#Soylent | Logs for 2015-02-24

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[00:00:08] <arti> even ciri is tired of the ritual
[00:00:12] * arti pets ciri
[00:02:52] <paulej72> I am thinking we should maybe move the subscription part of the FAQ to its own page an pad it out to a full why subscribe. I would make part of the page a rundown of our ongoing expenes. List the monthly and yearly expenses so people know what we are spending stuff on.
[00:03:33] <n1> agree
[00:03:37] <mrcoolbp> paulej72: I can help write that up if you want
[00:04:58] <paulej72> I like it. Feel free to pull the server costs from my post in RFC article
[00:05:53] <mrcoolbp> paulej72: I'll use the faq template? just send ya the plain text?
[00:06:30] <paulej72> sure
[00:07:29] <mrcoolbp> k, lemme get on that
[00:11:44] <prospectacle> ok i've made a post in the subscription thread, feel free to mod me down to troll, or derive great inspiration and confidence from my vision, or anything in between
[00:12:17] <mrcoolbp> you're in luck
[00:12:23] <mrcoolbp> I used all my mod points already = )
[00:13:24] <prospectacle> well that's lucky, given how many times in my post i insulted you by name, and quite colourfully.
[00:14:04] <mrcoolbp> = (
[00:14:59] <prospectacle> I'll go back and edit it, since it's not fair to attack someone without any mod points left. I'll say you're a legend in your own life time and so forth.
[00:16:16] <juggs> uch, busy day - anything burnt down?
[00:16:21] <mrcoolbp> oh thank goodness then.
[00:16:43] <mrcoolbp> juggs: I burnt your house down, hope I didn't misread you most recent instructions.
[00:17:14] <juggs> hmm - that's odd I'm in it and it seems fine. The neighbour is not too happy though!
[00:17:35] <mrcoolbp> looks like everything's saavvy then
[00:17:50] <prospectacle> juggs, don't panic but that means you're in the wrong house
[00:18:16] <juggs> prospectacle, thought it looked a little different :/
[00:19:02] <prospectacle> it's ok though, posession is nine tenths of the law, so if you like it just sit tight and hold your nerve. the shouting will pass
[00:20:02] <juggs> good to know as it's starting to get on my nerves. not sure what these fellows in uniform want either. I'll just ignore them and hop they go away
[00:20:06] <juggs> hope*
[00:20:37] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Linaro Launches 96Boards - Single-Board Computer Standard for ARM - http://sylnt.us - uniformity-from-the-start
[00:20:51] <mrcoolbp> juggs: two meta-articles today to entertain you for a while, I'll check in later but I'm gonna go hang out with my brother
[00:21:19] <juggs> mrcoolbp, yah, I'll look at those. /me opens up sn.org
[00:21:19] <prospectacle> catch you later mrcoolbp
[00:21:25] <mrcoolbp> paulej72, I'll email you a txt file if that's okay
[00:21:33] <mrcoolbp> prospectacle: hope so!
[00:21:38] <paulej72> sure
[00:21:47] <mrcoolbp> okay, BBL
[00:21:55] <arti> you should encode it and make it a mystery
[00:22:02] <arti> "here's some bits bro"
[00:22:09] * mrcoolbp whacks arti before running off
[00:22:18] <arti> better than a "wet willy"
[00:22:25] <arti> well from a dude anyway
[00:23:54] -!- BadCoderFinger [BadCoderFinger!~BadCoderF@216.160.gyz.km] has joined #Soylent
[00:25:59] <swiss> i expect exciting ikea snapchats
[00:26:02] <swiss> woops
[00:26:06] <swiss> wrong channel
[00:26:47] <n1> +1 insightful prospectacle
[00:27:21] <prospectacle> thanks n1!
[00:27:24] <prospectacle> what for?
[00:27:39] <n1> your subscriptions comment
[00:27:59] <paulej72> I think we cold have AC’s pay for subs for NCommander. and then see how many years of subs he could get.
[00:28:19] <n1> I like that!
[00:28:58] <prospectacle> yeah it would be bad if ncommander's subscription ran out, he'd have to quit and there'd be anarchy
[00:29:54] <paulej72> or we could just give them to a random user
[00:33:25] <NCommander> ??
[00:33:30] <NCommander> hrm
[00:33:58] <NCommander> Subscription Info Your subscription ends 2024-08-24 UTC.
[00:33:58] <NCommander> Thank you for supporting SoylentNews! We appreciate your contribution very much.
[00:34:57] <NCommander> $VAR1 = '/features';
[00:34:57] <NCommander> $VAR1 = '2';
[00:34:58] <NCommander> w00t
[00:35:01] <prospectacle> uh oh better start saving up, only 114 months left
[00:35:03] <NCommander> the correct skin is being loaded
[00:36:03] <NCommander> Now to make the rewrite logic handle this
[00:49:53] <prospectacle> What about for a price, once a week, you can spend a single mod point on one of your own posts. It's a small privilege, and almost completely inconsequential, but not completely, and you can't get it without paying
[00:49:59] <NCommander> Well partial progress
[00:51:40] <prospectacle> It would be like a little indulgence, and hard to decide what to spend it on, as it would be so limited. Like deciding when to drink the really expensive wine.
[01:03:42] <juggs> NCommander, looks like you've been going flat out for ~12 hours
[01:03:49] * juggs hands NCommander a cold beer
[01:05:59] -!- joekiser has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[01:11:56] <NCommander> woohoo success
[01:12:05] * NCommander has nexus's MOSTLY working
[01:12:36] <juggs> nice. we going with sn.org/$nexus ?
[01:12:49] <NCommander> That or sn.org/n/$nexus
[01:13:07] <NCommander> http://devtest.soylentnews.org
[01:13:07] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03Slash Site: Slash Site
[01:13:12] <NCommander> http://devtest.soylentnews.org
[01:13:13] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03Slash Site: Slash Site
[01:17:42] <juggs> looking good sir
[01:18:31] <prospectacle> holy crap its blue
[01:18:37] <prospectacle> i like it
[01:18:44] -!- SpallsHurgenson [SpallsHurgenson!~SpallsHur@Soylent/Users/656/SpallsHurgenson] has joined #Soylent
[01:19:32] <juggs> what's blue prospectacle ? The chillax theme is mostly blue if you select it in your Homepage preferences.
[01:19:43] <juggs> well ok blue on white :D
[01:20:55] <NCommander> prospectacle, that's working for you?!
[01:20:57] <NCommander> ...
[01:20:59] <NCommander> Ugh
[01:21:24] * NCommander punches whoever set the slash account's theme to ponies
[01:21:28] <juggs> devtest gives me night mode theme as default ~I think~ when not logged in
[01:22:08] <NCommander> juggs, its default to chillax, but the nexuses are set to 'night'
[01:22:14] <NCommander> If you're not logged in
[01:22:24] <NCommander> devtest.soylentnews.org and devtest.soylentnews.org/features should have different themes
[01:22:31] <juggs> roger that
[01:23:02] <prospectacle> ncommander, yeah it's a nice shade of blue, more calm and elite than the unkempt chaotic red of the real site
[01:23:22] <NCommander> prospectacle, you can get that on the real site :)
[01:23:24] <prospectacle> not that the colour matters much in the grand scheme of things
[01:23:28] <prospectacle> oh?
[01:23:36] <juggs> prospectacle, Preferences > Homepage tab> select chillax theme
[01:23:56] <prospectacle> cool
[01:24:20] <juggs> or OMG PWNIES if you want to damage your eyes :D
[01:24:29] <prospectacle> did not know of this feature
[01:24:33] <prospectacle> normally I'm not logged in
[01:24:40] <juggs> ahh
[01:25:39] <prospectacle> don't want to give soylent too much data to sell to the marketing companies and cyber-gangsters
[01:25:42] <prospectacle> kidding
[01:26:34] <juggs> Maybe we could make theme selection available without logging in - stuff it in a cookie or some such. Something for the wish list perhaps :D
[01:27:19] <prospectacle> what about a vote, lol
[01:28:19] <mythterj> Wanted: BTRFS for Dummies!
[01:28:43] <paulej72> NCommander: are we going to force a theme for nexues even for logged in users?
[01:29:02] <NCommander> paulej72, right now, no
[01:29:15] <paulej72> If not we need to do somehing to let a user know which nexus they are
[01:29:18] <paulej72> on
[01:29:23] <NCommander> paulej72, this mimics the old Slashdot ability that when you went to say bsd.slashdot.org you got the BSD colors
[01:29:36] <paulej72> sure i remember
[01:30:06] <NCommander> paulej72, what do you think of working Nexuses :)
[01:30:11] <paulej72> But they also changed the banner logo to BSD or Apple specific ones
[01:30:27] <paulej72> I am happy
[01:31:01] <NCommander> paulej72, create a skin ;)
[01:31:52] <paulej72> The nexus title on the main page stories that have a nexus sill point to nexus.devtest
[01:33:03] <prospectacle> top-left logos are probably the most effective and easiest way to differentiate different sections of a site. Maybe if it's a nexus the SN logo could be right, and the nexus logo could be left
[01:34:12] <paulej72> NCommander: was wondering if we could do somehting else in the header to note if you are on a nexus:Like replace the site slogan with the Nexus name
[01:34:23] <NCommander> paulej72, could do it on the fly with templates
[01:34:33] <NCommander> skin->name should be exported
[01:34:50] <paulej72> yes that was what I was thiniking
[01:35:19] <NCommander> we now just need to figure out which nexuses need to exist
[01:36:06] <prospectacle> definitely "meta"
[01:36:13] <paulej72> Politics and Not Politics
[01:36:20] <paulej72> done
[01:36:29] <prospectacle> that seems to cover everything
[01:36:34] <prospectacle> wait, what about donuts?
[01:36:46] <prospectacle> oh that's not politics. Nevermind
[01:37:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> no, donuts are highly political. people are always wanting to income redistribute them when i get some.
[01:37:17] <paulej72> depends if politicians are eating them
[01:37:30] <prospectacle> hmm, this could get messy
[01:37:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> donut redistribution is just wrong, m'kay?
[01:38:03] <prospectacle> said the guy trying to redistribute donuts equally, the jam filling from partial donuts slowly getting all over everything
[01:38:09] * SpallsHurgenson perks up, "Donuts?"
[01:38:52] <prospectacle> I guess everything is politics
[01:39:03] <prospectacle> said the cop as he arrived to a scene of a dozen blood and jam covered corpses
[01:39:19] <paulej72> TheMightyBuzzard: I can’t seem to finc where ipnd is falling down on dev
[01:39:40] <TheMightyBuzzard> woohoo
[01:39:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> dev right not devtest?
[01:40:16] <paulej72> correct. ipnd not running on devtest yet
[01:40:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> hrm, does it start without error?
[01:40:39] * juggs ~finally~ gets to reading today's meta articles and comments
[01:41:00] <TheMightyBuzzard> and have ya tried running it with stdin/out going to the terminal?
[01:41:27] <paulej72> yep, and it spits back non ipn urls like it should and logs them, but ipn stuff semms to go down a whole
[01:41:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> not going into the db and no error of a bad insert?
[01:42:01] <paulej72> TheMightyBuzzard: right now I have going to the logs, but nothing comming out for ipn
[01:42:51] <TheMightyBuzzard> kay, are regular payments processing right and subs not or are both not?
[01:44:43] <SpallsHurgenson> http://thehackernews.com I'm not sure who is the stupid party in this, the crooks or the cops
[01:44:44] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03Chicago Police Department Pays $600 Cryptoware Ransom to Cybercriminals - Hacker News
[01:44:50] -!- joekiser [joekiser!~17ebe5ca@23.235.rxw.tui] has joined #Soylent
[01:44:57] <TheMightyBuzzard> i dunno man, start throwin Data::Dumper debug lines up at various places n see if ya can spot the crazy. if ya can't i'll have a look tomorrow since i my bro will be home to watch the nephews tomorrow.
[01:49:38] -!- SoyCow3797 [SoyCow3797!~77120086@135-10-9-848.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[01:52:47] <SoyCow3797> juggs: do you read all comments or just surf at +3 or summin? i been thinking of tweaking the comment feed script to selectively filter. not sure best way to do it yet. maybe a simple threshold setting that anyone in there can change
[01:53:11] <chromas> mythterj: getting into btrfs?
[01:56:09] <SoyCow3797> from the wtf dept. http://www.news.com.au
[01:56:10] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03Nutella causes house fire
[01:57:08] <chromas> that's what you get for using nutells instead of vagimite
[01:57:19] <juggs> SoyCow3797, I read at -1. why?
[01:58:05] <juggs> ahh.. you already gave the why :D
[01:59:15] <chromas> I read at -1, but it's hard to do that when logged out
[01:59:41] <chromas> it'd be neat if there were a + at the top to js expand all comments
[01:59:41] <prospectacle> me too its easier to follow
[01:59:44] <SoyCow3797> just curious. the comment feed (#comments) is -1 already, but might be handy to have a bit of control over it
[02:00:03] <prospectacle> and there's usually not so many comments that it's necessary/worthwhile to filter most of them out
[02:00:19] <SoyCow3797> it's crutchy btw
[02:00:26] <prospectacle> hi crutchy
[02:00:34] <SoyCow3797> ~g'day prospectacle
[02:00:35] * exec cohesively flings a wad of g'day juice at prospectacle
[02:00:56] <prospectacle> ow my eyes! the goggles do nothing
[02:02:34] <juggs> SowCow3797, not sure how you would control what each user sees in the channel itself. Perhaps default the channel to -1 then allow a user to set up a 1-1 with the bot wherein they could set the level to see. Or more lazily, have several channels for each level.
[02:04:21] <chromas> Maybe filter low rated comments except the ones that have up mods too. 'controversial' comments
[02:05:12] <SoyCow3797> juggs++ # that sounds like a good idea
[02:05:12] <Bender> karma - juggs: 58
[02:05:36] <SoyCow3797> a ~botse.cx command
[02:06:00] -!- joekiser has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[02:09:06] <juggs> SoyCow3797, have at it, it's not like we pay per channel on here :D
[02:10:58] <juggs> The multi channel approach is slightly more onerous on us, less on exec. The 1-1 probably means an exec instance per user, more onerous on exec, less on us - but not much as it's still relayed unless you go with DCC.... which I can't imagine would be popular. Does anyone still use DCC?
[02:13:13] <SoyCow3797> should be ok to do 1-1. i'll muck around with it after workipoos
[02:13:40] <SoyCow3797> could also make option to spawn more channel feeds too
[02:13:54] <SoyCow3797> all run off single exec instance
[02:18:33] <juggs> Another VPS offering to consider... https://incloudibly.net - Swiss based which is nice for privacy concerns. 12 month sub comes in at 2.46USD/month for the baby of the range which is fine for a little debian server or the like :D Half the price of digital ocean more or less. I'm mucking around with a 7day free trial vps for a possible jump box using openvpn or some such.Still experimenting.
[02:18:35] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03VPS - Virtual Private Servers :: Incloudibly
[02:18:54] <juggs> latency might be a bear from Aus though
[02:20:07] <prospectacle> later people, rock on ever higher
[02:20:08] -!- prospectacle [prospectacle!~b4c880f7@180.200.jji.ihy] has parted #Soylent
[02:20:09] <SoyCow3797> atm the feed only runs every hour and there's an intentional 20 sec delay between each article so that i don't load up the SN server
[02:20:37] <SoyCow3797> though it prolly doesn't even show up as a blip in the stats
[02:22:08] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Document Reveals Growth of Cyberwarfare Between the U.S. and Iran - http://sylnt.us - pandora's-box-well-and-truly-opened
[02:22:18] <juggs> SoyCow3797, does exec have its own user-agent string or is it masquerading as a mainstream browser?
[02:22:47] <SoyCow3797> it's pretending to be people :D
[02:22:55] <SoyCow3797> but i could change it if you want
[02:23:14] <SoyCow3797> it's something with iceweasel in it i think
[02:24:09] <SoyCow3797> https://github.com
[02:24:10] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03exec-irc-bot/lib_http.php at master · crutchy-/exec-irc-bot · GitHub
[02:25:34] -!- JamesNZ [JamesNZ!~james@43-567-441-22.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #Soylent
[02:29:07] <chromas> could maybe change it just for soylent :)
[02:29:36] <chromas> or put 5318008 in the version number
[02:35:57] <juggs> SoyCow3797, I don't think it matters. I'm not sure we collect stats that show user-agent. I don;t remember seeing anything more detailed than page hits totalled.
[02:36:52] <juggs> That kinda thing used to be more important when things like forcing quirks mode was prevalent.
[02:36:59] -!- Bytram|away [Bytram|away!~pc@Soylent/Staff/Developer/martyb] has joined #Soylent
[02:36:59] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Bytram|away] by juggler
[02:37:29] * juggs tips hat to the breaker in chief
[02:37:32] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[02:38:38] <Bytram> ~weather boston, ma
[02:39:05] * Bytram guesses it is so cold that the 'bot cannot respond.
[02:39:14] <Bytram> ^weather boston, ma
[02:39:15] <geotti_away> [Boston, Massachusetts] Clear. Temp is -13.5*C but feels like -22*C. WNW wind: 19.2 kph.
[02:39:19] <Bytram> ~weather boston, ma
[02:39:19] <juggs> or you had a leading space?
[02:39:20] <exec> 03Boston, MA, USA - currently 10°F, clear, wind NW at 16 mph, humidity 29% - Monday clear (-5°F-22°F), Tuesday mostly sunny (13°F-18°F), Wednesday partly cloudy (9°F-31°F), Thursday partly cloudy (7°F-21°F)
[02:39:26] <Bytram> nod nod; I just saw that
[02:39:32] <Bytram> ~weather portland, me
[02:39:33] <exec> 03Portland, ME, USA - currently 3°F, clear, wind NW at 17 mph, humidity 28% - Monday clear (-9°F-18°F), Tuesday mostly sunny (13°F-17°F), Wednesday partly cloudy (6°F-32°F), Thursday mostly sunny (4°F-19°F)
[02:39:51] <Bytram> ~weather presque isle, me
[02:39:52] <exec> 03Presque Isle, ME, USA - currently -9°F, cloudy, wind W at 10 mph, humidity 52% - Monday partly cloudy (-19°F-8°F), Tuesday mostly sunny (1°F-8°F), Wednesday snow (3°F-25°F), Thursday partly cloudy (-10°F-15°F)
[02:40:02] <Bytram> juggs++
[02:40:02] <Bender> karma - juggs: 59
[02:40:06] <juggs> ~weather
[02:40:07] <exec> 03London, UK - currently 44°F / 7°C, mostly cloudy, wind SW at 18 mph, humidity 73% - Monday partly cloudy (39°F-46°F / 4°C-8°C), Tuesday cloudy (39°F-48°F / 4°C-9°C), Wednesday partly cloudy (44°F-53°F / 7°C-12°C), Thursday rain (35°F-53°F / 2°C-12°C)
[02:40:08] <Bytram> mechanicjay++
[02:40:08] <Bender> karma - mechanicjay: 18
[02:40:25] <Bytram> why, it's positively *balmy* where *you* are!
[02:40:39] <Bytram> want some snow? we've still got *plenty*
[02:41:02] <Bytram> coffee++
[02:41:02] <Bender> karma - coffee: 1118
[02:41:17] <Bytram> tea++
[02:41:17] <Bender> karma - tea: 414
[02:41:37] <Bytram> NCommander++ # So good to have you back in the saddle
[02:41:37] <Bender> karma - ncommander: 63
[02:42:04] <juggs> no thanks... well not unless it makes the clouds fuck off. I hate this time of year, no sun just grey cloudy shit for months.
[02:42:58] <Bytram> oh, we had sun today... but the daytime high was about 15 degrees and we had a 20-25 mph wind, too.
[02:43:18] <Bytram> as they say up here in the northeast usa: it's wicked cold
[02:44:24] <juggs> VLM's comment sometimes make me chuckle :D ... "trying to use chicken entrails, divining rods, and geomancy to figure out what I want, rather than just asking "Yo, star holders, what you want?" "
[02:45:27] <juggs> Bytram, I don't mind cold as long as it is bright. I always have MOAR clothes :D
[02:45:31] <SpallsHurgenson> ya chowdahead
[02:47:51] <Bytram> juggs: yeah, when it's too hot there's only so many layers one can remove =)
[02:48:30] <SpallsHurgenson> start with the pants!
[02:48:31] * Bytram snarls at PaleMoon and ForecastFox incompatibilities
[02:49:14] <SpallsHurgenson> I gave up on Palemoon. Mozilla devs might have gone completely around the bend, but at least the browser still works with all my addons
[02:51:33] <Bytram> I hear ya. Apparently, forecastfox has some hard-coded assumptions which are not valid with palemoon.
[02:51:36] <juggs> Bytram, for me it is the constant fluctuations either side of 0C that piss me off. Either be frozen for a while or don't, don't dick about freezing and thawing every day - I need to move I think.
[02:51:45] <NCommander> Am I the only one who doesn't mind Aurora?
[02:51:47] <NCommander> Seriously?
[02:51:59] <NCommander> The only reason I have Chrome installed is Flash for Linux is no longer updated
[02:52:01] * Bytram has heard such nastiness about it, haven't tried it.
[02:52:25] <SpallsHurgenson> NCommander: yes, yes you are
[02:52:27] <Bytram> ur talking about the updated ui for firefox, right?
[02:52:33] <NCommander> yeah
[02:52:44] <NCommander> Then again, I used to work for Canonical and willingly use Unity
[02:52:48] <NCommander> So maybe I'm just braindamaged
[02:53:00] <Bytram> I prefer the term 'acclimated'
[02:53:02] <chromas> also you work with slash
[02:53:33] <SpallsHurgenson> I think NCommander is the one making all these GUI devs go insane
[02:53:39] * chromas cautiously thanks NCommander and hands him a helmet :)
[02:54:06] <NCommander> SpallsHurgenson, I wasn't on the UI team
[02:54:17] <NCommander> I was the poor sucker who worked on porting UEFI to AArch64, and the Ubuntu for ARM port
[02:54:19] <SpallsHurgenson> I bet he was in Seattle when Microsoft thought up "Metro" too
[02:54:29] <Bytram> time for food; brb
[02:55:23] <SpallsHurgenson> btw, has anyone ever considered adding more Adobe Flash to soylent? I think it really would spruce up the site!
[02:55:36] <juggs> After a month or so I got quite used to Unity, needed to get the keyboard shortcuts down mind and remove a scope or two, and remove avahi and dnsmasq..... yeh not the best experience in retrospect. But I can see where they were going with it, just not my bag of salt.
[02:55:47] <juggs> Bag of salt? wtf am I on about?
[02:56:01] <chromas> SpallsHurgenson: how about an entire flash instance for each subscriber star, which would be animated and sparkly
[02:56:31] <SpallsHurgenson> chromas must be sitting /really/ close to NCommander :)
[02:59:20] <Bytram> http://justsecurity.org
[02:59:21] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03Transcript: NSA Director Mike Rogers vs. Yahoo! on Encryption Back Doors | Just Security
[03:02:26] <SpallsHurgenson> but... but... if we don't have back doors, the terrorists win! You don't want the terrorists to win, do you? Why do you hate freedom?
[03:02:31] <BadCoderFinger> Ugh. sourceforge really sucks these days.
[03:02:43] <Bytram> http://images.techhive.com
[03:03:03] <Bytram> don't let your eyes deceive you... that is not a bug...
[03:03:49] <BadCoderFinger> Heh!
[03:04:56] <Bytram> brilliant, I'd say!
[03:05:30] <juggs> I'm thinking - new swag item - a snowden sheet - looks like a normal sheet but acts as a faraday cage - needs its attached ground peg hammering into.. well.. the ground.. I'm struggling to come up with why it would be useful in any way :/
[03:05:46] * SpallsHurgenson professes not to understand the joke and asks it be explained in excrutiating explicit detail
[03:06:43] <paulej72> wow I got 13 upmods today
[03:07:36] <Bytram> paulej72++
[03:07:36] <Bender> karma - paulej72: 106
[03:07:42] <Bytram> now its 14
[03:07:46] <Bytram> =)
[03:08:31] <Bytram> yanno, that 13 doesn't sound so lucky.
[03:10:41] <Bytram> Ima seeing 18 points of upmods for ya today!
[03:12:28] <Bytram> afk
[03:12:38] <Bytram> back in a few minutes
[03:15:25] * Bytram is just plain tired
[03:15:38] <Bytram> time for some shuteye, folks.
[03:15:44] <Bytram> y'all have a good night!
[03:15:47] <JamesNZ> \o
[03:15:51] Bytram is now known as Bytram|away
[03:17:07] -!- Bytram|away has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[03:27:33] <NCommander> I really want to know who was smoking what with SF's last redesign
[03:28:22] <chromas> smoking the beta
[03:28:29] <chromas> I can't tell
[03:28:36] <chromas> "We're sorry -- the Sourceforge site is currently in Disaster Recovery mode, and currently requires the use of javascript to function. Please check back later. "
[03:29:16] <chromas> oh, /me enables js. that's a dumb "neeeds js to function" message
[03:31:11] <chromas> "The sourceforge.net website is temporarily in static offline mode. Only a very limited set of project pages are available until the main website returns to service."
[03:34:33] <SirFinkus> didn't sourceforge get purchased by some kind of demon company?
[03:34:39] <SirFinkus> I almost think it was dice
[03:36:05] <SirFinkus> oh, nevermind, they just bundled adware with software downloads
[03:36:05] <chromas> and yet the Jobs link on their site don't load
[03:36:25] <chromas> sf didn't go to dice with /.?
[03:36:37] <SirFinkus> not according to wikipedia
[03:37:18] <SirFinkus> oh, I guess it is owned by Dice
[03:37:23] * SirFinkus actually checked the site
[03:37:59] <chromas> terrible name for a jobs company
[03:38:12] <SirFinkus> lol, I just realized that
[03:40:11] -!- SoyCow3797 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[03:41:08] <BadCoderFinger> "Roll the dice, you might get a job."
[03:41:15] <NCommander> And SF now is open source (again)
[03:41:18] * NCommander rolls eyes
[03:41:32] * chromas rolls for a decent job
[03:41:56] <chromas> whoops, got sewer crawler
[03:42:50] <BadCoderFinger> chromas: "Job? Oh no, you've rolled gelatinous cube. Prepare to spend the next 20 years in the cube."
[03:42:51] <juggs> Lameness filter encountered. Post aborted! /me rollseyes
[03:43:28] <chromas> looks like the staff are all rolling snakeyes
[03:43:30] <juggs> Give me a clue... is 2 x ~ too much.
[03:43:39] <paulej72> TheMightyBuzzard: for tomorrow: https://soylentnews.org
[03:43:40] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03SN comment by pkrasimirov (3358)
[03:44:40] <TheMightyBuzzard> paulej72, live or devtest?
[03:45:00] <juggs> Filter error: No Spam Please! Really?
[03:45:29] <juggs> oh wait - I included the word "viagra"
[03:45:39] <chromas> v14gr4
[03:45:49] <paulej72> devtest, might be part of the utf8 issue and I am not sure if NCommander fixed yet
[03:46:58] <juggs> thank you chromas
[03:47:25] <chromas> maybe the filter could require "viagra" + a link to be triggered
[03:50:06] <juggs> or I could self-censor and not use such emotive words :D /sarc
[03:50:39] <BadCoderFinger> Oh go on then. You'll never get +5 funny without viagra in there somewhere.
[03:51:19] <chromas> BadCoderFinger: s/viagra/b0ner pillz/
[03:51:19] <sedctl> <chromas> <BadCoderFinger> Oh go on then. You'll never get +5 funny without b0ner pillz in there somewhere.
[03:52:51] <TheMightyBuzzard> paulej72, nod nod. i'll get that and the bad parsing of utf8 if nobody else is monkeying with the code then.
[03:57:54] <NCommander> I'm fiddling with devtest right now to make rewrite magic work
[03:57:57] <NCommander> For full nexus functionality
[04:07:35] -!- SpallsHurgenson has quit [Quit: eyes are heavy and all out of toothpicks]
[04:17:10] <NCommander> Oh I'm good
[04:18:03] <NCommander> TheMightyBuzzard, paulej72: Nexuses are fully functional on devtest
[04:18:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> well that was quick
[04:19:09] <NCommander> TheMightyBuzzard, check it out
[04:19:16] * NCommander is abusing the rewrite logic to make everything kosher
[04:19:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> hang on, gotta stop doing like 3 things
[04:20:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> bug on features
[04:20:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> bad template looks like or something
[04:20:35] <TheMightyBuzzard> left bar disappears
[04:20:57] <NCommander> only happens as AC
[04:20:58] <NCommander> Ugh
[04:21:03] <NCommander> Or at least if you use the 'night' theme
[04:21:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> ahhh, prolly a bug in the night theme then
[04:21:52] <TheMightyBuzzard> either way, pretty tight
[04:22:00] <NCommander> Let me set the skin to chillax for those
[04:22:07] <NCommander> I'm having some issues reproducing it locally
[04:22:50] * juggs blinked and missed another NCommander revelation. Dude, that's ~15 hours straight, in danger of flame out, take a lie down on the house. /me steps away from coders in the sweet spot
[04:22:53] <NCommander> Oh
[04:22:55] <NCommander> ew
[04:23:01] <NCommander> the SHTML file generated incorrectly
[04:23:03] <NCommander> THat's what happened
[04:23:08] <NCommander> If you force load the dynamic index
[04:23:09] <arti> think of it more as a limitbreak session
[04:23:16] <NCommander> http://devtest.soylentnews.org
[04:23:17] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03Slash Site: Slash Site
[04:23:18] <NCommander> Its fine
[04:23:39] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Privdog is Superfish All Over Again - http://sylnt.us - despair
[04:23:54] <TheMightyBuzzard> yup. we needa nuke the shtml generation anyway. go purely dynamic so we don't gotta sync files.
[04:24:22] <NCommander> the SHTML files were useful in the era before varnish
[04:24:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> that's a for later though. we got plenty on our plates already
[04:24:27] <TheMightyBuzzard> nod nod
[04:24:35] <NCommander> Honestly
[04:24:42] <NCommander> I'm kinda ready to put a bullet in slashd
[04:24:45] <NCommander> And just replace it with a crontab
[04:24:50] <TheMightyBuzzard> heh
[04:25:20] <NCommander> Unless you can think of a good reason to justify its existance
[04:25:22] <TheMightyBuzzard> well we're gonna be getting rid of parts of it going dynamic anyway. the rest should be less of a nuisance after that
[04:26:06] <TheMightyBuzzard> well, you can shut it down without taking down system cron jobs
[04:26:15] <TheMightyBuzzard> other than that not really
[04:26:30] <NCommander> I thought SHTML generation was nerfed on production ages ago
[04:26:35] <NCommander> I though I nerfed it ages ago
[04:26:40] <TheMightyBuzzard> so did i
[04:26:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> mighta got reverted
[04:27:30] <TheMightyBuzzard> dynamic rss has like one bug away from being working and then no more static feed files
[04:28:02] <TheMightyBuzzard> and no more slashd job to create them
[04:29:10] <NCommander> it was probably a config var
[04:29:20] <NCommander> We need a better way to handle DB upgrades
[04:30:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> than the upgrades file? been thinking that for a while now
[04:32:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> maybe a pull request numbered sql file included into git?
[04:32:35] <juggs> weird - spell check states "overbearance" is not a word
[04:32:52] <TheMightyBuzzard> could automate it if they were separated
[04:33:51] <TheMightyBuzzard> juggs, my spellcheck keeps trying to convince me i'm canadian no matter how many times i change it to EN_US
[04:36:30] -!- BadCoderFinger has quit [Quit: ENOBEER]
[04:37:52] <TheMightyBuzzard> anyway, i'm out till 5am CST
[04:38:01] <TheMightyBuzzard> gotta sleep sometime
[04:38:26] <juggs> da fuq is .shtml I don't remember seeing that for at least a decade.
[04:42:58] <juggs> damn, I can't read all the replies to the Subscriptions - RFC thread in one sitting. Too many good points.
[04:45:44] <juggs> although few that answer the question posed. Discussion site - what would there be other than a discussion xD
[05:17:33] -!- idetuxs has quit [Quit: leaving]
[05:57:28] <ar> juggs: SSI FTW!
[05:57:51] <ar> juggs: there were even some turing-complete implementations of it ;)
[06:24:45] <crutchy> coffee++
[06:24:45] <Bender> karma - coffee: 1119
[06:25:11] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Driverless Car Beats Skilled Racing Driver for First Time - http://sylnt.us - coming-soon-'robot-races'
[06:27:18] <crutchy> is SSI what github sites use?
[06:27:37] <ar> dunno
[06:27:40] <crutchy> s/site/page/
[06:27:40] <sedctl> <crutchy> is SSI what github pages use?
[06:27:50] <ar> i don't think so
[06:34:23] <SirFinkus> another victory for my immune system
[06:34:27] <SirFinkus> I think
[06:35:31] <SirFinkus> now it's equipped to neutralize another form of influenza
[07:08:49] <arti> http://antiartificial.com
[07:08:49] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03#Soylent stats: 21.2.2015!
[07:09:08] <arti> hmm
[07:10:01] <arti> refresh :D
[07:13:10] <JamesNZ> "JamesNZ couldn't decide whether to come or go and joined #Soylent 528 times during this reporting period..." XD
[07:14:25] * crutchy ...just couldn't shut up
[07:15:07] <JamesNZ> :P
[07:15:26] <JamesNZ> Nice stats you got there arti.
[07:15:57] <arti> mircstats does the heavy lifting, added some additional styling to it
[07:16:08] <JamesNZ> Ah.
[07:16:16] * arti points to the footer
[07:16:30] <arti> i'd like to make one that shows things relative to the users timezone
[07:19:02] <arti> need to poke this into version control for history
[07:19:32] <crutchy> github?
[07:21:25] <arti> yeah, thinking about a batch gen too, daily, weekly, monthly for the history of the channel.
[07:21:36] * SirFinkus just thought of a neat game
[07:21:44] <arti> "find that smell"
[07:21:57] <SirFinkus> call it "blackbox"
[07:22:07] <arti> nigrapr0n?
[07:22:12] <chromas> arti: you already said that though
[07:22:20] <chromas> "i should drum up a script to do a few variants, daily, weekly, monthly"
[07:22:29] <SirFinkus> 2 people get opaque boxes with an array of switches and leds
[07:22:30] <ciri> 3
[07:22:36] <arti> yeah, my coding time went to my sign up form
[07:23:01] <SirFinkus> using a system of logic gates, the connect the leds to the switches
[07:23:01] <arti> looks like chromas is excited for this
[07:23:35] * chromas looks to see if that's mentioned in the stats page as well
[07:24:15] <SirFinkus> then, the players alternate manipulating the switches on their opponent's black box to try and try to figure out the correct arrangement of gates to have the same behavior
[07:24:44] <SirFinkus> I'd need to balance it, probably by varying the number of lights and switches
[07:25:01] <SirFinkus> another option is letting the players know which parts the other person used
[07:25:15] <chromas> They don't have a fixed set of parts?
[07:25:15] <SirFinkus> it's like a nerdy "guess who?"
[07:25:35] <arti> better than the german, Gas Who
[07:25:43] <SirFinkus> well, they'd have to, especially if it was a physical thing
[07:25:46] <chromas> You jews, you lose
[07:25:54] <SirFinkus> but I'm not sure of the balancing points yet
[07:25:57] <arti> SirFinkus, make it happen in html5
[07:26:20] <SirFinkus> I'd want there to be enough for clever NAND gate wankery though
[07:26:42] <SirFinkus> I might, probably won't use html5 though
[07:27:04] <arti> do it in minecraft :D
[07:27:08] <chromas> #nandgate
[07:27:11] <arti> or minetest
[07:27:12] <SirFinkus> maybe I'll just start out with a bunch of pre-made puzzles
[07:27:20] * SirFinkus never bought minecraft
[07:27:21] <arti> i call those paternity tests
[07:27:36] <arti> minetest ist mehr besser als das
[07:27:43] <arti> c++ too
[07:27:43] <Bender> karma - c: 33
[07:27:51] <chromas> that's a test everyone would like to cheat on
[07:27:57] <SirFinkus> dohoho
[07:28:02] <arti> heh
[07:28:06] <SirFinkus> but maybe cheating was the problem?
[07:28:19] * arti hides his rodeo clown suit and turkey baster
[07:28:35] <SirFinkus> oh you mischievous scamp
[07:28:43] <SirFinkus> sowing discord among the people
[07:29:23] <chromas> so that's what in the squeeze bulb nose
[07:29:33] <SirFinkus> actually, I think this might be more fun to make in the real world
[07:29:56] <SirFinkus> I know almost nothing about electronics, but I'm sure I could throw this together
[07:30:02] <arti> The most likely replacement for silicon is a III-V semiconductor such as indium gallium arsenide (InGaAs), though Intel hasn't provided any specific details yet."
[07:30:08] <arti> InGaAs
[07:31:05] <SirFinkus> http://nymag.com I just read this, it's an interesting read
[07:31:06] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03How Crazy Am I to Think I Know Where MH370 Is? -- NYMag
[07:31:19] <SirFinkus> I think the answer is "batshit"
[07:31:26] <SirFinkus> to the headline's question
[07:31:29] <SirFinkus> but it's a good story
[07:31:31] <arti> http://www.aljazeera.com
[07:31:32] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03Mossad contradicted Netanyahu on Iran nuclear programme - Al Jazeera English
[07:32:47] <arti> i'll catch you all in the future, going to read a bit
[07:32:51] * arti salutes
[07:32:59] <chromas> .Net & Yahoo!
[07:44:42] <SirFinkus> oh shit
[07:44:44] <SirFinkus> https://www.youtube.com
[07:44:45] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03777 E/E Bay - YouTube
[07:44:55] <SirFinkus> the computer has a nicer seat than I do
[07:46:49] <SirFinkus> probably pretty hot though
[07:53:14] <exec> 05*** SN funding has changed from $1,749 to $1,864
[07:53:56] <SirFinkus> ohh, a big one
[08:13:25] -!- prospectacle [prospectacle!~3a6b46d6@m05-504-10-359.mit514.act.optusnet.com.au] has joined #Soylent
[08:13:50] <prospectacle> hi
[08:23:24] <SirFinkus> hi
[08:26:42] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Another High-Profile "News" Guy Caught Lying about Being Under Fire - http://sylnt.us - faux-news-or-it-must-true-I've-seen-it-on-TV
[08:34:29] <chromas> http://nymag.com
[08:34:31] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03An Idaho Lawmaker Learns a Valuable Lesson -- NYMag
[09:05:41] -!- prospectacle has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[09:25:25] -!- JamesNZ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[09:27:58] <bryan> woah, my isp just silently turned on IPv6
[09:28:42] <bryan> ssh'ed to one of my boxes over the internet and was like... errr... that's an IPv6 address it's connecting too!
[09:29:16] <bryan> interesting that it "just worked" too without me having to do anything
[09:30:45] -!- prospectacle [prospectacle!~3a6b46d6@m05-504-10-359.mit514.act.optusnet.com.au] has joined #Soylent
[09:51:21] <prospectacle> what do you call that kind of game where it looks like the lanscape is top-down, but the buildings and people are side-on. It has crude, 2 dimensional animation, and you collect treasure or keys to open doors and go into buildings?
[09:53:52] <bryan> like the original zelda?
[09:54:06] <prospectacle> yeah i think so. I didn't play that but i think I've seen it
[09:54:16] <prospectacle> there was one called god of thunder, on pc
[09:54:47] <bryan> http://en.wikipedia.org
[09:55:07] <prospectacle> yeah like that
[09:55:35] <bryan> just says "action adventure" role-playing game
[09:55:37] <prospectacle> what do you call that style of graphics and controls?
[09:56:26] <bryan> http://en.wikipedia.org
[09:56:26] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03Wiki: Action-adventure game
[09:57:29] <prospectacle> hmhmm, it's kind of like an isometric adventure game, but cruder, simpler graphic system
[09:59:33] <prospectacle> cool, this brings me back: https://www.youtube.com
[09:59:34] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03God of Thunder Game Sample - PC/DOS - YouTube
[10:00:53] <chromas> dimetric projection?
[10:02:37] <prospectacle> i think you're on to something there chromas
[10:02:39] <prospectacle> just reading about it now
[10:07:07] <prospectacle> Anyway, do you think a procedurally generated version of that type of game, with many levels (houses within houses, some of them bigger on the inside than the one that contains them), with a sort of puzzle-quest in each level, would be fun to play?
[10:11:14] <crutchy> ~g'day prospectacle
[10:11:15] * exec spontaneously offers a coffee++ mug of red cordial to prospectacle
[10:11:28] <crutchy> isometric_projection++
[10:11:28] <Bender> karma - isometric_projection: 1
[10:11:56] <crutchy> original starcraft is fake iso but still the most awesomest ever :)
[10:12:00] <prospectacle> hi crutchy
[10:12:01] <ciri> hi prospectacle
[10:12:29] <crutchy> you making a game?
[10:12:54] <crutchy> dammit. now i feel like playing a game :p
[10:13:00] <prospectacle> crutchy, the ideas for this one keep occuring to me so i figure soon I'll have no choice
[10:13:06] <crutchy> haha
[10:13:23] <crutchy> sounds fun
[10:14:01] <prospectacle> if I can nail the core mechanics so it's fun, and make a good procedural generator for the levels, then I can have infinite levels as easily as one.
[10:14:15] <prospectacle> of course that's two big ifs
[10:14:42] <crutchy> making games can be like going down the rabbit hole
[10:15:12] <crutchy> i started one but i dunno if i'll ever finish it
[10:15:24] <chromas> going down on a bunny
[10:15:26] <prospectacle> I was thinking something like the one in the video I just linked, but not necessarily bad guys to fight, more puzzles and environmental dangers, and get-this-key-to-open-this-door-to-get-this-potion-to-move-the-wall-to-get-the-treasure type puzzles
[10:15:28] <crutchy> but if you use libraries and stuff it might be a bit easier
[10:15:49] <prospectacle> crutchy, I know what you mean about the rabbit, hole, I've started many and finished few, none of them truly matched my original vision
[10:16:57] <crutchy> mine started with just the basics (cos i'm a stick in the mud when it comes to no third party code). doing all the low level stuff can be tedius
[10:17:13] <crutchy> s/diu/diou/
[10:17:13] <sedctl> <crutchy> mine started with just the basics (cos i'm a stick in the mud when it comes to no third party code). doing all the low level stuff can be tedious
[10:17:48] <prospectacle> it sure can, although i like the challenge. My ambitions are quite low, though, I know from experience how much work games take. usually more than I'm willing to put in
[10:18:10] <crutchy> its always fun to start and see how far you can get
[10:18:26] <crutchy> maybe its like quitting smoking; every time you try you get a little bit farther :p
[10:18:36] <prospectacle> that's the spirit
[10:18:45] <prospectacle> i eventually quit smoking
[10:18:59] <crutchy> my wife did too. we saved a crapload of money
[10:19:33] <prospectacle> good to hear
[10:19:49] <crutchy> how you been anyway dude? haven't seen you about for a while
[10:19:50] <ciri> doing good, and you?
[10:20:20] -!- SirFinkus has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com]
[10:20:23] <prospectacle> yeah just been slack. Been reading this site every day but haven't posted or irced for a while
[10:20:55] <crutchy> slack is good. slack is what i always aim for :)
[10:21:08] <prospectacle> what's been happening with you?
[10:21:10] <crutchy> especially when it comes to lawnmowing
[10:21:30] <crutchy> just work and bit of code here and there
[10:21:44] <crutchy> kids back at school
[10:21:51] <crutchy> usual stuff :p
[10:22:22] <prospectacle> cool what side projects u doing lately?
[10:22:49] <crutchy> i was gunna tinker with the comment feed script tonight, but i think laziness has got the better of me
[10:23:01] <crutchy> mostly bot stuff, bit of work stuff
[10:23:10] <prospectacle> well if you thought about it seriously, that's a kind of progress
[10:23:51] <crutchy> this one: https://github.com
[10:23:51] <prospectacle> there's a tipping point where thinking adds up over time instead of fading too far away between each occasion. Then it bursts forth into glorious action.
[10:23:52] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03exec-irc-bot/comment_feed.php at master · crutchy-/exec-irc-bot · GitHub
[10:23:58] <prospectacle> So you know, it's probably only a matter of time.
[10:24:04] <crutchy> haha. yeah true
[10:24:25] <prospectacle> so what does it do?
[10:24:56] <prospectacle> or what is it going to do?
[10:25:25] <crutchy> if you're curious, check out the #comments channel. at about 9.50'ish my bot will do some flooding there :p
[10:25:50] <crutchy> here's a sample:
[10:25:51] <crutchy> <exec> *** new comment: Anonymous Coward (Score:0) Re:No minimum, but star colours - Subscriptions - RFC - 124 chars - http://soylentnews.org (parent: http://soylentnews.org)
[10:25:51] <crutchy> <exec> └─I would like to help you with that but publishing contact info on a pubic site is not a great idea ;-) You've got your star.
[10:25:52] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03SN comment by Anonymous Coward
[10:25:52] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03SN comment by anubi (2828)
[10:27:25] <crutchy> i was thinking about making it so anyone could spawn a comment feed in their own channel with a threshold setting, or keyword criteria, etc
[10:27:28] <prospectacle> i see, so it shows you new comments from SN according to custom rules or something?
[10:27:43] <crutchy> atm it surfs at -1, so you get everything
[10:28:05] <crutchy> (from 20 latest articles anyway)
[10:28:14] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - The Best Way to Decrease Movie Piracy is to Get Rid of The Oscars - http://sylnt.us - I-pirated-this-on-behalf-of-my-parents-my-children-and-everyone-in-the-team
[10:28:20] <crutchy> which i found covers pretty much everything
[10:28:38] <prospectacle> interesting
[10:28:47] <chromas> you could do one channel and several minions
[10:29:11] <prospectacle> so you can leave #comments open and see whenever a new comment is posted. That's cool.
[10:29:18] <chromas> each minion does comments at a different level, then we can ignore the minions whose comment ratings we don't want to see
[10:29:27] <crutchy> hmm. prolly won't need minions. if it downloads everything (at -1), it can fish out whatever comments to wherever
[10:29:48] <crutchy> oh yeah
[10:29:53] <crutchy> now i see what you mean
[10:30:52] <crutchy> prospectacle, if you sit in #comments, every hour you'll get a feed of pretty much all new SN comments
[10:31:02] <crutchy> (and new +5 comments)
[10:31:25] <crutchy> i use it to hunt down the good troll threads :p
[10:31:45] <prospectacle> troll hunting in the 21st century
[10:32:56] <crutchy> there's also a feed in #github that shows activity in soylentil repos
[10:33:08] <crutchy> it runs every 10 minutes
[10:33:28] <prospectacle> you're a bot making machine
[10:33:35] <prospectacle> a robot robot
[10:33:51] <crutchy> lol. keeps the brain ticking over
[10:34:31] <chromas> until the brain itself is replaced by a bot
[10:34:33] <crutchy> problem is i get distracted easily. there are too many shiny pwnies to chase after
[10:34:44] <chromas> or..maybe it already has been
[10:34:54] <chromas> IT'S REPLICATING!
[10:35:01] <crutchy> robot tumbleweeds
[10:36:01] <prospectacle> i heard crutchy was an emergently intelligent swarm of smaller irc bots, whose main imperative is creating new irc jobs
[10:37:06] <chromas> this is true
[10:37:21] <crutchy> ~minion new gir
[10:37:22] <chromas> crutchyctl start takeover
[10:37:33] <prospectacle> but that was from ciri, who is notoriously trying to make us think everyone else is a bot, so he'll be accepted as normal
[10:37:36] -!- gir [gir!~gir@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[10:37:52] <crutchy> ciri is my friend
[10:38:12] <crutchy> we like telling each other stories :p
[10:38:58] <crutchy> does anyone know how to work the damn minion thingy? i forgot
[10:41:56] <crutchy> ~minion gir privmsg i farted
[10:42:32] <crutchy> ~minion privmsg gir i farted
[10:42:51] <crutchy> yeah i dunno :p
[10:43:22] <crutchy> ~minion quit gir
[10:43:23] -!- gir has quit []
[10:45:23] <chromas> Why was there bacon in the soap?
[10:46:51] <crutchy> cos the pig was dirty?
[10:47:49] <crutchy> cos the soap was hungry?
[10:48:48] <crutchy> cos the soap was hungry after the opera?
[10:49:00] <crutchy> cos the soap was hungry after the opera about pigs?
[11:10:20] -!- SoyCow4238 [SoyCow4238!~484949ce@kqey-00-56-01-084.ptldme.east.myfairpoint.net] has joined #Soylent
[11:11:08] -!- SoyCow4238 has quit [Client Quit]
[11:35:36] -!- SirFinkus [SirFinkus!~SirFinkus@71.197.zmm.nkk] has joined #Soylent
[11:47:32] -!- prospectacle has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[11:59:22] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Apple to Open New, Green Data Centers in Denmark and Ireland - http://sylnt.us - that's-a-lot-of-wind
[13:30:32] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Next Linux Kernel will be 4.0; Release Candidate Available - http://sylnt.us - round-numbers
[13:30:45] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[13:30:45] <Bender> karma - coffee: 1120
[14:00:55] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - NSA Director Mike Rogers Defends Backdoors, Citing Sony Attacks - http://sylnt.us - kiss-goodbye-to-your-overseas-customers
[14:11:27] -!- janrinok [janrinok!~janrinok@Soylent/Staff/Editor/janrinok] has joined #Soylent
[14:11:27] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v janrinok] by juggler
[14:11:55] <janrinok> hi guys
[14:21:55] <NCommander> I just loled
[14:21:59] <NCommander> I've posted 69 articles to SN
[14:22:31] <janrinok> and they are usually more than a few lines long
[14:32:02] <NCommander> janrinok, I think my last one was the shortest I ever posted
[14:34:54] <janrinok> lol
[14:59:17] -!- n1 has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[15:32:03] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Linux GUI Sandbox: Gnome Desktop Apps - http://sylnt.us - arm's-length
[16:17:38] <mrcoolbp> g'day crutchy
[16:17:39] <ciri> hello, whats up mrcoolbp
[16:17:50] <mrcoolbp> ciri: not much, you
[16:22:40] * mrcoolbp sees bryan back in #soylent again
[16:23:36] <mrcoolbp> wohoo, moar monies for the billz comin' in
[16:28:20] <exec> 05*** SN funding has changed from $1,864 to $1,921
[16:29:20] janrinok is now known as janrinok|afk
[17:03:12] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - South African Leaked Cables Contradict Binyamin Netanyahu's Iran Claims - http://sylnt.us - trust-no-one
[17:40:55] <geotti_away> tea++
[17:40:55] <Bender> karma - tea: 415
[17:40:57] geotti_away is now known as geotti
[17:54:40] geotti is now known as geotti_away
[18:33:43] -!- idetuxs [idetuxs!~idetuxs@460-921-827-852.prima.net.ar] has joined #Soylent
[19:00:05] janrinok|afk is now known as janrinok
[19:04:43] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Review of v4.4 - Finally, LibreOffice Rocks - http://sylnt.us - new-and-improved
[19:43:39] -!- idetuxs has quit [Quit: leaving]
[20:03:35] -!- janrinok has quit [Quit: bye]
[20:35:52] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Could Classical Theory be Just as Weird as Quantum Theory? - http://sylnt.us - ups-and-downs-of-strangely-charming-truth-and-beauty
[20:43:37] geotti_away is now known as geotti
[20:56:55] -!- JamesNZ [JamesNZ!~james@43-567-441-22.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #Soylent
[20:57:48] <crutchy> ~g'morning #soylent
[21:03:03] <CoolHand> good afternoon crutchy
[21:03:30] <crutchy> ~g'day CoolHand
[21:03:31] * exec brazenly flings a used franger of coffee++ at CoolHand
[21:03:41] <crutchy> ooh
[21:03:44] <crutchy> coffee++
[21:03:44] <Bender> karma - coffee: 1121
[21:14:35] <crutchy> ~uid
[21:14:38] <exec> The current maximum UID is 5101, owned by stormreaver
[21:14:57] <crutchy> hah. reminds me of starcraft
[21:15:13] <crutchy> ~weather
[21:15:14] <exec> 03Melbourne VIC - currently 15°C, cloudy, wind E at 5 km/h, humidity 88% - Wednesday partly cloudy (16°C-28°C), Thursday partly cloudy (14°C-25°C), Friday mostly sunny (15°C-27°C), Saturday partly cloudy (16°C-35°C)
[21:23:23] <dx3bydt3_> ~weather
[21:23:24] <exec> syntax: ~weather <location>
[21:32:28] <mrcoolbp> hahaha: http://veryoblivio.us
[21:32:29] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03#soylent @ SoylentNews stats by swiss
[21:32:53] <mrcoolbp> NCommander is a very aggressive person. He/She attacked others 12 times.
[21:32:53] <mrcoolbp> For example, like this:
[21:32:53] <mrcoolbp> * NCommander beats crutchy with a chunk of granite
[21:33:08] <mrcoolbp> Poor crutchy, nobody likes him/her. He/She was attacked 8 times.
[21:33:08] <mrcoolbp> For example, like this:
[21:33:08] <mrcoolbp> * NCommander beats crutchy
[21:33:08] <mrcoolbp> chromas seems to be unliked too. He/She got beaten 7 times.
[21:34:17] * paulej72 beats NCommander
[21:34:28] * paulej72 beats mrcoolbp
[21:34:31] <mrcoolbp> ow
[21:34:37] * paulej72 beats crutchy
[21:34:59] * mrcoolbp reloads page to see if made a diff.
[21:35:04] <paulej72> i useed a foam water noodle
[21:35:21] <mrcoolbp> you'll need 10 more to beat him prolly
[21:35:28] <mrcoolbp> no pun intended
[21:39:36] <mrcoolbp> paulej72: let me know of there's any other odd jobs around here I can do
[21:39:51] * mrcoolbp has a little time today but busy week ahead
[21:41:59] <paulej72> not sure there is any thing, umless you can brain dump NCommander into me
[21:42:19] <paulej72> copy only
[21:42:38] * mrcoolbp tries
[21:43:49] <paulej72> need to find out NCommander setup our connection ot oxygen so I duplicate it on the new machine
[21:44:27] <NCommander> paulej72, I just did direct IPv6 addressing
[21:44:38] <NCommander> which was kinda the point of IPv6 :)
[21:44:51] <paulej72> wiki says you set up VPN
[21:45:33] <paulej72> If that is the case then I can do it
[21:45:36] <NCommander> I did originally, but that proved to be extremely problematic so I just redid it to do Ipv6 magic
[21:45:57] <paulej72> forgot that point, but now remember it
[21:46:16] <paulej72> had to beat the box into submission
[21:46:22] <paulej72> :)
[21:53:20] -!- SoyGuest6239 has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[21:53:53] * mrcoolbp enjoys an epic sandwich
[22:07:02] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Benchmark Finds Apple OS to Have More Vulnerabilities than Windows - http://sylnt.us - selective-disclosure
[22:07:20] <paulej72> pinging oxygen from helium sucessful
[22:14:31] <paulej72> resolv.conf setup
[22:20:56] <mrcoolbp> yay
[22:28:33] <swiss> mrcoolbp: lol, where did you get the link?
[22:35:05] <paulej72> NCommander, issue with resolv.conf on oxygen. If I set it to use the ip6 address for our name servers it does not resolve any addresses outsdie our domain
[22:37:03] <paulej72> same issue if i use the ip4 addresses as well
[22:38:00] <NCommander> paulej72, I set both them and nameserver
[22:38:03] <NCommander> It will fall through
[22:38:30] <paulej72> ok I'll try again
[22:41:41] <paulej72> not falling through
[22:44:01] <NCommander> paulej72, ugh, I remember having this problem
[22:44:04] <NCommander> YOu have to do something stupid
[22:44:18] <paulej72> I have been :)
[22:44:36] <paulej72> Just not the right stupid
[22:45:01] <mrcoolbp> swiss: search'n for sometin else
[22:45:09] <swiss> ahh
[22:45:20] <swiss> NCommander: paulej72 nssswitch.conf?
[22:45:29] <swiss> nsswitch
[22:45:52] <NCommander> paulej72, honestly, maybe we should just set forwarders on our own nameservers
[22:45:56] <NCommander> Could have sworn we used to do that
[22:46:41] <paulej72> NCommander, we do but it seems like it is not working on oxygen. works for any of the core machines i tried
[22:47:21] <NCommander> paulej72, there's a whitelist on what can forward in BIND
[22:47:25] <paulej72> swiss, trying to have dns queries for our domain go to our domain server and all others go to google or something
[22:47:39] <NCommander> YOu probably have to stick the right IPv6 address in it
[22:47:45] <paulej72> NCommander, that is probably it, i was going to look there next
[22:47:53] <paulej72> yep
[22:47:58] <swiss> paulej72: just register your name server as authoritative for your domain?
[22:48:08] <paulej72> interal domain
[22:48:35] <swiss> just forward from yours. Or yours needs to return another code... but i'm not sure
[22:48:50] <swiss> easiest way is to have yours forward to google for unknown
[22:48:59] <swiss> what happens when you execute a dig query?
[22:49:10] <swiss> what response code
[22:49:26] geotti is now known as geotti_away
[22:50:03] <paulej72> fixed the whitelist and now working
[22:50:09] <swiss> nice
[23:20:25] <paulej72> LDAP working
[23:38:09] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - The Concerning Lack of Updates About the Haskell Project's Compromised Debian Build Server - http://sylnt.us - forgot-my-pants