#Soylent | Logs for 2016-10-27

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[00:18:54] * cmn32480 notes that he seems to drink a lot less when he sits at a table instead of the bar....
[00:21:56] <swiss> boru: i'm in California
[00:22:07] <swiss> born and raised
[00:22:14] <swiss> but swiss through my mom
[00:25:29] <cmn32480> whew... thoguht the internet was broken at the hotel for a minute there.
[00:25:30] * cmn32480 started to get the shakes
[00:27:58] -!- malloc_free has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[00:30:20] <cmn32480> oh god... internet is going down and up and down and up...
[00:33:54] -!- Popeidol [Popeidol!~popeidol@939-92-499-26.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #Soylent
[00:35:23] <cmn32480> i've actually left hotels because of tis
[00:38:03] <swiss> just use mosh
[00:46:32] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Global Renewable Energy Capacity Overtakes Coal - http://sylnt.us - The-answer-is-blowin'-in-the-wind
[00:46:45] <cmn32480> seems stable now
[00:46:58] <cmn32480> my wondows profile is 256GB.. that's probably pretty big...
[00:47:19] <chromas> Not if it contains your porn profile
[00:47:52] <cmn32480> nah,, this is a work computer...
[00:47:58] <cmn32480> that is on an external disk
[00:49:08] <chromas> Then yes, it is veddy big
[00:49:22] <cmn32480> like my johnson
[00:49:48] <chromas> Big Johnson brand user profiles
[00:50:43] * cmn32480 thinks about cleaning that out...
[00:50:50] <cmn32480> then stops giving a shit
[02:06:42] * cmn32480 kicks at the tumbleweeds
[02:12:55] <SirFinkus> well, fucking entertain us then cmn32480
[02:13:08] <SirFinkus> aren't you the soylent news jester?
[02:13:10] * cmn32480 declines that honr...
[02:13:30] <cmn32480> and the damn internet here sucks
[02:13:51] <SirFinkus> have you ever had good hotel internet?
[02:14:32] <cmn32480> yes
[02:14:38] <cmn32480> last night was excellent
[02:14:44] <cmn32480> so was the night before
[02:14:51] <cmn32480> tonight... not so good
[02:15:00] <cmn32480> it makes editing painful
[02:15:57] <SirFinkus> yeah, well
[02:16:02] <SirFinkus> I drank one of my soylents
[02:16:11] <SirFinkus> and I'm having the most potent farts of my life right now
[02:16:31] <cmn32480> interesting
[02:16:41] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Study Casts Doubt on Cosmic Acceleration and Dark Energy - http://sylnt.us - slow-down
[02:16:43] * cmn32480 watches the tumbleweed roll inot the distance
[02:17:07] <SirFinkus> fuck you, you wanted entertainment, I'm doing the best I can dammit
[02:17:17] <cmn32480> I can't say the farts surprise me
[02:17:38] <cmn32480> introducing that amount of greenery and fiber into a system that isn't used to it is quite the shock to the system
[02:17:59] <cmn32480> but hell... as long as you aren't leaving stains behind... enjoy it!
[02:18:09] <SirFinkus> which is weird because I eat lots of of that shit
[02:18:14] <SirFinkus> broccoli is the shit
[02:18:21] <cmn32480> agreed
[02:18:27] <cmn32480> my favorite vegetable
[02:18:48] <SirFinkus> they're the ones that sneak past your asshole too
[02:19:03] <cmn32480> you may eat a lot of it, but in the "Soylent" form... it may be more difficult to digest
[02:19:06] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[02:19:15] <cmn32480> hehehehehe
[02:19:27] <cmn32480> I remember Pemmican Bars from a backpacking trip
[02:19:42] <cmn32480> call them 2 inches square, an inch or so thick
[02:19:48] <cmn32480> like 1500 calories
[02:20:11] <cmn32480> tasted like cardboard...
[02:20:26] <cmn32480> but holy hell... gave every one onf us the ungodly walking farts
[02:20:40] <cmn32480> it was awesome
[02:20:54] <cmn32480> ~gday bytram
[02:20:55] * exec insatiably spews a github of chocolate chips on bytram
[02:21:20] <Bytram> yum!
[02:21:24] <Bytram> ~gday cmn32480
[02:21:26] * exec covertly pairs a recycle bin of flapjacks with cmn32480
[02:21:39] <takyon> nnnnnn
[02:21:40] <cmn32480> mmmmmm flapjacks.....
[02:21:47] <takyon> hi
[02:22:01] <cmn32480> ~gday takyon
[02:22:03] * exec ironically hucks a sweaty armpit of terrible puns at takyon
[02:22:05] <Bytram> !gday takyon
[02:22:11] <Bytram> ~gday takyon
[02:22:13] * exec ceremoniously pits a toilet bowl of dogfart against takyon
[02:22:28] <cmn32480> I can furnish the sweaty pits and puns
[02:22:40] <cmn32480> Sirfinkus has the current market on dogfarts cornered
[02:22:49] <cmn32480> Bytram - you got an extra toilet bowl?
[02:22:50] <takyon> mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmh
[02:22:59] <SirFinkus> I really should bottle these things
[02:23:09] <cmn32480> as bug repellant?
[02:23:10] <SirFinkus> it's gotta be useful somehow
[02:23:14] <cmn32480> or people repellant?
[02:23:18] <SirFinkus> I was thinking more "industrial solvent"
[02:23:30] <Bytram> cmn32480: frayed knot
[02:23:38] <cmn32480> damn...
[02:23:46] <SirFinkus> frayed ballon knot?
[02:23:54] * cmn32480 apologizes to takyon for getting his hopes up
[02:23:56] <SirFinkus> sounds painful
[02:24:05] <takyon> q u e e f
[02:24:07] <cmn32480> keep up yer farts adn you'll get one
[02:24:36] <Bytram> whereto? http://go.theregister.com
[02:24:39] <exec> └─ 13How many Internet of S**t devices knocked out Dyn? Fewer than you may expect • The Register
[02:25:03] <cmn32480> IoT - Internet of Toasters
[02:25:06] <Bytram> whatever happened to the monopolybot?
[02:25:33] <SirFinkus> maybe this was the 40TB/s botnet that one guy was referring to
[02:26:00] <SirFinkus> I've actually forgotten his name
[02:26:21] <chromas> Khyber, of AC LEDs-R-us
[02:26:29] <SirFinkus> ahh, yes
[02:26:33] <Bytram> yep
[02:26:47] <SirFinkus> did he get banned, or just get bored?
[02:27:03] <cmn32480> jail
[02:27:18] <SirFinkus> ooooh oooh hot goss
[02:27:19] <SirFinkus> DISH
[02:27:36] <cmn32480> that was the last we heard
[02:27:43] <cmn32480> 12-18 months ago or more
[02:27:48] <takyon> wut
[02:27:57] <chromas> I think he left here before that though
[02:28:00] <cmn32480> Khyber ended up in jail for somethign or other
[02:28:04] <cmn32480> he did
[02:28:05] <Bytram> yes, ISTR he did
[02:28:12] <takyon> damn son
[02:28:12] <SirFinkus> how the fuck do you guys even know that?
[02:28:19] <Bytram> prolly on the order of 4-6 months earlier
[02:28:51] <cmn32480> that he ended up in jail?
[02:28:58] <SirFinkus> yeah
[02:29:14] <SirFinkus> aside from knowing he's a generally unstable asshole I mean
[02:29:24] <takyon> cmn was called to the stand as a character witness
[02:29:25] <cmn32480> somebody, we know not who, emailed a link to a staff member with a relevant news clipping
[02:29:30] <SirFinkus> lmao
[02:30:16] <SirFinkus> I hope he tried some sovereign citizen shit or something
[02:30:45] <takyon> I know my rights
[02:30:49] <SirFinkus> https://www.youtube.com
[02:30:51] <exec> └─ 13Dale Gribble Admiralty Court - YouTube
[02:34:02] <cmn32480> Khyber is still the source of some of our most beloved memes
[02:34:09] <cmn32480> 400TB DDOS
[02:34:10] <Bytram> bacon++
[02:34:10] <Bender> karma - bacon: 320
[02:34:20] <cmn32480> AC LED's
[02:35:02] <cmn32480> he is alos the measuring stick for general shitbaggery
[02:35:17] <cmn32480> #roll 3d1
[02:35:17] <MrPlow> pass 1: 3
[02:35:22] <cmn32480> #roll 3d1
[02:35:22] <MrPlow> pass 1: 3
[02:35:26] <cmn32480> #roll 3d38
[02:35:26] <MrPlow> pass 1: 52
[02:35:35] <cmn32480> #roll 3d3891234
[02:35:35] <MrPlow> chromas, is that you? stop being a wiseass.
[02:35:45] <Bytram> LOL!
[02:35:53] <Bytram> #roll 8d8
[02:35:53] <MrPlow> pass 1: 31
[02:35:56] <Bytram> #roll 8d8
[02:35:56] <MrPlow> pass 1: 28
[02:35:58] <Bytram> #roll 8d8
[02:35:58] <MrPlow> pass 1: 44
[02:36:06] <Bytram> #roll 1d8
[02:36:06] <MrPlow> pass 1: 4
[02:36:09] <Bytram> #roll 1d1
[02:36:09] <MrPlow> pass 1: 1
[02:36:12] <Bytram> #roll 1d1
[02:36:12] <MrPlow> pass 1: 1
[02:36:16] <Bytram> #roll 2d1
[02:36:16] <MrPlow> pass 1: 2
[02:36:20] <Bytram> #roll 2d1
[02:36:20] <MrPlow> pass 1: 2
[02:36:21] <Bytram> #roll 2d1
[02:36:21] <MrPlow> pass 1: 2
[02:36:30] <Bytram> #roll 2d0
[02:36:30] <MrPlow> chromas, is that you? stop being a wiseass.
[02:36:34] <cmn32480> that line is becasue we fucked wiht the bot while TMB was testing it and crashed it a couple times
[02:36:42] <Bytram> #roll 200000d1
[02:36:42] <MrPlow> chromas, is that you? stop being a wiseass.
[02:36:52] <Bytram> #roll 200000d2
[02:36:52] <MrPlow> chromas, is that you? stop being a wiseass.
[02:36:56] <Bytram> #roll 20000d2
[02:36:56] <MrPlow> chromas, is that you? stop being a wiseass.
[02:36:59] <Bytram> #roll 2000d2
[02:36:59] <MrPlow> pass 1: 2992
[02:37:03] <Bytram> #roll 2000d99
[02:37:03] <MrPlow> pass 1: 100209
[02:37:10] <Bytram> #roll 4000d99
[02:37:10] <MrPlow> pass 1: 200597
[02:37:14] <Bytram> #roll 8000d99
[02:37:14] <MrPlow> pass 1: 397265
[02:37:18] <Bytram> #roll 9000d99
[02:37:18] <MrPlow> chromas, is that you? stop being a wiseass.
[02:37:25] <Bytram> #roll 8500d99
[02:37:25] <MrPlow> pass 1: 426223
[02:37:29] * chromas asses wisely
[02:37:32] <Bytram> #roll 8750d99
[02:37:32] <MrPlow> pass 1: 438214
[02:37:33] <cmn32480> lol
[02:37:38] <Bytram> #roll 8999d99
[02:37:38] <MrPlow> pass 1: 452242
[02:37:39] <chromas> wise chromASS
[02:37:47] <Bytram> #roll 8999d100
[02:37:47] <MrPlow> pass 1: 454827
[02:37:50] <Bytram> #roll 8999d500
[02:37:50] <MrPlow> pass 1: 2252902
[02:37:54] <Bytram> #roll 8999d900
[02:37:54] <MrPlow> pass 1: 4077546
[02:37:58] <Bytram> #roll 8999d999
[02:37:58] <MrPlow> pass 1: 4504699
[02:38:02] <Bytram> #roll 8999d1999
[02:38:02] <MrPlow> pass 1: 8963207
[02:38:05] <Bytram> #roll 8999d4999
[02:38:05] <MrPlow> pass 1: 22438079
[02:38:12] <Bytram> #roll 8999d9999
[02:38:12] <MrPlow> chromas, is that you? stop being a wiseass.
[02:38:15] <Bytram> #roll 8999d8999
[02:38:15] <MrPlow> pass 1: 40850003
[02:38:16] <cmn32480> here we go... bytram is doing QA again
[02:38:26] <Bytram> is in my blood
[02:38:33] <Bytram> and Halloween approaches
[02:38:42] <takyon> wtf is this
[02:38:58] <cmn32480> bytram playing QA on MrPlow
[02:39:02] <cmn32480> #sammich
[02:39:02] * MrPlow whips up a vibrating rooster sammich for cmn32480
[02:39:08] <Bytram> just empirically determining what the limits were
[02:39:24] <takyon> i am the empire
[02:39:38] * Bytram strikes back
[02:39:44] * cmn32480 returns
[02:39:56] Bytram is now known as clone
[02:39:58] <clone> ATTACK!
[02:40:04] <takyon> jedi'd by cmn
[02:40:09] clone is now known as Bytram
[02:40:28] <cmn32480> TK421 why aren't you at your post?
[02:40:51] <Bytram> he prolly joined kellog's
[02:42:03] <takyon> General Mills Must Die
[02:43:03] <Bytram> and as for Colonel Sanders?
[02:43:20] <takyon> he killed the rabbi with a potato peeler in the bathroom
[02:43:32] <Bytram> LOL!!!
[02:43:48] <Bytram> oh, wait, I thought you wrote 'rabbit'
[02:43:54] <Bytram> ouch!
[02:44:40] <cmn32480> the ankle is aking after standing all day...
[02:44:47] <cmn32480> and climbing the ladders yesterday
[02:45:23] <cmn32480> *aching
[02:48:23] -!- AC-LEDs [AC-LEDs!~confirms@0::1] has joined #Soylent
[02:51:58] <Bytram> whereto? http://go.theregister.com
[02:52:00] <exec> └─ 13How many Internet of S**t devices knocked out Dyn? Fewer than you may expect • The Register
[02:52:12] <cmn32480> you posted that already
[02:52:52] <Bytram> was hoping the return of monopoly bot would be so kind to give the non-redirecting link
[02:53:32] <Bytram> fyi; AC-LEDs is "monopoly 3 bot"
[02:55:25] <Bytram> biab dishes
[02:55:36] <Bytram> ~weather jax
[02:55:38] <exec> 10Jacksonville, FL, USA - currently 72°F, clear with periodic clouds, wind E at 7 mph, humidity 75% - Wednesday partly cloudy (66°F:79°F), Thursday mostly cloudy (65°F:82°F), Friday partly cloudy (63°F:84°F), Saturday mostly sunny (63°F:83°F)
[02:55:48] <takyon> apple watchen for everyone
[02:56:04] <cmn32480> why? you hit the lottery?
[02:56:42] <cmn32480> and why are you trying to torture us?
[02:58:50] <takyon> because life is suffering
[02:59:12] <Bytram> he wants to make sure that everyone is wearing a device with a unique ID for tracking purposes?
[02:59:34] <Bytram> and, with that, I noticed the time and am gonna call it a night shortly...
[02:59:48] <Bytram> thanks for the chat, and the laughs!
[02:59:55] Bytram is now known as Bytram|away
[02:59:58] <Bytram|away> ~gnight cmn32480
[03:00:00] * exec figuratively flings a finger of battery acid at cmn32480
[03:00:01] <Bytram|away> ~gnight takyon
[03:00:03] * exec single-candidly pairs a pair of loose change with takyon
[03:00:09] <cmn32480> ~gnight bytram
[03:00:12] <takyon> good night
[03:00:12] * exec casually rubs a ½ cup of more cowbell on bytram
[03:00:40] <Bytram|away> ~gnight SirFinkus
[03:00:41] * exec covertly pesters a hollowed out iMac of dumpster juice with SirFinkus
[03:00:51] <SirFinkus> night
[03:01:24] <cmn32480> actually.. that is a great idea
[03:02:27] <cmn32480> ~gnight takyon
[03:02:29] * exec cromulently culturally appropriates a used franger of sleep from takyon
[03:02:32] <cmn32480> ~gnight SirFinkus
[03:02:34] * exec seductively violates a scrote of prison food with SirFinkus
[03:02:36] <takyon> nighty
[03:02:48] <SirFinkus> night assholes
[03:02:57] <cmn32480> ~gngiht soylentboobs
[03:03:04] <cmn32480> ~gnight soylentboobs
[03:03:06] * exec democratically deletes a socket of Uranus from soylentboobs
[03:03:22] <takyon> URANUS MOONS
[03:03:35] <cmn32480> #weather uranus
[03:03:35] <MrPlow> 98.6F and windy.
[03:07:15] <SirFinkus> "chance of rain"
[03:31:35] -!- JamesNZ [JamesNZ!~james@60.234.vml.gj] has joined #Soylent
[03:31:38] <exec> welcome JamesNZ: Wellington, New Zealand 5:16 PM Chatham Island (GMT+13:45), 16°C/60°F, 4:31 pm NZDT, Thursday, 27 October 2016
[03:38:32] -!- tramtris1 [tramtris1!~tramtrist@dzf.tramtrist.com] has joined #Soylent
[03:39:42] -!- Tramtrist has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[03:47:12] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Judge Orders FBI to Reveal Whether White House Launched 'Tor Pedo' Torpedo Exploits - http://sylnt.us - hacking-is-legal
[05:27:05] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - "Iridoplasts" Found in Begonia Leaves Enhance Light Harvesting in the Shade - http://sylnt.us - in-the-dark
[05:53:53] -!- malloc_free [malloc_free!~malloc_fr@2406:e001:1:htjz:spxi:nonn:okqt:ivuu] has joined #Soylent
[06:17:31] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[06:17:35] <exec> welcome crutchy: Melbourne VIC, 17°C/62°F, 5:17 pm AEDT, Thursday, 27 October 2016
[06:42:52] <FatPhil> morning all
[06:43:00] -!- malloc_free has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[07:05:22] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Iceland's Pirate Party Tops Polls Ahead of National Elections - http://sylnt.us - they-had-a-dream
[07:09:12] -!- malloc_free [malloc_free!~malloc_fr@2406:e001:1:mytz:xyow:whwp:vmnv:ntgs] has joined #Soylent
[07:36:23] -!- malloc_free has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[07:48:50] -!- malloc_free [malloc_free!~malloc_fr@2406:e001:1:qrum:jmnh:joys:joi:yuy] has joined #Soylent
[08:35:53] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Swedes Ban Camera Spy-Drones for Anything but Crime Fighting - http://sylnt.us - I-see-what-they-did-there
[08:54:51] -!- malloc_free has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[08:59:09] -!- malloc_free [malloc_free!~malloc_fr@2406:e001:1:yihv:jirg:zzso:jrtq:ksvj] has joined #Soylent
[09:16:48] -!- AC-LEDs has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[09:27:39] -!- malloc_free has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[09:28:51] -!- malloc_free [malloc_free!~malloc_fr@2406:e001:1:ynml:km:wjur:qisk:tnix] has joined #Soylent
[10:07:03] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Saturn's Mysterious Hexagon Has Changed From Blue to Gold - and No One Knows Why - http://sylnt.us - it's-that-bloody-dress-again!
[10:19:12] zz_janrinok is now known as janrinok
[10:20:01] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[10:20:01] <Bender> karma - coffee: 2959
[10:23:41] <janrinok> TheMightyBuzzard, https://soylentnews.org You've seen this I think?
[10:23:43] <exec> └─ 13More SPAM on the front page: SoylentNews Submission
[10:24:31] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, i wish people wouldn't use subs as communication methods
[10:27:31] <janrinok> so do I, but it was the person formally known as Gewg, Goog, Gug; he was always different
[10:28:00] <janrinok> it's gone now - I used my God-like powers to delete it
[10:28:29] <janrinok> enjoy your coffee - I'll leave you in peace to start your day ...
[10:32:01] <FatPhil> you got righteous on its ass did you?
[10:32:45] <FatPhil> Oh dear, when your only coffee making facility is a 1L cafatiere, and you're the only person at home...
[10:32:51] <FatPhil> coffee += 4?
[10:33:02] -!- malloc_free has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[10:36:14] <janrinok> ~gday FatPhil - still snowing?
[10:36:16] * exec theoretically requisitions an animated gif of Khyber's AC LEDs for FatPhil
[10:36:35] <FatPhil> howdy janirok, nah, that was just a freak incident
[10:36:59] <janrinok> glad to hear it - but are you still pleased with your Asian Shop find?
[10:37:18] -!- malloc_free [malloc_free!~malloc_fr@2406:e001:1:grzw:trrj:zvmy:kqop:zkjz] has joined #Soylent
[10:39:32] <FatPhil> damn yeah. it didn't have our favourite, but we mentioned that to the shop owner and he said he'd try and get it.
[10:40:16] <FatPhil> we looked for these last weekend in the asian suburb of HElsinki, and there was nothing - apparent;y there's only one importer, so when one's out, they're all out.
[10:40:26] <FatPhil> so double happy to find them on our doorstep
[10:41:22] <janrinok> sounds like you are getting better access to asian goods than I am in rural France - I envy you.
[10:42:36] <FatPhil> it's slowly picking up. This is the first asian shop in the centre. We do have 3 curry houses now, which is good. (plus others which are mixed asian - indian/chinese/thai combo)
[10:43:24] <FatPhil> Being a Brit by birth I'm used to way more. Every trip to the UK is a curry orgy!
[10:44:23] <janrinok> we've got lots of vietnamese and chinese to choose from in the towns, but curry is almost unheard of. I do, however, make a mean curry myself so we do not go without for too long.
[10:44:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> woah, yall got talky while i was catching up on overnight site stuff
[10:44:46] <janrinok> we were leaving you to your coffee
[10:45:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> FatPhil, i go through 3 30oz tumblers every morning
[10:46:40] <FatPhil> jeebus, TMB, that's scary
[10:47:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> eh, my kidneys can handle it
[10:47:55] <FatPhil> I drink coffee from a ~20 floz Maredsous ceramic goblet nowadays. (500ml plus room for a nice head)
[10:48:17] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh, you drink them fancy italian coffees
[10:48:46] <TheMightyBuzzard> me too sometimes but mostly just drip because it's quicker n cheaper
[10:48:49] <FatPhil> not sure where this is from. local tea shop also sells coffe and we were out, so we bought something random
[10:49:03] <FatPhil> it's aromatised, not sure I like it as much as coffee coffee
[10:49:22] <FatPhil> https://www.youtube.com
[10:49:24] <exec> └─ 13Denis Leary on Coffee [Lock N Load] - YouTube
[10:50:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> yeurg, coffee needs no additional flavors. well if you have soft water a drop of cream is acceptable but otherwise that nonsense is for women and children
[10:52:44] <TheMightyBuzzard> mostly i only use my espresso machine for after dinner coffee. it's slightly too much work for before i've had any coffee.
[10:53:42] <janrinok> tea++
[10:53:42] <Bender> karma - tea: 562
[10:53:53] <janrinok> nuff said
[10:54:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> i could prolly use an aero press or french press but i don't know if they make one big enough to fill my coffee cup
[10:55:07] * cmn32480 makes a note to hit Dunkin' on the way to the customer site
[10:55:09] <FatPhil> 1L french press is all I have
[10:55:32] <FatPhil> 1L is over 40 floz isn't it?
[10:55:51] <cmn32480> 32
[10:55:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> ahh, that should do it. dunno but it's definitely over 30
[10:56:02] <cmn32480> roughly
[10:56:26] <TheMightyBuzzard> #g 1 liter to oz
[10:56:27] <MrPlow> http://www.asknumbers.com - "To find out how many ounces in liters, multiply by the right factor or instead, use the converter below if converting into US fluid ounces. 1 Liter = 33.8140226 ..."
[10:56:28] <cmn32480> 33.814 according to Google
[10:57:36] <FatPhil> /usr/bin/units agrees with google
[10:57:37] <TheMightyBuzzard> yep, that'd do it. plus it's one thing the french is good for.
[10:58:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> i mean aside from keeping Spain and Portugal from floating off
[10:59:34] <FatPhil> an giving the English a butt for jokes :)
[11:00:13] <crutchy> ermagerd. politico reckons ol hillbags is gunna win texas
[11:00:57] <crutchy> i mean trump sucks donkeydick, but still
[11:00:59] * TheMightyBuzzard gasps and wheezes from laughing so hard
[11:01:29] <FatPhil> Is there a good site that compares predictions from multiple pollsters?
[11:01:32] <TheMightyBuzzard> yeah, not even if austin went out and killed amarillo
[11:01:32] <crutchy> i demand to know what kinda weed they smokin
[11:01:45] <cmn32480> crutchy - don't believe politico, or anybody else
[11:01:55] <crutchy> cmn32480, i dont :p
[11:01:59] <crutchy> but its funny
[11:02:04] <cmn32480> it is funny
[11:02:43] * cmn32480 goes to get showered
[11:02:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> there is just no fucking way texas goes hillary. anyone who says it will or that it's even within five points is trying to bullshit you.
[11:02:54] * cmn32480 wishes he had a hot redhead to help....
[11:03:10] <FatPhil> That politico lead image really needs to be turned into a meem
[11:03:15] <FatPhil> modulo typos
[11:03:35] <janrinok> lol
[11:03:55] <FatPhil> TMB: find some suckers on one of those you-can-bet-on-anything websites
[11:04:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> man, there is gonna be a lot of egg on a lot of faces come election day when the intentionally oversampled polls are shown to be bullshit.
[11:04:34] <crutchy> do people actually like trump though?
[11:04:39] <crutchy> he seems like a retard
[11:05:00] <crutchy> hillary seems like an evil mobster, so no love there
[11:05:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> FatPhil, i would but apparently you're not legally allowed to bet on elections and i don't want a lame duck obama fbi beating down my door over something silly
[11:05:31] <TheMightyBuzzard> crutchy, nobody likes either of them mostly
[11:06:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> it is straight up douglas adams keeping the wrong lizard from getting in
[11:06:37] <crutchy> i wouldn't want either of them in the white house. you guys are fucked in both holes
[11:06:51] <TheMightyBuzzard> now trump amuses me cause he's a damned fine troll. but yeah. he ain't fit for the job.
[11:07:28] <crutchy> maybe you can impeach whoever wins and get someone proper
[11:07:29] <crutchy> :p
[11:08:46] <crutchy> anyway, you have my best wishes. i honestly dunno who will win, but it all looks pretty damn ugly from over here
[11:09:39] <TheMightyBuzzard> eh, i figure either one wins they have the best chance since lincoln of getting assassinated while in office
[11:09:39] * janrinok didn't expect the elections to be this good, he's already run out of popcorn
[11:10:35] <crutchy> this sums it up pretty good: http://static2.politico.com
[11:10:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> yarp
[11:11:36] * TheMightyBuzzard ponders making a gif of the statue of liberty getting dp'd
[11:12:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> meh, nicotine time
[11:12:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> smoke break
[11:12:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> nicotine++
[11:12:14] <Bender> karma - nicotine: 178
[11:12:52] <janrinok> got to go - having the power to the house cut for a few hours
[11:13:50] janrinok is now known as zz_janrinok
[11:15:28] <FatPhil> Stimulants much?
[11:17:14] <FatPhil> We're just trying to decide how we should convert results into drinks on election night/morning
[11:17:51] <FatPhil> A port for every state which returns 2.5% or more 3rd party votes. A whisky for every state which returns a 2.5% or more 3rd party vote. Might leave me too sober.
[11:19:44] <FatPhil> 2012 would brink me whisky for Alaska, port for Arkansas and California, ...
[11:20:11] <FatPhil> s/k/g/
[11:20:11] <sedctl> <FatPhil> 2012 would bring me whisky for Alaska, port for Arkansas and California, ...
[11:20:56] <FatPhil> TheMightyBuzzard: you're right, this aromatised coffee is pants. Shit, bought 300g of it.
[11:27:27] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[11:27:27] <Bender> karma - coffee: 2960
[11:27:42] <cmn32480> coffee++
[11:27:42] <Bender> karma - coffee: 2961
[11:28:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> FatPhil, topping the coffee n cigarette off with some adderall as well
[11:29:24] <FatPhil> nice cocktail
[11:29:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> hrm, might go a shot for every state that turns out more trump than the polls showed
[11:30:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> since they've been blatantly oversampling democrats (up to 40% of those polled) that should get you righteously drunk.
[11:30:35] <FatPhil> I was thinking a drink of something nasty for every state that gets >50% trump
[11:31:16] <TheMightyBuzzard> but yeah, every state that goes more than a couple percent 3rd party should do about the same.
[11:31:35] <FatPhil> I'll ask again - is there a meta-poll that compares/combines all the (biased) pollsters results?
[11:32:00] <FatPhil> 2012 was 2 whiskies, 9 ports.
[11:32:01] <TheMightyBuzzard> not one that excludes the rigged ones
[11:33:06] <TheMightyBuzzard> here's the one that's been most reliable over the past four elections, for what that's worth: http://www.investors.com
[11:33:08] <exec> └─ 13Clinton vs. Trump: IBD/TIPP Presidential Election Tracking Poll | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD
[11:33:44] <TheMightyBuzzard> margin of error is like 3.6%, so all you're seeing lately is a 50/50 tie with background noise
[11:33:57] <FatPhil> yarp
[11:34:58] <TheMightyBuzzard> long as johnson gets >5%, my goal for this cycle is accomplished
[11:35:08] <FatPhil> Certainly expecting a lot of whisky from my 3rd-party rule
[11:35:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> nod nod
[11:35:43] <FatPhil> mostly from Johnson. Might crack open a special whisky for a Stein!
[11:37:56] <TheMightyBuzzard> nope, gotta be some sort of beer for stein. i mean, her name's STEIN.
[11:39:37] <FatPhil> I see the logic. I'm not short of beer in my cellar
[11:40:19] <FatPhil> merkins soon: https://www.youtube.com
[11:40:22] <exec> └─ 13Voting Anguish - YouTube
[11:41:03] <FatPhil> I even have the earthenware drinking vessels
[11:41:34] <FatPhil> he says as he lifts his maredsous goblet to his lips with a top-up of bollocksed up coffee
[11:41:48] <TheMightyBuzzard> man, i love that show
[11:42:22] <TheMightyBuzzard> man, just irish it up. what can it hurt at this point?
[11:42:32] <FatPhil> I've not really watched any American sitcoms since, erm, Soap?
[11:42:43] <FatPhil> Confused? You will be...
[11:43:16] <FatPhil> I did watch a bit of the US /The Office/, but it was weak sauce compared to the original.
[11:43:17] * cmn32480 findhimself debating if he gives a flying f**k about going to the customer site today
[11:43:18] <TheMightyBuzzard> well, there really haven't been many sitcoms.
[11:43:41] <TheMightyBuzzard> entirely too many shitty reality shows lately
[11:44:13] <FatPhil> we give you sitcom formulae, you give us reality tv formulae. Not a fair trade.
[11:45:05] <FatPhil> In the hotel last week, my g/f (merkin) and I watched a bit of Geordie Shore just for the train wreck. We didn't understand more than about 10% of what was said.
[11:45:54] <crutchy> https://www.youtube.com
[11:45:56] <exec> └─ 13Michael Moore PERFECTLY explains why Donald Trump will WIN - YouTube
[11:45:56] <TheMightyBuzzard> i dunno what a geordie shore is, thankfully
[11:46:15] <TheMightyBuzzard> crutchy, i had so much more faith in you than to link that tool
[11:46:56] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Congress Calls for Waiver of Enlistment Bonus Repayments as White House Resists - http://sylnt.us - Between-Scylla-and-Charybdis
[11:47:13] <crutchy> i know. its ironic
[11:47:18] <crutchy> but listen to what he says
[11:47:23] <FatPhil> Geordie Shore is Jersey Shore, but with people from the N.E. of England rather than from the N.E. US
[11:47:26] <crutchy> you will agree
[11:47:37] <crutchy> he hits the nail on the head
[11:47:44] <FatPhil> Ah, was just about to play another Moore vid, to see what he's gibbering on about now...
[11:47:47] <FatPhil> http://www.youtube.com
[11:47:49] <exec> └─ 13Trump's Election Will Be The Biggest F You Ever Recorded In Human History - Michael Moore - YouTube
[11:48:05] <crutchy> yeah thats from the same speech
[11:49:17] * cmn32480 wishes he coudl get paid for playing fruit ninja all day
[11:49:45] <FatPhil> crutchy: nice vid, will forward that on
[11:51:55] <FatPhil> ahah - same speech
[11:52:14] <FatPhil> O
[11:52:55] <FatPhil> I'm a firm believer that things need to get worse before they can get better. Which means that either red or blue will work, they'll just take different paths to implosion.
[11:53:30] <crutchy> yeah must admit trump does seem like a hand grenade for 'the system'
[11:53:38] <AndyTheAbsurd> we should all vote for Vermin Supreme
[11:53:41] <crutchy> the establishment is scared shitless of him
[11:53:46] <TheMightyBuzzard> FatPhil, yarp. that's why i generally vote for the worst possible candidate but this time around since that's going to happen anyway i get to vote for something that might help later.
[11:54:36] <FatPhil> that's the most coherent Moore's been pretty much ever.
[11:54:47] <crutchy> lol apparently he trashes trump at the end
[11:54:53] <crutchy> (moore)
[11:54:56] * TheMightyBuzzard shurgs
[11:55:10] <FatPhil> not really trashing him.
[11:55:16] <crutchy> but he put his foot in it cuz his speech has been clipped and is now being used in support of trump
[11:55:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> dude has made his fortune trashing america. i give not a fuck what he has to say anymore.
[11:55:29] <FatPhil> Trump Jr. liked the speech: http://www.realclearpolitics.com
[11:55:41] <crutchy> yeah moore is a duchebag
[11:55:58] <crutchy> yeah that would make a nice slogan
[11:56:43] <crutchy> instead of 'make america great again' he should change it to 'im gunna fuck the system up'
[11:57:02] <FatPhil> and if everyone thinks the system's broken, that's a positive slogan
[11:57:05] <crutchy> not sure if he will, but hillary sure as hell wont
[11:57:27] <crutchy> she is the system
[11:57:55] <FatPhil> clinton will just maintain the tinkle-down economics set up 3 decades ago
[11:58:42] <crutchy> tinkle-up you mean
[11:59:06] <crutchy> tax the poor, feed the rich
[11:59:55] <FatPhil> tinkle down - the rich pissing on the heads of the poor
[12:08:10] -!- JamesNZ has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[12:15:51] <FatPhil> I think these guys are pretty neutral, aren't they? http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com
[12:18:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> FatPhil, nope. either that or they haven't updated in a while.
[12:21:55] <FatPhil> They seem to have a couple of few-day-old polls for every state I clicked on, although some of the polls they include are getting quite stale
[12:24:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> right but GIGO and we know for a fact that media organizations are intentionally oversampling democrats and likely democrat voters.
[12:25:54] <FatPhil> "Monmouth university" doesn't sound like a media organisation
[12:28:18] <FatPhil> Ah, but this: "Tip: FiveThirtyEight generally lists polls by the name of the polling company, not the media sponsor. So look for “Selzer & Co.,” not “Bloomberg Politics.”"
[12:29:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> FatPhil, the clue there is "university".
[12:29:24] <FatPhil> This should address your complaints: http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com
[12:31:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> not especially. you can make biofuel from garbage but that's about all.
[13:18:05] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Google's "Jamboard" Takes on the Giant Touchscreen Workplace Niche - http://sylnt.us - coming-to-a-conference-room-near-you
[13:19:52] <TheMightyBuzzard> there's a niche for that?
[13:21:48] -!- crutchy has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[13:22:50] <boru> Probably for pointy haired managers.
[15:06:31] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - A Complete Waste of Energy - http://sylnt.us - resist-the-urge-to-get-amped-up
[16:21:14] <AndyTheAbsurd> butts++
[16:21:14] <Bender> karma - butts: 6
[16:33:09] -!- weeds [weeds!~42c02ea2@01-732-05-876.static.twtelecom.net] has joined #Soylent
[16:37:02] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Beijing Threatens Legal Action Over Webcam Claims - http://sylnt.us - in-Soviet-Russia-products-threaten-you
[17:22:44] zz_janrinok is now known as janrinok
[17:50:04] -!- _muxer_ [_muxer_!~muxing@47.182.gtz.qtu] has joined #Soylent
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[18:09:03] <mechanicjay> hey all
[18:10:22] <janrinok> hi mechanicjay
[18:16:55] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Oregon Weighs Whether All Kids Should Get Outdoor Education - http://sylnt.us - no-video-games-out-there
[18:21:54] <FatPhil> they're just gonna have to play cowboys and indians again, rather than call of duty.
[18:22:01] <FatPhil> outrage in 3, 2, ...
[18:24:50] <TheMightyBuzzard> nuttin wrong with cowboys n indians
[18:27:41] <janrinok> I would have thought that, nowadays, the tribal chiefs would be up in arms if they didn't 'win' at least half of the games ...
[18:32:32] <FatPhil> :)
[18:32:59] <FatPhil> oops, wrong window, but actually, you make a good point
[18:33:11] <janrinok> lol
[18:33:38] * janrinok wonders what he was _really_ laughing at ...
[18:40:14] <FatPhil> On another channel, "I forgot to take flowers to my sister when she gave birth. I was too nervous". I was smiling not laughing.
[18:40:36] <FatPhil> ANother friend has just sprogged, you see, and we're discussing presents.
[18:41:22] <FatPhil> There's a flower stall 50m from where I live, so I think I know what the present will be
[18:41:39] <janrinok> now there's a phrase that I haven't heard since I left the air force - 'sprogged'.
[18:45:10] <FatPhil> sprog is my word of choice, and has been for well over 20 years. Not sure where I got it from.
[18:46:15] <janrinok> I used to use it myself quite a lot, but nobody here would understand it so I've just not used it in over 10 years
[19:03:28] janrinok is now known as zz_janrinok
[19:03:37] <FatPhil> where are your roots?
[19:27:46] <TheMightyBuzzard> so, the roomie's boy child happened upon my phone whilst it wasn't in my possession and managed to see my wallpaper. https://tmb.dedyn.io
[19:28:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> i've now replaced it with the more acceptable https://tmb.dedyn.io
[19:31:03] <TheMightyBuzzard> i consider having to PG my phone a violation of my civil liberties but i don't wanna jumpstart the kid into puberty, so...
[19:39:27] -!- _muxer_ [_muxer_!~muxing@47.182.gtz.qtu] has joined #Soylent
[19:41:27] -!- muxer has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[19:58:13] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - American Academy of Paediatrics Changes Infant Screen Time Advice - http://sylnt.us - screening-out-the-junk
[20:33:22] <chromas> tmb: well the new one has a more appropriate aspect ratio for a screen
[20:33:57] <chromas> and moar resolutions
[20:38:28] <chromas> I left a note in your apache log
[20:50:25] * TheMightyBuzzard chuckles
[20:50:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> took a while to find what with all the people perving on my wet t-shirt pics
[20:51:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> saving those for when the boy's at least 13
[20:51:52] <chromas> He needs to 'accidentally' discover your stash when he's ready
[20:51:59] <chromas> like old times
[20:53:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> that'd be difficult. aside from serving them up on apache, my shit is locked down pretty tightly.
[20:53:26] <TheMightyBuzzard> hafta leave them on my phone or something
[20:54:09] <chromas> Or teach him to snoop on servers on your lan
[20:54:44] <TheMightyBuzzard> 40+ character passphrase for decrypting /home and 30+ character password for login/disabling the screensaver
[20:54:51] <chromas> "See, here's the modem config page, the router config page. There's probably other cool stuff somewhere too. Goin' fooshin', sse ya"
[20:54:54] <TheMightyBuzzard> yeah, may hafta do that
[20:55:27] <TheMightyBuzzard> put them on an nfs share and teach him how to list the ones on the lan so he can hit up the media server
[20:56:47] * FatPhil pervs
[20:57:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> girl child can find her own. i'm not making a directory of dick pics.
[20:57:18] <chromas> Women like tits too
[20:57:26] <chromas> you sexist
[20:57:54] <TheMightyBuzzard> she ain't allowed to be gay. her dad wants grandchildren.
[20:58:05] <chromas> All women are bi. No exceptions
[20:58:17] <TheMightyBuzzard> only after three drinks
[20:58:45] <chromas> Google images says otherwise
[21:00:41] <TheMightyBuzzard> you can't tell zero drinks from three from a picture
[21:05:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> https://www.youtube.com
[21:20:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> #submit https://techraptor.net
[21:20:06] <MrPlow> Submitting. There is a mandatory delay, please be patient.
[21:20:07] <exec> └─ 13FCC Publishes Broadband Privacy Rules - TechRaptor
[21:20:31] <MrPlow> Submission successful. https://soylentnews.org
[21:26:08] <swiss> what did people think about the new apple announcement?
[21:26:23] <chromas> What was it?
[21:26:39] <chromas> A new stylus?
[21:27:25] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - I've Returned from Mars... Argggh, My Back! - http://sylnt.us - just-stay-horizontal-and-wear-tight-spandex
[21:30:50] <swiss> chromas: new macbook pro with OLED bar, and USB-C connectors for everything
[21:31:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> that's worth an announcement?
[21:31:18] <swiss> well, it's a hardware refresh
[21:31:21] <swiss> so yes?
[21:31:27] <chromas> Oh yeah, I heard about the deleted Escape key
[21:31:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> now THAT's worth an announcement
[21:31:41] <chromas> Now that's worth an announcement
[21:31:47] <chromas> you bastard
[21:31:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> ninja'd baby
[21:31:50] <swiss> nah, it's just on the OLED bar. And from what I could tell, it's there on 90% of apps.
[21:32:01] <swiss> and if you're in any sort of terminal app, I'm sure they'd have the esc key there
[21:32:15] <chromas> on the screen?
[21:32:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> still, it's both a laptop and a mac so i don't even give a tenth of a shit
[21:32:26] <swiss> the OLED touchpanel that replaced the top row of the keyboard
[21:32:48] <chromas> Oh I see, so you can change what buttons are available
[21:33:04] <swiss> now, that said, idiots that claim it will impact their vim don't count, because if you haven't inoremap'd jj to esc your vim opinion doesn't count
[21:33:55] <TheMightyBuzzard> sure as shit does if you use vi instead of vim
[21:34:23] <swiss> if you use vi instead of vim you probably aren't aware there are computers that can run without wall power
[21:34:31] <TheMightyBuzzard> true
[21:34:47] <chromas> It still has a headphone jack; I'm not sold
[21:35:18] * TheMightyBuzzard chuckles
[21:35:20] <swiss> i'm surprised it had the headphone jack honestly. I thought they might put a lightning port so the iphone headphones would work on it
[21:35:33] <chromas> Headphone jacks disgust me. They're the only reason iTools don't have negative thickness
[21:36:09] <swiss> honestly, i'm 100% on board with ditching 3.5mm
[21:36:20] <chromas> #smake
[21:36:32] <swiss> onboard sound cards suck ass, so if I care about quality I'm gonna use a USB one anyway
[21:36:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> if i can't plug a headphone jack into the headphones port and slap a big adapter on it to poke it into the guitar amp, i don't want it.
[21:37:01] <chromas> It's fun to read the comments on that though. "With the new connector we can finally move on to digital headphones"
[21:37:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> it's purely for drm purposes
[21:37:10] <chromas> "Your ears can't decode digital signals dumbass"
[21:37:38] <chromas> There's really no reason they couldn't just make onboard sound not suck ass
[21:37:48] * TheMightyBuzzard shurgs
[21:38:12] <swiss> nah, as long as adapters exist to 3.5mm then it's not a DRM thing
[21:38:15] <TheMightyBuzzard> i can't tell the difference between onboard sound and high dollar sound anyway. i listened to metal as a teenager.
[21:38:42] <chromas> Sucks on laps at least. I can hear all the computer noises through the headphones
[21:39:05] -!- popeydoll [popeydoll!~popeidol@067-063-75-90.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #Soylent
[21:39:27] <swiss> I can't either. so I might as well be using cheap bluetooth headphones
[21:39:30] <TheMightyBuzzard> ah, yeah. that i can hear.
[21:39:54] <TheMightyBuzzard> fuckin spend a few bucks on some caps, ya cheap bastards
[21:40:29] <swiss> I mean, wired headphones are a pain anyway now
[21:40:39] <chromas> They weren't before?
[21:41:22] <TheMightyBuzzard> nah, i still use big ear-covering ones with a cord cause fuck a buncha earbuds
[21:42:02] <TheMightyBuzzard> much more comfortable than anything that sits on or in your ears
[21:42:21] -!- Popeidol has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[21:44:22] <swiss> i use the big ear covering ones at my desk
[21:44:32] <swiss> but i'm stationary there and can use an adapter there
[21:44:50] <chromas> You can get bluetooth ones
[21:44:59] <swiss> that too
[21:53:42] <swiss> the new TV app apple is introducing might help encourage cord cutting
[21:57:01] NotSanguine|Sleeping is now known as NotSanguine
[22:56:55] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Young, Talented, and Fed-up: Scientists Tell Their Stories - http://sylnt.us - choose:-fed-up-or-starving?
[23:23:11] -!- NotSanguine has quit [Read error: No route to host]
[23:30:27] <TheMightyBuzzard> i'm bored and dinner won't be ready for another half hour yet