#soylent | Logs for 2024-12-14

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[01:10:53] -!- halibut has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[01:40:55] -!- halibut [halibut!~halibut@CanHazVHOST/halibut] has joined #soylent
[09:46:57] <Ingar> Ari only pawn in game of life
[10:00:23] <janrinok> 'morning, Ingar
[10:02:10] <janrinok> "Christmas Vacation Eve" - is that just for you or is it a national holiday?
[11:09:41] <chromas> it's the evening he starts watching national lampoon's christmas vacation
[11:12:29] <janrinok> fair enough...
[11:14:22] <chromas> "Hey Grizwold! Where do you think you're gonna put a tree that big?"
[11:20:29] <janrinok> lol
[11:33:25] -!- pleurotooter [pleurotooter!~pleurotoo@146.70.nx.uhw] has joined #soylent
[11:35:34] <pleurotooter> Grateful someone got the reference. Now if only this was a common for Homer, or  Ovid, or even  a complete unknown.
[11:37:22] -!- pleurotooter has quit [Client Quit]
[15:53:28] -!- mrpg [mrpg!~Thunderbi@Soylent/Staff/Editor/mrpg] has joined #soylent
[15:53:28] -!- mode/#soylent [+v mrpg] by Imogen
[15:53:43] <mrpg> Yesterday FBI director Christopher Wray announced that he will resign his position rather than force the next president to fire him.
[15:53:59] <mrpg> I thought only millionaries coull to that.
[15:54:03] <mrpg> could
[15:54:27] <mrpg> I'm forcing you to fire me, do it now!
[15:54:28] <janrinok> I would do the opposite. I wouldn't go until I had to.
[15:55:09] <mrpg> I'd wait for his decision, and begin to look for another job.
[15:55:10] <janrinok> force T to fire me.
[15:55:21] <janrinok> yes, exactly
[16:13:51] <mrpg> CNN reports that Charlton Heston has discovered the secret ingredient in Soylent Green.
[16:50:54] <mrpg> =submit https://phys.org
[16:50:56] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Just a Moment..." (1p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[16:52:34] <mrpg> =submit https://phys.org
[16:52:35] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Just a Moment..." (1p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[16:56:34] <mrpg> =submit https://phys.org
[16:56:35] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Just a Moment..." (1p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[17:00:07] <mrpg> than and then are pronounced the same? that explains it. I always thought then was like den and than like tan.
[17:00:26] <mrpg> a,e, 2 different letters.
[17:12:14] -!- mrpg has quit [Quit: signing off]
[20:47:01] <chromas> gh and f are three different letters, but sometimes pronounced the same
[20:54:35] -!- pleuroshooter [pleuroshooter!~pleurosho@165.22.qz.znl] has joined #soylent
[20:57:07] <pleuroshooter> jan obsessed with luigi?  or just jealous of the massive censorship campaign?
[21:04:51] <pleuroshooter> =submit https://www.wired.com
[21:04:53] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03The Internet’s Obsession With Luigi Mangione Signals a Major Shift" (15p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[21:17:50] -!- pleuroshooter has quit [Quit: Client closed]