#soylent | Logs for 2024-12-05
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[00:55:52] -!- unterbon [unterbon!~unterbon@149.88.ou.rgt] has joined #soylent
[00:58:45] <unterbon> Sleeping it off now, is he? I have a compoaint.
[00:59:12] <kolie> Speak, friend, and enter.
[01:01:57] <unterbon> mellon
[01:04:22] <kolie> I'd give you an ascii temple opening but I'd hate to spam the face of soylent news to the world.
[01:04:38] <kolie> My art wasn't appreciated.
[01:05:07] <kolie> I actually got two pms asking where I got the sweet ascii froms.
[01:05:14] <kolie> But I digest.
[01:28:17] <unterbon> You shall not pass!
[01:28:34] -!- unterbon has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[02:05:37] <chromas> I miss the olden days of bot shenanigans and occasional flooding but I guess it's all srs bzns now
[02:05:59] <chromas> =yt business socks
[02:05:59] <systemd> https://youtube.com - Flight of the Conchords- Business Time (03:56; 38,820,153 views; 👍144,505)
[07:46:29] <janrinok> "compoaint."
[07:47:05] <janrinok> kolie, lol
[09:54:28] <chromas> =g test page
[09:54:29] <systemd> Search failed: SSL connect error on handle 55660BD8A730
[09:54:39] <chromas> Is google taking a break?
[09:54:56] <chromas> no youtube, search
[09:55:16] <chromas> even a link through cloudflare shows SSL handshake failed, so it must not just be me
[09:56:23] <chromas> reddit seems to agree
[09:57:23] <janrinok> It is working for me
[09:57:59] <chromas> gogle and youtube?
[09:58:15] <chromas> An error occurred during a connection to www.google.com. PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR
[09:58:15] <chromas> Error code: PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR
[09:59:14] <janrinok> on youtube yes, on google yes
[09:59:43] <chromas> perhaps it's just american google
[10:01:20] <chromas> loading youtube gets me enough page to tell me I'm offline and to check my connection
[10:05:40] <janrinok> your connection to IRC must be using telepathy!
[10:06:09] <chromas> buttmagic
[10:12:51] <fab23> Googles platform is highly distributed and mostly very local reachable.
[10:17:51] <ted-ious> chromas: Could it be a local dns problem?
[10:18:01] <ted-ious> Or something else with your isp?
[10:18:16] <janrinok> switch the entire internet off and back on again
[10:18:26] <chromas> ooh it's up again
[10:18:32] <ted-ious> I can connect to youtube from my own network and lots of tor exit's.
[10:18:37] <janrinok> see, it always works!
[10:18:43] <chromas> well other people reported issues, though I don't know where they are
[10:19:44] <chromas> Looks like some Canadians and someone in India
[10:19:46] <ted-ious> It could be something like a bgp hiccup that only propagated to some of the big routers.
[10:20:18] <ted-ious> Or at&t got hacked again and needs to pretend it was a maintenance mistake.
[10:21:33] <fab23> It’s Always DNS – Poster https://weberblog.net
[10:21:34] <systemd> ^ 03It’s Always DNS – Poster
[10:21:54] <janrinok> or, perhaps less embarassing to AT&T, it was a maintenance mistake but they want to pretend they were hacked... Then they can blame the Russians/Chinese or some kid in his basement
[15:53:14] -!- progo9 [progo9!~progo@eegc-73-589-96-43.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined #soylent
[15:53:40] -!- progo has quit [Read error: -0x1: ERROR - Generic error]
[15:53:40] progo9 is now known as progo
[16:02:00] -!- progo has quit [Read error: -0x1: ERROR - Generic error]
[16:02:11] -!- progo [progo!~progo@eegc-73-589-96-43.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined #soylent
[16:47:58] <kolie> Lol at the comments on the anchor ship article
[16:49:30] <kolie> Anyone who thinks it was an accident hasnt really thought that through.
[18:39:28] <chromas> classic soylent, posting ancient stories
[18:47:22] <janrinok> No ancient - this story is still progressing. You can watch the surveillance on various websites.
[19:13:46] <chromas> so old I'd forgotten about it
[19:14:17] <chromas> sounds like a conspiracy theory though. next you'll be telling be covid was on purpose too
[19:26:11] <janrinok> lol
[19:31:11] <chromas> hm maybe that's why google was out. yet another cable boating
[19:52:35] -!- soylentil83 [soylentil83!~soylentil@194.187.xni.whk] has joined #soylent
[19:55:56] <soylentil83> Compoaint. janrinok is a Fink!
[19:58:12] <soylentil83> (tracking posters by their broken keyboards strikes me as something out of Das Leben der Anderen, sort of a STASI tactic. )
[20:13:44] -!- soylentil83 has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[20:32:15] <janrinok> goodnight guys
[21:33:31] <Fnord666> good night
[22:11:08] -!- soylentil84 [soylentil84!~soylentil@164-7-467-871.hosted-by-worldstream.net] has joined #soylent
[22:12:17] <soylentil84> janrinok is a double Fink! I want to make a comolaint! The Southern will loose again!
[22:12:27] <kolie> quad fink
[22:32:51] -!- soylentil84 has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]