#Soylent | Logs for 2014-04-11

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[00:11:03] Blackmoore is now known as Blackmoore|out
[00:14:51] -!- pbnjoe has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[00:21:36] SirFinku_ is now known as SirFinkus
[00:28:04] * arti brings cookies for everyone
[00:28:08] <arti> :D
[00:38:58] -!- SoyCow2895 [SoyCow2895!~52208e3b@tjx20-abuw80-2-6-wuey55.60-3.cable.virginm.net] has joined #Soylent
[00:40:14] -!- SoyCow2895 has quit [Client Quit]
[01:02:10] <deadbeef> [SoylentNews] - Netherlands to Make Unauthorized Downloading of Copyrighted Content Illegal - http://sylnt.us - read-your-laws-how-you-want
[01:36:08] -!- Smilodon has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[01:44:49] -!- SpallsHurgenson [SpallsHurgenson!~SpallsHur@lnth-16-777-768-316.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #Soylent
[01:47:13] * SpallsHurgenson sings "I did my best, it wasn't much; I couldn't feel, so I tried to touch. I've told the truth; I didn't come to fool you. And even though it all went wrong, I'll stand before the Lord of Song with nothing on my tongue but Hallelujah! Hallelujah, hallelujah"
[02:00:54] <deadbeef> [SoylentNews] - USTR Complain About EU-only Cloud - http://sylnt.us - as-you-sow-so-shall-you-reap
[02:44:36] <SpallsHurgenson> erm, pork stuck 'tween the teeth. somebody get me a toothpick, stat!
[03:16:27] -!- michealpwalls has quit []
[03:32:03] <deadbeef> [SoylentNews] - What is the X-37B Doing Up There? - http://sylnt.us - public-relations-tools-for-secret-missions
[03:35:04] -!- Bytram|away [Bytram|away!~pc@Soylent/Staff/Developer/martyb] has joined #Soylent
[03:35:04] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Bytram|away] by juggler
[03:37:41] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[03:39:03] -!- Cyprus [Cyprus!~Cyprus@2001:470:e2cf:sl:siis:sgpp:xoxg:msky] has joined #Soylent
[03:39:03] -!- Cyprus has quit [Changing host]
[03:39:03] -!- Cyprus [Cyprus!~Cyprus@localhost] has joined #Soylent
[04:27:38] -!- saustin__ has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[04:27:56] MrBluze|afk is now known as MrBluze
[04:32:31] -!- Cyprus has quit []
[04:40:35] -!- pbnjoe [pbnjoe!~pbnjoe@Soylent/Users/313/pbnjoe] has joined #Soylent
[04:41:59] -!- saustin [saustin!~austin@160.79.rvr.xsv] has joined #Soylent
[04:42:58] saustin is now known as SoyGuest51595
[04:51:05] <SpallsHurgenson> whoa, I sure missed a lot :)
[04:52:03] <deadbeef> [SoylentNews] - Condoleezza Rice Joins Dropbox Board - http://sylnt.us - she-will-protect-your-secrets
[04:52:05] <MrBluze> busy few days
[04:54:30] <MrBluze> ssl fallout
[04:55:03] <SpallsHurgenson> I can imagine. Fortunately, I was insulated from most of that
[04:55:09] <MrBluze> soylentnews.org is rated A- by Quay SSL labs
[04:55:14] <MrBluze> qualys
[04:55:27] <SpallsHurgenson> (except for the difficult question of whether to change the passwords IMMEDIATELY or wait for the websites to update first :)
[04:56:00] <MrBluze> thats not difficul
[04:56:02] <MrBluze> +t
[04:56:10] <MrBluze> you use a testing service
[04:56:21] <MrBluze> and if it's negative for heartbleed, change passwords
[04:57:04] <SpallsHurgenson> no, you change even if it is positive, because they might have been negative two days ago :)
[04:57:56] <MrBluze> yes u cahnge everything
[04:58:06] <MrBluze> but to see if it's the right time to change, u make sure the site is not still vulnerable
[04:58:15] <MrBluze> otherwise dont even log in to it
[05:03:11] <SpallsHurgenson> see, this is why I only use professionally written software, like Windows, and none of this amateur-hour open-source stuff :-)
[05:03:43] * xlefay was just ranting about Windows..
[05:05:32] <SpallsHurgenson> probably how its sheer awesomeness gives Microsoft such an unfair advantage over its competitors :)
[05:05:55] <xlefay> Unfortunately, no :)
[05:12:41] <MrBluze> windows.. awesome? not really
[05:12:54] <Bytram> MrBluze++ # correct! Otherwise, you are making sure that your credentials are in memory and open to being grabbed.
[05:12:54] <deadbeef> karma - mrbluze: 11
[05:12:55] <arti> yeah for really awesome, you go unity
[05:13:16] <xlefay> The initial versions were crap, but the unity I'm running now, is pretty darn awesome
[05:13:58] <MrBluze> i havent tested unity in over a year
[05:14:06] <MrBluze> not sure i should .. i like kde now
[05:14:14] <arti> workspaces :D
[05:14:16] <chromas> Windows had unchecked buffer exploits long before OpenSSL did. Windows is hip, yo
[05:14:50] <MrBluze> .. windows has all kinds of 10+ year old bugs in it .. which shows the code is rehashed and recycled really badly
[05:15:09] <xlefay> arti, ugh that's just ridiculous in Unity
[05:15:11] <arti> i think that's called backwards compatibility hax
[05:15:26] <arti> you get three for every one
[05:15:27] <chromas> See? Recycled! Windows is environment friendly, too!
[05:15:35] <xlefay> I've got 4 workspaces.. guess what? On all 4 the open programs are shown in the launcher.. like wtf do you have workspaces for then?
[05:15:43] <MrBluze> i love you so much Mr Gates
[05:15:52] <arti> 640 ways :D
[05:15:56] <arti> K
[05:17:07] <chromas> That's why Windows is stable now. 640 kilobugs ought to be enough for anybody
[05:18:30] <xlefay> minus the part where Windows automatically multiplies that, I believe they call it "rundl32"-somethingsomething
[05:39:10] <SpallsHurgenson> ah, is nothign sweeter than an empty inbox?
[05:41:20] <SpallsHurgenson> better turn off the Internet before it fills up again. Everybody save your work, I'm pulling the plug in 5! :)
[05:41:22] <xlefay> Do you have an empty inbox?
[05:41:38] <xlefay> SpallsHurgenson, good plan. Enjoy life!
[05:42:05] <SpallsHurgenson> hmmm, do I turn off Google or Facebook first?
[05:42:50] <xlefay> hmm, you can't do it both at once?
[05:43:30] <SpallsHurgenson> no, they are each plugged in on opposite sides of the room ::)
[05:43:48] <MrBluze> make sure you write the Internet down before you close it
[05:43:58] <MrBluze> you might need it later
[05:44:24] <SpallsHurgenson> good idea
[05:44:29] * SpallsHurgenson gets out a pen and paper
[05:44:45] <MrBluze> you can fax it to me if you want, later
[05:44:54] <SpallsHurgenson> look. this might take a while
[05:45:12] <MrBluze> it's ok i have a few minutes
[05:45:57] <SpallsHurgenson> hmm, it seems sort of silly only using ones and zeros... what if I add up a few of the numbers?
[05:47:11] <SpallsHurgenson> 7342871124119443, 873958219074, 345745762342394, 656191857667271, 7572371823645862391... oh yes, this is much faster... 740201619111130757, 87806798, 2227876939654...
[05:48:01] <MrBluze> have you got a cat?
[05:48:10] <MrBluze> your cat can do it
[05:48:16] <MrBluze> $ cat Internet
[05:51:09] <SpallsHurgenson> MrBluze: that was awful. I LOL'd
[05:51:58] <MrBluze> well if you stick a pipe into your cat, and connect it into your printer, u can print the internet too
[05:52:33] <arti> so that's what that port is for
[06:09:33] <Bytram> ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!
[06:09:42] <Bytram> !grab MrBluze
[06:09:43] <deadbeef> Added quote 110
[06:10:44] <Bytram> !quote 110
[06:10:44] <deadbeef> Quote 110 - <MrBluze> well if you stick a pipe into your cat, and connect it into your printer, u can print the internet too
[06:12:04] <deadbeef> [SoylentNews] - Teacher Suspended for Science Fair Projects - http://sylnt.us - the-scientists-of-tomorrow-are-thwarted || Preschoolers' Dot Enumeration Abilities Are Markers of Their Arithmetic Competence - http://sylnt.us - nothing-wrong-with-using-your-fingers-to-count
[06:13:16] <SpallsHurgenson> oh noes! gunses! think of the kiddie-children!
[06:28:58] Bytram is now known as Bytram|zzzzzzzz
[06:29:35] -!- SpallsHurgenson has quit [Quit: Internet go off NOW]
[06:33:17] -!- Bytram|zzzzzzzz has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[07:10:31] MrBluze is now known as MrBluze|afk
[07:17:41] MrBluze|afk is now known as MrBluze
[07:50:18] <deadbeef> [SoylentNews] - Another Reason Not To Use Antibacterial Soap - http://sylnt.us - I-don't-wash-anyway
[07:52:47] -!- KonomiNetbook has quit [Quit: leaving]
[07:53:26] <arti> :D
[08:03:54] MrBluze is now known as MrBluze|afk
[08:40:58] <chromas> Pretty slow, here. Maybe this will speed things up...
[08:41:22] <chromas> What's the 'best' distro to hop to from openSuse?
[08:41:43] <chromas> I heard CentOS thrown around a lot. I believe it was NCommander's favorite
[08:41:50] <xlefay> !grab chromas
[08:41:50] <deadbeef> Added quote 111
[08:42:02] <xlefay> Indeed, I believe it was
[08:42:11] <chromas> At least, his favorite for throwing around
[08:42:36] <xlefay> Not to mention his liking of 'yum' ;-)
[08:43:20] <xlefay> imma go sleep, night! ;)
[08:43:30] <chromas> Night, good sir
[09:02:23] -!- hka has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[09:02:32] -!- hka [hka!~hka@46.38.wu.gq] has joined #Soylent
[09:02:35] <SirFinkus> chromas trying to start a holy war?
[09:02:37] <arti> that' was fast
[09:04:42] <chromas> SirFinkus: Yes. Not enough activity
[09:05:04] <arti> linux sucks!
[09:05:08] <chromas> Hot air
[09:05:11] * arti forgot the reason
[09:05:13] <chromas> I require more vespene gas
[09:05:24] <arti> is that the sister planet to bespin :^)
[09:05:34] <SirFinkus> hey guys, I'm new to programming and linux, I was wondering if I should use Vim or Emac and which language I should start with
[09:05:43] <SirFinkus> emacs rather
[09:05:49] <arti> is that made by apple?
[09:05:58] <SirFinkus> also any recommendations on books
[09:06:02] <SirFinkus> that should cover it
[09:06:03] <arti> are you serious
[09:06:10] <SirFinkus> no, not really
[09:06:12] <chromas> Pascal, using cat with redirection
[09:06:16] <arti> hahaha, /claps got me
[09:06:30] <SirFinkus> anyway, we all know the answer is vim and c
[09:06:59] <arti> nothing like whipping up some C for everything
[09:07:20] <chromas> I barely know vim. I never did figure out how to exit emacs when I tried it
[09:08:01] <SirFinkus> oh, also, should I use the GPL or BSD license for my programs?
[09:08:35] <chromas> MS-PL duh
[09:08:53] <arti> evening btw
[09:09:04] <SirFinkus> yes, evening
[09:18:06] <chromas> hosts
[09:18:20] <chromas> Delphi and 64-bit Opera
[09:18:32] * chromas wonders if APK will appear
[09:19:52] <arti> opera...
[09:20:00] * arti needs to see how their "new" browser is coming along
[09:20:47] <SirFinkus> isn't it using webkit?
[09:20:50] <chromas> Yeah last I saw the sync option went away. The Android client just takes you to their web site when you push it
[09:20:54] <arti> they've forked it
[09:21:05] <SirFinkus> I liked opera a while back, but I can't live without my plugins
[09:21:11] <SirFinkus> literally the only reason I use firefox
[09:21:14] * arti has to test in multiple browsers
[09:21:17] <chromas> They took everything that made it Opera and threw it away
[09:21:19] <chromas> like beta
[09:21:34] <arti> firefox is sweet for plugins, chrome has a lot of neat functionality too (good mixed with the evil)
[09:21:49] <arti> chromas, well looks like they'll get that stuff poked back in after awhile, i hope
[09:22:13] <chromas> That's what ⚂⚃ said
[09:22:33] <chromas> ^ Unicode dice
[09:24:46] * arti shrugs
[09:25:01] <arti> i hope so, opera does some cool stuff
[09:27:15] <SirFinkus> I really liked their adblocker
[09:27:35] <SirFinkus> "click shit you don't want to see again"
[09:27:58] <chromas> Occasionally there was an ad that would reappear after clicking. Not sure how
[09:28:08] <SirFinkus> the UI for that was great though
[09:28:13] <chromas> Yep
[09:30:02] -!- dentonj has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[09:30:05] -!- dentonj [dentonj!~dentonj@217.33.iwh.wjw] has joined #Soylent
[09:30:11] <chromas> As of 12, it was still full MDI. Haven't tested whatever the webkit fork version is
[09:30:33] <arti> last i checked it out it was ~ v 18?
[09:30:52] <arti> the presto engine is 12.16 or something right?
[09:31:11] <SirFinkus> I wish firefox was a bit better
[09:31:31] <arti> how so?
[09:31:35] <deadbeef> [SoylentNews] - NASA Releases Over 1000 Projects as Open Source - http://sylnt.us - open-source-space-exploration
[09:31:43] <arti> less... everything and more speed?
[09:31:48] <SirFinkus> there's just little bugs and shit in it
[09:31:55] <chromas> Firefox never handles sessions properly for me. If it bothers to remember, it just says "oops, your session crashed"
[09:32:07] <arti> http://www.mozilla.org
[09:32:12] <SirFinkus> like very rarely, scrolling will stop wroking
[09:32:28] * arti has scrolling stop in chrome from time to time
[09:32:36] <arti> granted i do lots of interactions so it's not that big of a deal
[09:33:00] <SirFinkus> I had weird flash bugs for a while too, but idk if that was flash for firefox
[09:33:31] <SirFinkus> also things like the buttons and title bar having white backgrounds instead of the color of the window decoration
[09:33:32] * arti would say flash
[09:33:43] <SirFinkus> yeah, probably lol
[09:34:00] <arti> end of an era when thats gone
[09:34:08] <SirFinkus> the dark ages
[09:35:01] <SirFinkus> none of the little problems are that big of a deal, but they add up and bother me quite a bit
[09:36:28] <chromas> We should fork. SoylentFox
[09:37:12] <SirFinkus> surely that will solve everything
[09:37:53] <chromas> All the discussion around it would turn to bacon for some reason
[09:40:00] <arti> could be a good idea for an extension
[09:40:31] * SirFinkus looks for bacon persona for firefox
[09:41:04] <chromas> BaconSync
[09:42:03] <SirFinkus> 21 bacon personas
[09:42:22] crutchy|work is now known as crutchy
[09:42:30] <SirFinkus> only 10 of which are bacon related
[09:42:58] <SirFinkus> all of them are bad
[09:43:17] <arti> g'oop crutchy :D
[09:43:28] <SirFinkus> https://addons.mozilla.org
[09:43:32] <SirFinkus> like this one
[09:44:24] <SirFinkus> https://addons.mozilla.org
[09:44:26] <SirFinkus> or this one
[09:46:41] <crutchy> g'oop arti :-)
[09:48:35] <crutchy> i don't get how the spider map shows a big fat red line between me and xlefay when we're on opposite sides of the universe and many times when he's on irc i'm either at work or sleeping. think your stats must be borked :-P
[09:49:09] <crutchy> also it seems to suggest i talk a lot, which is obviously wrong
[09:49:12] <crutchy> :-)
[09:49:55] <crutchy> !updatestats
[09:50:04] <crutchy> !stats
[09:50:04] <deadbeef> creating stats for channel #Soylent (Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970)
[09:50:07] <SirFinkus> oooh, spider map?
[09:50:13] <crutchy> xlefay #1?
[09:50:15] <deadbeef> stat results for #Soylent: crutchy: 9461, xlefay: 8116, kobach: 6900, unknown: 6178, MrBluze: 4522, arti: 4504, hax0rz: 2675, NCommander: 2638, Khyber: 2209, Landon: 2206, Konomi: 2190, prospectacle: 2106, mattie_p: 2030, janrinok: 1856, stderr: 1699, n1: 1631, Bender: 1542, Guardian452: 1480, SpallsHurgenson: 1420, mrcoolbp: 1156, FatPhil: 1126, michealpwalls: 1088, Ethanol-fueled: 997, swisskid: 966, martyb: 960, juggs: 911, auto_def: 905, Popeidol:
[09:50:20] <crutchy> carp
[09:50:29] * arti laughs
[09:50:44] <SirFinkus> I do my talking in The Other Channel
[09:50:52] <crutchy> wtf xlefay's troll score is less than it was i think?
[09:51:21] <crutchy> i'm sure he was over 9k yestersday
[09:52:30] <arti> i'm trying to think of how to setup something so that this'll include a snippet of js and you can enter your gmt and it'll pull up the appropriate stats
[09:52:44] <chromas> crutchy: in the other channel
[09:52:46] <arti> maybe generate the thing 24 times?
[09:52:47] <crutchy> <deadbeef> stat results for ##: crutchy: 9820, xlefay: 9580, unknown: 9091, kobach: 6953, MrBluze: 5609, arti: 4608, janrinok: 3590, NCommander: 3483, mattie_p: 3140, n1: 2889, hax0rz: 2675, Landon: 2393, stderr: 2329, Khyber: 2209, mrcoolbp: 2202, Konomi: 2190, prospectacle: 2106, paulej72: 1688, Bender: 1613, Guardian452: 1480, martyb: 1436, SpallsHurgenson: 1403, FatPhil: 1260, michealpwalls: 1040, audioguy: 1036, Alberto: 1025, Et
[09:52:47] <crutchy> hanol-fueled: 997, swisskid: 966,
[09:53:01] <crutchy> is it different if i do !stats in ##?
[09:53:14] <chromas> Yeah I think it's per channel
[09:53:19] <crutchy> ahh
[09:53:28] <chromas> Quotes too
[09:53:34] <crutchy> how can i talk that much in both channels?
[09:54:08] <chromas> huh well he's over 9,000 here now
[09:54:21] <chromas> Maybe it's confused
[09:54:35] <arti> maybe you read too many comics and you constantly narrate?
[09:54:42] * arti thinks this is the case, but isn't sure
[09:54:55] <crutchy> haha i hate comics
[09:55:18] <crutchy> but i loooorve procrastinating i spose
[09:55:35] -!- d33tah has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[09:55:41] <arti> that guy right there loved comics
[09:56:08] <crutchy> maybe he's coming to my house to kill me
[09:56:23] <arti> that's how it works in tron when they kill -9
[09:56:53] <crutchy> tron is cool... so is daft punk :-P
[09:57:19] * arti likes it when an entire soundtrack is done by an atrist
[09:57:24] <arti> s/atrist/artist/
[09:57:24] <SedBot> <arti> likes it when an entire soundtrack is done by an artist
[09:58:11] * crutchy is surprised sedbot isn't up there ^ in stats
[09:58:36] <crutchy> hough bender is :-)
[09:58:41] <arti> hmm
[09:58:47] <arti> i should fix that, i exclude bots
[09:59:08] <arti> grats on the highscore for most days active
[09:59:16] MrBluze|afk is now known as MrBluze
[09:59:17] <crutchy> lol Bender bent your rules :-)
[09:59:17] <SirFinkus> oh shit, I have modpoints
[09:59:53] <crutchy> oh shit i have dim sims :-P
[10:00:02] <crutchy> and a taty cake
[10:00:06] <MrBluze> dim sims in sour cream
[10:00:12] <MrBluze> yum
[10:00:20] <arti> hahaha
[10:00:20] <crutchy> hey mrbluze
[10:00:22] <MrBluze> with bacon
[10:00:24] <MrBluze> hey crutchy
[10:00:29] <MrBluze> hi arti
[10:00:40] <arti> greetings MrBluze
[10:00:56] * crutchy thinks xlefay may be bribing arti's stats program
[10:00:58] <MrBluze> greetnigs
[10:01:18] <crutchy> with coconut
[10:01:42] <arti> just sloppy configuration on my part
[10:04:20] <crutchy> need --filter-coconut=1
[10:04:37] * SirFinkus sometimes wishes there as just a "-1 fucking stupid" mod option sometimes
[10:04:46] <SirFinkus> wow, two sometimes
[10:05:30] <crutchy> lol
[10:05:42] * crutchy doesn't... guess who would get them :-P
[10:08:45] <MrBluze> what about -lame
[10:08:49] <MrBluze> -1 lame
[10:08:52] <SirFinkus> the stupes, that's who
[10:09:43] <arti> lol the stats
[10:09:47] <arti> Incomplete sentence writers on #Soylent
[10:09:49] <crutchy> -1 who farted?
[10:09:57] <arti> stderr 363 "...................................................................................................................................................................."
[10:10:09] <MrBluze> Incomplete sentence writers on #Soylen
[10:10:24] <crutchy> hahaha that's an awesome sentences :-)
[10:10:26] <stdhell> arti: 363 "...................................................................................................................................................................." right back at ya!
[10:10:26] <SirFinkus> Complete sentences are for losers.
[10:10:37] <arti> http://antiartificial.com
[10:10:52] <crutchy> there's a lot of sentences in there. all appropriately terminated of course :-)
[10:11:15] <MrBluze> since the openssl problem, all my passwords are now more than 100 characters long, properly randomized and more than 600 bits of entropy
[10:11:30] <MrBluze> and impossible to remember if i dont have the keyring with me
[10:11:45] <crutchy> i prefer to fill mine up with enthalpy
[10:11:46] <arti> "thequickbrownfoxjumpsoverthelazydog"
[10:11:53] <stdhell> A keyring where the master password is "password"...
[10:12:00] <SirFinkus> well, aren't they already pwned if they don't patch the bug?
[10:12:07] <arti> or all 1990s "sex" "god"
[10:12:15] <SirFinkus> I mean, based on how I was reading it, password length doesn't really matter
[10:12:24] <MrBluze> no, it doesn't
[10:12:44] <arti> SirFinkus: just depends on the woman
[10:12:45] <crutchy> but it's good to add a character to give the algorithm some exercise :-)
[10:12:46] <MrBluze> but what matters is reissue of certs and .. change your identity eg: address, name, credit card number, facial appearance
[10:13:27] <MrBluze> cause it's like being photographed whilst being gang-raped in the city square by unidentified people with clown masks
[10:13:32] <chromas> I already changed my DNA to evade the police
[10:13:50] <MrBluze> nograb
[10:14:00] <crutchy> mrbluze: i don't believe you. i need to test your hypothesis
[10:14:10] <MrBluze> bourke street mall isn't good enough crutchy
[10:14:14] <MrBluze> spring street is better
[10:14:25] <crutchy> ew politicians up my arse
[10:14:31] <crutchy> no spanks
[10:14:33] <MrBluze> or the equivalent task is taking a selfie while being governed
[10:15:12] <SirFinkus> wonder how long the NSA has been sitting on the heartbleed bug
[10:15:24] <MrBluze> hotmail limits passwords to 16 chars.. how lame is that .. thanks nsa
[10:15:41] <MrBluze> SirFinkus: 4 months, 10 days
[10:15:46] <SirFinkus> oh, ok
[10:15:56] <SirFinkus> I wish I could log into site with certificates
[10:16:20] <MrBluze> we have kerberos now for sn related stuff
[10:17:09] <crutchy> i can use my grade 3 graduation certificate
[10:17:37] <SirFinkus> err, keys, sorry, been drinking
[10:17:53] <MrBluze> "crutchy is a bright but quiet boy who is always courteous to the teachers.."
[10:18:02] <crutchy> at least you have an excuse. i'm a moron 24/7 :-P
[10:18:22] <SirFinkus> dude, I got a certificate for "most improved" or some shit in grade school
[10:18:40] <SirFinkus> so backhanded
[10:18:43] <crutchy> "crutchy showed up class.... isn't he a good boy"
[10:18:43] <MrBluze> most improved .. when ppl get that usually means tey were going pretty shit to start with .. but still
[10:19:13] <MrBluze> another one is "days attended in a row award"
[10:19:18] <SirFinkus> well, 1 + 1 = 2, which is double
[10:19:23] <crutchy> fuck i just got slapped in the face with a big blue shield
[10:19:35] <MrBluze> kids?
[10:19:41] <SirFinkus> no joke, my mom got an award for "friendliest girl" in high school
[10:19:47] <arti> heh
[10:20:01] <MrBluze> nice
[10:20:05] <SirFinkus> which could mean all sorts of things
[10:20:13] <MrBluze> yeah .. depends who 'awards' it
[10:20:19] * arti sets mode +f
[10:21:20] <SirFinkus> brb, bacon egg and cheese bagel time
[10:21:56] <crutchy> arti: i had to google that
[10:22:15] <crutchy> surprised not already set
[10:22:16] <arti> your bot-fu is weak
[10:22:37] <crutchy> i've already wrecked #test :-P
[10:22:46] <crutchy> or it's wrecked me
[10:23:34] <MrBluze> hmm .. interesting business idea
[10:23:35] <MrBluze> sell fu-bots
[10:23:51] <arti> that just curse you out?
[10:24:24] <crutchy> i think they're called blow up dolls
[10:25:18] <crutchy> but programmable ones would be popular i think
[10:25:50] <arti> realdolls are creepy as heck
[10:26:03] <arti> the most amusing thought i have about them would be the disposal
[10:26:11] <arti> imagine the trash guy
[10:26:17] * crutchy googles :-P
[10:26:17] <arti> "OMG ITS A BODY!"
[10:26:57] <crutchy> yeah.. creepy
[10:27:57] <crutchy> my webserver got proxy scanned by slash
[10:28:07] <crutchy> looking for ok.txt
[10:28:13] <crutchy> on soylentnews.org
[10:29:00] <crutchy> i think its funny
[10:29:11] <chromas> Just now?
[10:29:18] <crutchy> last night
[10:29:29] <MrBluze> i thought they disabled that already
[10:29:33] <crutchy> but i was looking at the stats page and saw ncommander's last
[10:29:48] <crutchy> checks again
[10:29:52] <crutchy> may have been before
[10:30:15] <MrBluze> yeah NCommander found that one a few days ago and removed the code that did port scans
[10:30:31] <crutchy> 10 april 09:05:25 gmt
[10:30:48] <crutchy> yeah it was yesterday
[10:31:14] <crutchy> returned a 403
[10:31:17] <crutchy> :-P
[10:31:32] <arti> also known as a WIFE code
[10:31:45] <crutchy> yes
[10:31:47] <crutchy> lol
[10:31:49] <crutchy> definitely
[10:32:07] <arti> man, pattern matching in haskell is sweet
[10:32:23] <crutchy> you getting right into that eh
[10:32:54] <arti> yeah, want to get into making cool stuff. gotta crawl before i can jump
[10:32:59] <crutchy> whenever i'm at work i get excited about programming, and then when i get home i just can't be fucked
[10:33:16] * arti has slowed down on the payment stuff
[10:33:34] <arti> once this last push happens with work i'll be interested in doing more
[10:33:43] <crutchy> cool
[10:34:11] <crutchy> today over my lunch brake i was writing some notes in building in a template system into my wiki
[10:34:12] <arti> too much coding otherwise
[10:34:36] * arti imagines a yellow pad with a giant cloud like circle that says "DO"
[10:35:04] <crutchy> it says way more than that... "BAH"
[10:35:21] <crutchy> i have a bunch of yellow project pockets full of sticky notes :-P
[10:35:45] <crutchy> a pocket for each app
[10:36:26] <crutchy> i've wiki-ized some todo things but i love sticky notes :-)
[10:36:42] * arti feels bad about burning through paper like that
[10:36:52] <arti> usually use yellow pads or blank sheets
[10:37:28] <crutchy> we use blue pads for scribbles
[10:37:38] <crutchy> have to use company pads for other stuff
[10:40:03] <arti> this is tripping me out
[10:40:03] <arti> [a+b | (a,b) <- xs]
[10:40:11] <arti> so
[10:40:12] <arti> let xs = [(1,3), (4,3), (2,4), (5,3), (5,6), (3,1)]
[10:40:18] <arti> [a+b | (a,b) <- xs]
[10:40:25] <arti> would return:
[10:40:25] <arti> [4,7,6,8,11,4]
[10:40:49] <arti> the right to left reading of that is that's throwing me off
[10:41:02] <crutchy> kinda perlish
[10:41:03] <arti> take a list, poke it into a tuple pattern, then add those
[10:41:45] <crutchy> that's pretty cool
[10:42:02] <arti> yeah, the guards are sweet too
[10:42:15] <arti> sorta like conditional statements but much cleaner
[10:42:40] <crutchy> mkay
[10:42:50] <arti> http://learnyouahaskell.com
[10:43:00] <arti> the BMI stuff is cool
[10:43:13] <arti> especially when you get to the "where" stuff
[10:44:58] <crutchy> so it's kinda like switch
[10:45:02] <crutchy> 'ish
[10:45:13] <crutchy> well the first bit
[10:45:18] <arti> yeah
[10:45:45] <MrBluze> brb dinner
[10:45:49] * crutchy really wishes delphi supported case statements with string subjects
[10:45:58] <crutchy> enjoy!
[10:46:13] <arti> oh yeah, numbers only
[10:46:30] <crutchy> can use chars too
[10:46:36] <crutchy> but yeah
[10:46:48] <crutchy> must be ordinal
[10:47:20] <crutchy> does have some cool range features though
[10:47:40] <crutchy> 'a'..'z': blah;
[10:48:00] <arti> ah that's cool so blah is a type with a to z elements?
[10:48:05] <crutchy> so can you use anything for the catch all variable?
[10:48:11] <arti> yeah
[10:48:27] <crutchy> blah is just the code that executes if the subject falls within that range
[10:48:34] <arti> in some situations you'll use otherwise, but for patterns it's a variable (the a and xs get kinda confusing)
[10:48:41] <arti> ah, okay
[10:48:44] <crutchy> mkay
[10:49:17] <crutchy> eck factorials
[10:49:22] <arti> yeah i don't really enjoy those
[10:49:38] <crutchy> shit i'm not reading about factorials after work on a friday :-P
[10:49:49] <crutchy> *saves favourite*
[10:50:00] <crutchy> or bookmark or whatever its called in firefox :-P
[10:50:13] <arti> do a knock off "lookmark"
[10:50:20] <crutchy> bookmark this page
[10:50:57] <crutchy> i have gnome eyes doing that for me :-P
[10:51:20] <crutchy> also helps me find my mouse arrow
[10:52:23] * arti keeps a textfile for these purposes
[10:52:37] * crutchy wonders what other gems are in apache error log
[10:54:30] <crutchy> lol just interrupted my search :-P
[10:55:09] <arti> using a tail?
[10:55:22] <crutchy> soylent first pinged me in february
[10:55:45] <crutchy> proxy-pinged :-P
[10:56:04] <crutchy> nah i don't keep a close eye on it
[10:56:21] * arti doesn't either
[10:56:39] <crutchy> sometimes i tail mysql log when i'm testing but that's about all
[10:57:57] <crutchy> seems to be a lot of phpmyadmin attempts
[10:58:50] * arti recommends adding that to an ip whitelist
[10:59:55] <crutchy> must be slash address
[11:00:21] <crutchy> lol to let it through?
[11:00:36] <crutchy> i could set up so it proxies itself
[11:00:47] <arti> no, just allow from your ip only
[11:01:00] <crutchy> allow what?
[11:01:05] <crutchy> phpmyadmin?
[11:01:22] <arti> ify ou have phpmyadmin, restrict it to only allow your ip address if its public facing
[11:01:34] <crutchy> i don't use phpmyadmin :-)
[11:01:44] <crutchy> i reinvent wheels remember :-P
[11:01:48] <arti> maybe setup a dummy then :D
[11:02:02] <crutchy> hmm yeah that might be funny
[11:02:27] <crutchy> or i could redirect to a gay pr0n site
[11:02:54] <crutchy> or a youtube rickroll video :-P
[11:04:01] <arti> vintage trolling
[11:09:27] <crutchy> if only they were real people and not just infected windows boxes
[11:11:52] <arti> c'mon, automation is the way of the future
[11:17:14] -!- Subsentient1 [Subsentient1!~WhiteRat@universe2.us/Subsentient] has joined #Soylent
[11:17:29] -!- Subsentient1 has quit [Client Quit]
[11:17:52] -!- Subsentient has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[11:18:02] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@universe2.us/Subsentient] has joined #Soylent
[11:27:37] <Konomi> https://soylentnews.org
[11:27:43] <Konomi> god. damn. it.
[11:28:05] * Subsentient clicks it
[11:29:53] * Subsentient 's servers were protected
[11:32:11] <Subsentient> Konomi: Yeah, I am not going to change my passwords, because I have far too many accounts on far too many sites
[11:32:29] <Konomi> I'm changing a few the ones I care about
[11:32:35] <Konomi> might change the rest in time as I use them
[11:33:09] <crutchy> i don't have servers
[11:33:25] <crutchy> i only have server... sitting next to me :-)
[11:33:39] <crutchy> no ssl
[11:41:02] * arti is goign to catch some Zs
[11:41:04] * arti salutes
[11:41:12] <deadbeef> [SoylentNews] - Theo Slams OpenSSL Team - http://sylnt.us - Tel-us-how-you-really-feel
[11:43:07] <Konomi> and the fallout just keeps coming
[11:47:17] <Konomi> "Your password changed"
[11:47:27] * Konomi wishes web services didn't treat her like an idiot
[11:49:52] <crutchy> g'night arti
[11:51:20] -!- d33tah [d33tah!~d33tah@lczcb.math.uni.lodz.pl] has joined #Soylent
[12:00:49] * MrBluze upgrades Konomi's status in web services' eyes
[12:00:59] <Konomi> \o/
[12:20:03] <d33tah> bender--
[12:20:03] <deadbeef> karma - bender: -14
[12:20:09] <d33tah> deadbeef--
[12:20:09] <deadbeef> karma - deadbeef: -1
[12:20:26] <d33tah> d33tah++
[12:20:43] <crutchy> d33tah++
[12:20:43] <deadbeef> karma - d33tah: 9
[12:20:50] <d33tah> crutchy++
[12:20:50] <deadbeef> karma - crutchy: 41
[12:24:01] <MrBluze> OpenSSL team has an nsa plant
[12:24:06] <MrBluze> how obvious can it be
[12:24:35] <crutchy> didn't most of the ssl-related stuff come out of nsa to begin with?
[12:27:11] * crutchy really needs three screens
[12:27:20] <crutchy> two just aint enough
[12:29:07] <MrBluze> not sure about nsa
[12:29:11] <MrBluze> but it came from the US govt
[12:29:35] <crutchy> didn't nsa come up with sha?
[12:29:35] <MrBluze> and to be honest, if it wasn't so broken it would have been very nice of them
[12:29:56] <crutchy> and various other hash algos and crypto shit
[12:29:58] <MrBluze> Netscape invented SSL
[12:30:03] <crutchy> mkay
[12:30:11] <MrBluze> 1994
[12:30:13] <crutchy> learn something new everyday :-)
[12:30:43] <MrBluze> yeah me too
[12:30:56] <crutchy> http://en.wikipedia.org
[12:31:03] <crutchy> wow lot of stuff
[12:31:12] <crutchy> never heard of most of these
[12:31:39] <MrBluze> lol
[12:31:46] <MrBluze> they should rename it "list of broken crypto"
[12:32:06] <crutchy> there's the bits i seen before: http://en.wikipedia.org
[12:32:14] <crutchy> aes and sha
[12:34:23] <crutchy> might just mean that nsa approves/uses them though
[12:34:37] <crutchy> they were prolly stolen from russia to begin with :-P
[12:34:47] <Subsentient> $beer crutchy
[12:34:48] * aqu4 gives crutchy a cold can of beer
[12:34:49] <MrBluze> yeah
[12:34:54] <Subsentient> To the apocalypse!
[12:34:54] <MrBluze> the other ones ive heard of
[12:34:57] <MrBluze> but never used
[12:35:06] <crutchy> yeah
[12:35:10] <crutchy> some whacky sounding names
[12:35:45] <Subsentient> crutchy: My servers WERE vulnerable, but I patched them.
[12:35:48] <MrBluze> like bayless, or jacknife,
[12:36:20] <MrBluze> looks like just custom crypto's for military
[12:36:39] <crutchy> my server is invulnerarable to ssl vulnerabilities :-P
[12:36:41] <MrBluze> .. and the sort of stuff u might need to hijack a boeing
[12:37:30] <crutchy> actually i saw a lecture by some defcon hacker that showed that you don't need anything fancy to remotely hijack a boeing
[12:37:35] <Subsentient> crutchy: Where are your servers? Are they actually yours or?
[12:37:42] <crutchy> on youtube somewhere
[12:37:49] <crutchy> i only have one
[12:37:54] <crutchy> it's sitting right beside me
[12:38:01] <Subsentient> crutchy++
[12:38:01] <deadbeef> karma - crutchy: 42
[12:38:03] <Subsentient> crutchy++
[12:38:03] <deadbeef> karma - crutchy: 43
[12:38:03] <Subsentient> crutchy++
[12:38:03] <deadbeef> karma - crutchy: 44
[12:38:03] <Subsentient> crutchy++
[12:38:03] <deadbeef> karma - crutchy: 45
[12:38:05] <MrBluze> crutchy: you do need fancy stuff.. u need a way of keeping active radio comms with it
[12:38:15] <aqu4> crutchy++
[12:38:15] <deadbeef> karma - crutchy: 46
[12:38:23] <crutchy> i'll see if i can find it
[12:38:30] <Subsentient> crutchy: You are awesome for being a physical server guy
[12:38:40] <crutchy> it's something to do with fudging radar or something
[12:39:05] <crutchy> it's totally fooly sick server too... running on a dell vostro 200 :-P
[12:39:18] <crutchy> packs a real punch lol
[12:39:32] <Subsentient> $ddg dell vostro 200
[12:39:32] <aqu4> No results found.
[12:39:44] <crutchy> has a whole 12mbps down/1mbps up
[12:39:51] -!- SirFinku_ [SirFinku_!~textual@l-64-313-06-125.hsd0.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[12:39:55] <crutchy> lol google dude
[12:40:17] <Subsentient> crutchy: Google can suck it. DuckDuckGo FTW!!!
[12:40:29] <crutchy> here you go: http://www.pcworld.com
[12:40:35] <Subsentient> crutchy: But yeah, I searched
[12:40:49] <Subsentient> that command on aqu4 is not capable of more than a small subset of ddg results
[12:40:57] <Subsentient> so it often turns up nothing
[12:42:14] <Subsentient> crutchy: Indeed. My servers are as follows: http://universe2.us
[12:42:38] <MrBluze> http://www.concise-courses.com
[12:42:53] -!- SirFinkus has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[12:43:49] <crutchy> mrbluze: https://www.youtube.com
[12:44:04] <crutchy> i don't think it was the exact lecture i watched
[12:44:15] <crutchy> but ads-b was something to do with it
[12:44:35] <crutchy> scary stuff
[12:45:02] <crutchy> i think australia is using it (or will use it)
[12:45:37] <crutchy> wow ok it does already: http://www.airservicesaustralia.com
[12:49:28] <MrBluze> i read earlier that most/all boeing aircraft have a remote override (complete) for hijack situations to land the plane safely
[12:49:48] <crutchy> that's a worry
[12:50:14] <crutchy> actually i don't think that would comply with FAR 25
[12:50:37] <crutchy> but then i guess governments can do whatever they want
[12:51:28] <MrBluze> hmm.. i will try to find a reference
[12:52:43] <MrBluze> it was a theory for the 9-11 event, some suggested that those aircraft were remotely flown into their targets, given the tight corners the planes flew
[12:53:23] <MrBluze> http://sammyboy.com
[12:55:15] <crutchy> http://www.ecfr.gov
[12:56:11] <crutchy> don't have a lot of experience with FAR 25 directly, but there is a lot in common with FAR 23 - my former bible :-P
[12:56:53] <MrBluze> hmm.. interesting
[12:57:27] <crutchy> FAR 25 is what airliners are certified to
[12:57:38] <MrBluze> what is most suspicious about the malaysian plane was it was crashed into the deepest part of the ocean right near the roaring 40's
[12:57:48] <MrBluze> so it won't be found
[12:57:50] <crutchy> in australia we have CASR part 25, but it basically just encompasses US FAR 25
[12:58:08] <MrBluze> that's a big document crutchy
[12:58:15] <crutchy> on the radio today they were blathering on about how there was a signal
[12:58:30] <crutchy> i wrote a program to parse it :-P
[12:58:38] <crutchy> well, it's cousin (FAR 23)
[12:58:43] <MrBluze> oh.. lol nice
[12:59:00] <crutchy> it's a pain to look at in one big chunk
[12:59:18] <MrBluze> yeah a bit like our training syllabuses
[12:59:19] <crutchy> i used to have a printout, but it was handy to be able to search
[12:59:34] <MrBluze> they go on and on and on, and if u are studying for them, it makes u want to go and commit suicide
[12:59:40] <crutchy> lol
[12:59:44] <crutchy> that's no good
[13:00:24] <MrBluze> imagine that document and they can take any dot point on it and ask you to write 10 minutes on the topic
[13:00:26] <MrBluze> ;)
[13:00:46] * MrBluze has a stock of razor blades for those who want one instead of an HB pencil
[13:00:49] -!- parabel [parabel!~parabel@jwec6.diku.dk] has joined #Soylent
[13:01:03] <crutchy> airworthiness gets really fucked up when you're modifying planes cos older planes are certified to earlier amendments and it gets tricky trying to work out what is required of the modification. in australia we generally had to bring everyhting affected up to current amendment, but in the states it is different
[13:01:33] <crutchy> and you bicker with the authorities
[13:02:22] <crutchy> i was lucky i didn't get too involved with the bickering though :-)
[13:05:08] <MrBluze> mate of mine built his own plane
[13:05:16] <crutchy> cool
[13:05:22] <crutchy> experimental category>
[13:05:29] <crutchy> s/>/?/
[13:05:29] <SedBot> <crutchy> experimental category?
[13:05:48] <crutchy> i think that's where most homebuilts go
[13:06:12] <MrBluze> i think so
[13:06:23] <MrBluze> built it at one end of australia then flew it home
[13:06:30] <crutchy> homebuilts are awesome
[13:06:35] <crutchy> a lot of innovation
[13:06:52] <MrBluze> yeah .. a lot of accidents ;)
[13:07:02] <crutchy> lol yeah comes with the territory i guess
[13:07:26] <MrBluze> hmm.. has anyone received an email asking them to vote yet?
[13:08:01] <crutchy> checking
[13:08:32] <Subsentient> MrBluze: No.
[13:08:36] <crutchy> holy carp 439 new
[13:08:46] * crutchy doesn't check his hotmail much
[13:09:39] <MrBluze> ok, just making sure
[13:09:47] <crutchy> wtf it's been windows 8'erized
[13:09:48] <MrBluze> it'd be due about nowish
[13:11:06] <MrBluze> hotmail? yeah it's disgusting
[13:11:20] <MrBluze> password length limit 16 chars
[13:11:22] <crutchy> i figured out how to create a rule
[13:11:26] <MrBluze> so u can't get more than 120 bits
[13:11:28] <crutchy> need to figure out how to run it
[13:14:10] -!- parabel [parabel!~parabel@jwec6.diku.dk] has parted #Soylent
[13:15:29] <crutchy> moving all messages containing "slashcode" in subject into folder
[13:15:47] <crutchy> oh wow that got rid of 397 messages out of my inbox
[13:20:08] <MrBluze> lol
[13:20:30] <MrBluze> http://www.vocativ.com
[13:26:54] -!- Smilodon [Smilodon!~Smilodon@83-900-991-358.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[13:28:57] <crutchy> no email about voting
[13:29:19] <crutchy> i ticked the something_to_vote checkbox
[13:29:40] <MrBluze> okay, just making sure
[13:30:36] <crutchy> unless it had "slashcode" in the subject... in which case i don't give a rats :-P
[13:30:53] <MrBluze> lol
[13:31:03] -!- KonomiNetbook [KonomiNetbook!~Konomi@Soylent/Users/189/Konomi] has joined #Soylent
[13:31:15] <crutchy> hi konomi :-)
[13:31:21] <MrBluze> hi konomi
[13:31:40] <crutchy> come to hang with the blokes eh
[13:31:54] * crutchy offers konomi a beer
[13:32:14] -!- Smilodon has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[13:32:29] <MrBluze> we been talkin ssl and aeroplanes
[13:32:54] <MrBluze> i wonder how the internets are going up in cyclone zone
[13:32:56] <crutchy> we're now moving onto aeroplane jelly :-D
[13:33:10] <MrBluze> and cyclone fences
[13:33:17] <crutchy> ooh yeah i was listening to news on the cyclone
[13:33:39] <crutchy> i love it how the news people always try to make it more dramatic than it really is
[13:33:48] <crutchy> while they're waiting for the damage
[13:34:12] <MrBluze> yeah
[13:34:21] <MrBluze> salivating at other people's potential suffering
[13:34:36] <MrBluze> oooh its gonna be sooo bad.. tune in after these ADVERTISEMENTS for more meaningless suspense
[13:34:52] <crutchy> "omg! it's so windy right now i've had to run for cover in case i get inundated with air!" you can see the trees are swaing from side to side... they are surely about to snap in half and fly into a building... we'll be sure ot keep you posted when they do!!!"
[13:35:09] <MrBluze> .. and look at that grass.. omg it's moving
[13:35:20] <crutchy> THE GRASS IS MOVING!!!!!!!
[13:35:26] <MrBluze> and when i stand too close to the waves.. water splashes onto me
[13:35:33] <crutchy> we're being inundated by moving grass right now
[13:35:40] <MrBluze> but we're so brave, we brought our cheapie microphone and all
[13:36:35] -!- Bytram|away [Bytram|away!~pc@Soylent/Staff/Developer/martyb] has joined #Soylent
[13:36:35] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Bytram|away] by juggler
[13:36:53] <crutchy> and we care about these poor bastards that are getting their homes blown in... we're going to give all the money we make from flogging this story and selling overpriced advertising to these poor folks.... NOT!!!!
[13:38:28] <MrBluze> lol yeah
[13:38:33] <MrBluze> exactly
[13:39:09] <MrBluze> wachoo binnuptoo konomi
[13:39:37] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[13:41:10] -!- prospectacle [prospectacle!~3a6b41d0@t50-554-50-398.mit014.act.optusnet.com.au] has joined #Soylent
[13:41:21] -!- Brylarke [Brylarke!~Brylarke@73-51-404-28.dsl.zen.co.uk] has joined #Soylent
[13:41:55] <prospectacle> good afternoon
[13:48:17] -!- Smilodon [Smilodon!~Smilodon@83-900-991-358.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #Soylent
[13:52:39] <Konomi> MrBluze: I have no idea what that means ;p
[13:52:50] <MrBluze> what u been up to?
[14:00:58] <deadbeef> [SoylentNews] - New US Navy Railgun Unleashes Shells at Mach 7 - http://sylnt.us - Gauss-him?-I-just-met-him!
[14:10:23] <Konomi> so want that
[14:10:53] <Konomi> MrBluze: um not much I just redid my whole pidgin profile directory cause pidgin would mysteriously crash with no segfault message etc just vanishes
[14:11:06] <Konomi> I'm hoping it's fixed
[14:11:08] <Konomi> hoping
[14:11:23] -!- SirFinkus [SirFinkus!~textual@l-64-313-06-125.hsd0.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[14:11:25] <MrBluze> oh.. interesting
[14:11:30] <MrBluze> thats a very linux thing
[14:11:39] <MrBluze> so many linux programs i've had just did stuff like that
[14:12:20] <Konomi> it's not in pidgins case
[14:12:25] <Konomi> it did it in windows too a few times for me
[14:12:36] <Konomi> it's the only one so far
[14:12:43] <Konomi> everyone other one will crash and sure it looks invisible
[14:12:51] <Konomi> but if you dmesg -T you'll generally find a segfault message
[14:13:05] <MrBluze> yep, but segfaults are useless help to fix a problem
[14:13:09] <MrBluze> everything segfaults
[14:13:15] <Konomi> yeah but at least it's a message
[14:13:21] <Konomi> pidgin isn't even doing that for these crashes
[14:14:56] -!- SirFinku_ has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[14:25:05] -!- Smilodon has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[14:27:14] <prospectacle> has anyone played any games by "crystal shard"?
[14:27:32] <prospectacle> They make indie retro games, I'm thinking of playing "A tale of two kingdoms", and wondering if anyone has tried it
[14:28:19] <Subsentient> prospectacle: no.
[14:28:39] * Subsentient doesn't know why he had to say anything at all
[14:30:06] <prospectacle> that's ok, at least it means someone is alive in here
[14:30:10] -!- Smilodon [Smilodon!~Smilodon@205.213.txs.wjq] has joined #Soylent
[14:30:40] <Subsentient> prospectacle: I have a habit of doing that
[14:30:41] <prospectacle> I often wonder how to fix the key problem of adventure games. If you ever played adventure games you know what I mean.
[14:30:43] <Subsentient> I'm not sure why.
[14:30:57] <Subsentient> prospectacle: I love RTS games.
[14:31:09] <Subsentient> My favorite of all time is Warzone 2100.
[14:31:10] <prospectacle> Maybe if there were multiple endings, then it would work better.
[14:31:28] <prospectacle> haven't heard of that one, let me go over here for a minute and learn about it...
[14:32:59] <prospectacle> looks pretty cool. Have you played glest? I used to play that one all the time
[14:34:07] <Subsentient> prospectacle: No, I haven't/
[14:34:24] <Subsentient> prospectacle: Tell you what, I am half-dead and useless tonight, so I can play if you want. Care to learn?
[14:34:32] -!- Tachyon has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[14:36:14] <Subsentient> prospectacle: It's alright if you'd rather not.
[14:37:58] <prospectacle> you mean warzone?
[14:38:05] <prospectacle> how long does it take?
[14:38:17] <Subsentient> prospectacle: To start having fun? Few mins.
[14:38:24] <Subsentient> To be as good as me? Year or so.
[14:38:39] * Subsentient is pretty good at warzone, thankfully
[14:38:47] <prospectacle> i mean to complete a game
[14:39:08] <Subsentient> prospectacle: Anywhere from 5 mins to 3 hours when you quit from a stalemate.
[14:39:17] <Subsentient> But usually around 30 mins
[14:39:44] <Subsentient> There is no end until someone quits or dies.
[14:39:52] <prospectacle> another time then, I'm gonna try out this adventure game I'm downloading.
[14:40:01] <Subsentient> prospectacle: Alright then. :^)
[14:40:17] <Subsentient> prospectacle: I used to maintain a fork, but just recently I dropped it.
[14:40:32] <prospectacle> If you haven't tried glest I can highly recommend it. It's less of the military technology kind and more of the build-and-advance-a-society kind (but also with technology of sorts)
[14:40:43] <Subsentient> prospectacle: hmm
[14:40:54] <Subsentient> Is it stable?
[14:41:35] <prospectacle> Seems to be. I don't think it's been updated in a while, but I used to play it all the time and don't remember crashing problems.
[14:42:15] <Subsentient> ah
[14:42:27] <prospectacle> It's pretty fun, I l ike clearing forests and building towns and then you have to defend against some foregin soldier who turns up. Then you have to go looking of where they came from and try to kill them while developing your city as well
[14:44:44] <prospectacle> I just discovered there's an active fork of it.
[14:44:48] <prospectacle> megaglest
[14:44:57] <prospectacle> Original hasn't been updated since 2004 but new one has been updated this year.
[14:45:00] <prospectacle> Hooray for open source
[14:45:55] <Subsentient> prospectacle: Yeah. I forked Warzone 2100 because the 3.1 release was pretty HORRIFIC for a long time
[14:46:00] <Subsentient> it started to improve around 3.1.1
[14:46:04] -!- weeds [weeds!~4118a13c@cwz-29-45-637-17.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #Soylent
[14:46:07] <Subsentient> which is where we are now in official
[14:46:25] <prospectacle> cool so you're a maintainer?
[14:47:04] <prospectacle> are you rich and famous as a result? I've never maintained an OS project so i'm just speculating.
[14:47:07] <Subsentient> I used to be, for my fork. I'm not much liked in the Warzone community, mostly because there's some anger over my fork, and because when I started back in 2010, I was a cheater. It was short lived, but the effect lasted.
[14:47:23] <crutchy> g'day prospectacle
[14:47:34] <prospectacle> hi crutchy
[14:47:55] <crutchy> been youtubing peter schiff :-)
[14:48:07] <prospectacle> subsentient, why are they angry over a fork? did you steal some players from their fork?
[14:48:13] <Subsentient> I was into the hilarious cheats, like flying trucks and oil derricks built in the sky.
[14:48:15] <crutchy> he fucking pwns everyone who tries to debate him
[14:48:19] <Subsentient> prospectacle: Yeah.
[14:48:21] <prospectacle> I mean I would have thought more options would be better to a degree
[14:48:34] <crutchy> forks are overrated. i prefer spoons
[14:48:45] <Subsentient> crutchy: Then what of spatulas?
[14:48:48] <MrBluze> i have a spoon phobia
[14:48:58] <crutchy> spatulas are for cooking with
[14:49:02] <crutchy> and i don't cook :-P
[14:49:19] <MrBluze> https://www.youtube.com
[14:49:21] <Subsentient> crutchy: You remind me of a more friendly version of someone I know.
[14:49:35] <Subsentient> You have that crusty yet derpy sense of humor.
[14:49:40] <MrBluze> u have to see that one crutchy
[14:49:41] <crutchy> lool
[14:49:58] <crutchy> i'm a little dry apparently
[14:50:08] <Subsentient> crutchy: You ever on freenode?
[14:50:24] <prospectacle> big train looks like it's got the people from spaced. Is this how they got started?
[14:50:35] <MrBluze> probably
[14:50:38] <MrBluze> but its damn good
[14:50:51] <Subsentient> You know, the irony is that Freenode for me is pretty dead right now. My channels are silent etc. I get much more meaningful conversation on the Soylent server.
[14:51:06] <Subsentient> For the last few weeks it's been pretty silent.
[14:51:16] <MrBluze> ... this project has something
[14:51:19] <crutchy> haha like a tempered version of a monty python sketch
[14:51:20] <prospectacle> well soylent is the future (Except by another name probably)
[14:51:23] <crutchy> ...without screaming :-P
[14:51:34] <MrBluze> lol yes
[14:51:48] <MrBluze> thing about this project is the website drives the conversation
[14:51:52] <prospectacle> having a four-or-less digit uid will be a mark of prestige in the years to come
[14:51:54] <MrBluze> so we always have something common to talk about
[14:52:04] <crutchy> soylent is probably the only time i've really used irc for more than a few days
[14:52:09] <MrBluze> one of my kids got the 4000 uid ;)
[14:52:17] <crutchy> i installed xchat not long after i started playing with debian
[14:52:25] <prospectacle> mrbluze, I reckon this project gets more development time/ideas/attention than most commercial sites.
[14:52:25] <crutchy> and had a look at ircsearch
[14:52:29] <crutchy> but never got into it
[14:52:42] <MrBluze> prospectacle: agreed.. and it will be freakin awesome in years to come
[14:52:45] <MrBluze> absolutely freakin awesome
[14:53:00] <crutchy> oh cool :-)
[14:53:04] <MrBluze> stay the course
[14:53:05] <prospectacle> having look at the history of things like good, wikipedia, facebook etc, it seems like they often take years before they blow up. I get the feeling this place is moving much faster, but we'll see
[14:53:17] <crutchy> i'm kinda chuffed to have the same uid on soylent as i do on pipedot
[14:53:28] <prospectacle> crutchy how on earth did you manage that?
[14:53:37] <crutchy> dumn luck
[14:53:39] <crutchy> :-P
[14:53:51] <prospectacle> yeah those odds are pretty long
[14:53:58] <crutchy> 3 digit one too :-)
[14:54:17] -!- kristian [kristian!~457ebb11@wqb-097rib18.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #Soylent
[14:54:27] <crutchy> when i'm old and smelly i can brag about it :-D
[14:54:29] -!- d33tah has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[14:54:30] <prospectacle> oops I meant to say "Google", not "good'
[14:54:43] <prospectacle> which is especially ironic becuase everyone knows google is evil
[14:54:56] <Subsentient> prospectacle++
[14:54:56] <deadbeef> karma - prospectacle: 2
[14:54:58] <crutchy> google is just another multinational
[14:55:08] <prospectacle> exactly
[14:55:11] <crutchy> giving cosumers exactly what they want
[14:55:14] <prospectacle> multinationals are evil by nature, they can't help it
[14:55:20] <Subsentient> crutchy: Google is also researching stuff that I find frightening.
[14:55:27] <Subsentient> prospectacle++
[14:55:27] <deadbeef> karma - prospectacle: 3
[14:55:37] <crutchy> humanity is evil by nature
[14:55:41] <prospectacle> they provide some cool products, no doubt
[14:56:01] <crutchy> it's not corporate nature that is evil... if you took humans out of corporations, you would take evil out too
[14:56:11] <prospectacle> crutchy, humanity has evil tendencies and good ones as well. The structure of a multinational magnifies the evil ones
[14:56:44] <prospectacle> crutchy, you can't take people out the corporate structure, and you can't really modify human nature, but you can modify the corporate structure.
[14:56:55] <prospectacle> crutchy, therefore if there's a problem, you address the thing that can be changed.
[14:57:02] <crutchy> corporations are just groups of people fulfilling a need... if they weren't called corporations they would be still basically the same
[14:57:10] <crutchy> look at the east india company
[14:57:19] <crutchy> they traded slaves
[14:57:25] <crutchy> shot people with their private army
[14:57:34] -!- d33tah [d33tah!~d33tah@lczcb.math.uni.lodz.pl] has joined #Soylent
[14:57:40] <prospectacle> crutchy, there are different ways to organise a group. It's not "corporation by another name or corporation by the name corporation" there are other options
[14:58:06] <prospectacle> crutchy, yes the east india companies are good examples of how multinationals enhances and encourage our worst tendencies
[14:58:11] <crutchy> there are... and i believe they are better, but human nature is dangerous and the risk of it infecting anything good is high
[14:58:29] <crutchy> i like not-for-profits, but even they can be corrupted
[14:58:36] <crutchy> look at the church
[14:58:43] <prospectacle> well human nature we're stuck with, but organisational nature we can change because we create organisations to our own designs.
[14:58:51] <crutchy> we can try
[14:58:58] <crutchy> but failure is in our nature too
[14:59:14] <crutchy> survival of the fittest
[14:59:18] <prospectacle> well it's not just about profit or not profit, it's about who has what power within the system. Who gets to elect the leaders, and how, for example.
[14:59:25] <crutchy> nice guys finish last
[14:59:33] <crutchy> every man for himself
[14:59:43] <prospectacle> the church doesn't give a vote to its parishoners, for example, anymore than a multinational gives a vote to its employees
[14:59:56] <crutchy> no matter the organisational model... they are all underpinned by the same basic human realities
[15:00:16] <crutchy> the church is supposed to be a charity
[15:00:35] <crutchy> yet it's one of the biggest multinationals of all
[15:00:42] <prospectacle> yes, they are, but that doesn't mean the model makes no difference. The model determines which parts of human nature are encouraged and discouraged, which parts can flourish and which parts are supressed.
[15:01:02] <MrBluze> church was the first multinational
[15:01:19] <prospectacle> the model determines how decisions get made, and that determines what kinds of decisions get made
[15:01:24] <crutchy> what are we debating again?
[15:01:28] <MrBluze> however this project differs from google, facebook etc, as it is a community project from the start
[15:01:29] <crutchy> sorry i lost the plot
[15:01:31] <crutchy> :-P
[15:01:35] -!- TK [TK!~9ff52002@159.245.ju.y] has joined #Soylent
[15:01:49] <MrBluze> not someone's business idea from silicon valley
[15:02:01] <crutchy> i think we're kind of agreeing but trying to find something to disagree about :-P
[15:02:16] <MrBluze> i disagree with that, crutchy
[15:02:27] <crutchy> or i was just falling off my soapbox or something
[15:02:31] <MrBluze> i think we're kind of disagreeing but uh... agreeing about soemthing
[15:02:33] <prospectacle> crutchy, well I was saying multinationals are evil based on their structure, which can change, and not just based on general human nature that exists everywhere.
[15:02:40] <MrBluze> soapboxes can be slippery
[15:02:43] <crutchy> i'm reminded of a famous scene
[15:02:54] <prospectacle> mrbluze, yes this project, is different in many ways
[15:03:22] <MrBluze> prospectacle: agreed .. if we have the right format .. of achievable financial membership and therefore voting rights on the financial and strategic direction, we get something better
[15:03:24] <crutchy> http://www.youtube.com
[15:03:30] <prospectacle> mrbluze, first it's not-for-profit, second it's open sourced, third, well, we'll see how the voting turns out...
[15:03:36] <MrBluze> right
[15:03:59] <MrBluze> actually to be honest.. this is one project where the vast majority of people working on it are sensible and well meaning
[15:04:16] <MrBluze> to the point i dont feel like walking off on it any time soon
[15:04:24] <prospectacle> mrbluze, true, we'd better keep it a secret for as long as possible so the others don't find out
[15:04:40] <MrBluze> yeah .. u'd be lucky to find a workplace as good as this in many places
[15:04:41] <prospectacle> crutchy, I love that movie. I always laugh at this bit....
[15:04:50] <prospectacle> http://www.youtube.com
[15:04:56] <MrBluze> i better get to bed
[15:05:04] <prospectacle> ok have a good one mrbluze
[15:05:08] <crutchy> "he's making it up as he goes along"
[15:06:37] <MrBluze> gnite
[15:06:51] <crutchy> lmao! "this is his gourd"... shit i haven't seen this movie for ages... which is kinda dumb cos i have it on dvd :-P
[15:06:57] <crutchy> cya mrbluze
[15:07:05] -!- Smilodon has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[15:07:10] <prospectacle> catch you later bluze man
[15:07:10] MrBluze is now known as MrBluze|afk
[15:07:47] -!- hka has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[15:08:07] <prospectacle> how goes the php crutchy?
[15:08:13] <crutchy> http://www.youtube.com
[15:08:17] <crutchy> lol
[15:08:34] <crutchy> i've been pretty lazy lately
[15:09:29] <prospectacle> Yeah often I just don't feel like it. Lately I've been forcing myself to do one thing each day, but usually only a small thing.
[15:10:28] <prospectacle> gooorn
[15:10:43] <crutchy> lol
[15:12:28] <crutchy> "dead is shea... what a blow for har"
[15:12:43] <NCommander> Morning world
[15:12:51] <prospectacle> hi ncommander
[15:12:56] * NCommander writing from Amtrak
[15:13:01] <crutchy> "morning"... nice n woody sounding
[15:13:08] <NCommander> I never feel more alive then when I'm travelling
[15:13:18] <prospectacle> Yeah I know what you mean
[15:13:24] <crutchy> "mooooooooooooorning"
[15:13:36] <prospectacle> You forget how big the world is until you step out into it again
[15:13:53] <prospectacle> What's out your window at the moment?
[15:13:59] <NCommander> prospectacle, the Husdon River
[15:14:21] * NCommander is on one of the last transboarder trains in the United States
[15:14:33] <prospectacle> Nice
[15:14:35] <prospectacle> What's a transboarder?
[15:14:45] <NCommander> US/Canada traffic
[15:15:00] <prospectacle> Cool are you heading to canadia?
[15:15:06] <NCommander> That's the plan
[15:15:17] <prospectacle> I hear it's a bit like australia but they added a bunch of snow
[15:15:22] * NCommander has gotten grief from Canadian Immigration every time I go, but I've never been denied entry (yet)
[15:15:41] <NCommander> I'm usually fine if I fly
[15:15:45] <prospectacle> Do they not like your kind round there?
[15:15:49] Blackmoore|out is now known as Blackmoore
[15:15:55] <Blackmoore> mornin
[15:15:55] <NCommander> I have no idea
[15:15:59] <NCommander> I never had problems on the west coast
[15:16:05] <prospectacle> do they spit on the ground and say "You're a long way from home ain't ya?"
[15:16:12] <NCommander> But last time I went to Canada from Maine, I spent two hours on the frontier
[15:16:33] <prospectacle> I know a guy who always gets picked on when enterting the states. I think his name must be the same as someone on some list
[15:17:15] <prospectacle> They always let him in, but he gets a hard time. So maybe you've got a doppleganger out there making trouble.
[15:18:55] <prospectacle> Hi Blackmoore, how's it going?
[15:19:12] <NCommander> prospectacle, possibly. I need to enroll in NEXUS if I start maing regular trips in Canada
[15:19:19] -!- hka [hka!~hka@46.38.wu.gq] has joined #Soylent
[15:19:32] * NCommander is mulling on how to do something useful today
[15:19:46] <Blackmoore> another day another (oh crap where the hell did all this work come from)
[15:19:55] <prospectacle> lol
[15:20:15] <NCommander> Blackmoore, heartbleed?
[15:20:36] <Blackmoore> from the look at my mailbox youd think i hadnt been here all week
[15:20:48] <NCommander> Blackmoore, where do you work?
[15:20:52] <prospectacle> I like that graph which shows stress levels over time, and it starts out "just go back from holiday and opened up emails", then "realise 90% is spam, forwards, and useless group CCs"
[15:21:18] <Blackmoore> I'm at Ingram. I'm in Distribution
[15:21:45] <NCommander> Blackmoore, fun.
[15:21:51] <Blackmoore> yeah. i'm the bastard people blame when the order goes wrong
[15:22:06] <NCommander> Blackmoore, better than working for GTE Visa
[15:22:25] <prospectacle> NCommander, if you're looking for ideas I can tell you how to get high bang for your buck (if this hasn't been done already) is add two links to the nagger
[15:22:32] <Blackmoore> True. and frankly the benifits are nice
[15:22:34] <prospectacle> One where it mentions the queue, and one where it mentions submit
[15:22:35] <TK> prospectacle: followed by the stress of realizing you aren't as important as you thought you were?
[15:22:41] <NCommander> prospectacle, ?
[15:22:43] <prospectacle> TK, well I've made peace with that
[15:22:51] * NCommander is currently trying to refresh his dev environment on
[15:23:08] <prospectacle> NCommander, if you were mulling how to do something useful, and don't have any ideas.
[15:23:14] <prospectacle> If you have ideas already then disregard
[15:23:23] <NCommander> Blackmoore, bash.org/?127039 and http://bash.org
[15:23:26] <NCommander> Blackmoore, it could be worse
[15:24:21] <NCommander> This is paradise
[15:24:29] * NCommander is watching the river and the sun is coming out
[15:25:27] <prospectacle> NCommander, you are almost literally living my dream right now. Working from a train, travelling wherever you want.
[15:25:45] <prospectacle> Are you also doing paid work or is this a holiday?
[15:27:02] <NCommander> prospectacle, paid work.
[15:27:58] <NCommander> In May, I'll be taking the Lake Shore Limited and the Empire Builder clear across the country. New York -> Seattle. Approximately 6000 km
[15:27:59] <Blackmoore> @NC yes, it could be - i've worked much worse before
[15:28:29] * NCommander is suffering from a bad case of the munchies :-/
[15:28:31] <prospectacle> Sounds pretty sweet. Will you sleep on the train or stop at lots of towns on the way?
[15:30:35] -!- Smilodon [Smilodon!~Smilodon@205.213.txs.wjq] has joined #Soylent
[15:30:36] Bytram is now known as Bytram|away
[15:30:37] <prospectacle> I only ask because I want to do a cross country train trip one day and can't decide which is better. Maybe half and half
[15:31:09] <NCommander> prospectacle, I'll probably sleep on the train
[15:31:17] <NCommander> The middle of the US is a whole lot of empty that I've seen before :-)
[15:32:07] <deadbeef> [SoylentNews] - First Exo-Moon Discovered? - http://sylnt.us - XOXOXO
[15:32:56] <prospectacle> lol there sure are a lot of editorial departments. It's almost as if they make them up as they go along
[15:34:05] * prospectacle is playing zork and is in the kitchen. i'm gonna drink the water but i reckon it's a mistake
[15:34:49] <NCommander> prospectacle, you are likely going to get eaten by a grue
[15:35:05] <NCommander> mcasadevall@lithium:~$ ls -lah soylentnews.sql.xz
[15:35:06] <NCommander> -rw-r--r-- 1 mcasadevall sysops 99M Apr 3 18:46 soylentnews.sql.xz
[15:35:11] <NCommander> hrm
[15:35:18] <NCommander> Amtrak wifi vs. the SN database
[15:35:19] <NCommander> FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT
[15:36:32] * NCommander fires up rsync and mulls that setting up a UUCP network may not be a bad idea for large file exchanges
[15:37:11] -!- Bytram|away has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[15:37:14] <prospectacle> probably it won't be long before SN has some kind of file-sharing network, at the rate things are going
[15:37:39] <NCommander> prospectacle, is that a good or bad thing? :-)
[15:37:53] <prospectacle> well I say the more the merrier
[15:38:02] -!- Tachyon [Tachyon!~Tachyon@10-21-20-085.tmcz.cz] has joined #Soylent
[15:38:37] <prospectacle> I don't know how much I'd used it myself. it depends what was on it. But the trend is clearly headed that way.
[15:38:38] <NCommander> huh, I guess the wifi has plenty of bandwith
[15:38:47] <NCommander> Its not the crapaticular mess it was on the NE Regional
[15:39:16] <prospectacle> wifi is pretty good. i'm lucky to get 3g on many parts of a train ride
[15:39:54] <NCommander> prospectacle, its a bit odd. the train is sections into cross-border traffic and local NYS traffic
[15:40:05] <NCommander> No wifi in the international section, but its fine in the cafe car (which is where I am
[15:40:08] <NCommander> (I prefer having tabes)
[15:40:32] <prospectacle> that is weird. Can't be giving free wifi to foreigners I guess. Unamerican
[15:40:50] <NCommander> Probably old rolling stock that predates the upgrade
[15:41:01] <NCommander> Or international regs disallow wifi for cars that will cross the border
[15:41:26] <NCommander> Making a stop now
[15:41:32] * NCommander is trying to recongize some of the landmarks
[15:43:28] <Blackmoore> anyone else rember the WWW fights?
[15:43:41] <NCommander> Now in Poughkeepsie
[15:43:59] <prospectacle> this zork parser is dumb. "It is possible to climb down to the canyon from here". ">Climb down to the canyon". "You see no such thing"
[15:44:31] <prospectacle> blackmoore, which ones?
[15:44:34] <NCommander> climb down to canyon
[15:44:58] <NCommander> W00t
[15:45:00] <NCommander> download complete
[15:45:12] <prospectacle> Not sure if I tried that one. I tried "climb down canyon" "climb canyon", "Go to canyon". What am I psychic
[15:45:22] <Blackmoore> the site in general.
[15:45:26] <NCommander> Blackmoore, ?
[15:45:31] <Blackmoore> which Zore btw?
[15:45:33] <prospectacle> The very core problem of adventure games laid bare in its earliest incarnation. Don't require us to be psychic
[15:45:46] <Blackmoore> zork
[15:45:49] <prospectacle> http://www.web-adventures.org
[15:46:44] <Blackmoore> blocked here of course.
[15:47:21] <prospectacle> NCommander, pretty sweet having internet on the train. A glimpse of the future. I hope we can all work in mobile offices with lots of bandwidth. What an adventurous world it would be. By the end of the work day you could be in another state or country. By the end of week, who knows.
[15:47:39] <prospectacle> Blackmoore, are u at work?
[15:47:48] <Blackmoore> early text adventures were a pain in the ass to write. the language parser was f'ing fustrating (of course i we new at the time)
[15:48:42] <prospectacle> Is that because just splitting up strings was hard?
[15:48:44] -!- KonomiNetbook has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[15:48:46] <Blackmoore> yeah. Prosp I just got in to work. I'm enjoy ing haveing the chat up since it's too damn quiet here
[15:48:50] <prospectacle> Before high level languages
[15:49:06] <Blackmoore> splitting up strings was the easy part
[15:49:10] <NCommander> prospectacle, I already do that now ;-)
[15:49:26] -!- Konomi has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[15:49:26] <NCommander> Oooh, I can see a CSX freight running down on the far side of the river
[15:49:37] <Blackmoore> parsing the language (in basic or ASM) not quite so easy
[15:49:40] <prospectacle> NCommander, well I guess you're from the future
[15:50:11] <NCommander> Bingo
[15:50:23] <crutchy> say hi to doc brown
[15:50:24] <NCommander> Blackmoore, I have to do some work in assembly soon ;.;
[15:50:30] <prospectacle> NCommander, I'm pretty jealous. I've recently taken a small step towards my dream. I recently negotiated a 4 day work week, so long weekend every weekend. Hopefully I can get my hobby projects to something releasable.
[15:50:47] -!- KonomiNetbook [KonomiNetbook!~Konomi@Soylent/Users/189/Konomi] has joined #Soylent
[15:50:53] <Blackmoore> and if you were stuck in basic; you had to find shortcuts for the loops - and still include synonym support
[15:51:13] <prospectacle> Blackmoore, I found basic was not bad for parsing. I wrote a command shell I still use all the time. but it was like vb6 so probably had a lot more than earlier basics
[15:51:14] <crutchy> as much as i dream of not having to go to work, i would go insane if i didn't go to work
[15:51:43] <prospectacle> crutchy, yeah you gotta do some work, I agree. Otherwise you don't appreciate free time. Well that's what happens to me anyway.
[15:51:47] <crutchy> !todo 1
[15:51:47] <deadbeef> todo item 7 added
[15:51:52] <crutchy> ??
[15:51:56] <prospectacle> lol
[15:51:57] -!- Konomi [Konomi!~Konomi@Soylent/Users/189/Konomi] has joined #Soylent
[15:52:06] <Blackmoore> yeah it probably does. by the time VB came around I was out of dev and working
[15:52:06] <prospectacle> !todo learn how to use todo list in irc
[15:52:06] <deadbeef> todo item 1 added
[15:52:22] <Blackmoore> coffee++
[15:52:22] <deadbeef> karma - coffee: 16
[15:52:34] <crutchy> ~todo
[15:52:35] <prospectacle> php is probably the best for parsing, but I haven't tried everything
[15:52:42] <crutchy> oh fuck it must be bed time
[15:53:00] <crutchy> i'm doing some parsing in php atm prospectacle :-P
[15:53:14] <crutchy> writing a little template processor for my wiki
[15:53:19] <prospectacle> e.g.: $lines = explode("\n", $text); foreach ($lines as $index=>$line) $lines[$index] = explode("\t", $line);
[15:53:34] <crutchy> explode is awesome
[15:53:40] <prospectacle> crutchy, cool. Is this work or fun? what kind of a wiki is it?
[15:53:50] <crutchy> so is strtok
[15:53:59] <crutchy> its for work
[15:54:03] <crutchy> but i don't get paid for it
[15:54:17] <prospectacle> I hope you enjoy it then
[15:54:19] <crutchy> so i guess it must be fun too ;-)
[15:54:22] <crutchy> yeah
[15:54:28] <crutchy> i enjoy using it
[15:54:31] <crutchy> and writing it
[15:54:43] <crutchy> makes work easier
[15:55:33] * prospectacle had never heard of strtok before
[15:55:34] <prospectacle> looks useful
[15:56:02] <NCommander> Its not as shiny as it seems
[15:56:05] <crutchy> i just found out about substr_count tonight lol
[15:56:17] <crutchy> always stumbling on new functions
[15:56:47] <crutchy> it's not shiny, but it's easy
[15:56:56] <crutchy> sometimes easy > shiny
[15:57:23] <prospectacle> yes they should call the php standard library the php function forest or something less dumb than that. You're always stumbling into new clearings full of interesting things
[15:57:47] <crutchy> php.net is pretty good as far as a help site goes
[15:58:06] <NCommander> While I'm not super found of PHP, the documentation is kick ass
[15:58:28] <prospectacle> NCommander, yes that's one of its strong points. Such a simple but genius idea, having a comments section in the manual
[15:58:30] <crutchy> i just about need a separate bookmarks menu just for php.net cos i'm always forgetting which way args go :-P
[15:58:45] <prospectacle> crutchy, yeah it's inconsistent as hell
[15:59:22] <prospectacle> haystack, then needle? no wait, does this one even have an undescore in its name?
[15:59:23] -!- anthem has quit [Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
[15:59:44] <crutchy> most of them seem to be haystack first, but there's oddballs like str_replace
[15:59:47] <TK> I read the Navy railgun story, and I'm calculating an average acceleration of the projectile within the gun barrel of 40,000g
[15:59:52] <TK> I must need more coffee
[15:59:53] <prospectacle> NCommander, request: A comment section in our manual (if there's ever a manual)
[16:00:08] <Blackmoore> well, if i can get a couple hours a day I'll be happy to get back to dev. i miss making games.
[16:00:10] <TK> coffee++
[16:00:11] <deadbeef> karma - coffee: 17
[16:00:16] <crutchy> coffee+
[16:00:19] <crutchy> coffee++
[16:00:19] <deadbeef> karma - coffee: 18
[16:00:25] <TK> Oh, I mean, php and slashcode
[16:00:29] <TK> Don't mind me
[16:00:37] * crutchy smacks empty space where brain should be
[16:00:52] <prospectacle> Blackmoore, cool what kinds of games do you make?
[16:01:24] <crutchy> code documentations is overrated
[16:01:27] <prospectacle> lots of love for coffee. america must be waking up. I guess that means it's past my bed-time
[16:02:03] <crutchy> it just ticked over midnight here :-P
[16:02:19] <TK> Anyone here have *good* work coffee?
[16:02:23] <prospectacle> Yeah, but at least it's the weekend.
[16:02:24] <NCommander> prospectacle, manual is far far away. I'm tempted to try and doxyify the code base though
[16:02:34] <prospectacle> TK, actually we got a new one of those pod machines. Wasteful as hell, but really good coffee
[16:02:45] <TK> You can use reusable pods
[16:02:54] <TK> or recycle the pods
[16:03:17] <TK> I concur, wasteful but very good
[16:03:23] <prospectacle> NCommander. Good idea. I bet a lot of people would want to tinker if they felt there were a few useful guides to hold their hand at the start.
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[16:06:46] -!- d33tah [d33tah!~d33tah@lczcb.math.uni.lodz.pl] has joined #Soylent
[16:07:27] <prospectacle> NCommander, have you kickstarted a book about slash yet. I'll buy a copy. Tell people if you pledge $100 or more you can log into this chat room and see your real time updates. Don't tell them they can do it for free, though.
[16:07:39] * NCommander rolls eyes
[16:08:26] <prospectacle> ok I'll drop it
[16:08:58] <prospectacle> TK, can you get reusable pods to fit existing machines or do you need to pick the right machine to start with?
[16:12:54] <NCommander> prospectacle, there's so much shit to do with slash I don't even know where to begin
[16:14:02] <crutchy> i reckon function names should be prefixed with filename and duplicate filenames should be eliminated
[16:14:19] <crutchy> and the tree of folders reduced
[16:14:22] <prospectacle> NCommander, it's going well so far.
[16:14:45] <prospectacle> crutchy, you mean in slash?
[16:14:50] <crutchy> yeah
[16:15:12] <crutchy> if you're looking as some code and a function is called, at least you know where to look for it if you need to
[16:15:20] <prospectacle> I tried to read it but I didn't get very far. It doesn't help that I've never done any perl
[16:15:26] <crutchy> without searching and interrupting your workflow
[16:15:59] <prospectacle> crutchy, clear organisation is good. On the other hand, "find in files" is your friend.
[16:16:01] <crutchy> i started, but i got bored
[16:16:06] <TK> prospectacle: I think it depends on the machine
[16:16:14] <crutchy> find in files is more work
[16:16:17] <crutchy> work is bad
[16:16:20] <TK> But the older and more common it is, the more likely there's an offbrand
[16:16:27] <prospectacle> TK, yeah I was just googling about it, looks like for major brands you can get refillable third party ones
[16:16:55] <TK> Do you have to put a new seal on the top of the pod every time
[16:16:56] <TK> ?
[16:17:12] <prospectacle> I think you can get sort of hard-plastic-mesh ones, that you snap shut
[16:17:31] <prospectacle> Not much different to an old espresso machine really. You have to wash them out I assume
[16:17:52] <NCommander> prospectacle, yeah
[16:18:03] <crutchy> atm i'm working on wiki__ProcessTemplate function and if i ever run into a call to it in another function i'll know straight away that it's declared in wiki.inc file
[16:18:19] <crutchy> helps if there is only one wiki.inc file of course
[16:18:36] <prospectacle> TK, I have an idea: A coffee machine that washes out the reusable coffee-holder for you. Scoop coffee, put in machine, makes coffee, opens bottom of coffee-holder, flushes grounds into refuse container. Done
[16:18:53] <crutchy> it's called a wife
[16:19:06] <crutchy> well, a wife that isn't borked :-P
[16:19:36] <crutchy> very rare those
[16:19:38] <prospectacle> crutchy, well then I'd better ask my work if they can buy us a wife for the kitchen.
[16:19:46] <crutchy> yes
[16:19:53] <crutchy> every workplace needs one :-)
[16:20:01] <prospectacle> I don't like my chances
[16:20:08] <crutchy> they are very expensive
[16:20:15] <crutchy> cheaper to hire a maid :-P
[16:20:58] <prospectacle> well to be honest I would pay full price for a coffee if there was a cafe in the kitchen, but I'd have to walk all the way next door.
[16:22:04] <prospectacle> Maybe that would be a good business. i've heard of people who make money going round to do office massages for five minutes and then leave. Someone could be a travelling barista
[16:22:06] <crutchy> most guys that want a decent coffee at my work just go to a nearby cafe
[16:22:19] <prospectacle> You'd only need to work between 7 and 10 and you'd make a lot of money
[16:22:50] <prospectacle> Bring it to your desk and everything.
[16:22:53] <crutchy> i remember doing vac work during my degree in a government building in melbourne. there was a coffee stand in the foyer.
[16:22:55] <prospectacle> Sell danish on the side
[16:23:16] <prospectacle> Crutchy, that's a pretty good idea, especially the bigger buildings
[16:23:30] <crutchy> i think it's pretty common
[16:23:46] <prospectacle> melbourne is great for coffee in general
[16:23:58] <crutchy> yeah
[16:24:26] <Blackmoore> the coffe they have down in our cafateria is like starbucks - burnt
[16:24:40] <prospectacle> What city is that Blackmoore?
[16:24:45] <Blackmoore> the crap up here in the break room is more like battery acid
[16:24:55] <Blackmoore> buffalo
[16:25:15] <prospectacle> Is it mostly filter or espresso around there?
[16:25:19] <Blackmoore> we have a lot of good coffee places - but i'd have to drive to get to one
[16:25:47] <Blackmoore> i can get both at timmy hortons, or Spot
[16:26:13] <Blackmoore> the local owned places are better still,
[16:26:20] <crutchy> the receptionist in our office always has nice plunger coffee... nice smell to arrive to work to :-)
[16:26:21] <prospectacle> Well that kind of takes the fun out of it. Coffee is for fuelling whatever you're doing while you're sitting down. If you have to get up and drive you may as well go for a run or something to make you more alert.
[16:26:58] <prospectacle> Blackmoore, you'll have to sneak your own into work.
[16:27:48] <Blackmoore> yeah. I make a good pot myself, better if i have french press
[16:27:48] <prospectacle> Blackmoore, filter coffee is starting to become popular here. I think it's an american thing.
[16:28:20] * prospectacle had to look up french press
[16:28:51] <prospectacle> we call them plungers. We're a simple people.
[16:29:24] <prospectacle> Yes plunger coffee is good. Generally a bit stronger than espresso. You really taste it
[16:30:46] <crutchy> the smell alone is enough to wake me up :-P
[16:34:38] <prospectacle> Guess I'd better get some sleep. Have a good one everybody.
[16:34:42] -!- prospectacle [prospectacle!~3a6b41d0@t50-554-50-398.mit014.act.optusnet.com.au] has parted #Soylent
[16:34:45] <mattie_p> heya guys, how is it shaking today?
[16:34:57] <mattie_p> oh, and I scared prospectacle away
[16:40:08] <Blackmoore> gnight
[16:40:19] <Blackmoore> mornin mattie
[16:43:37] -!- Tachyon_ [Tachyon_!~Tachyon@10-21-20-085.tmcz.cz] has joined #Soylent
[16:43:48] <crutchy> yay!
[16:43:59] <crutchy> hi mattie_p
[16:44:03] <crutchy> my code worked
[16:44:06] <mattie_p> hi crutchy
[16:44:13] <mattie_p> you wrote code to summon me?
[16:44:24] <crutchy> hope you're well
[16:44:27] <crutchy> lol nah
[16:44:59] <crutchy> you just happened to turn up at the right moment :-)
[16:45:14] <mattie_p> I'm ok, daughter is eating waffle today, which is a big improvement
[16:45:21] <mattie_p> what does your code do?
[16:45:26] <crutchy> i have a guena pig named waffles
[16:45:55] <crutchy> it's a little template replace thing for a wiki
[16:46:08] -!- Tachyon has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[16:46:39] <crutchy> very simple atm, but i wanna make it so i can substitute wiki templates containing access queries with actual formatted data from an access database
[16:46:51] -!- anthem [anthem!~textual@c-57-259-236-77.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[16:46:53] <mattie_p> ah, cool. what language?
[16:46:59] <crutchy> php
[16:47:24] <crutchy> i've already got the access query stuff worked out. just trying to pull into the wiki
[16:47:32] <crutchy> need a template processors
[16:48:42] <crutchy> i've been excited about it all day at work, and then when i finally get home i'm usually too tired but today i sat down and did a bit :-)
[16:49:03] <crutchy> feels good to make something work
[16:49:06] <mattie_p> well, thats great, and good luck with the template processor
[16:49:16] <crutchy> how's the dungeon?
[16:49:23] <crutchy> prolly been too busy i guess
[16:49:50] <mattie_p> yeah, I haven't made any changes lately
[16:49:58] <mattie_p> but Juggs is busy mapping it out
[16:50:34] <mattie_p> http://juggsdrobly.manichostingservices.co.uk
[16:50:53] <crutchy> my daughter was sitting on my lap tonight. she was doing some drawing at my desk with me. i fell asleep and she said something fell and she quickly tried to grab it and fell backwards onto the floorboards. i felt so aweful
[16:50:53] <poutine> why use access?
[16:50:53] <mattie_p> I'll probably post a link after I draw up a simple webpage explaining what this is
[16:50:58] <crutchy> poor little tyke :-P
[16:51:12] <crutchy> access is shit, but the company data is on it
[16:51:19] <mattie_p> doh, sorry to hear that, hope nothing serious
[16:51:28] <crutchy> nah she ok
[16:51:28] <poutine> we all played diku/circlemud mattie_p
[16:51:30] <poutine> no need to explain
[16:52:23] <mattie_p> If I feel up to it I might take a public domain bare-bones and make something out of it, but who knows when that will be
[16:52:24] <crutchy> lol is that a mud map?
[16:52:35] <mattie_p> yeah, map of the areas
[16:52:55] <crutchy> cool. i was actually kinda thinking about drawing something like that on paper cos i kept getting lost :-P
[16:53:05] <mattie_p> only a few of the 48 are mapped right now
[16:53:14] <poutine> Are you doing it manually or something
[16:53:22] <poutine> just parse the area files
[16:53:24] <mattie_p> most mud clients have an automap function you can use
[16:53:44] <mattie_p> Juggs is doing it by walking around, not sure if he has an automapper or what he is using
[16:53:46] <poutine> the problem with mud mapping is that the layout of the mud does not have to match a physically possible layout
[16:53:55] <mattie_p> yes, this is true
[16:53:59] <poutine> like you can make the north exit of a room go to the same room as if you went to the south exit
[16:54:17] <mattie_p> lots of areas have mazes that make the area look bigger due to cross-linking
[16:54:25] <crutchy> just need a symbol to indicate anything weird
[16:54:49] <poutine> crutchy, Well it's just impossible to have 1 single coherent map in most muds
[16:54:49] <mattie_p> I once made a forest that did that, it was pretty confusing to players
[16:55:01] <poutine> Think of the forest in Legend of Zelda
[16:55:15] <crutchy> yeah i guess it would be complicated if you have too many weird things
[16:55:16] <poutine> how would you map the connection to the graveyard?
[16:55:32] <mattie_p> if you got off the road it was nearly impossible to find it again, I think I was doing mirkwood
[16:55:35] -!- Tachyon_ has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[16:55:36] <crutchy> lol dunno i never played zelda
[16:55:41] -!- Tachyon [Tachyon!~Tachyon@10-21-20-085.tmcz.cz] has joined #Soylent
[16:55:41] <poutine> uh, were you abused?
[16:55:58] <mattie_p> up, left, down, left.
[16:56:12] <mattie_p> next he'll tell us he doesn't know the konami code
[16:56:39] <mattie_p> (not konomi)
[16:56:57] <mattie_p> anyway, the mud doesn't allow for codes like that yet
[16:57:07] <Konomi> you people are too old
[16:57:08] <Konomi> ;p
[16:57:33] <poutine> I was trying to formulate an algorithm which I could map out a house or portions of a house based on passively listening to sensor data
[16:57:38] <mattie_p> no flags to do anything like that are built in, exits are static at this point
[16:57:41] -!- drac has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[16:58:25] <mattie_p> I'd probably have to make four identical rooms, each of which lead on most exits to themselves, in one case lead to the next in sequence, in one case leading back out
[16:58:38] <mattie_p> simple but effective
[16:58:55] <poutine> I'd love to write a MUD in Node.JS, I've dealt with a number of C codebases, and shit is just so much easier today, and I think you could put together a decent one in a month or less, but the problem is nobody plays MUDs anymore
[16:58:57] <crutchy> poutine: we just use point cloud laser scanning :-P
[16:59:09] <crutchy> re mapping a house
[16:59:32] -!- drac [drac!~drac@107.161.uq.vkk] has joined #Soylent
[16:59:46] <mattie_p> it probably would be so much easier today, but the point of this one was nostalgia
[17:00:27] <poutine> crutchy, Ok think more that I pull up a white rape van outside your house, and you have Insteon home automation tech, and I listen in on 915 MHz for the FSK encoded sensor messages, or I plug into your powerline network and read it from there
[17:00:40] <poutine> using a $20 rtlsdr device
[17:01:02] <mattie_p> I have to dig up my code, I used to have extra exits I added (ne, sw, etc), as well as the ability to do things like name exits as "climb tree" or something, rather than "up"
[17:01:27] <mattie_p> I just found my code that I made to simulate Wheel of Time magic system
[17:01:35] <crutchy> wow poutine that was too much for my feeble brain at 1am :-P
[17:01:51] <crutchy> actually i really should hit the hay anyway
[17:02:03] <mattie_p> well, talk to you later, crutchy
[17:02:09] <crutchy> complicated stuff hurts
[17:02:30] <crutchy> cya mattie_p, poutine, konomi
[17:02:35] <Konomi> bai bai
[17:02:42] <crutchy> night everybloody :-P
[17:03:24] <crutchy> woops changing nick in gedit won't work
[17:03:26] crutchy is now known as crutchy|zzz
[17:04:01] <poutine> I'll pretend you said gvim
[17:04:23] <mattie_p> *cough* emacs
[17:05:15] <Blackmoore> gnight
[17:05:15] <poutine> nice os, needs an editor
[17:05:55] <mattie_p> lol
[17:08:35] -!- Cyprus [Cyprus!~Cyprus@localhost] has joined #Soylent
[17:13:05] -!- Smilodon has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[17:14:42] -!- Smilodon [Smilodon!~Smilodon@205.213.txs.wjq] has joined #Soylent
[17:16:56] <poutine> Anyone ever pay for sound support in linux?
[17:17:23] <poutine> I remember around the year 2000 paying like $15 for binary sound drivers that enabled my crystalsound soundcard to work in linux
[17:17:34] <Cyprus> I'd pay to see the PulseAudio guy beaten, does that count as "support" ?
[17:18:22] <poutine> pulseaudio is a painful transition, but it was sorely needed
[17:18:27] <poutine> alsa was not the right way to go
[17:18:55] <Cyprus> it was, once it started to work, 5 years after it happened
[17:18:58] <poutine> it sucks that ubuntu makes a ton of people beta testers for shit technology that isn't ready yet, but it does hammer out a lot of kinks
[17:19:17] <Cyprus> beta implys the software was in a shipable state
[17:19:22] <Cyprus> *implies
[17:19:32] <poutine> alpha, whatever
[17:19:47] <Subsentient> Theta.
[17:21:00] <poutine> well I think at the very least we can all agree that motorcycles are the most efficient manner of transportation in los angeles
[17:21:35] <Cyprus> police cars
[17:24:20] <poutine> eh I'm confident I could beat a police car across the city
[17:24:37] <Cyprus> its more efficient though
[17:24:46] <Cyprus> you have a driver
[17:24:59] <poutine> how do you figure, > 50 MPG on a motorcycle, can do it quicker, etc
[17:25:13] <Cyprus> you don't pay for the ride, although it might take a detour
[17:25:34] <Cyprus> and someone else is driving you
[17:26:02] -!- Smilodon has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[17:26:21] <Blackmoore> I'd make a bet that the LA poloce would not drop you at your chosen destination
[17:27:48] <poutine> LA police just shot a guy yesterday without any weapons
[17:27:50] <Blackmoore> @poutine no, but i did have to use an ancient sound blaster as the sound chip didnt have linux support. (under ubuntu 7)
[17:27:53] <poutine> they'll be cleared of any wrongdoing
[17:28:48] <Cyprus> he was running right at them
[17:28:56] <Cyprus> clearly he needed to be shot =)
[17:29:18] <NCommander> GAH, slash uses eval
[17:29:20] * NCommander feels unclean
[17:29:26] <Cyprus> ooooo where?
[17:29:48] <NCommander> Cyprus, in its dynamic class loader
[17:29:56] <NCommander> it looks like just eval's in the entire Pm file
[17:30:01] <Cyprus> is it at least triggered by user data?
[17:30:10] <Cyprus> wait, what?
[17:30:25] <Cyprus> why in the hell would... nevermind i don't want to go down that road
[17:31:03] <NCommander> Cyprus, I suspect someone didn't know about DynLoader
[17:31:07] -!- Subsentient has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[17:31:18] <Cyprus> well, it was probably 2001
[17:31:27] <NCommander> 1997
[17:31:30] <Cyprus> lol
[17:31:46] <Cyprus> i pulled an old number, and it wasnt old enough, awesome
[17:32:25] <poutine> If SN didn't have crotchety people who refused to use anything using javascript (seriously, get with the times people), you could have gradually replaced pieces of slashcode with something in a modern language just based on API endpoints
[17:33:18] <poutine> What's next for the SN team, installing a recent version of ubuntu on an old Cray waterfall supercomputer?
[17:34:16] <Cyprus> as much as i hate to agree with you, i really do wish there wasn't such an anti js crusade
[17:34:29] <NCommander> I don't like rampant JS abuse
[17:34:38] <NCommander> Which far far too many sites par-take in
[17:34:46] <poutine> what is rampant js abuse?
[17:35:04] <Cyprus> i don't like voting abuse either, but we don't end voting because of it...
[17:35:33] <NCommander> poutine, sites that use JS for everything like menu navigation/dynamic content with no concern of accessibility or those who can't (or won't) use a normal browser
[17:35:40] <poutine> I think we can all agree that everything we piled on to HTTP was a hack that enabled annoying shit to occur. That doesn't mean we go back to using gopher, it just means that you shouldn't make your site annoying
[17:35:50] <NCommander> poutine++
[17:35:50] <deadbeef> karma - poutine: -335
[17:35:52] <poutine> all modern browsers support javascript
[17:35:56] <poutine> including phone browsers
[17:36:10] <poutine> hell I think even the old motorola razr feature phone could do JS in its browser
[17:36:12] <NCommander> poutine, screen readers and lynx don't. Javascript abuse breaks pretty much every screen reader
[17:36:16] <Cyprus> heh even in trolling, he makes a decent point. Anything that isn't text is abuse of http =)
[17:36:28] <ar> poutine: no, it couldn't
[17:36:32] <NCommander> poutine, I'm referring to people with visual difficulties, or motor difficulties that makes using a mouse difficult
[17:36:35] <poutine> nobody uses lynx
[17:36:45] <NCommander> poutine, the blind community would strongly disagree w/ you
[17:36:57] <poutine> Are you trying to claim your site is easily accessible by blind readers?
[17:37:01] <ar> poutine: well… it depends actually. the us versions used a different OS than the rest of the world
[17:37:02] <poutine> I see no aria shit on it
[17:37:16] <NCommander> poutine, it usable. Not great. I have tested it with Fangs and lynx and all basic functionality works
[17:37:37] <NCommander> But the layout is extremely wonky and I want to get it to be perfectly usable and easy for those with such disabilities
[17:38:29] <poutine> Ok seriously, lynx was not meant to do browsing loads on the modern web. Hell, even ~1999, you only used it to download stuff that had a browser redirect that wget would not follow
[17:38:31] <Cyprus> i work with a blind guy, js isn't usually the biggest complaint, it's the use of images for everything, not seperating the page properly, and alt text abuse
[17:38:47] <Cyprus> its all design, not the infrastructure
[17:38:59] <NCommander> Cyprus, JS can be used well. I'm not against it as most people are
[17:39:33] <poutine> It's ridiculous I have to reload the entire page to see child comments
[17:39:36] <NCommander> and if/when I get to reworking D1 to be less-1997, its likely going to be using JS for expanding/collasping comments
[17:39:47] <Cyprus> on a properly done dynamic page, he is much faster than i am
[17:39:48] <poutine> It's ridiculous I can't get notified in realtime when someone responds to my comments
[17:39:51] <NCommander> poutine, I would have been happy to roll the site out with D2 if the code was proper.
[17:39:52] <Cyprus> and i read very fast
[17:40:10] * NCommander can't enable functionality that hasn't been coded
[17:40:33] <poutine> of course NCommander, but you're never going to get there with this anti-JS mentality
[17:40:40] <Cyprus> i'm not commenting on the lack of the code, im commenting mostly on what is precieved by me as a crusade against anything that doesn't work on lynx
[17:40:41] <poutine> people who disable JS are less than 1% of the browsing population
[17:40:44] <poutine> do not pander to them
[17:41:06] <poutine> you can spend 10 months having perfect IE 5 support, or you can just expect people to run modern shit
[17:41:15] <NCommander> poutine, I just said we're going to use JS to redo comments and such. I'll make sure the site degrades nicely for the non-JS folks
[17:41:16] <poutine> the later is more responsible
[17:41:26] <poutine> ok that's fine NCommander
[17:41:38] <poutine> but pandering to the anti-js zealots is going to take up a lot of time
[17:41:45] <poutine> time that could have been spent improving other aspects
[17:42:09] <Cyprus> i saw a guy post a while back he was a js programmer, and felt like he wouldn't even be welcome on the staff based on what he's seen and his perception which was similar to mine regarding an anti js crusade
[17:42:19] <NCommander> Cyprus, .... crap
[17:42:30] <NCommander> !todo clarify JS position on next site news post
[17:42:30] <deadbeef> todo item 6 added
[17:42:37] <NCommander> Going to fix that
[17:42:42] <Cyprus> i can try and find the comment if you want, it was a reply to one of yours on some story
[17:42:54] <NCommander> Cyprus, appericated
[17:43:46] <poutine> http://ux.stackexchange.com <- This is good reading on the subject
[17:43:56] <NCommander> poutine, thanks, loading
[17:44:19] <poutine> NCommander, Honestly though, this is something that is unique to your site, you can take statistics on this
[17:44:35] <poutine> it might be worth checking if js is enabled, logging that, and going over the results when you clarify your JS positio
[17:44:36] <poutine> n
[17:44:48] <poutine> if that number becomes 35%, then it makes sense to appeal to that segment
[17:44:58] <poutine> 1-2% is not really worth it
[17:45:50] -!- Smilodon [Smilodon!~Smilodon@205.213.txs.wjq] has joined #Soylent
[17:46:27] <Cyprus> oh that's awesome, when you search for comments on SN, it only shows the title, not the first line or anything of the actual comment
[17:46:39] <NCommander> Cyprus, the search engine is stuck in 1994 :-)
[17:46:51] <poutine> the only times I've been pissed about js is when a site is using it too much for little benefit, when I have hanging scripts that are there for marketing reasons,
[17:47:07] <poutine> NCommander, should be a problem easily solveable with Solr or elasticsearch
[17:47:30] <Cyprus> i think /. had a really bad js implementation for a while
[17:47:35] <NCommander> poutine, there's a TODO for it, this isn't a wheel I really want to reinvent
[17:47:36] <Cyprus> it drove me crazy
[17:48:26] <NCommander> poutine, I'm going to have to go through the access log and see if I can figure out the ratio of hits to index.pl/core.js. I suspect given the general demographic, our non-JS users are higher than most, but I still suspect low single digits
[17:48:26] -!- Tachyon has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[17:48:53] <poutine> NCommander, make sure you filter bots out of that
[17:49:04] <poutine> bots are a high percentage of traffic, bots that run JS are not
[17:50:05] <poutine> also I'd be worried that clients are caching that js file NCommander
[17:50:18] <poutine> If I had to do it, I'd fire a pixel in JS
[17:50:30] <poutine> and have a static pixel in HTML
[17:50:31] <poutine> compare the two
[17:50:37] <NCommander> Hrm ...
[17:50:55] <Cyprus> yeah access logs arent a great way to tell that (worked as a sysadmin for CDN)
[17:51:08] <Cyprus> the pixel isn't a bad solution
[17:51:36] <Cyprus> but like noscript for example will still load the file
[17:51:53] <deadbeef> [SoylentNews] - FastMail Thwarts Domain Stealing Attempt - http://sylnt.us - security-is-underrated
[17:52:45] <Cyprus> ugh its not going to be easy to find that comment
[17:53:04] * NCommander posts so many comments that searching my history won't be useful
[17:53:37] <poutine> so js pixel firing would only occur on JS aware and executing browsers, you would have to cachebust the static pixel to avoid caching, <img src="http://www.soylentnews.org/static-pixel.gif?ts=213982912&rs=23447">
[17:54:14] <Cyprus> yeah, random name subfolder redirect is the way i'd go
[17:54:14] <NCommander> poutine, that's easy; we have a whitelist of things that bypass caching, adding something new is fairly trivial
[17:54:14] <poutine> check count of static-pixel.gif hits in varnish logs, check count of dynamic pixel hits in varnish
[17:54:55] <poutine> you want to add referrer to the calls, just so you can easily say "for this page, x% of people have JS enabled"
[17:54:56] <Cyprus> it's not just your cache though
[17:55:20] <Cyprus> a lot of corps do central caching even still
[17:55:55] <Cyprus> why i said the random path with a redirect trim
[17:56:16] * NCommander notes in other news, I continue to suck at writing JS
[17:56:17] <NCommander> yay :-/
[17:56:22] <poutine> yeah that is true, it's not the easiest question to answer
[17:56:27] <Cyprus> i'm half decent, i just rarely do it
[17:56:31] <poutine> I almost entirely write everything in JS nowadays
[17:56:34] <poutine> node.js is awesome
[17:56:38] <poutine> realtime platforms FTW
[17:56:41] <Cyprus> nice
[17:56:46] <poutine> but not saying that it's good for every purpose
[17:56:47] <Cyprus> im trying to learn python at the moment
[17:56:47] <poutine> just mine
[17:57:01] <Cyprus> so i can stop getting laughed at for saying i know Perl
[17:57:03] <NCommander> Slash has a handrolled AJAX API, and uses jquery pretty heavily throughout the admin pages
[17:59:17] <NCommander> Honestly, I'd just want to take this http://userscripts.org modify it to use AJAX and remove the greasemonkey API hooks
[17:59:19] <NCommander> and call it good
[18:00:05] <Cyprus> ugh, google is not being helpful
[18:01:11] <Cyprus> fyi, it might be worth setting google to see nested comments
[18:03:13] <poutine> give full comment tree to googlebot?
[18:03:31] <poutine> not a bad idea
[18:03:43] * poutine sets his user agent to googlebot :)
[18:04:53] -!- Smilodon has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[18:07:56] -!- Tachyon [Tachyon!~Tachyon@xuco.me] has joined #Soylent
[18:19:16] -!- rancid [rancid!~rancid@124.248.okl.tju] has joined #Soylent
[18:22:26] <NCommander> Eh
[18:22:27] <NCommander> fuck it
[18:22:33] * NCommander goes hacky hack hack hack
[18:23:19] * NCommander writes the original author of the GS script
[18:28:33] <Cyprus> yeah so google has the full comment tree when people search
[18:29:26] <Cyprus> until D2 can be implemented, makes it much more navigable
[18:32:00] <NCommander> Cyprus, ok, I think I got this greasemonkey script modified to be server side
[18:32:08] <NCommander> Its a fugly hack; it pulls comments.pl and then strips out the HTML
[18:32:18] <Cyprus> rofl
[18:32:18] <NCommander> *but*, it works properly looking for the div tag
[18:32:39] <NCommander> and, bonus, it only draws the expand icons if JS is enabled
[18:32:46] <NCommander> For JS disabled users, the interfae doesn't change :-)
[18:33:01] <Cyprus> you sir are well on your way to being a / coder =P
[18:33:18] <NCommander> Cyprus, but I care about our users!
[18:33:21] <Cyprus> i bet at least half of that code began with "Fuck it..."
[18:33:28] <Cyprus> they did too!
[18:34:26] <NCommander> Cyprus, that was a very long time ago
[18:34:32] * NCommander ducks
[18:34:38] <Cyprus> so was most of the code =)
[18:35:11] <Cyprus> you'd probably have to visit a cemetary to get at least some of the copylefts
[18:36:08] * Cyprus ducks too
[18:36:27] <Cyprus> i've dated girls younger rofl...
[18:38:04] * NCommander tests his modified script
[18:38:15] <NCommander> LET THERE BE DYNAMIC COMMENTS!
[18:43:05] <Cyprus> huh, if i go to a specific comment, i cant seem to find a way to go to it's parent, or the article it's attached to
[18:43:44] <Blackmoore> *lighning flashes, Thundder cracks*
[18:43:58] Blackmoore is now known as Blackmoore|lunch
[18:50:44] -!- aqu4 has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[18:54:05] -!- Brylarke has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[19:00:43] -!- rancid has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[19:19:10] <Cyprus> ncommander: I give up, that comment is lost to the ether as far as my ability to search is concerned
[19:19:28] <NCommander> Cyprus, not a problem, I have dynamic comments working
[19:19:40] * NCommander managed to hack that GM script into a server side script
[19:20:08] <Cyprus> is that just on dev or live?
[19:20:20] <xlefay> 'server side'?
[19:20:31] <xlefay> The API thing you mentioned?
[19:20:36] <NCommander> xlefay, this was originally a greasemonkey script
[19:20:43] <NCommander> I modified it to not be one anymore :-)
[19:20:45] <xlefay> yeah but JS itself is client side eh :p
[19:20:54] <NCommander> Right, but I stripped out the GM hooks
[19:21:29] <xlefay> yeah, I thought you were referring to something else for a sec
[19:21:48] <NCommander> xlefay, :-)
[19:22:37] <NCommander> xlefay, bare with me here
[19:23:06] <Cyprus> he want's you bare
[19:23:25] <NCommander> ....
[19:23:33] <xlefay> NCommander, I thought you meant the API stuff ha
[19:23:34] * NCommander knees Cyprus
[19:23:37] <n1> thats how i read it too...
[19:23:42] <xlefay> !grab Cyprus
[19:23:42] <deadbeef> Added quote 112
[19:23:58] <NCommander> ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
[19:24:00] <NCommander> ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................
[19:24:03] <n1> lol
[19:24:26] <Cyprus> correction, xlefay, he wants you bare with him =P
[19:24:46] * NCommander goes to watch the mountians out the window
[19:24:50] <Cyprus> lol
[19:24:53] <xlefay> uh oh, well, in that case, I'll respectfully decline but thanks for the offer, I feel privileged ;-)
[19:25:05] <Cyprus> bow chicka bow wowwwww....
[19:25:08] <n1> rofl
[19:25:35] <NCommander> I will castrate you all in your sleep :-P
[19:25:35] <NCommander> ugh
[19:25:38] <NCommander> my connection degraded to the point SSH times out
[19:25:46] <xlefay> That's awfully bare of you
[19:25:50] <Cyprus> rpf;
[19:25:54] <Cyprus> err rofl
[19:26:37] <NCommander> .op
[19:26:37] -!- mode/#Soylent [+o NCommander] by juggler
[19:26:42] <xlefay> NCommander, anyway, let me know when it's done
[19:26:43] <arti> heh
[19:26:46] <Cyprus> uh oh
[19:26:48] <xlefay> err, I mean the deployment rofl
[19:26:52] <NCommander> Holy crap that's lag
[19:27:53] <xlefay> arti, so about that payoff eh ;)
[19:28:16] <xlefay> !update-stats
[19:28:18] <xlefay> !updatestats
[19:28:57] <arti> payoff o.o
[19:29:05] * arti keeps his back to the wall
[19:29:14] <xlefay> LOL
[19:29:28] <xlefay> Not that sorta payoff, rofl I was referring to crutchy|zzz's suspicion :P
[19:29:31] <NCommander> .deop xlefay
[19:29:31] -!- mode/#Soylent [-o xlefay] by juggler
[19:29:31] <NCommander> RESPECT MY AUTHORITY!
[19:29:31] <NCommander> */cartman*
[19:29:39] -!- mode/#Soylent [+o xlefay] by BadAss
[19:29:49] <xlefay> I've got BadAss on my side, be careful now
[19:31:48] * xlefay eagerly keeps refreshing dev till NCommander finally deploys his script
[19:39:44] Blackmoore|lunch is now known as Blackmoore
[19:43:40] <NCommander> This lag is stupid
[19:43:40] <NCommander> If I can keep a connection open to lithium long enough
[19:43:40] <NCommander> Its connecting!
[19:46:48] <NCommander> xlefay, n1, art, Cyprus: https://dev.soylentnews.org
[19:46:50] <NCommander> Check out the shiny
[19:47:03] * arti investigates
[19:49:11] -!- KonomiNetbook has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[19:49:32] -!- Konomi has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[19:50:09] * NCommander hears silenec
[19:51:10] -!- KonomiNetbook [KonomiNetbook!~Konomi@Soylent/Users/189/Konomi] has joined #Soylent
[19:51:26] <NCommander> Shit
[19:51:35] * NCommander needs to tinker w/ ESCRIPT
[19:51:40] <Cyprus> error 2 getting url
[19:51:48] <Cyprus> but im just estatic to *see js* =P
[19:52:04] <NCommander> Cyprus, the request HTTP call must be slightly bugged
[19:52:10] * NCommander goes to get his mallet
[19:52:18] <Cyprus> it does appear slightly bugged
[19:52:25] <Cyprus> as it slightly doesn't work =P
[19:52:57] <Cyprus> are accounts not unified on dev?
[19:53:37] <NCommander> Cyprus, debugging it
[19:53:50] <NCommander> Cyprus, dev is a copy of the production DB from a few weeks ago
[19:54:03] <Cyprus> hmmm, weird, i should have a log in then
[19:55:21] <Cyprus> huh, what are the mini boxes between the +- boxes?
[19:55:37] <Cyprus> children too?
[19:55:51] <NCommander> Cyprus, ah, the problem appears to be https related
[19:55:58] <NCommander> firefox "blocked loading mixed active content"
[19:56:10] <Cyprus> not using relative links?
[19:56:22] <NCommander> Cyprus, slash doesn't use them at all
[19:56:26] <Cyprus> ahh
[19:56:30] <NCommander> Everything is absolute
[19:56:35] <Cyprus> thats... special
[19:56:46] <NCommander> Cyprus, go look at our style sheets
[19:56:49] <NCommander> Your mind will explode
[19:58:37] <NCommander> Cyprus, xlefay: works now
[19:58:43] <NCommander> At least in Chromium and Firefox
[19:59:16] <Cyprus> the boxes need some hovertext
[19:59:30] <Cyprus> ohohhhhhh yessssssssssss
[19:59:36] <Cyprus> you get a gold star
[19:59:47] <NCommander> Wish I could claim credit
[19:59:51] <NCommander> I didn't write this
[19:59:59] <Cyprus> you added it
[20:00:00] <NCommander> I just ported the greasemonkey script (which required all of about three changes to do + https fix)
[20:00:02] <Cyprus> thats the gold star
[20:00:23] <Cyprus> the guy that wrote it can have a cheerleader sandwhich
[20:00:30] <deadbeef> [SoylentNews] - Internet Trolls Are Sadists - http://sylnt.us - no-big-surprise
[20:00:31] <NCommander> Cyprus, https://dev.soylentnews.org - I have a gold star already :-)
[20:00:41] <NCommander> wow, epic timing is epic
[20:01:29] <NCommander> xlefay, your thoughts? :-)
[20:01:42] <xlefay> I want a gold star also :o
[20:01:52] <xlefay> it needs hovers, besides that, it's awesome :D
[20:02:24] <Cyprus> soooo awesome
[20:03:02] <NCommander> xlefay, hold on, what's your UID
[20:03:05] <NCommander> I'll give you a star on dev
[20:03:13] <xlefay> 65
[20:03:20] <NCommander> Cyprus, its funny. this is a 1/0th the size of D2
[20:03:20] <xlefay> I was 3 too early, unfortunately.
[20:03:21] <NCommander> *1/10th
[20:03:40] <NCommander> And yet so much better
[20:03:45] <Cyprus> horrible hacks usually are tiny =)
[20:03:51] <xlefay> rofl
[20:04:16] <NCommander> xlefay, U HAZ GOLD STAR
[20:04:24] <arti> heh
[20:04:36] <xlefay> w00t
[20:04:52] <arti> the germans gave those out, too
[20:04:59] <xlefay> auch
[20:05:24] <arti> :P
[20:05:35] <NCommander> Cyprus, honestly, this isn't horrid
[20:05:44] <Cyprus> i was just messing with you
[20:05:48] <Cyprus> i'm totally cool with this
[20:05:50] <NCommander> Its not fucking D2
[20:05:53] <NCommander> THAT's horrid
[20:05:57] <NCommander> And an abuse of JavaScript
[20:06:12] <xlefay> Least, we've got some now.
[20:06:29] <Cyprus> so so happu
[20:06:39] <Cyprus> s/u/y/
[20:06:39] <SedBot> <Cyprus> so so happy
[20:06:45] <NCommander> When it degrads, you get the exact old behavior
[20:06:46] <NCommander> yay
[20:06:56] <Cyprus> unlike nc's spelling =)
[20:07:01] <Cyprus> you get a bare Xlefay...
[20:07:12] * Cyprus ducks
[20:07:21] <NCommander> MY EYES
[20:07:22] * xlefay throws NC at Cyprus
[20:07:25] <xlefay> go have some bare guys!
[20:07:26] <Cyprus> GAH
[20:07:46] * xlefay hides
[20:07:51] <NCommander> I need to remove the alert() from the script
[20:07:58] <arti> console.log loves you
[20:08:04] <xlefay> ^^^^^^^^^^^
[20:08:22] <arti> i've mostly reformed from using alerts
[20:08:25] <arti> mostly.
[20:08:28] <NCommander> What's the best way to write to there?
[20:08:34] * NCommander honestly knows *shit* about JS
[20:08:36] <arti> Console.log('blah');
[20:08:36] <xlefay> alerts annoying
[20:08:39] <Cyprus> "print"
[20:08:50] <xlefay> Then, just open your firebug console, and it'll show there
[20:08:53] * arti nods
[20:08:57] <xlefay> for errors, console.error("w00t w00t");
[20:09:01] <arti> think of it as your debug... buffer
[20:09:11] <Cyprus> you guys should totally find a JS guy though, seriously
[20:09:13] <arti> beats 50x alerts
[20:09:21] <NCommander> Cyprus, I'm just going to hold a contest
[20:09:30] <arti> we can leave a trail of scripts, and then we'll have one under a box with a stick and some string
[20:09:32] <NCommander> Write the best greasemonkey scripts you can, we vote, the winners get intergrated into the site
[20:09:34] <NCommander> Win :-)
[20:09:36] <arti> and when they start fiddling with it, it'll trap them
[20:09:37] <xlefay> arti, my favorite is seeing developers new to JS doing alerts in loops ;-)
[20:09:43] <Cyprus> whosoever pulls this hack out of this rock, shall be king of horrible scripts?
[20:09:58] <arti> life is about hacks man
[20:10:08] <arti> you just tell yourself "i'l lcome back and do this right"
[20:10:10] <Cyprus> lol, gotta love the site being GM
[20:10:20] <arti> management: "it works? move on"
[20:10:23] <Cyprus> no no no, arti, it's "eh... fuck it"
[20:10:30] <NCommander> Cyprus, xlefay: what I'm going to do is add a user option
[20:10:36] <NCommander> "Enable Specific JS Functionality"
[20:10:42] <arti> "Enable HAX"
[20:10:44] <Cyprus> and then do it anyway? =)
[20:10:46] <xlefay> nah, it starts at "I'll look at it later" and later on it's "eh... fuck it, it works!"
[20:10:48] <NCommander> "Collaspable Comments Y/N"
[20:10:49] <NCommander> "Inline Reply"
[20:10:56] <Cyprus> that seems the / way to do things *grins*
[20:11:00] <NCommander> xlefay, slashcode was written on that design philsophy
[20:11:09] <NCommander> At least this awesome JS was GPL
[20:11:14] <xlefay> NCommander, so long as you integrate it in the little menu above comments, it sounds great
[20:11:16] <arti> hmmm that's cool
[20:11:33] <Cyprus> xlefay: you're giving them way to much credit, i bet it started out as "eh.. fuck it" just like this S2 did
[20:11:36] <NCommander> xlefay, I was going to put it on the user preferences page
[20:11:46] <xlefay> NCommander, makes no sense :P
[20:11:51] <xlefay> put it where it's most effective!
[20:12:02] <xlefay> e.g. mysql.pm comes to mind
[20:12:05] <NCommander> xlefay, so you want Improved {Threading/Nested}
[20:12:05] <xlefay> :P
[20:12:10] <NCommander> Since it works with both
[20:12:18] <Cyprus> call it "More improved" =P
[20:12:29] <xlefay> ugh, or better yet, make one option
[20:12:39] <Cyprus> heheheh
[20:12:42] <xlefay> "JS?": "Yes/No" then just enable JS wide or dsable it
[20:12:52] <Cyprus> i think they call that "NoScript"
[20:13:00] <NCommander> xlefay, we still need to strip out the rest of the JS on the site
[20:13:00] -!- Konomi [Konomi!~Konomi@Soylent/Users/189/Konomi] has joined #Soylent
[20:13:01] <xlefay> no need to fuss with dozen different switches, I'm guessing you'll do the in-line replies with JS also?
[20:13:19] <NCommander> xlefay, I'm feeling somewhat more confident in my JS abilities
[20:13:21] <xlefay> Cyprus, true.. I'd just enable it wide; and those who don't want it will degrade anyway
[20:13:27] <NCommander> Konomi, want to see something sexy?
[20:13:45] <xlefay> uh oh..
[20:13:54] <Cyprus> yeah, that's my point. I think the functionality is already built in for those that want it. Make the UI good, and let the clients deal with it
[20:14:04] * Cyprus mumbles something about Xlefay and Ncommander bare
[20:14:08] <xlefay> eeek
[20:14:21] -!- janrinok [janrinok!~janrinok@Soylent/Staff/Editor/janrinok] has joined #Soylent
[20:14:22] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v janrinok] by juggler
[20:14:22] * xlefay doesn't like that mumble.
[20:14:24] <NCommander> *looks at xlefay and then looks down*. I win :-)
[20:14:40] <NCommander> */pissing contest*
[20:14:43] <xlefay> NCommander, fake parts don't count ;-)
[20:14:51] <Cyprus> nah, clearly Poutine is the biggest dick in the room
[20:14:52] <Cyprus> =P
[20:15:02] <NCommander> ... I ain't touching that one
[20:15:06] <janrinok> looks like I arrived at the right time.....
[20:15:11] <NCommander> janrinok, want to see AWESOMENESS for the next release?
[20:15:12] <xlefay> !grab janrinok
[20:15:12] <deadbeef> Added quote 113
[20:15:18] <xlefay> janrinok, say no for your own sake
[20:15:23] <xlefay> it involves bareness!
[20:15:24] <NCommander> janrinok, do you use GreaseMonkey?
[20:15:31] <Cyprus> !quote bare
[20:15:31] <deadbeef> Quote 112 - <Cyprus> he want's you bare
[20:15:38] <janrinok> hi guys - NCommander no to greasemonkey
[20:15:44] * Cyprus really wishes I had grabbed the origonal comment
[20:15:47] <xlefay> greasing monkeys? ;-)
[20:15:48] <NCommander> xlefay, eh, he's british. He won't recognize sexy if it danced naked in front of him
[20:15:54] <xlefay> !grab NCommander
[20:15:54] <deadbeef> Added quote 114
[20:15:56] <NCommander> janrinok, https://dev.soylentnews.org - have your mind blown.
[20:15:57] <xlefay> That's true.. ;)
[20:16:34] <janrinok> looks good
[20:16:57] <xlefay> just wait till you see the console ;-)
[20:17:04] <janrinok> I remember sex - but I can't think what I did with it.....
[20:17:09] <xlefay> !grab janrinok
[20:17:09] <deadbeef> Added quote 115
[20:17:20] <xlefay> fuck yes, we're going to keep that one for abusive purposes in the feature.
[20:17:25] <xlefay> future*
[20:17:27] <xlefay> dammit
[20:17:51] <janrinok> hi xlefay - what a surprise!
[20:17:57] <xlefay> Is it 'you'?
[20:18:14] <janrinok> it's as 'me' as you're going to get
[20:18:34] <xlefay> Is that 'so'?
[20:18:50] <Cyprus> you guys sound 'retarded'
[20:18:54] <janrinok> I like 'dev' very much - just as I would want it!
[20:19:03] <xlefay> janrinok, bare & blue?
[20:19:54] <NCommander> janrinok, oh, you haven't seen the old hotness?
[20:19:56] <xlefay> how are ya today?
[20:19:58] <NCommander> janrinok, https://dev.soylentnews.org
[20:20:01] <janrinok> how dare you - I am going to stiffen my upper lip and give that remark a severe ignoring....
[20:20:03] <NCommander> User selectable themes :-)
[20:20:34] <xlefay> janrinok, I apologize!
[20:20:35] <NCommander> janrinok, drink your tea
[20:20:37] * NCommander ducks
[20:21:21] <janrinok> you guys have been working hard. And I'm going to get a cup of tea to celebrate! brb
[20:21:54] <swiss> juggs|afk: i might be goin sr20 now
[20:21:57] * NCommander notes I intergrated someone else's JS, not mine ...
[20:23:48] <arti> suuuuuuuure
[20:26:04] <NCommander> arti, what :-P
[20:26:30] <arti> we all know whomever touches it last, owns it
[20:27:00] <xlefay> :P
[20:27:12] <arti> that's how it works in IT
[20:27:17] <arti> ever fixed a relatives PC?
[20:27:18] <xlefay> That's why you never volunteer to fix something
[20:27:29] <xlefay> I'm just learning that lesson.. it's a tough one
[20:27:35] <arti> yeah... it bites
[20:27:51] <janrinok> Sod the tea, I'm having a glass of Ricard with chorizo nibbles!
[20:28:12] <xlefay> I'm afraid to ask, what exactly is that, janrinok ?
[20:30:06] <janrinok> Its a French spirit, typical of S France, and aniseed based. Goes with chorizo well though!
[20:30:19] <xlefay> "chorizo nibbles"
[20:30:26] <arti> oh
[20:30:29] <arti> it's like a sausage
[20:31:18] * arti usually enjoys it with eggs
[20:31:18] <xlefay> oh I see
[20:31:21] <xlefay> Well enjoy! :)
[20:31:26] <janrinok> its a spicey sausage, typical of Spain, N Africa and I thought Mexico
[20:31:33] <arti> that comes later, it's magic one it hits the digestive tract
[20:31:43] <arti> janrinok: correct w/ mexico
[20:32:34] * NCommander is hungry now
[20:32:36] <NCommander> Thanks guys
[20:32:37] <NCommander> Really
[20:32:50] * arti fans scents in NCommander's direction
[20:32:53] <janrinok> Sorry - but you shouldn't have mentioned tea...
[20:32:53] <xlefay> rofl
[20:33:12] * NCommander is trying to loose weight and appears to be failing
[20:33:38] <xlefay> be strong NCommander, be strong
[20:34:25] <janrinok> ...just taste a little one, one won't hurt you, then you can stop, but just have the one....
[20:34:38] <arti> NCommander: just buy terrible food
[20:34:44] <janrinok> lo;
[20:34:46] <janrinok> lol
[20:34:52] <xlefay> janrinok, you're evil :P
[20:34:53] <janrinok> that should also do it...
[20:34:56] <janrinok> yep
[20:35:16] * NCommander doesn't care of janrinok's sausage
[20:35:23] <NCommander> *for
[20:35:43] <janrinok> NC mocked British tea! That is a slur. No true Brit will take it without retaliation...
[20:36:01] <arti> colonize him!
[20:36:10] <janrinok> NCommander: I wasn't quite sure what you meant there, for a moment...
[20:36:20] <NCommander> janrinok, uh, you do realize British cuisine is the laughing stock of the world, right? :-P
[20:36:35] <xlefay> janrinok, LOL
[20:36:37] <janrinok> Just 1 up from American?
[20:36:39] <NCommander> Just like French technology and American culture!
[20:36:45] <xlefay> I would have grabbed it if it weren't for that stupid /me ;-)
[20:37:01] * NCommander is pretty sure he managed to insult everyone in the room; my work here is done
[20:37:06] <arti> hahaha
[20:37:08] <janrinok> rofl
[20:39:50] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@universe2.us/Subsentient] has joined #Soylent
[20:40:20] * NCommander jumps Subsentient
[20:40:40] -!- aqu4 [aqu4!~aqu4bot@universe2.us/ircbot/aqu4] has joined #Soylent
[20:40:47] <Subsentient> NCommander: derp
[20:40:59] -!- necronian has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[20:41:19] <NCommander> Subsentient, I'm playing with powers man was not meant to have
[20:41:30] <Subsentient> NCommander: such as?
[20:42:48] <NCommander> xlefay, do you think we really need a "disable JS" checkbox?
[20:42:48] <NCommander> Explicately?
[20:43:13] <Subsentient> $burrito NCommander
[20:43:13] * aqu4 chucks a nasty, rotten burrito at NCommander
[20:43:14] <Subsentient> tell me!
[20:43:34] <NCommander> Subsentient, https://dev.soylentnews.org - scroll down
[20:43:51] <Blackmoore> i agree with the buttong to disable.
[20:44:17] <Subsentient> NCommander: I don't get it
[20:44:18] <NCommander> I think it should just disable new functionality; ATM, we do have some embedded JS that isn't clear what does and doesn't need to be there
[20:44:22] <Blackmoore> i know one of the members who has his broswer disable the stuff anyways
[20:44:24] <NCommander> Subsentient, do you use noscript?
[20:44:40] <Subsentient> adblock
[20:44:41] <NCommander> or GreaseMonkey?
[20:45:05] <Subsentient> NCommander: The long post?
[20:45:16] <NCommander> Subsentient, you don't see the little + next to titles?
[20:45:43] <Subsentient> NCommander: Oh, AWESOME!
[20:45:53] <Subsentient> I was wondering why nested was no thte default behaviour
[20:46:26] <xlefay> NCommander, no
[20:46:29] <NCommander> Subsentient, I took the old greasemonkey script, and made it just a script
[20:46:42] <xlefay> NCommander, I think we should just let the browser handle it; and not have those checkboxes at all
[20:46:45] <NCommander> xlefay, k
[20:46:49] <janrinok> NCommander: you wait until all the myopic oldies, or those with poor eyesight for any reason, start asking why they are so small. You know, you can't win....
[20:47:00] <NCommander> janrinok, there's a big button option in the script
[20:47:06] <NCommander> And we'll add "test with NoScript" on release criteria
[20:47:27] <janrinok> Gets my vote, I wuz just sayin', thats all
[20:47:29] <xlefay> So, when are we adding the comment slider? ;-)
[20:47:40] <janrinok> he's never happy!
[20:47:54] <NCommander> .........................................................................................................................................................
[20:48:01] * NCommander pows xlefay right in the kisser
[20:48:11] <xlefay> 'kisser'?
[20:48:44] <Landon> what do you kiss with?
[20:49:05] <Subsentient> Landon: The tentacle under your armpits?
[20:49:12] * Landon punches Subsentient in the pits
[20:49:23] <xlefay> Depends on the situation ;-)
[20:49:25] <Subsentient> $burrito Landon
[20:49:25] * aqu4 chucks a nasty, rotten burrito at Landon
[20:50:05] <janrinok> I see the Friday night brawl is starting early this week....
[20:50:50] <xlefay> It's 2100
[20:51:07] * Subsentient is making the most insane thing ever on nationstates
[20:51:08] <Subsentient> http://www.nationstates.net
[20:51:31] <xlefay> janrinok, if any, it's late!
[20:52:50] -!- necronian [necronian!~necronian@mrltt.uberpurple.com] has joined #Soylent
[20:53:08] <Subsentient> What? Did the gerbils get you all?
[20:53:33] <janrinok> Oh my god, what have I stumbled upon. Subsentient - what is it?
[20:55:30] <Subsentient> janrinok: The undead gerbils swarm, of course!
[20:56:00] <janrinok> Of course, I knew that, I was just testing you....
[20:56:21] * janrinok looks confused but carries on regardless
[20:56:48] <xlefay> janrinok, so what else is new? :P
[20:56:55] <janrinok> lol
[20:57:08] <janrinok> you can be so hurtful
[20:57:27] <xlefay> aww, I don't mean it like that
[20:57:43] <Blackmoore> huh. i completely forgot about nationstates
[20:58:03] <n1> Blackmoore, the website/game?
[20:58:15] <Blackmoore> yeah
[20:58:23] <Blackmoore> i used to have a nation..
[20:58:28] <n1> oh yeah i just saw the link above
[20:58:29] <n1> me too
[20:59:37] <n1> you can reactivate your nation
[20:59:53] <Blackmoore> if a can remeber it
[21:02:16] <Subsentient> Blackmoore: you could just start making gerbils with me in the gerbil pit?
[21:02:38] <Cyprus> ncommander, i do agree the boxes are a bit small as well
[21:02:54] <Blackmoore> I could.
[21:03:57] <n1> i just reactivated my nation... "Its hard-nosed, hard-working, cynical population of 2.473 billion are ruled with an iron fist by the corrupt, dictatorship government, which oppresses anyone who isn't on the board of a Fortune 500 company"
[21:05:01] <Cyprus> oh wow, theres some nostalgia
[21:05:58] <Blackmoore> generated new nation
[21:06:32] <Blackmoore> The Federation of The Derogatory BaconGerbils of beyond
[21:08:34] <n1> lol
[21:09:00] -!- SirFinku_ [SirFinku_!~textual@l-64-313-06-125.hsd0.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
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[21:13:57] -!- SirFinkus [SirFinkus!~textual@l-64-313-06-125.hsd0.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[21:15:27] <Blackmoore> and moved to the gerbil pit
[21:17:02] -!- SirFinku_ has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[21:21:31] <deadbeef> [SoylentNews] - Researchers Convert Carbon Monodixe to Ethanol - http://sylnt.us - i'll-drink-to-that
[21:28:15] janrinok is now known as janrinok|afk
[21:30:53] <weeds> monodixe?
[21:31:32] <chromas> Monogamous lesbians
[21:32:38] <Cyprus> no one likes monogamous lesbians
[21:33:00] <n1> i will take my lashings now
[21:33:03] <weeds> plural of mono dykes?
[21:33:23] <weeds> no need, just wanted to let you know asap before a comment got it
[21:33:48] <Cyprus> oh monodixe
[21:34:15] <chromas> Yeah, you can only use a single pair of scissors for so long before they get dull
[21:36:58] <weeds> fixed before anyone had a chance to gripe - nice!
[21:37:42] -!- stdhell has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[21:38:18] <Blackmoore> luks liek we need beter spel chek... (myself included)
[21:41:28] -!- dx3bydt3 has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[21:41:46] <deadbeef> [SoylentNews] - Researchers Convert Carbon Monoxide to Ethanol - http://sylnt.us - i'll-drink-to-that
[22:02:18] -!- FunPika [FunPika!~FunPika@Soylent/Staff/Wiki/FunPika] has joined #Soylent
[22:02:18] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v FunPika] by juggler
[22:16:46] -!- Tachyon_ [Tachyon_!~Tachyon@xuco.me] has joined #Soylent
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[22:37:51] -!- janrinok|afk has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
[22:40:06] <Blackmoore> @Subsentient for the life of me I cant figure out how to send you a telegram.
[22:40:31] <deadbeef> [SoylentNews] - Star Trek Actress Duped into Pro-Geocentrism Movie - http://sylnt.us - dishonest-documentaries
[22:40:39] <swiss> why do i always need 2.5" sata drives....
[22:43:44] <Subsentient> Blackmoore: Lol
[22:46:01] <Blackmoore> eh, I need a plate so i can use a 2.5" drive in a 3.5" slot
[22:46:15] <Blackmoore> and I havent found one
[22:46:36] <Blackmoore> (may just grab sme scrap wood and make one)
[22:47:49] <swiss> http://www.amazon.com
[22:47:56] <swiss> i want like 3 of those
[22:48:08] <swiss> cause I use my NAS for all my larger files
[22:51:38] -!- weeds has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[22:53:01] MrBluze|afk is now known as MrBluze
[23:08:05] -!- kristian has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
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[23:21:08] -!- Space_Man [Space_Man!~Space_Man@91-886-365-69.static.enta.net] has joined #Soylent
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[23:24:30] -!- michealpwalls [michealpwalls!~michealpw@bp1-480.amherst.auracom.net] has joined #Soylent
[23:24:45] <michealpwalls> Yaaaaay, launch day! :D
[23:24:55] <michealpwalls> Things went "smoothly", too :D
[23:26:05] <Cyprus> lol
[23:26:57] <michealpwalls> The HR people love the system, so I'm happy :)
[23:27:04] <michealpwalls> And it didn't burst into flames, so I count that as success! :D
[23:29:28] <Blackmoore> yeah!
[23:29:50] <michealpwalls> (hifive)
[23:34:14] <Cyprus> thats a success in my book
[23:34:23] <Cyprus> client happy, and it didn't explode
[23:34:29] <michealpwalls> hehe yea
[23:35:37] -!- TK has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[23:38:41] <Blackmoore> (hifive)
[23:48:40] -!- Cyprus has quit []
[23:52:25] <deadbeef> [SoylentNews] - Swedish City Trying 6-hour Workdays - http://sylnt.us - waiting-for-government-mandated-siesta
[23:57:57] <Blackmoore> alright - excaping the cubicle. later.
[23:58:05] <michealpwalls> Good luck!
[23:58:05] <michealpwalls> :)
[23:58:13] -!- Blackmoore has quit [Quit: Web client closed]