#soylent | Logs for 2024-12-08

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[02:23:10] -!- necrosoylen [necrosoylen!~necrosoyl@146.70.zh.iwg] has joined #soylent
[02:36:23] <necrosoylen> Fink!
[02:36:29] -!- necrosoylen has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[02:37:44] <kolie> ari the twink
[06:43:59] -!- test-kiwi [test-kiwi!~test-kiwi@kkpeqz-44-538-06-820.lsan.ca.frontiernet.net] has joined #soylent
[06:44:13] test-kiwi is now known as test-kiwi-2
[06:44:23] test-kiwi-2 is now known as test-kiwi-3
[06:44:37] test-kiwi-3 is now known as test-kiwi-4
[06:46:42] test-kiwi-4 is now known as test-kiwi-5
[06:47:15] test-kiwi-5 is now known as test-kiwi-6
[06:47:36] test-kiwi-6 is now known as test-kiwi-7
[06:47:51] test-kiwi-7 is now known as test-kiwi-8
[06:48:10] -!- test-kiwi-8 [test-kiwi-8!~test-kiwi@kkpeqz-44-538-06-820.lsan.ca.frontiernet.net] has parted #soylent
[08:39:03] <chromas> https://www.youtube.com
[08:39:05] <systemd> ^ 03How Dubstep was Discovered [Extra Terra Music] [EKM.CO]
[08:41:16] <kolie> lol this isnt accurate
[08:41:37] <kolie> its when decepticons had sex.
[08:58:02] <halibut> Can you convince me that is not what is happening behind the camera?
[09:04:41] -!- Runaway1956 has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[09:33:29] -!- Runaway1956 [Runaway1956!~OldGuy@the.abyss.stares.back] has joined #soylent
[09:37:25] -!- necromancsoylen [necromancsoylen!~necromanc@82.102.qw.kjn] has joined #soylent
[09:43:12] <necromancsoylen> kolie is an ammosexual, so hard and thrilled to think of standing his ground.  But janrinok puts him down with ease, like in bylaws.  Curious.
[09:57:39] -!- necromancsoylen has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[10:53:16] * Ingar puts ari in Black Pete's bag
[10:53:38] <Ingar> (that's where the bad kids go)
[17:33:35] <kolie> I like being spanked.
[17:33:41] <kolie> I didn't think janrinok swung that way.
[17:34:00] <kolie> Ari is having sexual thoughts about kolie again.
[18:14:42] <kolie> robc207, lmk if you'll be around this week, I got a 3 node idle proxmox cluster, would like to talk and architect a k8s playground.
[18:30:05] <kolie> janrinok, uploads are working on mediawiki
[18:38:58] <janrinok> thank you!!
[18:42:45] <kolie> apache/php images supported alternative users but the mediawiki base didnt.
[18:43:03] <kolie> So I copied down the mediawiki dockerfile, put in our special sauce to make it work on a www-data with uid 50000
[18:43:22] <kolie> infrastructure github was updated with the latest configs.
[18:45:10] <janrinok> I've uploaded 3 so far so I am happy. Why 50000 - we are not far from reaching that in the real world
[19:03:39] <kolie> hmm?
[19:04:02] <kolie> its the uid/gid for the linux user.
[19:04:18] <kolie> devops user is 50000 on the soylent-0 host, so when you mount virtual filesystems to the guest
[19:04:30] <janrinok> latest account id is 49410
[19:04:32] <kolie> the guest uses their own uid/gid, inside the container.
[19:04:58] <janrinok> Ah, with you. Accounts to me are user ids on the system.
[19:05:08] <kolie> So its easiest if every dockerfile, sets up and uses a uid/gid of 50000
[19:05:18] <janrinok> make sense now!
[19:05:23] <kolie> so apache uses www-data right
[19:05:35] <kolie> I renumbered www-data instead of gid/uid 33, its 50000 now
[19:06:01] <kolie> and then I can mount a folder from /opt , and access it as devops on the host, and inside the container, no conflicts.
[19:06:16] <janrinok> I thought you were creating a false user on the system as we have for Arthur, upstart and few other functions.
[19:06:20] <kolie> What happened was the upload folder, was uid/gid 50000 and mediawiki couldnt write in there.
[19:06:24] <kolie> yea gotchu
[19:08:28] <kolie> https://github.com is the relevant change
[19:08:29] <systemd> ^ 03Includes a comprehensive quick start guide for Docker-based DevOps in… ( https://github.com )
[19:09:12] <janrinok> Yeah, I saw that but hadn't had a chance to look at what it was about
[19:09:25] <kolie> Just a commit of the latest tweaks.
[20:35:19] -!- necromaniccsoylen [necromaniccsoylen!~necromani@140.174.vnm.ul] has joined #soylent
[20:36:57] <necromaniccsoylen> racist Dutch (or more likely, Flemish?) Christmas traditions have no place on SN!  Spam, I say, it is Spam!!
[20:37:36] <necromaniccsoylen> =submit https://slate.com
[20:37:38] <systemd> ✓* Sub-ccess! "08I Took the Test RFK Jr. is Using to Determine Who Should Work at His Health Department. We are Extre" (11p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[20:39:30] <necromaniccsoylen> janrinok's Compoaining journal has gone off the rails.  Could someone see to that?
[20:44:41] <necromaniccsoylen> Hello?  Anybody here?  Is this part of the Dead Internet? https://www.reddit.com
[20:44:42] <systemd> ^ 03Reddit - Dive into anything
[20:48:56] -!- necromaniccsoylen has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[21:07:04] -!- Xyem has quit [Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in]
[21:07:05] -!- kolie_ has quit [Read error: -0x7880: SSL - The peer notified us that the connection is going to be closed]
[21:07:05] -!- Runaway1956 has quit [Read error: -0x7880: SSL - The peer notified us that the connection is going to be closed]
[21:07:51] <kolie> Weird.
[21:07:59] -!- Runaway1956 [Runaway1956!~OldGuy@the.abyss.stares.back] has joined #soylent
[21:08:08] -!- kolie_ [kolie_!~kolie@208.91.qqu.m] has joined #soylent
[21:08:12] -!- Xyem [Xyem!~xyem@yu801-49.members.linode.com] has joined #soylent
[21:08:13] -!- Xyem has quit [Changing host]
[21:08:13] -!- Xyem [Xyem!~xyem@Soylent/Staff/Developer/Xyem] has joined #soylent
[21:08:13] -!- mode/#soylent [+v Xyem] by Imogen
[21:25:12] <chromas> Weird, weird!
[21:27:19] -!- necromaniccsoylen [necromaniccsoylen!~necromani@91.242.rrx.pg] has joined #soylent
[21:30:26] <necromaniccsoylen> =submit https://www.nytimes.com
[21:30:28] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Trump Vows to End Birthright Citizenship and Pardon Jan. 6 Rioters in NBC Interview" (18p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[21:33:12] <necromaniccsoylen> Roost-ers coming home  to chick. With old and stupid, you can stop getting older, but cain't do nothing about getting more stupid.
[21:34:27] -!- necromaniccsoylen has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[21:35:55] -!- normalman [normalman!~normalman@185.77.kim.wpo] has joined #soylent
[21:36:02] <normalman> Is he gone, yet?
[21:42:26] <normalman> Silent treatment is working, yes?
[21:54:51] -!- normalman has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[22:21:00] -!- mrpg [mrpg!~Thunderbi@Soylent/Staff/Editor/mrpg] has joined #soylent
[22:21:00] -!- mode/#soylent [+v mrpg] by Imogen
[22:27:51] <mrpg> https://www.bbc.com
[22:27:51] <systemd> ^ 03Hawk Tuah girl: Online star faces crypto coin criticism
[22:28:22] <mrpg> !blame
[22:28:22] <bender> Unknown command
[22:28:22] <devbot> Command failed: fork/exec /misc/command_handler.py: permission denied
[22:28:31] <mrpg> =blame
[22:28:31] * systemd points at Bytram
[22:29:27] <mrpg> systemd-cryptsetup is used to set up (with attach) and tear down (with detach) access to an encrypted block device.
[22:29:43] <mrpg> sudo !blame
[22:29:57] <mrpg> ls
[22:29:58] <mrpg> pwd
[22:33:03] <mrpg> https://www.youtube.com
[22:33:05] <systemd> ^ 03Leonard Nimoy My work is done
[22:33:15] <mrpg> Do like a tree, and go. Bye.
[22:33:33] -!- mrpg has quit [Quit: signing off]
[23:09:55] -!- normal [normal!~normal@98.98.qs.wki] has joined #soylent
[23:30:31] -!- normal has quit [Quit: Client closed]