#Soylent | Logs for 2014-11-25

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[00:00:13] <Blackmoore> and to be honest; that's ok.
[00:00:44] <Blackmoore> develpoment sometimes has to take a bet on new technology
[00:01:15] <chromas> maybe they could convince them to use ueslessd once it's useable
[00:01:22] <Blackmoore> and sometimes it has to explode badly before evwryone involved decides it's time to change
[00:01:33] <chromas> still works like systemd but less integration (though removed some good stuff like timer units)
[00:02:08] <Blackmoore> what i'd like to see is a team of really good developers sit down and audit systemd for security flaws
[00:02:36] <Blackmoore> see - if it works really well to launch linux - thats good
[00:03:10] <Blackmoore> but if it's throwing it self into a hundred different things for no good reason?
[00:03:46] <chromas> that's why the forkdebian guys should be contributing to uselessd
[00:03:54] <chromas> trim it back to an initd
[00:04:17] <chromas> though all the other stuff systemd has it good too, but maybe separate it into severl projects
[00:04:36] <mythterj> Systemd doesn't "launch linux" any faster than sysv did. I just went throught a comparison on the same hardware. Systemd was 45 seconds slower for the same boot.
[00:05:23] <chromas> most of my post-post boot time is waiting for me to put in the luks password
[00:06:08] <Blackmoore> yeah. the"faster" argument has never held any water
[00:06:43] <Blackmoore> now there /could/ be an agument for better - but that would require an audit.
[00:14:50] <mythterj> To be frank, systemd has never caused me any problems at all. But then I only had occasional issues with sysv, mostly sequencing start of things i added after install.
[00:21:14] <chromas> mythterj: off with your head!
[00:22:45] <cykros> eh, i don't think it's a surprise which distros jumped quickly to systemd: it was the ones whose sysv setup was a mess to begin with
[00:23:14] <cykros> there's just not real motivation for slackware and co. to switch away from a nicely laid out set of scripts
[00:23:47] <Blackmoore> right - let's not forget that init was crusty and needed replacement
[00:24:01] <cykros> i am still intending to keep an eye on uselessd though, as it does seem like it takes some of the potential benefits of systemd for things like managing a few hundred cloud instances and other such things
[00:24:52] <cykros> yea, as much as I love and will cling to my bsd init scripts with sysvinit on slackware, i can totally see that if i were managing a bunch of systems, i'd probably be itching for something a bit more suited to the task
[00:25:37] -!- Brylarke has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[00:25:53] -!- SpallsHurgenson [SpallsHurgenson!~SpallsHur@zpxp-61-722-720-748.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #Soylent
[00:25:56] <cykros> idk, even if technologically systemd was exactly what i wanted, i'd still be raising a stink about their political methods of forcing it out
[00:26:19] <cykros> poettering definitely deserves a "does not play well with others" on his report card.
[00:26:46] <Blackmoore> from what i just read it's both the cloud (shared pooling of computational and storage resources) wifi (points of access that seem to come and go at will) that is making the existing start-up scripts difficult
[00:26:59] <chromas> better raise a stink about all the distro maintainers that included it too
[00:27:36] <SpallsHurgenson> golly, still with the systemd? you guys are relentless :)
[00:28:14] <chromas> coffee++ #and systemd all the day long
[00:28:14] <Bender> karma - coffee: 932
[00:28:14] <cykros> SpallsHurgenson: it got us all to stop talking about how bad slashdot is all the time anyway
[00:28:52] * SpallsHurgenson reads slashdot on a computer with systemd
[00:28:55] <cykros> oh yea, i finally got enough money made up that i was able to get some proper coffee in the house again, definitely coffee++
[00:29:13] <cykros> i'd been stuck with instant coffee and black tetley tea for the last week or two, stomach backflips and all
[00:29:20] <Blackmoore> geh
[00:29:24] <Blackmoore> coffee++
[00:29:24] <Bender> karma - coffee: 933
[00:29:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[00:29:29] <Bender> karma - coffee: 934
[00:29:34] <SpallsHurgenson> JamesNZ: they're doing it again!
[00:29:58] <cykros> though i'm also thrilled about the recent study pointing to doubling saturated fat not raising saturated fat in the bloodstream
[00:30:02] <cykros> bacon++
[00:30:02] <Bender> karma - bacon: 284
[00:31:06] * Konomi coughs up a hair ball in the room
[00:31:14] <cykros> though i may like crispy fried pork bellies more...basically just a more monolithic bacon
[00:31:30] * chromas pokes Konomi's ball
[00:31:33] <cykros> still haven't bothered to try bacon wrapping them
[00:31:49] <JamesNZ> SpallsHurgenson: I'll stop 'em!
[00:31:51] <JamesNZ> coffee--
[00:31:51] <Bender> karma - coffee: 933
[00:31:52] <JamesNZ> coffee--
[00:31:53] <Bender> karma - coffee: 932
[00:32:11] <chromas> :( monolithic is bad, my'kay? Use modular bacon!
[00:32:20] <SpallsHurgenson> JamesNZ++ #Hurrah, it's Anti-Coffeeman to the rescue!
[00:32:20] <Bender> karma - jamesnz: -19
[00:32:38] JamesNZ is now known as Anti-Coffeeman
[00:32:39] <cykros> chromas: heh, well, monolithic isn't really the right word for it...i just have it cubed up instead of in long thin strips
[00:32:43] <Konomi> wow how did JamesNZ get so much bad karma
[00:32:47] <Anti-Coffeeman> It fits \o/
[00:32:50] <cykros> a whole pig belly would be unwieldy
[00:32:54] <Anti-Coffeeman> Konomi: TheMightyBuzzard's bots.
[00:32:55] <SpallsHurgenson> the CoffeeMafia sent a karma-hitman :)
[00:33:02] <TheMightyBuzzard> wut?
[00:33:03] <Anti-Coffeeman> coffee--
[00:33:03] <Bender> karma - coffee: 931
[00:33:04] <chromas> he got it for dumping so much coffee down the drain
[00:33:18] <cykros> i want a drain alarm
[00:33:24] <cykros> to go off if i ever do that by accident.
[00:33:25] <Anti-Coffeeman> I burnt it before dumping it down the drain.
[00:33:27] <TheMightyBuzzard> no, he earned that manually for the irrational coffee hatred.
[00:33:28] <silverly> omg
[00:33:35] <Konomi> cykros: most of systemd is changable at compile time it's a lot like the kernel
[00:33:39] <cykros> though it should let dunkin donuts/starbucks go down without an issue
[00:33:53] -!- idetuxs has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[00:33:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> well half of it anyway
[00:33:54] <Anti-Coffeeman> coffee-- # I iz irrational!
[00:33:54] <Bender> karma - coffee: 930
[00:33:57] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[00:33:57] <Bender> karma - coffee: 931
[00:34:01] <silverly> Anti-Coffeeman please have mercy on our arabica beans
[00:34:03] <Konomi> caffeine++
[00:34:03] <Bender> karma - caffeine: 51
[00:34:05] <Anti-Coffeeman> Nah, most I'd say.
[00:34:24] <Anti-Coffeeman> silverly: Heh, sure, as long you don't use them ;)
[00:34:27] <TheMightyBuzzard> i put several of em out manually i know.
[00:34:50] -!- idetuxs [idetuxs!~idetuxs@221-698-27-38.cab.prima.net.ar] has joined #Soylent
[00:34:57] <Anti-Coffeeman> My line of work is never popular.
[00:34:58] <Konomi> it's cause you're from NZ ~
[00:35:13] <cykros> oh, are we dealing with tea-nazi's or something now?
[00:35:24] <SpallsHurgenson> what's wrong with being from NZ? Everyone LOVES Australians! :)
[00:35:33] <Anti-Coffeeman> Nah, y'all are better than that.
[00:35:43] * Anti-Coffeeman whacks SpallsHurgenson with a chainsaw
[00:36:10] <SpallsHurgenson> well that's just great, now my arm's fallen off. I hope you're happy. How am I going to stir my tea now?
[00:36:11] <cykros> australia churns out interesting people, though it's largely a direct result of just how bad the system is...they become interesting out of necessity
[00:36:26] <Anti-Coffeeman> Drink water instead :D
[00:37:15] <silverly> Aussie pm is bonkers, but everyone else is mostly sane.
[00:37:22] <Konomi> SpallsHurgenson: hehe
[00:37:52] <Konomi> at least half of au were stupid enough to elect him
[00:37:56] <Konomi> so yeah
[00:38:20] <TheMightyBuzzard> they live on an island where everything either wants to kill them or kill them AND eat them. they are not sane.
[00:38:27] <silverly> We have many old people who are gullible, and the old government was a mess
[00:38:49] <Anti-Coffeeman> The Gillard govt?
[00:39:04] * silverly Australia is giant rock in the middle of nowhere.
[00:39:20] <silverly> Anti-Coffeeman, yeah
[00:39:21] <SpallsHurgenson> damn old people; they ruin everything! never do anything anyone over 40 tells you to do!
[00:39:27] <Konomi> I prefer messes over sociopaths myself
[00:39:28] <Anti-Coffeeman> silverly: Ah.
[00:39:52] <silverly> Anti-Coffeeman, there was lots of inhouse fighting in that party >.>
[00:39:57] * Anti-Coffeeman spreads word that SpallsHurgenson is over 40
[00:40:11] <SpallsHurgenson> well of course, that's what made my comment funny :)
[00:40:25] <Anti-Coffeeman> silverly: Aye, I remember there being a leadership election or two.
[00:40:48] <SpallsHurgenson> now get off my lawn!
[00:40:53] <Konomi> https://imgur.com
[00:40:53] <netctl> ^ 03I used to work for Sony Pictures. My friend still works there and sent this to me. All of Sony has been hacked. - Imgur
[00:41:20] <Blackmoore> coffee++
[00:41:20] <Bender> karma - coffee: 932
[00:41:22] <Blackmoore> coffee++
[00:41:22] <Bender> karma - coffee: 933
[00:41:23] <Blackmoore> coffee++
[00:41:23] <Bender> karma - coffee: 934
[00:41:29] <Blackmoore> thats better
[00:41:36] <Anti-Coffeeman> coffee-- # Nope.
[00:41:36] <Bender> karma - coffee: 933
[00:41:38] <Anti-Coffeeman> coffee--
[00:41:38] <Bender> karma - coffee: 932
[00:41:40] <Blackmoore> coffee++
[00:41:40] <Bender> karma - coffee: 933
[00:41:41] <Blackmoore> thats better
[00:41:44] <Anti-Coffeeman> coffee--
[00:41:44] <Bender> karma - coffee: 932
[00:41:44] <Blackmoore> coffee++
[00:41:44] <Bender> karma - coffee: 933
[00:41:46] <Anti-Coffeeman> coffee--
[00:41:46] <Bender> karma - coffee: 932
[00:41:48] <Blackmoore> coffee++
[00:41:48] <Bender> karma - coffee: 933
[00:41:49] <Konomi> children.
[00:41:55] <Blackmoore> :P
[00:42:02] * Anti-Coffeeman stops, does not want to get /quieted ;)
[00:43:23] <Konomi> anyway all of sony got hacked again apparently
[00:43:50] <SpallsHurgenson> those whacky Sonyites!
[00:45:03] <SpallsHurgenson> so what's in the file, anyone know?
[00:45:23] <Konomi> too lazy to check
[00:45:34] <Konomi> I dont even own anything sony so I am not sure I care enough to look
[00:45:54] <Konomi> that's how much sony is worth to my time ;p
[00:46:04] <SpallsHurgenson> huh, it's downloading a 8.1kb/s :)
[00:47:31] <chromas> it goes faster on a Sony laptop
[00:48:03] <SpallsHurgenson> ooh, the one from brazil is zipping downstream at 2.4KB/s :)
[00:48:37] <SpallsHurgenson> I don't have that sort of patience
[00:48:44] <chromas> do they support http range?
[00:48:55] <chromas> download different parts from all
[00:50:19] <silverly> Konomi, that is hilarous
[00:50:25] <silverly> in a weird way
[00:50:27] <SpallsHurgenson> well, the other servers are down or the file is 404, so even if they did, I'd still only get a whopping 10.5KB/s :)
[00:50:53] <Konomi> so how big is the file?
[00:50:58] <SpallsHurgenson> ~200MB
[00:51:09] <Konomi> kinda small for a dump
[00:51:16] <Konomi> unless it's just all white documents
[00:51:53] <SpallsHurgenson> well, somebody else will have to find out 'cause, as I said, I ain't got patience for that sorta thing :)
[00:53:26] <SpallsHurgenson> more info on the story: http://www.geek.com
[00:53:26] <netctl> ^ 03Sony just got hacked, doxxed, and shut down | News | Geek.com
[00:53:39] <Konomi> well I guess it isn't fake then
[00:53:56] <SpallsHurgenson> "#GOP has already leaked a large ZIP file containing two massive lists detailing the extent of the doxxing. Most of what’s inside appears to be from the Sony Pictures finance department, including the stuff of IT guy nightmares: Excel sheets and ZIP files that appear to be full of passwords. There’s even a text file that helpfully lists the last 10 recently used passwords for something at Sony."
[00:54:25] <SpallsHurgenson> someone in IT is gonna be looking for a new job :)
[00:54:25] <Konomi> heh every compuer nation wide
[00:54:32] <Konomi> pretty cool
[00:56:10] -!- Brylarke [Brylarke!~brylarke@819.83.605.87.dyn.plus.net] has joined #Soylent
[00:56:40] <SpallsHurgenson> interestingly, this comment from Sony that they made YESTERDAY: "Sony says it found no signs to indicate that PSN was hacked and that 2,131 logins were compromised, as a hacker group recently claimed."
[00:57:56] <Konomi> oh really sony
[00:58:06] -!- mechanicjay has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[00:58:14] <SpallsHurgenson> (different group and servers... but you'd think if they were looking in one area they might have spotted the gaping goat.se-size hole in their corporate network's security :)
[00:58:27] <Konomi> you'd think they'd have improved security by now
[00:58:29] <Konomi> apparently not
[00:59:06] <SpallsHurgenson> seriously, picking on Sony at this point is like beating up the mentally-challenged kid in first grade
[00:59:22] <Konomi> sony' going to go fast and turn to the left
[01:00:38] <SpallsHurgenson> more info on zip file contents: http://www.reddit.com :):
[01:00:39] <netctl> ^ 03I used to work for Sony Pictures. My friend still works there and sent me this. It's on every computer all over Sony Pictures nationwide. : hacking
[01:03:20] <SpallsHurgenson> personally, I don't support this sort of thing, and I feel sorry for all the ordinary who are going to get screwed by this... but total schadenfreude from watching Sony getting kicked in the balls again :)
[01:04:30] * Anti-Coffeeman is glad he has no Sony accounts :|
[01:04:33] * SpallsHurgenson shouts triumphantly, "That'll teach you to sell me a TV that only lasts four years!!!!!"
[01:04:40] <Anti-Coffeeman> :P
[01:05:04] <SpallsHurgenson> (okay, that was like thirty years ago... but I hold a grudge :)
[01:07:34] <Blackmoore> now they sell a TV hat will spy on you and send the data (unencrypted) accross the internet.. as a feature.
[01:08:26] <SpallsHurgenson> the repurcussions of this act will be unfortunately severe, I fear, and not just those aimed at the perpatrators of this hack
[01:08:41] <Blackmoore> i'm torn between duct taping over the camera and rewireing the mic to accept an adio input jack .. or just walking around naked and having sex onfront of the tv.
[01:09:11] <SpallsHurgenson> we'll probably see things like wiresniffers and password-crackers made illegal now. hackers fucked with Real Money(tm)
[01:10:12] <SpallsHurgenson> worse, they did it publicly
[01:13:05] <Blackmoore> it always ends up exposed. and pused for more goverment restrictions, more term length for "crimes"
[01:15:57] <SpallsHurgenson> on a completely unrelated note: today's weather was fnarking awesome. It was so warm I didn't even have to wear pants!
[01:16:24] <Anti-Coffeeman> TMI.
[01:16:53] <SpallsHurgenson> I didn't say I /was/ pantless... just that I didn't need them :)
[01:17:17] <Anti-Coffeeman> Heh.
[01:17:40] <SpallsHurgenson> I mean, I /wasn't/ wearing pants... but that's not what I said :)
[01:18:24] <Anti-Coffeeman> Oh. Well, yeah, TMI :P
[01:18:42] <SpallsHurgenson> see, now that comment is appropriate :)
[01:25:35] -!- idetuxs has quit [Quit: leaving]
[01:25:36] <SpallsHurgenson> anyway, it was warm and sunny, that's what I wanted to say.
[01:28:27] <Anti-Coffeeman> It was like that yesterday for us :) Today's a bit more overcast.
[01:29:33] <SpallsHurgenson> kitty likes that her outdoor waterbowl isn't iced over too :)
[01:40:14] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Seminis (Monsanto) Uses Open Broccolli IP and Shades the Original Innovators' Work - http://sylnt.us - share-alike
[01:41:37] <SpallsHurgenson> gagh, another terrible title and summary
[01:47:19] <SpallsHurgenson> in a few months it will be 2015 and still no sign of self-lacing shoes, hoverboards or Jaws XIX
[01:51:19] <chromas> monsanto's got a tv ad now. "what's in your food?"
[01:51:49] <chromas> caramel_apple_pie++
[01:51:49] <Bender> karma - caramel_apple_pie: 1
[02:06:29] -!- NCommander has quit [Quit: Coyote finally caught me]
[02:07:34] -!- NCommander [NCommander!~mcasadeva@2600:3c00::gkjo:ggkm:vshr:juyz] has joined #Soylent
[02:08:32] NCommander is now known as SoyGuest35304
[02:44:27] * Konomi looks at the chat room
[02:44:45] <silverly> so
[02:44:50] <Konomi> sooooooo
[02:45:21] <Konomi> lets fork soylent I don't like them pushing this arbitary colour scheme on me
[02:45:45] <silverly> im gonna be participating in a hackathon, and im planning to do it yolo solo and i dont know any fancy webstuffs, so i figured ill write a chat bot
[02:45:53] <Konomi> yolo solo?
[02:45:54] <silverly> ?
[02:45:58] <Konomi> oh my bad
[02:46:04] <silverly> yep
[02:46:15] <silverly> soylent has themes
[02:46:15] <silverly> :P
[02:46:18] <Konomi> as in an ai chat box?
[02:46:41] <Konomi> I know the statement still works for the group I'm mocking ;p
[02:46:57] <silverly> probs, one for authorising banking payments and another for visualising chatrooms.
[02:47:42] <Konomi> visualising chat rooms could be interesting if you went the extra mile compared to the current ones
[02:47:52] <silverly> hackagong.com
[02:47:59] <Konomi> though hackatons tend to award groups with the most bling than practicallity
[02:48:02] <silverly> http://hackagong.com
[02:48:02] <netctl> ^ 03HACKAGONG | Make Something Awesome | Wollongong Hackathon | Nov 29-30
[02:48:21] <silverly> yeah, im thinking doing the whole thing in python
[02:48:31] <silverly> just for kicks
[02:48:43] <silverly> http://soylentnews.org
[02:48:43] <netctl> ^ 03Log In
[02:48:51] <Anti-Coffeeman> segfaults--
[02:48:51] <Bender> karma - segfaults: -1
[02:49:06] <silverly> if anyone didnt know that there are themes in soylent
[02:49:23] <Konomi> silverly: I was just making a troll statement I know I can change themes ;p
[02:49:41] <Anti-Coffeeman> coffee--
[02:49:41] <Bender> karma - coffee: 932
[02:49:50] <Konomi> caffeine++ # cause molecules
[02:49:50] <Bender> karma - caffeine: 52
[02:50:08] <silverly> :(
[02:50:18] <silverly> tea++
[02:50:18] <Bender> karma - tea: 273
[02:50:27] <Konomi> tea has cred too just not as much \o/
[02:50:43] <Konomi> can you cold brew tea too out of curiousity?
[02:50:50] <Konomi> or more so is the taste nice I guess
[02:50:59] <silverly> i just sit at work, and drink tea
[02:51:03] <silverly> and read programming articles
[02:51:09] <silverly> yeah
[02:51:12] <Konomi> shouldn't you be programming not reading about it!
[02:51:13] <Konomi> ;p
[02:51:20] <silverly> eg, ice tea
[02:51:37] <silverly> im on windows and everything is annoying
[02:51:51] <silverly> who the fuck codes on windows without a gun
[02:51:53] <Konomi> yeah I don't like ice tea
[02:52:03] <Konomi> I was more making the comparassion between cold brew coffee
[02:52:11] <silverly> hmmm
[02:52:17] <Konomi> which is disolving the coffee in cold water then slowly warming the water up to boiling
[02:52:18] <silverly> maybe white tea?
[02:52:34] <silverly> not 100% sure
[02:52:39] <Konomi> https://en.wikipedia.org
[02:52:40] <netctl> ^ 03Wiki: Cold brew
[02:53:08] <Konomi> https://en.wikipedia.org
[02:53:08] <netctl> ^ 03Wiki: Iced tea
[02:53:09] <Konomi> maybe this ~
[02:55:47] -!- sealsniper [sealsniper!~quassel@187.65.z.ogi] has joined #Soylent
[03:00:33] <SpallsHurgenson> man, "Whose Line Is It Anyway" is great. My face hurts from how much smiling and laughing that show causes me. It literally hurts me to watch it. It's terrific; it's probably the second funniest show ever shown on TV
[03:01:33] <chromas> <silverly> who the fuck codes on windows without a gun
[03:01:33] <chromas> Needed a !grab on that :(
[03:04:52] <Konomi> ;p
[03:09:20] <silverly> haha
[03:11:22] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Microsoft Turns to Robotic Security Guards to Watch for Trouble - http://sylnt.us - Exterrrrrrminate!
[03:13:05] <chromas> Exterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
[03:13:15] <chromas> ^ obligatory crashing Windows joke
[03:14:46] <Anti-Coffeeman> coffee--
[03:14:46] <Bender> karma - coffee: 931
[03:14:55] <Alberto> acid++
[03:14:55] <Bender> karma - acid: 5
[03:15:26] -!- Anti-Coffeeman has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[03:15:42] <chromas> ^ coffee buffer underflow
[03:16:23] -!- JamesNZ [JamesNZ!~james@43-567-441-22.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #Soylent
[03:33:14] SoyGuest35304 is now known as NCommander
[03:34:14] NCommander is now known as SoyGuest80234
[03:40:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> heading out fishing in the morning. don't burn anything down until i get back.
[03:41:44] * chromas flicks a lighter
[03:42:13] <SpallsHurgenson> lighter-schmighter, where's the flamethrower?
[03:42:52] <chromas> Is it possible to mix obama, the aca and systemd?
[03:43:20] <SpallsHurgenson> well, with a big enough blender I suppose anything is possible
[03:45:14] Subsentient2 is now known as Subsentient
[03:45:37] -!- Subsentient has quit [Changing host]
[03:45:37] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Subsentient] has joined #Soylent
[03:45:37] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Subsentient] by juggler
[03:51:07] <JamesNZ> coffee--
[03:51:07] <Bender> karma - coffee: 930
[03:58:39] <Konomi> caffeine++
[03:58:39] <Bender> karma - caffeine: 53
[04:19:09] -!- Brylarke has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[04:25:18] -!- SpallsHurgenson has quit [Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de]
[04:29:44] -!- silverly has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[04:54:24] -!- JamesNZ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[04:55:04] -!- keplr [keplr!~keplr@87-281-631-798.dhcp.gvrb.ca.charter.com] has parted #Soylent
[04:59:41] -!- JamesNZ [JamesNZ!~james@43-567-441-22.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #Soylent
[06:03:03] <crutchy> coffee++
[06:03:03] <Bender> karma - coffee: 931
[06:06:02] -!- JamesNZ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[06:11:35] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - “Advanced Life Support” Ambulances may Lead to More Deaths - http://sylnt.us - reach-exceeding-grasp
[06:19:52] -!- sealsniper has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[06:20:17] -!- sealsniper [sealsniper!~quassel@187.65.z.ogi] has joined #Soylent
[06:20:23] -!- sealsniper has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[06:39:33] <Subsentient> .op aqu4
[06:39:33] -!- mode/#Soylent [+o aqu4] by juggler
[06:42:02] <poutine> 2,4▂▃▄▅8,14▂▃▄▅1,2▂▃▄▅5,12▂▃▄▅2,7▂▃▄▅13,11▂▃▄▅5,5▅▄▃▂3,4▅▄▃▂4,10▅▄▃▂9,3▅▄▃▂2,5▂▃▄▅11,12▂▃▄▅4,12▂▃▄▅12,3▂▃▄▅8,5▅▄▃▂
[06:42:02] <poutine> 7,4▂▃▄▅14,8▅▄▃▂1,11▂▃▄▅7,1▅▄▃▂10,10▅▄▃▂3,11▂▃▄▅13,7▂▃▄▅8,11▅▄▃▂6,8▂▃▄▅1,2▂▃▄▅3,9▅▄▃▂2,8▂▃▄▅6,9▅▄▃▂14,2▅▄▃▂3,11▅▄▃▂
[06:42:02] <poutine> 9,13▂▃▄▅4,11▅▄▃▂12,5▅▄▃▂3,11▂▃▄▅11,11▂▃▄▅9,14▅▄▃▂11,2▂▃▄▅7,8▅▄▃▂14,7▂▃▄▅7,10▅▄▃▂9,4▅▄▃▂7,8▂▃▄▅13,5▅▄▃▂14,8▂▃▄▅9,4▂▃▄▅
[06:42:04] <poutine> 5,13▂▃▄▅10,10▂▃▄▅8,2▅▄▃▂1,2▂▃▄▅8,8▂▃▄▅12,2▂▃▄▅1,9▅▄▃▂13,7▂▃▄▅2,6▅▄▃▂2,1▅▄▃▂12,6▅▄▃▂7,1▂▃▄▅5,8▅▄▃▂10,8▅▄▃▂8,2▂▃▄▅
[06:42:10] <poutine> 9,11▂▃▄▅13,1▂▃▄▅4,5▅▄▃▂14,11▅▄▃▂6,14▂▃▄▅12,9▂▃▄▅9,11▅▄▃▂13,8▅▄▃▂14,11▅▄▃▂6,5▂▃▄▅11,13▂▃▄▅8,12▂▃▄▅3,1▅▄▃▂9,1▂▃▄▅14,6▂▃▄▅
[06:42:12] <poutine> 10,4▅▄▃▂7,13▅▄▃▂11,11▂▃▄▅4,11▅▄▃▂11,2▂▃▄▅11,13▂▃▄▅6,6▅▄▃▂3,9▅▄▃▂4,3▅▄▃▂2,3▂▃▄▅14,12▅▄▃▂6,5▅▄▃▂8,2▂▃▄▅3,6▂▃▄▅9,3▂▃▄▅
[06:42:14] <crutchy> wtf!
[06:42:18] <poutine> 5,13▂▃▄▅13,4▂▃▄▅5,7▅▄▃▂12,10▂▃▄▅5,12▂▃▄▅3,12▂▃▄▅5,4▂▃▄▅6,11▅▄▃▂3,14▅▄▃▂10,8▂▃▄▅5,12▅▄▃▂13,11▂▃▄▅12,2▅▄▃▂5,13▂▃▄▅14,3▂▃▄▅
[06:42:20] <chromas> haven't seen that one in a while
[06:42:22] <poutine> 11,6▂▃▄▅6,11▂▃▄▅6,2▂▃▄▅7,4▂▃▄▅13,14▅▄▃▂8,5▂▃▄▅14,3▂▃▄▅11,14▂▃▄▅14,5▂▃▄▅12,4▂▃▄▅9,1▅▄▃▂3,7▂▃▄▅1,12▂▃▄▅9,5▅▄▃▂3,4▅▄▃▂
[06:42:26] <poutine> 13,8▃3,7▅8,12▃2,7▅14,5▅14,6▃1,2▂8,11▄8,11▂1,7▄14,6▄3,7▅6,2▄2,5▅5,9▄8,5▅8,7▃5,2▅7,9▅7,7▄5,13▅13,10▄6,14▅12,11▃5,6▃1,13▄2,12▂8,9▄7,10▄14,11▅9,12▃8,1▂6,11▂11,11▄1,4▅10,2▃7,4▅11,13▂7,8▂2,1▃2,14▄12,8▂12,7▃14,12▄11,12▃9,3▄14,1▅10,6▄13,7▃8,14▂
[06:42:31] <poutine> 3,1▄12,14▂2,6▄11,12▃5,11▅1,4▄6,9▂2,4▃7,2▅11,9▃8,5▅7,10▄14,10▂8,4▅4,5▄3,9▂14,13▂2,6▅2,7▂10,9▃9,5▂11,9▅6,12▂6,10▅1,11▅3,1▄10,3▃7,11▅8,4▃9,2▅9,9▃8,1▅8,6▄1,9▃12,8▅1,8▂6,10▃9,14▄9,8▂10,4▅8,2▅1,1▂10,4▃5,8▅7,13▂5,13▄9,4▃13,4▂14,12▂11,7▄
[06:42:34] <crutchy> exec's terminal went nuts then
[06:42:36] <poutine> 6,11▂3,2▃11,12▅10,4▄5,14▃1,13▅14,8▅9,13▃3,2▄13,9▂13,9▂5,10▅2,14▄2,7▃3,1▂8,3▅13,7▃7,1▅8,7▃6,7▄7,11▅1,8▃10,4▃6,13▅13,1▄2,11▃3,14▃8,10▄8,10▄3,14▃2,6▄8,12▅14,12▃11,12▂6,7▂5,8▃13,11▄5,6▃13,11▄13,1▂10,5▅8,10▄14,3▅1,5▂2,4▃1,14▄7,12▅11,5▂9,1▃4,5▄
[06:42:39] <chromas> is this a tty?
[06:42:41] <poutine> 8,2▄6,7▃13,12▄10,14▂1,1▅5,8▃6,10▂4,1▅1,5▃5,8▄10,3▄13,9▃14,5▂8,1▄4,13▄6,10▃5,3▃1,5▄12,1▄14,7▂3,7▅9,3▃2,1▂11,6▅8,12▂11,12▅6,3▂1,3▃7,13▅11,9▂2,8▄14,4▂7,12▃10,14▄8,5▃13,13▄10,14▄12,2▃3,14▂7,4▄1,2▄2,7▂7,4▂3,14▃1,1▃14,10▅12,5▅8,1▃11,7▄11,11▅
[06:42:48] <poutine> 10,7▃13,10▄10,10▃3,3▂14,11▅14,8▄11,9▄4,12▃1,3▃9,11▄4,3▃1,14▄14,13▂7,14▅13,6▃10,10▄8,8▅6,8▃6,7▃11,9▂7,14▃11,7▂7,10▂13,5▅2,7▅7,9▄10,12▂7,1▃13,1▅4,5▂12,3▂3,5▃14,9▂10,2▅14,1▅13,10▂2,9▂5,14▄9,9▃2,7▄10,5▂7,10▅13,5▂7,13▅3,11▄3,5▂14,3▄9,9▂9,13▂12,5▄
[06:42:53] <Alberto> .kick poutine DIE DIE DIE
[06:42:54] <poutine> 2,5▅11,14▂1,8▃6,3▅10,3▄11,10▂2,1▄4,10▂2,5▂14,4▅5,13▃2,5▂11,1▄1,6▂8,2▅5,9▃1,9▅5,3▄9,14▂9,13▅4,3▂10,14▃6,7▅7,14▃12,5▃13,12▂13,7▂7,7▅3,11▄8,7▅2,14▂12,8▅2,14▄2,13▅4,4▄11,2▅2,4▃13,5▅14,10▅3,1▄1,4▃2,3▅8,3▅11,11▂2,10▄7,4▂1,11▂5,14▄2,8▄10,3▂
[06:42:59] <poutine> 1,13▂5,9▃7,8▅3,8▂4,14▄5,4▂4,4▂5,5▃9,10▂11,10▃9,2▃9,1▅13,7▃6,3▂3,7▄10,7▃8,14▃3,3▂3,1▃2,11▂11,9▅6,10▃8,8▅4,11▃10,14▂13,3▃7,2▂3,10▅4,1▅4,1▂11,7▃8,4▂14,12▅3,9▃9,3▃2,2▅6,8▄3,10▅4,2▃6,1▄9,12▃4,8▂5,7▃14,14▄1,5▃12,6▅7,7▂12,11▅2,3▃1,10▅
[06:43:04] <poutine> 8,10▂6,13▅12,6▅14,12▄7,11▃6,14▂11,5▅7,13▂7,11▃13,1▄8,9▄11,6▅9,7▂8,2▃7,2▅11,4▃14,10▄11,6▅12,13▄6,6▂7,13▄2,1▅9,9▄3,1▃3,3▃7,2▂5,13▂14,3▅5,8▂6,11▄11,3▄14,5▂8,2▂10,10▅2,6▄5,6▅2,10▄3,6▅8,2▅14,4▄2,1▄14,9▃6,12▅1,8▄8,9▅8,10▂7,4▄4,14▂9,2▄12,11▅
[06:43:09] <poutine> hi
[06:43:16] <Alberto> .bankick poutine DIE DIE DIE
[06:43:22] <Alberto> .explode poutine
[06:43:23] <chromas> poutine: that took awhile
[06:43:26] <crutchy> poutine, you never got back to me about if/how you could run shell commands in my bot
[06:43:31] <ar> that actually looks nice
[06:43:32] <chromas> crutchy: he just did
[06:43:44] <crutchy> hmm yeah i guess
[06:43:51] <crutchy> oh look i just ran one then :D
[06:43:54] <crutchy> and then too
[06:44:05] <poutine> I am able to simulate 2 vertical pixels by using a half pixel character and foreground/background colors ▃
[06:44:17] <chromas> crutchy: he systemdd you via mirc color codes
[06:45:01] <crutchy> it does look cool. like ascii art but irc-specific
[06:45:08] <chromas> poutine: you could throw in the angled ones too
[06:45:49] <chromas> also ▚, ▟
[06:45:53] <ar> http://arachnist.is-a.cat
[06:46:07] <chromas> ◢◤
[06:46:13] <ar> ůber
[06:46:14] <crutchy> ew green nicks
[06:46:19] <crutchy> that's confusement
[06:46:23] <ar> nope
[06:46:25] <chromas> ew monospace
[06:46:32] <crutchy> mono... doh!
[06:46:54] <ar> monospace fonts are the best fonts
[06:47:06] <chromas> for art
[06:47:14] <ar> for irc
[06:47:25] <chromas> if you're arting
[06:47:38] <ar> s/ting$//
[06:47:54] <chromas> sedctl--
[06:47:55] <Bender> karma - sedctl: -2
[06:47:55] * sedctl is a 53-line gawk script, https://github.com
[06:47:55] * sedctl is a 53-line gawk script, https://github.com
[06:48:15] <chromas> oh, you gotta put the name in
[06:48:22] <ar> welp
[06:48:28] <chromas> unless you want me to have to parse it meself >:(
[06:48:42] <ar> still monospace fonts rock
[06:48:54] <chromas> actually, s/a/fa/
[06:54:31] <crutchy> coffee++
[06:54:31] <Bender> karma - coffee: 932
[06:55:20] <chromas> wiki_spam--
[06:55:20] <Bender> karma - wiki_spam: -1
[06:55:39] <ar> spam--
[06:55:39] <Bender> karma - spam: -3
[06:55:39] <crutchy> anti_spam_chromas++
[06:55:40] <Bender> karma - anti_spam_chromas: 1
[06:56:25] <chromas> I wonder if there's a spam-related template that would be better to use than speedy
[06:57:23] <crutchy> is there a {fuck off nigeria is full of sand people} template?
[06:57:49] <chromas> crutchy: s/(g)/\1\1/
[06:57:49] <sedctl> <chromas> <crutchy> is there a {fuck off niggeria is full of sand people} template?
[06:58:01] <chromas> SedBot's a racist
[06:58:13] -!- mythterj has quit [Quit: leaving]
[06:59:13] <crutchy> i think poettering is trying to be like torvalds
[06:59:44] <crutchy> does he throw insults like torvalds?
[06:59:53] <chromas> or chairs like ballmer
[07:00:10] <chromas> "dammit, you throw one chair…!"
[07:00:16] <crutchy> or tables like bobby
[07:00:36] <crutchy> oh no thats drop
[07:01:00] * chromas creates a spam template based on speedy
[07:01:20] <crutchy> call it {{butt_gravy}}
[07:01:32] <chromas> tama++
[07:01:33] <Bender> karma - tama: 5
[07:01:58] <ar> {{butt_gravity}}
[07:07:58] <SirFinkus> lol, watching the ferguson streams, in the space of the mayor saying all the fires contained, I watched 2 carfires turn into 5 car fires
[07:08:32] <SirFinkus> soon to be 7
[07:10:02] <poutine> chromas, thank you
[07:10:18] <poutine> 5,4▚
[07:10:21] <poutine> 5,1▚
[07:10:25] <poutine> 5,1▚5,1▚5,1▚5,1▚5,1▚5,1▚5,1▚5,1▚5,1▚5,1▚5,1▚5,1▚5,1▚5,1▚5,1▚5,1▚5,1▚5,1▚5,1▚5,1▚5,1▚5,1▚5,1▚5,1▚5,1▚5,1▚5,1▚5,1▚5,1▚5,1▚5,1▚5,1▚5,1▚
[07:11:10] <crutchy> that one looks like you... with breasts :p
[07:11:26] <chromas> there are many more shapes. I think all the fun characters from the c64 are represented
[07:12:22] <crutchy> П
[07:12:32] <crutchy> ^swing set
[07:12:40] <crutchy> small one
[07:15:15] <crutchy> maybe furgeson is why hs bought the millions of rounds of ammo
[07:16:33] <SirFinkus> now all the cars in the row are on fire, sure looks contained
[07:18:12] <crutchy> maybe theyre celebratory car fires... to celebrate the car fires being contained
[07:18:58] <SirFinkus> lol
[07:18:58] <ciri> heh
[07:19:03] <SirFinkus> shut up ciri
[07:23:03] <crutchy> nobody will want to start up a tv store in furgeson from here on
[07:23:48] <crutchy> cos the tvs might riot when someone turns one off
[07:28:06] <crutchy> has SN run a story on the regin malware yet?
[07:28:08] <crutchy> http://www.symantec.com
[07:28:09] <netctl> ^ 03Regin: Top-tier espionage tool enables stealthy surveillance | Symantec Connect
[07:29:24] <Subsentient> $wz
[07:29:25] <aqu4> 3[1 of 1] Name: Stardust Redux | Map: Gangbuster-T1 | Host: SubSen(MOEPP) | Players: 2/4 | IP: | Version: 3.1.1
[07:36:26] <SirFinkus> "we don't know how these fires are stupid"
[07:36:31] <SirFinkus> christ, newscasters are stupid
[07:36:45] <crutchy> you not watching CNN are you?
[07:36:53] <crutchy> or Fox
[07:36:55] <SirFinkus> no, the local news
[07:37:03] <SirFinkus> it is fox, but the local affiliate
[07:37:41] <SirFinkus> CNN is great, have you read any of the articles?
[07:37:53] <SirFinkus> I'm shocked these people have professional writing jobs
[07:41:00] <crutchy> fucking bitbucket
[07:41:09] <crutchy> bitfucket
[07:42:15] <SirFinkus> uhng, now word from the token black cop
[07:42:23] <SirFinkus> it's so transparent
[07:42:31] <crutchy> operation get behind the darkies
[07:43:38] <crutchy> maybe this is the beginning of the end
[07:44:01] <crutchy> for the good ol' 'United' States
[07:44:50] <crutchy> or the governor will just declare martial law and the national guard will just come in and shoot anything that moves
[07:46:48] <SirFinkus> no, the governor let shit hit the fan first so it would be more justified
[07:46:55] <SirFinkus> he's just commited to that now
[07:47:36] <crutchy> has martial law been declared already !?
[07:47:57] <SirFinkus> not sure about martial law, but there's a curfew and shit
[07:48:21] <SirFinkus> I think we have "state of emergency" right now
[07:48:48] <crutchy> Subsentient, i think your html gave my browser heart palpatations
[07:48:57] <Subsentient> crutchy: lol
[07:48:59] <ar> Emergency? Where's that? Can't find it on the list of USA states ;)
[07:49:35] <crutchy> dude that page source is *nasty*
[07:49:54] <crutchy> ah just noticed
[07:49:56] <crutchy> "This site noncompliant with html standards and proud!"
[07:50:00] <crutchy> lol
[07:51:41] <chromas> http://wgntv.com
[07:51:41] <netctl> ^ 03Woman saying ?we?re ready for Ferguson? accidentally shoots self in head, dies | WGN-TV
[07:54:58] <SirFinkus> which is hilarious
[07:57:10] * crutchy wonders if it would be possible to run epoch on debian
[07:58:14] <crutchy> wait a minute. this ferguson stuff is distracting from the important discussions about why systemd murdered my dog andd raped my left nostril
[07:58:18] <chromas> crutchy: you can run any init you want
[07:58:22] <SirFinkus> "the wanted to raise some heck out there"
[07:58:32] <chromas> crutchy: SYSTEMD STARTED FURGESON
[07:58:35] <crutchy> chromas... but but systemd...
[07:58:37] <SirFinkus> come on, you can say "hell" on the news at 1 am
[07:59:08] <crutchy> chromas, does netcraft confirm?
[07:59:18] netctl is now known as NetCraft
[07:59:25] * NetCraft yes
[07:59:29] <crutchy> :D
[08:05:07] <chromas> I don't recall seeing that story go by, crutchy
[08:05:43] <crutchy> its all the rage on google news atm
[08:06:09] <chromas> Not in the queue either, but someone did submit again that game Debian excluded
[08:06:31] <chromas> from the butthurt dept
[08:06:44] <crutchy> was it systemd-nukem-3d?
[08:07:08] <chromas> that text-mode sluts game
[08:07:17] <crutchy> vegas?
[08:07:25] <chromas> slotctl start winnin'
[08:07:30] <crutchy> oh that's just a slutty place
[08:07:42] <crutchy> um yeah dunno about that story
[08:07:54] <chromas> and the guy's been posting anti-feminist rants in the debian mailing listicles
[08:08:22] <chromas> Pretty sure it went by on SN and people were bitching about it being a nonstory
[08:08:31] <crutchy> eventually he'll be ignored long enough that he'll get bored and go back to 4chaan
[08:08:49] -!- mythterj [mythterj!mythterj@tonvizu.sdf.org] has joined #Soylent
[08:10:27] <chromas> <nextime> well, anyway, 5 machines are ready for services
[08:10:27] <chromas> <nextime> ml, mail, web, repository and database for repository
[08:10:27] <chromas> <nextime> if everything goes well, tomorrow we will officially announce the fork
[08:10:39] <chromas> ^ #debianfork
[08:11:30] <crutchy> then everyone's going to get forked?
[08:12:27] <crutchy> they should rename it #debforkers
[08:12:52] <chromas> Soylian
[08:14:50] <chromas> er, uh, soybian
[08:14:53] <chromas> soybean
[08:16:43] <Alberto> SoyLesbian
[08:16:43] <Alberto> ?
[08:17:38] <chromas> that's a double fork
[08:18:04] <chromas> when two forks come together, only one thing can tear them apart
[08:19:37] <crutchy> a de-forker?
[08:19:59] <crutchy> german porn star
[08:22:48] <poutine> there's more to a fork than clicking a button on github
[08:24:07] <crutchy> yeah you gotta create a github account first :O
[08:24:10] <chromas> no shirt
[08:24:49] <chromas> only 136 users in the channel. I think they need a poutine to help direct them
[08:25:26] <crutchy> first they need to rewrite x from scratch
[08:25:40] <crutchy> xorg is a bunch of commie bastards that has taken over linux
[08:26:30] <crutchy> then they need to rewrite the kernel, cos torvalds is a benevolent dictator
[08:26:51] <poutine> I see support of blob free linux, but I don't think we have enough Blobs, we have a 1958 and 1988 rendition, but it's prime for a remake yet I see no movement on it
[08:27:02] <chromas> For sure. Debian took away my choice when they picked Linux as the default kernel
[08:28:10] <crutchy> GNU/Windows_Mountain_Lion++
[08:28:18] <crutchy> aww
[08:29:06] <chromas> ++GNU/Windows_Mountain_Lion
[08:29:06] <NetCraft> Karma - GNU/Windows_Mountain_Lion: 1
[08:29:08] <chromas> :D
[08:29:25] <crutchy> monopoly++
[08:29:25] <Bender> karma - monopoly: 16
[08:29:47] <crutchy> thanks for the free parking :)
[08:30:15] <chromas> (:
[08:30:59] <crutchy> <exec> └─Can we block these trolls that shit all over the place already? I think they deliberately try to burn people's mod points by wasting them on -1 Offtopic.
[08:31:04] <crutchy> hehe
[08:31:36] <crutchy> http://soylentnews.org
[08:31:36] <NetCraft> ^ 03SN comment by pkrasimirov (3358)
[08:31:57] <chromas> they just need to adjust their karma settings; that's the whole point
[08:33:03] <chromas> hey
[08:33:07] <SirFinkus> I get too pissed off to comment on things like that
[08:33:20] <chromas> maybe tmb could add support for regexes
[08:33:33] <chromas> You put in a regex and it mods up or down when comments match
[08:33:36] <chromas> user-defines
[08:33:42] <chromas> s/s/d/2
[08:33:42] <sedctl> <chromas> user-defined
[08:34:04] <chromas> does perl do regex?
[08:34:14] <SirFinkus> fuck, like, my face turns red when I read stories like that
[08:34:22] <crutchy> i can't get bitbucket api to return json
[08:34:26] <SirFinkus> jaw clenches
[08:34:28] <crutchy> works in browser though :/
[08:36:02] <chromas> works with curl
[08:36:29] <swiss> http://youtu.be when did america start to make good cars again?!
[08:36:30] <NetCraft> ^ 032015 Corvette Z06: GTR Beware! The High Performance Bargain Benchmark is Back! - Ignition Ep. 119 - YouTube ( http://www.youtube.com )
[08:38:24] -!- mythterj has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
[08:39:09] <chromas> crutchy: do you have an accept field in your request header?
[08:39:29] <crutchy> no. that might be the problem eh
[08:39:43] <crutchy> the atlassian help site is all curlish
[08:39:46] <chromas> hopefully it's something simple like that at least
[08:49:53] <crutchy> aw fuck. no i had the retard switch activated in brainctl
[08:51:35] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - New Device could Make Large Biological Circuits Practical - http://sylnt.us - overclock-by-fertilizing
[09:00:44] -!- KonomiNetbook has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[09:37:10] -!- KonomiNetbook [KonomiNetbook!~Konomi@Soylent/Users/189/Konomi] has joined #Soylent
[09:46:31] <crutchy> .poke KonomiNetbook
[09:46:32] * exec pokes KonomiNetbook
[09:47:03] <crutchy> the poke script is rather uninspiring :/
[09:47:18] <Konomi> .pokes crutchy in the eye
[09:47:23] <Konomi> boo
[09:47:23] <Konomi> ;p
[09:47:24] <chromas> it needs to keep a count
[09:48:01] <chromas> ~pokectl list pokonomis
[09:48:30] <crutchy> chromas, i can't find the commit branch in the bitbucket json :(
[09:49:37] <crutchy> the latest push was to linux-experimental, but "experimental" isn't anywhere in the json
[09:49:45] <crutchy> maybe i should try api v2
[09:51:10] <chromas> weird
[09:55:55] <crutchy> v2 is a little more like github's api
[09:57:44] <crutchy> oh shit. even v2 doesn't mention commit branch :/
[09:58:41] <crutchy> wtf
[09:59:09] <crutchy> ah well. guess we won't be having exact same info for bitbucket as github
[10:32:39] <crutchy> ah
[10:32:49] <crutchy> in bitbucket they call them changesets
[10:45:27] <ar> https://polarssl.org - submission worthy?
[10:45:28] <NetCraft> ^ 03PolarSSL is now a part of ARM - Tech Updates
[10:46:05] <crutchy> why not
[10:46:14] <crutchy> it beats the usual systemd crap
[10:46:57] <ar> So someone submit it, as i'm too lazy
[10:47:48] <crutchy> ~submit https://polarssl.org
[10:49:29] <crutchy> https://dev.soylentnews.org
[10:49:30] <NetCraft> ^ 0304SN (dev) Submission by crutchy: PolarSSL is now a part of ARM - Tech Updates
[10:49:39] <crutchy> would that suck as a submission you think?
[10:50:28] <crutchy> kinda reads like an advertisement, but without manually writing shit..
[10:50:39] <crutchy> lazy++
[10:50:39] <Bender> karma - lazy: 4
[10:52:52] <ar> http://tatiyants.com
[10:52:53] <NetCraft> ^ 03tatiyants.com "DevOps is Ruining My Craft" - tatiyants.com
[10:54:03] <crutchy> "With each click of a mouse, I create a work of art."... pfft
[10:54:40] <crutchy> typical figjam sysadmin
[10:57:47] <crutchy> lol from a commenter: “Sysadmin is an art”, no, sysadmin is editing configuration files, pouring over log files, its fucking boring.
[10:57:49] <ciri> hehehe
[10:58:16] <crutchy> he forgot putting up with "idiot users"
[10:58:49] <crutchy> zomg! lennart poettering must be a sysadmin!
[11:00:48] <crutchy> http://tatiyants.com
[11:00:49] <NetCraft> ^ 03tatiyants.com Online Commenter Types - tatiyants.com
[11:01:10] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Bus Powered by Human Poop Begins Service this Week in UK - http://sylnt.us - don't-call-it-waste-yet
[11:17:24] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[11:17:24] <Bender> karma - coffee: 933
[11:17:30] <crutchy> coffee++
[11:17:30] <Bender> karma - coffee: 934
[11:18:01] <TheMightyBuzzard> taking an extra fishing day today cause the weather sucked saturday
[11:19:13] <crutchy> noice
[11:24:54] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~weather
[11:24:55] <exec> syntax: ~weather <location>
[11:25:06] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~weather ada, ok
[11:25:07] <exec> syntax: ~weather <location>
[11:25:21] * TheMightyBuzzard frowns at exec
[11:25:36] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh well
[11:25:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[11:25:38] <Bender> karma - coffee: 935
[11:25:58] * crutchy gives coffee to exec
[11:26:34] * crutchy is working on a bitbucket feed, but its fucking weird
[11:27:09] <crutchy> trying to figure out how to relate a commit hash to a changeset node
[11:27:20] <TheMightyBuzzard> no worries. i may blow off coding slash and do up a weather thing for botctl tomorrow
[11:33:32] <crutchy> think i might have a snooze
[11:43:48] <Konomi> getting old need the naps
[11:44:46] <crutchy> 32 is old when you have kiddywinks
[11:45:29] <crutchy> they make me feel old
[12:50:31] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - The Obama Plan for Executive Action on Foreign Tech Workers - http://sylnt.us - who-cares-about-the-unemployment-rate?
[14:32:08] -!- Brylarke [Brylarke!~brylarke@819.83.605.87.dyn.plus.net] has joined #Soylent
[14:41:55] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Has "Cloud" Computing Affected How and/or With Whom you Bring your Skills to Market? - http://sylnt.us - different-kind-of-vaporware
[14:49:20] <chromas> https://i.chzbgr.com
[15:10:01] -!- mechanicjay [mechanicjay!~jhowe@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/mechanicjay] has joined #Soylent
[15:10:01] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mechanicjay] by juggler
[15:10:18] <mechanicjay> coffee++
[15:10:18] <Bender> karma - coffee: 936
[15:15:46] -!- sealsniper [sealsniper!~quassel@187.65.z.ogi] has joined #Soylent
[15:49:20] -!- Blackmoore has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[16:31:06] <Konomi> http://paste.ofcode.org
[16:31:07] <NetCraft> ^ 03Paste ofCode
[16:31:09] <Konomi> the fun things you learn
[16:35:55] -!- Brylarke has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[16:41:23] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Strange Thrust: the Unproven Science that could Propel our Children into Space - http://sylnt.us - er-that-can't-be-right-can-it?
[16:52:20] -!- Brylarke [Brylarke!~brylarke@819.83.605.87.dyn.plus.net] has joined #Soylent
[17:13:30] -!- sealsniper has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[17:49:02] -!- JamesNZ [JamesNZ!~james@43-567-441-22.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #Soylent
[18:16:50] <JamesNZ> coffee--
[18:16:50] <Bender> karma - coffee: 935
[18:16:52] <JamesNZ> coffee--
[18:16:52] <Bender> karma - coffee: 934
[18:17:29] -!- mythterj [mythterj!mythterj@tonvizu.sdf.org] has joined #Soylent
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[18:44:24] -!- Blackmoore [Blackmoore!~4028ef96@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Blackmoore] has joined #Soylent
[18:44:24] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Blackmoore] by juggler
[18:45:19] <Blackmoore> coffee++
[18:45:19] <Bender> karma - coffee: 935
[18:45:27] <Blackmoore> mornin
[18:46:09] <arti> danish++
[18:46:09] <Bender> karma - danish: 1
[18:46:15] <arti> :O
[18:46:28] * arti releases a swarm of roombas
[18:50:59] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Ron Gilbert is Back with a New Old-Style Adventure - http://sylnt.us - the-next-big-thing-again
[19:06:07] <JamesNZ> coffee--
[19:06:07] <Bender> karma - coffee: 934
[19:13:27] <Blackmoore> coffee++
[19:13:27] <Bender> karma - coffee: 935
[19:13:41] <Blackmoore> what do you do with a swarm of roombas?
[19:14:29] <Leebert> Man, a swarm of roombas would really suck.
[19:22:10] <arti> you clean up the world, one flat area at a time
[19:22:43] <arti> also helps if you discipline the roomba in front of pets if they get weirded out at them
[19:24:25] <mythterj> Given N roombas, the chances that they will all get stuck in the same corner nudging and turning and bumping, increases as the square of N.
[19:30:34] <crutchy> http://www.bbc.com
[19:30:35] <NetCraft> ^ 03BBC News - Lee Rigby murder: Internet firms must do more on terror, says PM
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[19:53:03] -!- sealsniper [sealsniper!~quassel@187.65.z.ogi] has joined #Soylent
[20:00:00] <Blackmoore> more on terror or more with terror? i'm a little confused
[20:01:02] <Blackmoore> get more done BY terror? i thought that was a software audit
[20:05:14] <JamesNZ> coffee--
[20:05:14] <Bender> karma - coffee: 934
[20:06:55] <crutchy> bacon++
[20:06:55] <Bender> karma - bacon: 285
[20:40:20] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Using Electric Vehicles to Stabilise the Power Grid - http://sylnt.us - the-grid-is-fine-but-my-car-won't-go
[20:53:07] <crutchy> ferguson was a bit crazy last night
[20:53:14] <Blackmoore> yeah.
[20:53:47] <Blackmoore> I understand the outrage. I dont understand trashing you own neighborhood.
[20:53:54] <crutchy> nod
[20:54:13] <crutchy> what business gunna want to set up shop there now?
[20:54:15] <Blackmoore> sure - you cant get through to the police buildings; the national guard has been there for a week.
[20:54:41] <crutchy> even a pizza joint?!
[20:55:07] <crutchy> wtf
[20:55:08] <Blackmoore> but yeah. you've just detroyed a bunch of local neighbors who will never set up again
[20:55:11] <crutchy> pizza++
[20:55:11] <Bender> karma - pizza: 19
[20:55:22] <JamesNZ> pizza++ # For great good.
[20:55:22] <Bender> karma - pizza: 20
[20:55:34] <Blackmoore> and you slide deeper and deeper into .. a smaller detroit.
[20:56:12] <crutchy> sad thing is it was prolly a small portion of the overall protesters, but that small group gets all the attention and fucks up the cause for the rest
[20:56:52] -!- sealsniper has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[20:57:01] <crutchy> not gunna be much media attention given to the peaceful protests
[20:57:30] <crutchy> cos looting stories sell advertising better
[20:58:47] <crutchy> we are truly a sadistic and perverted society if we're more likely to buy a newspaper if it has pictures of burning buildings on them
[20:59:40] <crutchy> and i'm part of the problem cos i got wind of it and went looking for more info... feeding the media frenzy
[20:59:45] <crutchy> crutchy--
[21:01:40] <mythterj> Nobody comes to watch a sleeping contest. A foot race draws a croud. It has nothing at all to do with "society".
[21:02:35] <crutchy> if somebody set everyone in the sleeping race on fire it would move the crowd
[21:04:39] <crutchy> if a cure for cancer was discovered on 9/11/01, it would still have played second fiddle to terrorism
[21:07:12] <crutchy> maybe we're all just bored and need to be shocked and awed.. or some shit
[21:07:17] <crutchy> dunno
[21:11:26] <mythterj> shocked? Really? The outcome was hardly shocking. It was expected, predicted, promised, and delivered. Like a planned demolition of a building that nobody bothered to give a second glance while it was in use. You know exactly what is coming when the explosives go off, you've seen it all before, yet you come to watch. Maybe the attraction is the slighgt chance it won't fall down, just like the slight chance there wouldn't be a riot.
[21:12:28] <mythterj> Everyone came to see the slight chance there wouldn't be a riot.
[21:16:29] <crutchy> at ferguson, rioting was expected
[21:17:08] <crutchy> its harder to shock and awe the public nowadays
[21:18:08] <crutchy> that's why CNN and Fox reporters look so ridiculous as they try desperately to sensationalize the most stupid things just to satisfy their corporate masters
[21:20:48] <crutchy> anyway... of to workipoos
[21:20:52] <crutchy> catch yas later
[21:21:35] <JamesNZ> ERMAGOSH! https://www.youtube.com
[21:21:37] <NetCraft> ^ 03JURASSIC WORLD Trailer #1 (2015) Chris Pratt Sci-Fi Movie HD - YouTube
[21:26:03] <mechanicjay> jesus fuck
[21:38:57] -!- mythterj has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
[21:52:46] -!- LaminatorX [LaminatorX!~18d900fb@Soylent/Staff/Editor/LaminatorX] has joined #Soylent
[21:52:46] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v LaminatorX] by juggler
[21:54:11] -!- Brylarke [Brylarke!~brylarke@819.83.605.87.dyn.plus.net] has joined #Soylent
[21:57:10] -!- silverly [silverly!~cba199fc@wy-104-050-568-150.static.pipenetworks.com] has joined #Soylent
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[22:21:35] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Turtles Closer to Birds and Dinosaurs than Lizards and Snakes - http://sylnt.us - mobile-home
[22:31:43] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - From the Editor's Desk: Unrest in St. Louis - http://sylnt.us - desolation-row
[22:36:13] -!- LaminatorX has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[22:36:52] <silverly> yeah, i hope everyone is safe in ferguson if anyone knows anyone there
[22:48:57] -!- Brylarke [Brylarke!~brylarke@819.83.605.87.dyn.plus.net] has joined #Soylent
[23:12:43] -!- Brylarke has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
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[23:49:48] <JamesNZ> coffee--
[23:49:48] <Bender> karma - coffee: 933
[23:52:53] <silverly> tea++
[23:52:53] <Bender> karma - tea: 274
[23:52:56] <silverly> coffee++
[23:52:56] <Bender> karma - coffee: 934
[23:54:27] <JamesNZ> coffee--
[23:54:27] <Bender> karma - coffee: 933