#soylent | Logs for 2024-11-14
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[00:24:15] <kolie> I added backups for pdns, mediawiki, tor, and znc.
[00:24:33] <kolie> rn, everything should be backing up to tungsten atleast hourly.
[00:25:21] <kolie> 5 hourlies for pdns/mediawiki/rehash-dev, rehash we keep monthlys forever, dailys for 30 days, and hourlies for 24 hours. everything else is a simple rsync of the live data every hour.
[04:21:23] <kolie> Ari's been noticeably absent for a couple
[04:21:39] <kolie> I hope nothing tragic has happened to him ...
[04:41:25] <Bytram> We can only hope ...
[04:52:36] <Bytram> kolie: I appreciate all your efforts to keep everything running smoothly! Thank you.
[04:53:22] <kolie> Bytram, My pleasure mate thanks for the kind words.
[04:58:14] <Bytram> In high school, my homeroom had this posted on it: "Every job done well - no matter how small - is deserving of praise."
[04:58:26] <Bytram> I agree!
[05:04:57] <kolie> bytram++ # sage motherfrakker.
[05:04:57] <bender> bytram: 185
[05:05:25] <kolie> !karma-whyup bytram
[05:05:25] <bender> reasons for karma up are: ["for acronymicality", "the QA man!", "for making something of three of my shitty submissions this week", "taking you further from the answer", "regexpert and bugfinder extraordinaire", "funny", "retro props", "humor, ar ar", "whoohoo!", "for great punning skillz", "thanks for reminding me. pill time.", "for great coffee truth", "sage motherfrakker."]
[05:25:42] <kolie> hmm not sure what I want to work on next.
[06:03:31] <chromas> Port rehash to go
[06:03:33] <chromas> or rust
[06:03:41] <chromas> or phpoo
[06:17:42] -!- systemd has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[06:24:27] -!- systemd [systemd!~systemd@pid1] has joined #soylent
[06:35:54] <kolie> rust++
[06:35:54] <bender> rust: 2
[06:36:02] <kolie> !karma-whoup rust
[06:36:02] <bender> uppers of rust are: kolie: 1, chromas: 1
[06:36:53] <chromas> (.Y.)++
[06:36:53] <bender> (.y.): 1
[06:38:32] <chromas> ( )++
[06:38:32] <bender> ( ): 1
[06:38:41] <chromas> test string++
[06:38:53] <kolie> Did that ever work
[06:38:59] <kolie> [test string]++
[06:38:59] <bender> [test string]: 1
[06:39:02] <chromas> nope. just chacking
[06:39:10] <chromas> bracketed ones worked
[06:39:18] <chromas> so looks good so far :D
[06:39:21] <chromas> chromas--
[06:39:23] <chromas> chromas++
[06:39:25] <kolie> I copied karma basically verbatim.
[06:39:26] <chromas> cHromas++
[06:39:26] <bender> chromas: 437
[06:39:29] <kolie> haha
[06:39:41] <chromas> seems to work exactly the same. good work
[06:39:41] <kolie> good one.
[06:40:00] <chromas> coffee--
[06:40:00] <bender> coffee: 5611
[06:40:23] <chromas> There was a little hack in place to increment tea instead of decrementing coffee I think
[06:40:34] <chromas> not as important since nobody here would probably do that anymore
[06:41:05] <chromas> !join #test
[06:41:05] <bender> Unknown command
[06:42:07] <kolie> I only ported karma.py.
[06:44:59] <kolie> >
[06:44:59] <kolie> "<ciri> chromas, Ethanol-fueled is a cow's left testicle.",
[06:45:52] <kolie> <SedBot> <chromas> ( . Y . )( . Y . )( . Y . )( . Y . )( . Y . )( . Y . )(
[06:46:43] -!- SedBot [SedBot!~SedBot@pid1] has joined #soylent
[06:46:54] <kolie> SedBot, help
[06:46:55] * SedBot is a 54-line awk script, https://github.com
[06:47:08] <chromas> Haven't run that one in awhile
[06:47:17] <kolie> s/awhile/forever/
[06:47:17] <chromas> I had to go change all the irc.sylnt.us reference
[06:47:38] <chromas> kolie: s/(.*)/chromas: \1/
[06:47:39] <SedBot> <chromas> <kolie> chromas: SedBot, help
[06:47:53] <chromas> I guess it skipped the sed expression
[06:48:22] <chromas> s/./🐍/g
[06:48:23] <SedBot> <chromas> 🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍
[06:48:46] <kolie> s/awhile/forever/g
[06:48:50] <kolie> it doesnt like me.
[06:48:56] <kolie> I'm not a proper user.
[06:49:14] <chromas> kolie: s/ /_/g
[06:49:15] <SedBot> <chromas> <kolie> I'm_not_a_proper_user.
[06:49:30] <kolie> sedbot: s/ /dicks/g
[06:49:31] <SedBot> <kolie> <sedbot> <chromas>dicks<kolie>dicksI'm_not_a_proper_user.
[06:50:10] <kolie> sedbot: s/dicks/butts/g
[06:50:10] <SedBot> <kolie> <sedbot> <kolie> <sedbot> <chromas>butts<kolie>buttsI'm_not_a_proper_user.
[06:50:22] <kolie> noice.
[06:52:01] <chromas> now it should work for you
[06:52:09] <chromas> s/you/thee/
[06:52:10] <SedBot> <chromas> now it should work for thee
[06:52:13] <kolie> s/you/kolie/g
[06:52:20] <chromas> hm
[06:52:42] <chromas> oh that wasn't in your message
[06:52:53] <kolie> noice
[06:52:55] <chromas> it only looks at your last message unless you prefix it with a nick
[06:52:59] <kolie> s/oi/i/g
[06:53:00] <SedBot> <kolie> nice
[06:55:43] <chromas> oh yeah, MrPlow/rustbot did have some shenanigan nonsense data we could use, but I can regenerate (most of) it from irc logs
[06:56:08] <chromas> he had #sammich and #smake commands that would emit random items
[06:58:03] <chromas> But I s'pose instead of recreating all the bot function we could come up with new ones
[07:03:33] <chromas> Why do JohnnyCabs have hidden joysticks under the dummies?
[07:04:28] <chromas> And why does Cohaagen eat cornflakes at night?
[07:31:31] <kolie> ?
[07:31:38] <kolie> idk
[07:31:46] <chromas> in Total Recall
[07:36:31] <kolie> The only thing I remember from that is triple boob.
[07:36:48] <chromas> You make me wish I had three hands.
[07:36:52] <kolie> WHy DONT you eat cornflakes at night?
[07:37:04] <kolie> Not high enough?
[07:37:38] * chromas goes off to smoke a bowl of cornflakes
[07:38:04] <kolie> oh wait
[07:38:06] <kolie> fuck cornflakes.
[07:38:10] <kolie> frosted flakes are the shit.
[07:38:15] <kolie> cornflakes--
[07:38:15] <bender> cornflakes: -1
[07:38:24] <kolie> [frosted flakes]++
[07:38:24] <bender> [frosted flakes]: 1
[07:38:54] <kolie> [frosty fucks]++
[07:38:54] <bender> [frosty fucks]: 1
[07:39:12] <kolie> [Frosty Piss]--
[07:39:12] <bender> [frosty piss]: -1
[07:39:42] <chromas> now with two boobs of raisins in every bowl
[07:41:17] <chromas> 40--
[07:41:17] <bender> 40: -1
[07:41:26] <kolie> 42+_
[07:41:27] * chromas pours one out for our other fallen bots
[07:41:28] <kolie> 42++
[07:41:28] <bender> 42: 2
[07:41:44] <kolie> :(
[07:42:34] <chromas> $burrito Imogen
[07:42:34] * aqu4bot chucks a nasty, rotten burrito at Imogen
[07:42:53] <kolie> $burro chromas
[07:42:57] <kolie> $help
[07:42:57] <aqu4bot> Hi, I'm aqu4bot, version "baking", running on UNIX. I'm a bot written in C++ by Subsentient [http://universe2.us/]. My source code can be found at "http://github.com/Subsentient/aqu4bot/". Try the 'commands' command to get a list of what I can do, or try 'help cmd' where 'cmd' is a particular command.
[07:42:58] <systemd> ^ 03File not found.
[07:42:59] <systemd> ^ 03Page not found · GitHub ( https://github.com". )
[07:43:13] <kolie> $commands
[07:43:13] <aqu4bot> Commands with 1 star = admins only, 2 stars = owners only. Commands available:
[07:43:14] <aqu4bot> burrito, beer, godzilla4**, wz, guessinggame, sr, time, title, ddg, coin, seen, tell, sticky, replace, whoami, tail8*, msg8*, memsg8*, noticemsg8*, chanctl8*, join8*, part8*, cycle8*, debug8*, nickchange4**, admin4**, blacklist8*, netwrite4**, quit4**, restart4**, pageall, help, commands
[07:43:29] <kolie> $ddg
[07:43:29] <aqu4bot> You must specify something to search DuckDuckGo for.
[07:43:33] <kolie> $coin
[07:43:33] <aqu4bot> I need something to ask the coin.
[07:43:41] <kolie> $coin buttseks?
[07:43:41] * aqu4bot flips a 3V buttoncell battery that looks like a nickel on "buttseks?"
[07:43:42] <aqu4bot> I got heads.
[07:43:53] <chromas> so did the butt
[07:47:09] <chromas> ciri was notable for getting banned from here when NCommander discovered he was talking to a bot :D
[07:47:22] <chromas> and we had tama, which was an instance of the xkcd bot
[07:47:54] <kolie> how did he not know it was a bot
[07:47:58] <kolie> $godzilla
[07:47:58] <aqu4bot> How about no?
[07:48:02] <kolie> $godzilla yes
[07:48:02] <aqu4bot> How about no?
[07:48:08] <kolie> $wz
[07:48:08] <aqu4bot> 3[1 of 11] 2Name: [A] [R] professional teams | 7Map: NTW-3x3-Flex | 3Host: Autohoster | 5Players: 0/6 | 4IP: | 6Version: 4.5.4
[07:48:09] <aqu4bot> 3[2 of 11] 2Name: [A] [R] professional duels | 7Map: JCDG_Rocky_Dual | 3Host: Autohoster | 5Players: 0/2 | 4IP: | 6Version: 4.5.4
[07:48:10] <aqu4bot> 3[3 of 11] 2Name: nubik | 7Map: Tiny_VautEdition | 3Host: Autohoster | 5Players: 0/2 | 4IP: | 6Version: 4.5.4
[07:48:10] <aqu4bot> 3[4 of 11] 2Name: dummyhost | 7Map: NTW_4x4_Full | 3Host: Autohoster | 5Players: 0/8 | 4IP: | 6Version: 4.5.4
[07:48:11] <aqu4bot> 3[5 of 11] 2Name: [A] [R] professional duels | 7Map: RO_1v1Full | 3Host: Autohoster | 5Players: 0/2 | 4IP: | 6Version: 4.5.4
[07:48:12] <aqu4bot> 3[6 of 11] 2Name: dummyhost | 7Map: WARCON-Tiny | 3Host: Autohoster | 5Players: 0/4 | 4IP: | 6Version: 4.5.4
[07:48:13] <aqu4bot> 3[7 of 11] 2Name: dummyhost | 7Map: RO_1v1Full | 3Host: Autohoster | 5Players: 0/2 | 4IP: | 6Version: 4.5.4
[07:48:14] <aqu4bot> 3[8 of 11] 2Name: Olympig Guns | 7Map: Water_Drama_B | 3Host: Frankreich | 5Players: 0/2 | 4IP: | 6Version: 4.5.4
[07:48:14] <aqu4bot> 3[9 of 11] 2Name: dummyhost | 7Map: Ng-Krackerstan | 3Host: Autohoster | 5Players: 0/2 | 4IP: | 6Version: 4.5.4
[07:48:15] <aqu4bot> 6[10 of 11] 2Name: dumbyhost | 7Map: NTW_5v5Full | 3Host: dumbyhoster | 5Players: 0/10 | 4IP: | 6Version: 4.5.5 4(mods: 200UnitsLimit)
[07:48:16] <aqu4bot> 3[11 of 11] 2Name: dummyhost | 7Map: NTW-3x3-Flex | 3Host: Autohoster | 5Players: 0/6 | 4IP: | 6Version: 4.5.4
[07:48:26] <kolie> what am I looking at.
[07:48:39] <kolie> $sr
[07:48:39] <aqu4bot> The sr command requires an argument.
[07:48:44] <kolie> $sr buttseks
[07:48:44] <aqu4bot> "buttseks" >> "skesttub"
[07:48:46] <chromas> Probably so much conversation that he didn't realize it at first. it would respond with sentences that sometimes made sense
[07:49:14] <kolie> $title
[07:49:15] <aqu4bot> You need to provide a valid link.
[07:49:23] <kolie> $title https://pornhub.com
[07:49:23] <aqu4bot> ^ "3🐀"
[07:49:34] <kolie> $title https://goat.cx
[07:49:34] <aqu4bot> ^ "3Access Denied"
[07:49:43] <kolie> $title https://lemonparty.org
[07:49:44] <aqu4bot> ^ "3Lemon Party - A game of bingo gone horribly wrong"
[07:49:44] <chromas> that's stats of a game called Warzone 2021 or something
[07:49:50] <chromas> not related to the call of duty game
[07:49:59] <kolie> $sticky balls
[07:49:59] <aqu4bot> You need to specify a sub-command and then another argument.
[07:50:03] <kolie> $sticky help
[07:50:03] <aqu4bot> You need to specify a sub-command and then another argument.
[07:50:06] <kolie> $help sticky
[07:50:07] <aqu4bot> [$sticky <required_arg(s)>]: Used to save a sticky note. sticky save saves it, sticky save_private saves a private sticky, sticky read <number> reads it, sticky delete <number> deletes it, but only if it's your sticky. For admins, sticky reset deletes all stickies. sticky list lists the names of the owners and times of creation for all stickies, and sticky search returns a list of sticky IDs that match your search.
[07:50:21] <kolie> $beer aqu4bot
[07:50:21] * aqu4bot gives aqu4bot a cold can of beer
[07:50:37] <kolie> $whoami
[07:50:37] <aqu4bot> You are kolie!not_kolie@Soylent/Staff/Management/kolie, and you are not an admin.
[07:51:02] <kolie> aqu4bot: s/not an admin/so an admin/
[07:51:03] <SedBot> <kolie> <aqu4bot> You are kolie!not_kolie@Soylent/Staff/Management/kolie, and you are so an admin.
[07:51:25] <kolie> I am a moose.
[07:51:31] * chromas pings Subsentient
[07:53:10] <kolie> aqu4bot, is like when you write C++ but its actual C
[07:53:41] <kolie> who the fuck writes c++ like that lol
[07:53:59] <chromas> yep, he loved his C
[07:54:15] <kolie> I lived and breathed C++ for ever.
[07:54:21] <chromas> then finally tried c++ and somewhat ported a couple things
[07:54:55] <kolie> It actually makes you think about what you are doing you have to really understand the underlying types and cpu abstractions.
[07:55:46] <kolie> I was actually "not fucking bad"(tm) at it.
[07:56:10] <chromas> C doubleplusgood
[07:56:55] <kolie> Then I went to C#
[07:57:49] <chromas> I wanted to try C# but I couldn't figure out how to use it without the project files and shit. or whatever the nonsense is called
[07:58:02] <chromas> I just want to make a .cs file and pass it into the compiler
[07:58:16] <chromas> I like Delphi, so it should be a good move, right?
[07:58:17] <kolie> yea, I actually wrote a dynmaic compiler in C#
[07:58:25] <kolie> i didnt hate C#
[07:58:36] <kolie> I was very productive in it, and I happen to love visual studio
[07:58:39] <kolie> Best debugger ever.
[08:00:17] <chromas> I wish we could get a decent debugger on linux
[08:00:49] <kolie> println!("")
[08:01:58] <chromas> I haven't used visual studio but in Delphi (and Lazarus) it would synchronize the assembly and source code on break points and when stepping through code
[08:02:23] <chromas> since delphi and visual basic had similar IDEs I assume VS probably works similar
[08:02:27] <kolie> vscode will do it
[08:03:03] <kolie> Visual Studio is, idk man, its probably the reason I like C++
[08:03:10] <kolie> vscode is ok on the debugger.
[08:03:25] <kolie> msvs++
[08:03:25] <bender> msvs: 1
[08:03:28] <kolie> vscode~~
[08:03:32] <kolie> gdb--
[08:03:32] <bender> gdb: 0
[08:03:41] <kolie> !karma-whoup gdb
[08:03:42] <bender> uppers of gdb are: JamesNZ: 1
[08:03:49] <kolie> who is kiwi james
[08:03:54] <chromas> well vscode sucks at the very least because it requires an entire web browser
[08:04:07] <kolie> It's not the worst IDE experience.
[08:04:21] <kolie> I use it for all my JS/Rust.
[08:04:29] <chromas> people need to stop turning web pages into applications and then complaining the browsers suck
[08:04:30] <kolie> Fairly productive in it.
[08:04:58] <kolie> all the infra scripts, I did in vscode.
[08:05:04] <chromas> I remember JamesNZ; he also was in #blender on freenode. I think he was a student at the time
[08:33:11] -!- corey [corey!~Madcow@120.19.yup.wvr] has joined #soylent
[09:16:58] -!- corey_ [corey_!~Madcow@120.19.yup.wvr] has joined #soylent
[09:20:47] -!- corey has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[10:51:43] -!- corey_ has quit [Quit: leaving]
[11:00:14] <Ingar> kolie: The Room with the Moose
[11:21:28] <janrinok> tea++
[11:21:28] <bender> tea: 642
[11:21:45] <chromas> Time to bring back the karma macros
[11:22:01] <janrinok> how dare kolie suggest a thing...
[11:22:20] <janrinok> still backreading
[11:22:22] <chromas> which thing?
[11:22:56] <chromas> ah, cornflakes
[11:23:11] <janrinok> chromas, would you mind casting your eye over the Meta that is sitting in the story queue please?
[11:24:47] <chromas> the grammar checker thinks "and" needs a comma before it. Dunno where it went to school but I was teached that "and" and "or" specifically shouldn't have commas
[11:29:58] <chromas> it's got some weird grammar ideas
[11:33:08] <chromas> board members can't be anon, but I don't see any reason we have to correlate their real names with their usernames
[11:40:39] <chromas> janrinok: okay I pooped a couple commas and stuff into it. Looks a'ight
[11:40:59] <janrinok> I'll ask them what they would prefer. But I don't see how they can be elected if nobody knows who they are. How do you vote for them?
[11:41:29] <janrinok> thks, appreciated.
[11:41:48] <chromas> well the current ones
[11:42:43] <janrinok> We will be asking for them to be approved, OR for someone to want to stand for the post instead. The only information that the community has is their account ID.
[11:43:35] <chromas> It would be kinda funny to implement our old email voting system just for the lulz. Imagine trying to get a thousand users to all reply to the email without touching anything except putting a specific number on each line
[11:43:43] <janrinok> The Chairman has already posted comments under his username explaining that he is the Chairman.
[11:44:34] <janrinok> The only person who appeared not to have seen it was ari! :D
[11:44:56] <chromas> I also feel like we put a little too much focus onto voting and stuff. As long as the site's running smoothly and not being griefed too much, almost nobody cares about who's doing it and what their opinions are
[11:45:34] <chromas> To be fair, ari probably wears a helmet to breakfast
[11:45:39] <janrinok> but that is contrary to the Bylaws. Having people just appear in positions of authority does not go down well.
[11:47:56] <chromas> bylaws shmylahs! :) We only need to be a company to act as a shield to protect against fartcopters from suing. Otherwise it could just be run off a Dell in some guy's basement
[11:48:44] <janrinok> lol - I fear you are missing some of the subtleties of the issue...
[11:48:45] <chromas> Also, of all the bad things that ever happened to the site, the bylaws mitigated damage 0% of the time
[11:49:58] <janrinok> fair point - but they are a legal requirement.
[11:50:01] <chromas> Yeah and I should be focusing my late-night/early-morning nonsense on bot fixing or something
[11:50:45] <janrinok> The bots are looking good - which ones are you working on?
[11:50:56] <chromas> none. that's the problem!
[11:51:07] <chromas> I did bring back SedBot just for fun though
[11:51:10] <janrinok> LOL
[11:51:35] <chromas> kolie's got a Bonder replacement that does karma
[11:51:46] <chromas> "Wait a minute. Bender's name isn't Bonder! It's Bender!"
[11:52:15] <chromas> Apparently Futurama was dug up from the grave again recently
[11:54:37] <chromas> Maybe I can dig up some subs. That'll distract me
[11:56:00] <chromas> "NASA astronauts won't say which one of them got sick after almost eight months in space"
[11:56:03] <chromas> oh wow, compelling
[12:01:34] <janrinok> what would be a reason for that?
[12:02:54] <chromas> Maybe the sickness was something embarrassing like cooties
[12:03:29] <janrinok> I was thinking it might have been the woman (Epps).
[12:04:04] <chromas> Dunno. It was too boring to click on
[12:04:19] <janrinok> It was boring to read too
[12:04:30] <chromas> Perhaps that was the actual sickness
[12:05:43] <janrinok> :) - time for some lunch
[12:15:19] <Ingar> chromas: Bote Mo Shony Motal Oss
[12:19:32] * chromas chomps
[14:54:44] <Bytram> =site https://www.bbc.com
[14:55:11] <Bytram> =cite https://www.bbc.com
[14:55:12] <systemd> <p><b>Journal Reference</b>:<br/><b>Apple accused of trapping and ripping off 40m iCloud customers</b>, <cite></cite> (DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c20g50ny53eo">https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c20g50ny53eo</a>)</p>
[14:55:55] <Bytram> -5 spelling :/ :)
[14:56:43] <janrinok> Bytram, thanks, I can sort it out!
[15:00:40] <Bytram> janrinok: HTH! I feel like that's not really what I wanted to do. Hmm
[15:01:11] <Bytram> =submit https://www.bbc.com
[15:01:14] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Apple Accused of Trapping and Ripping Off 40m iCloud Customers" (23p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[15:01:31] <Bytram> AHA! :^)
[15:02:04] <Bytram> janrinok: ^^^
[15:08:00] <janrinok> Seen - thanks
[15:15:52] -!- soylentil81 [soylentil81!~soylentil@vm523243374050.82.openmobile.ne.jp] has joined #soylent
[15:17:48] -!- soylentil37 [soylentil37!~soylentil@l6781506-mjoqpd.ipoe.ocn.ne.jp] has joined #soylent
[15:18:32] <soylentil37> Why no workie?
[15:18:40] -!- soylentil20 [soylentil20!~soylentil@64.57.quj.tp] has joined #soylent
[15:19:13] -!- soylentil20 has quit [Client Quit]
[15:21:47] -!- soylentil81 has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[15:22:04] <soylentil37> 272 seconds is a long time.
[15:22:30] -!- soylentil37 has quit [Client Quit]
[16:32:11] <kolie> o/ won't be participating much on vacation till Tuesday
[16:33:04] <kolie> Good with the meta.
[16:33:48] <janrinok> Thanks - enjoy your vacation!
[16:34:25] <janrinok> Going anywhere nice or staying at home?
[16:34:50] <kolie> Vegas.
[16:35:04] <kolie> I don't drink or gamble I do Vegas right i
[16:35:06] <kolie> Lol
[16:35:24] <kolie> Gambling boring. Alcohol, allergic.
[16:35:51] <kolie> Everyone's like oh you must be a super addict ><
[16:36:47] <janrinok> Well I hope you enjoy it to the full.
[16:37:31] <kolie> For sure got great company.
[16:37:58] <kolie> Good write up Jan.
[16:38:10] <kolie> Eager to see the reception.
[16:39:33] <janrinok> So am I!
[16:39:42] <kolie> Is the Phoenix bylaws and the corporate stuff made its way over to the wiki?
[16:40:04] <janrinok> Unfortunately, the last paragraph has had to be withdrawn. It didn't last long.....
[16:40:33] <kolie> re arinonymous postings
[16:40:46] <janrinok> yep
[16:40:55] <kolie> Is the meta alive? Maybe he didn't know he had a chance
[16:41:35] <janrinok> No - it won't go out until I get responses from more people including the Board
[16:42:23] <janrinok> The last para is still there, but struckthrough, with an apology for why we have had to withdraw it.
[16:43:27] <janrinok> I'll see if I can find where the wiki lives and try to move a copy there. But it is still featured on the site in various places.
[16:44:54] <kolie> wiki.soylentnews.org now
[16:45:36] <janrinok> OK, I'll find out where the data is stored and put it in there.
[16:48:18] <janrinok> It should also have the other documents that created the company in the same place.
[16:50:09] <kolie> To which are you referring specifically?
[16:51:22] <janrinok> any that the Board wish to make public
[16:52:42] <janrinok> The Chairman has already made a comment identifying himself quite openly.
[16:55:51] <kolie> Okay I got your meaning now
[19:27:40] <kolie> QuantumQuip: kolie learned Perl! This wondrous godsend has accelerated them 0 days, 00:38:54 towards level 32.
[19:27:43] <kolie> Lol
[19:37:28] <janrinok> lol
[22:00:13] <kolie> Svarog is rpging
[22:00:16] <kolie> Love it.
[22:17:11] <svarog> so do i :)
[22:17:36] <svarog> been irpg'ing for many years now on several irc servers
[22:53:27] -!- Fnord666 has quit [Read error: -0x1: ERROR - Generic error]