#Soylent | Logs for 2014-11-09

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[00:00:58] <crutchy> the only bit they left off was "...to be gradually squandered for political interests and marketing"
[00:01:50] <crutchy> donate to red cross and support poor little rupert murdoch
[00:08:27] <chromas> faboob has some good ideas though; other software should steal them
[00:08:47] <chromas> stream_api++
[00:08:47] <Bender> karma - stream_api: 1
[00:12:28] <crutchy> hhvm is probably a good thing. /me just hasn't got it to work properly
[00:17:00] <crutchy> ~submit http://www.dailymail.co.uk
[00:17:40] <crutchy> ooh
[00:17:46] <crutchy> ~submit http://www.theatlantic.com
[00:24:20] <chromas> at the bottom, it entices me to subscribe with a cover of "Why Kids Sex and What to Do About it"
[00:24:25] <chromas> If I subscribe, do I get to see pics?
[00:29:59] -!- mechanicjay [mechanicjay!~jhowe@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/mechanicjay] has joined #Soylent
[00:29:59] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mechanicjay] by juggler
[00:33:03] <crutchy> hmm. i know RT isn't exactly 'objective' but tbh i agree with the title of this article. http://rt.com
[00:33:22] <crutchy> ~title http://rt.com
[00:33:26] <exec> Russia warns US-led coalition: Those who carry out strikes in Syria face blowback — RT News
[00:34:27] <crutchy> makes sense that if you bomb a country, citizens of the country being bombed will resent that
[00:34:37] <crutchy> regardless of what is going on
[00:36:05] <juggs> Konomi, I am now - although I expect it's too late :D
[00:36:15] <crutchy> airstrikes are very impersonal. its not like humanitarian aid. even if they are targeting bad guys i would imagine i would feel pretty violated by another country dropping bombs on my country
[00:36:39] <crutchy> ~last Konomi
[00:37:16] <exec> last privmsg for Konomi in #soylent: [2014-11-08 16:27:36] going to get there one day ;_;
[00:40:19] -!- Ethanol-fueled [Ethanol-fueled!~62b0cd6b@ng19-647-271-678.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #Soylent
[00:40:30] <Ethanol-fueled> Hee hEE! I have a gold star now!
[00:40:37] <Ethanol-fueled> I'm a big kid look what I can do,
[00:40:43] <Ethanol-fueled> I can wear big kid pants too!
[00:40:58] <Ethanol-fueled> Mommy, WOW,
[00:41:01] <Ethanol-fueled> I'm a big kid now!
[00:41:31] * chromas remembers those ads
[00:42:24] <Ethanol-fueled> Hahah, those came out when I was in the third grade.
[00:42:48] <Ethanol-fueled> my friends and I would always snicker sheepishly whenever they came on, because we were big kids who didn't shit their britches.
[00:44:41] <Ethanol-fueled> Gonna take my lady fried out for some Pho in a couple minutes.
[00:44:52] <Ethanol-fueled> s/friend/fried
[00:44:52] * sedctl offers Ethenul-filid a /
[00:45:22] <Ethanol-fueled> I hate Vietnamese food though
[00:45:41] <Ethanol-fueled> I think I may have to crap on her parade and compromise since I am paying for dinner and driving.
[00:46:01] <Ethanol-fueled> I want some sushi. Especially salmon-egg sushi.
[00:46:26] <Ethanol-fueled> And none of you give a damn about all this, because I'm babbling until she gets here.
[00:53:42] -!- Ethanol-fueled has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[00:57:28] <crutchy> aw
[00:57:39] <crutchy> what happened to dickcheese-smegma?
[00:57:59] <ar> the russians are going to disrupt comms, including cutting undersea internet cables.
[00:58:03] <chromas> he went off to meet toecheese/ganoo
[00:58:49] <ar> i wouldn't be surprised if they would strike down comm sats
[00:59:32] <crutchy> problem with all this high-tech weaponry... much of it can be brought to its knees with low-tech countermeasures
[00:59:41] <crutchy> russians are masters of low-tech
[01:00:31] <crutchy> chromas, s/a/ua/
[01:00:31] <sedctl> <crutchy> <chromas> he went off to meet toecheese/guanoo
[01:00:36] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Solar Roadway not Quite so Practical - http://sylnt.us - hot-wheels
[01:00:43] <crutchy> ~queue
[01:00:46] <exec> *** SN submission queue: 3 - http://sylnt.us
[01:02:49] <crutchy> the submission queue must be different from the dumpster or whatever they call it where the edited stories wait to be sent out into the world
[01:04:40] -!- Subsentient1 [Subsentient1!~WhiteRat@216.161.ghn.ql] has joined #Soylent
[01:06:25] <Azrael> yes, story queue is diff to submission queue
[01:07:14] -!- Subsentient has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[01:09:46] <ar> https://github.com
[01:09:49] <ar> https://github.com
[01:09:49] <NetCraft> ^ 03Severe cryptographic misunderstanding in handling salted passwords! · Issue #35 · haiwen/ccnet · GitHub
[01:09:54] <ar> cryptofail ;)
[01:18:03] <crutchy> http://rt.com
[01:18:14] <crutchy> lol the cold war has started again
[01:18:15] <ciri> lol damn!
[01:18:29] <crutchy> not really funny, but the wording of the article is
[01:18:42] <crutchy> "Russia has 1,643 nuclear missiles ready to launch – one more than the US – according to an official State Department report."
[01:33:30] <crutchy> ar, that's one of the reason why i don't like frameworks much
[01:45:12] <SirFinkus> some cold war shit
[01:45:33] <SirFinkus> seems apropos
[01:56:17] -!- JamesNZ [JamesNZ!~james@43-567-441-22.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #Soylent
[01:58:38] <crutchy> vagaga++
[01:58:38] <Bender> karma - vagaga: 1
[01:59:42] <ar> http://dongerlist.com
[01:59:42] <NetCraft> ^ 03Welcome to Donger List - A Donger is a set of unicode characters assembled to form a text emoticon. Sometimes also re...
[02:15:57] -!- Nerdfest has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[02:20:44] -!- Nerdfest [Nerdfest!~quassel@357-50-156-79.cpe.teksavvy.com] has joined #Soylent
[02:25:53] <JamesNZ> I never knew O_o
[02:41:51] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - "East" Germany Today - http://sylnt.us - GDR-4-Life
[03:00:34] <Konomi> http://www.urbandictionary.com
[03:00:35] <NetCraft> ^ 03Urban Dictionary: Donger
[03:24:40] <Konomi> I love how everytime a debian article/systemd gets posted to the site the haters latch onto it like a plague
[03:25:05] <Konomi> I'm starting to wonder if half of them just come from 4chan or other nefarious places on the web just to poke shit x.x
[03:26:14] <chromas> yeah; they like to bitch but won't help out or anything
[03:28:07] <Konomi> waiting for debian to just ship with systemd and all the shits stirring up trouble can go fuck themselves
[03:28:41] <Konomi> or idk sudo aptitude install sysvinit-core and shut their mouths
[03:30:00] <chromas> b-b-but defaults!
[03:30:13] <chromas> things that don't matter except for new installs!
[03:30:36] <Konomi> also the wine bug the whole fucking site was up in arms about a week ago
[03:30:37] <Konomi> fixed.
[03:30:42] <Konomi> zomg
[03:31:08] <juggs> wasn't that one a typo?
[03:33:12] <Konomi> https://bugs.debian.org
[03:33:15] <Konomi> was that
[03:33:25] <Konomi> juggs: btw can you pass onto the dev team or something
[03:33:50] <juggs> pass what?
[03:33:53] <Konomi> I recently heard a podcast on spamming and appartently some spammers are able to wake up dormant ip ranges of sites
[03:34:01] <Konomi> so say soylent has 50 ip addresses reserved
[03:34:12] <Konomi> and they have whatever that crappy auth system is that email uses for all 50 addresses
[03:34:19] <Konomi> the spammer simpley uses the unused ones
[03:34:29] <Konomi> we had some guy here complaining they got email from us from an unused ip
[03:34:35] <Konomi> so I thought it might be relvant
[03:35:37] -!- Blackmoore [Blackmoore!~60f32f95@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Blackmoore] has joined #Soylent
[03:35:37] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Blackmoore] by juggler
[03:36:02] -!- mechanicjay has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[03:36:56] <Konomi> they had no show notes and I haven't been able to cobble a search string for google to find a decent article on the subject though
[03:37:44] <juggs> ahh - that was the daily digest mails being sent directly from the slash server which is not declared in our spf record. I believe audioguy has addressed that now
[03:38:27] <Konomi> juggs: http://thespamdiaries.blogspot.com.au
[03:38:30] <Konomi> this might beit
[03:38:36] <Konomi> ah okay
[03:38:41] <Konomi> that's good I was concerned it might be this
[03:39:14] <Konomi> wow old news nevermind
[03:39:24] <Konomi> I guess it just resurfaced recently
[03:41:43] <juggs> interesting though, I'd not heard of it before
[03:41:58] <Konomi> me either
[03:42:03] <TheMightyBuzzard> saw it a few weeks ago somewhere
[03:42:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> don't know if we do or don't have any unused ips configured for mail
[03:43:55] <TheMightyBuzzard> more a mechanicjay/audioguy thing though. only admining i do is what i can't get out of.
[03:45:26] * Konomi gets the whip
[03:45:30] <Konomi> back to perl with you!
[03:46:26] <TheMightyBuzzard> weekend, perl-free. bed then more fooshies for me.
[03:46:46] <Konomi> looking foward to perl6?
[03:47:10] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, gonna rewrite the whole codebase in it next year.
[03:47:25] <Blackmoore> hey TMB have you worked with linode a lot?
[03:47:32] <Konomi> https://www.youtube.com
[03:47:33] <NetCraft> ^ 03Ultra Sheriff - Make Me A Cyborg (Electropop) - YouTube
[03:47:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> never before coming on staff
[03:48:04] <TheMightyBuzzard> or after for that matter. not in the dev job description.
[03:48:26] <Blackmoore> im trying to setup a server and the damn thing wont let me ftp in
[03:48:29] -!- crutchy_ [crutchy_!~AndChat30@110.144.iuo.tzm] has joined #Soylent
[03:48:50] <TheMightyBuzzard> do people still use ftp?
[03:48:55] <Konomi> I don't touch it
[03:49:01] <Konomi> plain text auth system that lets you mess with files?
[03:49:04] <Konomi> big nope
[03:49:09] <crutchy_> coffee++
[03:49:09] <Bender> karma - coffee: 899
[03:49:09] <Konomi> not unless it's over an ssh tunnel
[03:49:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[03:49:11] <Bender> karma - coffee: 900
[03:49:19] <Konomi> ssh++
[03:49:19] <Bender> karma - ssh: 3
[03:49:27] <TheMightyBuzzard> Blackmoore, try scp or sftp
[03:49:43] <Blackmoore> hey, i'm a elder I was using FTP when then damn net was new
[03:49:56] <TheMightyBuzzard> clients aren't as swanky but at least your login creds stay secret
[03:50:05] <Konomi> you were using ftp when people were hacking it and you still are ;p
[03:50:14] <chromas> filezilla doest sftp
[03:50:23] <Konomi> my friend who is a network admin was dealing with ftp passwords getting stolen constantly >.<
[03:50:26] <Blackmoore> im trying to use filezilla
[03:50:28] <chromas> gui++ # >:)
[03:50:28] <Bender> karma - gui: 1
[03:50:33] <Konomi> chromas: yes it does ;p
[03:50:39] <Konomi> it does sftp and ftps
[03:50:39] <crutchy_> waiting_in_car_before_driving_for_an_hour_and_a_half--
[03:50:39] <Bender> karma - waiting_in_car_before_driving_for_an_hour_and_a_half: -1
[03:50:42] <Blackmoore> damn site is refusing connection
[03:50:45] <Konomi> I have used it for both so hold that tongue ;p
[03:51:04] <Blackmoore> I'm wondering if i have to tell ubuntu to open up access
[03:51:23] <crutchy_> ubuntu--
[03:51:23] <Bender> karma - ubuntu: -3
[03:51:30] <TheMightyBuzzard> doubt it. it's only ubuntu not windows
[03:51:43] <Blackmoore> wierd.
[03:51:45] <Konomi> any site worth it's salt will be using passive ftp
[03:51:47] <chromas> Blackmoore: put in sftp:// instead of ftp
[03:51:51] <Konomi> anyone still using active should be shot on the spot
[03:51:51] <chromas> it will go over ssh
[03:52:03] <SirFinkus> ssh++
[03:52:03] <Bender> karma - ssh: 4
[03:53:17] <crutchy_> ~isup soylentnews.org:21
[03:53:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> Konomi, i was looking forward to playing with perl6 about 10 years ago. nowadays i fail to care.
[03:53:23] <exec> soylentnews.org:21: error connecting
[03:53:31] <Konomi> TheMightyBuzzard: hehe
[03:53:47] <chromas> ~is up soylentnews.org:22
[03:54:03] <Blackmoore> 'zilla only wants an address.
[03:54:11] <Blackmoore> pretty sure its sftp
[03:54:34] <chromas> you can put it into the address field
[03:54:44] <crutchy_> ~isup soylentnews.org:22
[03:54:51] <exec> soylentnews.org:22: error connecting
[03:55:14] <SirFinkus> looks like you might need to add the key in first
[03:55:21] <crutchy_> buttctl sniff konomi
[03:55:22] <SirFinkus> based on the preferences I'm looking at
[03:55:35] <Konomi> systemctl disable crutchy
[03:55:36] <Konomi> ;p
[03:55:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> ssh-copy-id ftw
[03:55:58] <Konomi> Blackmoore: you can specify the protocol in the address
[03:56:03] <Konomi> ftp://IP
[03:56:06] <TheMightyBuzzard> half the time i used to break shat before that lil beauty got written
[03:56:08] <Konomi> sftp://IP
[03:56:09] <Konomi> etc
[03:58:04] <Blackmoore> i keep getting connection refused
[03:58:22] <chromas> what's the ssh server?
[03:58:39] -!- mechanicjay [mechanicjay!~jhowe@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/mechanicjay] has joined #Soylent
[03:58:39] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mechanicjay] by juggler
[03:58:50] <TheMightyBuzzard> evenin, mechanicjay
[03:58:54] <chromas> dropbear doesn't do sftp for example
[03:58:56] <Blackmoore> even
[03:59:30] <Blackmoore> filezilla will do sftp, but you have to set it up for that address
[03:59:39] <Konomi> true and not true
[03:59:41] <Konomi> like I said
[03:59:47] <Konomi> you can specify the protocol in the address
[03:59:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> Blackmoore, just command line scp it over. it's not that hard.
[04:00:01] <Konomi> where it sats address: sftp://
[04:00:01] <ciri> not sure Konomi
[04:00:02] <Blackmoore> still connection refused looks to me like my linode seerve isnt listening
[04:00:02] <Konomi> will get you there
[04:00:05] <Konomi> ciri--
[04:00:05] <Bender> karma - ciri: -7
[04:00:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> you can ssh in though, yes?
[04:00:50] <Blackmoore> yeh
[04:01:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> prollem solved. /usr/bin/scp ftw
[04:01:29] <Konomi> try sftp://address
[04:01:47] <SirFinkus> rsync also works over ssh
[04:01:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> nod nod
[04:01:57] <SirFinkus> rsync++
[04:01:57] <Bender> karma - rsync: 9
[04:02:08] <chromas> you're doing sftp, not ftps right?
[04:02:46] <TheMightyBuzzard> ima hit the sack, yer in good nuff hands and mechanicjay can always jump in and rescue you from Konomi if necessary.
[04:03:02] <Blackmoore> have a good night
[04:03:04] <Konomi> rawr hehe
[04:03:27] <Blackmoore> chromas - this is my first remote setup
[04:04:05] <Blackmoore> i'm used to being able to take a hammer to it if i have to
[04:04:29] <Blackmoore> so lets see what rsync is.
[04:06:02] <Blackmoore> interesting. not all appropriate since the linode is blank - and i'm sending up a modded mincraft i have on my local
[04:06:37] <SirFinkus> rsync -avh -e ssh ubuntu@ . --stats --progress
[04:06:44] <SirFinkus> something like that, I'm sure you can adapt it
[04:06:52] <SirFinkus> you can also specify the password and junk
[04:07:39] <SirFinkus> the other way around though, that's for pulling stuff down
[04:07:57] <SirFinkus> I'd suggest doing a --dry-run first
[04:08:39] <Blackmoore> yeah - i need to push into it. right. scp looks simpler
[04:09:45] <SirFinkus> suit yourself, rsync is a bit niftier though, especially if you're going to be updating stuff
[04:10:19] <Blackmoore> i have to say i'm more comfortable with gui tools tese days.
[04:10:21] <SirFinkus> I can't imagine it'd matter as much for minecraft stuff though, that has to be fairly small
[04:10:58] <Blackmoore> Eh, it's about half a GB
[04:11:10] <SirFinkus> fair enough, I'd still suggest looking into rsync though
[04:11:18] <Blackmoore> ok.
[04:11:31] <SirFinkus> it has delta updates
[04:11:36] <SirFinkus> pretty sure scp doesn't
[04:12:06] <SirFinkus> oh, also, use --partial, it allows transfers to be resumed
[04:13:29] <Blackmoore> i like that
[04:13:44] <Blackmoore> looks like it's not installed on linode.
[04:13:59] <juggs> what OS are you using Blackmoore? A lot of linux GUI file managers e.g. Caja / Nautilus have ability to connect over ssh really simply from a menu option :)
[04:14:18] <Blackmoore> Mint
[04:14:48] <Blackmoore> i just found a gui in my repository.
[04:14:54] <SirFinkus> you shouldn't need it installed Blackmoore
[04:14:55] <Blackmoore> linode is ubuntu14
[04:15:07] <SirFinkus> only on the machine you're running the command from
[04:15:09] <juggs> open the file explorer (caja) - File menu -> Connect to server... choose ssh from the drop down
[04:15:59] <juggs> it takes care of establishing the sftp connection and you can just drag / drop as you would any other directory or mounted drive
[04:16:00] <Blackmoore> ...
[04:16:43] <Konomi> I took a screenshot of using sftp in filezilla just in case
[04:16:45] <Konomi> http://i6.minus.com
[04:17:01] <Konomi> forgot to blur the window title lol oh well ;p
[04:17:02] <chromas> good censoring on the username :D
[04:17:14] <Konomi> it has it in like 3 places shesh ;p
[04:17:24] <SirFinkus> I like the blurring on the sftpuser too lol
[04:17:31] <Konomi> wow failed that blurr ;p
[04:17:33] * chromas tries to connect up
[04:17:33] <Konomi> anyway
[04:17:36] <Konomi> Blackmoore: recplicate that
[04:17:50] <chromas> hmm, I don't see the same files on
[04:17:52] <Konomi> without the port ofc shoul be 22
[04:18:13] <Konomi> mine is higher cause it cuts my fail2ban logs by about 99%
[04:18:41] <Blackmoore> connections refused.
[04:19:03] <juggs> are you using key or password auth?
[04:19:04] <Blackmoore> ok. les try changing the password
[04:19:11] <chromas> server must be broken
[04:19:13] <Konomi> wait
[04:19:17] <chromas> should be the same as your ssh pass
[04:19:21] <Konomi> Blackmoore: is it connection refused or authetnication failed
[04:19:24] <chromas> unless you're set up to only use keys
[04:19:26] <Konomi> cause if it's the first that means the port is not open
[04:19:28] <SirFinkus> are your ports forwarded?
[04:20:07] * juggs grabs the popcorn
[04:20:21] <Blackmoore> refused
[04:20:30] <Konomi> port isn't open
[04:20:34] <Konomi> what port are you using to ssh in?
[04:20:43] <Konomi> you said that works
[04:20:48] <Blackmoore> 24
[04:20:55] <Konomi> change it from 22 to 24 ;_;
[04:20:59] <Konomi> in filezilla
[04:21:34] <Blackmoore> change from 24 to 22 worked
[04:21:40] <Konomi> ofc it did
[04:21:43] <Blackmoore> .. that was dumb
[04:21:47] <Konomi> yes it was ;_;
[04:22:08] <Konomi> got access to your files now?
[04:22:35] <Blackmoore> yup!
[04:22:38] <Konomi> awesome
[04:22:39] <Blackmoore> thanks!
[04:22:59] <Konomi> always check the simplist things first
[04:23:05] <Blackmoore> once i get the damn thing settled
[04:23:18] <Blackmoore> I'll open it up to the soylent team
[04:25:27] <Blackmoore> ok. thank you!
[04:25:33] <Konomi> no problem
[04:27:58] <Blackmoore> I think i will lokk at rsync - as i want to pull an occasional back backj to local.
[04:33:32] <SirFinkus> it works both ways Blackmoore
[04:33:53] <Konomi> is it bad all I thought was "kinda like a dildo"
[04:33:55] <Konomi> ._.
[04:34:11] <SirFinkus> depends on the dildo
[04:34:27] <Konomi> this is true
[04:35:41] <Blackmoore> not a bad metaphore tho
[04:36:12] <Konomi> I could've said it works for both ho... lets not go there
[04:36:17] <Konomi> also no grab
[04:36:25] <Konomi> I know crutchy is lurking somewhere waiting
[04:36:37] <Blackmoore> yeah; rsync will help with updates and the local backup glad to have been pointed at it
[04:37:03] <Blackmoore> i guess i just have to make sure to wear protection, and clean up after
[04:37:57] <SirFinkus> just use --dry-run before running something you haven't tested first
[04:38:14] <chromas> Bender: grab Blackmoore
[04:38:14] <Bender> Added quote 266
[04:38:15] <SirFinkus> it can bite you in the ass, especially if you use --delete too
[04:39:10] * SirFinkus accidentally deleted several hundred GB of data getting the source and destination mixed up once
[04:39:28] <SirFinkus> mixing up the source and destination can also ruin relationships
[04:40:58] <Konomi> >.>
[04:43:00] -!- Ethanol-fueled [Ethanol-fueled!~62b0cd6b@ng19-647-271-678.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #Soylent
[04:45:12] <Blackmoore> doh
[04:45:29] <Blackmoore> yeah. backups. lots of backups
[04:45:40] <Konomi> I got recursive backups of my backups
[04:45:52] <SirFinkus> funny part is, I was doing a backup
[04:46:10] <Blackmoore> (i actually do. i goofed up)
[04:46:48] <SirFinkus> I've got 2 backups now, but no "burned the house down" ones
[04:47:14] <SirFinkus> I figure the external in my room will be easy enough to grab if there's a fire
[04:48:16] * SirFinkus is listening to Аркона — На моей земле …, from the album Гой, Роде, Гой!
[04:48:18] <SirFinkus> good shit
[04:55:01] <crutchy_> hmm
[04:55:45] <crutchy_> dry ass biting dildos eh
[04:56:05] <crutchy_> the things I miss when im driving
[04:56:22] * SirFinkus is confused
[04:56:35] -!- JamesNZ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[05:01:35] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - General-purpose Processors Considered Harmful - http://sylnt.us - finding-your-special-purpose
[05:04:07] <crutchy_> http://picpaste.com
[05:04:31] <crutchy_> kiddies were feeding the birds
[05:09:40] * chromas zooms in and enhances the reflection in the bird's eye
[05:09:50] <Blackmoore> better keep feedig it. it looks like it might want to eat the kids
[05:27:22] <SirFinkus> "Amazon does check your IP address and your MAC address to ensure you don’t submit reviews from the same computer more than once." this sounds like bullshit, aren't MAC addressed dumped at the first hop?
[05:27:46] <Blackmoore> and that crashed
[05:28:09] <Blackmoore> stupid game
[05:28:37] <juggs> the game crashed or the file transfer failed?
[05:28:46] <Blackmoore> game
[05:28:50] <juggs> ahh
[05:29:10] <Blackmoore> files are on the server. now i need to set it up to run
[05:33:24] <Konomi> https://www.youtube.com
[05:33:24] <NetCraft> ^ 03WATAMOTE ~ Otou-san Love! - YouTube
[05:33:39] * Konomi wonders what other possible dad reactions there could be
[05:38:30] <Konomi> SirFinkus: it is bullshit macs don't leave the arp layer
[05:38:52] <Konomi> ipv6 can put your mac in your addr and it's a default but everyone should be using privavy extensions
[05:39:10] <SirFinkus> that's what I thought
[05:39:20] <chromas> maybe they have buttmagical javascript that asks the os for it
[05:39:22] <juggs> js in the amazon page to grab it perhaps?
[05:39:28] * juggs whacks chromas :P
[05:39:42] * chromas gives juggs buttmagic
[05:39:48] <SirFinkus> does the browser have access to the mac address?
[05:39:58] <SirFinkus> I'd think not, because it really doesn't need it
[05:40:13] <chromas> it doesn't need most things it has access to
[05:40:26] <SirFinkus> unless amazon is serving some kind of drive by download malware, which I also doubt
[05:41:23] <Konomi> you can't get mac address with js in at least firefox I know that much
[05:41:37] <Konomi> only time I know of that happening was in an exploit
[05:42:01] <chromas> maybe they have access to api.nsa.gov
[05:42:26] <Konomi> https://stackoverflow.com
[05:44:47] <Konomi> yeah all this crap is like windows specific and even ie8 asks before running it so I'd say no you usually can't get the mac address via the browser ;p
[05:44:57] <SirFinkus> based on the ramblings of the rest of this pdf, gonna assume this guy is just full of shit
[05:45:29] <SirFinkus> it was some "expose" someone posted on hacker news about fake reviews on amazon
[05:45:58] <Konomi> I mostly know about this due to the hack some 3 letter agency done against tor once
[05:46:10] <Konomi> old version that had a firefox exploit and they were using it to get the persons mac address etc
[05:46:58] <SirFinkus> I just knew as far as IP routing goes, but I didn't know if the browser exposed it
[05:47:27] <Konomi> only when you exploit it or hit I accept in ie8 ;p
[05:47:57] <SirFinkus> I suppose you don't really need it when you have browser fingerprinting and such
[05:49:02] <SirFinkus> so many things can give you away, ip, installed fonts, screen resolution, operating system, browser version etc
[05:52:22] <Konomi> yep
[05:53:09] <Konomi> found a music artist I had a song from but never knew the actual band
[05:53:35] <Konomi> https://www.youtube.com
[05:53:36] <NetCraft> ^ 03Ultra Sheriff - Make Me A Cyborg (Electropop) - YouTube
[05:55:21] <Blackmoore> gnight all
[05:55:24] <Konomi> nn Blackmoore
[05:55:32] <Blackmoore> thanks again!
[05:55:39] -!- Blackmoore has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[05:55:50] <Konomi> https://panopticlick.eff.org
[05:55:52] <NetCraft> ^ 03Panopticlick
[05:55:55] <Konomi> 17.2 bits
[05:57:19] <crutchy_> apparently can get mac from geolocation header from google
[05:57:53] <crutchy_> or maybe you supply mac and google provides location
[05:58:00] <crutchy_> or some shit
[05:58:59] <crutchy_> streetview cars apparently triangulate wifi mac adress locations according to some guy at defcon
[05:59:19] <chromas> I got 19.16 bits but that's less than the total; there must be some sort of bit overlap
[05:59:38] <chromas> crutchy_: and android phones with google stuff installed
[06:00:18] <crutchy_> would be interesting to do panopticlick on my frankenlappy
[06:00:22] <Konomi> I only have 17.2 cause noscript is blocking all but hte first two entries
[06:00:53] <chromas> oh yeah
[06:00:54] <Konomi> irony
[06:00:56] <Konomi> I permit it
[06:00:59] <Konomi> and I am less trackable
[06:01:05] <Konomi> cause most people don't have it blocked ha
[06:01:10] <chromas> I guess it gives a number of bits but they don't count 'cause of noscript
[06:01:26] <Konomi> blocking:
[06:01:27] <Konomi> Within our dataset of several million visitors, only one in 150,927 browsers have the same fingerprint as yours. Currently, we estimate that your browser has a fingerprint that conveys 17.2 bits of identifying information.
[06:01:37] <chromas> most of the things they show aren't something javascript even needs to know about
[06:02:24] * crutchy_ is surprised you cant spoof parameters
[06:02:32] <crutchy_> or maybe you can
[06:02:33] <Konomi> permitted:
[06:02:35] <Konomi> Your browser fingerprint appears to be unique among the 4,678,755 tested so far. Currently, we estimate that your browser has a fingerprint that conveys at least 22.16 bits of identifying information.
[06:02:43] <SirFinkus> Your browser fingerprint appears to be unique among the 4,678,756 tested so far.
[06:02:43] <SirFinkus> Currently, we estimate that your browser has a fingerprint that conveys at least 22.16 bits of identifying information.
[06:02:51] <Konomi> zomg so close to mine ;p
[06:03:05] <Konomi> but yeah disabling seems to be more indentifying than permitting...
[06:03:13] <Konomi> less bits but less people do it
[06:03:19] <crutchy_> you must be neighbors
[06:03:30] <crutchy_> !grab konomi
[06:03:30] <Konomi> I wonder what the 1 bit of difference is
[06:03:31] <Konomi> xD
[06:03:39] <Konomi> ha ;p
[06:03:41] <Konomi> too slow
[06:04:10] <SirFinkus> might my osx
[06:04:15] <crutchy_> diff might be the extra bit between his legs
[06:04:26] <SirFinkus> be even
[06:04:28] <ciri> where you going? SirFinkus
[06:04:38] <SirFinkus> ciri--
[06:04:38] <Bender> karma - ciri: -8
[06:04:48] <Ethanol-fueled> ciri--
[06:04:48] <Bender> karma - ciri: -9
[06:04:48] <SirFinkus> go home ciri, you're drunk
[06:04:55] <Ethanol-fueled> I am going to be drunk soon.
[06:05:07] * SirFinkus is 1 beer away from being drunk
[06:05:09] <Konomi> you have a state other than drunk?
[06:05:10] <Ethanol-fueled> came back from a nice dinner of Asian fried Oysters and sizzling whole fish
[06:05:14] <Konomi> news to me
[06:05:23] <SirFinkus> stoned?
[06:05:35] <Ethanol-fueled> thanks for reminding me, sir finkus, to get stoned.
[06:05:54] <SirFinkus> legal_weed++
[06:05:54] <Bender> karma - legal_weed: 3
[06:05:55] * Ethanol-fueled has left[stoned]
[06:06:57] <Konomi> legal_all_drugs++
[06:06:57] <Bender> karma - legal_all_drugs: 1
[06:07:38] <Ethanol-fueled> Konomi - you would not be saying that if you have ever tried meth or personally witnessed anybody on meth.
[06:07:45] <SirFinkus> I can ++ that
[06:07:47] <Konomi> that's their business
[06:07:53] <Konomi> if they want to destroy themselves not my problem
[06:08:13] <Konomi> long as they don't hurt anyone else in their altered state they can do whatever they want as far as I am concerned
[06:08:20] * SirFinkus has
[06:08:20] <Ethanol-fueled> http://fox13now.com
[06:09:03] <SirFinkus> didn't strike me as too crazy, the trouble comes with heavy abuse and re-dosing
[06:09:11] <Ethanol-fueled> for those too lazy to click the link, an 18 year old college student in colorado did some bad Molly, stole and crashed an ambulance, was found with a box of Wheat-thins, and finally masturbated while in police custody.
[06:09:23] <Ethanol-fueled> to name a few.
[06:09:29] <SirFinkus> finally masturbated
[06:09:34] <Konomi> the sooner ignorant people are left to fend for themselves and make their own choices instead of the rest of society proping them up the better
[06:09:59] <SirFinkus> sounds like lack of masturbation was the problem
[06:10:23] <Ethanol-fueled> Finkus, in my nation publicly masturbating is often a crime.
[06:10:30] <Ethanol-fueled> Unless you're retarded.
[06:10:37] <Konomi> breathing is probably a crime in the usa by now
[06:10:51] <SirFinkus> so... legalize public masturbation!
[06:11:07] <Konomi> I'm not that liberal yet
[06:11:22] <SirFinkus> *yet
[06:11:26] <Konomi> I have the same question for people who want that as I do for people who want nudity
[06:11:41] <Konomi> "are you okay with seeing your 70 yo grandmother naked? no? then shut up"
[06:11:42] <Konomi> ;p
[06:12:18] <Ethanol-fueled> konomi, I have been camping at nudist resorts before. Personally I don't give a shit about naked old people.
[06:12:34] <Ethanol-fueled> Nothing feels better than driving nude in the summer sunlight.
[06:12:35] <Konomi> good for you I want to hold down my lunch personally ;p
[06:12:40] <SirFinkus> I actually wouldn't have that much of a problem to me
[06:12:49] <SirFinkus> I've been on the internet, I've seen naked old people
[06:12:56] <Konomi> lemon party?
[06:12:56] <Konomi> ;p
[06:13:02] <SirFinkus> among other things
[06:13:02] <Ethanol-fueled> beat me to it, Konomi.
[06:13:06] <Konomi> hehe
[06:13:27] <SirFinkus> but I don't find it gross, I just find it not arousing
[06:13:59] <Konomi> the other thing I always thought is clothes are sorted needed at times
[06:14:04] <Ethanol-fueled> The only thing that sucks about nudist resorts is that sometimes families with kids live there, and that can make things really awkward.
[06:14:06] <Konomi> aka jogging cough
[06:14:15] <Konomi> boucey is not fun
[06:14:27] <SirFinkus> I'd only be worried about people not wiping their ass and sitting on things
[06:14:28] <Konomi> yup
[06:14:33] <Konomi> ewww
[06:14:35] <Konomi> I never thought of that
[06:14:38] <Ethanol-fueled> Fortunately, many nudist resorts now cater almost exclusively to the "get away party" tourist crowds, so no family-friendly bullshit
[06:14:40] <Konomi> you just made me more pro clothes ;p
[06:15:00] <Ethanol-fueled> SirFinkus - at nude resorts, you are required to carry a towel at all times so that you can lay it down and sit on it
[06:15:08] <SirFinkus> good to know
[06:15:19] <Konomi> yeah cause no one would not sit on the towel
[06:15:19] <Konomi> ;p
[06:15:24] <SirFinkus> glad someone has thought that out
[06:15:42] <Ethanol-fueled> I've drank at a nude bar served by a nude bartender. Gotta lay the towel out on those stools.
[06:15:51] <SirFinkus> the guy with the white towel that has brown stains is probably really popular
[06:16:07] <Konomi> yuck
[06:16:22] <Ethanol-fueled> Finkus, in many ways nude people are cleaner than non-nudes. For one, there's no clothing to trap moisture in
[06:16:41] <Ethanol-fueled> Secondly, nude people are more conscious of what they show
[06:16:49] <SirFinkus> I'll buy that
[06:16:51] <Konomi> huh?
[06:17:00] <Konomi> more concious how does that figure?
[06:17:20] <SirFinkus> I sleep in the nude, and I'm more conscious of making sure I've wiped myself completely
[06:17:24] <Ethanol-fueled> Maybe because they're aware that they are naked, and follow a strict social code.
[06:17:34] <Konomi> SirFinkus: same but I make sure I wipe properly all the time...
[06:17:53] <SirFinkus> well, generally I take a shower afterwords
[06:18:17] <Ethanol-fueled> You also have to shower before you enter the pool or jacuzzi on nudist resorts. Mandatory, sign posted etc.
[06:18:27] <Konomi> tbh all I am thinking is "I already have to be careful if I wear a skirt I don't want to wonder how hard it would be to be nude and not show my crotch constantly"
[06:18:39] <Konomi> which is also why I prefer jeans
[06:18:41] <SirFinkus> well, that should be the rule for any swimming place
[06:18:53] <Ethanol-fueled> erections on nudist resorts, while not illegal, are considered highly offensive
[06:18:58] <SirFinkus> because water goes through swimsuits
[06:19:07] <Konomi> your boner offends me said the naked person
[06:19:19] <SirFinkus> http://www.theonion.com
[06:19:39] <Konomi> I always thought nudity was some sort of freedom thing but the way you make it sound it sounds almost worse than actually having clothes as far as social protocol goes
[06:19:45] <Ethanol-fueled> if by chance you DO see a bunch of hot naked women, you have to have enough self-control to not "grow" down there. With pants on it might be more difficult to see, but with no clothes its obvious that you are growing even a little.
[06:20:11] <SirFinkus> I'd imagine it get less arousing once you are used to it
[06:20:40] <SirFinkus> as a non-nudist, my penis associates nude woman with "jackpot"
[06:20:44] <Ethanol-fueled> Another social norm is strictly looking people in the eye when you talk to them and keep your gaze at eye-level at all times. If you want to peek at parts you must do so through your peripheral vision.
[06:20:58] <Konomi> god I hope something like gits is in my future cause ewww ewww humans ewww
[06:21:28] <Ethanol-fueled> In many ways nudists are actually more civilized than average clothed people.
[06:21:41] <SirFinkus> just being honest
[06:21:48] <Konomi> kay definitly decided going nude at some nudist thing is worse than actually having to worry about what clothes I wear
[06:22:32] <crutchy> ~add-to-profile konomi tried nudism
[06:22:38] <Ethanol-fueled> The bad thing is, konomi, that nudist resorts often have mandatory nudity in all of the fun areas. So, at Deer Park for example, you must be nude to use the pool/jacuzzi and sit at the bar.
[06:22:39] -!- crutchy_ has quit [Quit: Bye]
[06:22:40] <Konomi> I haven't tried it at all.
[06:22:49] <Konomi> stab crutchy mode engaged
[06:22:54] <Konomi> he's on the same damn land mass I swear he dies
[06:23:11] <SirFinkus> Konomi has never been nude?
[06:23:12] * crutchy runs off into the outback... nude
[06:23:24] <Konomi> SirFinkus: not in the protocol setting Ethanol-fueled has described
[06:23:30] <SirFinkus> ah
[06:23:34] <Konomi> just by myself and um with a few "friends"
[06:23:44] <Ethanol-fueled> http://www.dpnr.com
[06:23:45] <NetCraft> ^ 03Deer Park Nudist Resort History
[06:24:05] <crutchy> ~add-to-profile konomi skinny dips with "friends"
[06:24:15] <Ethanol-fueled> That's my resort of choice, but unfortunately I got banned because my friend got drunk and started a fight.
[06:24:24] <Konomi> SirFinkus: I have possible abuse issues in my history I shake a lot when someone gets intimate with me for example ^^;
[06:24:28] <crutchy> a cock fight?
[06:24:30] <Ethanol-fueled> We were staying in the resort owner
[06:24:45] <Ethanol-fueled> the resort owner's trailer and we ended up trashing it as a result of the fight.
[06:24:53] <Ethanol-fueled> one of the doors was ripped off, etc.
[06:24:55] <SirFinkus> I kind of understand the nudist thing, I just don't see the appeal of meeting up with like minded people
[06:25:01] <SirFinkus> understood Konomi
[06:25:04] <Ethanol-fueled> no, crutchy, an angry drunken first-fight.
[06:25:22] <crutchy> always helps to get drunk first before a fight
[06:25:25] <Ethanol-fueled> Causing me to get permanent trigger-finger in my right pinky
[06:26:21] <Ethanol-fueled> my friend ended up wandering off into the wilderness and got scooped up by the San Bernardino Sherrifs and spend a night in jail.
[06:26:37] <Konomi> wait naked?
[06:27:02] <Ethanol-fueled> No konomi, he put pants on and bailed
[06:27:06] <Konomi> ah I see
[06:27:41] <crutchy> he didn't have the right to remain naked
[06:27:46] <Konomi> lol
[06:28:02] <Konomi> gotta earn your nudity badge
[06:28:02] <Ethanol-fueled> konomi, are you a man? If you shake a lot when you're intimate some partners might like that.
[06:28:08] <Konomi> I'll just um pin it um nevermind
[06:28:16] <Ethanol-fueled> hahah crutchy
[06:28:18] <Konomi> Ethanol-fueled: I am not ;p
[06:28:28] <SirFinkus> I'd be nervous about being naked all the time, too many dangly bits to get caught on stuff
[06:28:54] <Konomi> I also don't know why I shake and I have a lot of blank spots in my childhood memory
[06:29:04] <Ethanol-fueled> Damn Konomi, that's a downer.
[06:29:07] <Konomi> friend/psyche thinks possible abuse but I don't recall anything
[06:29:14] <Konomi> friends*
[06:29:26] <Konomi> sorta
[06:29:38] <Ethanol-fueled> Konomi, it will come out later in life, and when it does things are going to suck for you...but you'll be stronger after you cope with it.
[06:29:43] <Konomi> when you go through something and a lot of time passes it's just something normal after awhile
[06:29:55] <Konomi> it's the emotional reactions I have later that suck though
[06:30:06] <crutchy> well you're safe around here konomi. i'm possibly the closest to you and i hate interacting in person
[06:30:18] <Konomi> the shaking thing isn't even emotional actually
[06:30:22] <Konomi> I'd descrive it like fainting
[06:30:49] <Konomi> I'm just not a people person ;p
[06:31:01] <SirFinkus> I kind of get that, I have some phobias
[06:31:06] <crutchy> people suck baws
[06:31:11] <SirFinkus> nothing rational about it, just a physical response
[06:31:18] <Konomi> it's sort of a lie at the same time though
[06:31:24] <crutchy> especially shopping centres
[06:31:28] <crutchy> creepy places
[06:31:35] <Konomi> cause in certain social situations i never shut up and I'm really out going
[06:31:36] <crutchy> full of stinky bogans
[06:31:48] <Konomi> so I'm sort of like a yoyo at times
[06:31:59] <Konomi> the down is generally worse than the up though
[06:32:10] <crutchy> eck i'd prolly never wanna talk to you in person konomi. i hate getting yapped at
[06:32:24] <crutchy> hate it when people talk heaps
[06:32:25] <Konomi> I only talk about computers and stuff so
[06:32:29] <Konomi> I don't do small talk
[06:32:33] <crutchy> oh well that's ok then :D
[06:33:24] <Konomi> and I embraced my fuck being normal ethos about 2 years ago after trying to be normal for ages
[06:33:29] <Konomi> it was very boring and tiresome
[06:33:43] <Konomi> almost completely gave up using my computer etc
[06:33:46] <crutchy> actually i like yapping heaps online (obviously) but i prolly wouldn't like yapping even about computers in person
[06:34:31] <crutchy> its hard work being 'normal'
[06:34:58] <crutchy> one of the hardest things about office work. and i fucking hate phones
[06:35:36] <Konomi> hehe
[06:35:44] <Konomi> mumble > phones
[06:35:55] <Konomi> internet social protocol is way better
[06:36:16] <Konomi> I'd rather have a irl meeting with my friend and us both be on laptops than have any sort of standard social interaction
[06:36:20] <SirFinkus> phones fucking suck
[06:36:23] <crutchy> Konomi++ # internet social protocol
[06:36:23] <Bender> karma - konomi: 28
[06:36:52] <SirFinkus> none of the non-verbal cues you get from a face to face conversation, and they require all of your attention
[06:36:59] <Konomi> yep!
[06:37:16] <Konomi> going from internet -> irl can be nice too
[06:37:25] <crutchy> and they interrupt normal work and when you get off the phone its like "now what the hell was i doing?"
[06:37:27] <SirFinkus> email or text message of some kind you can deal with on your own time and formulate a response
[06:37:35] <Konomi> actual meeting is a nervous thing the first time but you probably know more about the person because you meet them on the net first
[06:37:48] <crutchy> i met my missus online
[06:37:50] <SirFinkus> and needing to write something down usually distills the thought
[06:37:54] <crutchy> yeah i know its corny
[06:37:54] <Konomi> neat hehe
[06:38:00] <Konomi> only to normies
[06:38:04] <Konomi> I think it's cool
[06:38:15] <SirFinkus> is it even all that strange anymore?
[06:38:26] <SirFinkus> seems pretty mainstream to me
[06:38:28] <Konomi> it still has a social stigma of sorts
[06:38:37] <Konomi> but it's dieing out like all other things
[06:38:49] <Konomi> like marriage before sex ho ho
[06:39:05] <crutchy> stuff that for a joke
[06:39:16] <Konomi> I don't know how that ever got by anyone I always thought it was try before you buy myself >.>
[06:39:17] <SirFinkus> but like, among people of the standard adult dating age
[06:39:27] <crutchy> gotta root before you commit
[06:39:37] <Konomi> need root before you boot
[06:39:38] <crutchy> its part of the test driving :p
[06:39:41] * Konomi hides
[06:39:45] <Konomi> nograb
[06:39:51] <crutchy> damn
[06:39:52] <Konomi> cause crutchy is evil
[06:39:57] <SirFinkus> I can't think of anyone my age that would find online dating weird
[06:40:02] <crutchy> need to get that auto-grab script going again
[06:40:13] <Konomi> SirFinkus: I live in a town of baby boomers so yeah
[06:40:23] <Konomi> rural_australia--
[06:40:23] <Bender> karma - rural_australia: -1
[06:40:33] <SirFinkus> well, fuck em
[06:40:47] <SirFinkus> since presumably you aren't fucking them
[06:40:50] <crutchy> at least your not in an industrial shithole
[06:40:59] <Konomi> australia is pretty much hick land
[06:41:08] <Konomi> with the exception of the cdbs of each major city
[06:41:21] <Konomi> and even there hicks may be found
[06:41:43] <crutchy> melbourne is cool place to work for a while. chicks like wearing anything shat shows off their tits
[06:41:53] <crutchy> shat++
[06:41:53] <Bender> karma - shat: 1
[06:42:05] <Konomi> V top is the most you'll get from me ;p
[06:42:19] <Konomi> I don't like attention
[06:42:37] <Konomi> everytime I take a trip to melbourne I always get it though -.-
[06:42:40] <crutchy> you have two o
[06:42:44] <crutchy> s in your name
[06:43:01] <Konomi> why not just /nick to crotchy and get it over with ;p
[06:43:06] <crutchy> stupid trying to eat tato cakes while typing
[06:43:33] <crutchy> i dont like to brag :p
[06:43:50] <Konomi> I was more thinking of thought process relation to social idiom but okay
[06:44:19] <crutchy> i'm just a typical male
[06:44:37] <crutchy> the usual every 20 seconds thing
[06:49:29] <Ethanol-fueled> konomi, are you female or a ladyboy?
[06:50:11] <Konomi> girl
[06:50:11] <crutchy> i a shemale
[06:50:25] <crutchy> woof meow!
[06:50:25] <Konomi> lgbt supporter as well though
[06:50:34] <Konomi> crutchy: most find that offensive btw ;p
[06:50:44] <crutchy> find what offensive?
[06:50:53] <Konomi> "shemale" ;p
[06:50:55] <crutchy> calling themselves a shemale?
[06:50:58] <crutchy> oh?
[06:51:02] <Konomi> just the term
[06:51:11] <crutchy> what's the right term?
[06:51:17] <Konomi> replace it with nigger and you get the idea
[06:51:29] <Konomi> transexual/transgendered etc
[06:51:33] <crutchy> ah
[06:51:44] <crutchy> they're such big words though
[06:51:44] <Ethanol-fueled> Okay, let me rephrase the question, Konomi - do you have a penis?
[06:51:50] <crutchy> lol
[06:51:53] <Konomi> >.>
[06:52:13] <crutchy> grep konomi penis
[06:52:26] <crutchy> if only i knew how to grep for penises
[06:52:29] <Konomi> all I thought was detatchavle penissssss
[06:53:18] <Konomi> crutchy: yeah I can't really think of a small word though
[06:53:23] <crutchy> to be fair e-f didn't specify if the said penis had to be on your person or made of skin
[06:53:26] <Konomi> you could try trap but that's still offensive I think
[06:53:36] <Konomi> lol
[06:53:36] <ciri> HEY! don't laugh at me
[06:53:40] <Konomi> ciri--
[06:53:40] <Bender> karma - ciri: -10
[06:53:44] <crutchy> most girls have a penis of sorts
[06:53:48] <Konomi> wattt
[06:54:09] <Konomi> please explain to me how you came to that conclusion
[06:54:09] <Ethanol-fueled> You all knew damn well what I meant.
[06:54:11] <Konomi> cause it's news to me
[06:55:02] <Konomi> also on the subject of weird and possibly uncomfortable things
[06:55:12] <Konomi> I found out what an episiotomy is the other day
[06:55:18] <Konomi> owww doesn't even remotely cover it
[06:55:53] <Ethanol-fueled> CHeck out this hot babe...
[06:55:54] <Ethanol-fueled> http://www.wired.com
[06:55:55] <NetCraft> ^ 03Apple Hires Hacker Who Helped Save Windows From Security Hell | WIRED
[06:56:02] <Konomi> eh
[06:56:07] * Konomi peeks out of curiousity
[06:56:23] <crutchy> ~define episiotomy
[06:56:26] <Konomi> bit um average without sounding mean
[06:56:28] <exec> [wikipedia] 3Episiotomy: An episiotomy (/əˌpiːziːˈɒtəmiː/ or /ˌɛpəsaɪˈɒtəmiː/), also known as perineotomy, is a surgical incision of the perineum and the posterior vaginal wall generally done by a midwife or o...
[06:56:41] <crutchy> o.0
[06:56:44] <Konomi> yeah I know
[06:56:47] <Konomi> kids never ever
[06:57:23] <crutchy> in other words a crack enlargement procedure?
[06:57:25] <Konomi> if I didn't already think the birth process is gross enough already that one made it oh so worse in my mind
[06:57:30] <Konomi> yes they cut you seirously
[06:57:32] <Konomi> CUT YOU
[06:57:33] <Konomi> ._.
[06:57:40] <Ethanol-fueled> crutchy, konomi - fixing an episiotomy is what we Yanks call "husband stitches"
[06:57:47] <Konomi> god it makes me cringe just thinking about it
[06:57:57] <Ethanol-fueled> Yes, birth is a crazy and disgusting ordeal.
[06:58:07] * crutchy backs away slowly from conversation about cutting vaginas
[06:58:09] <Konomi> first in line for android bodies
[06:58:09] <Ethanol-fueled> you're given an enema and a saddleblock
[06:58:11] <Konomi> strait away
[06:58:17] <Konomi> wait an enema too?
[06:58:37] <Konomi> fuck that, just fuck that I already have enough person space issues
[06:59:06] <crutchy> there is no dignity in childbirth
[06:59:42] <crutchy> i think they have a safety deposit box for you to check it in when you get to the hospital
[07:00:39] * crutchy is considering running the main loop of his irc bot in an eval
[07:00:47] <Konomi> don't you dare
[07:01:40] <Konomi> apparently episitomy is not popular in devolped countries anymore
[07:02:18] <crutchy> including a file every fraction of a second would flog the hard disk a bit
[07:02:56] <Konomi> mental fist pumping or whatever it is did occur when i read this
[07:02:58] <crutchy> but would mean i could change bot code on the fly without having to restart/reconnect
[07:03:29] <Konomi> actually it wouldn't
[07:03:32] <Konomi> at least not in linux
[07:03:36] <Konomi> disk cache takes care of that
[07:03:47] <crutchy> so no flogging?
[07:03:51] <Konomi> nope
[07:03:54] <crutchy> awesome
[07:04:07] <Konomi> linux generally keeps files in memory and then flushes them after x time
[07:04:10] <Konomi> at least for ext4
[07:04:11] <crutchy> ah
[07:04:15] <Konomi> dirty write back or something is what it's called
[07:04:15] <crutchy> err
[07:04:21] <crutchy> how do i tell fs?
[07:04:22] <ciri> you talking to me?
[07:05:10] <Konomi> my partner said she thinks it's for every fs on linux crutchy but she's not entirely sure
[07:05:46] <crutchy> /proc/fs/ext4 seems to suggest sda1 is ext4
[07:05:48] <Konomi> aka this
[07:05:50] <Konomi> Write-back (or write-behind): initially, writing is done only to the cache. The write to the backing store is postponed until the cache blocks containing the data are about to be modified/replaced by new content.
[07:06:10] <Konomi> https://en.wikipedia.org
[07:06:10] <NetCraft> ^ 04Wiki: 03File:Write-back with write-allocation.svg
[07:06:12] <Konomi> yay wikipedia
[07:06:45] <Konomi> I think the dirty value is just an arbitary time value
[07:06:51] <crutchy> might try that now
[07:06:56] <crutchy> eval++
[07:06:56] <Bender> karma - eval: 2
[07:07:01] <Konomi> eww
[07:07:06] <Konomi> I still don't want you using eval
[07:07:07] <Konomi> so don't
[07:07:20] <Konomi> eval and safe are not two words that ever go together
[07:07:21] <crutchy> i like being able to tinker without reconnect
[07:07:32] <Konomi> you should find another way to do it then
[07:07:34] <Ethanol-fueled> evalf++
[07:07:34] <Bender> karma - evalf: 1
[07:08:12] <crutchy> i would love that challenge konomi, but i'm prolly to dumb to find a better way
[07:08:28] <crutchy> exec is already multi-process and a bit abstract
[07:08:35] <Konomi> eval is not securable
[07:08:52] <crutchy> i agree
[07:09:03] <Konomi> https://en.wikipedia.org
[07:09:03] <NetCraft> ^ 04Wiki: 03eval
[07:09:22] <crutchy> ima still gunna try it at least... just cos it will keep me up at night if i don't at least try
[07:09:24] <Konomi> god that is a crap example wikipedia
[07:09:42] <crutchy> and i like the idea of self-modifying code too >:-D
[07:09:55] <chromas> crutchy: use pascal
[07:10:12] <chromas> And have it run php scripts
[07:11:07] <Konomi> what language is this in crutchy ?
[07:11:11] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - New Solar Power Material Converts 90 percent of Captured Light into Heat - http://sylnt.us - bright-spark
[07:11:13] <crutchy> php
[07:11:28] <crutchy> ahh
[07:11:32] <crutchy> i don't need eval
[07:11:35] <crutchy> just include
[07:12:04] <chromas> Does it re-include when the file changes?
[07:12:19] <chromas> inotify++
[07:12:19] <Bender> karma - inotify: 1
[07:12:31] <crutchy> it would, but prolly not without redeclaration errors
[07:12:59] <crutchy> might just try it and see where it breaks
[07:13:34] <crutchy> there's things like _ob_flush etc that might help maybe
[07:14:35] <Ethanol-fueled> Did you guys have any formal schooling for learning how to write code?
[07:14:38] <Konomi> meh my partner who is infinitly better at coding than me says you have to use eval in interupted languages anywway
[07:14:41] <Konomi> so have at it ;_;
[07:15:04] <crutchy> e-f, nah i just make shit up as i go
[07:15:38] <Konomi> she said in compiled language you'd simply make an interupter but in interupted language you'd have to do the same thing and it becomes pointless
[07:15:41] <Konomi> so mise well use eval >.<
[07:16:11] <crutchy> eval would probly have same redeclaration errors
[07:16:19] <crutchy> will see i a couple of minutes :p
[07:17:24] <Konomi> just checked a bot I know of they use eval too so meh
[07:17:48] <crutchy> exec has live scripts that you can write in php that use eval
[07:17:59] <crutchy> s/php/irc/
[07:17:59] <sedctl> <crutchy> exec has live scripts that you can write in irc that use eval
[07:19:17] <crutchy> eval might be better
[07:19:27] <crutchy> i think include/require loads the code into memory
[07:19:37] <Konomi> you just have to santise the input a lot
[07:19:43] <Konomi> and even then someone might find a way
[07:20:03] <crutchy> bot prolly already has more holes than swiss cheese
[07:20:29] <Konomi> my bot doesn't butit's so basic ;p
[07:21:22] <Konomi> btw fund bash tip of the week
[07:21:45] <crutchy> hmm had a different idea
[07:21:58] <Konomi> shopt -s globstar nullglob && echo ./**/* ; shopt -u globstar nullglob
[07:22:17] <Konomi> full rescursive file tree walk without find and is special character safe
[07:22:46] <crutchy> just trying to nut out the details in my head, but something along the lines of just creating socket connection in main script and putting inside of main loop into a separate file and exec'ing that script
[07:23:06] <crutchy> hmm need a way to transfer socket handle to exec'd script :/
[07:23:07] <Konomi> Ethanol-fueled: I didn't
[07:24:08] <crutchy> oh and global data arrays
[07:24:15] <crutchy> fuck. yeah that wont work :(
[07:25:16] <Konomi> http://paste.ofcode.org
[07:25:16] <NetCraft> ^ 03Paste ofCode
[07:25:20] <Konomi> recent code I spat out of my butt!
[07:26:21] <crutchy> maybe pctl_fork
[07:26:37] <Konomi> you should find another php bot to see how they did it crutchy
[07:26:45] <Konomi> no one ever learned anything by coding from the start ;p
[07:26:56] <crutchy> i'm learning heaps :D
[07:27:18] <Ethanol-fueled> crutchy, make a troll bot
[07:27:30] <Konomi> you could also be learning it wrong and having to relearn it later as well you know that right ;p
[07:27:31] <Ethanol-fueled> one that reacts anytime a racial slur is said.
[07:27:50] <crutchy> Konomi, yeah i have no doubt a lot of my code is dumb
[07:27:52] <Konomi> you mean a bot that just talks to you ;p ?
[07:28:04] <Ethanol-fueled> crutchy, better than my code.
[07:28:13] <crutchy> i like trains
[07:28:13] <exec> http://www.youtube.com
[07:28:16] <Ethanol-fueled> I can barely design a Geocities-tier website
[07:28:35] <crutchy> you mean like the 'i like trains' response?
[07:28:35] <exec> http://www.youtube.com
[07:31:06] <crutchy> ooh
[07:31:34] * crutchy is mulling over semaphores on php.net
[07:41:52] -!- JamesNZ [JamesNZ!~james@43-567-441-22.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #Soylent
[07:58:36] <chromas> crutchy: make the socket loop in bash :D
[08:01:08] <crutchy> still need shared mem for glowballs
[08:01:26] <chromas> use ii
[08:01:39] <chromas> then you can just read the pipes like you do for exec scripts
[08:01:43] <crutchy> noooooooo!!!
[08:01:51] <crutchy> fsockopen++
[08:01:51] <Bender> karma - fsockopen: 4
[08:01:55] <crutchy> :D
[08:03:58] <crutchy> i could make a simple ii-like thing in a few lines of php with fsockopen and procopen
[08:04:36] <crutchy> need more abstract ipc :D
[08:04:39] * chromas wonders when someone'll come up with a different networking api
[08:04:56] <crutchy> s/ore/oar/
[08:04:56] <sedctl> <crutchy> need moar abstract ipc :D
[08:04:58] <chromas> crutchy: use dbus :)
[08:06:08] <crutchy> nah i want few dependencies as possible
[08:07:33] <crutchy> eventually i might try make a little virtualbox with all the crap stripped out of it
[08:07:38] <crutchy> just ssh and php
[08:07:49] <crutchy> oh and cowsay :D
[08:12:09] <chromas> crutchian ganoo/cowsexecux
[08:17:44] <ar> http://dilbert.com
[08:18:12] <ar> crutchy: why virtualbox? make a dockerfile for it
[08:21:54] <crutchy> lol: http://dilbert.com
[08:22:00] <crutchy> hmm
[08:22:13] * crutchy kicks monopolah
[08:22:35] <crutchy> ar, i'm used to virtualbox
[08:22:51] <crutchy> ~define docker file
[08:23:03] <exec> docker file: unable to find definition
[08:23:14] <crutchy> -.-
[08:25:29] <crutchy> all this shit will prolly never happen anyway. i'm too much of a gunna-do
[08:25:41] <crutchy> its fun to think about though
[08:49:50] <Ethanol-fueled> ut-oh,
[08:50:09] <Ethanol-fueled> It's about 1am and i have only 2 beers left.
[08:50:31] <Ethanol-fueled> The problem will be remedied by walking to the store and buying more booze.
[08:50:57] <Ethanol-fueled> arm your lazers, You will feel the wrath of the Ethanol-fueled like you have never felt before.
[08:51:35] * Ethanol-fueled has quit[k-lined]
[08:51:40] -!- Ethanol-fueled has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[09:15:38] -!- Ethanol-fueled [Ethanol-fueled!~62b0cd6b@ng19-647-271-678.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #Soylent
[09:18:46] <crutchy> shared memory looks too hard atm
[09:19:02] <crutchy> maybe i could just do a persistent socket
[09:19:49] <chromas> make a bucketd
[09:20:12] <chromas> then the main exec bot plus all the other scripts connect to it to share buckets
[09:22:20] <crutchy> uses stdin/out atm which seems like it would be quicker than using files
[09:22:43] <Ethanol-fueled> why is that, crutchy?
[09:22:45] <crutchy> dunno though. so many different ways to do things
[09:23:10] <crutchy> Ethanol-fueled, why is what?
[09:23:30] <crutchy> sorry i'm a bit wishy washy atm
[09:23:46] <crutchy> ~restart
[09:23:47] <exec> successfully saved buckets file (25.5 kb)
[09:23:55] -!- exec has quit [Quit: dafuq]
[09:24:03] <crutchy> lets see if i understand persistent sockets right
[09:26:08] <Ethanol-fueled> T-800, hahah
[09:26:20] <Ethanol-fueled> those were the meanest and scariest motherfucking series of terminators.
[09:35:26] <Ethanol-fueled> http://www.youtube.com
[09:35:27] <NetCraft> ^ 03Vaginal Jesus - Slave Run Away Beat Rodney Down - YouTube
[09:38:59] <Ethanol-fueled> Do ho hoo!
[09:41:03] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - FTC Ends First Case Against a “Patent Troll” with a Slap on the Wrist - http://sylnt.us - disappointing-and-no-deterrent
[09:41:32] <chromas> Federal Towelsnap Commision
[09:42:57] <chromas> s/n$/n—we're coming up fast to snap you in the ass; teehee!/
[09:42:57] <sedctl> <chromas> Federal Towelsnap Commision—we're coming up fast to snap you in the ass; teehee!
[09:48:20] -!- exec [exec!~exec@utioner/T-800/BeVeryAfraid] has joined #Soylent
[09:48:53] <crutchy> coffee++
[09:48:53] <Bender> karma - coffee: 901
[09:49:51] <crutchy> gave up on all that airy-fairy shit for tonight
[09:51:29] <chromas> crutchy: s/(a)i(r)/\1\2t/g
[09:51:29] <sedctl> <chromas> <crutchy> gave up on all that arty-farty shit for tonight
[09:51:39] <chromas> oh shit it actually worked
[10:00:57] -!- KonomiNetbook has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[10:01:43] * crutchy gives KonomiNetbook mouth-to-pyewta resuscitation
[10:24:46] <Ethanol-fueled> how about saying, FUCK YOU ALL
[10:24:53] * Ethanol-fueled flips bird
[10:33:46] <JamesNZ> oh-my-zsh++
[10:33:54] <JamesNZ> oh_my_zsh++
[10:33:54] <Bender> karma - oh_my_zsh: 1
[10:37:54] -!- KonomiNetbook [KonomiNetbook!~Konomi@Soylent/Users/189/Konomi] has joined #Soylent
[10:42:30] <crutchy> coffee++
[10:42:30] <Bender> karma - coffee: 902
[10:47:53] <juggs> hmm
[10:48:51] <JamesNZ> crutchy: The resuscitation worked :P
[10:50:24] <JamesNZ> ~gnight y'all
[10:50:25] * exec brazenly blows a blagoblag of Soylent Green at y'all
[10:50:38] -!- JamesNZ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[11:02:10] <Ethanol-fueled> FUCK YA FUCKS
[11:05:47] -!- Ethanol-fueled has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[11:11:36] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[11:11:36] <Bender> karma - coffee: 903
[11:12:06] * juggs senses fooshes becoming nervous
[11:12:10] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Elon Musk Considers Building Smaller, Cheaper Internet Satellites - http://sylnt.us - interplanetary-internet-soon
[11:14:45] <TheMightyBuzzard> they better be. one of em yanked a perfectly good fishing pole into the lake yesterday, right out of a pole holder. i got some vengeance to get.
[11:15:03] <juggs> hahaha revenge!
[11:35:16] <Konomi> wow...
[11:35:18] <Konomi> https://www.youtube.com
[11:35:19] <NetCraft> ^ 03Bank Whistleblower Alayne Fleischmann & Matt Taibbi on How JPMorgan Chase Helped Wreck the Economy - YouTube
[11:35:46] <Konomi> this is the whistleblower for chase and in the interview hwen she mentions contacting the complaints dept of the company about corruption it sounds like her voice breaks and she's about to cry x.x
[11:36:01] <Konomi> jpmorgan and chase as evil as you probably thought
[11:36:42] <juggs> shenanigans with credit default swaps and related insurances mostly wasn't it?
[11:46:02] <Konomi> https://www.youtube.com
[11:46:02] <NetCraft> ^ 03BUNCHIES!!! try not to laugh! - YouTube
[11:46:04] * Konomi hides
[12:35:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> meh, think ima skip fooshin today
[12:35:21] <TheMightyBuzzard> go tomorrow or something
[12:35:39] <chromas> tease
[12:35:49] <chromas> building up the tension with the fooshes
[12:36:25] <crutchy> or building explosives :p
[12:37:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> nah, i could get away with that in a farm pond but not a lake in a national park
[12:37:49] <crutchy> if a tree explodes in a forest, does it make a sound?
[12:38:00] <crutchy> hmm i think i might've got that wrong
[12:38:37] <TheMightyBuzzard> sounded close enough for me
[12:39:45] <crutchy> xchat is awesome in 1080p
[12:39:55] <crutchy> much better than on my lappy screen
[12:40:20] * chromas rofls a copter
[12:40:27] * crutchy should get his desktop going again
[12:40:41] <chromas> I went to look up xchat screenshots and it shows a few thumbs from the images section. They're all blurred
[12:40:48] <chromas> "These images contain adult content."
[12:41:04] <chromas> they're screenshots and one's clearly the xchat logo
[12:41:21] <crutchy> that must be xxxchat
[12:46:29] <crutchy> oh wicked
[12:46:41] <crutchy> i just realized i can make the background transparent
[12:47:00] <chromas> You can change the colors and resize the window too :D
[12:50:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> you can even change the font!
[13:02:27] <crutchy> ~restart
[13:02:28] <exec> successfully saved buckets file (25.2 kb)
[13:02:36] -!- exec has quit [Quit: dafuq]
[13:03:34] -!- exec [exec!~exec@utioner/T-800/BeVeryAfraid] has joined #Soylent
[13:03:45] <crutchy> ~exec-errors
[13:05:26] <crutchy> poo
[13:05:29] <crutchy> ~restart
[13:05:31] <exec> successfully saved buckets file (24.8 kb)
[13:05:39] -!- exec has quit [Client Quit]
[13:05:44] <crutchy> stupid having to restart to make changes to bot :/
[13:06:46] <juggs> indeed - needs a rehash function. Mebbe separate out the piece that maintains the irc connection so all the other bits n bobs can be rehashed / restarted invisibly
[13:07:50] <crutchy> been thinking about that. i dunno how to do it though
[13:08:59] <crutchy> i though semaphores might be a solution
[13:09:27] <crutchy> abstraction++
[13:09:27] <Bender> karma - abstraction: 2
[13:15:11] <juggs> https://github.com
[13:15:28] <juggs> lots and lots of sockets :D Beyond that, I have no idea
[13:26:51] <crutchy> thanks juggs. not much of a c guy, but couldn't find much in there that seemed to suggest ability to restart without losing socket connection. might be able to do that a bit easier in c than php though
[13:27:43] <juggs> not sure where the rehash function is in eggdrop, but it definitely has one as I use it all the time :)
[13:27:59] <crutchy> php being mainly a web language i think there's been some effort in making sure bodgy scripts can't access variables and handles from other processes
[13:29:08] <crutchy> does eggdrop rehash work if you modify the eggdrop source code?
[13:29:38] * crutchy isn't 100% sure what rehash means
[13:30:15] <crutchy> exec's rehash merely reloads alias definitions
[13:30:57] <juggs> nah - you'd need to recompile if you altered the core stuff. Rehash causes the running eggdrop to re-read all its config files plus re-initialise any add-on scripts that it has. So you can change the add-on scripts and rehash without the main eggdrop process having to fully restart.
[13:31:12] <crutchy> ah
[13:31:53] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Google Promotes Piracy of Porn, says Adult Film Industry - http://sylnt.us - bandwagon-jumping
[13:31:54] <Konomi> https://www.youtube.com
[13:31:55] <NetCraft> ^ 03Dogs Like Socks by PSYCHOSTICK [Official] "I'm a dog and I like socks" - YouTube
[13:31:57] <Konomi> the things peeps send me
[13:32:04] <crutchy> i was just whining about having to restart if i change exec's core code
[13:32:31] <crutchy> i can modify scripts on the fly without even rehashing so that's no prob
[13:33:37] <juggs> move ever more out of the core code then until it's just a skeleton that you never need to change :D
[13:34:17] <crutchy> that's the aim :d
[13:35:08] <juggs> hmm... fire up a fork using the new core code, then hand over the network sockets and state info to it, then term the original. I've no idea if that's even possible :D
[13:36:00] <crutchy> i was wondering if i could maybe pass a socket handle between processes using a semaphore, but i don't know enough about shared memory shit. have to do some reading
[13:36:43] <juggs> only way to learn
[13:36:47] <crutchy> existing scripts talk to the bot just using stdin/stdout pipes
[13:37:02] <crutchy> so the next step is a bit new
[13:38:30] -!- exec [exec!~exec@utioner/T-800/BeVeryAfraid] has joined #Soylent
[13:39:55] <crutchy> the more i think about it the more the semaphore thing seems full of profanities and coffee overdoses
[13:40:19] <crutchy> i don't change the bot that much i guess
[13:40:33] <chromas> you could do what you do with the scripts
[13:40:50] <chromas> just have it load one script and only have the ability to reload that one
[13:41:00] <chromas> then the one would have the logic for loading others
[13:41:20] <crutchy> maybe
[13:41:33] <crutchy> not sure how to keep terminal though
[13:41:43] <chromas> don't close it
[13:43:18] <crutchy> if i start a new bot instance using proc_open, i think i'd need to somehow get the stdin/out/err handles to redirect to the terminal emulator when the old bot process quits
[13:43:33] <chromas> write everything to the socket
[13:43:54] <chromas> it can start with some sort of command if it's for irc, otherwise it'll get printed to the terminal
[13:44:12] <Konomi> just don't put your finger in the socket
[13:44:14] <chromas> by the shell bot
[13:44:26] <crutchy> konomi is a shell bot
[13:44:41] <Konomi> the pauses in my sentences give it away
[13:44:45] <Konomi> I'm loading my databse
[13:45:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> heh, my bot doesn't know rehash from its own ass.
[13:45:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> i'm entirely too lazy to make a single purpose bot be on the fly modable.
[13:46:14] <crutchy> delete from konomi.clothing where description="pants" :p
[13:46:35] <crutchy> damn 1am
[13:46:40] <chromas> there's probably a backup layer
[13:46:46] <crutchy> stupid o'clock
[13:47:19] <crutchy> time to get up to get ready for workipoos in 5 and a bit hrs
[13:48:03] <crutchy> sorry for being inappropriate konomi
[13:48:17] <Konomi> mmn hmm ;p
[13:50:28] <ar> just went to see Interstellar. great movie :)
[13:50:47] <ar> and best of it all: there were only 5 other people in the cinema
[13:50:47] <Konomi> what's the basic synopse?
[13:52:04] <ar> Konomi: earth is becoming unable to sustain human life, so people embark on a journey through a wormhole to find habitable planets
[13:52:16] <juggs> cinema's great when nearly empty - none of that background grazing and slurping noise or over bright phones flickering all over the place
[13:52:41] <ar> yup
[13:52:52] <Konomi> oh sounds awesome then
[13:53:15] <Konomi> not making a trop to the movies for anything though will wait for the 0s and 1
[13:53:50] <ar> i also have a projector and good sound system at home, but you can't find movies in decent quality on the internets before they are released, like in the good old days
[13:57:08] <ar> (i remember watching The Island (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0399201/) dvdrip 3 months before it was released to cinemas in poland; it was one of the last movies that were available so soon)
[13:57:09] <NetCraft> ^ 03The Island (2005) - IMDb
[13:57:54] <ar> (also (nested parentheses are (so lispy)))
[14:04:49] -!- Popeidol has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[14:06:31] -!- Popeidol [Popeidol!~matt@93-3-45-501.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #Soylent
[14:14:54] <ar> http://arachnist.is-a.cat
[14:50:37] <Konomi> fine thin tops + long sharp nails
[14:50:43] <Konomi> love lifes little fun combos
[14:52:38] <Konomi> taking off your top turns into needing to have the accuracy of a heart surgen
[15:11:07] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Gut Bacteria Tipping the Scales - http://sylnt.us - heavy-bacteria
[15:46:36] -!- mechanicjay has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[16:50:20] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Perhaps CERN didn't Find the Higgs Particle - http://sylnt.us - never-seen-one-before
[17:03:00] <Konomi> heh that tag
[17:08:51] -!- mechanicjay [mechanicjay!~jhowe@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/mechanicjay] has joined #Soylent
[17:08:51] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mechanicjay] by juggler
[17:13:13] <juggs> :D
[17:54:17] <Azrael> Konomi: :)
[17:57:01] <mechanicjay> Is anyone at Lisa '14 this week?
[18:11:21] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - The Snow Art of Simon Beck - http://sylnt.us - cold-arted
[18:30:53] <crutchy> coffee++
[18:30:53] <Bender> karma - coffee: 904
[18:51:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[18:51:53] <Bender> karma - coffee: 905
[18:56:48] -!- mythterj has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
[19:01:54] -!- Popeidol has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[19:40:27] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Optimal Order for Boarding a Plane - http://sylnt.us - two-by-two
[20:02:36] -!- Bald-headed-John-King-of-the-P [Bald-headed-John-King-of-the-P!~62b0cd6b@ng19-647-271-678.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #Soylent
[20:02:47] <Bald-headed-John-King-of-the-P> Yo.
[20:02:52] -!- Bald-headed-John-King-of-the-P has quit [Client Quit]
[20:03:16] -!- Bald-headed-John-Plooker [Bald-headed-John-Plooker!~62b0cd6b@ng19-647-271-678.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #Soylent
[20:03:19] <juggs> o.O
[20:03:32] <Bald-headed-John-Plooker> Footbal today! (heart)
[20:03:39] <juggs> having a good day ef?
[20:04:02] <Bald-headed-John-Plooker> good weekend, juggs, won the highest award during a ceremony at work -- again.
[20:04:23] <Bald-headed-John-Plooker> Went out for a nice dinner last night, ate fried oysters and whole sizzling fish.
[20:04:54] <juggs> what does that get ya? a pat on the head or some worthless certificate that you've been a good lad? (the workin thing, not the sizzling fish!)
[20:05:10] <Bald-headed-John-Plooker> Juggs - I got a fitty dolla gift certificate.
[20:05:25] <juggs> eh - not to be sniffed at
[20:05:50] <Bald-headed-John-Plooker> And a shitload of female attention at our co-workers' happy hour Friday evening
[20:06:37] <Bald-headed-John-Plooker> And now looking forward to watchin' some American football.
[20:06:44] <Bald-headed-John-Plooker> over booze and pizza.
[20:07:17] <Bald-headed-John-Plooker> Watching the Denver Broncos STOMP the Oakland AIDSers
[20:09:05] <juggs> sounds good to me
[20:11:05] <Bald-headed-John-Plooker> Chargers playin' the Raiders next week. Gonna be a good game.
[20:11:22] <Bald-headed-John-Plooker> I've seen entire bars break out in fights because of Charger-Raider games.
[20:11:56] <Bald-headed-John-Plooker> Even charger fan-on-charger fan violence, with a raider fan trying to break it up.
[20:13:54] <Bald-headed-John-Plooker> my only regret is not being able to witness personally an English or Scottish football riot.
[20:15:12] <Bald-headed-John-Plooker> violence rocks. ULTRA_VIOLENCE
[20:15:25] <Bald-headed-John-Plooker> Humans are such base knave beasts.
[20:15:45] <Bald-headed-John-Plooker> violence++
[20:15:45] <Bender> karma - violence: 1
[20:15:50] <Bald-headed-John-Plooker> coffee++
[20:15:50] <Bender> karma - coffee: 906
[20:15:54] <Bald-headed-John-Plooker> marijuana++
[20:15:54] <Bender> karma - marijuana: 1
[20:15:56] <Bald-headed-John-Plooker> weed++
[20:15:56] <Bender> karma - weed: 6
[20:23:20] <juggs> Don't really get much soccer rioting these days.
[20:30:15] -!- mechanicjay has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[20:50:23] <crutchy> aye focker!
[20:50:31] <crutchy> coffee++
[20:50:31] <Bender> karma - coffee: 907
[21:00:01] <Bald-headed-John-Plooker> sup crutchy.
[21:00:14] <Bald-headed-John-Plooker> Looks like my service learning class is approaching rather quickly....
[21:00:59] <Bald-headed-John-Plooker> which means that I will (under an anonymized alter-ego) approach Soylent news to work as a dev/editor around April of next year
[21:01:11] <crutchy> is that where you learn how to service guys :D
[21:01:27] <crutchy> seriously though that's pretty cool
[21:01:38] <crutchy> april will come up quick
[21:02:05] <Bald-headed-John-Plooker> Yeah, but...it means I'd have to work with PERL. :(
[21:02:07] <Bald-headed-John-Plooker> perl--
[21:02:07] <Bender> karma - perl: 4
[21:02:35] <crutchy> yeah i don't really wanna learn perl either. php for all its warts is much easier
[21:03:27] <crutchy> though i've seen some ugly php too
[21:03:36] <crutchy> like my own sometimes :p
[21:03:37] <Bald-headed-John-Plooker> before service learning I have internet programming, which is php/css/javascript and building e-commerce sites. I think I should have enough training to run with Slashcode
[21:04:22] <crutchy> sounds good
[21:04:59] <juggs> only if we can rig up a breathalyser which blocks your accesses when out of your tree :D :D
[21:05:01] <TheMightyBuzzard> i'm not doing a happy dance until i have less work to do. i've been fooled before.
[21:05:32] <Bald-headed-John-Plooker> juggs, I don't do schoolwork while drunk or high.
[21:05:55] <juggs> sometimes it can make it easier :)
[21:05:58] <crutchy> tmb, i'm only here to make more work for you :D
[21:06:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> crutchy, duh.
[21:06:15] <Bald-headed-John-Plooker> you should become a dev, crutchy
[21:06:31] <crutchy> maybe one day
[21:06:37] <crutchy> when i'm not retarded
[21:07:03] <crutchy> a lot of perl is still jibberish to me
[21:08:05] <crutchy> the api seems really cool though. if i were to ever get into anything something like an api would be awesome, but that requires a fairly intimate knowledge of the system workings
[21:08:41] <crutchy> getting cosy with slash suggests lots of blood and tears
[21:09:54] <TheMightyBuzzard> no, mostly just needs someone handy to say "is there already a sub for this?" and "ARGH! where the fuck is foo?!"
[21:10:11] <Bald-headed-John-Plooker> Yeah Buzzard, so get that API up and running before my service class starts.
[21:10:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> until you master grep-fu
[21:10:48] <Bald-headed-John-Plooker> If I turn out to be worthless I can at least document everything in plain English.
[21:10:55] <Bald-headed-John-Plooker> And be an editor.
[21:10:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> api is only going to allow user-level stuff. no system-level stuff will ever be included.
[21:11:35] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Watson May Have the Answer to Big Blue's Uncertain Future - http://sylnt.us - forty-two
[21:11:36] <TheMightyBuzzard> like i'm not doing up api calls for editors/admins
[21:11:44] <crutchy> my grep-fu is non-existent
[21:11:53] <crutchy> sagasu++
[21:11:53] <Bender> karma - sagasu: 6
[21:12:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> grep -rIHn "sub getUser" .
[21:12:27] <TheMightyBuzzard> thas basically all you gotta remember with the stuff in quotes being what you wanna find.
[21:12:57] <TheMightyBuzzard> if you wanna find where something comes from, "sub foo" instead of telling where it's used with "foo"
[21:14:42] <crutchy> http://perso.b2b2c.ca
[21:15:32] <crutchy> its handy being able to see the line of code in the results. i guess grep prolly does that too though
[21:15:44] <crutchy> i'm a dummy with a lot of cli stuff
[21:16:19] -!- Nerdfest has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[21:16:20] -!- mechanicjay [mechanicjay!~jhowe@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/mechanicjay] has joined #Soylent
[21:16:20] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mechanicjay] by juggler
[21:16:26] <crutchy> before soylent i didn't even know it was possible to run php scripts in cli
[21:16:37] <crutchy> soylent++
[21:16:37] <Bender> karma - soylent: 2
[21:21:13] -!- Bald-headed-John-Plooker has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[21:21:55] -!- mechanicjay has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[21:27:23] -!- San-Diego-Super-Chargers [San-Diego-Super-Chargers!~ae4442d5@ze645-10-01-858.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #Soylent
[21:27:29] -!- FunPika [FunPika!~FunPika@Soylent/Staff/Wiki/FunPika] has joined #Soylent
[21:27:29] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v FunPika] by juggler
[21:27:40] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Had to boot into Windows to order pizza and watch the Raider game.
[21:28:17] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Both reasons are due to gimped websites that don't work on the Linux/Browser combos I use. Jesus Christ, you'd think they'd have that down by now.
[21:29:24] <crutchy> hope their pizzas aren't as gimped as their website
[21:29:55] <crutchy> pizza joint we use here has an awesome website. http://perso.b2b2c.ca
[21:30:01] <crutchy> oops
[21:30:15] <crutchy> http://www.paxhillpizza.com.au!dl=411&n=Home
[21:30:25] * crutchy pokes NetCraft
[21:31:15] <crutchy> i like that it remembers what you ordered last time cos i have a custom order i always get with a bunch of stuff that i can never remember
[21:31:49] <crutchy> chromas, is NetCraft sick?
[21:31:58] <crutchy> or has it joined a union?
[21:32:42] <crutchy> anyway, gtg to workipoos
[21:32:48] <crutchy> cyas later
[21:50:14] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Man, this is gonna be a good game.
[21:50:30] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> OGH SHIT A PICK
[21:50:50] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Fuck! Raider blocked a pass, then caught the football with an interception!
[21:51:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> don lookit me, i'm doin perly stuff
[21:51:46] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Larry Wall named his language PERL because he liked the look of ejaculate on his boyfriend's bum.
[21:51:51] <TheMightyBuzzard> football not my thang unless it's OU/UT and that already happened.
[21:53:15] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> college ball? Infuriating...college ball should be on Sundays, NFL should be on Saturdays
[21:53:32] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> just imagine how much Saturdays would rock if NFL games were on Saturday
[21:54:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> we ain't got an NFL team in my state. only the fucking thunder
[21:54:15] <TheMightyBuzzard> basketball--
[21:54:15] <Bender> karma - basketball: -1
[21:54:19] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> you an Okie, buzzard?
[21:54:24] <TheMightyBuzzard> yar
[21:54:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> by birth and for the now. come later this year heading off to TN though.
[21:55:23] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> looking forward to the move? Never been to either state.
[21:56:16] <TheMightyBuzzard> eh, I'm of two minds on that.
[21:56:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> on the one hand, TN can largely eat a dick. i've seen more of it than most residents just driving aaaaaall the way across it on I40 a gerzillion times.
[21:57:15] <TheMightyBuzzard> it's fucking long and boring.
[21:57:30] <TheMightyBuzzard> on the other hand, better fishing because they're not in a wicked drought.
[21:57:41] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Nice.
[21:57:55] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, my favorite lake's currently down NINE FEET.
[21:58:03] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> The drought here actually made the fishing better in the local reservoirs. Probably 'cuz there's less water in which to hide.
[21:58:24] <TheMightyBuzzard> prolly did here too but not at the dock i fish from.
[21:58:34] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> holy shit, buzzard, sounds like our local reservoirs.
[21:58:35] <TheMightyBuzzard> maybe if i took the boat out
[21:58:47] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> What kind of boat you got? A tin-can?
[21:58:51] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> tin-can++
[21:58:55] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> (tin can)++
[21:58:55] <Bender> karma - (tin can): 1
[21:59:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> yup, more or less. 14' aluminum john boat.
[21:59:54] <TheMightyBuzzard> slightly too heavy for two guys to carry unless they're in better shape than me.
[22:00:40] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> those are rad. The local reservoirs rent them to fishermen, I took my girl out on one and gave her a tour of the local reservoir.
[22:00:44] <TheMightyBuzzard> seriously though, our shit is down like we were in the dust bowl, we just got better mitigation strategies in place nowadays.
[22:00:50] * San-Diego-Super-Chargers sucks at hand-steered boat motorin'
[22:01:21] <TheMightyBuzzard> motorboatin++
[22:01:21] <Bender> karma - motorboatin: 1
[22:01:51] <TheMightyBuzzard> bewbs++
[22:01:51] <Bender> karma - bewbs: 24
[22:02:04] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> my employer provides the luxury of 21' and 19' pontoon boats ("party barges"), but fishing and drinking are no longer allowed during work hours.
[22:02:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> that's fascism
[22:02:30] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Yeah, totally.
[22:03:16] <TheMightyBuzzard> guy i'm going to TN with got told to keep his fishin pole in his work truck cause for the first year or two he's gonna be workin like 4-6 days a month and there's only so many times you can wash the company truck to keep busy before you wear the paint off.
[22:03:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> gets paid for a 40h week regardless though.
[22:03:47] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Hahah, nice.
[22:04:26] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, he's kinda a lucky bastard
[22:05:06] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Do you guys have canals and such out there?
[22:05:40] <TheMightyBuzzard> here in ok? just one or two. one for shipping down the river and one for show.
[22:06:15] <TheMightyBuzzard> plenty of rivers but they're mostly dry too
[22:09:08] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> http://www.mostassociates.com
[22:09:22] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> El Capitan reservoir...best damn fooshin' hole in the county.
[22:09:39] <TheMightyBuzzard> purdy
[22:10:05] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> It's in the really rednecky part of town, so there are no fucking hipsters there.
[22:10:13] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> some KKK though.
[22:10:20] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> openly racist biker bars etc.
[22:10:21] <TheMightyBuzzard> gotta go with lake texoma though. striper. lot to be said for hauling in a 70lb bass.
[22:10:28] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> dayum
[22:10:57] <TheMightyBuzzard> m r on my bucket list.
[22:11:25] * San-Diego-Super-Chargers looks up lake texoma
[22:11:29] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Noice.
[22:11:33] * San-Diego-Super-Chargers gets a hard-on
[22:11:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, it's down too low to get a boat in right now though. ramps are all closed.
[22:11:59] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> that sucks.
[22:12:16] <TheMightyBuzzard> water's deep enough but the ramps wasn't built with it being this low in mind.
[22:12:52] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Yeah, it's the same here. Miramar (local) is so low that the drop-off from the boat ramp is exposed.
[22:13:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> fuckin droughts. sposed to be like this another year or two too.
[22:13:44] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Fug.
[22:14:17] <TheMightyBuzzard> really hopin they got that wrong cause we could take a 20" rain right now and not be in danger of filling anything up.
[22:14:18] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Good for me because it means we have to do our lake-testing at El Cap, whcih is a longer trip, better scenery, and the best damn burrito shop on the way
[22:15:26] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> get this -- at el cap, there is a section called the "chocolate ridge" because of its brown color...and it's brown because of duck shit :)
[22:15:36] <TheMightyBuzzard> ha
[22:16:03] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Rules of the boat: (1) Don't get duck shit on the rope (2) have a clean ass (3) What happens on the boat stays on the boat
[22:16:36] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh, reminds me. saw a bass try n eat one of the little mud ducks we got out at arbuckle last week. didn't manage it but it was funny as hell.
[22:17:03] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Hahahah
[22:17:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> they're like smaller than a chicken. almost big largemouth eating size but not quite.
[22:19:22] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Must be nice to actually HAVE largemouth bass
[22:21:57] -!- mechanicjay [mechanicjay!~jhowe@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/mechanicjay] has joined #Soylent
[22:21:57] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mechanicjay] by juggler
[22:23:50] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Oh God....the Microsoft commercials during NFL games are ironically funny...but the military recruitment ones are just disgusting.
[22:24:37] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Oh, veteran's day is coming up.
[22:30:31] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> And another touchdown by Denver
[22:30:48] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Hahaha, Raiders gettin Blown the fuck OUT!
[22:31:08] <chromas> Seems like it would take the fun away
[22:31:30] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Raiders stay in the game though. They can't finish, but they stay in the game. The Chargers just sperg out.
[22:31:48] <paulej72> is that not normal for the Raiders
[22:32:14] <paulej72> the getting blown (out) part
[22:32:14] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> pauley, I hate the Raiders, but I give them respect for at least putting up a good fight.
[22:32:40] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Which they have been doing well all season...unlike the San Dago lightning bolts
[22:33:19] <paulej72> the raiders were my dads team back when they were not shit all the time
[22:33:52] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> pauley, the Raiders have been getting blown the fuck out for years now. Once upon a time they weren't shit, and they're clawing their way out of the doldrums now.
[22:35:15] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> I find that hard to believe, pauley. Only thugs are Raider fans.
[22:35:31] -!- mechanicjay has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[22:35:33] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Drug-selling, pimping, violent, law-breaking thugs.
[22:36:14] <paulej72> we are from the pittsburgh area so it was the local thugs or some other thugs
[22:36:53] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> haha, nice pauley -- my sister is doing graduate studies at CMU now
[22:37:06] <paulej72> well back when he was a fan they wer not such thugs off the field
[22:37:11] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> apparently there are a lot of weirdos there....but it's a nice place, she says,.
[22:37:28] <paulej72> i went there for undergrad
[22:38:57] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> that's why you're so elite.
[22:39:15] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> CMU seems to have a rep for computer-ey robot-ey stuff.
[22:39:26] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> pauley, you do grad school?
[22:42:06] <paulej72> yes princton, but i did not finish my phd, but instead switched to staff and computer support for the same department
[22:42:33] -!- mechanicjay [mechanicjay!~jhowe@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/mechanicjay] has joined #Soylent
[22:42:33] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mechanicjay] by juggler
[22:42:42] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Ivy league scum!
[22:42:48] <paulej72> giants and seahawks are tied
[22:42:55] <TheMightyBuzzard> damn, now i'm in a pissy mood even though i just got something working what was giving me fits.
[22:43:18] <TheMightyBuzzard> The folks at Salon really are grade a douchebags. http://www.salon.com
[22:43:29] <paulej72> it differnt when you are not an undergrad at an ivy league.
[22:43:37] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Buzzard: it's Salon, what did you expect.
[22:43:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> fair nuff
[22:44:06] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Though upscale libtard bullshit like Salon, New Yorker etc is hit-or-miss
[22:44:36] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Those folks actually work and make money during their living, so it's not all "raise the minimum wage and let all immigrants in" bullshit.
[22:44:39] <paulej72> ddos them. that will show them
[22:44:51] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> pauley...I was just about to.
[22:45:00] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> ping -f www.salon.com
[22:45:12] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> HAHAHAHAHH! Feel the POWER!
[22:45:30] <paulej72> lol
[22:45:30] <ciri> HAHAHAHA
[22:46:14] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> shut up, ciri
[22:46:24] * San-Diego-Super-Chargers slaps ciri
[22:46:31] <TheMightyBuzzard> man that was my go-to flood back in the day. hit up my shell account on one of my servers at the isp i worked for and burn down dialup noobs on irc.
[22:47:37] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Buzzard, about that article, I am ex-military and am from an ex-military family; and I work with a lot of ex-military people...and we all agree, you aren't a hero just because you signed the fucking contract.
[22:47:51] <paulej72> well you could fork ping a few hundred times to get the bandwidth up
[22:48:35] <chromas> Invite Khyber in; he'll set us up
[22:48:46] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> arti is khyber.
[22:48:47] <chromas> 1, 2, 3, no, 4 TB/s ddos
[22:48:53] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> somebody here is. khyber lives on.
[22:49:17] <paulej72> 400TB
[22:49:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> i agree but you absolutely are what keeps tools like the ones at Salon able to say stupid bullshit like that.
[22:49:33] <chromas> that's the number
[22:49:44] <TheMightyBuzzard> an unprotected country is a conquered country.
[22:50:06] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Buzzard: I'd rather read an article like that than the local rag.
[22:50:22] <TheMightyBuzzard> you live in cali, goes without saying.
[22:50:37] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Buzzard...and what threats that AMERICA DIDN'T EXACERBATE are actually threatening America?
[22:50:59] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> I hate fearmongering more than I hate libtard bullshit.
[22:51:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> San-Diego-Super-Chargers, none, because we're big and nasty as fuck in the military department.
[22:51:45] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Buzzard, I know. I touched the technology myself.
[22:51:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> if we weren't, some fuckers would say "say, they've got all these resources there unprotected. let's go take them from them."
[22:52:13] <paulej72> i need to eat dinner but i dont want to make anything
[22:52:26] <TheMightyBuzzard> prolly china or russia but it could be north korea for that matter without a military to stop it.
[22:52:31] <TheMightyBuzzard> paulej72, nachos
[22:52:34] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> resources, buzzard. having our own is nice. Being dependent on foreign resources is where our weaknesses lie
[22:53:04] <TheMightyBuzzard> San-Diego-Super-Chargers, well yeah, which is the logic behind someone wanting to come and take ours.
[22:53:05] <paulej72> no nanco mix in the house. fogot to pick some up
[22:53:41] <TheMightyBuzzard> San-Diego-Super-Chargers, the world is full of dickheads. not just individually but collectively as well.
[22:54:07] <paulej72> instant nacho mix is the best, better than the cook and serve
[22:54:24] <TheMightyBuzzard> you leave your keys in your car in a city, it's gonna get stolen eventually. you leave your nation unprotected, it's gonna get conquered eventually.
[22:54:54] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Buzzard, we have MAD. That people are still bickering and manuvering chess pieces is the last dying breath of old fools.
[22:55:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> paulej72, man i just use taco seasoning on some hamburger n grated up cheese.
[22:55:23] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> ironically, the same kind of fools who see the geopolitical chessboard as a FOOTBALL GAME!
[22:55:28] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> SCORE DENVER!
[22:55:51] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> TOUCHDOWN DENVER!
[22:56:02] <TheMightyBuzzard> San-Diego-Super-Chargers, we haven't had anyone with the nuts to make MAD mean anything since JFK
[22:56:38] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Buzzard, Russia warned publicly that they will embrace the Samson option:
[22:56:47] <TheMightyBuzzard> JFK said "i will blow up the fucking world", you took that shit to the bank.
[22:57:16] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> (the samson option is not all-out nuclear launching, it is using nuclear weapons against an aggressor when on the losing side of a conventional war)
[22:57:22] <TheMightyBuzzard> everyone since was just posturing
[22:57:58] <TheMightyBuzzard> Well prolly not Putin. Putin I'd believe it from.
[22:58:37] <TheMightyBuzzard> Obama? That fuckwad I wouldn't believe he'd send the girlscouts after me.
[22:59:16] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Obama is homosexual. Nothing wrong with that, but you know and I know that he has a transsexual man for a wife.
[22:59:28] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> She does have nice arms, but also broad shoulders
[22:59:41] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Barack, on the other hand, has the shoulders of a chicken.
[22:59:50] <TheMightyBuzzard> smooth, means i can sock her in the face and not worry about hitting a girl
[23:00:21] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Buzzard, you will lose the fight, and when you lose she will fuck you in the ass. Would you enjoy that?
[23:00:54] <TheMightyBuzzard> San-Diego-Super-Chargers, i know you lay awake at night wanking and asking yourself that but i'm still not answering.
[23:01:41] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Hahahaha, I lay awake wanking about other things, but fair enough, your privacy is respected.
[23:02:13] <paulej72> her arms are hiddeous and should remain covered at all times
[23:02:17] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> What is funny is that Obama's voice sounds like Dave Chappelle's caricatures of White men.
[23:02:27] <TheMightyBuzzard> you know, it does
[23:02:37] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> paulay, her armpits are kinda nasty, but her arms are decent when left down
[23:03:11] -!- mechanicjay has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[23:03:45] <paulej72> too thin. she has boney arms
[23:03:50] <TheMightyBuzzard> shit gonna change when i'm emperor, i tell ya. first thing is get all the ex-presidents up there and give em a thorough nut-kicking for getting us where we are today.
[23:03:51] <ciri> i hope you wiped your ass :)
[23:04:14] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Not Carter, Buzzard.
[23:04:20] <TheMightyBuzzard> specially carter
[23:04:52] <TheMightyBuzzard> that fucker messed up the economy worse than anyone cept obama since herbert hoover's days
[23:05:04] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Clinton fucked us all silently and gently with the repeal of Glass-Steagall but I would have spared him if it weren't for Hillary's being active in politics lately.
[23:05:08] <paulej72> panzy ass did not go after the hostages
[23:05:20] <TheMightyBuzzard> paulej72, troof
[23:05:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> also, fucking gas lines
[23:05:45] <TheMightyBuzzard> double digit unemployment
[23:05:49] <paulej72> that is why he lost the election
[23:06:00] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> No joke, this is 100% true - I saw a Hillary 2016 sticker on a Prius here.
[23:06:20] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Buzzard -- Carter only told the truth. He was fucked by external forces.
[23:06:22] <TheMightyBuzzard> i'm still on the obama 16 bandwagon
[23:06:40] <paulej72> voting for christy
[23:06:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> San-Diego-Super-Chargers, he was fucked by his hippy dippy lack of knowing shit about how money works.
[23:06:45] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Buzzard, that is a violation of American law and would likely lead to an armed revolt.
[23:06:59] * San-Diego-Super-Chargers crosses his fingers...pleeeease let there be an armed revolt...
[23:07:03] <TheMightyBuzzard> San-Diego-Super-Chargers, zactly
[23:07:36] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> I have said this before here, Buzzard, but I will post it again since it gives me a hard-on...
[23:07:45] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> http://www.huffingtonpost.com
[23:08:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, i lurve'd that.
[23:08:17] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Conservative supreme court justice Antonin Scalia suggests a popular revolt in response to tax hikes
[23:08:24] <TheMightyBuzzard> motherfucker was a peanut farmer who got paid to not to grow peanuts then took that same insane logic up to washington.
[23:10:25] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> That's what's disappointing about the supreme court - you have elite law grads, who are taught to be unbiased and Socaratic in their methods,
[23:10:43] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> then it's just the same liberal vs. conservative bullshit.
[23:10:52] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> POLITICAL appointees.
[23:11:04] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Open Source Offline Password Keeper Raises $48k in 4 days - http://sylnt.us - shut-up-and-take-my-money
[23:11:48] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, s'why ima replace em all with random folks from a bar picked out of the phone book for each case.
[23:12:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> no serving unless you've already been over-served yourself
[23:12:48] <TheMightyBuzzard> any case that doesn't have at least one brawl between justices is a mistrial and has to be reheard.
[23:13:18] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Buzzard, careful, now....we're not Brits.
[23:13:31] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> or ITALIANS.
[23:13:33] <TheMightyBuzzard> i was thinkin closer to irish
[23:13:46] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Buzzard, your comment is racist.
[23:14:02] <TheMightyBuzzard> nationalist, irish ain't a race
[23:14:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> like mexican ain't
[23:14:22] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> What do you think about American isolationism, Buzzard?
[23:14:52] <TheMightyBuzzard> i think it's bloody stupid if you wanna have nifty bringing the world together things like the internet.
[23:14:52] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> De-emphasis on foreign meddling and emphasis of self-reliance
[23:15:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh, that i've no issue with.
[23:15:30] <TheMightyBuzzard> sounds like a good idea but like all general policies there gotta be exceptions.
[23:16:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> i'd lurve to see the looks on the europeans faces when i told em we were pulling out of NATO though.
[23:16:41] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Buzzard: I'd love to see the look on Putin's face when we tell 'em we're pulling out of NATO
[23:16:52] <TheMightyBuzzard> he'd jizz himself
[23:17:09] <chromas> That's what pulling out is for
[23:17:35] <TheMightyBuzzard> i'd protect the countries that've actually been good allies. basically the UK, ireland, and poland.
[23:18:07] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> hahah Buzzard. Yeah, I have a soft-spot in my heart for the British Isles as well.
[23:18:49] -!- mechanicjay [mechanicjay!~jhowe@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/mechanicjay] has joined #Soylent
[23:18:49] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mechanicjay] by juggler
[23:18:54] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Maybe not Poland....they invented the submarine with a screen door.
[23:18:58] <TheMightyBuzzard> gotta hold up poland though cause they just escaped commie life and are doing their dead level best to be good capitalists. even if ar is a coffee hater.
[23:19:03] <paulej72> but them britts did fuck us real good 200 years ago
[23:19:30] <TheMightyBuzzard> paulej72, ya but we kicked their asses hard enough that we can even pronounce the letter H now.
[23:19:40] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Buzzard, I hold the belief that both capitalism and communism are viable, provided greedy people don't fuck them up.
[23:19:45] <TheMightyBuzzard> we can be magnanimous in victory like that.
[23:19:56] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Buzzard, do you think America is capitalist?
[23:20:16] <TheMightyBuzzard> hells naw. we're fucked up pretty far from proper capitalism.
[23:20:23] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Yup.
[23:21:04] <TheMightyBuzzard> see, capitalism is fair to everyone. communism is only fair to those who want it.
[23:21:10] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> HAHAHAHAH Oakland challenged a flag and got blown the fuck out, which cost them a panalty. First time I've ever seen it. Glorious.
[23:21:17] <paulej72> lets just let the big corps run everything ang just disolve all govs
[23:21:26] * juggs hands the beer and snacks round
[23:21:34] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Buzzard, that is how 1984 will happen.
[23:21:57] <TheMightyBuzzard> paulej72, soylentnews PBC for overlord!
[23:22:01] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees. I have tasted freedom, and will never yield to the nanny-statists.
[23:22:33] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> The movie Demolition Man touched upon the point rather nicely.
[23:22:35] <TheMightyBuzzard> San-Diego-Super-Chargers, give me liberty or give me death, not give me perfect safety and comfort.
[23:22:47] <paulej72> there are plenty of whores that would love to stay on their knees
[23:22:58] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, good rant by dennis leary in that one
[23:23:44] <TheMightyBuzzard> think i'll watch that again tonight
[23:24:11] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Buzzard: RATbugers :)
[23:24:18] <TheMightyBuzzard> was just thinking that
[23:24:26] <TheMightyBuzzard> still, better'n fuckin tofu.
[23:24:36] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> I'd rather live free and eat ratburgers than be fined for saying the word "fuck" in public.
[23:25:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> 2A ftw, they can have that fine and the one for obamacare when they take it off my corpse
[23:26:06] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Obamacare was the reason why my doctor stopped prescribing me Levitra
[23:26:22] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Not that I need it, but damn, it sure does help
[23:26:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> paulej72, given the bundy ranch thing, i may have to give my notice in a hurry if the irs comes around looking for their obamacare fine.
[23:26:52] <paulej72> sure sure
[23:27:07] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Buzzard, I think we should start a self-sufficient commuune somewhere in Washington or Montana.
[23:27:40] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Growing vegetables, hunting game, every night's dinner a feast with wine and song
[23:27:40] <juggs> then you just get raided and fire bombed
[23:27:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> depends. folks who don't work get to eat?
[23:27:56] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Buzzard, folks who don't work get ejected.
[23:28:01] <paulej72> montana is too populated with commune nuts
[23:28:18] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> pauley -- so's Washington :)
[23:28:22] <TheMightyBuzzard> see, that'd be good policy for the planet as a whole. get a job or get your ass shot off in a rocket.
[23:28:41] <paulej72> need to pick a state the gove would never suspect
[23:28:51] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> juggs: the key to not getting firebombed is to play ball with the gubmint.
[23:29:01] <paulej72> new jersey or deleware
[23:29:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> San-Diego-Super-Chargers, hows bout tennessee since ima be there anyway? have it be a bourbon making commune.
[23:29:09] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> And they won't fuck with you if you don't mandate violence
[23:29:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, no mandating. purely optional.
[23:29:59] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Buzzard, I get the impression that Tennesseeans would gladly be statist bootlickers as long as Republicans dominate American politics.
[23:30:01] <paulej72> too many mountains in tn. they would look ther first
[23:30:25] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> You need a more self-sufficient population.
[23:30:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya but getting the wrong mountain would get them shot at by folks what ain't us. wear them down.
[23:30:57] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> the American northeast would be another viable option.
[23:31:04] <paulej72> if you start hunting and eating long pork then cities are better
[23:31:32] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> See, Buzzard, I like that. But it's not good for pacifists.
[23:31:50] <TheMightyBuzzard> fuck pacifists. pacifism is objectively pro-facist.
[23:32:12] * San-Diego-Super-Chargers strangles pauley for suggesting New Jersey
[23:32:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> paulej72, i'll grant ya most of the folks on the jersey shore show could use a good killing but i wouldn't wanna eat em. too greasy.
[23:33:45] <paulej72> no need to use oil to cook them.
[23:34:01] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, not even for deep frying em
[23:34:15] <TheMightyBuzzard> kentucky-fried douchebag
[23:34:53] <paulej72> i was thinking more like kentucky fried crach head
[23:35:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> lot of overlap on that venn diagram
[23:35:55] <paulej72> you do know that the best serial killers were never caught or suspected
[23:36:14] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> pauley, like the zodiac killer?
[23:36:42] <paulej72> no they knew about him
[23:36:55] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> no they didn't.
[23:36:56] <TheMightyBuzzard> i should watch the last half season of Dexter
[23:37:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> skipped it cause i hate endings
[23:37:31] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> The zodiac killer remains uncaught.
[23:37:50] <paulej72> if a killer kills differently each time in different areas then the cops will not put 2and2together
[23:37:51] <TheMightyBuzzard> San-Diego-Super-Chargers, ya but they know there is a zodiac killer
[23:37:54] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> not even the NSA could decrypt his cruypts. You know why? Because they weren't computer characters.
[23:38:42] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> and like the BTK killer, and noted insane rockstar Prince, he signed his name as a symbol.
[23:38:54] <TheMightyBuzzard> btk got busted though
[23:39:00] <paulej72> and better if you dont leave a body
[23:39:11] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> BTK was one of my favorites. he wasn't smooth, because he wanted to be caught. he was a regular in the Church :)
[23:39:16] <TheMightyBuzzard> feed em to the pigs, `arold
[23:39:27] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> and, he had the most wicked-cool logo. BTK was an okie, no?
[23:39:41] <TheMightyBuzzard> kansas i think. close enough though.
[23:40:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> if i went to church and hadda put up with sister bertha better than you, i'd snap n kill people too.
[23:40:09] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> teh "B" in "BTK" was a pair of boobies.
[23:40:11] <paulej72> fly over territory
[23:40:55] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Bind. Torture. KILL.
[23:41:36] <TheMightyBuzzard> right, now i'm hungry
[23:41:39] <paulej72> he was in the air force
[23:42:01] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Yeah, he was, that's hilarious. I think another couple serial killers were in the AF as well.
[23:42:02] <paulej72> all that talk abot the long pig TheMightyBuzzard
[23:42:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> yup, want some baby bacon
[23:42:39] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Buzzard, you tawkin' bout some shoat ribs?
[23:42:47] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Mmm-mmm-mm-mm-mmm
[23:42:52] <TheMightyBuzzard> short, tall, i ain't picky.
[23:43:15] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> ribs are so messy
[23:43:21] <TheMightyBuzzard> shit, now i got the chili's baby back ribs song stuck in my head
[23:43:36] <paulej72> do like fat bastard
[23:43:42] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Buzzard, blacks are singing that song. And there are no Blacks in Oklahoma.
[23:43:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> nod nod
[23:44:00] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> But damn 'dey got soul!
[23:44:04] <TheMightyBuzzard> San-Diego-Super-Chargers, hey now. we have two whole black families in our town nowadays.
[23:44:19] * San-Diego-Super-Chargers Outbacks is having NFL commercials now....where's Crutchy?
[23:44:57] <paulej72> we had a token blac girl in our town. she was adopted
[23:45:25] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Pauley, my former boat driver adopted a Black crack baby
[23:45:46] <paulej72> i grew up in red neck territory
[23:46:00] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Bullshit, pauley. Penn is nowhere near redneck.
[23:46:08] <paulej72> but the nothern sect
[23:46:16] <TheMightyBuzzard> dunno why the hell they all wanna congregate in black areas. specially cities. cost of living and standard of living are a lot better if you move off where you're really a minority.
[23:46:20] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Unless you go Amish
[23:46:47] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Buzzard, not to mention that dicrimination is illegal and is risking huge lawsuit winnings nowadays.
[23:47:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> seriously, if you're poor, get the fuck out of the city. being poor in the country is a hell of a lot more comfortable.
[23:47:12] <paulej72> the mountains in western pa run down to west virginia and the red neckness migrated
[23:47:30] * San-Diego-Super-Chargers nods at pauley
[23:47:52] <TheMightyBuzzard> you said it wrong. it's west "by god" virginia
[23:48:06] <paulej72> we may nor talk the same, but we are red neck including the cars on blocks in the front yard
[23:48:30] <TheMightyBuzzard> yall have fun. ima go food now.
[23:48:41] <paulej72> cya
[23:48:44] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> lata
[23:50:31] <paulej72> pouring at seattle
[23:51:18] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> OOoh, thanks, pauley
[23:51:29] * San-Diego-Super-Chargers switches to the Seahawks game
[23:52:46] <mechanicjay> paulej72: its' that time of year here -- it seems.
[23:53:45] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> You all know that the Seahawks will destroy the Giants, right?
[23:55:20] <San-Diego-Super-Chargers> Aw fug, I can't find a stream for the seahawks game.
[23:55:29] * San-Diego-Super-Chargers has a sad.