#Soylent | Logs for 2015-11-09

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[23:19:14] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - To Study the Brain, a Doctor Puts Himself Under the Knife - http://sylnt.us - self-study
[22:51:31] cmn32480 is now known as cmn32480|away
[22:29:31] * takyon online
[21:48:04] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - The Man Behind 'The World's First Home PC' - http://sylnt.us - back-in-the-day
[21:36:58] -!- SirFinkus [SirFinkus!~SirFinkus@q-37-359-375-883.hsd6.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[21:35:03] -!- crutchy has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[21:33:47] -!- exec has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[21:28:04] <exec> 11Melbourne VIC - currently 15°C, cloudy, wind SW at 23 km/h, humidity 82% - Tuesday rain (9°C:16°C), Wednesday partly cloudy (12°C:23°C), Thursday scattered thunderstorms (12°C:26°C), Friday scattered showers (11°C:21°C)
[21:28:03] <crutchy> ~weather
[21:27:59] <exec> Tuesday, 10 November 2015 @ 8:27 am GMT+11 - Melbourne VIC
[21:27:57] <crutchy> ~time
[21:27:57] <cmn32480> it might be. depends how much "breakage" they let me bring home in my suitcase
[21:27:53] dogfart is now known as crutchy
[21:27:48] <dogfart> oops
[21:27:43] <exec> time data courtesy of Google
[21:27:42] <exec> syntax: ~time location
[21:27:41] <dogfart> ~time
[21:27:38] <dogfart> i'm about to head off to work :(
[21:27:34] <cmn32480> have fun
[21:27:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> enjoy, i'm firing up some dinner for kiddos afore they head out to scouts.
[21:27:21] <dogfart> now that *is* a perk
[21:27:07] <cmn32480> but on the upside.. I'll be goign to a liquor distributor
[21:27:07] <dogfart> either that or inspecting air currents
[21:26:55] <cmn32480> <sigh> uh huh
[21:26:42] <dogfart> cmn32480 is inspecting roads again :p
[21:26:40] <TheMightyBuzzard> nod nod
[21:26:12] <cmn32480> oh well.. maybe next time then
[21:26:04] <TheMightyBuzzard> west TN, bout the middle, maybe a little south of it
[21:25:45] <TheMightyBuzzard> not especially
[21:25:06] <exec> *** SN submission queue: 5 - http://sylnt.us
[21:25:02] <dogfart> ~queue
[21:24:51] <cmn32480> Kentucky, that is
[21:24:44] <cmn32480> buzzard - you anywhere near Louisville or Owensboro?
[21:12:51] <exec> submission successful - https://soylentnews.org
[21:12:44] * TheMightyBuzzard fires off some lazy and heads to make dinner
[21:12:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~submit http://blog.twitch.tv
[20:35:08] -!- K_benzoate has quit [Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
[20:24:38] <cmn32480> ^^^^^ SpallsHurgenson's alter ego!
[20:24:27] <cmn32480> Pants Remover?
[20:24:22] <cmn32480> Pleasant Romantic?
[20:24:07] <cmn32480> Paul Revere?
[20:24:02] <cmn32480> Puerto Rican?
[20:23:56] <cmn32480> pr....
[20:23:54] <cmn32480> hmmmmm
[20:23:29] <Bender> The current maximum UID is 5942, owned by pr
[20:23:28] <cmn32480> !uid
[20:21:19] <cmn32480> or do you mean it is now just a bad memory becasue you fixed it?
[20:20:48] <cmn32480> if it was bad memory, you mean you already forgot about it?
[20:16:54] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Rumblr is Like a Dating App, But for Fistfights - http://sylnt.us - what-is-this-world-coming-to
[20:05:27] <paulej72> Blue screening winders machine was bad memory
[20:00:39] -!- K_benzoate [K_benzoate!~textual@96-644-4-826.dhcp.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[19:09:31] -!- SirFinkus has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com]
[18:45:44] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - All-Electric Chevy Bolt to be Sold in All 50 US States, GM Says - http://sylnt.us - can-you-plug-me-in,-i'm-a-little-low
[17:30:26] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mechanicjay] by Imogen
[17:30:26] -!- mechanicjay [mechanicjay!~jhowe@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/mechanicjay] has joined #Soylent
[17:28:13] <SirFinkus> howlin' wolf > ozzy
[16:44:11] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Dumb Cuneiform: Memorialize Your Tweets in Cuneiform - http://sylnt.us - making-sure-future-generations-remember-us-properly
[16:40:52] <cmn32480> you said "Howlin Wolf"... I read "Bark at the Moon"
[16:32:24] <SirFinkus> I think they overdid the wah on this album
[16:32:14] * SirFinkus is listening to Howlin' Wolf — Tail Dragger, from the album The Howlin' Wolf Album
[16:32:03] <alexbst> computers aren't people-litterate
[16:18:22] <cmn32480> being computer illiterate is fine. but at least follow the instructions that I gave you, THEN tell me they didn't work.
[16:17:52] <cmn32480> sigh.... I hate stupid people...
[16:14:44] <mrcoolbp> = )
[16:13:56] <sedctl> <cmn32480> brb - gotta go fix an user
[16:13:56] <cmn32480> s/idiot/user/
[16:13:50] <cmn32480> brb - gotta go fix an idiot
[16:13:25] <wagegap> ^ 03Welcome, Sheriff - Blazing Saddles (4/10) Movie CLIP (1974) HD - YouTube ( https://www.youtube.com )
[16:13:23] <mrcoolbp> https://youtu.be
[16:13:08] * mrcoolbp laughs at the clip
[16:12:53] -!- SirFinkus [SirFinkus!~SirFinkus@q-37-359-375-883.hsd6.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[16:12:45] <cmn32480> same as with most of Mel Brooks movies
[16:12:31] <sedctl> <cmn32480> funniest movie ever... that could absolutely not be made today
[16:12:31] <cmn32480> s/remade/made/
[16:12:28] <mrcoolbp> nope
[16:12:19] <cmn32480> funniest movie ever... that could absolutely not be remade today
[16:11:42] <mrcoolbp> "Excuse me while I whip this out!"
[16:11:30] <mrcoolbp> I'm partial to the sherriff arriving scene
[16:11:06] <cmn32480> the good old days
[16:10:52] <cmn32480> uh huh
[16:10:09] <mrcoolbp> I miss when youtube didn't have ads
[16:09:41] <wagegap> ^ 03The Campfire - Blazing Saddles (5/10) Movie CLIP (1974) HD - YouTube
[16:09:41] <cmn32480> https://www.youtube.com
[16:09:39] <cmn32480> my favorite movie scene ever.
[16:09:26] <mrcoolbp> = )
[16:09:07] <cmn32480> "check please!"
[16:08:56] <cmn32480> you are watchign it too
[16:08:51] <cmn32480> lol
[16:08:20] <mrcoolbp> "Pills are good...pills are good!"
[16:05:41] <mrcoolbp> the "Here Loyd, this helps!" is my fav
[16:04:54] <wagegap> ^ 03Dumb and Dumber: Pepper scene - YouTube ( https://www.youtube.com )
[16:04:53] <mrcoolbp> I always think of this one: https://youtu.be
[16:04:31] <cmn32480> probably the greatest diarrhea scene ever
[16:03:55] <cmn32480> the Jeff Daniels toilet scene
[16:03:35] <cmn32480> Jim Carrey was hilarious if you took the move for what it was, not that it was to be some great piece of cinematography
[16:03:20] <mrcoolbp> obviously it's moronic, but that's the idea, there are scenes that pop up from the original in my head and will always make me laugh
[16:02:34] <mrcoolbp> Yeah I saw the new one finally, it wasn't bad, basically the same movie over again with a new plot, so I'd say succes
[16:01:54] <cmn32480> I haven't seen that movie in years
[16:01:49] <cmn32480> lol
[16:01:09] <wagegap> ^ 03I desperately want to make love to a schoolboy... - YouTube
[16:01:08] <mrcoolbp> this ones better https://www.youtube.com
[16:00:34] <mrcoolbp> ug that clip sucks
[15:59:31] <wagegap> ^ 03Dumb and Dumber - "I desperately want to make love to a school boy!" - YouTube
[15:59:31] <mrcoolbp> er boy: https://www.youtube.com
[15:59:08] <mrcoolbp> "I desperately want to make love to a schoolgirl!
[15:54:56] <cmn32480> see I read "googles" as "giggles" and got a mental picture of you giggling like a schoolgirl.
[15:53:14] <cmn32480> mmmmmm coffee
[15:53:10] <cmn32480> prolly....
[15:52:57] * mrcoolbp goes to make coffee
[15:52:43] <mrcoolbp> I found a cesspool of sorts, is that it?
[15:52:32] * mrcoolbp googles
[15:52:28] <mrcoolbp> hmm
[15:52:25] <cmn32480> it was slash something
[15:52:17] <cmn32480> uh huh
[15:52:13] <mrcoolbp> really??
[15:52:08] <cmn32480> I know a place you can submit somethign like that and get it on the front page pretty quickly
[15:52:02] <mrcoolbp> next year is the "Year of VR" IMO
[15:51:47] <mrcoolbp> I should do a writeup on them
[15:51:37] * mrcoolbp can't wait
[15:51:29] <mrcoolbp> man I had to give back the Oculus Rift and now I'm biting my nails waiting for the consumer version
[15:50:56] <mrcoolbp> yup
[15:50:55] <cmn32480> most of the time we knew somebody quit 'cuz they didn't show up 2 shifts in a row
[15:50:21] <cmn32480> generally the 2 weeks notice thing is not common in the restaurant industry
[15:49:31] <mrcoolbp> it was a miracle
[15:49:26] <mrcoolbp> one guy in the kitchen actually gave 2 weeks notice, I couldn't believe it
[15:48:55] <mrcoolbp> or don't show up for the orientation or the first day, it's crazy
[15:48:48] <cmn32480> almost a revolving door
[15:48:42] <cmn32480> the bar I worked at through college was like that
[15:48:24] <cmn32480> get somebody trained and off tehy go to somethign else, or they decided after the first few days it isn't for them.
[15:48:22] <mrcoolbp> = P
[15:47:57] <cmn32480> i know that feeling.
[15:47:41] <mrcoolbp> other times it's okay, we just can't hire enough decent people
[15:47:18] <mrcoolbp> yeah, it's tough sometime
[15:46:38] <cmn32480> doing that for too long will wear you out but good
[15:46:23] <cmn32480> even 60 hour weeks are rough
[15:46:09] <cmn32480> woof
[15:45:46] <mrcoolbp> more like 60 these days, but the holidays are looming
[15:45:17] <cmn32480> still working 70-80 hours weeks?
[15:44:37] <mrcoolbp> yeah, just freaking exhausted man
[15:44:09] <cmn32480> life in your world holding up ok?
[15:43:57] <cmn32480> it's a good kind of sore. makes me think I actaulyl got somethign done for a change
[15:43:31] <mrcoolbp> I know that feeling
[15:42:36] <cmn32480> though I am paying for it today :-)
[15:42:23] <cmn32480> I got to exercise some muscles that I haven't used in a long time
[15:42:12] <cmn32480> it could be worse.
[15:41:59] <mrcoolbp> sorry to hear
[15:41:40] <cmn32480> between travel and then the debacle with the shed roof this weekend....
[15:41:22] <mrcoolbp> ah
[15:41:15] <cmn32480> I haven't been around much the last week or so
[15:41:12] <mrcoolbp> = /
[15:41:00] <cmn32480> dunno.
[15:40:30] <mrcoolbp> how's he and S ?
[15:39:18] <cmn32480> yeah... janrinok has been at it again
[15:38:57] <mrcoolbp> queue is full through tomorrow morning I see
[15:38:27] <mrcoolbp> not bad
[15:38:18] <cmn32480> doing well (if a little sore) mrcoolbp, how 'bout you?
[15:37:56] <mrcoolbp> how are you cmn32480?
[15:37:47] <mrcoolbp> lol
[15:37:42] <cmn32480> apparently I missed some excitement with ZNC this weekend...
[15:37:10] <mrcoolbp> not that I care
[15:37:00] <mrcoolbp> as juggs pointed out though the Topic is showing up
[15:36:58] <paulej72> I saw your connection notice
[15:36:52] <mrcoolbp> okay thanks
[15:36:46] <paulej72> yes you are
[15:36:40] <mrcoolbp> I got playback that time
[15:36:36] <mrcoolbp> I think I'm back on znc
[15:36:27] <paulej72> issues?
[15:36:17] <mrcoolbp> hmm
[15:35:47] -!- mrcool has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[15:34:40] mrcoolbp_ is now known as mrcool
[15:34:21] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mrcoolbp_] by Imogen
[15:34:21] -!- mrcoolbp_ [mrcoolbp_!~mrcoolbp@Soylent/Staff/mrcoolbp] has joined #Soylent
[15:34:21] -!- mrcoolbp_ has quit [Changing host]
[15:34:06] -!- mrcoolbp_ [mrcoolbp_!~mrcoolbp@m-26-192-24-080.hsd7.ma.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[15:33:50] -!- SoyCow8624 has quit [Client Quit]
[15:33:46] <SoyCow8624> h
[15:33:43] -!- SoyCow8624 [SoyCow8624!~32b016bc@m-26-192-24-080.hsd7.ma.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[15:33:31] -!- mrcoolbp_ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[15:33:26] <mrcoolbp_> hmm
[15:32:38] SoyGuest93167 is now known as mrcoolbp_
[15:30:20] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v SoyGuest93167] by Imogen
[15:30:20] -!- SoyGuest93167 [SoyGuest93167!~mrcoolbp@Soylent/Staff/mrcoolbp] has joined #Soylent
[15:30:20] -!- SoyGuest93167 has quit [Changing host]
[15:29:49] -!- SoyGuest93167 [SoyGuest93167!~mrcoolbp@m-26-192-24-080.hsd7.ma.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[15:24:08] -!- kazumi [kazumi!~kazumi-ku@uvsa95-318-07-681.range57-175.btcentralplus.com] has joined #Soylent
[15:17:43] <cmn32480> I hate it when I have to tell people that stupid is not a fixable condition
[15:13:01] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - RATS: the Radio Transceiver System, an Open Source Communication Tool for the Security-Obsessed - http://sylnt.us - a-sufficiently-encrypted-signal-is-indistinguishable-from-static
[14:37:34] <cmn32480> good luck!
[14:31:45] -!- SirFinkus has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com]
[14:30:11] <paulej72> and by OS I mean XP, Vista or 7 and is it 32 or 64 bit
[14:28:40] <paulej72> If only I could. It is running a piece of experimental equipment that was donated or borrowed from a company somewhere. The computer was preconfigured and I don't think that the install media was sent with the setup
[14:27:10] <cmn32480> you just said it
[14:27:07] <cmn32480> winders...
[14:26:59] <cmn32480> pull the disk.. get the stuff the user wants and reimage
[14:26:53] <paulej72> I don't even know what OS it is running
[14:26:49] <cmn32480> oooooo fun
[14:26:31] <paulej72> I am gearing myself up to go look a winders machine that is blue screening
[14:26:00] <cmn32480> it is definetly a Monday
[14:25:54] <cmn32480> I suppose that is better than "shitty"
[14:25:44] <paulej72> it's a monday
[14:25:35] <paulej72> so so
[14:25:27] <cmn32480> heya paulej72 how goes?
[14:18:41] -!- SoyCow3879 has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[14:11:19] -!- SoyCow3879 [SoyCow3879!~2e27624c@wppuxqth-05-00-45-11.stosn.net] has joined #Soylent
[14:03:53] <paulej72> Hola
[14:01:38] <cmn32480> okie... I'lkl likely astill be here
[13:58:03] <TheMightyBuzzard> headin out. back in a bit.
[13:55:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> eh, give it a few paragraphs and see what you think. i think it's good enough that it's worth being a zombie sub
[13:54:35] <cmn32480> little late... even by our standards
[13:54:11] <cmn32480> from May 2014
[13:53:47] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh, ya that was just a mess of pure lazy cause i wanna finish reading the article
[13:53:26] <cmn32480> I meant from the editors abusing you for submitting a link instead of a summary
[13:53:16] <TheMightyBuzzard> written by a woman to women to help them
[13:52:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> RTFA, it's actually a really good bit of journalism and includes much science.
[13:52:21] <cmn32480> glutton for punishment are you buzzard?
[13:46:59] <exec> submission successful - https://soylentnews.org
[13:46:26] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~submit http://www.theatlantic.com
[13:41:51] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - 'Pompeii of the New World' Reveals Power of Mayan Commoners - http://sylnt.us - 140-decades-of-delaying-doing-dishes
[13:40:57] <cmn32480> nope.. onsite repair status only.
[13:40:29] <cmn32480> All I want to know is if they received my headset, and when it might get shipped back
[13:40:09] <cmn32480> LG's repair portal is useless
[13:37:31] <wagegap> ^ 03New York library making a big stink over toilet paper theft | Fox News
[13:37:30] <cmn32480> http://www.foxnews.com
[13:37:13] <cmn32480> https://www.google.com
[13:28:14] * cmn32480 shakes the submission tin
[13:27:01] <cmn32480> but it is kinda funny
[13:26:06] * AndyTheAbsurd is glad that that line wasn't by one of OUR journalists; we pulled the story from the Washington Post.
[13:25:31] <AndyTheAbsurd> "No kangaroos could be reached for comment, but we imagine they're wildly offended."
[13:24:07] <cmn32480> today her neame is wagegap
[13:24:05] <wagegap> ^ 03Kangaroo farts not as environmentally friendly as previously thought | Tampa Bay Times
[13:24:04] <AndyTheAbsurd> http://www.tampabay.com
[13:23:56] <wagegap> ^✓ 03SoylentNews: SoylentNews is people
[13:23:56] <cmn32480> http://soylentnews.org
[13:23:46] <cmn32480> nah... it's monopoly
[13:23:18] <AndyTheAbsurd> but maybe not for PDFs?
[13:23:12] <AndyTheAbsurd> I think Bender does titles
[13:20:15] <cmn32480> boooo whatever bot shoudl be doing titles!
[13:19:26] <cmn32480> http://www.sfasu.edu
[13:19:06] <cmn32480> booooo exec!
[13:19:00] * exec abrasively offers a caravan of milo to cow
[13:18:58] <cmn32480> ~g'night cow jumping over the moon
[13:17:43] * exec dexterously hurls a used franger of g'day juice at moon
[13:17:42] <AndyTheAbsurd> ~g'night moon
[13:11:30] * exec covertly cracks open a socket of vibrating rooster sammich for dogfart
[13:11:28] <cmn32480> ~g'night dogfart
[13:11:11] * exec clumsily postulates a cheap plastic cup of skittles towards #soylent
[13:11:09] <dogfart> ~g'night #soylent
[13:03:45] <cmn32480> make sure you go in armed... can't have breakfast fighting back!
[13:03:29] <cmn32480> have a good day buzzard
[13:03:17] <TheMightyBuzzard> anywho, time to start hunting up some breakfast.
[13:03:02] <cmn32480> amen to that
[13:02:55] <TheMightyBuzzard> yup. books on tape were essential.
[13:02:33] <cmn32480> that sucked.... I can't imagine doing an extra hour on to p of that
[13:02:09] <cmn32480> my longest was 180 miles round trip through Baltimore toward DC
[13:01:47] <TheMightyBuzzard> very
[13:01:31] <cmn32480> that's a long commute!
[13:01:01] <TheMightyBuzzard> little thing used to do 240 miles every weekday minimum. it's due some retirement i spose.
[13:00:22] <TheMightyBuzzard> nod nod
[13:00:11] <cmn32480> I do about 20k/yr
[13:00:00] <cmn32480> wow
[12:59:47] <TheMightyBuzzard> it takes me like six months to put a thousand miles on it since i got out here to tn
[12:59:38] <cmn32480> both cars are full synthetic and that is the recommended miles
[12:59:08] <cmn32480> I change every 10K miles if I need it or not
[12:58:58] <cmn32480> zoinks
[12:58:40] <TheMightyBuzzard> i'm having to change mine like every thousand miles cause i drive so very little. fishing spots are fairly close and we use the roomie's company truck for most of our toodling around town.
[12:58:17] <cmn32480> and ti takes 7 quarts
[12:58:08] <cmn32480> I can get it for like $6/qt at Costco (BJ's?) and do ti myself
[12:57:44] <cmn32480> most places are charging like $12-15/quart when they do the change
[12:57:31] <TheMightyBuzzard> ouch. that stuff ain't cheap.
[12:57:15] <cmn32480> my wife's car takes 0W-20 full synthetic
[12:57:05] <cmn32480> yeah
[12:56:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> yeah. 260k miles and counting.
[12:56:11] <cmn32480> still use conventional oil?
[12:55:54] <TheMightyBuzzard> huh. only about $10 difference for me taking it to wal-mart or doing it in the driveway.
[12:55:11] <cmn32480> both my cars are synthetic... far cheaper for me to change the oil than to take it someplace
[12:54:45] <cmn32480> I hung with Dad and learned all this fun stuff as a kid
[12:54:27] <TheMightyBuzzard> i claim zero handy nowadays but only because my time is generally worth more to me than $10 extra for an oil change.
[12:54:10] <cmn32480> and neither of them has EVER wanted to learn howe
[12:53:58] <cmn32480> my sister is same
[12:53:52] <cmn32480> my brother has _zero_ handy
[12:53:36] <TheMightyBuzzard> s'why i can do so many things. dad was cheap and did everything himself.
[12:53:27] <cmn32480> perhaps not a gene, but a predeliction for it
[12:53:04] <TheMightyBuzzard> near as i can tell, there is no gene. it's just what did dad teach me growing up.
[12:52:27] <cmn32480> I am wondering which, if any, of my kids will get the "handy" gene
[12:52:08] <cmn32480> I think they weigh more than he does
[12:51:54] <TheMightyBuzzard> 7 is a bit small to be toating up bundles of shingles anyway. unless you got freaky hulk genes.
[12:51:45] <cmn32480> and some other minor odds and ends, but at 7, I certainly wasn't letting him climb on the roof
[12:51:14] <cmn32480> the bottle of chalk to reload the chalk line...
[12:51:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> nod nod
[12:51:02] <cmn32480> this was a project where I didn't need to much gophering
[12:50:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> going to be a busy day today.
[12:50:21] <cmn32480> measure once cut twice.... got it
[12:50:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> "measure twice, cut once" and you're pretty well set.
[12:50:06] <cmn32480> agreed
[12:49:46] <TheMightyBuzzard> s'not really a difficult skill to pick up. just takes practice to be GOOD at.
[12:49:26] * cmn32480 is suitably impressed
[12:49:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> by the time i was 13 i could, adult strength not being there yet as a granted, build a house minus the electric and plumbing.
[12:48:49] <cmn32480> had to fold it in quarters...
[12:48:28] <cmn32480> the tarp is 30x50
[12:48:22] <cmn32480> he has a BIG pool
[12:48:02] <TheMightyBuzzard> cool cool
[12:47:56] <cmn32480> upside... my buddy gave me an old pool tarp, so she's covered until I can get back to it next weekend
[12:47:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> s'good gettin em learnin as early as feasible. once they're teenagers you can't teach em anything.
[12:46:43] <cmn32480> without the rain, I'd have probably gotten complete
[12:46:20] <cmn32480> at this point, I'd rather he be chaing grasshoppers
[12:46:12] <Bender> karma - rain: 1
[12:46:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> rain--
[12:46:00] <TheMightyBuzzard> ewww
[12:45:48] <cmn32480> oh yeah... and the 4 hours I lost to the persistant drizzle on Saturday
[12:45:39] <TheMightyBuzzard> heh, i was the official gopher for my dad as soon as i could be relied upon to not stop and chase a grasshopper instead of doing what i was told
[12:44:34] <cmn32480> he's 7. I didn't want him (or the other kids) anywhere near the tarps with all the nails, etc on them
[12:44:03] <TheMightyBuzzard> "boy, fetch me a..."
[12:43:51] <cmn32480> and the only shape I am in is round
[12:43:48] <TheMightyBuzzard> yeah, this is why people have kids.
[12:43:36] <cmn32480> harder when do solo
[12:43:20] <TheMightyBuzzard> it's pretty easy work except on the knees.
[12:43:14] <cmn32480> and not somethign I do or have ever done regularly... so that took extra time
[12:43:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> honestly, i don't mind roofing at all if it's not summer.
[12:42:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> hrm...
[12:42:01] <cmn32480> 15x10 roughly
[12:41:48] <TheMightyBuzzard> must be a big shed
[12:41:28] <cmn32480> cleanign out the rot took almost all of saturday
[12:41:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> yup. the up and down and finding more stuff you gotta do prolly took longer than the actual work.
[12:40:52] <cmn32480> and I didn't even get the shingles on
[12:40:41] <cmn32480> and an extra trip to Home Depot
[12:40:26] <cmn32480> and one fo the 2x4's that was on the end of the roof joists
[12:40:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> does make for a bit longer experience, yep.
[12:40:06] <cmn32480> new exterior facia
[12:39:35] <cmn32480> new soffet
[12:39:27] <cmn32480> new deck
[12:39:10] <TheMightyBuzzard> ahh, had to redeck it?
[12:38:53] <cmn32480> there was far more rot than anticipated
[12:38:46] <cmn32480> i had to put a new roof on the shed...
[12:38:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> you're about... almost 30 years too late on telling me that. mind you it took a lot more to tire me out when i was a teenager.
[12:37:41] <wagegap> ^ 03Lawnmower Boat - YouTube
[12:37:40] <dogfart> https://www.youtube.com
[12:37:15] <cmn32480> mental note... don't go into roofing
[12:36:21] <cmn32480> jebus I think I hurt everywhere
[12:36:14] <Bender> karma - coffee: 1851
[12:36:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[12:36:06] cmn32480|away is now known as cmn32480
[12:36:00] <Bender> karma - coffee: 1850
[12:36:00] <cmn32480|away> coffee++
[12:35:37] <wagegap> ^ 03Lawnmower Boat - YouTube
[12:35:37] <TheMightyBuzzard> https://www.youtube.com
[12:34:53] <dogfart> hmm. its kinda troubling to think that this may have already been tried for real
[12:34:38] * TheMightyBuzzard chuckles
[12:34:17] <dogfart> awesomess boat motor evah1
[12:33:22] <dogfart> just tie a lawnmower to the side
[12:32:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> means no depth/fish finder for me.
[12:32:18] <TheMightyBuzzard> had planned on getting two marine batteries to run the trolling motor on my boat but it's gonna cost me like $150 minimum if i do
[12:31:55] <dogfart> must be nearyl sleepy time
[12:31:38] stick_my_thumb_in_hi is now known as dogfart
[12:31:32] * stick_my_thumb_in_hi dogfart
[12:31:16] <Bender> karma - character_limits: -1
[12:31:16] <stick_my_thumb_in_hi> character_limits--
[12:30:57] crutchy is now known as stick_my_thumb_in_hi
[12:30:44] * TheMightyBuzzard grumbles
[12:17:07] <chromas> is somebody who loves walking a podophile?
[12:16:44] <chromas> why aren't they podometers? and podals for podalling?
[12:10:42] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Pedometers: the New Prescription for Rheumatoid Arthritis - http://sylnt.us - RA-Declination
[11:52:04] krutchy is now known as wagegap
[11:51:22] -!- sneakyfox has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[11:50:18] <TheMightyBuzzard> smoke break
[11:48:43] <chromas> poor ciri
[11:48:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh happy day! no ciri in #Soylent!
[11:48:21] <chromas> left town. said he'd be back at high noon
[11:48:21] -!- Silverly has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[11:48:02] <chromas> http://i.imgur.com
[11:47:54] <TheMightyBuzzard> wait, where is ciri?
[11:47:40] * TheMightyBuzzard gives ciri the stink-eye
[11:47:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> only blocking i do is OF bots
[11:44:46] <TheMightyBuzzard> nah, we don't use the B-word around here
[11:44:34] <chromas> be sure to use mysql for ipc ;)
[11:43:11] <chromas> you could make a competitor to what's-her-butt's block bot. do it in perl; call it a Beta blocker
[11:41:26] <TheMightyBuzzard> wait, i HAVE a bot!
[11:41:15] <TheMightyBuzzard> i need a bot
[11:41:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> ^V isn't a macro?
[11:41:03] <TheMightyBuzzard> it's the most thoroughly debunked lie evar, yet every year the tards bring it out again like it's true.
[11:40:46] <chromas> you need a macro
[11:39:01] <TheMightyBuzzard> There's only so many times you can hit paste with "You're full of shit." in the clipboard before you sprain a finger.
[11:38:03] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh gods am i glad i'm going to be out most of the day. it's equal pay day again.
[11:34:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh man this coffee tastes good this morning
[11:31:54] <sneakyfox> TheMightyBuzzard, thanks :)
[11:30:57] <TheMightyBuzzard> yurp. issue created.
[11:29:49] -!- JamesNZ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[11:29:30] <exec> message saved
[11:29:28] <crutchy> ~tell paulej72 you're adopted and TheMightyBuzzard doesn't like you :p
[11:29:12] <sneakyfox> so it becomes a bit spammy
[11:29:05] <sneakyfox> I mean, the gimmick is fun at first, but tweets are also very short anyway
[11:28:52] <sneakyfox> that sounds great :)
[11:28:39] <crutchy> true. egads that twitter page looks terrible anyway
[11:28:39] <TheMightyBuzzard> i'll put an issue up for it, see how paulej72 likes the idea.
[11:27:58] <TheMightyBuzzard> sneakyfox, s'not a bad idea.
[11:27:44] <Bender> karma - bender: 4
[11:27:44] <crutchy> bender++ # is there anything he can't bend?
[11:27:41] <krutchy> ^ 03SoylentNews (@SoylentNews) | Twitter
[11:27:40] <sneakyfox> yea. Only 192 followers though: https://twitter.com
[11:27:34] <crutchy> oh
[11:27:27] <TheMightyBuzzard> crutchy, yeah. bender tweets them out for us after he picks them up on the rss.
[11:27:14] <sneakyfox> hehe
[11:26:44] <crutchy> we do tweets?
[11:26:28] <sneakyfox> Hey. Thanks for the great service. Been using it for a good while now. But have you considered removing the "from the *-dept" from the tweets? After a while, it really is just a nuisance imho :)
[11:26:27] <crutchy> eh¿¿
[11:26:12] <krutchy> ^ 03Fightin' Around the World - South Park - Russell Crowe - YouTube ( https://www.youtube.com )
[11:26:11] * crutchy imagines s/russell crowe/themightybuzzard/ in this video: https://youtu.be
[11:24:27] -!- sneakyfox [sneakyfox!~sneakyfox@37-66-225-97.u.parknet.dk] has joined #Soylent
[11:22:30] <TheMightyBuzzard> no coding today for me. tis register n otherwise kit the boat out day.
[11:21:19] <Bender> karma - coffee: 1849
[11:21:19] <crutchy> coffee++
[11:21:06] <Bender> karma - coffee: 1848
[11:21:06] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[11:20:01] <crutchy> unfortunately the script doesn't allow the same 'beverage' twice in a row :(
[11:04:17] <alexbst> can I have a second helping ?
[11:04:07] <alexbst> I love splodge
[10:22:52] * exec fanatically slides a caravan of splodge to alexbst
[10:22:51] <crutchy> ~gday alexbst
[10:09:08] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Bitcoin Inventor Satoshi Nakamoto Nominated for Nobel Prize - http://sylnt.us - can-i-buy-bacon-with-bitcoin?
[09:38:27] <alexbst> moin
[08:37:59] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - U.S. Navy Launches Trident Missile from Submarine, Seen All Over West Coast - http://sylnt.us - tech-demo
[07:48:06] * crutchy finally turned the air conditioner off
[07:47:50] <crutchy> hopefully should cool down soon
[07:47:41] <exec> Monday, 9 November 2015 @ 6:47 pm GMT+11 - Melbourne VIC
[07:47:39] <crutchy> ~time
[07:47:37] <crutchy> hmm
[07:47:19] <exec> 11Melbourne VIC - currently 34°C, mostly sunny, wind W at 16 km/h, humidity 15% - Monday scattered showers (14°C:33°C), Tuesday showers (9°C:16°C), Wednesday partly cloudy (12°C:24°C), Thursday scattered thunderstorms (13°C:24°C)
[07:47:18] <crutchy> ~weather
[07:21:33] -!- JamesNZ [JamesNZ!~james@43-567-441-22.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #Soylent
[07:07:22] <crutchy> about 19 hours away
[07:07:11] <crutchy> i think i wanna drive to coober pedy
[06:43:33] <crutchy> wow. thought it seemed a bit warm today
[06:43:17] <exec> 11Melbourne VIC - currently 34°C, mostly sunny, wind W at 24 km/h, humidity 14% - Monday scattered showers (14°C:33°C), Tuesday showers (9°C:16°C), Wednesday partly cloudy (12°C:24°C), Thursday thunderstorm (13°C:24°C)
[06:43:15] <crutchy> ~weather
[06:43:09] -!- exec [exec!~exec@utioner/T-800/BeVeryAfraid] has joined #Soylent
[06:42:38] <crutchy> from the except-when-incorporated-into-a-phone dept.
[06:36:26] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Japanese Scientists Invent Nearly Unbreakable Glass - http://sylnt.us - smashing
[06:33:13] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[06:27:03] leeroooooyy is now known as krutchy
[06:18:08] -!- Ethanol-fueled has quit [Client Quit]
[06:18:05] <Ethanol-fueled> Meh.
[06:16:11] <Ethanol-fueled> 'Sup Fellas.
[06:16:04] -!- Ethanol-fueled [Ethanol-fueled!~Ethanol-f@SectorZeroZeroOne] has joined #Soylent
[06:16:04] -!- Ethanol-fueled has quit [Changing host]
[06:15:55] -!- Ethanol-fueled [Ethanol-fueled!~Ethanol-f@ka52-830-964-802.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #Soylent
[05:40:04] juggs is now known as Deucalion
[05:35:39] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - The Robot Rock Band, Want to Build a Vocalist - http://sylnt.us - evolution-of-autotune
[04:39:04] -!- SpallsHurgenson has quit [Quit: apparently the cat learned to type while I was away]
[04:31:24] <SpallsHurgenson> `````````````````````1p[-;;o
[04:04:44] <SpallsHurgenson> but I don't WANNA wait five years!
[04:04:28] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - 'Fast Internet' for All by 2020 Pledged - UK Prime Minister - http://sylnt.us - in-5-years-you'll-have-what-was-fast-5-years-ago
[03:51:21] <leeroooooyy> ^ 03Zcalo Public Square :: The Accidental Color That Redirected Human Expression
[03:51:20] <SpallsHurgenson> http://www.zocalopublicsquare.org
[03:34:45] ZoomZoom is now known as SpallsHurgenson
[03:30:07] <leeroooooyy> ^ 03Apple defeats U.S. class action lawsuit over bag searches| Reuters
[03:30:00] <ZoomZoom> http://www.reuters.com
[02:57:33] -!- Buswolley has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[02:33:19] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - The Perils of Loading Native Libraries on Android - http://sylnt.us - acts-of-digital-gods
[02:13:23] -!- Tachyon has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[02:13:22] -!- Tachyon_ [Tachyon_!~Tachyon@xuco.me] has joined #Soylent
[01:59:52] <ZoomZoom> personally I found the dubai jetpackers to be much more impressive
[01:59:01] -!- ZoomZoom [ZoomZoom!~SpallsHur@Soylent/Users/656/SpallsHurgenson] has joined #Soylent
[01:36:59] <Buswolley> Sure...and in the end I don't care that much honestly..
[01:24:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> this isn't final word stuff i'm saying, mind you, just my opinion as a dev.
[01:24:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> we thought about something similar regarding spam mods but it was really just massively open to abuse.
[01:23:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> right but 90% of our traffic is AC
[01:22:42] <Buswolley> It would encourage more registered user participation.
[01:22:05] <Buswolley> Buzzard, I call that the just risk of living the AC lifestyle.(
[01:10:37] <TheMightyBuzzard> be a lot less abusable to just give out more mod points. otherwise some wiseacre would come along and mod every AC comment on the site.
[01:09:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya reckon?
[01:02:56] <Buswolley> Mod points should be for moderating registered users, ACs should be moderated by any logged in user free of charge, I say.
[01:01:13] <Buswolley> egistered users should be able to mod AC without using mod points, ever.
[01:00:45] -!- Buswolley [Buswolley!~43acb41d@f-38-143-601-21.hsd7.ca.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[00:54:32] <Gravis> i made pong on my TI-82. :>
[00:54:12] <Gravis> learned to code TI BASIC then went back to camp the following year to learn C
[00:51:56] <Gravis> though going to a computer camp and learning a variant of BASIC aforded my the understanding to start programming and learning on my own
[00:48:46] <Gravis> it was interesting but i really took off when i got my own computer and we got internets. :)
[00:47:09] <Gravis> alexbst: i grew up using DOS on an 8088. second computer was pentium @ 75MHz running the newly released win95.
[00:37:14] -!- Ethanol-fueled has quit [Client Quit]
[00:36:31] <Ethanol-fueled> Sup fellas.
[00:36:24] -!- Ethanol-fueled [Ethanol-fueled!~Ethanol-f@SectorZeroZeroOne] has joined #Soylent
[00:36:24] -!- Ethanol-fueled has quit [Changing host]
[00:36:12] -!- Ethanol-fueled [Ethanol-fueled!~Ethanol-f@ka52-830-964-802.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #Soylent
[00:34:35] <chromas> did he get shot down?
[00:31:46] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Jetpack Pilot Soars Over NYC's Hudson River, Salutes Lady Liberty - http://sylnt.us - Zoom!-Zoom!
[00:29:27] -!- Silverly [Silverly!~silverly@hmq-028-610-82-5.lnse9.ken.bigpond.net.au] has joined #Soylent
[00:28:58] -!- Silverly has quit [Quit: Leaving]