#soylent | Logs for 2021-05-30

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[00:08:03] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Three Years Younger in Just Eight Weeks? A New Study Suggests Yes! - https://sylnt.us - Ponce-would-be-jealous || A Two-Year Old from California is the Youngest American to Become a Member of Mensa - https://sylnt.us - TLI5-just-got-more-complicated || Humans Probably Can't Live Longer than 150 Years, New Research Finds - https://sylnt.us - 1 more
[00:08:26] <Sulla> wasnt that put on the main page hours ago?
[00:08:41] <Sulla> did Bender stop drinking again?
[00:10:26] <Bytram> yes; prolly got a minor update
[00:11:52] <Sulla> What is it with supposidely non-violent spiders and voilations of the non-aggression principal
[00:12:21] <Sulla> Ideally id like to leave them along and let them do their bug killing thing, but they always gotta be biting me
[00:13:42] <chromas> the slash daemon got stuck and needed rebootin'
[00:14:16] <chromas> Bonder just reads he rss feed, which I believe is updated by slashd
[00:14:22] <chromas> and if I believe it, then it's true
[00:14:49] <chromas> systemd: Time to build a sipderpult
[00:16:39] <Teckla> Does the Soylent News IRC server support SASL?
[00:16:58] <chromas> it does. I'm usin' it
[00:17:36] <Teckla> chromas: Thank you, good sir/madam. I'm in the process of switching back to irssi after having used IRCCloud for several years.
[00:18:20] <chromas> ah. I haven't used irccloud but there are a few self-hostable irc web clients
[00:18:48] <Teckla> I'm looking around the SN website for "how to set up SASL for SN IRC".
[00:19:06] <Teckla> There's a prominent link labeled IRC on the home page, but that just goes to some kind of web chat.
[00:19:22] <Teckla> chromas: Yeah, at some point, I might try setting up "The Lounge".
[00:19:37] <chromas> Not sure about irssi but in Quassel I just check the use SASL checkbox
[00:19:40] <Teckla> For now, though, I'm just going back to Linux VPS/tmux/irssi, which I used for a long, long time before subscribing to IRCCloud.
[00:20:14] <Teckla> Ah, hmmm. Freenode and Libera Chat have web pages where you literally copy and paste a command or two into your IRC client (such as irssi or weechat) and it sets up everything for you.
[00:20:19] <Teckla> That's what I'm hoping to find. :)
[00:21:12] <chromas> There's this page https://wiki.soylentnews.org
[00:21:16] <chromas> doesn't seem to be loading though
[00:21:35] <chromas> maybe that server herped a derp as well
[00:21:43] <chromas> ping mechanicjay
[00:21:57] <mechanicjay> yeah, just went looking for that page and saw the same <sigh>
[00:22:06] <Teckla> Oh, thanks! I'll check back there periodically. My IRCCloud subscription doesn't run out for 12 days yet.
[00:22:11] <chromas> I could look up which server the wiki runs on but the wiki's down
[00:22:36] <chromas> so anyhow you can just connect to irc.sylnt.us and use port 7000 or so for the SSL
[00:23:24] <chromas> 6667 for regular, then the other common ports are setup as well.
[00:23:28] <chromas> 6697 I guess
[00:23:43] <Teckla> Using a secure connection is different than using SASL, though, isn't it? Isn't SSL/TLS encryption, and SASL is more like authentication? Do I have things totally confused?
[00:23:45] <chromas> irc needs moar default ports
[00:23:51] <Teckla> (What kind of nerd am I, that I don't know these things?!)
[00:24:03] <chromas> yeah it's authentication, but you probably want both
[00:24:47] <Teckla> Yep, makes sense.
[00:25:41] <chromas> Looks like you want something like /NETWORK ADD -sasl_username yourname -sasl_password yourpassword -sasl_mechanism PLAIN SoylentNews
[00:25:58] <chromas> then /SERVER ADD -auto -network ExampleNet irc.sylnt.us
[00:26:16] <chromas> oops I didn't edit the ExampleNet
[00:26:26] <mechanicjay> looks like db backup is happening on the wiki server, might be a blocking operation? Not gonna fuck with it till that's done.
[00:26:41] <mechanicjay> other stuff on that box is up and running, so maybe it's just mediawiki that is taking the day off.
[00:27:10] <chromas> needs updating too. our mediawiki doesn't even do the little summary tooltips
[00:27:15] <Teckla> chromas: Thanks; I'll give those a shot (probably tomorrow).
[01:00:32] <mechanicjay> Yep, wiki is back after the db dump finished -- go figure.
[01:06:47] <AzumaHazuki> wheee, teamviewer. my father got a new laptop.
[01:07:16] <AzumaHazuki> first thing i had him do was install that and email me the credentials. i hardened Windows up and threw a Linux VM in there too
[02:25:24] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - NASA Requests $24.8 Billion in 2022 Budget, Proposes Cancellation of SOFIA - https://sylnt.us
[04:21:52] <Runaway1956> https://creativedestructionmedia.com
[04:23:24] <Runaway1956> ain't that convenient -
[04:25:34] <Runaway1956> =submit https://www.engadget.com
[04:25:36] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Google Reportedly Made It Harder to Find Android Privacy Settings" (4p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[04:27:50] <Runaway1956> =submit https://newsakmi.com or, Elon goes full stupid
[04:27:59] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Radar Vanishes From Tesla's View, Prompting Swift Safety Concerns - News AKMI" (19p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[04:29:13] <chromas> Borderlands 1HD Enhanced Whatever works okay in Proton, but load times are like dial-up and sometimes it locks up
[04:30:20] <chromas> Also on my box, most games under Proton make other stuff repaint like a slideshow even when the game's not the active window
[04:37:26] * Runaway1956 has purged his system of all protons, only uses electrons and photons
[04:37:46] <Runaway1956> no phutons either
[04:38:07] <Runaway1956> https://quoteinvestigator.com
[04:38:46] <Runaway1956> #submit https://quoteinvestigator.com
[04:39:03] <Runaway1956> the bots can't parse that link I guess
[04:48:26] <requerdanos> maybe we should have a moment of silence to acknowledge missing mrplow
[04:48:59] <Sulla> i prefer not to call any animal dumb, but man guinea pigs are really top tier stupid
[04:51:14] <Sulla> https://www.bbc.com
[04:51:16] <systemd> ^ 03NHS calls for ban on toy neodymium magnets amid child safety fears
[04:51:16] <Sulla> you bastards
[04:54:28] <Runaway1956> I thought magnets were already banned for children's toys
[04:55:27] <requerdanos> I thought magnets were the latest (admittedly creative) vaccine hoax
[04:56:02] <Sulla> THey are, but they are banning magnets because they hate fun
[04:59:48] <Runaway1956> https://www.zerohedge.com
[04:59:50] <systemd> ^ 03ZeroHedge
[05:00:11] <Runaway1956> That one's worth a read sulla - it goes deeper than the title suggests
[05:00:22] <Sulla> id rather not
[05:01:22] <Sulla> I cant get any more "Ceterum censeo Sinae esse delendam
[05:01:25] <Sulla> than i already am
[05:04:56] <Runaway1956> =submit https://www.ctvnews.ca
[05:05:00] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03New 'Superfood' for Bees May be Able to Help Detoxify Hives Contaminated With Pesticides" (16p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[05:11:37] <AzumaHazuki> "fuckin' magnets, how do they taste?"
[05:16:26] -!- mrpg [mrpg!~Thunderbi@Soylent/Staff/Editor/mrpg] has joined #soylent
[05:16:26] -!- mode/#soylent [+v mrpg] by Aphrodite
[05:20:42] <Runaway1956> =submit https://bellmar.medium.com
[05:20:46] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03All the Best Engineering Advice I Stole From Non-technical People" (50p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[05:29:06] <mrpg> My new favorite phrase: you're just rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic at this point
[05:29:51] <Runaway1956> =submit https://www.channelnewsasia.com
[05:29:54] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Why Scientists are Concerned About Leaks at Biolabs" (0p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[05:37:01] <Sulla> SN just went all broken on me
[05:42:25] <mrpg> I see it alright
[05:49:48] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[05:51:32] <Sulla> its good now that i refreshed
[05:55:48] <mrpg> blame it on the boogie
[06:00:30] -!- mrpg has quit [Quit: Quit message]
[06:02:45] <Runaway1956> Front page is loading hit or miss without header, footer, left column boxes
[06:04:14] <Runaway1956> all the slashboxes on right side of page seem to be good, every load
[06:04:24] <Sulla> runaway you will enjoy this. when i was at the University of Alaska Anchorage, our police chief told students to come to school armed
[06:04:54] <Runaway1956> For the bears, or the rapists?
[06:05:06] <Sulla> for anything
[06:05:19] <Runaway1956> Russian invaders!
[06:05:24] <Sulla> We had a security incident in one of our buildings where a student was found with his CCW
[06:05:33] <Sulla> Chancellor and everyone freaked out
[06:05:38] <Sulla> demanded poilce chief go out and talk
[06:06:17] <Sulla> so he came out and said "look, i'm only going to say this once. If an active shooter incident happened on campus it would take me at least 10 minutes to get there. Use this information to inform your decision on whether you carry on campus"
[06:06:40] * Runaway1956 loves honesty
[06:07:10] <Runaway1956> In Florida, it takes ten minutes to get there, then another thirty minutes to pass out the donuts and talk about what to do next
[06:07:26] <Sulla> He did though say that because alaska is a state where no licence is required to CCW
[06:07:38] <Sulla> that he would likely have officers pester anyone open carrying
[06:09:25] * Runaway1956 considers a short nap
[06:10:54] <Sulla> What is the average police response time around your parts?
[06:45:41] <inz> FatPhil, yeah HPC have almost as good pronunciation as finnish rally drivers
[07:13:43] -!- Sulla has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[07:16:19] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - 1947 "Alien Autopsy" Film Frame is Up for Auction as an NFT - https://sylnt.us - crazy-rich-alien-hunters
[07:32:19] -!- esainane has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[07:33:31] -!- esainane [esainane!~esainane@sendjocq.space] has joined #soylent
[08:56:24] -!- aristarchus [aristarchus!~bc7b7e9e@188.123.gxo.xuj] has joined #soylent
[09:10:34] <aristarchus> I see Runaway is back at the "Letters to the American Rifleman" NRA gun porn. "Never thought it would happen to me! That is why I illegally concealed carried for twenty years. But not I am vindicerated."
[09:22:52] -!- aristarchus has quit []
[09:32:10] <FatPhil> old man yells at cloud
[09:33:20] <FatPhil> woh - broken front page seen
[09:34:40] <FatPhil> this seems a bit broken: <!-- start template: ID , header;; -->
[09:59:36] <chromas> I think you need to reboot it a few more times
[10:33:25] <kyonko`> FatPhil: nothing has changed in 40 years
[10:33:44] <kyonko`> been seeing that since my first day on the internet
[11:55:34] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - US Soldiers Accidentally Reveal Nuclear Weapon Secrets - https://sylnt.us - secrets-in-a-[deck-of]-flash-[cards]
[12:50:34] <kyonko`> the training cards?
[12:50:52] <kyonko`> and why is it secret akin to criminal activity?
[12:51:18] * kyonko` wonders where he misplaced his training cards
[12:54:02] <kyonko`> the brain fog/confusion is thick in me today
[12:55:25] <Teckla> Off to see if I have SN IRC configured correctly in irssi. :)
[12:55:34] -!- Teckla has quit []
[12:56:17] <kyonko`> I'm on the web on freebsd, but this isn't about web and webapps and cloud computing
[12:56:28] <kyonko`> this is about samizdat
[12:56:57] -!- Teckla [Teckla!~Teckla@142.93.sv.tzj] has joined #soylent
[12:57:10] <Teckla> Seems to be working. :)
[12:57:46] <kyonko`> ubuntu
[12:58:06] <kyonko`> all that matters to me is that irc works in ipv6
[12:59:23] <Teckla> I'm not even sure if my ISP offers IPv6.
[12:59:42] * Teckla double checks: yes, TLS and SASL both enabled.
[12:59:47] <kyonko`> mine does
[12:59:53] <Teckla> Does the Soylent News IRC server support cloaks?
[12:59:57] <Teckla> kyonko`: Nice!
[13:00:13] <kyonko`> Teckla: its a geostationary satellite
[13:00:32] <Teckla> kyonko`: Are you using Starlink?
[13:01:03] <kyonko`> starlink is low earth orbit constellation
[13:01:24] <Teckla> Ah.
[13:01:29] <Teckla> Right.
[13:01:59] <kyonko`> brb (hard powercycle)
[13:04:10] -!- kyonko` has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[13:16:56] -!- kyonko` [kyonko`!~kvirc@2001:5b0:50c6:llvt:ruxq:jjzj:hgvq:gvkw] has joined #soylent
[13:17:01] <kyonko`> .bak
[13:17:20] <FatPhil> careful, you might get rm'ed
[13:17:34] <raxas> hughes spacewaynet, impressive
[13:17:43] <kyonko`> hey there kekule
[13:18:23] <kyonko`> the satellite is called spaceway
[13:18:35] <Runaway1956> no step on snek - eat snek instead
[13:18:38] <Runaway1956> https://www.businessinsider.co.za
[13:18:43] <systemd> ^ 03Man arrested after posting viral video of him eating snake that he claimed would 'keep Covid-19 at bay'
[13:18:45] <kyonko`> i don't know if the other spaceways are linked and routed to the teleports
[13:19:16] <kyonko`> you never hear much of nasa's deep space network
[13:19:23] <kyonko`> you never get the big picture
[13:19:37] <kyonko`> max planck, man of the big picture
[13:19:52] <Runaway1956> I trust Max Headroom more
[13:20:07] <kyonko`> max headroom is literally tin toy
[13:20:52] <Runaway1956> Yeah, but Max Headroom is solar powered these days.
[13:20:58] <Teckla> kyonko`: Write an article about the NASA Deep Space Network :)
[13:21:03] <Runaway1956> https://www.youtube.com
[13:21:06] <systemd> ^ 03Max Headroom, The Best Bits Ever!
[13:21:15] <kyonko`> I'm not in school any more, and I'm actually glad I'm 35
[13:21:29] * Teckla is too far north for solar power to really make sense :(
[13:21:40] <Teckla> Otherwise, I'd be all over that. Power autonomy!
[13:21:41] <kyonko`> solar power will kill you where I live
[13:21:50] <Runaway1956> teckla just needs more efficient solar panels
[13:21:54] <kyonko`> we had a low of 55F yesterday, high of 90F
[13:22:12] <kyonko`> I hope to live to see a low of 50F and a high of 100F
[13:22:15] <kyonko`> (megadeath event)
[13:22:20] <Teckla> I just like the idea of being self-sufficient. I think having solar panels would be great.
[13:22:29] <Teckla> kyonko`: Where do you live?
[13:22:43] <kyonko`> trump's wall
[13:22:51] <Teckla> Texas?
[13:23:27] <Runaway1956> Azerbaijan
[13:23:31] <kyonko`> no arizona
[13:23:40] <kyonko`> texas has no land border with mexico, its a river
[13:24:32] <Teckla> Cool. Or rather, hot.
[13:24:38] <kyonko`> its hot and cold
[13:24:49] <Runaway1956> That's why nine year old girls drown when they try to jump the border in Texas
[13:24:53] <kyonko`> when I was a kid it was more superstition than human physiology
[13:25:12] <kyonko`> if you are strong it is the will of yhwh
[13:25:52] <kyonko`> we really don't care for seeking shelter during the day light hours in summer any more
[13:26:46] <kyonko`> there was a down town building right where you cross the border, it was a fall out shelter
[13:27:11] <kyonko`> reality is optional for the majority of humanity
[13:27:53] <kyonko`> well, I'll be, an insect bit me and gave me a painless welt
[13:30:30] <kyonko`> we have a really shitty spider here called a brown recluse
[13:31:01] <FatPhil> #include <stdonion.h>
[13:31:44] <kyonko`> i got a welt on my thigh, its painless, because if i had punched myself, then it would not be painless
[13:32:09] <kyonko`> kinda like a goose egg
[13:32:57] <kyonko`> it was most likely a tiny ant
[13:33:10] <kyonko`> because its summer :P
[13:43:21] <raxas> 3. “Before you can make things better, you have to stop making them worse”
[13:43:36] <raxas> reading submits is often worthier than reading front page
[13:43:47] <kyonko`> its been a long time since childhood, but I remember tiny ants making giant welts
[13:45:37] <kyonko`> slushdog reports, the 2021 gaza war, was first AI war
[13:45:49] <kyonko`> via jerusalem post
[13:46:13] <kyonko`> and nobody is wearing their masks, or social distancing
[13:47:02] <kyonko`> covid19 has joined the ranks of the unprovable, like souls, god or re-incarnation
[13:47:56] <kyonko`> I'm 5 years into obamacare, i wonder if that is AI directed
[13:51:36] <Runaway1956> Boris Johnson marries in secret ceremony because no woman wants to be seen or photographed with him
[13:52:59] <kyonko`> boris johnson survived covid19 and has natural immunity
[13:53:27] <kyonko`> the geezer mexican president also survived covid19
[13:53:42] <kyonko`> this better not mutate into iraq wmd's and safe havens for terrorism
[13:53:45] <kyonko`> (but it will!)
[13:54:25] <kyonko`> so somebody put their name into a cold virus and it killed people who were already at death's door
[13:54:45] <kyonko`> this better not be how the epic of homo sapiens ends
[13:55:02] <Runaway1956> We've invaded Bulgaria now - do they have oil?
[13:55:08] <Runaway1956> https://www.rt.com
[13:55:10] <systemd> ^ 03Get these men a map: Stray US soldiers RAID Bulgarian plant making biofuel equipment in bungled exercise (VIDEO)
[13:55:25] <kyonko`> how did that happen?
[13:55:47] <kyonko`> UBI is the elephant in the room anyway
[13:55:49] <raxas> "stray us soldiers" says it all
[13:56:08] <kyonko`> i wonder if there is a stray mouse in my house
[13:57:27] * Teckla doesn't understand why anyone would read and share rt.com articles.
[13:57:54] <requerdanos> quality journalism, russian-friendly, what's not to like?
[13:58:20] <kyonko`> rt has a lot of fake news
[13:58:27] * Teckla chuckles.
[13:58:39] <kyonko`> I'm watching NHK right now
[13:58:51] <kyonko`> "the united states is in the middle of a 3 day weekend...."
[13:58:56] <requerdanos> sorry not sorry, says nazi hat shop owner... https://nypost.com
[13:58:57] <systemd> ^ 03Hat shop apologizes for selling Nazi-like ‘not vaccinated’ yellow stars after backlash
[13:59:58] <Teckla> That's pretty distasteful.
[14:00:31] <Runaway1956> Distasteful or not, I would buy one
[14:00:45] <requerdanos> according to the article, the hat shop also supports the evil vaccine microchip theory
[14:00:54] <FatPhil> Oh, come on, it's funny.
[14:01:18] <requerdanos> ha ha 6 million dead jews ha ha microchips... i guess?
[14:01:40] <Runaway1956> Hypersensitivity much?
[14:02:09] <requerdanos> you are conflating the content with sensitivity (or lack thereof) to it, I think
[14:02:09] <kyonko`> most people don't even know how computers work
[14:02:23] <kyonko`> I was fine if computers never evolved past 2005 levels
[14:02:30] <kyonko`> but they did!
[14:02:58] <kyonko`> the internet got exponentially faster and bigger
[14:03:03] <Runaway1956> drawing or even wearing a Star of David does not equate to laughing at dead Jews
[14:03:32] <requerdanos> wearing it as a badge, as the jews were forced to, sure leans in that direction, however.
[14:04:03] <kyonko`> under 10nm for microchips what does that even mean for a layman?
[14:04:18] <requerdanos> I mean, I get the parallel. I just think it's distasteful.
[14:04:42] <FatPhil> tastes are subjective
[14:04:54] <kyonko`> I still can't fathom that the 2021 gaza war was in 4K
[14:05:02] <requerdanos> no offense intended, fatphil.
[14:05:03] <kyonko`> I guess HD was good enough for me
[14:05:06] <Runaway1956> Ahhhhhhhhhh, this one is interesting
[14:05:10] <Runaway1956> https://bbcbreakingnews.com
[14:05:12] <systemd> ^ 03Priest demands to know how Boris Johnson and Carrie Symonds could wed at Westminster Cathedral – My Blog
[14:05:25] <kyonko`> because they weren't married by a priest
[14:05:36] <Runaway1956> Bojo responds "Rules for thee, but not for me!"
[14:05:44] <kyonko`> its bo jo, the commander in chief
[14:05:54] <kyonko`> he is the guy in charge of british nukes
[14:06:19] <kyonko`> all democracies are led by a civilian leader in charge of the military
[14:06:20] <FatPhil> fwafwafwa wifwaf!
[14:06:23] <Runaway1956> Carrie chimes in, "It's not a real marriage after all, we're just fucking each other's brains out!
[14:08:34] <raxas> was that a satanic wedding?
[14:09:37] <kyonko`> i think the big deal should be how he survived covid19
[14:09:46] <kyonko`> maybe it was all the clapping at the strike of the clock
[14:10:19] <kyonko`> populist bo jo
[14:11:42] <kyonko`> I forgot what time the daily clapping for the recovery of bo jo was
[14:11:53] <kyonko`> who remembers?
[14:12:11] <kyonko`> look, I was atleast expecting a covid recovery to be wheelchair bound or something
[14:12:20] <kyonko`> (its all a crock of shit)
[14:13:28] <Runaway1956> Iran wants to play with the Big Boys
[14:13:33] <Runaway1956> https://theiranproject.com
[14:13:35] <systemd> ^ 03Two Iranian warships heading for Venezuela, US claims
[14:15:32] <kyonko`> jingoism......
[14:15:46] <kyonko`> I sure hope they don't run out of fuel in the mid atlantic
[14:16:45] <kyonko`> we're light years worse than king george's tyranny against new england
[14:16:51] <kyonko`> and we like it :)
[14:17:52] <Runaway1956> It's official - Scientologists are Nazis!
[14:17:55] <Runaway1956> https://www.thedailybeast.com
[14:17:56] <systemd> ^ 03The Untold Story of Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard’s Secret Pact With Nazi Propagandist Leni Riefenstahl
[14:18:29] <kyonko`> can't do shit against scientology, its a constitutional right
[14:19:35] <kyonko`> this is why its so fucking bizarre they used a heavy hand against churches during covid19
[14:19:47] <kyonko`> and continues today in canada (no 1st amendment)
[14:20:57] <kyonko`> people who can't have sex untill marriage can wear masks and social distance in worship
[14:21:05] <kyonko`> (but they don't)
[14:21:53] <kyonko`> the main stream media psy op was deep into how disgusting and gross human bodies are
[14:22:15] <kyonko`> humans dehydrate by their breathing... but only a doctor knows this
[14:24:06] <kyonko`> not only was rand paul beaten (survived) [attempted murder] and later threatened with a message and mystery poison powder hoax, the polish immigrant pastor in alberta's home was burned
[14:27:33] <kyonko`> smells like TYRANNY
[14:33:50] <raxas> https://www.youtube.com
[14:33:53] <systemd> ^ 03Daily life of kittens and tiny chicks
[14:34:02] <raxas> smells like emergency food
[14:39:04] <kyonko`> NHK did a quick recap of early 20th century history
[14:39:18] * kyonko` lifts raxas out of poverty
[14:45:32] <raxas> well, thanks, but... rather... no. seven floors apartment building is the uttermost size of property I can handle, day by day
[14:46:30] <kyonko`> I guess the best fate for a czech was to go to america with the italians
[14:49:40] <raxas> I do realize the czech diaspora in just texas is actually bigger size than a native population of tribes on that territory. I consider this fact a shame of czech emmigration
[14:50:14] <kyonko`> oh the texas natives got deported to other states
[14:50:25] <kyonko`> geronimo, and arizona apache was deported to florida where he died
[14:50:53] <kyonko`> before arizona was a state, there are a lot of period literature of racialism
[14:51:20] <kyonko`> a lot of native americans were deported to oklahoma
[14:51:57] <kyonko`> they lived in reservations, a lot like the japanese internment camps :P
[14:52:25] <kyonko`> they got numbers tattooed
[14:53:14] <raxas> actually, I decided not to emigrate to america when I noticed most of american population lives in shackhouses built of wood
[14:53:48] <raxas> or paper plasterboard
[14:54:18] <raxas> those are just imitation of houses, like thetric scenery
[14:54:21] <Runaway1956> https://en.trend.az
[14:54:23] <systemd> ^ 03Iran's home-made vaccine to enter market as of late June
[14:54:29] <raxas> I prefer real bricks
[14:55:07] <Runaway1956> real bricks are carbon unfreindly - they have to be baked
[14:56:13] <kyonko`> its a conundrum
[14:56:56] <kyonko`> the covid19 lockdown will never be declared over, its a limbo
[14:57:24] <kyonko`> people get sick and eventually do what they want.... what incentive is there in a prison to not murder?
[14:57:33] <raxas> it is observable the nature can get rid of those housing imitations very quickly too
[14:57:41] <kyonko`> yes
[14:57:50] <kyonko`> only florida builds buildings to handle hurricanes
[14:58:33] <kyonko`> but just talking about it gets people confused
[14:59:37] <Runaway1956> https://nbc-2.com
[14:59:38] <systemd> ^ 03Police nab drug dealer after analyzing his fingerprints in a picture of cheese - NBC2 News
[14:59:43] <kyonko`> ugh
[14:59:53] <kyonko`> can we read memories from fingerprints too?
[15:00:23] <kyonko`> all memories of lived expierences up to that point are deposited on the fingerprint
[15:01:26] -!- jman has quit [Quit: WeeChat 2.2]
[15:02:32] <kyonko`> I have to make some test ext2 and ext3 filesystems for bsd/linux sneakernet
[15:02:44] <kyonko`> looks like ext4 will not be reliable
[15:03:00] <kyonko`> and no matter how confused I get, its better that fat32
[15:04:37] <kyonko`> a complete dvd image can't fit in fat32
[15:04:43] <raxas> zfs on removable is quite portable these days
[15:04:51] <kyonko`> yes thats the holy grail, but not yet
[15:05:01] <kyonko`> I need something laymen can understand
[15:07:36] <raxas> only two steps are special: name the pool distinguishably and export it properly
[15:07:58] <Runaway1956> kyonko - if you're using flash drives, you can format them NTFS
[15:08:06] <Runaway1956> mine are all formatted that way
[15:08:08] <kyonko`> NTFS is unreliable
[15:08:36] <Runaway1956> OK - I should have suspected that when you nixed ext3
[15:08:46] <kyonko`> NTFS will have problems with lots of small files, works good if you have a bunch of HD videos
[15:08:48] <raxas> portable flash itself is unreliable too
[15:08:56] <Runaway1956> it has proved reliable enough for me
[15:09:02] <raxas> ntfs is a tolerable option
[15:09:22] <kyonko`> mechanical HDD's can not survive being dropped
[15:09:42] <Runaway1956> don't forget reiserfs - the file system created by criminal for criminals
[15:09:45] <kyonko`> ok, so its just delicate tech
[15:09:52] <kyonko`> yeah hans reiser
[15:10:19] <Runaway1956> and, in my experience, hard drives can survive a lot more than most poeple believe
[15:10:32] <kyonko`> when hans reiser was famous in the mid 2000's disk storage was still expensive
[15:10:39] <Runaway1956> when not in use, the heads are in park, they don't just float over some random spot on the disks
[15:10:40] <kyonko`> oh yeah hard drives are tough
[15:10:59] <kyonko`> hard drives are tougher than the laptop itself
[15:11:05] <kyonko`> but they can't survive being dropped
[15:11:46] <kyonko`> laptops eventually go bad
[15:11:47] <Runaway1956> then, there are SSDs - I've not seen any of them suffer damage from being dropped
[15:12:03] <kyonko`> I wouldn't drop an SSD, besides it being air weight
[15:12:40] <kyonko`> in other words drives are ass, laymen want cloud computing
[15:13:10] <Runaway1956> I like getting laid, but I want nothing to do with cloud
[15:13:13] <raxas> I have a pile of ssd drives dead of btrfs. I consider btrfs a disease since then
[15:13:25] <kyonko`> btrfs wore them out?
[15:13:36] <kyonko`> I rarely wear them out
[15:13:58] <Runaway1956> Did you trim them? It takes a nice sharp knife, but you can trim the bad spots like you do a potato
[15:14:13] <kyonko`> I'm afraid of sharp and pointy things
[15:14:42] <kyonko`> I'm afraid of open flames and hot surfaces
[15:14:43] <Runaway1956> another hoplophobe . . .
[15:15:00] <kyonko`> I'm afraid of fertile women of any age
[15:15:28] <Runaway1956> me too, that's why I prefer to hold them in my arms where I can control them
[15:15:39] <kyonko`> BSD/Linux _WILL_ read NTFS
[15:15:44] <Runaway1956> of course, they can still stab you in the back
[15:15:57] <kyonko`> and recently there is read write for exfat
[15:16:08] <kyonko`> modern cameras are exfat now
[15:16:12] <Runaway1956> to hell with FAT of any kind
[15:16:16] <Runaway1956> they all suck
[15:16:37] <Runaway1956> improperly dismounting any FAT will corrupt files
[15:16:38] <kyonko`> of course laymen don't like proper cameras
[15:17:00] <Runaway1956> why your sudden interest in laymen?
[15:17:01] <raxas> linux fat32 was gross lame before microsoft stepped in. incompatible with everything else
[15:17:03] <kyonko`> why would anyone want a real camera when your phone does everything?
[15:17:18] <kyonko`> raxas: but openfirmware and uefi use fat
[15:17:24] <Runaway1956> your phone does NOT "do everything"
[15:17:27] <raxas> had to format fat32 on apple to get a truly portable media
[15:17:45] <kyonko`> if only iso9660 had r/w
[15:18:09] * Runaway1956 has a severe allergy to ISOs
[15:18:24] <kyonko`> its .img files now
[15:18:57] <kyonko`> its a real real pain in the ass when they solder drives onto computers
[15:19:39] <kyonko`> a lot of laymen don't want a computer a tablet is good enough, it does everything
[15:19:41] <raxas> just use real computers, not children toys
[15:19:46] <kyonko`> and google is the lesser of evils
[15:20:29] <kyonko`> I was expecting to do some serious telepresence during covid19 and it just turned out to be stupid voip pots calls
[15:20:38] <kyonko`> what a joke, news is all lies
[15:21:31] <raxas> gůgl is the worst of all evils
[15:22:14] <kyonko`> you want to know whats ironic?
[15:22:26] <kyonko`> I get good consistant routing to infowars.com (its cloudflare)
[15:22:36] <kyonko`> I can stream their video
[15:22:43] <kyonko`> its literally free tv
[15:23:12] <kyonko`> yes it does pixelate badly from 320x240 to 1080
[15:23:58] -!- jman [jman!~root@136.49.wnz.nq] has joined #soylent
[15:24:06] <raxas> I don't care about videos much unless they're anime or donghua
[15:24:18] <kyonko`> you can buy anime on dvd
[15:24:24] <kyonko`> most anime has not been upscaled to HD
[15:24:40] <kyonko`> anime cels were at 640x480 unless they were for the big screen
[15:25:14] <kyonko`> the shitty thing was a lot was left out from the vhs/dvd
[15:25:57] <kyonko`> NHK is in 1080 HD but they use some weird compression
[15:26:11] <kyonko`> the colors are off and image is slightly blurry
[15:27:06] <kyonko`> how do you tell a laymen why mp3 was sucha big deal?
[15:27:14] <kyonko`> they won't care
[15:28:08] <raxas> every camera on my devices is glued over with a "Hacked" sticker. I use a label printer to produce these on demand for friends too
[15:38:13] <raxas> it's fine camera optics is so small these days, 9mm label tape is good enough to keep all peekers at bay
[15:44:32] <kyonko`> ...
[15:44:37] <raxas> similar to this one but old https://www.dymo.com
[15:44:38] <systemd> ^ 03Attention Required! | Cloudflare
[15:44:55] <kyonko`> have you seen ghost in the shell?
[15:45:41] <raxas> G.I.T.S. is very classic
[15:46:24] <raxas> https://www.youtube.com
[15:46:26] <systemd> ^ 03replica
[15:52:54] <kyonko`> I don't care if I am spied on
[15:53:17] <kyonko`> eventually I had a neitzschean ubermensch moment
[15:57:05] <raxas> another G.I.T.S. classic https://www.youtube.com
[15:57:07] <systemd> ^ 03Inner Universe (full song)
[15:57:17] <raxas> I mourn origa
[15:58:22] <raxas> and symphony concert too https://www.youtube.com
[15:58:24] <systemd> ^ 03Kenji Kawai Cinema Symphony Ghost In The Shell OST YouTube
[16:03:36] <kyonko`> I guess only once you stop caring about being spied on is that you can design countermeasure against it
[16:05:21] <kyonko`> NHK shows mass vaccination events underway due to hospital overcrowding in japan
[16:05:31] <kyonko`> japan covid19 vax looks like diluted milk
[16:05:35] <kyonko`> never seen that before
[16:06:03] <kyonko`> the japanese military is staffing mass vaccination events
[16:06:42] <kyonko`> fine. if I die because I don't have my chinpokoman bioweapon shield injection, I don't care, its not like I can survive exposure to fallout anyway
[16:07:47] -!- Sulla [Sulla!Sulla@n-68-39-817-302.hsd6.or.comcast.net] has joined #soylent
[16:08:17] <kyonko`> bioweapon release or fallout, the death is quick and feels the same
[16:08:37] <Sulla> Covid doesn't exactly make your skin fall off
[16:09:07] <kyonko`> yeah I know that argument einstein had with haber
[16:09:41] <kyonko`> but then again einstein told FDR to get a group of european jewish scientist together for the a-bomb
[16:09:54] <kyonko`> totally secret at the time!
[16:11:05] <kyonko`> there was a lot of turmoil during the manhattan project that it wouldn't work
[16:11:48] <Sulla> *Checks oppenheimer's early life on wiki
[16:12:03] <kyonko`> plutonium was the first man made element
[16:12:24] <kyonko`> oppenheimer was just like feynmann
[16:14:00] <kyonko`> nuclear power was a fact at the time, they just didn't know the bomb would be a weapon
[16:14:10] <kyonko`> the philosophy of a weapon
[16:14:15] <kyonko`> the most taboo of philosophy
[16:14:40] <Sulla> i just like cool tech
[16:14:44] <kyonko`> weapons function on command and have predictable, reproducible results
[16:14:46] <Sulla> TR-3b is real damn cool
[16:17:19] <raxas> west is obsessed with explosives, cannot do a real tactics or closed combat thus losing all wars against east. the chinese had rockets/fireworks for centuries and used them as military signals only
[16:17:34] <kyonko`> hahahahaha
[16:17:51] <kyonko`> raxas: lots of people fear the bomb
[16:18:23] <kyonko`> laymen don't understand that after the blast and heat comes the dust of death
[16:18:34] <Sulla> Its not like China has a history of winning engagements instead of being conquered. People who are successful at war are out of the norm.
[16:18:39] <kyonko`> the dust of death was first known in new mexico, on the sheep
[16:18:49] <raxas> that fear fails when people cease to fear. like arab fanatics for one example
[16:19:37] <kyonko`> yeah but they have their moon god
[16:20:07] <kyonko`> I've lived a godless existance for years
[16:21:13] <raxas> the next big history inversion will be how americans won the vietnam war
[16:21:17] <bacteria> i think a specific religion used to justify wars is incidental, and physical factors like global overpopulation and changing climate are the primary drivers
[16:21:30] <kyonko`> bacteria: don't look at me
[16:21:53] <kyonko`> americans did win the vietnam war, with pol pot
[16:22:11] <kyonko`> after pol pot came the aids and child sex slavery
[16:22:34] <Sulla> Had it not been for Kissinger we would have been able to lose and leave a lot sooner
[16:23:19] <bacteria> some people just like playing wizard's chess for fun
[16:23:24] <kyonko`> Kissinger knows his 2nd eternity is coming
[16:23:32] <kyonko`> Did anyone notice the meetings he had with Xi during covid19?
[16:23:38] <Sulla> yes
[16:23:47] <kyonko`> I thought covid19 killed old men
[16:23:48] <bacteria> he's still alive and doing politics?
[16:23:56] <kyonko`> alive and active during covid19
[16:24:00] <bacteria> good god
[16:24:04] <kyonko`> (its a crock of shit)
[16:24:09] <kyonko`> the virus, not the statesmen
[16:25:32] <raxas> my bet is on these two are the one
[16:25:35] <kyonko`> kissinger has "pre-existing conditions galore" since mccain-palin death panels
[16:26:00] <kyonko`> he uses an external circulating heart, so I wonder who his personal doctor is
[16:26:01] <raxas> if someone did all this, it's him
[16:26:14] <kyonko`> killinger eh
[16:26:32] <kyonko`> but how did he protect himself from pissing in the wind?
[16:27:37] <raxas> they took the original from him
[16:28:00] <raxas> and cultivated
[16:28:09] <Sulla> With the exception of the Clinton and Trump administrations, Kissinger has always had way too much sway over convincing presidents to bomb people
[16:28:24] <bacteria> #weather sacramento
[16:28:39] <requerdanos> maybe we should have a moment of silence to acknowledge missing mrplow
[16:28:48] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #soylent
[16:28:57] * bacteria freak OUT
[16:28:58] -!- jman [jman!~root@136.49.wnz.nq] has parted #soylent
[16:29:03] -!- jman [jman!~root@136.49.wnz.nq] has joined #soylent
[16:30:29] * kyonko` shakes head
[16:31:29] <Bytram> requerdanos: I took a quick look at the code -- seemed pretty straightforward, but made assumptions that it would be located in ~/bin
[16:32:24] <requerdanos> a link to it in ~/bin, or having actual files there?
[16:32:35] <kyonko`> Sulla: but this time it wasn't a bomb, but a cold virus
[16:32:43] <Bytram> I *think* if there were a var set to it's starting dir and *that* used as its base... might just work!
[16:32:51] <kyonko`> a human modified cold virus with the string "KILROYWASHERE"
[16:33:51] <Bytram> requerdanos: yes. Had internal references to (IIRC) ~/bin/${progname}
[16:34:19] <requerdanos> my ~/bin is usually a wasteland of symlinks
[16:34:42] <Bytram> lol
[16:35:25] <requerdanos> under debian and therefore ubuntu ~/bin (if it exists) is automatically in your path.
[16:35:56] <AzumaHazuki> having a "bin" folder in the homedir seems messy. you'd think it'd be ~/.bin at least
[16:36:32] <requerdanos> .my home directory seems messy all on its own, no need for ~/bin for that
[16:36:48] <requerdanos> it looks basically like someone's purse, with everything thrown into it
[16:37:00] <Bytram> take a look at /users/bob/bin (iirc) -- if we were to do it right, it should be moved to /usr/local (and, IIRC on aluminum)
[16:37:38] <requerdanos> I don't have/want access to production stuff
[16:37:55] <Bytram> k
[16:38:15] <Bytram> back soon -dishes
[16:38:58] <Bytram> kyonko`: Really enjoyed the G.I.T.S. song! ty!
[16:39:35] <bacteria> my stretch don't have ~/bin in path
[16:39:48] <requerdanos> does it exist?
[16:42:45] <bacteria> yeah i made one
[16:43:04] <requerdanos> I think it's .bashrc that sets the path
[16:43:53] <kyonko`> I'm trying to get a higher rez on x11
[16:44:07] <kyonko`> something more like I got here on win 7
[16:44:55] -!- Sulla has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[16:44:56] <kyonko`> 1366x768
[16:45:29] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Chinese Cargo Craft Docks With Future Space Station in Orbit - https://sylnt.us - gotta-learn-chinese-next
[16:45:35] <kyonko`> laymen won't notice BSD or linux at all, as long as they get into their web apps
[16:47:47] <raxas> https://linux.slashdot.org
[16:47:48] <systemd> ^ 03Millions Can Now Run Linux GUI Apps in Windows 10 - Slashdot
[16:48:55] <kyonko`> yeah if I had a rich person computer
[16:49:16] <kyonko`> I don't have the latest or expensivest hardware, never did
[16:49:31] <AzumaHazuki> Linux can still be nice and light, thank goodness
[16:49:31] <kyonko`> cygwin won't really work untill you get to an i7
[16:49:43] <bacteria> oh i figured it out, it's in skel .profile, what do you know...
[16:50:01] * AzumaHazuki has a small local Gentoo overlay with LXDE ebuilds set to compile against GTK2 rather than GTK3
[16:50:43] <kyonko`> I tried to compile x11 on stock fbsd 12.2 and it failed
[16:53:13] <AzumaHazuki> freebsd has binaries tho...?
[16:58:54] <kyonko`> yeah those work
[16:59:04] <kyonko`> pkg search and pkg install
[16:59:26] <kyonko`> freebsd 12.1 installation script installs to disk and doesn't drop a boot loader
[16:59:56] <kyonko`> the holy grail for the 2030's is POSIX and ZFS
[17:00:02] <kyonko`> I'll probably die before that
[17:00:37] <kyonko`> the ircii epic client will compile on cygwin
[17:00:52] <kyonko`> thats a big clue on how things should be done
[17:02:06] <jman> Building a FreeNAS box (or whatever they're called these days). Time to coral all the bits in the house to one closet.
[17:04:59] <kyonko`> yes, but for some reason I trust ext4 the most
[17:05:18] <kyonko`> I wanted to mount my nest egg on freebsd, but thought against it today, and now I am deep confusion
[17:05:35] <kyonko`> I'll have to format some file systems and test them on bsd one by one
[17:06:11] <kyonko`> have to be very careful with google android as it may wipe out a non-native memory card
[17:36:07] <Runaway1956> fun headline suggests that maybe SOME liberals are recovering from TDS
[17:36:12] <Runaway1956> https://www.thegatewaypundit.com
[17:36:13] <systemd> ^ 03ABC's Jon Karl on Origins of Covid-19 and Wuhan Lab Leak: "Some Things May Be True Even If Donald Trump Said Them" (VIDEO)
[17:47:29] <raxas> in digital epoch I consider news media be turing complete so they can possibly emit any computable information
[17:50:18] <Runaway1956> https://www.newsrust.com
[17:50:20] <systemd> ^ 03A 6-Year-Old Was Chained and Hungry in a Syrian Camp. Then She Died.
[17:50:37] <Runaway1956> kids in cages not on Mexican border
[17:53:48] <Runaway1956> https://www.sott.net
[17:53:49] <systemd> ^ 03AOC added to Iwo Jima memorial for surviving Capitol riot -- Sott.net
[18:00:45] <kyonko`> kids belong in cages :P
[18:02:29] <kyonko`> its gonna suck taking the cat to the vet again
[18:02:44] <kyonko`> thats just 1, then 4 more to spay and neuter
[18:03:03] <kyonko`> in other news, my rich neighbor is breeding turkeys
[18:17:38] <kyonko`> why am I getting strange memories of paid for software in the late 1990's
[18:18:05] <kyonko`> then you would share it with a friend, shareware
[19:06:23] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Chinese Cargo Craft Docks with Future Space Station in Orbit - https://sylnt.us - gotta-learn-chinese-next
[19:19:46] -!- kyonko` has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[19:38:17] <raxas> =submit https://pubs.acs.org
[19:39:27] <raxas> requerdanos: ^^^ we found exactly what technology provides the magnetic effect of vaccines, not just the covid ones
[19:40:14] <raxas> ten years old
[19:40:57] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles for Effective Delivery of Malaria DNA Vaccine" (2p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[19:42:54] <raxas> enjoy the reputable source you wanted
[19:49:50] <FatPhil> you realise that cheetos are magnetic too?
[19:50:18] <AzumaHazuki> i had no idea
[19:54:13] <raxas> what irritates me, some of you here are not stupid at all and knew this before. you have no face. you have no conscience too.
[19:58:00] <AzumaHazuki> ...knew what, that cheetos are apparently paramagnetic?
[19:58:58] -!- kyonko777 [kyonko777!~kyonko777@2001:5b0:50c6:gqqj:mnli:xjjp:hzsy:phsn] has joined #soylent
[20:03:51] -!- kyonko777 has quit [Quit: [BX] Reserve your copy of BitchX-1.2.1 for the Apple Newton today!]
[20:15:47] -!- kyonko` [kyonko`!~kvirc@2001:5b0:50c6:hxkm:iprm:moij:uuqy:oqxv] has joined #soylent
[21:14:36] <chromas> cheetos aren't magnetic without mountain dew
[21:19:20] <kyonko`> magnets how do they work?
[21:20:01] <chromas> go go gadget chatterbot!
[21:20:08] <chromas> have you tried ufs on your thumb drives?
[21:20:41] <kyonko`> I just had to swap the freebsd thumb drive to the uefi dell to see how xorg works, it worked in 1366x768
[21:20:46] <kyonko`> no ethernet or wifi
[21:21:08] <kyonko`> i'm only getting 1027x768 on the bios laptop
[21:21:44] <chromas> that's a weird resolution
[21:21:56] <kyonko`> its just as bad as NHK is on directv
[21:22:33] <kyonko`> when windows begins to die, the resolution and usb ports are the first to go
[21:24:13] <chromas> maybe you just needa driver module modprobed. or whatever bsd calls it
[21:24:17] <kyonko`> NHK in tokyo is in 4K or maybe 8K now
[21:25:03] <kyonko`> the installer script sets it all up, now I need to install it on my uefi dell netbook
[21:25:11] <kyonko`> soldered SSD
[21:25:20] <kyonko`> its BIOS drives C: and D:
[21:25:44] <kyonko`> I'm using legacy BIOS, but its uefi
[21:27:07] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - All the Best Engineering Advice I Stole from Non-Technical People - https://sylnt.us
[21:27:40] <kyonko`> I got a 2013 chromebook pixel that I'm gonna flash with seabios
[21:27:55] <kyonko`> i5 cpu
[21:31:10] <chromas> and install freedos?
[21:31:29] <kyonko`> well freedos can't multitask, but it can get the correct drive geometry
[21:31:37] <kyonko`> thats the only thing its good for
[21:31:59] <kyonko`> probably not a big deal for SSD but spinning disks, its mandatory
[21:32:10] <chromas> and updating firmware
[21:32:13] <kyonko`> because BIOS interaction or whatever
[21:32:16] <kyonko`> yeah firmware
[21:32:25] <kyonko`> AKA bricking
[21:32:30] <chromas> spinning disks don't expose geometry because you don't need it no' mo'
[21:32:49] <chromas> it's jesus invented lba
[21:33:03] <kyonko`> its complicated
[21:33:25] <kyonko`> geometry doesn't matter if you are just going to use the whole damn drive
[21:34:19] <kyonko`> just use the whole damn drive I keep telling myself back in 1999
[21:34:45] <kyonko`> the computer was still good, I got rid of it because I didn't have the space for two
[21:34:50] <kyonko`> i'm that pathetic
[21:35:02] * chromas nods
[21:35:15] <kyonko`> its not like a 10baset hub and isa card was expensive
[21:35:16] <chromas> you can still partition with lba
[21:35:32] <kyonko`> well I did do something on that ibm aptiva, I used FIPS
[21:35:35] <kyonko`> and it worked
[21:35:50] <kyonko`> never touched the mbr because I did not understand what that was
[21:36:04] <kyonko`> installed linux to what is now called hda2
[21:36:17] <kyonko`> booted with floppy or the slackware cdrom in the bay
[21:36:50] <kyonko`> I was tight for space, pretty much useless
[21:36:55] <kyonko`> no high speed internet here either
[21:37:18] <kyonko`> I don't know why red hat linux manhattan and freebsd failed to boot, but slackware did
[21:37:33] <kyonko`> freebsd 2.2.55
[21:38:01] <kyonko`> fips always worked resized fat32 partitions
[21:38:39] <kyonko`> on a floppy or cdrom you could put a bootloader, but cd-r's where very very expensive and slow
[21:38:40] <kyonko`> remember that?
[21:39:03] <kyonko`> so you could only put grub on a floppy to boot bsd
[21:39:09] <chromas> did they have cd-rs in the aptiva days?
[21:39:14] <kyonko`> yeah they did
[21:39:20] <chromas> 1995 or so
[21:39:22] <kyonko`> and dvd players
[21:39:30] <kyonko`> tv tuners
[21:39:49] <kyonko`> the rich guys I knew in california on irc (efnet) were capturing vhs to mpeg2
[21:40:56] <kyonko`> it took me a really really long time to understand what syslinux was
[21:41:02] <kyonko`> I was stuck in loadlin era
[21:41:29] <kyonko`> its not surprising I woke up today knee deep in confusion over all this
[21:41:56] <kyonko`> I got a vague memory of 2008 me trying to do something with makebootfat
[21:42:11] <kyonko`> it fools some BIOSes into thinking a 2GB thumb drive is a 1.44MB floppy
[21:42:30] <kyonko`> because some BIOSes will ALWAYS boot first from the floppy
[21:43:10] <kyonko`> grub and its 64 sectors fit well in there
[21:44:16] <kyonko`> I was just flashbacking ptsd when computers were rare and expensive
[21:44:33] <kyonko`> but I guess the joke was on me, I had no high speed internet
[21:45:07] <kyonko`> in 2008 I was getting disconnected by most web servers at 5.6k
[21:46:27] <kyonko`> BIOS boot order is a very big deal, or was
[21:47:15] <Runaway1956> interesting story on /. https://yro.slashdot.org
[21:47:16] <systemd> ^ 03Florida Health Department's Actions Investigated as Fired Data Manager Now Granted 'Whistleblower' Status - Slashdot
[21:47:22] <kyonko`> I don't remember or ever will recall, what the fuck was wrong with red hat linux manhattan
[21:47:55] <kyonko`> red hat linux was the easiest to use, slackware the hardest
[21:48:07] <kyonko`> freebsd the absolute hardest
[21:48:41] <kyonko`> when it worked, it worked.
[21:48:56] <FatPhil> hardness was proof of geek cred.
[21:49:01] <kyonko`> I had an iomega zip drive on the printer port, how pathetic
[21:49:54] <kyonko`> I had no way to back up my windows 98 upgraded drive, but I still have my windows 95 recovery cd's
[21:50:01] <kyonko`> I forgot the aptiva was circa 1997
[21:50:25] <kyonko`> probably the only memoral thing I had was the first mp3 files and some gay guys pic
[21:51:09] <chromas> linking to slashdort? how-dare-you!.jpg
[21:51:19] <FatPhil> did your iomega ever do the click of death?
[21:51:41] <kyonko`> probably
[21:51:46] <Runaway1956> I dare chromas - watcha gonna do, take my geek card?
[21:51:50] <kyonko`> I never tried zipslack on it
[21:52:08] <chromas> Runaway1956: it's just been revoked!
[21:52:12] <kyonko`> but zipslack was more on an internal bay zip drive, which I also had in a agp compaq tower
[21:52:18] <kyonko`> K6-2 3Dnow
[21:52:27] * Runaway1956 blows raspberries @ chromas
[21:52:46] <kyonko`> the compaq tower was just 8gb total and it had a motherboard 10baset ethernet
[21:52:58] <chromas> missed a good chance for a !grab there, too
[21:53:34] <kyonko`> the agp was in the motherboard too
[21:53:38] <kyonko`> absolute garbage!
[21:53:48] <kyonko`> it meant I couldn't upgrade
[21:54:53] <Runaway1956> this is also interesting - although it seems a stretch
[21:54:57] <Runaway1956> https://nypost.com
[21:54:58] <systemd> ^ 03Expert warns of ‘COVID-32’ if origins of COVID-19 are not uncovered
[21:55:10] <kyonko`> oh I'm so scared
[21:55:25] <kyonko`> theres other shit out there, gmo bacteria
[21:55:32] <kyonko`> gmo yeast is cute tho
[21:55:35] <chromas> whatever. we're on 64-bit now
[21:55:51] <kyonko`> I find gmo yeast tho now I don't drink, but I do love bread
[21:55:55] <Runaway1956> I thought we were still waiting for 64-bit COVIDS
[21:56:07] <kyonko`> its wmd's all over again
[21:56:12] <kyonko`> saddam husseins botulism trailers
[21:56:22] <Runaway1956> time to invade bumfuckia
[21:59:42] <kyonko`> no more jingoism, its terminal this time
[21:59:53] <kyonko`> bo jo is one chill dude tho
[22:03:18] <Runaway1956> https://www.engadget.com
[22:03:20] <systemd> ^ 03Tesla may have to ship Texas-made EVs out of state to sell them to Texans
[22:03:33] <Runaway1956> =submit https://www.engadget.com
[22:03:35] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Tesla May Have to Ship Texas-made EVs Out of State to Sell Them to Texans" (4p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[22:06:20] <Runaway1956> this one could have been a nice merge with our recent UFO story - too late now
[22:06:25] <Runaway1956> https://sputniknews.com
[22:06:27] <systemd> ^ 03Australian Teacher Claims Government Cover-up in UFO Incident From Decades Ago, Media Says
[22:06:37] <Runaway1956> not much for detail though
[22:08:34] <kyonko`> remember when they used to euthanize the crazy with insulin?
[22:08:45] <kyonko`> JFK's sister got a lobotomy
[22:08:53] <kyonko`> lived to be 80
[22:10:57] <raxas> she was clairvoyant. such is not acceptable in the midst of dark cult family. so they had to neutralize her
[22:12:44] <kyonko`> I'm not sure when exactly they stopped doing lobotomies with leukotomes
[22:13:16] <kyonko`> I'm sure they did plenty in mexico because my mom carries a lot of baggage from mental health and polio
[22:13:55] <kyonko`> just add that to the long list of weird shit humans do, besides throwing in zyklon b canisters into the showers
[22:14:10] <kyonko`> einsatzgruppen in estonia killing jews with carbon monoxide from cars
[22:15:57] <kyonko`> 1st place in europe declared to be "judenfrei"
[22:17:31] <raxas> there was a konzlager for children in lithuania or estonia under german occupation, not sure now where it was exactly
[22:18:07] <raxas> they sucked blood from them dry dead, and used the blood for german soldiers
[22:18:13] <kyonko`> I was in 4th grade when I discovered the holocaust in the school library
[22:18:46] <kyonko`> the same thing happened in china, especially in manchuria, the japanese called them logs
[22:21:22] <kyonko`> the japanese were really really interested in collecting data about human limits, trying to see what bare minium it is that humans can live like animals and still be productive
[22:21:50] <kyonko`> a lot of them disappeared in "operation paperclip'
[22:30:59] <kyonko`> https://news.ycombinator.com
[22:31:00] <systemd> ^ 03I am a great fan of SysInternals Suite since before they sold to Microsoft. I ha...
[22:32:33] <kyonko`> https://news.ycombinator.com
[22:32:34] <systemd> ^ 03I never said they were-- those are new licenses, and accounted for by Microsoft...
[22:33:08] <kyonko`> last time I checked the local wal-mart, they were selling an empty box of Windows 10
[22:34:17] <kyonko`> but maybe I am hopeful it was windows 10 distributed in sd card
[22:34:29] <kyonko`> (dont hold your breath)
[22:38:26] <chromas> why would you spend money on win10 when it's free?
[22:40:13] <raxas> I bought windows 7 and 10 both Professional, boxed. those are quite different from those preinstalled in cheap computers
[22:40:28] <raxas> 10 came on a flash stick
[22:41:16] <kyonko`> chromas: how is it free?
[22:41:26] <kyonko`> thats czech win10
[22:41:28] <chromas> you just go to the website and download the iso
[22:41:37] <raxas> no
[22:41:41] <kyonko`> LOL an iso?
[22:41:52] <raxas> that's complete all languages
[22:41:59] <kyonko`> I think I dreamed of this chat....
[22:42:07] <kyonko`> this is deja vu
[22:42:20] <kyonko`> microsoft is spreading its cancer by dvd iso?
[22:43:20] <raxas> depends on what you get. Pro is a corporate version single license. but it has everything
[22:43:39] <raxas> for me, such are... "interesting"
[22:44:20] <raxas> and I well remember those time when complete msdn was 20 CDs...
[22:44:59] <kyonko`> windows vista was shitty but not intolerable
[22:45:10] <kyonko`> things started to transition into orwellian in windows 8.2
[22:45:30] <chromas> you mean xp
[22:45:36] <chromas> that's when they added activation
[22:46:24] <kyonko`> yeah the the spying
[22:46:29] <kyonko`> svchost
[22:46:46] <kyonko`> I have some vague repressed memories of registry rot in windows xp
[22:47:02] <kyonko`> you had no choice but to start all over again
[22:47:29] <kyonko`> i recall you had to use an anti virus to protect your registry, I used pc-cillin for years
[22:47:38] <kyonko`> then moved to comodo, then I said fuck it
[22:47:41] <Runaway1956> it was possible to back up your registry and to restore it at some later time
[22:47:48] <kyonko`> hahahahha right, that
[22:48:24] <Runaway1956> why not? Registry was always writable with an admin account
[22:48:30] <kyonko`> laymen would just buy a new computer on a credit card when the registry went bad
[22:48:46] <kyonko`> yes, and the admin acct just made things more complicated from the windows 98 days
[22:48:50] <requerdanos> who are these laymen you keep talking about?
[22:49:06] <kyonko`> wait, you don't know any laymen?
[22:49:17] <Runaway1956> and why you never mention lay women?
[22:49:27] <kyonko`> because I'm not methodist
[22:49:44] <Runaway1956> methodists don't like women?
[22:49:52] <kyonko`> methodists ordain women and marry gays
[22:50:06] <Runaway1956> that's not methodical is it?
[22:50:23] <kyonko`> back in the day, why would anyone want a computer?
[22:50:36] <Runaway1956> to watch porn
[22:50:50] <kyonko`> you could buy porn on dvd/vhs or a magazine at a gas station
[22:51:09] <kyonko`> they had some anatomically raunchy shit
[22:51:10] <Runaway1956> yeah, but your wife and kids always stole the porn
[22:51:13] <kyonko`> very questionable
[22:54:19] <kyonko`> I should have bought porn to troll that girl who liked me who worked at the gas station
[22:55:47] <kyonko`> the gas stations here still run on windows xp 2009 POS
[22:55:56] <kyonko`> fucking wicked!
[23:02:18] <raxas> my girlfriend once went out with my former girlfriends, came back drunk and asked me for some gay porn. I had none. she insisted on I have to find some immediately. no doubt that was a girly conspiracy on me
[23:06:31] <kyonko`> ...
[23:06:39] <kyonko`> thats so czech tho
[23:10:02] <kyonko`> So I guess people in the czech republic are very well sexually educated
[23:16:16] * Teckla remembers installing OS/2 via 30+ or 35+ 3.5" floppy disks.
[23:16:53] <Teckla> I had to upgrade my machine from 4 MB of RAM to 8 MB of RAM, which required changing changing some DIP switches on the motherboard.
[23:34:14] <raxas> os/2 was quite a good system. real multitasking, unlike windows
[23:36:29] <Bytram> OS/2 on a PS/2 Model 80 with 8 MB of RAM was pretty sweet, but struggled with only 4 MB -- which coincided with a RAM shortage / steep price rise.
[23:37:26] <Bytram> IBM went on a major effort to shrink it to run well on $ MB, just as supplies and prices improved.
[23:37:45] <Bytram> s/\$/4/
[23:37:45] <SedBot> <Bytram> IBM went on a major effort to shrink it to run well on 4 MB, just as supplies and prices improved.
[23:42:36] <Bytram> dishes
[23:46:29] * AzumaHazuki pokes instant pot, is waiting to see if her not-quite-red-beans-and-rice recipe will pan (har) out
[23:47:09] * Runaway1956 always thought that OS2 was a nice fit between Windows 3.1 and NT4
[23:47:25] <Runaway1956> Never really thought it was very superior in many ways
[23:47:42] <Runaway1956> Better, yes, except, no one developed for it
[23:52:19] <Teckla> raxas: Yeah, OS/2 was nice. Kind of a resource hog, though.
[23:53:23] <Teckla> Windows 2000 was *really* nice.
[23:56:03] <Bytram> OS/2's problem was that it was a "Better Windows than Windows" -- so almost nobody wrote OS/2 specific programs for it. They preferred to let people run their Windows programs on OS/2 -- and only have to pay for a single development process.
[23:57:39] <Bytram> OS/2 had much better multi-tasking, too. IIRC OS/2 was preemptive vs Windows' cooperative.
[23:58:16] <AzumaHazuki> microsoft is attempting that with Linux programs, BTW
[23:58:18] <Bytram> Didn't help that IBM could not market it worth a darn, either.
[23:58:29] <AzumaHazuki> someone there must think they're so frickin' clever...
[23:59:08] <Bytram> Everything old is new again.(TM)
[23:59:42] * Bytram holds onto his pair of bell bottoms and collection of wide ties.