#Soylent | Logs for 2014-06-27

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[23:59:07] -!- Woods has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[23:38:55] -!- TK has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[23:30:56] <monopoly> └ 03The Fermi Paradox - Wait But Why: Scientists estimate that there are over 100,000 intelligent alien civilizations in our galaxy alone—but we've never heard anything from any of them. Here are 13 pos...
[23:30:55] <Blackmoore> http://waitbutwhy.com
[23:30:45] <Blackmoore> and probably some kinds of yeast.
[23:29:15] <chromas> and baysplosia
[23:28:27] <Blackmoore> yogurt.
[23:23:07] <NCommander> what culture?
[23:03:58] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v n1] by juggler
[23:03:58] -!- n1 [n1!~nick@Soylent/Staff/Editor/n1] has joined #Soylent
[23:03:58] -!- n1 has quit [Changing host]
[23:03:51] -!- n1 [n1!~nick@37.48.oy.vh] has joined #Soylent
[23:03:05] <Blackmoore> Preserving / Perversing?
[23:01:57] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Preserving 120 Years of U.S. Cultural History - http://sylnt.us - I-wonder-if-they-ever-get-a-DMCA-takedown-notice?
[22:57:56] -!- Tachyon [Tachyon!~Tachyon@pp41-727.tvtrinec.cz] has joined #Soylent
[22:51:35] -!- Tachyon_ has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[22:40:07] * NCommander notes its going to get worse
[22:40:01] <NCommander> select s.stoid,u.nickname,s.time,st.introtext,st.bodytext FROM stories AS s INNER JOIN story_text st ON s.stoid=st.stoid INNER JOIN users u ON s.uid = u.uid ORDER BY s.stoid ASC LIMIT
[22:40:00] <NCommander> Scary query is scary
[22:39:51] <NCommander> Holy cow
[22:18:20] <TK> Is visits analogous to unique individuals?
[22:15:26] -!- JamesNZ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[22:01:19] <NCommander> hey kobach
[22:01:07] <kobach> hi
[22:01:06] <kobach> ?
[22:00:51] <NCommander> ?
[22:00:43] <kobach> it actually didnt
[22:00:32] <NCommander> soylentnews.{mainpage,discuss,test}
[22:00:23] * NCommander has a very basic server setup with three groups
[22:00:12] <NCommander> Well, that worked
[21:47:21] * NCommander decides to experiment with NNTP/INN
[21:21:09] <Blackmoore> I can not type
[21:21:03] <Blackmoore> *sigh*
[21:20:41] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - A Discussion on Whether or not Smartphones are Computers - http://sylnt.us - time-to-bust-out-the-big-words
[21:17:04] <Blackmoore> I'll trow up a journal entry, see if anyone has a suggestion.
[21:08:30] <Woods> Blackmoore: Depends on where it is.
[21:07:45] <Blackmoore> Woods: still interested in a solent gathering?
[20:59:46] <Blackmoore> well i'm stuck in an office on a line with no name; in the office; you can always feel pain ; cause thier ain't no time to get up and complain.. nah nah, nah, nahnahnah, nah nah, nah nah...
[20:50:23] -!- JamesNZ [JamesNZ!~james@43-567-441-22.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #Soylent
[20:30:55] <Blackmoore> and i try never to touch win after i leave work. all the systems at the house are linux
[20:30:13] <Blackmoore> i is too
[20:26:34] * Woods points to himself
[20:26:04] <Blackmoore> I think the larger number of win7 users are browsing from work.
[20:21:57] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - SoylentNews Site Stats: June 27th, 2014 - http://sylnt.us - finally-an-NCommander-post-with-<1k-words!
[20:19:01] -!- TK [TK!~9ff52002@159.245.ju.y] has joined #Soylent
[20:14:47] -!- n1 has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[19:52:53] * NCommander has a post going up about site statistics in a bit
[19:52:46] <NCommander> stderr, might be a windows user
[19:51:51] -!- TK has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[19:48:31] <stderr> The userid suggests it's someone who have been around for a while.
[19:47:12] <NCommander> stderr, ?, it seems like a legitimate question, I remember asking one like it to myself several years ago
[19:44:51] <monopoly> └ 03Exploiting Wildcards On Linux/Unix - Slashdot ( http://slashdot.org )
[19:44:47] <stderr> http://linux.slashdot.org That's it! I quit!
[19:35:26] <stderr> You got a bunch of files: foo, bar.c, baz.h, qux.tex, fred.jpg, barney.gif... You want to delete all of them except "foo" => rm *.*
[19:35:25] <NCommander> Eh, ok, I'll give you that one
[19:34:35] <stderr> It's not hard to come up with an example where rm *.* would make sense.
[19:32:51] <stderr> But not at all as dangerous as it sounds.
[19:31:58] <NCommander> rm *.* is just wrong in five different ways
[19:31:52] <NCommander> stderr, ow, brain, ow
[19:31:19] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Streaming Technology is Probably Saving the Music Industry - http://sylnt.us - slowly-changing
[19:29:28] <NCommander> stderr, yeah, we took the smart people :-)
[19:28:30] <stderr> No, just idiots who don't know shit...
[19:28:16] <monopoly> └ 03Exploiting Wildcards On Linux/Unix - Slashdot ( http://slashdot.org )
[19:28:15] <stderr> http://linux.slashdot.org
[19:28:07] <NCommander> stderr, got betaed?
[19:27:26] * stderr goes full nerd rage on /.
[19:26:18] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v stderr] by juggler
[19:26:18] -!- stderr [stderr!~pohol@GetOffMyLawn/stderr] has joined #Soylent
[19:22:23] -!- janrinok has quit [Quit: leaving]
[19:20:31] janrinok|afk is now known as janrinok
[19:16:06] <NCommander> paulej72, cool, that will make the upgrade script for DBIx::Password work in case we have to add new users
[19:14:40] <paulej72> OK when replying to a comment that has utf-8 in it, the utf-8 in the reply gets mangled.
[19:12:20] <paulej72> NCommander: I verified that dibx::password will work with mysql_enable_utf8 in attributes. What is currently not working is replying to commemnt with utf-8. Repling to the story works.
[19:06:46] -!- Bytram|away has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[19:00:56] <monopoly> └ 03Facebook threatened with contempt for fighting NY over user privacy | Ars Technica: Social networking site was gagged from telling 381 users about the NY data grab. ( http://arstechnica.com )
[19:00:55] <Bytram|away> http://feeds.arstechnica.com
[18:59:59] <Bytram|away> have fun everyone!
[18:59:55] <Bytram|away> gtg work; might be back later tonight.
[18:59:42] Bytram|afk is now known as Bytram|away
[18:59:32] <Bytram|afk> done.
[18:55:00] * Bytram|afk ponders
[18:54:50] <Bytram|afk> Blackmoore: Edit complete... EXCEPT need a "dept" for it.
[18:50:15] <Blackmoore> thank you!
[18:48:24] -!- mechanicjay has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[18:48:03] <Bytram|afk> Blackmoore: I'm on it.
[18:47:27] <Blackmoore> Editors - please fix the title on my last submission.. I really should have caught the garbage chars.
[18:46:52] <Blackmoore> oh ICK.
[18:44:57] <paulej72> I did that,
[18:44:31] <NCommander> paulej72, as a note, I installed a fresh branch; you'll have to redeploy TMB's changes from src/slashcode
[18:42:36] <paulej72> %
[18:42:28] <paulej72> NCommander: i redid the DBIx::Password page on dev and it seems to work, but I am not 100 sure
[18:27:26] -!- nick has quit []
[18:22:30] <NCommander> paulej72, https://github.com
[18:16:04] * NCommander just wants to rage at times
[18:12:38] <Bytram|afk> the utf8 code generator is at: https://github.com
[18:09:31] <paulej72> NCommander: I was trying ot find documentation on the module online but there is none.
[18:09:21] <Bytram|afk> time for me to get going about my day... back in a bit.
[18:09:06] <Bytram|afk> NCommander: paulej72: I just sent both of you an email with sample test data, links to a github page which generates all UTF-8 sequences, and a link to a suggested font.
[18:08:52] <paulej72> NCommander: we probably can, I was planning on testing that on dev.
[18:08:24] <NCommander> paulej72, I don't get why we can't set it at top though
[18:08:18] <paulej72> NCommander: the good thing though is that that module is abandonware as the author has noting on his website about it any more, so we should not see any updates to the code :)
[18:08:01] <NCommander> paulej72, fair enough
[18:07:06] <paulej72> NCommander: but you do set it up with the data that you are using with slash, and thus is slash specific. Also you had to edit that file when changing form a single db to reader/writer setup.
[18:05:37] <NCommander> paulej72, no, its done when you install DBIx::Password, it asks for the information; slash doesn't create or manage that file
[18:02:11] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Germany Cancels Verizon Contract over Snooping Fear - http://sylnt.us - the-pendulum-swings
[17:53:16] <paulej72> NCommander: but the virtual users are stored in this file so it is somthing that is set upon setting up slash
[17:52:25] <NCommander> We can deal with it, but that's something that needs to be fixed properly at some point
[17:52:17] <NCommander> That's a really nasty hack; DBIx::Password isn't code we technically control
[17:51:43] <paulej72> NCommander: the README shows that we should be passing the my.cnf in as part of the connection string. I also thought we should be able to set the mysql_enable_uft8 in the attributes, but TMB says he tried that and it did not work (the second only)
[17:49:56] <NCommander> (granted, DBIx::Password is a hack in general ...)
[17:49:40] <NCommander> That's a hack, not a fix :-/
[17:49:36] <NCommander> , {mysql_enable_utf8 => 1}
[17:49:35] <NCommander> ew
[17:49:34] <NCommander> oh
[17:49:07] <NCommander> looking
[17:49:00] <paulej72> NCommander: what TheMightyBuzzard|CarsSuck did was edit ~/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10.1/DBIx/Password.pm in different way. Look at the file on dev
[17:48:58] <NCommander> paulej72, I've done almost all that on production a long time ago
[17:48:12] <paulej72> NCommander: Part of what needs done is here: https://github.com
[17:45:51] <NCommander> paulej72, how do we fix that?
[17:44:17] <paulej72> NCommander: the utf-8 issue with the blobs is that the table is set to utf-8 but the DBIX connection is not using utf-8. This is probably causing the blob to get stored imporperly in the db
[17:44:05] <NCommander> paulej72, :-/
[17:42:22] <paulej72> NCommander: not all of the bugs are worked out of utf-8 yet. We seemed to have broken entites in the process and we need them to work properly (the & is getting encoded as &amp; and thus breaking the entity.
[17:38:56] <NCommander> ARGH
[17:38:53] <NCommander> paulej72, also, unrelated, but the nexus cookie issue just bit me -_-;
[17:37:59] -!- prospectacle has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[17:35:35] <mrcoolbp> cool
[17:35:11] <NCommander> mrcoolbp, but yeah, you can upload an image then stick it in the story
[17:34:50] <mrcoolbp> but how are they-- oh I see = )
[17:34:36] <NCommander> Please don't ask how those two are connected
[17:34:30] <NCommander> >.>;
[17:34:29] <NCommander> mrcoolbp, on dev ... the file uploader breaks if UTF-8 is broken
[17:34:17] <mrcoolbp> NCommander: so we can post an image in a story now?
[17:34:12] <NCommander> The "thumbnail for story" function appears not to be connected to anything, and I can't figure out WTF the media bit is for
[17:33:53] <NCommander> paulej72, mrcoolbp, ok, so the image uploader works, the attached file function works
[17:32:59] Bytram is now known as Bytram|afk
[17:32:19] <NCommander> mrcoolbp, I understand :-/
[17:30:58] janrinok is now known as janrinok|afk
[17:29:22] <mrcoolbp> I'll check with her one more time, but she was...less then physched
[17:28:55] <NCommander> mrcoolbp, so, using your place as the address for incorporation is a no-go?
[17:27:44] <Bytram> mrcoolbp: ahhhh, that 'splains it!
[17:26:51] <mrcoolbp> bytram, my email addys appear on pages in slash, I'm not surprised I have more than you
[17:26:09] <Bender> karma - mrcoolbp: 15
[17:26:09] <Bytram> mrcoolbp++ Good For YOU!!!
[17:26:01] <Bytram> otoh, that is, as far as I can recall, the only one that has made it to me. not really a problem.
[17:25:57] <mrcoolbp> it's fucking amazing
[17:25:49] <NCommander> mrcoolbp, how's the cape
[17:25:42] <NCommander> spamassassin is required
[17:24:48] <mrcoolbp> yeah spam is definitely way up last 2 weeks
[17:24:29] <Bytram> mrcoolbp: I got a spam mail along the lines of Nigerian prince scam but for a purported charity purpose.
[17:24:22] <mrcoolbp> yea, weird shit
[17:24:07] <NCommander> mrcoolbp, I haven't got a clue on either of those emails
[17:23:55] <mrcoolbp> I see
[17:23:43] <NCommander> mrcoolbp, seems so, just not around much
[17:23:25] <mrcoolbp> NCommander: is he okay?
[17:22:54] <NCommander> mrcoolbp, yeah, I heard from xlefay
[17:21:45] <mrcoolbp> NCommander: either spam, confused user, or something else
[17:21:26] <mrcoolbp> NCommander: I got two weird emails I'm going to CC you on, I don't know what to make of them
[17:21:05] * Bytram is procrastinating about getting ready for the work day; would rather go back to bed and take a nap.
[17:20:22] <mrcoolbp> g'day Bytram!
[17:20:14] <Bytram> mrcoolbp: g'day!
[17:20:10] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v nick] by juggler
[17:20:10] -!- nick [nick!~nick@Soylent/Staff/Editor/n1] has joined #Soylent
[17:20:10] -!- nick has quit [Changing host]
[17:20:07] <mrcoolbp> NCommander: wanna copy me on that email from xlefay? I didn't get one
[17:20:05] n_a10 is now known as nick
[17:20:02] <Bytram> NCommander: YAY!
[17:19:50] <mrcoolbp> cool
[17:19:46] <mrcoolbp> NCommander: almost back, I'll be really back Sunday (but I have to work)
[17:19:42] <NCommander> yay
[17:19:41] <NCommander> Ok, so image uploader semi-works now
[17:19:28] <NCommander> WB!
[17:19:27] * NCommander licks mrcoolbp
[17:19:20] <mrcoolbp> Ncommander: hi!
[17:18:02] -!- n_a10 [n_a10!~nick@95.211.pso.xi] has joined #Soylent
[17:16:32] * NCommander is making debugging progress
[17:15:27] <Bytram> thanks!
[17:15:20] <monopoly> └ 03Friday Poll: Do you want an Android Wear smartwatch? - CNET: A new round of smartwatches is set to arrive in July, sporting the Android Wear OS. Will one of them end up on your wrist? ( http://www.cnet.com )
[17:15:18] <Bytram> monopoly; where is this? http://feedproxy.google.com
[17:15:03] <TK> and everyone involved (except me) has English as a second language
[17:13:58] <TK> bitchin'
[17:13:51] <TK> people shouting back and forth at each other and ultimately accomplishing nothing
[17:13:35] <TK> I guess it would have to be the plural
[17:12:45] <Woods> "IP transfers doth be similar to yon bitches"
[17:12:29] <Woods> Ah yes, the old addage.
[17:11:54] <TK> IP transfers are a b!tch
[17:11:40] -!- TK [TK!~9ff52002@159.245.ju.y] has joined #Soylent
[16:54:10] * crutchy hides
[16:54:00] <crutchy> run "git forgot"
[16:50:30] <NCommander> I'd love to know the idiot who forgot to include that in the manifest
[16:46:35] <NCommander> We have that tempalte
[16:46:32] <NCommander> the ****
[16:44:55] <monopoly> └ 03Commit Details: 1113 - slashdotjp (svn) - Slashdot Japan - SourceForge.JP: Commit Details: 1113 - slashdotjp (svn) - Slashdot Japan #opensource #sfjp
[16:44:51] <NCommander> paulej72, http://en.sourceforge.jp - oh look, slashdot.jp has their site open source
[16:44:25] <NCommander> crutchy, "up and down"
[16:44:17] <crutchy> NCommander: how's xlefay doing?
[16:43:42] * NCommander googles, sometimes you can find missing templates
[16:43:35] <NCommander> Fuck /code
[16:43:30] <NCommander> ich was called by:Apache::ROOTdev_2esoylentnews_2eorg::admin_2epl:/srv/dev.soylentnews.org/slashcode/site/soylent-mainpage/htdocs/admin.pl:2562
[16:43:30] <NCommander> [Fri Jun 27 14:43:12 2014] [error] /admin.pl:Slash::Display:/srv/soylentnews.org/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10.1/x86_64-linux/Slash/Display.pm:187:Failed template lookup (returning false) on 'static_files;admin[misc];night[default]', keys: 354, callers: Apache::ROOTdev_2esoylentnews_2eorg::admin_2epl line 2562, Apache::ROOTdev_2esoylentnews_2eorg::admin_2epl line 275, Apache::ROOTdev_2esoylentnews_2eorg::admin_2epl line 2566 ;; Wh
[16:37:00] <NCommander> paulej72, I need your public key, he's going to get us on the IRC server
[16:36:49] <NCommander> email from xlefay
[16:36:48] <NCommander> Holy crap
[16:36:30] <chromas> 2^32
[16:36:13] <NCommander> Seriously
[16:36:11] <NCommander> My brain is physically in pain from that
[16:36:03] <NCommander> Random number generator
[16:35:55] <chromas> Maybe the blobs are base4294967296 encoded
[16:35:53] * prospectacle makes ncommander a calming cup of tea
[16:35:37] <NCommander> paulej72, how soon are we ready to break production with the UTF-8 code? :-)?
[16:35:20] * NCommander rages more
[16:35:17] <NCommander> ARGH
[16:35:09] <NCommander> Ok, you know what
[16:35:02] <NCommander> Seriously
[16:35:01] <NCommander> WTF
[16:35:00] <NCommander> Like
[16:34:39] * NCommander WTFs more
[16:34:19] <prospectacle> the code you can understand is not the true code
[16:33:53] * NCommander feels his head pop off
[16:33:48] <Bytram> bye bye blobbie
[16:33:47] <NCommander> How does a binary file function require UTF-8 to work. Why does it care ... why?!
[16:33:09] <NCommander> REALLY?
[16:33:04] <NCommander> Really?
[16:33:01] <NCommander> ......
[16:33:00] <NCommander> }
[16:33:00] <NCommander> $values->{"-data"} = "0x" . unpack("H*", delete $values->{data});
[16:33:00] <NCommander> if ($constants->{utf8}) {
[16:32:02] <NCommander> paulej72, we still ahve soylentnews.jp if we ever need it (on 3 year registration!)
[16:31:48] <NCommander> paulej72, yeah, I rather only do that once so ...
[16:31:31] <NCommander> da fuck?
[16:31:29] <NCommander> stoid='169' OR fhid=NULL
[16:31:29] <NCommander> [Fri Jun 27 14:31:14 2014] [error] Undefined subroutine &Slash::Blob::errorLog called at /srv/soylentnews.org/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10.1/Slash/Blob.pm line 159.\n
[16:31:28] <monopoly> └ 03Rare SMS worm targets Android devices
[16:31:25] <Bytram> hmm: http://www.itworld.com
[16:30:25] <paulej72> oh sorry did I say that out loud :P
[16:30:01] <paulej72> dumbass
[16:29:41] <NCommander> paulej72, Jon registered it under what appears to be a fake name -_-;
[16:29:31] <NCommander> paulej72, dep-wait incorporation due to the fact we need to fix the WHOIS information
[16:29:15] <paulej72> NCommander: what is the status of our wildcard cert?
[16:28:42] <Bytram> NCommander: mmm, not quite following you on that one. How does that affect icinga?
[16:28:16] <paulej72> wasn’t me
[16:27:37] <NCommander> Bytram, someone fiddled with the apache config on boron
[16:27:26] <Bytram> hmmm, I can't seem to load icinga at all any more? https://sentinel.soylentnews.org
[16:26:17] <NCommander> paulej72, no, I'm just doing mysqldump --all-databases --single-transaction
[16:25:58] <paulej72> NCommander: are you using my script to do the backup?
[16:25:46] <NCommander> paulej72, I just took a manual one and dumped the blobs table before deleting it
[16:25:31] <crutchy> needs a bit of filtering
[16:25:23] <crutchy> pfft
[16:25:14] <exec> [Google] This USD/EUR Chart lets you see this pair's currency rate history for up to 10 years! XE uses highly accurate, live mid-market rates sourced from over 150 rate ...
[16:25:08] <paulej72> NCommander: last db backup that was copied to oxygen was 6-25, so we only were down a couple of days :)
[16:25:06] <crutchy> ~google 10 EUR to USD
[16:23:55] * NCommander backs up the SN database
[16:23:46] <Bytram> = 7.34 euros
[16:23:18] <monopoly> └ 03 convert $10 usd to euro - Wolfram|Alpha: Check out these dynamically computed results from Wolfram|Alpha!
[16:23:15] <Bytram> https://www.wolframalpha.com
[16:22:55] <NCommander> Ok, oxygen is on its way back
[16:21:38] <crutchy> gimme a few minutes
[16:21:31] <aqu4> No results found.
[16:21:30] <paulej72> $ddg 10 EUR to USD
[16:21:21] <prospectacle> $google 1000000 monkeys in Complete works of shakespeare
[16:21:17] <NCommander> -_-;
[16:21:15] <aqu4> No results found.
[16:21:14] <NCommander> $ddg 10 USD to EUR
[16:21:11] <NCommander> Ok, bill paided
[16:21:03] <crutchy> aww
[16:20:57] <aqu4> No results found.
[16:20:56] <crutchy> $ddg gir is awesome
[16:20:55] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Chemical Iris for CCD Cameras - http://sylnt.us - Atelier
[16:20:54] <NCommander> >.>;
[16:20:50] <NCommander> !ddg 10 EUR to USD
[16:20:41] <crutchy> we got one that does duck duck go
[16:20:14] <NCommander> ... didn't we have a bot that did google?
[16:20:07] <NCommander> !google 10 EUR to USD
[16:19:49] <NCommander> We don't have access to the box the IRCd is on
[16:19:43] <NCommander> crutchy, oh fucking shit
[16:19:38] <NCommander> I'm recovering it anyway
[16:19:36] * crutchy wonders what would be the appropriate response if the ircd server took a dump on itself
[16:19:35] <NCommander> paulej72, <3
[16:19:09] <paulej72> NCommander: and I also kept local copies of the newest db backups for each of the servers
[16:18:12] <crutchy> mono... doh!
[16:18:06] <paulej72> NCommander: not a big issue as we only had db backups on it
[16:17:53] <NCommander> I can recover it
[16:17:51] <NCommander> No wait, its just suspended
[16:17:39] <crutchy> yay!
[16:17:35] <crutchy> no gir that's bad
[16:17:29] * Bytram gasps for air
[16:17:15] <NCommander> The bill went to the spam folder, and it wasn't set to autopay
[16:17:11] <crutchy> yay!
[16:17:02] <NCommander> I think oxygen got deleted
[16:17:00] <crutchy> any more sign of xlefay?
[16:16:58] <NCommander> paulej72, do me a favor and hit me
[16:16:38] <crutchy> hi mechanicjay
[16:16:03] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mechanicjay] by juggler
[16:16:03] -!- mechanicjay [mechanicjay!~jhowe@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/mechanicjay] has joined #Soylent
[16:15:52] <NCommander> shit shit shit
[16:15:50] <NCommander> shit
[16:13:37] <NCommander> I'm curious on why this works on dev, and not on production
[16:13:25] <NCommander> paulej72, I haven't done anything yet
[16:12:59] <paulej72> NCommander: i hope that dis not break anything
[16:11:25] * NCommander clears out the table
[16:11:21] <NCommander> Looks like blobs never get properly deleted from slash
[16:09:48] <NCommander> Note for future: don't do select * from blobs on the DB
[16:09:38] <NCommander> That was a bad idea
[16:07:55] -!- TK has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[16:07:30] <NCommander> ...
[16:07:29] <NCommander> }
[16:07:29] <NCommander> sub listAll {
[16:07:29] <NCommander> # Stubbed Out
[16:06:02] <NCommander> paulej72, process_file_queue is hanging
[16:05:58] <prospectacle> re i.t. crowd: the second mr denham is so much better
[16:05:53] <NCommander> paulej72, I will in a bit
[16:03:24] <chromas> If the page has an og summary than it shows up here with the title
[16:02:53] <paulej72> NCommander: try staff slash
[16:02:46] <chromas> Well like the link you pasted
[16:02:23] <Bytram> chromas: huh? example please?
[16:01:50] <chromas> Bytram: monopoly does open graph summaries too now
[16:00:21] <chromas> /join #help
[15:59:08] * NCommander wonders if its related to UTF-8 ...
[15:58:59] <prospectacle> hi blackmoore
[15:58:41] <Blackmoore> mornin
[15:58:38] blackmore|afk is now known as Blackmoore
[15:58:06] * NCommander beats crutchy
[15:57:32] <crutchy> NCommander: just press the any key
[15:57:02] * NCommander debugs
[15:57:00] <NCommander> -_-;
[15:56:58] <NCommander> It got managed on production
[15:56:55] <Bytram> hmm, hurd? Isn't that an OS or sumthin? =)
[15:56:55] <NCommander> Great
[15:56:42] <monopoly> └ 03Index of  ( http://localhost )
[15:56:42] <crutchy> http://crapd
[15:56:24] <monopoly> └ 03HP gets 'Playboy model and the ex-CEO' lawsuit kicked out ... AGAIN • The Register: Judge: Stop wasting my time with this case, shareholders ( http://www.theregister.co.uk )
[15:56:23] <Bytram> I wonder if monopoly is feeling okay today? http://go.theregister.com
[15:55:46] * NCommander goes to look at the error logs
[15:55:38] <NCommander> Fuck
[15:55:37] <NCommander> The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
[15:55:37] <NCommander> OK
[15:55:33] <Bytram> hmmm, I'd think the easiest approach would be to imbed a "webbug" into the site CSS to use, for example, as a background color source/image.
[15:55:33] <paulej72> NCommander: the admin pages do not use the regular footer template(uses admin footer), not sure what else.
[15:54:55] * NCommander is writing something for the main page
[15:54:51] <NCommander> Ok, report regenerated to exclude the 7th
[15:54:44] * prospectacle runs back into his time machine and goes back to the nineties where people understand how to use the internet
[15:54:35] <crutchy> prospectacle: i can't cos it won't install on my windows for workgroups
[15:54:21] * NCommander beats prospectacle
[15:54:00] <prospectacle> Why doesn't everyone just use ie6? it's the official standards compliant browser and supports activex. You're just making life harder for webmasters if you use obscure third party knock-offs
[15:53:36] <NCommander> paulej72, hrm, I've noticed that piwik's tracker isn't on *every* page, just ones that load footer template
[15:53:16] <NCommander> Bytram, more or less. Its whatever comes in on the javascript or hidden image
[15:52:23] <Bytram> NCommander: Am I correct in assuming that it just logs all the data, and then you have a choice of what *subset* of that data that you want reported on?
[15:52:20] <crutchy> NCommander: iceweasel here
[15:52:07] <NCommander> Bytram, feel free to hack it (or its report API) to generate what you want
[15:51:58] <NCommander> crutchy, do you use iceweasel or something else
[15:51:57] <Bytram> nice!
[15:51:45] <NCommander> Bytram, piwik is open source :-)
[15:51:35] <crutchy> hehe
[15:51:29] <crutchy> either that or there's a bunch of folks with debian and cookies disabled :-)
[15:51:03] <Bender> karma - archlinux: 5
[15:51:02] <chromas> archlinux++
[15:50:19] <crutchy> yer all a bunch o' lusers with yer windoze 7 n shit
[15:49:56] <crutchy> lol
[15:49:51] <chromas> Debian is therefore popular in Australia
[15:49:30] <Konomi> ;p
[15:49:14] <chromas> You and Konomichan
[15:49:05] <prospectacle> anyway, a stunningly clear graph. Mostly to do with world resource prices (largely wool and stuff we dig out of the ground)
[15:48:52] <crutchy> am i the only person in the whole SN community that uses debian? :-(
[15:48:36] <prospectacle> it goes up and up and up (believe it or not aus was #1 in late 19th century) then we gradually, steadily dropped to 20th in the 1980s, then rose again to now #7
[15:48:29] <crutchy> wtf... was there only 10 visits from users with debian in the whole month!?
[15:48:05] <prospectacle> Then it's put in terms of aus. rank (in gdp per capita) and suddenly it all makes perfect sense
[15:47:55] <Bytram> hmmm, what is "Bounce Rate" ??
[15:47:42] <prospectacle> Anyway it has one graph, the gdp growth every year of aus. history. A few interesting things but hard to make sense of.
[15:47:15] <chromas> Opera is good at sessions. Firefox usually forgets on startup
[15:47:15] <prospectacle> This is a long shot but anyone read the latest "quarterly essay" about china and australia?
[15:46:53] <prospectacle> i like a good graph
[15:45:59] <paulej72> Woods: Also sat and sunday are mostly even. The first Sat (june 7) was a partial day that lowered the sat stats
[15:45:45] * crutchy hides
[15:45:31] <crutchy> prospectacle: opera users might be a little slow readers :-P
[15:44:16] <Woods> Ah
[15:44:08] <paulej72> Woods: fridays are as good as the rest of the week, maybe just a bit less
[15:43:44] * Bytram would like to see the standard deviation/variance on "Avg. Time on Website" (e.g. on "Visits by Day of Week")
[15:43:33] <paulej72> NCommander: you should make the next one Sun June 8 - Sat June 21 so all of the data is comparable
[15:43:30] * crutchy downloads file but is ready with malware whacking stick :-D
[15:43:26] <prospectacle> yeah can't find the off button
[15:43:24] <Woods> Paulej72: I wonder what it will look like at the end of the day then.
[15:43:16] <chromas> Or don't close the page
[15:43:06] <Woods> Ohhhh
[15:42:46] <prospectacle> they must have attention spans or something
[15:42:42] <prospectacle> opera operators spend the most time on the site on average
[15:42:19] <Bender> karma - chromas: 16
[15:42:19] <crutchy> chromas++ for the workaround :-P
[15:42:16] <paulej72> Woods: there is one less firday in that list so the numbers are off
[15:42:01] <crutchy> yeah silverlight will really make it available to the masses :-P
[15:41:55] <aqu4> No results found.
[15:41:55] <exec> $ddg wrl format
[15:41:53] <chromas> ~say $ddg wrl format
[15:41:40] <crutchy> lol
[15:41:22] <exec> definition for term ".wrl" set to "nfi but crutchy reckons it might be one of those weird web animationy thingy formats"
[15:41:22] <crutchy> ~define-add .wrl nfi but crutchy reckons it might be one of those weird web animationy thingy formats
[15:41:18] <prospectacle> i think it should be an .swf in an .ods, embedded on a web-page viewable only with silverlight
[15:40:46] <exec> wrl format: unable to find definition
[15:40:31] <crutchy> ~define wrl format
[15:40:25] <crutchy> isn't it one of those weird web animationy thingy formats?
[15:39:55] <exec> .wrl: unable to find definition
[15:39:42] <chromas> ~define .wrl
[15:39:41] <Woods> Crutchy, Chromas: Need to wrap that up in an msi.
[15:39:38] <prospectacle> we're reading the traffic report, good times. http://meta.dev.soylentnews.org
[15:39:37] <crutchy> named 'melissa.bat' :-D
[15:39:21] <crutchy> all wrapped up in a bat :-P
[15:39:20] <prospectacle> this and that
[15:39:06] <crutchy> chromas... a bmp in a swf in a wrl in a ppt in an exe
[15:38:53] <mrcoolbp> sup prospectacle
[15:38:38] <prospectacle> mrcoolbp
[15:38:20] <mrcoolbp> ello there
[15:38:10] <crutchy> g'day mrcoolbp
[15:38:00] <Woods> Also interesting: We get nearly equal traffic on Monday-Thursday, but it dips by 1/3rd for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
[15:37:59] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mrcoolbp] by juggler
[15:37:59] -!- mrcoolbp [mrcoolbp!~mrcoolbp@Soylent/Staff/mrcoolbp] has joined #Soylent
[15:37:56] <Bytram> crutchy: hiya! Sry, was busy trying to clean up a story.
[15:37:39] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[15:37:25] <chromas> NCommander: you're doing it wrong. Should be a screenshot in a pdf, in a word doc
[15:37:11] <prospectacle> crutchy, scroll up
[15:36:53] <crutchy> is it on dev or something? i get lost in all this server mish mash
[15:36:51] <prospectacle> "All meta, all the time (click here to filter by stories about this motto)"
[15:36:22] <crutchy> aww i wanna see the dotty plotty
[15:35:40] <Woods> Woah cool, you can see the curve of Firefox 29 go down as they updated to Firefox 30.
[15:35:28] <crutchy> ah
[15:35:27] <prospectacle> lol
[15:35:20] <NCommander> prospectacle, people would fucking lynch me if I did that
[15:35:20] <prospectacle> crutchy, stories about the site itself
[15:35:06] <prospectacle> NCommander, maybe we should just accept this and change the site to "soylent news news"
[15:35:05] <crutchy> meta stories?
[15:34:34] <prospectacle> NCommander, meta stories seem to get the most hits
[15:34:33] <SedBot> <crutchy> i'm trolling for the linux crowd even :-P
[15:34:33] <crutchy> s/ws/wd even/
[15:34:22] <crutchy> i'm trolling for the linux crows :-P
[15:34:17] <NCommander> I take it this would be an article of interest if I ran it?
[15:33:31] <Bender> karma - debian: 6
[15:33:31] <crutchy> debian++
[15:33:31] <Woods> Interesting.
[15:33:21] <NCommander> Woods, the report is slightly skewed; Ubuntu shows up as its own OS, not Linux
[15:33:11] <prospectacle> i like how it's most traffic from 9 to 5 with a small dip at lunch time
[15:33:08] <NCommander> Woods, on weekends, Linux almost beats it
[15:33:02] <Woods> I am not that dedicated.
[15:33:01] <NCommander> paulej72, yeah, I'll do that
[15:32:45] <prospectacle> woods, yeah i check it on my phone if i'm out
[15:32:43] <crutchy> nobody uses SpyPhone anymore
[15:32:36] <paulej72> NCommander: I would rerun the report and leave off the 7th as it was only a partial day.
[15:32:16] <Woods> Wow, this is weird, after Windows, more visits from Android than anything else.
[15:32:01] <NCommander> prospectacle, it was even more detailed before, I had to cut it down
[15:31:55] <crutchy> prospectacle: just realised you do need the bot to run any of the scripts that use buckets :-/
[15:31:52] <NCommander> prospectacle, thinking I'll run an article at noon about it
[15:31:50] <prospectacle> wow, detailed
[15:31:37] <prospectacle> ncommander, report looks good
[15:31:26] <prospectacle> crutchy, looking good. Clear variable names are always nice to see
[15:30:20] <NCommander> Or maybe its just the image uploader that was foobared
[15:30:10] <NCommander> I think we must have inadverantly fixed the blob function at some point
[15:30:01] <NCommander> Neat
[15:29:47] <Woods> NCommander: Yes.
[15:29:21] <NCommander> (there's a link in that)
[15:29:17] <monopoly> └ 04SN article: 03Blob test 04(0 comments): Reply
[15:29:16] <NCommander> Can folks download this: http://meta.dev.soylentnews.org
[15:29:06] <prospectacle> thanks
[15:28:58] <crutchy> g'day Bytram|away
[15:28:54] <crutchy> prospectacle: if you're interested, here's the latest wiki source: https://github.com
[15:28:44] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Bytram|away] by juggler
[15:28:44] -!- Bytram|away [Bytram|away!~pc@Soylent/Staff/Developer/martyb] has joined #Soylent
[15:26:00] <NCommander> hrm
[15:25:59] <NCommander> [Fri Jun 27 13:25:34 2014] [error] [client 8] Request content-length of 803382 is larger than the configured limit of 75000
[15:23:43] * NCommander takes an honest stab at fixing it
[15:22:13] * NCommander wonders how hard it will be to fix the Blob plugin
[15:22:11] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - France Attacks ICANN as Unfit for Internet Governance - http://sylnt.us - going-back-to-minitel
[15:21:33] <prospectacle> After a while if it catches on people will know to check the wiki page and make their edits without mentioning it
[15:21:10] <prospectacle> The trick is that we get people to take those seeds and turn them into stories. Maybe when we're testing we can discuss edits here on #soylent as we make them in the wiki. And when it's ready someone manually submits it to the queue
[15:20:56] <crutchy> mkay yeah that should provide some for editors (and would-be editors) to work with in addition to the normal sources
[15:20:28] <prospectacle> yeah doesn't have to be a lot. Even two or three times a day would be plenty
[15:19:53] <crutchy> maybe 1 new section every hour tops?
[15:19:14] <crutchy> goin to have to temper it more than on an IRC channel. spamming a wiki page will get my into trouble :-P
[15:17:52] * crutchy digs out feeds script from the junk pile
[15:17:14] <crutchy> cool
[15:16:59] <exec> wiki: successfully logged out
[15:16:57] <crutchy> ~wiki logout
[15:16:37] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v janrinok] by juggler
[15:16:37] -!- janrinok [janrinok!~janrinok@Soylent/Staff/Editor/janrinok] has joined #Soylent
[15:16:36] <monopoly> └ 03Ars Technica
[15:16:36] <monopoly> └ 03Slashdot
[15:16:36] <monopoly> └ 04Wiki: 03Rss sources: http://feeds.arstechnica.com http://rss.slashdot.org
[15:16:35] <prospectacle> http://wiki.soylentnews.org
[15:16:23] <crutchy> pfft
[15:16:17] <exec> wiki: no action specified
[15:16:16] <crutchy> ~wiki logout
[15:15:00] <chromas> That's more fun
[15:14:40] <chromas> Have exec make it
[15:14:28] <crutchy> hmm. are you identified with NickServ prospectacle?
[15:14:11] <prospectacle> I'll make it
[15:14:09] <crutchy> err. yeah i guess?
[15:14:01] <prospectacle> crutchy, what should the page be called: rss_sources?
[15:13:48] <crutchy> sec. gotta add you to the account list
[15:13:46] <NCommander> We know slash doesn't see every hit
[15:13:30] <NCommander> Plus stats shouldn't be varnished
[15:13:27] <prospectacle> ~wiki edit sandbox|exec test|what's going on here?
[15:13:23] <crutchy> just gotta link the feeds script in, get the feed sources from a wiki page and we're done :-)
[15:12:53] <NCommander> paulej72, furthermore, varnish hits slash once every few seconds to make sure its alive. Slash is supposed to filter it out, but I have my doubts
[15:12:37] <crutchy> i think we got it
[15:12:31] <NCommander> paulej72, my guess is that its tracking shit its not supposed to be tracking. i.e., images and such
[15:12:30] <exec> wiki edit=Success, oldrevid=7738, newrevid=7739
[15:12:26] <crutchy> ~wiki edit Sandbox|new section|
[15:12:14] <prospectacle> you're the man crutchy. Who needs web browsers when you can just write a command line
[15:12:09] <exec> wiki edit=Success, oldrevid=7737, newrevid=7738
[15:12:04] <crutchy> ~wiki edit Sandbox|new section|blah blah bling doorsnoker
[15:11:42] <paulej72> NCommander: I am not either, I just wanted to get a better explanation of the discrepency
[15:11:40] <crutchy> yay!
[15:11:28] <exec> wiki edit=Success, oldrevid=7736, newrevid=7737
[15:11:19] <crutchy> ~wiki edit Sandbox|exec test|
[15:11:16] * NCommander is looking
[15:10:56] <NCommander> paulej72, I'm not convinced slash's numbers are correct
[15:09:23] <crutchy> like any good nerds :-P
[15:09:14] <crutchy> they might've been after the bike
[15:09:13] <prospectacle> well it's tokyo
[15:09:05] <crutchy> poor dog... did it have a bike?
[15:09:01] <paulej72> NCommander: what I am seeing is about 10K page views on piwik per day, 20% of slash. Am I looking in th wrong place
[15:08:53] * NCommander is formatting this to PDF
[15:08:45] <prospectacle> "in tokyo, two games designers went on a rampage in the shopping centre and frightened a dog"
[15:08:36] <chromas> Peter File
[15:08:13] * prospectacle is watching the I.T. crowd, "In hamburg, a group of software developers shouted at a bus"
[15:07:35] <NCommander> paulej72, (slash tracks that number by IPID, piwik uses a cookie)
[15:06:36] <NCommander> paulej72, a visitor is one person, if you look at page views, the numbers more or less line up
[15:06:24] <NCommander> paulej72, that's roughly in line with what piwik says
[15:05:24] -!- SirFinkus [SirFinkus!~SirFinkus@l-64-313-06-125.hsd0.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[15:05:23] <paulej72> First graph
[15:05:19] <crutchy> just fixing up deleting of sections
[15:05:14] <prospectacle> progress!
[15:05:09] <crutchy> kinda
[15:05:01] <prospectacle> crutchy it works!
[15:04:58] <paulej72> backslash stats reports
[15:04:50] -!- TK [TK!~9ff52002@159.245.ju.y] has joined #Soylent
[15:04:30] <NCommander> paulej72, which page is that
[15:04:28] <NCommander> paulej72, ?
[15:04:27] <crutchy> grr
[15:04:20] <exec> wiki edit=emptynewsection
[15:04:16] <crutchy> ~wiki edit Sandbox|blah|
[15:04:08] <crutchy> yay!
[15:03:55] <exec> wiki edit=Success, oldrevid=7735, newrevid=7736
[15:03:51] <crutchy> ~wiki edit Sandbox|blah|some text
[15:03:18] <paulej72> 52K pages - 8.6k index, 14.2K comments, 10.9k article
[15:02:56] <exec> wiki edit=invalidsection
[15:02:47] <crutchy> ~wiki edit Sandbox|blah|some text
[15:02:24] <paulej72> I was looking at the total pages in the Main Report
[15:01:46] <exec> wiki: edit=section not found
[15:01:42] <crutchy> ~wiki edit Sandbox|blah|some text
[15:01:41] <NCommander> paulej72, which report are you looking at, slashcode's numbers are about 1/3 greater than piwik
[15:01:15] * NCommander edits PHP's config file and tries to regenerate the report
[15:00:00] <NCommander> paulej72, I suspect /code is counting things like graphic assets and shit. Slashcode's access log agrees with Apache
[14:59:57] <prospectacle> nope
[14:59:33] <crutchy> ~wiki edit Sandbox|blah|some text
[14:59:06] <paulej72> NCommander: that would mean 80% of our users have DNT or NoScript running
[14:58:39] <NCommander> That's a unique error
[14:58:36] <NCommander> Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 272608 bytes)
[14:58:35] <prospectacle> hmm, makes sense
[14:58:08] <NCommander> peak hours at 16-22 EST
[14:58:01] <NCommander> prospectacle, over 50% of the traffic is from the US
[14:57:54] <NCommander> paulej72, piwik doesn't get folks who have DNT enabled, i.e., NoScript installed
[14:57:34] <prospectacle> on american east coast
[14:57:22] <prospectacle> what time of the week gets the most hits? is it monday at 930?
[14:56:55] <paulej72> NCommander: do you have any idea why the piwik stats are so much smaller than the slash ones?
[14:56:06] * NCommander is going to upload a piwik report for the community to look at
[14:55:29] <NCommander> paulej72, yeah, I don't remember simple having colors or anything
[14:55:08] -!- prospectacle [prospectacle!~3a6b475d@a50-559-61-57.mit326.act.optusnet.com.au] has joined #Soylent
[14:54:12] <paulej72> NCommander: I have not bee looking at the simplified layout, but we probably did break it as it loads a different css file that is in none of our header template files. Should be able to fix it with a if statement with the appropriate css file load statement.
[14:51:49] <paulej72> NCommander: what’s up.
[14:51:49] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Houston, We Have a Public Domain Problem - http://sylnt.us - Tragedy-of-the-Commons
[14:51:10] * NCommander beats piwik
[14:48:06] <crutchy> yay!
[14:48:04] <crutchy> no gir that's bad
[14:47:52] <crutchy> yay!
[14:47:45] <exec> edit: section not found
[14:47:42] <crutchy> ~wiki edit
[14:47:26] <exec> wiki edit=Success, oldrevid=7734, newrevid=7735
[14:47:22] <crutchy> ~wiki edit
[14:46:54] <exec> wiki edit=Success, oldrevid=7733, newrevid=7734
[14:46:49] <crutchy> ~wiki edit
[14:46:08] * crutchy reboots brain
[14:45:43] <Woods> Copy that.
[14:45:35] <crutchy> dunno. if you figure it out let me know eh
[14:44:51] <Woods> Not much, just trying to figure out what you even mean by that, lol.
[14:44:33] <crutchy> what's new?
[14:43:54] <crutchy> everything is awesome when you look at it upside down
[14:43:25] <Woods> Awesome may not be the right word for it though.
[14:43:12] <Woods> Dying? Eh, I guess it is alright.
[14:42:56] <crutchy> sounds awesome! ..whatever it is :-P
[14:42:42] <crutchy> lol
[14:42:39] <Woods> I can die happy now.
[14:42:36] <Woods> Mission accomplished.
[14:42:34] <crutchy> hi woods
[14:42:20] <Woods> Hi Crutchy, HAH, BEAT YOU TO IT
[14:41:46] <exec> edit: section not found
[14:41:41] <crutchy> ~wiki edit
[14:40:48] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Woods] by juggler
[14:40:48] -!- Woods [Woods!~41a24c20@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Woods] has joined #Soylent
[14:40:07] <exec> edit: section not found
[14:40:03] <crutchy> ~wiki edit
[14:39:50] -!- exec [exec!~exec@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[14:27:02] * KonomiNetbook rufles crutchy' hair
[14:18:46] <crutchy> hi KonomiNetbook
[14:17:41] -!- KonomiNetbook [KonomiNetbook!~Konomi@Soylent/Users/189/Konomi] has joined #Soylent
[14:03:07] -!- rand [rand!~rand@jsx-671.76-725-78.nts-online.net] has joined #Soylent
[13:49:02] * NCommander swears at /code
[13:41:35] -!- KonomiNetbook has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[13:40:32] -!- SirFinkus has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com]
[13:35:26] <chromas> Southern plains
[13:35:04] <chromas> And I've been visiting the lower all this time?!
[13:34:39] <chromas> Ooh, central
[13:32:59] <crutchy> it goes to the Central Missionary Position
[13:32:28] <chromas> it's okay; as long as it doesn't go to cp or otherwise cause a van to roll up
[13:32:11] <crutchy> ah
[13:32:05] <chromas> nah, server not found
[13:32:04] <crutchy> sorry about that
[13:31:58] <crutchy> ooh crap that probably opened the anus
[13:31:25] <crutchy> http://slash.my.mdash.dog-dirt.com.crackwhore.goat.cx
[13:30:46] <chromas> I guess TheMightyBuzzard took it with him
[13:30:29] <chromas> where's the slash though?
[13:30:02] <crutchy> ah
[13:30:01] <chromas> hehe
[13:29:53] <monopoly> └ 03Index of  ( http://localhost )
[13:29:53] <crutchy> is that cos it looked at http://http.com.net.ftp ?
[13:29:33] <chromas> Then finally noticed my string variable was in quotes for some reason
[13:29:12] <monopoly> └ 03Universe 
[13:29:12] <chromas> I've been looking over my url extractor trying to figure out why it was stuck in infinite loop
[13:29:11] <aqu4> Hi, I'm aqu4bot, version "baking", running on UNIX. I'm a bot written in pure C by Subsentient [http://universe2.us/]. My source code can be found at "http://github.com/Subsentient/aqu4bot/". Try the 'commands' command to get a list of what I can do, or try 'help cmd' where 'cmd' is a particular command.
[13:29:11] <crutchy> $help
[13:28:55] <crutchy> wtf
[13:28:45] <chromas> $sr tset
[13:28:41] <chromas> oh yeah
[13:28:26] * chromas takes off dunce hat
[13:28:26] <aqu4> $burrito aqu4
[13:28:25] <crutchy> $sr 4uqa otirrub$
[13:28:17] <crutchy> $rs 4uqa otirrub$
[13:27:55] <chromas> $rs tset
[13:27:46] <chromas> or some sort of taunt
[13:27:22] <chromas> I think it also does that if you $rs noitca
[13:27:15] -!- Subsentient has quit [Quit: A good gerbil is one with the peanut butter.]
[13:26:57] <crutchy> $new-features
[13:26:15] <crutchy> aww
[13:26:08] * aqu4 chucks a nasty, rotten burrito at crutchy
[13:26:08] <crutchy> $burrito aqu4
[13:25:55] -!- aqu4 [aqu4!~aqu4bot@universe2.us/ircbot/aqu4] has joined #Soylent
[13:10:49] <chromas> poor TheMightyBuzzard|CarsSuck; sitting in a box while it slides along the ground
[13:08:12] <Bender> karma - nodos: 0
[13:08:12] <crutchy> nodos--
[13:08:04] <Bender> karma - nodoze: 1
[13:08:04] <crutchy> nodoze++
[13:07:50] <Bender> karma - nodos: 1
[13:07:50] <crutchy> nodos++
[13:07:39] TheMightyBuzzard is now known as TheMightyBuzzard|CarsSuck
[13:07:35] <crutchy> wow. have fun
[13:07:21] <TheMightyBuzzard> anyway, gotta go spend 12 hours in a car now. yall have fun.
[13:07:14] <crutchy> sublight is the less dodgy version of exec that xlefay is building. it includes an ircd in it
[13:06:24] <crutchy> when xlefay comes back he may be able to add the script to sublight (which will be hosted on the ircd server)
[13:06:21] <TheMightyBuzzard> remind me about it when i get done with html entity support n we might see about implementing it on dev at least.
[13:05:30] <crutchy> i might work on a proof of concept. if its never used that's ok
[13:05:18] <crutchy> its fun to try things
[13:05:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> is an idea with promise though
[13:04:50] <crutchy> lol
[13:04:47] <crutchy> nod
[13:04:47] <TheMightyBuzzard> you break him regular enough
[13:04:31] <TheMightyBuzzard> yeah, prolly best not to count on a bot that may be down.
[13:03:57] <TheMightyBuzzard> put up a feature request for it on the github page.
[13:03:46] <crutchy> and submit it on their behalf
[13:03:34] <crutchy> or an editor could mark a section on the wiki page with a submit keyword and the bot would pick it up automagically
[13:02:55] <TheMightyBuzzard> one bug and the editors want to cut your man parts off
[13:02:36] <crutchy> true
[13:02:31] <TheMightyBuzzard> be better if it had a human pushing the submit button
[13:01:52] <crutchy> exec could do it too... using the code fu that i used for submitting comments :-P
[13:01:34] <crutchy> that would be cool
[13:01:18] <TheMightyBuzzard> technically i "could" build an ajax-style reader as part of slash with a finalize+submit button.
[13:00:09] <crutchy> to replace https://github.com
[12:59:26] <crutchy> prospectacle suggested using a wiki page for feed sources
[12:58:52] <crutchy> prolly not as many as regurgitator
[12:58:20] <TheMightyBuzzard> hrm
[12:57:52] <chromas> SoylentReader—with comments
[12:57:51] <crutchy> irc commands will be more administrative (if anything) or internal timed events
[12:57:47] <chromas> reader
[12:57:45] <chromas> We should make a google feed or hwatever replacement
[12:57:17] <crutchy> or something like that
[12:57:13] <crutchy> we're looking at outputting some rss feeds to a wiki page to get some community summary editing going
[12:56:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> well i mean it probably would be but the interface would necessarily be cumbersome.
[12:55:34] <crutchy> the script is pretty simple. the bot isn't that complicated, but has been developed for flexibility
[12:54:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> you are a silly person.
[12:54:41] <crutchy> yeah its kinda fun
[12:54:32] <crutchy> friday night stupor :-P
[12:54:24] <crutchy> lol
[12:54:23] <crutchy> oh
[12:54:09] <crutchy> ke?
[12:53:47] <TheMightyBuzzard> over a bot? you're the psychotic
[12:53:39] <crutchy> i can add a new section no probs
[12:53:23] <crutchy> trying to figure out how to edit an existing section
[12:53:09] <crutchy> atm just bumbling
[12:52:51] <TheMightyBuzzard> what're you doing to the poor wiki, crutchy?
[12:50:18] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Congress Passes a Law to Protect Whistle Blowers - http://sylnt.us - corrupt-officials-will-comply-with-redundant-new-laws
[12:47:33] <crutchy> ~wiki edit
[12:44:02] <Bender> karma - wikimedia_api: 1
[12:44:02] <crutchy> wikimedia_api++
[12:43:50] <chromas> woohoo!
[12:42:59] <monopoly> └ 04Wiki: 03Sandbox: Looks like web-developer plugin has some of the required tools
[12:42:58] <crutchy> haha! first edit: http://wiki.soylentnews.org
[12:29:28] <chromas> Pizza that makes you happy
[12:29:11] -!- aqu4 has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[12:28:49] <SedBot> <chromas> Paxill
[12:28:48] <chromas> s/ H//
[12:28:29] <chromas> Pax Hill
[12:26:55] -!- exec [exec!~exec@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has parted #Soylent
[12:26:54] <crutchy> ~part
[12:26:51] -!- prospectacle has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[12:26:15] <crutchy> on other days they can deliver sometimes in about 10-15 mins
[12:25:53] <crutchy> must be pretty busy tonight
[12:25:29] <crutchy> you have to check the scramjet extra
[12:24:19] <chromas> I wonder if they can deliver to the states in forty minutes
[12:23:15] <SedBot> <crutchy> i'm sure many people do
[12:23:14] <crutchy> s/some/many/
[12:22:59] <crutchy> i'm sure some people do
[12:22:43] <crutchy> lol
[12:22:40] <chromas> Check all the boxes
[12:22:32] <chromas> That's what makes it american
[12:22:29] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@universe2.us/Subsentient] has joined #Soylent
[12:22:13] <crutchy> mine started as an american, but all those extras checkboxes just couldn't be wasted
[12:21:37] <crutchy> very yummy
[12:21:36] <monopoly> └ 03Pax Hill Pizza To Go in Traralgon - Official Website
[12:21:33] <crutchy> chromas: we got ours from here: http://www.paxhillpizza.com.au
[12:20:41] <crutchy> (and of course i had to clean it *shudders*)
[12:20:18] <crutchy> my wife ate a hawaiian pizza years ago when she was preggers and powerchucked it everywhere. the images of ham chunks are still burned into the backs of my eyes
[12:19:07] <chromas> Spew spew spew! Must be lasers with asthma
[12:19:06] <Bender> karma - coffee: 305
[12:19:06] <crutchy> coffee++
[12:18:55] <Bender> karma - coffee: 304
[12:18:55] <TheMightyBuzzard> coffee++
[12:17:52] -!- Subsentient has quit [Quit: Derp.]
[12:17:35] <crutchy> i unchecked the ham though. reminds me of spew
[12:17:17] <crutchy> i think it had hot salami, fresh tomato, capsicum, bacon, mozzarella, basil, onion, etc
[12:16:17] <crutchy> it was home delivery flavored... the best kind :-D
[12:13:52] <chromas> Going to steal crutchy's idea and make pizza tonight. What kind was it?
[12:00:29] <crutchy> np. thanks and enjoy :-)
[11:59:40] <prospectacle> well I'm gonna grab dinner. good luck. Let me know if you want help testing or solving problems or whatever.
[11:58:47] -!- JamesNZ has quit [Quit: Busying myself...]
[11:58:03] <exec> not logged in
[11:58:01] <crutchy> ~wiki edit
[11:57:19] <crutchy> bah
[11:57:14] <exec> not logged in
[11:57:12] <crutchy> ~wiki edit
[11:56:58] <crutchy> i like those sorts of bugs :-D
[11:56:43] <exec> wiki login=Success, username=Exec (userid=1546)
[11:56:40] <crutchy> ~wiki login
[11:56:34] <crutchy> ~join #test
[11:56:26] <prospectacle> oh i see (hadn't read your link before)
[11:56:18] <crutchy> ~join #test
[11:55:01] <crutchy> bot has changed a bit :-/
[11:54:54] <crutchy> got a bunch of php notices with that login
[11:54:06] <crutchy> i think its slightly different with the api. prolly similar
[11:53:15] <prospectacle> if you haven't done this already, I loaded the "Edit form" and i went right-click->web developer->forms->view form information, and it shows all the things you need to populate
[11:52:57] <crutchy> lol
[11:52:50] <exec> wiki login=
[11:52:48] <crutchy> ~wiki login
[11:52:41] -!- exec [exec!~exec@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[11:52:01] <crutchy> (you mean the toolbar right?)
[11:51:50] <crutchy> of course :-D
[11:51:39] <prospectacle> do you have the web developer plugin for firefox?
[11:51:30] <prospectacle> ah ha!
[11:44:27] <crutchy> cool
[11:42:49] <prospectacle> it didn't exist so if we mess with it, then it won't mess with anything else
[11:42:36] <prospectacle> just testing editing now. I made a page called "sandbox" on the wiki
[11:42:24] <prospectacle> oh ok cool
[11:41:37] <crutchy> i just have to replace wget with wpost (both lib.php functions)
[11:41:05] <monopoly> └ 03API:Edit - MediaWiki
[11:41:04] <crutchy> yeah will have to do post. lol i was copying the example here but didn't read the notes http://www.mediawiki.org
[11:40:02] <prospectacle> or do you need to do a POST?
[11:39:47] <prospectacle> can you commit edits in wikimedia with just a url?
[11:38:37] <crutchy> wikimedia
[11:38:31] <prospectacle> is this targeted at a wikimedia wiki or something else?
[11:38:12] <crutchy> it will prolly make the page edit based on function args and bucket valuees
[11:37:11] <prospectacle> so your edit() function will eventually give you the info you need to craft a _POST request, yes?
[11:36:28] <crutchy> its prolly a bit of a shonky system so not sure how deep you wanna get into it, but whatever your into is all good. up to you. you can even run your own exec if you're die hard enough :-P
[11:35:03] <prospectacle> I see
[11:34:59] <crutchy> or buckets
[11:34:50] <crutchy> using "/INTERNAL $msg"
[11:34:33] <crutchy> the bot can communicate between scripts so prolly easier to keep them separated
[11:34:11] <crutchy> the feeds script is here: https://github.com
[11:33:45] <crutchy> i need to make another request for the token. i think i saw an example of that in the api manual
[11:33:01] <crutchy> currently working on the edit function here: https://github.com
[11:31:35] <crutchy> ssec. i'll push to gh
[11:31:25] <prospectacle> what are you up to at the moment?
[11:31:16] <crutchy> although you can code directly too if you want to
[11:30:50] <crutchy> hmm plenty :-)
[11:30:32] <prospectacle> yeah, got any little algorithms/puzzles I can solve and send to you to incorporate into the project?
[11:30:04] <crutchy> atm rss feeds are just kept in a text file but definitely could be a wiki page. you're welcome to help if you want to. are you talking about coding?
[11:27:30] <prospectacle> can I help you with any part of it?
[11:26:24] <prospectacle> maybe the list of sites/rss feeds could itself be a wiki page
[11:26:13] <prospectacle> yeah good. Shouldn't be hard to think up a list of sites to use for seeds: google news technology, ars technica, sci-tech daily, etc
[11:25:33] <crutchy> i have an rss/atom feeds script that i can tie into it though
[11:25:19] <prospectacle> sounds promising
[11:24:39] <crutchy> we should be able to make it do whatever we want though (within reason)
[11:24:25] <crutchy> i'm just starting out by trying to get it to edit a page :-P
[11:23:58] <prospectacle> do
[11:23:56] <prospectacle> oh cool. What does it do? or will it od?
[11:23:46] <crutchy> slow going
[11:23:37] <crutchy> hi prospectacle. i'm just working on the wiki script atm
[11:23:00] <prospectacle> Hey crutchy, i like the idea of auto-seeding story-wiki from RSS (could use various news sites). Then people interested in that story could add a piece or two, or if they think it's good enough, submit it to the queue.
[11:22:05] <chromas> hey, prospectacle
[11:21:53] <prospectacle> Hello
[11:21:49] -!- prospectacle [prospectacle!~3a6b475d@a50-559-61-57.mit326.act.optusnet.com.au] has joined #Soylent
[11:21:19] <chromas> looks okay on youtube, though it looks like it's got pulldown judder
[11:17:09] <crutchy> either that or the cinema projector wasn't baysplosion certified
[11:15:50] <crutchy> maybe the special effects are so awesome that my feeble human eyes can't process it quick enough so they skip every 2nd frame
[11:14:44] <chromas> I don't remember that; probably haven't seen it yet
[11:14:25] <crutchy> it was almost like one of those flick cartoons that you draw on the edge of a book
[11:14:21] <chromas> They could be using those movies to push cool toys like jenga buildings and firebombs. Instead, we get foldable robots.
[11:13:41] <crutchy> i reckon in that one with the worm that chews up the building they removed every 2nd frame
[11:12:56] <chromas> 2.5 hours
[11:12:15] <chromas> I think there's a new baysplosion out
[11:09:53] <chromas> tsk tsk
[11:09:42] <chromas> I've been watching Red Letter Media
[11:09:22] <crutchy> michael baysplosion!
[11:09:06] * chromas wonders if George Lucas was involved with slash at some point
[11:09:05] <crutchy> then slash took a dump and became crapd
[11:08:20] <crutchy> and then slashed slash with a slasher
[11:08:04] <crutchy> then we all had a slash all over slash
[11:07:33] <chromas> 'we'
[11:07:14] <chromas> I think it was the part where we forked slash
[11:07:10] <crutchy> breaking is fun
[11:06:57] * NCommander sighs
[11:06:54] <NCommander> .. did we break simple design at some point?
[11:06:49] <chromas> You're right; SedBot needs an update, otherwise who will make me feel like a choad?
[11:06:10] <SedBot> <crutchy> <chromas> So no tanting when referencing another user
[11:06:10] <crutchy> chromas: s/au/a/
[11:06:05] <SedBot> chromus, did you know there's THREE slashes in a proper s/// command?
[11:06:05] <chromas> s/ /tee
[11:05:45] <chromas> So no taunting when referencing another user
[11:05:34] <SedBot> <chromas> <crutchy> itestusually bork seds anyway
[11:05:34] <chromas> crutchy: s/ /test/
[11:05:30] <chromas> crutchy: s/ /test
[11:05:11] <SedBot> <chromas> test
[11:05:11] <chromas> s/.*/test/
[11:05:05] <crutchy> i usually bork seds anyway
[11:04:58] * SedBot is a 53-line awk script, https://github.com
[11:04:58] <chromas> SedBot:
[11:04:54] <crutchy> lol
[11:04:49] <chromas> /
[11:04:44] <chromas> crutchy: s/.*/It would have worked if it weren't for your meddling mouth, chromas!
[11:04:06] <crutchy> chromas: s/change/ebt/
[11:03:56] <chromas> I notice on dev that the comment abbreviation doesn't take number of lines into account
[11:02:33] <chromas> Change? Can anyone spare some change? I only need a little change
[11:01:56] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - US Should Re-Evaluate Definition of Skilled Workers in Immigration Policy - http://sylnt.us - only-constant-is-change
[11:01:20] <NCommander> chromas, :-P
[11:01:13] <chromas> different user name
[11:00:56] <chromas> NCommander: the thing to do is get some investors and sell out forbig prizes, then fork it under a different name, like maybe ntaco
[10:58:50] <NCommander> yay
[10:58:49] * NCommander is messing w/ the subscription code
[10:46:09] <crutchy> (pretend to be people)
[10:45:45] <crutchy> haven't tried same approach with wiki as i did for SN comments but should work
[10:45:03] <crutchy> it uses a similar token system to SN
[10:44:08] <chromas> But the bot could peek at new articlesand nuke bad users from orbit
[10:43:47] <chromas> Does mediawiki have that?
[10:43:38] <chromas> ooh, spam detection
[10:42:25] <crutchy> haven't really done anything with it yet :-/
[10:41:36] <crutchy> could do the same as the SN comment posting script (pretend to be people) but the api looks pretty simple and funpika was nice and gave exec bot flag
[10:40:46] <chromas> or pascal
[10:40:41] <chromas> wfs is unmaintened anyway. Hey, you could port it to php!
[10:39:57] <crutchy> i'm using the api for this one... just to be different :-D
[10:39:13] <chromas> True; scraping's fun eh
[10:39:01] <SedBot> <chromas> You could install wikipediafs
[10:39:01] <chromas> s/f/pediaf/
[10:38:07] <crutchy> that would be cheating :-P
[10:36:33] <chromas> You could install wikifs
[10:35:17] * crutchy is working on a wiki editing script
[10:33:11] <crutchy> adblock worked well for /.
[10:33:00] <chromas> I remember sometimes there were giant ads between the articles and their comments
[10:32:43] <chromas> Hm; did they use it?
[10:32:35] <crutchy> ew... ads
[10:32:06] <NCommander> chromas, it was a feature on /. that if you sat through an ad, you got a pseudo-subscription
[10:31:53] <crutchy> i timed out today too
[10:31:34] <crutchy> that happens
[10:29:34] <Subsentient> yeh internet quit
[10:29:31] <Subsentient> hi crutchy
[10:28:34] <crutchy> hi aqu4
[10:28:29] <crutchy> hi Subsentient
[10:24:34] -!- aqu4 [aqu4!~aqu4bot@universe2.us/ircbot/aqu4] has joined #Soylent
[10:23:32] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@universe2.us/Subsentient] has joined #Soylent
[10:22:04] <crutchy> maybe it was access to the super secret slash section
[10:18:44] <chromas> Is that like a one-day subscription?
[10:13:14] <NCommander> Daypasses == DELETED
[10:13:08] * NCommander is purging more dead code out of /code
[09:59:43] -!- exec has quit [Quit: exec]
[09:54:51] <crutchy> prolly need to get the wiki thingy working first... atm it only logs in/out :-./
[09:54:49] <NCommander> paulej72, on the "annoying bugs front", we should look at fixing the "expand comment to read the rest of it" feature
[09:54:08] <crutchy> hmm or maybe a karma system... feeds get output to an IRC channel, and any source that gets a ++ is output to the wiki?
[09:47:59] -!- Subsentient has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[09:47:16] <crutchy> and users just log in and tinker with each section as they like. could also possibly make some IRC commands available for interaction (such as listing last 4 sections that have been edited, or even appending to last etc)
[09:46:23] -!- aqu4 has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[09:45:00] <crutchy> not sure how that would work... maybe a new section (==<title>==) for each feed title and if a section goes unchanged for X days the bot auto-deletes that section?
[09:39:21] <crutchy> we could also feed rss links/titles into it automagically for ideas
[09:38:42] <crutchy> lets just make one
[09:38:27] <Bender> karma - prospectacle: 9
[09:38:27] <crutchy> prospectacle++ for story wiki
[09:23:24] -!- SpallsHurgenson has quit [Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de]
[09:19:53] <Bender> karma - pizza: 8
[09:19:53] <crutchy> pizza++
[09:19:04] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[08:51:18] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - France Attacks ICANN as Unfit for Internet Governance: - http://sylnt.us - going-back-to-minitel
[08:14:14] -!- prospectacle has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[07:43:02] -!- pbnjoe has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[07:25:50] <prospectacle> we'd probably get a lot more stories that way
[07:25:24] <prospectacle> wouldn't it be cool if there were a wiki for coming up with stories. You post a link, I write add some description, someone else improves it. Eventually an editor says "Yep, good enough" and presses "add to queue".
[07:24:37] <prospectacle> someone has probably thought of this already, but:
[07:22:58] -!- prospectacle [prospectacle!~3a6b475d@a50-559-61-57.mit326.act.optusnet.com.au] has joined #Soylent
[07:12:04] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Agreeing to Amazon DRM Cost Publisher Control - http://sylnt.us - accept-these-standardized-terms-and-we'll-take-care-of-everything
[07:02:41] -!- pbnjoe [pbnjoe!~pbnjoe@Soylent/Users/313/pbnjoe] has joined #Soylent
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[06:33:30] juggs is now known as juggs|afk
[05:54:28] <juggs> It's a shame proper investigative journalism is dying out.
[05:49:18] <chromas> oh yeah; I remember that from /.
[05:47:31] <monopoly> └ 03Home | Mail Online: MailOnline - all the latest news, sport, showbiz, science and health stories from around the world from the Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers
[05:47:30] <juggs> This is the archetypal UK red top http://www.dailymail.co.uk - all sensationalist headlines. Amusingly this one is always batting on about morality and chasteness while publishing endless streams of paparazzi images with headlines like "Ohh... hasn't celeb $x bloated out - check the bikini shots" type stuff. Hypocritical and devoid of any real substance - still seems to sell well.
[05:42:16] <juggs> I think we should leave it there
[05:42:14] <chromas> the bear would also like some bleach
[05:41:59] <chromas> I was going to make a crack about tuna, but
[05:41:26] <juggs> And yeah - now you pointed it out - who is doing the *retch* in that headline?? It's probably best not to dwell on that too long else you get to the inevitable "why is the bear retching?" thoughts. Argh - pass me the mind bleach!
[05:41:11] -!- KonomiNetbook has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[05:40:47] <chromas> s/p/ papers/
[05:39:54] <chromas> Ours are all tv channels because we don't read :D
[05:38:56] <juggs> The red tops are more about taking a popular view and coming up with some inflammatory, grossly misrepresented, outrageous headline in order to sell papers. I'm sure every country has them. ElReg is a satire on that.
[05:37:26] <SedBot> <chromas> <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Bolivia Congress Clock Altered to Turn Counter-Clockwise - http://sylnt.us - how-does-it-work-on-a-digital-clock
[05:37:26] <chromas> Bender: s/Anti/Counter/
[05:36:55] <chromas> The headline; not the bear
[05:36:37] <chromas> It makes me feel warm and fuzzy and more willing to let it into my home beause I identify with it
[05:35:37] <juggs> chromas - it's a typical ElReg tongue in cheek headline, they style themselves after the reactionary, populist UK print press (commonly known as red tops).
[05:29:44] <chromas> open graph sure is handy for page scanning
[05:27:06] <SpallsHurgenson> gonna be huge in the furry community
[05:22:53] <chromas> Wait; so is the author retching or the teddy bear?
[05:20:40] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Bolivia Congress Clock Altered to Turn Anti-Clockwise - http://sylnt.us - how-does-it-work-on-a-digital-clock
[05:15:11] <monopoly> └ 03Creepy battery-operated TEDDY BEAR SEX TOY. Sadly, this is for real • The Register: Hold his ears while his TONGUE takes you to heaven and back! *retch*
[05:15:10] <juggs> This made me chuckle yesterday: http://www.theregister.co.uk Warning it is NFSW and comes with the usual disclaimers about ElReg's journalistic style.
[04:48:13] <juggs> wth - that link redirects to (or via) accountsolution.gcion.com harrumph argle bargle
[04:47:40] <SpallsHurgenson> I mean, there can't be two trolls that big, stupid and obvious
[04:47:37] <n1> SpallsHurgenson +1
[04:46:35] <SpallsHurgenson> Ethanol-Fueled = Ann Coulter
[04:46:08] <SpallsHurgenson> that proves it
[04:45:47] <swiss> all my lol
[04:45:25] <monopoly> └ 03Coulter: Any growing interest in soccer a sign of nation's moral decay ( http://www.clarionledger.com )
[04:45:22] <swiss> http://www.clarionledger.com
[04:38:15] <juggs> ummm.... that's probably not going to end well... but carry on. We shall await the outcome :D
[04:34:47] * SpallsHurgenson uses a rusty spoon to start digging that memory out of his brain
[04:32:45] <juggs> hmm... if only I had an artistic bone in my body, it could be quite fun to do a Gluegle - the vampire squid sketch - have it zip around towns and cities slurping up everyone's data
[04:30:23] <SpallsHurgenson> just imagine the monstrosity you described earlier; that's one memory you'll never get out of your head
[04:30:08] <juggs> which is all a little harsh - vampire squid are quite interesting really
[04:29:33] <juggs> I'm sure it was used recently to describe a (another) company too, I can't remember which though. Something about a vampire squid sucking on the faces of all other companies. Meh, my memory, my memory. my kingdom for my memory!
[04:27:19] <SpallsHurgenson> on the plus side, I hear it's already been offered a part in three different japanese cartoons :)
[04:26:48] <SpallsHurgenson> I'm still taking it all in :)
[04:26:37] <juggs> too much?
[04:26:26] <juggs> ?
[04:26:24] <SpallsHurgenson> ... okay?
[04:26:21] <SpallsHurgenson> ...
[04:26:15] <SpallsHurgenson> ummm...
[04:18:17] <juggs> although that is probably derogatory to vampire squid
[04:15:09] <juggs> vampire squid from hell, sucking in all information, with tentacles and filaments insinuating their way into every orifice and facet of human existence, all to better their own nourishment.
[04:10:35] <SpallsHurgenson> currently, "google" is used as a verb meaning "to search" or "look up information". I wonder how long before it transforms to mean "rape"
[04:00:40] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Nest Wants to Share Data with Google - http://sylnt.us
[03:30:42] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v n1] by juggler
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[03:21:08] <SpallsHurgenson> on my connection, they don't need to.
[03:20:26] <paulej72> SpallsHurgenson: No need to aplogize to verizon as the were probably throttling you as well
[03:19:27] <SpallsHurgenson> whose memory? what were we talking about?
[03:19:05] <juggs> genius :D Memory not quite what it once was? :P
[03:17:45] <SpallsHurgenson> now I gotta 'pologize to verizon
[03:17:38] <SpallsHurgenson> the reason my download was slow was not because my internet sucks but because I had throttled it
[03:17:04] * juggs hands SpallsHurgenson a malt
[03:16:41] <SpallsHurgenson> <sigh>
[02:48:43] -!- SpallsHurgenson [SpallsHurgenson!~SpallsHur@ufig-28-534-070-4.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #Soylent
[02:40:40] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Three Walls Could End the USA Tornado Threat - http://sylnt.us - things-that-are-more-like-towers
[02:19:15] juggs|afk is now known as juggs
[02:18:06] -!- Tachyon [Tachyon!~Tachyon@yry-lvv-62-6.cust.vodafone.cz] has joined #Soylent
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[01:21:41] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Newly Discovered Dinosaur Reveals Unique Wing-Shaped Headgear - http://sylnt.us - it-got-rid-of-the-headgear-after-its-teenage-years
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[01:18:40] <arti> later's blackmore
[01:06:47] <blackmore|afk> i am too burned out to keep going. g'night folks
[01:06:33] Blackmoore is now known as blackmore|afk
[00:52:16] <Blackmoore> mm. we just string all those together and look at the resulting discussion with bewilderment
[00:51:30] -!- mechanicjay has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[00:50:51] <Bender> Also in quotes: 189, 191
[00:50:47] <Bender> Quote 188 - <TheMightyBuzzard> no biggie, just had to decide where to put it.
[00:50:47] <TheMightyBuzzard> !quote TheMightyBuzzard
[00:47:27] <Bender> Quote 102 - <Blackmoore> *I ate the bacon... but i did not eat the soylet green (sing to i shot the sherriff)
[00:47:27] <NCommander> !quote 102
[00:47:21] <Bender> Also in quotes: 79, 81, 102
[00:47:17] <Bender> Quote 78 - <Blackmoore> mm.. liquified bacon, just hook them up to an IV feed.
[00:47:17] <NCommander> !quote Blackmoore
[00:46:08] -!- Tachyon [Tachyon!~Tachyon@xue-sjx-72-63.cust.vodafone.cz] has joined #Soylent
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[00:45:45] <Bender> Quote -1 - <prospectacle> anyway I should sleep, it's almost time to get up.
[00:45:45] <chromas> !quote -1
[00:26:03] <Blackmoore> :(
[00:25:54] <Blackmoore> !quote
[00:25:18] <Blackmoore> yeah - we've all said somethin..
[00:24:09] <Blackmoore> eah sorry NCommander i was working
[00:18:24] -!- mrcoolbp has quit []
[00:11:06] <NCommander> Past me: WTF?
[00:11:03] <NCommander> ...
[00:10:59] <Bender> Quote 53 - <NCommander> I thought it was a squished oreo
[00:10:59] <NCommander> !quote 53
[00:10:30] <Bender> Quote 7 - <NCommander> Dopefish, I handed him a 3k page novel, then told him that was short for one of my posts
[00:10:30] <NCommander> !quote 7
[00:10:21] <Bender> Quote 97 - <michealpwalls> Example: Say NCommander comes to xlefay's home with a large, heavy Rubber Hose. NCommander proceeds to beat xlefay with the large, Rubber Hose until xlefay logs into his/her account for NCommander to abuse. Stop that, Kerberos!
[00:10:21] <NCommander> !quote 97
[00:10:15] <Bender> Quote 106 - <NCommander> Fuck
[00:10:15] <NCommander> !quote 106
[00:09:39] <Bender> Quote 114 - <NCommander> xlefay, eh, he's british. He won't recognize sexy if it danced naked in front of him
[00:09:39] <NCommander> !quote 114
[00:09:31] <Bender> Quote 111 - <chromas> I heard CentOS thrown around a lot. I believe it was NCommander's favorite
[00:09:31] <NCommander> !quote 111
[00:09:24] <Bender> karma - beer_iv: 1
[00:09:24] <NCommander> beer_iv++
[00:09:19] <Bender> Quote 147 - <NCommander> I need a beer IV right now
[00:09:19] <NCommander> !quote 147
[00:09:09] <NCommander> I ... really want to know what the context of 157 was
[00:08:58] <Bender> Quote 156 - <NCommander> Handle down the handle of NCommander to whoever comes next
[00:08:58] <NCommander> !quote 156
[00:08:53] <Bender> Quote 157 - <crutchy> NCommander: sounds like the motto of a suicide cult
[00:08:53] <NCommander> !quote 157
[00:08:47] <Bender> Quote 158 - <NCommander> I'm dropped my brain droppings
[00:08:47] <NCommander> !quote 158
[00:08:42] <Bender> Quote 169 - <NCommander> never save a killer poke
[00:08:42] <NCommander> !quote 169
[00:08:39] <NCommander> Yeup
[00:08:34] <Bender> Quote 171 - <NCommander> Obviously I haven't been swearing enough
[00:08:34] <NCommander> !quote 171
[00:04:42] <Bender> Also in quotes: 7, 53, 82, 83, 86, 87, 88, 97, 106, 111, 114, 138, 147, 153, 156, 157, 158, 169, 171
[00:04:38] <Bender> Quote 1 - <NCommander> DarkMorph, because whenever I have to touch hashref's I want to stab my eyes out
[00:04:38] <NCommander> !quote NCommander
[00:04:35] <Bender> quote <ID/search string>
[00:04:35] <NCommander> !quote
[00:04:30] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v NCommander] by juggler
[00:04:30] -!- NCommander [NCommander!~mcasadeva@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/mcasadevall] has joined #Soylent
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[00:02:28] -!- AshleyWaffle has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[00:01:43] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - US Hospitals Begin Data-Mining Patients - http://sylnt.us - someone-has-to-say-no