#Soylent | Logs for 2016-05-11

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[00:47:46] <takyon> http://fas.org
[00:47:53] <systemd> ^ 03Delivery Drones, Confederate Flags, and More from CRS
[00:48:13] <takyon> http://www.theregister.co.uk
[00:48:14] <systemd> ^ 03Researcher arrested after reporting pwnage hole in elections site • The Register
[00:48:40] <takyon> http://www.theregister.co.uk
[00:48:40] <systemd> ^ 03PLA sys admin gets six months house arrest for yanking US Army docs • The Register
[00:50:13] <takyon> http://www.theregister.co.uk
[00:50:13] <systemd> ^ 03Privacy warriors take legal action over UK gov's right to hack • The Register
[01:07:24] -!- julian [julian!~julian@56-08-620-95.dhcp.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[01:12:51] <cmn32480> ~tell crutchy How do we delete the old Arthur content that is being generated by exec?
[01:13:05] <takyon> wut
[01:13:48] <cmn32480> just somethign that crutchy was working on with the python code from Arthur to auto generate some stories without is having to do the copy paste thing
[01:13:55] <cmn32480> ~storybot
[01:14:07] <cmn32480> and now I don't remember the commands...
[01:18:18] <cmn32480> ~help storybot
[01:18:19] <exec> error: not authorized (login)
[01:18:19] <exec> help for "storybot" alias not found
[01:18:36] <cmn32480> ~help ~storybot
[01:19:26] -!- cmn32480_test [cmn32480_test!~17186141@23.24.kp.ip] has joined #Soylent
[01:19:34] -!- cmn32480_test [cmn32480_test!~17186141@23.24.kp.ip] has parted #Soylent
[01:24:18] <cmn32480> ~submit-story
[01:24:27] <cmn32480> ~submit -story
[01:24:29] <exec> error: unable to download source (get_redirected_url)
[01:24:46] <takyon> ~submit to me
[01:24:48] <exec> error: unable to download source (get_redirected_url)
[01:25:46] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - ImageMagick Vulnerability Leaves Websites Open to Exploit - http://sylnt.us - hocus-pocus-out-of-focus
[01:26:29] <cmn32480> ~folding
[01:26:35] <cmn32480> ~folding-rank
[01:26:37] <exec> 07861
[01:26:43] <cmn32480> ~folding-link
[01:26:45] <exec> ├─ folding@home => http://fah-web.stanford.edu
[01:26:45] <exec> └─ folding@home_stats => http://folding.extremeoverclocking.com
[01:28:08] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[01:28:28] <Bytram> !uid
[01:28:29] <Bender> The current maximum UID is 6233, owned by steveo
[01:33:58] <julian> I have about 15xi3 CPUs I've considered turning over to the SN F@H team
[01:34:08] <takyon> holy crap
[01:34:16] <julian> They're doing SETI@home currently
[01:34:43] <Bytram> you have your own server farm?
[01:35:06] <takyon> interesting that they are i3s
[01:35:12] <Bytram> true that
[01:35:40] * Bytram imagines all the demo machines on display at Best Buy and Staples and ... all running Folding @ home in the background
[01:35:56] <takyon> good idea
[01:36:17] <takyon> Staples has the money, their acquisition is off
[01:36:23] <julian> Just checked, I have a lifetime total of 5.6M credits on SETI@home
[01:36:28] <Bytram> yes, i saw that story
[01:36:37] <Bytram> that sounds like a lot!
[01:36:42] <julian> I was in the top 5% at one point when I was using a few GPUs
[01:37:23] <julian> To get higher than that you basically do need a few racks, or a couple computer labs all churning away at once
[01:37:25] <Bytram> yowza! very impressive!
[01:39:36] <julian> Mersenne prime number search also looks interesting to me. It's the most likely to yield a positive result attributaly to me personally...but also the most pointless
[01:40:09] <takyon> IIRC, the Mersenne primes tend to get discovered by a couple of individuals who are putting a lot into it
[01:40:12] <takyon> there's a list on wikipedia
[01:41:13] <cmn32480> we can always use a few more CPU's!
[01:41:25] <takyon> my biggest doubt about Folding@Home is that it seems like the kind of problem that will become obsolete for home CPUs and GPUs once quantum processors start tackling it in a decade or so
[01:42:35] <julian> Yeah but practical QCPUs could be 100 years off
[01:43:03] <julian> Or they could be impossible to engineer in practice despite being sound in theory
[01:44:12] <chromas> sounds like we need a distributed research project to test quantum cpu hypotheses
[01:44:13] <Runaway1956> #submit https://www.rt.com
[01:44:15] <MrPlow> Unable to get a description from that page
[01:44:27] <chromas> quantum@home
[01:44:45] <takyon> well even D-Wave, the fake quantum computer, was used to fold proteins apparently
[01:44:46] <takyon> http://arstechnica.com
[01:44:47] <systemd> ^ 03A quantum optimizer folds its first proteins | Ars Technica
[01:44:50] <takyon> http://blogs.scientificamerican.com
[01:44:51] <systemd> ^ 03Quantum Computing Disentangled: A Look behind the D-Wave Buzz - Scientific American Blog Network
[01:45:37] <Runaway1956> #submit https://www.rt.com
[01:45:38] <MrPlow> Unable to get a description from that page
[01:45:51] <Runaway1956> ~submit https://www.rt.com
[01:46:20] <exec> submission successful - https://soylentnews.org
[01:47:16] <takyon> MrBlow
[01:48:08] <cmn32480> #smake himself
[01:48:08] * MrPlow smakes himself upside the head with a water balloon
[02:10:14] <cmn32480> ~gnight #soylent
[02:10:17] * exec defiantly experiences a bowl of splooge with #soylent
[02:15:39] <Bytram> dyingtolive: hiya! looksing at your story submission
[02:16:50] <Bytram> Just a heads-up that I'm bolding some text to emphasize some points in your submission -- hope you do not mind
[02:17:22] <dyingtolive> no worries. feel free to edit as appropriate.
[02:17:41] <Bytram> much apprecaited.
[02:17:58] <Bytram> in as much as possible, I really try to not put words in people's mouths,
[02:18:08] <Bytram> and I try to not editorialize int he submissions
[02:18:24] <Bytram> but I 8can* add a little emphasis, now and again =)
[02:18:57] <dyingtolive> at this point, i'm more worried about it just getting visibility than i am worried about editorials. it's pretty screwed up.
[02:20:53] <Bytram> I so agree with that assessment -- how can *anyone* stoop so low as to think somehting like that could be funny or even worthy of propagating?
[02:22:35] * SirFinkus pokes his head in
[02:22:41] <dyingtolive> it's a fascinating new level of vile. of course everyone has their conspiracy theories about where it came from. honestly, i think the sad truth is that it was just some lunatic somewhere who thought it was funny. probably not even politically motivated.
[02:23:21] <SirFinkus> HAHAHA, that's a good one
[02:24:14] <dyingtolive> which part?
[02:24:24] <dyingtolive> brb, beer run, but i'm interested to hear.
[02:25:16] <Bytram> fwiw, I just did a search and found that it is already on SNOPES
[02:25:26] <SirFinkus> those chlorine instructions are as old as the internet
[02:25:45] <Bytram> TheMightyBuzzard: yo!
[02:25:49] <SirFinkus> "make magic crystals" is usually the variant I see
[02:25:57] <TheMightyBuzzard> wut?
[02:26:29] <Bytram> I saw you were looking at the glow sticks story
[02:26:37] <Bytram> just wanted to let you know I am
[02:26:41] <TheMightyBuzzard> yeah, quick glance in before bed
[02:26:45] <Bytram> editing it atm for posting
[02:26:53] <Bytram> oh, ok. didn't want to trip over ya
[02:27:06] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh i don't edit unless it's already hit the front page n has a typo
[02:27:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> was just looking
[02:27:12] <Bytram> hope you get a good night's sleep!
[02:27:16] <Bytram> nod nod
[02:27:20] <Bytram> get any fishing in today?
[02:27:30] <TheMightyBuzzard> nah, too rainy
[02:27:38] <Bytram> yeah, don't want the fish to get wet
[02:27:50] <Bytram> sorry, couldn't resist.
[02:27:52] <TheMightyBuzzard> don't want the boat to fill up with water
[02:27:55] <Bytram> no fun fishing in the rain
[02:28:06] <Bytram> yeppers on that one; bialing != fun
[02:28:12] <SirFinkus> bullshit, fishing in the rain is a blast
[02:28:14] <Bytram> s/ia/ai/
[02:28:14] <sedctl> <Bytram> yeppers on that one; bailing != fun
[02:28:17] <exec> <Bytram> yeppers on that one; bailing != fun
[02:28:21] <TheMightyBuzzard> specially since i don't have a bucket in the boat
[02:28:28] <SirFinkus> as long as it's not too cold
[02:28:41] <SirFinkus> and you have equipment to say relatively dry
[02:29:10] <TheMightyBuzzard> SirFinkus, depends on if they're biting or not. if they're not i can sit at the house n be dry while i don't catch fish.
[02:29:18] <Bytram> I'd rather be out in 0 degree F weather in a breeze than in 33 degree heavy windy rain
[02:29:43] <SirFinkus> well, that's a "no shit" Bytram
[02:30:04] <Bytram> doesn't matter how good hte clothes, rain always seems to find its way in.
[02:30:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> i don't mind a little weather while i fish once it passes mid-may though
[02:30:15] <Bytram> or, i just haven't found the right gear, yet.
[02:30:44] * SirFinkus is listening to Rodrigo Y Gabriela — Hanuman, from the album 11 11
[02:30:46] <SirFinkus> awww yeah
[02:31:37] <TheMightyBuzzard> eh, just get a good hat with a brim all the way around and you're more or less set. rest of you will get wet but it won't get in your eyes
[02:32:03] * Bytram lacks much 'natural insulation'
[02:32:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> no worse than having to take a shower
[02:32:10] <SirFinkus> gotta take care of the feet though TheMightyBuzzard
[02:32:15] <SirFinkus> wet feet fucking suck
[02:32:17] <TheMightyBuzzard> flip flops
[02:32:28] <SirFinkus> that works too
[02:32:31] <Bytram> I have a high metabolism, so it takes quite a bit for me to get cold, but once I do -- *shiver*
[02:32:35] <SirFinkus> if it's warm
[02:32:42] <SirFinkus> I'll keep you warm Bytram
[02:32:49] <Bytram> ummm, thanks(?)
[02:32:55] <TheMightyBuzzard> Bytram, thas why i avoid the rain until summer time. then it cools you down instead of freezes you.
[02:33:07] <Bytram> sounds MUICH better!
[02:33:17] <chromas> Bender: grab SirFinkus
[02:33:17] <Bender> Added quote 721
[02:33:19] <Bytram> ~weather TheMightyBuzzard
[02:33:21] <exec> 10Humboldt, TN 38343, USA - currently 74°F, clear with periodic clouds, wind NW at 2 mph, humidity 78% - Tuesday thunderstorm (67°F:81°F), Wednesday scattered thunderstorms (67°F:87°F), Thursday thunderstorm (57°F:80°F), Friday sunny (56°F:78°F)
[02:33:31] <Bytram> oh, pretty nice!
[02:33:35] <TheMightyBuzzard> blerg
[02:33:39] <SirFinkus> the trick is to drink enough beer to be able to urinate in your pants at a rate that allows you to keep warm
[02:33:44] <Bytram> well, temperature-wise, I mean
[02:33:44] <TheMightyBuzzard> boat sinking weather
[02:33:55] <Bytram> TheMightyBuzzard: agreed
[02:33:58] <Bytram> ~weather boston
[02:34:00] <exec> 10Boston, MA, USA - currently 60°F, clear with periodic clouds, wind SW at 8 mph, humidity 41% - Tuesday clear with periodic clouds (50°F:69°F), Wednesday sunny (50°F:70°F), Thursday sunny (50°F:68°F), Friday rain (56°F:67°F)
[02:34:02] <chromas> just drill holes to let the water drain
[02:34:04] <Bytram> ~weather portland, me
[02:34:06] <exec> 10Portland, ME, USA - currently 51°F, clear, wind N at 1 mph, humidity 61% - Tuesday clear (43°F:67°F), Wednesday sunny (42°F:67°F), Thursday sunny (46°F:66°F), Friday scattered showers (49°F:59°F)
[02:34:09] <Bytram> ~weather presque isle
[02:34:11] <exec> 10Presque Isle, ME, USA - currently 44°F, clear, wind NW at 3 mph, humidity 67% - Tuesday clear (33°F:55°F), Wednesday sunny (36°F:58°F), Thursday mostly sunny (42°F:75°F), Friday mostly sunny (48°F:77°F)
[02:34:35] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh only like a 30% chance of rain tomorrow
[02:35:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> i'll head out after i'm done playing with the bot n run some jugs
[02:35:43] <Bytram> nod nod
[02:35:54] * Bytram hopes to sleep in a bit... first day off in a while
[02:36:01] <Bytram> hope to see you again, then
[02:36:26] <TheMightyBuzzard> yarp. believe i'll get some sleeps myself. nite.
[02:36:46] <Bytram> sweet dreams
[02:37:30] <dyingtolive> back. yeah, i know the formula was old. the 'hoax' is new though.
[02:37:49] <Bytram> yeah, check out the snopes coverage: http://www.snopes.com
[02:37:50] <systemd> ^ 03'Bernie Sanders Glowstick' Instructions Make Bombs, Not Glow Sticks : snopes.com
[02:37:53] <dyingtolive> i think i remember it from back in the anarchist cookbook days.
[02:38:09] <Bytram> hmmm, might want to pass thayt on to the snopes folks
[02:38:47] <Bytram> story is set to go-live at 13:37 UTC tomorrow
[02:38:50] <dyingtolive> i'd have to see if i can drudge up a copy to know for sure before i did.
[02:40:48] <SirFinkus> "Spreading instructions on public forums and social media sites to get people hurt is terrorism and will get you years in prison." HAHAHAHA
[02:41:12] <dyingtolive> we do love that word nowadays.
[02:41:31] <Bytram> that must have been the "royal we"
[02:41:52] <SirFinkus> I'm sure there's a database where they cross reference people who to to pool supply stores, but don't have pools
[02:41:52] <dyingtolive> oh yes, of course.
[02:42:32] <julian> I think terrorism needs a political motive, but since this is "BERNIE SANDERS" glowsticks, it fits
[02:43:28] <dyingtolive> SirFinkus: that's the same reason i'm afraid to buy beer brewing supplies at grow stores. i don't want to combine the fact that i live in an apartment with buying stuff from a place that sells "gardening supplies".
[02:43:39] <julian> They're either trying to injure Bernie supporters, or false flag conservatives to gain sympathy for Bernie. Either way, it's political. Well, or they're trolls--but that might just be politically anarchistic terrorism
[02:43:48] <Bytram> ok, what did I *do*? palemoon is taking up 1.2 GB of RAM atm, virtual size is 2GB! Then again, I've had that browser up since 4/25
[02:44:03] <Bytram> and I only havce 70 tas open.
[02:44:10] <Bytram> 70 tabs open
[02:44:43] <Bytram> attempting PM upgrade
[02:44:49] <Bytram> break time; baib
[02:44:54] <Bytram> *biab*
[02:44:59] <Bytram> afk
[02:48:13] <dyingtolive> i don't know though. if it was politically motivated, i see it being at an individual level. i don't see it being caused by anyone at a high level. not their MO and would only stand to make bernie supporters look more oppressed.
[02:48:38] <dyingtolive> the false flag has some merit, though that's a hella dangerous game to play.
[03:27:19] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Western Digital Acquisition of SanDisk Approved, Finalized on May 12th - http://sylnt.us - all-your-storage-are-being-bought-from-us
[03:57:42] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Rumbles Heard from Mount St. Helens: When is Another Major Eruption Coming? - http://sylnt.us - big-boom!
[04:13:03] <chromas> the rumbling is provoked by all the nearby hipsters
[04:13:25] <dyingtolive> drum circles will do that.
[04:16:09] <dyingtolive> i wish i was a hipster, but i'm not pretty enough. i wear flannel and i just look like someone who looks like he's spent time outside, not in a coffee shop.
[04:16:44] <chromas> just say you wear it ironically. boom -> hipster
[04:17:18] <dyingtolive> which is a shame, because hipster chicks seem like they'd be good lays. between the look and the inability to put up with their bullshit, i don't normally get that far.
[04:17:45] <dyingtolive> corporate chicks is usually where i have my best luck, but they have a short shelf life.
[04:18:10] <dyingtolive> wouldn't that be a metahipster? i'm not sure the world is ready for that.
[04:18:53] <chromas> you were doing it before it was mainstream
[04:19:28] <dyingtolive> worth a shot, though i remember when flannel was hip in the 90s. going to be hard to pull that one off.
[04:20:36] <dyingtolive> tying my flannel shirt around my waist, wearing my slap on bracelet with my hackey sack? i'd fit the fuck in, i'm sure.
[04:22:58] <chromas> do hipsters to hackey sacks?
[04:23:21] <chromas> I guess so. It's 'retro'
[04:23:35] <dyingtolive> i have no clue. i'd assume not, because they'd build up too many leg muscles to fit into the skinny jeans that are the thing now.
[04:24:23] * chromas sets out a bucket of non-prescription problematic glasses
[04:24:43] <dyingtolive> i assume most of their time is spent with their legs tied like lambs to fit into the damn things.
[04:47:45] <takyon> serious loading errors on soylentnews.org
[04:47:54] <takyon> TheMightyBuzzard
[04:48:16] <dyingtolive> working for me. last time this happened they had to restart something. not very helpful, i realize.
[04:48:26] <dyingtolive> that was... a few months ago?
[04:49:01] <dyingtolive> what was the issue? guru meditations?
[04:50:27] <takyon> I'm getting a lot of Internal Server Error
[04:50:27] <takyon> and 500s
[04:50:46] <takyon> to this very moment
[04:52:11] <dyingtolive> multiple refreshes and random clicks on things loads fine for me on win7 with latest chrome. if this is like the last time, you'll seem like a crazy person with an isolated issue, and then in a few more hours it becomes noticible by others.
[04:52:49] <dyingtolive> page load is hella slow though, i will say that.
[04:53:26] * chromas blames MrPlow
[04:55:02] <takyon> still getting errors
[04:55:34] <takyon> load the Western Digital article for me and tell me how many comments there are
[04:55:50] <dyingtolive> i count three
[04:56:34] <chromas> three here too
[04:58:56] <takyon> I wonder if it's booting me out because i'm an editor
[04:59:04] <takyon> but then it looks like I'm logged out anyway
[04:59:43] <takyon> dead in other browser too
[04:59:46] <takyon> that's so whack
[04:59:49] <chromas> which browser?
[04:59:51] <chromas> this web site is best view with Internet Explorer 3.0
[04:59:54] <dyingtolive> maybe it only affects people who aren't logged in this time?
[04:59:57] <takyon> my mistake
[05:00:14] <takyon> I tried it in another browser I wasn't logged in with
[05:00:22] <chromas> oh shat, that's what was missing from the geoshitties theme
[05:00:33] <chromas> an IE button
[05:00:43] <takyon> Made with... Frontpage?
[05:00:54] <takyon> That was the name of that god awful thing right
[05:00:57] <chromas> hehe, frames
[05:01:03] <chromas> it was
[05:03:37] <dyingtolive> man, bedtime was an hour ago, but what's one more beer and episode of xfiles?
[05:03:48] <takyon> new one or old?
[05:04:09] <dyingtolive> old. i'm wanting to catch up first. also, i heard sad things about the new one.
[05:04:16] <takyon> no kidding
[05:05:27] <dyingtolive> old one was a ritual for my dad and i. he told me the new one was a sad miniseries that just kind of rushed everything. tried to hard to remind you that it was xfiles, rather than just BEING xfiles. i was disappointed
[05:06:55] <dyingtolive> still really psyched for new twin peaks though. all my faith is in that being amazing at this point.
[05:07:35] <takyon> I just hope the new MST3K doesn't suck
[05:07:37] <dyingtolive> heard trent fucking reznor was going to be on the show. as an actor. like or dislike his music, i can only see that adding to the feel.
[05:08:31] <dyingtolive> i dunno about MST3K. I feel the same way, but the few rifftrax i saw were pretty good. i'm hopeful, though i didn't buy in at the kickstarter.
[05:09:24] <takyon> I've seen some great rifftrax
[05:10:43] <dyingtolive> the 300 one was amazing.
[05:11:37] <takyon> Alien Outlaw, Dark Power. but my favorite was probably
[05:11:41] <takyon> R.O.T.O.R.
[05:12:29] <dyingtolive> i'll have to check those out.
[05:28:27] <takyon> guess I'll check the site in a few hours
[06:59:23] -!- nick has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[07:42:18] <mythterj> IS it just me or is everyone getting Internal Server ERROR on the site?
[07:44:32] <mythterj> Whelp, spooky in here when no one's around, so its off to bed. Server Errors all around.
[07:45:10] -!- mythterj [mythterj!mythterj@tonvizu.sdf.org] has parted #Soylent
[09:42:51] <crutchy> coffee++
[09:42:51] <Bender> karma - coffee: 2552
[09:52:37] -!- Webbyatwork_ [Webbyatwork_!~Stefan@217.33.jmz.sy] has joined #Soylent
[09:53:01] <Webbyatwork_> lads... know about the 500 error on the site?
[09:53:27] <Webbyatwork_> main page won't load for me, just get a 500 error
[10:15:13] <crutchy> ~devs
[10:15:14] <exec> dev ping for crutchy: TheMightyBuzzard paulej72
[10:16:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[10:16:59] <Bender> karma - coffee: 2553
[10:18:55] <crutchy> ~sn
[10:18:56] <exec> https://soylentnews.org
[10:19:13] <crutchy> yay stie is up :)
[10:19:24] <crutchy> ~isup soylentnews.org
[10:19:25] <exec> 03soylentnews.org: HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
[10:21:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, mysqld crashed on fluorine again
[10:22:32] <TheMightyBuzzard> restarted it and bounced apache right after i seen that
[10:23:06] <TheMightyBuzzard> apparently it'd been down for about six hours but nobody called me to fix it
[10:23:58] <crutchy> need a mrplow command to restart it :)
[10:24:16] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh yeah, there's a fun idea
[10:24:30] <TheMightyBuzzard> world accessible too
[10:25:07] <crutchy> hmm. you could limit it to a small number of trustees, but where's the fun in that?
[10:28:45] <TheMightyBuzzard> zactly
[10:29:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> aight, time to throw drugs down my neck so my coffee works better
[10:30:50] <TheMightyBuzzard> thar. bout 15m i should be able to tell the difference between variable types and start remembering String methods
[10:31:39] * crutchy is tweaking storybot script to purge files older than 3 days
[10:32:44] <TheMightyBuzzard> writing up functions for the weather script myself, with in-memory caching so it doesn't run the same query more often than is warranted.
[10:32:47] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Shared Memory Pushes Wheat Genomics To Boost Crop Yields - http://sylnt.us - feeding-the-world || Japan's 25 Petaflops Supercomputer: Oakforest-PACS - http://sylnt.us - apt-get-install-foldingathome || Federal Judge Blocks Staples Acquisition of Office Depot - http://sylnt.us - acquisition-got-reamed || NASA's Kepler Mission Doubles - 1 more
[10:33:03] <crutchy> wb bender
[10:33:17] <crutchy> ~say <#> tama, bender's been on a bender
[10:33:46] <TheMightyBuzzard> nothin wrong with bender, he'd been reading an rss feed that hadn't been updated cause the db was down
[10:34:14] <crutchy> nobody was feeding him :(
[10:34:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> yar
[10:35:02] <TheMightyBuzzard> still weirds me out that the guy who does Bender's voice does exactly the same voice for Jake the dog on Adventure Time
[10:35:26] <crutchy> hmm. yeah kinda sounds the same
[10:35:47] <TheMightyBuzzard> different writers but the voice is the same
[10:41:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh bleh, forgot i was doing the weatheradd command and started writing the weather command instead
[10:41:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> blerg
[10:41:33] <TheMightyBuzzard> gonna go have a smoke n let the drugs kick in
[10:50:16] <crutchy> ~submit-story list
[10:50:48] <crutchy> ~submit-story
[10:53:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> better, startin to approach awake
[11:04:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> okay, weatheradd working. now on to weather, which requires a fully working caching system, which ima write right now.
[11:39:26] <Bytram> coffee++
[11:39:26] <Bender> karma - coffee: 2554
[11:40:09] <Bytram> TheMightyBuzzard: g'morning!
[11:40:40] <cmn32480> ~gday TheMightyBuzzard
[11:40:42] * exec suspiciously bitchslaps a powerpoint presentation of horse plops with TheMightyBuzzard
[11:40:50] <cmn32480> ~gday bytam
[11:40:52] * exec ironically internalizes a dumpster full of poop cola in bytam
[11:40:54] <Bytram> cmn32480: g'day!
[11:40:56] <cmn32480> ~gday bytram
[11:40:59] * exec proverbially ejaculates a broken promise of a lazy insult at bytram
[11:41:00] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~gday Bytram
[11:41:03] * exec presumably connects a drawing of tubgirl to Bytram
[11:41:04] <AndyTheAbsurd> ~gday cmn32480
[11:41:06] <cmn32480> coffee++
[11:41:06] <Bender> karma - coffee: 2555
[11:41:10] * exec faithfully hurls a screenshot of lard at cmn32480
[11:41:11] <Bytram> tubgirl--
[11:41:11] <Bender> karma - tubgirl: 1
[11:41:22] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[11:41:23] <Bender> karma - coffee: 2556
[11:41:27] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~gday cmn32480
[11:41:29] * exec scientifically terrorizes a pair of used panties full of hot sauce with cmn32480
[11:41:40] <cmn32480> I think I win that one
[11:41:48] <cmn32480> though maybe bytram won
[11:41:56] <cmn32480> it's so subjective!
[11:42:02] <AndyTheAbsurd> anybody know what ${%variable} does in csh?
[11:42:06] <Bytram> is like waking up before dawn, going outside and watching things come to life -- there's a certain 'pattern' that becomes apparent -- nice to see something similar here!
[11:42:28] <Bytram> ~weather boston
[11:42:30] <exec> 10Boston, MA, USA - currently 60°F, sunny, wind NW at 8 mph, humidity 41% - Wednesday sunny (51°F:71°F), Thursday sunny (51°F:69°F), Friday rain (55°F:68°F), Saturday partly cloudy (51°F:73°F)
[11:42:35] <Bytram> ~weather portland, me
[11:42:37] <exec> 10Portland, ME, USA - currently 53°F, mostly sunny, wind NW at 7 mph, humidity 57% - Wednesday sunny (42°F:68°F), Thursday sunny (47°F:68°F), Friday showers (49°F:59°F), Saturday partly cloudy (46°F:65°F)
[11:42:45] <Bytram> ~weather presque isle
[11:42:46] <TheMightyBuzzard> AndyTheAbsurd, i expect it evaluates what is stored in variable and inserts that as part of the command line
[11:42:48] <exec> 10Presque Isle, ME, USA - currently 44°F, mostly sunny, wind NW at 11 mph, humidity 54% - Wednesday sunny (35°F:57°F), Thursday sunny (40°F:75°F), Friday partly cloudy (50°F:76°F), Saturday partly cloudy (46°F:72°F)
[11:43:11] <AndyTheAbsurd> TheMightyBuzzard: No, that would just be ${variable}
[11:43:26] <Bytram> AndyTheAbsurd: what does %variable do?
[11:43:32] <TheMightyBuzzard> like if variable="cat /etc/passwd" it would do so and put the results on the command line
[11:45:41] <AndyTheAbsurd> you could do that with $($variable) I think
[11:45:50] <AndyTheAbsurd> which is probably what you're thinking of
[11:46:21] <AndyTheAbsurd> I found a system that had csh installed and tried it; apparently it gives you the length of the data that the variable holds.
[11:46:48] <TheMightyBuzzard> actually i was thinking csh is bloody weird and i haven't used it in over 20 years so i'll just guess
[11:47:36] <AndyTheAbsurd> csh is bloody stupid and I'm converting this script from csh to a sane shell (in this case, bash)
[11:48:22] <AndyTheAbsurd> I'd convert it to zsh except (a) I don't know zsh and (b) zsh isn't installed on the box where it needs to run.
[11:49:03] <TheMightyBuzzard> having to use a shell i'm not used to makes me want to bash someone in the head
[11:49:09] <Bytram> AndyTheAbsurd: in the case of using "%variable", how is "variable" being set?
[11:49:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> Bytram, apparently %variable = the length of variable
[11:49:32] <Bytram> has been 20+ years since I used csh -- only somewhat more knowledgeable about bash
[11:49:40] <Bytram> hrm
[11:49:55] <TheMightyBuzzard> one wonders though, in bytes or characters?
[11:50:04] <Bytram> UTF-8++
[11:50:13] <Bytram> TheMightyBuzzard: yes!
[11:50:16] <Bytram> ;)
[11:50:24] <TheMightyBuzzard> throw a 💩 in there and you could bugger things up in fun new ways
[11:50:25] <AndyTheAbsurd> TheMightyBuzzard: set zone = `echo $x[1] | grep HLW | wc`
[11:50:32] <AndyTheAbsurd> at least that's how it WAS set
[11:50:40] <AndyTheAbsurd> I'm fixing it so its less bullshitty.
[11:51:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> do fucking what? it counts the words on every line with HLW in it from $x[1]? how is that a zone?
[11:51:47] <Bytram> less bullshitty is good
[11:51:55] <AndyTheAbsurd> it's actually a zone code
[11:52:14] <AndyTheAbsurd> for what geographic zones we ran an ad in
[11:52:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> not if it's piped through wc at the end. it's a word count.
[11:52:32] <Bytram> gawk "/HLW/{print NF}" $x[1]
[11:53:06] <Bytram> for all lines that contain "HLW", print the number of fields in that line, taking input from whatever $x[1] evaluates to
[11:53:17] <AndyTheAbsurd> well I need to put in special logic for if the zone code that we start with is HLW|HEW|NPW|PTW|SPW
[11:53:41] <TheMightyBuzzard> gnod gnod
[11:54:17] <AndyTheAbsurd> I'm converting from csh syntax to bash syntax for my first pass
[11:54:20] <Bytram> gawk "/HLW/ {print NF; next;} /HEW/ {do_something_else; next;} /NPW/ {yet_another_thing; next;" $x[1]
[11:54:35] <Bytram> ==> next means stop processing this record/line and go on to the next one
[11:54:55] <crutchy> Bytram, diff is an interesting program
[11:55:17] * crutchy uses it to make diff pages for his work wiki app
[11:55:24] <Bytram> crutchy: ummm, yeah, it is... but how did that come up in this conversation?
[11:55:36] <crutchy> shell utilities i guess
[11:55:46] <crutchy> and cos i wasn't really following :p
[11:55:47] <TheMightyBuzzard> diff ./crutchy /var/pr0n/hello.jpg
[11:55:48] <Bytram> ahhh, yuppers
[11:56:08] <cmn32480> ~gday crutchy
[11:56:10] * exec whole-heartedly imagines a buzzfeed list of chocolate chips with crutchy
[11:56:29] <crutchy> ~g'day cmn32480 o/
[11:56:31] * exec hideously heaps a drum of time on cmn32480
[11:56:37] <crutchy> ~g'day TheMightyBuzzard
[11:56:39] * exec brazenly crams a photograph of GNU/toecheese into TheMightyBuzzard
[11:56:41] <crutchy> ~g'day Bytram
[11:56:43] * exec ceremoniously connects an assload of linux to Bytram
[11:56:54] <crutchy> ceremoniously.. how fancy
[11:56:57] <TheMightyBuzzard> Bytram wins
[11:57:13] <Bytram> ~g'day crutchy
[11:57:14] * exec slowly farts a massive fart your mom's bra, full of baby batter at crutchy
[11:57:25] <Bytram> SenseNoMakes
[11:57:25] * crutchy is off to make a cuppa for wifey and a hot chocolate for himself
[11:57:26] <cmn32480> crutchy definetly lost
[11:57:27] <crutchy> brb
[11:58:33] <AndyTheAbsurd> hot_chocolate++
[11:58:33] <Bender> karma - hot_chocolate: 2
[11:59:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya know, as big of a pain in the ass as it is to learn a new language while you're recoding a bot in it, i'm kinda having fun.
[11:59:59] <Bytram> that, IMNSHO,is the *best* way to learn a language -- have a goal to DO something in it!
[12:00:10] <Bytram> motivation++
[12:00:10] <Bender> karma - motivation: 2
[12:00:16] <Bytram> curiosity++
[12:00:16] <Bender> karma - curiosity: 1
[12:01:38] <crutchy> TheMightyBuzzard, was discussing the finer points of socialism with someone and they asked "why should the middle class care [about paying taxes]?"
[12:01:55] <crutchy> apparently we like paying taxes
[12:02:03] <crutchy> who'd have guessed
[12:02:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> not me
[12:03:41] <AndyTheAbsurd> Taxes? Oh, those are only for *little* people. --Leona Helmsley (I think)
[12:03:50] <crutchy> damn. i got the caramel one
[12:03:58] <crutchy> don't like the caramel one much :/
[12:04:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> taxes are for carpetses
[12:04:58] <crutchy> lol
[12:05:29] <crutchy> nowadays they just use glueses don't they?
[12:06:15] <TheMightyBuzzard> think they use tax stripses around the edges still here
[12:21:47] <Bytram> the glue holds the carpet from sliding around (fabric stretches a bit) so keeps it on the same place on the floor, but the tack strips keeps the whole thing solidly/physically attached to the ends
[12:27:41] <Bytram> coffee++
[12:27:42] <Bender> karma - coffee: 2557
[12:34:18] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Open Source Artificial Pancreas Helps Engineer's Son Survive with Type 1 Diabetes - http://sylnt.us - true-hackers
[12:36:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[12:36:28] <Bender> karma - coffee: 2558
[12:37:18] <crutchy> ~update-exec-file scripts/storybot_submit.php
[12:37:21] <exec> attempting to download https://raw.githubusercontent.com
[12:37:22] <exec> successfully saved downloaded content to "/home/chris/Downloads/Exec/exec-irc-bot-master/scripts/storybot_submit.php"
[12:37:55] <cmn32480> let the games begin!
[12:38:10] <crutchy> just added a purge feature
[12:38:31] <crutchy> deletes story files more than 3 days old
[12:38:52] <cmn32480> !woop
[12:38:52] <Bender> woop woop woop (\/) (;,,;) (\/)
[12:38:59] <cmn32480> crutchy++
[12:38:59] <Bender> karma - crutchy: 207
[12:42:00] <cmn32480> ~submit-story
[12:43:38] <crutchy> oh crap
[12:43:49] <crutchy> just realised the updated script has a hardcoded story path
[12:44:03] <crutchy> probably really need to make that into a data file or something
[12:45:15] <cmn32480> chagned it in the file on production
[12:45:22] <cmn32480> ~submit-story
[12:45:35] <cmn32480> but I was thinking I shoudl be getting the help screen
[12:46:01] <crutchy> ~submit-story list
[12:46:18] <cmn32480> new file... do we need a ~rehash?>
[12:46:27] <crutchy> shoudln't
[12:46:53] <crutchy> ~alias-info ~submit-story
[12:46:55] <exec> 02 *** error: alias not found
[12:47:01] <crutchy> hmm
[12:48:07] <crutchy> ~rehash
[12:48:13] <crutchy> not sure why this would change anything
[12:48:14] <exec> successfully reloaded exec file (153 aliases)
[12:48:24] <crutchy> ~alias-info ~submit-story
[12:48:27] <exec> 02exec [enabled]: ~submit-story|30|3600|0|1||*||||php scripts/storybot_submit.php %%trailing%% %%dest%% %%nick%% %%alias%%
[12:48:28] <exec> 02file: ./scripts/storybot_submit.php [modified: 2016-05-11 12:45:15, size: 2224 bytes]
[12:48:38] <crutchy> lol
[12:50:55] <Bytram> linenoise--
[12:50:55] <Bender> karma - linenoise: -1
[12:50:57] <cmn32480> it reprocesses all the aliases in the scripts at that point, I'm guessing
[12:51:14] <Bytram> crutchy: that is almost as indecipherable as a regexp!
[12:51:44] <crutchy> Bytram, i know. that's why i changed it :)
[12:51:50] <Bytram> lol
[12:51:52] <crutchy> now uses macros
[12:51:56] <crutchy> like:
[12:52:05] <crutchy> exec:add ~submit-story
[12:52:06] <crutchy> exec:edit ~submit-story timeout 30
[12:52:06] <crutchy> exec:edit ~submit-story repeat 3600
[12:52:06] <crutchy> exec:edit ~submit-story accounts_wildcard *
[12:52:06] <crutchy> exec:edit ~submit-story servers irc.sylnt.us
[12:52:06] <crutchy> exec:edit ~submit-story cmd php scripts/storybot_submit.php %%trailing%% %%dest%% %%nick%% %%alias%%
[12:52:08] <crutchy> exec:enable ~submit-story
[12:52:28] <cmn32480> ~submit-story
[12:52:40] <cmn32480> hmmm.....
[12:52:53] <crutchy> ~submit-story list
[12:53:03] <Bytram> ~submit-story http://www.bib.umontreal.ca
[12:54:54] <crutchy> cmn32480, ~submit-story on its own shouldn't do anything but update http://ix.io
[12:55:05] <cmn32480> bytram - this actualyl runs arthur, and based on the listing at a specific website, it will allow you to sub a specific story
[12:55:26] <cmn32480> ~submit-story|syntax
[12:55:29] <crutchy> but ~submit-story list should output the link at least
[12:55:58] <cmn32480> list doens't exist in the file
[12:56:25] <cmn32480> in a private message
[12:56:29] <cmn32480> ahhh
[12:56:54] <cmn32480> was looking in the wrong spot
[12:56:58] <crutchy> nah privmsg outputs to whatever channel you entered the command from
[12:56:58] <cmn32480> #smake cmn32480
[12:56:58] * MrPlow smakes cmn32480 upside the head with trojan horse penis
[12:57:38] <cmn32480> ~submit-story list
[12:58:15] * Bytram looks at: http://ix.io
[12:58:47] <cmn32480> hmmmm
[12:58:52] * Bytram sees only text versions of the titles; would be nice to be able to hover and see the *ENTIRE* URL
[12:58:54] <cmn32480> so it isn't an operator only command
[12:59:07] <cmn32480> bytram - baby steps
[12:59:07] <crutchy> x seems to output the link
[12:59:08] <Bytram> ~submit-story list
[12:59:15] <Bytram> cmn32480: nod nod
[12:59:17] <crutchy> not sure why exec not playing the game
[12:59:29] <Bytram> how about a nice game of tic-tac-toe?
[12:59:38] <cmn32480> brb
[12:59:41] <crutchy> ~rps s
[12:59:42] <exec> rank for crutchy: 1 - http://ix.io
[12:59:52] <Bytram> ~rps rpsrpsrpsrps
[12:59:54] <exec> rank for martyb: 6 - http://ix.io
[12:59:58] <Bytram> =)
[13:01:02] <AndyTheAbsurd> ~rps sssssssssssrrrrrrrrrrrrrpppp
[13:01:05] <exec> rank for andytheabsurd: 2 - http://ix.io
[13:01:38] <Bytram> ~rps supersupersuper
[13:01:39] <exec> syntax: ~rps [ranks|r|p|s]
[13:01:39] <exec> rankings: http://ix.io
[13:01:39] <exec> help: http://wiki.soylentnews.org
[13:01:42] <Bytram> =)
[13:01:50] <Bytram> ~rps ranks
[13:01:52] <exec> http://ix.io
[13:01:58] <AndyTheAbsurd> ~rps prsprspp
[13:02:00] <exec> rank for andytheabsurd: 2 - http://ix.io
[13:02:19] * Bytram would prefer that it output the record that displays there for my nick
[13:02:57] <AndyTheAbsurd> ~rps sssssssssssrrrrrrrrrrrrrppppss
[13:02:59] <exec> sequence trimmed
[13:02:59] <exec> rank for andytheabsurd: 2 - http://ix.io
[13:03:49] <Bytram> ~rps rps rsp prs psr srp spr
[13:03:51] <exec> syntax: ~rps [ranks|r|p|s]
[13:03:51] <exec> rankings: http://ix.io
[13:03:51] <exec> help: http://wiki.soylentnews.org
[13:04:16] <Bytram> ~rps rpsrspprspsrsrpspr
[13:04:18] <exec> rank for martyb: 6 - http://ix.io
[13:04:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> AndyTheAbsurd, it trims to like the first <10 or some such. you'd hafta ask crutchy or cmn32480 how much exactly
[13:04:49] <crutchy> trims to the longest+1
[13:04:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> do huh?
[13:05:06] <AndyTheAbsurd> meh, I don't care enough to bother finding out
[13:05:19] <crutchy> so if you were to start new you could enter 1280 characters
[13:05:19] <Bytram> ~rps rpsrspprspsrsrpsprrpsrspprspsrsrpspr
[13:05:22] <exec> sequence trimmed
[13:05:22] <exec> rank for martyb: 6 - http://ix.io
[13:05:38] <crutchy> or 1282 or whatever
[13:05:53] <crutchy> Bytram is pretty close to max turns
[13:05:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> so basically whatever the first person did
[13:05:57] <crutchy> so its trimming
[13:06:10] <crutchy> nah whoever has played the most turns
[13:06:11] <crutchy> +1
[13:06:11] <Bytram> maxturns?
[13:06:21] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh, you mean it'll only let you catch up and barely pass them
[13:06:28] <crutchy> yup
[13:06:31] <TheMightyBuzzard> roger
[13:06:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~rps pppppppppp
[13:06:39] <exec> sequence trimmed
[13:06:39] <exec> rank for themightybuzzard: 10 - http://ix.io
[13:06:50] <Bytram> aha, max *rounds*
[13:07:00] <crutchy> person with maxturns can increase by 1 each time
[13:07:09] <crutchy> oh yeah sorry. max rounds :)
[13:07:22] <Bytram> that makes more sense
[13:07:38] <crutchy> actually in the script it is turns. because rounds is a bit different come to think
[13:07:50] <crutchy> rounds is a sort of factorial thing
[13:08:06] <crutchy> like if you have 3 players and each plays 1 turn there are 3 rounds
[13:08:16] <crutchy> s/3/2/
[13:08:17] <sedctl> <crutchy> like if you have 2 players and each plays 1 turn there are 3 rounds
[13:08:19] <exec> <crutchy> like if you have 2 players and each plays 1 turn there are 3 rounds
[13:08:25] <crutchy> derp
[13:08:27] <crutchy> ~sed off
[13:08:29] <exec> sed disabled for 10#Soylent
[13:08:55] <crutchy> if you have 3 players and each plays 1 turn there are 2 rounds
[13:08:55] <Bytram> sorry, but sense no makes... how do you get 3 rounds out of 2 players each playing one turn
[13:09:06] <crutchy> i fukked up my sed :p
[13:09:28] <crutchy> cos each player plays a round against 2 other players
[13:09:46] <Bytram> still not making sense .. examples? Players named A, B, and C
[13:09:54] <Bytram> A: rps rps
[13:10:01] <Bytram> A: ~rps rps
[13:10:12] <Bytram> B: ~rps spr
[13:10:16] <crutchy> so in our case there's like 15-odd players. so if a new player comes along and does ~rps s
[13:10:19] <Bytram> C: ~rps rsp
[13:10:21] <crutchy> that would be 1 turn for him
[13:10:29] <crutchy> but he plays a round against all other players
[13:10:36] <crutchy> so he would have say 14 rounds
[13:10:44] <crutchy> (if there are 15 players including himself)
[13:10:47] <Bytram> so each char after '~rps" is a turn for that player
[13:10:53] <crutchy> yeah
[13:11:10] <crutchy> well, that's just what its called in the script :p
[13:11:36] <TheMightyBuzzard> and each turn is playing his throws[n] vs each other player's throws[n]
[13:11:48] <Bytram> so what value for the turns from the other players that this new player is playing against?
[13:11:49] <crutchy> yeah something like that
[13:12:14] <crutchy> each round can add to wins or losses
[13:12:21] <cmn32480> back
[13:12:28] <Bytram> we start with a brand new game, player A plays R, B plays P, and C plays S... what happens?
[13:12:51] <TheMightyBuzzard> everyone gets one win and one loss
[13:12:57] <Bytram> B wins agains A, because paper wraps rock
[13:13:07] <crutchy> damn that was quick. i was like still working out for player A :D
[13:13:23] <cmn32480> TMB is smrt
[13:13:33] <TheMightyBuzzard> cmn32480, like homer, yup
[13:13:36] <Bytram> but, now that A and B have played... who/what does C play against?
[13:13:43] <crutchy> Bytram, each player plays each other
[13:13:53] <crutchy> so each player has 2 rounds
[13:14:00] <Bytram> or does the *last* play of *each* user hang around???
[13:14:07] <crutchy> A against B and C, B against A and C and C against A and B
[13:14:49] <crutchy> so if A plays B and scores a win but plays C and scores a loss, they have 1 win and 1 loss
[13:14:58] <Bytram> what is not clear to me is when a user's choice for a turn gets expunged and the next choice gets consumed?
[13:15:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> Bytram, in the case of one turn, the same throw is used for every round of that turn. then you move on to turn two.
[13:15:34] <crutchy> oh. each turn is indexed
[13:15:53] <crutchy> if a player has more turns than everyone else, no rounds are added for them
[13:15:59] <Bytram> after that original 'play', we now add user D who plays R... what does s/he play against?
[13:16:00] <TheMightyBuzzard> A plays R twice. once against B and once against C
[13:16:04] <crutchy> until others catch up to be able to play that indexed turn against
[13:16:20] <TheMightyBuzzard> Bytram, turn one of everyone else, so R P and S
[13:16:21] <Bytram> oh.
[13:16:28] <crutchy> if player D jumps in, his first turn plays against all the other players first turns
[13:16:43] * TheMightyBuzzard gets it finally
[13:16:53] <crutchy> lol. it is a bit convoluted
[13:17:08] <Bytram> need concrete examples to 'splain things!
[13:17:35] <Bytram> given the tuple: play[user,turn]
[13:17:49] <crutchy> do not know tuple
[13:17:54] <Bytram> I start as a new user and play "RPS"
[13:17:58] <crutchy> me know just dumb words
[13:17:58] <Bytram> then we have:
[13:18:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> Bytram, take it one turn at a time
[13:18:14] <Bytram> play["A", 1] = "R"
[13:18:17] <TheMightyBuzzard> rps is three turns
[13:18:19] <Bytram> play["A", 2] = "P"
[13:18:23] <Bytram> play["A", 3] = "S"
[13:18:41] <TheMightyBuzzard> yes
[13:18:41] <Bytram> now, user B joins in and plays SPR
[13:18:47] <Bytram> play["B", 1] = "S"
[13:18:49] <crutchy> yup. code i can understand a bit easier :D
[13:18:53] <Bytram> play["B", 2] = "P"
[13:18:58] <Bytram> play["B",32] = "R"
[13:19:03] <Bytram> s/32/3/
[13:19:03] <sedctl> <Bytram> play["B",3] = "R"
[13:19:37] <TheMightyBuzzard> and C, whatever they pick, plays their 1 vs everyone else's 1, their 2 against everyone else's 2, ...
[13:20:07] <crutchy> A gets 2 wins, 1 draw and 0 losses
[13:20:25] <crutchy> B gets 0 wins, 1 draw and 2 losses
[13:20:27] <Bytram> so, test( play["A",1], play["B", 1] ) == test ( "R", "S" ) ==> player a
[13:20:30] <Bytram> oops gtg
[13:20:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> laters
[13:20:46] <crutchy> cya Bytram o/
[13:20:59] <crutchy> yeah i should probably be in bed anyway
[13:21:02] <crutchy> ~time
[13:21:03] <exec> Wednesday, 11 May 2016 @ 11:21 pm GMT+10 - Traralgon VIC
[13:21:16] <crutchy> ~g'night #soylent o/
[13:21:18] * exec retroactively ejaculates a broken promise of active directory at #soylent
[13:21:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> nite, crutchy
[13:22:46] <crutchy> i think i stuffed up those wins and losses too. 1 win and 1 loss each? i suck at working rps out in my head :p
[13:22:50] <cmn32480> ~gnight crutchy
[13:22:52] * exec suspiciously tosses stein of blerg to crutchy
[13:22:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> s'what computers is for
[14:05:28] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Deadly "Bernie Sander's Glow Sticks" Image Surfaces - http://sylnt.us - so-sad
[14:41:49] -!- Nerf has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[14:49:28] <Bytram> ~weather sydney
[14:49:31] <exec> 10Sydney NSW - currently 58°F, clear with periodic clouds, wind NW at 10 mph, humidity 42% - Wednesday clear (52°F:70°F), Thursday sunny (52°F:73°F), Friday sunny (50°F:75°F), Saturday sunny (53°F:76°F)
[14:50:09] * TheMightyBuzzard sighs
[14:51:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> running outa gas and still have the formatting of the URL and the sending/receiving of the curl request before weather is finished for rustbot
[14:52:41] <TheMightyBuzzard> prolly be done but i'm easily distracted by IRC
[14:53:53] <Bytram> always leave something you know you CAN do pending, then it makes it easier to pick it back up later. =)
[14:58:04] <Bytram> so, the trick is to not get IRC'ed ?? ;)
[15:14:47] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, pretty much. think ima leave it where it is n go take the boat out fishing.
[15:15:18] -!- Webbyatwork_ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[15:21:19] <Bytram> nod nod
[15:21:28] <Bytram> time for me to get about my day, as well.
[15:21:31] <Bytram> cat y'all later!
[15:21:35] <Bytram> s/cat/catch/
[15:21:35] <sedctl> <Bytram> catch y'all later!
[15:22:06] Bytram is now known as Bytram|away
[15:36:38] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - US Senate Launches Inquiry Over Facebook's Alleged Political Bias in Trending News List - http://sylnt.us - can't-believe-there-is-bias
[16:02:21] -!- mythterj [mythterj!mythterj@tonvizu.sdf.org] has joined #Soylent
[16:16:24] <Gravis> TheMightyBuzzard: https://soylentnews.org
[16:16:25] <systemd> ^ 03SN comment by [02Gravis (4596)] (02Score:2)
[16:37:25] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Deadly "Bernie Sander's[sic] Glow Sticks" Image Surfaces [Updated] - http://sylnt.us - so-sad
[16:47:13] -!- nick [nick!~nick@Soylent/Staff/Editor/n1] has joined #Soylent
[16:47:13] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v nick] by Aphrodite
[17:07:48] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Federal Judge Blocks Staples' Acquisition of Office Depot - http://sylnt.us - acquisition-got-reamed || John Oliver on "Bullshit Masquerading as Science" - http://sylnt.us - just-the-facts,-ma'am
[17:31:39] zz_janrinok is now known as janrinok
[17:32:02] -!- janrinok has quit [Changing host]
[17:32:02] -!- janrinok [janrinok!~janrinok@Soylent/Staff/Editor/janrinok] has joined #Soylent
[17:32:02] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v janrinok] by Aphrodite
[18:03:14] <nick> yay for silent assassin rating on hitman:blood money :D
[19:09:22] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - TWC Celebrates $79B Merger with Charter by Blacking Out NYC - http://sylnt.us - economies-of-scale-mean-improved-service-right
[19:25:47] janrinok is now known as zz_janrinok
[20:40:32] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Hedy Lamarr, Sexpot and Inventor of Wi-Fi's Spread Spectrum and Frequency Hopping Technology - http://sylnt.us - an-eye-for-detail
[21:10:55] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Hedy Lamarr, Inventor of Wi-Fi's Spread Spectrum and Frequency Hopping Technology - http://sylnt.us - an-eye-for-detail
[21:57:47] <crutchy> ~tell cmn32480 if you do a ~update-exec-file scripts/storybot_submit.php and create a file under DATA_PATH called storybot_path.txt and put the path to arthur's story files, you won't need to worry about manually changing the script after update anymore
[22:33:36] <cmn32480> ~tell crutchy WOOHOO!