#soylent | Logs for 2024-12-01

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[00:03:55] <fake1956> Is it just me, or doth janrinok protest too much?  I fully suspect/expect a massive tariff on comment deletions from the Trump misadministration.
[00:04:20] -!- fake1956 has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[01:44:30] <chromas> Lefties love tarrifs when they encourage electric vehicles but not when they encourage business to factories with all the safety precautions and wages they demand
[04:35:04] -!- soylentil55 [soylentil55!~soylentil@sfn-831-376-836-494.res.spectrum.com] has joined #soylent
[04:35:50] -!- soylentil55 has quit [Client Quit]
[09:04:33] -!- Runaway has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[09:08:52] <Ingar> just wait when people realise who's going to end up paying for the tarrifs
[09:09:03] <Ingar> hint: it's not the chinese
[09:11:48] <chromas> Well duh, the whole point is to make it just as expensive to import slave labor products as is it to make them here
[09:14:27] <chromas> That's the market regulation lefties masturbate to
[09:25:27] <chromas> Speaking of nonsense though, when did cp become csam? Is it because of pizzagate?
[09:26:35] <Ingar> not sure, I'm not really following the cp scene
[09:27:59] <chromas> Everyone's calling it csam now, in the context of fighting it from sites like bluebell or whatever the latest Twitter thing is
[09:32:08] <chromas> Even sn's apparently adopted the term, even though we didn't have Tumblr refugees
[10:02:32] <Ingar> since the terrorists where already banned from the internet, a new target is needed
[10:03:32] <Ingar> next up: make sure all science publications are validated by the national ethics board
[10:03:40] <Ingar> to make sure there's no unethical science out there!
[10:15:35] <chromas> Trust the Science™
[10:17:57] <Ingar> I'm the eternal sceptic, I don't even trust myself
[10:21:07] <chromas> or...do you?
[10:33:09] <janrinok> The term CSAM is actually the one used on the official site for reporting such things which we are supposedly obliged to do.
[10:34:35] <janrinok> It covers things such as child trafficking, abuse, mistreatment and is not limited to pornography.
[16:49:23] <janrinok> well this is probably the quietest Sunday I can recall for a long time.
[17:39:54] <kolie> CSAM is what all the tech industries call it, and the have centralized CSAM reporting/detection as well.
[17:41:08] <kolie> meta for example has ai and other heuristics flaggign stuff, and also inputs user flagging, into the system. Anything marked goes by humans to review if it isn't auto flagged by hashes etc / known samples in the central databases. Anything they detect after human review gets submitted to the centrals as well.
[17:41:29] <kolie> Something like 90% of CSAM is already known samples.
[18:21:27] -!- [R] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[18:24:34] -!- [R] [[R]!~rms@l39-863-882-882.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #soylent
[18:58:05] -!- soylentil54 [soylentil54!~soylentil@sfn-831-376-836-494.res.spectrum.com] has joined #soylent
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[21:34:40] <chromas> https://www.youtube.com
[21:34:43] <systemd> ^ 03If Les Grossman Negotiated With Hans Gruber From Die Hard
[23:03:19] -!- airystotle [airystotle!~airystotl@45.76.gvz.ss] has joined #soylent
[23:14:01] <airystotle> How does chromas know so much about the Dark Web?
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