#Soylent | Logs for 2016-07-19

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[00:00:49] <chromas> We need crypto chips in our computers to speed it up. chips that for sure ain't compromised
[00:01:00] <chromas> oops, I meant crisps. Crypto crisps
[00:01:06] <Deucalion> We could call them Clipper chips or something
[00:01:23] <Deucalion> No wait... that may have been used before
[00:01:37] -!- user_ [user_!~veem@lfg-pffu.62-cloud.fr] has joined #Soylent
[00:01:47] <Deucalion> I know... how about.... Trusted Platform ~something~
[00:01:53] <Deucalion> Module perhaps?
[00:02:21] <Deucalion> Yep - just bake it into silicon in the foundries in China... it'll be fine
[00:02:22] <chromas> Clippit Chips. "I see you're plannign an uprising. Would you like an attachment?"
[00:02:56] -!- veem has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[00:03:03] user_ is now known as veem
[00:04:03] veem is now known as SoyGuest96640
[00:04:07] <Deucalion> I mis-remembered I think... maybe it was CMU who backed down on their big TOR expose at convention.
[00:05:28] <Deucalion> I'm going back to homing pigeons and one time pads to send my beer orders to the corner shop. It's the only way to be sure :D
[00:06:05] <Deucalion> ^^ That itself could contain a hidden message!! Who knows anymore.
[00:06:19] <chromas> it does
[00:06:24] <chromas> it says you're a chick
[00:06:27] <cmn32480> using encryption - you sir, are a terrist
[00:06:57] <chromas> one-time pads are disposable pads
[00:08:03] <Deucalion> It may be a bluff... but then I am a.k.a "juggs" - so who fucking knows. Even those who have spoken with me... could be using a voice changer... or maybe 7 of them in serial layout to be sure!! Via a proxy of course
[00:08:52] <cmn32480> ~time juggs
[00:08:54] <exec> Tuesday, 19 July 2016 @ 1:08 am GMT+1 - London, UK
[00:09:03] <cmn32480> far past deucalions bedtime
[00:09:08] <cmn32480> he has work tomorrow
[00:09:30] <chromas> whipping the soylent staff
[00:10:00] <Deucalion> cmn32480, it's a bit more subtle here... it's less - jump to the ".. are a terrist" bit... no, far more dignified here - "give us the keys to this here encrypted thing, or we'll bang you up for not having the key" :D
[00:10:04] * cmn32480 hands chromas the chair
[00:10:21] <Deucalion> cmn32480, how would you know if I have work tomorrow?
[00:10:30] <cmn32480> lucky guess?
[00:10:39] <cmn32480> it's a weekday...
[00:10:40] <Deucalion> insider knowledge?
[00:10:43] <chromas> oh yeah, the brexit
[00:10:51] <Deucalion> Putin!
[00:10:52] <cmn32480> I read the notes you leave on the toilet paper
[00:10:54] <chromas> it's all fun and parties now
[00:11:20] <cmn32480> they are easier to read if you use felt tip instead of ball point
[00:11:53] <chromas> When you unroll it the same message goes by over and over
[00:11:53] <cmn32480> or are those notes complete shit?
[00:12:08] SoyGuest96640 is now known as veem
[00:12:09] <Deucalion> Must be someone else's messages then... I use lemon juice... you're supposed to heat the paper up without setting fire to it to see the message. Best of luck! :D
[00:12:25] <cmn32480> I'm working on the decode...
[00:12:33] * chromas tastes
[00:12:37] <chromas> ...that's not lemon juice
[00:12:40] <cmn32480> so far i have: CharminCharminCharminCharminCharminCharminCharminCharminCharminCharminCharminCharminCharminCharminCharmin
[00:13:09] <chromas> don't squeeze it
[00:13:11] <Deucalion> I can post you all my used TP cmn32480! Not sure what to write on the packing label though in the "value" field. Probably priceless being my TP :D
[00:13:14] * cmn32480 sin't making much headway
[00:14:06] <cmn32480> brb... gotta go wipe a kids' butt
[00:15:37] <chromas> that's the dist step
[00:15:44] <chromas> decode that data
[00:15:48] <chromas> first step
[00:16:24] <Deucalion> just hope its his own kid.... else there will be shots before dawn no doubt
[00:16:53] <chromas> Maybe he's a professional buttwipe on the side
[00:17:02] <chromas> from the juvenile dept
[00:17:24] <TheMightyBuzzard> he's in politics?
[00:17:52] <Deucalion> There's probably worse jobs to be fair. Although none so high on the potential for false accusations of paedo-ism I'd suppose.
[00:19:03] <chromas> is there a Peter File? I'm looking for Peter File!
[00:19:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> I've had days as a plumber where I stripped off on the porch when I got home because my clothes were covered in other people's shit. And I still consider it a cleaner job than politics.
[00:26:19] <cmn32480> it was indeed my own kid
[00:27:11] <Deucalion> I'd want full hazmat kit to go power-washing other's sewers. You can catch all kinds of nasties if that kind of effluent gets into the eyes or any abrasions.
[00:28:59] * TheMightyBuzzard skips off in search of a beer and a couch
[00:29:14] * cmn32480 yawns
[00:29:14] * MrPlow flips a Skittle into cmn32480's gaping mouth
[00:29:40] <Deucalion> cmn32480, these days you could probably get a well paid gig as an on-call buttwipe and diaper changer on-call for helicopter parent types in certain locales. Why have a permanent live in baby helpers when you can have someone to your door to change the sprog's diaper within 30 mins night or day. Some more money than sense types would pay through the nose for that kinda service.
[00:30:08] <cmn32480> one issue....
[00:30:19] <cmn32480> I'm out of that stage with my own kids, and don't wanna go back
[00:30:29] <chromas> Hi, I'm from the National Buttwipe Ass ociation
[00:30:29] <cmn32480> plus, nobody wants to wait 30 min for a diaper change
[00:30:57] <chromas> You don't need to
[00:31:00] <cmn32480> chroms: s/Nat/Nasst
[00:31:04] <cmn32480> damnit
[00:31:14] <Deucalion> So hire lots of Mexicans... on zero hour contracts... pay per change... you just manage the operation and keep your hands clean so to speak :D
[00:31:43] <chromas> Just install this app on your child's iPhone and it will summon an NBA rep at just the right time based on statistics
[00:33:17] <chromas> We call the new service Wipr
[00:33:30] <chromas> You can also check out our website, wipe.ip
[00:33:34] <chromas> wipe.io
[00:34:12] * Bytram thinks he may have appeared at an inopportune time
[00:34:19] * Bytram scrolls back
[00:34:25] * Bytram confirms suspicion
[00:34:38] <Deucalion> Oooh... moisture IoT things in the diapers themselves that auto-summon a butt-wipe and change engineer without disturbing the parents beauty sleep. Sister company does sound-proofing for the sprog's bedroom. 2nd sister company does door access systems for buttwipes. 3rd sister company does vetting services for the other two to ensure only the best buttwipes are employed. This is a whole buttwipe synasty forming right here!
[00:35:13] <Deucalion> dynasty even
[00:35:31] <Bytram> synasty == synergistic dynasty?
[00:35:47] * Bytram thinks there's way too many Y's in that
[00:35:48] <cmn32480> that already exists
[00:35:57] <Bytram> ~g synasty
[00:35:59] <exec> [google] https://www.youtube.com
[00:36:06] <cmn32480> they use them in hospitals and assisted living facilities (what we used to call nursing homes)
[00:36:27] <Deucalion> exactly what I meant Bytram... my subconcious creative angels were clearly singing right there with that typo
[00:36:41] <Bytram> Assisted Living Facility ... ALF ... Alien Life Form ... TV Show from the early 80's
[00:36:45] <cmn32480> it is an RFID tag that only reads when wet
[00:37:00] <cmn32480> Melmack woudlbe proud of you bytram
[00:37:03] * Bytram reaches for a blow dryer and a bag of dessicants
[00:37:16] <Bytram> malapropisms++
[00:37:16] <Bender> karma - malapropisms: 1
[00:37:39] <Deucalion> needs to detect hard lumpy deposits too... not sure if babies deposit those though... never had one myself.... not that should hold me back from this enterprise!
[00:38:59] <Bytram> there is no 'hard' -- just relative amounts of 'smooshy-ness'
[00:39:04] <Bytram> nogrtab
[00:39:11] * Deucalion invests in silica gel
[00:39:11] <chromas> Bender: grab Bytram
[00:39:12] <Bender> Added quote 752
[00:39:18] <chromas> hahaha
[00:39:26] <chromas> I thought it would work 'cause you misspelled it. what a dork
[00:39:29] <cmn32480> !quote 752
[00:39:29] <Bender> Quote 752 - <Bytram> nogrtab
[00:39:30] <Deucalion> !quote 752
[00:39:30] <Bender> Quote 752 - <Bytram> nogrtab
[00:39:32] <Bytram> PSA - when needing to remote control a PC do NOT use Ammyy: http://arstechnica.com
[00:39:33] <Addyi> ^ 03Criminals plant banking malware where victims least expect it | Ars Technica
[00:40:01] <cmn32480> it's like warm pudding!
[00:40:03] <cmn32480> nogreab'
[00:40:09] <Deucalion> I was wondering what the lump was in my sock
[00:40:13] <Bytram> Bender: /s/grt/gr/
[00:40:24] <Bytram> Bender: s/grt/gr/
[00:40:24] <sedctl> <Bytram> <Bender> Quote 752 - <Bytram> nograb
[00:40:30] <Bytram> lol
[00:40:42] <Bytram> sedctl: s/Bender/Bytram/
[00:40:42] <sedctl> <Bytram> <sedctl> <Bytram> <Bytram> Quote 752 - <Bytram> nograb
[00:40:43] <cmn32480> Deucalion - I believe that is your foot
[00:40:57] <Deucalion> recursionbots ftw
[00:41:02] <Bytram> sedctl: s/sedctl/Bytram/
[00:41:02] <sedctl> <Bytram> <sedctl> <Bytram> <Bytram> <Bytram> <Bytram> Quote 752 - <Bytram> nograb
[00:41:08] <Bytram> sedctl: s/sedctl/Bytram/
[00:41:08] <sedctl> <Bytram> <sedctl> <Bytram> <Bytram> <Bytram> <Bytram> <Bytram> <Bytram> Quote 752 - <Bytram> nograb
[00:41:09] <Bytram> sedctl: s/sedctl/Bytram/
[00:41:09] <sedctl> <Bytram> <sedctl> <Bytram> <Bytram> <Bytram> <Bytram> <Bytram> <Bytram> <Bytram> <Bytram> Quote 752 - <Bytram> nograb
[00:41:11] <Bytram> sedctl: s/sedctl/Bytram/
[00:41:11] <sedctl> <Bytram> <sedctl> <Bytram> <Bytram> <Bytram> <Bytram> <Bytram> <Bytram> <Bytram> <Bytram> <Bytram> <Bytram> Quote 752 - <Bytram> nograb
[00:41:18] <cmn32480> #smake bytram
[00:41:18] * MrPlow smakes bytram upside the head with a fishdick
[00:41:25] <Bytram> Ewwww!
[00:41:41] <cmn32480> it might have been very small.. depending on the size of the fish
[00:41:41] <Deucalion> .op
[00:41:41] -!- mode/#Soylent [+o Deucalion] by Thor
[00:41:45] * Bytram fishes around for a used diaper to clear his palate
[00:41:52] <Bytram> nograb
[00:42:03] * cmn32480 hands bytram a diaper filled with warm pufdding
[00:42:19] * Bytram likes warm bread pudding
[00:42:50] <SirFinkus> HAHAHA MOTHERFUCKERS
[00:43:09] <cmn32480> but only after watching Ghostbusters
[00:43:17] <Bytram> I wasn't sure what kind of reaction, if any, the story on "Large Countable Ordinals" would garner.. color me pleasantly surprised!
[00:43:17] <cmn32480> you still lost today SirFinkus
[00:43:20] <Deucalion> oh god.... EF possessed SirFinkus... we're all doomed
[00:43:20] <SirFinkus> 8/10 movie by the way
[00:43:42] <Bytram> Deucalion: or, mayhaps, the other way around
[00:43:43] * cmn32480 waits for redbox
[00:43:50] <SirFinkus> I'd never let him inside me
[00:43:57] * Deucalion feels sick
[00:43:57] <chromas> Bender: grab SirFinkus
[00:43:57] <Bender> Added quote 753
[00:44:15] * SirFinkus welcomes himself to 2011
[00:44:36] <Bytram> SirFinkus: btw, looks like we are on a path to break into the top 500 on Folding@Home within a month (assuming current trends continue)... would you like to submit a story on it?
[00:44:36] <SirFinkus> I only paid like $5 for it though, so jokes on everyone else
[00:44:43] <Deucalion> did 2011 happen yet? I don;t remember it if it did
[00:44:47] <chromas> You paid for a torrent?
[00:45:04] <cmn32480> biab
[00:45:09] <SirFinkus> no, Dark Souls is a good game, I buy good games
[00:45:26] <SirFinkus> some of the best level design I've seen
[00:45:31] <SirFinkus> so many nooks and crannies
[00:45:43] <SirFinkus> just when I think I've fully explored an area, I find something new
[00:46:05] * Deucalion cries in the corner
[00:46:21] * Deucalion retires to bed.... night all :D
[00:46:35] <SirFinkus> ha! scared him off with my salty language
[00:46:43] <SirFinkus> and innuendo
[00:47:03] <chromas> I thought the $5 was for the movie
[00:47:07] <Bytram> ~gnight Deucalion
[00:47:09] * exec defiantly postulates a pair of horney hornets towards Deucalion
[00:47:11] * chromas hasn't played dark souls
[00:47:18] <SirFinkus> where the fuck can you see a movie for $5?
[00:48:27] <chromas> The internet I guess. I dunno. I've never been to a theater
[00:48:38] <SirFinkus> you should play dark souls
[00:48:51] <SirFinkus> you absolutely need an xbox controller though
[00:48:55] <chromas> except some imax shit where they showed cars running around or some shit
[00:49:38] <SirFinkus> I took an imax shit this morning
[00:50:10] <chromas> were the extra pixels worth it?
[00:53:56] <SirFinkus> https://twitter.com
[00:53:57] <Addyi> ^ 03Leslie Jones (@Lesdoggg) on Twitter
[00:54:05] <SirFinkus> so this is happening now apparently
[00:54:11] <SirFinkus> I don't remember her from the movie
[00:59:48] <chromas> soon we'll find out it wasn't 2016 you watched
[01:00:16] <Bytram> SirFinkus: looks like we are on a path to break into the top 500 on Folding@Home within a month (assuming current trends continue)... would you like to submit a story on it?
[01:00:30] <SirFinkus> yeah, I was planning on it
[01:00:46] <SirFinkus> once we hit 500
[01:02:06] <Bytram> ahhh, okay. I was thinking it might be interesting to have a story pointing out we're only about a month away and asking folks to reply with when they think we'll break into the top 500... closest date less than actual wins.
[01:02:31] <Bytram> would be interesting to see how the discussion would run and whether or not it would affect the number of clients brought to bear
[01:02:38] <Bytram> so as to affect the end date THAT way
[01:02:53] <SirFinkus> I could do that too, but that seems to be more a poll thing
[01:03:13] <SirFinkus> and I don't find it a particularly interesting question for promoting discussion
[01:03:35] <SirFinkus> I mean, we have data and graphs that are pretty spot on at predicting when we'll hit it
[01:03:49] <Bytram> nod nod; since you started things off, wanted to give you the idea / option.
[01:04:25] <SirFinkus> appreciate it, I'll do the 500 story and prompt with speculation on when we'll hit 250
[01:04:37] <chromas> Put a snapshot of the stats in the sidebar
[01:11:00] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Euro IP Study Finds 25 Tor-and-Bitcoin-Loving Pirate Business Models - http://sylnt.us - stating-the-obvious
[01:14:07] -!- veem has quit [Quit: veem]
[01:21:34] <cmn32480> ~gnight all
[01:21:36] * exec problematically inserts a hollowed out iMac of windows xp into all
[01:21:42] <Bytram> ~gnight cmn32480
[01:21:44] * exec sardonically internalizes a 5¼" floppy disk of Khyber's AC LEDs in cmn32480
[01:21:47] * cmn32480 can no longer see straight adn fell asleep reading a story to his kids
[01:22:00] <Bytram> off to bed with ya's
[01:22:04] <cmn32480> yes
[01:22:07] <cmn32480> mos def
[01:22:27] * Bytram will send down some warm milk, cookies, and a blankie with wishes for sweet dreams
[01:22:27] <cmn32480> ~gnight bytram
[01:22:30] * exec defiantly scissors a mouthful of pain for bytram
[01:22:37] <Bytram> ummm, thanks?
[01:22:41] <cmn32480> too late... by the time it gets here I 'll be cutting wood
[01:22:46] <Bytram> LOL!
[01:22:56] <Bytram> be well my friend; sleep well and fast
[01:23:00] <cmn32480> you too
[01:23:01] <cmn32480> night
[01:23:05] <Bytram> nod nod
[01:23:05] <SirFinkus> night
[01:23:09] <SirFinkus> whoever is going to night
[01:23:11] <Bytram> nodding off =)
[01:23:15] <SirFinkus> I haven't been paying attention
[01:34:29] -!- veem [veem!~veem@olx6.mysec-arch.net] has joined #Soylent
[02:02:40] -!- veem has quit [Quit: veem]
[02:12:45] <Runaway1956> #submit http://www.ctvnews.ca
[02:12:46] <MrPlow> Submitting. There is a mandatory delay, please be patient.
[02:13:11] <MrPlow> Submission successful. https://soylentnews.org
[02:17:22] -!- AndyTheAbsurd has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[02:19:27] <Bytram> hmmm, did the elk smash into the smart car, or did the smart car smash into the elk?
[02:19:35] <Bytram> either way, not so smart, eh?
[02:20:56] <Runaway1956> The story says he hit the elk, the headline seems to be backward
[02:21:05] <Bytram> yep
[02:21:31] <Bytram> I wonder how much one of those smart cars weighs?
[02:25:09] <Runaway1956> my browser is resolving host address - for Google . . . .
[02:25:24] <Runaway1956> There it is - smart car weighs 1800 pounds
[02:26:02] <Runaway1956> Another reference says 1500 pounds
[02:26:48] <Runaway1956> There are some motorcycles that weigh almost as much
[02:27:08] <SirFinkus> some mother's too
[02:27:13] <SirFinkus> take Bytram's mother for instance
[02:27:22] <chromas> haha
[02:27:25] <chromas> ~blame
[02:27:26] * exec points at Bytram
[02:27:36] <chromas> that's a point of derision instead of blame
[02:27:43] <Runaway1956> That's his sister - why do you confuse his sister with his mother?
[02:28:02] <Bytram> SirFinkus: ummm, my mother passed away... and is the single saddest day of my life. not funny.
[02:28:15] <Bytram> afk
[02:28:17] <SirFinkus> they were both docked in the same harbor
[02:29:14] <chromas> SirFinkus is an expert at docking
[02:29:29] <SirFinkus> pree much
[02:29:32] <SirFinkus> my fees are pretty high
[02:30:35] <Runaway1956> News feeds are pretty boring - it's almost all RNC crap
[02:30:43] <Runaway1956> Trump this, trump that
[02:30:58] <SirFinkus> need another shooting to make things exciting
[02:31:06] <Runaway1956> and, of course, Erdogan calling for the death penalty, and he wants everyone in the world extradited to Turkey
[02:31:19] <Runaway1956> They shot that idiot kid with an axe in germany
[02:31:22] <chromas> we just had a shooting apparently
[02:31:34] <Runaway1956> Muslim afghan refugee goes nuts with an axe
[02:31:42] <chromas> you're wrong
[02:31:47] <SirFinkus> impossible
[02:31:47] <chromas> the axe had a will of its own
[02:31:50] <chromas> just like the truck
[02:31:52] <SirFinkus> islam is the religion of peace
[02:32:02] <Runaway1956> Ban the axes, along with the Muslims
[02:32:38] <Runaway1956> Dammit - 9:30, or close enough I gotta get moving . . .
[02:39:11] -!- AndyTheAbsurd [AndyTheAbsurd!~Andy@pifu-e.hardison.net] has joined #Soylent
[02:42:09] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Calculus 1 and Women in STEM - http://sylnt.us
[03:47:46] <Bytram> whereto http://go.theregister.com
[03:47:47] <Addyi> ^ 03Boffins unveil 500TB/in2 disk. Yeah, it's made of chlorine. -196˚C, why? • The Register ( http://www.theregister.co.uk )
[04:11:10] <Bytram|away> ~gnight #Soylent
[04:11:12] * exec democratically flings a staff of tongue awareness month at #Soylent
[04:12:41] -!- weeds has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[04:43:43] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Calculus I and Women in STEM - http://sylnt.us - integration || To Rebuild Bridges, West Virginia Turns To Mennonite Technology - http://sylnt.us - cooperation
[05:47:02] -!- cosurgi has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[05:48:35] -!- cosurgi [cosurgi!~cosurgi@153.19.wn.lgu] has joined #Soylent
[05:49:35] cosurgi is now known as SoyGuest15010
[05:58:45] -!- SoyGuest15010 has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[06:00:22] -!- cosurgi [cosurgi!janek@qylizv7.bl.pg.gda.pl] has joined #Soylent
[06:01:22] cosurgi is now known as SoyGuest9656
[06:14:53] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - As Open Source Code Spreads, So Do Components with Security Flaws - http://sylnt.us - open-source-coffee-bugs
[07:13:30] -!- veem [veem!~veem@mhmvrmc.nos-oignons.net] has joined #Soylent
[07:49:35] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[07:54:04] -!- Web_weasel has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[08:16:27] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Opera Browser Sold to a Chinese Consortium for $600 Million - http://sylnt.us - fat-lady-has-sung
[08:27:00] <Gravis> some people are just too sensitive. https://soylentnews.org
[08:27:01] <Addyi> ^ 03SN comment by [02Gravis (4596)] (02Score:3, Flamebait)
[08:29:53] <boru> Deserved for emoticon crap and Shitter syntax, imho.
[08:32:13] <boru> On another note, is this server configured for SASL auth? If so, what methods?
[08:33:02] <boru> CertFP or ECDSA-NIST256P-CHALLENGE?
[08:33:19] <Gravis> boru: ha! you're funny. :)
[08:33:50] <boru> Pft, I take authentication very seriously.
[09:47:37] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Former Cardinals Scouting Director Jailed for Hacking Astros' Player Database - http://sylnt.us - bird-brained
[10:09:56] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[10:09:57] <Bender> karma - coffee: 2739
[10:35:26] <TheMightyBuzzard> boru, only auth this server supports is PASS
[10:36:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> well, no, that's all we have it configured for is what i should have said. it probably supports all kinds of auths.
[10:52:34] <boru> Fair enough, thanks.
[11:00:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> if you wanna join the irc team and teach it to auth by OTP with pictures of duckies on it though, have at it
[11:05:10] * boru chuckles.
[11:06:42] <boru> I'd raise the bar a bit; "Provide proofs for the Riemann hypothesis to connect."
[11:14:41] <TheMightyBuzzard> if it helps any, the irc team is probably our lowest effort team except for the wiki team which has no active members.
[11:22:15] <boru> Should I acquire some free cycles, I'd be happy to lend a hand.
[11:26:04] <TheMightyBuzzard> if i had any free cycles, i'd probably sell them. unless one of them was a nice, low-slung harley with nothing but black n chrome, no windshield, and no saddlebags unless they were leather.
[11:28:17] <boru> What frequency do those run at?
[11:30:32] <TheMightyBuzzard> variable. manually controlled.
[11:32:25] <boru> Jittery clock? You'll never lock a PLL with that!
[11:32:26] * boru tuts
[11:33:09] <boru> #smakeadd box of xtals
[11:33:09] <MrPlow> "box of xtals" added.
[11:33:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> #socialist crutchy
[11:33:25] <MrPlow> crutchy, you're a socialist!
[11:33:26] * boru reserves for future #smake'ing
[11:35:27] -!- veem has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[11:45:01] <cmn32480> ~gday TheMightyBuzzard
[11:45:03] * exec insatiably culturally appropriates a scrote of Boaty McBoatface from TheMightyBuzzard
[11:45:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~gday cmn32480
[11:45:11] * exec diarrhetically flings a finger of a lazy insult at cmn32480
[11:45:31] <TheMightyBuzzard> well that's strangely appropriate to me
[11:45:41] <cmn32480> yes
[11:45:44] <cmn32480> I'd agree
[11:47:08] * cmn32480 goes to get his mornign coffee++
[11:49:10] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Toshiba Teasing QLC 3D NAND and TSV for More Layers - http://sylnt.us - 1TB-MicroSD-card-coming-soon?
[11:51:46] <cmn32480> coffee++
[11:51:46] <Bender> karma - coffee: 2740
[11:52:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> indeed
[12:02:35] -!- x0908d3b2 has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
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[12:15:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> smoke break
[12:15:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> nicotine++
[12:15:12] <Bender> karma - nicotine: 88
[12:22:20] <TheMightyBuzzard> blerg. i got four hours to kill until good fishing time.
[12:24:22] <cmn32480> you could always write code
[12:25:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> what, and be productive?
[12:25:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> nah, i only had three days of viable coding this week and that ain't enough to get done what i want to get done.
[12:26:37] <cmn32480> MRPlow probably needs another rewrite... it's been like 3 weeks
[12:27:06] <TheMightyBuzzard> gonna hafta wait until after the next OK trip what starts this saturday
[12:27:15] <cmn32480> again?
[12:27:19] <cmn32480> you were tehre last week
[12:27:29] <cmn32480> why bother coming back?
[12:27:45] <TheMightyBuzzard> roomie's kids had to go back to their mom for a week.
[12:27:55] <cmn32480> ahhhhh
[12:28:37] <TheMightyBuzzard> ima be stuck babysitting them several days next week too cause he's out of town at meetings
[12:29:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> damn the bad luck, i may hafta take em swimming n look at womens in bikinis while they drown each other.
[12:30:35] <cmn32480> you poor bastard
[12:30:45] * cmn32480 hands TheMightyBuzzard a hankie to dry his tears
[12:30:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> it's a tough life but i shall persevere
[12:31:03] <cmn32480> note that it is a regular hankie... not a Mr. Hankie
[12:31:50] <TheMightyBuzzard> good. i'm done dealing with anyone's poo but mine.
[12:46:28] -!- crutchy has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[12:58:40] -!- Web_weasel [Web_weasel!~Stefan@kgos88-576-30-207.range21-769.btcentralplus.com] has joined #Soylent
[13:20:20] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Judge Reignites Debate Over Researching Jurors Online - http://sylnt.us - trying-to-find-a-fair-jury
[13:42:05] <Runaway1956> <+TheMightyBuzzard> well that's strangely appropriate to me
[13:43:17] <cmn32480> it was
[13:43:22] <cmn32480> fit him to a T
[13:43:30] <cmn32480> some days exec gets it right
[15:01:57] -!- fliptop [fliptop!~fliptop@67.231.zpp.nw] has joined #Soylent
[15:21:54] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - The Densest Data Storage Ever Made - http://sylnt.us - core-memory-bits-could-be-seen-with-the-naked-eye
[15:47:03] -!- fliptop [fliptop!~fliptop@67.231.zpp.nw] has parted #Soylent
[16:22:41] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - The Densest Data Storage Ever Made [Updated] - http://sylnt.us - core-memory-bits-could-be-seen-with-the-naked-eye
[16:53:04] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Netflix to Carry All Star Trek Television Series - http://sylnt.us - fifty-years-and-counting
[17:46:30] zz_janrinok is now known as janrinok
[18:18:45] <Bytram> !uid
[18:18:45] <Bender> The current maximum UID is 6292, owned by Jhaverty
[18:24:14] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - All Russian Athletes Could be Banned From Competing at the Rio Olympics - http://sylnt.us - better-athletes-through-pharmaceuticals
[19:13:54] janrinok is now known as zz_janrinok
[20:25:48] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - ACLU FOIA Seeks Information About how Government Launders Evidence - http://sylnt.us - skewing-justice
[20:29:37] -!- popeydoll [popeydoll!~popeidol@489-467-386-897.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #Soylent
[20:30:08] -!- veem [veem!~veem@jcaqogr.enn.lu] has joined #Soylent
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[20:33:50] -!- Webweasel_ [Webweasel_!~Stefan@ojuj90-873-343-3.range83-066.btcentralplus.com] has joined #Soylent
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[21:06:28] * cmn32480 leaves to go home.
[21:56:58] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Comcast Joins Top Mobile Carriers in 600MHz Spectrum Auction - http://sylnt.us - mobile-data-service-businesses-for-everyone || NASA Funding Extends Missions in Outer Space - http://sylnt.us - your-tax-dollars-at-work
[21:58:11] <Deucalion> ~weather juggs
[21:58:12] <exec> 10London, UK - currently 77°F / 25°C, clear, wind E at 10 mph, humidity 62% - Tuesday clear (73°F:90°F / 23°C:32°C), Wednesday partly cloudy (60°F:86°F / 16°C:30°C), Thursday mostly cloudy (62°F:77°F / 17°C:25°C), Friday rain (61°F:79°F / 16°C:26°C)
[21:58:53] -!- user_ [user_!~veem@mhmvrmc.nos-oignons.net] has joined #Soylent
[22:03:13] -!- veem has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[22:42:58] user_ is now known as veem
[23:28:08] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Tor Veteran Lucky Green Exits and Withdraws Critical 'Tonga' Node and Relays - http://sylnt.us - pushed-or-jumped?
[23:53:32] <SirFinkus> yo Deucalion
[23:57:41] -!- veem has quit [Quit: veem]