#Soylent | Logs for 2016-02-02

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[00:11:11] -!- richardboegli [richardboegli!~r@677-10-173-577.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #Soylent
[00:25:11] <CantStumpTheTrump> #feelthebern #inhell
[00:26:01] <Gravis> CantStumpTheTrump: erm... was that supposed to be directed at someone?
[00:26:06] * cmn32480 is back
[00:26:37] <CantStumpTheTrump> sanders
[00:26:48] <CantStumpTheTrump> and grindrs
[00:31:09] <cmn32480> gravis - I think editing of comments shoudl not be allowed. If you have a change of heart, opinion, whatever, and you decide you pooched it, reply to your comment
[00:32:45] <Gravis> cmn32480: the issues are with typos, gramatical and word omission
[00:33:08] <Gravis> cmn32480: small things that aren't worth a full reply
[00:33:14] <cmn32480> we all make mistakes. shit happens, hell, I've done it in summaries
[00:33:31] -!- julian has quit [Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
[00:33:38] <Gravis> cmn32480: it's also possible to edit summaries
[00:33:58] <cmn32480> agreed... and we typically put a note on them that they have been edited and why
[00:35:03] <Gravis> only because it gets pointed out in the comment section
[00:35:53] <chromas> or when Gravis rides in on his trusty steed to deliver the terrible news of the great tragedy
[00:36:07] <Gravis> chromas: damn right
[00:36:48] <cmn32480> typically, it doesn't get pointed out in the comments when we make little spelling errors.
[00:37:06] <cmn32480> This community isn't that anal retentive about it, apparently
[00:37:18] <cmn32480> well... most people anyway
[00:37:22] <Gravis> cmn32480: those also aren't the corrections that get noted
[00:38:04] <cmn32480> generally it would be anythign that changes the content that would be noted
[00:38:30] <cmn32480> the other day I made a note on some kind of friction whirled welding (or somethign like that)
[00:38:39] <cmn32480> the added link changed the content
[00:41:39] <Gravis> cmn32480: throwing all comment editing out the window because of possibility of minimal trolling seems like overkill
[00:42:00] <Gravis> i got it... make it cost karma points
[00:42:09] <cmn32480> pfffffft
[00:42:20] <cmn32480> karma? really?
[00:42:39] <cmn32480> I'd guess that 2/3 of our active site visitors (with accounts) are at 50.
[00:42:52] <cmn32480> Karma is simply a measure of if you ahve been here long enough to get to 50
[00:42:53] <Gravis> cmn32480: yep
[00:43:19] <Gravis> cmn32480: you think trolls would go far enough to register and gain points just for minimal trolling?
[00:43:30] <cmn32480> no
[00:43:33] <CantStumpTheTrump> i like it
[00:43:39] <CantStumpTheTrump> let's spend those useless 50 karma points
[00:43:43] <CantStumpTheTrump> burn dat karma boy
[00:44:02] <Gravis> cmn32480: then why not use it for editing?
[00:44:37] <cmn32480> it is an interesting idea
[00:45:38] <Gravis> eh... now that you are coming around... i'm not so sure i want it anymore. (ভ_ ভ)
[00:45:49] <Gravis> ;D
[00:46:11] <cmn32480> oh... now seee that ain't right!
[00:51:48] <Gravis> cmn32480: it's a good idea and it think it may be effective at preventing editing features from being abused
[00:52:11] <cmn32480> it has me thinkin, as a bare minimum
[00:52:20] <cmn32480> if I keep that up.. I could get fired as an editor!
[00:52:52] * Gravis notes: phase one complete. begin phase two!
[00:53:00] <SirFinkus> the editor bot is already almost done cmn32480
[00:53:10] <cmn32480> QWOO HOO!
[00:53:29] <Gravis> SirFinkus: editor bot?
[00:53:30] <SirFinkus> we're going to keep on 1 H1B worker, and you'll be training him
[00:53:45] <Gravis> :P
[01:00:38] -!- BadCoderFinger [BadCoderFinger!~BadCoderF@216.160.gyz.km] has joined #Soylent
[01:04:13] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Ceres Flyover Shows Wide Variety of Crater Shapes - http://sylnt.us - scenic-views-of-distant-vistas
[01:12:14] <CantStumpTheTrump> http://abcnews.go.com
[01:12:14] <shekel> ^ 03Woman Pulls Over Cop for Speeding, Gets Apology - ABC News
[01:19:47] <SirFinkus> is this an onion story?
[01:24:07] <CantStumpTheTrump> this is real life
[01:24:16] <CantStumpTheTrump> President Donald Trump
[01:24:46] <SirFinkus> they have exit polls yet?
[01:25:23] <CantStumpTheTrump> http://www.businessinsider.com
[01:25:23] <shekel> ^ 03Iowa caucus results live blog - Business Insider
[01:25:24] <CantStumpTheTrump> idk
[01:25:47] <SirFinkus> whatever, whoever wins, we lose
[01:29:33] <SirFinkus> trump would at least be an entertaining tyrant
[01:31:05] <CantStumpTheTrump> [20:25] <SirFinkus> whatever, whoever wins, we lose
[01:31:07] <CantStumpTheTrump> except me
[01:31:26] <SirFinkus> oh shit, it's donald trump
[01:34:20] <CantStumpTheTrump> if you're nice to me I'll give you a pony after I win
[01:34:51] <CantStumpTheTrump> "Former Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley (D) made a last minute stop at Drake University in Des Moines."
[01:34:58] <CantStumpTheTrump> last minute of his campaign
[01:35:01] <SirFinkus> careful, us Washingtonians have a history with farm animals
[01:37:33] <CantStumpTheTrump> don't worry, Candidate Trump does not care what you do in your free time
[01:38:50] <SirFinkus> I run a ranch out in Wenachee where we stump break horses and other livestock
[01:41:09] <CantStumpTheTrump> uh... really?
[01:41:49] <SirFinkus> absolutely, we've got a beautiful mare if you're interested
[01:41:59] <SirFinkus> just came in
[01:42:29] <CantStumpTheTrump> too bad our campaign isn't going to Washington
[01:42:45] <CantStumpTheTrump> Washington: Presidential preferences only. All Convention delegates are allocated by the results of the primary election (in May)
[01:52:51] <CantStumpTheTrump> On the Republican side, with 2% of precincts reporting, Trump took the lead with 34.7%, with Cruz at 30.7% and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Florida) at 13%.
[01:54:11] <chromas> Marco Rubio sounds like the sequel to Marco Polo
[01:57:45] <Gravis> Polo!
[01:58:11] <SirFinkus> Marco Polio
[01:58:27] <Gravis> dead in the water
[01:58:28] <chromas> Spoiler alert, he's the bad guy in this one
[01:59:04] <chromas> Marco Sans Rubella
[01:59:12] <SirFinkus> Ted Cruise
[01:59:20] <SirFinkus> sounds like my anthropology class
[02:00:23] <chromas> SanDisk Cruzer Ted 64GB
[02:00:30] <SirFinkus> HOLY SHIT
[02:00:44] <SirFinkus> guess how much it costs to attend a ted talk in person
[02:00:45] <SirFinkus> guess
[02:00:48] <SirFinkus> GUESS
[02:00:49] * Deucalion trudges in and takes a seat by the fire
[02:00:57] <chromas> $3,000
[02:01:04] <Deucalion> $1K ?
[02:01:10] <chromas> $2,999.99
[02:01:15] <SirFinkus> SIX
[02:01:18] <SirFinkus> THOUSAND
[02:01:21] <SirFinkus> DOLLARS
[02:01:33] <Deucalion> blech.... I'll just watch the vidyas then
[02:01:35] <SirFinkus> guess how much their speakers get paid
[02:01:42] <SirFinkus> don't bother TED talks are crap
[02:01:47] <Deucalion> $1 ?
[02:01:55] <SirFinkus> ZERO
[02:01:58] <SirFinkus> THOUSAND
[02:02:00] <SirFinkus> AMERICAN
[02:02:02] <SirFinkus> PESOS
[02:02:22] <Deucalion> I guess the speakers do it for the publicity and self promotion then.
[02:02:42] <SirFinkus> it's for the "I fucking love science" crowd
[02:03:03] <chromas> How much for a tedx? a whole foods coupon?
[02:03:54] <SirFinkus> well, those aren't official
[02:04:13] <SirFinkus> so they can only charge enough to cover costs
[02:05:18] <chromas> hipsters gotta eat
[02:05:43] <CantStumpTheTrump> I know somebody's lame boss who got a TED talk
[02:05:46] -!- BadCoderFinger has quit [Quit: ENOBEER]
[02:06:18] <CantStumpTheTrump> if you BS and socialize with the upper crust enough you can get a TED talk
[02:06:36] <CantStumpTheTrump> that said, being Donald Trump, I know many business leaders who have given TED talks
[02:07:00] <SirFinkus> the fucking smug attitude of every speaker
[02:07:09] <SirFinkus> "do this, and we'll fix x forever"
[02:07:16] <AndyTheAbsurd> http://www.mediaite.com
[02:07:16] <shekel> ^ 03Trump Tells Crowd to ‘Knock the Crap Out’ of Protesters, Offers to Pay Legal Fees | Mediaite
[02:09:11] <CantStumpTheTrump> it's a bonding experience with my supporters
[02:09:30] <CantStumpTheTrump> I have plenty of money since the news media have been running campaign ads for free for me
[02:19:09] <Gravis> AndyTheAbsurd: if anyone takes him up on that offer, he could easily be charged with attempting to incite a riot.
[02:26:15] <SirFinkus> https://www.iagopcaucuses.com
[02:26:25] <SirFinkus> looks like cruz has a pretty good margin so far
[02:26:31] <shekel> ^ 03 ( https://www.iagopcaucuses.com )
[02:35:22] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Antarctic Fungi Survive Simulated Martian Conditions - http://sylnt.us - sounds-like-my-athlete's-foot
[02:36:09] -!- richardboegli has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[02:38:40] -!- richardboegli [richardboegli!~r@677-10-173-577.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #Soylent
[02:39:17] <CantStumpTheTrump> that margin will disappear once all those other parts of Iowa vote
[02:39:48] <SirFinkus> 4 point lead with 50% in
[02:57:32] -!- Ethanol-fueled [Ethanol-fueled!~62b0c8c6@SectorZeroZeroOne] has joined #Soylent
[02:57:42] <Ethanol-fueled> 'Sup.
[03:08:50] <cmn32480> we are watching takyon get a hardon over Donald Trump
[03:10:12] <dyingtolive> https://www.youtube.com
[03:10:12] <shekel> ^ 03Andrew Jackson Jihad - People Who Can Eat People Are The Luckiest People In The World [Full Album] - YouTube
[03:10:22] <dyingtolive> should i not like this? because i like this.
[03:10:22] <Ethanol-fueled> mice.
[03:10:28] <Ethanol-fueled> trump++
[03:10:28] <Bender> karma - trump: 1
[03:11:27] <Ethanol-fueled> where at cmn? I don't see a new journal
[03:12:10] <cmn32480> he is here nicked as "CantStumpTheTrump"
[03:12:21] <Ethanol-fueled> Hahaha
[03:13:56] -!- Ethanol-fueled has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[03:18:18] <SirFinkus> the site I posted is down, not sure if due to conspiracy, or the fact that it uses Microsoft™ //interknowlogy//
[03:30:35] <cmn32480> conmspiracy certainly
[03:52:45] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[04:03:32] -!- CantStumpTheTrump has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[04:06:31] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - New Drug is Like Morphine Without the Addiction - http://sylnt.us - now-if-we-can-make-it-over-the-counter
[04:09:34] <chromas> Taking all the fun outta drugs
[04:21:45] <cmn32480> ~gnight #soylent
[04:21:47] * exec prematurely tosses a bucket of toilet water to #soylent
[04:23:45] <cmn32480> I'm outta here like a tractor-trailor through goatse
[05:15:54] -!- Brother_Emmett [Brother_Emmett!~Aaron@03-879-925-323.lightspeed.rsvlmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #Soylent
[05:17:52] -!- Thouren has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[05:34:34] -!- Subsentient has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[05:34:54] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Subsentient] has joined #Soylent
[05:34:54] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Subsentient] by Imogen
[05:37:41] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - The Chip Guru who Built Apple’s Ax Microprocessors Joins Tesla to Lead the Autopilot Hardware Engine - http://sylnt.us - picture-this! || "Technological Fraud" at the Cyclo-cross World Championships - http://sylnt.us - cycling-was-almost-scandal-free
[05:47:03] <dyingtolive> jesus bernie. that speech.
[05:47:09] <dyingtolive> http://www.c-span.org
[05:47:10] <shekel> ^ 03Bernie Sanders Caucus Night Speech | Video | C-SPAN.org
[05:47:39] <dyingtolive> i kept hoping for a mike drop and "sanders out!"
[05:50:48] -!- JamesNZ [JamesNZ!~JamesNZ@60.234.vml.gj] has joined #Soylent
[06:43:50] <dyingtolive> fucking systemd
[06:44:15] <dyingtolive> oh.. you want to look at iptables to figure out why your webservice isn't accessible? SUUURE we'll let you do that.
[06:44:39] <dyingtolive> oh, but you want to stop the firewall? well, iptables isn't starting, so we don't know what to tell you. hehe.
[06:45:56] <dyingtolive> 10 minutes of googling later, after getting past all the old centos articles finally that talk about the reasonable way to shut down iptables, "oh, no, apparently they changed it to FIREWALLD."
[06:52:50] -!- popefucker has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[07:39:13] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Is the Milky Way a Zombie Galaxy? - http://sylnt.us - braaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnsssssssssss
[08:22:58] Brother_Emmett is now known as Thouren
[08:23:12] <Thouren> /msg NickServ identify 55WcGmdZzDy3L85ujCUl
[08:23:17] <Thouren> oh shit
[08:23:47] * JamesNZ haxx0rs Thouren
[08:23:58] Thouren is now known as SoyGuest2507
[08:24:07] SoyGuest2507 is now known as Brother_Emmett
[08:25:12] -!- qkontinuum [qkontinuum!~qkontinuu@131.228.rwt.sis] has joined #Soylent
[08:26:00] Brother_Emmett is now known as Thouren
[08:27:35] <Thouren> JamesNZ, didn't do it fast enough :)
[08:28:34] <JamesNZ> Thouren: Or so you think :)
[08:28:57] <Thouren> JamesNZ, Already changed the password :)
[08:29:03] <JamesNZ> (just kidding, I outsource hacking to the NSA)
[08:29:09] <Thouren> I guess this is why it's important to use unique passwords for everything
[08:29:38] <JamesNZ> Indeed.
[08:30:18] <Thouren> KeePass is probably the program I use most, out of anything
[08:30:46] <JamesNZ> keepassx++
[08:30:46] <Bender> karma - keepassx: 1
[08:31:45] <Thouren> I use the latest stable keepass 1.x, for compatibility with keepassx
[09:05:25] -!- qkontinuum has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[09:10:22] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - President Obama Pledges $4 Billion to Fund Computer Science in U.S. Schools - http://sylnt.us - everybody-should-be-a-coder
[09:23:00] -!- qkontinuum [qkontinuum!~qkontinuu@131.228.yqh.opu] has joined #Soylent
[09:41:11] -!- qkontinuum has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[09:53:52] -!- qkontinuum [qkontinuum!~qkontinuu@131.228.rwt.sis] has joined #Soylent
[10:00:54] -!- JamesNZ has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[10:41:31] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Islamic State Encrypted Messaging App May Not Actually Exist - http://sylnt.us - can-you-prove-non-existence
[11:21:40] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[11:21:40] <Bender> karma - coffee: 2157
[11:43:00] <crutchy> fucking gamecrash :|
[11:43:38] <crutchy> maybe windows is telling me its time for bed
[11:46:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> prolly, windows always tells you things you don't wanna hear
[11:47:11] <cmn32480> ~gnight crutchy
[11:47:13] * exec covertly pours an anvil of $insert_beverage_here for crutchy
[11:47:20] <cmn32480> coffee++
[11:47:20] <Bender> karma - coffee: 2158
[11:47:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> yar
[11:47:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> mornin, cmn32480
[11:47:44] <cmn32480> ~gday buzzard
[11:47:45] * exec insatiably cracks open a cold can of red cordial for buzzard
[11:47:54] <cmn32480> I'm a go punch my network in the face
[11:47:56] * TheMightyBuzzard always gets the red cordial
[11:48:04] <TheMightyBuzzard> you should do that
[11:48:13] * cmn32480 wobnders if TheMightyBuzzard prefers broiled hog anus
[11:48:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> mine generally gets a kick in the ass
[11:48:27] <cmn32480> nah.
[11:48:31] <cmn32480> it really pissed me off
[11:48:38] <cmn32480> :-)
[11:48:43] <cmn32480> back later
[11:51:37] <Thouren> What's up with the coffee counter?
[11:52:32] -!- qkontinuum has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[11:53:16] <crutchy> it is the way in which we pay homage to our god
[11:53:19] <crutchy> coffee++
[11:53:19] <Bender> karma - coffee: 2159
[11:53:45] <Thouren> Increment with every coffee you drink? That's beautiful
[11:54:04] <crutchy> i'm actually drinking red wine :p
[11:54:21] <Thouren> Ah, so all recreational substances count?
[11:54:42] <crutchy> something like that
[11:54:50] <crutchy> or plain ol peer pressure :P
[11:55:32] <Thouren> Peer pressure already destroyed my budget for the month :(
[11:55:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> it's karma. coffee is currently the highest and most used.
[11:56:24] <TheMightyBuzzard> !karma crutchy
[11:56:24] <Bender> karma of crutchy is 190
[11:56:33] <TheMightyBuzzard> !karma TheMightyBuzzard
[11:56:33] <Bender> karma of themightybuzzard is 211
[11:56:41] * TheMightyBuzzard wins
[11:57:16] <crutchy> Thouren, is your missus' name peer pressure?
[11:57:35] <crutchy> cos my missus is the destroyer of budgets around here
[11:57:50] <Thouren> crutchy, no my motorcycles are
[11:57:57] <crutchy> oh lol
[11:58:02] <Thouren> I'm a 22yo forever bachelor
[11:58:06] <crutchy> ah
[11:58:29] <crutchy> actually now that you mention it i sorta went and bought a $30,000 car last week
[11:58:32] <Thouren> crutchy, look at this beautiful bitch https://www.dropbox.com
[11:59:05] <crutchy> noice
[11:59:22] <Thouren> Was my inheritance
[11:59:30] <crutchy> ah
[11:59:34] <Thouren> What car did you buy?
[11:59:41] <crutchy> heh. i'm now $30,000 in debt :p
[11:59:49] <crutchy> just a camry
[11:59:58] <Thouren> Here it is not all dirty and dinged https://www.dropbox.com
[12:00:02] <crutchy> a newer one than my old camry though
[12:00:07] * TheMightyBuzzard approves
[12:00:25] <Thouren> Isn't that the fastest car in the world, a rented camry?
[12:00:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> may have a windshield, which is sick and wrong, but it's not a crotch rocket and that's important.
[12:00:46] <Thouren> TheMightyBuzzard, windshield only goes on in the winter https://www.dropbox.com
[12:01:03] <crutchy> yeah it does look pretty comfy for a bike
[12:01:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> nod nod, better
[12:01:15] <Thouren> 1982, they knew how to make a seat back then
[12:01:31] <Thouren> but I don't like getting blasted with 30f air, so it gets a windshield in the winter
[12:01:40] <TheMightyBuzzard> not feeling bugs smack into your face you may as well be in a car
[12:02:01] <Thouren> It is a 650cc inline 4, it hauls ass like a crotch rocket
[12:02:07] <crutchy> meat group
[12:02:52] <Thouren> Back in the late 70's to early 80's Harley lobbied for import restrictions on high displacement bikes. So the japs were focusing their engineering on getting insane amounts of performance out of ~600cc inline4's
[12:03:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> huh, yamaha 650 was my first bike back in the day
[12:03:14] <Thouren> Maxim or Virago?
[12:03:32] <Thouren> Mine is the 650 Maxim, puts out 72hp stock
[12:03:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> fuck if i remember. it was like 20 years ago.
[12:04:14] <crutchy> perl has rotted your brain
[12:04:16] <TheMightyBuzzard> and it wasn't new even then
[12:04:17] <Thouren> Was it a vtwin or inline4?
[12:04:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> vtwin
[12:04:36] <Thouren> Then it was a virago, like this http://www.motorcyclespecs.co.za
[12:04:46] <Thouren> The Maxim's are inline4's
[12:04:57] <TheMightyBuzzard> nod nod, virago it was then.
[12:04:58] <Thouren> My grandma left me my bike
[12:05:04] <Thouren> It's treated me well
[12:06:00] <Thouren> She bought it brand new in 82, rode it for a couple decades, when she had to give up due to old age my uncle maintained it until 6 years ago when I got it at 16
[12:06:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> fun little bikes. i quit my job and went on a road trip to new orleans one night
[12:06:26] <Thouren> As you can see from that picture, I load up gear and go everywhere
[12:06:28] <Thouren> Lots of camping
[12:06:32] <TheMightyBuzzard> nod nod
[12:06:49] <Thouren> It's a fun way to travel, and economical if you're easy on tires
[12:07:21] -!- qkontinuum [qkontinuum!~qkontinuu@131.228.yqh.opu] has joined #Soylent
[12:07:32] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, excellent mileage.
[12:07:45] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~g'mornin qkontinuum
[12:07:47] * exec clumsily tosses a cheap plastic cup of broiled hog anus to qkontinuum
[12:07:47] <Thouren> I get 60mpg, can't complain one bit
[12:07:55] <Thouren> TheMightyBuzzard, you still ride?
[12:08:22] <TheMightyBuzzard> nah, sold my last one for some reason i forget. haven't got another yet.
[12:08:39] <Thouren> Go get another!
[12:08:47] <Thouren> No time for regrets, live life
[12:08:50] <TheMightyBuzzard> been meaning to but you know how it is. things come up and you get busy.
[12:09:27] <Thouren> Yeah I understand, sold my harley and have been meaning to get another. But the bikes I have already really make it a low priority
[12:09:59] <Thouren> Can't be sad on two wheels man
[12:10:10] <TheMightyBuzzard> nope, you can only be in the zone
[12:11:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> got distracted getting my boat too. having to drop too much money into it to think about bikes right now.
[12:11:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> seems like every time i turn around there's something else about it i gotta spend money on.
[12:12:12] <Thouren> that's life, know the feeling
[12:12:52] <TheMightyBuzzard> yup and boats in particular
[12:13:10] <TheMightyBuzzard> two happiest days of a boat owner's life: the day he buys it and the day he sells it.
[12:13:12] <Thouren> Boats are best rented
[12:14:26] <TheMightyBuzzard> mine'll be awesome when i get done though. and light enough i can wag it over hill n dale with the roomie to get to a farm pond if i feel the need.
[12:14:36] <Thouren> Buddy and I scraped together $4000 and rented a sailboat for a couple weeks, cruised the great lakes
[12:14:43] <Thouren> Was an amazing experience
[12:15:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> you wanted to be pirates, didn't you?
[12:15:16] <Thouren> Sail the high seas yo
[12:16:21] <TheMightyBuzzard> “Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.”― H.L. Mencken
[12:17:16] <Thouren> I admit I've felt that urge
[12:17:34] <Thouren> It's been sated with motorcycles https://www.dropbox.com
[12:17:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> i revel in it. even have a plan for how i'd do it in modern society.
[12:18:05] <takyon> tell us your plans about becoming a murderer TMB
[12:18:16] <Thouren> Now I don't mean literally piracy, but I've considered getting an RV and going nomadic
[12:18:57] <TheMightyBuzzard> takyon, fast boat, well armed. rob drug shipments coming out of south america by boat.
[12:19:23] <Thouren> If you need a first mate you just call me
[12:19:28] <takyon> sounds like you'll need a pirate crew. else you'll get your ass sunk
[12:19:37] <TheMightyBuzzard> one, maybe two scores and we've all got fuck you money
[12:19:51] <takyon> also how do you distinguish cartels from everyone else traveling to miami
[12:20:15] <TheMightyBuzzard> most of the rest of the travelers won't be armed.
[12:20:26] <Thouren> Can take those rich fucks boats even
[12:20:33] <takyon> what happens if you seize cocaine instead of cash? will you dump it overboard or become a dealer?
[12:20:57] <TheMightyBuzzard> takyon, sell it to the CIA for $0.10 on the dollar.
[12:21:17] <takyon> well at least you have this all planned out
[12:21:25] * TheMightyBuzzard nods sagely
[12:21:33] <Thouren> Shit I want to be a pirate now
[12:21:48] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, ima bad influence
[12:22:04] <takyon> born too late to be a sea pirate, born too early to be a space pirate
[12:22:10] <takyon> born at just the right time to be a butt pirate
[12:22:58] <TheMightyBuzzard> yar, shiver me bunghole. bite down on that pillow how ye swab.
[12:24:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> smoke break
[12:24:19] <takyon> grog break
[12:24:56] <chromas> If you're smoking back there, it sounds like you need to spit on it
[12:29:32] -!- dyingtolive has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
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[12:31:40] -!- unixer [unixer!~unixer@63.66.tg.l] has joined #Soylent
[12:33:17] <TheMightyBuzzard> hrm, feelin the urge to hop on forza horizons 2, fire up my orange dodge charger, and do some back roads racing.
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[12:40:18] -!- dyingtolive [dyingtolive!~ThisSpace@42-98-151-082.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
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[12:43:03] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Scientists Create Genetically Modified "Autistic" Monkeys - http://sylnt.us
[12:53:00] -!- qkontinuum [qkontinuum!~qkontinuu@131.228.rwt.sis] has joined #Soylent
[13:11:28] -!- dyingtolive has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[14:14:14] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Chip Guru who Built Apple’s Ax CPUs Joins Tesla to Lead Autopilot Hardware Engine - http://sylnt.us - picture-this! || Drone Races to be Broadcast to VR Headsets - http://sylnt.us - in-the-driver's-seat
[14:25:28] -!- nick has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[15:45:23] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Japan Restarts Nuclear Reactor Using Plutonium-Mixed Fuel - http://sylnt.us - industry-gave-it-glowing-reviews
[15:56:44] -!- qkontinuum has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[16:17:50] -!- richardboegli has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[16:17:59] -!- nick [nick!~nick@Soylent/Staff/Editor/n1] has joined #Soylent
[16:17:59] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v nick] by Imogen
[16:21:21] -!- popefucker [popefucker!~jack@mpxk-59-480-099-945.snloca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #Soylent
[16:28:49] <Gravis> where is everyon? щ(`Д´щ;)
[16:28:50] <Gravis> ;)
[16:29:04] <Gravis> YOU THERE(○`д´)ノシSTOP! Σ(っ゚Д゚)っEeeek!
[16:30:10] * AndyTheAbsurd is going to lunch
[16:30:14] <AndyTheAbsurd> be back later
[16:30:43] -!- qkontinuum [qkontinuum!~qkontinuu@kgj-132-09.customers.d1-online.com] has joined #Soylent
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[16:39:20] <TheMightyBuzzard> https://www.youtube.com
[16:39:21] <shekel> ^ 03Jimmy Buffett - Cheeseburger In Paradise - YouTube
[16:40:56] <Runaway1956> But, I don't want to go to paradise just for a burger. It seems that once you get there, they want you to stay, or something like that. And, I'm not Muslim, so there are no 72 virgins for me . . .
[16:42:25] <Runaway1956> Incoming voice call on google phone?
[16:42:56] <Runaway1956> Never saw that before
[16:43:36] <cmn32480> no it was my regular phone line.. but thanks for checking.
[16:44:23] <Runaway1956> I guess whoever it was got tired of waiting - i got a countdown, then the call disappeared.
[16:44:42] <Runaway1956> Or maybe Google was just checking to see if anyone is here.
[16:50:23] -!- q__kontinuum has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[17:16:31] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - FTDI-Gate 2.0 - http://sylnt.us - Scylla-and-Charybdis
[17:16:41] <cmn32480> I think I am at the point for the day where I just don't give a fuck anymore
[17:18:11] <nick> cmn32480++
[17:18:11] <Bender> karma - cmn32480: 44
[17:18:26] <cmn32480> what'd I do now?
[17:18:46] <nick> just being awesome ;)
[17:19:49] <cmn32480> yeah right....
[17:19:54] * cmn32480 waits for the other shoe
[17:20:09] * cmn32480 looks up for the piano to fall
[17:23:51] <nick> is all good, today has been quite pleasant for a change so i'm rolling with that
[17:24:50] <nick> i got two free hats, so how can it be a bad day/
[17:25:00] <chromas> free hat! free hat!
[17:25:42] <nick> heh
[17:29:40] <alexbst> I have buckets of swag :)
[17:29:45] <alexbst> so much swag
[17:35:52] * Runaway1956 waits til chromas isn't looking, snags the free hat, and runs like hell
[17:43:48] * Runaway1956 comes back to give chromas' hat back
[17:43:53] <Runaway1956> https://www.youtube.com
[17:43:54] <shekel> ^ 03Jayne's Hat from Firefly Causes Huge Controversy! - YouTube
[17:45:01] -!- q__kontinuum [q__kontinuum!~qkontinuu@w4n667hud.dyn.telefonica.de] has joined #Soylent
[17:50:02] <chromas> I was expecting the opposition to the hat to be feminists
[17:50:21] <Runaway1956> Why so?
[17:51:06] <Runaway1956> My femininity has always been kinda weak, my problem is, I have a reputation, and I can't maintain my rep wearing that hat.
[17:51:11] <chromas> "A man who walks down the street in a hat like that—people know he's not afraid of anything"
[17:51:19] <chromas> ^ toxic masculinity
[17:51:31] <Runaway1956> You sayin' I'm skeered?
[17:52:09] <chromas> https://www.youtube.com
[17:52:10] <shekel> ^ 03Anita Sarkeesian in a nutshell - YouTube
[17:52:48] * chromas cleanses palette with kitten vidyas
[17:54:25] <Runaway1956> Fried kittens?
[17:55:53] <chromas> with onions and garlic
[17:56:31] <Runaway1956> Somehow, I didn't think fried kitties would cleanse the palette . . .
[17:56:44] <chromas> oh neat. today I learned there's a band call Unlucky Fried Kitten
[18:02:01] <cmn32480> cleanse the pallet with this: www.kidbleach.info
[18:11:47] -!- popefucker has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[18:18:39] <Runaway1956> Has anyone seen my terminal? I hope no one has stepped on it.
[18:28:43] -!- Thouren has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[18:47:41] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Google Wants to Fly Drones to Deliver 5G Internet - http://sylnt.us - next-step-up-would-be-to-use-lasers
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[19:28:48] <cmn32480> I think it was parked next to my airplane Runaway1956
[19:37:17] -!- unixer has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[20:18:50] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Regular Expression Crosswords - http://sylnt.us - ^L[OTS]{4}F{2}[UN]{2}$
[20:37:06] -!- MooCow [MooCow!~4f190d5d@icgc90-03-cioovmw.34-90-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #Soylent
[20:37:17] <MooCow> Good evening.
[20:39:34] <AndyTheAbsurd> Good afternoon, MooCow.
[20:43:22] <cmn32480> ~moo
[20:43:22] <exec> (__)
[20:43:23] <exec> (oo)
[20:43:23] <exec> /------\/
[20:43:23] <exec> / | ||
[20:43:23] <exec> * /\---/\
[20:43:24] <exec> ~~ ~~
[20:43:25] <exec> ..."Have you mooed today?"...
[20:44:37] <MooCow> Yes, the farmer milked today.
[20:44:54] <MooCow> He touches my tits every morning but I still haven't received a kiss ;-;
[20:48:00] -!- q__kontinuum has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[20:53:16] <Gravis> MooCow: you're just jealous of the sheep. ;P
[21:12:13] -!- JamesNZ [JamesNZ!~JamesNZ@130.195.pwi.st] has joined #Soylent
[21:19:36] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Fine Brothers Spark Fury With YouTube Trademark Attempt - http://sylnt.us - fine-mess
[21:52:18] -!- dyingtolive [dyingtolive!~whatever@42-98-151-082.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[22:23:12] -!- MooCow has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[22:27:09] <chromas> A fine would be fine
[22:27:35] <cmn32480> fine. be that way
[22:34:01] <dyingtolive> a fine? a fine?! you can't have mine! when it comes to your fine i draw the line. i will not consign the brine swine. No! no matter how benign. assign not this fine of thine to me even if you chase me to el alamein.
[22:40:08] <JamesNZ> Screw this, I'm going to dine.
[22:50:45] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Chinese Police Swoop On HK$59 Billion "Record-breaking Online Ponzi Scheme" - http://sylnt.us - peer-to-perp
[23:06:08] -!- Ethanol-fueled [Ethanol-fueled!~62b0c8c6@SectorZeroZeroOne] has joined #Soylent
[23:06:16] <Ethanol-fueled> 'Sup.
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[23:28:04] -!- popefucker [popefucker!~jack@mpxk-59-480-099-945.snloca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #Soylent
[23:51:32] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Report Says FBI Wildly Overstates Encryption Peril - http://sylnt.us - you-don't-say
[23:56:32] <chromas> Report States Obvious; Experts Nod