#soylent | Logs for 2024-11-29
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[00:12:43] -!- corey [corey!~Madcow@120.19.rxi.xp] has joined #soylent
[00:45:00] -!- Runaway has quit [Read error: -0x1: ERROR - Generic error]
[02:07:44] <ted-ious> In case anybody is going to cotsco for black friday sales tomorrow. https://www.youtube.com
[02:07:47] <systemd> ^ 03What's in the Costco Hotdog? By Mass Spec Everything
[02:15:59] -!- corey_ [corey_!~Madcow@120.19.rxi.xp] has joined #soylent
[02:19:27] -!- corey has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[02:59:30] -!- Runaway1956 [Runaway1956!~OldGuy@the.abyss.stares.back] has joined #soylent
[05:24:43] -!- halibut_ [halibut_!~halibut@CanHazVHOST/halibut] has joined #soylent
[05:25:16] halibut_ is now known as halibut_cheats
[05:25:29] -!- halibut_cheats has quit [Client Quit]
[07:16:47] <chromas> https://www.youtube.com
[07:16:49] <systemd> ^ 03I Spent Six Years and $45,000 Developing The Burrito Bone
[07:17:19] <janrinok> morning chromas
[07:17:47] <janrinok> just going for my shower...
[07:18:43] <chromas> Put a bone in it!
[07:42:45] <janrinok> chromas, IRC channel prefixes. My bot (wetfish - which I intend to resurrect when I have the time...) used the ! character as the prefix.
[07:43:33] <janrinok> at least according to some old code that I have on a hard drive backup from a few years ago.
[08:06:37] -!- Runaway [Runaway!~OldGuy@the.abyss.stares.back] has joined #soylent
[08:10:19] -!- Runaway1956 has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[11:24:02] <Ingar> rofl @ local news
[11:24:37] <Ingar> "when looking at total income, instead of just wages, you get a completely different picture of the actual inequality"
[11:25:06] <Ingar> my good sherlock, been hibernating for the past 50 eyars or what
[14:31:03] -!- alexbst [alexbst!~lysander@thmnovybb.internationalconspiracy.org] has joined #soylent
[16:27:11] -!- soylentil6 [soylentil6!~soylentil@by211817651656.70.openmobile.ne.jp] has joined #soylent
[16:27:35] <soylentil6> janrinok is a fink!
[16:32:03] <soylentil6> =sub https://www.nytimes.com
[16:32:05] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03How Tulsi Gabbard Became a Favorite of Russia’s State Media" (18p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[16:32:32] -!- soylentil6 has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[16:45:07] <janrinok> Bytram, be afraid, be very afraid... Only another 2,210 to go. https://soylentnews.org
[16:45:07] <systemd> ^ 03SoylentNews: Authors
[16:59:23] <chromas> lol
[16:59:27] <chromas> "According to Maynooth University, only 3 in 10 girls from DEIS schools were confident they could study STEM in the future, while close to 6 in 10 girls from non-DEIS were confident."
[17:00:06] <chromas> So the girls going to schools specifically promoting inclusion had less confidence than regular schools
[17:00:24] -!- corey [corey!~Madcow@120.19.jgv.rzm] has joined #soylent
[17:00:39] -!- mode/#soylent [+o chromas] by Imogen
[17:04:13] -!- corey_ has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[17:07:49] <janrinok> Re-read it, that was at the start. After the 3 years of the study they were all raised to the same level. People from rural backgrounds (and traditionally rural schools) have not hitherto had much exposure to STEM.
[17:09:34] <janrinok> I agree, it could have been better phrases - but she was Irish.....
[17:09:47] <janrinok> *better phrased
[17:30:43] <Ingar> great
[17:30:50] <Ingar> half of last night's sessions destroyed by starlink
[17:30:54] <Ingar> and the other half by a tree
[17:32:53] <Ingar> janrinok: after 3 years the both become 3/10 or 6/10 ?
[17:32:58] <Ingar> *they both
[17:43:42] <janrinok> 6/10
[17:43:53] <Ingar> 32 out of 59 frames survived :-\
[17:44:18] <Ingar> will need to move scope to the front of the garden
[17:44:51] <janrinok> that is annoying because they said that all these satellites would have no effect - you mean Musk lied? Say it isn't so...
[17:45:21] <Ingar> nono I would never state Musk lied, he was merely... misinformed!
[17:45:25] <janrinok> does moving you scope mean that it is at risk of someone taking it during the night?
[17:45:56] <Ingar> janrinok: no just moving it a few meters towards the house
[17:46:21] <Ingar> but I need to find some tiles to put the tripod on
[17:46:30] <janrinok> ah, annoying, but not a huge problem then
[17:46:30] <Ingar> (tripods tend to sink into the muddy ground)
[17:46:39] <Ingar> janrinok: indeed
[17:47:02] <Ingar> but I did run two rigs all night, I have mountains of data
[17:47:32] <janrinok> do you have to set the tiles perfectly flat or just to provide a base for the tripod legs?
[17:48:05] <Ingar> having your tripod perfectly level is the best
[17:48:28] <Ingar> but I'm not a in a perfection mood :)
[17:48:39] <janrinok> why was the tree a problem this time?
[17:49:21] <Ingar> I try to image the Witch Head Nebula, it doesn get above 32 degrees altitude
[17:49:30] <janrinok> Ok, got it
[17:50:02] <janrinok> is it your tree?
[17:50:09] <Ingar> I have to guesstimate if the trees will be an isue or not, I guesstimated wrong
[17:50:25] <janrinok> fair enough
[17:50:25] <Ingar> janrinok: yeah, more of a large bush though
[17:50:50] <Ingar> I didn't prune it because I was like "ooh that's ok" and tbh, it usually isn't.
[17:51:16] <Ingar> most of the fancy winter nebula targets are in and around the constellation of orion
[17:51:28] <janrinok> time to do a bit of horticultural restructuring....
[17:51:43] <Ingar> if you know how to find it (you should, it is easy to spot!) that would give you an idea about the altitude
[17:52:19] <Ingar> with head is to the lower left of orion
[17:52:23] <Ingar> *Witch Head
[17:52:26] <janrinok> I will look for it next time we have a clear sky
[17:52:49] <janrinok> Orion is easy of course
[17:54:15] <Ingar> maybe I should process the images I already have and see if I get anything to begin with
[17:55:19] <janrinok> do you mean lower left or lower right of Orion? It is near his left foot which is on the right as we look at it :)
[17:56:03] <janrinok> But I have found it in images on the web
[17:56:41] <Ingar> With Head is to the Right of Rigel (bottom right foot)
[17:56:45] <Ingar> *WItch
[17:57:15] <Ingar> no chane in hell you will actually see it visually
[17:58:01] <Ingar> (well his bottom left foot, the star at the bottom right ;-)
[17:58:21] <Ingar> I'd say "to the west" but that's even more confusing
[18:02:35] <Ingar> janrinok: for you, Orion might actually be in a better position than here
[18:03:38] <janrinok> no, to the west is good
[18:09:52] <janrinok> I've just been outside - not a chance of seeing anything tonight - not even a bloody satellite!
[18:10:30] <Ingar> there's some light clouds, but it should clear out in an hour or two
[18:11:24] <Ingar> did a quick'n'dirty process..
[18:11:27] <Ingar> aw
[18:12:27] <Ingar> not sure this is going to be worth it
[18:46:47] <Ingar> let's go with... plan G and H
[18:54:23] * janrinok chuckles
[19:11:16] <kolie> I got an app star walk, It has an AR mode, you can set the time and date to any point and for your current position it will show the objects in the sky through the camera overlayed on the real time picture, good to tell where shots will be and if there os clearance or not
[19:11:53] <kolie> I used it for the Jupiter Saturn conjunction was spot on.
[19:12:24] <janrinok> do you have to survey your site first or is it quick and dirty?
[19:13:40] <janrinok> I ask because you said that you have to set the current position.
[19:14:42] <janrinok> not that I do much star gazing with anything other than the naked eye.
[19:55:26] <Ingar> the mount has to be aligned with the celestial pole
[19:55:51] <Ingar> there's a small finderscope
[19:57:00] <Ingar> and then there's software aids
[19:57:15] <Ingar> usually takes me about half an hour
[22:07:12] <kolie> gps based with acceleromiter
[22:09:14] <kolie> Ingar, equatorial mount?
[22:16:52] <Ingar> kolie: EQ indeed, otherwise you can't do very long exposures
[22:20:41] <kolie> Yea easy to control too.
[22:23:15] <Ingar> control is handled by the raspberry pi so I can be inside ;-)
[22:23:37] <Ingar> I need to be onsite for polar alignment and focus
[23:24:50] -!- corey has quit [Remote host closed the connection]