#Soylent | Logs for 2016-09-04

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[00:00:19] -!- Ethanol-fueled [Ethanol-fueled!~62b0c8c6@SectorZeroZeroOne] has joined #Soylent
[00:00:34] <Ethanol-fueled> 'Sup fellas.
[00:01:35] -!- crutchy has quit [Changing host]
[00:01:35] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@is.upside.down] has joined #Soylent
[00:01:46] <Deucalion> teehee
[00:01:59] <arti> teehee.
[00:02:07] <Ethanol-fueled> Y'all silly.
[00:02:21] -!- crutchy has quit [Changing host]
[00:02:21] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@119-18-0-66.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[00:03:23] <Deucalion> sup EF?
[00:03:29] <Ethanol-fueled> Hangin' out.
[00:03:34] <arti> #tip
[00:04:08] <Ethanol-fueled> Reading up on Colin Kaepernick's
[00:04:14] <Ethanol-fueled> decision
[00:04:29] <Ethanol-fueled> Cuz Football season and all.
[00:05:40] <arti> is that top of mind still?
[00:05:52] <Ethanol-fueled> Not really. But it's an idle Saturday
[00:06:22] <Ethanol-fueled> Boston Dynamics agreed to settle and one of the terms of the settlement was to hire me back, so I'm working again.
[00:06:35] <Ethanol-fueled> so, I don't have all the idle time I did before.
[00:06:38] <arti> well, nice.
[00:06:46] <arti> hopefully you made use of your idle time
[00:07:21] <Ethanol-fueled> Yeah, I didn't get a fat settlement, but I did get re-hired and now I can resume work on the robot ideas I sold them -- the Gay Jewish Robots -- HAL Goldberg and Tyrone Silverstein.
[00:08:21] * TheMightyBuzzard yawns
[00:08:21] * MrPlow flips a Skittle into TheMightyBuzzard's gaping mouth
[00:08:36] <arti> what's the difference between a pakistani elementary and an al qaeda outpost?
[00:08:53] <Ethanol-fueled> 1 year of average age, arti?
[00:09:03] <arti> hell i don't know, i just fly the drones
[00:09:10] <Ethanol-fueled> SPLAT
[00:15:58] <aliasd> 'that's what they get for bringing kids into a warzone'
[00:16:08] <Ethanol-fueled> Hehh heh aliasd
[00:16:43] <aliasd> i grew up on a hot border
[00:16:53] <aliasd> so that really made my blood boil when i first heard it
[00:19:36] * Deucalion added a few more grabbable vhosts. /hs offerlist to view and /hs take <vhost> if one takes yer fancy
[00:19:51] <Deucalion> Ebening TheMightyBuzzard
[00:19:57] <arti> neat.
[00:20:07] * TheMightyBuzzard wabes
[00:20:21] <aliasd> heh are you trying to get me to register with services?
[00:20:31] <arti> we need it for drone strikes
[00:20:37] <arti> and rewards cards mailers
[00:20:42] <Deucalion> couldn;t care less if you reg or not aliasd
[00:20:49] <aliasd> aww
[00:21:20] <TheMightyBuzzard> #weather
[00:21:20] <MrPlow> Today: Partly cloudy. Lows overnight in the mid 60s. Tomorrow: Partly cloudy. High 89F. Winds light and variable.
[00:21:35] * TheMightyBuzzard scratches his chin
[00:22:09] <Deucalion> is that even possible? More like /TheMightyBuzzard rummages in the chin vegetation
[00:22:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> nah, i don't do a proper beard in TN. too bloody humid to have a chin badger.
[00:22:58] <Ethanol-fueled> ~weather san diego, ca
[00:23:00] <exec> 10San Diego, CA, USA - currently 68°F / 20°C, mostly sunny, wind SW at 10 mph, humidity 65% - Saturday mostly cloudy (63°F:69°F / 17°C:21°C), Sunday partly cloudy (63°F:70°F / 17°C:21°C), Monday partly cloudy (63°F:71°F / 17°C:22°C), Tuesday sunny (63°F:73°F / 17°C:23°C)
[00:23:07] <Ethanol-fueled> Pretty good...
[00:23:12] <Ethanol-fueled> ~weather el centro, ca
[00:23:14] <exec> 10El Centro, CA, USA - currently 105°F / 41°C, sunny, wind W at 14 mph, humidity 10% - Saturday cloudy (74°F:104°F / 23°C:40°C), Sunday cloudy (70°F:101°F / 21°C:38°C), Monday sunny (68°F:100°F / 20°C:38°C), Tuesday sunny (74°F:102°F / 23°C:39°C)
[00:23:19] <Ethanol-fueled> hahahah, poor bastards
[00:24:08] <arti> ~weather mecca, ca
[00:24:10] <exec> 10Mecca, CA, USA - currently 103°F / 39°C, sunny, wind S at 10 mph, humidity 10% - Saturday cloudy (73°F:105°F / 23°C:41°C), Sunday sunny (71°F:99°F / 22°C:37°C), Monday sunny (69°F:97°F / 21°C:36°C), Tuesday sunny (70°F:99°F / 21°C:37°C)
[00:26:39] <Ethanol-fueled> Arti, Riverside ain't a civilized area
[00:26:55] <SirFinkus> arti: you didn't know about breeders?
[00:26:57] <arti> dates are good though
[00:27:02] <Ethanol-fueled> fuck yeah
[00:27:09] <Ethanol-fueled> my hood invented the date shake
[00:28:14] <arti> those are pretty good
[00:28:18] <arti> went to shields about 2 weeks ago
[00:29:16] <Ethanol-fueled> What the fuck is shields?
[00:29:28] <arti> shields date farm
[00:29:38] <Ethanol-fueled> Noice
[00:29:48] <arti> been there since the late 20s
[00:29:58] <Ethanol-fueled> It's pretty hilarious how many Arab stuff we can grow authentically in the California desert
[00:30:07] <Ethanol-fueled> In fact,
[00:30:31] <Ethanol-fueled> http://america.aljazeera.com
[00:30:40] <Ethanol-fueled> We played these fuckers in high school football. \
[00:30:59] <Ethanol-fueled> I played against them both as the Central Spartans and the Southwest eagles.
[00:31:21] * arti can't get outraged at it
[00:31:25] <Ethanol-fueled> http://i2.cdn.turner.com
[00:31:37] <SirFinkus> lol holy shit
[00:31:56] <arti> that's awesome
[00:31:58] <SirFinkus> stellar fucking mascot
[00:33:32] <Deucalion> he's wishing his right hand is where it appears to be :)
[00:34:04] <Ethanol-fueled> Here is their old-skool logo
[00:34:05] <Ethanol-fueled> http://www.illumemagazine.com
[00:34:33] <Ethanol-fueled> They were the first team I played, which had a girl on their football team. Big girl - a lineman.
[00:34:52] <Ethanol-fueled> The thugs on our team tried to reach under her pads and grab her breasts every hit.
[00:35:13] <arti> nothing like linewoman's breasts
[00:37:08] <Ethanol-fueled> Oh yeah. Say what you want about Mexicans and Blacks...but when it comes to Football, you want them on your side
[00:38:13] <Ethanol-fueled> They fight like Klingons
[00:38:48] <Ethanol-fueled> Every battle is a battle to the death.
[00:43:47] <Ethanol-fueled> Odly enough, we had no arabs in the Imperial Valley.
[00:43:55] <Ethanol-fueled> We had some Asians.
[00:44:30] <Ethanol-fueled> Mostly Mexicans, of course, then Whites, then one or two token Blacks in the town.
[00:45:20] <Ethanol-fueled> Not really a bad deal - you can buy a 4-bedroom McMansion with 2 living rooms for $200,000 bucks
[00:46:00] <Ethanol-fueled> Drive drunk all day every day, play with quads and shoot guns out at Superstition.
[00:47:48] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - US Antitrust Regulators Giving Silicon Valley's ‘Free’ Apps a Free Pass - http://sylnt.us - no-price-does-not-mean-no-cost
[00:48:50] <Deucalion> are there any jerbs?
[00:48:55] -!- _muxer_ [_muxer_!~muxing@mumo-23-066-652-508.hstntx.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #Soylent
[00:50:55] <Ethanol-fueled> Deucalion, there are jerbs for nepotists (lifelong residents of established family names), prison guards, medical workers, and a subset of state law enforcement.
[00:51:31] <Deucalion> sounds like a perfect idyll! :/
[00:51:35] <Ethanol-fueled> If you get in there, you live like a king. If not, and you live there, you live like a pauper.
[00:52:05] -!- muxer has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[00:52:07] <Ethanol-fueled> Deucalion, it is no coincidence that Idyllwild is closeby. Same situation.
[00:53:21] <Deucalion> Can't buy a shoebox for $200K here.... but it seems that comes with significant downsides in this case :) Besides which it's a McMansion, probably rot out in 10 years :D
[00:54:44] <Ethanol-fueled> 2 years, deucalion, But still. It's a tabloid culture compared to London.
[00:55:02] <SirFinkus> I've been watching mcmansions burn down on youtube recently
[00:55:07] <SirFinkus> they burn very well
[00:55:14] <Ethanol-fueled> True, Fink.
[00:55:31] <Ethanol-fueled> They don't even square off their woodcutting anymore.
[00:55:47] <Ethanol-fueled> they use FOAM for their solid fences.
[00:57:02] <SirFinkus> https://www.youtube.com
[00:57:02] <CloudShark> ^✓ 03Firefighters Evacuated From Large 2-Story House Fire - YouTube
[00:58:03] * Ethanol-fueled doesn't own a home, and won't until he moves to Iceland
[00:58:09] <SirFinkus> I love how thoroughly and efficiently they destroy the house
[00:58:57] <Ethanol-fueled> Fuck home ownership - it's for the birds.
[00:59:00] <Deucalion> EF, I'm in the leafy "desirable" commuter belt west of London rather than London itself..... was relatively affordable when I bought this place ~20 years ago. Couldn't afford to buy anything around here now. Too many people, not enough accommodation being built. But that's the way the property investor class like it - keeps the rents high and people in rentals for far longer into life ~le sigh~
[01:00:44] <SirFinkus> the bottom floor is fucking ankle deep in water by the time they finish
[01:00:50] <Ethanol-fueled> Deucalion, good, you got yours. Now the burden is on you to cash out before you get fucked.
[01:01:25] <Ethanol-fueled> My family trust was in the same situation - Bought the property for around 70K, now worth 600K.
[01:01:37] <Ethanol-fueled> Paid off in full.
[01:03:30] <Ethanol-fueled> I don't like the inflation in property values. But some rube bought the property at an inflated rate, and good for them -- I'll be harassing their hipster kids at my local bar
[01:03:46] <Deucalion> Can;t cash out.... in effect it's just money on paper. Cash out.. then what? Buy something equally as expensive if I remain in this part of the UK... no real point.
[01:04:26] <Ethanol-fueled> Good point Deucalion - substituting mortgage for rent, right?
[01:04:41] <SirFinkus> that's why I think "investing" in a home is bullshit
[01:04:52] * Ethanol-fueled agrees with Fink
[01:05:04] <SirFinkus> if I ever buy a house, it's going to be because I plan on dying in it
[01:06:03] <Ethanol-fueled> That's what sucks about the dating scene here.
[01:06:11] <Ethanol-fueled> "I want to buy a house"
[01:06:30] <SirFinkus> I suppose if I lived in a more rural area it'd be different
[01:07:01] <SirFinkus> I understand the appeal of having land and a house you can do whatever the fuck you want with it
[01:07:04] <Deucalion> mortgage has turned out a damn sight cheaper than rent - particularly the last 10 years or so.... by a factor of ~8x hereabouts. Rents are utterly ridiculous in these parts. What I could do is remortgage while rates are low, rent the place out and relocate to a cheapy-deapy part of the UK for ~10yrs and end up owning two properties outright for essentially no outlay. That fucking rankles though, moeny for nothing at some other poor bastard's ex
[01:07:04] <Deucalion> pense.
[01:07:10] <SirFinkus> but people who buy houses in housing developments
[01:07:11] <Ethanol-fueled> Fink, that's why the Imperial valley rocks. If you can get in with even a menial IT job you can live like a king.
[01:07:21] <SirFinkus> with HOAs and neighbors 4 feet away from you
[01:07:30] <SirFinkus> might as well be living in an apartment
[01:07:52] <Ethanol-fueled> Fink, and that's different than everywhere else why?
[01:08:17] <SirFinkus> dream house is a place maybe an hour outside of a major city, with a good internet connection, and I can shoot guns off the back porch
[01:08:18] <Ethanol-fueled> There are plenty of non-HOA crackhouses there for good money.
[01:08:44] <SirFinkus> not sure I understand the question
[01:08:44] <cmn32480> ~gday #soylent
[01:08:46] * exec spontaneously violates a dogbox of spitwads with #soylent
[01:08:52] <Ethanol-fueled> My dream house is in Winthrop or Twisp, Washington state,
[01:09:12] <SirFinkus> the house itself doesn't need to be great either
[01:09:15] <Ethanol-fueled> No HOA
[01:09:24] <SirFinkus> no leaks, AC, and maybe a basement
[01:09:44] <Ethanol-fueled> No great house, but a sound-isolated shack for playing amplified guitar in the winter cold
[01:09:47] <Deucalion> ~gday cmn32480
[01:09:49] * exec ceremoniously planks a chariot of your grandmother's queefs for cmn32480
[01:10:04] <SirFinkus> that's what my basement would be for Ethanol-fueled
[01:10:07] <cmn32480> I think eww... but I'm not really sure
[01:10:42] <Ethanol-fueled> Fink, shooting guns out the porch
[01:10:46] <SirFinkus> and a place where I can build a bunker
[01:14:17] <Deucalion> thenceforth you shall be known as SpallsFinkus and regale us with tales of cats lost behind new plasterboard ceilings and the like :D
[01:14:25] <SirFinkus> get some dogs and some atvs and shit too
[01:14:41] <Ethanol-fueled> What breeds you got, Fink?
[01:15:12] <SirFinkus> I'd probably just go for mutts
[01:15:31] <SirFinkus> although something that would appreciate a few acres
[01:15:43] <SirFinkus> something herdy
[01:16:13] <SirFinkus> and would occasionally run off and come back filthy with god knows what
[01:16:23] <Ethanol-fueled> We preferred purebreds, Collies, Golden retrievers, fucking poodles
[01:16:45] <Ethanol-fueled> poodles are assholes. Never understood why people tolerate them.
[01:17:17] <SirFinkus> maybe some chickens or something too
[01:17:28] <SirFinkus> chickens are surprisingly interesting
[01:19:13] <Ethanol-fueled> Yeah, they make good food too.
[01:19:15] <Deucalion> omelette every day
[01:19:27] <cmn32480> don't egg him one
[01:21:57] * Deucalion smakes cmn32480
[01:22:10] <cmn32480> guess the yolk's on me?
[01:22:23] <cmn32480> coulda knocked me over with a feather...
[01:23:37] <Deucalion> you're a shell of your former self cmn32480, perhaps you need to get laid more - or recharge your batteries.
[01:24:31] <cmn32480> I'm just plucked tired is all
[01:28:05] * Deucalion is all out of chicken related quippery
[01:28:14] <Deucalion> ~me yawns
[01:28:20] <Ethanol-fueled> Yeah, me too
[01:28:25] * Deucalion yawns
[01:28:25] * MrPlow flips a Skittle into Deucalion's gaping mouth
[01:28:28] <Deucalion> nom
[01:28:36] <Deucalion> laters y'all
[01:28:54] <Ethanol-fueled> https://www.youtube.com
[01:28:55] <CloudShark> ^ 03Prince Hot Thing Live In Concert `1987 HQ - YouTube
[01:36:34] <arti> http://imgur.com
[01:36:34] <CloudShark> ^ 03Inconceivable! - GIF on Imgur
[01:45:00] -!- muxed [muxed!~muxing@mumo-23-066-652-508.hstntx.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #Soylent
[01:47:53] -!- _muxer_ has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[01:47:59] -!- muxer [muxer!~muxing@mumo-23-066-652-508.hstntx.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #Soylent
[01:48:25] <SirFinkus> man, it'd be awesome if I won that PRS on sweetwater
[01:48:27] <SirFinkus> it's purty
[01:49:57] -!- muxed has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[02:05:30] -!- Ethanol-fueled has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[02:16:57] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Windows 10 Now Rules the Weekend, Taking Over From Windows 7 - http://sylnt.us - home-versus-business
[02:32:31] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[03:03:55] Bytram is now known as Bytram|away
[03:16:08] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Bees Dead from Aerial Zika Spraying in South Carolina - http://sylnt.us - not-what-we-need
[03:37:53] <Runaway1956> This is kinda funny
[03:38:02] <Runaway1956> #submit http://www.nytimes.com
[03:38:02] <MrPlow> Unable to find a title for that page
[03:38:15] <Runaway1956> "This is our country"
[03:38:28] <Runaway1956> fekkin NYT
[03:38:39] <Runaway1956> ~submit http://www.nytimes.com
[03:39:12] <exec> submission successful - https://soylentnews.org
[04:06:46] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - The Stork Derby - http://sylnt.us - lots-of-procreation
[05:08:40] -!- xuser [xuser!~xachet@104.207.nsw.v] has joined #Soylent
[05:19:15] <muxer> and here I am about to move to china
[05:19:16] <muxer> feck
[05:46:38] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - High-Throughput Prediction of Chemical Reactions - http://sylnt.us - graph-paper
[07:17:20] -!- xuser has quit [Quit: SIGTERM]
[07:27:56] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - YouTube's "Ad-Friendly" Content Policy may Push one of its Biggest Stars off the Site - http://sylnt.us - where-else-could-he-go?
[07:55:56] <crutchy> for some reason my hostmask changed
[09:06:13] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - 3-D Graphene Has Promise for Bio Applications - http://sylnt.us - give-me-a-hand
[09:28:23] <SirFinkus> just got done playing my first game of ss13
[09:28:44] <SirFinkus> I was the chef, but all I could figure out how to do was fill beers and throw swedish fish at people
[09:28:52] <SirFinkus> but I escaped on the shuttle
[09:30:36] <SirFinkus> I tried to drink the beer, but all I managed was to hit myself in the head with it
[09:58:33] <Booga1> Now THAT is a drinking problem. ;)
[10:00:55] <SirFinkus> https://www.youtube.com
[10:00:55] <CloudShark> ^ 03Airplane! drinking problem - YouTube
[10:05:58] <Booga1> I had no doubt that would be posted as a response. :)
[10:06:33] <SirFinkus> !tell
[10:06:37] <SirFinkus> ~tell
[10:06:39] <exec> syntax: ~tell <nick> <message>
[10:07:07] <SirFinkus> ~tell NCommander https://groups.google.com!topic/seattle-retrocomp/vN-gZYBUAb8 given you're in the "screwing with old shit" mood
[10:20:30] <SirFinkus> man, blind guardian songs actually have more going on in them than I thought they did
[10:26:46] <SirFinkus> fuck it, I need to play a bunch now
[10:26:47] <SirFinkus> bll
[10:26:49] <SirFinkus> bbl
[10:26:50] <Booga1> Speaking of "guardians" I'm surprised that The Last Guardian looks like it's finally going to be released. I can't stand Sony, but that game looked like it deserved to be given a chance.
[10:46:55] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Leaked Catalogue Reveals a Vast Array of Military Spy Gear Offered to U.S. Police - http://sylnt.us - do-you-know-who's-listening?
[12:16:52] -!- crutchy has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[12:26:48] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Linus Speaks His Mind on GPL Enforcement - http://sylnt.us - it-is-usually-sugarcoated
[12:38:31] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[12:53:54] <Bytram> .topic SN Main Channel | https://soylentnews.org | Useful links: http://sylnt.us | Some PISG charts: http://stats.sylnt.us | This channel IS logged and publically displayed
[12:53:54] Aphrodite changed topic of #Soylent to: SN Main Channel | https://soylentnews.org | Useful links: http://sylnt.us | Some PISG charts: http://stats.sylnt.us | This channel IS logged and publically displayed
[13:56:21] <Bytram> !uid
[13:56:21] <Bender> The current maximum UID is 6339, owned by splashbot
[13:56:29] <Bytram> ~weather boston
[13:56:30] <exec> 10Boston, MA, USA - currently 68°F, partly cloudy, wind NE at 17 mph, humidity 71% - Sunday partly cloudy (61°F:70°F), Monday rain (64°F:67°F), Tuesday scattered showers (67°F:71°F), Wednesday partly cloudy (69°F:80°F)
[13:56:32] <Bytram> ~weather portland, me
[13:56:34] <exec> 10Portland, ME, USA - currently 66°F, sunny, wind NE at 6 mph, humidity 68% - Sunday mostly sunny (55°F:70°F), Monday rain (61°F:71°F), Tuesday scattered showers (63°F:74°F), Wednesday partly cloudy (64°F:80°F)
[13:56:38] <Bytram> ~weather presque isle
[13:56:40] <exec> 10Presque Isle, ME, USA - currently 62°F, sunny, wind S at 6 mph, humidity 68% - Sunday sunny (51°F:77°F), Monday sunny (50°F:78°F), Tuesday mostly sunny (61°F:79°F), Wednesday partly cloudy (63°F:83°F)
[13:57:00] <Bytram> ~weather tehran
[13:57:01] <exec> 10Tehran, Tehran Province, Iran - currently 95°F, mostly sunny, wind S at 7 mph, humidity 12% - Sunday clear (74°F:94°F), Monday sunny (73°F:100°F), Tuesday sunny (74°F:97°F), Wednesday sunny (71°F:94°F)
[13:57:17] <Bytram> ~weather riyadh
[13:57:19] <exec> 10Riyadh Saudi Arabia - currently 109°F, partly cloudy, wind NE at 14 mph, humidity 6% - Sunday partly cloudy (84°F:111°F), Monday sunny (83°F:113°F), Tuesday mostly sunny (83°F:111°F), Wednesday partly cloudy (82°F:109°F)
[13:57:43] <Bytram> ~weather Nome
[13:57:45] <exec> 10Nome, AK, USA - currently 55°F, mostly cloudy, wind NE at 10 mph, humidity 62% - Sunday mostly cloudy (47°F:61°F), Monday partly cloudy (37°F:56°F), Tuesday sunny (38°F:49°F), Wednesday partly cloudy (40°F:55°F)
[13:57:58] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Study Debunks Hypothesis That Killing Predators Reduces Livestock Losses - http://sylnt.us - untangling-the-food-web
[13:57:58] <Bytram> ~weather Amundsen
[13:57:59] <exec> syntax: ~weather <location>
[13:58:05] <Bytram> ~weather south pole
[13:58:07] <exec> south pole temp: -94 °F
[14:01:30] <Bytram> http://www.wsj.com
[14:01:30] <CloudShark> ^ 03Employers Find ‘Soft Skills’ Like Critical Thinking in Short Supply - WSJ ( http://www.wsj.com )
[14:01:50] <Bytram> ugh, paywalled.
[14:05:18] <Bytram> http://www.cnn.com
[14:05:19] <CloudShark> ^ 03Oklahoma earthquake rattles six surrounding states - CNN.com
[14:05:30] <Bytram> http://newsok.com
[14:05:31] <CloudShark> ^ 035.6 magnitude earthquake rattles Oklahoma, surrounding states Saturday | News OK
[14:05:40] <Bytram> http://www.huffingtonpost.com
[14:05:40] <CloudShark> ^ 035.6 Magnitude Earthquake Rattles Oklahoma
[14:06:05] <Bytram> ok, gtg. have a great day everyone!
[14:06:09] Bytram is now known as Bytram|away
[14:07:27] -!- n1 [n1!~n1@Soylent/Staff/Editor/n1] has joined #Soylent
[14:07:27] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v n1] by Aphrodite
[14:37:21] -!- FunkyLich [FunkyLich!~fl@217.73.lor.oz] has joined #Soylent
[15:08:19] -!- xuser [xuser!~xachet@104.207.nsw.v] has joined #Soylent
[15:36:14] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - How Did Prehistoric Humans Occupy the Tibetan Plateau? - http://sylnt.us - how'd-we-end-up-here?
[15:56:51] <TheMightyBuzzard> #weather
[15:56:51] <MrPlow> Today: Sunny to partly cloudy. High around 90F. Winds light and variable. Tomorrow: Mostly sunny in the morning then increasing clouds with some scattered thunderstorms later in the day. High 89F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 40%.
[16:55:33] -!- FunkyLich has quit [Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net
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[16:58:14] -!- juggs [juggs!~juggs@Soylent/Staff/IRC/juggs] has joined #Soylent
[16:58:14] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v juggs] by Aphrodite
[17:01:15] -!- Ethanol-fueled [Ethanol-fueled!~62b0c8c6@SectorZeroZeroOne] has joined #Soylent
[17:01:27] <Ethanol-fueled> Good morning, gentlemen.
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[17:15:29] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Transmission Bittorrent Client Download Was Compromised for 2 Days - http://sylnt.us - macs-never-get-viruses
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[17:31:05] Tramtrist is now known as SoyGuest91671
[17:33:37] -!- esainane_ [esainane_!esainane@sendjocq.space] has joined #Soylent
[17:45:07] -!- pinchy [pinchy!~krimskree@axg-01-89-53-201.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #Soylent
[17:50:34] -!- Ethanol-fueled [Ethanol-fueled!~62b0c8c6@SectorZeroZeroOne] has joined #Soylent
[17:50:50] <Ethanol-fueled> Good morning, gentlemen.
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[17:56:13] -!- n1 [n1!~n1@Soylent/Staff/Editor/n1] has joined #Soylent
[17:56:13] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v n1] by Aphrodite
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[18:46:40] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Daimler Planning Six New Electric Car Models - http://sylnt.us - unplug-and-go
[18:51:22] <arti> holy moley, any spacequest fans?
[18:51:46] <arti> http://guysfromandromeda.com jeebus
[18:51:47] <CloudShark> ^ 03Guys from Andromeda
[18:58:35] <takyon> I never beat Space Quest IV. had some bugs in it too
[18:58:48] <takyon> (which was the only one I played)
[18:59:12] <arti> spacequest iv is awesome
[18:59:29] <arti> the stupid spaceship part where you need to sneak onboard sucks with fast puters
[18:59:45] <arti> bbiab lunch
[19:05:16] -!- Ethanol-fueled [Ethanol-fueled!~62b0c8c6@SectorZeroZeroOne] has joined #Soylent
[19:05:27] <Ethanol-fueled> https://www.youtube.com
[19:05:28] <CloudShark> ^ 03Dethklok-Hatredcopter Music Video - YouTube
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[20:37:13] juggs is now known as Deucalion
[20:38:06] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Replicant 6.0 Is In Progress; F-Droid App-Listing Issue - http://sylnt.us - thought-this-was-dead
[20:40:03] -!- Azrael_ [Azrael_!~Az@dnxk363-869-33-13.range120-121.btcentralplus.com] has joined #Soylent
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[20:53:11] <Runaway1956> We may have to declare war on prehistoric humans - it seems they are occupying Tibet
[21:00:17] <Runaway1956> I suspect that those prehisoric humans are using tanks sold by North Korea
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[22:15:46] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - AMD, GlobalFoundries Renew Vows, Focus on Path to 7nm - http://sylnt.us - no-free-fab
[22:19:53] <Gravis> #submit http://www.cnn.com
[22:19:53] <MrPlow> Submitting. There is a mandatory delay, please be patient.
[22:20:19] <MrPlow> Submission successful. https://soylentnews.org
[23:03:34] <pinchy> http://65.media.tumblr.com
[23:04:55] -!- Ethanol-fueled [Ethanol-fueled!~62b0c8c6@SectorZeroZeroOne] has joined #Soylent
[23:05:04] <Ethanol-fueled> GRRRRAAAAHRHRR
[23:05:06] <Ethanol-fueled> dhttps://www.youtube.com
[23:05:15] <Ethanol-fueled> It is anger-inducing.
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[23:06:01] -!- Ethanol-fueled [Ethanol-fueled!~62b0c8c6@SectorZeroZeroOne] has joined #Soylent
[23:06:14] <Ethanol-fueled> Her cunt stanks of rottenness.
[23:06:36] <Ethanol-fueled> But that butt...is is hynotically gigantic.
[23:07:31] <Ethanol-fueled> As a Black man, I cannot resist is.
[23:08:04] <Ethanol-fueled> Dat Bootybootybooty....booty on da street!
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[23:10:23] <pinchy> wow blah blah blahs for 49mins on diversity?
[23:10:27] <muxer> i guess
[23:10:33] <muxer> i stopped about 30 seconds in
[23:23:19] <pinchy> there ya go http://mashable.com
[23:33:03] <xhedit> That's the twat that went off on linus and made mjg59 "fork" the kernel
[23:44:00] <pinchy> pepperidge farm remembers https://lkml.org
[23:47:45] <muxer> is this the same chick that put herself as a contributor on a project and had actually just commented code?
[23:50:49] <pinchy> haha
[23:52:32] <pinchy> sounds about right, i bet she spent more time/text writing/bitching on the mailing list then in any code base
[23:57:04] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Clinton to Hold Press Conferences if Elected - http://sylnt.us - queen-bee