#Soylent | Logs for 2016-03-06

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[00:00:01] <nick> it's not force that's causing you to die from starvation and dehydration
[00:00:17] <nick> you're using force to try and get over the wall, you socialist scumbag
[00:00:21] <crutchy> capitalism has nothing to do with building walls though
[00:00:33] <nick> it does, i'm protecting my capital
[00:01:07] <crutchy> that isn't capitalism though
[00:01:16] <nick> what is capitalism?
[00:01:17] <crutchy> capitalism is what you use that capital for
[00:01:49] <Scheisskopf> How big is the steeple on that capitol?
[00:02:48] <crutchy> capitalism at a basic level could be compared to barter
[00:03:05] -!- Tachyon has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[00:03:06] <nick> capitalism as people describe it is just as a useless ideology as the utopian socialism other groups of people want, it does nothing to factor in how humans actually interact and the psychology of needs and wants
[00:03:21] <crutchy> nah its just a process
[00:03:24] <crutchy> not an ideology
[00:03:33] <crutchy> it has existed long before they called it capitalism
[00:03:42] <nick> well why call it capitalism then?
[00:03:47] <nick> you're only damaging your own argument
[00:03:56] <crutchy> how so?
[00:04:35] <crutchy> anyway, i gotta go. to be continued?
[00:04:44] <crutchy> ~g'day #soylent
[00:04:53] <crutchy> derp
[00:05:02] <crutchy> cmn32480, your butt's ded :p
[00:05:10] <nick> call it barter and free trade
[00:05:16] <crutchy> could do
[00:05:38] <nick> capitalism is the pursuit of profit as most people understand it, which becomes indistinguishable from greed in my experience eventually
[00:05:45] <crutchy> capitalism is just a more complicated form of free trade
[00:05:59] * crutchy blames the accountants
[00:06:17] <nick> yeah, and we're best off not reinforcing that as the way forward
[00:06:25] <Scheisskopf> Well, there's pure and applied capitalism and socialism.
[00:06:31] <crutchy> there will always be free trade
[00:06:35] <nick> agreed
[00:06:44] <Scheisskopf> Pure may work. Applied means that the more powerful would oppress the less powerful.
[00:06:58] <Scheisskopf> which is why we need the second amendment...*click click*
[00:07:03] <nick> always worth remembering, when i'm railing against capitalism, i have been a self-employed/small business owner for the last 8 years or so
[00:07:15] <nick> and ive never been on welfare, blah blah fucking blah
[00:07:20] <crutchy> nick, you capitalist pig! :p
[00:07:36] <nick> and yet, my dad, the socialist is proud of me
[00:07:37] * Scheisskopf has been on welfare, but as an agreement he paid plenty of taxes into.
[00:07:38] <crutchy> anyway, haf fun. catch yas later
[00:07:43] <nick> got to loves these useless labels
[00:07:45] * nick hat tip
[00:07:48] <nick> take care, crutchy
[00:08:10] <nick> Scheisskopf: i don't have anything against people on welfare
[00:08:42] <nick> i understand the hows and whys of it, and i know in the UK for example, if you go through the process and get in the welfare system, you have much more security and stability
[00:08:50] <Scheisskopf> nick, if I didn't have to pay any taxes on all the money I've earned working, I just might feel guilty being on welfare.
[00:09:02] <nick> so in the core essence of protecting your family and yourself, i see why people go down that route
[00:09:41] <Scheisskopf> Welfare in the US is not like it is there. Unskilled migrant scum can get a sweet Victorian and a stipend for free there, for doing absolutely nothing except breaking laws.
[00:09:47] <nick> they're trying to keep a roof over their heads and food on their plate, it might be perpetuating a bad system, but they're also victims of the same system
[00:10:09] <nick> Scheisskopf: in the UK you mean?
[00:10:17] <Scheisskopf> Yeah,
[00:10:33] <Scheisskopf> Here, errybody gotta work for their gibs.
[00:10:34] <nick> sure, but as i was explaining to someone earlier, it becomes a full time job in itself, more so than ever now, to keep in that system
[00:10:57] <nick> and thats part of why ive never been on welfare even when i needed it, the barrier to entry is quite high and is not worth the bullshit they want to put you through
[00:11:18] <nick> but luckily, i have skills and connections and can get work, but a lot of people have not had the same opportunities as myself
[00:11:35] <nick> and at best they end up as a middleman for the corporate welfare state
[00:11:39] <Scheisskopf> Ditto.
[00:12:05] <Scheisskopf> I've totally used welfare, but only as a temporary measure.
[00:12:06] <nick> government still picks up the tab, but they then end up having a worse life doing shitty jobs for corporations that refuse to pay a living wage
[00:12:21] <nick> because they know the government will bridge the gap for them
[00:12:26] <cmn32480> I'm sure he's jsut hibernating crutchy
[00:13:26] <Scheisskopf> actually in the 'states outside of my native Germany, "welfare" implies a person is intending to be on the dole for life.
[00:13:52] <nick> Scheisskopf: i know a lot of people who could be described that way
[00:14:01] <nick> but actually knowing these people, rather than just making assumptions
[00:14:05] <nick> it's a long way from the truth
[00:14:51] <Scheisskopf> For some, yes. For others, no. /generic statement
[00:15:01] <nick> but where i'm from, London, the whole corner of the country only works if the government subsidises the rich
[00:15:19] <nick> because we can't all have £1mil houses, yet the average person still earns £25k
[00:15:29] <nick> but thats apparently the goal we're working towards
[00:15:48] <nick> the only way that works is if the government houses the low skilled people to service the more well off
[00:16:00] <nick> because why the fuck would they pay someone more than £5 an hour to clean and cook for them?
[00:16:05] <nick> they're important don't you know!
[00:16:37] <nick> they could get a polish person to do it for £5, the entitlement of the british natives to think they deserve to be able to afford to live anywhere near their jobs
[00:16:41] <Scheisskopf> nick, I feel your pain. I live in the state of San Francisco and I can see the menace eyeing San Diego next.
[00:16:46] -!- exec [exec!~exec@23.24.kp.ip] has joined #Soylent
[00:16:54] <nick> of course, they also cant assume to be entitled to be able to afford to pay for public transport to travel to these jobs
[00:17:11] <nick> they need to smarten up and get a job as an insurance broker
[00:17:12] -!- crutchy has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[00:17:16] <nick> do something productive with their fucking lives
[00:17:30] <cmn32480> ~gday #soylent
[00:17:32] <Scheisskopf> or cock and lock their rifles
[00:17:34] * exec clumsily passes a used franger of 🕷 to #soylent
[00:17:37] <Scheisskopf> *click click*
[00:17:40] <nick> <3 cmn32480
[00:18:59] <nick> culturally, we spent a long time exporting the 'Friends' culture of that TV show, that says to the rest of the world, in the west, you can be a lazy and stupid person with no skills
[00:19:05] <nick> and live the good life in a huge NYC apartment
[00:19:16] <Runaway1956> https://www.rt.com
[00:19:33] <Scheisskopf> nick - I was taught this at an early age, but people who believe what's on TV deserve what they get.
[00:20:05] <nick> well you were taught well, but i'm thinking from the perspective of the western propaganda which keeps the steady flow of people coming into the west looking for jobs and opportunity
[00:20:28] <nick> it has been exported so well and so much for so long, and it's ensured a steady supply of very cheap labour chasing that dream
[00:20:40] <nick> at a cost to them, us and everyone else
[00:20:57] <Scheisskopf> I've seen the dumb unskilled women who went to NYC thinking they're gonna make it as a hairdresser, or all the dumb rubes with theatre degrees thinking they're gonna make it big in Hollywood.
[00:21:27] <nick> and that's people from within the country, people who had the opportunity to learn and understand the place they already live
[00:21:42] <nick> so think how easy it is for people in much more difficult situations looking for an escape to buy into that dream
[00:21:53] <Scheisskopf> Dammit, nick, you made me sad again.
[00:22:02] <nick> :(
[00:22:26] <nick> i'm working on escaping the bullshit, so it's on my mind a lot
[00:22:46] <nick> i'm in south america right now looking at trying to get a self-sufficient farm started
[00:22:47] <Scheisskopf> except that Frijoleros pack 20 head to a 1-bedroom apartment, so they collectively have money to spend, spend, spend! PATRON BLAKCO!
[00:23:13] <nick> and they're sending a lot of that money home, to build houses for their whole family and things like that
[00:26:17] <nick> if i wanted to go self-sufficient in the UK it would cost me millions and i'd still get taxed to death, so it's not a realistic prospect, so if the UK wants to continue it's charade of 'growth' and being a 'global economic powerhouse' and the worlds 'largest financial centre'
[00:26:17] <SirFinkus> up to 27 guys in the botnet
[00:26:31] <nick> at the cost of the actual people who live there, regardless if they're native or not
[00:26:33] <SirFinkus> not counting anyone folding under anonymous
[00:26:36] <cmn32480> PEOPL sirfinkus... PEOPLE
[00:26:40] <nick> that's upto them.
[00:26:45] -!- Ticho [Ticho!~Ticho@twptiu987801883073.chello.sk] has joined #Soylent
[00:27:11] <cmn32480> I'm pretty sure we have a couple ladies on the folding team
[00:27:19] <cmn32480> ~folding
[00:27:23] <cmn32480> ~folding-rank
[00:27:25] <exec> 072140
[00:27:37] <nick> Kevin McCloud can go fuck himself.
[00:29:53] <SirFinkus> ok, ladies too
[00:38:01] <Tramtrist> mccloud
[00:40:01] <juggs> ~weather juggs
[00:40:03] <exec> 10London, UK - currently 37°F / 3°C, partly cloudy, wind NW at 10 mph, humidity 84% - Saturday clear with periodic clouds (32°F:42°F / 0°C:6°C), Sunday scattered showers (30°F:45°F / -1°C:7°C), Monday partly cloudy (30°F:46°F / -1°C:8°C), Tuesday cloudy (43°F:49°F / 6°C:9°C)
[00:42:47] <Scheisskopf> Yeech.
[00:45:45] * nick beers juggs
[00:46:01] <SirFinkus> ~weather
[00:46:02] <juggs> hola nick
[00:46:04] <exec> 10Olympia, WA, USA - currently 58°F / 14°C, light rain showers, wind N at 6 mph, humidity 70% - Saturday rain (44°F:62°F / 7°C:17°C), Sunday rain (40°F:51°F / 4°C:11°C), Monday scattered thunderstorms (36°F:52°F / 2°C:11°C), Tuesday rain (40°F:46°F / 4°C:8°C)
[00:46:13] <Scheisskopf> ~weather
[00:46:15] <exec> syntax: ~weather <location>
[00:46:30] <Scheisskopf> ~weather san diego, ca
[00:46:33] <exec> 10San Diego, CA, USA - currently 67°F / 19°C, mostly cloudy, wind W at 7 mph, humidity 67% - Saturday rain (58°F:68°F / 14°C:20°C), Sunday rain (54°F:63°F / 12°C:17°C), Monday rain (47°F:59°F / 8°C:15°C), Tuesday sunny (50°F:66°F / 10°C:19°C)
[00:46:55] <nick> how you doin' man?
[00:47:05] <nick> ~weather montevideo
[00:47:06] <exec> 10Montevideo, Uruguay - currently 68°F / 20°C, light rain showers, wind SW at 25 mph, humidity 73% - Saturday scattered showers (59°F:73°F / 15°C:23°C), Sunday scattered showers (63°F:73°F / 17°C:23°C), Monday mostly sunny (61°F:75°F / 16°C:24°C), Tuesday mostly sunny (63°F:79°F / 17°C:26°C)
[00:47:08] <juggs> fair to middling. you?
[00:47:32] <juggs> ooh - sounds pleasant there
[00:47:33] <nick> contrary to appearances on my ranting here, i'm pretty good
[00:48:00] <nick> yeah, its been nice to escape the UK climate for a while
[00:48:07] <juggs> I bet
[00:48:20] <juggs> Business quiet this time of year?
[00:48:20] <nick> still havnt decided if i'll be able to make my return flight :p
[00:48:43] <nick> nah, not at all, shit is busy, but this is more important
[00:48:52] <juggs> Is a visa required for Uruguay?
[00:48:58] <nick> nope
[00:49:03] -!- webscale [webscale!~confirms@0::1] has joined #Soylent
[00:49:22] <nick> it's a secret though, i don't want everyone to start coming over here and ruining the place ;p
[00:49:31] <juggs> you've been over there a while now haven't you?
[00:49:44] <nick> only since monday
[00:50:29] <nick> it's a relatively quick visit, just trying to get a feel for the place to decide if i could see myself living out here, after doing the research on paper it seems like a good idea
[00:50:53] <Scheisskopf> Oh yeah, it's great living out there.
[00:51:07] <nick> Scheisskopf: it seems so, it's pretty much been exactly what i expected
[00:51:53] <nick> if the rest of this visit continues to be as productive and positive, then i'll probably be back again later in the year to try and make moves on purchasing some land
[00:52:14] <Scheisskopf> Noice
[00:52:55] <TheMightyBuzzard> sup, shithead
[00:54:12] <nick> beer is good, beef is good, land is relatively cheap, country is stable and as democratic as it gets, people are very nice so far, even with my total lack of spanish at the moment
[00:54:45] <juggs> Sounds good. I've heard some good things about Chile too
[00:54:45] Scheisskopf is now known as smerdyakov
[00:55:03] <nick> chile is probably the second closest, but it has some other drawbacks
[00:55:15] <nick> culturally it's quite different, has a lot more corporate influence too
[00:56:11] -!- JamesNZ [JamesNZ!~JamesNZ@60.234.vml.gj] has joined #Soylent
[00:57:07] <juggs> I like Uruguay's motto :D "Libertad o Muerte"
[00:57:15] <nick> i went through lots of countries, trying not to get tunnel vision, and weighing the pros and cons, uruguay came out on top every time
[00:57:54] <nick> it's 'expensive' compared to much of the continent, but that's only really if you want all the luxuries you've become used to.
[00:58:23] <nick> it's cost me a lot less than ive expected so far on this visit
[00:59:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> juggs, i dig it too. very patrick henry
[00:59:53] <juggs> I shall have to put it on my list of places to visit
[01:00:10] <nick> only thing that really stands out is the price of gas/petrol, which is about the same as the UK.
[01:00:27] <nick> so that might put off a lot of 'mericans
[01:01:09] <nick> juggs, it's worth a visit especially if you want fresh air and open spaces
[01:01:22] <nick> walking around montevideo is probably the safest i've ever felt in a capital city
[01:01:29] <nick> even walking around the apparently bad parts
[01:02:06] * TheMightyBuzzard sighs at testbot and goes to watch some tv
[01:02:08] <nick> i was walking around late one evening earlier this week, it was like a ghost town
[01:03:55] <juggs> Must make a nice change from our capital cesspit
[01:04:31] <nick> yeah, it's so different
[01:04:53] <nick> my cynical nature, i'm trying to find problems and none ive found are really major
[01:05:04] <nick> a lack of baked beans in grocery stores has been my biggest concern so far
[01:07:08] -!- smerdyakov has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[01:08:44] <juggs> ha - easy enough to import or rustle up your own
[01:11:50] <nick> i did find some, but it was telling the use by dates were a year apart on the two tins i bought, one i left on the shelf was layered in dust
[01:12:49] <nick> but yeah, i'm probably going to end up making my own eventually, as is the general idea of the life i want here
[01:15:16] <juggs> I'm sure if you lived their awhile, the allure of Heinz Baked Beans would fade to nowt :)
[01:15:21] <juggs> there*
[01:27:07] <nick> more of a branston beans man myself, but you might be right :p
[01:27:48] <juggs> you'll turn into a beef gobbling mate drinking gaucho :P
[01:28:05] <nick> haha
[01:28:16] <nick> have not been brave enough to try mate yet
[01:28:27] <nick> but the beef ive had here has been extremely good
[01:28:33] <SirFinkus> I never got the whole beans on toast thing
[01:28:51] <SirFinkus> now, eggs on toast
[01:28:54] <SirFinkus> that's delicious
[01:28:59] <SirFinkus> one of the world's finest food
[01:29:01] <SirFinkus> s
[01:29:04] <SirFinkus> but beans?
[01:29:09] <nick> had eggs on toast for breakfast
[01:29:26] <SirFinkus> how did you have your eggs done nick?
[01:29:37] <nick> beans on toast is ok, but it's more that it's quick and easy, than it being anything groundbreaking
[01:29:44] <SirFinkus> I like them kind of runny, and stirred constantly so they're almost custard like
[01:29:46] <juggs> I have some mate in my kitchen cupboard... it's certainly a boot up chuff for those sluggish mornings.... kinda like red bull in tea form I guess. Not sure it takes bravery to try it
[01:29:52] <nick> sunny side up as always
[01:30:09] <SirFinkus> with lots of butter and chives
[01:30:18] <SirFinkus> also a good choice
[01:30:56] <nick> if i'm going to put an egg in a burger or sandwich, i'll break the yolk but leave it a little runny
[01:31:07] <nick> just enough to stop it being a messy business in eating
[01:31:47] <SirFinkus> in those cases, I usually cook the yolk just before the point where it starts turning bright yellow
[01:32:10] <SirFinkus> also a good thing, raw egg on hot rice
[01:32:17] <SirFinkus> with a little soy sauce
[01:32:24] <nick> eggs are one of the finest foods going
[01:32:40] <nick> but i can't stand scrambled eggs
[01:32:47] <nick> or omelettes
[01:32:50] <SirFinkus> you're probably making them wrong
[01:32:59] <SirFinkus> the scrambled eggs I mean
[01:33:07] <nick> quite possibly
[01:33:08] <SirFinkus> nearly everybody cooks the fuck out of them
[01:33:12] <juggs> ooh, scrambled is fine if done right... most people over cook it though so you end up with kinda hard crap
[01:33:21] <nick> it's something i have still in my mind from being a kid
[01:33:40] <cmn32480> over easy.
[01:33:42] <nick> ive not had scrambled eggs in 20 years now i'd guess
[01:33:47] <SirFinkus> https://www.youtube.com
[01:33:48] <webscale> ^ 03Gordon Ramsay's Scrambled Eggs - YouTube
[01:33:48] <cmn32480> cooked, but a little runny
[01:33:51] <SirFinkus> this is how I make them
[01:33:51] <juggs> also needs to go from pan to plate to gob in quick order... scarmbled eggs that sit around are vile
[01:34:11] <nick> SirFinkus = Gordon Ramsay?
[01:34:19] <SirFinkus> sure, why not
[01:34:21] <cmn32480> celebrity chef
[01:34:39] <juggs> need some black pepper too
[01:34:41] <SirFinkus> true, but he says "fuck" a lot
[01:34:49] <juggs> oh noes
[01:35:07] <nick> it's just fucking rude
[01:35:38] <SirFinkus> but this is a super good way to make them, they're amazing
[01:36:19] <SirFinkus> it's hard to fuck up too, just use lower heat until you get the technique down
[01:36:48] <SirFinkus> it'll take longer until you understand the technique
[01:36:49] <nick> i like how he burned the toast
[01:37:32] <nick> https://www.youtube.com
[01:37:33] <webscale> ^ 03South Park - Crème fraîche - YouTube
[01:38:24] <SirFinkus> someone edited a bunch of his videos brilliantly https://www.youtube.com
[01:38:24] <webscale> ^ 03Gordon Ramsay sex tips - YouTube
[01:38:51] <SirFinkus> one of the best edits of this type that I've seen
[01:39:23] <SirFinkus> "and bang! up the butt"
[01:39:45] <nick> yeah i dont think i want to see/hear that.
[01:39:55] <SirFinkus> trust me, it's great
[01:40:14] <SirFinkus> it's some harmless fun
[01:41:21] <nick> yeah it is quite well done
[01:41:22] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - New Type of Stem Cell Discovered - http://sylnt.us - how-to-regenerate
[01:42:22] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[01:43:33] <SirFinkus> "and it's packed with fucking grease"
[01:45:47] <juggs> sounds like a kebab
[01:47:31] -!- lopple [lopple!~lopple@dh5-30-23-55-98.compute-4.amazonaws.com] has joined #Soylent
[01:47:35] <lopple> ero santa version 7.0
[01:48:53] <nick> http://www.dailymail.co.uk
[01:48:54] <webscale> ^ 03Vladimir Putin's 'war crimes' in Syria kept in Britain's secret dossier by MI6 | Daily Mail Online
[01:49:19] <nick> "Doing so with view to prosecuting President Vladimir Putin for war crimes"
[01:49:24] <nick> the most amusing thing ive read today.
[01:50:26] <juggs> ha - no idea if that is just the mail being the mail or if anyone genuinely thinks we'll be taking Putin to a war trial :D
[01:50:49] <nick> well, so far they're the only paper running the story, so i'm assuming it's just the mail being the mail
[01:51:17] <SirFinkus> https://www.youtube.com
[01:51:18] <webscale> ^ 03Nigella Talks Dirty - YouTube
[01:51:22] <SirFinkus> I didn't know there were more of these
[01:52:36] <nick> the way it reads is that MI6 seems more prospect in charging Putin for war crimes than they do for Erdogan or even Assad
[01:52:52] <SirFinkus> https://www.youtube.com
[01:52:53] <webscale> ^ 03Jamie Oliver Talking Dirty - YouTube
[01:52:59] <SirFinkus> this one may be even better than ramsay
[01:53:08] <nick> jamie oliver can fuck right off
[01:53:23] <SirFinkus> this one makes fun of his small penis
[01:53:48] <juggs> Nigella's whole thing is flirting with the camera... licking spoons and dribbles of creamy sauce off things. Amusing as hell even without a cut montage
[01:53:52] <nick> any publicity is good publicity for that asshole
[01:54:16] <juggs> say what you really think nick :D
[01:54:21] <nick> juggs, i find it slightly uncomfortable watching her flirting with the camera
[01:54:50] <nick> i can't help it, i try not to hate, but jamie oliver brings out the anger in me
[01:54:58] <juggs> I find it funny, it's clearly an act and a badly ham actorish act at that.
[01:55:06] <nick> yeah
[01:55:29] <cmn32480> juggs.. nice to see you back.
[01:55:54] <cmn32480> your alter-ego Deucalion is... welll.... kind of a dick.
[01:56:11] * cmn32480 waits to be abanished from IRC for all time
[01:56:20] <juggs> jamie annoys me when he does those "cheap meals" things then just randomly grabs a fistful of fresh coriander that happens to be on his windowsill and then a couple tablesoons of finest smoked paprika from the cupboard.... I'm like... wuuuutt... yeh we all have such things just lying around the place you tosser.
[01:56:37] <SirFinkus> https://www.youtube.com
[01:56:37] <webscale> ^ 03Tony Talks Dirty - YouTube
[01:56:38] <juggs> oops - forgot to change clotes after the outage
[01:56:41] <nick> pretty much everything he's ever done is some bullshit
[01:56:48] juggs is now known as Deucalion
[01:56:51] <SirFinkus> coriander is cheap as fuck
[01:57:03] <nick> same as his school kids meals, and i think he did similar for hospitals?
[01:57:09] <Deucalion> yup
[01:57:13] <nick> totally impractical outside of the tv show
[01:57:27] <nick> but great for his self-promotion
[01:57:49] <SirFinkus> I loved it when he did the chicken nugget thing
[01:58:02] <Deucalion> I dunno, I live in a flat and grow chillies and herbs on my balconies during a few months of the year... but Oct - May... no effin way is anything growing :D
[01:58:04] <SirFinkus> and he was trying to convince the kids that nuggets were gross
[01:58:27] <SirFinkus> and they kids wanted the nuggets anyway, even when he showed how they were made
[01:58:55] <Deucalion> mechanically reclaimed meat... yum! :D
[01:59:17] <SirFinkus> maybe coriander is just cheap in the states
[01:59:25] <Deucalion> I remember buying a chicken liver pate once... one of the listed ingredients was "chicken sinew"
[01:59:43] <Deucalion> don't you call it cilantro or something?
[01:59:48] <SirFinkus> yeah
[02:00:40] <Deucalion> I mean, it's not eye-wateringly pricey here of course... but if you're on a seriously restricted budget here you ain't buying fresh herbs in the supermarkets.
[02:01:29] <SirFinkus> last time I got some, I got a huge bunch for like 89 cents
[02:01:41] <SirFinkus> fresh
[02:01:44] <nick> also i like that the 'save with jamie' book retailed originally for £26
[02:01:55] <nick> which if obviously an easy purchase for people who don't have much money
[02:03:01] <SirFinkus> honestly, if you cook your own food instead of going out, you'll probably save that money pretty quickly
[02:03:22] <SirFinkus> shit that costs $10 in a restaurant costs like $2 to make
[02:03:23] <nick> of course, but collecting the basic ingredients itself is usually the problem
[02:03:31] <nick> you can spend £1 on a small bit of coriander
[02:03:33] <SirFinkus> provided you have the time
[02:03:36] <nick> or you can spend £1 on a microwave meal
[02:03:42] <Deucalion> Yeh... here you're probably talking £1.20 - £1.50 for a small fistful of fresh coriander in the main chain supermarkets. Thankfully I live quite near a mostly Sikh area with their own markets and shops... spices and herbs are much more reasonably priced there... as is rice. Most non-Sikh won't shop there for some reason... personally I love it :D
[02:04:01] <SirFinkus> oh yeah, check ethnic stores for cheap spices
[02:04:19] <nick> it's all cheap, if you already have everything in the cupboard, but if you're starting from scratch, acquiring all the basic ingredients
[02:04:23] <SirFinkus> that sounds pretty pricey, it's cheap as chips here
[02:04:33] <nick> and even more importantly, the utensils required to actually prepare it as directed
[02:04:52] <SirFinkus> I don't really buy that either, lots of great shit only requires 2-3 ingredients beyond the kind of "staples" everybody has
[02:04:54] <nick> jamie oliver isn't doing it to save people money
[02:05:05] <nick> he's doing it to sell books, self promotion and encourage people to buy his line of cooking equipment
[02:05:11] <SirFinkus> well, of course
[02:05:37] <nick> the staples 'everybody' has, are not the staples that people who need that kind of book have
[02:05:55] <nick> it's for people who already know how to eat well and cook decent food to pat themselves on the back
[02:05:59] <nick> about how fucking clever they are
[02:06:22] <SirFinkus> his market probably isn't the destitute, it's middle class people who want more pocket money
[02:06:25] <nick> it's little more than preaching to the choir
[02:06:36] <nick> yeah, but that's not how he marketed the book
[02:06:51] <cmn32480> NOBODY's market is the destitute...
[02:06:57] <SirFinkus> fair nuff I supposed, it wasn't really marketed here at all
[02:08:06] <SirFinkus> I like ramsay, but only his british shows
[02:08:11] <SirFinkus> https://www.youtube.com
[02:08:12] <webscale> ^✓ 03Gordon Ramsay gets angry over a steak - YouTube
[02:08:17] <SirFinkus> made me laugh
[02:08:50] <SirFinkus> who the fuck orders a well done steak?
[02:11:32] <nick> idiots
[02:12:08] <cmn32480> steaks come well done??
[02:12:27] <cmn32480> I thoguht that the scale stopped after "Medium"
[02:13:04] <Bytram> well, if you take a good stake and overcook it, then it would be a mis-steak
[02:13:21] <SirFinkus> you should be banned for that one Bytram
[02:13:24] <Deucalion> Yeh - when Ramsay started doing his "Kitchen Nightmares" stateside it all became ridiculously theatrical and scripted. You just knew every show would go a. find something disgusting in fridges, blow a gasket b. internal drama within the restaurant staff, someone storms off c. some reconciliation BS with tears if possible d. makeover and relaunch to huge public applause - yawn
[02:13:26] <SirFinkus> klined
[02:13:41] <SirFinkus> I love the fake teases
[02:13:47] <SirFinkus> with the ambulances and the fires and stuff
[02:13:56] <SirFinkus> the british version of the show was stellar
[02:14:17] <SirFinkus> wasn't a fucking giveaway, and it sounds like those restaurants did better
[02:14:25] <SirFinkus> like 95% of the ones on the US show closed down
[02:14:29] <nick> this is actually a good quote to sum up the problem with jamie's attitude towards saving money with cooking...
[02:14:34] <nick> "Promising that you will show brilliant recipes that utilise stale bread is all very well. But poor people's bread does not go stale, Jamie. It goes mouldy. And if you had ever been poor, you would know that."
[02:15:31] <Deucalion> Poor people's bread stays in the freezer compartment with just the required slices being removed as needed. Poor don't allow shit to go to waste.
[02:15:42] <nick> that too
[02:15:42] <SirFinkus> the f word was pretty good too
[02:16:03] <nick> or even more likely in my experience
[02:16:14] <nick> bread is about the only food in the house, it doesn't get a chance to go mouldy or stale
[02:16:38] <Deucalion> tis what I do if I buy a sliced loaf - slam it in the freezer then take out what I need when I need it - that shit's not sitting around going stale or mouldy.
[02:16:46] <nick> between 3 or 4 people with not much food, a loaf of bread doesn't last too long
[02:17:52] <Deucalion> but then sliced bread in the UK is fucking dreadful... chorleywood fast process crap with minimal nutritional value. Fill you up but to no real benefit other than not feeling hungry.
[02:18:29] <nick> it's how a lot of people live though
[02:18:32] <nick> :(
[02:20:56] <nick> when i lived in the caribbean, i could eat very well for almost nothing, fruit is growing on trees everywhere.... in suburban london, not so much
[02:22:59] <Deucalion> The UK doesn't grow much of anything... not surprising really given the climate. Root veg and meat stew anyone... again. Although I do see lots of acres of rape being grown when I drive in the summer..... yellow as far as the eye can see.
[02:23:30] <SirFinkus> acres of rape? so the patriarchy is alive and well in the UK
[02:23:35] <nick> what the uk does grow, is owned by people and taking that would be trespassing and theft
[02:24:12] <nick> where i was, not so much, coconuts, mangoes and all sorts of stuff is just growing wherever
[02:24:33] <nick> a little local knowledge and you could get by without ever buying anything if you really wanted to
[02:24:44] <nick> nor relying on charity/foodbanks
[02:24:45] <Deucalion> SirFinkus, rape as in rapeseed oil crops... but you knew that.
[02:25:11] <SirFinkus> might have just been because you weren't accustomed to the food in the carribbean, they're probably sick of coconuts and mangos
[02:25:23] <SirFinkus> and potatoes and beans on toast would be amazing to them
[02:25:26] <nick> oh believe me, i'm sick of mango and coconuts
[02:25:35] <nick> but the point is, it's free food
[02:25:51] <nick> free food does not exist in london like that, or anywhere in the UK that i'm aware of
[02:26:02] <Deucalion> dumpster diving :D
[02:26:09] <nick> shit, you could even grab a chicken thats roaming the streets if you wanted
[02:26:39] <SirFinkus> what's stopping you from getting a stray dog or pidgeon in london nick?
[02:26:46] <SirFinkus> who's gonna stop you
[02:26:52] <nick> stray dogs don't exist in london
[02:27:02] <SirFinkus> her majesty's pidgins
[02:27:11] <nick> pigeons would make me a drain on the NHS
[02:27:15] <nick> with all the disease and such
[02:27:16] <Deucalion> who the hell would eat a london flying rat (a.k.a. pigeon)?
[02:27:26] <nick> but i guess that is a way to get free food
[02:27:30] <nick> get in an NHS bed
[02:27:34] <nick> get the kosher menu
[02:28:26] <nick> i'd eat a swan, but they frown upon that
[02:29:14] <Deucalion> I have about a gazillion Canada Geese shitting the place up most of the year around here... illegal to have a gun and shoot the feckers to eat though. They get culled by licensed exterminators then burnt.
[02:29:28] <nick> and that's another point, the wild animals are not for eating in the UK
[02:29:33] <nick> it's a crime to kill what belongs to the queen
[02:29:47] <nick> and if you or i did not pay for it, it belongs to the queen
[02:29:51] <Deucalion> Yeh, swans are the Queen's thing... don't be messing with them
[02:29:53] <nick> because she might want to shoot it one day
[02:30:05] <nick> same goes for deer i believe
[02:30:54] <SirFinkus> they don't let us kill canadian geese for some reason too
[02:31:02] <SirFinkus> even though they're fucking pests
[02:31:06] <SirFinkus> shitting everywhere
[02:31:14] <Deucalion> Hmm.. fairly sure you can go deer stalking up in Scotland when the cull is on... and permission is down to the land owner
[02:31:23] <SirFinkus> I bet they're delicious
[02:31:31] <nick> Deucalion: i was thinking more Richmond park ;)
[02:32:07] <Deucalion> Having people wandering around the royal parks in London taking it upon themselves to shoot up the deer would be a bad idea - someone would be inadvertently shot
[02:32:28] <SirFinkus> less traffic
[02:32:39] <nick> i never said anything about shooting
[02:32:39] * SirFinkus makes a compelling point
[02:32:40] <nick> just eating
[02:33:00] <SirFinkus> how many deer are in the royal parks in london?
[02:33:11] <nick> https://www.youtube.com
[02:33:12] <webscale> ^ 03Doug Stanhope - If you teach a man to fish... - YouTube
[02:33:31] <Deucalion> My sis used to be Royal Parks Police in Richmond Park many moons ago... always got a crap ton of deer meat each year when the cull was done. But the culls were done when the park was locked up and evacuated to avoid casualties.
[02:33:52] <nick> well of course, when you dont need deer to eat, there's plenty to go around
[02:34:00] <cmn32480> If you build a man a fire, he is warm for a day, if you set a man on fire, he is warm for the rest of his life.
[02:34:12] * Deucalion sets cmn32480 on fire
[02:34:18] <SirFinkus> so a few people in london get shot. so what? meat is meat
[02:34:41] <Deucalion> SirFinkus, have you seen the riots that happen when someone gets shot in London?
[02:34:43] * cmn32480 regrets to inform Deucalion is is wearing asbestos undies
[02:34:56] <SirFinkus> wait, so the meat gathers together?
[02:35:03] <SirFinkus> even easier
[02:35:10] <Deucalion> Then your undercarriage will be fine as the rest of you burns to a crisp
[02:35:24] <nick> Deucalion: it's less someone getting shot, usually it's when the police shoots someone
[02:35:33] <nick> for a while plenty of people were getting shot and no one did much about it
[02:36:11] <Deucalion> Well no-pne gave a shit if it was gang on gang. Police shoot someone... national riots... well more JD Sports looting sprees but w/e
[02:36:20] <SirFinkus> https://www.youtube.com
[02:36:21] <webscale> ^ 03Ghostbusters Trailer Reaction Video (2016 - Maddox) - YouTube
[02:36:25] * cmn32480 wonders if Deucalion has another prol;ific editor lined up to take his place
[02:36:31] <nick> but the police in london appear to have the habit of not shooting anyone, except very occasionally and usually in a disproportionate way
[02:37:17] <nick> in my memory, they havn't shot anyone that was shooting them, or anyone at all at the time the police took them out.
[02:37:38] <Deucalion> cmn32480, newp.. you'll have to continue on as a burnt BBQ rib I'm afraid :P
[02:38:00] * cmn32480 was hoping for a quiet stay in the burn unit
[02:40:45] <nick> those riots were a complete shitshow though, as with most protests, the anger is usually misdirected
[02:40:56] <nick> and then a few people take advantage of the chaos, on both sides for personal gain
[02:41:28] <cmn32480> Same shit when they rioted in Baltimore
[02:41:30] <Deucalion> nick, I'd say the brit police armed response units are incredibly well behaved / reserved. They roll out hundreds of times a year but rarely a shot is fired. I guess they specifically recruit the level headed to that section. Unlike the TSG of a decade or two back - but they weren't armed.
[02:41:59] <nick> Deucalion: i dont disagree at all, i have no fear of being shot by the police in the UK
[02:42:18] <Deucalion> thank fuck the TSG were not armed in those days!
[02:42:31] <nick> but the times they have, it hasn't left them looking too great after it, at least in the events covered in the press
[02:43:42] <nick> "On 3 March 2012, Anthony Grainger was shot dead in Cheshire by an armed Greater Manchester Police officer whilst sitting in a stolen car. Grainger was unarmed at the time of the shooting. Chief Constable Peter Fahy was charged under health and safety legislation over the shooting"
[02:43:45] <nick> being the most recent fatal one
[02:43:46] <Deucalion> Well the press of course only report the outlier events where shit went wrong / a bad call was made. But how many of those do we see a year or even a decade?
[02:44:44] <nick> https://en.wikipedia.org
[02:44:45] <webscale> ^ 03Wiki: Police use of firearms in the United Kingdom
[02:44:51] <Deucalion> So the most recent one was nearly exactly 4 years ago... not perfect of course, but whatever is when humans are involved :/
[02:45:13] <nick> yeah, it was the most recent one, and it was another case of disproportionate use
[02:45:21] <nick> that was all im saying, they use them very rarely and thats great
[02:45:26] <nick> but even then, they dont have the best record
[02:47:26] <nick> out of the 5 most recent fatal police shootings, only one actually involved another active shooter
[02:48:49] <nick> and even that one, they still dont come out in the best light with their actions.
[02:49:06] <nick> as there was a "lack of clarity" over who was in control of the frontline officers
[02:50:33] <nick> the most recent non-fatal shooting involved a 250 strong police raid based on 'faulty intelligence'
[02:52:25] <nick> and the one before the most recent 5 fatal ones... "a full inquest into Rodney's death could not be held because of the large number of redactions in police officers' statements." and the firearms officer had "no lawful justification"
[02:52:41] <Deucalion> Can you imagine the chaos if the UK suddenly de-regulated firearms - every twat would be wandering around with a side-arm firing the thing every time they got a bit annoyed about something :D Then the police would have to be militarised and it'd end up like some US ghettos, particularly in certain areas of London, Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle, Glasgow etc
[02:52:49] <nick> indeed
[02:53:01] <nick> which is why i think re-regulating guns in the UK would be a terrible idea
[02:53:09] <nick> the people who would want them would be the last people who should have them
[02:53:30] <nick> because culturally we have a very different mentality for firearms
[02:54:35] <nick> cultural norms and population density would mean it would be a steep and bloody learning curve before any semblance of rationality and common sense came into the situation
[02:55:18] <nick> probably with completely innocent people being caught in the crossfire taking the worst of it, after stepping off the bus with a couple bags of shopping from aldi
[02:57:11] <nick> like i know in america the common refrain is 'if make guns illegal, only criminals have guns' ... and i have in my years, known a lot of criminals of varying degrees of seriousness, not once have i seen a gun in the UK that wasn't in the hands of a government official.
[02:58:00] <nick> but i appreciate america is a very different place with a lot more guns already
[02:58:40] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Subsentient] has joined #Soylent
[02:58:40] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Subsentient] by Aphrodite
[02:58:41] <Deucalion> I have a sporting rifle range just a couple of miles from me, I could join that and then quite easily get a license to possess a long gun and ammo (provided I have safe storage). Likewise I live quite near the Chilterns with a plethora of game shooting clubs, I could join one then get a license for a shottie (provided I can demonstrate safe storage and I'm not a deranged nutter). I see no problem with this. Side-arms of course are a complete no
[02:58:42] <Deucalion> -no here now. As a teen, I remember a friend's Dad had a semi-auto pistol and belonged to a shooting club.. tagged along a few times and shot some targets... but man, those things are so fucking inaccurate at any kind of range (or I was a crap shot) what's the point? I'm better off keeping a lump of 2x4" by the bed to be honest if I were really concerned about "home invasion" in the UK. Probably the adversary is at most armed with a screwdriver
[02:58:42] <Deucalion> they used to jimmy a window.
[02:59:30] <nick> pretty much, yeah
[02:59:59] <nick> it's an escalation that doesn't happen in a home invasion/robbery
[03:00:14] <nick> you break into someones home in the UK, you might get a few months if you get caught
[03:00:20] <nick> do it with a gun, you're going away for a long time
[03:02:08] <Deucalion> I'd quite like to get back into plinking targets with a small calibre rifle or air-rifle - there's something restful about the the concentration / focus required. Much the same with archery. But I really can't be assed with having gun and ammo safes around the place.
[03:03:39] <nick> be ok to go and use an air-rifle at the range i'm guessing
[03:04:12] <nick> but i wouldnt want one at home in the UK, because basically no matter what direction it got shot (for whatever reason) there's 100% chance it's going to end up in one of the neighbours properties
[03:04:21] <nick> because we all live ontop of each other in the crowded shithole of a city
[03:04:28] <Deucalion> I have seen plenty of guns in non-criminal hands in the UK, but all licensed in ranges specifically designed for them.
[03:05:19] <nick> i vaguely recall shooting an air rifle once, on a school trip amazingly
[03:05:33] <nick> how that works i don't know, but that's the recollection i have of it
[03:07:24] <nick> the idea that guns are 'banned' in the uk is wrong, but there is a significant but not insurmountable barrier to owning one legally
[03:08:08] <nick> but due to cultural norms, and perhaps being an island, it's a similar barrier to obtaining one illegally if you were so inclined
[03:08:59] <Deucalion> My primary school had an air-rifle club... we used to go plink targets twice a week over lunch. I liked it.. the alternative was footie in the playground... I was much happier just plinking targets with a Webley for an hour or so. Would be considered madness now, I'm sure... 7 - 11 y/olds with guns? Around a school?! But it was very strict... no pellets until we got to the range and always walk with the rifle broken.
[03:09:07] <nick> in all the bad circles ive been in, it's never been on offer, lots of violence and such has been if i wished to direct it at someone, but never with firearms.
[03:09:37] <nick> Deucalion: i would have probably done that too if it was on offer
[03:10:04] <Deucalion> accident of birth that I attended such a school
[03:10:25] <nick> yeah i got stuck with playing football with a tennis ball...
[03:10:34] <nick> jumpers for goalposts and all that jazz
[03:12:05] <nick> have no idea on the laws here around firearms, have seen them in the hands of security guards and that's it so far
[03:12:15] <nick> the police ive seen here have not had them visible
[03:12:31] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - On TV, John McAfee Says Cracking an iPhone is Trivial - http://sylnt.us - so-simple-that-a-gov't-employee-could-do-it
[03:12:33] <Bytram> ~time x
[03:12:36] <exec> Sunday, 6 March 2016 @ 3:12 am UTC - Coordinated Universal Time
[03:12:40] <Deucalion> It's really not all that hard to get a rifle or shottie license in the UK if you can demonstrate "why" - pretty much club membership, safe storage for gun and ammo and not being a nutter are the requisites.
[03:14:13] <Deucalion> Whenever I pass through a UK airport I do wonder what exactly those guys hope to be achieving with their MP5 type guns. Mostly deterrent I guess :/
[03:14:53] <nick> want to look tough
[03:16:39] <nick> http://oi64.tinypic.com
[03:17:21] <nick> i'm guessing the above image wouldn't be good enough to explain the "why"
[03:17:28] <Subsentient> Wow, it's cringe-worthy seeing someone say "oh don't use pointers in C++ even if you need to pass a null value/pointer, use boost::optional instead"
[03:17:41] <Subsentient> What the FUCK is wrong with those people?
[03:18:27] <Subsentient> Yeah, let's link against a marginally portable library so we can feel all superior using a feature in a way it's not supposed to be used, and which amounts to cosmetic preference.
[03:18:54] <JamesNZ> Okay there Subsentient? :P
[03:19:06] <Subsentient> JamesNZ: Yeah, just taken aback by the stupidity of some people.
[03:19:28] <Deucalion> ~shrug~ who knows. Maybe they are not even loaded.... no that I want to test that theory. But I suspect even if you were a verbal dick to the MP5 wielding plod in a UK airport you'd not end up deadified with many holes, just arrested for being a dick :)
[03:19:48] <Subsentient> JamesNZ: http://stackoverflow.com
[03:19:48] <webscale> ^ 03c++ - Pointer vs. Reference - Stack Overflow ( http://stackoverflow.com )
[03:20:17] <nick> i'm guessing they are loaded but they're probably not allowed to use them
[03:20:32] <nick> the panic it would cause would probably cause more deaths of people running away and getting trampled
[03:21:06] Bytram is now known as Bytram|away
[03:21:09] <JamesNZ> Subsentient: You mean http://stackoverflow.com
[03:21:10] <nick> a few years ago when those guys drove that car into Manchester airport was it?
[03:21:10] <webscale> ^ 03c++ - Pointer vs. Reference - Stack Overflow ( http://stackoverflow.com )
[03:21:16] <nick> dont think they used them then
[03:21:27] <Subsentient> JamesNZ: yeah
[03:21:34] <Subsentient> sorry
[03:22:07] <Subsentient> JamesNZ: So it's basically 'let's require this big fucking library that's actually pretty hard to compile, so we can have a tiny, useless, cosmetic difference in our code.'
[03:22:23] <Subsentient> What's worse, some guys UPVOTED that answer.
[03:22:30] <Subsentient> It's mind bogglingly stupid.
[03:22:40] <JamesNZ> Subsentient: I guess if you're already using boost it wouldn't be so bad.
[03:22:51] <JamesNZ> But otherwise, yeah seems unnecessary.
[03:22:58] <Subsentient> They try that shit with a C developer, we'd skin em alive and feed them to the undefined behaviour wolves :^D
[03:23:02] <Bytram|away> good night everyone!
[03:23:15] <JamesNZ> \o Bytram|away
[03:24:48] <Deucalion> I'm sure they have protocols around when and how deadly fire can be used and on what authority. As with the main police authorities, armed airport plod don't ever seem to get a fire on your own recognisance ticket. Who knows, perhaps there is an eventuality that would trip such a thing. I generally just wander up to them and ask them about the weapon, as I've only ever seen such things in vidya games and they all look like MP5s to me. Generally
[03:24:48] <Deucalion> , once the ascertain you're not a complete nutter, their perfectly friendly.
[03:27:04] <nick> sure, as i said before, i don't fear the armed UK police
[03:27:12] <nick> i fear their handcuffs more than their weapons
[03:27:50] <cmn32480> what's wrong wiht the info on this web page? - http://hiltongardeninn3.hilton.com
[03:27:51] <webscale> ^ 03Weather - New Orleans
[03:28:04] <nick> but on the other hand, also as i quoted earlier in regard to one of more recent the fatal shootings... 'there was a "lack of clarity" over who was in control of the frontline officers'
[03:28:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> all our cops are armed and i don't fear either their cuffs or their guns. it's their jackboots that get me.
[03:28:44] <nick> so while they may well not get to shoot on their own authority, who's authority they do shoot on is not apparently known to anyone
[03:30:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> and their bosses(politicians). those are the really scary bastards.
[03:30:22] <nick> indeed, tmb
[03:30:56] <nick> "i dont fault the police, 'cause the people that run 'em, got 'em on a short leash"
[03:31:32] * Subsentient throws a blob of peanut butter at the nearest police car
[03:31:54] <takyon> sure is anti-authoritarian in here
[03:32:14] <nick> saw one of those cop TV shows the other week... a multi man police operation to catch some guy driving down a motorway with a small van with some alcohol that hadn't had tax paid on
[03:32:14] <takyon> i'm listening to a recorded livestream about some cop watch guy that got arrested
[03:32:17] <TheMightyBuzzard> Subsentient, you gonna be around tomorrow morning?
[03:32:38] <nick> and the police office said "we get taxed to the hilt, so why should they get away with not being taxed?"
[03:32:40] <TheMightyBuzzard> #youtube authority song
[03:32:41] <MrPlow> https://www.youtube.com
[03:32:42] <Subsentient> TheMightyBuzzard: Probably, why?
[03:32:48] <nick> officer*
[03:33:01] <takyon> nick: taxation, representation courtesy of the po po!
[03:33:05] <nick> or as i heard it "i get fucked up the ass, so everyone else should too"
[03:33:39] <TheMightyBuzzard> cool, i got a pointer that simply will not let me reassign it for some reason and would like you to take a look at it.
[03:33:48] <nick> and that's when the corporate avenger lyric then came into my head about 'the people than run 'em got 'em on a short leash'
[03:34:17] <takyon> they call into a jail on the livestream and get some hold music I've heard before
[03:35:54] <nick> takyon: that's sounding quite random
[03:36:11] <takyon> why?
[03:36:20] <TheMightyBuzzard> hrm, should i fire up my pirate radio station again? western tennessee is sorely lacking in punk stations for some reason.
[03:36:22] <Deucalion> takyon, anti-authoritarian? SN? You must be mistaken Sir... we're, to a man, all for the authoritarian stasi style boot on the face of the common man for ever up in here :D Or maybe it is somewhat more nuanced than that and we all bother to think for ourselves :D I know right.... think for ourselves.... as if that is a thing in 2016! xD
[03:36:45] <takyon> whoops, I must have been thinking of the other site, Duke
[03:36:57] <takyon> yes TMB, do eet
[03:37:08] <nick> agreed
[03:37:11] <nick> do it TMB
[03:37:14] <takyon> have any of you used Wikidata?
[03:37:37] <nick> i have considered it, but found it quite useless, can't remember what i was looking for though
[03:37:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> going to be a chore to find a spot on the dial what doesn't already have a country station on it but i spose i'll manage.
[03:37:55] <takyon> i was planning on testing it out for some knowledge scraping type applications
[03:38:03] <nick> anything not wikipedia has been pretty useless in my experience
[03:38:10] <nick> and obviously YMMV on wikipedia.
[03:38:24] <takyon> wikibooks have some nice stuff, but it's inconsistent
[03:38:28] <nick> dont know what datasets they actually have on wikidata
[03:38:29] <takyon> or unfinished
[03:38:43] <nick> yeah, that's like pretty much all the other wiki stuff that ive stumbled across
[03:39:13] <Deucalion> TMB, I have a ready to roll internet radio site all zipped up from when I used to do that shit. With Icecast / Shoutcast hooks etc. It was LAMP based, so probably horrifically out of date and thinking about it would need a complete rewrite :(
[03:40:03] <TheMightyBuzzard> Deucalion, dude, we made slashcode run.
[03:41:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> i was thinking of over the air rather than net streaming though.
[03:41:50] <takyon> old skool
[03:41:55] <takyon> not even digital fm
[03:42:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> got a tiny little transmitter that can go about two blocks and an amp that pushes my broadcast range to about two miles.
[03:42:15] <nick> those were the days
[03:42:24] <TheMightyBuzzard> assuming they both still work after being boxed up and wagged to TN
[03:42:43] * nick reminisces about his stints in internet radio
[03:43:34] <Deucalion> TheMightyBuzzard, a lot of it I coded myself, prolly 10 years ago, when I knew less than the little I know now. It kept tracks played by DJ and all kinds of crud into MySQL from the Shoutcast we were running. A lot of php based page scraping involved though. Then again Shoutcast has not really evolved since then
[03:43:35] <TheMightyBuzzard> they're housed in a blank gradeschool lunchbox right now. jacks for the antenna and power coming through the sides.
[03:43:58] <nick> Deucalion: if it aint broke
[03:45:11] <Deucalion> nick, IDJC ftw! I still have it installed... a very simple yet performant Linux Shoutcast / Icecast DJ Console.
[03:45:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> nick, that should be our motto. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it. If it is, build a news discussion site out of it."
[03:47:07] <nick> can we add that to the list of quotes that come up at the bottom of the pages?
[03:47:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> we bloody well should but i think that's just a pipe to the fortune program
[03:47:56] <Deucalion> Before that it was Winamp with some Shoutcast plugin and I believe some people were using ripped off copies of SAM Broadcaster, but thanks to a ridiculous amount of beer in the intervening time I may have imagined that last bit.
[03:48:03] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh, yall bastards done inspired the roomie. he read the story on that ham->usb thingamajigger last week or the one before and now he wants his license and to build himself a radio.
[03:48:35] <nick> Deucalion: winamp w/ shoutcast was how i did it mostly if i recall
[03:49:08] <nick> i think one station i did for a while had another specific setup, but i didnt last there long when i kept throwing on random metal tracks on a dance orientated site/station
[03:49:40] <nick> i knew how to lose my audience
[03:49:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> heh, i just headphones jack from my computer out to the transmitter. use smplayer to queue up a bunch of songs on shuffle/repeat.
[03:50:22] <Deucalion> I can't for the life of me remember that plugin name.... I jumped to IDJC on linux when my Win2K box died. Had nice things like a backing track to underplay your voice bits and twin virtual decks so you could queue 2 queues then glide from one to t'other.
[03:50:24] <nick> every so often i do an FM scan in the car and pickup some pirate stations around london
[03:50:31] <nick> but it's a lot harder to find than back in the day
[03:50:44] <nick> i miss those old pirate stations, junglist massive!
[03:51:26] <nick> getting the shoutouts on the one ringers or texts into the stations phone
[03:51:55] <takyon> see you tomorrow
[03:52:05] <nick> https://www.youtube.com
[03:52:06] <webscale> ^ 03Flex FM - 103.6 - Rolling Beatz - 1994 - YouTube
[03:52:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> i'm... well i'm exactly like you'd expect as a DJ. play a mess of punk/80s/90s stuff, then throw in a three hour loop of the monty python penis song for good measure.
[03:53:30] <Deucalion> Doing it legit gets pricey if you attract listeners. If you want to not attract attention, the only game in town in the US is Loudcity which is banded licensing based on listener hours. It's not viable unless you monetise your audience as a small operator.
[03:54:05] <Deucalion> Or you go big and deal direct.
[03:54:05] <nick> yeah
[03:54:17] <nick> even then, not necessarily easy to do
[03:54:28] <nick> since as my understand is, the dj's have to pay the stations for airtime
[03:54:34] <nick> and then they have to make profit from the advertisers they get
[03:55:05] <nick> they give you the job, but you have to pay them to do it
[03:55:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> yeah, there ain't no room for small players in radio. big boys got it all locked up and the system rigged so it stays that way.
[03:55:35] <nick> which is why US radio DJ's are shills first
[03:55:46] <nick> cause the advertisers pay their bills, not the station or the listeners
[03:56:37] <Deucalion> Dunno how it is now, when I was running mine, I picked up all costs and the DJs got to stream for free - because it was a fun thing to do and a community formed around it. It was never going to be a money earner, was just a hobby.
[03:57:08] <nick> sure, the community online stuff is different, but if you're going mainstream or commercial
[03:57:18] <nick> it's a very very different world, at least in the US
[03:57:26] <nick> i doubt it works like that in the UK
[03:57:54] <nick> TheMightyBuzzard: much like any large institutions and organisations
[03:58:11] <nick> the existing players may not like each other, but one thing they can agree on is, they dont need you joining the club
[03:58:39] <TheMightyBuzzard> very few of em are sewn up as tightly as any kind of media though.
[03:59:04] <nick> sew up the important things, the rest takes care of itself
[03:59:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> bout the only thing you can do without shitloads of cash is print
[03:59:32] <nick> yeah, but getting circulation on that is not easy anymore
[04:00:05] <nick> better reach with online journal than a physical printing
[04:00:41] <nick> as an example, i subscribe to UK publication Private Eye, but because they dont have a proper online presence
[04:00:57] <nick> it usually takes months before anything they does gets picked up, usually after it's relevant by the mainstream
[04:01:17] <nick> and i can't even submit the stories here, as there's TFA to link to, unless i take a pic of the article
[04:01:47] <Deucalion> UK had a small internet broadcaster license thing going on when I was in the game.... but my audience and DJs were predominantly US based so went the Loudcity route for licensing. Expensive hobby, but I could afford it at the time so didn't care, it was nice to build a community. Shame it fell apart :(
[04:01:48] <nick> +no TFA
[04:01:51] -!- julian has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[04:02:36] <nick> props to you for doing it legit, i think everything i did operated in the grey area
[04:02:44] <nick> just wasn't my responsibility
[04:04:18] <nick> did look at doing it properly personally, but was too high costs at the time, and the audiences were not really worth it in the larger scheme of things
[04:04:20] <TheMightyBuzzard> heh, i make no bones about it. i've always been straight up pirate radio. illegal as fuck.
[04:04:35] <nick> you rebel ;)
[04:04:42] <Deucalion> Very few were licensed in any way.. and to my knowledge none were ever pursued for prosecution. I was just Mr.Poopy Pants.... if that US lawsuit 1/1000000 landed it would have been game over.
[04:04:47] * TheMightyBuzzard will never ever be any good
[04:05:00] <nick> im listening to Flex FM New Years Eve 1994 now, and they were kind enough to remind people not to drink drive
[04:07:09] <cmn32480> I gots an early flight
[04:07:15] <cmn32480> I'm gonna hit the sack
[04:07:21] <cmn32480> ~gnight #soylent
[04:07:23] * exec covertly hallucinates a fart hole of prison food with #soylent
[04:08:54] -!- nick_ [nick_!~nick@n707-11-812-898.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #Soylent
[04:09:07] <cmn32480> buzzard - I think this one is really for you:
[04:09:08] <cmn32480> * exec sneakily hurls a dutch oven of snack bar at #editorial
[04:09:17] -!- nick has quit [Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by nick_!~nick@n707-11-812-898.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy))]
[04:09:19] nick_ is now known as nick
[04:09:27] -!- nick has quit [Changing host]
[04:09:27] -!- nick [nick!~nick@Soylent/Staff/Editor/n1] has joined #Soylent
[04:09:27] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v nick] by Aphrodite
[04:09:39] <nick> https://www.youtube.com
[04:09:39] <webscale> ^ 03Shy FX ‎- Old Skool Jungle full album - YouTube
[04:10:40] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~g'night cmn32480
[04:10:42] * exec cromulently ships a pair of spitwads with cmn32480
[04:12:26] <nick> trying to find a damn cable to plug speakers in so i can listen to this oldskool jungle shit properly
[04:12:50] -!- Subsentient has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[04:15:36] * nick oldskool raves around the place
[04:15:48] * nick waves some glowstick around
[04:16:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> wait, when did raves get to be oldschool?
[04:16:26] <nick> when they happened 20 years ago
[04:16:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh, right, when i was going to bars.
[04:17:28] <nick> junglist massive since 1992 or so
[04:18:47] <TheMightyBuzzard> if one of the keatons didn't get in trouble for it, get off of my lawn.
[04:19:25] <nick> https://en.wikipedia.org
[04:19:26] <webscale> ^ 03Wiki: Oldschool jungle
[04:19:34] <nick> wikipedia knows what it's all about
[04:22:15] <TheMightyBuzzard> aight, ima grab my walker and hobble off to bed before it's time to get up again.
[04:23:39] <TheMightyBuzzard> SoyGuest12615, you are in charge of contrariness and creative mayhem until i get back.
[04:25:58] * nick hat tip, tmb
[04:31:50] <Deucalion> Raves? Yeesh... I have bleary memories from the Festival in the Forest of Dean from ~cough~ years back... quite the weekend... but that's before festivals became all commercial and nick got his cameras all up in the place at such events. Things that went on at festivals stayed at festivals... and then the cameras, the selfies, the regularisation, the police invited onto site etc. - used to be a good, now they are just expensive muppet brigade w
[04:31:50] <Deucalion> eekends with prices to match. Don't forget your Hunters and the Fortnum and Mason hamper darling, we can chow that from the tailgate of the Rangey and stay in the nearby Hilton. I have no idea, do the modern late teens / early 20s even have that kind of escape valve anymore?
[04:33:57] <Deucalion> I hope they do, and I hope they keep it a complete secret for fear of ruination by do-gooders.
[04:34:43] <nick> hey now dont blame me for ruining the festivals :(
[04:35:37] <nick> Deucalion: i don't think they do, it's much more limited than it ever was
[04:35:51] <nick> i got to see the end of it i think
[04:37:09] <nick> it would all be arranged on social media now, so easy enough for the police to track and shut down before it happens
[04:38:09] <nick> cause kids these days dont understand how it was back in the day and shit was kept on the down low and you had to know people and follow the flyers and various phone numbers to track down where shit was going down
[04:39:16] <Deucalion> I'm not blaming you. Festivals got commercialised - as anything does when it is realised there is a buck to be made. My day was all tents, hay bales to sit on and people with dubiously big pupils in their eyes. Those kinda festivals are now all regulated and controlled... can't have a gathering of such numbers without oversight of course.... they may ummm.. well.. be noisy or something. Anyway, that's not a thing anymore.
[04:40:16] <nick> it can be done, but the audiences are bigger now, so you cant have a couple thousand people having a rave in a field like you used to
[04:40:25] <nick> because it would spread over social media and then there'd be 10,000 too many people there
[04:40:35] <nick> and it would all go very badly very quickly
[04:40:48] <Deucalion> that sounds like manchester in the 90s.... where's the party tonight.. you don't already know, you ain't going. The Madchester period lol
[04:41:09] <nick> yeah, well that shit was still going on to a lesser extent into the early 2000's
[04:41:59] <nick> but as far as i know, it's pretty much dead now, except when some rich kid gets the run of the country estate and tries to emulate it
[04:43:18] <Deucalion> I know nick, my forest of dean days were in the 90s before the web really took off and certainly before social media.... I can't imagine any unorganised event that leaked onto social media now would be anything but overrun by twats and it turning into a shitstorm of unrest. I need to emigrate.
[04:43:42] <SirFinkus> you guys just aren't cool enough
[04:43:54] <SirFinkus> the system is working as intended
[04:44:14] * arti throws more hair onto the fire
[04:44:23] <Deucalion> Heh... we were cool before it was cool to even be cool... I'm groing a retro-beard to prove it
[04:44:36] <arti> acquire more pagan artifacts
[04:44:44] <nick> Deucalion: you can come live on my farm ;)
[04:44:50] <nick> we can have lots of raves :p
[04:49:29] <Deucalion> If there is food, a roof and running water... I'm there... raves or not. Oh and being left the fuck alone from petty bureaucracy.... that'd be pretty high on my list. Heh - I know how to ride horses too... I can be a gaucho.. or desperado out fixing fences etc. Has to be better than this incessant BS in the UK.
[04:55:54] <nick> well my hope is to provide a haven for friends and family who do have enough of life in the UK
[04:56:11] -!- richardboegli [richardboegli!~r@526-545-059-93.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #Soylent
[04:56:30] <nick> it's not for everyone, but i want to give people i care about the option
[04:57:44] <nick> i looked at a place the other day that had a natural spring on the plot, some of the cleanest water ive ever drank
[05:02:04] <Deucalion> put me on the list should you pull it off, I mean that. Will work my butt off for a better life :)
[05:03:13] <nick> you'll be more than welcome
[05:04:09] -!- JamesNZ has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[05:08:00] <Deucalion> I can't imagine herding cattle or w/e in south america is an easy life be it by horse or quad... but fuck me it has to better than flying a desk or sitting in yet another interminable traffic jam on the M25. I wish you luck.
[05:09:30] <nick> it's not going to be an easy life, but it's also not going to be a commercial operation so i wont be having hundreds of cows or anything
[05:10:30] <nick> self-sufficiency and sustainability is the goal, a little bit of everything but not too much of anything, but there is lots to learn of course
[05:10:41] <Deucalion> Sounds like a commune or co-op
[05:10:47] <nick> pretty much
[05:11:23] <nick> its either try this, and i dont have anything to lose
[05:11:27] * Deucalion shits in a bucket of hay
[05:11:36] <nick> or just do what everyone else does and get a mortgage for a shoebox
[05:13:43] <nick> Deucalion: http://en.mercopress.com
[05:13:43] <webscale> ^ 03Uruguay’s Quiet Democratic Miracle — MercoPress
[05:14:05] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Possible New Species of Octopus Discovered Near Hawaii - http://sylnt.us - it-might-be-a-hexapus
[05:14:24] <nick> "Perhaps because of this, Uruguay scores perfect 10s on the indexes of civil liberties and electoral process, a feat equaled only by Norway and New Zealand."
[05:14:33] <SirFinkus> those CUNTS
[05:14:36] <SirFinkus> how the fuck is that even legal
[05:14:55] <SirFinkus> just got $500 in bills from my insurance company
[05:14:56] <Deucalion> what's to lose... I took the latter option many years ago... and fuck me, what a deadweight anchor that turned out to be. Sure.... bought at £60K now selling for ~ £250K - didn't help me any at all... everything else has inflated equally when it comes to property in the SE, it's a fool's game as far as investment goes.
[05:15:06] <SirFinkus> for eye appointments I had in 2013
[05:15:12] <SirFinkus> what the actual fuck
[05:15:44] <SirFinkus> somebody is getting an angry phone call on monday
[05:15:51] <nick> :(
[05:16:18] <SirFinkus> they said that shit was denied, and I was covered for that, and I haven't heard shit from them since
[05:17:05] <SirFinkus> retroactively, apparently all this was denied 3 years after the fact
[05:17:28] * SirFinkus grumbles
[05:17:38] <Deucalion> Health care by free market insurance... what could possibly go wrong?
[05:18:06] <nick> SirFinkus: well im sure your legal team will be able to resolve the issue
[05:18:13] <SirFinkus> hahaha
[05:18:23] <SirFinkus> I post an asksoylent and get advice from internet lawyers
[05:20:21] <nick> 5 years and a few hundred thousand in lawyers fees im sure they'll agree that you didn't owe that $500, so it'll be a moral victory
[05:20:32] <nick> an expensive one, but it will prove the system works
[05:21:12] <SirFinkus> current plan is not giving them one red cent
[05:22:08] <Deucalion> Declare bankruptcy? Seems a bit overblown for a $500 invoice.... but the invoice is probably 10 minutes of a skilled lawyer's time. Fully socialised medical care, tis the only way to avoid this BS. Like hell we'll ever see that in the US... that'd be communist or something.
[05:22:33] <SirFinkus> bankrupcy? fuck that
[05:22:36] <SirFinkus> jokes on them
[05:22:40] <SirFinkus> I don't have any money
[05:22:54] <Runaway1956> Just found some FAH personal stats http://stats.free-dc.org
[05:22:55] <webscale> ^ 03User Stats for Runaway1956 in Folding@Home
[05:22:55] <nick> Deucalion: i think you'll find obamacare sorted all that out, at least that's what people not in the US seem to think about it.
[05:23:08] <SirFinkus> lol
[05:23:32] <Runaway1956> Obamacare seems to be great for the dirt poor
[05:23:37] <Deucalion> nick, are you having a laugh?
[05:23:43] <nick> indeed
[05:23:46] <Runaway1956> Doesn't seem to be any good for anyone else though
[05:23:54] <nick> 'seems' is about as far as it goes, from what i know
[05:24:22] <nick> sneeze in the wrong direction and it proves your not dirt poor from what ive been told
[05:24:58] <nick> so suddenly it's back to $50k in medical bills, because well you sneezed without filling out the appropriate form first.
[05:25:05] <Runaway1956> Well, the way I heard it is - those of us who were paying 300 to 600 / month for insurance weren't doing our share to insure illegal aliens
[05:25:12] <Runaway1956> so our rates had to be increased
[05:25:35] <nick> that might be the way they sold it in the divide and conquer strategy
[05:25:45] <Deucalion> Runaway1956, because the dirt poor are on Medicaid or w/e it's called not actually engaging with the insurance driven obamacare? Not that I can fault Obama for obamacare, that was probably the best they get passed and into action as far as socialised medicine goes. Who to blame? The politicos or the people voting for them?
[05:26:01] <nick> i have taken it more as 'now you're forced into it, the cartel goes into full force, and you cant excape, so price fixing and price increases are what's best for business'
[05:26:11] <nick> now the captive market is enshrined in ;aw
[05:26:14] <nick> law*
[05:26:25] <Runaway1956> awe*
[05:26:33] <Runaway1956> as in "shock and awe"
[05:27:14] <Runaway1956> and people wonder why Trump is so popular . . . .
[05:27:15] <nick> Deucalion: my pespective on 'socialized medicine' progress is the same that the 'alternative vote' system in the UK was an offer towards more representative democracy
[05:27:19] <nick> aka, a huge bait and switch
[05:27:54] <nick> only difference that the US got railroaded into their reform, ours was setup to fail
[05:29:06] <Deucalion> nick, I agree. Obamacare was a compromise, as was the AV vote here in the UK... hello, we want proportional representation.... well here is a vote on either AV or Status Quo.... FUCK YOU... where is the PR option you festering cunts?
[05:29:24] <nick> 'doing something is better than nothing' is about as good as obamacare got from what ive heard
[05:29:32] <nick> which is just 'well more laws solve every problem'
[05:29:42] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Subsentient] has joined #Soylent
[05:29:42] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Subsentient] by Aphrodite
[05:30:04] <Runaway1956> The old saying, "Do something right or wrong" wasn't meant to apply to politics
[05:30:09] <nick> but you see Deucalion, people rejecting AV proves that FPTP is the one true democratic system
[05:30:21] <nick> no need to ever revisit that debate again, was settled conclusively forever
[05:31:58] <Deucalion> nick, as I said at the time - the referendum clearly concluded that PR was not desired. Even though PR was not on the card. But it puts it any discussion about it away for another decade or two. Same thing with happen with the EU debate on either side no doubt.
[05:32:15] <Deucalion> will*
[05:33:04] <Deucalion> And as for the IPB.... I'm not going to discuss that in public
[05:33:28] * Runaway1956 thinks that if they wanted socialised medicine they should have gone full on "single payer"
[05:34:06] <nick> Runaway1956: which is what most people in the UK ive spoken to think obamacare is
[05:34:23] <nick> but as we know, lobbyists wouldn't allow that to get anywhere near being a formal proposal
[05:34:31] <Runaway1956> Obama is an abortion beside single payer
[05:34:52] <nick> so the democratic process had to happen, within a set of guidelines that wouldnt affect balance sheets and quarterly reports in any negative way
[05:34:52] <Runaway1956> Obamacare might be single payer's afterbirth
[05:35:12] <Deucalion> Or just accept having people dying on the street is not a good thing in any possible way for a civilised society... and FFS recognise mental illness as something that needs treating not incarceration!
[05:35:45] <nick> Deucalion: we're not doing so great at recognising and treating mental illness in the UK even after all these decades of the NHS
[05:35:51] <Runaway1956> Yeah, we could go back to the '50's when the nuts were hospitalized and given shock treatment
[05:36:13] <Deucalion> nick, granted
[05:37:01] <nick> and we're only getting worse in general, with the current trajectory of the NHS
[05:37:22] <Runaway1956> 'nother reason I like Trump - I get no emails from him, begging for money
[05:37:24] <Deucalion> Runaway1956, things have moved on a little since the 50's psychiatrists drugging and electrocuting the fuck out of people.
[05:37:31] <nick> but they do have all those american consultants coming over to advise the government on how to reform the nhs to ensure efficiency and cost effectiveness
[05:37:39] <nick> so im sure it'll get fixed because of that...
[05:37:55] <Runaway1956> Deucalion today we have more profitable drugs with which to dope people into submission
[05:38:40] <Deucalion> I come from a medic family nick - the older gens are dismayed at what is going on.
[05:38:46] <nick> that's what i was essentially offered here, try all these different drugs, if you actually hurt someone then maybe we'll think about some other form of treatment, or maybe just more drugs...
[05:39:09] <nick> being on their drugs made me fucking worse and more unbalanced
[05:39:38] <nick> Deucalion: im not surprised :(
[05:39:44] <Runaway1956> That is exactly what I hear about drugs, nick - they make you a zombie or something
[05:40:07] <nick> pretty much
[05:41:18] <nick> everyone is different, but the shit they put people on to try and deal with psychological problems, is more insanity than what the people are going through from what ive seen
[05:41:52] <nick> because ya know, therapy/counselling and other actual kinds of treatments that involve time and resources
[05:41:55] <nick> well that shit costs money
[05:42:02] <Deucalion> I was offered anti-depressants once by my GP.... I couldn't get out of there fast enough.... ran like the fucking wind... hell nooooo.... I don't want to be a fucked up zombie... pills are not the answer, change of life is, if one has the choice.
[05:42:09] <nick> so just top em up with some brain numbing shit, and send them on their way
[05:42:54] <nick> if they got therapy and something actually useful, they might not be a good little slave and think their sanity is more important than their job
[05:43:35] <nick> they just seem to try to numb you and mask the symptoms, manage the 'condition' not deal with it in any real way
[05:44:17] <Runaway1956> hospice for the mind
[05:45:27] <nick> Deucalion: sadly most people are of a similar perspective to the treatments on offer, if not worse
[05:46:01] <nick> unless you're violent, then you're criminal, otherwise it's not like you have cancer, mental illness/depression isnt a real thing
[05:47:20] * Runaway1956 misses kids in the house - for selfish reasons mostly
[05:47:35] <Runaway1956> The wife used to cook 3 to 6 meals per day
[05:47:50] <Runaway1956> Today, she tells me, "I microwaved a burrito, you're on your own!"
[05:48:18] <nick> heh
[05:48:46] <nick> no ones ever cooked that much for me
[05:49:02] <nick> i was lucky to get 1 meal as a kid.
[05:49:18] <nick> and for the last few years ive had to fend for myself
[05:49:22] <Runaway1956> Oh , she fed the kids well - and used to feed me very well when I worked at labor intensive jobs
[05:50:04] * Runaway1956 remembers the day he could eat 20,000 calories per day and not gain weight
[05:50:21] <nick> my mum worked two jobs when i was growing up, so sometimes the one meal was a bit of a stretch. for a while i ended up looking hungry and friends houses to get a meal.
[05:50:54] <Runaway1956> I remember that trick too - a lot of freinds ate better than we did at home
[05:51:06] <nick> yeah
[05:51:19] <Runaway1956> How many consecutive meals of macaroni and cheese can a person tolerate, anyway?
[05:51:31] <nick> my dad could only make omelettes
[05:51:33] <Deucalion> nick, I've never been violent in my life... well I did punch a twat for taking the mick out of my stammer when I as like 12..... he never took the mick again after that. But that was adolescent RAWR after too much provoking. Since then, meh...
[05:51:38] <nick> which is why i cant eat them today
[05:51:44] <nick> too much trauma from my past
[05:53:08] <nick> i'm pretty good at directly my rare outbursts of violence to inanimate objects, my knuckles don't usually thank me for it though.
[05:53:41] <nick> but it's something that happens maybe once a year if that, and i usually pick something that's going to hurt me rather than break, so it doesn't last that long
[05:54:30] <Deucalion> I don't get rage anymore, I just laugh it off.... it's always someone else who has a problem and not worth breaking a sweat about.
[05:55:07] <nick> thats very good you can do that
[05:55:47] <nick> sadly i think about things too much apparently, take things too seriously
[05:56:20] <nick> and if it's someone elses problem, i blame myself for not predicting what would happen and taking necessary precautions to avoid it.
[05:59:05] <nick> if im associated to a situation that has gone wrong, i feel responsible for not preventing it, regardless if it's actually directly my fault
[05:59:10] <Deucalion> But then I'm a damn hippy pacifist - I can de-escalate any confrontation with words... fisticuffs are so unnecessary... and I'm a big lump and not afraid of fisticuffs, maybe that plays into it... I'm not afraid to step up to the plate but when I've had to others back down and we go our separate ways without umbrage.
[05:59:58] <Runaway1956> Yes, Miss, I'd like a bucket of fried chicken, and a quart of umbrage to go.
[06:00:04] <nick> lol
[06:00:23] <nick> is a good skill to have, Deucalion
[06:00:53] <nick> ive had to stop going out with some friends, because they always find a confrontation
[06:01:14] <nick> ive never got myself into a situation, just happened to be around people who wanted to prove their shit
[06:02:16] <nick> guilty by association happened a few too many times and got jumped from behind
[06:04:02] <nick> i remember one time walking down a street, being jumped from behind and punched in the side of the head, turned around to square up to the asshole who tried to take me down... looked to my left quickly to see where my associates at the time were, running off down the street
[06:04:04] <Runaway1956> http://www.foxnews.com
[06:04:04] <webscale> ^ 03Coast Guard searching for man who fell off ship near Florida | Fox News
[06:04:24] <Deucalion> nick, I'm no coward, but I don't want to fight. I may be big, and in my 20s twatfaces in pubs were always trying to get me into some ridiculous argument or other. I was only big because I rowed four times a week... that gives you stupid shoulders. I liked rowing not fighting. Twats the lot of them.
[06:04:24] <Runaway1956> In five years of sea duty, I've only ever seen people go over the side INTENTIONALLY
[06:04:40] <nick> so they'd left me to deal with i dont know how many of these assholes by myself, for a situation they created
[06:05:31] <nick> it was at least 10 of them against 1 of me, at best it would have been 3 on 10, i remember the silhouettes of them just blocking the whole street as i turned around
[06:06:07] <Deucalion> This sounds like an XCOM scenario.... did you bring a Sniper?
[06:06:27] <nick> at the time i wasn't physically intimidating, but i was very good at being punched and not flinching and just staring back at people
[06:06:53] <nick> i ended up just running away myself and found my 'friends' hiding in a pub down the road
[06:07:04] <Runaway1956> Heh - sometimes, you don't have to be the best at kicking ass, but just be best at taking an asswhipping
[06:07:07] <Runaway1956> been there, done that
[06:07:37] <Runaway1956> It helps some if you're skinny as a rail, and they only hit bone - their broken knuckles stop them beating on you
[06:07:44] <nick> when i want to be now though, i can be intimidating but i dont ever fight, but sometimes my looks can kill :p
[06:08:35] <Deucalion> Sometimes you just need to be the master of "you sure you want to do that" .... then de-escalate
[06:08:46] <nick> pretty much my approach
[06:09:02] <Runaway1956> News from the BBC: Dementia sets in around age 40
[06:09:20] <Runaway1956> http://www.bbc.co.uk
[06:09:22] <webscale> ^ 03Dementia awareness boost planned for over-40s - BBC News ( http://www.bbc.co.uk )
[06:09:54] <Runaway1956> So THAT'S what is wrong with the UK
[06:11:39] <Deucalion> Th funny ones are the ones that proclaim loudly "I'm going to beat the shit out of you"... really? You'd have already done so if that was the case, now fuck off you drunkard.
[06:11:44] <nick> right ok, i hate to be that guy....
[06:11:54] <nick> BBC says: "Jeremy Hunt said the government's aim was for the UK to be the world's most "dementia-friendly" by 2020."
[06:12:10] <nick> the government actually says "The institute is expected to be up and running before 2020."
[06:12:22] * Runaway1956 has no idea what that even means
[06:12:58] <nick> i just take it as £150m for consultants and research trips around the world
[06:13:13] <Deucalion> Don't worry Runway1, the nurses will be along with your meds soon.
[06:13:22] <Runaway1956> Yeah - sounds about right - and policiticos skimming money off the top
[06:13:49] * Runaway1956 has coined a new word by mistyping politicos
[06:14:16] <nick> "attract new partnerships with the biopharmaceutical sector to develop new treatments and ways of diagnosing dementia "
[06:14:42] <nick> thats number 2 of the '3 key strands' of the initiative
[06:15:17] <nick> "Major pharmaceutical companies Biogen, GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson & Johnson, Lilly and Pfizer have all committed in principle to investing in the project, alongside Alzheimer’s Research UK and the UK government. "
[06:16:00] * nick gives the BBC a clap for making sure no one gets bogged down in the boring details of the charade
[06:16:08] <nick> "The government has been working with J.P. Morgan to structure the Dementia Discovery Fund"
[06:16:19] <Deucalion> Is Jeremy Hunt still knocking around in gov't? I thought he was long gone...
[06:16:34] <nick> long gone? not at all, he got promoted to health secretary
[06:16:41] <nick> he's the one in charge of the NHS reforms
[06:17:04] <nick> after that great job he did as culture secretary of whatever it was during the phone hacking scandal
[06:17:48] <Deucalion> Ye Gads.... what we need is Goldman-Sachs and Accenture to advise on how best to do this... whatever it is... thing... give me a soundbite would ya love
[06:18:33] <nick> just to prove im not making it up
[06:18:34] <Runaway1956> Holding the phone under the secretary or something like that?
[06:18:35] <nick> https://www.gov.uk
[06:18:37] <webscale> ^ 03Health secretary announces $100m Dementia Discovery Fund - News stories - GOV.UK
[06:18:43] <nick> https://www.gov.uk
[06:18:44] <webscale> ^ 03PM announces funding for UK’s first Dementia Research Institute - Press releases - GOV.UK
[06:19:09] <SirFinkus> another node in the botnet
[06:19:11] <nick> because it would be too much work for anyone in the BBC to read whats on the gov.uk website
[06:19:32] <nick> much easier to ask Jeremy Hunts press secretary to give them the overview of it
[06:19:42] <Deucalion> snout tray goes around in a corrupt "democracy"... something new?
[06:20:08] <Deucalion> I'm out to inspect my eyelids
[06:20:13] <Deucalion> nighters
[06:20:22] <nick> im really not doing myself any favours if i want to be taken seriously in journalism with all this reading
[06:20:27] <nick> g'night Deucalion
[06:22:21] <Runaway1956> Unwanted pet disposal here - https://www.rt.com
[06:22:22] <webscale> ^ 03Man throws live dog to polar bear in Russia’s Far East [DISTURBING VIDEO] — RT News
[06:27:52] <nick> ...
[06:28:33] <Runaway1956> Damn - video on the same page shows polar bear mauling a young woman
[06:29:07] <nick> time for me to sleep before i read more stuff to make me angry
[06:29:43] <Runaway1956> later
[06:33:20] * nick hat tip
[06:45:14] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Hundreds of Hackers Celebrate Open Data Day - http://sylnt.us - free-the-data-(and-hat)
[07:25:18] <Tramtrist> :D
[07:25:28] <Tramtrist> so.. who here is not using irssi
[07:25:33] <Tramtrist> and.. shame on you
[07:30:25] <chromas> irssi is too modern and hipster
[07:32:01] * chromas uses systemd-ircclientd
[07:38:16] <Tramtrist> hah systemd
[07:38:24] <Tramtrist> if its systemd its decades younger
[07:38:44] <Tramtrist> i hear systemd is competing with SAP and EBS now in ERP space
[07:38:46] <chromas> but it's modern retro; it's not hip yet
[07:38:48] <Tramtrist> they're almost there
[07:39:15] <Tramtrist> systemd also doing some car wash systems i heard
[07:40:36] <chromas> Sure! It can manage any service
[08:03:28] -!- richardboegliAFK [richardboegliAFK!~r@072-656-560-588.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #Soylent
[08:04:42] -!- richardboegli has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[08:07:29] -!- JamesNZ [JamesNZ!~JamesNZ@60.234.vml.gj] has joined #Soylent
[08:09:49] <Tramtrist> i heard the next mars mission will be completely run from systemd
[08:10:07] <Tramtrist> nothing it cant do
[08:13:47] <JamesNZ> systemd++
[08:13:47] <Bender> karma - systemd: -24
[08:15:40] <Tramtrist> hah
[08:15:43] <Tramtrist> awesome
[08:16:23] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Amazon Removes Tablet Encryption With Latest FireOS Update; then Promises to Restore it this Spring - http://sylnt.us - what-were-they-thinking?
[10:06:09] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[10:07:09] -!- JamesNZ has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[10:10:30] <Runaway1956> systemd--
[10:10:30] <Bender> karma - systemd: -25
[10:11:10] <Runaway1956> Geez, Louise - systemd is already taking over the world, you don't want it to take over IRC, do ya?
[10:11:17] <Tramtrist> systemd--
[10:11:17] <Bender> karma - systemd: -26
[10:11:29] <Runaway1956> coffee++
[10:11:29] <Bender> karma - coffee: 2320
[10:11:35] <Tramtrist> systemd is on a really slow path to being Windows
[10:11:44] <Tramtrist> also running all of the worlds nuclear reactors
[10:11:46] <Runaway1956> now, if coffee takes over IRC, we'd all be better off.
[10:11:53] <Tramtrist> and possibly becoming an organized religion
[10:12:12] <Runaway1956> kinda like the Church of Global Warming?
[10:12:48] <Tramtrist> probably but more likely systemd
[10:13:17] <crutchy> heil our lord saviour lennart poettering
[10:13:27] <Tramtrist> he lives in korea i think
[10:13:42] * Runaway1956 pisses on lords and saviours indiscriminately
[10:13:44] <Tramtrist> linux registry for dummies
[10:14:47] <crutchy> to be honest i wouldn't mind the registry if it worked properly
[10:15:14] <crutchy> its just like another filesystem really
[10:16:04] <Runaway1956> speaking of registries - I wonder how I avoided being put on a deviant registry when I was younger
[10:16:20] <Runaway1956> probably because they didn't have registries back then?
[10:16:34] <Tramtrist> i should have been in jail
[10:16:35] <crutchy> how do you know you weren't added to a deviant registry?
[10:16:49] <Tramtrist> stuff i did back then .. today.. id be in jail
[10:16:56] <Runaway1956> I was never informed of it, so it would be illegal
[10:17:04] <Tramtrist> before 9/11
[10:17:17] <crutchy> hmm fair point :p
[10:17:38] <Runaway1956> Yeah, today, carrying a .22 rifle within twenty miles of a school house would get you locked up forever
[10:17:41] <crutchy> 9/11 is like 0 bc for terrorism
[10:17:48] <crutchy> s/bc/AD/
[10:17:57] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Star Trek Continues Continues - http://sylnt.us - boldy-going-where-no-fan-has-gone-before
[10:18:04] * crutchy kicks sedbut
[10:18:12] <Tramtrist> hey what happened with mst3k remake?
[10:18:15] <Tramtrist> whens that cfoming out?
[10:18:24] <crutchy> ~sed on
[10:18:25] <exec> sed enabled for 10#Soylent
[10:19:41] <crutchy> mr chromas sir.. are you still managing our SedonismBot?
[10:19:45] * Runaway1956 thinks a reboot might be in order soon . . . . installed a bunch of crap to a new OS, not sure everything is in proper order yet
[10:20:08] <Runaway1956> Sedonism? I understand hedonism
[10:20:12] <chromas> oh yeah; disconnected earlier and forgot about that bot
[10:20:30] * chromas suspects exec could take over his bots' dooty
[10:20:59] <crutchy> chromas, s/ty/dy/
[10:21:01] <exec> <crutchy> <chromas> suspects exec could take over his bots' doody
[10:21:30] <chromas> yes, all the number two pencils of the bots :D
[10:21:32] -!- stderr has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[10:21:32] <crutchy> dunno. methinks from very vague memory there was some reason why sedbot was betterer
[10:22:13] <crutchy> maybe it was cos exec used to be very unreliable
[10:22:34] <chromas> sedbutt does moar things after the final / but it dies with mismatche parentheses
[10:22:47] <crutchy> oh
[10:23:04] <chromas> and you can use anything for the slashes
[10:23:18] <crutchy> i can't remember what exec's thingamajig does
[10:23:22] <crutchy> i think it uses gnu sed
[10:23:39] <chromas> ganoo
[10:23:50] <crutchy> s#gnu#poo#
[10:23:52] <exec> <crutchy> i think it uses poo sed
[10:23:58] <chromas> cool!
[10:24:00] <crutchy> hmm
[10:24:15] <crutchy> there might be a subset of characters you can use maybe
[10:24:29] <chromas> s💩.*💩\💩💩
[10:24:32] <chromas> aw
[10:25:02] <crutchy> if it works in gnu sed it should (might) work here
[10:25:26] <crutchy> only thing i disabled was the -e switch
[10:25:46] <crutchy> or /e or whatever it is
[10:27:15] <Runaway1956> those / switches are for Windows users aren't they?
[10:28:30] <Runaway1956> closing windows for reboot - bbiab
[10:28:38] -!- Runaway1956 has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[10:30:38] <crutchy> foo bar
[10:30:40] -!- stderr [stderr!~pohol@GetOffMyLawn/stderr] has joined #Soylent
[10:30:40] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v stderr] by Aphrodite
[10:30:58] <crutchy> s/(foo)[[:space:]]*(bar)/\2 \1/
[10:31:08] <crutchy> foo bar
[10:31:14] <crutchy> -r s/(foo)[[:space:]]*(bar)/\2 \1/
[10:31:42] <crutchy> needs a debug mode
[10:33:53] <crutchy> aaa(bbb)aaa(bbb)aaa
[10:34:02] <crutchy> s/\([^\(]*\)/./
[10:34:04] <exec> <crutchy> .(bbb)aaa(bbb)aaa
[10:34:52] <crutchy> aaa(bbb)aaa(bbb)aaa
[10:35:00] <crutchy> s/\(.*\)/./
[10:35:03] <exec> <crutchy> .
[10:35:12] <crutchy> :|
[10:36:33] <Tramtrist> oh lord
[10:37:39] <crutchy> ¿
[10:37:54] <Tramtrist>
[10:38:15] <crutchy> ~trans Tramtrist
[10:38:17] <exec> <Tramtrist> 何: what
[10:38:51] <Tramtrist> hmm..
[10:39:01] <Tramtrist> これは何ですか
[10:39:12] <Tramtrist> ~trans Tramtrist
[10:39:14] <exec> <Tramtrist> これは何ですか: What is this
[10:39:17] <Tramtrist> nice
[10:46:31] * Subsentient farts
[10:46:47] * Subsentient makes crutchy smell it
[10:46:53] <Subsentient> $godzilla
[10:47:16] <crutchy> rekt
[10:47:24] -!- aqu4 [aqu4!~aqu4bot@universe2.us/ircbot/aqu4] has joined #Soylent
[10:47:27] <Subsentient> $godzilla
[10:47:35] * aqu4 turns into Godzilla and begins to wreak havoc upon you all
[10:47:36] <aqu4> *ROMP*
[10:47:37] <aqu4> *ROMP*
[10:47:38] <aqu4> *ROMP*
[10:47:38] <aqu4> *ROMP*
[10:47:39] <aqu4> *ROMP*
[10:47:40] * aqu4 eats SoyGuest18858
[10:47:41] <aqu4> *ROMP*
[10:47:42] <aqu4> *ROMP*
[10:47:42] <aqu4> *ROMP*
[10:47:43] * aqu4 craps out SoyGuest18858 on mrcoolbp
[10:47:44] <aqu4> *ROMP*
[10:47:45] <aqu4> *ROMP*
[10:47:46] <aqu4> *ROMP*
[10:47:46] <aqu4> *ROMP*
[10:47:47] * aqu4 slowly shrinks back to normal size and scampers off
[10:47:52] <Subsentient> $burrito crutchy
[10:47:52] * aqu4 chucks a nasty, rotten burrito at crutchy
[10:48:02] <Subsentient> crutchy: I liked pwned better, actually.
[10:48:06] -!- Runaway1956 [Runaway1956!~sabayonus@76.72.uyy.th] has joined #Soylent
[10:48:35] <crutchy> rekt is what the cool kids use nowadays
[10:48:37] <crutchy> or some shit
[10:48:40] <crutchy> who knows
[10:50:08] <Runaway1956> failed to boot first time around - something generated an /etc/X11/xorg.conf file which screwed things up
[10:50:34] <Ticho> let me guess - nouveau driver instead of the proprietary one?
[10:51:06] <Runaway1956> No, it was proprietary, but I think it was the wrong version - didn't waste time studying it, I just deleted the xorg.conf
[10:51:20] <Runaway1956> ls
[10:51:43] <crutchy> nvidia-xconfig writes a xorg.conf
[10:52:09] <crutchy> never heard of it running auto though
[10:52:32] <Runaway1956> I don't *remember* running it, but maybe I did.
[10:53:02] <Runaway1956> So many loose ends with a fresh install - running Gentoo now, because I couldn't get F@H to use my GPU
[10:53:10] * crutchy blames poettering
[10:53:12] <Runaway1956> GPU is running strong now though
[10:53:33] <crutchy> ~link folding
[10:53:35] <exec> ├─ folding@home => http://fah-web.stanford.edu
[10:53:35] <exec> └─ folding@home_stats => http://folding.extremeoverclocking.com
[10:54:15] <crutchy> ooh getting towards 2000 slowly
[10:54:24] <Runaway1956> FAHControl can't be found in Gentoo though
[10:55:32] <Runaway1956> And, the results of enabling that GPU - http://fah-web2.stanford.edu
[10:55:33] <webscale> ^ 03Team 10's contributions to Folding@home ( http://fah-web2.stanford.edu )
[10:55:44] <Runaway1956> I've passed SirFinkus
[10:56:25] <crutchy> ~link folding@home_stats http://folding.extremeoverclocking.com
[10:56:27] <exec> └─ folding@home_stats => http://folding.extremeoverclocking.com
[10:58:09] <Runaway1956> The time will come when we only pass up two teams in a week though
[10:58:39] <crutchy> true
[10:59:47] <Runaway1956> How come we got two crutchies on the team, you got a split personality thing going on?
[11:00:04] <crutchy> got it running at home and at work
[11:00:21] * Runaway1956 won't touch the work computers
[11:00:56] <crutchy> i work for a small engineering consultancy with in-house IT management
[11:01:41] <Runaway1956> "someone" took "offense" the last time I fooled with a computer at work - basically, I rebooted the damned thing because it had updates waiting to install
[11:02:03] <Runaway1956> I said "fok it, their computers can melt down, and I won't lift a finger to save them"
[11:02:12] <crutchy> lol you interfered with their empire!
[11:02:25] <Runaway1956> Insecure sniveling little vermin
[11:02:34] <Ticho> if only you'd spend your time on something actually worthwile, like baking cookies - http://orteil.dashnet.org
[11:02:35] <webscale> ^ 03Cookie Clicker ( http://orteil.dashnet.org )
[11:03:55] * crutchy set up a vm hypervisor and runs a couple of web service vms off it. till a couple of years ago when we got another guy in that was nerdy i was the only one that knew how it worked
[11:03:58] * cmn32480 is leaving on a jet plane
[11:04:02] <Runaway1956> Flabbergasted I am
[11:04:13] <crutchy> IT management where i work is pretty basic
[11:04:21] <cmn32480> maybe see you gentlemen from 30,000ft... or not
[11:04:32] <cmn32480> ~gday #soylent
[11:04:34] * exec ceremoniously bitchslaps a bucket of chromas' tossed salad with #soylent
[11:04:37] <Runaway1956> Probably not - I only go out at night
[11:04:38] * crutchy gets out his laser pointer >;-D
[11:04:55] <crutchy> ~g'day cmn32480
[11:04:57] * exec carefully gives birth to a goblet of feminism for cmn32480
[11:05:01] <cmn32480> must be a helluva laser pointer to reach em from there
[11:05:14] <cmn32480> ok
[11:05:17] <cmn32480> shutting down
[11:05:26] <cmn32480> see y'all in a few days.
[11:05:32] <crutchy> cya mate. stay safe
[11:05:36] <Runaway1956> later - don't get caught by the KGB
[11:05:45] <cmn32480> the wife is coming wiht on this business trip so I may be anti-social until I get back
[11:05:48] <crutchy> or the toilet safety administration
[11:06:11] <cmn32480> lol
[11:06:14] <cmn32480> laters!
[11:15:57] <Runaway1956> America - what a place. No place else has an administration dedicated to keeping their toilets safe.
[11:16:33] <crutchy> that's why they are so advanced
[11:45:21] -!- Subsentient has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[11:49:07] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Tails Linux 2.2 Adds libdvdcss2 for Viewing Protected DVDs - http://sylnt.us - semed-like-a-good-idea-at-the-time?
[11:59:51] -!- crutchy has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[12:01:37] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[12:01:38] <Bender> karma - coffee: 2321
[12:06:28] <Runaway1956> Well, hello Arch dude
[12:06:34] * Runaway1956 is a gentoo guy now
[12:07:10] <Runaway1956> coffee++
[12:07:10] <Bender> karma - coffee: 2322
[12:07:25] <Runaway1956> systemd--
[12:07:25] <Bender> karma - systemd: -27
[12:07:31] <TheMightyBuzzard> truth
[12:07:36] <TheMightyBuzzard> systemd--
[12:07:36] <Bender> karma - systemd: -28
[12:08:02] <Runaway1956> I couldn't get my damned GPU working Folding@Home on arch, and wrecked the system trying.
[12:08:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> how long'd it take ya to compile the whole bloody OS?
[12:08:19] <Runaway1956> Installed a Gentoo derivative, and it "just works"
[12:08:30] <Runaway1956> Didn't have to - you gotta keep up with the times.
[12:09:03] <Runaway1956> https://www.sabayon.org
[12:09:04] <webscale> ^ 03Sabayon | Home
[12:09:27] <Runaway1956> It will install from source, or install binaries for you, everything preconfigured
[12:09:38] <Runaway1956> Yeah, it's cheating, but what the hell, huh?
[12:09:52] <Runaway1956> Can always go back, and emerge world
[12:09:55] <TheMightyBuzzard> yeah, more or less
[12:10:45] <Runaway1956> Anyway, with the GPU working, I've passed up SirFinkus, who I have been trailing ever since we started the team
[12:10:55] <TheMightyBuzzard> heh
[12:11:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> silly peoples. burning out your processors for a bigger epeen
[12:11:59] <Runaway1956> LOL - what better way to spend our overabundance of time and money?
[12:12:37] <TheMightyBuzzard> if you feel the need, i spose. my epeen already drags the ground though, so i've no incentive.
[12:13:05] <Runaway1956> Drag the ground? I plow up furrows when I walk through the fields.
[12:13:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> using attachments is cheating
[12:13:51] * Runaway1956 chuckles
[12:14:35] <Runaway1956> Damn, I missed a chance at a mom comeback . . . .
[12:15:47] <Runaway1956> Anyway - if you EVER feel the need to do a Gentoo, but don't want to go through all the hassle, remember Sabayon
[12:15:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> yeurg, i don't feel like debugging testbot today.
[12:15:56] <TheMightyBuzzard> nod nod
[12:16:33] <TheMightyBuzzard> mostly i've less desire to set up an entire system again than i do to be off systemd.
[12:16:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> got this beastie working exactly like i want it and i don't wanna have to do it again.
[12:17:02] <Runaway1956> mmm-hmmmmm
[12:18:03] * Runaway1956 has installed his favorite desktop - but hasn't yet logged out and in to use it
[12:18:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> don't even like rebooting to winders to play vidya
[12:18:13] <Runaway1956> setting up is a pain in the arse
[12:18:24] <TheMightyBuzzard> heh, enlightenment?
[12:19:05] <Runaway1956> yeah
[12:19:54] <TheMightyBuzzard> mine's a frankenbeast monster of straight openbox, lxde, mate, and a few things that aren't default on any de
[12:20:37] <Runaway1956> It's kinda strange how you've got to pull in all kinds of shit from G, K, and various other desktops just to run some application
[12:20:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> nod nod
[12:21:01] <Runaway1956> We've done something wrong in the world of Gnu and Linux
[12:21:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> stuff too much at once into a single library
[12:21:58] <TheMightyBuzzard> and tied programs too closely to a particular de
[12:22:05] -!- richardboegliAFK has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[12:24:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> needs to be a single toolkit abstraction layer that gtk and kde both draw from
[12:24:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> prolly a pipe dream though.
[12:26:56] <Runaway1956> "do one thing, and do it well" has been lost upon the DE people
[12:28:33] <TheMightyBuzzard> and was apparently kyrptonite to pottering
[12:31:13] * Runaway1956 needs to set up automounts and crap, then do a backup so I can roll back when I screw things up . . . . Can't even access my RAID yet, as normal user
[12:31:47] <TheMightyBuzzard> yeah, that's the kind of fun i'm avoiding
[13:05:35] <chromas> no way man, kde and gtk don't stuff too many things into one library. they both have a metric shitton of libs :D
[13:06:00] * chromas notes that qt kicks ass and gtk can suck it
[13:09:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> chromas: s/k/l/
[13:09:27] <exec> <TheMightyBuzzard> <chromas> notes that qt licks ass and gtk can suck it
[13:20:17] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Trump Seems to Alter Stance on H1-B Visas - http://sylnt.us - Trump-eting-change
[14:13:31] <cmn32480> ~gday gents
[14:13:33] * exec cromulently refactors a cheap plastic cup of gimlet for gents
[14:23:24] <cmn32480> greetings from 34,000 feet
[14:55:36] <cmn32480> I'm sitting here watching in fascinated amazement as the guy across the aisle sovles and unsloves his Rubiks' cube
[14:56:16] <cmn32480> his fingers are FLYING around that cube
[15:04:26] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[15:12:40] <Ticho> I always envied people who could do that
[15:12:49] <Ticho> I don't know why, it's an otherwise almost useless skill, but still...
[15:20:03] <mrcoolbp> how's the air up there cmn32480?
[15:21:49] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Dating App for Women Adds "BFF Mode" - http://sylnt.us - forever-is-a-long-time
[15:22:12] <paulej72> Morning all
[15:26:25] Bytram is now known as Bytram|away
[15:26:29] <Bytram|away> !uid
[15:26:29] <Bender> The current maximum UID is 6146, owned by mexsudo
[15:26:35] <Bytram|away> coffee++
[15:26:35] <Bender> karma - coffee: 2323
[15:26:59] <Bytram|away> gtg, see ya all in a few hours
[16:09:25] -!- nick has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[16:13:23] <Gravis> google images' related searches seem to be like your subconcious because everytime i search for industrial machinary that's at least somewhat dangerous, the related searches seem to include "accident" and "extremely graphic accident" -_-
[16:14:34] <Gravis> "here's images of a lathe... are you sure you don't want to see the horrors that may befall you?" "no, google... i'm sure." -_-
[16:23:32] -!- nick [nick!~nick@Soylent/Staff/Editor/n1] has joined #Soylent
[16:23:32] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v nick] by Aphrodite
[16:28:35] -!- nick has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[16:52:58] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Watch a 120-Year-Old 'Millionaire' Machine Do Some Astounding Calculations - http://sylnt.us - mechanical-computing
[17:36:42] -!- everdred has quit [Changing host]
[17:36:42] -!- everdred [everdred!~irssi@Soylent/Users/110/Everdred] has joined #Soylent
[17:48:53] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[17:53:59] <Bytram> http://www.cringely.com
[17:54:00] <webscale> ^ 03I, Cringely IBM loses its mind - I, Cringely
[18:32:49] -!- Mayate [Mayate!~62b0c8c6@ka52-830-964-802.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #Soylent
[18:33:15] * Mayate is watching the Mayates and Vatos brawl in jail
[18:34:02] <Mayate> Aww, shit - SirFink got the plus
[18:53:59] -!- Mayate has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[18:54:31] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Watch a 120-Year-Old 'Millionaire' Machine do Some Astounding Calculations [Updated] - http://sylnt.us - mechanical-computing || Ex-TEPCO Bosses Indicted for 2011 Fukushima Nuclear Disaster - http://sylnt.us - delayed-justice
[19:02:49] <SirFinkus> Runaway1956 you bastard
[19:03:50] <SirFinkus> good news is we're almost making enough points that traverse won't be a threat anymore
[19:03:57] <SirFinkus> just need 20k more
[19:04:07] <SirFinkus> they're 5 months from beating us
[19:04:21] <SirFinkus> ~folding-rank
[19:04:23] <exec> 072100
[19:07:48] <Bytram> yay! just made it onto the next page! http://folding.extremeoverclocking.com
[19:07:49] <webscale> ^ 03Folding @ Home Teams Overall Rank - EXTREME Overclocking Folding @ Home Stats
[19:09:10] <Bytram> and, at this rate, within 1.7 months, we'll make it to the top 1000: http://folding.extremeoverclocking.com
[19:09:11] <webscale> ^ 03Team Overtakes - EXTREME Overclocking Folding @ Home Stats
[19:10:16] <Bytram> if our production does not change, it looks like it'll be 6.5 months to make it to the top 500: http://folding.extremeoverclocking.com
[19:10:16] <webscale> ^ 03Team Overtakes - EXTREME Overclocking Folding @ Home Stats
[19:20:33] <Runaway1956> traverse?
[19:20:45] <SirFinkus> our first overtaker
[19:20:47] <SirFinkus> maybe
[19:21:14] <Runaway1956> We need to recruit a few more members
[19:21:25] <Runaway1956> Or, get more people cranking up their GPU's
[19:21:53] <Bytram> http://www.abc.net.au
[19:21:53] <webscale> ^ 03Nancy Reagan: Former US first lady dies from heart failure aged 94 - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
[19:22:20] <Runaway1956> That one makes me sad - I always thought that Nancy was a good woman.
[19:22:25] <Bytram> http://www.nytimes.com
[19:22:26] <webscale> ^ 03( http://www.nytimes.com )
[19:26:55] <arti> bumski with nancy
[19:33:46] <SirFinkus> "a good woman" that's a good one, amirite fellas?
[19:34:29] <Runaway1956> Well - there are plenty of men and women in politics who don't deserve to be called men or women - forget the "good"
[19:34:56] <arti> incoming hate from the trans community
[19:35:17] * Runaway1956 flips the trannies the bird
[19:43:05] <Gravis> Runaway1956: oh, you mean critters?
[19:43:21] <Runaway1956> ????????
[19:43:29] <Gravis> congress critters
[19:43:43] <Gravis> they are not people
[19:43:55] <Runaway1956> Congress critters, as well as some ex-president's wives
[19:44:22] <Gravis> no, you just call them critters
[19:44:34] <Runaway1956> vermin, yes
[19:45:03] <Runaway1956> Who was it that said, any person who desires to be president is unqualified to be president
[19:45:09] <Runaway1956> or words to that effect
[19:45:30] <Gravis> those who seek power deserve none?
[19:45:42] <Runaway1956> 'xactly
[19:45:57] <Gravis> Those who seek power are not worthy of that power. - Plato
[19:46:20] <Runaway1956> Oh, that guy - forgot him. He was pretty smart for an old bastard, wasn't he?
[19:47:05] <Gravis> he had some good ideas
[19:47:41] <Gravis> but he was flawed
[19:47:58] <Runaway1956> uh-huh - who doesn't have flaws?
[19:48:39] <Gravis> i'm not saying i'm perfect, i'm just saying, i've never argued that love between a boy and a man was more pure than between a man and a woman
[19:49:51] <Gravis> greece was a pretty fucked up place
[19:49:58] <Gravis> hell, the planet was
[19:50:01] <Runaway1956> I hear you - but I'll note that a lot of "those people" have been really smart people
[19:50:36] <Gravis> Runaway1956: who do you mean by "those people"?
[19:51:04] <Runaway1956> Gays, homos, poofs, queers, take your pick of those, and a bunch of other names.
[19:52:44] <Gravis> this was not that
[19:52:57] <Gravis> this was paedophilia
[19:53:34] -!- alexbst [alexbst!~lysander@thmnovybb.internationalconspiracy.org] has joined #Soylent
[19:53:48] <Runaway1956> Greece? Plato? Actually, the greeks allowed boys to reach puberty before they were groomed to be catamites
[19:54:01] <Gravis> "compares the relationship of the older man and his boy lover to the father-son relationship"
[19:54:02] <Runaway1956> That wasn't precisely pedophilia
[19:54:50] <Runaway1956> I've read a lot about homosexuality in Greece, but not so much pedophilia
[19:55:11] <Runaway1956> Yes, they liked their catamites to be young - as in, 12 to 16 years old
[19:55:19] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Nancy Reagan: Former US First Lady Dies of Heart Failure Aged 94 - http://sylnt.us - Rest-in-Peace
[19:55:44] <Gravis> Runaway1956: alright... hebephilia
[19:56:36] <Runaway1956> Yeah, that's closer
[19:57:18] <Gravis> yeah... that shit's fucked up
[19:57:42] <Runaway1956> We've still got that today, and few people are embarrassed by it
[19:57:55] <arti> nothing like judging the past by today's standards
[19:58:00] <Runaway1956> the Mormon off-shoot embraces it publicly
[19:58:09] <Gravis> arti: i judge all time by my standards
[19:58:22] <arti> 14 wasn't an uncommon age for marriage
[19:58:33] <Runaway1956> 50 - 60 year old bastards have harems full of pubescent little girls
[20:00:27] <Gravis> people involved in that kind of shit need to be culled
[20:00:50] <Runaway1956> Agreed - we get those mormons and half of Islam at the same time
[20:01:40] <Gravis> Runaway1956: and why are going after billions of people now?
[20:02:42] <Runaway1956> hebei - philiacs is why
[20:02:55] <Runaway1956> you said yourself, they should be culled, aminotright?
[20:03:27] <Gravis> Runaway1956: i do not believe that many people are involved in that specifically
[20:04:14] <Runaway1956> That's cool - maybe I'm wrong, and it's only 10% instead of 50% - but no matter how you look at it, their holy book pushes the heebies
[20:04:37] <Gravis> Runaway1956: it may be a cultural issue and that can be changed
[20:04:39] <Runaway1956> Marry her at age 9, and wait one year to bang her brains out
[20:04:53] <Runaway1956> Ehhhhhh -
[20:05:07] <Gravis> Runaway1956: it's the people who are seek it out when it is prohibitted that are the problem
[20:05:23] <Gravis> prohibited*
[20:05:24] <Runaway1956> Ahhhhh, you're a relativist
[20:05:51] <Runaway1956> Arti was trying to introduce relativism to the discussion a few lines back
[20:06:45] <Gravis> Runaway1956: no, i'm saying that just because someone partakes in a cultural event does not mean they desire it
[20:06:50] <Runaway1956> Relatively speaking, I'm happy being a judgemental old asshole
[20:06:56] <Gravis> Runaway1956: it's the people that desire it that are the problem
[20:07:08] <arti> totally not the ones who partake, got it
[20:07:17] <Runaway1956> I'm sure that makes sense, somehow
[20:07:18] <arti> "dude, this is totally a misunderstanding, i don't like it, it's just what we do!"
[20:07:29] <arti> gravis: you may go!
[20:07:34] <Runaway1956> I hear you arti
[20:07:54] <Gravis> arti: culture can be changed
[20:08:10] <arti> i thought you didn't like those people
[20:08:11] <Gravis> arti: people cannot
[20:08:17] <Runaway1956> Culture is harder to change that it is to change people - and changing people is damned hard
[20:08:38] <Gravis> pff! culture is easy to manipulate
[20:08:43] <Runaway1956> ask any disillusioned housewife who thought her choice of mates could be remade into something respectable
[20:09:00] <arti> mistake number 1, thinking you can change someone
[20:09:07] <Gravis> it just takes a few generations
[20:09:19] <arti> car analogy "i totally got this civic, it's going to be a sweet racecar!"
[20:09:26] <Runaway1956> And, you're going to be around for a few generations, to guide these changes? ROFLMAO
[20:09:38] <arti> gravis, start a religion!
[20:09:48] <arti> you can do properly what others have done poorly
[20:10:14] <Gravis> Runaway1956: no but i wouldn't condemn billions of people to death for something that can be changed
[20:10:37] <arti> so it's just the quantity then
[20:10:44] <arti> if it was only 50, it's cool?
[20:10:57] <Gravis> Runaway1956: i mean, by your logic, we should have killed everyone in the south for supporting slavery.
[20:11:01] <Runaway1956> Uh-huh - prove it, with at least two or three demonstrations
[20:11:04] <arti> it must have merit if there are that many partaking?
[20:11:20] <arti> gravis: islam and elsewhere also supported slavery
[20:11:31] <arti> for much longer
[20:11:38] <arti> yet the trope is it's the US
[20:11:48] <Runaway1956> Islam has swallowed more slaves than all the western world combined
[20:12:02] <arti> show's how influential our media is
[20:12:30] <Gravis> Runaway1956: tell us how you really feel about Islam
[20:12:54] <arti> wonder why christianophobe or jewiphobe doesn't exist
[20:12:58] <Runaway1956> If I had a time machine, my first assassination would be moo-ham-med
[20:13:17] <arti> "chairman moo"
[20:13:33] <Runaway1956> Go to one of his earliest famous battles, and snipe his ass with a .50 cal
[20:13:51] <arti> sounds like a great total war full conversion mod
[20:13:59] <arti> Total War: Butthurt
[20:14:04] <Gravis> <arti> wonder why christianophobe or jewiphobe doesn't exist <-- LOL? really?
[20:14:17] <Runaway1956> Yeah, butthurt when I sniped his ass LOL
[20:14:33] <arti> is any long distance shot a snipe?
[20:14:54] <Runaway1956> Just about anything over 1/2 a mile is considered a snipe
[20:14:56] <Gravis> arti: so you think there aren't any anti-semites?
[20:15:04] <Runaway1956> less than 1/2 mile is just good marksmandship
[20:15:14] <arti> gravis: islam is semetic.
[20:15:34] * Runaway1956 notes that Islam is not a race
[20:15:39] <arti> nuh uh!
[20:15:51] <Gravis> arti: and there aren't any jews or muslims that dislike christians?
[20:16:13] <Gravis> arti: seriously, that's the worst argument you have made... like... ever.
[20:16:16] <arti> why did islamophobe just creep up, dude.
[20:16:25] <Runaway1956> I've known Jews who didn't like Jews, and I've known Christians who don't like Christians - but they weren't phobics
[20:16:43] <arti> gravis, i'm glad you're keeping track of my arguments. i didn't think anyone cared
[20:16:45] <Runaway1956> It stemmed from homophobia
[20:16:48] * arti shares some eggs and bacon
[20:16:59] <arti> i have some green drink but it's too good for you
[20:17:04] -!- nick [nick!~nick@Soylent/Staff/Editor/n1] has joined #Soylent
[20:17:04] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v nick] by Aphrodite
[20:17:16] <Gravis> Runaway1956: no, they are phobias
[20:17:31] <arti> they're totally referred to as such
[20:17:34] * arti rolls eyes
[20:17:53] <Gravis> arti: people react to fear in very different ways
[20:17:59] <Runaway1956> hydrophobia is a thing - islamaphobia is just gay talk
[20:18:00] <arti> i don't fear them
[20:18:21] <arti> phobia is greek, i don't use it to refer to aversion
[20:18:31] <nick> sounds like a good time to stroll into this conversation...
[20:18:32] <Gravis> arti: well apparently you fear what they will do
[20:18:53] <Runaway1956> Jump on in, Nick, it's lots of fun!
[20:18:58] <arti> i understand what will occur when incompatible ideologies are introduced
[20:19:14] * Runaway1956 nods at arti
[20:19:20] <nick> arti: we take the worst parts of each ideology and adopt that
[20:19:30] <arti> nick: i love fag tossing from buildings
[20:19:39] <nick> thats what we call compromise, everyone gets to suffer in their own culturally unique way
[20:19:40] * arti rubs hands together with glee
[20:19:54] <Runaway1956> "we", meaning "the west" are expected to just roll over and allow the "other" cultures to dominate
[20:20:04] <Gravis> arti: so the Reformation was a fluke?
[20:20:12] <arti> gravis: islam had reformation?
[20:20:16] <nick> Runaway1956: sure, they can dominate social culture as long as we dominate economic culture
[20:20:22] <nick> that's the trade off the powers that be are working out
[20:20:41] <arti> also, greetings nick
[20:20:41] <Runaway1956> So, we're willing to sell our souls to the devil?
[20:20:48] * arti pronounces it debil
[20:20:48] <Gravis> arti: it was a serious cultural change
[20:20:55] <nick> Runaway1956: apparently so
[20:21:03] * nick hat tip arti
[20:21:18] <Gravis> arti: you seem to think since it was "incompatible" that you knew where that lead
[20:21:29] <arti> was? IS.
[20:21:39] <Runaway1956> For money, we'll allow the Afghanis to bugger us, rape our wives, and kill our sons, enslave our daughters
[20:21:58] <Gravis> arti: so the Protestant Reformation is a lie?
[20:22:09] <arti> we're not discussing christianity
[20:22:19] <nick> Runaway1956: i think the afghanis are the least of our problems
[20:22:22] <arti> i like how it always deflects from islam
[20:22:38] <Gravis> arti: i'm talking about the collision of seemingly incompatible ideologies.
[20:22:43] <arti> seemingly?
[20:23:06] <Gravis> arti: you implied it would turn out poorly
[20:23:08] <arti> must be why feminism is strong in those parts of the world.
[20:23:15] <arti> how's democracy working there?
[20:23:33] <Runaway1956> Here it is - who wants to be a bacha? https://rtd.rt.com
[20:23:36] <webscale> ^ 03They Don’t just Dance... Afghan tradition of hiring boys for sex — RT Documentary Channel Films
[20:23:43] <Runaway1956> Now I understand the term "bitch" better
[20:23:56] <nick> how's democracy working out anywhere?
[20:24:10] <arti> nick, i see you live in saudi arabia by choice
[20:24:12] <Runaway1956> I wouldn't know about democracy
[20:24:15] <nick> and it's not like democracy wasn't tried in some places and failed because the people made the wrong decision.
[20:24:40] <nick> so international coalitions have to be arranged to remind the people who they should have voted for and they wont get the option again
[20:24:42] <arti> some people like the boot to the face
[20:24:49] <Gravis> arti: if you want to say ideologies cannot be changed, you are going to have to deal with the examples of when it has changed
[20:25:09] <arti> gravis, please enlighten us about islam and how it's better than in the past
[20:25:10] <Runaway1956> cultures only change when change is FORCED upon them
[20:25:14] <nick> no, i live in a christian country by accident of birth
[20:25:21] <nick> and that culture is forced upon me, which i do not appreciate
[20:25:35] <arti> which country btw?
[20:25:44] <nick> all sorts of culture has been forced upon me which i strongly disagree with, but because i was born here
[20:25:46] <arti> most people aren't god fearing any more
[20:25:50] <nick> or there, im supposed to accept it
[20:25:52] * Runaway1956 thinks Nick is in the UK
[20:26:07] <nick> not right now, but yeah, i currenly live in the UK.
[20:26:07] <arti> at what point is it considered a christian country? 51%?
[20:26:22] <nick> at the point where we have a monarch determined by the grace of god
[20:26:29] <nick> god save the queen and all that jazz
[20:26:30] <arti> when the sword is at your throat
[20:26:32] <Gravis> arti: i'm saying it can be changed in the future, similiar to how christianity changed
[20:26:41] <nick> i was forced to pray in school
[20:26:47] <nick> even though my family is not religious
[20:26:50] <arti> gravis: nazis weren't bad guys, just misunderstood
[20:26:53] <Runaway1956> Christianity matured, it didn't "change" exactly
[20:27:15] <arti> nick, sweet. did it work?
[20:27:21] <nick> other religious groups got to opt out for their faiths but from an athiest/agnostic family, that's not applicable
[20:27:22] <Runaway1956> Christianity was changed more by internal fighting, than any amount of outside pressure
[20:27:31] <nick> i just needed more indoctrination apparently
[20:27:36] <arti> that's the spirit!
[20:27:48] <arti> it's like XML, if it's not working, you're not using enough
[20:27:57] <arti> SOAP niggas
[20:27:58] <Runaway1956> javascript
[20:28:20] <nick> there are so many things i find wrong with british culture, that doesn't mean there are not things i don't appreciate
[20:28:30] <nick> but if the rest of the country is willing to accept that bullshit, then have at it
[20:28:51] <arti> a full monty is pretty legit
[20:28:53] <nick> but dont force that shit on me, don't try and pretend it's the 1950's and the empire was the best thing the world ever saw
[20:28:59] <Gravis> arti: so you are arguing cultures cannot be changed and may try to destroy ours so that we should wipe them out entirely?
[20:29:21] <Runaway1956> That's pretty much the case, Gravis
[20:29:28] <Runaway1956> it's us, or them
[20:29:38] <nick> well there
[20:29:41] <nick> thats something we can all agree on
[20:29:44] <nick> "it's us or them"
[20:29:49] <nick> who us or them is depends on who you are
[20:29:58] <nick> but as long as we're divided, we can agree we all hate each other
[20:29:59] <Runaway1956> egg-xactly
[20:30:06] <nick> i love this world
[20:30:12] <Gravis> Runaway1956: that's the tribalistic bullshit thought process that causes wars
[20:30:20] <nick> we're going to wipe them out for self-preservation, which is legit
[20:30:35] <nick> they're going to wipe us out for self-preservation, that's the biggest sin in the world
[20:30:42] <Runaway1956> Uhhh, Gravis - I'd like to remind you that the whole world of Islam is exactly that - TRIBES!
[20:30:53] <Runaway1956> They don't have a genuine NATION among them
[20:31:02] <nick> what is a genuine nation?
[20:31:09] <Runaway1956> They are fighting for a nonexistent nation right now - ISLAM
[20:31:21] <Gravis> Runaway1956: like the... christian nation?
[20:31:35] <Gravis> Runaway1956: which one was that?
[20:31:38] <Runaway1956> I read a thesis once that defined nation very well - wish I could find it again
[20:31:52] <Runaway1956> Gravis - the Holy Roman Empire fell a long time ago
[20:31:57] <Runaway1956> all that's left is Rome
[20:32:23] <Gravis> Runaway1956: and christians all look to rome to lead them?
[20:32:23] <nick> Runaway1956: we might be able to thank the british for that too, someone had to draw those borders and fuck people out of land after the WW2 deals
[20:32:50] <Gravis> Runaway1956: because i get this feeling that the Protestant Reformation may contradict that
[20:32:50] <nick> where so many people got promised control of the same bits of land, and then we divided them to make sure no one part got too much influence and then we end up with the pawns of the world called the kurds
[20:32:53] <Runaway1956> You're smoking some bad shit, Gravis - I certainly don't look to Rome
[20:33:09] <Runaway1956> Spot on Nick
[20:33:14] <Gravis> Runaway1956: well are you a Christian?
[20:33:40] <Runaway1956> Yes, but I don't respect the pope any more than I respect some imam from Bumfuckistan
[20:33:41] <Gravis> Runaway1956: and if so, what is your genuine nation?
[20:34:00] <nick> while there are some very disturbed and evil people who do things in the name of islam, most people are just trying to get by in life and for all the muslims ive met over my life
[20:34:02] <Runaway1956> My nation is the United States of America
[20:34:05] <nick> none has tried to do me any harm
[20:34:46] <nick> especially growing up, i had much more problems with people wanting to kick the shit out of me, because they thought i was from a different town
[20:34:51] <nick> or supported the wrong football team
[20:34:53] <Gravis> Runaway1956: so the USA is /the/ Christian nation?
[20:35:13] <Gravis> Runaway1956: because your "geniune nation" idea seems like total bullshit
[20:35:18] <nick> it's not like we don't love our tribalism too, but we've worked out a way to commercialise it through professional sports, we just love creating division
[20:35:22] <Runaway1956> You're still smoking bad shit, Gravis - the US is not a religious nation
[20:35:50] <Gravis> Runaway1956: so your religion has no geniune nation which means you are tribal?
[20:35:53] <Runaway1956> "Congress shall make no laws respecting religion"
[20:36:41] <Runaway1956> I'm a nationalist, Gravis. I served my nation, or, more accurately, I served my people, which is represented by my nation
[20:36:54] <Runaway1956> I am an American
[20:37:04] * nick is supposed to serve the queen so she can conquer more lands or something
[20:37:20] <nick> <3 the german royal family
[20:37:28] <nick> such nice people
[20:37:29] <Runaway1956> The queen doesn't want any more land - she just wants more wealth, in the name of the crown
[20:37:45] <nick> good way to more wealth is more land
[20:37:53] <nick> but sure, it's more nuanced than the old days
[20:37:58] <Gravis> Runaway1956: so a Christian can be some Nation and that's fine but a Muslim needs to be from the a geniune state of Islam?
[20:38:02] <Runaway1956> The crown already owns more land than any nation on earth
[20:38:06] <Gravis> be from*
[20:38:18] <nick> end result is the same, a subject to a hereditary crown determined by a god i dont believe in
[20:38:25] <nick> thats my nation <3
[20:38:34] <Runaway1956> Perhaps you haven't been paying attention - Daesh claims to be the Caliphate for a reason.
[20:38:47] <Runaway1956> All of Islam is supposed to be a nation
[20:39:04] <Runaway1956> The last time that was true, was the Ottoman
[20:39:40] <Runaway1956> You can't equate Islam to Christianity in that respect - Jesus said "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's"
[20:39:48] <Gravis> Runaway1956: so now they will never be ok as just being from a nation, they have to be part of the Cliphate or they will destroy you?
[20:39:48] <Runaway1956> Islam doesn't recognize Caesar at all.
[20:40:08] <arti> people are so anti religion they just equate them all
[20:40:15] <nick> daesh is just a convenient and engineered excuse to continue enslaving passive populations through fear and propaganda
[20:40:25] <Runaway1956> You're catching on - it's somewhat like La Raza - "For the Race, everything, outside the Race, nothing."
[20:40:34] <arti> runaway: you in socal?
[20:40:56] <Runaway1956> Nope, I is in Arkie-saw
[20:41:10] <Gravis> Runaway1956: so you fear they are going to going to try and destroy everyone that isn't them?
[20:41:11] <arti> i see a lot of the la raza stickers/signs
[20:41:26] <arti> gravis, being critical isn't fearful
[20:41:27] <Runaway1956> Ahhhh, Gravis - you've finally got it.
[20:41:49] <Gravis> that is the definition of Islamophobia
[20:41:52] <arti> the objectives are stated
[20:42:10] <nick> are we talking about the whole of islam, or just people who identify with ISIS?
[20:42:23] <Runaway1956> The two most racist organizations in the world have both stated their goals very clearly, Islam and La Raza
[20:42:29] <Runaway1956> They intend to dominate the world
[20:42:37] <nick> and that's our job god damn it
[20:42:41] <arti> lol
[20:42:42] <Runaway1956> They intend to put everyone who is not part of their nation to death
[20:42:46] * arti gives nick a gold star
[20:43:02] <arti> i'd phrase it more at peace
[20:43:08] <nick> still not sure if we're talking about ISIS or muslims as a whole
[20:43:31] <Runaway1956> We're talking about Daesh specifically, and Islam in general
[20:43:35] <nick> because it just doesnt reflect on any of the muslims i grew up with, went to school with and work for
[20:43:50] <Runaway1956> No matter how "moderate" a Muslim might be, he wishes the Caliph would come back
[20:44:17] <Runaway1956> The extremist Muslim is out ther fighting to bring the Caliphate back right now
[20:44:35] <Runaway1956> It's the same difference between Jews at large, and Zionists
[20:44:45] <Gravis> Runaway1956: assuming that's 100% true, we should therefore fear all Muslims?
[20:45:07] <arti> gravis, what's your obsession with fear
[20:45:11] <Runaway1956> You better fear the dozens of militant, extremist groups of Muslims
[20:45:23] <arti> do you eat because you fear dying?
[20:45:31] <arti> because you must! since you eat!
[20:45:36] <Gravis> Runaway1956: i don't because they are on the other side of the planet
[20:45:44] * Runaway1956 thinks that Gravis lives with fear
[20:46:00] <nick> i fear the extremist muslims the same that i fear an unaccountable government and other criminal gangs
[20:46:05] <Runaway1956> They are busily invading THIS SIDE of the world
[20:46:12] <nick> but i know which one more likely to do me harm this week
[20:46:15] <Runaway1956> They are VERY busily invading Europe
[20:46:18] <Gravis> arti: fear is the primal driver for a lot of the vitriol in our society
[20:46:48] <arti> i'm glad you see the world through that lense, it explains so much
[20:47:00] <nick> and the unaccountable government will use the extremist muslims as the context for the removal of freedom and liberty, to protect us from their brand of removing freedom or liberty
[20:47:07] * Runaway1956 kinda sorta believes in a Valhalla
[20:47:11] <nick> it's much more palatable when it's someone who looks like you taking away those freedoms apparently
[20:47:17] * Runaway1956 intends to be at Ragnarok
[20:47:27] <Runaway1956> it's not "fear" Gravis
[20:47:28] <Gravis> nick: exactly
[20:47:55] <Gravis> Runaway1956: if it wasn't fear, you would ignore them
[20:48:17] <arti> lol
[20:48:24] <Runaway1956> That may be your understanding Gravis - I say life is much more complicated than that
[20:48:25] <arti> while(fear) { gravis(); }
[20:48:47] <Runaway1956> I have zero fear of dogs, but if a dog were menacing my children, I would kill it
[20:48:49] <Gravis> Runaway1956: or are you saying fear is not the driving factor?
[20:49:02] <nick> Runaway1956: while you are right it's more complicated, you should bear that in mind when using the same brush for describing the ideology of a couple billion people
[20:49:33] <arti> must be right if a couple billion do it
[20:49:42] <nick> well no
[20:49:45] <nick> but as you can see
[20:49:52] <nick> we all have exactly the same opinion
[20:49:53] <Runaway1956> Yes, Nick - and I believe that I have distinguished between militant Muslims and just regular people who were raised in a religion just like most of us
[20:49:57] <nick> because we're just western white guys
[20:50:02] <nick> so we must all think exactly the same
[20:50:04] <arti> speak for yourself
[20:50:10] <nick> have had exactly the same indoctrination and teachings
[20:50:40] <nick> exactly, as Runaway1956 said, it's more complicated than that. i don't identify with any religion, race or nation
[20:50:41] <nick> i'm nick
[20:50:51] <arti> nick: billions do
[20:50:53] <nick> take me at my word, listen to me for what i say, not for how i look or where i'm from
[20:50:54] <Runaway1956> One needs to remember that if only 1% of Muslims are extremists, then Islam has the biggest army in the world.
[20:51:04] <nick> billions do, so i should pick a side
[20:51:05] <arti> nick: we're discussing what people's words are
[20:51:11] <nick> because everyone else does
[20:51:17] <Gravis> Runaway1956: no, the US would still have a larger army
[20:51:29] <arti> gravis: china
[20:51:39] <Runaway1956> Do the math, Gravis
[20:51:45] <Gravis> wait... didn't carry the one
[20:51:53] <arti> do you have a math phobia?
[20:51:56] <nick> if islam is what Runaway1956 describes
[20:51:57] <arti> ;)
[20:52:00] <Gravis> off by a factor of 10
[20:52:01] <Runaway1956> Arti - again - do the math - China does not have 1% of it's population in uniform
[20:52:05] <nick> it's the most remarkable human and social engineering project the world has ever seen
[20:52:23] <arti> it's not like it's a secret, read what it's about
[20:52:27] <Gravis> Runaway1956: 1% is a large amount for anything.
[20:52:40] <Gravis> Runaway1956: 1% for extreme violence, that's stretching it
[20:52:42] <arti> gravis: i have 1% of an erection right now
[20:53:17] <Runaway1956> Pick up a newspaper, and look for violence anywhere in the world
[20:53:19] <nick> christian missionaries have been trying to indoctrinate the world for centuries and have not come close to what islam has done in the last few decades
[20:53:26] <Runaway1956> Chances are high that one side or both is Muslim
[20:53:26] <nick> creating a few billion people of a perfect hive mind
[20:53:49] <arti> so it's a religion of peace, with some bad apples?
[20:53:53] <nick> that in itself should be studied, because it's amazing, and a feat that no culture or society has ever achieved before
[20:54:04] <Runaway1956> Nick - all christians want to see the return of the saviour
[20:54:13] <Runaway1956> All Jews want to see the Messiah come
[20:54:23] <Runaway1956> and all Muslims hope for the Caliph to return
[20:54:23] <Gravis> Runaway1956: yeah, there are outliers. one in a million is still a lot of people.
[20:55:06] <Runaway1956> 1% is not one in a million - did you complete high school algebra or anything similar?
[20:55:17] <nick> isn't it the end of the world regardless of who gets their way at that point?
[20:55:31] <Gravis> Runaway1956: i'm not saying it's 1%. i'm saying one in a million is still a lot of people
[20:55:45] <Gravis> Runaway1956: terrorism is designed to get the attention of people
[20:55:45] <Runaway1956> Not sure what your point is Gravis
[20:55:57] <nick> Gravis: and it's working extremely well
[20:56:26] <Gravis> Runaway1956: just because you have 0.001% of a people making a lot of noise doesn't mean you should blame the 99.999%
[20:56:27] <nick> if the muslims were really that determined and cohesive as a society, it'd be over already, the UK couldn't handle a few hundred teenagers rioting but a couple years ago
[20:56:38] <nick> how could they handle couple of million muslims rising up and taking over
[20:56:47] <Runaway1956> Uh-huh - so we shouldn't have fought WW2
[20:57:19] <nick> well that came out of nowhere.
[20:57:42] <Runaway1956> If Daesh does establish a nation in Iraq and syria, the "Caliph" of that nation will command the respect and obedience of hundreds of millions of Muslims
[20:57:51] <Runaway1956> mush as the pope does today
[20:58:10] <arti> speaking of the pope, lol responding to trump
[20:58:13] <nick> and that works so well for the pope when he says something the followers don't like
[20:58:27] <nick> selective hearing all the way around when it comes to religious teachings
[20:58:36] <Gravis> Runaway1956: we fought the nazis, not all germans
[20:58:52] <arti> gravis: dresden :D
[20:58:53] <Runaway1956> Really, gravis ???????
[20:59:08] <Runaway1956> arti wins a prize : DRESDEN
[20:59:28] <nick> well we didnt fight all the nazi's, just the ones that wern't useful.
[20:59:31] <arti> civilian targets weren't nazis. moderates enabled the nazis, just like they do elsewhere
[21:00:04] <Runaway1956> We firebombed a lot of other cities besides Dresden
[21:00:17] <arti> indeed, i didn't feel like typing
[21:00:21] <Runaway1956> Also firebombed cities in Japan before we nuked their asses
[21:00:36] <nick> but the japanese and germans still exist today
[21:00:39] <Gravis> yeah, we didnt' have the technology we have now
[21:00:42] <Runaway1956> We incinerated men, women, old, young
[21:00:50] <nick> unless they're also playing the long game, waiting for the muslims to take over the rest of the world
[21:00:50] <arti> japan was a bit different, too. they had their populace set up for a land battle
[21:00:54] <nick> before then they take over the muslims
[21:01:19] <Runaway1956> Yes, nick, they are still there, but they've had major cultural changes imposed up on them - which is what Gravis was wishing upon all the rest of the world
[21:02:04] <arti> since we're discussing islam, here's something relevant: http://i.imgur.com
[21:02:26] <nick> coercion is always wrong, but you only enable more of it and more resentment and radicalisation when we don't see our own brand of coercion and manipulation of the situation
[21:02:40] <Gravis> Runaway1956: rest of the world? i'm talking about the nations that need cultural changes.
[21:02:51] <arti> wouldn't that be all of them?
[21:03:06] <arti> fuhrer gravis
[21:03:29] <Gravis> unlikely
[21:03:35] <Runaway1956> And, who is to be the judge of "need cultural changes" Gravis ???
[21:03:53] <arti> when you get into power, make sure you have a cool building
[21:03:59] <Runaway1956> Perhaps Hillary clinton?
[21:04:01] <nick> Runaway1956: people who are not muslim apparently.
[21:04:18] <Gravis> Runaway1956: think back to how we got to this point. what was the stated need for a culture shift?
[21:04:23] <arti> https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com
[21:04:32] <Runaway1956> Ahhh, but Nick - Muslims are trying to impose that cultural change on everyone they come into contact with
[21:04:53] <nick> as i said, i grew up with, went to school with and work with muslims
[21:05:01] <nick> and they have never tried to impose anything on me
[21:05:02] <Runaway1956> I'm listening Gravis - what was the stated need?
[21:05:06] <arti> "all the dogs i've owned are friendly!"
[21:05:45] <nick> i'll be sure when i get back to the UK to cut all ties with muslims
[21:05:59] <nick> because clearly they're just trying to kill me secretly
[21:06:12] <arti> haha
[21:06:14] <Runaway1956> Nick - cities in Europe already have "no go" zones - and we are beginning to see that here in the US
[21:06:14] <Gravis> Runaway1956: institutionalized hebephilia
[21:06:27] <nick> Runaway1956: the story about birmingham having no go zones
[21:06:30] <nick> was a complete lie
[21:06:41] <Runaway1956> Brussels, nick
[21:06:57] <arti> you can always ignore stuff you don't agree with, it works out wel
[21:06:59] <nick> now lets not get confused here, there is a very serious refugee problem
[21:07:14] <Runaway1956> I've not yet read anything about a no-go in the UK - but in Europe, yes
[21:07:16] <nick> and there are some very dangerous militant muslims
[21:07:40] <nick> but the ones i know, the ones i deal with on a daily basis, are more british often than i am
[21:08:12] <arti> who is the most british person you know?
[21:08:20] <Gravis> the queen
[21:08:22] <arti> like that shit's the queen
[21:08:24] <nick> she's german
[21:08:39] <nick> my grandparents are quite proud of their britishness.
[21:08:47] <arti> well they had an empire
[21:08:51] <arti> i'd be proud of that too
[21:09:05] <Runaway1956> zeebrug, or something like that . .. . Molenbeek, that's it
[21:09:12] <arti> the neighborhood
[21:09:31] <nick> Runaway1956: very serious problems with the refugees as i said, and europe is not a good place to be right now
[21:09:39] <arti> it's going to be interesting seeing how europe deals with that over the next 10 years
[21:09:46] <nick> but that has as much to do with western governments involvements in the middle east for generations
[21:09:52] <Runaway1956> Right - an entire continent is not a good place to be
[21:10:04] <nick> propping up regimes like saudi arabia than it does with the overall plan of muslim domination
[21:10:11] <Runaway1956> Now, you're talking nick - we DID destroy the Ottoman
[21:10:18] <arti> nick: or an empire dividing up nations across ethnic lines
[21:10:32] <arti> +tribal
[21:10:32] <Runaway1956> Every time we fuck with the mideast, it backfires, and blows our noses off our faces
[21:10:39] <nick> or intentionally not dividing it on ethnic lines to keep the tribal infighting alive
[21:11:02] <Gravis> Runaway1956: and yet people just love their oil!
[21:11:11] <nick> and we have to really contend with that, rather than continuing the same old shit again and again
[21:11:13] <arti> where does europe get most of theirs from?
[21:11:36] <nick> UK gets most of the oil from saudi arabia i believe
[21:11:45] <nick> some very dodgy deals going back through the decades on that
[21:11:50] <Runaway1956> This whole thing with "regime change" in the levant - that is the cause of the rise of Daesh
[21:12:04] <arti> america gets theirs from canada and venezuela
[21:12:13] <arti> mainly, some from SA but not the majority
[21:12:19] <nick> and happily that regime change only has destabilised states non-friendly to the west
[21:12:28] <nick> and the ones that did risk a little that were friendly, like Yemen
[21:12:41] * arti needs to scope out some yemeni food
[21:12:43] <nick> are kept completely off the news, because it's a bit more inconvenient
[21:12:59] <Gravis> Runaway1956: no, it's the fact that they were prohibited from participating in the new regime
[21:12:59] <nick> they have the right kind of muslim fundamentalist in charge
[21:13:02] <nick> one that accepts USD
[21:13:02] <Runaway1956> We destroy a semi-stable culture, then bemoan the instability in the region
[21:13:18] <arti> the iron fist of saddam?
[21:13:22] <Runaway1956> Who was prohibited, Gravis ?
[21:13:41] <Gravis> hold
[21:13:44] <Runaway1956> As evil as Sadman Hussein was, he maintained stability
[21:13:57] <arti> sadman lol
[21:13:59] <Runaway1956> Ditto with Assad
[21:14:18] <Runaway1956> He did look pretty sad at the gallows, did he not?
[21:14:20] <nick> well i think it's wise to look back a little over the before ISIS news and foreign policy discussions
[21:14:32] <nick> see how no one ever talked about assad being a brutal dictator then
[21:14:45] <Gravis> Runaway1956: this explains it: https://en.wikipedia.org
[21:14:45] <webscale> ^ 03Wiki: Coalition Provisional Authority Order 2
[21:14:47] <nick> until there was an opportunity to get rid of him, and then suddenly he's the biggest bad guy since saddam
[21:15:04] <arti> you don't want to waste a good opportunity
[21:15:11] <nick> no one said shit until that point, top gear even did a special there
[21:15:25] <nick> and the syrians love jeremy clarkson apparently
[21:15:58] <Runaway1956> First problem with that link, Gravis is that Iraq didn't have an "army" as we think of an army
[21:16:02] <arti> http://www.theverge.com
[21:16:02] <webscale> ^ 03Inventor of email and savior of the @ sign, Ray Tomlinson, is dead at 74 | The Verge
[21:16:06] <Runaway1956> They had a factional tribal force
[21:16:25] <Gravis> Runaway1956: more here: https://en.wikipedia.org
[21:16:26] <arti> sounds cool, The FTF
[21:16:26] <webscale> ^ 03Wiki: Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant ( https://en.wikipedia.org )
[21:17:26] <Runaway1956> You want me to read, or argue? I can read after I sleep, LOL
[21:17:50] <Gravis> Runaway1956: read it
[21:18:02] <Gravis> Runaway1956: it will help you argue properly
[21:18:03] * Runaway1956 needs food - arguing is strenuous
[21:18:21] <arti> refuel after some BBQ
[21:18:22] <Gravis> otherwise you are just being ignorant of the facts
[21:18:36] <arti> ja fuhrer gravis
[21:18:58] <Runaway1956> I assure you, my ignorance is far outweighed by that of the average American
[21:19:11] * Runaway1956 has been to most of the places we talk about here
[21:19:35] <Runaway1956> Israel, Iraq, and Iran lead the list
[21:19:52] <Gravis> Runaway1956: the requirement is to argue intelligently, not argue like the average American
[21:20:03] <arti> quick, toss more phobia around
[21:20:06] <Runaway1956> Do I sound "average"
[21:20:30] <Gravis> Runaway1956: never said you did.
[21:20:50] <Runaway1956> Bueno then - I wasn't "average" when I was born, LOL
[21:21:21] <nick> arti: if you leave out the ad hominem, you'd be more convincing
[21:21:31] * Runaway1956 suggests reading 'The Caliphate' by Tom Kratman
[21:21:44] <Gravis> really if someone even manages to get on IRC, you have stepped out of the realm of average
[21:22:06] <arti> nick: i'll keep that in mind if i care to change people's minds
[21:22:11] <Runaway1956> Kratman might appeal to Nick - he does point out that there are good Muslims.
[21:22:21] <arti> have you done your part and donated?
[21:22:30] <nick> so you're just in it for the sake of a futile argument?
[21:22:45] <arti> it's sunday and i'm reading the news
[21:22:57] <Runaway1956> Soylent is newsworthy
[21:23:24] <arti> nick: if you think i advance myself through discourse here you'll be in for a surprise
[21:23:31] <arti> i'm mainly here to tend to my bots :D
[21:23:49] * Runaway1956 notes that arti is a bot farmer
[21:23:56] <arti> back before it was cool
[21:24:05] <arti> and islamophobia was tossed around
[21:24:11] * arti makes eyecontact with nick
[21:24:18] <arti> seewhatididthere
[21:24:27] <nick> it's a free irc server, do what you want, but it seems like a rather poor use of your time and energy
[21:24:33] <nick> but whatever floats your boat
[21:24:43] <arti> i have multiple screens up
[21:25:16] <nick> if we were all the same, and thought the same and did the same shit, the world would be a very boring place.
[21:25:36] <arti> apparently we're all white online
[21:25:43] <Runaway1956> system upgrade has begun - go make some coffee
[21:25:49] <Runaway1956> coffee++
[21:25:49] <Bender> karma - coffee: 2324
[21:25:52] <nick> so you mean a broad generalisation i made was not accurate?
[21:26:01] <nick> stop the presses, this must be front page news tomorrow.
[21:26:14] <arti> you're an editor, whatever you feel pressing to use your time to do :D
[21:26:31] <nick> lol
[21:26:51] <nick> i'm still considering writing a screed on the Dementia story from yesterday
[21:26:59] <nick> i'm quite angry about that still.
[21:27:03] <arti> i missed it
[21:27:21] <nick> basically, the UK government has been making a big deal about how their going to be the worlds leader in fighting dementia
[21:27:26] <Runaway1956> Now, Nick, just because Brits are demented is no reason to be upset.
[21:27:32] <nick> and the BBC put it into an article and run with it
[21:27:50] <nick> took two link clicks and it's "The UK government is working with JP Morgan for financial...."
[21:28:06] <nick> so to cure dementia, the UK government got JP Morgan on board to manage the project
[21:28:09] <nick> who will report that? no one.
[21:28:11] <arti> going to read the story
[21:28:12] <Runaway1956> Most of the world already knew that Brits are demented, after all.
[21:28:17] <arti> -_-
[21:29:00] <nick> they're talking it up a big deal, and essentially what it means is they're going to spend $300m in the next few years
[21:29:22] <nick> and by 2020 an office in a university, might have a dementia institute sign above the door
[21:29:30] <Runaway1956> $300 mil - chump change
[21:29:50] <arti> http://www.bbc.com ?
[21:29:51] <webscale> ^ 03Dementia awareness boost planned for over-40s - BBC News
[21:29:56] <nick> it is chump change, especially when it will help keep a few hundred thousand people voting the right way
[21:30:01] <nick> because they think it's going to help them
[21:30:06] <nick> arti: yeah
[21:30:30] <Runaway1956> Exactly - cake and circus - chump change to keep the rabble in line
[21:30:48] <nick> "Major pharmaceutical companies Biogen, GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson & Johnson, Lilly and Pfizer have all committed in principle to investing in the project, alongside Alzheimer’s Research UK and the UK government. "
[21:30:48] <arti> isn't the DEAs budget like 278mil?
[21:31:08] <nick> "committed in principle"
[21:31:24] <nick> like EDF "committed in principle" to building a new nuclear reactor in the UK
[21:31:35] <nick> (as long as the UK government pays the chinese to build it for them)
[21:31:41] <arti> does the UK have NIMBYs?
[21:31:49] <nick> it's a nation of NIMBYs
[21:31:52] <nick> thats why we had an empire
[21:31:55] * arti chuckles
[21:31:58] <Runaway1956> yes, of course they do - where do you think we got ours?
[21:32:05] <nick> "The government has been working with J.P. Morgan to structure the Dementia Discovery Fund as an innovative method for financing dementia research."
[21:32:16] <nick> "innovative method for financing"
[21:32:26] <arti> so if i understand this correctly, we should setup a research lab and try and get some money?
[21:32:41] <Runaway1956> we inherited all of England's worst traits, including nimby's
[21:32:54] <nick> sure, if you're a CEO of biogen, GSK, J&J, pfizer
[21:32:56] * arti resists a dental joke
[21:33:08] <nick> if you're some asshole who wants to make a difference, no
[21:33:19] <arti> so the system is operating normally?
[21:33:41] <nick> "attract new partnerships with the biopharmaceutical sector to develop new treatments and ways of diagnosing dementia "
[21:33:53] <arti> "yup, we've got another one!"
[21:34:19] * Runaway1956 listens to the demented Brit
[21:34:54] <nick> i'm convinced the BBC couldn't be bothered to do any proper reporting on this bullshit, they just called up Jeremy Hunts press officer and said "can you give us the gist of this new dementia policy about how it's going to save millions of your voting demographic?"
[21:35:02] <nick> and then just ran with what ever bullshit email they sent
[21:35:23] <nick> that's the anti-tory liberal bbc for you
[21:35:34] <nick> repeating nothing but exactly what the government wants them to
[21:35:42] <arti> we've got that here, too.
[21:35:43] <Runaway1956> But, Nick - that IS what journalism is all about, isn't it?
[21:35:54] <nick> as ive said in comments/journals, indeed it is
[21:36:09] <nick> and i know ive done myself out of a job in journalism with my ranting here
[21:36:13] <arti> i wonder how journalists/lawyers do it, they study ethics
[21:36:26] <nick> ethics are for the little people
[21:36:37] <nick> thats why they study it, to understand how to manipulate
[21:36:54] <Runaway1956> From the Journalist handbook, "Roll over and play whatever trick the Master wishes, and Master will rub your tummy, and toss you a nice bone."
[21:37:04] <arti> i like bones >:(
[21:39:46] <nick> doing anything else means you become an 'independent researcher' very quickly
[21:39:58] <nick> and then you're just a lazy bum who no one should take seriously
[21:40:02] <nick> because you cant hold down a job
[21:40:08] <Runaway1956> Independents don't get paid well, do they?
[21:40:25] <nick> these days, journalists dont get paid very well
[21:40:28] <arti> how many are left?
[21:40:36] <nick> err
[21:40:39] <Runaway1956> SirFinkus and I are both safely in the top hundred thousand contributors now
[21:40:41] <nick> journalists was too kind
[21:40:43] <nick> 'reporters'
[21:40:45] <Runaway1956> our names are legendary
[21:40:50] <nick> 'reporters' do not get paid very well these days
[21:40:55] <arti> the consolidation of independent papers has been occurring over decades
[21:41:03] <arti> nick: scope out my blog, yo
[21:41:25] * arti sends nick catpics.tar.gz
[21:41:42] <nick> uhuh
[21:41:59] <arti> or are you a dog person?
[21:42:41] <nick> dogs are great
[21:43:00] <nick> but in general, animals are pretty cool, much better than people usually
[21:43:34] <Bytram> "You own a dog; you feed a cat."
[21:43:40] * Runaway1956 fears the day that the Galactic Federation arrives, and puts humans in their place
[21:43:58] <arti> nick: totally, humans don't eat their young and can treat cancer
[21:44:18] <Runaway1956> you sure about that arti ?????
[21:44:30] <arti> captcha: BJs
[21:44:51] <nick> if there's one thing that i am proud of is humanity being able to keep me alive and suffering for longer than i'd like
[21:44:56] <arti> haha
[21:45:13] <arti> !grab nick
[21:45:13] <Bender> Added quote 687
[21:45:34] <Runaway1956> only the good die young, nick
[21:45:43] <nick> when do you stop being young?
[21:45:54] <Runaway1956> Depends
[21:45:55] <arti> 20s?
[21:46:15] <Runaway1956> that's a joke guys - depends
[21:46:22] * arti shakes head
[21:46:24] <arti> well done
[21:47:00] <Runaway1956> of course, that being a brand name, some guys from overseas may not get it
[21:47:11] <nick> that'd be me
[21:47:21] <arti> !g depends
[21:47:35] <arti> http://depend.com
[21:47:36] <arti> :D
[21:47:36] <webscale> ^ 03Document Moved ( https://depend.com )
[21:47:45] <Runaway1956> https://www.depend.com
[21:47:46] <webscale> ^ 03Depend® - Briefs, Underwear, Guards, Shields, Seat Bed Protectors
[21:47:52] <Runaway1956> Oh - you beat me to it
[21:48:00] <arti> depend on it
[21:48:13] <Runaway1956> aaaargh
[21:48:46] <nick> https://www.youtube.com
[21:48:46] <webscale> ^ 03Hong Kong Dragons - Storm 3003 - YouTube
[21:49:35] <nick> "How do you describe the amount of your leakage"
[21:49:40] <nick> well, ive never been asked that before...
[21:49:50] <Runaway1956> ROFLMAO
[21:50:10] <arti> new depends Musth
[21:50:25] <Runaway1956> My motorcycle leaves a mark, but it doesn't actually "leak"
[21:50:31] <nick> "How do you describe your leakage frequency?"
[21:50:46] <arti> lol
[21:51:24] <nick> "fits like real underwear" is not a good slogan
[21:51:58] <arti> welcome back from your coma
[21:52:07] <nick> lol
[21:52:12] <Runaway1956> Here's some music for ya nick - https://www.youtube.com
[21:52:13] <webscale> ^ 03GUY MARTIN 275Kmh Speed Wobble ★HD★ - Isle of Man TT - SURREAL ✔ - YouTube
[21:52:26] <SirFinkus> imagine that
[21:52:36] <Runaway1956> note the location of the video -
[21:52:39] <SirFinkus> next thing you know, there'll be a black president
[21:52:50] <nick> ah the isle of man tt
[21:52:59] <nick> the race to the offshore banks before the law changes again
[21:53:06] <Runaway1956> Love that video and the sound track
[21:53:07] <SirFinkus> fuck that
[21:53:21] <arti> zzzzzzzZZZZZ
[21:53:25] <SirFinkus> just watching it makes my asshole pucker
[21:53:35] <SirFinkus> it's worse than that crane video
[21:53:48] <arti> the islam crane?
[21:53:48] <nick> video is cool, not so keen on the song though
[21:54:01] <Runaway1956> SirFinkus - you don't ride fast?
[21:54:09] <arti> i think his SO does
[21:54:15] <SirFinkus> no, I ride dirty
[21:54:18] <Runaway1956> LOL
[21:54:30] * Runaway1956 likes fast - not so much dirty
[21:54:51] <SirFinkus> I'd consider doing that with 4 wheels
[21:55:05] <Runaway1956> 3 wheels scare me more than two
[21:55:10] <SirFinkus> but that's just madness
[21:55:12] <SirFinkus> for god reason
[21:55:14] <Runaway1956> errrr - 4 wheels
[21:55:28] <arti> 5 wheels
[21:55:45] <Runaway1956> I've had a 5th wheel up to 118 mph
[21:55:49] <nick> i'd rather do the nurburgring
[21:56:05] <nick> and that is something i should really do this year
[21:56:52] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Transmission 2.90 Infected with First Known OSX Ransomware - http://sylnt.us - get-your-updates-now || Action On A National GMO Labeling Measure Heats Up On Capitol Hill - http://sylnt.us - are-we-poisoning-ourselves
[21:58:21] <Runaway1956> ha-ha transmission - default client in far to many Linux distros
[21:59:07] <nick> i use it on both linux and windows
[21:59:08] <nick> :\
[21:59:22] * arti was reading about that
[21:59:32] <arti> https://news.ycombinator.com
[21:59:33] <webscale> ^ 03Transmission BitTorrent app contained malware | Hacker News
[21:59:35] <Runaway1956> [URL=http://s217.photobucket.com/user/Runaway1956/media/0513111445_zpsvkqhbycu.jpg.html][IMG]http://i217.photobucket.com/albums/cc226/Runaway1956/0513111445_zpsvkqhbycu.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
[21:59:54] <arti> "Users who have directly downloaded Transmission installer from official website after 11:00am PST, March 4, 2016 and before 7:00pm PST, March 5, 2016, may be been infected by KeRanger. If the Transmission installer was downloaded earlier or downloaded from any third party websites, we also suggest users perform the following security checks. Users of older versions of Transmission do not
[21:59:54] <arti> appear to be affected as of now."
[21:59:58] * Runaway1956 uses qbittorrent
[22:00:26] <arti> do you torrent linux distributions, too?
[22:00:39] <Runaway1956> Yeah, I have done that doo
[22:00:41] <Runaway1956> too
[22:02:44] <Runaway1956> Photobucket sucks these days - adblockers make it almost unusable
[22:03:10] <arti> good ol photobucket
[22:03:16] <arti> back from when the internet was a different place
[22:03:19] <nick> how the fuck is it possible to rent a car for two days at a cost of £12 :|
[22:03:41] <arti> i had a coworker who managed to roll a car on a trip to britain
[22:03:45] <Runaway1956> Maybe twelve pounds and a nobber
[22:04:08] <nick> ah, they're a rental company with a bad reputation, that's how
[22:04:14] <nick> they fuck you over after
[22:04:22] <Bytram> nick: please meet me in #editorial
[22:04:37] <nick> yes boss
[22:04:40] <arti> K-I-S-S-I-N-G
[22:04:41] <nick> i'm in trouble now guys!
[22:04:51] <arti> either that or you're getting a bonus
[22:04:57] <Runaway1956> Just drop kick his ass into editorial
[22:05:13] <nick> a bonus in line with inflation, 0.5% of nothing!
[22:05:19] <arti> lol
[22:06:32] * Runaway1956 also notes that Youtube is becoming unusable with adblockers
[22:06:55] <nick> i havnt experienced any problem so far
[22:07:10] <Bytram> http://go.theregister.com
[22:07:11] <webscale> ^ 03MAME goes fully FOSS • The Register ( http://www.theregister.co.uk )
[22:07:42] <Runaway1956> videos haven't played in Firefox recently - I open Chrome to see Youtube, and the first videos on any list are marked with an "ad" disclaimer
[22:11:34] * Runaway1956 thinks it's about bedtime
[22:11:51] <arti> do you wake up when it's dark?
[22:19:31] <Bytram> nick++ # helping hand
[22:19:31] <Bender> karma - nick: 4
[22:19:34] <Bytram> nick++ # helping hand
[22:19:34] <Bender> karma - nick: 5
[22:21:58] <nick> https://www.youtube.com
[22:21:58] <webscale> ^ 03counterstrike - bodybag - YouTube
[22:22:42] * nick angryraves
[22:25:34] <nick> https://www.youtube.com
[22:25:34] <webscale> ^ 03Unknown Error - Shadows - YouTube
[22:25:37] * nick less angryraves
[22:27:29] <nick> if im ever rich, i'm going to do a live version of this song with the full orchestra
[22:27:42] Bytram is now known as Bytram|away
[22:27:49] <Bytram|away> nop time
[22:27:56] <Bytram|away> feh.
[22:27:59] <Bytram|away> nap time.
[22:28:00] * arti inserts more NOPs
[22:45:55] -!- mythterj has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[22:59:35] <nick> blah
[23:28:02] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Technologists Propose 'Universal Basic Income' in Case Robots Take all our Jobs - http://sylnt.us - share-the-wealth
[23:31:12] <chromas> racis
[23:31:26] <chromas> Also transrobia
[23:33:15] <nick> i have decided to treat myself to a 'premium' rental car on my return to the UK, as no one is going to pick me up from a london airport at 9.30am
[23:33:40] <nick> figured i deserve a nice car after having 2 weeks with a car that has: no power steering, no electric windows, no air conditioning and no radio
[23:36:27] <chromas> I wasn't aware cars like that still existed
[23:38:46] <nick> come to south america ;)
[23:39:40] <nick> i was quite surprised, i've only driven cars with no power steering like twice, and they were 'classics'
[23:40:10] <nick> i have a hyundai i10 here, i'm assuming it was made it around 2010, and it has pretty much nothing going for it
[23:40:21] <nick> have been enjoying driving it like i stole it though :p
[23:42:38] <nick> http://www.gallito.com.uy
[23:42:39] <webscale> ^ 03Hyundai I-10 /2011 Full 52.000Km Imeprdible U$S 11.300.-
[23:42:48] <nick> cars are very expensive here...
[23:56:47] <cmn32480> I'm in New Orleans with the wife.... the bars don't close.... and there is no open container law.
[23:56:58] <cmn32480> I'm waiting for her to get ready for dinner
[23:57:05] <cmn32480> time to go drinin!
[23:57:19] <cmn32480> s/drinin/drinkin/
[23:57:20] <exec> <cmn32480> time to go drinkin!
[23:58:20] <cmn32480> ~gday #soylent
[23:58:21] * exec half-heartedly irritates a shitload of coffee with #soylent
[23:58:42] <nick> going out drunkin