#Soylent | Logs for 2018-12-20

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[23:56:42] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - 3D‑printed Glucose Biosensor for Painless Diabetes Monitoring - http://sylnt.us - printed-circuit-film
[22:26:31] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Courts Want "Something More" Than an IP Address to Catch Pirates - http://sylnt.us - making-progress
[21:23:49] -!- Web_weasel has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[20:55:22] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - New Tool Uses AI to Roll Back Problematic Continuous Delivery Builds Automatically - http://sylnt.us - garbage-in-garbage-out
[20:20:59] -!- Web_weasel [Web_weasel!~Stefan@zkry302-52-47-799.range421-14.btcentralplus.com] has joined #Soylent
[19:27:47] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Windows Sandbox is a Safer Way to Run Programs You Don't Trust - http://sylnt.us - you-say-sandbox-I-say-litterbox
[18:44:45] <pinchy> asking so nicely
[18:44:39] <pinchy> huh: "Javascript Required. Kindly enable Javascript."
[17:46:29] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - U.S. Space Command Authorization Signed - http://sylnt.us - to-infinity-and-beyond
[16:15:51] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - New Study Reveals 'Startling' Risk of Stroke - http://sylnt.us - in-your-hands
[15:56:43] -!- arti|work [arti|work!~textual@kpku-40-80-465-497.west.biz.rr.com] has joined #Soylent
[15:45:49] -!- stderr [stderr!~poho@GetOffMyLawn/stderr] has joined #Soylent
[14:55:28] <FatPhil> Anyone seen Johnny English Strikes Again?
[14:45:41] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Alien Imposters: Planets With Oxygen Don't Necessarily Have Life - http://sylnt.us - still-your-best-bet
[13:16:33] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Didn't Think Facebook Could Get Any Worse? Think Again. - http://sylnt.us - I'm-shocked-I-say
[13:12:24] <chromas> We also pronounce the h in "historic". But we don't prounce the one in "herb"
[13:11:45] <chromas> Pie-on-Sandwich Integral Diet Enhancement
[13:10:46] <pinchy> POS IDE is best IDE
[13:10:07] * chromas sodders the channel
[12:35:00] <boru> I'm with you there.
[12:34:06] * TheMightyBuzzard hates going with other people's hardware choices
[12:33:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> okay, time to fire up that POS IDE and program in their proprietary and extremely limited ladder logic bullshit for intentionally gimped hardware.
[12:32:43] <boru> I'm not guaranteeing that you'll love it, but as a former TT player, it's more true to TT than the base game.
[12:31:55] * TheMightyBuzzard tips hat
[12:31:23] <boru> I'm not going to spoil some of the surprises the RT mod has for you.
[12:30:15] <boru> It's just all of the pencil/paper bits are now on screen, so you don't have to calculate as much.
[12:29:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> the restrictions necessitated by a video game kind of ruin most TT conversions for me.
[12:29:40] <boru> Plus they open the universe beyond the Inner Sphere to the Exodus Road out to Clan space.
[12:29:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> s'just my opinion though. we had a regular saying back in the day: yet again the party triumphs over a carefully crafted DM plot.
[12:29:19] <boru> Yeah, the base game is a bit crap; the DLC improve it a bit, but the rougetech mod is a bit more oldskool.
[12:28:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> huh, nice. may give it a go then. been avoiding it on the grounds of mostly TT conversions suck.
[12:26:06] <boru> The recent PC game is great if you install the Roguetech mod -- basically the electronic version of TT.
[12:25:25] <boru> I approve, greatly.
[12:25:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> yeah, we got the oldschool rulebooks this year and played some. may do just that.
[12:24:27] <boru> I have a great first project for you: All of the 'mechs from Battletech for the TT game.
[12:24:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> i could make "toxic people" to give out to SN subscribers
[12:23:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> going to try to get TR into sculpting miniatures. he wants to use tin-based pewter but i want to make some using lead.
[12:23:28] <boru> Smelting and casting is good fun.
[12:23:20] <boru> TMB; neat!
[12:23:00] <FatPhil> :D
[12:22:45] <boru> "Sodder? Wtf are you talking about?"
[12:22:41] <TheMightyBuzzard> speaking of molten metal, i just got me a lead casting setup to make fishing weights and had me an idea as i was out smoking.
[12:22:26] <boru> I've come across that pronunciation, having worked with Americans before.
[12:22:09] <boru> Heh, I agree, on both scores.
[12:20:59] <FatPhil> However, his pronunciation of 'solder' winds me up a bit
[12:20:28] <Bender> karma - boru: 30
[12:20:28] <FatPhil> boru++
[12:20:24] <FatPhil> boru: damn, that vid's super relaxing - it's like bob ross, but with shiny!
[12:07:25] <boru> Well, that's what solder masks and p&p/reflow machines are for.
[12:04:15] <TheMightyBuzzard> my motor control's not all that fine to start with though. insanely good balance, plenty of strength, excellent but slowly deteriorating reflexes but fine detail work i have to be very deliberate and preferably working in a forgiving medium for.
[12:01:10] <TheMightyBuzzard> fair nuff
[12:00:19] <boru> That's true, but if you get a bit jittery after 15 cups like I do, you probably shouldn't be soldering tiny pitch stuff.
[11:59:48] * boru chuckles.
[11:59:33] <boru> The bit at the start is gas. *Pretend camera isn't there* "Oh, hello!"
[11:59:24] <TheMightyBuzzard> and wtf are you talking about "too much coffee"? that's like saying too much money or too big of a catfish.
[11:59:11] <upstart> ^ 03Pace Inc.Everything you wanted to know about soldering and desoldering but were afraid to ask
[11:59:10] <boru> https://www.youtube.com
[11:58:51] <boru> It's very relaxing to watch, but the guy is soldering wizard. It's solder pr0n.
[11:58:45] <TheMightyBuzzard> guess not
[11:58:35] <boru> Have you ever seen that PACE soldering video?
[11:58:13] <boru> I can't really do very fine assembly anymore.
[11:58:10] <TheMightyBuzzard> TR can take a hand full of markers and make a photorealistic picture of someone. i can't draw a straight line.
[11:58:07] <chromas> You just have to turn the iron as you use it to keep it pointy
[11:57:59] <boru> Or too much coffee.
[11:57:00] <TheMightyBuzzard> i think it stems from my inability to use a pencil very well either.
[11:56:16] <boru> People just want command line tools, not some giant IDE.
[11:56:09] <boru> Yeah, that's because altera, xilinx and synopsis' toolchains are abominations.
[11:55:42] <boru> Hell, use DIP and ZIF sockets.
[11:55:35] <boru> So keep your designs simple.
[11:55:29] <FatPhil> I had a workmate who was also workign on an open FPGA toolchain. Seems to be an itch that several have thought about scratching.
[11:55:21] <boru> He's RE'ing chips for some TLA in the US, now.
[11:55:03] <TheMightyBuzzard> like i can work easily enough with basic oldschool components but if i have to put a chip socket on a board or gods forbit a surface mount component, something's getting fucked up and i'll likely have to start over
[11:54:43] <chromas> Whatever happened to basic stamps?
[11:54:41] <boru> A friend of mine from way back on the RE circuit had started work on an open FPGA toolchain, but I don't think he's had time to work on it lately.
[11:54:08] <boru> I do wish someone would get their skates on with open logic controllers, though.
[11:53:41] * TheMightyBuzzard chuckles
[11:53:35] <chromas> That'll do, pig. That'll do
[11:53:32] * chromas ruffles tmb's hair
[11:53:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> got a terminal open to my lan server, yeah
[11:52:56] <boru> Heh.
[11:52:39] <chromas> Do you at least have a linux vm running? or a vnc session into a linux box?
[11:52:30] <TheMightyBuzzard> way not worth it for this job. my soldering rates are higher than my programming rates and my skills are much lower.
[11:51:57] <boru> Fair enough. Path of least resistance, and all that.
[11:51:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> it would probably run under a vm or wine but it's easier to do it from windows since i was going to be in windows to vidya anyway.
[11:51:36] <boru> You could probably reverse the programming protocol pretty easily. I doubt it's complicated.
[11:51:33] <FatPhil> if systemd could infect windows, that would be cool.
[11:51:29] <chromas> What about a virtual machine with mapped usb devices?
[11:51:14] <boru> .NET, even.
[11:51:07] <boru> systemd.net
[11:51:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> yup
[11:51:02] <chromas> (importing linux things)
[11:50:57] <boru> Which software do you need for it? Just something to program it or what?
[11:50:51] <chromas> Windows is importing linux, so it'll probably run systemd
[11:50:26] <boru> And I wouldn't worry; systemd will probably run windows as a service soon.
[11:50:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> some unitronicx piece of shit
[11:49:58] <boru> Which PLC?
[11:49:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> what with needing to use a windows only development tool for a plc i'm working with and having a game that wine won't handle, i haven't booted linux in over week.
[11:49:07] <boru> Why's that, TMB?
[11:48:48] <boru> You could simulate the experience felling trees with your face.
[11:48:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> you lot need to heap shame upon me.
[11:48:09] <chromas> How else am I gonna run IE?
[11:47:29] <boru> Other than as an entertainment system, I mean.
[11:47:13] <boru> People still use windows?
[11:46:49] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Microsoft Delivers Emergency Patch for Under-Attack IE - http://sylnt.us - people-still-use-IE?
[11:46:21] <boru> Sure, catch you later.
[11:46:17] <boru> That's a fun past time.
[11:46:14] <Bytram> have a great day everyone!
[11:46:06] <Bytram> anyway, gtg
[11:45:58] <exec> sed enabled for 10#Soylent
[11:45:57] <Bytram> ~sed on
[11:45:54] * Bytram taps exec on the shoulder
[11:45:42] <Bytram> s/uns/us/
[11:45:36] <Bytram> no fancy pants debuggers for uns old graybeards!
[11:45:22] <Bytram> converting hex digits to op-codes and offsets and addresses, in real time, from memory was just a bit of a challenge
[11:44:31] <Bytram> kewel
[11:44:17] <boru> Heh, I designed hw for doing that.
[11:44:15] <Bytram> ugh
[11:44:10] <Bytram> noice
[11:44:02] <boru> I get my riscv jollies on FPGA, and then Si for ARM, MIPS, Sparc etc.
[11:43:55] * Bytram remembers single-stepping an IBM 3090 to test VM support of Virtual Address Translation optimizations for 3rd level VMs
[11:43:18] <boru> Any of the emebedded systems I actually use, I have FPGAs for softcores and then actual Si for the rest.
[11:42:20] <boru> I'm with you there.
[11:42:15] <boru> Where I need isolation, I have jails, zones and capsicum.
[11:42:09] <Bender> karma - bare_iron: 1
[11:42:09] <Bytram> bare_iron++
[11:41:54] <boru> For the most of non-native virtualisation I need to do, qemu suffices. I've got hw for everything else.
[11:41:47] <Bytram> would so love to stay and chat, but it's time for me to get ready for yet another thrilling day in retail work
[11:41:44] <chromas> Gotta run it with admin privileges
[11:41:34] * chromas maps host drives to a linux vm in windows
[11:41:30] <boru> It can be a bit fiddly, indeed.
[11:41:11] <Bytram> maybe I never futzed with it enough, but being able to access a host drive from within the VM never worked quite right for me; also getting more than 800x600 resolution. I'm sure others have succeeded but I only had a limited about of time/energy to put into diagnosing
[11:40:54] <boru> It's alright for what it is, I guess, buggy virtual device stacks not withstanding, but I tend to go for hw virtualisation where possible.
[11:40:50] <Bender> karma - nicotine: 679
[11:40:50] <TheMightyBuzzard> nicotine++ #smoke break
[11:40:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> been playing conan exiles lately and banging my head at not being able to look through the source and fix the bugs. the devs are so bloody slow.
[11:39:26] <TheMightyBuzzard> virtualbox ain't bad. not fantastic but it's a perfectly decent average user tool.
[11:39:14] <boru> That reminds me, I've got some GCC and FreeBSD bugs I need to get on top of...
[11:38:59] <Bytram> same here
[11:38:48] <boru> I also try to avoid anything made by oracle.
[11:38:37] <Bender> karma - boru: 29
[11:38:37] <Bytram> boru++ we need more people like you!
[11:38:21] <boru> Agreed with .0 as a user, but as a contributor, I tend to try to fix .0
[11:37:25] <Bytram> from what I've heard/seen yes
[11:36:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> generally but virtualbox is pretty solid on its feet.
[11:35:00] <Bytram> I dunno about you, but I try to avoid .0 versions of anything
[11:34:37] <upstart> ^ 03Changelog-6.0 – Oracle VM VirtualBox ( https://www.virtualbox.org )
[11:34:34] <Bytram> heh, https://www.virtualbox.org
[11:33:50] <Bytram> yep
[11:33:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> nod nod. stands for tape archive.
[11:32:20] <Bytram> tar goes back to earlist versions of unix
[11:32:12] * Bytram was just guessing on those long ones and isn't even sure such things exists
[11:31:53] <Bytram> long args for readability
[11:31:41] <Bytram> --extract --compress=bzip2 --verbose
[11:31:18] <Bytram> yep
[11:30:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> j and J came when they had long since used up the good letters
[11:30:28] <Bytram> =)
[11:30:25] <Bytram> is why /me loves one-letter args; obviously -z ==> 'Z'ip and -j ==> umm, say what?
[11:29:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> f has to come last, otherwise it don't much matter
[11:29:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> z = gzip, j = bzip2, J = xz
[11:29:11] <Bytram> excellent!
[11:28:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> yup
[11:28:16] <Bytram> -c "create" -v "verify/verbose" -f "file"
[11:28:00] <TheMightyBuzzard> or add a z j or J if you want to compress it as well. not necessary though.
[11:27:39] <Bytram> nod nod
[11:27:18] <TheMightyBuzzard> you can even leave out the v if you like
[11:26:15] <TheMightyBuzzard> nothin complicated
[11:26:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> tar -cvf foo.tar /etc/letsencrypt and tar -xvf foo.tar
[11:25:38] <Bytram> way kewel!
[11:25:27] <TheMightyBuzzard> i'll be on hand to fix the documentation when i give you a go at it. no worries.
[11:23:14] <Bytram> beware different tars have different acceptable parameters
[11:22:52] <Bytram> tar -xvf foo
[11:22:38] <Bytram> that was just for the sake of an example, comparing a *description* of what to do, as opposed to what actual steps to take
[11:22:26] <TheMightyBuzzard> it does require knowing how to use some form of text editor and how to create and extract a tar file but them aren't high level skills
[11:21:25] <Bytram> yays!
[11:21:24] <TheMightyBuzzard> no logs to read
[11:21:20] <Bender> karma - themightybuzzard: 334
[11:21:20] <Bytram> TheMightyBuzzard++
[11:21:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> nope, it's type this, do this, do another thing
[11:20:29] <Bytram> Is it stuff like 'check the log' (requires knowledge/info not present) or 'on boron, su -u slash -i', 'cd ./something/something/', 'tail ~/etc/foo/bar.log'
[11:18:52] <TheMightyBuzzard> this does not need edge casing. it's admin directions not production code. there is only one case in existence.
[11:18:06] <Bytram> =)
[11:17:49] * exec points at Bytram
[11:17:48] <Bytram> ~blame
[11:17:44] <Bytram> You *do* know what happens when I check things out, of course?
[11:17:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> soon as i'm sure it's good, yup
[11:17:29] <Bytram> excellent
[11:17:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> yup yup. think i have it documented properly now but i'll need a run through to make sure.
[11:17:07] <Bytram> not this time (I am in severe overload mode at work) but maybe next time I could try to follow the directions and take one thing off your hands
[11:16:39] <Bytram> ISTR you were documenting the process...
[11:16:29] <Bytram> good good
[11:16:24] <TheMightyBuzzard> i ain't forgot em
[11:16:17] <Bytram> nod nod
[11:16:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> the 27th
[11:16:10] <upstart> ^ 03crt.sh | %%sylnt.us
[11:16:09] <Bytram> https://crt.sh
[11:16:02] <upstart> ^ 03crt.sh | %%soylentnews.org
[11:16:00] <Bytram> https://crt.sh
[11:15:40] <Bytram> brb
[11:15:25] <Bytram> hey, seeing you here reminded me... when are our certs due to expire?
[11:14:40] <Bytram> ;)
[11:14:35] <Bytram> don't *you* want to know!
[11:14:33] <TheMightyBuzzard> eh, late night but otherwise fine
[11:14:28] <Bytram> *chuckles*
[11:14:18] <TheMightyBuzzard> what were you doing with all that creamed corn in the first place?
[11:14:17] <Bytram> how ya doin?
[11:14:07] <Bytram> no more *creamed* corn for me? Win!
[11:13:55] * exec defiantly separates a trunkload of creamed corn from Bytram
[11:13:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~gday Bytram
[11:13:47] * exec happily crossbreeds a shitton of b-trees with TheMightyBuzzard
[11:13:45] <Bytram> ~gday TheMightyBuzzard
[11:13:25] <upstart> ^ 03Google Finds Internet Explorer Zero-Day Exploited in Targeted Attacks | SecurityWeek.Com ( https://www.securityweek.com )
[11:13:24] <Bytram> whereto? http://feedproxy.google.com
[11:13:17] <Bender> karma - coffee: 4506
[11:13:17] <Bytram> coffee++
[11:12:32] <Bender> karma - coffee: 4505
[11:12:32] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[10:54:38] -!- upstart [upstart!~systemd@0::1] has joined #Soylent
[10:53:37] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v chromas] by Aphrodite
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[10:06:03] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Librem 5 Dev Kits Are Shipping - http://sylnt.us - making-progress
[08:37:57] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Wind Plants Can Reduce Flow to Downwind Neighbors - http://sylnt.us - thermodynamics
[07:23:29] -!- SoyCow1984 has quit []
[07:17:35] <MrPlow> Submission successful. https://soylentnews.org
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[07:17:02] <SoyCow1984> #submit https://www.theverge.com
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[07:16:08] <SoyCow1984> #submit https://arstechnica.com
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[07:15:46] <SoyCow1984> #submit https://www.reuters.com
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[07:06:45] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Mathematicians Seal Backdoor to Breaking RSA Encryption - http://sylnt.us - for-sufficiently-large-polynomials
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[05:37:06] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - 3,500 Troops on Standby to Prepare for a "No-Deal Brexit" - http://sylnt.us - limey-helm
[05:33:13] <MrPlow> Submission successful. https://soylentnews.org
[05:32:47] <MrPlow> Submitting. There is a mandatory delay, please be patient.
[05:32:46] <SoyCow1984> #submit https://techcrunch.com
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[03:55:50] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Intel's Vaunt Augmented Reality Smartglasses Concept Lives on at Canadian Company North - http://sylnt.us - I-see-what-you-did-there
[02:15:04] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - 'Pause' in Global Warming Was Never Real, New Research Proves - http://sylnt.us - keep-on-heating
[01:30:33] -!- arti|work has quit [Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
[00:46:56] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Facebook Bug Let Apps Access Unposted Photos for Millions of Users - http://sylnt.us - it's-not-a-bug-it's-a-feature