#soylent | Logs for 2024-05-30

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[00:06:45] <Runaway1956> There's your entitlement mentality showing through again chromas with that slave0 nonsense.
[00:07:01] <Runaway1956> Like, that particular slave has zero value or something.
[00:07:33] <Runaway1956> You could at least make him/her slave 0.1, don't you think?
[01:45:54] -!- AlwaysNever has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[01:47:11] -!- AlwaysNever [AlwaysNever!~donaldo@] has joined #soylent
[01:47:12] * AlwaysNever is gone. Gone since Thu May 9 18:48:00 2024
[02:54:12] <drussell> Your pointy hood is showing...
[03:17:55] -!- drussell has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[03:19:28] <Runaway1956> Pointy hood, right. I'm afraid you've been sitting on a pointy hood of your own.
[03:20:58] <Runaway1956> I suppose you think the only people who have ever owned slaves are white people, and the only people who have ever been slaves are black Africans?
[03:23:01] -!- drussell [drussell!~drussell@a4627691kd3g1a0z4.wk.shawcable.net] has joined #soylent
[04:30:51] <chromas> Plus pointy hoods didn't come out until long after slavery ended in pointy hat regions
[06:35:59] <janrinok> Pointy hoods? What have you got against smurfs, or garden gnomes?
[06:36:51] <janrinok> Didn't they have a pointy hood in Harry Potter?
[06:39:05] <drussell> Smurf hats are flopped over and rounded, not pointy upright cone-headed hoods. Please don't disparage Smurfs... I love Smurfs!!
[06:40:03] <janrinok> I marvel at today's technology. Somehow, some wag seems to have been watching me watching porn if his emails are to be believed. I'm not sure how he has achieved that as my computers do not have a camera attached to them or built into the screen.
[06:41:11] <janrinok> He must be using some very clever software that can manipulate the screen pixels somehow... Or he is talking complete and utter bullshit. And he only wants a few bitcoin to erase the images.
[06:41:32] <chromas> So many of those keep coming into the admin@sn addy
[06:41:56] <chromas> "Well, hello there, my perverted friend."
[06:42:07] <janrinok> Ah, so it is not just me he is watching! He is a very busy lad, it seems.
[06:42:44] <drussell> You mean the "I am a professional hacker and have successfully managed to hack your operating system. Currently I have gained full access to your account." guy?
[06:42:50] <janrinok> that sounded suspiciously like him - are you using the images to feed into your GPU?
[06:42:50] <chromas> The Hill(s) has (Five) Eyes
[06:43:49] <drussell> "In addition, I was secretly monitoring all your activities and watching you for several months. The thing is your computer was infected with harmful spyware due to the fact that you had visited a website with porn content previously."
[06:43:58] <drussell> Oooooh... I'm scared!
[06:44:10] <drussell> The hackerz have my scretz!
[06:44:28] <janrinok> Anyway, what goes on between me and my neighbours chickens is strictly private!
[06:44:36] <chromas> "photo of perverted friend downloading naughty bits yet being astonished as he discovers by email that he's being watched, hd hires highly detailed photograph,artstation"
[06:45:05] <chromas> I bock in your general direction!
[06:45:27] <janrinok> you will go into the same cooking pot as the chickens if you don't behave
[06:45:51] <drussell> It's the newest version of "Send doughhh to he Ethel show; send enough to CARRY YOU HOME!!!" but with bitcoin... On the interwebby intertubes!!
[06:46:06] <drussell> the Ethel Show...
[06:46:11] * chromas right-clucks the pot; empties trash
[06:47:07] <chromas> I'll send him some rapecoin. There's a surprise waiting to be calculated
[06:47:38] <chromas> hm, has anyone created any buttcoin exploits that allow running code with specially crafted hashes?
[06:48:28] <chromas> totally-not-a-zipbomb.btc.xml.zip.rar
[06:48:57] <janrinok> let me know if you unpack that :)
[06:49:32] * janrinok thinks it will say "Well, hello there, my perverted friend...."
[06:49:36] <chromas> oh wait I should be xzing it
[06:49:47] <drussell> You thought a .tgz was bad, is a ziprar!
[06:50:02] <janrinok> super-secret!
[06:50:40] <drussell> ^it is
[06:50:41] <janrinok> compresses several Mb into about 1K without any loss of data!
[06:51:23] <chromas> The first step is to redefine what's considered data
[06:51:27] <drussell> Piping it to /dev/null will compress it infinitely.
[06:51:38] <chromas> 0110 is definitely right out
[06:52:29] <janrinok> ... or anything resembling that
[06:52:29] <chromas> I overwrite /dev/null 30 times just to be sure the Russian Chinese NSA can't recover my precious datums
[06:53:10] <drussell> You need to be sure the core memory does not go cold.
[06:53:35] <janrinok> we could be on to something here...
[06:53:58] <chromas> Gotta keep it at 165 like your chicken
[06:54:51] <janrinok> I have a crockpot that can do that
[06:55:07] <drussell> WHat's the quote? "Tremendous amounts of nothing can be computed if you simply throw the main breaker, but it tends to inhibit the systems which keep the beer cold?"
[06:55:23] <janrinok> lol - not heard that one before
[06:55:35] <drussell> Somthing like that
[06:55:49] <chromas> 624.67 rankines for you non-americans
[06:56:01] <drussell> :) It's in the BSD fortune file
[06:56:40] <janrinok> I wonder if there is a single unified store for fortune quips somewhere?
[06:56:41] <chromas> Don't want to interrupt the beer-to-beer network
[06:56:52] <chromas> the aur
[06:57:10] <janrinok> Mine tends to be a beer-to-pee network, or am I going off-topic again?
[06:57:20] <chromas> https://aur.archlinux.org
[06:57:57] <janrinok> chromas, yes, but for all OS's
[06:58:13] -!- systemd [systemd!~systemd@pid1] has joined #soylent
[06:58:17] <drussell> It is in the main "fortunes" file on BSD:
[06:58:20] <janrinok> I suppose MS would object some some of the Linux quips
[06:58:22] <drussell> " An alternate approach is to pull the main breaker for the
[06:58:22] <drussell> building, which seems to provide even more nothing, but in truth has
[06:58:22] <drussell> bugs in it, since it usually inhibits the systems which keep the beer
[06:58:22] <drussell> cool."
[06:58:40] <drussell> That's the PROPER quote.
[06:58:57] <chromas> write a script to pull all the PKGBUILDs, extract the various URLs, then curl them all to get the fortunes into one file hole
[06:59:05] <janrinok> both are perfectly acceptable and I will appropriate them as usual
[06:59:14] <chromas> ew, hardwrapped lines
[06:59:47] <chromas> =s fortune-as-a-service
[06:59:50] <janrinok> chromas, which bot was 'grab' part of?
[06:59:50] <systemd> Software as a service - https://fortune.com
[06:59:58] <chromas> Bender
[07:00:12] <janrinok> that was written in C?
[07:00:14] <chromas> boo, lame search result
[07:00:16] <chromas> hahahahaha
[07:00:19] <chromas> python
[07:00:55] <janrinok> I must grab a copy of that, although I am programming in Go at the moment.
[07:00:57] <chromas> it was one of a billion forks of JSONBot
[07:01:03] <drussell> "An alternate approach is to pull the main breaker for the building, which seems to provide even more nothing, but in truth has bugs in it, since it usually inhibits the systems which keep the beer cool."
[07:01:32] <drussell> Can;t have you going into some sort of CR-LF induced coma or schitzo meltdown!
[07:01:34] <chromas> prime grab material butt a lass, no bot
[07:01:37] <janrinok> does Bender still live on one of our servers somewhere?
[07:01:47] <chromas> no idea
[07:01:55] <chromas> I think it was in /home somewhere though
[07:02:18] <janrinok> no eye'd deer - I see what you did there, which is more than can be said for the deer
[07:02:19] <chromas> maybe I should add grabs to systemd
[07:02:41] <drussell> Lennart, is that you?!!
[07:02:45] <drussell> Aaaaaaa
[07:03:06] <janrinok> I'm wondering whether we can find all of the earlier grabs - there were some absolute stars amongst them
[07:03:08] <chromas> =quote
[07:03:08] <systemd> bah. backups are for sissies.
[07:03:12] <drussell> Noooooooooooo don't poke me with your pulseaudio!
[07:03:28] <chromas> pulseaudio's effectively dead at least
[07:04:00] <chromas> the trick is to get him to put it down and start another project, then things will settle down with the current one, and someone else will replace it
[07:04:23] <janrinok> ... or break both his hands
[07:04:50] <chromas> that'll just keep him on his toes
[07:04:54] <janrinok> :)
[07:05:32] <chromas> Hope you can find the quote db
[07:05:34] <janrinok> I'll bet Lennart is a closet spammer too
[07:05:47] <chromas> could probably recreate it by scraping the Loggie logs
[07:06:06] <janrinok> do able - but a lot of effort
[07:06:12] <drussell> Someone could just write a script to pull all the grabsout of the IRC logs.
[07:06:36] <drussell> Yeah... WHat he said... :)
[07:06:39] <chromas> Make it detect !grab $nick ,then move back to the most recent $nick output
[07:06:56] <janrinok> how many channels did it work on?
[07:06:56] <chromas> though they're not all there
[07:07:19] <chromas> any where Bonder was present, so not the sooper sekrit channels
[07:07:19] <drussell> Neither are hundreds of my comments on the main site
[07:07:28] <drussell> Whatevs...
[07:07:42] <janrinok> why not - we haven't lost that much data have we?
[07:08:08] <chromas> Do we need to put your comments into the quote db?
[07:08:09] <drussell> MOTHS of activity was lost in the first major database emltdown.
[07:08:14] <drussell> MONTHS
[07:08:20] <drussell> WTF is with my keyboard?!
[07:08:21] <chromas> hard to remember that far back
[07:08:40] <chromas> your keyboard was lost in the last major database meltdown
[07:09:17] <janrinok> I'll have to find which comment IDs disappeared in which year.
[07:09:41] <chromas> I've been scrolling through the backlog looking for juicy quotes to mine. TMB had a lot
[07:10:07] <janrinok> he did - I wonder if he stored them on the system or on his own machine?
[07:10:25] <chromas> dunno
[07:10:35] <chromas> anything good in /home on whatever boxes you can reach?
[07:11:27] <janrinok> I haven't looked at everyone else's accounts - it doesn't seem right to do that...
[07:12:24] <janrinok> afk - for a short while
[07:13:04] <chromas> whatever; nobody else is using them
[07:13:30] <chromas> classic tmb quote
[07:13:33] <chromas> "you can't get more humble than me. if there was an award for being humble, i'd win it every year."
[07:14:48] <chromas> *slaps a reminder to kick chromas in the balls before fixing that bug.*
[07:17:15] <chromas> maybe janrinok could make a grab bot in gp
[07:17:16] <chromas> go
[07:17:19] <chromas> call it a gobot
[07:23:31] <drussell> "A novel approach is to remove all power from the system, which removes most system overhead so that resources can be fully devoted to doing nothing. Benchmarks on this technique are promising; tremendous amounts of nothing can be produced in this manner. Certain hardware limitations can limit the speed of this method, especially in the larger systems which require a more involved & less efficient power-down sequence.
[07:23:32] <drussell> An alternate approach is to pull the main breaker for the building, which seems to provide even more nothing, but in truth has bugs in it, since it usually inhibits the systems which keep the beer cool."
[07:23:47] <drussell> I knew there was a preamble in there somewhere... :-)
[07:24:23] -!- _dx3bydt3 [_dx3bydt3!~|dx3bydt3@129.224.iym.mou] has joined #soylent
[07:28:10] -!- dx3bydt3 has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[07:28:31] -!- dx3bydt3 [dx3bydt3!~|dx3bydt3@129.224.oqq.ulu] has joined #soylent
[07:29:16] -!- _dx3bydt3 has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[07:29:27] <chromas> The quote gets longer every time you tell it!
[07:29:40] <chromas> "It was thiiiiis bigg!"
[07:30:35] <inz> That's what she said.
[08:22:49] <chromas> https://github.com
[08:22:50] <systemd> ^ 03GitHub - vojtechkral/kfortune: kernel-space remake of the popular fortune program
[08:22:51] <chromas> "The fortune cookies are accessible by means of a character device. kfortune devices provide standard reading operations for the user-space and output randomly picked cookie when read from."
[08:27:25] <Ingar> chromas: fyi, you can't use "master" any more because that makes you an oppressive slaver
[08:27:42] <Ingar> but afaik there is an option to make git shut up about it
[08:28:20] <chromas> There is. It even mentions it during the warning
[08:28:37] <Ingar> I made it shut up and call all my master branches master
[08:28:42] <chromas> But since it's been around for a couple years at least, I wonder why it wasn't showing up for me until just now
[08:28:55] <chromas> name them cracka
[08:29:04] <Ingar> maybe if the src repo uses a different name then you do ?
[08:29:23] <chromas> bossman, sir, massa
[08:29:39] <Ingar> illuminati
[08:29:44] <chromas> it's just git cloning from aur repos
[08:30:10] <chromas> time to fork git
[08:30:17] <chromas> or use the superior mercurial
[08:30:29] <chromas> but port it to rustgo
[08:30:44] <Ingar> don't take git from me
[08:30:59] <Ingar> it took me ages to migrate all my repos from CVS to SVN when git was released
[08:31:04] <chromas> someone keeps drinking all my water
[08:50:40] <inz> chromas, kfortuned is cool, but is there any more modern variant, like systemd-fortuned
[08:51:21] <chromas> not yet
[09:13:14] <Ingar> wouldn't that be systemd-logind-fortuned?
[09:39:29] -!- anontor has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[09:48:56] <chromas> fortune-gpt
[09:52:48] -!- anontor [anontor!~anontor@05.tor-exit.nothingtohide.nl] has joined #soylent
[11:56:41] <Runaway1956> speaking of cooking pots,
[11:57:41] <Runaway1956> I was rudely awakened by my wife and the rooster with "It's 6:30" and "RRRR_RRRR+RRRRRRRRRRR RRR RRRR
[11:57:53] <Runaway1956> They are both destined for the cook pot.
[12:22:32] * Ingar is not a morning person
[15:43:09] -!- halibut has quit [Quit: Timeout]
[15:48:45] -!- halibut [halibut!~halibut@CanHazVHOST/halibut] has joined #soylent
[17:16:11] <chromas> Are those rolling Rs?
[17:58:28] -!- Runaway1956 has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[18:16:32] -!- chromas2 [chromas2!~chromas@Soylent/Staph/Infector/chromas] has joined #soylent
[18:16:32] -!- mode/#soylent [+v chromas2] by Imogen
[18:16:37] -!- systemd has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[18:17:10] -!- chromas has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[18:17:34] -!- holeinone [holeinone!~Hugo@87.214.svx.qri] has joined #soylent
[18:19:25] chromas2 is now known as chromas
[18:19:43] -!- systemd [systemd!~systemd@pid1] has joined #soylent
[18:31:17] -!- Runaway1956 [Runaway1956!~OldGuy@the.abyss.stares.back] has joined #soylent
[18:31:30] <Runaway1956> “I once worked with a guy for three years and never learned his name. Best friend I ever had. We still never talk sometimes.”
[18:31:34] <Runaway1956> — Ron Swanson
[18:34:46] <janrinok> :)
[18:35:34] <janrinok> you are in a particularly humorous mood today - especially after your rude awakening
[19:28:10] -!- Freeman [Freeman!~Freeman_S@CanHazVHOST/Freeman] has joined #soylent
[20:24:52] -!- aristarchus [aristarchus!~aristarch@129.227.grl.sox] has joined #soylent
[20:31:49] <aristarchus> I know his Name.
[20:39:17] -!- holeinone has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[20:43:45] -!- aristarchus has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[23:05:07] -!- soylentil2 [soylentil2!~soylentil@129.227.rh.gyu] has joined #soylent
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