#Soylent | Logs for 2017-02-15

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[00:24:47] <dyingtolive> man one of these days i'm going to get home from work early enough to talk to janrinok
[00:29:20] <charon_> dyingtolive: pro tip, send him a tell through exec
[00:29:38] <charon_> maybe you can arrange a meeting time
[00:29:55] -!- jasassin has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[00:30:58] -!- jasassin [jasassin!~jasassin@785-226-43-32-tlzfdxs.midco.net] has joined #Soylent
[00:38:54] <dyingtolive> nah, i'm working from home tomorrow anyway. if he doesn't pop in tomorrow then i'll worry about the tell.
[00:39:10] <dyingtolive> just grumbling about how freaking long my day was.
[00:40:02] <charon_> my sympathies. long days suck
[00:40:32] <dyingtolive> took a late lunch to go to the dr to talk to him about some tests. waited for 45 mins before i got in to see him. i was done an hour and a half later. got done late with work then, and had to run around looking for something to get the girlfriend for Hallmark Day.
[00:41:01] <dyingtolive> by then all the flowers were snatched up by the other slackers. had to go to two different places.
[00:41:13] <dyingtolive> during rush hour.
[00:41:43] <dyingtolive> and then it was shitty news from the dr.
[00:47:46] <charon_> darn other slackers, always buying the flowers
[00:48:39] <dyingtolive> well, the orignal plan had me getting to them a few hours before i did. would have probably been smarter to hit the store this morning before work or before the dr's. oh well.
[00:48:51] -!- jasassin has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[00:49:14] <dyingtolive> given the original plan was "nothing", i think it'll still be a good enough surprise in the end.
[00:49:35] <charon_> yes, something is almost always better than nothing
[00:49:57] <charon_> look honey, i got you a new vacuum cleaner!
[00:50:25] <dyingtolive> hah. that might have been a good choice if we had carpet.
[00:50:39] <dyingtolive> settled for what flowers i could finally find and some ice cream.
[00:50:48] <charon_> ice cream, good job
[00:51:39] <dyingtolive> ben and jerry's non-dairy ice cream. about the only dessert type thing a vegan can eat. chocolate is almost impossible.
[00:52:24] <charon_> correct me if i'm wrong, but isn't chocolate a bean?
[00:52:41] <dyingtolive> oh yeah. the problem is how hard it is to find without milk involved.
[00:52:41] <charon_> but i suppose its combined with milk and fat...
[00:52:47] <dyingtolive> yup.
[00:53:22] <cmn32480> but breyers makes it into lactose free icecream
[00:53:34] <dyingtolive> there's a few chocolate bars that you can get if you can find them, but your standard issue box of chocolates is right out, as is about anything else other than maybe dark chocolate cooking chips, but most people don't like to just eat those.
[00:54:19] <charon_> i recall finding out as a kid that baking chocolate is really not good to eat by itself
[00:54:46] <dyingtolive> i kind of like it. it's bitter as shit, but i never really liked sweet stuff much myself.
[00:58:01] <cmn32480> dyingtolive - Ben and Jerrys vegan stuff is really good
[00:58:19] <cmn32480> I'm lactose intolerant and that stuff is like a freaking gold mine when I can find it
[00:58:50] <dyingtolive> yeah, it's one of her favorites. i don't do the whole vegan thing, but i've had it a handful of times. it's different, but pretty tasty.
[00:59:18] <dyingtolive> little stiffer. i'm guessing it's coconut cream in it, but i've never actually looked.
[00:59:30] * cmn32480 doesn't care
[00:59:39] <cmn32480> it is yummy compared to lactose free vanilla and chocolate
[00:59:54] <dyingtolive> oh yeah, i can only imagine.
[01:01:22] <dyingtolive> she's got a recipe for green tea ice cream that is vegan, but i'm not sure what it is. wouldn't have had time to make it tonight anyway.
[01:01:52] <charon_> green tea ice cream sounds like an abomination
[01:02:19] <charon_> but then i've never had it, what do i know?
[01:03:05] <dyingtolive> i thought so too at first. it's sweet enough that it works somehow. if i have my pick though, it's a decent quality high-fat vanilla for me.
[01:17:48] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - For the First Time, Wind on the Plains Supplied More Than Half Region’s Power - http://sylnt.us - not-exactly-peak-time
[01:21:17] <cmn32480> I ahv decided that I hate computers adn I ought to go drive a bulldozer instead
[01:22:22] <dyingtolive> i saw a thing for that. let me see if i can find it.
[01:23:26] <takyon> AMD Bulldozer?
[01:24:33] <cmn32480> Caterpiller
[01:25:29] <dyingtolive> http://imgur.com
[01:25:31] <exec> └─ 13Devs know - GIF on Imgur
[01:25:53] <dyingtolive> according to this chart, you need to start a bar.
[01:29:22] <cmn32480> apparently
[01:29:43] <cmn32480> fortunately.. I am already at the stage where I know I dont know how to run a bar
[01:30:19] <takyon> you'll get to crippling depression soon enough
[01:30:32] <dyingtolive> i assume that the exchange server/firewalls/everything else is still fubar?
[01:31:06] <cmn32480> exchange is fine.. just haven't gotten back to the upgrade
[01:31:30] <cmn32480> firewalls are fubar but running... and now kit is on the way... it's the everythign else that seems to be on fire
[01:32:14] <dyingtolive> so is this something you inherited from someone else, or is someone out to get you?
[01:32:57] <cmn32480> it is a crm and accounting system that should never have been bolted together
[01:33:12] <cmn32480> seems that when they did it, they used bubble gum and scotch tape
[01:33:22] <cmn32480> fuckers couldn't even spring for duct tape
[01:33:23] * TheMightyBuzzard yawns
[01:33:23] * MrPlow flips a Skittle into TheMightyBuzzard's gaping mouth
[01:33:31] <cmn32480> ~gday TheMightyBuzzard
[01:33:33] * exec historically experiences a json representation of political correctness with TheMightyBuzzard
[01:33:35] <dyingtolive> that's typical. i'm guessing siebel and... salesforce?
[01:33:39] <cmn32480> glad to see you woke up in time for bed
[01:33:44] <TheMightyBuzzard> yall the the moose wang lover squared away yet?
[01:33:50] <cmn32480> Sage
[01:34:22] * cmn32480 blinks twice and still has NFI what that means
[01:34:30] <TheMightyBuzzard> dyingtolive's sig
[01:34:52] <dyingtolive> i'ma talk to janrinok tomorrow. working from home so i should be able to catch him. not sure what else i need.
[01:34:54] <TheMightyBuzzard> i been up. just needed downtime after putting two and a half of my usual days of coding in straight.
[01:36:02] <TheMightyBuzzard> been updating boxen and watching boxing movies
[01:36:24] <cmn32480> all revolves around box for you, don't it?
[01:37:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> !grab cmn32480
[01:37:59] <Bender> Added quote 818
[01:38:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> feci omnia propter nookie
[01:38:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~list
[01:38:30] <exec> ~list ~list-auth ~lock ~unlock
[01:38:30] <exec> ~! ~addr ~api ~arthur ~aur ~bday ~butt ~calc ~cat ~cd ~cid ~comments ~confucius ~convert ~count ~cowsay ~deb ~define ~define-add ~define-count ~define-delete ~define-sources ~devs ~eds ~exec-issue ~execfs ~fah ~filter ~filth ~first ~forex ~fortune ~g ~g'day ~g'night ~gday ~get ~github-add ~github-del ~github-list ~gnight ~google ~grab ~header ~header-login ~help ~isup ~jisho ~last ~link ~links ~location ~log ~ls ~md ~mkdir ~moo ~nyse ~openthepodbaydoors
[01:38:30] <exec> ~perl6 ~php ~queue ~quickpoll ~quote ~rainbow ~random ~rd ~rehash-issue ~remind ~rmdir ~romajidesu ~rps ~scramble ~sed ~seen ~set ~shorten ~sizeof ~sneak ~sneak-server ~staff ~stash ~story-search ~submit ~suggest ~suggest-api ~suggest-exec ~suggest-rss ~tell ~time ~time-add ~time-del ~time-prefs ~title ~trans ~translate ~translate-sl ~uid ~unset ~unstash ~up ~vote ~weather ~weather-add ~weather-del ~weather-old ~weather-prefs ~welcome ~wget ~youtube ~yt
[01:38:56] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~translate-sl la feci omnia propter nookie
[01:38:57] <exec> [google] omnia propter nookie (la -> feci): all for the nookie
[01:39:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~translate-sl la en feci omnia propter nookie
[01:39:10] <exec> [google] feci omnia propter nookie (la -> en): I did it all for the nookie
[01:40:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~openthepodbaydoors
[01:40:43] <exec> When God created man, She was only testing.
[01:40:57] <cmn32480> ~fortune
[01:40:58] <exec> That's what she said.
[01:41:33] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~romajidesu
[01:41:34] <exec> syntax: .jdict <word>
[01:41:34] <exec> looks up www.romajidesu.com
[01:41:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~romajidesu baka
[01:41:56] <exec> ばか (baka)
[01:41:56] <exec> ばかり (bakari)
[01:41:56] <exec> www.romajidesu.com/dictionary/meaning-of-baka.html
[01:42:26] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~romajidesu neko
[01:42:28] <exec> ねこ (neko)
[01:42:28] <exec> ゼネコン (zenekon)
[01:42:28] <exec> www.romajidesu.com/dictionary/meaning-of-neko.html
[01:45:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~romajidesu nate
[01:45:22] <exec> だ (da)
[01:45:22] <exec> だ (da)
[01:45:22] <exec> www.romajidesu.com/dictionary/meaning-of-nate.html
[01:47:26] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~translate-sl ja en nekowa nate imasu
[01:47:28] <exec> [google] nekowa nate imasu (ja -> en): Nekowa nate imasu
[01:47:38] * TheMightyBuzzard quirks a brow
[01:47:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~translate-sl ja en neko wa nate imasu
[01:47:44] <exec> [google] neko wa nate imasu (ja -> en): Neko wa nate imasu
[01:48:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> no, it was right the first time
[01:50:06] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~translate-sl ja en neko wa nete imasu
[01:50:07] <exec> [google] neko wa nete imasu (ja -> en): Neko wa nete imasu
[01:50:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~translate-sl ja en nekowa nete imasu
[01:50:14] <exec> [google] nekowa nete imasu (ja -> en): Nekowa nete imasu
[01:50:19] * TheMightyBuzzard shurgs
[01:54:21] <cmn32480> #smake Sage for being a piece of shit software company
[01:54:21] * MrPlow smakes Sage for being a piece of shit software company upside the head with an open palm
[02:07:58] <takyon> https://www.vice.com
[02:15:06] -!- charon_ has quit [Quit: caffeine]
[02:25:01] <chromas> If that's correct then the kkk are truly nothing to fear
[02:31:41] -!- jasassin [jasassin!~jasassin@785-226-43-32-tlzfdxs.midco.net] has joined #Soylent
[02:36:36] <jasassin> this chanel is abourt as interestting as kaka crappy pants birthday partayyyyy
[02:36:51] <jasassin> bleh
[02:40:26] <jasassin> the last thing on my mind is anything
[02:40:55] <jasassin> words for future... dead kennedys aren't too far off
[02:41:07] <jasassin> call it 1984
[02:41:10] <jasassin> whatever
[02:42:15] <jasassin> im gonna listen to it righ right now
[02:44:24] <jasassin> !j4323947
[02:46:58] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Proposed Fingerprinting Technique Works Even When Multiple Web Browsers Are Used - http://sylnt.us - we-know-where-you-browse
[02:49:04] <Bytram> !uid
[02:49:04] <Bender> The current maximum UID is 6496, owned by northcolorado
[02:49:13] <Bytram> no change :(
[02:49:25] <Bytram> ~folding-score
[02:51:17] <Bytram> ~folding-rank
[02:51:19] <exec> 07314
[02:51:28] <Bytram> easy as pi!
[02:54:55] <jasassin> meh
[02:55:51] <Fnord666> lol
[03:26:26] <jasassin> my kernel ues no bein
[03:26:52] * jasassin farts for about thirty seconds ending in a liquid shart
[03:26:52] <jasassin> it makes farting sounds
[03:28:25] <jasassin> h
[03:29:05] <jasassin> btw chekc out everyitnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnga
[03:30:28] -!- jasassin has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[03:46:47] -!- Azrael_ [Azrael_!~Az@yddw307-94-473-809.range852-99.btcentralplus.com] has joined #Soylent
[03:46:50] -!- xuser [xuser!~xachet@104.207.gyt.svm] has joined #Soylent
[03:48:43] -!- Azrael has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[04:15:07] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - NASA's Earth Science Datasets and Others May be Disappearing From Public Access - http://sylnt.us - it's-magic
[04:30:14] -!- Murdoc [Murdoc!~ac62433a@172.98.yo.kj] has joined #Soylent
[04:37:26] <charon> ok, gonna dump a few stories into the queue and then play FO3 for a while before bed
[04:49:06] -!- SoyCow3963 [SoyCow3963!~3f990f38@96-936-48-39.blng.qwest.net] has joined #Soylent
[04:50:06] -!- SoyCow3963 has quit [Client Quit]
[05:45:17] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - American-Born JPL Scientist Forced to Unlock a NASA Phone by U.S. Customs - http://sylnt.us - it's-the-government's-data-already
[06:38:48] -!- xuser has quit [Quit: SIGTERM]
[07:16:28] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Banned Chemicals Persist in the Deepest Parts of the Ocean - http://sylnt.us - the-circle-of-liiiiiiiife
[07:57:52] -!- Murdoc [Murdoc!~ac62433a@172.98.yo.kj] has parted #Soylent
[08:47:40] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - NASA to Continue Funding Private Spaceflight, Considers Sixth Hubble Upgrade Mission - http://sylnt.us - where-public-private-actually-works
[10:16:51] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Ex-FBI Man Spills on Why Hackers Are Winning the Security Game - http://sylnt.us - because-they're-more-determined
[11:29:15] -!- saxdm [saxdm!~saxdm@207.87.iy.nnl] has joined #Soylent
[11:34:58] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[11:34:58] <Bender> karma - coffee: 3205
[11:39:35] <Bytram> coffee++
[11:39:35] <Bender> karma - coffee: 3206
[11:39:37] <Bytram> !uid
[11:39:37] <Bender> The current maximum UID is 6496, owned by northcolorado
[11:39:50] <Bytram> ~weather presque isle
[11:39:51] <exec> 10Presque Isle, ME, USA - currently -7°F, mostly cloudy, wind W at 0 mph, humidity 67% - Wednesday snow showers (15°F:26°F), Thursday snow (15°F:26°F), Friday partly cloudy (9°F:29°F), Saturday partly cloudy (20°F:31°F)
[11:39:57] <Bytram> ~weather portland, me
[11:39:59] <Bytram> ~weather boston
[11:39:59] <exec> 10Portland, ME, USA - currently 24°F, cloudy, wind SW at 5 mph, humidity 82% - Wednesday rain (25°F:38°F), Thursday snow (21°F:32°F), Friday sunny (15°F:34°F), Saturday partly cloudy (28°F:37°F)
[11:40:45] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~gday Bytram
[11:40:47] * exec crutchyly inserts an exfat volume of 🍆 into Bytram
[11:40:54] <Bytram> ~gday TheMightyBuzzard
[11:40:56] * exec brazenly slides a ramdisk of chicken stock to TheMightyBuzzard
[11:41:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> mmmm, breakfast
[11:41:08] <Bytram> sounds like soup
[11:41:11] <Bytram> nod nod
[11:41:25] <Bytram> darn you! Now I wants me some eggs and sausage and pancakes
[11:41:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> chicken n eggplant?
[11:41:38] * Bytram has been up since 0330
[11:41:49] <Bytram> eggplant-- Yucky!
[11:41:49] <Bender> karma - eggplant: -1
[11:42:20] <Bytram> well, the taste is not so bad, but the texture -- triggers a gag response for me :(
[11:42:32] <TheMightyBuzzard> my sympathies. i only been up since 5. trying to get the 4.9 kernel to build on this box but it was shitting out on some network driver or other
[11:42:53] <Bytram> sorry to hear that!
[11:43:05] <Bytram> why 4.9?
[11:43:30] <TheMightyBuzzard> gpu goodness primarily
[11:43:38] <Bytram> ahhh, makes sense
[11:44:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> the amdgpu driver has been making a lot of progress in recent kernels but 4.9.9 seems to dislike me.
[11:44:14] <Bytram> nod nod
[11:44:20] <Bytram> Had a neat experience yesterday - had a really friendly young lady I waited on
[11:44:37] <TheMightyBuzzard> how friendly?
[11:44:38] <Bytram> got to talking about a watch she wanted to buy
[11:44:50] <Bytram> not THAT way!
[11:44:56] <TheMightyBuzzard> ah well
[11:45:20] <Bytram> was looking at a nice, but relatively inexpensive watch
[11:45:38] <Bytram> then tried a $500 movado
[11:45:52] <Bytram> her mom commented that she had expensive tastes
[11:46:19] <Bytram> then the gal said something to the effect that if her song/video does well, she'll be back to buy the watch.
[11:46:27] <Bytram> that perked up my ears
[11:46:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> huh, interestin
[11:46:58] <Bytram> yep, I'd be surprised if she was much over 20 yo
[11:47:07] <Bytram> just getting her start in the biz
[11:47:22] <TheMightyBuzzard> nod nod
[11:47:23] <Bytram> so, got her full name and looked up her vidya this AM
[11:47:24] <Bytram> https://www.youtube.com
[11:47:26] <exec> └─ 13Bri Lane - Dream (Official Music Video) - YouTube
[11:47:57] <Bytram> I think she has a great voice, and love her smile
[11:48:11] <Bytram> got her start playing... drums!
[11:49:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> good voice, i'm indifferent to the content though
[11:49:58] <Bytram> understood
[11:50:18] <Bytram> not into social activism, myself, but I understand the point she was trying to make...
[11:50:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> okay, built fine that time. apparently i needed a reboot cause i had some old lib loaded.
[11:50:41] <Bytram> if you are in a situation that you can no longer tolerate, take a chance, follow your dream, and try something else
[11:50:55] <Bytram> leftovers--
[11:50:55] <Bender> karma - leftovers: 0
[11:51:07] <Bytram> poutine--
[11:51:07] <Bender> karma - poutine: -411
[11:51:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> leftoverpizza++
[11:51:08] <Bender> karma - leftoverpizza: 1
[11:51:16] <Bytram> pizzalover++
[11:51:16] <Bender> karma - pizzalover: 1
[11:51:44] <Bytram> how does that go? The breakfast of champions: cold pizza and warm beer?
[11:52:18] <TheMightyBuzzard> #submit http://www.hardocp.com
[11:52:18] <MrPlow> Unable to find a summary for that page
[11:52:20] <exec> └─ 13HARDOCP - HP Launches Web Series about Security Starring Christian Slater
[11:52:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~submit http://www.hardocp.com
[11:52:26] <exec> error: description meta content not found or empty
[11:52:26] <exec> └─ 13HARDOCP - HP Launches Web Series about Security Starring Christian Slater
[11:52:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> meh
[11:53:00] <Bytram> ummm, if it cannot find a 'meta' -- why not at least grab the <title> stuff </title>
[11:53:55] <TheMightyBuzzard> cause we like to give the eds a better clue than a headline what's inside
[11:54:06] <Bytram> good point
[11:54:45] <TheMightyBuzzard> #submit http://www8.hp.com
[11:54:46] <MrPlow> Unable to find a summary for that page
[11:54:48] <exec> └─ 13HP News - HP Studios Casts Christian Slater as Hacker in Branded Cybersecurity Short Film Series
[11:54:52] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~submit http://www8.hp.com
[11:54:56] <exec> └─ 13HP News - HP Studios Casts Christian Slater as Hacker in Branded Cybersecurity Short Film Series
[11:55:06] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - U.S. National Academies Committee Recommends Allowing Gene Editing in Humans in the Future - http://sylnt.us - 46-and-2
[11:55:20] <TheMightyBuzzard> exec is a bit better with regexes cause i can't be arsed to write good ones
[11:55:27] <exec> submission successful - https://soylentnews.org
[11:56:15] <Bytram> okay, think I'm going back to bed... best of luck to ya on the comment tree processing code!!
[11:56:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> yup, gonna get on that after a reboot and a smoke
[11:56:31] <Bytram> for some reason, 4hrs in one night is not *quite* enough sleep
[11:56:58] <Bytram> ;)
[11:57:06] <Bytram> laters!
[12:57:35] <cmn32480> ~gday TheMightyBuzzard
[12:57:37] * exec derisively flings a diaper full of hot wings at TheMightyBuzzard
[12:57:47] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~gday cmn32480
[12:57:49] * exec clumsily postulates a systemd journal of rainbows towards cmn32480
[12:58:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> guess it depends on the digested state of the hot wings as to who won that one
[12:58:47] <cmn32480> agreed
[12:59:00] <cmn32480> I'll share my rainbosws if the hot wings are in an undigested state
[12:59:22] <TheMightyBuzzard> we'll just have to leave it a mystery cause i'm not checking
[12:59:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> no way do i wanna find out what happens when you feed a baby hot wings
[13:00:16] <cmn32480> same as what happens when you feed it anythign else... slime
[13:02:35] <TheMightyBuzzard> prolly, but hurtin slime
[13:02:43] <cmn32480> nod nod
[13:03:36] * TheMightyBuzzard tries to wrap his head around some funky, funky recursion
[13:05:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh, hey, found a bug in the <spoiler> code
[13:05:39] <TheMightyBuzzard> it'll hafta wait
[13:07:10] <TheMightyBuzzard> nah, i think i'll fix that first
[13:08:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> okay, i used :first-child as the selector there
[13:11:37] <TheMightyBuzzard> there, that fixed it
[13:26:18] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Born Lucky: The Genetics of the Four-Leaf Clover - http://sylnt.us - i-want-the-one-with-56
[14:12:37] <cmn32480> all the sales reps are here today...
[14:12:49] <cmn32480> somebody pleae help build the sandbag bnunker in front of my door
[14:14:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> use the dead bodies of any sales reps foolish enough to enter your door.
[14:14:59] * cmn32480 checks the status of his Nerf aresenal
[14:26:08] -!- janrinok [janrinok!~janrinok@3x03iz5598mh2r07503n6nplyc38ex3x.ipv2.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #Soylent
[14:26:08] -!- janrinok has quit [Changing host]
[14:26:08] -!- janrinok [janrinok!~janrinok@Soylent/Staff/Editor/janrinok] has joined #Soylent
[14:26:08] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v janrinok] by Aphrodite
[14:26:10] <exec> welcome janrinok: Paimpol, France, 14°C/58°F, 3:26 pm GMT+1, Wednesday, 15 February 2017
[14:26:11] <exec> welcome janrinok: Paimpol, France, 14°C/58°F, 3:26 pm GMT+1, Wednesday, 15 February 2017
[14:26:30] * cmn32480 passes janrinok a portion of the nerf arswenal and tells him to get on guard duty.
[14:26:42] <janrinok> ~gday cmn32480
[14:26:44] * exec carefully snatches a poo socket of the aids from cmn32480
[14:26:49] <cmn32480> ~gday janrinok
[14:26:51] * exec cantankerously rubs a speck of sweet onions on janrinok
[14:29:07] <janrinok> sup cmn32480 ?
[14:29:20] <cmn32480> salesreps are all heree
[14:29:27] <janrinok> oooh
[14:29:33] * cmn32480 locks and loads
[14:30:13] <janrinok> target rich environment
[14:31:08] * cmn32480 nmight need more ammunition
[14:32:08] * janrinok starts unpacking loads of ammo boxes, and grins evily
[14:32:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> just make sure you're typing like blazes when they stick their heads in the door
[14:32:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> scowling helps as well
[14:32:44] <janrinok> TheMightyBuzzard, hey, did you get plenty of rest after your mammoth coding session?
[14:34:56] <cmn32480> http://www.ebay.com
[14:34:59] <exec> └─ 13NERF Vulcan EBF-25 Blaster N-Strike Gun w/ MODDED 50 AMMO BELT, Tripod, Ammo Box | eBay
[14:34:59] * cmn32480 needs one of those
[14:35:22] <TheMightyBuzzard> yup, took a whole day off. watched a mess of boxing movies and let all the computers in the house update themselves.
[14:35:47] <cmn32480> stupid question...
[14:35:48] <janrinok> did you achieve what you wanted to achieve?
[14:35:59] <cmn32480> WTF is net:// at the beginning of a URL
[14:38:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> i've no idea
[14:38:19] <cmn32480> me neither
[14:38:26] <TheMightyBuzzard> prolly a winders networking thing
[14:39:20] <cmn32480> possible
[14:57:30] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Physicist Uses "Quantised Inertia" to Explain Both EmDrive and Galaxy Rotation - http://sylnt.us - the-universe-is-weird
[14:57:34] <janrinok> have you shot many of them yet, cmn32480 ?
[15:03:11] <cmn32480> they are currently in the meeting... have not fired a shot yet
[15:03:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> okay, think i'm done with the TOS comments style
[15:03:32] <janrinok> keep digging in - they can be persistent when cornered
[15:03:52] <TheMightyBuzzard> it's not precisely the same as improved threaded but i think it's close enough.
[15:04:01] <cmn32480> I have the tiger pit in front of the door all set up...
[15:04:50] * cmn32480 checks...
[15:05:03] <cmn32480> hmmmm... tiger is licking himself...
[15:05:19] <janrinok> that's normal, does it look hungry though?
[15:06:08] <cmn32480> no... but the steak I tossed in last night seems to be gone...
[15:06:27] <cmn32480> he ate the broccoli, mushrooms and onions too
[15:06:49] <janrinok> that could have been one of the salesreps
[15:07:40] <cmn32480> but there ain't no bones... so nobody has fallen in yet
[15:21:44] <TheMightyBuzzard> ♫ i'm beginning to feel like a code god, code god, all of my people from the front to the back nod, back nod ♫
[15:51:07] <dyingtolive> hey janrinok, i'm actually around today. gonna be busy for about the next 40 minutes or so, but would have time to chat after that, if you're going to be around.
[15:53:17] <janrinok> I'll be around in about 2 hours or so - I've got to go soon to make a meal
[15:56:14] <janrinok> dyingtolive, I'll be on #editorial later but come up wherever and I should find you
[15:59:04] janrinok is now known as janrinok_afk
[16:19:26] <TheMightyBuzzard> smoke break
[16:19:26] <TheMightyBuzzard> nicotine++
[16:19:26] <Bender> karma - nicotine: 316
[16:20:01] -!- xuser [xuser!~xachet@104.207.zrz.kl] has joined #Soylent
[16:26:42] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Microsoft Calls for a "Digital Geneva Convention" - http://sylnt.us - name-rank-and-serial-number
[16:41:31] <TheMightyBuzzard> #submit https://www.helpnetsecurity.com Ruh-Roh, Raggy...
[16:41:32] <MrPlow> Submitting. There is a mandatory delay, please be patient.
[16:41:33] <exec> └─ 13Researchers bypass ASLR protection with simple JavaScript code - Help Net Security
[16:41:57] <MrPlow> Submission successful. https://soylentnews.org
[16:58:47] <chromas> #submit https://threatpost.com
[16:58:48] <MrPlow> Submitting. There is a mandatory delay, please be patient.
[16:59:13] <MrPlow> Submission successful. https://soylentnews.org
[17:18:48] <cmn32480> DAMNIT
[17:19:03] * cmn32480 needs to learn to read and not do shit in a hurry
[17:19:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> break something?
[17:19:21] <cmn32480> PCIe is NOT the Same as PCI-X
[17:19:31] <TheMightyBuzzard> no indeed
[17:19:43] <cmn32480> *)(#%&^_*()#$%&_@$#ing network cards for the firewalls are incorrect
[17:19:56] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh that's a quality ARGH moment
[17:20:12] * cmn32480 turbns the Nerf Arsenal inward
[17:22:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> suicide by foam rubber
[17:29:49] <chromas> pci-x is genderless
[17:42:47] <cmn32480> PCI-X is useless in this instance
[17:45:11] <mechanicjay> I really liked PCI-X at the time -- The amount of data you could shove over a PCI-X RAID card was truly inspiring.
[17:45:34] <cmn32480> but the boxen that I need them for are PCIe
[17:45:52] <cmn32480> I think the word you are looking for is DUMBASS
[17:46:23] <mechanicjay> so you have PCI-X cards and PCIe slots or the other way around?
[17:46:33] <cmn32480> correct
[17:47:01] <cmn32480> not compatible
[17:47:16] <cmn32480> unless i get my dremel....
[17:47:31] <mechanicjay> since finding a MB with PCI-X slots is nigh-on impossible these days....
[17:48:03] <cmn32480> <------didn't read for comprehension
[17:57:54] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Humans Must Become Cyborgs to Survive, Says Elon Musk - http://sylnt.us - ummm-what?
[18:09:17] * cmn32480 admits to cussing very loudly when he opened the box and realized he had the wrong thing
[18:13:24] <mechanicjay> I have a dual xeon box with like 3 PCI-X slots I'm happy to mail to you :)
[18:16:54] <cmn32480> returnign them to Amazon cost me $8
[18:17:07] <cmn32480> plus the cost of the replacement cards...
[18:17:14] <cmn32480> I'll pass on taking in your antiques
[18:17:24] janrinok_afk is now known as janrinok
[18:17:46] <mechanicjay> I don't blame you -- that box was a total POS when it was new
[18:18:14] <mechanicjay> 32bit Netburst based XEONS
[18:19:01] <mechanicjay> It started with dual 1.8 Ghz procs which were unusably slow for anything. I said, "I know I'll upgrade to 2.8Ghz procs, that's sure to make it suck less".
[18:19:04] * cmn32480 suggest shipping to janrinok... he has a basement full of antiques\
[18:19:04] <mechanicjay> Guess what?
[18:19:18] <cmn32480> NOEP!@
[18:19:38] <mechanicjay> yeah, it still sucked, now with 10% more heat and power usage!
[18:20:11] <janrinok> if it works, I'll take it!
[18:20:20] <cmn32480> see...
[18:20:32] <mechanicjay> I LOVED the disk subsystem though. 8 250GB sata drive on a PCI-X raid card -- it was like...magix.
[18:20:34] <cmn32480> all he has to do is pay the shipping to get it across America then across the pnd
[18:20:48] <mechanicjay> yep, you pay shipping it's all yours!
[18:21:12] <mechanicjay> With the 8 sata drives and the really awesome CM Stacker case it's in, it probably hefts in at about 50 lbs.
[18:21:19] * janrinok starts saving pennies ...
[18:21:47] <mechanicjay> I'd be sad to see the CM Stacker case go, it's pretty sweet.
[18:22:06] <janrinok> what power reqts does it have?
[18:22:17] <mechanicjay> One of the few non-rack mount cases I could find that could take an E-ATX board
[18:22:27] <cmn32480> sad because you are getting so much use out of it as an end table? or sad because you know you are just gong to fill it's slot with other junk?
[18:22:49] <mechanicjay> sad, because I dropped like $120 on it back in the day
[18:23:00] <cmn32480> janrinok, you might want to invest in your own nuclear generation system
[18:23:01] <mechanicjay> it's in the garage now, no room for it
[18:23:43] * chromas steals the case
[18:23:53] <mechanicjay> I think it has a 750 watt PS in it, I never saw it pull more than 400 according to my ups. It burns like 150 at idle though, which is horrible.
[18:24:28] <cmn32480> now mechanicjay just has a pile of parts...
[18:24:45] <janrinok> 120v only or is it a 120/240v?
[18:24:57] <mechanicjay> cmn32480: I have multiple piles of parts which I really need to find new homes for
[18:25:04] <mechanicjay> janrinok: I think it has a switch
[18:25:30] <cmn32480> mechanicjay - ewaste recyclerrs are a wonderful thing
[18:27:57] * chromas starts up an ewaste recycling company who just ships everything off to China to be burned by children for winter heat
[18:28:23] <cmn32480> I got 2 pallets down staris you cna send
[18:28:36] <cmn32480> the lithium batteries ought to do great things
[18:33:51] <cmn32480> paging janrinok to #editorial...
[18:42:51] <mechanicjay> !uid
[18:42:51] <Bender> The current maximum UID is 6496, owned by northcolorado
[18:44:24] -!- charon_ [charon_!~0c0959f3@Soylent/Staff/Editor/charon] has joined #Soylent
[18:44:24] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v charon_] by Aphrodite
[19:36:09] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - HP Studios Casts Christian Slater as Hacker in Branded Cybersecurity Short Film Series - http://sylnt.us - hollywood-security
[19:44:47] -!- mechanicjay [mechanicjay!~jhowe@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/mechanicjay] has parted #Soylent
[19:57:09] -!- janrinok has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[20:06:51] -!- saxdm has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[20:28:09] -!- mechanicjay [mechanicjay!~jhowe@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/mechanicjay] has joined #Soylent
[20:28:09] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mechanicjay] by Aphrodite
[20:28:11] <exec> welcome mechanicjay: Seattle, WA, USA, 10°C/50°F, 12:28 pm GMT-8, Wednesday, 15 February 2017
[20:28:39] <mechanicjay> Anyone have a good recommendation for a windshield cell phone mount?
[20:32:09] <cmn32480> how big is your phone?
[20:33:00] <mechanicjay> Galaxy note 4 -- pretty phabletish
[20:33:30] <cmn32480> oooo
[20:33:38] <cmn32480> yeah... mione woudln't work
[20:33:50] <mechanicjay> use case is for a timelapse video of our upcoming road trip.
[20:34:38] <mechanicjay> I'm looking at this one: https://www.amazon.com
[20:43:20] <Bytram> mechanicjay: ummm, how 'bout just getting a dash cam?
[20:50:01] <mechanicjay> Because a mount for my phone only costs $10. Wie veil kostet 'Dashcam'?
[20:58:45] <Bytram> ich weiss nicht, aber es ist doch viel besser, und denn man kann auf auto das dashcam verlessen und das phone mit ihren bringen!
[21:00:51] * Bytram apologizes for his inadequate ability to remember nuances from his high school German classes.
[21:00:59] <mechanicjay> ja, aber I bin "cheap".
[21:01:07] <mechanicjay> s/I/Ich/g
[21:01:07] <sedctl> <mechanicjay> ja, aber Ich bin "cheap".
[21:01:09] <exec> <mechanicjay> ja, aber Ich bin "cheap".
[21:01:15] <Bytram> keini probleme, ich verstehe!
[21:01:41] <mechanicjay> I think you remember more of your high school german, that I do
[21:01:44] <Bytram> hmmm, web cam linked to an RPi?
[21:01:54] <Bytram> Merci! ;)
[21:02:05] <mechanicjay> de nada!
[21:02:11] <Bytram> ROFL!
[21:02:33] <Bytram> Man, I needed that... thanks!
[21:03:03] <Bytram> but seriously, I bet you could get a used web cam real cheap at a garage sales, craig's list, or something
[21:03:28] <mechanicjay> probably, I'm leaving in exactly 48 hours though...
[21:03:41] <Bytram> Oh? Oh.
[21:04:25] <mechanicjay> amazon one day shipping for $3.99 is it...I should have freakin done this a week ago, but only just recently remembered that I wanted to this.
[21:04:46] <Bytram> is there a salvation army or goodwill near you? bet you could pick up one there pretty cheap... I don't live in the biggest city, but they've got a hardware section where you can pick up hard drives for like $10 and memory sticks for about the same.
[21:04:59] -!- charon_ has quit [Quit: quitter]
[21:05:09] <cmn32480> mechanicjay has far more than enough used computer parts
[21:05:11] <mechanicjay> Man in Seattle, the electronics stuff gets picked over really fast -- almost never anything of use
[21:05:19] <Bytram> oh, nvm
[21:05:33] <mechanicjay> it's freakin pittiful
[21:05:44] <Bytram> too many nerds around ya, I spose
[21:11:11] * mechanicjay is having serious reservations about agreeing to spin up an asterixdb instance for an instructor.
[21:12:08] <Bytram> what do they plan to do with it? Or, better still, what are they actually going to do with it?
[21:12:55] <mechanicjay> They want it for students to run some queries against a small data set
[21:13:35] <mechanicjay> The documentation on this this is horrible. It seems like it recently managed to get itself hosted by apache.org, after being some grad student's research project.
[21:13:48] <Bytram> hmm, I thought asterix was a PBX thingy? (Private Branch eXchange - i.e. telephony)
[21:13:49] <mechanicjay> this is the worst kind of software in the world
[21:14:05] <mechanicjay> that's asteriks
[21:14:18] <mechanicjay> https://asterixdb.apache.org
[21:14:20] <exec> └─ 13Apache AsterixDB
[21:14:47] <Bytram> I'd recommend using either MySQL or SQLite, instead... gain experience using a tool that is prevalent "in the wild"
[21:15:30] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Kim Jong-Un's Half-Brother Reportedly Killed in Malaysia - http://sylnt.us - conspiracy!
[21:20:05] <mechanicjay> Yeah, we already have an infrastructure for postgres and mysql. Like "i'm using this in my class" we flip a switch and all the students in that class have an account with that service..
[21:48:02] <cmn32480> I ahven't gotten fuck-all thing 1 done today
[21:48:08] <cmn32480> at leat nothing successful
[21:50:15] <mechanicjay> ditto
[21:51:15] <mechanicjay> I'm ready to drop some whiskey in the next cup of coffee
[21:51:51] -!- cosurgi has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[21:52:32] <cmn32480> hell yes
[21:52:41] * cmn32480 is stopping for beer on the way home
[22:15:31] -!- mechanicjay [mechanicjay!~jhowe@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/mechanicjay] has parted #Soylent
[22:16:02] -!- mechanicjay [mechanicjay!~jhowe@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/mechanicjay] has joined #Soylent
[22:16:02] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mechanicjay] by Aphrodite
[22:16:04] <exec> welcome mechanicjay: Seattle, WA, USA, 10°C/50°F, 2:16 pm GMT-8, Wednesday, 15 February 2017
[22:16:55] <cmn32480> I'm out.
[22:16:59] <cmn32480> see y'all later
[22:17:11] <mechanicjay> later
[22:56:50] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - U.S. Treasury Designates Venezuelan Vice President as a Drug Kingpin - http://sylnt.us - enemy-of-the-state