#Soylent | Logs for 2014-10-15

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[23:59:52] <TheMightyBuzzard> a bit absurd, yes
[23:59:51] <Leebert> But you don't fix that by ignoring it, you fix it by using the built-in patching mechanism for the constitution.
[23:59:31] <Leebert> And that's insane.
[23:59:29] <Leebert> By my reading, it says I can own a nuclear weapon.
[23:59:12] <Leebert> The problem is that it's not supported in the constitution.
[23:59:05] <Leebert> To be honest, I don't personally have an issue with reasonable restrictions on firearms.
[23:58:36] <TheMightyBuzzard> there's an argument to be made that anyone seeking power for power's sake is already corrupt.
[23:57:33] <SpallsHurgenson> or attracts the corruptible
[23:57:18] <juggs> power corrupts
[23:56:58] <TheMightyBuzzard> it makes me laugh, like this, Ha!
[23:56:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> what i really lurve is the exact same people who say "only the police should have guns" also say the police are corrupt and abuse their power.
[23:56:24] * SpallsHurgenson passes juggs larger caliber ordinance
[23:55:06] <TheMightyBuzzard> don't it just though?
[23:55:03] * juggs shots ciri to death
[23:54:53] <ciri> it's not that funny :)
[23:54:53] <juggs> LOL - that sounds so ridiculous when you put it like that.
[23:54:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> you just have a vocal minority on the left who think disarming yourself is a good way to be protected.
[23:53:45] <SpallsHurgenson> now my brain is stuck imaging an F-16 and Mirage in coitus
[23:53:20] <TheMightyBuzzard> gun control isn't really controversial though. is in the bloody constitution that you can't monkey with them and with an astounding number of quotes from the writers saying they meant precisely that private citizens should be able to own and carry guns.
[23:51:58] <juggs> at least it's in service :D
[23:51:36] <SpallsHurgenson> the rafale looks like the love-child of an F16 and a Mirage
[23:51:21] <juggs> They went their own way on that, while the rest of us tossed about on the eurofighter.
[23:51:18] <Leebert> There will be millions for a LONG time.
[23:51:06] <Leebert> For example, there are already roughly as many guns as people in the US.
[23:50:51] <Leebert> Like most things that are highly controversial, gun control isn't a simple thing.
[23:50:41] * TheMightyBuzzard nods to AndyTheAbsurd
[23:50:29] <AndyTheAbsurd> "The Much-Delayed War on Procrastination"....I'll read that later. Back to imgur.com!
[23:49:45] <juggs> I like their Dassault Rafale fighter
[23:49:16] <SpallsHurgenson> well, this is the age of procrastination
[23:48:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> see, all of this chatter i'm doing is because i don't feel like looking into why rss/atom are overencoding things.
[23:46:08] -!- SpallsHurgenson [SpallsHurgenson!~SpallsHur@giox-30-341-832-84.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #Soylent
[23:44:44] <TheMightyBuzzard> you kidding? they probably have a four hour work day law for their soldiers.
[23:43:53] <juggs> The Frenchies would not be an easy push over these days. For us at least. lol - we have a German royal family anyway, so it's all a bit silly :D
[23:42:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> true true. you lot should annex france again for real estate purposes. been a long time since you tried.
[23:40:46] <juggs> very few people have the space to be able to do that here. Gotta remember, it's an over-populated rocky outcrop not a sprawling continent.
[23:39:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, they really are quite a bit of fun if you're warding off attacking hordes of soda cans and such.
[23:38:32] <juggs> airport, let alone handled one.
[23:38:27] <juggs> I grew up with handguns and rifles - not in my family, but plenty of friends families had them and I used to go plinking targets with them - which was fun. So I learnt guns aren't scary things, just tools. I don't think that mindset is typical in the UK. Particularly in the under 40s who would have grown up in the the post handgun ban, rigorously license everything times - most have never seen a firearm except maybe strapped to a police dude at an
[23:32:18] <TheMightyBuzzard> with a humorous name
[23:29:56] <Dopefish> You're cool dude
[23:29:36] <Dopefish> I actually appreciate that, regardless of your views local to you
[23:29:19] <Dopefish> No I actually respect you for not making assumptions or speaking for a country you are not native to
[23:28:48] <juggs> Dopefish, I wasn't dodging the question, just I don't know enough about the US situation to pass sane comment on it - I'd just be bringing my UK biases along.
[23:28:06] <TheMightyBuzzard> people are a funny lot like that
[23:27:26] <Dopefish> Lol
[23:27:20] <Dopefish> Kk
[23:27:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> juggs, could be. could be the honest citizens who just want to be left alone get armed and shoot the ones being bastards. you just never know.
[23:27:16] <juggs> I have no view on it as regards the USA
[23:26:51] <Dopefish> Are you a proponent for gun control juggs?
[23:26:23] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, ditto
[23:26:22] <juggs> the brits you may have encountered may have been. However there is a significant population of very dissatisfied people in some areas - where currently we have mostly knife crimes. Those areas would rapidly become ghettoised as they would become un-policable,
[23:26:15] <Dopefish> Not much man
[23:26:10] <TheMightyBuzzard> sup Dopefish
[23:25:54] <TheMightyBuzzard> arizona, texas, oklahoma, such like that are where all the legally held guns go.
[23:25:51] <Dopefish> Oooh I just arrived in this conversation just in time
[23:25:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> juggs, actually, that's what happens when you institute gun control in the US. it's one of the more restrictive areas.
[23:24:25] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Dopefish] by juggler
[23:24:25] -!- Dopefish [Dopefish!~Dopefish@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Dopefish] has joined #Soylent
[23:24:05] <juggs> parts of most cities would look like detroit (as I imagine it)
[23:24:04] <TheMightyBuzzard> cause people get really polite when they have no idea if running their mouth might get them shot and brits are already quite polite.
[23:23:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> what would a more polite UK look like?
[23:23:06] <TheMightyBuzzard> you know what i wonder, i wonder what it would look like a few months in after all the loons had darwin'd themselves out of the gene pool.
[23:22:12] <juggs> haha - I dread to think what would happen here if all the firearm legislation was repealed tomorrow. A flood of firearms into the hands of those who've never used them, shooting each other up every time they get angry, it'd be carnage. Reduce the population somewhat mind :D
[23:20:28] <juggs> I more meant running around with it in your hand acting like a dick. Probably here if you had a holstered weapon an armed response would arrive and as long as you didn't try and draw the weapon you'd get detained without a shot being fired.
[23:19:33] <TheMightyBuzzard> brandishing one about like a loon though, yeah, yer gonna get arrested to death
[23:18:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> funny thing, crime always goes down whenever open/concealed carry is instituted.
[23:17:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> actually, lot of states over here you can do just that as long as it stays holstered and you went and got your permit for it.
[23:16:32] <juggs> Run around in a town centre with a gun and refuse to give it up, it's going to end the same way here as there. tap tap - game over. I'm fine with that.
[23:14:58] <juggs> oh yeh for sure - I've not heard of anyone being "accidentally" shot to death even during the more intense swattings here. So far they seem a little more restrained in the use of the trigger finger.
[23:13:01] <TheMightyBuzzard> dust the boot print off the door after and such.
[23:12:58] <juggs> We do have armed response units all over the country and there's a creeping arming of cops on the street, particularly in London - to keep us safe of course.
[23:12:40] <TheMightyBuzzard> probably still manage to be more polite than our guys about it.
[23:11:02] <juggs> not so much when they have reason to believe drugs or illegal firearms / explosives are in the premises - uk police will go full on swat in those situations. "no knock warrant"
[23:09:39] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, much more polite about it
[23:09:18] <juggs> that's new - I was aware they did inspection when applying and (possibly) renewing license - just showing up unannounced is something new. Probably hoping to catch people out to have a reason to de-license them. But for brit police "unannounced" in this respect will be a knock on the door rather than the door flying off its hinges and a bunch of masked thugs bursting in.
[23:09:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> we really need to stop suing and start imprisoning for violations of constitutional rights. lawsuits quite obviously do not work.
[23:07:01] <TheMightyBuzzard> nod nod
[23:06:51] <Leebert> yeah, but in the US, they'd send SWAT to "inspect" your guns. After the flash bang. For everyone's safety, of course.
[23:06:16] <TheMightyBuzzard> http://www.shootinguk.co.uk
[23:05:56] <juggs> We can't have handguns under any circumstances. Rifles and shotguns have to be licensed and kept in gun safes. And yeh, the local plod armoury chappy will come and inspect ~shrug~
[23:05:53] <Leebert> It ain't all roses and ponies, but it's not all slobbering idiots, either.
[23:05:37] <Leebert> Heh. you know, there really are quite a few success stories in the US federal government.
[23:04:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> successfully would be so novel and flabbergasting that it would make the headlines for months.
[23:03:56] <Leebert> Hey, I resemble that remark!
[23:03:32] <TheMightyBuzzard> no, working about as well as anything involving the government works.
[23:03:12] <Leebert> Are you saying that Waco and Ruby Ridge were examples of such a thing working successfully? :)
[23:03:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> will see if i can find it
[23:02:56] <Leebert> Erm.
[23:02:17] <TheMightyBuzzard> but yeah, home visits to inspect that your firearms are properly secured like the story not so much.
[23:02:12] <mythterj> Hardly the same thing.
[23:01:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> ruby ridge.
[23:01:16] <TheMightyBuzzard> you kidding? it already flies here. waco.
[23:01:09] <Leebert> Well. Maybe in Portland.
[23:00:50] <Leebert> That would definitely not fly here.
[23:00:37] <Leebert> Hrm.
[22:59:46] <TheMightyBuzzard> appears legal firearms holders can now expect a visit at home from the bobbys whenever they feel like it.
[22:59:04] <Leebert> So, if I shot myself in the foot with an AR-15 and complained about the service I got in the ER...?
[22:58:55] <TheMightyBuzzard> au contraire, i just read a gun control story from the UK.
[22:58:01] <juggs> I like spectating - those topics make no odds to me not being my country.
[22:57:41] <TheMightyBuzzard> hrm... a daily bullshit story that's not really a story so much as a place for random comments...
[22:56:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, i know i'd certainly have a few things to say on the topics
[22:55:58] <juggs> Now if you could mix gun control and socialised healthcare in the same comment - the thread would either spontaneously combust or just never ever end. :D :D
[22:55:55] <Leebert> Well, the problem wasn't that he brought it up. I think it's interesting. But he was just so... angry.
[22:55:36] <TheMightyBuzzard> mod wars not so much though
[22:55:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> a good flame war is good for the site once in a while anyway. gets more folks participating.
[22:54:28] <juggs> well someone had to go bring up socialised healthcare in a comment forum populated by (I guess) 90+% USA peeps - that's always going to kick off a pointless shitfest :D
[22:53:53] <Leebert> That's a pleasant mental image.
[22:53:39] <TheMightyBuzzard> then again it's hard to make time to actually read the site when you've got your hands in its guts so often.
[22:53:04] <TheMightyBuzzard> never actually noticed them guys before
[22:52:00] <NetCraft> ^ 04SN comment by fadrian (3194)
[22:51:59] <Leebert> I was thinking of this thread: http://soylentnews.org
[22:51:07] <Leebert> I like the guy who called me "Mr. Libertarian"
[22:51:06] <TheMightyBuzzard> or were you talking more along the lines of ethanol-fueled?
[22:50:54] <Leebert> I don't THINK we've argued.
[22:50:45] <TheMightyBuzzard> <--- one of them likely
[22:50:30] <Leebert> But holy cow there are some socially broken people on soylent.
[22:50:20] <Leebert> I try to be nice and not get into flamewars.
[22:50:02] <TheMightyBuzzard> it hits me pretty regularly too. i always stay at max except ~during~ flame wars.
[22:49:20] <juggs> Usual shouty headline from El Reg anyway - they were already patched today.
[22:47:59] <Leebert> I suppose if you're using OpenSSL for some life-critical application this could be a problem. But then, you could also be stupid.
[22:47:56] <juggs> Absolutely
[22:47:28] <Leebert> I care more about MITM plaintext recovery than I do availability in the vast majority of cases.
[22:47:08] <Leebert> Erm.
[22:45:12] <NetCraft> ^ 03Admins! Never mind POODLE, there're NEW OpenSSL bugs to splat • The Register
[22:45:11] <juggs> Keep patching! http://www.theregister.co.uk
[22:44:30] <juggs> I'm surprised it's not been called out before now
[22:43:43] * juggs runs and hides
[22:43:39] <Leebert> And I doubt it's worth the extra "if" statements.
[22:43:32] <juggs> Bug Report it!! I'm sure TMB will be right on it :D
[22:43:29] <Leebert> But you make a fair point.
[22:43:10] <juggs> Ahh - that is somewhat harsh :D
[22:43:08] <Leebert> A social injustice.
[22:42:58] <Leebert> It's a travesty, man.
[22:42:54] <Leebert> So I got jack from the upmod, but penalized for the overrated.
[22:42:43] <Leebert> Fair, except my karma was already max and now it's 49.
[22:42:05] <juggs> Leebert, but if the 1st moderator did actually +1 your karma when they "shouldn't have", then it is logical that a subsequent Overrated deducts that karma point. I think.... I am tired though so may be way off track :D
[22:40:17] <blackmoore|afk> :P hey i cant just write up everything as a noir.
[22:39:49] Blackmoore is now known as blackmoore|afk
[22:39:43] <Leebert> Reddit?! If I were a hipster I wouldn't be on soylent, man.
[22:39:15] <Blackmoore> http://np.reddit.com
[22:38:13] <Leebert> Not that I really care all that much, but it ain't MY fault that a moderator upmodded something they (ostensibly) shouldn't have.
[22:37:53] <Leebert> Hrm. I don't think "Overrated" should affect karma.
[22:13:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> ha! i figured out to sneak a comment into a template without having it come out as a comment in the rendered html
[22:11:10] <chromas> or soylent subscriptions
[22:11:04] <chromas> They probably only take bitcoins
[22:10:45] <TheMightyBuzzard> was considering sticking a dollar on the hook with my bait
[22:07:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> they don't even take smaller fooshes some days
[22:06:33] <chromas> the fooshes—they don't take regexes?
[22:05:59] <juggs> can't win them all
[22:04:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> caught plenty of bait. nothin else was biting for anyone out there though.
[22:04:02] <juggs> successful foosh wrangling tmb?
[22:03:43] <juggs> it can get a little silly
[22:03:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> hrm
[22:01:16] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - The Much-Delayed War on Procrastination - http://sylnt.us - getting-aroun
[22:00:48] <chromas> I was actually looking at the wrong word, too
[22:00:15] <SedBot9000> <chromas> <TheMightyBuzzard> you lot and your karma whores
[22:00:15] <chromas> TheMightyBuzzard: s/a(r)/ho\1e/2
[22:00:07] <SedBot9000> <chromas> <TheMightyBuzzard> you lot and your khorema wars
[22:00:07] <chromas> TheMightyBuzzard: s/a(r)/ho\1e/
[21:56:04] <TheMightyBuzzard> you lot and your karma wars
[21:35:40] -!- TK has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[21:19:48] <Blackmoore> perfect.
[21:19:42] <Bender> karma - 2: -1
[21:19:42] <Blackmoore> 2--
[21:19:24] <Blackmoore> :P
[21:19:13] <Bender> karma - coffee: 955
[21:19:13] <Blackmoore> coffee++
[21:19:11] <Bender> karma - coffee: 954
[21:19:11] <Blackmoore> coffee++
[21:19:10] <Bender> karma - coffee: 953
[21:19:10] <Blackmoore> coffee++
[21:19:08] <Bender> karma - coffee: 952
[21:19:08] <Blackmoore> coffee++
[21:19:07] <Bender> karma - coffee: 951
[21:19:07] <Blackmoore> coffee++
[21:05:56] <ar> hm
[21:05:53] <ar> —--
[21:03:04] <Bender> karma - 0: -1
[21:03:04] <juggs> 0--
[21:02:58] <Bender> karma - 3: 0
[21:02:58] <juggs> 3--
[21:02:42] <juggs> 3+++
[20:55:43] <ar> *++
[20:55:33] <ar> -++
[20:55:29] <ar> hm
[20:55:20] <crutchy> didn't think that would work
[20:55:10] <crutchy> heh
[20:55:05] <Bender> karma - 3: 1
[20:55:05] <crutchy> 3++
[20:50:56] <ar> :)
[20:50:55] <Bender> karma - tea: 80
[20:50:55] <ar> tea++
[20:50:51] <Bender> karma - tea: 79
[20:50:51] <ar> tea++
[20:50:48] <Bender> karma - coffee: 950
[20:50:48] <ar> coffee--
[20:50:47] <Bender> karma - coffee: 951
[20:50:47] <ar> coffee--
[20:50:46] <Bender> karma - coffee: 952
[20:50:46] <ar> coffee--
[20:50:45] <Bender> karma - coffee: 953
[20:50:45] <ar> coffee--
[20:50:39] <Bender> karma - coffee: 954
[20:50:39] <ar> coffee--
[20:44:24] <Bender> karma - coffee: 955
[20:44:23] <crutchy> coffee++
[20:35:52] -!- SoyCow0894 [SoyCow0894!~4b4b0d45@s-58-58-91-47.hsd4.va.comcast.net] has parted #Soylent
[20:24:50] -!- SoyCow0894 [SoyCow0894!~4b4b0d45@s-58-58-91-47.hsd4.va.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[20:22:03] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Minimum Alcohol Pricing vs Ban on Below Cost Sales - http://sylnt.us - cheap-booze
[17:42:05] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Canada to Bypass Keystone with Oil Pipeline to the Atlantic - http://sylnt.us - where-you-eat
[16:41:08] <Leebert> On the upside, $boss just said "bullshit".
[16:37:47] <Leebert> It seems that we're changing the way we document our charge codes.
[16:29:42] <Blackmoore> kinda let the population decide if another worthless meeting was worth the waste of time
[16:28:56] <Blackmoore> I was thnking that office workplaces should offer a choice between meetings and firing squad.
[16:25:00] <juggs> can't have a team meeting without death by PowerPoint!!
[16:22:50] <Leebert> I hope they have PowerPoint!
[16:22:38] <Leebert> Woo hoo! Time for a team meeting!
[15:37:18] <Tachyon> without the time
[15:36:26] <Tachyon> :D
[15:36:26] <NetCraft> ^ 038th grade atheist asks about God's omniscience (debate excerpt) - YouTube
[15:36:26] <Tachyon> http://www.youtube.com
[15:10:12] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Developer Bootcamps - Be a Programmer in Two Months! - http://sylnt.us - considered-harmful
[15:01:21] <Bender> karma - wodka: 1
[15:01:21] <AndyTheAbsurd> wodka++
[14:52:36] <Bender> karma - rum: 21
[14:52:36] <Blackmoore> rum++
[14:48:26] -!- matt_ has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[14:42:15] <Bender> karma - peterbilt: 1
[14:42:15] <chromas> Peterbilt++
[14:30:58] -!- Bytram|away has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[14:30:30] Bytram is now known as Bytram|away
[14:30:26] <juggs> o/
[14:30:18] <Bytram> have fun, everyone!
[14:30:11] <Bytram> well, time for me to get going about my day.
[14:26:50] <NetCraft> ^ 04SN Submission by Hugh Pickens http://respectponcacity.com 03How English Beat German as the Language Of Science
[14:26:49] <Bytram> http://soylentnews.org
[14:26:49] <Bytram> well! how about that? look what *just* appeared in the story submission queue:
[14:25:42] <Bytram> english phonemes are insufficient for several other languages
[14:25:11] <Bytram> so far, I've got about 6 languages that I can readily recall; and about another 4-5 that, when reminded, can repeat pretty well.
[14:23:53] <paulej72> Azrael: International Harvester
[14:23:15] <Bytram> Azrael: I've Been Moved?
[14:22:49] <Bytram> I've tried to learn how to say: hello, thank-you, you're welcome, and goodbye in each language I encounter
[14:22:45] <Azrael> where I work has international in the name ;)
[14:22:19] <Bytram> actually, where I work we have quite an international community.
[14:22:05] <Bytram> lol!
[14:21:56] <juggs> ha - Bytram the translation engine :D
[14:20:30] * Bytram doesn't know how to spell in Russian
[14:20:20] <Bytram> previet, amigo!
[14:19:36] <Bytram> hmmm
[14:19:34] <Bytram> nope.
[14:19:30] <Bytram> hmmm. Danke Schoen, kimosabi
[14:18:51] <Bytram> =)
[14:18:48] <Bytram> juggs: muchos gracias, mein Herr!
[14:18:34] <juggs> ;0 ty
[14:18:16] <Bender> karma - juggs: 30
[14:18:16] <Bytram> juggs++ Welcome aboard, matey!
[14:18:06] <juggs> Bytram, okies
[14:17:56] <Bytram> have another one, as well, "[ScienceDaily]" would be sufficient
[14:17:56] * chromas puts juggs on staff
[14:17:39] <Bytram> juggs: I replied to the URL in the bot's title with a suggestion to shorten the name of a feed.
[14:17:26] <juggs> well it's an SN thing now really but I'm maintainer :D
[14:17:05] <NetCraft> ^ 04SN article 03 7 Million Dropbox Logins Leaked by 3rd Party 04(8 comments)
[14:17:05] <Bytram> I already updated the second story which referenced it: http://soylentnews.org
[14:17:00] <juggs> Bytram - yep rss-bot is mine
[14:16:47] <chromas> Still needs a logo to be cool
[14:16:44] <paulej72> POODLE
[14:16:31] <Bytram> which story?
[14:16:23] <paulej72> that story should be updated and bumped
[14:16:20] <chromas> Yeah but now it's got an acronym
[14:16:16] <Bytram> juggs: btw, memory fails me, but are you the maintainer of #rss-bot?
[14:15:54] <Bytram> juggs: exactly!
[14:15:43] <juggs> I think we already ran one when the first news broke of it - before the details were actually released
[14:15:38] <Bytram> =)
[14:15:33] <NetCraft> ^ 03SoylentNews Submissions
[14:15:33] <Bytram> chromas: I think your aim may be off? Don't see it in the submission queue: http://soylentnews.org
[14:13:55] <chromas> Whew, that was a lot of work :)
[14:13:35] <NetCraft> ^ 03POODLE: SSLv3.0 vulnerability (CVE-2014-3566) - Red Hat Customer Portal
[14:13:34] <chromas> https://access.redhat.com
[14:12:47] <Bytram> chromas: feel free to submit it! =)
[14:12:01] <chromas> Three or four stories at least ;)
[14:11:24] <chromas> Didn't make poodle its own story? We need to stretch these things out
[14:10:46] * chromas gasps
[14:07:22] <Bender> karma - (finger-misteaks): -1
[14:07:22] <Bytram> (finger-misteaks)--
[14:06:05] <Bytram> finger-misteaks--
[14:04:28] <Bytram> lol!
[14:03:36] <Bender> karma - finger_steaks: 1
[14:03:36] <chromas> finger_steaks++ # for your health
[14:00:43] * Bytram needs to get some new fingers!
[14:00:35] <Bytram> thanks. was actually something I'd read about in an RFC on URIs but had never seen "in the wild" before.
[14:00:15] <Bytram> thanks. was actually somethind I'd read about inan RFC or URIs but had never seen "in the wild" before.
[13:58:02] <chromas> That's user:password@host
[13:55:35] <Bytram> learn something new everyday; it worked. looks like: v24.7.2
[13:54:21] <Bytram> that's a strange url: ftp://archive:get@ftp.palemoon.org
[13:52:56] <NetCraft> ^ 03Archived versions
[13:52:56] <Bytram> AndyTheAbsurd: thanks for that, I'm now looking at the Archived Versions page: http://www.palemoon.org
[13:52:20] <AndyTheAbsurd> I'd tell you what the "something" is but I just upgraded to 25.0
[13:52:07] <AndyTheAbsurd> there's a PaleMoon 24.7.something
[13:51:14] <Bytram> and I already have 24.6.2
[13:51:02] <Bytram> TK: nvm, pm 25.0 drops support for win/XP
[13:47:43] <Bytram> TK: what version of palemoon are you running with?
[13:47:03] <Bytram> prolly means I'd get to play with the new (and reviled) UI
[13:46:49] <Bytram> hmmm, new latest ESR for FF is: 31.2.0esr
[13:45:23] -!- idetuxs has quit [Quit: leaving]
[13:43:37] * Bytram goes to check the ftp dir
[13:43:23] * Bytram just got a notice that I could upgrade my FF 24.8.1esr to ff 31(?)
[13:42:47] <Blackmoore> even the coffee isnt good here.
[13:42:26] <Blackmoore> and back at the life sucking job.
[13:42:07] <Bender> karma - coffee: 954
[13:42:07] <Bytram> coffee++ darn tootin'
[13:41:54] <Bender> karma - coffee: 953
[13:41:54] <Blackmoore> coffee++
[13:41:53] <Bytram> and front and the rest of me, too. =)
[13:41:37] <juggs> o/
[13:41:22] <Bytram> back
[13:41:07] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Chairman of House Intelligence Committee Wants More Cyber-Warfare - http://sylnt.us - mightier-than-the-sword
[13:31:27] <Bytram> time to check on laundry... back in a bit
[13:30:22] <Bytram> it's about 15-20 degrees above normal for this time of the year
[13:30:09] <Bytram> sure is... it'
[13:30:00] <TK> Sounds tolerable
[13:29:43] <Bytram> a little warmer over this-a-way
[13:29:25] <exec> Weather for Boston, MA - currrently 69°F / 21°C, scattered clouds, wind W at 1 mph, humidity 88% - Wednesday partly cloudy (64°F-75°F / 18°C-24°C), Thursday chance of storm (63°F-73°F / 17°C-23°C), Friday chance of showers (55°F-70°F / 13°C-21°C), Saturday chance of rain (48°F-64°F / 9°C-18°C) - source: Google
[13:29:24] <Bytram> ~weather boston
[13:29:17] <Bytram> not so nice.
[13:29:03] <TK> plus there's that
[13:28:52] <exec> Weather for Chicago, IL - currrently 51°F / 11°C, light drizzle, wind SE at 4 mph, humidity 95% - Wednesday chance of showers (52°F-61°F / 11°C-16°C), Thursday partly cloudy (52°F-63°F / 11°C-17°C), Friday partly cloudy (46°F-64°F / 8°C-18°C), Saturday cloudy (41°F-57°F / 5°C-14°C) - source: Google
[13:28:51] <TK> ~weather ORD
[13:28:46] <TK> So so, nothing special
[13:28:19] <Bytram> how's things?
[13:28:04] <Bytram> nod nod
[13:27:44] <TK> Uh, let's go with the second one
[13:27:15] <Bytram> =)
[13:27:14] <Bytram> green giant? or... fat albert?
[13:27:10] <TK> Palemoon insisted on updating
[13:26:57] <TK> heyheyhey
[13:26:47] <Bytram> TK: welcome back
[13:25:56] -!- TK [TK!~9ff52002@159.245.ju.y] has joined #Soylent
[13:24:13] -!- TK has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[13:18:07] -!- TK [TK!~9ff52002@159.245.ju.y] has joined #Soylent
[13:09:54] <Bytram> which was referenced in an upcoming story
[13:09:40] * Bytram is reading: http://www.gigwise.com
[13:08:57] <juggs> all good with me thanks
[13:08:29] <paulej72> sure doing fine. how about you
[13:08:16] <ciri> hello juggs
[13:08:14] <juggs> hi paulej72 - doing ok?
[13:08:03] <Bytram> paulej72: hiya!
[13:07:54] <ciri> hello, whats up paulej72
[13:07:52] <paulej72> hello all
[12:32:18] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[12:30:23] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Bytram|away] by juggler
[12:30:23] -!- Bytram|away [Bytram|away!~pc@Soylent/Staff/Developer/martyb] has joined #Soylent
[12:14:26] -!- Bytram has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[11:53:54] <Bender> karma - coffee: 952
[11:53:54] <Bytram> coffee++
[11:53:41] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[11:52:52] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Bytram|away] by juggler
[11:52:52] -!- Bytram|away [Bytram|away!~pc@Soylent/Staff/Developer/martyb] has joined #Soylent
[11:11:16] -!- keplr has quit [Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
[11:03:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> anyway off to fish
[11:02:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> ooof, wish we hadn't run that story. dropbox is flat denying it.
[11:01:11] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - 7 Million Dropbox Logins Leaked by 3rd Party - http://sylnt.us - friends-like-these
[10:50:31] <keplr> Can't eat them anymore
[10:50:04] <keplr> More than we could ever use
[10:49:14] <keplr> When I lived in Washington state, the beaches were encrusted with endless fields of mussels.
[10:42:16] -!- rand [rand!~rand@zyo-851.52-601-66.nts-online.net] has joined #Soylent
[10:15:58] <Bender> karma - coffee: 951
[10:15:58] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[10:11:07] <crutchy> no need to call your bed names :p
[10:09:56] * juggs is planning fresh mussels cooked in white wine and garlic for lunch - probably means I'll be going to hell :D
[10:05:21] <keplr> Trolling is a art.
[10:05:10] <crutchy> more trollin words :D
[10:05:04] <crutchy> nah not really
[10:04:37] <keplr> Them's fightin' words.
[10:03:14] <crutchy> including scientists and atheists
[10:02:19] <crutchy> i don't trust any religious person talking about religion
[10:01:40] <keplr> Never trust a Christian who eats shellfish.
[10:00:14] <crutchy> like rape, incest, crucifixion, etc... oh wait hang on that's a different book :p
[10:00:02] <keplr> Mostly that Christianity (as we know it) came to an end by just dying out and fading away, like all other religions.
[09:59:25] <keplr> Although, there are things in it that a Christian could find offensive.
[09:59:12] <crutchy> i thought it was about big sandworms
[09:58:55] <keplr> Not at all.
[09:58:43] <crutchy> it is?
[09:58:03] <keplr> A cow-orker of mine, a devout Christian, refused to read Dune because it was "Islamic".
[09:55:42] <crutchy> praise jebus
[09:53:21] <keplr> Bless the Maker and His water. Bless the coming and going of Him. May His passage cleanse the Internet.
[09:47:11] -!- keplr [keplr!~textual@87-281-631-798.dhcp.gvrb.ca.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[09:26:31] -!- JamesNZ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[08:51:31] <chromas> Poodle Hat
[08:50:38] <NetCraft> ^ 03POODLE: SSLv3.0 vulnerability (CVE-2014-3566) - Red Hat Customer Portal
[08:50:37] <chromas> https://access.redhat.com
[08:48:27] <Bender> karma - coffee: 950
[08:48:27] <crutchy> coffee++
[08:21:59] <SirFinkus> I'd rather my laptop not cause radiation burns if I drop it
[08:21:42] <SirFinkus> "In another case, three woodsmen in Georgia came across two ceramic RTG heat sources that had been stripped of their shielding. Two of the three were later hospitalized with severe radiation burns after carrying the sources on their backs. The units were eventually recovered and isolated."
[08:19:49] <ar> nuclear waste… well, yeah, maybe
[08:19:33] <ar> heat isn't much of a problem if you don't get oversized rtg. your typical laptop won't need more than 30 or 40W
[08:17:47] <SirFinkus> aren't nuclear waste and heat problems?
[08:17:32] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v cosurgi] by juggler
[08:17:32] -!- cosurgi [cosurgi!~cosurgi@Soylent/Staff/Wiki/cosurgi] has joined #Soylent
[08:17:32] -!- cosurgi has quit [Changing host]
[08:17:25] SoyGuest54822 is now known as cosurgi
[08:16:33] <ar> yup
[08:15:51] <SirFinkus> isn't that the shit they used for curiousity?
[08:15:36] <ar> it would be useless once it wore off, but i wouldn't mind
[08:15:04] <ar> SirFinkus: RTG would give you a few years of constant power
[08:05:26] -!- aqu4 [aqu4!~aqu4bot@universe2.us/ircbot/aqu4] has joined #Soylent
[08:00:56] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Offshore Oil-rigs California’s Most Productive Fisheries - http://sylnt.us - reef-relief
[07:38:14] <SirFinkus> forgive me for being jaded
[07:38:10] <SirFinkus> "charges in seconds, wirelessly!"
[07:37:49] <SirFinkus> either some magic new battery or super capacitor
[07:37:35] <SirFinkus> It just seems like I've been kind of following tech news for a decade now, and these stories pop up all the time
[07:36:49] <SirFinkus> lame
[07:36:41] <ar> SirFinkus: but it's only used on military laptops. civilians aren't allowed to possess them -_-
[07:35:59] <ar> SirFinkus: RTG
[07:35:54] <ar> SirFinkus: you know that the best (and, surprisingly, one of the safest) laptop technologies has already been in production and in use for years?
[07:34:16] <SirFinkus> why don't I ever see any of these in my laptop?
[07:33:51] <SirFinkus> oh, it's the monthly "new battery technology" topic
[06:42:29] <Konomi> https://i.imgur.com
[06:42:27] <Konomi> so goooodddd
[06:42:25] <Konomi> oh god
[06:36:58] <chromas> :( I never got the left one
[06:36:33] <Konomi> truer words have never been super imposed onto an image file
[06:36:20] <NetCraft> ^ 03What I am learning at my new job - Imgur
[06:36:19] <Konomi> https://imgur.com
[06:35:31] <chromas> we can cure that
[06:35:12] <Konomi> but my happinesses
[06:34:50] <chromas> probably will never cure that one
[06:34:32] <Konomi> stupidity cancer please
[06:33:55] <chromas> we could cure battery cancer
[06:33:43] <chromas> which one?
[06:33:35] <Konomi> just wonderin
[06:33:31] <Konomi> have we cured cancer again yet?
[06:33:04] <chromas> need to invent the technology to keep them from swelling up when they're idle for a bit
[06:31:06] <Konomi> believe it when I see it
[06:30:59] <NetCraft> ^ 04SN article 03 New Li-ion Batteries Promise 20 Year Life and Rapid Charge Time 04(8 comments)
[06:30:59] <Konomi> http://soylentnews.org
[06:28:22] -!- pbnjoe has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[06:09:39] <ar> http://thedailywtf.com
[06:04:59] <Bender> karma - zucchini_bread: 2
[06:04:59] <JamesNZ> zucchini_bread++
[06:01:29] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Maximizing your Udemy Experience - http://sylnt.us - You-Dummy
[05:51:48] <Bender> karma - zucchini_bread: 1
[05:51:48] <chromas> zucchini_bread++
[05:51:10] <chromas> "generate actionable intelligence from Big Data analysis and machine learning technologies"
[05:51:01] <NetCraft> ^ 03Video Bloggers Get 'Microstopped' by Microsoft Takedown Notices | WIRED
[05:51:01] <chromas> http://www.wired.com
[05:47:26] <arti> "Dance, or die!"
[05:47:19] <arti> wish i could commute with that...
[05:47:12] <arti> what makes that is the flamethrower
[05:46:53] <arti> yeah
[05:46:47] <Konomi> I was guessing so
[05:46:44] <arti> kudos on the packaging, that's bueno.
[05:46:38] <ar> Konomi: is that from burning man?
[05:44:54] <Konomi> https://i.imgur.com
[05:41:56] * Konomi chews on one and dies
[05:41:12] <Konomi> we know they're safe they're sealed
[05:34:56] * arti offers sealed candies
[05:34:50] <arti> also, greetings
[05:34:23] <arti> you can use your editor to set the spaces...
[05:34:19] <ar> 4-spaces FTW
[05:33:55] <arti> tabs are ideal
[04:59:47] <ar> for example, when editing scripts/configuration on servers
[04:59:33] <ar> it makes me cringe when i see code idented with tabs, as i often have to work without my vimrc
[04:56:20] <Konomi> don't see the difference between the two anymore since most editors can set soft or hard tabs width anyway
[04:55:57] <Konomi> and yes I use tabs ;p
[04:55:20] <ar> yeah, and it often is
[04:54:54] <Konomi> though it can be the same person
[04:54:44] <Konomi> not the project the code comes from
[04:54:39] <Konomi> Maintainer is the person who makes the package
[04:54:21] <ar> oh
[04:54:18] <Konomi> that is not my code...
[04:54:12] <ar> https://github.com
[04:54:00] <Konomi> ?
[04:53:47] <ar> Konomi: you're using tabs for identation? o_O
[04:30:27] -!- SpallsHurgenson has quit [Quit: a fatal exeception 0e has occured in awake.exe.]
[04:14:53] <Konomi> packaged screenfetch for debian \o/
[04:14:48] <NetCraft> ^ 03Paste ofCode
[04:14:47] <Konomi> http://paste.ofcode.org
[04:08:28] <Konomi> cranky ;p
[04:08:27] <Konomi> they're like me when I wake up in the morning
[04:04:14] <Leebert> They are... ill tempered.
[04:00:44] <SpallsHurgenson> are they australian death-bees?
[03:51:55] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - How Bees are being Used in-place-of Fungicides in Australia - http://sylnt.us - cheap-employees
[03:36:25] -!- Konomi [Konomi!~Konomi@Soylent/Users/189/Konomi] has joined #Soylent
[03:35:12] <ciri> hello juggs
[03:35:12] <juggs> hi agnwr_000 :)
[03:35:10] -!- agnwr_000 has quit [Client Quit]
[03:34:57] <agnwr_000> Hey
[03:34:50] -!- agnwr_000 [agnwr_000!~agnwr_000@46.165.qtp.ujg] has joined #Soylent
[03:26:27] -!- Konomi has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
[03:22:46] * juggs wanders around aimlessly
[03:09:10] -!- Bytram|away has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[03:09:08] <chromas> night sir
[03:09:06] <Bytram|away> take care, all.
[03:08:56] <Bytram|away> 'tis late and time for sleep.
[03:08:45] Bytram is now known as Bytram|away
[03:05:41] <Bytram> http://www.theregister.co.uk
[03:04:31] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Subsentient] by juggler
[03:04:31] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Subsentient] has joined #Soylent
[03:03:12] <Bender> karma - cuckoos: 1
[03:03:12] <Bytram> cuckoos++
[03:03:00] <Bender> karma - cockos: 1
[03:03:00] <chromas> cockos++
[03:02:45] <Bytram> that sounds so much more... corporate.
[03:02:36] <chromas> no wonder the good people left nullsoft
[03:02:20] <chromas> they changed it to "Scriptable" though
[03:02:12] <Bytram> Nicely-Spelled Installation System
[03:01:39] <Bytram> lol
[03:01:30] <chromas> Nullsoft SuperPIMP Install System
[03:01:15] <exec> [urbandictionary] 3NSIS: Not Sure If Sarcasm. Used when you're not clever enough to know if someone is being sarcastic or not, but you're modest enough to admit it.
[03:01:13] <Bytram> ~define NSIS
[03:01:09] <Bender> karma - aol: -1
[03:01:09] <chromas> aol--
[03:00:57] <chromas> hey, does anyone remember when NSIS used to be "Superpimp"?
[02:59:32] <Bytram> or, are there other OSs, too?
[02:59:18] <Bytram> hmm, let me rephrase the question: are YOU only intersted in creating a package that will do an install on windows?
[02:58:51] <Konomi> I presume so
[02:58:44] <Bytram> Konomi: is this windows *only* ?
[02:58:15] * Bytram remembers many windows progs use[d] installshield
[02:57:57] <Konomi> https://npackd.appspot.com
[02:57:56] <Konomi> thinkng of things more like this
[02:57:51] <Bytram> check out what GNU uses?
[02:57:44] <chromas> or when they do, they still use a setup.exe with the .msi inside
[02:57:27] <chromas> windows has a package manager but almost nobody uses it
[02:57:13] <Bytram> choice bit from that one: "The comet is traveling at 33 miles per second (or 1.7715 per cent of the maximum velocity of a sheep in a vacuum in El Reg units). "
[02:57:04] <Konomi> not cygwin's one
[02:56:59] <Konomi> anyone using windows ever made use of any "package managers" on it?
[02:56:18] <Bytram> http://www.theregister.co.uk
[02:52:51] -!- Subsentient has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[02:51:18] -!- aqu4 has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[02:50:48] <NetCraft> ^ 03YouTube served malicious ads | Computerworld ( http://www.computerworld.com )
[02:50:47] <Bytram> http://rss.computerworld.com
[02:49:49] <NetCraft> ^ 03Rosetta probe takes new selfie just 10 MILES from comet 67P/C-G • The Register ( http://www.theregister.co.uk )
[02:49:49] <Bytram> http://go.theregister.com
[02:48:19] <Bytram> back
[02:42:05] <Bytram> brb
[02:41:53] <Bytram> nod nod
[02:41:46] <Bytram> seems like they finally implemented the machine code instruction: HACF - Halt And Catch Fire
[02:41:46] <chromas> always adding something new to delete
[02:41:22] <chromas> #ftag huh
[02:41:04] <NetCraft> ^ 03This smart battery warns you before catching fire - CNET ( http://www.cnet.com )
[02:41:03] <Bytram> http://feedproxy.google.com
[02:21:02] <Bytram> back in a few minutes.
[02:20:55] <Bytram> hmm, which reminds me that I should get some dinner.
[02:20:33] <Bytram> yum!
[02:20:29] <Bytram> paulej72: ah, thanks again! You're getting good at translating for me here!
[02:20:24] <paulej72> chocolate chip
[02:20:00] <paulej72> cookies
[02:19:33] <Bytram> chromas: just see a buncha utf-8 boxes with four zeroes in each. sorry!
[02:19:11] <Konomi> hehe
[02:19:02] <Bytram> Konomi: btw, thanks to you I was reminded I hadn't checked for addon updates in a while... refreshing them now.
[02:18:57] <chromas> 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
[02:18:32] <Bytram> hmm, didn't get permission. =(
[02:17:51] <Bytram> can I please have a cookie?
[02:16:27] <Konomi> good bye cookie permissions
[02:16:08] <Bender> karma - addons: 1
[02:16:08] <Bytram> addons++
[02:15:38] <Konomi> yessshh
[02:15:35] <Konomi> "detele unused for" 1 week"
[02:15:18] <Konomi> awesome
[02:15:16] <Konomi> https://addons.mozilla.org
[02:15:15] <Konomi> Bytram: found a better one
[02:13:59] <Bytram> no new ui for me.
[02:13:54] <Bytram> actually, no. I've still got the same old interface.
[02:13:35] <Konomi> yeah
[02:13:28] <Konomi> Bytram: same that new interface *hurl*
[02:13:22] <Bytram> I could probably launch "customize tool bar" and drag the icon back into the "draw pile" and remove it from the UI
[02:13:16] juggler changed topic of #Soylent to: https://SoylentNews.org | Useful links: http://sylnt.us | SN PBC Board Meeting - Wednesday, Oct. 29 at 1:15am UTC (Tue, Oct. 28 at 9:15pm EDT) in #staff, all are welcome
[02:13:16] <matt_> .topic https://SoylentNews.org | Useful links: http://sylnt.us | SN PBC Board Meeting - Wednesday, Oct. 29 at 1:15am UTC (Tue, Oct. 28 at 9:15pm EDT) in #staff, all are welcome
[02:12:56] <Bytram> Konomi: don't see why you couldn't. I am still on ff 24.8.1 (esr)...
[02:11:50] <Konomi> once cookies expire regularly I don't care about controlling them
[02:11:40] <Konomi> I was thinking of just removing it from the bar entirely
[02:11:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> i should probably go to sleep now
[02:11:28] <Bytram> Konomi: so, just uncheck the "Notifications" checkbox.
[02:10:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> and a fail shark cause sharks are cooler than whales
[02:10:23] <Konomi> I've used that one before but I ended up removing it cause it pops up and down on the bar in animations
[02:10:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> now we need a cutesy little mascot. little green stick figure?
[02:10:04] <ciri> HEHEHEHE
[02:10:04] <Konomi> lol
[02:09:59] <Bytram> Konomi: sure, it let *me* do it.
[02:09:11] <paulej72> make all the stories look like twitter feeds, sure that souds,good
[02:08:20] <Konomi> plus that doesn't say anything about the read/write hits
[02:07:50] <Konomi> think it would allow me to put 604800 seconds into it ;p
[02:06:53] <Bytram> Konomi: there is a grace period field: "Cookies will be removed after remaining unused for this many seconds (default 10)
[02:05:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> we could be even more awesome than beta!
[02:05:29] <Konomi> it's just for when you close the tab
[02:05:23] <Konomi> already used it Bytram it does not replicate that functionality
[02:04:50] <TheMightyBuzzard> paulej72, whatcha think. force newest-first, unthreaded, use json and javascript to load new comments dynamically?
[02:04:20] <Bytram> hold on...
[02:04:16] <Bytram> self-destructing cookies
[02:04:11] <SpallsHurgenson> actually, I don't know if there is... but odds are in favor that it exists :)
[02:03:57] <SpallsHurgenson> there's an add-on for that
[02:03:55] <Bytram> there's actually an add-on that does something much like that...
[02:03:39] <TheMightyBuzzard> hrm, ya that'd actually be pretty sweet
[02:03:18] <Konomi> god I so want that for firefox
[02:03:14] <Konomi> they had a system where any cookies that never got a read/write over x amount of days would be purged from the cache automatically
[02:03:00] <TheMightyBuzzard> thinking of rewriting comments to feed in new ones like twitter
[02:02:47] <Konomi> I still wish firefox had what IE team mad ironically
[02:02:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, i love me some unnecessary javascript
[02:01:56] <Konomi> obviously needs more javascript
[02:01:51] <Konomi> still can't load the comments
[02:01:47] <Konomi> 4x pressed
[02:01:44] <Konomi> temporarly allow al sites
[02:01:36] <Konomi> web 2.0 sites are so fun
[01:59:23] <chromas> stories are good, as long as they're not 875-hour cut scenes (MGS franchise, I'm looking at you)
[01:56:58] <SpallsHurgenson> not really; action-looters aren't my thing. I like story and exploration; endless combat and pointless weapon-combinations don't do much for me :)
[01:56:27] <Bender> karma - priorities: 0
[01:56:27] <chromas> priorities--
[01:56:23] <chromas> or just too many other things going on
[01:56:15] <chromas> didn't care for bl?
[01:56:00] <SpallsHurgenson> got that one too; cheapie from humblebundle :)
[01:55:28] <chromas> All I got was Guardian of Light, which was already old and on sale by then
[01:55:07] <SpallsHurgenson> but seeing as I haven't even bothered to play BL2, I'm in no rush to download the next one
[01:54:40] <SpallsHurgenson> I got it as a freebie when I bought a new videocard
[01:54:25] <Bender> karma - spendy: -1
[01:54:25] <chromas> spendy--
[01:54:23] <chromas> new borderlands is out
[01:53:11] <SpallsHurgenson> yay! I made a funny!
[01:53:05] -!- Nerdfest [Nerdfest!~quassel@614-36-601-610.cpe.teksavvy.com] has joined #Soylent
[01:51:21] <Konomi> "don't do it; you won't like the places literacy takes you" made me laugh
[01:50:45] <Bender> karma - coffee: 949
[01:50:45] <Bytram> coffee++
[01:50:23] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - New Li-ion Batteries Promise 20 Year Life and Rapid Charge Time - http://sylnt.us - with-strange-ions
[01:48:07] mrcoolb is now known as Mrcoolb
[01:47:56] -!- mrcoolb [mrcoolb!~mrcoolbp@ulcwud-999-904-969-469.mycingular.net] has joined #Soylent
[01:47:49] <SpallsHurgenson> don't do it; you won't like the places literacy takes you
[01:47:45] -!- Nerdfest has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[01:43:37] <chromas> oh; one click says I should learn2read
[01:42:59] <chromas> Is swift a frontend for llvm?
[01:42:52] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[01:42:20] <Bender> karma - chilly: -1
[01:42:20] <SpallsHurgenson> chilly--
[01:42:14] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Bytram|away] by juggler
[01:42:14] -!- Bytram|away [Bytram|away!~pc@Soylent/Staff/Developer/martyb] has joined #Soylent
[01:42:00] <Bender> karma - chili: 2
[01:42:00] <chromas> chili++
[01:36:30] <Konomi> "So long and thanks for all the code"
[01:36:24] <Konomi> is it bad I thought
[01:36:21] <NetCraft> ^ 03[Phoronix] Apple Might Be Divesting Its Stake In LLVM
[01:36:21] <Konomi> http://www.phoronix.com
[01:27:57] <SpallsHurgenson> actually, there probably should be some sleep in between there, otherwise you'll be popping up and down like a jack-in-the-box
[01:27:25] <Konomi> ;p
[01:25:05] <SpallsHurgenson> repeat?
[01:24:59] <Konomi> go back to bed strait away
[01:24:55] <Konomi> get up read soylent head lines
[01:23:59] -!- prospectacle has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[01:08:44] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v matt_] by juggler
[01:08:44] -!- matt_ [matt_!~4c76b3cf@Soylent/Staff/Management] has joined #Soylent
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[00:58:53] -!- JamesNZ [JamesNZ!~james@43-567-441-22.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #Soylent
[00:05:14] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Azrael] by juggler
[00:05:14] -!- Azrael [Azrael!~Az@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Azrael] has joined #Soylent