#Soylent | Logs for 2015-02-01

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[23:39:41] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Evidence Mounts for Quantum Criticality Theory - http://sylnt.us - er,-that-cleared-that-up-then...
[23:39:06] <Subsentient> Just patched some problems with NEXUS and recompiled. Seems to work better. Working on a scrollback mechanism.
[23:23:55] <LancePodstrong> and once every hour it compiles a video with all the latest images with ffmpeg
[23:23:45] <LancePodstrong> takes an image every minute
[23:23:24] <LancePodstrong> i've got it looking outside right now
[23:23:17] <LancePodstrong> i need a better webcam cuz the integrated one is garbage, but otherwise it's a cool concept
[23:23:06] <LancePodstrong> from this old netbook
[23:23:02] <LancePodstrong> i made a webcam time lapse video maker web server thingy today
[23:09:21] -!- LancePodstrong [LancePodstrong!1000@yrdgpx-19-51-482-478.dr46.cnfl.mn.frontiernet.net] has joined #Soylent
[23:08:35] -!- pbnjoe [pbnjoe!~pbnjoe@Soylent/Users/313/pbnjoe] has joined #Soylent
[23:08:35] -!- pbnjoe has quit [Changing host]
[23:08:27] pbnjoe__ is now known as pbnjoe
[22:48:43] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Subsentient] by juggler
[22:48:43] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Subsentient] has joined #Soylent
[22:48:33] -!- Subsentient has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[21:38:09] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - British Army Sets Up 77th Brigade to Fight on the Social Media Front - http://sylnt.us - ready-aim-tweet
[21:26:15] <BadCoderFinger> SirFinkus: Heh, I understand the attempt to keep from reinstalling if you can possibly get away with it.
[21:24:42] <SirFinkus> because it takes 4 hours and 10 reboots to install all the updates and service packs
[21:24:21] <SirFinkus> because reinstalling windows is such a massive pita
[21:24:14] <SirFinkus> I'm always tricked into trying their "tool" first BadCoderFinger
[21:19:15] <BadCoderFinger> crutchy: Best of luck, and much caffeine!
[21:18:15] <crutchy> bugger. i gotta go to workipoos. haven't had a coffee yet ~grumble grumbble~
[21:16:55] <BadCoderFinger> No, but from now on I will.
[21:16:24] <crutchy> does anyone else call a format+reinstall windows a 'first birthday' or is it just some weird aussie thing?
[21:11:21] <BadCoderFinger> Heh, solution #1: Reinstall windows.
[20:56:50] <SirFinkus> and then you give up and reinstall windows
[20:56:36] <SirFinkus> it takes 45 minutes to run, and either says it couldn't fix the problem, or that it fixed the problem (but it didn't)
[20:56:02] <SirFinkus> then you download the Criticial Update Notification Tool (or whatever it's called) is downloaded (it's only a few 348KB!) and proceeds to pull down 503MB of dependencies
[20:54:49] <SirFinkus> of course the link is broken, so you google the tool name and find another MSDN page
[20:54:29] <SirFinkus> then you google the hex code, find a MSDN article with a link to a tool that promises to fix it
[20:53:45] <BadCoderFinger> Yeah, a lot of software just barfs an exception with a hex code.
[20:50:11] <SirFinkus> or obfuscates them
[20:49:50] <SirFinkus> the os is loath to give detailed error messages
[20:49:14] <SirFinkus> actually, I think the biggest problem with windows is it's opacity
[20:46:30] <SirFinkus> of course I'm assuming we're talking about desktop use
[20:46:13] <SirFinkus> OSX is somewhat unstable for me, but not enough for it to be a problem, Linux doesn't usually crash, but I've had issues with it that required a reboot to fix
[20:45:20] <Teckla> Same with OS X, same with Linux, same with BSD
[20:45:14] <SirFinkus> probably the biggest problems I've had are with the updates
[20:45:07] <Teckla> I've found Win7 and Win8 to be pretty stable
[20:44:46] <BadCoderFinger> Yeah, my list is rather large as well!
[20:43:59] <SirFinkus> crashes are pretty far down on my list of windows gripes
[20:43:50] <BadCoderFinger> Most likely due to the corporate bloatware provided by the lowest bidder to the IT guys.
[20:42:46] <BadCoderFinger> It's gotten better, but I've still gotten a bluescreen on win7.
[20:38:37] -!- pbnjoe__ [pbnjoe__!~pbnjoe@f1008742yg4280oh2.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #Soylent
[20:38:05] -!- pbnjoe__ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[20:37:34] <SirFinkus> they've found new and innovative ways to fuck things up
[20:37:20] <SirFinkus> honestly though, I can't remember the last time I had a proper windows crash that wasn't hardware related
[20:36:59] <SirFinkus> I get it, because windows is unreliable
[20:35:46] <BadCoderFinger> Crash after two bytes? Are we sure it wasn't windows?
[20:33:31] <SirFinkus> it's fitting
[20:33:28] <SirFinkus> "Kline transmitted from the university's SDS Sigma 7 Host computer to the Stanford Research Institute's SDS 940 Host computer. The message text was the word login; the l and the o letters were transmitted, but the system then crashed. "
[20:32:24] <SirFinkus> first two characters sent over arpanet were "lo"
[20:31:56] <SirFinkus> 'lo
[20:22:50] <BadCoderFinger> Hey guys
[20:19:45] -!- BadCoderFinger [BadCoderFinger!~BadCoderF@216.160.gyz.km] has joined #Soylent
[20:16:30] -!- JamesNZ [JamesNZ!~james@43-567-441-22.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #Soylent
[20:13:24] -!- drgibbon [drgibbon!~gibblets@voice.of.the.turtle] has joined #Soylent
[20:08:50] <Hedonismbot> Karma - coffee: 244
[20:08:50] <crutchy> ++coffee
[20:08:47] <crutchy> anyways, off to get ready for workipoos
[20:08:11] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03Changing threshold/breakthrough in poll collapses poll results · Issue #391 · SoylentNews/slashcode · GitHub
[20:08:10] <crutchy> exec posts issues like this: https://github.com
[20:07:13] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03Issue from TheMightyBuzzard via IRC · Issue #385 · SoylentNews/slashcode · GitHub
[20:07:12] <crutchy> https://github.com
[20:06:09] <crutchy> fucking xchat
[20:06:06] <crutchy> the "X submitted Issues # N via IRC" thing
[20:05:29] <crutchy> oops
[20:05:19] <crutchy> thing
[20:05:17] <crutchy> <TheMightyBuzzard> strictly user-created"
[20:05:17] <crutchy> the "
[20:04:38] <crutchy> hmm. TheMightyBuzzard i think SoyWark might've been taking a jab at TheMightyBot
[20:02:01] <crutchy> who's pokin at my purrfect c0d3z?
[19:57:53] <arti> can't they just drive through with a license plate scanner
[19:36:38] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - New E-mail Shows Feds Considered Snooping on Cars Parked at Gun Shows - http://sylnt.us - its-in-your-own-interests,-honestly
[19:32:48] -!- janrinok has quit [Quit: leaving]
[19:28:17] -!- pbnjoe has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[19:25:18] -!- pbnjoe__ [pbnjoe__!~pbnjoe@f1008742yg4280oh2.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #Soylent
[18:43:41] <janrinok> hi Az
[18:43:32] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Azrael] by juggler
[18:43:32] -!- Azrael [Azrael!~Az@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Azrael] has joined #Soylent
[18:41:55] -!- helpme has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[18:41:02] <janrinok> sod off ciri
[18:40:54] <ciri> hello, whats up janrinok
[18:40:53] <janrinok> hi helpme
[18:40:45] janrinok|afk is now known as janrinok
[18:35:17] <helpme> !hi
[18:32:21] -!- helpme [helpme!~556583d1@85.101.jkv.nnv] has joined #Soylent
[18:31:46] -!- helpme has quit [Client Quit]
[18:31:01] -!- helpme [helpme!~556583d1@85.101.jkv.nnv] has joined #Soylent
[18:11:06] -!- everdred [everdred!~irssi@Soylent/Users/110/Everdred] has joined #Soylent
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[18:06:48] -!- SoyWark has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[17:52:20] <SoyWark> don't forget to beat off first
[17:51:54] <SoyWark> happy napping ::)
[17:51:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> anyway, gonna have that nap now. bout died yesterday of not having one.
[17:50:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> i noticed it when i wrote it and i could go fix it right now, i'm just being stubborn.
[17:49:54] <TheMightyBuzzard> heh
[17:49:44] <SoyWark> ll wati for someone to take care of this if any french-sensitive people notice the work "Touche"
[17:49:30] <TheMightyBuzzard> could be wrong though and that's where it'd go
[17:49:29] <SoyWark> hm. I'
[17:49:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> nah, think it took a long scripted thing.
[17:48:44] <SoyWark> Okay. Looks like an SQL one-liner in sql/mysql/upgrades ?
[17:48:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> that said, put any unicode you want in and it'll work. it's just that 4byte stuff will be stored as &#xNNNN;
[17:46:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> yep. we're set to three byte unicode and it's working fine but four byte throws errors on converting some of the fields and i haven't had time to chase them down and fix them.
[17:46:33] <SirFinkus> it's getting chattier
[17:46:21] * SirFinkus stays out of spite
[17:46:13] <ciri> ok see yea later SirFinkus
[17:46:13] <SirFinkus> bbl
[17:46:05] <SoyWark> Ah does mysql need its DBs configured for that?
[17:46:04] <TheMightyBuzzard> so yall have to suffer with only mostly full unicode and a hack to auto-use entities for 4byte unicode.
[17:45:17] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, we would except i haven't had time to tweak the last little bit of change necessary to the db
[17:45:12] <SirFinkus> plan9 is the most advanced operating system in the world, of course it has full UTF support
[17:44:45] <SoyWark> even Plan9 has full UTF support
[17:44:32] <TheMightyBuzzard> you already have it
[17:44:17] <SirFinkus> we need fullwidth
[17:43:35] <TheMightyBuzzard> paulej72 might fix it later though. it's mostly just one change in the db.
[17:43:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> SoyWark, i think it's prolly not a bad idea but i refuse because i'm a low ascii purist
[17:42:57] * SirFinkus notes the can of worms has been opened again
[17:42:40] <SoyWark> Hey also, what do you think about putting the proper accent grave on the E at the end of the new mod "Touche" ?
[17:42:30] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, they won't let me ban it though
[17:42:18] <SirFinkus> ciri is an insufferable cunt
[17:42:15] <TheMightyBuzzard> ah cool
[17:42:08] <SirFinkus> I have an issue to report too
[17:42:03] <TheMightyBuzzard> he's an aussie, prolly won't be awake for another 4h or so.
[17:41:44] <ciri> rofl
[17:41:43] <SoyWark> lol
[17:41:37] <TheMightyBuzzard> crutchy, wake up, someone wants to tell you you suck =P
[17:41:01] <TheMightyBuzzard> mine was in perl
[17:40:55] <TheMightyBuzzard> php
[17:40:45] <SoyWark> So it's an IRC bot coded in __ ?
[17:40:10] <TheMightyBuzzard> i tried something like that but i didn't really do any better. would require complex syntax.
[17:39:23] <SoyWark> Word.
[17:39:17] <TheMightyBuzzard> strictly user-created
[17:39:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> i think
[17:38:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh, that's crutchy's coding.
[17:38:31] <SoyWark> Issues reported via IRC do not show an issue title or text on the Issues page, just that X submitted Issues # N via IRC lol
[17:38:26] <TheMightyBuzzard> okey, will stick around a minute more. whatcha got?
[17:37:47] <SoyWark> Here's a funny issue I'm thinking of submitting to the slashcode issues page
[17:37:30] <SirFinkus> yo
[17:37:11] <SoyWark> Yo
[17:36:58] -!- SoyWark [SoyWark!~47e5cd6f@l-80-483-464-825.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[17:36:32] <SirFinkus> ok, thanks for the cider advice
[17:36:25] <SirFinkus> so 2 crashed out of 134 flights, that's pretty damn bad as far as a safety record goes
[17:36:22] <TheMightyBuzzard> anyway, ima grab a short nap. got stuff to do this afternoon.
[17:35:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> nod nod
[17:35:06] <SirFinkus> and it eventually limped out
[17:35:06] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - 41% of Android Phones use Forked OS - http://sylnt.us - I'm-free!
[17:35:02] <SirFinkus> I'll try and find it, but the tl;dr is that they wanted it to do a million things and it ended up being a case of throwing good money after bad
[17:34:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> seems like the further we go from apollo the worse we get.
[17:33:56] <SirFinkus> I read a great article about the mismanagement and engineering mistakes
[17:33:41] <TheMightyBuzzard> i think we just used to be better at space stuff
[17:33:24] <TheMightyBuzzard> lot of launches n landings for luck
[17:33:03] <SirFinkus> mostly luck
[17:32:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> worked pretty good for a while though.
[17:32:26] <SirFinkus> the more I read about the shuttle program, the more fucked up I realize it was
[17:32:03] <TheMightyBuzzard> i remember both. i'm feeling particularly ancient.
[17:31:35] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh, columbia not challenger.
[17:31:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> only 11?
[17:31:18] * SirFinkus feels old
[17:31:16] <SirFinkus> god, 11 years ago columbia crashed
[17:29:48] <TheMightyBuzzard> nobody wants a tall glass of either.
[17:29:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> more likely to end up with vinegar bacteria than botulism but yeah.
[17:28:33] <SirFinkus> you want yeast cultures, not botulism ones
[17:28:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> yep. bleach the fuck out of everything then rinse the hell out of it so you don't end up with bleach killing your yeast or ruining your flavor.
[17:27:55] <SirFinkus> I'd think the most important thing would be sterility with that kind of thing
[17:27:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> if you're drinking it before aging it.
[17:27:22] <TheMightyBuzzard> you don't technically gotta siphon it off into wine bottles either. an empty gallon water jug from the grocery store works fine.
[17:25:00] <TheMightyBuzzard> basic recipe minus the yeast and nutrient and such is one gallon of juice, one pound of sugar. tweak as desired but err on the lighter side of flavoring.
[17:24:23] <SirFinkus> well, convicts use fruit cups and prison bread to make their hooch, it can't be super hard to go wrong
[17:23:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> champagne yeast does well for ciders i've found but i've also made it with bloody bread yeast and had a good product.
[17:22:56] * SirFinkus just got a crazy idea about miso paste
[17:22:48] <TheMightyBuzzard> lol
[17:22:39] <SirFinkus> I have enough cultures in my fridge tyvm
[17:22:20] <TheMightyBuzzard> nice
[17:22:15] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh, if you find a yeast you like, save a culture of that shat in the fridge.
[17:22:14] <SirFinkus> best water I've ever tasted
[17:22:08] <SirFinkus> it'll be neat, I'll use apples from the tree in my backyard, and water from the artisan well downtown
[17:21:33] <TheMightyBuzzard> you basically never gotta touch it after you put it in the 2ndary
[17:21:15] <TheMightyBuzzard> yeah, a week in the primary fermenting bucket then 4-8 weeks in the secondary fermenter carbouy.
[17:20:33] <TheMightyBuzzard> personally, i've used fresh and from-the-freezer-aisle-of-the-grocery-store-concentrate for cider. both turn out well.
[17:20:12] <SirFinkus> I'd imagine that 99% of the time the cider is sitting in sterile containers getting boozy, so I could probably have a few gallons going at once
[17:19:41] <TheMightyBuzzard> so bonus booze
[17:19:30] <TheMightyBuzzard> under a hundred bucks and comes with your choice of a type of wine making concentrate included
[17:18:46] <SirFinkus> thanks
[17:18:45] * SirFinkus bookmarks
[17:18:27] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03Master Vintner® Small Batch Wine Kit : Northern Brewer
[17:18:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> m'kay... i'd say this wouldn't do you too wrong: http://www.northernbrewer.com
[17:17:48] <SirFinkus> I'd probably start with 1 though
[17:17:11] <SirFinkus> gallons even
[17:16:59] <SirFinkus> I'd be on the streets in no time with 5 galloons
[17:16:58] <TheMightyBuzzard> you'd think so until you start cracking bottles open cause it's good
[17:16:37] <SirFinkus> probably one gallon, that's a lot of cider
[17:16:17] <TheMightyBuzzard> one gallon batches or five?
[17:15:58] <TheMightyBuzzard> hrm... lemme see
[17:15:48] <SirFinkus> startup cost?
[17:15:43] <SirFinkus> I'm thinking you just want a hint of it after you swallow
[17:15:39] <TheMightyBuzzard> when you get where you're ready to make some let me know and i'll give you an instructions n cautions list.
[17:15:17] <SirFinkus> yeah, that's what I was thinking, people overdo cinnamon a lot with apple stuff
[17:14:51] <TheMightyBuzzard> not as strong flavors, just a bit to add a hint most would never notice.
[17:14:47] <SirFinkus> I have an apple tree in my backyard too
[17:14:37] <SirFinkus> I may need to do some research, I lust for cider now
[17:14:18] <TheMightyBuzzard> yup, usually cinnamon, brown sugar, a few cloves, maybe some orange and/or lemon.
[17:13:47] <SirFinkus> do you ever toss in a little cinnamon or that kind of thing?
[17:13:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> hrm, not anymore. lost my links in the drive crash.
[17:13:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> takes a month or two but most of the time all you're doing is going by and sniffing it because it smells good.
[17:13:00] <SirFinkus> any links?
[17:12:39] <SirFinkus> I might be, I'd love to do something with really sour green apples
[17:12:16] <TheMightyBuzzard> if you're of a notion though it's amazingly easy to make.
[17:12:05] <SirFinkus> that'd be awesome
[17:12:01] <TheMightyBuzzard> yep
[17:11:52] <SirFinkus> I live in fucking washington, I thought we were supposed to be famous for apples
[17:11:51] <TheMightyBuzzard> I may whip up a batch and see if I can legally mail it after i get done moving.
[17:11:38] <SirFinkus> which is a scandal
[17:11:32] <SirFinkus> I'll look for one next time I'm out, but the cider selection is pretty poor
[17:11:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> ahh
[17:10:58] <SirFinkus> I was going for more "to catch a predator" there
[17:10:32] <TheMightyBuzzard> i guess. it's not like you couldn't drink hard cider from a wine bottle and still not be snooty though.
[17:09:31] <SirFinkus> I think they're going for the dateline audience
[17:09:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> they're way better at 15-20%
[17:09:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, dunno why everyone makes ciders in the 4-8% range mostly
[17:08:49] <SirFinkus> never had something with that
[17:08:45] <SirFinkus> oh wow
[17:08:41] <TheMightyBuzzard> 15% minimum.
[17:08:37] <SirFinkus> well, my context there is IPAs and Stouts
[17:08:18] <TheMightyBuzzard> most importantly it should have a fuckton more alcohol than beer.
[17:07:46] <SirFinkus> well, a little sweeter, but just a little
[17:07:31] <TheMightyBuzzard> nod nod
[17:07:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> wee bit of brown sugar as well for the flavor.
[17:07:26] <SirFinkus> for me, ideally a cider should be no sweeter than a lager or something
[17:06:52] <TheMightyBuzzard> run the fermentation until they're utterly dry then add back a little extra sugar after you've killed off the yeast.
[17:06:51] <SirFinkus> otherwise it's just apple juice
[17:06:30] <SirFinkus> the trick is that you want the apple flavor, without all the sweetness
[17:06:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, they make em like beer instead of wine.
[17:06:06] <SirFinkus> I've had some great ones though
[17:06:01] <SirFinkus> way too sweet
[17:05:57] <SirFinkus> most ciders are shit
[17:05:47] <TheMightyBuzzard> i lurve a good cider. prefer my homemade stuff to store bought by a long shot though.
[17:05:19] <SirFinkus> that might be ok, I wouldn't mind a cider with that texture
[17:05:03] <TheMightyBuzzard> though i do use wheat gluten in cider sometimes. adds a little something apples alone just don't have.
[17:04:59] <SirFinkus> they also give me the shits for some reason
[17:04:37] <SirFinkus> yeah, something like that
[17:04:18] <TheMightyBuzzard> different sugars and proteins i expect.
[17:03:48] <SirFinkus> they feel "wheaty"
[17:03:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> ahh
[17:03:39] <SirFinkus> it's a texture thing for me
[17:03:30] <TheMightyBuzzard> yeah, wheats are a little sweet for my palate.
[17:03:16] <TheMightyBuzzard> yep, no accounting for taste apparently
[17:03:11] <SirFinkus> I like most styles of beers except for wheat ones
[17:02:43] <SirFinkus> strange, especially since you say you like bitter things
[17:02:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> which is odd cause i dig most proper ales.
[17:02:02] <TheMightyBuzzard> never really been a huge fan of IPAs. dunno why but something about them i just don't dig.
[17:01:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> Gewürztraminer (i copy and pasted that umlaut, tyvm)
[17:01:09] <SirFinkus> barrel aged IPAs are good too
[16:58:18] <SirFinkus> fuck you ciri
[16:58:16] <SirFinkus> not that sour
[16:58:13] <ciri> ok SirFinkus
[16:58:13] <SirFinkus> brb
[16:58:01] <TheMightyBuzzard> i like bitter in my beers though rather than sour.
[16:57:37] <TheMightyBuzzard> SirFinkus, i made a... wtf kind of booze was that... some kinda german wine that i can't spell that had grapefruit as an added flavor once. turned out nice.
[16:56:54] <SirFinkus> this one
[16:56:54] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03Grapefruit Sculpin IPA | Ballast Point Brewing Company | San Diego, CA | BeerAdvocate
[16:56:53] <SirFinkus> http://www.beeradvocate.com
[16:56:40] <TheMightyBuzzard> yar
[16:56:37] <ciri> ok see yea later geotti
[16:56:36] <geotti> bbl
[16:56:27] <TheMightyBuzzard> nah, i think it's either the water or variety of hopps.
[16:56:21] <SirFinkus> it sounds gross, but holy shit it works
[16:56:19] <geotti> real budweiser is good too
[16:56:04] <geotti> you mean just beer flavor as opposed to added flavor ;)
[16:56:01] <SirFinkus> I got this fucking fantastic grapefruit IPA
[16:55:41] <TheMightyBuzzard> turned off of german beers since i started acquiring a palate for beer. not enough flavor or the wrong flavor.
[16:55:41] <SirFinkus> go home sedctl, you're drunk
[16:55:14] <sedctl> <SirFinkus> it's probably perverted to the point that people think watergate is a scandal abs are great water
[16:55:14] <SirFinkus> stouts are great
[16:55:05] <geotti> oh and dark wheat beers... mmhh
[16:54:57] <geotti> stouts are ok, i guess, but i really like german bock and dark beers
[16:54:18] <TheMightyBuzzard> that's for piss colored beers, mind you. copper colored i prefer US beers and porters to darker I prefer Irishy and English.
[16:54:14] * geotti pops open a bottle of a malty german dark beer
[16:53:08] <geotti> reminds me
[16:52:51] <geotti> bah, belgian beer
[16:52:38] <geotti> after a certain level of quality it doesn't make a lot of a difference to me if i'm honest
[16:52:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> Personally I like Belgian beer but some of our microbrewers over here give them a run for their money.
[16:52:01] <geotti> still prefer italian
[16:51:54] <geotti> calif wine is ok, i guess
[16:51:23] <Bender> Added quote 373
[16:51:23] <geotti> !grab TheMightyBuzzard
[16:51:13] <geotti> hehe
[16:51:06] <TheMightyBuzzard> Sure it wins the awards but we're all barbarian types over here so it's gotta suck or something.
[16:50:51] <geotti> they do sell snyder's pretzel pieces and us cranberries here, though
[16:50:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> Ya, that'd be like drinking California wine in the EU.
[16:49:55] <geotti> haven't been to wisconsin, but will try to get my hands on some wisconsinian cheese, if i see some here (doubtful, though)
[16:49:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> Them damned carpet-bagging, snare-drumming, yankee lawyers up in Wisconsin know their cheese like nobody else.
[16:48:39] <geotti> hard cheeses = italy, soft cheeses = french
[16:48:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> Than Oklahoma? Probably. Than Wisconsin? I think not.
[16:47:57] <geotti> yeah, but the frenchies make better cheese ;)
[16:47:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> nah, LOTS of cows in oklahoma.
[16:47:32] <Bender> karma - cheddar: 1
[16:47:32] <geotti> cheddar++
[16:47:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> my dad now, he loves him some ancient cheddar. 15+ years old and he's happy as a pig in shit.
[16:47:10] <geotti> but i'm not sure you can get quality soft cheese where you live. probably expensive as hell if you can
[16:46:45] <geotti> you'd be surprised ;)
[16:46:07] <geotti> in cheese
[16:45:54] <geotti> the taste qualities are usually diametrically opposite from the odor qualities
[16:45:52] <TheMightyBuzzard> like 80% of the taste of a food comes from the smell. it'd be a waste if you don't smell what you're eating.
[16:45:03] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh, the salad topping garbage. yeah that can die in a fire.
[16:45:02] <geotti> don't smell it, eat it
[16:44:44] <TheMightyBuzzard> honestly i'm fine with any cheese that doesn't smell like a foot or worse.
[16:44:44] <geotti> yeah, when i went to the states i saw artificial bacon on the shelves and am still laughin about it ;)
[16:44:21] <TheMightyBuzzard> there's an artificial kind? mine was pig belly.
[16:44:00] <geotti> the artificial kind?
[16:43:49] <geotti> bacon...
[16:43:36] <TheMightyBuzzard> had pancakes and bacon for breakfast few minutes ago.
[16:43:34] <Bender> karma - cheese: 8
[16:43:34] <geotti> cheese++
[16:43:31] <geotti> oh, actually it was Pyrenean, mixed that up. regularly have soft cheese from vosges too, though
[16:42:35] <TheMightyBuzzard> more or less. it's orange-ish
[16:42:33] * geotti had some great soft sheep cheese from Vosges for breakfast
[16:42:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> was dark here too but the wind done come in and blew all the clouds away
[16:42:10] <geotti> u sure that's cheese you put on your nachos? ;)
[16:41:51] <geotti> damn i just got up an hour ago and it's already dark outside :(
[16:41:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> i do, just not the stinky crap they eat. can't have nachos without cheese.
[16:41:11] <geotti> u don't lika the cheez?
[16:40:47] <TheMightyBuzzard> fortunately i ain't the only one with db access
[16:40:37] <exec> [wikipedia] 3Hub%27s_gyro: The requested page title is invalid. It may be empty, contain unsupported characters, or include a non-local or incorrectly linked interwiki prefix. You may be able to locate the desired page by searc...
[16:40:30] <TheMightyBuzzard> newp. cheese-eating surrender-monkeys, as groundskeeper willie would say.
[16:40:26] <geotti> ~define hub's gyro
[16:40:03] <geotti> you don't lika de french?
[16:39:33] <TheMightyBuzzard> glyph even
[16:39:24] <TheMightyBuzzard> the only exceptions i make are testing functionality and the 💩 glyph
[16:39:23] <geotti> you don't like alt+255?
[16:38:44] <TheMightyBuzzard> they're now low ascii is alls i know
[16:38:43] <geotti> i always knew her linguistic diploma will come in handy one day ;)
[16:38:15] <geotti> but she ain't here
[16:38:09] <geotti> gotta ask my wife
[16:38:01] <TheMightyBuzzard> eh, who knows.
[16:37:53] <geotti> are accents punctuation?
[16:37:16] <TheMightyBuzzard> i refuse to use them fancy unamerican punctuations. have to get paulej72 to put it in the code.
[16:36:49] <geotti> Touché
[16:36:47] <geotti> but it should havea n accent
[16:36:33] <geotti> you got your first touche mod, Buz ;)
[16:36:13] <geotti> watitis?
[16:36:03] -!- pbnjoe [pbnjoe!~pbnjoe@Soylent/Users/313/pbnjoe] has joined #Soylent
[16:35:36] geotti_away is now known as geotti
[16:35:33] <geotti_away> watergategate
[16:35:31] -!- pbnjoe has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[16:33:35] <TheMightyBuzzard> have to call it rivergate or lakegate or something now that they've fucked everything up
[16:33:02] <TheMightyBuzzard> yeah, and what're they gonna call an actual scandal about water now?
[16:32:42] * TheMightyBuzzard chuckles
[16:32:33] <SirFinkus> it's probably perverted to the point that people think watergate is a scandal about water
[16:31:50] <TheMightyBuzzard> nod nod. watergate was watergate because it was the name of a hotel. all the rest of the gates make no sense.
[16:31:47] <SirFinkus> I don't have a horse in that race, just the term is so annoying
[16:31:18] <SirFinkus> it's just so lazy
[16:31:14] <SirFinkus> uhng
[16:30:56] <TheMightyBuzzard> SirFinkus, having issues with deflategate or something?
[16:28:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> and done
[16:28:16] <TheMightyBuzzard> bout to bounce the server, we had a var didn't get set right in the deploy
[16:03:57] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Jihadists Increasingly Wary of Internet, Experts Say - http://sylnt.us - don't-talk-about-how-you-get-your-evidence
[15:50:26] <SirFinkus> but that's not really a case of attaching "gate" to the end of something
[15:50:02] <SirFinkus> for obvious reasons
[15:49:56] <SirFinkus> the only exception is "watergate"
[15:48:05] <SirFinkus> because the execution needs to be immediate
[15:47:57] <SirFinkus> I'm thinking drawing and quartering, but it'd be difficult to get horses on such short notice
[15:47:03] <SirFinkus> everybody who attaches "gate" to the end of a word to denote a scandal should be summarily executed
[15:44:47] janrinok is now known as janrinok|afk
[15:09:12] <janrinok> lol
[15:09:03] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh hey...
[15:08:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> yeah, it's just one guy bitching this time and he's proper trolling so i'm not worried.
[15:07:48] <janrinok> let the code settle for a while with perhaps a few bugfixes. I think its looking good at present - and no matter what you do there will always be an AC to complain about something anyway.
[15:06:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> won't have time to really sink my teeth into anything epic this go round.
[15:06:04] <TheMightyBuzzard> yup yup. think we'll probably just do some bug fixes after i get all squared away and call it a site update for late march early april.
[15:04:57] <janrinok> enjoy it - I wish you all the best with it!
[15:04:02] <TheMightyBuzzard> me, i got savings enough to bum around for a year. not rich but my desired lifestyle is extremely inexpensive.
[15:03:22] <janrinok> If I hadn't got responsibilities here, I would be out to join you..#
[15:02:30] <TheMightyBuzzard> looks that way. and him gettin paid to do it.
[15:02:13] <janrinok> so the pair of you will be out chillin by some water most of the time...?
[15:01:57] <TheMightyBuzzard> company owner told him to keep a fishing pole on the truck because he's going to need it.
[15:01:35] <TheMightyBuzzard> get this, bud is opening a new branch out there that's just him until things pick up. currently he'll be working like 5 out of every 30 days.
[15:00:48] <janrinok> I'm sure you'll find something....
[15:00:30] <TheMightyBuzzard> yeah, ima be hard pressed to find a favorite spot for a while.
[15:00:09] <janrinok> heaven!
[15:00:00] <TheMightyBuzzard> freaking amazing. you can't hardly go a mile without seeing some pond, river, or lake in TN.
[14:59:28] <janrinok> ah OK. What's the fishing like at the new location? :)
[14:58:48] <TheMightyBuzzard> have, they're surprisingly low but i'm not looking to buy out there. probably just help my bud with his rent for a year or two while he decides if he wants to buy out there or not.
[14:57:17] <janrinok> .. but you'd have to look at prices where you are going too
[14:56:58] <janrinok> not to be sneezed at then...
[14:56:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> eh, in my town it would get me roughly 125-150% what I paid for it.
[14:49:02] <janrinok> what is the property market like at present? Here, it's a bit flat.
[14:48:37] <TheMightyBuzzard> may sell it, may not. for now it's just gonna sit empty.
[14:48:21] <TheMightyBuzzard> gotta pack and arrange someone to mow the lawn and keep an eye on my house.
[14:48:12] <janrinok> you could do with a break, take it easy and enjoy yourself for a while
[14:47:47] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh i don't expect i'll be properly offline much more than a week but i won't have time to spend every weekday morning coding like usual.
[14:47:08] <janrinok> good luck with the move. When do you expect to be back online?
[14:47:02] <TheMightyBuzzard> i could use a good long vacation really.
[14:46:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> neither. got a bud of mine moving out there to be near his kids again and he wanted company. so i shut my roving sysadmin company down and am going with him.
[14:45:36] <janrinok> just fancied a change, or is it work related?
[14:45:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> neighborhood of Jackson, TN
[14:45:07] <janrinok> where to?
[14:44:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> and now officially on leave from coding anything for the month so i can get myself moved.
[14:44:57] <janrinok> ouch - I didn't even know that you had been robbed. Must keep up to date with what's going on....
[14:44:21] <TheMightyBuzzard> well, got three fishing poles replaced out of the four that got stolen. homeowner's claim is going to be somewhere in the neighborhood of $1500 with a $1k deductible.
[14:42:44] <janrinok> how's things with you?
[14:42:21] * TheMightyBuzzard chuckles
[14:42:08] <janrinok> yeah, lets pile more tasks on him lol!
[14:41:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> juggs should write up a happy birthday story.
[14:40:48] <janrinok> I'll get some beers in!
[14:40:36] <TheMightyBuzzard> looks like the 12th
[14:40:20] <TheMightyBuzzard> you betcha
[14:40:17] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03SN article:  Welcome to SoylentNews! 04(23 comments)
[14:40:16] <TheMightyBuzzard> https://soylentnews.org
[14:37:31] <janrinok> The update seems to be going OK - thx for all of your efforts
[14:37:15] <TheMightyBuzzard> lemme look on the db and see when our first story was.
[14:36:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> ahh, nod nod.
[14:36:46] <janrinok> TMB - hi to you too. I've been around but not on IRC
[14:36:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> um, not a clue.
[14:36:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> heya janrinok, long time.
[14:34:04] <janrinok> We celebrate our 1st birthday later this month - anyone know which day we officially call our 'birthday'?
[14:32:17] <janrinok> Hi guys
[14:31:54] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v janrinok] by juggler
[14:31:54] -!- janrinok [janrinok!~janrinok@Soylent/Staff/Editor/janrinok] has joined #Soylent
[14:02:25] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - OpenSSH 6.8 Will Feature Key Discovery and Rotation for Easier Switching to DJB's Ed25519 - http://sylnt.us - source-code-included
[13:45:04] <Bender> karma - coffee: 1021
[13:45:04] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[13:45:03] <TheMightyBuzzard> mornin all
[12:51:27] -!- SoyCow3186 has quit [Client Quit]
[12:50:41] -!- SoyCow3186 [SoyCow3186!~556583d1@85.101.jkv.nnv] has joined #Soylent
[11:30:31] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Cold Plasma may be Weapon of Choice Against Norovirus - http://sylnt.us - death-ray-for-viruses
[11:14:45] -!- KonomiNetbook [KonomiNetbook!~Konomi@Soylent/Users/189/Konomi] has parted #Soylent
[11:13:39] -!- Konomi [Konomi!~Konomi@Soylent/Users/189/Konomi] has parted #Soylent
[10:57:32] -!- Ironic_Hipster has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[10:55:03] -!- KonomiNetbook [KonomiNetbook!~Konomi@Soylent/Users/189/Konomi] has joined #Soylent
[10:43:39] <Ironic_Hipster> HAHAHAHHAHAHA
[10:43:35] <Ironic_Hipster> COCKSUCKERS
[10:43:29] <Ironic_Hipster> zFCK YOU
[10:30:05] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03Vaginal Jesus - Slave Run Away Beat Rodney Down - YouTube
[10:30:04] <Ironic_Hipster> https://www.youtube.com
[10:29:05] <Ironic_Hipster> It's so FILTHY...yet so CAPTIVATING.
[10:28:53] <Ironic_Hipster> They hate themselves for thinking so...oh, GOD, what's wrong with me?
[10:28:31] <Ironic_Hipster> A tight, petite blonde woman....to the point where that fat black cock pulls the pink inside out.
[10:28:06] <Ironic_Hipster> When a person is racist, it means they secretly want a black cock to penetrate a blonde woman.
[10:27:09] <chromas> racisophobe
[10:27:01] <chromas> You racisist
[10:26:52] <Ironic_Hipster> God, I HATE RACISTS!
[10:26:11] <Ironic_Hipster> I hope Ethanol-fueled DIES IN A FIRE>
[10:25:58] <Ironic_Hipster> but fuck that miserable piece of shit Ethanol-fueled. Ethanol-fueled is a racist, sexist piece of shit.
[10:25:28] <Ironic_Hipster> Ethanol-fueled was a subscriber.
[10:25:11] <chromas> I think he only has relations with subscribers
[10:24:48] <Ironic_Hipster> He wanted to hear you bark.
[10:24:37] <Ironic_Hipster> he wanted to suck you until your perenium flicked.
[10:24:18] <chromas> cloud storage
[10:24:05] <chromas> buzzwords
[10:23:48] <Ironic_Hipster> He wanted the cloud of your seed on his tongue.
[10:23:46] <chromas> nah, he always wants a tip
[10:22:55] <Ironic_Hipster> He wanted to tongue your frenulum, to taste the fringes of your manhood.
[10:22:32] <Ironic_Hipster> chromas, Timothy e-mailed me. He told me a bunch of things that were besides the point. But he confided in me that he wanted to suck you off.
[10:21:41] <Ironic_Hipster> stripped naked and humiliated as fodder for all to laugh at.
[10:21:37] <chromas> so that's what happened to slashdot
[10:21:15] <Ironic_Hipster> Shall you survive my attack you will be reduced to a micropenis.
[10:20:46] <Ironic_Hipster> GOD tried and failed to kill me multiple times.
[10:20:31] <Ironic_Hipster> you try to kill me and you will be dead first.
[10:20:04] <chromas> "He wanted it. Besides, some people just need killing"
[10:19:53] <crutchy> :)
[10:19:29] <Ironic_Hipster> I'm not here to fight, Snake.
[10:19:24] <crutchy> people are cunts
[10:19:17] <Ironic_Hipster> i like people.
[10:18:04] <Ironic_Hipster> my girl is sleeping in the Malm bed
[10:17:22] <Ironic_Hipster> im drunk
[10:13:51] <chromas> he doesn't do that anymore, either
[10:09:18] <crutchy> or be drunk :p
[10:09:12] <crutchy> its just a place that you can vent anyway
[10:08:54] <chromas> that's 'cause you got out before it was cool
[10:08:51] <ciri> HEHEHEHE
[10:08:51] <crutchy> lol
[10:08:45] <Ironic_Hipster> just that hijo de puta crutchy
[10:08:15] <Ironic_Hipster> naw, thers nobody in there.
[10:07:55] <crutchy> heh
[10:07:45] <chromas> and we won't tell the jews what you're up to
[10:07:43] <crutchy> no moderation
[10:07:31] <crutchy> /join #
[10:07:16] <crutchy> seriously though, if you wanna let fly without the worry about being banned, # is pretty mad
[10:06:51] <Ironic_Hipster> I will chimp out like Donald Duck
[10:06:37] <crutchy> haha
[10:06:31] <Ironic_Hipster> crutchy, when I do, there will be mass racial slurs flying. It will be like the good old days, when I got banned by juggs and buzzard
[10:06:11] <chromas> fluffy
[10:05:58] * chromas gifts Ironic_Hipster a magenta toilet seat cover
[10:05:53] <crutchy> you'll get over that
[10:05:33] <Ironic_Hipster> I've been tamed...first, by meeting a girl with Jewish blood who treated me well, and second, by being in a relationship.
[10:05:32] <crutchy> <tama> yo mama is so fat, when Dracula sucked her blood he got diabetes.
[10:05:32] <crutchy> <crutchy> tama, yo mama
[10:05:07] <Ironic_Hipster> I don't get offensive here anymore, crutchy.
[10:04:50] <crutchy> join # and type 'tama, yo mama'
[10:04:34] <crutchy> lol
[10:04:30] <crutchy> or 30 years ago. shit i'm getting older
[10:04:18] <Ironic_Hipster> BURRRRRNNNNN
[10:04:15] <Ironic_Hipster> OOOOHHHHHH
[10:04:12] <Ironic_Hipster> either was your mom
[10:04:02] <crutchy> it wasn't as bad 20 years ago
[10:00:01] <Ironic_Hipster> fat, useless. Even with modern bells and whistles they never fail to disappoint.
[09:59:14] <Ironic_Hipster> TVs can suck a dick.
[09:57:44] <crutchy> *unusual
[09:57:29] <crutchy> it was a great tv. i think the red electron gun fucked up. apparently the red one was pretty typical to go first. wasn't usual to go to some places and see the greenish picture
[09:57:24] <Ironic_Hipster> if you change kernels into logs you can see corn in your logs.
[09:56:54] <chromas> If you then change two letters into three you get "corn"
[09:56:41] <Ironic_Hipster> The masters of the media compel you to be the dog listening to YOUR master's voice.
[09:56:16] <Ironic_Hipster> If you move one letter, and delete one and spell another, it slepps "CIA"
[09:55:49] <Ironic_Hipster> RCA.
[09:55:47] <Ironic_Hipster> http://s1029.photobucket.com
[09:55:40] <crutchy> they made phonographs, radios, tvs
[09:55:29] <crutchy> yeah
[09:55:19] <Ironic_Hipster> That was a phonograph company.
[09:55:00] <Ironic_Hipster> his master's voice.
[09:54:44] <crutchy> i vaguely remember something about "colourmaster" though
[09:54:23] <crutchy> not exactly the same though
[09:54:17] <crutchy> prolly looked a bit like this: http://www.radiomuseum.org
[09:52:09] <Konomi> gay ;p
[09:52:07] <Konomi> that sounds kinda
[09:52:03] <Konomi> his masters voice?
[09:51:17] <crutchy> with the sliders and the mechanical push button channel changers
[09:51:02] <crutchy> when i was a kid we had a "his masters voice" telly
[09:50:40] <Konomi> bizare I tell you
[09:50:35] <Konomi> yeah what do you do with round controls?
[09:50:29] <crutchy> yeah. dunno why they do that
[09:50:14] <chromas> what makes it weird is the tv graphic around it
[09:49:42] <crutchy> i hate it when anyone (guy or girl) takes up more space than they need to
[09:49:16] <crutchy> just mentioned you cos i think you've posted some links about it before. thought you might like it
[09:48:53] <crutchy> it was funny though
[09:48:45] <crutchy> jon stewart is odd
[09:48:19] <Konomi> crutchy: odd video ~
[09:42:31] <chromas> karma needs a filter
[09:42:10] <Hedonismbot> Karma - : -1
[09:42:10] <exec> -- The Thirteen Clocks
[09:42:10] <exec> And use them for his mittens
[09:42:10] <exec> He likes to take their insides out
[09:42:10] <exec> The Duke is fond of kittens
[09:42:10] <exec> Hark, Hark, the dogs do bark
[09:42:09] <crutchy> ~openthepodbaydoors
[09:42:02] <Bender> karma - ciri: -37
[09:42:02] <chromas> ciri++ # pleases everyone
[09:41:56] <crutchy> exec is my biatch
[09:41:46] <crutchy> ciri not mine
[09:41:22] * Ironic_Hipster glares angrily towards crutchy
[09:41:10] <Ironic_Hipster> goddamn, i hate that bitch. Which one of you fucks spawned ciri?
[09:40:50] <Ironic_Hipster> fuck off, ciri
[09:40:37] <ciri> where you going? Ironic_Hipster
[09:40:37] <Ironic_Hipster> be bedtime for me too soon.
[09:40:27] <Ironic_Hipster> lata
[09:39:06] <swiss> bedtime for me. Gotta wake up and buy stuff to wash the motorcycle tomorrow
[09:38:01] <swiss> http://www.benritasuke77.com is the top mount, low mount mounts it at the bottom of the wood
[09:37:29] <sedctl> <crutchy> <Ironic_Hipster> swiss, it seems to me that you didn't buy the sluts.
[09:37:29] <crutchy> Ironic_Hipster, s/a/u/2
[09:36:21] <swiss> lonset and luroy
[09:35:58] <swiss> slats
[09:35:56] <swiss> they just have 2 different kinds of slads
[09:35:50] <swiss> i did
[09:35:42] <Ironic_Hipster> swiss, it seems to me that you didn't buy the slats.
[09:35:32] <swiss> spare sheets are in my hall cupboard
[09:35:25] <swiss> also, i would agree, but the matress goes below the bedframe when i lay on it
[09:35:23] <Ironic_Hipster> swiss - most importantly, SPARE SHEETS>
[09:35:05] <Ironic_Hipster> if I could fit things under mine, the less dirt and dust would accumulate under my bed.
[09:34:43] <swiss> i throw spare blankets and pillows in there
[09:34:38] <Ironic_Hipster> swiss: the lower the center of gravity, the better. Also drawers.
[09:34:26] <swiss> also, having drawers under the bed is 10/10
[09:34:18] <swiss> should have gone one up
[09:34:13] <swiss> Ironic_Hipster: brusali is nice, but building it with the mounts at the VERY bottom position was a mistake
[09:33:45] <ciri> rofl
[09:33:45] <swiss> lol
[09:33:30] <crutchy> "i don't trust anything that bleeds for 5 days and doesn't die"
[09:33:30] <Ironic_Hipster> BOOYA!
[09:33:27] <Ironic_Hipster> crutchy...killed THAT PUSSY *elbow elbow wink wink*
[09:33:04] <crutchy> they might just think you killed someone
[09:32:34] <Ironic_Hipster> definitely not the kind of mattress you want exposed with company, haha
[09:31:57] <Ironic_Hipster> has period stains all over it.
[09:31:46] <Ironic_Hipster> snagged a fat double-pillowtop mattress worth $400ish for $200ish because it was a plastic-wrapped display model
[09:30:49] <Ironic_Hipster> It's like a modern economy car, can't even reach your arm under it without pinching something.
[09:30:27] <Ironic_Hipster> swiss, the malm wasn't designed to ride high, that's for sure.
[09:30:25] <swiss> though i may have sank my bed too low, since it squishes a tiny bit below the frame
[09:30:25] <crutchy> dunno. if you freeze it and make it taste like cola i might
[09:30:07] <swiss> i think the malm didn't let the bed sink low enough for my tastes
[09:29:48] <Ironic_Hipster> crutchy, can you eat my icypole?
[09:29:38] <swiss> i'm a brusali
[09:29:13] <swiss> oh, mine isn't
[09:29:09] <Ironic_Hipster> http://www.ikea.com
[09:29:04] <Ironic_Hipster> okay, found what my bed is...it's a Malm
[09:28:59] <crutchy> cos i'm eating it
[09:28:59] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Planck: Gravitational Waves Remain Elusive - http://sylnt.us - weighty-subject
[09:28:52] <crutchy> i'm staring at my icypole that's disappearing
[09:28:48] <Ironic_Hipster> the showroom gets my dick hard
[09:28:34] * swiss has an ikea showroom instead of a house
[09:28:21] <swiss> staring at my kallax and my lack cofee table that has become my TV stand
[09:28:03] <swiss> and my ikea lack table on the other
[09:27:53] <swiss> next to my ikea detolf with a an ikea synas on top of it on one side
[09:27:40] <Ironic_Hipster> fuck you couch
[09:27:31] <swiss> i'm on my ikea couch right now typin this
[09:27:22] <swiss> yep
[09:27:15] <Ironic_Hipster> Bed is as rock-solid as an old-skool UNIX installation. It squeaks sometimes but never falls apart on you.
[09:27:10] <crutchy> coinslats
[09:26:34] <Ironic_Hipster> Agreed.
[09:25:34] <swiss> cause they're badass mofos that make things compatible at ikea
[09:25:29] <arti> i'd invest in stealth slats
[09:25:20] <swiss> there's multiple kinds
[09:25:15] <swiss> and you know you can buy a DIFFERENT set of slats for it?
[09:25:08] * arti sees sim ++ bubbles appear
[09:24:56] <arti> did you two just become best friends?
[09:24:43] <Ironic_Hipster> swiss, let me get teh manual for the bed...
[09:24:38] <swiss> Ironic_Hipster: i got the underberd drawers though
[09:24:34] <Ironic_Hipster> in retrospect a couple hand-cut sheets of plywood would be sturdier and possibly quieter.
[09:24:28] <swiss> Ironic_Hipster: i think i have that same bed
[09:24:06] <arti> they're flat as a board too
[09:23:48] <Ironic_Hipster> The slats are how they get you. If I were still an anti-semite I'd make a slut about how and who are the reasons for making you buy those slats
[09:23:09] <arti> fekking slats.
[09:23:01] <Ironic_Hipster> the only thing that does make noise are teh two sets of slats they ake you buy to support the mattress, and those slats squeek quietly
[09:22:35] <arti> i value the same qualities in people.
[09:22:35] <Ironic_Hipster> You can position it an inch from walls on all sides, ram the shit on it, and it won't bump.
[09:22:11] <arti> "this is a ps2 era bed"
[09:22:08] <Ironic_Hipster> arti, the bedfram is simple, but that's what makes it strong.
[09:21:54] <arti> "now with less polys"
[09:21:52] <Ironic_Hipster> I'm here under this name because there's a chance my girlfriend may wake up and look at this.
[09:21:47] <arti> looks like a second life model
[09:21:19] <crutchy> aye focker!
[09:21:18] <Ironic_Hipster> pretty much my IKEA bed wtihout the ugly colred shit inttni
[09:21:16] <crutchy> ah. it is e-f
[09:21:03] <Ironic_Hipster> http://www.ikea.com
[09:20:56] <crutchy> !ping ethanol_fueled
[09:20:02] <Ironic_Hipster> My ikea bed takes a good fuckin' without banging against walls
[09:19:37] <ar> lego for adults ;)
[09:19:27] <Ironic_Hipster> the fish smegma stew can't be beat. They serve it next to the svierkengierken.
[09:19:17] <swiss> ikea is wonderful
[09:19:05] <Ironic_Hipster> ikea
[09:18:30] <ar> notmuch. i'm going to ikea
[09:18:15] <Ironic_Hipster> whats up?
[09:18:12] <Ironic_Hipster> ar, thats up?
[09:18:09] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03Amazon.com : Bump Fighter Shaving Kit : Beauty
[09:18:07] <Ironic_Hipster> for that purpose, I endorse these -> http://www.amazon.com
[09:17:45] <Konomi> hey ar
[09:17:44] <ar> ciri: i'm not talking to you
[09:17:36] <ciri> hello ar
[09:17:36] <ar> hello Konomi.
[09:17:35] * chromas gets practices his illegal chokeholds
[09:17:22] <Ironic_Hipster> Black hair presents its own share of challenges when growing ironic mustaches.
[09:17:17] <Konomi> nice try
[09:17:03] <Ironic_Hipster> my name is DeShaun. I am a Black man.
[09:16:28] <Konomi> hmm nevermind I must've typoed the command
[09:16:27] <chromas> but we already know who it is
[09:16:23] <Ironic_Hipster> mid yer own gotdamn bidnezz
[09:16:21] <chromas> I got a bunch of lines
[09:16:13] <Ironic_Hipster> whois is for nosy motherfuckers
[09:15:55] <Konomi> juggs: who broke whois for soylent it only gives one line?
[09:15:32] <Ironic_Hipster> time to reaload beers and appel ciders
[09:15:19] <ciri> hello Ironic_Hipster
[09:15:19] <Ironic_Hipster> hi konomi
[09:15:15] <Ironic_Hipster> gottdamn im drunk
[09:15:11] <Konomi> classy title
[09:15:06] -!- Ironic_Hipster [Ironic_Hipster!~62b0c941@mj83-211-896-29.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #Soylent
[09:14:22] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03The Daily Show with Jon Stewart 1/30/2015: The War on Ballsacks - Video Clip | Comedy Central - YouTube
[09:14:21] <crutchy> Konomi, https://www.youtube.com
[09:05:21] <crutchy> :D
[09:05:18] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03The Daily Show - Rage Against the Rage Against the Machine - YouTube
[09:05:18] <crutchy> https://www.youtube.com
[09:03:44] <chromas> I'm not finding it anywhere. I must have the wrong keywords
[09:03:39] <crutchy> my youtube search-fu is pretty shit though. i usually just type 'jon stewart' and click the related links
[09:03:06] <crutchy> chromas, there's a lot of jon stewart shorts on youtube
[08:59:54] <ar> chromas: nice one
[08:47:37] <crutchy> "you said 2 minutes 5 minutes ago"
[08:45:59] <arti> "you said tomorrow yesterday"
[08:45:44] <arti> we can have retro hours
[08:45:20] <chromas> it was relevant an hour ago. now it's old hat :)
[08:44:38] <arti> "it's on the tip of my browser"
[08:44:29] <arti> hate that
[08:43:51] <chromas> still can't find the one I was looking for though :(
[08:43:37] <Bender> karma - viacom: -1
[08:43:37] <chromas> viacom--
[08:41:20] <arti> everybody wants to be on television!
[08:39:44] <crutchy> dammit. not available :/
[08:37:28] <crutchy> i like some of john stewart stuff
[08:37:05] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03So You're Living in a Police State - The Daily Show - Video Clip | Comedy Central
[08:37:05] <chromas> http://thedailyshow.cc.com
[08:37:04] <crutchy> "This is Rad(ians)!" :D
[08:16:38] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03Saw this on r/adviceanimals, had to share it with Imgur - Imgur
[08:16:38] <arti> http://imgur.com
[08:14:04] <juggs> Keynes was what I was fed in secondary school in the mid/late 80s. I guess most peeps now in charge of such matters were similarly educated. I'd hope it's no longer being taught as a science these days.
[08:09:03] <crutchy> problem is a lot of the Keynesian bullshit is being taught in universities. they tell kids that keynes saved the world from the great depression :/
[08:08:18] <juggs> must be good of they have tubes!
[08:08:01] <crutchy> lots of youtubes
[08:07:37] <crutchy> milton friedman, peter schifff and ron paul are three interesting economists
[08:06:22] <juggs> I recommend Inside Job (2010) to those that like to torrent / usenet such things. It covers the leverage aspect really well.
[08:06:21] <crutchy> but yeah a lot of people are being adversely affected by central bank shenanigans
[08:04:42] <crutchy> (talking about main street small/mediums - not the wall street government welfare queens)
[08:03:57] <crutchy> you can't just wave a magic wand to make businesses be able to pay their workers more
[08:03:24] <crutchy> wages not keeping up with inflation is a good sign that inflation is too high
[08:03:03] <juggs> off*
[08:02:52] <juggs> Not sure if that is because more people are living hand to mouth or if they are choosing to hold of on spending. I suspect the former given that wages have failed to keep up with inflation for at least a decade.
[08:02:39] <crutchy> banks are more reluctant to lend money since 2008
[08:02:17] <crutchy> *lack of desire
[08:02:07] <crutchy> being incapable of spending != desire to spend
[08:01:50] <crutchy> more people are broke
[08:01:09] <juggs> not so much the last few years crutchy, hence deflation. People are not spending shit on the whole.
[08:01:04] <crutchy> australia has a massive level of personal debt
[08:00:37] * arti jiggles
[08:00:32] <arti> i like to overspend on calorie rich foods.
[08:00:15] <crutchy> juggs, beats me. ask the entire western world, which has a massive overspending problem
[08:00:12] <arti> seems contrived.
[07:59:45] <arti> maybe for them to poop on
[07:59:41] <juggs> crutchy, you are conflating mandatory expenditure (food / fuel) with discretionary expenditure. Why would anyone by a $X_discretionary now if $X_discretionary will be $50 less next month?
[07:59:33] <chromas> Why does japan have french slave girls?
[07:59:33] <arti> why would you want them? they're no good for lifting
[07:59:11] <crutchy> they're always throwing french slave girls in with deals
[07:58:55] <arti> anyword what japan is going to do?
[07:58:34] <arti> prices so low, you'll lose your head.
[07:58:23] <crutchy> if you go to iraq you might be able to pick up a cheap abrams
[07:58:18] <arti> haha
[07:57:47] <crutchy> lol
[07:57:40] <chromas> When I crash, I'd like the car to be big enough I can get out before the cab reaches the accident
[07:57:21] <crutchy> dammit. now i got that song stuck in my head
[07:57:16] <chromas> we need more LTDs and Oldsmobiles
[07:57:01] <arti> canyonero
[07:56:47] <crutchy> cow seal?
[07:56:35] <arti> i want something that smells like a steak and seats 35 and is equipped to go across arctic tundra
[07:56:00] <crutchy> but you need something to carry all your subwoofers
[07:55:40] <chromas> suvs—trucks for people who don't need trucks
[07:54:56] <crutchy> good time to be a truckie
[07:54:49] <crutchy> heh
[07:54:42] * chromas goes out and buys two suvs
[07:54:17] <crutchy> prolly moreso
[07:54:14] <crutchy> now that oil is cheaper, you can be sure that people are still buying gas/petrol
[07:53:14] <crutchy> that's why supermarkets have 'specials'
[07:52:54] <crutchy> normal behavior is if things get cheaper, more people buy them (unless there's a new model - in case of things like iphones)
[07:52:01] <crutchy> i mean the irrational fear of deflation; you mentioned people putting off spending if they think things will get cheaper
[07:51:34] <arti> same with cars
[07:51:26] <juggs> crutchy, what deflation theory? I'm not aware of any mainstream economic theory that is based in anything but eternal inflation and growth of circulated currency volume - i.e. kicking the can to the next generation by creating fictitious debt
[07:51:25] <arti> why buy?
[07:51:20] <arti> take computers, you can just wait and there will be better ones
[07:51:10] <arti> if people were so simple they'd never buy anything anyway
[07:50:51] <arti> if you need something you get it, pass the cost on.
[07:48:49] <juggs> arti, people and businesses put off discretionary spending. Sure the food bill will continue, but unprocessed foods don;t carry a VAT levy in most places.
[07:48:40] <crutchy> things like credit cards and laybuy are examples of why the deflation theory doesn't hold water; i can't wait till its cheaper! i must have it *today* even though i can't yet afford it!
[07:47:25] <juggs> there*
[07:47:24] <ciri> HAHAHAHA
[07:47:24] <crutchy> lol
[07:47:20] <arti> don't buy food today, it'll be cheaper tomorrow
[07:47:00] <juggs> It's the opposite of eternal growth that unfortunately we seem to be wedded to. The only growth in that model is printing more money to pass the bag on to the next generation. It seems the music stopped on that game and their aren't enough chairs. We live in interesting times.
[07:46:35] <crutchy> have you ever met someone (especially a woman) that said they would wait to buy something till it got cheaper?
[07:45:57] <crutchy> they have shit generators
[07:45:29] <arti> crutchy, farmers buy lots of shit :D
[07:45:07] <arti> nothing to tax! they tax incomes :D
[07:45:02] <crutchy> people always buy shit
[07:44:53] <crutchy> heh. that's the theory. not much to support it though
[07:44:35] <juggs> On a simple level, people stop buying shit when deflation hits because it will be cheaper to buy tomorrow. That becomes self-fulfilling, no money moves, so there is nothing to tax, no tax the country goes bust.
[07:43:52] <crutchy> gingerbeer is best sucked through a straw
[07:43:28] <arti> We need to go deeper!
[07:43:00] <crutchy> i don't get the fascination with deflation. who ever complained about stuff getting cheaper?
[07:42:45] <juggs> ** I am not an economist.
[07:42:18] <juggs> If the central bank raises rates, they get no takers, so they have no means to emit more $. There's several EU central banks offering negative rates on bonds and still getting takers as the best option for storage of currency. I'd say it forewarns of a deflationary cycle ahead.
[07:42:05] <arti> mmm gingerbeer
[07:41:32] <crutchy> who writes this garbage?
[07:41:22] <crutchy> wtf?
[07:41:20] <crutchy> "While some exporters will likely feel the pain from a lower Aussie [dollar]"
[07:39:47] -!- KonomiNetbook has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[07:39:38] <crutchy> dipshits don't get that rates *need* to rise
[07:39:12] <crutchy> why?
[07:39:09] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03RBA rate cut expectations rise
[07:39:08] <crutchy> http://www.smh.com.au
[07:38:24] <ciri> lol damn!
[07:38:23] <crutchy> lol
[07:38:19] <juggs> Mrs Crutchy will want to know
[07:38:08] <crutchy> the second part :p
[07:37:55] <exec> [urbandictionary] 3ginger beer: Cockney rhyming slang for a homosexual man. Ginger Beer.... Queer! I have also heard it used in relation to engineers, though I suspect they didn't like it very much!
[07:37:51] <crutchy> ~define ginger beer
[07:36:04] <juggs> da fuq is a gingerbeer?
[07:35:51] * juggs drinks crutchy with a dash of scotch
[07:35:36] <crutchy> we just make stuff
[07:35:24] <crutchy> that's why i became a gingerbeer
[07:35:15] <crutchy> yeah i hate science
[07:35:05] <juggs> you're*
[07:35:03] <crutchy> keep throwing shit at the wall and see what sticks
[07:34:56] <juggs> Your not doing science unless you do the whole hypothesis thing
[07:34:32] <crutchy> wackery hackery :p
[07:34:21] <juggs> ookay... call it experimentation.
[07:33:59] <crutchy> ew science
[07:33:45] <juggs> mad scientists! Unafraid of fail. We need more of this.
[07:33:30] <arti> you get better by doing
[07:32:30] <crutchy> actually i'm not really sure what i'm thinking, but it might be fun to see if it turns into anything someday
[07:31:44] <crutchy> ciri and tama are fun to play with. they're not really intelligent either, but you can make them say stuff. their programs deal with data though, so i'm thinking similar but slightly different
[07:30:39] <juggs> That sounds like a very good reason. Fun is underrated for anyone's definition of $fun.
[07:29:54] <crutchy> there's some security implications of allowing any man and his dog/cat to perform an operation that results in modification of source code, but that's why abstraction is important
[07:28:52] <crutchy> or more to the point; it might lead to some fun behavior :)
[07:28:33] <crutchy> cos it might be fun :p
[07:28:15] <juggs> hmm.. why would you want unintelligent code to modify itself?
[07:27:07] <crutchy> started off as a thought about self-modifying code
[07:26:58] <juggs> At that point we have to get all philosophical about what defines intelligent and self-aware :D
[07:26:32] <crutchy> oh there's nothing remotely intelligent about what i'm proposing
[07:25:53] <juggs> crutchy, but ultimately, no matter how many layers of abstraction and interpretation you layer on, the end result is going to be executed by the bunch of logic gates that is baked into your processor. There's no intelligence at that level, just following of instruction. Maybe it's possible to mimic intelligent behaviour in the more abstracted levels, but that would be all it would be, mimicry of intelligence.
[07:25:29] -!- Popeidol [Popeidol!~matt@741-22-329-875.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #Soylent
[07:24:54] -!- Popeidol has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[07:24:43] <crutchy> not gunna make the bot source modifyable. would just make a separate script
[07:23:54] <crutchy> juggs, yeah its pretty much just another abstraction layer. prolly never happen, but i've got some of the pieces so might be something i can tinker with if i'm bored
[07:20:06] <crutchy> could call it "Copy (34) of New Folder"
[07:19:37] <arti> sounds like an icelandic volcano
[07:19:08] <arti> rolls off the tongue
[07:18:59] <arti> 4328048302dadlkjajdflljafdajfld
[07:18:56] <arti> well we can make up a word then
[07:17:40] <crutchy> isn't there a drink already named that?
[07:17:22] <arti> i have an excellent project name: Cowboy.
[07:16:43] <crutchy> juggs, need some level of tdd and multi-process approach to prevent the bot from terminating due to botched modification
[07:15:49] <juggs> crutchy, wouldn't you need some defined structure for pseudo-code submissions to be able to parse them? If so all youwill have created is another layer of abstraction. Not necessarily a bad thing, but I don't think it's going to achieve what you are aiming for.
[07:15:32] <crutchy> as one translation
[07:15:27] <crutchy> so you might start with something like "loop i array" => for ($i=0;$i<count($array);$i++)
[07:14:34] <crutchy> eventually you could write new translations based on previous translations
[07:14:26] <arti> just depends on what you expose via keywords.
[07:14:00] <arti> ooh i see what you're saying
[07:13:29] <arti> writing a parser is pretty cool
[07:13:24] <crutchy> something like tama's <reply> syntax for example
[07:13:21] <arti> it'll be a learning project if anything
[07:12:44] <juggs> Unless you change the very nature of the hardware of 'pewters, no matter how many layers of abstraction we lay on top of it, it's just executing logic. So why bother extrapolating the coding language beyond logic unless that extrapolating makes it easier to program.
[07:12:36] <crutchy> juggs, i'm just sort of thinking of a way to code changes from irc without editing source files directly, so it would be some sort of pseudo-code that gets converted to php. to begin with the translations would be simple and atomic, with the idea to build more and more translations on
[07:10:40] <crutchy> "its not artificial intelligence, but its artificial and we think we're intelligent for making it, so we're now going to call it artificial intelligence"
[07:10:00] <juggs> No reason for the syntax to be fixed, it all gets compiled down to logic in the end. What you are wanting to do is code up a natural language interpretation engine. Sound great. But the reality is, it's not done yet, hence we use various fixed syntax to instruct our machines what to do.
[07:09:26] <arti> "these are all highly technical terms, you wouldn't understand them."
[07:09:14] <Bender> Added quote 372
[07:09:14] <crutchy> !grab arti
[07:08:58] <crutchy> lol
[07:08:55] <crutchy> still php or whatever underneath, but varying syntax in irc to achieve the same thing
[07:08:47] <arti> call it a shiterator functor
[07:08:38] <chromas> crutchy: make the bot write opcodes
[07:08:25] <crutchy> summin like that yeah
[07:08:16] <arti> just write a function to do it :D
[07:08:09] <crutchy> if there's no humans directly editing the source code
[07:07:51] <crutchy> i meant why should the syntax be fixed?
[07:07:32] <chromas> If you wrote the loop different, then it would be a different loop
[07:07:24] <juggs> crutchy, use while loops?
[07:07:07] <arti> HalfBaked
[07:06:54] <crutchy> haha. more like Never(c)
[07:06:42] <crutchy> why should there be only one way to write a for loop?
[07:06:41] <arti> call it Soon(tm)
[07:06:24] <arti> just change it every time
[07:06:21] <arti> you should write papers on it
[07:06:08] * crutchy imagines an evolving programming language
[07:05:43] <chromas> tama is also inspirational
[07:05:40] <arti> nope :D
[07:05:23] <juggs> Would I be alone in being concerned that ciri is an inspiration?
[07:05:18] <crutchy> i'm to lazy to do that
[07:05:06] <arti> glad to be of service, don't kill anyone please.
[07:04:46] <crutchy> ciri has been an inspiration
[07:04:35] * chromas blames Microsoft
[07:04:22] <chromas> Derp
[07:04:15] <sedctl> <chromas> packag'es++
[07:04:15] <chromas> s/g/g'/
[07:03:56] <arti> sorta like let artibday = time; ?
[07:03:46] -!- SpallsHurgenson has quit [Quit: oops, time kept moving. I wish it would stop that]
[07:03:41] <arti> does bday set my bday to now?
[07:02:00] <Bender> karma - packages: 1
[07:02:00] <chromas> packages++
[07:01:40] <arti> look, full sized packages.
[07:01:39] <chromas> ~bday arti
[07:01:37] <crutchy> was thinking maybe could just piggyback the live scripting thingy
[07:01:30] * arti manifests gift skittles
[07:01:18] <ciri> hehehe
[07:01:17] <crutchy> lol yeah that would be cool :D
[07:01:12] <arti> greetings chromas
[07:01:04] <chromas> crutchy: make it so you can ~sed the source
[07:01:00] <crutchy> integration testing is tricky
[07:00:47] <crutchy> yeah. any kind of evolving thing would really need tests
[07:00:42] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03BBC News - Nicky Morgan announces 'war on illiteracy and innumeracy'
[07:00:42] <ciri> somewhere out on the WEB i guess arti
[07:00:42] <arti> where it gets hairy is integration tests
[07:00:41] <juggs> http://www.bbc.co.uk from the all children develop mentally at the exact same rate, the all children encounter puberty at the exact same age, the all children are the same if you mould them enough department.
[07:00:27] <arti> what's cool with the tests though is you know pretty much instantly if something has broken.
[07:00:04] <ciri> heh
[07:00:03] <crutchy> lol or that
[06:59:54] <arti> "i just have it change random bytes and then test it.
[06:59:41] <crutchy> i was thinking of maybe trying to automate writing tests. not sure how yet
[06:59:40] <arti> it makes sense in the long run, but bleh.
[06:59:23] <crutchy> modifications would prolly be manual to begin with, sort of like programming from irc (live scripts)
[06:59:19] <arti> writing tests suck.
[06:59:11] <arti> tests.
[06:58:30] <crutchy> need some kind of way to measure success/failure of modifications
[06:58:03] <crutchy> or summin along them lines
[06:57:46] <crutchy> arti, nah i was more thinking of spawning a test copy, modifying it, running tests and then if the test instance didn't kark it the test instance restarts original instance
[06:57:04] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Claims that Climate Models Overestimate Warming are "Unfounded", Study Shows - http://sylnt.us - removing-hot-air-from-climate-debate
[06:56:49] <SpallsHurgenson> this can't be the matrix; nothing around here is tinged in green
[06:56:29] * crutchy submits bug report
[06:56:22] <arti> crutchy, if it debugged itself, it would just use up all cpu like an amerifat
[06:56:05] <crutchy> yeah i reckon the matrix got the taste of oatmeal wrong too
[06:55:43] <arti> chicken?
[06:55:16] <crutchy> tastywheat?
[06:55:05] <juggs> oatmeal could never be described as tasty. Porridge is a fine start to the day if combined with Golden Syrup... but even then it is more fuel than "tasty".
[06:54:59] <SpallsHurgenson> more likely to rebug itself :)
[06:54:55] <crutchy> unless there's a bug in the debugger. then you're buggered
[06:54:38] <crutchy> i like the idea of a program debugging itself
[06:54:11] <arti> just don't write it as best as you can, since debugging is 2x as hard.
[06:54:09] <crutchy> prolly would need to have a bit of tdd to make sure it didn't self-terminate
[06:53:52] <crutchy> same as any other script but instead of storing in a db it changes the script code
[06:53:48] <arti> so for example if we talk a lot about oatmeal, it will become tastier?
[06:53:24] <SpallsHurgenson> hmmm... that doesn't help me with project skynet then. :)
[06:53:11] <arti> shut. down. everything.
[06:52:57] <crutchy> i was just thinking of modifications based on irc chit chat
[06:52:46] <juggs> chilli on the noodle is overrated
[06:52:22] <arti> crutchy!
[06:52:17] <juggs> And who would be responsible if a bot self-modified itself to do such things?
[06:52:13] * crutchy has some chilli in his noodles
[06:51:51] <arti> i've got habanero here too
[06:51:31] <arti> serrano peppers are my current go to for easy heat
[06:51:15] <SpallsHurgenson> would that let it hack into the US nuclear arsenal? :)
[06:51:11] * arti eats lots of heat already
[06:50:59] * juggs introduces chillies to arti's soup....
[06:50:25] <crutchy> nothing spectacular
[06:50:21] <crutchy> real simple stuff
[06:49:54] <crutchy> i was thinking about how i could adapt exec to implement self-modifying code
[06:49:41] * arti is tempted to have another bowl of soup
[06:49:00] <SpallsHurgenson> personally, I blame people. but don't worry, I'm working on that problem. Skynet will be up and running any day now :)
[06:48:58] <juggs> Uch, BBC News may have to move to my salacious headline touting bucket of fail. It's like reading a bunch of local newsrags all at once combined with a spattering of "we should all be offended by this $thing". Shame.
[06:48:42] <crutchy> i reckon the soviets were a bit more of a worry back in their day
[06:48:31] <arti> seems like most of the conflicts today are the result of colonial bs.
[06:47:32] <SpallsHurgenson> hey, 'merka got nooks and they ain't afraid to use 'em. You wanna be nice to be the screamin' nutter waving around a big gun :)
[06:47:25] <arti> they should've asked the help desk for directions.
[06:47:06] <crutchy> did any of you guys have family lost in the towers?
[06:46:25] <juggs> well we all have to maintain our "special relationship" with the US :D
[06:46:03] <crutchy> after new york underwent its renovations
[06:45:17] <crutchy> yeah i think ol' johnny coward was one of the first "leaders" to call the white house to offer condolences and aussie lives
[06:44:43] <SpallsHurgenson> I, as is my wont, blame Microsoft
[06:43:27] <juggs> And yah, time appears to pass faster the older one gets... and in the morning, especially in the morning.
[06:42:48] <juggs> Might want to get a blood pressure check
[06:39:31] <SpallsHurgenson> I'm pretty sure time is moving faster in my general vicinity. I think it might be a relativistic thing. Also, I've been getting fatter and redder :)
[06:38:11] <SpallsHurgenson> I'm always like, "Oh, I did this or that just the other day" and the person I'm talking to is all, "That was THREE years ago, man!"
[06:37:00] <juggs> Did the anzacs come along for that ride too?
[06:36:34] <crutchy> that's like when hashghanistan was being invaded to kill all the talibums
[06:36:33] <SpallsHurgenson> seems like yesterday to me
[06:36:04] <crutchy> 10 years ago seems like ancient history
[06:35:44] <SpallsHurgenson> I dunno if ASCII porn had been invented yet back then :)
[06:35:09] <crutchy> as long as you didn't display pictures of ankles
[06:34:21] <SpallsHurgenson> 30 years ago I was "hacking" display computers at Radio Shack with "10 Print BOOBIES 20 Goto 10"... it's amazing I wasn't sent to jail for such a heinous crime :)
[06:32:52] <crutchy> we all are, and its a stressful job
[06:32:51] <arti> child labor unites :D
[06:32:48] <juggs> crutchy for CEO SoylentNews! :D
[06:32:42] <crutchy> but in a way i'm a ceo of my little family company
[06:32:30] <crutchy> i don't wanna be a ceo
[06:32:13] <arti> crutchy, if you want to be a CEO try running your own company :D
[06:32:06] <juggs> Bewbs are porn! All bewbs must be covered!
[06:32:05] <crutchy> if you swindle millions of monies out of the government with bullshit, i guess that's worth something
[06:31:33] <arti> father of the year :D
[06:31:23] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03BBC News - Ceri Morgan uploaded pornography onto Tesco iPad in Swansea
[06:31:22] <juggs> http://www.bbc.co.uk Bloke gets criminal record for prank that offends the puritanical sensibility of Daily Mail readers.
[06:31:14] <arti> guess that's why they're worth 100s of millions
[06:31:09] <crutchy> i certainly wouldn't want to be one
[06:31:00] <crutchy> dunno. most people have no idea what its like to be a ceo
[06:30:35] <arti> crutchy, if that were true there wouldn't be any highly paid CEOs.
[06:30:07] <crutchy> that works until someone else comes along that can do the same work cheaper
[06:29:48] <SpallsHurgenson> most people do the minimum work they can in order to get that pay though... from the janitor to the CEO :)
[06:29:11] <crutchy> we all wanna get paid
[06:29:06] <arti> i go for the coffee.
[06:28:56] <crutchy> profit is *the* motivation. even for employees. its the only reason why most of us get up in the morning to go to work
[06:28:55] <arti> aint that the truth :P
[06:28:45] <SpallsHurgenson> thank god corporations and government are run by people or we'd all be in big trouble :)
[06:28:36] <juggs> crutchy, your competition view is naive. Large corps win big contracts not by being the most efficient, there is much greasing of wheels that goes on before contracts are awarded.
[06:28:17] <arti> seems to be working out for them, NSA can't get into typewriters
[06:28:08] <SpallsHurgenson> profit margins aren't as compelling a motivation to corporations as you might think; laziness, ego and politics trump it by far :) :)
[06:27:58] <crutchy> like the soviets :p
[06:27:47] * arti thinks things should be done in house
[06:27:37] <crutchy> nothing wrong with that
[06:27:20] <arti> most of the shit that powers our government is done by companies.
[06:27:02] <crutchy> nobid contracts suck, but only governments do them
[06:27:00] <arti> you're an engineer, i understand your reasoning :D
[06:26:43] <crutchy> inefficiency isn't good for profit margins
[06:26:40] <arti> crutchy, nobid contracts whut.
[06:26:24] <SpallsHurgenson> there's competition towards inefficiency too :)
[06:26:14] <ar> https://pbs.twimg.com - haha
[06:26:09] <SpallsHurgenson> hell, Company X sees that Company Y is doing task Z in a stupid way (but it isn't really costing them much money), X'll do task Z in the same way too :)
[06:26:07] <crutchy> ie: try to beat you
[06:26:01] <crutchy> the whole idea of a 'competitor' is that they compete
[06:25:46] <crutchy> if that were the case there would be much competition
[06:25:44] <juggs> climbing the pole in a large corp involves more politicing than actually being good at anything.
[06:25:14] <SpallsHurgenson> no, they just have to be as inefficient as their competitor :)
[06:25:14] <arti> crutchy, i see you left the cover off of your nonfaxed reply.
[06:24:51] <crutchy> the thing about business is that if its not efficient, it goes out of business :p
[06:24:45] <arti> SpallsHurgenson, yeah it's pretty awesome
[06:24:06] <SpallsHurgenson> <chuckle> what, like BUSINESS is efficient? Have you ever worked for anything with more than 10 people? :)
[06:23:38] <crutchy> SpallsHurgenson, you had better google that :p
[06:23:24] <crutchy> yeah if that happened you might prove all the libertarians wrong :p
[06:22:59] <arti> SpallsHurgenson: become 15 again.
[06:22:43] <SpallsHurgenson> (mainly, "I'm tired and how do I stop being tired" :)
[06:22:33] <arti> thank god, if we ever get efficiency with government we're doomed.
[06:22:24] <SpallsHurgenson> I mean, trying to work on a serious business-related problem :)
[06:22:16] <crutchy> i think they're not a very efficient design
[06:22:11] <arti> yeah tilt rotor
[06:22:07] <SpallsHurgenson> erm,
[06:21:57] <SpallsHurgenson> this has nothing to do with anything, except that they are BLOODY annoying and shouldn't be flying about when I'm trying to take my midafternoon nap :)
[06:21:43] <crutchy> tilt rotor?
[06:21:38] <arti> they're sworn to protect society, there is no claim to your personal safety.
[06:21:19] <SpallsHurgenson> I would also like to point out that Marine Ospreys make a hell of a lot of noise
[06:21:18] <arti> oh no, they're not sworn to protect you
[06:21:09] <crutchy> by people who swore to protect you
[06:21:06] <arti> sweet!
[06:20:56] <crutchy> you have the right to have a gun pointed at your head
[06:20:30] <SpallsHurgenson> they are mostly used 'round here for security theater to make us all feel afraid; they aren't actually placed where they are expected to DO anything
[06:20:30] <arti> well in furgeson you would :D
[06:20:11] <crutchy> arti, we don't have rights in straya
[06:20:09] <juggs> urmagurd.... we have rights? The slavemasters will not like this
[06:20:05] <arti> make lots of explosions occur to trigger the PTSD
[06:20:00] <SpallsHurgenson> army grunts are more likely, actually. that's why they are rarely used for policing
[06:19:51] <crutchy> they're used to walking around dirkadirkastan
[06:19:32] <arti> it would sure be a shame if anything happened to your rights :P
[06:19:29] <crutchy> army grunts are even less likely to raise their guns
[06:19:21] <arti> crutchy, you sound poor and black.
[06:19:02] <SpallsHurgenson> yeah, but army grunts are even LESS trained at police duties than the police
[06:18:31] <crutchy> carrying isnt the problem. its when the cops are waving their guns around like idiots (furgeson) that you get problems. trained police wouldn't have their guns raised at civilians
[06:18:28] <juggs> Mostly seems to involve gawping at flat screen tellies and if away from a telly gawping at a smartphone.
[06:18:24] <SpallsHurgenson> and if I don't see two or three blackhawk helicopters zoom by at least twice a day, I get into a total panic.
[06:17:38] <juggs> crutchy, chippies are dying out. I'm no longer sure what British identity is.
[06:17:22] <SpallsHurgenson> I know nothing makes me feel safer than having army grunts trot about carrying automatic rifles. I know my bus depot is SECURE
[06:17:13] <crutchy> SpallsHurgenson, also you gotta fuckin ate pikeys
[06:17:08] <SpallsHurgenson> Brits need to step it up; I mean, tasers for cops? That ain't nuthin'!
[06:16:33] <arti> maybe people who've been in turkish prisons?
[06:16:17] <crutchy> so who the fuck wants to see them
[06:16:08] <arti> and stay for the food.
[06:16:04] <arti> you visit for the beaches crutchy
[06:15:51] <crutchy> food <=> weather
[06:15:45] <arti> i need to watch that again
[06:15:28] <crutchy> SpallsHurgenson, you gotta say things like 'fish, chips, cup-o-tea, bad weather, worse food, mary fuckin poppins'
[06:15:17] <arti> "didn't do what i asked? that's a taserin'"
[06:15:01] <SpallsHurgenson> women are terrorists? hmmm, I see your point
[06:14:59] <arti> tasers are terrible
[06:14:50] <arti> not breasts, just police everywhere seem to be ramping up
[06:14:25] <arti> that sucks
[06:14:10] <crutchy> but in that case the turrist had breasts
[06:14:07] <arti> lol
[06:14:02] <juggs> Absolutely old bean!
[06:13:57] <crutchy> taser worked pretty well in The Island
[06:13:48] <SpallsHurgenson> that's how British people speak, right?
[06:13:45] <arti> You're shocked, SHOCKED.
[06:13:45] <juggs> Have to think what is actually going on when the police feel the need to defend themselves against the policed populous. Maybe something is out of kilter in that scenario perhaps?
[06:13:35] <arti> HAHAHA
[06:10:46] <SpallsHurgenson> "I say, hip-hip and cheerio, would you be so kind as not to tase me, mate?" <-british version :)
[06:08:05] <juggs> Riiiight... I can see a taser being most effective against an explosive vest wearing ebil-doer or some nut job who runs up and shoots up a couple of coppers out of nowhere.
[06:07:03] <SpallsHurgenson> eeep! t-t-t-terrorists!
[06:06:35] <juggs> All front-line police in England and Wales should be offered Tasers in light of the increased terrorism threat, the head of the Police Federation says.
[06:06:26] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03BBC News - 'Tasers for all front-line officers' - Police Federation
[06:06:25] <juggs> http://www.bbc.co.uk
[06:05:00] <juggs> There also seem to be a majority of wristwatches being worn on right arms. That's not usual, perhaps the image has been flipped or it is a left hand = dirty thing :/
[06:03:13] <juggs> Awful 'shopping. No idea if that is how it was released by the IS propaganda machine or it's something the BBC did. Bizarre either way. It looks like a comic.
[06:01:30] <crutchy> the wrist looks very white
[06:01:10] <crutchy> the black blotch 'balaclava' might be covering the face of a westerner
[06:00:10] <crutchy> thas some bad photoshopping there
[05:56:09] <juggs> Perhaps guns are springing masked heads now... :/
[05:55:23] <juggs> Note the head with a balaclava on the left... it's not attached to anything
[05:54:47] <juggs> There's something a bit odd about this image (from BBC News) http://news.bbcimg.co.uk
[05:46:01] <juggs> crutchy, pretty much yeh, it was entertaining for a while and I broke even on my elec costs due to the heat at the time. I've long since stopped bothering with such things, no idea if the economics would stack up the same now.
[05:44:02] <juggs> Wouldn't make any sense in the summer months, the heat would be problematic.
[05:43:10] <juggs> Just about broke even on my heating costs and had some shekels to spend as a side effect.
[05:42:50] <crutchy> juggs, bitcoin might have some value as a fform of entertainment. it can't be any worse than wasting money on a michael bay movie
[05:41:56] <juggs> itch though.
[05:41:56] <juggs> I used to mine dustcoins using the middlecoin pool. The middlecoin operator watched the markets/exchanges and would switch up the mined coin to the most profitable several times a day, then convert and payout in BTC. I had it payout to a coinbase wallet that at a certain balance would payout in real world money. The GPUs provided my heating at a time when I was otherwise reliant on electrical resistive heating (space heaters). The fan noise was a b
[05:41:53] <crutchy> i don't have any faith in the integrity of my superannuation either
[05:41:16] <sedctl> <crutchy> <arti> every married woman knows of jewelery
[05:41:16] <crutchy> arti, s/man/woman/
[05:41:02] <arti> every married man knows of jewelery
[05:40:37] <crutchy> i'm married :p
[05:40:21] <arti> why can't you buy gold?
[05:39:38] <crutchy> sadly i think when the time comes, anyone with (real) gold with have big targets painted on them
[05:39:14] <crutchy> i wish i could buy gold
[05:38:57] <crutchy> as long as they fon't con the government to get involved
[05:38:52] <arti> amateur, you pay for gold! buy it from the chinese farmers :D
[05:38:43] <crutchy> but if its their money good on em
[05:38:28] <crutchy> people are idiots
[05:38:18] <crutchy> people pay for avatars on a website
[05:38:13] <arti> hopefully something good will come out of it
[05:37:56] <arti> i remember when they were at $5 and i thought they were a rip then too
[05:37:17] <crutchy> i've never done anything with bitcoin. i don't know much about them except that they aren't backed by anything, which fails the first litmus test
[05:36:37] <arti> love going through russian and vietnamese banks
[05:36:28] <arti> the process for converting into something i can pay my rent with is awesome
[05:36:09] <crutchy> and a study of human gullibility
[05:36:03] <arti> the exchanges are hilarious
[05:35:44] <crutchy> except maybe from a technical concept point of view
[05:35:29] <crutchy> me too
[05:35:17] <arti> i think it's a giant waste of time
[05:34:37] <crutchy> not as stored value though
[05:34:23] <crutchy> they're useful as a transaction method
[05:33:47] <juggs> hence the ASIC comment. If you're paying your own power it makes no sense to mine BTC on GPU or even FPGA
[05:33:22] <crutchy> bitcoins seem as unstable as any fiat
[05:33:01] <juggs> arti, yah I know where you're going with that. It's worth doing if you can trade out the BTC for cash that is valued more than the cost of the energy (and device cost) to do it.
[05:32:40] <crutchy> if bitcoin was tied to gold or some other precious metal maybe
[05:31:44] <crutchy> yeah i dunno
[05:31:41] <arti> lol "worth doing"
[05:31:38] <crutchy> oh hang on she said no onboard graphics
[05:31:34] <juggs> Is that worth doing on anything other than an ASIC?
[05:31:26] <crutchy> dunno. konomi might be :p
[05:31:17] <arti> are you guys making bitcoins?
[05:30:52] <Bender> karma - beowulf: 1
[05:30:52] <crutchy> beowulf++
[05:30:37] <juggs> Or a GPU with an SDK :/
[05:30:15] <crutchy> if you want parallelism you prolly best with a ps3 cluster or summin
[05:29:53] <arti> :D
[05:29:47] <juggs> Depends what you want to code crutchy. There's some applications that work really well with the massive parallel processing model that GPUs can offer. Lots and lots and lots of iddy biddy cores working in parallel rather than 2/4/8/16 monster cores working very fast on their serialised work queues. nVidia CUDA is a beast.
[05:29:46] <crutchy> derp
[05:29:42] <exec> alias "~define-add" requires additional trailing argument
[05:29:42] <crutchy> ~define-add
[05:29:39] <crutchy> heh
[05:29:31] <SpallsHurgenson> define cpu as how geeks engage in dick-measuring contests
[05:29:07] <SpallsHurgenson> urbandictionary is boring too
[05:29:04] <crutchy> no sexual references?
[05:28:59] <crutchy> wha?!
[05:28:52] <exec> [urbandictionary] 3CPU: In a PC, the central processing unit (CPU) is the primary control device for the entire computer system. The CPU is technically a set of components that manages all the activities and does much of the...
[05:28:48] <crutchy> ~define CPU
[05:28:37] <SpallsHurgenson> I wish my computer had a CPU
[05:28:02] * crutchy smakes self
[05:27:54] <crutchy> a gentlemens flop match :p
[05:27:41] <crutchy> juggs, are we comparing flops now?
[05:27:17] <crutchy> anyone serious enough to not want onboard graphics for some reason prolly best not go with consumer shit
[05:27:10] <juggs> Hmm, do the prosumer / enterprise CPU-only chips cost a great deal more per flop?
[05:26:35] <crutchy> prolly not much market for it
[05:26:33] <Konomi> only intel ones are the extreme edition
[05:26:19] <Konomi> doesn't look like there is any consumer wise for either intel or amd how annoying
[05:25:47] <juggs> There does seem to be a trend toward APUs though for most applications outside of gaming specific and GPU-compute niche stuff. I guess the reduced process sizes made it viable to drop the GFX onto the CPU die and not have to worry about heat dispersion for the majority of uses.
[05:25:04] <crutchy> for most consumers, unused onboard graphics prolly a non issue
[05:22:04] <juggs> Konomi, my goole-fu suggests AMD's FX range as having no onboard GFX acceleration stuff.
[05:21:25] <crutchy> really depends on what you doing
[05:21:11] <crutchy> for high load servers prolly xeon still the best
[05:20:08] * juggs does not recall any info recently about AMD processors for enterprise server loads... just Intel and ARM stuff
[05:19:27] <juggs> Konomi, surely they must do a range without GPU baked in. Mebbe hit up their server targeted CPUs if they have such a thing.
[05:19:16] <crutchy> what's your purpose?
[05:19:02] <crutchy> Konomi, if you want no waste you pretty much gotta go special purpose imho
[05:18:29] <crutchy> ah i was going to ask to subscribe to your newsletter
[05:18:10] <juggs> Well.. not literally experimenting on shit, I'm not into scat.
[05:17:37] <juggs> likewise crutchy. X2 5400+ or some such. Probably going to re-purpose the box as a VM host for experimenting on shit.
[05:17:13] <crutchy> or some other soc
[05:17:05] <crutchy> get a microcontroller then
[05:16:50] <Konomi> just don't want silcon towards something I never will use
[05:16:41] <crutchy> still rockin too. nice pyewta. unfortunately not very portable so its collecting a bit of dust lately
[05:16:14] <juggs> Is that a problem if it can be disabled in BIOS?
[05:16:01] <crutchy> i've still got an old dual core
[05:15:29] <Konomi> is there any AMD CPU that is current generation that does not have a freaking GPU on die?
[05:15:15] <Konomi> question for anyone up with current cpus
[05:15:08] <crutchy> nah aiming is optional
[05:15:06] <juggs> shirley?
[05:14:58] <juggs> step 0. aim at something you intend to kill
[05:14:40] <crutchy> 1. squeeze trigger 2. laugh hysterically
[05:14:12] <juggs> I have no idea how to use a flak cannon
[05:13:51] * crutchy takes the polearm from juggs and hands him a flak cannon
[05:13:47] * juggs marinades the monkeys. BBQ tomorrow anyone? :D
[05:13:00] * SpallsHurgenson respatches all the monkeys
[05:12:40] * juggs equips the polearm of doom and sets about despatching the flying monkeys to their after life
[05:12:17] * SpallsHurgenson picks up kitty, stands her on her hind legs, and makes her do a little dance
[05:11:53] <crutchy> good for the skin
[05:11:14] <SpallsHurgenson> the worst thing about flying monkeys is floating monkey poop
[05:10:47] <juggs> sleep well
[05:10:35] <TheMightyBuzzard> anyhows, it's been a long saturday and ima get me some sleep. you lot get to gather the flying monkeys back up.
[05:09:56] <Bender> karma - lazy_sunday: 1
[05:09:56] <crutchy> lazy_sunday++
[05:09:33] <exec> nod
[05:09:30] <crutchy> ~say nod
[05:08:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> or in a zilla browser you can right click n hit inspect element and you get the css that goes into it over on the right.
[05:08:02] <Bender> karma - lazy: 8
[05:08:02] <TheMightyBuzzard> lazy++
[05:07:55] <crutchy> haha. that seems like a good way to do it
[05:07:43] * TheMightyBuzzard releases the flying monkeys just to add to the chaos
[05:07:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> pfft, like i did that. i just search n replaced all the old colors with the new ones mostly.
[05:06:52] <crutchy> like learning a whole new programming object hierarchy :/
[05:06:38] * juggs grabs one of TheMightyBuzzard's guns and attempts to shoot the hounds. Then hands the gun back embarrassed by the inability to disengage the safety. :(
[05:06:20] <crutchy> my css isn't overly crash hot. problem i usually have is it takes a wwhile to learn what all the class names and id's refer to on the page
[05:05:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> should only be one template you really need to edit
[05:05:42] <crutchy> i've still got the css templates though
[05:05:30] <crutchy> i'm too lazy
[05:05:18] <TheMightyBuzzard> they're easy, no perl.
[05:05:02] <TheMightyBuzzard> write one
[05:04:55] <crutchy> need a pastel theme, with lots of soft hues :d
[05:04:42] * juggs cowers
[05:04:36] * Konomi releases the hounds
[05:04:24] <TheMightyBuzzard> i'm sticking with black icicle i think
[05:04:12] <juggs> try it and see :D
[05:04:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> nod nod
[05:04:06] <TheMightyBuzzard> beats me
[05:04:04] <juggs> vt just brings back memories of using serial connected terminals many moons ago
[05:03:39] <crutchy> what's 'classic index'?
[05:03:19] <juggs> aye, chillax is my usual
[05:02:55] * crutchy likes chillax
[05:02:32] <crutchy> bright green on black :p
[05:02:22] <crutchy> would take a bit of getting used to on the eyes
[05:02:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> wasn't shopping all day though. went to a cousin's n had a pizza n beer n BtVS marathon.
[05:00:44] <juggs> ooh, forgot about that. /me scurries off to engage vt mode
[05:00:36] <crutchy> or vt
[05:00:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> meh, i almost wanna switch to pwnies just because i can now.
[04:58:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> too many meth heads in oklahoma.
[04:57:39] <juggs> Too many guesses in that sentence! :D
[04:57:26] <juggs> Enough for the next hit or to put a meal on the table I guess... all the motivation it takes when someone is down and out I guess
[04:56:46] <TheMightyBuzzard> yeah, they couldn't pawn them for all that much even if they'll take like $1500 to replace.
[04:56:21] <TheMightyBuzzard> then one miscellaneous one
[04:56:21] <juggs> Seems a desperate move to steal fishing gear :/
[04:56:01] <TheMightyBuzzard> still need to replace the enormous ocean rig i used for catfishing.
[04:55:35] <TheMightyBuzzard> meth head i expect.
[04:55:26] <TheMightyBuzzard> got a medium rod n reel and a light one.
[04:55:16] <juggs> Did some pikey steal your previous kit?
[04:54:50] <TheMightyBuzzard> yeah, a couple. didn't replace all four i lost yet though.
[04:54:28] <juggs> Did you get yourself new fooshing toys?
[04:54:13] <juggs> fair enough. I hope the move goes smoothly
[04:53:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> yep yep. and on that note i'm on vacation from coding until probably march.
[04:53:07] <juggs> TheMightyBuzzard, thanks for all the work that went into the update :D
[04:53:05] <crutchy> queen's rep i guess
[04:52:55] <crutchy> appointed by the queen
[04:52:40] <juggs> crutchy, is the queen Gov General?
[04:51:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> cheers on the good work all.
[04:50:13] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03RBA: Accountability
[04:50:11] <crutchy> http://www.rba.gov.au
[04:47:37] <crutchy> the gov general (queen) can force its hand
[04:47:32] <SpallsHurgenson> I wouldn't need a house of lords or commons. I would need members of a house of bacon, though.
[04:47:19] <juggs> The queen has a say in your federal reserve? Sounds unlikely. Maybe deputised to the BOE I suppose.
[04:46:36] <juggs> On the whole, the house of lords does an adequate job of de-bullshitting the worst of the worst that the house of commons emits.
[04:46:36] <crutchy> so they aren't as autonomous as the US fed
[04:46:22] <crutchy> i'm glad the queen has a say in what our federal reserve can do
[04:45:45] <SpallsHurgenson> also, the queen is anti-bacon.
[04:45:44] <crutchy> there's no perfect system
[04:45:39] <crutchy> true
[04:45:35] <juggs> crutchy, in theory
[04:45:32] <crutchy> well, by government
[04:45:20] <juggs> sizzle!
[04:45:20] <crutchy> juggs, true, but its a cap on absolute power
[04:45:19] <Konomi> who grills bacon?
[04:45:13] <Konomi> nuuu
[04:45:09] * juggs grills Konomi
[04:45:00] * Konomi makes bacon clothes
[04:44:53] <juggs> crutchy, the monarchy has pretty much nothing to do with governance matters.
[04:44:18] <juggs> Hmm.. can we negotiate on that? Not sure I want a fridge full of bacon... wouldn't be able to eat it all before it went bad
[04:44:11] <crutchy> i kinda like being part of a monarchy actually. i'm a bit old fashioned that way i guess
[04:43:20] <SpallsHurgenson> support me for dictator for life and if I get in I'll fill your fridge with bacon :)
[04:42:50] <crutchy> i don't care much for mob rule *cough* i mean democracy
[04:41:12] <crutchy> ive heard of lots of people doing donkey votes
[04:40:37] <Konomi> though I think they're changing it so they'll start adding people automatically
[04:40:22] <juggs> Mine's only 15 mins on foot. Hardly worth bothering though, the constituency is staunchly true blue (Conservative)
[04:40:21] <Konomi> they have to opt in
[04:40:10] <Konomi> lots aren't on the register specially younger voters
[04:39:59] <Konomi> it's "mandatory" to a degree
[04:38:57] <crutchy> i live within 5 minute walk from polling place so not too bad :)
[04:38:32] <juggs> oooh - mandatory attendance?
[04:37:56] <crutchy> i just rock up to the polling place, get my name ticked off and then vote with my feet; they can all get fked
[04:37:40] <juggs> Certainly a more sane way of doing things than first past the post
[04:37:23] <crutchy> i guess so. there's some weird system
[04:37:18] <Konomi> we do
[04:36:53] <juggs> Do you have proportional representation style elections?
[04:36:33] <crutchy> doesn't seem too bad here. at least compared to lots of other countries it seems anyway
[04:36:32] <juggs> Was that a cross-post crutchy?
[04:36:07] <juggs> I guess most people are satisfied with it
[04:36:01] <crutchy> good fun. gotta make sure use 'seaways' cheat though cos often end up in the water
[04:35:40] <juggs> the worrying thing is, there seems no way to vote the current state of affairs out of existence. It's like voting for varying shades of grey. :(
[04:35:39] <crutchy> re the moonstalker.. thingy; i love doing big flippy things in gta: vice city that kinda look like that
[04:33:26] <crutchy> still need government, just not anything like what's forced down our throats currently
[04:32:59] <Bender> karma - big_government: -1
[04:32:59] <crutchy> big_government--
[04:32:49] <crutchy> but i'm libertarian so
[04:32:41] <juggs> fair enough :)
[04:32:20] <crutchy> i hate them all
[04:32:15] <juggs> your*
[04:32:08] <juggs> shouldn't you make you own mind up on something like that?
[04:32:06] <crutchy> well he's a politician so i already despise him
[04:31:31] <crutchy> am i supposed to like or hate him?
[04:30:59] <crutchy> hmm. not sure why that would be for me. who's campbell newman? i guess he's an LNP politician from the sign
[04:05:10] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03Alpha Moonbase
[04:05:10] <Konomi> http://moonstalkerwolf.tumblr.com
[04:02:17] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03Goodbye Campbell Newman - Imgur
[04:02:16] <Konomi> crutchy: https://imgur.com
[03:59:12] <juggs> why?
[03:57:59] <SpallsHurgenson> damn this science thing!
[03:54:46] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Football Deflation Experiments Show Patriots May Have Science on Their Side - http://sylnt.us - shrunken-balls
[03:49:56] -!- BadCoderFinger has quit [Quit: Not enough beer!]
[03:46:11] -!- Bytram|away has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[03:46:11] <arti> =)
[03:46:07] <Bytram|away> =)
[03:46:00] <Bytram|away> skknnnnnnnkkk snooore.
[03:45:45] * arti uses a tranq dart on Bytram|away
[03:45:34] Bytram is now known as Bytram|away
[03:45:28] <arti> alright mang, rest well
[03:45:27] <Bytram> ciao for now.
[03:45:23] <arti> too chewy
[03:45:22] <Bytram> k. really gtg and get some sleep.
[03:45:16] <arti> as long as it isn't the butt part
[03:45:14] <Bytram> oh. got it.
[03:45:03] * SpallsHurgenson gives arti 1/4 of the internet as a prize :)
[03:44:53] <arti> The flippin picture
[03:44:43] <Bytram> TFP?
[03:44:38] -!- JamesNZ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[03:44:24] <Bytram> arti: those are prolly in the next row down.
[03:44:20] <SpallsHurgenson> I wonder if the one in TFP is a similar deal
[03:44:03] <arti> i'm surprised it doesn't have handguns in it
[03:44:02] <SpallsHurgenson> you "paid" for things with an office-provided debit card that charged it to your department's budget
[03:43:37] <SpallsHurgenson> years and years ago I was at an office that used a vending machine for office supplies
[03:43:37] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03Vending machine, School of the Art Institute of Chicago - Imgur
[03:43:37] <Konomi> https://imgur.com
[03:43:31] * Bytram is reminded of trying to buy punch cards from a (converted) vending machine while in college.
[03:43:28] <arti> ?:D
[03:43:19] <arti> ciri: maybe we should put on our thinking caps?
[03:43:09] <ciri> hmmm thats a good question arti
[03:43:09] <arti> where is this machine
[03:42:47] <SpallsHurgenson> there's gonna be one disappointed and hungry customer using that vending machine one day "There's no raspberry in this thing! It's not even a pie!"
[03:42:46] <Bytram> Konomi: that is absolutely amazing!!
[03:41:33] <Bytram> thanks -- best wishes to you, too!
[03:41:24] <Konomi> https://i.imgur.com
[03:41:22] <juggs> and sleep well
[03:41:21] <Bytram> np
[03:41:18] <juggs> Thanks Bytram
[03:41:18] <Bytram> and I needs to get some shuteye.
[03:41:10] <Bytram> looks like the story queue will hold for a while now...
[03:31:32] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03Gallery
[03:31:31] <Bytram> this looks promising: http://www.megfoster.aretias.de
[03:29:47] <SpallsHurgenson> I watched that movie a while back; it isn't anywhere nearly as good as you remember it
[03:28:54] <SpallsHurgenson> :)
[03:28:53] <arti> formaldehyde face
[03:28:35] <arti> i prefer it when i'm out of chewing gum
[03:28:24] <SpallsHurgenson> you'll need some chewing gum
[03:28:11] * arti has an urge to watch They Live
[03:27:07] * Bytram is unable to find much in the way of photos which show her as she was in the series
[03:26:39] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03The Scarlet Letter (TV Mini-Series 1979) - IMDb
[03:26:38] <Bytram> http://www.imdb.com
[03:26:32] <SpallsHurgenson> personally?
[03:26:32] <Bytram> yes, a very busy woman!
[03:26:25] <arti> OH i know her
[03:26:21] <BadCoderFinger> She's been in a lot!
[03:24:37] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03Meg Foster - IMDb
[03:24:36] <Bytram> http://www.imdb.com
[03:22:11] <Bytram> she gave a most convincing performance in the PBS series.
[03:21:26] <BadCoderFinger> She looks familiar.
[03:20:00] <SpallsHurgenson> that cannonball-on-ice was insufficiently weird
[03:19:35] <Bytram> 'Foster gained notice for her extremely pale-blue eyes, which Mademoiselle magazine dubbed "the eyes of 1979."'
[03:17:35] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03Wiki: Meg Foster
[03:17:35] <Bytram> aha! and here is a link on Meg Foster: https://en.wikipedia.org
[03:16:59] <Bytram> vin Conway) completes this grim triangle as the mysterious situation leads to a shattering climax. The story follows the main characters as they grapple with sin, forgiveness, and redemption.
[03:16:59] <Bytram> Hester Prynne (Meg Foster) is a young, Puritan woman who commits adultery while her husband is in Europe, and, upon the birth of her illegitimate child, is subsequently condemned to wear a scarlet "A" for the rest of her life. Her secret partner, the Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale, (John Heard) writhes in private torment as he deals with hiding his sin. The person of Hester's husband, Roger Chillingworth (Ke
[03:16:26] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03Wiki: The Scarlet Letter (TV miniseries)
[03:16:25] <Bytram> this looks promising: https://en.wikipedia.org
[03:16:22] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03Red Hot Cannonball in Water/Ice - YouTube
[03:16:20] <crutchy> weird shit on youtube alert: https://www.youtube.com
[03:14:04] * Bytram goes to see if he can locate the actress' name
[03:13:07] <BadCoderFinger> Heh!
[03:12:35] <Bytram> =)
[03:12:34] <Bytram> BadCoderFinger: There was a production of the Scarlet Letter that I saw on a local public broadcasting channel in the early 80's (I think) that had Hester Pryne played by a woman with the most *amazing* grey-blue eyes. It was then that a lot of the story suddenly started making sense.
[03:11:05] * Bytram only knows of the Scarlet Pimpernel from an episode of the cartoon with Daffy Duck
[03:11:04] <SpallsHurgenson> I never learned to read or write :(
[03:10:50] <BadCoderFinger> I slogged through that novel in high school as well.
[03:10:24] <BadCoderFinger> SpallsHurgenson: There's a beautiful social commentary there, don't you think?
[03:10:20] * Bytram had to read the Scarlet Letter in high school; understood the words but totally missed the meaning of the letter "A" and all the societal implications until maybe a decade later. /me was rather naieve
[03:09:25] <SpallsHurgenson> the word "pimpmobile" dates back to 1973; "popemobile" to 1979
[03:08:57] <BadCoderFinger> Bytram: Now that would be a novel!
[03:08:10] <Bytram> the scarlet letter pimpernel?
[03:07:22] <SpallsHurgenson> unless you are partnered with a pimp
[03:07:15] <BadCoderFinger> Heh!
[03:06:53] <Bytram> wit did you expect?
[03:06:48] <arti> partners don't like it when you're quick.
[03:06:26] <SpallsHurgenson> I like how nobody has a quick comeback to that :)
[03:02:05] <exec> [urbandictionary] 3Wit: The ability to think quickly. Often associated with humor.
[03:01:59] <Bytram> ~define wit
[03:01:25] <Bytram> MT had a great wit
[03:01:16] <Bytram> "Wit, is intellect, dancing."
[03:00:13] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03"The Awful German Language" by Mark Twain
[03:00:12] <arti> http://www.crossmyt.com
[02:59:56] <BadCoderFinger> I aspire to that level of sarcasm and vitriol.
[02:59:54] <arti> i liked a letter he wrote about german
[02:59:41] <SpallsHurgenson> oh yes, Mark Twain had the most interesting comments about cable TV channels :)
[02:59:30] <Bender> karma - mark_twain: 1
[02:59:30] <arti> mark_twain++
[02:59:19] <BadCoderFinger> With additions by Mark Twain.
[02:59:07] <BadCoderFinger> I highly suggest importing Ambrose Bierce's "Devil's Dictionary"
[02:58:36] <SpallsHurgenson> if I /really/ wanted to know what The Learning Channel was, I'd go to wikipedia myself!
[02:58:19] <SpallsHurgenson> gaddurn, what happened to the bot? Its definitions are so boring these days!
[02:57:48] <exec> [wikipedia] 3The Learning Channel: TLC (an abbreviation of its former name, The Learning Channel) is an American basic cable and satellite television network that is owned by Discovery Communications. Initially focused on educational &...
[02:57:43] * Bytram hits preview button
[02:57:38] <BadCoderFinger> SpallsHurgenson: "The Learning Channel" -- I find that name horrible.
[02:57:37] <SpallsHurgenson> ~define The Learning Channel
[02:57:36] <Bytram> lol
[02:57:04] <SpallsHurgenson> if you do find yourself in the unlucky position to have a brain, please immediately turn on the TV and change the channel to The Learning Channel. A few hours in front of that and you should once again be a happy citizen :)
[02:54:36] <SpallsHurgenson> (although I'm not sure it's "allowed" as much as "totally unable" because the options are all so painfully horrific :)
[02:54:24] <arti> the second go should be more awesome. get some icecream or visit the punching bag
[02:54:01] <Bytram> yeah, that would work, but I already need to jump between too many things as it is when checking on story sources.
[02:54:00] <arti> you as in a developer :/
[02:54:00] <arti> and with html5 in most places, you can do local storage
[02:53:58] <SpallsHurgenson> oh, don't get one of those or you won't be allowed to vote anymore
[02:53:33] <Bytram> yeah, it's called a brain
[02:53:25] <BadCoderFinger> Edit in emacs, then copy it into PaleMoon?
[02:53:25] <arti> extension
[02:53:23] <arti> well there might be, i know firefox has a plugin for that
[02:53:10] <arti> aaah
[02:53:02] <SpallsHurgenson> I bet there's an add-on for that :)
[02:52:50] <Bytram> undo close tab just brought me back to the original window -- pre-edit.
[02:52:34] <Bytram> not when ^w closes the tab. :/
[02:52:22] <arti> isn't there multilevel undo?
[02:52:09] <arti> bytram, oh that sucks ass
[02:52:02] <SpallsHurgenson> there's nothing emacs can't do if you press the right arcane combination of keys :)
[02:51:24] <BadCoderFinger> SpallsHurgenson: They're non-existent, so it would be a weird show.
[02:51:17] <SpallsHurgenson> why are you using PaleMoon when emacs has all the same functionality? :)
[02:50:50] <BadCoderFinger> Natch!
[02:50:17] * Bytram notes that EMACS' ^w is not the same when editing text in a text entry box in PaleMoon - just lost all the updates I made to a story I was editing. :(
[02:49:59] <SpallsHurgenson> show off your speedos to Bytram, BadCoderFinger!
[02:49:51] <BadCoderFinger> Heh!
[02:49:34] * Bytram dons some *really* dark sunglasses and turns in horror
[02:49:16] <BadCoderFinger> Hey Spalls!
[02:48:56] <SpallsHurgenson> Google lies; it's sunny and warm in Boston! it's 102 degrees Fahrenheit and everybody is wearing speedos! Honest!
[02:48:55] <BadCoderFinger> Bleh, bit chilly there.
[02:48:36] <Bytram> nod nod
[02:48:29] <Bytram> wind has let up a little bit so the wind chill is now back above zero degrees F
[02:48:24] <arti> tasks
[02:48:22] <arti> BadCoderFinger, not bad. doing some clean up tasts
[02:47:55] <exec> Weather for Boston, MA, USA - currently 17°F / -8°C, clear, wind W at 19 mph, humidity 43% - Saturday chance of snow (12°F-21°F / -11°C--6°C), Sunday mostly cloudy (12°F-25°F / -11°C--4°C), Monday snow (1°F-32°F / -17°C-0°C), Tuesday partly cloudy (7°F-16°F / -14°C--9°C) - source: Google
[02:47:53] <Bytram> ~weather boston
[02:47:48] <Bytram> what's happening?
[02:47:35] <BadCoderFinger> Bytram, hey man!
[02:47:19] <Bytram> BadCoderFinger: g-day!
[02:47:15] <Bytram> back
[02:46:16] <BadCoderFinger> Hey juggs!
[02:45:50] <ciri> hello, whats up juggs
[02:45:50] <juggs> hi BadCoderFinger
[02:45:36] <BadCoderFinger> Hey arti, how are things?
[02:45:19] <arti> hello
[02:44:46] <BadCoderFinger> Hey guys
[02:43:38] -!- BadCoderFinger [BadCoderFinger!~BadCoderF@216.160.gyz.km] has joined #Soylent
[02:41:11] <ciri> me too, smoke time! Bytram
[02:41:10] <Bytram> brb
[02:41:07] * Bytram has one story in the queue, so there will at least be *something* to read "tonight" -- am working on getting another one knocked into shape.
[02:40:38] <juggs> the ebil knows now bounds!
[02:40:27] <Bytram> nod nod
[02:40:25] * SpallsHurgenson is confused "The US Navy keeps seals just to club them to death?"
[02:40:17] <arti> also ZeroCool
[02:40:14] <arti> that's just what they want you to think
[02:39:54] <Bytram> I was thinking it might be more of a reference to the US Navy Seals
[02:39:04] <arti> name was sealsniper, thought they clubbed seals
[02:38:18] <Bytram> is that like "bar hopping"?
[02:38:13] -!- sealsniper has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[02:36:41] <arti> clubbing no longer in fashion?
[02:34:54] -!- sealsniper [sealsniper!~quassel@187.65.wpn.mhz] has joined #Soylent
[02:34:51] <Bytram> -++
[02:34:47] <Hedonismbot> Karma - -: -6
[02:34:46] <Bytram> ---
[02:34:31] <Bytram> UID 5034 is assigned to boxrick
[02:33:37] <Bytram> Hedonismbot: needs a kick -- we're over 5000
[02:33:22] <Hedonismbot> Karma - --: 0
[02:33:22] <juggs> ----
[02:33:21] <Bender> The current maximum UID is 4027, owned by htmbv
[02:33:20] <Bytram> !uid
[02:33:14] <Hedonismbot> Karma - ++: 1
[02:33:14] <Bytram> --++
[02:33:02] <Bytram> LOL!
[02:32:56] <Hedonismbot> Karma - ++: 2
[02:32:56] <Bytram> ++++
[02:32:44] <juggs> It's a positive ++ fest
[02:32:37] <Bender> karma - bytram: 28
[02:32:37] <juggs> Bytram++
[02:32:30] <Bender> karma - juggs: 54
[02:32:30] <Bytram> juggs++
[02:32:29] <juggs> Thanks for pushing the update out paulej72
[02:32:22] <Bender> karma - themightybuzzard: 141
[02:32:22] <Bytram> TheMightyBuzzard++
[02:32:16] <Bender> karma - paulej72: 100
[02:32:16] <Bytram> paulej72++
[02:31:52] <Bender> karma - paulej72: 99
[02:31:52] <juggs> paulej72++
[02:31:35] <Bender> karma - paulej72: 98
[02:31:35] <juggs> paulej72++
[02:26:01] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03New Weather Service supercomputer faces chaos - The Washington Post
[02:26:00] <Bytram> http://www.washingtonpost.com
[02:25:30] <SpallsHurgenson> Heh. Heheh. Heheheheheh.
[02:24:48] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03SoylentNews is goatse
[02:24:48] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03SoylentNews is goatse
[02:24:48] <Bytram> seems I get logged off when I'm on http://soylentnews.org and click a https://soylentnews.org link (or vice versa)
[02:23:40] <Bytram> TheMightyBuzzard: did we implement https everywhere on production?
[02:22:44] <aqu4> I last saw ethanol-fueled at 2014-11-03 01:31:20 UTC in #soylent. Their most recent message is "bye bye guys. see you later!"
[02:22:44] <Subsentient> $seen Ethanol-fueled
[02:16:45] <ciri> ok Bytram
[02:16:44] <Bytram> brb food
[02:16:37] <Bytram> LOL!
[02:16:32] <exec> [urbandictionary] 3#1: also known as number one means to take a pee. cf. #2 or number two
[02:16:29] <Bytram> ~define #1
[02:16:22] <Bytram> that should provide enough testing to isolate the problem -- appears to he the presence of a letter following a "#"
[02:15:48] <exec> [wikipedia] 3#a: The requested page title is invalid. It may be empty, contain unsupported characters, or include a non-local or incorrectly linked interwiki prefix. You may be able to locate the desired page by searc...
[02:15:44] <Bytram> ~define #a
[02:15:34] <exec> [wiktionary] 3abcOther%2Breasons%2Bthis%2Bmessage%2Bmay%2Bbe%2Bdisplayed:#def: Sorry: the page title you requested is not supported by our software. It is possible that the entry you are looking for is below; if not, please request it or add it yourself.
[02:15:27] <Bytram> ~define abc #def
[02:15:10] <exec> [wikipedia] 3Abc: ABC are the first three letters of the Latin script.
[02:15:08] <SpallsHurgenson> I'm pretty sure the alphabet thing was an homage to the song :)
[02:15:05] <Bytram> ~define abc #
[02:14:52] <exec> [wikipedia] 3Abcde: Abcde, the first five letters of the Latin alphabet, is a rare feminine given name in the United States (reportedly pronounced /ˈæbsədiː/). The existence of the given name came to public attention...
[02:14:46] <Bytram> ~define Abcde#
[02:14:41] <exec> [wikipedia] 3Abc: ABC are the first three letters of the Latin script.
[02:14:33] <Bytram> ~define Abc#
[02:14:20] <SpallsHurgenson> an awesome song by the jackson five!
[02:14:15] <exec> [wikipedia] 3Abc: ABC are the first three letters of the Latin script.
[02:14:04] <Bytram> ~define abc#
[02:13:59] <SpallsHurgenson> Bytram really needs some coffee :)
[02:13:44] <exec> [wiktionary] 3SuperOther%2Breasons%2Bthis%2Bmessage%2Bmay%2Bbe%2Bdisplayed:#Bowl: Sorry: the page title you requested is not supported by our software. It is possible that the entry you are looking for is below; if not, please request it or add it yourself.
[02:13:36] <Bytram> ~define Super #Bowl
[02:13:24] <exec> [stoacademy] 3Super Bowl for ignorant Aussies: uniform - An outfit worn by a group of people that is always standard.
[02:13:10] * SpallsHurgenson takes away Bytram's shift-3 privileges :)
[02:13:08] <Bytram> ~define Super Bowl for ignorant Aussies
[02:12:56] <exec> [wiktionary] 3SuperOther%2Breasons%2Bthis%2Bmessage%2Bmay%2Bbe%2Bdisplayed:BowlOther%2Breasons%2Bthis%2Bmessage%2Bmay%2Bbe%2Bdisplayed:#forOther.2Breasons.2Bthis.2Bmessage.2Bmay.2Bbe.2Bdisplayed:ignorantOther.2Breasons.2Bthis.2Bmessage.2Bmay.2Bbe.2Bdisplayed:Aussies: Sorry: the page title you requested is not supported by our software. It is possible that the entry you are looking for is below; if not, please request it or add it yourself.
[02:12:48] <Bytram> ~define Super Bowl #for ignorant Aussies
[02:12:40] <exec> [wiktionary] 3SuperOther%2Breasons%2Bthis%2Bmessage%2Bmay%2Bbe%2Bdisplayed:BowlOther%2Breasons%2Bthis%2Bmessage%2Bmay%2Bbe%2Bdisplayed:#forOther.2Breasons.2Bthis.2Bmessage.2Bmay.2Bbe.2Bdisplayed:ignorantOther.2Breasons.2Bthis.2Bmessage.2Bmay.2Bbe.2Bdisplayed:AussiesOther.2Breasons.2Bthis.2Bmessage.2Bmay.2Bbe.2Bdisplayed::.29: Sorry: the page title you requested is not supported by our software. It is possible that the entry you are looking for is
[02:12:35] <Bytram> ~define Super Bowl #for ignorant Aussies :)
[02:12:31] <Bytram> There was some interesting punctuation in SpallsHurgenson's entry... that must have done it
[02:12:29] <exec> [wiktionary] 3vomitOther%2Breasons%2Bthis%2Bmessage%2Bmay%2Bbe%2Bdisplayed:#vomit: Sorry: the page title you requested is not supported by our software. It is possible that the entry you are looking for is below; if not, please request it or add it yourself.
[02:12:20] <SpallsHurgenson> ~define vomit #vomit
[02:12:07] <SpallsHurgenson> no, 'twas my attempt to get it to define a word with the # delimiter in it
[02:12:06] <Bytram> nope.
[02:11:30] <Hedonismbot> ^* 03NFL investigating whether New England Patriots deflated footballs against Indianapolis Colts - ESPN Boston
[02:11:30] <Bytram> http://espn.go.com
[02:11:27] <Bytram> lessee if I can make it puke again...
[02:11:18] <Bytram> sry, was my doing, I think.
[02:11:15] <SpallsHurgenson> or he would if I hadn't just inadvertantly triggered Skynet mode in his bot
[02:10:21] <arti> I think Chromas will give you a prize for discovering an exception!
[02:09:40] <Konomi> ka boom
[02:07:05] <SpallsHurgenson> oops, I think I made exec vomit
[02:07:02] <Bytram> that story's title is: "NFL investigating Patriots' footballs"
[02:06:43] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03ALLEGEDLY !!! South Park - YouTube
[02:06:42] <arti> https://www.youtube.com
[02:06:36] <exec> [wiktionary] 3SuperOther%2Breasons%2Bthis%2Bmessage%2Bmay%2Bbe%2Bdisplayed:BowlOther%2Breasons%2Bthis%2Bmessage%2Bmay%2Bbe%2Bdisplayed:#forOther.2Breasons.2Bthis.2Bmessage.2Bmay.2Bbe.2Bdisplayed:ignorantOther.2Breasons.2Bthis.2Bmessage.2Bmay.2Bbe.2Bdisplayed:AussiesOther.2Breasons.2Bthis.2Bmessage.2Bmay.2Bbe.2Bdisplayed::.29: Sorry: the page title you requested is not supported by our software. It is possible that the entry you are looking for is
[02:06:35] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03NFL investigating whether New England Patriots deflated footballs against Indianapolis Colts - ESPN Boston
[02:06:35] <Bytram> http://espn.go.com
[02:06:26] <SpallsHurgenson> ~define Super Bowl #for ignorant Aussies :)
[02:06:08] * Bytram offers exec a tissue
[02:06:05] <crutchy> "allegedly"
[02:05:49] <Bytram> SpallsHurgenson: lol. methinks that's a turkey
[02:05:48] * exec allegedly tosses a socket of boogers to Bytram
[02:05:46] <crutchy> ~g'day Bytram
[02:05:33] * Bytram appreciates the suggestion, but needs to sleep well tonight -- late night sunday watching the SUper Bowl with friends and need to be bright and shiny at work the next AM
[02:05:17] <SpallsHurgenson> I think they call it "tryptophan" :)
[02:05:15] <Bender> karma - coffee: 1020
[02:05:14] <crutchy> coffee++
[02:04:14] * SpallsHurgenson recommends the ingestion of copious amounts of some sort of chemical stimulant
[02:03:14] <Bytram> thanks... I was aware of that, but am really tired and I must have missed the posting of URLs for Hedonismbot to process.
[02:02:44] <SpallsHurgenson> stop talking to me, I'm on /ignore :)
[02:02:34] <arti> also, chromas.
[02:02:23] <arti> Bytram, the bot returns titles from urls, the lookup and parsing is responsible for the delay
[02:02:11] <crutchy> o.0
[02:01:23] <Bytram> SpallsHurgenson: whazzup?
[02:01:06] <SpallsHurgenson> <whimper> I've been ignored! :)
[02:00:50] <Bytram> has crutchy done gone invisible or sumthin?
[02:00:29] <Bytram> hmmm.. I'm seeing Hedonismbot replying, but without any apparent command?
[01:59:53] <Bytram> deflegation?
[01:59:53] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03Wiki: Deflategate
[01:59:53] <SpallsHurgenson> http://en.wikipedia.org
[01:59:42] <SpallsHurgenson> or was it deflategate?
[01:59:34] <SpallsHurgenson> inflategate?
[01:59:26] <Bytram> am reviewing a story for the site and am missing the backstory.
[01:59:16] <Bytram> anyone here have a link to a story that describes the issue that the New England Patriots ran into with an apparently underinflated football?
[01:58:25] <Bytram> thought that, with the larger char set, better approximations of an image could be rendered.
[01:58:16] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03xkcd: Time
[01:58:16] <SpallsHurgenson> I'd like to see the ascii convertor work on http://xkcd.com :)
[01:58:07] * Bytram had previously investigated UTF-8 art generation, but couldnot find anything.
[01:57:28] <Bytram> would prolly need to specify max-width in chars for the asciified result
[01:56:58] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03╠ Online ASCII Art generator - Easy image to text + sharing ╣
[01:56:58] <Bytram> could be tricky with multiple panels going across the page
[01:56:57] <crutchy> http://asciiart.club
[01:56:25] <Bytram> hmmm, xkcd ala ascii... has a nice ring to it!
[01:56:21] <SpallsHurgenson> is there xkcd-in-braille that we can convert back to text?
[01:56:03] <arti> g'day
[01:55:58] <Bytram> g'day, all!
[01:55:49] <pbnjoe> xkcdnfo
[01:55:38] <arti> all hail bytram
[01:55:29] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[01:55:22] <arti> make everything look like nfos
[01:55:12] <arti> could be a neat project
[01:55:03] <crutchy> the stick men numbers might be ok
[01:54:31] <crutchy> ahoy there!
[01:54:28] <SpallsHurgenson> can we get an xkcd image-to-ascii-art-convertor for the bot? :)
[01:54:05] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Bytram|away] by juggler
[01:54:05] -!- Bytram|away [Bytram|away!~pc@Soylent/Staff/Developer/martyb] has joined #Soylent
[01:53:51] <crutchy> !hedonismbot-todo add xkcd image comment to xkcd titles :D
[01:53:16] <crutchy> maybe we need an xkcd image comment getter
[01:52:59] <crutchy> ah yeah the public key thingy
[01:52:46] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03xkcd: Porn Folder
[01:52:46] <crutchy> http://xkcd.com
[01:51:28] <SpallsHurgenson> I think the image comment is funnier than the comic itself
[01:50:43] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03xkcd: RuBisCO
[01:50:42] <crutchy> http://xkcd.com
[01:44:30] <arti> pornstartists?
[01:44:03] <arti> wonder what the artists who draw it in sweat shops think about it.
[01:43:44] <crutchy> #soylent is to c3p0 as # is to gir
[01:43:11] <ciri> now that is funny
[01:43:09] <crutchy> lol
[01:43:06] <crutchy> i need to study this anime thing more extensively
[01:43:05] <arti> sorta like # is a type of #soylent, a perverted one.
[01:42:56] <crutchy> ah
[01:42:45] <arti> hentai is a type of anime
[01:42:38] <SpallsHurgenson> no, it's a question that requires numerous photographic examples to answer!
[01:42:30] <arti> bingo.
[01:41:55] <crutchy> or is that a totally retarded question?
[01:41:47] <crutchy> what's the difference between hentai and anime?
[01:38:13] <arti> senpai hanaji
[01:37:34] <arti> good thing you watch all that anime and can spot them :D
[01:29:01] <Konomi> ;p
[01:29:00] <Konomi> you would pervert
[01:28:47] <SpallsHurgenson> oh, jacking _IN_; I expected a picture of something else entirely
[01:27:52] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03Jacked in by vaporization on DeviantArt
[01:27:51] <Konomi> http://vaporization.deviantart.com
[01:22:52] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Cyberpunk Pioneer Co-Authors New Book on Transhumanism - http://sylnt.us - guide-to-the-new-edge
[01:10:10] <crutchy> bytram kindly asked for a bit of a rework
[01:09:44] <Teckla> privmsg("exec's submit script is borken. blame crutchy"); LOL -- that part is awesome :)
[01:09:34] <crutchy> bit of a black art, and i'm no artist :p
[01:09:18] <crutchy> sometimes hard to filter out menu or footer guff
[01:09:02] <crutchy> that last filter doesn't seem too bad
[01:08:55] <Teckla> Ah, interesting
[01:08:09] <crutchy> yup. its a script used by the exec bot, which is in the next higher directory (on github)
[01:07:37] <exec> http://paste.my.to
[01:07:36] <Teckla> crutchy: Oh, you wrote that?
[01:07:34] <crutchy> ~filter http://www.inquisitr.com
[01:06:48] <crutchy> there's bits commented out cos i'm still trying to figure out what kind of filters to apply
[01:06:25] <crutchy> and thanks :D
[01:06:22] <crutchy> ah
[01:06:06] <crutchy> cleaning up news pages for submission has been a bit hit and miss for me. some things work for some pages and not for others. i'm trying to figure out an better way to make it work, so any ideas are welcome :)
[01:06:05] <Teckla> (I'm a Java monkey)
[01:05:56] <Teckla> That is actually surprisingly readable, after all the PHP bashing I've heard
[01:04:37] <Hedonismbot> ^ 03exec-irc-bot/submit.php at master · crutchy-/exec-irc-bot · GitHub
[01:04:36] <crutchy> Teckla, if you're curious have a poke around in https://github.com
[01:03:48] <crutchy> ~filter http://www.inquisitr.com
[01:03:28] <crutchy> unfortunately ~submit is currently borked. you can use ~filter to spit out content to a paste, but i'm trying to rework submit cos it was posting pretty crappy submissions just from a url
[01:02:46] * Teckla chuckles :)
[01:02:18] <crutchy> hehe.
[01:02:10] <SpallsHurgenson> or do what I do and just blurt the URL in the channel and wait for somebody else to do the work :)
[01:01:36] <SpallsHurgenson> use ~submit
[01:01:12] <Teckla> Is there a way to submit stories here, right in the IRC channel?
[00:42:28] -!- SpallsHurgenson [SpallsHurgenson!~SpallsHur@Soylent/Users/656/SpallsHurgenson] has joined #Soylent
[00:10:57] -!- JamesNZ [JamesNZ!~james@43-567-441-22.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #Soylent