#Soylent | Logs for 2015-10-25

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[00:06:28] <burger-fed> I'll have to save the WMD for when American scum overtake the Russkies wtih literate ability.
[00:06:57] <Yog-Yogguth> wtih :)
[00:07:41] <burger-fed> The Russkies are Pikie chav Rednecks but fight more than Gypsies and Eurocucks.
[00:09:02] <burger-fed> Not that THEY care about the -- heh -- demographic shift engulfing Europe.
[00:09:20] <burger-fed> HAHAHAHA
[00:11:42] <burger-fed> https://www.youtube.com
[00:11:42] <GW> ^✓ 03Gwar - Fucking An Animal - YouTube
[00:15:25] <burger-fed> This is for you all who have ever worked in a plant:
[00:15:26] <burger-fed> https://www.youtube.com
[00:15:27] <GW> ^ 03Green Jello - Misadventures of Shitman - YouTube
[00:16:50] <burger-fed> https://www.youtube.com
[00:16:50] <GW> ^* 03Green Jello - Misadventures of Shitman - YouTube
[00:17:41] <burger-fed> https://www.youtube.com
[00:17:41] <GW> ^* 03Green Jello - Misadventures of Shitman - YouTube
[00:19:37] <burger-fed> https://www.youtube.com
[00:19:38] <GW> ^ 03Green Jellö -09- House Me Teenage Rave (HD) - YouTube
[00:20:24] <burger-fed> PHLBHLBHBHBLHBBHBBTTT
[00:20:35] <burger-fed> HAHAHHA! EAT the BURGER
[00:21:42] <burger-fed> HAHAHAHHAA, you filthy bastards.
[00:23:49] <burger-fed> FUCK YOU
[00:24:21] <burger-fed> PANZER ROLLEN IN AFRIKA VOR!
[00:25:49] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Walmart Plays Catch-Up With Amazon - http://sylnt.us - bigger-they-come...
[00:26:11] <burger-fed> Walmart plays "catch up with this:"
[00:26:48] <burger-fed> Walmart Rollen en middelameriKa corps.
[00:26:55] <Yog-Yogguth> I need sleep cya Ethanol-Burger :)
[00:27:00] <burger-fed> https://www.youtube.com
[00:27:00] <GW> ^✓ 03Panzer rollen in Afrika vor English Subtitle - YouTube
[00:27:02] <burger-fed> Lata
[00:29:08] <burger-fed> Hehehehehehee
[00:29:50] <burger-fed> It's time to disappear.
[00:29:50] * chromas imagines EF finger-pecking each key of the 'drunken rage'
[00:30:18] <burger-fed> You wish, Nancy-Boy.
[00:30:27] <burger-fed> Hahahahhheeheeheehoooooooo!
[00:30:35] <chromas> Hammering it out with an extension?
[00:30:53] * burger-fed punches Power button
[00:31:07] <chromas> Like what's-his-nerd playing the piano in Senior Trip
[00:31:08] <burger-fed> You'll pay, later, FUCK.
[00:31:28] -!- nick has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[00:31:42] <burger-fed> CLYSPLCHJGHFJSGJFGJSFb
[00:32:21] <burger-fed> EJECT THE TURD! *BLAT*
[00:37:25] -!- burger-fed has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[01:02:17] <Subsentient> $godzilla
[01:02:18] * aqu4 turns into Godzilla and begins to wreak havoc upon you all
[01:02:18] <aqu4> *ROMP*
[01:02:19] <aqu4> *ROMP*
[01:02:20] <aqu4> *ROMP*
[01:02:21] <aqu4> *ROMP*
[01:02:22] <aqu4> *ROMP*
[01:02:22] * aqu4 eats swiss
[01:02:23] <aqu4> *ROMP*
[01:02:24] <aqu4> *ROMP*
[01:02:25] <aqu4> *ROMP*
[01:02:26] * aqu4 craps out swiss on takyon
[01:02:26] <aqu4> *ROMP*
[01:02:27] <aqu4> *ROMP*
[01:02:28] <aqu4> *ROMP*
[01:02:29] <aqu4> *ROMP*
[01:02:30] * aqu4 slowly shrinks back to normal size and scampers off
[01:04:18] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@1.152.nz.zwx] has joined #Soylent
[01:06:15] <Subsentient> crutchy: Nurble
[01:06:44] <crutchy> coffee++
[01:06:44] <Bender> karma - coffee: 1787
[01:07:13] <crutchy> mobile_tethering++
[01:07:13] <Bender> karma - mobile_tethering: 1
[01:07:46] -!- exec [exec!~exec@utioner/T-800/BeVeryAfraid] has joined #Soylent
[01:07:57] <Subsentient> crutchy: Using your phone as a modem?
[01:15:28] -!- Ethanol-fueled [Ethanol-fueled!~Ethanol-f@ka52-830-964-802.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #Soylent
[01:16:06] <Ethanol-fueled> HEER HEER HUUR HURR.
[01:16:23] <Deucalion> o.O
[01:16:28] Ethanol-fueled is now known as SoyGuest3228
[01:20:47] <SoyGuest3228> sod off la lymeys
[01:20:51] <SoyGuest3228> limets
[01:20:56] <SoyGuest3228> limeys
[01:21:28] <SoyGuest3228> Limey Fooks!
[01:22:38] <SoyGuest3228> https://www.youtube.com
[01:22:38] <GW> ^ 03Chrono Cross Lynx vs Team Serge New Game + - YouTube
[01:25:51] <SoyGuest3228> FUKK EAH
[01:25:54] <SoyGuest3228> HAHAHHAHA
[01:27:12] <SoyGuest3228> FUG you all bastards.
[01:27:16] <SoyGuest3228> HAHAHHAHHAA
[01:27:29] <Deucalion> .kick SoyGuest3228
[01:27:29] -!- SoyGuest3228 was kicked from #Soylent by Imogen!Imogen@imogen.dusty.attic [(Deucalion (juggs)) No reason given]
[01:32:36] <mythterj> Man we have had our fair share of wierdos posting today....
[01:33:17] <Deucalion> just today? :D
[01:33:42] <crutchy> Deucalion, you probably gave him an orgasm
[01:34:21] <Deucalion> lucky him :) At least I don't need to read any more all caps crud when trying to watch a film
[01:34:27] <crutchy> lol
[01:34:46] <crutchy> yeah looks like he might have been a bit tipsy
[01:35:02] <crutchy> its a gorgeous day here
[01:35:05] <crutchy> ~weather
[01:35:08] <exec> 06Melbourne VIC - currently 24°C, mostly sunny, wind N at 42 km/h, humidity 29% - Sunday cloudy (14°C:31°C), Monday scattered showers (10°C:16°C), Tuesday sunny (12°C:26°C), Wednesday partly cloudy (12°C:27°C)
[01:35:19] <Deucalion> ~weather
[01:35:20] <exec> syntax: ~weather <location>
[01:35:29] <Deucalion> ~weather London
[01:35:29] <crutchy> ~weather juggs
[01:35:31] <exec> 10London, UK - currently 44°F / 7°C, clear, wind W at 5 mph, humidity 95% - Saturday clear (38°F:44°F / 3°C:7°C), Sunday partly cloudy (44°F:56°F / 7°C:13°C), Monday mostly sunny (52°F:63°F / 11°C:17°C), Tuesday partly cloudy (52°F:63°F / 11°C:17°C)
[01:35:32] <exec> 06London, UK - currently 7°C, clear, wind W at 8 km/h, humidity 95% - Saturday clear (3°C:7°C), Sunday partly cloudy (7°C:13°C), Monday mostly sunny (11°C:17°C), Tuesday partly cloudy (11°C:17°C)
[01:35:35] <crutchy> oops
[01:35:57] <Deucalion> Nice night - clear and nearly full moon
[01:37:42] <Deucalion> Your day sounds nice though... my kinda temps
[01:50:45] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[01:52:14] <Bytram> ~weather boston
[01:52:16] <exec> 10Boston, MA, USA - currently 48°F, cloudy, wind N at 0 mph, humidity 74% - Saturday scattered showers (47°F:48°F), Sunday scattered showers (39°F:61°F), Monday sunny (38°F:51°F), Tuesday partly cloudy (43°F:57°F)
[01:52:23] <Bytram> ~weather portland, me
[01:52:25] <exec> 10Portland, ME, USA - currently 45°F, cloudy, wind SE at 2 mph, humidity 76% - Saturday scattered showers (43°F:46°F), Sunday scattered showers (33°F:60°F), Monday sunny (34°F:51°F), Tuesday mostly sunny (38°F:56°F)
[01:52:28] <Bytram> ~weather presque isle
[01:52:30] <exec> 10Presque Isle, ME, USA - currently 40°F, cloudy, wind S at 10 mph, humidity 77% - Saturday scattered showers (38°F:47°F), Sunday rain (24°F:49°F), Monday sunny (24°F:40°F), Tuesday sunny (22°F:46°F)
[01:52:52] <crutchy> should make a .bytram-weather macro :p
[01:53:11] <crutchy> ~g'day Bytram o/
[01:53:13] * exec covertly cracks open a bathtub of g'day juice for Bytram
[01:53:26] <Bytram> :D
[01:53:41] * Bytram is just doing a quick check-in to see if anything is up.
[01:54:34] <Bytram> long day at work today; a whole LOT of changes were made to the layout of the department -- I now know exactly where things used to be. :P
[01:55:11] <Bytram> and, I just found out that the remaining area of the department is being rearranged tomorrow morning before I get to work.
[01:56:13] <Bytram> So, it'll take me AT LEAST a couple weeks to get to the point where I'll be able to put my hands on things when I go to look for them.
[01:56:59] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Bacon, Burgers, and Sausages Are a Cancer Risk, Say World Health Chiefs - http://sylnt.us - end-of-the-world-is-nigh
[01:57:07] <Bytram> But, I still have a job, my bills are paid, I have a roof over my head, I just finished my dinner so I'm not at all hungry... really don't have much to complain about, really.
[01:57:26] <mythterj> Hopefully Bytram doesn't work in Medicine ...
[01:57:27] <Bytram> and there was no cancer risk in my dinner, too!
[01:57:27] <Bytram> =)
[01:57:32] <Bytram> nope
[01:58:06] <Bytram> I'm a brain surgeon
[01:58:08] <Deucalion> can't have customers knowing where things are, how would you get an opportunistic sale if every customer just went directly to what they wanted without looking at anything else? Supermarket policy for as long as supermarkets have existed - keep moving the products around.
[01:58:11] <Bytram> j/k
[01:58:51] <Bytram> and can't have the staff knowing where it is, either. that way they make sure that nobody can buy anything they want.
[01:59:45] <Bytram> I was here last week and saw $foo, I've decided I'd like to buy it, but cannot find it, now. Where is it? Beats me; I don't know where anything is any more, either!
[02:00:02] <Bytram> only slightly kidding on that one
[02:00:38] <Deucalion> Nooo - that is part of the same plan - if the customer can just ask a staff member where X is then the customer would do so and the reason the movement of product was implemented (force customer to look at everything) is short circuited.
[02:00:44] <Bytram> crutchy: thanks for the greeting, btw
[02:01:45] <Bytram> oh, they tend to do that anyway, we have a pretty good runover of stock
[02:01:51] <Bytram> s/runover/turnover/
[02:01:51] <sedctl> <Bytram> oh, they tend to do that anyway, we have a pretty good turnover of stock
[02:02:15] <Bytram> and we try and greet every one of them to make sure they know we are there to help
[02:02:53] <Bytram> Deucalion: IN a few weeks, I'll be up to speed. It's just dealing with the transition that is challenging.
[02:03:31] <Deucalion> Condition of life - change is constant :)
[02:03:58] <Bytram> I'm pretty good at making sense from swarms of data, I just need to immerse myself for a while and it will all get sorted out before long.
[02:04:24] <Bytram> the hardest part is forgetting all the stuff I taught myself about where things were and replace it with all new location data.
[02:04:44] <Bytram> btw, did I mention we have on the order of 4000-5000 items?
[02:05:51] <Bytram> maybe closer to 6000
[02:06:42] <Bytram> fortunately, it's not all the stock that is getting switched out, just its location. So, it's just a matter of searching long enough to find things.
[02:07:03] <Bytram> so, in the grand scheme of things, it is really no big deal, but for the short term, it can be more than a little frstrating.
[02:07:13] <Bytram> like you said, change is constant
[02:07:35] <Bytram> https://www.bostonglobe.com
[02:07:36] <GW> ^ 03Texting reduces need for pain medication during surgery - The Boston Globe
[02:12:15] <crutchy> Deucalion, i call that supermarket phenomenon 'the walk of shame'
[02:12:52] <crutchy> whenever i go there's always something i can't find, so i go to one end and walk systematically to the other
[02:13:19] <Deucalion> Perhaps you should knock up a Pad runnable application that maps the location with a database of all product lines along with X Y coordinates for each product (parsed to human readable output for display) - setup shell company - offer said application with ongoing Pad sales and support contracts thereof to your employers. Get to take a wage and sell them the mapping product at the same time. Wouldn't be hard to do - something for the down hours
[02:13:19] <Deucalion> :D
[02:14:06] <crutchy> or wait till my kids are old enough and send them :D
[02:14:29] <Deucalion> When you have had enough - sell the Pad app company for a few millions (as you have sold it into other retail chains by that point).... retire.
[02:14:35] <crutchy> oooh. gewg_ is on fire
[02:14:43] <Bytram> the unintended downside of that technique? If one store keeps its layout relatively stable, and another store changes things around every few months, then I'd prefer to go to the 'stable' store because it saves my time and reduces frustration -- they could charge higher prices that the 'changey' store and I would still pay extra for the stability and convenience that affords me.
[02:15:21] <Deucalion> You might - but others tend to rely on those loyalty card bonuses and the like.
[02:15:32] <crutchy> oh there's a political flamebait story lol
[02:15:38] <Bytram> you mean purchase history tracking cards?
[02:15:48] <crutchy> no wonder he's peddling his socialist dogma
[02:15:49] <Deucalion> that would be the ones.
[02:17:34] <Bytram> MANY years ago, I signed up for one at a new office supply store. That, and one of those warehouse-member-discount-chains. I let both lapse after a few years.
[02:17:57] <Bytram> I'd say that about half of my purchases are paid for with cash instead of plastic.
[02:18:07] <Bytram> No more loyalty cards for me!
[02:18:14] <Deucalion> crutchy, where are you on the political compass? https://www.politicalcompass.org Tis a vaguely interesting 4 axis political thing rather than the more mundane 2 axis :D
[02:18:15] <GW> ^ 03The Political Compass
[02:18:38] <chromas> Are two dimensions enough?
[02:18:46] <Bytram> YES and NO
[02:18:52] <Bytram> does that count?
[02:19:11] <Bytram> I've got another busy day tomorrow and am gonna call it a night.
[02:19:18] <chromas> night
[02:19:19] <Bytram> hope you all have a great night, yourselves!
[02:19:23] <Deucalion> nope. neither are 4. But 4 > 2 at least. Human opinion is a complex thing.
[02:19:38] <Deucalion> Night Bytram, sleep well
[02:19:53] <chromas> we need a compass with a dimension for each thing we can have an opinion about :)
[02:20:22] <Bytram> sounds like an inifinitely-faceted sphere.
[02:20:24] <Deucalion> We could call it the matrix!
[02:20:45] <Bytram> Deucalion: may you sleep well, as well!
[02:20:57] <Bytram> chromas: have a good night!
[02:21:21] * Bytram is reminded of the 1970's TV show: 'The Waltons'
[02:21:24] <crutchy> Deucalion, not sure about that thing, but i'm socially liberal and fiscally conservative
[02:21:29] <crutchy> aka libertarian
[02:21:34] <chromas> goodnight, george!
[02:21:41] * chromas doesn't remember the names
[02:22:16] <Deucalion> There was probably a billy-bob in there
[02:22:50] <crutchy> chromas, isn't that what reddit is for?
[02:23:04] <chromas> to remember the names?
[02:23:15] <crutchy> <chromas> we need a compass with a dimension for each thing we can have an opinion about :)
[02:25:23] * chromas thought reddit was for porn and feminists
[02:25:28] <chromas> no wait, that's tumblr
[02:32:32] <crutchy> Deucalion, https://www.politicalcompass.org
[02:32:39] <crutchy> that's where i fell
[02:32:56] <crutchy> which is prolly roughly where i expected
[02:34:35] -!- stderr has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[02:37:05] <Deucalion> I tend to land more to the left and little lower. Which is not surprising, I have always had a strong dislike of authority by dictat.
[02:38:09] <crutchy> i think there is a place for limited government, just not the monstrosities that we have now
[02:39:57] <crutchy> governments gradually getting bigger is probably a natural progression though, because those in power love to spend other peoples money
[02:40:02] -!- stderr [stderr!~pohol@GetOffMyLawn/stderr] has joined #Soylent
[02:40:02] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v stderr] by Imogen
[02:41:44] <Deucalion> Which I think is the point that site makes clear if you read around their stuff..... the conflation with left and big state, right with small state as is regularly espoused is utter shite. It is entirely possible to construct a "socialist" small state governance and structure. I enclose socialist in quotes as that word has become meaningless for the purpose of discussion. I prefer humanist :D
[02:47:40] <crutchy> i dunno what humanist means
[02:48:19] <crutchy> i've got nothing against charity. just those who claim to be charitable with other peoples money
[02:48:50] <crutchy> if you wanna be charitable, do it with your own time, labor and money
[02:49:07] <crutchy> otherwise you're not being charitable at all
[02:51:23] <crutchy> the problem with governments being 'charitable' is that those who pay for it don't have any say. voluntary donations to actual charities is different
[02:52:15] <Subsentient> crutchy: I'm for a currency-less society based on a libertarian-socialism, if there can be such a thing.
[02:53:24] <crutchy> barter is awesome. the original idea of currency was merely a tool to make barter more convenient
[02:53:29] <Deucalion> That becomes tricky when you only just earn enough through your labours to put food on the table for your family with nothing left to spare in time or energy terms. You think large established charities do not suffer from corruption and greed? I see no reason to donate to a charity where the CEO is paying themselves £1mill+ per year and living in a delusion that they are doing something good.
[02:54:14] <crutchy> not all charities are good. that's very true. but at least i can choose to give to them or not
[02:54:27] <crutchy> with government there is no choice
[02:54:37] <Subsentient> So, I got banned from Warzone 2100 IRC and almost banned from the lobby server for hosting a game called "Anal Felching Grandma"
[02:54:38] <Subsentient> :^D
[02:55:21] <crutchy> its the same as corporations; for all the negative publicity around corporations, people voluntarily buy their shit, and the government willingly hands over your hard earned taxes to them
[02:55:21] * Subsentient can't help himself
[02:56:12] <Deucalion> crutchy, with near instantaneous communication possible between any individuals on earth... what need for financial instruments such as currency, options, stocks, futures..... the whole thing is a damn illusion that imprisons us.
[02:56:14] * Subsentient also made a map with a goatse tileset
[02:56:35] <Subsentient> People just quit without saying a word as soon as the map loaded...
[02:56:39] <crutchy> the good thing about corporations and charities is that people vote for them everyday. can you imagine how different politicians would be if they faced aan election every day?
[02:57:05] <crutchy> Deucalion, i agree that current financial industry is just a big rort
[02:57:24] <crutchy> but its a rort that's bankrolled by governments and reserve banks
[02:57:38] <Subsentient> $ddg rort
[02:57:39] <aqu4> No results found.
[02:57:42] <crutchy> corporations merely line up for slops
[02:57:50] <crutchy> s/slops/free slops/
[02:57:51] <sedctl> <crutchy> corporations merely line up for free slops
[02:57:56] <Deucalion> The bad thing about corporations is that the slightly more successful ones buyout the less successful until there is no competition - and a new fiefdom occurs.
[02:58:56] <crutchy> corporations (without government assistance) only get big if they have a lot of revenue, which requires a lot of people to voluntarily pay them, which means they are doing things better than their competitors
[02:59:20] <crutchy> the good thing about competition is that if one company sees that another company is doing well, they will mimic it
[02:59:27] <crutchy> aka china vs america
[02:59:42] <Subsentient> aaand patents help to kill that.
[02:59:51] <crutchy> they do
[03:00:10] <crutchy> the US would be so much fairer without the USPTO
[03:01:00] <crutchy> patents and licenses issued by government force are just another way that governments interfere with markets and destroy competition
[03:01:01] <Deucalion> but if a corporation has a lot of wealthy investors they can afford to undersell the market until the competition go out of business... then mop up all that business for themselves. Profit for the investors, cash out when they in turn get undersold by some newling.
[03:01:28] <Deucalion> Note - this is basically a Ponzi scheme....
[03:02:00] <Deucalion> Just a Ponzi scheme on such a grand scale that no-one seems to recognise it as such
[03:02:00] <crutchy> they can, but competition is very powerful. for all the clout that american corporations appear to have (including support from the mighty US treasury), they still can't compete with the chinese
[03:02:28] <crutchy> because chinese labor is cheaper
[03:02:51] <crutchy> american labor is a ripoff, because of unions (backed by government)
[03:02:52] <SirFinkus> and I'm back
[03:03:01] <Subsentient> $burrito sirecote
[03:03:01] * aqu4 chucks a nasty, rotten burrito at sirecote
[03:03:02] <Deucalion> And who is running the corps that sell the chinese produced product into the western markets?
[03:03:03] <Subsentient> $burrito SirFinkus
[03:03:03] * aqu4 chucks a nasty, rotten burrito at SirFinkus
[03:03:18] <SirFinkus> gee, thanks
[03:03:20] <crutchy> Deucalion, chinese companies
[03:03:33] <crutchy> whaat's that mob that makes iphones?
[03:03:40] <crutchy> name escapes me
[03:04:02] <crutchy> foxconn
[03:04:05] <Deucalion> how much cash to Apple have stowed away in offshore accounts? (you chose that brand)
[03:04:11] <Deucalion> do*
[03:04:30] <crutchy> samsung is a south korean company, and is drowning apple and microsoft
[03:04:48] <Deucalion> and?
[03:05:08] <Deucalion> a new fiefdom is thus created
[03:05:18] <crutchy> they are competitors
[03:05:37] <crutchy> imagine how much an iphone would cost without samsung et al
[03:06:16] <Deucalion> that would be relevant if life depended on having an iphone
[03:06:39] <crutchy> take food even
[03:06:43] <crutchy> lots of food is imported
[03:06:52] <Deucalion> why?
[03:06:56] <crutchy> cos its cheaper
[03:07:19] <crutchy> (again, labor costs)
[03:07:44] <Deucalion> relative labour costs - which again all comes back to financial instruments
[03:07:47] <chromas> isn't china cheaper in part because government?
[03:07:58] <chromas> their (own)
[03:08:02] <crutchy> chinese government is very business friendly
[03:08:07] * chromas can't arrow properly
[03:08:10] <crutchy> as long as you're chinese company
[03:08:39] <chromas> weren't they artificially driving down the price of rare earths?
[03:08:46] <crutchy> china seems to be fairly xenophobic
[03:09:00] <crutchy> oh china is manipulating lots of things
[03:09:00] <SirFinkus> oh, related to our conversation 3 hours ago, I just saw a bumper sticker that said eARTh
[03:09:27] <crutchy> the currency war is more of a weapon though i think
[03:09:58] <Deucalion> They were - then an Aus rare earth producer re-opened operations and drove the price back down. Rare earths are not rare at all, just no-pne wants to extract them because the process is horrifically polluting.
[03:10:41] <crutchy> heh. aus is just a big mining colony eh :p
[03:11:39] <crutchy> hopefully that saves our arses when the next financial crisis hits. equities, stocks and bonds will take a dive and commodities will (hopefully) skyrocket
[03:11:45] <chromas> oh yeah, and Hermes got the whole operating running on just one Australian man
[03:11:52] <Deucalion> fuck all else to do with that big open space in the middle between the coasts :P Until we generate global cooling or something then we'll all want to live there :D But it will be polluted to fuck by then thanks to mining @D
[03:12:23] <crutchy> prolly. our chinese masters don't give a fuck about pollution
[03:12:37] <chromas> the open space makes delicious grains for making bread and beer and for some reason putting into cars
[03:15:09] <Deucalion> OK - I'm done being the ranty entertainment for the night. To bed for me. Be well :)
[03:15:22] <chromas> aw
[03:15:24] <chromas> ranty++
[03:15:24] <Bender> karma - ranty: 1
[03:15:45] * chromas just finished the last episode of Dexter. Not very climactic
[03:16:55] <crutchy> Deucalion, you're not ranty
[03:17:16] <crutchy> even freenode is rantier than here
[03:17:33] <crutchy> reddit and *chan are... something else
[03:17:53] <crutchy> ~g'night Deucalion
[03:17:55] * exec diabolically flings an assfull of coffee at Deucalion
[03:28:09] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - FCC Releases Data for ‘Do-Not-Disturb’ Technologies - http://sylnt.us - not-now-I'm-busy
[03:39:45] <SirFinkus> http://i.imgur.com
[03:42:08] <chromas> is that SirFinkus on the left?
[03:42:16] <SirFinkus> sure, why not
[03:42:29] <SirFinkus> I've been known to go piggin' back in the day
[03:44:52] -!- SoyCow0698 [SoyCow0698!~ae158fc8@264-35-852-419.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #Soylent
[03:45:18] -!- SoyCow0698 has quit [Client Quit]
[03:45:29] <crutchy> chromas, i think spallshurgenson is the one on the right
[03:45:45] <crutchy> no pants
[03:47:05] <chromas> "Look, ma, no pants!"
[03:48:22] <SirFinkus> oh absolutely
[03:49:53] <chromas> Spalls & Fink conspiring
[03:50:17] <crutchy> chromas, s/conspiring/eloping/
[03:50:17] <sedctl> <crutchy> <chromas> Spalls & Fink eloping
[03:50:49] <chromas> That means we have to combine their names— SpassFinkuson
[03:51:03] <chromas> s/s/ll/3
[03:51:03] <sedctl> <chromas> That means we have to combine their names— SpallsFinkuson
[03:51:05] <crutchy> !grab chromas
[03:51:05] <Bender> Added quote 578
[03:51:08] <crutchy> doh!
[03:51:18] <crutchy> !grab sedctl
[03:51:18] <Bender> Added quote 579
[03:51:54] <Deucalion> Recommend BBC iplayer - The Last Kingdom - ep1 available now. Looks like it could be a good series. For those that can legally watch iplayer of course, there are no other means available to you ~waves jedis hands~.
[03:52:02] <chromas> lool, "Unofficial spokesman for hacktivist group Anonymous"
[03:52:28] <crutchy> i need to go home and rethink my life
[03:52:30] * Deucalion is now definitely out
[03:53:05] * crutchy places a plate of cookies and looks the other way
[03:54:00] <crutchy> http://www.9news.com.au
[03:54:01] <GW> ^ 03'World-first' shark defence plan for NSW - 9news.com.au
[03:54:04] <crutchy> lasers!
[03:55:38] <crutchy> in other news, shares in a tech company owned by the brother of the NSW politician that introduced a bill for shark protection have skyrocketed for some unknown reason
[03:56:48] <crutchy> maybe if enough people get eaten, swimmers might be a bit smarter about how and where they swim
[03:57:08] <crutchy> nah can't have that. we need nanny-state to look after us poor dumb fools
[04:15:15] <crutchy> http://www.techtimes.com
[04:15:16] <GW> ^ 03Apple Patents Motorized iPhone Screen Protector With Shock-Absorbing Retractable Tabs To Prevent Against Damage : PERSONAL TECH : Tech Times
[04:59:18] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Spotify on the ISS - Music is a Huge Part of Life in Space - http://sylnt.us
[05:24:12] <Deucalion> I think the red flags on beaches that denote "here be rocks, best not to surf/swim here because you will be smushed to toothpaste due to rip tides" suffice. Beyond that. leave people to swim where they like even if they ignore the warnings. I think we used to call such things lighthouses.... a blinken thing to warn of danger thereabouts to assist others to avoid being smushed and killed. Somehow that got co-opted from "here be rocks that are a
[05:24:12] <Deucalion> mortal peril" to "this is how you MUST live your life". It used to be we ran lighthouses to keep ships off the rocks because that was good for local trade...... that needed no centralised governance. Just a sensible thing to do really. I slept for too long.
[05:28:22] -!- mythterj has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
[05:28:52] <Deucalion> allow an inch and a mile is taken....
[05:33:07] <crutchy> most people i know that don't want to be eaten by sharks don't swim out too far from a surf beach
[05:33:32] <crutchy> i guess if you're a surfer it might be different, but that risk is kinda part of the territory
[05:34:08] <crutchy> we don't expect the government to put nets below every cliff to protect mountain climbers
[06:28:04] <crutchy> wtf lol
[06:28:06] <crutchy> http://i.imgur.com
[06:30:28] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - The Richest 1 Percent Now Own Over Half of the World's Wealth - http://sylnt.us - return-of-feudalism
[06:36:27] <crutchy> tmb, i think gewg_ is trying to rally his socialist mates
[06:36:58] <crutchy> they're going to threaten to do nothing on a massive scale!
[06:37:21] <crutchy> just think... occupy wall street... times 2563!
[06:46:57] <crutchy> ah oh. http://www.bbc.com
[06:46:58] <GW> ^ 03South Korea 'fires shots at North Korean boat' - BBC News
[06:47:37] <crutchy> hmm. looks like it was just a spat
[06:48:53] <crutchy> http://www.bbc.com
[06:48:54] <GW> ^ 03China professor's wife-sharing proposal sparks ire - BBC News
[06:49:30] <crutchy> http://www.bbc.com
[06:49:31] <GW> ^ 03Could Li-Fi be the new Wi-Fi? - BBC News
[06:56:14] <crutchy> not sure if this has appeared already. slashdot already run it
[06:56:15] <crutchy> http://www.eurekalert.org
[06:56:16] <GW> ^ 03Researchers catch Comet Lovejoy giving away alcohol | EurekAlert! Science News
[07:02:30] <crutchy> we need a Department of Polls, cos the current poll is crap
[07:02:40] <crutchy> sorry to whoever came up with it
[07:03:05] <crutchy> maybe we should come up with the next poll in irc?
[07:08:11] -!- exec has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[07:08:11] -!- crutchy has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[07:29:42] -!- anubi [anubi!~454b1072@ymzt-16-15-75-373.west.biz.rr.com] has joined #Soylent
[07:33:18] <anubi> anyone online?
[08:01:37] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - The Drill We Sent to Mars - http://sylnt.us - out-of-this-world
[08:09:49] <SirFinkus> I am now anubi
[08:10:00] <SirFinkus> if you care, I'm not important
[08:16:00] <anubi> Did I step on another anubi?
[08:18:40] <anubi> Its been a long time since I have been on IRC and have forgot most everything... I was wondering if any fellow soylenters were up at this hour...
[08:21:06] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[08:21:46] <anubi> Hiya... still up?
[08:22:44] <crutchy> mcds for dinner tonight
[08:24:03] <anubi> Kinda curious about something you might be able to help me with.... I can no longer access localnet.com. I do not know if its a network problem.... can you access them?
[08:24:35] <anubi> I have my webmail through these folks... and they flat seem to have disappeared.
[08:24:49] <SirFinkus> can't connetct anubi
[08:24:53] <SirFinkus> connect even
[08:25:01] -!- exec [exec!~exec@utioner/T-800/BeVeryAfraid] has joined #Soylent
[08:25:06] <SirFinkus> says can't connect to server
[08:25:12] <crutchy> ~isup localnet.com
[08:25:19] <exec> 03localnet.com: error connecting
[08:25:23] <crutchy> ~isup localnet.com:443
[08:25:31] <exec> 03localnet.com:443: error connecting
[08:26:02] <anubi> Google still finds them. I can't ping them or anything. none of their stuff seems responsive.
[08:27:54] <anubi> They are supposed to be one of the largest ISP's out there... I thought maybe I was having DNS problems.. but I can't even a result from pinging their numeric address.
[08:28:47] <crutchy> google might be cached or summin?
[08:29:11] <anubi> I submitted a story to Soylent over it. Might be interesting what took them offline. I never got any emails from them over any scheduled maintenance.
[08:30:16] <anubi> I could google for Localnet.com, Google would find it. I would click on the link given by Google. Dead link.
[08:31:02] <anubi> Webmail down, Main web page down. Hosting web page down. Weird.
[08:31:02] <SirFinkus> yeah, that sucks
[08:31:18] <SirFinkus> never heard of them though, even though I live in the area
[08:31:40] <crutchy> news @ 11: SN user brings down one of largest ISPs!
[08:33:33] <anubi> I hope I did not bring them down.... even though my mailbox was getting full.
[08:33:36] <crutchy> if someone alerted cnn we would be all over primetime before they got egg on their face finding out it was fake
[08:35:34] <anubi> I have no idea if it is real or fake... that is why I am here on IRC so I can see if others can repeat my findings so far... I have had problems like this before that turned out to be in my own machine.
[08:35:51] <anubi> But not quite like this one.
[08:36:57] <SirFinkus> yeah, probably a temporary issue
[08:37:06] <SirFinkus> I'd guess anyway
[08:37:07] <anubi> IIts gonna be a bummer for me if I lost all my emails...
[08:37:17] <crutchy> unless yer a l337 hax0r i wouldn't worry
[08:37:31] <crutchy> oh yeah that could be a worry
[08:38:29] <SirFinkus> just using webmail?
[08:38:56] <SirFinkus> I use a client, even though google isn't likely to have connection problems
[08:39:21] <anubi> Yeh... I used to use their dialup all the time... slowly stopped using it. just kept using the webmail interface .
[08:40:53] <anubi> Thats all I use much from them anymore. I had been using their email for so long I hated to change it because of all the people who were using it to reach me.
[08:41:07] <SirFinkus> should switch to eskimo north
[08:42:36] <anubi> Eskimo north is another email provider?
[08:43:04] <SirFinkus> seattle ISP, they do email too
[08:43:11] <SirFinkus> not a real recommendation btw
[08:43:22] <SirFinkus> just a reference to old seattle bbs shit
[08:43:41] <crutchy> or Compu-Global-Hyper-Mega-Net
[08:44:31] <anubi> I just looked them up on Google. They had a good rating. I had never even looked up LocalNet because I never had an issue with them... but they apparently have a terrible rating.
[08:45:29] <anubi> From what I read on several "ripoff report" type sites, they make AOL look like an angel as far as ever stopping service.
[08:45:56] <SirFinkus> ha, have fun with that
[08:46:40] <anubi> I am just glad I am paying with visa card. So far, visa has been really great for stopping unwanted charges to my account.
[08:48:43] <anubi> Surprise... localnet's main web page is now loading.... webmail is still down.
[08:50:55] <SirFinkus> love the stock photos on their site
[08:51:59] <anubi> Localnet's site? The blonde?
[08:52:03] <SirFinkus> yeah
[08:52:18] <anubi> Kinda cute... nice arms.
[09:02:00] <anubi> I just pinged Localnet.com and its now working.... they were down for about three hours.
[09:02:33] <SirFinkus> probably missed some amazing offers from nigerian princes during that time
[09:02:47] <SirFinkus> could have been a millionaire
[09:03:31] <anubi> I was afraid they had eloped with all my emails. Especially all the return addresses.
[09:04:06] <SirFinkus> might want to consider using a mail client, just so you have a backup
[09:05:44] <anubi> Yes... this has brought that as a good thing to do.
[09:08:16] <crutchy> https://wikileaks.org
[09:08:18] <GW> ^ 03WikiLeaks - CIA Director John Brennan emails
[09:14:24] <anubi> Well, I guess I be signing off now... is there any special protocol to log off IRC? ( admitted noob here... )
[09:33:16] -!- anubi has quit []
[09:59:53] <crutchy> ~tell anubi re logging off irc; nothing required. just close the client. the server will log off automagically after about 245 sec or so of inactivity if you're identified with nickserv
[09:59:55] <exec> message saved
[10:00:30] <crutchy> or err prolly doesn't matter if identified or not
[10:02:04] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[10:02:05] <Bender> karma - coffee: 1788
[10:03:10] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - 'Digital Skin' Activates Brain Cells - http://sylnt.us - they-have-some-nerve
[10:31:47] <TheMightyBuzzard> guess it's time to start brushing off my java skillz so's i can teach roomie's kid to code minecraft mods in it.
[10:47:37] <SirFinkus> sounds like child abuse
[10:50:10] <TheMightyBuzzard> shurg, he'd never program at all if it weren't for minecraft. kid's hardcore addicted.
[10:51:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> i'll introduce him to something less retarded later
[10:57:45] <SirFinkus> I cut my teeth on morrowind scripting
[10:57:52] <SirFinkus> granted, I'm a terrible programmer
[10:57:56] <TheMightyBuzzard> ye gads, you're a pup
[10:58:36] <crutchy> i started in 2000, which didn't seem long ago till i started saying it in number of years :/
[10:58:50] <crutchy> now i have 2 kids and feel like an old fart
[10:59:17] <TheMightyBuzzard> my tooth cutting was done typing entire games from a magazine into a trash 80 and then modding them
[10:59:30] <SirFinkus> so you're OLD
[10:59:31] <SirFinkus> OLD
[10:59:33] <crutchy> cool
[10:59:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> truth
[10:59:45] <SirFinkus> I was told not to trust anybody over 30
[10:59:58] <TheMightyBuzzard> you shouldn't. we're devious.
[11:00:34] <crutchy> actually i was first introduced to turbo pascal in high school in about '96 or '97, but i didn't become bastshit insanely obsessed then
[11:01:03] * crutchy blames delphi
[11:01:17] <TheMightyBuzzard> hrm, MrPlow needs a #lawn command
[11:01:18] <SirFinkus> my back feels over 30
[11:01:29] <crutchy> my back is over 30
[11:01:33] <TheMightyBuzzard> as in "get off my"
[11:01:53] <SirFinkus> it's so bad now I have to *ahem* brush my teeth left handed
[11:02:11] <crutchy> .macro .lawn * privmsg %%trailing%%, get off my lawn!
[11:02:12] <exec> 02 *** macro with trigger ".lawn" and PRIVMSG command template "%%trailing%%, get off my lawn!" saved
[11:02:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> brutal
[11:02:21] <crutchy> .lawm TheMightyBuzzard
[11:02:34] <crutchy> derp. i need a spelling macro too
[11:03:08] <SirFinkus> managed about 15 minutes of guitar, but now it hurts all the time so I decided that wasn't a good idea
[11:03:32] <crutchy> my daughter wrote a letter to santa asking for a real guitar. it was really cute
[11:03:43] <crutchy> she spells potion as 'poshen' :p
[11:03:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> crutchy, nifty but MrPlow is read only. he can read code in during runtime but i absolutely forbid him to be able to write any.
[11:04:14] <crutchy> yeah i'm prolly a moron with my bot
[11:04:28] <SirFinkus> get her one, you can get halfway decent ones cheap these days
[11:04:43] <SirFinkus> go electric, and full sized, none of the goofy "youth" models
[11:04:44] <TheMightyBuzzard> i spect it's secure enough as long as you don't let world+dog have write access to your disk
[11:04:48] <crutchy> she's 6. i'm not even sure she could hold one
[11:04:51] <crutchy> lol
[11:05:06] <TheMightyBuzzard> but MrPlow don't run on my disk. runs on boron
[11:05:13] <crutchy> ah
[11:05:17] <SirFinkus> sure she can, best korean kids do it all the time
[11:05:43] <SirFinkus> https://www.youtube.com
[11:05:44] <GW> ^ 03Little North Korean Girl Playing Guitar 北朝鮮少女のギター演奏 - YouTube
[11:05:53] <crutchy> wouldn't mind my kids being musical
[11:06:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> how limited is macro creation on exec?
[11:06:21] <crutchy> my dad had a nice yamaha clavinova when i was a kid. i loved it
[11:06:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> i mean how many people can do it?
[11:06:29] <crutchy> err. hmm
[11:06:34] * crutchy checks
[11:07:23] <crutchy> pretty limited atm
[11:07:24] <crutchy> https://github.com
[11:07:25] <GW> ^ 03exec-irc-bot/cmd.php at master · crutchy-/exec-irc-bot · GitHub ( https://github.com )
[11:07:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> good good
[11:07:35] <crutchy> only myself, chromas and you
[11:07:50] <TheMightyBuzzard> wouldn't do to have it wide open
[11:08:33] <crutchy> it uses nickserv account auth, so as long as someone doesn't guess that my password is hunter2 i'll be ok
[11:08:46] <TheMightyBuzzard> very secure, that
[11:09:13] <crutchy> assuming i haven't borked the auth code somewhere ofcourse :p
[11:09:26] <crutchy> seems to work
[11:10:03] * crutchy needs one last coffee for the night
[11:10:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, i need to partake of the circle of coffee myself.
[11:12:29] * crutchy had an awesome troll with a socialist today
[11:12:31] <crutchy> on freenode
[11:12:39] <crutchy> very satisfying
[11:14:41] <SirFinkus> I stopped soda, but I think I'm still addicted to caffeine and that's why I'm drinking so much tea
[11:14:50] <SirFinkus> like switching from oxys to heroin
[11:14:56] <SirFinkus> my brain figured it out
[11:15:36] <SirFinkus> stupid brain, sometimes it's too smart for its own good
[11:17:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> caffeine's only a drug in the sense that oxygen is a drug.
[11:17:13] <crutchy> my brain's too dumb for its own good
[11:17:33] <TheMightyBuzzard> who cares if you're addicted if your body needs it to live anyway.
[11:17:50] <crutchy> my wife is a drug
[11:18:06] <crutchy> but nobody else can have it
[11:18:11] <crutchy> its all mine!
[11:18:15] <crutchy> the precious
[11:18:39] <TheMightyBuzzard> you could make good money dealing. could be complicated though.
[11:18:52] <TheMightyBuzzard> cause ya know, most drugs wouldn't argue about being sold.
[11:19:16] <crutchy> oh this one would become life threatening
[11:19:40] <crutchy> it borders on that anyway :p
[11:19:54] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, womens is the wackiest critters
[11:21:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> weird, there's a fishing weight on my end table
[11:21:39] <SirFinkus> raining again today?
[11:22:00] <TheMightyBuzzard> #weather
[11:22:00] <MrPlow> Today: Showers this morning, becoming a steady rain during the afternoon hours. High 62F. Winds NE at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 70%. Tomorrow: Cloudy with periods of rain. High 67F. Winds ENE at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 80%. Rainfall around a quarter of an inch.
[11:22:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> http://www.wunderground.com
[11:22:12] <GW> ^ 03Humboldt, TN (38343) Forecast | Weather Underground
[11:22:24] <SirFinkus> #weather
[11:22:24] <MrPlow> Syntax: #weather City, ST or #weather zip code
[11:22:32] <SirFinkus> #weather 98506
[11:22:32] <MrPlow> Today: Rain showers early will evolve into a more steady rain for the afternoon. High around 55F. Winds NE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 100%. Rainfall near a quarter of an inch. Tomorrow: Rain showers early with overcast skies later in the day. High 56F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain
[11:22:32] <MrPlow> ..60%.
[11:23:00] <TheMightyBuzzard> can use #weatheradd city, st or #weatheradd zipcode to save one for yourself
[11:23:11] <SirFinkus> yeah, I already did that with another bot
[11:23:22] <SirFinkus> #weatheradd 98506
[11:23:22] <MrPlow> User SirFinkus location set to '98506'.
[11:23:32] <SirFinkus> tough to keep track of them all
[11:23:41] <TheMightyBuzzard> thus #help
[11:24:05] <SirFinkus> yeah, but is it
[11:24:07] <SirFinkus> ~help
[11:24:08] <exec> http://sylnt.us
[11:24:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> truth
[11:24:09] <SirFinkus> !help
[11:24:09] <Bender> documentation for jsonbot can be found at http://jsonbot.org
[11:24:13] <Bender> see !list for loaded plugins and "!help plugin" for help on the plugin.
[11:24:14] <SirFinkus> .help
[11:24:19] <SirFinkus> etc
[11:25:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> exec's weather is a lot more forgiving on locations being vague but i dig the verbosity of MrPlow's
[11:25:45] <SirFinkus> little emoji would be kind of neat
[11:25:50] <TheMightyBuzzard> anyway, got bloody rain until wednesday
[11:25:51] <SirFinkus> ~weather
[11:25:53] <exec> 10Olympia, WA, USA - currently 50°F / 10°C, light rain showers, wind W at 0 mph, humidity 93% - Sunday rain (51°F:55°F / 11°C:13°C), Monday scattered showers (46°F:57°F / 8°C:14°C), Tuesday partly cloudy (47°F:63°F / 8°C:17°C), Wednesday showers (49°F:57°F / 9°C:14°C)
[11:26:15] <SirFinkus> we got bloody rain until May
[11:26:53] <SirFinkus> not even fun rain, like thunderstorms
[11:26:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> well yeah, you live in the place where sparkly vampires can hang and not get noticed
[11:27:00] <SirFinkus> just drizzle
[11:27:51] <crutchy> at least there's no mention of a chance of ash
[11:28:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> kay, got me a noobass java book for the kid. should save me a lot of standing over his shoulder.
[11:29:30] <SirFinkus> might be better to find some minecraft related tutorials for the snot nosed brat
[11:29:34] <crutchy> pity java isn't procedural
[11:29:43] <SirFinkus> building calculators is boring
[11:30:07] * crutchy has never played minecraft
[11:30:10] <TheMightyBuzzard> SirFinkus, i figure i can come up with a few entertaining things for him to code
[11:30:55] <SirFinkus> I'm trying to get back into it (again) having lots of fun with unity
[11:31:18] <SirFinkus> might actually finish my game at some point
[11:32:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> minecraft's mildly amusing for a few weeks. never really exciting though after the first day or two.
[11:32:29] <SirFinkus> I tried a few times, got bored after 15 minutes
[11:32:45] <SirFinkus> spoiled by dwarf fortress
[11:33:02] <SirFinkus> that scratches my "virtual legos" itch
[11:33:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> i never had the knack for writing games from scratch. if i know the rules that well, it's too easy.
[11:33:49] <SirFinkus> I've started and stopped this one probably a dozen times
[11:33:56] <SirFinkus> maybe this'll be the one
[11:34:20] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - FBI Chief Links Video Scrutiny of Police to Rise in Violent Crime - http://sylnt.us - photography-is-not-a-crime
[11:34:20] <SirFinkus> learned a few little design tricks on each one
[11:34:50] <TheMightyBuzzard> man, fookin worthless wsj
[11:35:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> SirFinkus, helps if you have a team. so's you can get inspired by each others' progress and tell the slackers to get off their asses.
[11:35:48] <SirFinkus> last time I had a "team" I ended up doing all the work
[11:36:13] <SirFinkus> and I'm an asshole that wants complete creative control
[11:36:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> can happen when you're doing volunteer labor.
[11:36:34] * TheMightyBuzzard eyes the rest of the SN dev team
[11:36:37] * SirFinkus whistles
[11:37:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> trick to SN is we take turns being the only one working on shat.
[11:37:47] <TheMightyBuzzard> with the odd bit of everyone working at the same time near releases
[11:38:03] <SirFinkus> I'll probably need an artist at some point, but first I need to get a prototype going
[11:38:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh dude, art takes longer than coding.
[11:38:40] <TheMightyBuzzard> should have had them around from the start
[11:38:47] <SirFinkus> don't know any
[11:39:13] <SirFinkus> my plan was to get a combat prototype up and running, then worry about art
[11:39:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, i know a few but they're not really digital artists
[11:39:47] <SirFinkus> I was going to go ascii, but fuck that
[11:40:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> eight bit style anyone can do
[11:40:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> think NES
[11:40:43] <SirFinkus> actually a bit harder than you'd think, I've tried
[11:41:40] <SirFinkus> I'm going to go with high-res sprites on 3d backgrounds
[11:42:06] <TheMightyBuzzard> hrm, so tech from when doom was cutting edge
[11:42:30] <SirFinkus> https://www.youtube.com like this
[11:42:31] <GW> ^ 03Grandia [PS1] - Gameplay - YouTube
[11:43:04] <TheMightyBuzzard> shooter or third person or scroller or what?
[11:43:21] <SirFinkus> tactical rpg
[11:43:26] <TheMightyBuzzard> nice
[11:43:33] <SirFinkus> major emphasis on positioning
[11:43:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> i lurves me some of them
[11:45:26] <SirFinkus> similar battle system to grandia as far as the kind of turn based bits go
[11:47:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> man, ima hafta actually pay for Sword Coast Legends so i can get the linux version. winders version keeps crashing my entire computer.
[11:50:03] <SirFinkus> still waiting on the osg openmw release
[11:52:32] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, i basically got no hopes for openmw
[11:53:01] <SirFinkus> why's that? they seem to be making good progress
[11:53:24] <TheMightyBuzzard> what year is it?
[11:54:00] <SirFinkus> 2015 I believe, I could be wrong
[11:54:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> i mean fine n dandy they're making progress but it's been like centuries since actual mw was cool n new.
[11:54:55] <SirFinkus> people love morrowind though, and none of the new tes games really stand up
[11:55:04] <TheMightyBuzzard> truth
[11:55:28] <SirFinkus> but basically, openmw is playable right now
[11:55:37] <TheMightyBuzzard> with the exception of i digs me some werewolf action in skyrim
[11:55:42] <SirFinkus> incompatible with some mods still due to morrowind scripting quirks
[11:57:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> fine, ya bastard, i'll try it
[11:58:04] <SirFinkus> wait for the OSG version, it'll be out soon
[11:58:10] <SirFinkus> performance improvements and stuff
[11:58:53] <SirFinkus> or just build it yourself
[11:59:24] <TheMightyBuzzard> arch. packages stay pretty bleeding edge.
[11:59:57] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh, right, forgot i need original media/install
[12:00:37] <SirFinkus> you just need the esms I believe
[12:00:50] <crutchy> ~time
[12:00:52] <exec> Sunday, 25 October 2015 @ 11:00 pm GMT+11 - Melbourne VIC
[12:00:57] <crutchy> bed time for me
[12:00:59] <crutchy> ciao
[12:01:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> nite
[12:01:16] <SirFinkus> https://www.youtube.com
[12:01:17] <GW> ^ 03OpenMW v0.34 v0.35 - Morrowind Engine Reimplementation - YouTube
[12:01:23] <SirFinkus> crutchy is going to bed?
[12:01:25] <SirFinkus> what a shocker
[12:04:36] <TheMightyBuzzard> smoke break
[12:17:03] <SirFinkus> wow, apparently they have an android version too
[12:18:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> dahell?
[12:18:36] <TheMightyBuzzard> how the shit do you FPS on a touchscreen?
[12:19:06] <SirFinkus> I don't suspect very well
[12:19:20] <SirFinkus> sounds like more of a "can we do it" project
[12:20:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> well i spose you could technically bluetooth up some proper peripherals
[12:22:43] <chromas> android supports gamepads and stuff
[12:23:05] <chromas> and you can get android-based gaming pocket computers
[12:24:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> meh
[12:26:02] <chromas> You could use a ps3 cuntroller
[12:33:36] <TheMightyBuzzard> i think the batteries on mine are pretty well dead
[12:48:43] <SirFinkus> youtube red is uncomfortably close to redtube
[12:50:51] <TheMightyBuzzard> redtube's been broken for a week or two anyway
[12:55:00] <SirFinkus> https://www.youtube.com
[12:55:00] <GW> ^ 03Lava flows in Pahoa - Eruption Update - YouTube
[12:55:09] <SirFinkus> I love how they just can't really do anything about it
[12:55:51] <SirFinkus> sucks for that guy's yard
[13:00:08] <SirFinkus> just like a 10 foot tall wall of burning "fuck you"
[13:05:29] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Google Reports Strong Profit, Says It's 'Rethinking Everything' Around Machine Learning - http://sylnt.us - ker-ching!
[13:29:05] <SirFinkus> night
[14:36:39] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Judge Tosses Wikimedia’s Anti-NSA Lawsuit Because Wikipedia It Isn’t Big Enough - http://sylnt.us - prove-it!
[14:39:34] zz_janrinok_afk is now known as janrinok
[15:00:40] cmn32480|away is now known as cmn32480
[16:07:49] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Darth Vader replaces Lenin statue in Ukraine - http://sylnt.us - sometimes-I-think-we-are-all-mad
[17:38:58] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Hubble Round Up - http://sylnt.us - spaced-out
[18:08:49] -!- nick [nick!~nick@Soylent/Staff/Editor/n1] has joined #Soylent
[18:08:49] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v nick] by Imogen
[19:10:08] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Japanese Robot Reads Body Language While Engaging in Conversation - http://sylnt.us - pay-attention
[20:34:31] janrinok is now known as zz_janrinok
[20:41:17] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Andy Kaufman and Redd Foxx to Tour as Holograms - http://sylnt.us - non-zombie-post-death-survival
[21:06:04] -!- Ethanol-fueled [Ethanol-fueled!~Ethanol-f@ka52-830-964-802.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #Soylent
[21:06:15] Ethanol-fueled is now known as Ethanol-fooed
[21:06:26] <Ethanol-fooed> This looks like an interesting poll:
[21:06:27] <Ethanol-fooed> https://soylentnews.org
[21:06:27] <GW> ^ 03SN Submission by DeathMonkey: Poll: Confessions of a Soylentil
[21:07:08] -!- Ethanol-fooed has quit [Client Quit]
[21:19:25] <crutchy> coffee++
[21:19:25] <Bender> karma - coffee: 1789
[21:20:06] <crutchy> ethanol-fooled, i agree that would be a better poll than the one we have atm
[21:48:21] -!- K_benzoate [K_benzoate!~kbenzoate@02-904-949-88.dhcp.gvrb.ca.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
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[22:08:56] -!- nick has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[22:20:43] -!- Ethanol-fueled [Ethanol-fueled!~Ethanol-f@ka52-830-964-802.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #Soylent
[22:20:52] Ethanol-fueled is now known as Chargers_suck
[22:21:09] <Chargers_suck> That feel when no more favorite sports team to root for :(
[22:21:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[22:21:49] <Bender> karma - coffee: 1790
[22:21:54] <Chargers_suck> coffee++
[22:21:54] <Bender> karma - coffee: 1791
[22:22:01] <TheMightyBuzzard> sup, EF
[22:22:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> sides the chargers sucking, of course
[22:22:32] <Chargers_suck> Hahaha, nothing much. Enjoying downtime after a stressful class.
[22:23:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> yeah, lazy sunday all around here. just had a three hour nap after a morning of pancakes and tv
[22:23:06] <Chargers_suck> At battlestations with wine and junkfood. How's the fishin'?
[22:23:20] <TheMightyBuzzard> shit, gonna rain till tuesday
[22:23:23] <Chargers_suck> bummer.
[22:23:37] <Chargers_suck> wish California could have some of that.
[22:24:03] <TheMightyBuzzard> well this is half normal stuff n half from that uber hurricane mexico got
[22:24:21] <Chargers_suck> ~weather san diego, ca
[22:24:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> #weather san diego, ca
[22:24:43] <MrPlow> Today: A mix of clouds and sun. High 77F. Winds light and variable. Tomorrow: Some clouds in the morning will give way to mainly sunny skies for the afternoon. High 83F. Winds NNW at 10 to 15 mph.
[22:25:00] <Chargers_suck> dammit, mayne, though there was a chance in hell of some showers.
[22:25:21] <TheMightyBuzzard> well, ya are in a desert
[22:25:39] <TheMightyBuzzard> not like death valley desert but still
[22:25:54] <Chargers_suck> I'm like Pavlov's dog when I see 'dem clouds, though...drooling and hoping.
[22:26:00] <TheMightyBuzzard> heh
[22:26:15] <TheMightyBuzzard> i understand. i'm that way with boobs.
[22:26:23] <Chargers_suck> hehehe
[22:26:52] <Chargers_suck> Do you do halloween? If so, any costume ideas?
[22:27:18] <TheMightyBuzzard> kids do. i'm too old n fat n lazy.
[22:27:33] <TheMightyBuzzard> not my kids, mind ya. roomie's.
[22:27:37] <Chargers_suck> Hahah, that sucks. Though I feel the same way.
[22:28:18] <Chargers_suck> school^W my lack of willpower is making me chubby. Though I'll figure maybe throw on the ol' surgeon costume and see a shitty show at a dive bar.
[22:28:33] <TheMightyBuzzard> one of em got a hand crafted enderman costume complete with glowin eyes, other went store bought and like half the women on the planet n did catwoman
[22:29:02] <Chargers_suck> Noice. That's a strong Womyn
[22:29:27] <TheMightyBuzzard> i was all like dude... you already got a princess dress and tiara and a red lightsaber, what more do you need?
[22:30:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> may not be a costume of anything in particular but it woulda been an awesome costume
[22:32:48] <Chargers_suck> Yup. For younguns it's all about the candy though
[22:32:55] <TheMightyBuzzard> shit yeah
[22:33:02] * Chargers_suck puts bullion cubes in the candy he hands out
[22:33:07] <Chargers_suck> HAHHAHAHAHAHAHA
[22:33:16] <TheMightyBuzzard> for me too. ima hold em upside down when they get back and shake em till i fill up a sack.
[22:33:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh nice
[22:33:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> s'a damned fine trick, that.
[22:34:00] <Chargers_suck> It's all about the chocolate though. The kids can keep the hard fruity stuff.
[22:34:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> yeah, cept gumdrops
[22:34:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> m r good
[22:34:34] <Chargers_suck> sour_patch_kids++
[22:34:34] <Bender> karma - sour_patch_kids: 1
[22:35:06] <TheMightyBuzzard> man, they should make an adult version of halloween where we go around getting booze
[22:36:12] <Chargers_suck> Man, that would be awesome. And theme parks at least should have more adults-only nights where booze is served.
[22:36:30] <Chargers_suck> But the fighting louts and the pukers would ruin it.
[22:36:50] <TheMightyBuzzard> heh, i'd be one of both
[22:37:40] <TheMightyBuzzard> anywho, ima be even more of a lazyass and go watch tv
[22:38:10] <Chargers_suck> Go fer it.
[22:42:50] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Physicists Learn How to Control the Movement of Electrons in a Molecule - http://sylnt.us - making-progress
[22:56:07] <Chargers_suck> https://cdn.rt.com
[22:56:09] <Chargers_suck> Yeesh.
[22:56:38] <Chargers_suck> That's what they call a "festival", it's all self-inflicted and not even combat action.
[22:57:12] <Chargers_suck> Self-flaggelation in Christians is well-documented but the Muzzies take it to a whole new level.
[23:04:02] <chromas> Redface. Racists
[23:04:59] <Chargers_suck> ahahah, sup chromas
[23:05:30] <chromas> ♪What makes the red man red?♫
[23:05:54] <Chargers_suck> is it racist if one minority culturally appropriates another?
[23:06:04] <chromas> no
[23:06:30] <chromas> impossible because they're not the oppressors
[23:06:40] <Chargers_suck> Ah, noted.
[23:08:26] <chromas> Even if they become the majority, it's still not racist because historically, cis-hetero white males were dominant 100% of the time
[23:09:31] <chromas> So there's a football game on and Local Team Franchise isn't doing so well?
[23:10:08] <Chargers_suck> chromas, the chargers never do well. (well, technically they do and then blow all their chances in the playoffs)
[23:10:32] <chromas> it's because you're not subsidizing the new stadium they need to win
[23:10:33] <Chargers_suck> I'm not even watching the games anymore. I was so disgusted by the stadium debacle I stopped watching them.
[23:10:35] <Chargers_suck> Yeah,
[23:10:56] <chromas> Can you pick another team?
[23:11:50] <Chargers_suck> Chargers are family tradition, and the vast majority of my close friends prefer them. I've always liked them because they're an underdog, and it's awesome to see underdogs win or at least pull off good plays.
[23:12:18] <Chargers_suck> The short answer is, yeah, I can, but it would be like being a soldier and defecting to the Russians or Chinese.
[23:13:02] <chromas> ah, sacrilege. heathen!!
[23:13:40] <Chargers_suck> Anybody who frequents Soylent News should appreciate an underdog beating an arch-rival Goliath's ass.
[23:14:04] <chromas> We should ask for a new stadium
[23:14:14] <Chargers_suck> What's your team?
[23:14:52] <chromas> I dunno. Something from washington I guess
[23:15:16] <chromas> redskins
[23:15:16] <Chargers_suck> Was expecting you to say manchester united or some shit.
[23:15:23] <chromas> or is that um, the other washington
[23:15:45] <chromas> The Aryan Whiteskins
[23:16:01] <chromas> ~define manchester united
[23:16:15] <Chargers_suck> chromas, are you fookin' shittin' me>
[23:16:42] <Chargers_suck> https://en.wikipedia.org
[23:16:43] <GW> ^ 03Wiki: Manchester United F.C.
[23:17:40] <chromas> I don't know much about football except whenever I've flipped past it on tv it was usually people just standing around while narrators talked
[23:18:00] <chromas> and each state has at least two colleges with teams whose fans hate each other
[23:18:10] <Chargers_suck> Man, if there's one thing I want to do before I die, it's to take part in a post-game session of football hooliganism.
[23:18:39] <chromas> like an ethanol-fueled rampage?
[23:18:49] <Chargers_suck> British-isles football hooliganism
[23:19:25] <Chargers_suck> knocking things over, throwing everything light enough to be thrown, brawling, lighting fires,
[23:19:39] <chromas> looks entertaining
[23:20:41] <Chargers_suck> It happens rarely at american football games, usually because two drunkards supporting rival teams are sitting too close to one-another,
[23:21:16] <Chargers_suck> and like a challenge to a duel was a slap with a glove in antiquity, here it is an exchange of insults and a beer thrown at one another
[23:21:30] <chromas> oh jesus, not the beer
[23:21:45] <Chargers_suck> it almost always starts with one throwing a beer at another.
[23:21:49] <chromas> so long as it's cheep beer
[23:21:54] <chromas> diet beer
[23:22:12] <Chargers_suck> it's not always cheap beer. But it is served in plastic containers. no cans or bottles.
[23:22:54] <Chargers_suck> er, cans and bottles, yes...but no glass.
[23:23:40] <Chargers_suck> diet_beer--
[23:23:40] <Bender> karma - diet_beer: -1
[23:23:52] <chromas> well that sucks. it's not a real brawl if there's no glass involved
[23:24:01] <chromas> nigger_knife++
[23:24:01] <Bender> karma - nigger_knife: 1
[23:24:27] <Chargers_suck> chromas, in America, Blacks don't fight with knives. Latinos on the other hand, almost always do.
[23:24:57] <chromas> but when they do, they use a broken 40
[23:25:40] <Chargers_suck> They will throw shit. But when you're fighting a black dude meelee-style, you can count on a fistfight.
[23:26:23] <Chargers_suck> It's actually a good thing, because its technically fair. Only problem is that Blacks who will put themselves in fighting situations are yoked with muscle and ferocity.
[23:26:57] <Chargers_suck> Go to a bar here and tell a Black guy that he's stupid because he doesn't run Linux. See what happens.
[23:27:08] <Chargers_suck> If you get away without fighting, consider yourself lucky
[23:27:08] <chromas> rofl
[23:27:56] * chromas imagines a typical bar scene but where a guy goes in to espouse linux
[23:29:30] <Chargers_suck> If a Black is strong enough such that the fight with the Linux evangelist will be no contest, he may have mercy and laugh.
[23:30:23] <chromas> need to find some people and make a youtube video
[23:30:48] <Chargers_suck> There is one Black man who does spread the word of Linux in bars -- Neil Tyson Smokin'De'Grass
[23:31:27] * chromas watched a bit of his remake of Cosmos. Takes about 45 minutes to get started
[23:31:39] <Chargers_suck> er..Neil "Smokin'De'Grass" Tyson
[23:32:33] <Chargers_suck> He's old-skool so nobody messes with him. He's good friends with George Duke and puts Barry White on the jukebox if the selection is available.
[23:49:52] -!- Chargers_suck has quit [Quit: Leaving]