybe the helicopter was patrolling the air space because something was happening at nato headquarters.
[10:59:17] <ted-ious> It's not uncommon for lots of them to show up on flightaware outside of military bases for training.
[10:59:41] <ted-ious> Maybe this time the training was protecting nato buildings from drones.
[11:17:41] <Ingar> (I mean, NATO HQ is near the local airport here ;)
[11:18:26] <ted-ious> LOL oh ok. :)
[11:18:47] <Ingar> my take is that someone did a serious fuckup
[11:19:07] <Ingar> (based on the situation I know around the local airport)
[11:19:08] <ted-ious> There are so many places like that in the dc area you could have just known about a nato one that I hadn't noticed before. :)
[11:19:23] <ted-ious> Right I know what your saying.
[11:19:43] <ted-ious> My point is that those rules don't apply in the dc area.
[11:19:58] <Ingar> DC was made great again!
[11:20:17] <ted-ious> Well not exactly. :)
[11:20:53] <ted-ious> It went permanently crazy after 9-11 and only gradually relaxed over time.
[11:21:04] <Ingar> I just read they got the black boxes so we might get some actual info
[11:21:39] <ted-ious> Then after january 6th 2021 it went crazy again and I don't see it ever getting back to normal even if trump fires half of the military.
[11:22:35] <ted-ious> Allegedly they still have state national guard deployments in the area after 4 years.
[11:22:48] <ted-ious> I guess people keep rotating in and out.
[12:25:50] <ted-ious> Ingar: https://www.youtube.com
[12:25:53] <systemd> ^ 03Potomac Mid Air Collision DCA 1/29/25
[12:26:15] <ted-ious> That helicopter was a priority air transport mission.
[12:27:02] <ted-ious> I saw a statement that there were no senior officers on board so maybe they were going to pick someone up.
[12:28:07] <ted-ious> If there were only 3 crew that went down then that would be the pilot and co-pilot and I guess a crew chief.
[12:35:28] <ted-ious> https://youtu.be
[12:35:30] <systemd> ^ 03LIVE: Scene of plane crash near Washington's Ronald Reagan National Airport ( https://www.youtube.com )
[12:35:40] <ted-ious> Not live anymore.
[12:43:31] <Ingar> I bet the 3rd person was that prositute that was blowing the pilot while he was suddenly called to duty
[14:22:15] <c0lo> apropos of nothing https://www.youtube.com
[14:22:17] <systemd> ^ 03Check Out This HILTI Exoskeleton
[19:55:39] <ted-ious> https://www.youtube.com
[19:55:41] <systemd> ^ 03The Guys Who Invented Q-Tips
[22:34:16] -!- jje has quit [Quit: ZNC - https://znc.in]
[22:34:38] -!- jje [jje!jje@ddjffrbpjin.info] has joined #soylent
[23:55:17] -!- halibut has quit [Remote host closed the connection]