#Soylent | Logs for 2014-03-23

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[00:06:26] <n1> well at least there's some good news... apparently after the budget the UK government announced freeing up peoples pensions, house prices are expected to go up 30%...
[00:10:29] -!- SoyCow666 [SoyCow666!~6c3b08b7@108.59.m.phh] has joined #Soylent
[00:11:51] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - NSA Targets System Administrators - http://sylnt.us - we-are-all-on-someone's-list
[00:28:11] <arti> n1: sounds like a good time to get into real estate
[00:29:02] <n1> far from it, it's a crash waiting to happen
[00:29:17] <arti> but real estate only has one place to go in value: UP!!!!
[00:29:23] <n1> average house in the UK is $412,000 now
[00:29:32] <arti> $ or pound?
[00:29:55] <n1> $
[00:30:04] <n1> $783,000 in London
[00:30:06] <arti> that's pretty good for around here
[00:30:20] <arti> yay for socal lol
[00:30:28] <n1> other areas throw it a lot
[00:30:35] <n1> you can buy houses reasonably cheap in some places up north
[00:30:40] <n1> but there's no work up there
[00:30:44] * arti imagines rocky cliffs
[00:30:50] <arti> yeah, that's always the crux
[00:30:57] <arti> "wow i can buy a house for the price of a nice car"
[00:31:03] <arti> work is nowhere around there
[00:31:08] <arti> you could hope for a telecommute though heh
[00:31:16] <n1> last year in the US, average house sold for $152,000
[00:31:50] <arti> there is a lot of country in the US
[00:32:05] <arti> there are also some extremely expensive areas
[00:32:11] <n1> yeah
[00:32:13] * arti digs up california real estate
[00:32:16] <n1> there's a diversity of industry too though
[00:32:26] <n1> here we put all our eggs in the financial services basket
[00:32:29] <arti> The median list price per square foot in California is $237. The median price of homes currently listed in California is $390,990 while the median price of homes that sold is $369,700. The median rent price in California is $1,675.
[00:33:00] <arti> The median price of homes currently listed in Orange County is $609,800 while the median price of homes that sold is $554,450.
[00:33:04] <n1> also a point, your properties will be much bigger
[00:33:11] <arti> depends where you buy honestly
[00:33:26] <arti> there are plenty of "developments" where several homes are stuffed on an acre
[00:33:35] <arti> open your window and punch your neighbor status
[00:33:57] <n1> thats all there is now
[00:34:07] <n1> where i used to live, they knocked down two houses on reasonable plots
[00:34:13] <arti> condos?
[00:34:15] <n1> built a new road and 12 houses
[00:34:19] <arti> niiiiice
[00:34:26] <n1> with half garages, odd shaped rooms
[00:34:37] <n1> "here's a garage, it's not for a car but it still counts"
[00:34:45] <arti> that made me lol
[00:35:15] <arti> well that practice is flourishing
[00:35:17] <n1> london has a low end of $742/sq ft
[00:35:28] <arti> london is an expensive town
[00:35:54] <n1> it's where i'm stuck though, as much as i don't want to be
[00:36:07] <arti> it has its perks, good dnb scene there
[00:36:20] <arti> how's the food? /waits for jokes
[00:36:30] * arti likes being near cities for thai food etc.
[00:36:42] <n1> the food is world class, if you can afford it, otherwise it's as variable as anywhere
[00:36:57] <Landon> wow
[00:36:59] <Landon> that's insane
[00:37:01] <arti> one thing i'd miss leaving here is authentic mexican food
[00:38:09] <n1> apparently, average home in the US is 201/m sq
[00:38:20] <n1> in the UK it's 76
[00:38:32] <arti> why not average all of europe?
[00:38:39] <n1> the chinese have bigger homes
[00:38:49] <n1> because europe isnt one country, because as much as we have free tavel
[00:38:51] <n1> travel
[00:38:53] <n1> we don't speak the language
[00:39:17] <n1> otherwise i'd already be in france, spain, portugal... just somewhere else
[00:39:33] <n1> france is 112 though
[00:39:33] <arti> these comparisons are about as insightful as comparing russia to luxembourg
[00:39:48] <n1> lol
[00:40:01] <n1> not one of these USA so big you cant compare people are you?!
[00:40:30] <arti> perhaps comparing by state would be a little better, since the states are about the size of countries
[00:40:32] <n1> that comparison was just as helpful also
[00:41:12] <arti> average price per square foot for New York NY was $1,372
[00:41:41] <arti> that price isn't for the entire state though
[00:42:20] <n1> i think california is a reasonable comparison
[00:42:29] <n1> California to the UK
[00:42:30] <arti> my point wasn't to be some USA tard
[00:42:50] <n1> oh i understand
[00:42:54] <arti> if you're looking for large homes, check out texas
[00:43:08] <arti> you can get a 4000sqft home for what i'm paying for rent here
[00:43:54] <n1> apparently, home sizes have been going up in the US for decades
[00:44:08] <arti> just pairty with the waistlines ;)
[00:44:17] <n1> http://www.census.gov
[00:44:29] <arti> fat people need fat houses, duh
[00:44:38] <n1> lol
[00:44:50] <arti> need cartman to do some real estate pitches
[00:46:52] <arti> how's the traffic there?
[00:46:54] <n1> i havn't watched south park in a while
[00:47:00] <n1> traffic, kills me slowly every day.
[00:47:02] <arti> ditto, but i still find it amusing when i do
[00:47:21] <n1> speed cameras, red light cameras, box junction cameras, bus lane cameras
[00:47:41] <arti> i work about 80miles from where i live, this wasn't planned. but i work remote 3+ days so it's nice
[00:47:43] <n1> excessive parking charges and ever reducing parking spaces
[00:47:54] <arti> LA has a crazy amount of meters
[00:48:03] <crutchy> hi arty
[00:48:03] <arti> driving there is its own beast
[00:48:08] <crutchy> g'oop
[00:48:12] <arti> hey crutchy! p'oop
[00:48:18] <n1> costs $75 to put half a tank of diesel in my car
[00:48:19] * arti brofists
[00:48:38] <arti> :|
[00:49:01] <arti> that sucks, we collect our taxes differently for our road stuff
[00:49:07] <arti> which is collected and then spent on non road stuff
[00:49:14] <n1> also pay 'road tax'
[00:49:26] <n1> which is about $300 a year for me
[00:49:27] <arti> and now that we want the roads fixed, they want to raise the tax, temporarily (HA) by 0.5c for 15 years to cover it
[00:49:51] <arti> i think we should just lynch them all.
[00:49:55] <n1> i dont go into central London by car, so no congestion charge for me
[00:49:58] <arti> pitch forks, and torches
[00:50:14] <arti> maybe some bbq, but mostly mob justice
[00:50:35] <arti> then later, drum circle time at the beach /heard about this on the radio
[00:50:50] <n1> the car i have at the moment tells me my average speed, i dont think ive reset it for quite a while
[00:50:56] <n1> i looked the other day, 26mph.
[00:50:59] <arti> LOL
[00:51:05] <arti> lifetime average?
[00:51:14] <n1> over a few months, maybe a year
[00:51:19] <arti> its like golf right? low score wins!
[00:51:22] <n1> and im pretty selective on when i travel too
[00:51:28] <n1> so i rarely spend any time in rush hour traffic
[00:51:38] <crutchy> maybe it drives itself around when you're asleep
[00:51:43] <n1> i'll start early and work late to avoid it
[00:51:49] <arti> that'd be cool
[00:51:54] <n1> when i used to work in central london
[00:51:59] <arti> "yeah one day i had cigarette burns in the fabric, fml"
[00:52:03] <n1> i could be 2 miles away from my destination
[00:52:06] <n1> could be 2 hours
[00:52:10] <arti> i've experienced that
[00:52:30] <n1> that was a daily thing, after the hour+ drive to get to that point
[00:52:37] <arti> fuck that, bike it
[00:52:39] <n1> i just cant do it any more
[00:52:43] <n1> tools and ladders
[00:52:53] <arti> oh, well that complicates things
[00:52:57] <n1> and that was another thing about the parking restrictions
[00:53:06] <n1> not being able to park anywhere but two streets away
[00:53:13] <n1> "maximum stay 2 hours, no return within 4"
[00:53:24] <arti> sounds blissful
[00:53:36] <n1> and when it's a 10minute walk each way, because you're so far away
[00:53:39] <n1> it gets really tedious
[00:54:00] <arti> maybe sweet justice will be using a parking meter to bludgeon a meter maid with
[00:54:01] <crutchy> get your tools couriered, walk to work, sign in, wait for tools to rock up, profit
[00:54:17] <n1> well, the company i worked for did actually have a central london office
[00:54:22] <n1> and they used to take the train
[00:54:29] <n1> and a company van would deliver their tools and stuff
[00:54:39] <arti> but then costs/reasons?
[00:54:45] <n1> but obviously, the line got drawn somewhere, and anything on the other side of their area
[00:54:46] -!- IT_phreak has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[00:54:47] <n1> was my problem
[00:55:11] <n1> when i was just starting out on a low wage
[00:55:20] <n1> i'd often spend more on parking for a day than i'd get paid
[00:55:31] * arti recalls a friend joking about taking the ferry in WA
[00:55:35] <n1> maybe getting some of it back a month later
[00:55:38] <arti> "spend 10 to make 20"
[00:56:04] <n1> yeah, it can be like that, i work for myself now, so i get to make the call on what goes down
[00:56:06] <arti> http://bash.org
[00:56:31] <n1> lol
[00:57:56] <n1> thank you for enabling my general rant this evening
[00:58:23] <arti> you're welcome, got some wieners heating up you're welcome to if you've worked up an appetite
[00:58:40] <n1> sounds good lol
[00:59:11] <arti> think i've got some new castle in there too
[00:59:15] * arti had a good friday night
[01:00:36] <n1> brown ale?
[01:00:43] <arti> yeah
[01:00:47] <arti> i also like boddington's
[01:01:05] * arti likes most beer
[01:01:16] <n1> not a fan of boddingtons
[01:01:24] <arti> i'm trying to quit smoking, the alcohol is the real test
[01:01:27] <n1> i was discussing with a friend the other day, ive never actually had New Castle Brown Ale
[01:01:54] * arti adds this to n1's bucket list
[01:01:59] <n1> i've been mostly drinking strong ales lately
[01:02:09] <n1> Old Crafty Hen is one of my favorites
[01:02:33] <arti> haven't had it, i like ales though
[01:02:42] <arti> good for what ales you :D
[01:02:47] <n1> lol
[01:03:05] <n1> i dont drink a lot these days, but i like to try different ales with a meal
[01:04:19] <n1> and if you ever get the chance, an old pub favorite of mine (and many many others) is "Ram & Special" ... which is half a pint of Youngs Special Ale and half a pint of Youngs Ram Rod together
[01:05:20] <n1> works in a pub because they pour the half of special from the tap, and ram rod comes in a bottle which you/they top off with
[01:08:28] <arti> sounds good
[01:09:10] <n1> i want one now lol
[01:09:28] <crutchy> i originally come from a town with a boutique brewery... local beers are always good
[01:09:46] <arti> unless you're the chap who doesn't enjoy it, and it is up there with hell on earth
[01:09:52] <crutchy> they won a few awards i think
[01:10:10] <n1> ive been disappointed a few times by 'local' beers
[01:10:16] <arti> i think we all have
[01:10:19] <n1> i think the emphasis was too much on 'local' and less on the beer
[01:10:37] <n1> "i was born here, ive lived here all my life, i made this beer here, it must be good, it's from here!"
[01:10:38] <arti> "man i have to drink the rest of this, should've stuck with the smaller cup"
[01:11:01] <crutchy> cup!?
[01:11:18] <arti> fine, thimble
[01:11:30] <crutchy> cups are what tits go into
[01:11:59] <arti> i made the mistake of getting a large krug
[01:12:04] <n1> i have a can of Old Speckled Hen
[01:12:05] <arti> 1.7litres
[01:12:10] <n1> i dont know if i can drink it from the can though
[01:12:11] <arti> my hand hurt by the end of the night
[01:12:12] <n1> just seems wrong
[01:12:24] <crutchy> come to straya... lots drink from can
[01:12:44] * arti usually folds those into something else
[01:12:50] <n1> aus?
[01:12:56] <crutchy> yup
[01:12:58] <arti> opposite of ins!
[01:13:00] * arti hides
[01:13:14] <n1> i drank a lot on aus, from bottles, which seems more refined.
[01:13:28] <arti> did you stick your pinky out too
[01:13:33] <n1> lol
[01:14:27] <crutchy> depends where you are
[01:14:35] <n1> VIC mostly
[01:14:58] <n1> with my Carlton FC cooler or what ever they're called
[01:15:01] <crutchy> vic is home of vb, traditionally from a can :-P
[01:15:12] <arti> visual basic.
[01:15:16] <n1> VB is awesome
[01:15:17] <crutchy> lol
[01:15:26] <n1> not the VB arti is talking about though heh
[01:15:30] <arti> quiet!
[01:15:34] <arti> IT IS AWESOME!
[01:15:37] <arti> you can prototype so fast
[01:15:42] <n1> i only ever saw VB in bottles from what i recall
[01:15:47] <crutchy> arti has a secret love affair with vb
[01:15:51] <arti> true story brah
[01:16:03] <arti> "fuck it, hold on i'll write you an app to do that"
[01:16:05] <crutchy> brah... wrong country mate :-P
[01:16:18] <arti> that's how they talk out in riverside, brah
[01:16:25] <arti> differet types of "bros"
[01:16:26] <crutchy> that's NZ
[01:16:37] -!- mattie_test [mattie_test!~mattie_te@i-73-121-697-34.hsd8.co.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[01:16:46] -!- bytram [bytram!~pc@Soylent/Staff/Developer/martyb] has joined #Soylent
[01:16:46] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v bytram] by SkyNet
[01:17:12] <arti> NZ, has some cool stuff too
[01:17:25] <arti> LOTR scenery, as well as courrant
[01:17:36] <arti> beyond that, maybe kim dotcom.
[01:18:09] <crutchy> they also have big fat gay men that paint themselves and dance funny
[01:18:21] <arti> we've got that too
[01:18:45] <arti> http://www.sfgate.com
[01:18:45] <crutchy> where you from again arti?
[01:18:50] <crutchy> ahh
[01:19:01] <arti> i'm from 'merica
[01:19:05] <stderr> https://twitter.com followed by https://twitter.com :-)
[01:19:14] <arti> needs more twitter
[01:19:25] <crutchy> might hold off on that link... have a 5 year old girly girl atm
[01:19:36] <arti> oh yeah, nsfw
[01:19:47] * arti wears the cone of shame
[01:19:57] <arti> there was a really good article years back
[01:19:58] <arti> hilarious
[01:20:14] <arti> guy walks around taking pictures, and they're blurred out, so you have to click on them to see them
[01:20:28] <arti> the police are seen as far away as possible at their little posts
[01:23:17] <n1> fail on not 'previewing' or actually just my comment on SN before posting ¬_¬
[01:23:25] <n1> +reading
[01:24:29] <n1> just talking about beer this evening has affected my coherence it seems
[01:24:39] <crutchy> previewing is -1 overrated
[01:26:29] <crutchy> holy carp the local brewery i mentioned won best wheat beer at 2010 uk beer awards
[01:28:10] <arti> that's pretty cool
[01:28:37] <arti> http://imgur.com
[01:29:00] <crutchy> for "natural blonde" (4.5%)
[01:29:49] -!- IT_phreak [IT_phreak!~smuxi@s-69-253-783-290.hsd0.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[01:29:59] -!- Ethanol-fueled [Ethanol-fueled!~46b32d49@uz08-407-28-56.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #Soylent
[01:30:03] <crutchy> not the CUB version though, which apparently came later
[01:30:16] <Ethanol-fueled> 'Sup.
[01:30:22] <crutchy> g'day
[01:30:27] <arti> sup Ethanol-fueled
[01:30:32] * arti tosses a new castle
[01:30:46] <arti> we should get some cans and shotgun them
[01:30:50] * arti only has bottles
[01:30:52] <arti> :|
[01:30:52] * Ethanol-fueled chugs newcastle
[01:31:02] <Ethanol-fueled> arti, bottles are cool too.
[01:31:32] <arti> i prefer bottles, but you can't poke holes in the side as easily
[01:31:55] <crutchy> bottles don't work as telecommunication devices that well
[01:32:02] <crutchy> though if you drink enough they might
[01:32:28] <Ethanol-fueled> over here we fill old beercans with water, stack them, and shoot them from a distance with BB guns.
[01:32:42] <Ethanol-fueled> extra points for trick shots.
[01:32:46] * arti listens intently
[01:32:58] <Ethanol-fueled> The only real rule of the game is that the shooter has to be drinking beer.
[01:33:07] <arti> i think this is a good game
[01:33:32] <Ethanol-fueled> even more extra points for invoking a funny and offensive meme before the shot.
[01:34:03] <crutchy> trick shots like this: https://www.youtube.com
[01:34:35] <Ethanol-fueled> crutchy: that's pretty badass.
[01:34:46] <Ethanol-fueled> no discharging within city limits though :(
[01:34:48] <arti> agreed
[01:35:01] <IT_phreak> take the shots like a shooter
[01:35:04] <Ethanol-fueled> have to go out to the desert and rick being caught if you wanna paint the sand dunes with bunny blood.
[01:35:12] <IT_phreak> i drink it perfect so they call me sharpshooter
[01:35:13] <Ethanol-fueled> risk^
[01:35:19] <stderr> https://twitter.com
[01:35:47] <crutchy> omfg: https://www.youtube.com
[01:36:20] <Ethanol-fueled> Holy shit, they must have a minigun.
[01:37:49] <Ethanol-fueled> http://www.youtube.com
[01:39:34] <Ethanol-fueled> The best part (besides the kids in the car screaming) is when he beats out the taillight.
[01:41:04] <crutchy> i think that's a case where you need to combine the sandy shoot video with that crack head one
[01:41:12] <crutchy> have the minigun pointed at the crack head
[01:41:23] <arti> big sandy seem like sweet places to go
[01:41:26] <crutchy> mashing into little tiny pieces
[01:41:27] <arti> oh i've seen that video Ethanol-fueled
[01:41:35] <arti> the way the car drives back and forth always makes me crack up
[01:41:58] * crutchy is glad he lives a few thousand miles from there
[01:42:05] <arti> las vegas
[01:43:14] <Ethanol-fueled> I skipped the video to the good part for your pleasure, but there's a whole other youtube video dedicated to translating his rant in the first 38 seconds of the video.
[01:43:35] <arti> [ This is why you get rental insurance ]
[01:44:01] <Ethanol-fueled> agreed, arti, and why you should never go to Vegas anyway, hahaha
[01:44:12] <arti> it's fun for about 2 nights
[01:44:18] <Ethanol-fueled> True, true.
[01:44:19] <arti> had some wild times there
[01:44:45] <arti> didn't know anal ringtoss was a real thing
[01:44:50] <Ethanol-fueled> hahahahah
[01:45:04] * arti made it to the final round
[01:45:34] <Ethanol-fueled> Punk Rock Bowling I believe is going on in Vegas...
[01:46:06] <Ethanol-fueled> oh my bad, its not.
[01:47:12] <arti> Ethanol-fueled: https://www.youtube.com
[01:48:01] <Ethanol-fueled> hahaha arti, you from L.A.?
[01:48:10] <arti> oc
[01:48:25] <Ethanol-fueled> (i'm always drunk when on here, so I don't remember when people tell me the first time)
[01:48:31] <Ethanol-fueled> (no offense)
[01:48:40] <Ethanol-fueled> haha arti, the music is awesome.
[01:48:40] <arti> i smoke a lot, so i clear my cache frequently
[01:48:46] <Ethanol-fueled> hahahaha
[01:49:16] <Ethanol-fueled> I call bullshit. Based on the decor the guy is from SD or maybe orange county...but not L.A.
[01:49:36] <arti> well maybe he used to live there, he's got some good vids
[01:49:43] <arti> drinks 24,000 calories
[01:49:50] <Ethanol-fueled> Hahah, of what?
[01:49:55] <arti> olive oil
[01:49:56] <mattie_test> testing
[01:50:02] <Ethanol-fueled> hahah, fucking nasty.
[01:50:10] <arti> oh dude
[01:50:12] <Ethanol-fueled> mattie_test--
[01:50:12] <Bender> karma - mattie_test: -1
[01:50:13] <arti> here you gotta see this one
[01:50:21] <Ethanol-fueled> bix_nood++
[01:50:22] <Bender> karma - bix_nood: 6
[01:50:28] <arti> https://www.youtube.com
[01:50:58] <mattie_test> Ethanolfueled--
[01:50:58] <Bender> karma - ethanolfueled: -1
[01:51:17] <mattie_test> right back at ya, Ethanol
[01:51:21] <Ethanol-fueled> Ethanolfueled--
[01:51:21] <Bender> karma - ethanolfueled: -2
[01:51:30] <Ethanol-fueled> nobody likes a low-life troll.
[01:51:41] <arti> nobody says i want to be a low-life troll when i grow up
[01:51:42] <Ethanol-fueled> arti, watching somebody else puke never gets old.
[01:52:00] <arti> there was one video, i purposely didn't watch frequently to keep it funny
[01:52:05] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Fighting cancer by 'Expoloding' cancerous cells - http://sylnt.us - pop-goes-the-weasel-er-mouse
[01:52:08] <Ethanol-fueled> my friends and I have a tradition that we all actually point our fingers and laugh when one of us pukes.
[01:52:26] <Ethanol-fueled> And record it on camera
[01:52:44] <Ethanol-fueled> Had a nice video of my friend smoking meth, but youtube took it down for terms of use violation.
[01:52:47] * arti has fond memories of a pals 18th birthday where this occured
[01:53:23] <arti> infact, there is a picture of me behind him when he's bent over barfing, his face looked like it was about to burst
[01:53:29] <Ethanol-fueled> hahaha
[01:56:12] -!- Tachyon_ [Tachyon_!~Tachyon@xuco.me] has joined #Soylent
[01:56:12] -!- Tachyon has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[01:57:50] <Ethanol-fueled> Have you all ever had a feud with a neighbor? Care to share experience?
[01:58:15] <arti> you mean where you get them evicted?
[01:59:19] <Ethanol-fueled> No, just when they're really obnoxious.
[01:59:37] <Ethanol-fueled> I'd like to get the sonofabitch evicted.
[01:59:38] <Ethanol-fueled> hahaha
[01:59:42] <arti> besides stereo stuff nah
[02:00:10] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Fighting Cancer by 'Exploding' Cancerous Cells - http://sylnt.us - pop-goes-the-weasel-er-mouse
[02:00:25] <arti> how funny i saw that article on another story
[02:00:50] <Ethanol-fueled> arti, you didn't see it on the other site did you? that would mean you're a traitor.
[02:01:06] <arti> let me see where i found it
[02:01:14] <Ethanol-fueled> A Mississippi White woman dating a Black man.
[02:01:22] <Ethanol-fueled> feeling his turgid cock in both your hands.
[02:01:36] <arti> it was for something unrelated, it was one of the other recommended stories on the side
[02:01:58] -!- IT_phreak has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[02:04:02] <arti> meh i can't find it
[02:04:33] <Ethanol-fueled> Hey admins, when are we gonna be offered the choice to pay 5 bucks to read our entire comment history as well as the entire comment history of others?
[02:04:56] <Ethanol-fueled> Actually, since I'm a nice guy, I'd make a 20 dollar donation with more on the way depending...
[02:05:14] <mattie_test> have you posted that to !Suggestion?
[02:05:28] <xlefay> mattie_test: doesn't work
[02:05:34] <mattie_test> or suggestions@soylentnews.org?
[02:06:00] <mattie_test> xlefay, we took it down?
[02:06:17] <Ethanol-fueled> mattie, I will store that e-mail address and prepare a list of suggestions. MrCoolBP has also offered me his e-mail for suggestions.
[02:06:27] <xlefay> mattie_test: there was an issue with
[02:06:52] <mattie_test> Ethanol-fueled, that box goes to MrCoolBP
[02:07:12] <Ethanol-fueled> Well, shit, it's about time I get off my ass and submit those suggestions.
[02:07:47] <Ethanol-fueled> I've been feeling a little squeamish, though, because I get the impression that your ideologies get in the way of accepting monies :)
[02:09:45] <arti> well maybe they'll take bitcoin
[02:09:54] <arti> since it's either an investment or a currency depending on who you're talking to
[02:21:23] -!- mattiep [mattiep!~mattie_p@Soylent/Staff/Editor/mattiep] has joined #Soylent
[02:21:23] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mattiep] by SkyNet
[02:23:19] -!- mattie_test has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[02:24:43] -!- mattie_p has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[02:25:40] <Ethanol-fueled> I've submitted an e-mail to suggestions@soylentnews.org
[02:31:09] -!- Tachyon__ [Tachyon__!~Tachyon@xuco.me] has joined #Soylent
[02:31:09] -!- Tachyon_ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[02:40:20] -!- FunPika has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[02:47:57] -!- Ethanol-fueled has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[02:52:45] -!- IT_phreak has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[02:55:50] MrBluze is now known as MrBluze|afk
[02:55:56] MrBluze|afk is now known as MrBluze
[03:00:49] <juggs> Anyone else experienced any issues logging into SN using the login panel in the right hand column from the main page after a session timeout?
[03:03:08] <juggs> Doesn't log me in, just drops me back at the main page unauthenticated. Have to go to the "Create Account/Log In on the Nav panel to get logged in.
[03:03:23] <xlefay> juggs: SSL?
[03:03:29] <juggs> nope
[03:03:59] <juggs> oh wait - now it just failed to log me in via that 2nd option too
[03:04:23] <xlefay> juggs: if you sign in via SSL, you get redirected to non-ssl, but if you go back to SSL you're signed in
[03:04:30] <xlefay> we've got the SSL stuff semi fixed
[03:04:37] -!- IT_phreak has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[03:04:38] <xlefay> lemme check if I can replicate the non-ssl login
[03:04:51] <juggs> xlefay, I've never knowingly visited via SSL.
[03:05:06] <xlefay> juggs: signing in works fine for me, both ssl and non-ssl
[03:05:26] <xlefay> Maybe there's a bad cookie on your side which is interfering?
[03:06:07] <juggs> xlefay, check this for wierd. I goto http://soylentnews.org and login - that appears to log me in and drops me back to the homepage which says I have 2 Messages.
[03:06:31] <juggs> so I click on messages and get this: You are not logged in to the system. But the ID on the top banner of the page is (1)
[03:06:35] <juggs> eek
[03:06:43] <xlefay> Oh my.
[03:06:54] <juggs> good job I'm not logged in !!
[03:07:04] <xlefay> works fine here
[03:07:18] <xlefay> 1 = AC
[03:07:29] -!- Tachyon__ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[03:07:29] <juggs> let me clear my caches n stuff
[03:07:52] -!- Tachyon [Tachyon!~Tachyon@xuco.me] has joined #Soylent
[03:08:06] <NCommander> juggs, ?
[03:08:21] <NCommander> juggs, SSL is still semi-borked
[03:08:25] <juggs> NCommander,
[03:08:37] <juggs> NCommander, not using ssl, just hhtp
[03:08:48] <juggs> s/hhtp/http
[03:08:49] * SedBot tosses a / to joggs
[03:08:49] <NCommander> weird
[03:08:59] <juggs> s/hhtp/http/
[03:08:59] <SedBot> <jeggs> NCommander, not using ssl, just http
[03:09:06] <NCommander> Weird
[03:09:11] <NCommander> jeggs?
[03:09:16] <juggs> bite me SedBot LO
[03:09:23] <juggs> yup
[03:09:32] <juggs> lol
[03:09:36] <juggs> da fuq
[03:09:53] <juggs> SedBot has been on the beer
[03:09:53] * SedBot is a 53-line awk script, https://github.com
[03:11:31] bytram is now known as Bytram|afk
[03:11:42] <juggs> OK - how come I have no soylentnews.org cookies set. I think something is screwy my end.
[03:12:29] <xlefay> NCommander: yea haha, SedBot changes the nickname to be offensive if someone forgets a /
[03:12:44] <xlefay> "That'll teach 'm"
[03:12:49] <juggs> :P
[03:12:55] <xlefay> It also implements some xkcd awesomeness
[03:13:05] <xlefay> You see the internet is this huge blog
[03:13:08] <xlefay> s/the/teh/
[03:13:08] <SedBot> <xlefay> You see teh webnet is this huge blog
[03:13:28] <xlefay> x'D
[03:15:09] <juggs> okaayyy.... can't login with either Chromium or Firefox with clean profiles.
[03:15:13] <xlefay> hmm
[03:15:19] <xlefay> That's weird
[03:15:25] <xlefay> !current-uid
[03:15:25] <Bender> The current maximum UID is 3931, owned by andersjm
[03:15:28] * juggs shakes fist at ISP caching
[03:15:43] <juggs> brb
[03:16:15] juggs is now known as juggs|afk
[03:17:02] * NCommander is also adding in more users to the ldap
[03:17:52] <NCommander> hrm
[03:17:52] <NCommander> oops
[03:25:41] Bytram|afk is now known as Bytram|zzzzzzzz
[03:32:16] -!- Bytram|zzzzzzzz has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[03:33:57] -!- prospectacle [prospectacle!~3a6b4258@i24-623-18-23.mit014.act.optusnet.com.au] has joined #Soylent
[03:37:56] juggs|afk is now known as juggs
[03:40:47] <juggs> all sorted. can only assume it was an isp caching annoyance. the joys of internet connectivity via 3G - it's reminiscent of the AOL caching disasters in the 90's. To my knowledge I am at least triple nat'd right now lol
[03:43:28] -!- prospectacle has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[03:53:21] <juggs> and it's broken again
[03:57:47] * juggs has an idea to pipe an ssh tunnel from desktop to a vps then SOCKS firefox to use that. Let's see those pesky kids cache that!
[04:02:46] -!- IT_phreak [IT_phreak!~smuxi@s-69-253-783-290.hsd0.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[04:05:28] * juggs chuckles an evil laugh. It was thought and lo it was done. Wow it even seems snappier than not tunnelling halfway around the world, I guess they haven't traffic shaped the hell out of ssh traffic.
[04:05:37] <xlefay> hahaha
[04:06:26] <juggs> where there is a will, there is a way :D
[04:08:09] <juggs> either that or some evil SN developer is randomly incarcerating my account to send me mad >.>
[04:10:23] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@universe2.us/Subsentient] has joined #Soylent
[04:31:18] -!- Alberto has quit [Quit: Banzai!]
[04:31:30] -!- Alberto [Alberto!~bet0x@soisd.emanon-linux.org] has joined #Soylent
[04:31:57] -!- Alberto has quit [Changing host]
[04:31:57] -!- Alberto [Alberto!~bet0x@HelloAmigosCometoEatSomeTacos] has joined #Soylent
[04:32:33] <MrBluze> Alberto: your tacos got bacon?
[04:32:46] <juggs> As it's quiet, I'm going to throw something out to the floor for kicking around. Should SoylentNews allow submissions that are opinion pieces rather than submissions purely being predicated on "news" dug up elsewhere? I know we have "news" in our site name, but the name is up for debate and we kind of seem to be in agreement that it's more about the discussion than the news. As an example; an opinion piece titled "The state of Science today". abstra
[04:32:46] <juggs> ct "IMO the scientific approach whilst it doubtless propelled us through the Enlightenment and the Industrial and embryonic Technological age has now become so tightly entangled with political aspirations and corporate greed that pure science and our fundamental progress as a result is being stymied" Body "Some opinionated diatribe around the abstract with refs to big money and big politico spending purely in areas that are profitable to those peopl
[04:32:46] <Alberto> yes sir
[04:32:48] <Alberto> :)
[04:32:49] <juggs> e and corps in the near term. The long term vision has been choked out of what science once was - a benefactored philanthropic effort to genuinely understand the world around us, how best to use that knowledge to help us etc. etc. etc.". I think that sort of thing, if done well, could be quite good discussion starters and differentiate SN from the herd of news aggregators. No doubt flame wars would ensue - but meh we have moderation down already if
[04:32:55] <MrBluze> that's ok
[04:32:56] <juggs> things get too out of hand and we know how to have an adult discussion without it descending to fisticuffs (I hope). Just a musing. Thoughts?
[04:32:59] <juggs> BOOM!
[04:33:04] <stderr> Did someone say bacon?!
[04:33:07] <stderr> bacon++
[04:33:07] <Bender> karma - bacon: 181
[04:33:13] <juggs> bacon++
[04:33:14] <Bender> karma - bacon: 182
[04:33:37] <MrBluze> juggs: news IS opinion
[04:33:55] <MrBluze> u pull apart any news article and u find usually around 20% facts, 80% interpretation
[04:34:01] <MrBluze> and 110% statistics
[04:34:30] <stderr> And 100% bacon
[04:34:44] <MrBluze> everything is 100% bacon in my life
[04:34:48] <stderr> Mmm... Bacon...
[04:34:49] <xlefay> stderr: s/100/10000000000000000000000000/
[04:34:57] <juggs> MrBluze, true - but is is preformed, mechanically reclaimed opinion put through a filter provided by whichever "news" provider"
[04:36:06] <MrBluze> yes
[04:36:28] paulej72 is now known as paulej72_away
[04:36:30] <MrBluze> and if some bullshit is published on sn, we call BS on it and have a nice dung fling
[04:37:15] <crutchy> juggs: i like opinions more than news... most news is subjective anyway
[04:37:29] <crutchy> oh sorry
[04:37:30] <crutchy> bacon++
[04:37:30] <Bender> karma - bacon: 183
[04:37:56] <crutchy> bacon++ <<< the customary bow to address someone in soylent irc :-P
[04:37:56] <Bender> karma - bacon: 184
[04:39:15] <juggs> MrBluze, perhaps "opinion pieces" was the wrong choice of wording. Perhaps I should have phrased it as "Personal Insight Pieces" or something. I'm not suggesting submissions that are designed to cause dung fights - more a move to insightful thought provoking pieces rather than purely just rehashing "news" as a gadjillion others do. Just an idea.
[04:40:10] <crutchy> bacon++ juggs: you mean like what wikipedia would call "oRiginal Research"... sounds good to me :-)
[04:40:10] <Bender> karma - bacon: 185
[04:41:26] <MrBluze> yeah i know what u mean though juggs
[04:41:35] <crutchy> bacon++ make soylent into a kind of peer review platform or primary source for new stuff
[04:41:35] <Bender> karma - bacon: 186
[04:41:37] <MrBluze> i think it ought to be a rare event to get one of those
[04:41:50] <MrBluze> unless its maybe by a member of the website like a journal
[04:41:55] <MrBluze> or particularly insightful or interesting
[04:42:16] -!- ground has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[04:42:18] <crutchy> anyone involved in set@home or any of those boinc projects?
[04:42:42] <crutchy> a little journal piece on experience with those might be cool
[04:42:59] <stderr> I'm involved in bacon@home
[04:43:37] <crutchy> i've been trying to get involved in sex@home but i keep getting a connection error
[04:43:51] <SirFinkus> nachos++
[04:43:51] <Bender> karma - nachos: 1
[04:44:10] <MrBluze> crutchy: i got a broken pipe error
[04:44:25] <crutchy> lol nothing worse than a broken pipe to sex@home
[04:45:03] <xlefay> !grab crutchy
[04:45:03] <Bender> Added quote 59
[04:45:16] <stderr> crutchy: 402? 406? 411?
[04:46:29] <crutchy> i think it's something like 020 - 070
[04:46:34] <crutchy> very small
[04:46:38] <crutchy> :-P
[04:47:04] <Bender> [bet0x] cruntchy is ugly and lives peanut butter
[04:47:12] <Bender> [bet0x] loves*
[04:47:29] <juggs> crutchy, I'm not sure how we become a primary source without a massive global membership, where someone gives their firsthand tale to us rather than some $$ paying media empire.
[04:47:35] * crutchy would like to admit that he does indeed live peanut butter
[04:47:48] * MrBluze smears peanut butter over bet0x's screen
[04:49:02] * stderr notes that /me's ain't copied to the other channel...
[04:49:17] <Bender> [bet0x] lol
[04:49:31] <crutchy> stderr: ke?
[04:49:32] <xlefay> stderr: that's been known for a long time
[04:49:35] * stderr also notes that if you move the space, MrBluzes action can be a lot more dirty...
[04:49:45] <crutchy> is this copied to another channel?
[04:49:48] <xlefay> we used that in the past to talk and avoid poutine from reading ;-)
[04:49:55] <crutchy> lol
[04:50:12] <crutchy> #nsa
[04:50:12] <Bender> [bet0x] poutine is gay
[04:50:29] <Bender> [bet0x] poutine--
[04:50:29] <Bender> [!] karma - poutine: -13
[04:50:30] * MrBluze knows that. stderr
[04:50:40] <crutchy> not no strings attached (moves space back to avoid the dirty wrath of mrbluze)
[04:50:43] * stderr says... crutchy: bet0x is on the other channel, so he wouldn't see MrBluzes action...
[04:50:46] <juggs> bet0x are you from the USA by chance?
[04:50:54] <xlefay> stderr: except Alberto is here too
[04:51:01] <xlefay> Alberto = bet0x
[04:51:03] <Alberto> Its me
[04:51:04] <Alberto> :D
[04:51:10] <MrBluze> oh lol
[04:51:21] <MrBluze> poutine-+
[04:51:23] <crutchy> is there people talking to us from another dimension or something?
[04:51:24] <Bender> [bet0x] or is not...
[04:51:34] <Alberto> who knows!
[04:51:39] <Bender> [bet0x] true that!
[04:51:43] <Bender> [stderr_dk] crutchy: Yes...
[04:51:48] <xlefay> I'm feeling so inclined to just mute bender :P
[04:51:56] <Bender> [bet0x] hahahaha
[04:52:14] <crutchy> as long at they aren't romulans
[04:52:26] -!- amblivious [amblivious!~rj@203.184.xn.xwy] has joined #Soylent
[04:52:26] <xlefay> !grab crutchy
[04:52:26] <Bender> Added quote 60
[04:52:30] <xlefay> That's a keeper
[04:52:42] <Alberto> xlefay, web ui for that quotes please!
[04:52:45] * xlefay notes he now has a desire to watch star trek :<
[04:52:54] <xlefay> Alberto: it's on the roadmap that I have yet to publish
[04:52:57] <Alberto> xlefay, wich one
[04:53:04] <xlefay> all of them...
[04:53:07] <Alberto> xlefay, want me to help coding that?
[04:53:10] <Alberto> code that*
[04:53:14] <crutchy> i'm sure there is some seven of nine porn somewhere on the interblags
[04:53:15] <xlefay> Depends what language you're thinking of
[04:53:24] <xlefay> crutchy: s/blags/net/
[04:53:24] <SedBot> <xlefay> <crutchy> i'm sure there is some seven of nine porn somewhere on the blagoblag
[04:53:32] <Alberto> xlefay, what language you want
[04:53:36] <crutchy> lol blagoblag
[04:53:42] <crutchy> love it
[04:53:44] <crutchy> :-)
[04:53:55] <xlefay> Alberto: Some perl, in conjuction with .Net, add some ASP and some VB and we should be set, right?
[04:54:11] <Alberto> xlefay ....
[04:54:11] <crutchy> ooh yeah i'll be in on that... throw in some gotos
[04:54:23] * Alberto wanted to help :{
[04:54:24] <crutchy> and pointers to nowhere
[04:54:27] <xlefay> Use a lot of globals ala crutchy style
[04:54:39] <crutchy> ]lol yeah that too :-P
[04:54:46] <xlefay> Alberto: I'm not sure yet
[04:55:02] <Alberto> i can do it plain and easy
[04:55:03] <xlefay> I'm thinking of just making a PHP powered API with lot's of infos from bender available for others to grab
[04:55:24] <Alberto> 1 file system, php, 5 hours max with bootstrap "basic" structure, safe and friendly
[04:55:27] <xlefay> /api/quotes/channame, etc, /api/search/ etc..
[04:55:29] <crutchy> probably would get more fingers in the pie with php
[04:55:47] <xlefay> mind you... I'm not talking about a website initially
[04:55:53] <crutchy> perl is like one of those long lost languages that you need to turn your brain inside out to understand
[04:55:55] <xlefay> just an API to grab data for others to use
[04:56:32] <crutchy> socket api?
[04:56:37] <crutchy> or text file?
[04:56:52] <xlefay> JSON responses mostly
[04:57:00] <Alberto> why not xml?
[04:57:12] <xlefay> XML = evil
[04:57:32] <xlefay> crutchy: nothing complex, I'm not even sure why I'm referring to it as an API
[04:57:49] <crutchy> is json another one of those xhr/ajax abomonations?
[04:57:52] <xlefay> guess that's just easy.. just a small webserver, where you can grab certain urls, post to them, etc.. and grab information
[04:58:23] <crutchy> heard of it but never used it
[04:58:40] <xlefay> JSON's a javascript thing but it's generally used for the so-called API's
[04:58:53] <xlefay> http://www.json.org
[04:59:21] <MrBluze> json is just a data container like xml afaik ?
[04:59:32] <xlefay> http://www.json.org
[04:59:43] <crutchy> i'm gunna sound like a total dumarse, but what is xml good for?
[04:59:55] <xlefay> crutchy: I second that besides the dumarse
[05:00:11] <MrBluze> xml ... config files and stuff like that
[05:00:20] -!- ground [ground!~ground@192.3.wnw.w] has joined #Soylent
[05:00:23] <xlefay> That can be done way simpler than xml
[05:00:27] <crutchy> seems like a waaaay overly complicated way of organising things
[05:00:31] <MrBluze> i prefer to use sqlite because u can do more with it and secure it easily if needed
[05:00:43] <xlefay> SQLite isn't even comparable to XML
[05:00:49] <crutchy> even a simple conf format seems better than xml
[05:00:50] <MrBluze> no, its not comparable
[05:00:54] <xlefay> XML s markup
[05:01:01] -!- Subsentient1 [Subsentient1!~WhiteRat@216.161.ghn.ql] has joined #Soylent
[05:01:14] <MrBluze> yes, crutchy, conf files are fine for that
[05:01:26] <crutchy> i guess browsers are better designed for parsing markup
[05:01:37] <MrBluze> but if u are going to store all the UI element locations, default values, printer settings, all that stuff, xml is ok
[05:01:39] <xlefay> they generally don't parse xml
[05:01:50] <xlefay> well they do...
[05:01:59] <xlefay> but they generally just syntax color the plain xml
[05:02:17] <MrBluze> but i still prefer sqlite, because u can do more with it - u aren't restricted to a strict nested data structure
[05:02:38] <xlefay> I really prefer PostgreSQL if we're going to talk SQLite..
[05:02:50] <juggs> Quick question - if a submission gets "Accepted" does that mean it gets posted immediately to the main page or sits in some release schedule?
[05:02:50] <xlefay> SQLite is for simple things, small, etc.
[05:02:52] <MrBluze> xlefay: sqlite is ok because no server needed
[05:03:02] <xlefay> juggs: depends on the size of the queue last I heard
[05:03:06] <xlefay> err.. submission queue*
[05:03:17] <xlefay> if there are few submissions it gets scheduled, if there are a ton it gets published directly
[05:03:22] <MrBluze> sqlite also very good because the libraries have nice encryption rolled into them
[05:03:38] <crutchy> juggs: last i heard it depended on the number in the queue
[05:03:47] <crutchy> if there's lots banking up they realease immediately
[05:03:52] <crutchy> otherwise they space it out
[05:03:56] <crutchy> or something like that
[05:04:47] <crutchy> my submission from last night still hasn't been accepted/rejected yet
[05:05:15] <MrBluze> sqlite3: .. encryption, free editors, small, fast, light, very good set of sql commands, fairly good concurrency (i find u can have about 8 users of one sqlite file without problems), and consistent over time (old sqlite3 file from 2008 readable by any sqlite today)
[05:05:22] <juggs> fair enough. I'm new to submitting stuff (never bothered on /.)
[05:05:35] <xlefay> MrBluze: actually, NC mentioned that paste.ubuntu uses sqlite
[05:05:46] <xlefay> so that does mean SQLite can handle a whole lot more than people give it credit for
[05:06:01] <xlefay> (although I'm sure they're implementing some magic... if there's one thing I've learned, Canonical implements magic.)
[05:06:12] <MrBluze> xlefay: it does ... the code i have uses about 10mb files with some 1000's records .. but u have to tidy up the database now and again
[05:06:25] <MrBluze> also i have designed a distributed database using sqlite3
[05:06:29] <xlefay> Still. Nothing. Beats. PostgreSQL.
[05:07:18] <MrBluze> ... sqlite wins when u have off-network data entry, etc.. u can have a virtual file system.. kind of a sneaker-net, with sqlite3
[05:07:26] <crutchy> xlefay: agreed. once i finishing migrating my mysql_* calls to pdo i'll probably try postgresql
[05:07:28] -!- Subsentient2 [Subsentient2!~WhiteRat@216.161.ghn.ql] has joined #Soylent
[05:07:42] <xlefay> MrBluze: nope, it doesn't
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[05:07:55] <xlefay> SQLite is way to limited compared to PostgreSQL
[05:08:08] <MrBluze> postgresql needs a server
[05:08:13] <MrBluze> doesnt it?
[05:08:15] <crutchy> server++
[05:08:15] <Bender> karma - server: 1
[05:08:17] <xlefay> Of course it does
[05:08:20] <MrBluze> there
[05:08:35] <xlefay> And sure, PSQL's replication stuff is A PAIN but......
[05:08:43] <crutchy> you can always just use the php ini file routines
[05:08:53] <MrBluze> distributed databases are meant to be largely serverless
[05:08:58] * crutchy looking up php.net
[05:08:59] <xlefay> PSQL will kick your little SQLite file in the butt
[05:09:12] <crutchy> parse_ini_file
[05:09:15] <xlefay> crutchy: I just died
[05:09:23] <crutchy> http://us1.php.net
[05:09:29] <xlefay> I just died again
[05:09:30] <crutchy> xlefay: sorry to hear that :-(
[05:09:45] <crutchy> ini files bad?
[05:09:52] <xlefay> For database stuff?
[05:09:53] <xlefay> fuck yes
[05:10:08] <crutchy> i thought you just talking about some kind of api thingy?
[05:10:15] <xlefay> ooh.. then yes, it's still back
[05:10:19] * xlefay just had a walk in memory lane
[05:10:20] <crutchy> sorry for db hell yeah i agree
[05:10:22] <MrBluze> xlefay: for example, a medical record system in sqlite3 ... encryptable, mergable / splittable / emailable, thumbdrive-able, and it can be huge or tiny, it becomes a file system within a file
[05:10:45] <MrBluze> and without effort can be absorbed into a server based sql database
[05:10:45] <xlefay> I remember someone at the college I attended writing a PHP system that used a fucking flat file database in conjunction with folders
[05:10:49] <xlefay> I WAS ABSOLUTELY HORRIFIED
[05:10:51] -!- Subsentient1 [Subsentient1!~WhiteRat@216.161.ghn.ql] has joined #Soylent
[05:10:57] <xlefay> He was grabbing contents from one file, another, another, etc.......
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[05:11:04] <xlefay> and his IF statements were absolutely horrible
[05:11:16] <crutchy> disclaimer: i don't use ini files for storing dbs
[05:11:19] <xlefay> he did if (file_exists(one) ... elseif (two) ... elseif
[05:11:26] <xlefay> up to thousand! in multiple files!
[05:12:18] <xlefay> Honestly, he did that.
[05:12:19] * MrBluze wrote a sqlite3 merger / splitter that would spread the database into a folder tree, or merge it back to a single file ... then export it as an sql statement, etc
[05:12:22] <crutchy> actually i tell a lie i use simple delimited txt files for a little timesheet delphi program
[05:12:42] <crutchy> but in that case date naming worked pretty well
[05:12:47] <xlefay> When I saw that, I just walked away without saying one word.. needless to say, he and I never talked again
[05:13:42] <xlefay> MrBluze: I would honestly, never ever consider writing anything like that in SQLite.
[05:14:00] <xlefay> I don't think SQLite is even acid compliant, is it?
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[05:14:19] <crutchy> for an api to php i would prolly just use sockets
[05:14:45] <xlefay> crutchy: really depends what api you're referring too.......
[05:14:47] <MrBluze> xlefay: its more useful than u think ... it means ordinary users can backup the database using a file copy, merge records with a file copy, etc, understand the structure of their data by browsing the file tree and send fragments of the database as email attachments to colleagues
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[05:15:15] <crutchy> dunno i can't remember... what were we talking about again?
[05:15:21] <xlefay> What I meant with API is, simply: you call, /quotes/channel-name and you get a json response containing all quotes for that channel name
[05:15:23] <MrBluze> crutchy: xml
[05:15:36] <xlefay> err, /quotes/chan/channel-name
[05:15:42] <crutchy> it was something to do with porn i think
[05:15:45] <xlefay> and for search you simply post to /quotes/search/ etc
[05:15:50] <MrBluze> and because sqlite3 doesnt need a server u can use the data on mobile devices without needing a network connection
[05:16:09] <crutchy> good thing about a socket api is that anyone can hook into it with any language
[05:16:37] <xlefay> MrBluze: I just don't consider sqlite to actually be something for the enterprise or something that's viable long term for "lots of data" that is
[05:16:55] -!- Subsentient has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
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[05:17:04] <xlefay> For instance, the ban db of the IRCd, it uses SQLite, the cloaking module from stderr, uses SQLite. Those things, it's good for sure
[05:17:08] <MrBluze> xlefay: it's used all over the place now - heaps of mobile apps use sqlite3
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[05:17:22] <xlefay> Maybe I'm just biased towards PostgreSQL tho ;-)
[05:17:31] <MrBluze> well the use for it is in the field
[05:17:34] <MrBluze> not in the big office block
[05:17:46] <crutchy> if you already using postgresql, adding another table aint hard
[05:17:48] <MrBluze> its at the client side
[05:17:50] <xlefay> I personally only use SQLite whenever I build something that's of no importance or I need to make it portable for a crappy reason
[05:17:58] <xlefay> crutchy: you'll love schema's in PostgreSQL..
[05:18:08] <crutchy> they different from mysql?
[05:18:15] <stderr> xlefay: We did talk about maybe later changing that to PostgreSQL...
[05:18:19] <xlefay> I'll keep you in expense ;-)
[05:18:26] <MrBluze> the stuff i write has to work off-line especially if the user is walking into a dead-zone like a faraday cage
[05:18:30] <crutchy> as long as i can still do "schema.table" format i'm happy
[05:18:32] <xlefay> stderr: correct, but like I said, for now, SQLite would suffice - it's perfect for it even
[05:18:43] <xlefay> crutchy: hah.. you really should look into it
[05:19:02] <stderr> xlefay: As long as there's only one IRC-server, yes. Or you do the name thingie...
[05:19:04] * crutchy is scared of postgresql now
[05:19:08] <xlefay> http://www.postgresql.org
[05:19:16] <xlefay> stderr: correct
[05:19:24] * crutchy wraps himself up in oracle blanky
[05:19:52] <xlefay> db > schema > tables/etc... | does MySQL do that too?
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[05:19:57] <xlefay> I thought MySQL just did db > tables/etc...
[05:20:15] <MrBluze> it does schemas
[05:20:21] <crutchy> mysql just has schema > table as far as i know
[05:20:24] <xlefay> I've found db.(production|dev).tables extremely useful
[05:20:39] <xlefay> also, db.<plugin_name>.tables
[05:20:42] <crutchy> i always use schema.table in my sql statements though
[05:21:17] <crutchy> especially when i'm doing subqueries in the same statement... if i don't i get confusled
[05:21:33] <xlefay> Also PostgreSQL's inheritance = awesome.
[05:21:40] <crutchy> db.plugin.tables sounds ominous
[05:21:45] <crutchy> almost slash-like
[05:21:48] <xlefay> In short, PostgreSQL makes life so much easier
[05:22:11] -!- Cyprus [Cyprus!~Bob@2001:470:e2cf:hy:sunq:iphz:vwwn:vlpm] has joined #Soylent
[05:22:32] <crutchy> i haven't heard much bad news about postgresql though so when i'm all pdo'd up i'll be sure to give it a shot
[05:22:33] <xlefay> crutchy: but it does make things nice
[05:22:51] <xlefay> Instead of having plugins auto create stuff in your regular schema, they just get to use their own schema
[05:23:19] <crutchy> you talking about creating temp tables on the fly?
[05:23:37] <xlefay> No, take a look at this:
[05:23:59] <xlefay> Database whatever, regular schema is called 'public' your regular tables are in there, you then install a plugin called "whatnot", which get's it's own schema 'whatnot'
[05:24:11] <xlefay> now you've got: whatever.public.<tables> & whatever.whatnot.<tables>
[05:24:21] <xlefay> public = default so whatever.table = whatever.public.table
[05:24:31] <xlefay> I suppose you can compare it to namespaces
[05:24:41] * xlefay notes he hasn't used schema's that much yet though
[05:24:59] <crutchy> that kinda sounds a bit mysqlish... i tend to be explicit in my sql (even i can shorten)
[05:25:11] <xlefay> how does that sound mysqlish?
[05:25:28] <crutchy> mysqlish you can set the default schema and then just use the table name in your sql
[05:25:42] <xlefay> but MySQL doesn't support multiple schema's does it?
[05:25:47] <crutchy> yeah
[05:25:52] <Cyprus> it sort of does
[05:25:59] <xlefay> "sort of"?
[05:26:40] <xlefay> I'm curious now, from 'sort of' I'm guessing it's implemented differently than on PostgreSQL?
[05:26:50] <crutchy> i don't set default schema though cos i prefer to use the schema.table syntax, which also allows me to jump between schemas (if i wanted to)
[05:26:53] <Cyprus> not sure how i'd explain it, its not as native as psql
[05:27:09] <Cyprus> though i stopped using my so it may have gotten better
[05:27:51] <xlefay> last I used MySQL it was just 'db.table' didn't know they supported schema's..
[05:27:57] <xlefay> so technically, it looks similar crutchy
[05:28:02] <crutchy> schema = database in mysql
[05:28:28] <xlefay> hmm
[05:28:30] <Cyprus> 5 was the start of a more schema based design
[05:28:33] <crutchy> not aware of a schema of schemas in mysql
[05:28:41] <crutchy> just schema of tables
[05:28:47] <xlefay> crutchy: the difference in the schemas your referring to is a database in your examples
[05:29:03] <xlefay> Cyprus: aah I've been using PostgreSQL so long ;-)
[05:29:12] <crutchy> mysql doesn't seem to refer to "database"
[05:29:19] <xlefay> I'm happy with the new arrival of JSON in PSQL 9.3 though ;-)
[05:29:30] <xlefay> crutchy: MySQL is a weird boat that deserves to sink
[05:29:32] <Cyprus> i never will understand why people like json
[05:29:37] <MrBluze> mysql has json afaik ?
[05:29:41] <crutchy> database is just everything available in the connection i guess
[05:29:51] <stderr> Well, one good thing about SQLite: I can easily use it where the zone files for tzdata-javascript is hosted. Makes it really easy to dump the access.log to a database so it's easier to run weird queries on the access log.
[05:30:00] <Cyprus> heh sqllite
[05:30:02] <crutchy> i heard lots of bad things about json... esp security-wise
[05:30:07] <xlefay> stderr: that's a really good explanation
[05:30:13] <xlefay> crutchy: how can json be a security hole?
[05:30:23] <Cyprus> ^^
[05:30:25] <xlefay> It's just to store values... it's not a service of any sorts...?
[05:30:42] <crutchy> i'll google... it was a while ago when i read
[05:30:50] <Cyprus> well now that i think about it
[05:30:54] <Cyprus> since it's all inband
[05:30:57] <Cyprus> i could see issues
[05:31:17] <crutchy> this wasn't what i read but http://security.stackexchange.com
[05:31:31] <stderr> xlefay: Maybe malformed JSON that can't be parsed... Some people use eval()-like functions to parse JSON...
[05:31:48] <crutchy> tbh i can't remember xlefay
[05:32:06] <xlefay> crutchy: well json itself CANNOT be a security risk, note the "itself"
[05:32:11] <Cyprus> anything that mixes data and control directly can be an issue if its malformed and listened to
[05:32:14] <xlefay> but things like stderr mentioned could happen
[05:32:14] <crutchy> but it kind of turned me off when i read it
[05:32:51] <xlefay> crutchy: http://www.json.org
[05:33:06] <xlefay> I don't particularly see how that in itself can be used as a security risk ;-)
[05:33:13] <stderr> crutchy: Note that the link is to one of those stack-* sites... A lot of idiots hang around in those places...
[05:33:23] <crutchy> i don't know how it's used.. i guess it might have been something to do with the implementation/framework/whatever
[05:33:34] <xlefay> For instance, Bender stores all quotes in the JSON format
[05:33:42] <xlefay> in fact.. Bender stores a lot of things in JSON format
[05:33:48] <xlefay> (probably why it's called jsonbot...)
[05:34:28] <MrBluze> my experience with json was working with ajax .. and it is a pain in the arse
[05:34:31] <crutchy> some of the original stuff i read might have been from stack but i doubt it would have been just there. though i was younger and more impressionable at the time
[05:35:03] <xlefay> MrBluze: ajax + json = great, it generally saves a lot of bandwidth
[05:35:08] <crutchy> i don't like ajax. i would rather implement my own rpc with hidden iframe
[05:35:08] <xlefay> how was it a pain in the arse?
[05:35:22] <Cyprus> ewww iframe
[05:35:25] <xlefay> ^
[05:35:37] <Cyprus> i think i just threw up in my mouth a little
[05:35:42] <crutchy> lol
[05:36:03] <stderr> crutchy: A JSON object is basically just a JavaScript Object written as a string. To convert it back to a JS object, stupid people use eval()... Now if they try to eval() something that isn't JSON, they might run some code instead.
[05:36:11] <crutchy> anyone that can stomach ajax should have no probs with iframes :-P
[05:36:41] <Cyprus> the security risk of json is really the implemenation of the parser
[05:36:46] <crutchy> stderr: mkay. i never used it but fair enough
[05:36:51] <Cyprus> you don't want to run into an issue like the captian crunch wistle
[05:39:11] <MrBluze> xlefay: its become easier with js libraries that clean things up, but when i was writing ajax by hand from scratch i had to write parsers for json
[05:39:28] <xlefay> oooooh
[05:39:34] <xlefay> Yes... well. I won't deny that
[05:39:46] <xlefay> that was the crappiest time, that's why most of us wrote our own home baked crap to deal with it
[05:39:49] <MrBluze> .. this was 5+ years ago
[05:40:00] <Cyprus> Nothing more fun than reinventing the same wheel as everyone in existance
[05:40:06] <crutchy> mrbluze: that was prolly when i read about the security risks
[05:40:11] <xlefay> Cyprus: trust me, that wasn't fun back then
[05:40:29] <xlefay> besides many hadn't publicized their crap or it missed functionality, etc..
[05:40:37] <Cyprus> theres a reason im not a web coder
[05:40:40] <MrBluze> Cyprus: there weren't wheels much then
[05:41:02] <Cyprus> i wasnt judging, i remember the same problems
[05:41:08] <Cyprus> rolling my own ajax code etc
[05:41:10] <MrBluze> but then php included json support etc
[05:41:19] <MrBluze> before that u needed a java server
[05:41:20] <crutchy> was json+ajax something that eventually sorta evolved into xhr?
[05:41:25] <crutchy> dunno just guessing
[05:41:42] <crutchy> xhr being implemented by newer browsers
[05:41:55] <Cyprus> ?? xhr
[05:41:59] <MrBluze> i mean seriously, for just a bit of snazzy dynamic web crap? too much work for no gain .. a client side UI kicks ajax's ass even now
[05:42:14] <xlefay> MrBluze: before php included json functions you simply run whatever you wanted through your own function
[05:42:25] <xlefay> heh...................
[05:42:26] <MrBluze> yes xlefay
[05:42:26] <crutchy> Cyprus: http://en.wikipedia.org
[05:42:36] <xlefay> ajax kicks ass tho..
[05:42:42] <Cyprus> oh
[05:42:44] <xlefay> say what you want, but it definitely helps a lot
[05:42:46] <Cyprus> i feel stupid now
[05:43:05] <Cyprus> wait, i thought xml wasn't really used now?
[05:43:08] <MrBluze> it is fine now, if u use some js framework or whatever - then why not
[05:43:12] <Cyprus> have we gone back to xml?
[05:43:12] <crutchy> consisten implementation of xhr is probably a more recent thing in browsers
[05:43:29] <xlefay> MrBluze: as long as you use Backbone.JS, fine.
[05:43:39] <xlefay> Least, you keep your JS crap in check with that
[05:43:53] <xlefay> crutchy: 2+ years now iirc
[05:43:55] <stderr> Cyprus: XMLHttpRequest can be used for text that isn't XML... Like JSON...
[05:44:22] <crutchy> yeah that's what i guessed
[05:44:39] <xlefay> (in fact, most of the time it isn't used for XML at all)
[05:44:44] <crutchy> maybe ajax+json might have been the forerunner (workaround) before xhr
[05:44:45] <MrBluze> well which js library u use is nearly immaterial, but u have to use one.. still it's a mess - it's a bastardized marriage between server / client that is still evolving
[05:45:06] <xlefay> eh
[05:45:10] <xlefay> crutchy: ajax uses xhr
[05:45:21] <crutchy> yeah but xhr is a browser thing
[05:45:27] <crutchy> built in
[05:45:30] <xlefay> Yes, because JS is ran on the browser side too
[05:45:30] <stderr> That's pretty much what the X is...
[05:45:30] <MrBluze> xhr was a M$ invention and it is the one thing that made it all possible
[05:46:04] <stderr> You could do it without XMLHttpRequest, but... you didn't really want to... :-)
[05:46:04] <xlefay> least XHR turned into something useable
[05:46:12] <crutchy> but before xhr built into all browsers consistently, developers would have to doctor up some kind of system to do rpc using ajax
[05:46:20] <MrBluze> yep
[05:46:23] <crutchy> xlefay: yeah
[05:46:41] <MrBluze> but its still a patch
[05:46:53] <stderr> Now we just need fucking IE to understand the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header...
[05:47:00] <crutchy> lol
[05:47:12] <xlefay> LOL
[05:47:12] <stderr> Instead of having to use yet another trick to make stuff work in IE...
[05:47:14] <xlefay> That's so fucking true
[05:47:15] <Cyprus> i'm still waiting for the day that IE isn't terrible
[05:47:23] <crutchy> ms keeps telling us they are much more w3c compliant
[05:47:26] <xlefay> Well, honestly.. with IE10, things cleared up a lot
[05:47:31] <Cyprus> ie10
[05:47:43] <crutchy> all it does it demonstrate how bad it was to begin with
[05:47:56] <Cyprus> ms can't even force people to move to windows 7, much less 8
[05:48:03] <MrBluze> ms have done some good things for the net .. but only maybe 1 or 2
[05:48:12] <stderr> xlefay: Does it understand the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header? If not, I don't care about it...
[05:48:19] <crutchy> they sort of helped create mozilla
[05:48:21] <xlefay> Let's be honest now though. M$ has a lot of crappy stuff, but they did do some good things too
[05:48:27] <xlefay> (don't ask me what though.. but I'm sure they did)
[05:48:43] <Cyprus> oh i agree, there still isn't a decent competitor to exchange, or their ad system
[05:48:45] <stderr> xlefay: Microsoft Bob?
[05:48:55] <crutchy> lmao
[05:48:58] <xlefay> I was thinking about Sam, but bob could work sure
[05:49:03] <crutchy> is there a microsoft bob wm for linux?
[05:49:08] <crutchy> that would be so awesome
[05:49:31] <Cyprus> i mean i'd rather shoot myself than try to set up kerberos, ldap, dns, etc outside of ad
[05:49:43] * juggs waves hands and says "I you're not using PICK you're doing in wrong"
[05:49:43] <xlefay> Cyprus: I think NCommander feels a lot like that right now.
[05:49:57] <xlefay> We've got LDAP & DNS up so far.
[05:49:59] <Cyprus> yeah i was reading and laughing at his misery in the logs on the plane ride home
[05:50:00] <xlefay> He's working on Kerberos now
[05:50:09] <Cyprus> what made me think of it =P
[05:50:13] <xlefay> hah
[05:50:18] <crutchy> i just make shit up as i go... i only google after something breaks
[05:50:27] <xlefay> I have to say though, the set up so far is absolutely awesome
[05:50:33] <crutchy> lucky i'm not a real programmerer
[05:51:22] <Cyprus> no doubt its great once set up
[05:51:24] <Cyprus> but omg
[05:51:55] <xlefay> ^
[05:52:28] <Cyprus> like wheres the magic easy button
[05:52:32] <Cyprus> its a simple stack
[05:52:34] <stderr> Random comment: The "America/New_York" timezone is VERY popular... Much more popular than number 2, "Europe/Paris"...
[05:52:35] <xlefay> ^^^^
[05:52:49] <xlefay> stderr: for what?
[05:52:58] <Cyprus> why oh why oh WHY do they have to make it so FING PAINFUL to set up across 30 FING config files and 7 databases
[05:53:01] <stderr> tzdata-javascript...
[05:53:07] <crutchy> producing porn
[05:53:13] <xlefay> I see
[05:53:17] <stderr> xlefay: Top 5:
[05:53:18] <stderr> 801 /zoneinfo/Europe/London
[05:53:18] <stderr> 838 /zoneinfo/America/Los_Angeles
[05:53:18] <stderr> 1079 /zoneinfo/America/Montreal
[05:53:18] <stderr> 1321 /zoneinfo/Europe/Paris
[05:53:18] <stderr> 6988 /zoneinfo/America/New_York
[05:53:31] <Cyprus> isnt the new york one just the default in a lot of crap?
[05:53:35] <xlefay> stderr: I think you should fake the stats!
[05:53:42] <xlefay> Just make Europe/Amsterdam more popular.
[05:53:58] <stderr> 34 /zoneinfo/Europe/Amsterdam
[05:54:05] <xlefay> eh
[05:54:07] <xlefay> whatnow?
[05:54:11] <crutchy> what about 9999 / zoneinfo/australia/bumfuck_west
[05:54:13] * xlefay opens Apache Bench.
[05:54:23] <stderr> xlefay: 34 requests for Amsterdam...
[05:54:25] <Cyprus> crutchy++
[05:54:25] <Bender> karma - crutchy: 38
[05:54:33] <xlefay> stderr: that's why I'm opening ab
[05:54:49] <Cyprus> im suprised they even need a tz entry for australia/bumfuck_west, do they even have computers?
[05:54:54] <xlefay> !grab Cyprus
[05:54:54] <Bender> Added quote 61
[05:55:40] <crutchy> we need pyewta to map locations of dangerous animals that want to kill us
[05:55:55] <stderr> If you use the library as intended, the zoneinfo is cached locally, so another way of seeing this data is "people who are using the New York timezone might not be using any caching"...
[05:56:24] <xlefay> ^
[05:56:53] <stderr> crutchy / Cyprus: As far as I can tell, that timezone doesn't exist...
[05:57:35] <crutchy> stderr: tell me you didn't look that up
[05:57:38] <xlefay> LOL
[05:57:52] <stderr> My world map demo is still the number 1 referer...
[05:57:57] * Cyprus dies laughing
[05:58:59] <stderr> Followed by "-", the tzdata-javascript.org front page, the mycharityboxes.com front page and the front page for campus.synergologie.org...
[05:59:46] <stderr> I should have split the referer header into two columns in the database, domain and resource...
[06:01:11] <stderr> http://localhost:1688 Hmm... :-/
[06:01:21] <xlefay> LOL
[06:01:28] <xlefay> ain't that awesome? ;-)
[06:01:38] <juggs> ahh hindsight... everything could have been done better had only they known what we now know. Laugh at it, build on it, or come up with something better.
[06:02:01] <stderr> xlefay: Almost as awesome as
[06:02:16] <xlefay> not sure about that one..?
[06:03:09] <crutchy> aspx
[06:03:13] <crutchy> eww
[06:03:14] <stderr> xlefay: It's a referer... Someone sitting behind a NAT
[06:03:32] <xlefay> stderr: yea and the 'test' probably shows they're testing/building before deploying it somewhere
[06:03:53] juggs is now known as juggs|afk
[06:04:02] <stderr> Interesting...
[06:04:17] <xlefay> cause home's where the heart is, no?
[06:04:21] <Cyprus> is this kinda like hey my password is *****?
[06:04:29] <Cyprus> oh look it shows up as stars
[06:04:34] <xlefay> ;')
[06:05:21] <stderr> (BTW: That domain name is not registered yet, if someone wants to see if they can make some quick money...)
[06:05:34] <stderr> xlefay: But .3?
[06:05:45] <stderr> is there too...
[06:06:07] <stderr> http://localhost:11033
[06:09:11] <crutchy> could the ip have been spoofed?
[06:09:29] <stderr> crutchy: Sure... It's just the "Referer:" header.
[06:09:29] <crutchy> i see some weird shit in my logs
[06:10:08] <stderr> I also see requests where google.com is the referer. I seriously doubt they're using my library.
[06:10:25] <stderr> If they were, I would see A LOT more requests. :-)
[06:10:36] <crutchy> anyone know how to spoof the host header on android?
[06:11:34] * crutchy sorry for offtopic
[06:12:20] <stderr> The "Host:" header? Hmm... The easy way might be if you're on wifi can can control the local DNS...
[06:12:46] <xlefay> Doesn't host say, you want to visit a specific site?
[06:12:55] <stderr> It does.
[06:13:46] <stderr> But an A record for "foo" in your local DNS, pointing at "bar"'s IP-address... Request "foo" from your phone... Request shows up at "bar" with a "Host: foo"-header.
[06:14:03] <stderr> No idea why you want to do that... But you could...
[06:15:17] <stderr> Ah... So that's why New York is so popular... 2496 http://www.mycharityboxes.com/ /zoneinfo/America/New_York
[06:15:59] <stderr> And Paris and Montreal is popular because of campus.synergologie.org...
[06:19:44] <crutchy> i wanna access a locally hosted site, but i can't edit hosts on my android phone
[06:20:12] <crutchy> dns setting in router might be possible
[06:20:26] <crutchy> not sure how to do that but i'll look into it thanks :-)
[06:21:24] <crutchy> but "blah.dev" apache vhost
[06:22:22] <stderr> You could make it the default vhost and access it by the IP-address?
[06:22:49] <crutchy> yeah i guess
[06:23:33] <crutchy> i 404'd my default a while ago when it was public-facing in a dmz but since it's only lan now i could do that
[06:23:48] <crutchy> actually i can't remember the code
[06:23:52] <crutchy> prolly not 404
[06:24:02] <crutchy> whatever unavailable is
[06:24:07] <crutchy> 503 or something
[06:28:19] -!- Cyprus has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[06:29:12] -!- Cyprus [Cyprus!~Bob@2001:470:e2cf:sg:kyvj:sshr:vnr:jshj] has joined #Soylent
[06:30:11] <crutchy> hmm i should have a squiz at my router log more often
[06:31:09] <crutchy> can't see any kind of router setting, but makes sense cos host header isn't packet level anyway
[06:31:32] <Cyprus> dont expect a router to change your host header
[06:31:53] <crutchy> thought maybe it had some kind of dns options
[06:32:28] <crutchy> but it's just a cheap nat router
[06:34:11] <crutchy> there's a default dmz server setting... wonder if that could work like a loopback
[06:34:22] <crutchy> meh dunno
[06:34:35] <xlefay> fuck that reminds me
[06:34:43] * xlefay logs into modem, removes DMZ setting
[06:39:47] -!- Cyprus has quit [Quit: ThrashIRC v2.9 sic populo comunicated]
[06:51:55] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - The Lunar Apatite Paradox - http://sylnt.us - its-really-made-of-cheese || Toyota Admits to Misleading Consumers on Safety - http://sylnt.us - money-talks
[06:58:59] * MrBluze has developed another healthy dislike for OSX
[07:00:01] <MrBluze> ... /volumes/mobilebackups .. is 5 times the actual hard drive size ... seems OSX likes to quietly record everything you do on the computer and make the most obscene forensics trail ever
[07:00:19] <MrBluze> and in a matter of a month or two it fills your hard drive to 100%
[07:00:47] <MrBluze> a time machine 'feature' .. seriously what good is a backup on the actual device that you run your OS on? ... it is not stupid, its malicious of them
[07:04:46] <Popeidol> it lets you recover accidentally wiped data
[07:05:23] <MrBluze> thats what trash is for
[07:05:33] <MrBluze> and if i want a time machine i setup an external device
[07:05:43] <xlefay> "wiped" generally indicated removed permanently
[07:05:44] <MrBluze> it never asks if i want a running record of my every activity
[07:05:47] <Popeidol> It's the equivalent of shadow copy/volume snapshots
[07:05:56] <MrBluze> i know.. but it's not consented
[07:06:00] <MrBluze> it's opt-in and sneaky
[07:06:24] <MrBluze> luckily i dont trust osx anyway .. but yeah proves it
[07:07:37] <stderr> MrBluze: That would be "opt-out"...
[07:08:05] <MrBluze> uh.. yeah that
[07:09:04] <MrBluze> .. 'sudo tmutil disablelocal' fixes it
[07:09:29] <stderr> ... make it yourself
[07:09:36] <xlefay> LOL
[07:09:38] <xlefay> !grab stderr
[07:09:38] <Bender> Added quote 62
[07:09:51] <Popeidol> it's a pretty handy feature for your average user though
[07:10:18] <MrBluze> Popeidol: yeah no problem if the software bothered to tell you about it or ask you
[07:10:50] <stderr> xlefay: That quote is pretty useless without the previous line.
[07:11:08] <xlefay> stderr: no, not really, we can use it in the future
[07:11:35] <xlefay> 'xlefay abusing quotes to write less lines since 2014.'
[07:12:27] <MrBluze> Popeidol: the reason for backups is in case of device failure, mainly
[07:13:08] <Popeidol> MrBluze: agreed, but I don't think that part is classed as a 'backup
[07:13:13] <Popeidol> or it shouldn't be
[07:13:29] <MrBluze> it's a space chewer, and a forensics aid
[07:13:41] <MrBluze> especially since people are mostly unaware of its existence
[07:13:59] <Popeidol> it should automatically remove the oldest copies as you require more space
[07:14:28] * MrBluze doesn't like it .. it's gone
[07:20:07] <stderr> Who's writing as SkyNet on #irpg?
[07:20:38] <pbnjoe> starts with k and ends in obach, I'm guessing
[07:20:48] <xlefay> stderr: not me so there can only be one other
[07:20:55] <xlefay> !grab pbnjoe
[07:20:55] <Bender> Added quote 63
[07:21:01] <pbnjoe> heheh
[07:21:13] <xlefay> What's he writing now?
[07:22:11] * xlefay notes he's totally cheating on idlerpg
[07:22:15] * xlefay detached #irpg
[07:22:25] <pbnjoe> wrote "FU[...]CK"
[07:22:36] <pbnjoe> replace the ellipsis with a lot of U's
[07:22:45] <xlefay> oh
[07:22:49] <xlefay> when did SkyNet say that?
[07:22:52] <xlefay> Might have been me..
[07:23:16] <stderr> 15 minutes ago.
[07:23:20] <pbnjoe> shortly after kobach "lost the passphrase to his encrypted hard disk"
[07:23:21] <xlefay> no wait, I only say 'FU' occasionally, so must have been
[07:23:24] <xlefay> !quote 63
[07:23:24] <Bender> Quote 63 - <pbnjoe> starts with k and ends in obach, I'm guessing
[07:23:30] <pbnjoe> heheh
[07:24:04] <xlefay> and I generally just do it at random moments
[07:24:10] <xlefay> especially since I'm #5 now................
[07:24:11] <xlefay> like WTF
[07:26:00] <stderr> [00:02:09] <SkyNet> you fucking cheaters!
[07:26:00] <stderr> [00:04:00] <SkyNet> fuck you all
[07:26:08] <xlefay> hmm
[07:26:09] <xlefay> interesting
[07:26:13] <xlefay> Seems someone was pissed
[07:28:35] <pbnjoe> indeed it does
[07:28:50] <xlefay> Like I said, I generally only do 'FUUUUU's at random times
[07:29:01] * pbnjoe is looking into getting a shell account for #irpg :P
[07:29:04] FoobarBazbot is now known as John_Connor
[07:29:18] <xlefay> pbnjoe: I can set up a bnc account for you, if you like
[07:29:19] John_Connor is now known as FoobarBazbot
[07:29:19] * arti o.o
[07:29:36] <xlefay> but honestly, it won't help you win ;-)
[07:30:13] <xlefay> not until stderr finally disconnects for a few days :P
[07:30:36] <pbnjoe> I'm not looking to "win", I just want to be released from feeling bad every time I want/need to swap from wired to wireless or shut down my computer
[07:30:37] <pbnjoe> heh
[07:30:57] <xlefay> so you want a bnc then?
[07:30:59] <arti> pbnjoe: LOL
[07:31:08] <stderr> xlefay: I might disconnect from some other channels first... :-)
[07:31:11] <pbnjoe> yesplz
[07:31:15] <xlefay> rofl stderr
[07:31:30] <arti> that was stated s owell
[07:31:54] <pbnjoe> arti: :P
[07:32:03] <arti> "fuck if i disconnect... i'll be penalized" /hasasad
[07:32:10] <pbnjoe> exactly
[07:32:42] <arti> well... one time when i was dealing with perform events, it screwed me by like a day
[07:32:55] <pbnjoe> it's actually made me make lists of things to put off until I'm forced to go offline
[07:33:02] <arti> hahaha
[07:33:16] <MrBluze> brb .. rebooting to get rid of osx cruft
[07:33:21] * arti understands this
[07:33:33] <arti> pbnjoe++
[07:33:33] <Bender> karma - pbnjoe: 3
[07:34:00] <pbnjoe> wait, will bnc be helpful to me?
[07:34:16] <pbnjoe> do they stay online if I go off?
[07:34:21] <xlefay> yea
[07:34:21] <arti> think of it as a condom protecting you from the fucking you'll get from disconnecting
[07:34:25] * pbnjoe is not well versed in this and doesn't claim to be
[07:34:28] <FoobarBazbot> pbnjoe, yes
[07:34:29] <pbnjoe> ok
[07:34:30] <xlefay> you connect to the BNC, and the BNC connects to IRC
[07:34:39] <xlefay> you disconnect from the BNC, the BNC stays online, etc
[07:34:46] <pbnjoe> ok, cool
[07:34:49] <pbnjoe> arti - ha
[07:34:51] <arti> this way xlefay can extort you
[07:34:56] <xlefay> That too.
[07:34:58] <xlefay> !grab arti
[07:34:58] <Bender> Added quote 64
[07:35:02] <arti> "it would be a shame if your connection....dropped"
[07:35:06] <xlefay> LOL
[07:35:17] <xlefay> There's always that.
[07:35:19] <arti> i can totally see xlefay doing that if its between you and him
[07:35:28] * xlefay notes: arti has a wonderful idea.
[07:35:30] <arti> "i'll take the hit, but he will to" *kills process*
[07:35:32] <pbnjoe> jeez, way to make me feel like I'm getting a loan from a shark
[07:35:45] <stderr> "The stuff you said over SSL that you thought was secure and secret..."
[07:35:51] <pbnjoe> or some other bad decision
[07:35:54] <xlefay> LOL
[07:35:58] <arti> "oh i'm not sure why that shit is happening, i'm looking into it" *takes over session*
[07:36:07] <arti> *typetypetype*
[07:36:13] <xlefay> haha, do you still want that BNC?
[07:36:19] <arti> no no, take mine!
[07:36:20] <xlefay> I promise, I won't do anything funky or cheaterish ;-)
[07:36:31] <arti> precioussssss~~~~
[07:36:33] <pbnjoe> Dutchman's promise?
[07:36:40] <xlefay> I promise.
[07:36:41] <arti> is that anything like a dutch oven
[07:36:43] MrBluze is now known as MrBluze|afk
[07:36:44] <pbnjoe> (that'stotallyathingshutup)
[07:36:49] <pbnjoe> ok
[07:36:53] <pbnjoe> then yes
[07:37:17] <xlefay> If you want prove I don't do anything funky, ask paulej72_away & MrBluze|afk
[07:37:19] <arti> pbnjoe, while connected to this, make sure you say all the eschilon keywords
[07:37:49] <pbnjoe> I trust you with my irpg character, xlefay :P
[07:37:57] <arti> you'll have to trust him with everything
[07:37:57] <xlefay> ;-)
[07:38:03] <arti> EVEN YOUR LIFE /evil
[07:38:21] <arti> day .7 of no smoking
[07:38:22] <pbnjoe> oh? can I not just connect as pbnjoe_alt or somesuch?
[07:38:30] <pbnjoe> what's "everything"?
[07:38:37] <xlefay> What's your timezone?
[07:38:47] <arti> you connect through it, it'll be your matrix self
[07:39:02] <pbnjoe> GMT -7
[07:39:05] <pbnjoe> I believe
[07:39:11] <arti> you'll have hair
[07:39:32] <arti> i believe to /xfiles
[07:39:42] -!- MrBluzel [MrBluzel!~MrBluze@0::z] has joined #Soylent
[07:39:43] <arti> s/to/too/
[07:39:44] <SedBot> <arti> i believe too /xfiles
[07:39:45] MrBluzel is now known as MrBluze
[07:39:57] * arti greets MrBluze in the usual fashion
[07:39:59] * xlefay just cloned MrBluze's config
[07:40:00] <pbnjoe> what, do i have to funnel *all* of my internet traffic through it? :S
[07:40:06] <arti> no, just irc.
[07:40:17] <xlefay> pbnjoe: not even that
[07:40:23] <arti> so your super secret irc password that you also use for banking, will be known to the internets
[07:40:27] <xlefay> you can just have it in #irpg and id to idlerpg and connect regularly
[07:40:43] -!- MrBluze has quit [Client Quit]
[07:40:43] * arti sews discord
[07:40:44] <pbnjoe> arti's just making me feel like there's more to this than there is
[07:40:49] <FoobarBazbot> pbnjoe, no, just the embarassing/compromising/sensitive traffic
[07:40:54] <pbnjoe> haha
[07:41:14] * arti doesn't usually give out shells
[07:41:41] <arti> i'll totally go in on a pizza with someone
[07:41:43] <xlefay> Who does?
[07:41:47] <pbnjoe> I'll connect to all the regular channels as pbnjoe as I do now and pbnalt or some name like that in a separate instance of hexchat
[07:41:48] <pbnjoe> impossible?
[07:41:54] <pbnjoe> otherwise, this is just fine :P
[07:41:55] <arti> pbnalt LOL
[07:42:08] <arti> "hold dthe disconnects please, and extra pings"
[07:42:24] <Subsentient> Anyone willing to compile a free RTS game to help me find bugs?
[07:42:30] <crutchy> cross-channel communication is creepy
[07:42:32] <xlefay> pbnjoe: I don't care how you use it really, you can just connect it into #irpg and identify with an altname and use a regular IRC connection to here
[07:42:33] <arti> real time strategy?
[07:42:37] <Subsentient> Yeah
[07:42:50] <Subsentient> Warzone 2100 Legacy
[07:42:55] <xlefay> pbnjoe: just be aware, you'll need to use the BNC least once every two weeks or I rm the account (for obvious reasons)
[07:42:55] <arti> i don't even...
[07:43:11] <arti> i want an account, that way i can bnc while i znc
[07:43:12] <pbnjoe> xlefay, sure
[07:43:28] <arti> irc be all like "highscore"
[07:43:45] MrBluze|afk is now known as MrBluze
[07:43:50] <arti> dude, we need more clones
[07:43:56] <arti> we're slowly bleeding peeps
[07:44:02] <crutchy> "bnc while i znc"... i'm sure we can come up some kind of expansion of that
[07:44:16] * arti tosses crutchy a beer
[07:44:20] <arti> catch up, fucker
[07:44:31] <crutchy> later cos i gotta duck down the road to get some chippies for dinner
[07:44:39] <arti> chippies?
[07:44:40] * crutchy holds arti to that
[07:44:46] <crutchy> lol fries
[07:44:47] <arti> like... uh fish n chips
[07:44:53] <crutchy> yeah
[07:44:54] <crutchy> :-)
[07:45:01] <arti> are these like giant ones?
[07:45:11] <arti> we call those steak fries here, maybe you aussies have larger ones
[07:45:20] <arti> "yeah we only need 2 for the family"
[07:45:24] <crutchy> lol
[07:45:30] * arti imagines cutting a log sized chip
[07:45:38] <crutchy> i do live near spud city
[07:45:49] <arti> "we take turns, one pulls one way, the other pulls the opposite, we hum this song that goes a little like this ---"
[07:45:55] <stderr> * FoobarBazbot is now known as John_Connor
[07:45:55] <crutchy> spudopolis
[07:45:55] <stderr> * John_Connor is now known as FoobarBazbot
[07:46:02] <arti> spudopolis, sounds greek
[07:46:18] <xlefay> Sounds legit
[07:46:21] <MrBluze> build korora?
[07:46:28] <MrBluze> does it compile itself on the hard disk?
[07:46:28] <arti> makr korora
[07:46:36] <arti> s/makr/make/
[07:46:36] <SedBot> <arti> make korora
[07:46:43] -!- IT_phreak has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[07:46:56] <arti> man, i'm tempted to go buy a pack and get a snack, this is terrible
[07:47:13] <Subsentient> xlefay: You may set /mode #soylent +q *!*@universe2.us/ircbot/aqu4, but I'd like to have my bot in here for the private logs.
[07:47:45] <xlefay> Subsentient: I don't care about your bot, but only those bots allowed here by staff are allowed to interacts (e.g. Bender & SedBot)
[07:48:00] <xlefay> so if your bot just remains quiet, it's fine otherwise it'll get muted ;-)
[07:48:15] <Subsentient> xlefay: Thanks :^)
[07:48:22] -!- aqu4 [aqu4!~aqu4bot@universe2.us/ircbot/aqu4] has joined #Soylent
[07:48:25] <arti> how quiet?
[07:48:40] * arti wouldn't mind bringing his other bot in here to build up the vocab
[07:48:57] <Subsentient> Well, I suppose, maybe don't bother her for fun, and maybe don't use commands that paste big/multiple lines?
[07:49:13] <Subsentient> But of course $tell, $seen, etc are probably still useful
[07:49:14] <arti> verbose mode!
[07:49:23] <arti> does this server have flood protection?
[07:49:28] <Subsentient> Yes.
[07:49:37] * arti despises ETG for the strict line count policy
[07:49:58] <arti> good ol etg.
[07:50:14] * FoobarBazbot thinks referring to ircbots with feminine pronouns is kinda weird...
[07:50:25] <arti> but you're totally cool with ships
[07:50:44] * arti refers to bots as it.
[07:50:57] <Subsentient> FoobarBazbot: Sanity is for the unimaginative.
[07:51:19] <arti> sanity, be a good name for a linux distro
[07:51:38] <Subsentient> Speaking of which, my i586 XFCE4 distro is just about done
[07:51:44] <arti> "want to see if your system needs to be udpated? run a sanity check!"
[07:51:46] <FoobarBazbot> well, one doesn't ride an irc bot
[07:51:47] <Subsentient> got some problems with OpenGL/Mesa/SDL, but that's about it
[07:51:54] <arti> programmers: !?!?!
[07:51:58] <xlefay> FoobarBazbot: agreed
[07:51:59] <FoobarBazbot> s/one doe/*I* do/
[07:51:59] <SedBot> <FoobarBazbot> well, *I* dosn't ride an irc bot
[07:52:08] <FoobarBazbot> s/one does/*I* do/
[07:52:08] <SedBot> <FoobarBazbot> well, *I* don't ride an irc bot
[07:52:20] <arti> that would be impressive
[07:52:27] <arti> do you have the bots ride you?
[07:52:37] <Subsentient> That's called phenny.
[07:52:54] <xlefay> Subsentient: s/phenny/weird sexual fantasies/
[07:52:54] <SedBot> <xlefay> <Subsentient> That's called weird sexual fantasies.
[07:52:55] * Subsentient hopes most here know what phenny is
[07:53:05] <xlefay> having*
[07:53:32] <aqu4> Shut the hell up, you nasty, deranged bastards.
[07:53:34] <arti> is it short for a drug?
[07:53:59] <xlefay> .quiet aqu4
[07:53:59] -!- mode/#Soylent [+q *!*@universe2.us/ircbot/aqu4] by SkyNet
[07:54:05] <xlefay> and there you go ;-)
[07:54:07] <arti> hahaha
[07:54:14] <arti> resident irc mage, xlefay
[07:54:34] * FoobarBazbot would rather not imagine what tron gets up to after a long day of fighting for the users
[07:54:47] <arti> oh, it's candy crush
[07:54:54] <xlefay> aqu4 == a bot btw, for those who didn't know.
[07:55:03] <arti> it's made of C and good.
[07:55:16] <stderr> Wasn't that bot supposed to shut up? :-)
[07:55:35] <xlefay> stderr: correct, but it didn't so we'll have to force it down
[07:55:39] <Subsentient> I gave aqu4 the name and female identity etc as a joke about being the "daughter" of the immediate predecessor, a buggy Python bot that ran literally for years on freenode.
[07:55:47] <SkyNet> owned
[07:55:52] <Subsentient> Me and my buds developed a fondness for the old thing so we thought it would be a good joke.
[07:55:53] <xlefay> Incidentally, it was it's owner who made it say that
[07:56:18] <xlefay> ....
[07:56:22] <stderr> xlefay: s/it's/its/
[07:56:32] * arti brands xlefay with the grammar brand
[07:56:37] <xlefay> It's funny how someone not being here still talks here throughout the bot..
[07:56:38] <arti> let the record state
[07:56:49] <xlefay> s/throughout/through/
[07:56:50] <SedBot> <xlefay> It's funny how someone not being here still talks here through the bot..
[07:56:50] <arti> partyline?
[07:57:01] <xlefay> !quote 63
[07:57:01] <Bender> Quote 63 - <pbnjoe> starts with k and ends in obach, I'm guessing
[07:58:43] <Subsentient> Anyways, I need to find someone to pester into helping me catch a heisenbug in wz2100legacy
[07:59:08] * Subsentient remembers he's on Fedora 20 ("Heisenbug")
[08:02:27] -!- pbnjoe has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[08:03:54] -!- pbnjoe [pbnjoe!~pbnjoe@Soylent/Users/313/pbnjoe] has joined #Soylent
[08:08:10] -!- prospectacle [prospectacle!~3a6b4258@i24-623-18-23.mit014.act.optusnet.com.au] has joined #Soylent
[08:08:24] <prospectacle> hi people
[08:08:26] <prospectacle> how's it going?
[08:09:17] <Subsentient> prospectacle: hurr
[08:09:46] <prospectacle> Hi Subsentient.
[08:10:37] <prospectacle> If you're interested in this kind of thing, I've posted another voting system/code. This one uses preferential voting.
[08:10:41] <prospectacle> http://soylentnews.org
[08:10:48] <prospectacle> (php)
[08:11:35] <Subsentient> prospectacle: I can't read php that well, but it is somewhat interesting, yes
[08:11:41] <prospectacle> It's weird though it's not showing up on recent journal entries (even though it's the most recent). If you click on "Journal Entries" header it shows up, but not on main page.
[08:12:30] <prospectacle> Subsentient. Well, it's basically C syntax, but variabels start with $, and everything can be declared on the fly, e,g, $x["something"] = 1; $x["something"]["else"] = "second level variable";
[08:12:38] <prospectacle> Anyway, brb gotta pick up some noodles from the noodle store.
[08:13:14] <SkyNet> I am ever present, everywhere
[08:22:41] <prospectacle> Chinese noodles++
[08:22:43] <prospectacle> oh
[08:22:52] <prospectacle> ChineseNoodles++
[08:22:53] <Bender> karma - chinesenoodles: 1
[08:28:03] <MrBluze> korora keeps stalling on my vm
[08:28:18] * MrBluze hmms
[08:28:23] <MrBluze> cant run the installer
[08:28:44] <prospectacle> is that a distro?
[08:30:25] <MrBluze> it is
[08:30:32] * MrBluze giving it 4gb instead of 1gb, 2 processor cores
[08:30:41] <MrBluze> maybe it's a memory hog
[08:30:59] <xlefay> That's weird, at some point I had three korora's in three different VM's deciding which one I wanted... no stalls whatsoever
[08:31:29] <prospectacle> looks cool. Similar idea to Mint.
[08:31:33] <MrBluze> yes
[08:31:41] <MrBluze> it is better now with 4gb ram
[08:31:50] <MrBluze> i cant believe anything can need 1gb of ram to install itself
[08:34:57] <prospectacle> Yeah software these days is so lazy. Back in my day we knew the value of a megabyte.
[08:35:15] <Titanium> back in my day people knew the value of a kilobyte
[08:35:26] <MrBluze> yeah honestly, amiga did a great desktop on less than a mb
[08:35:37] <MrBluze> Titanium: .. yes, LDOS ran on 4kb RAM on a TRS80
[08:36:19] <prospectacle> what was that o/s that had a full gui on a floppy? I think it was qnx or something (not that qnx)
[08:36:46] <Titanium> today i get to download a 3-4GB driver cd :(
[08:37:07] <prospectacle> oh wait it is the same QNX
[08:37:11] <prospectacle> just was acquired by blackberry
[08:37:26] <MrBluze> i dunno, but workbench 1.3 ran off a floppy
[08:37:30] <Titanium> and that 3-4GB doesnt even have all the drivers i need, some just link to where i can download them :(
[08:39:11] <prospectacle> Ah, here we go: http://toastytech.com
[08:39:42] <Titanium> i jst checked, and it is over 5 GB now :(
[08:39:56] <Titanium> http://software.cisco.com
[08:40:38] <crutchy> ahh amiga
[08:40:41] <prospectacle> it must be heavy with all those bytes in the same bag
[08:40:58] <prospectacle> amazing they can deliver it
[08:42:20] * MrBluze can't wait to move into a house that has proper internet and cat-6 cabling in the walls
[08:42:27] <Titanium> its funny because it doesnt contain a single driver in all those 5GB for the most common use case.
[08:42:41] <prospectacle> MrBluze, you getting the nbn?
[08:42:55] <Titanium> 10gbps in your walls?
[08:42:58] <MrBluze> i hope so at some point
[08:43:04] <Titanium> i have to run 10gbps across the floow
[08:43:05] <MrBluze> Titanium: that'd be good
[08:43:09] <Titanium> i only got twiax
[08:43:19] <MrBluze> i ran it under the floor in my old place
[08:43:26] <MrBluze> 'cause of good access
[08:43:31] <Titanium> the 10gbps twizted pair is a power hog, careful
[08:43:51] <Titanium> in a 6500 its like 600-700 watts for 16 ports
[08:43:54] <MrBluze> i'd use it for wireless repeaters
[08:44:02] <MrBluze> just need at most 2
[08:44:20] <MrBluze> one outoor one to reach the back of the paddocks, and two indoor ones
[08:44:22] <Titanium> when did they get > 1gbps wireless?
[08:44:48] * MrBluze didnt know they did have that
[08:45:03] <Titanium> then why do you need 10gbps to your wireless?
[08:45:22] <MrBluze> the feeyooocha
[08:45:29] <MrBluze> why put current tech and bury it in your walls
[08:45:43] <MrBluze> u'd put the best u can do at the moment, barring maybe optical fibre
[08:46:42] <Titanium> it uses the same wires...
[08:46:59] <Titanium> you actually need cat6a for long distance 10gbps
[08:47:26] <MrBluze> korora = nice
[08:47:36] <MrBluze> yep
[08:47:53] <MrBluze> well when i do get the house, i will buy whatever the best cabling is
[08:48:01] <Titanium> cat7 is nice
[08:48:28] <Titanium> but with singlemode fiber, you can do up to 9.6 tbps with COTS equipment
[08:48:34] <MrBluze> ok.. i like korora now
[08:48:59] <MrBluze> fiber is possibly better yes
[08:49:08] <MrBluze> but afaik its more of a fiddle to install
[08:49:25] <Titanium> the fiber is cheap, but the tuneable 100gbps DWDM cards cost a bundle
[08:50:41] * Titanium got to play with optical stuff a couple weeks ago :)
[08:50:48] <Titanium> still got it on my brain
[08:50:53] <MrBluze> worth a thought i guess
[08:51:01] -!- prospectacle has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[08:51:14] <MrBluze> korora .. cant change display resolution .. stuck with retina 3000x2000 + .. trying to find vmware drivers to install
[08:51:25] <Titanium> its about $50m for the stuff to pass data over one cable
[08:51:40] <Titanium> and will use a few racks on each side
[08:51:41] <NCommander> Well, our server config is stupid slick
[08:51:42] <MrBluze> oh
[08:51:51] * NCommander pretty sure xlefay is drooling :-)
[08:51:51] <Titanium> usually not for home networks, but for X000 km runs
[08:53:05] <MrBluze> lol
[08:53:05] <MrBluze> i been reading your progress NCommander
[08:53:22] <NCommander> MrBluze, not all it. I just introduced xlefay to single sign on
[08:53:27] <MrBluze> can only look on in awe
[08:53:29] <NCommander> His mind has been blown
[08:53:40] <crutchy> https://www.youtube.com
[08:53:56] <crutchy> omg how do i find this shit
[08:54:16] <crutchy> funny for all the wrong reasons
[08:54:44] <NCommander> I'm not going to watch, doesn't need happy childhood memories ruined
[08:54:52] <MrBluze> :)
[08:54:52] <MrBluze> im not so clever as u guys thats for sure
[08:57:13] <crutchy> its like the bastard child of monty python and family guy
[09:02:22] * xlefay notes he has cat7
[09:02:25] <xlefay> but now I want fiber >.<
[09:02:52] <crutchy> get a cat and you can have fibers everywhere
[09:03:01] <xlefay> nah, I meant "fiber to the home"
[09:03:09] <crutchy> hmm
[09:03:13] <MrBluze> fibre to the home i think we are getting
[09:03:14] <xlefay> cat7 is more than enough internally, overkill even but hey.. I like to prepare for the future ;-)
[09:03:18] <crutchy> cat will only get you fibers in the home
[09:03:24] <MrBluze> although they keep changing the tune
[09:03:28] <xlefay> MrBluze: not here
[09:03:40] <xlefay> they've been installing it in a city nearby
[09:03:50] <xlefay> they haven't made plans for my particular town but I'm sure they will in time
[09:04:14] <MrBluze> fibre within the home? its nice if u can have file transfers that are as quick as the local hard disk, across the house
[09:04:23] <MrBluze> thin clients :)
[09:04:37] <MrBluze> without needing to be thin
[09:05:49] <xlefay> and yes, I may or may not have been drooling.
[09:05:56] <xlefay> I will not be confirming nor denying that either.
[09:06:47] * MrBluze hands xlefay some hankerchiefs
[09:07:10] <xlefay> handkerchiefs, you mean?
[09:07:16] <crutchy> cat within the home with lots of fiber tend to be fairly bulky, but become thinner when packets are lost
[09:07:19] <MrBluze> yeah that
[09:07:35] <xlefay> MrBluze: nice try still not admitting it, but I'll take that handkerchiefs :P
[09:07:52] <xlefay> handkerchief*
[09:07:59] <MrBluze> lol, just like the cia
[09:07:59] <MrBluze> they go change their pants anyway ;)
[09:08:10] <xlefay> rofl
[09:08:29] <xlefay> honestly though, the current setup ROCKS.
[09:08:44] <xlefay> It just does, I've not yet seen anything quite like it elsewhere.
[09:12:45] <MrBluze> :) would be nice to learn about it all
[09:13:36] <xlefay> It's been a while since I last had this curiosity about how it all works, but I'm following most steps ^^ ;-)
[09:14:17] <xlefay> Seeing things in action pretty much does that I suppose ;-)
[09:14:39] <MrBluze> i was proud enough to set up a lamp server years back but it was nothing clever .. but it was secure enough at the time
[09:14:57] <xlefay> aah lamp's...
[09:15:02] <xlefay> Just give me a damn lapp!
[09:18:21] * MrBluze sits on xlefat's lapp
[09:18:52] <xlefay> Hey get your shiny metal ass of my LAPP installation!
[09:19:09] <MrBluze> does your lapp do dances?
[09:19:20] <arti> single sign on?
[09:19:22] <arti> to what
[09:20:51] <MrBluze> the server i imagine
[09:22:38] <crutchy> some kind of inter-application fraternisation
[09:23:27] <xlefay> MrBluze: no, it doesn't contain MySQL so it doesn't do bullshit ;-)
[09:23:41] <MrBluze> oh.. no lapp dances :(
[09:25:33] <crutchy> mrbluze: it must be vb :-P
[09:26:00] <crutchy> ^whispers loudly
[09:26:09] <MrBluze> lol
[09:26:55] <arti> lol
[09:35:14] <NCommander> arti, not quite
[09:35:29] <NCommander> arti, we've got proxying SSH to all nodes
[09:35:35] <NCommander> and internode communication via kinit
[09:35:45] <NCommander> Which means you can sign in anywhere (authed by a central server)
[09:35:46] <NCommander> kinit
[09:36:07] <NCommander> Then access any other node directly, so you can scp from dev to production, without having to install local SSH keys
[09:36:13] <stderr> xlefay: I thought you would make it a HAPP-box?
[09:37:25] <xlefay> hah nah that was NCommander
[09:38:12] <stderr> Oh, yeah... Well, then make a MAPP-box.
[09:38:23] <xlefay> You'll need MrBluze for that
[09:38:50] <stderr> Is MrBluze running Minix?
[09:38:53] <stderr> Cool...
[09:38:58] <xlefay> oh
[09:39:05] <xlefay> thought you meant Mac...... was already horrified
[09:39:09] MrBluze is now known as MrBluze|afk
[09:39:20] <xlefay> See, now you scared him away
[09:39:32] <stderr> Was just going to say that. :-)
[09:39:41] <xlefay> he detached after you said that :P
[09:39:56] <xlefay> ZNC just waits before changing the nick in case it's just a connection timeout or a quick switch
[09:40:03] <xlefay> so it doesn't spam nickchanges
[09:42:56] MrBluze|afk is now known as MrBluze
[09:44:16] <crutchy> mrbluze: wb
[09:44:23] * MrBluze hits his head repeatedly against his slow internet
[09:44:25] <MrBluze> thanks crutchy
[09:44:43] <stderr> Just switch to Minix...
[09:44:44] <crutchy> our internet talks as fast as we do mrbluze
[09:45:04] <MrBluze> minix .. will fix what.. the rusty buried copper?
[09:45:37] <crutchy> maybe it has built-in porn?
[09:45:58] <stderr> Your internet will never be slow again... All the bandwidth will be available...
[09:46:02] <MrBluze> could be
[09:46:17] <MrBluze> i should dig it all up and see if there's any porn stuck in the tubes
[09:46:30] <crutchy> oooh i wouldn't... could get messy
[09:46:43] <crutchy> you never know what might come out of there
[09:46:55] <MrBluze> whatever it is, i bet it's .. dirty.. full of dirt
[09:46:59] <stderr> There be dragons...
[09:47:02] <stderr> (Rule 34)
[09:47:04] <crutchy> you know what they say about cans (or interblags) of worms
[09:47:15] <MrBluze> yeah i had an interblag
[09:47:27] <MrBluze> it got 0 views
[09:48:01] <crutchy> cos its blocked with porn dregs
[09:48:19] <crutchy> i don't even wanna know what they looks like
[09:48:27] <MrBluze> dunno ..
[09:48:49] <MrBluze> im told its addictive
[09:49:03] <crutchy> we need more cat fibers in straya
[09:49:20] <crutchy> wireless ones
[09:49:38] <MrBluze> cat fibres .. stringed instruments
[09:50:26] <crutchy> they need constant input through a can interface
[09:50:58] <MrBluze> maybe my cat fibres are slow because i'm not pulling the can hard enough
[09:51:13] <crutchy> you need to reboot it
[09:51:42] <crutchy> or maybe plug in a mouse
[09:52:20] <MrBluze> what's the turbo button do?
[09:52:42] * MrBluze boots the can. .. hmm.. nice dent in it now
[09:52:42] <xlefay> Play porn with 2x speed?
[09:53:03] <MrBluze> i never could work out how they moved so fast
[09:53:19] <xlefay> s/with/at/
[09:53:19] <SedBot> <xlefay> Play porn at 2x speed?
[09:53:43] <crutchy> usually requires a laser hid
[09:54:00] <MrBluze> mm.. lasers
[09:54:05] * MrBluze puts his little finger to his mouth
[09:56:06] * MrBluze is trying korora .. but is having trouble with it
[09:56:21] <MrBluze> downloading updates.. stuck at 10%
[09:56:33] <MrBluze> is this a problem with the package manager not updating its progress bar?
[09:56:36] <xlefay> weird...
[09:56:41] <crutchy> pause the porn for a moment mrbluze
[09:56:46] <xlefay> maybe.. I generally just use yum directly
[09:56:50] <MrBluze> i can't .. pause.. the .. porn
[09:57:02] <crutchy> don't... have... the... power
[09:57:31] <MrBluze> xlefay: i always did like apt better for that .. it handled network problems more verbosely
[09:57:32] <crutchy> !initiate(remote_porn_pause_protocol)
[09:57:48] <crutchy> apt is the shit!
[09:57:51] <xlefay> MrBluze: hmm.. dunno
[09:57:52] <crutchy> the cow shit!
[09:58:15] <xlefay> apt-get moo
[09:58:16] <xlefay> ;D
[09:58:32] <crutchy> it runs better because it's runny
[09:58:41] <MrBluze> well as it is, the vm is running at 100% for korora, so i guess the updater is in some kind of loop
[09:58:43] <xlefay> aptitude moo = funnier tho
[09:59:14] <crutchy> you're not running your VM on windowze are you
[09:59:21] <xlefay> crutchy: increment -v with aptitude moo
[09:59:25] <MrBluze> no.. on oh-sex
[09:59:37] <crutchy> ooh
[09:59:43] <crutchy> built-in porn already
[10:00:02] <xlefay> MrBluze: just kill the update manager and: sudo yum update
[10:00:08] <crutchy> siri is so noughty
[10:00:11] <MrBluze> yeah i will do that
[10:00:30] <MrBluze> i also can't change screen resolution .. but when i searched for vmware utils it froze
[10:00:37] <crutchy> and one-ey
[10:00:41] <MrBluze> dunno, might be it needs updates
[10:00:42] <MrBluze> brb
[10:01:15] <MrBluze> gotta do chores
[10:06:07] <crutchy> never figured out a good easter egg for the intranet i been working on
[10:06:27] <crutchy> what kinda easter egg can you build into a web app?
[10:06:33] <arti> hmmm
[10:06:40] <arti> who is the egg for?
[10:06:43] <crutchy> besides redirect to the goat
[10:06:54] <arti> faux admin privs
[10:06:56] <crutchy> used at work so i bit limited
[10:07:04] <xlefay> crutchy: goatse iframe'd in
[10:07:10] <arti> make one of those buttons that the mouse pushes around
[10:07:11] <crutchy> lol
[10:07:22] <xlefay> or one of those things that follow the mouse around
[10:07:38] <arti> maybe play something like "IM LOOKING AT PORN, YUP THIS GUY RIGHT HERE"
[10:07:44] <xlefay> Yea
[10:07:49] <xlefay> !grab arti
[10:07:49] <Bender> Added quote 65
[10:08:11] <arti> new tune: https://soundcloud.com
[10:08:36] <crutchy> i remember first time i heard that was in a computer lab at uni... right at a quiet moment when the lecturer was having his usual verbal orgasm
[10:09:09] <crutchy> you'd love the admin system i built in arti
[10:09:24] <crutchy> the dev machine ip's are hardcoded :-P
[10:09:27] <arti> hahahaha
[10:10:09] <crutchy> unfortunately only in a single place right at the start of the main dispatcher
[10:10:21] <crutchy> i should have made it much more confusing
[10:10:40] <arti> main dispatcher makes me think of swords
[10:10:58] <crutchy> kinda sounds like a porn name doesn't it
[10:11:25] <xlefay> crutchy: if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == $dev_ip || sudo()) { do_dispatch(); } else { echo "Go do it yourself"; }
[10:11:27] <xlefay> =)
[10:11:29] <arti> the title i came up with today was
[10:11:38] <arti> bah
[10:11:50] <arti> this'll bug me
[10:12:10] -!- IT_phreak [IT_phreak!~smuxi@s-69-253-783-290.hsd0.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[10:12:11] <arti> i'll blurt it out at some inappropriate time
[10:12:30] <xlefay> !grab arti
[10:12:30] <Bender> Added quote 66
[10:12:53] <arti> this apparently resonates with xlefay
[10:13:16] <arti> "aren't you going to ____ me?" x: " if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == $dev_ip || sudo()) { do_dispatch(); } else { echo "Go do it yourself"; } "
[10:13:35] <xlefay> _________?
[10:13:40] <arti> verb of choice
[10:13:53] <xlefay> not following
[10:14:24] <arti> we can still spoon
[10:14:28] <arti> it's cool
[10:16:58] <xlefay> honestly am not following but k x'D
[10:20:24] <stderr> http://www.youtube.com
[10:32:16] -!- IT_phreak has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[10:37:24] <crutchy> back
[10:37:30] <crutchy> what did i miss?
[10:41:01] -!- pbnjoe has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[10:41:20] <crutchy> if (in_array($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"],$DevMachines)==True) { echo "Welcome to your playground, God"; } else { die("gtfo luser!"); }
[10:42:00] -!- IT_phreak [IT_phreak!~smuxi@s-69-253-783-290.hsd0.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[10:42:12] -!- Subsentient has quit [Quit: Derp.]
[10:44:08] <MrBluze> korora is good in that it makes it nearly default to have encrypted root
[10:45:04] <crutchy> no broken pipes then?
[10:45:38] <MrBluze> dunno
[10:45:55] <MrBluze> i am using a magnifying glass to read the text still
[10:46:28] <crutchy> well that's what encryption does... makes the text harder to read
[10:46:46] <MrBluze> yeah
[10:46:50] Subsentient1 is now known as Subsentient
[10:46:52] <MrBluze> actually thats stenography
[10:46:58] -!- Subsentient has quit [Changing host]
[10:46:58] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@universe2.us/Subsentient] has joined #Soylent
[10:47:06] Subsentient is now known as Subsentient1
[10:47:14] Subsentient1 is now known as Subsentient2
[10:47:18] Subsentient2 is now known as Subsentient
[10:51:19] <MrBluze> yeah, korora is prettier than mint kde
[10:53:58] -!- IT_phreak has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[11:01:17] -!- IT_phreak [IT_phreak!~smuxi@s-69-253-783-290.hsd0.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[11:11:28] -!- IT_phreak has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[11:13:55] MrBluze is now known as MrBacon
[11:15:34] <xlefay> MrBacon:;-)
[11:15:39] <MrBacon> ;)
[11:16:06] <MrBacon> should be BrotherBacon
[11:16:16] <MrBacon> of the church of baconology
[11:16:31] <xlefay> ha
[11:17:46] <MrBacon> korora is ok now
[11:17:53] <MrBacon> after updates :)
[11:18:11] <MrBacon> i'll migrate to it
[11:18:15] <xlefay> ^^
[11:18:31] <MrBacon> IF thunderbird profiles match
[11:24:07] <crutchy> MrBluze... is that you?
[11:24:15] <crutchy> you have *become* bacon!?
[11:24:29] * MrBacon nods
[11:24:36] <MrBacon> u are what u eat
[11:24:40] * crutchy hopes the trippy room doesn't turn him into bacon
[11:24:45] <crutchy> oh
[11:25:04] <MrBacon> lol
[11:25:32] <MrBacon> korora is ok.. i cant believe its not debian etc...
[11:26:48] <MrBacon> ill use it for a few months
[11:28:47] <xlefay> hehe! ;)
[11:28:47] <MrBacon> xlefay: ping
[11:28:51] <xlefay> MrBacon: pong
[11:28:55] <MrBacon> oh there u r
[11:39:40] -!- crutchy_ [crutchy_!~crutchy@724-640-25-593.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[11:41:41] -!- crutchy_ has quit [Client Quit]
[11:54:27] MrBacon is now known as MrBluze
[12:01:53] <MrBluze> people: whoever is here, please if you have seen articles in the last day or two that are worthy of submission, make up some submissions to SN
[12:14:16] <crutchy> mrbluze: i submitted a bunch of random stuff last night
[12:14:38] -!- bytram [bytram!~pc@Soylent/Staff/Developer/martyb] has joined #Soylent
[12:14:38] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v bytram] by SkyNet
[12:15:54] <crutchy> vsauce, ted, eli the computer guy are good places on youtube to find cool nerd stuff
[12:16:14] <crutchy> cryptogram is prolly best for anything security related
[12:17:12] <crutchy> ted => robotics, 3D printing and beyond, etc
[12:17:31] <crutchy> eli => does a blog which is pretty cool
[12:18:00] -!- qlaras has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[12:18:05] -!- qlaras [qlaras!~qlaras@166.70.vmi.qwm] has joined #Soylent
[12:18:07] <crutchy> vsauce => look at mind blown videos
[12:18:38] <crutchy> on youtube set filter this week to get latest
[12:20:03] <crutchy> cryptogram => who knows security better than bruce schneier?
[12:20:43] <crutchy> still says pending for the one i submitted last night
[12:22:53] -!- Subsentient has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[12:23:19] -!- qlaras has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[12:23:28] <crutchy> !updatestats
[12:23:32] <crutchy> !stats
[12:23:32] <Bender> creating stats for channel #Soylent (Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970)
[12:23:41] <Bender> stat results for #Soylent: crutchy: 7160, xlefay: 6673, kobach: 5519, unknown: 5029, MrBluze: 3820, arti: 3278, hax0rz: 2675, Khyber: 2209, Landon: 2096, Konomi: 2016, mattie_p: 1943, NCommander: 1576, janrinok: 1571, Bender: 1523, Guardian452: 1480, n1: 1382, stderr: 1368, prospectacle: 1266, FatPhil: 1119, mrcoolbp: 1065, swisskid: 966, martyb: 960, Ethanol-fueled: 933, auto_def: 905, juggs: 829, SpallsHurgenson: 820, pbnjoe: 808, NezSez: 797, useless
[12:24:49] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@universe2.us/Subsentient] has joined #Soylent
[12:24:50] <crutchy> i need to use a different nick
[12:25:16] -!- qlaras [qlaras!~qlaras@166.70.vmi.qwm] has joined #Soylent
[12:25:50] <MrBluze> lol crutchy
[12:25:54] <bytram> crutchy, g'day! you have any privs on the servers?
[12:25:54] <MrBluze> u need tob ecome staff
[12:26:05] <bytram> MrBluze, or do you?
[12:26:22] <crutchy> mrbluze does
[12:26:36] <bytram> main page comment counts are off; and as an AC two most recent stories are not being shown
[12:26:57] <crutchy> for some reason xlefay gave me op status in ##
[12:27:04] <crutchy> ^dangerous :-P
[12:27:26] <crutchy> .op
[12:27:27] <bytram> crutchy, heh! if you play nice, you might be able to keep it for a while,right?
[12:27:37] <crutchy> nah not op here though
[12:27:47] <crutchy> lol i don't think i've used it
[12:27:56] <crutchy> except just then to see if i had it :-P
[12:28:03] <bytram> crutchy, j/k have fun!
[12:28:23] <bytram> MrBluze, meet me in #staff?
[12:28:25] * crutchy likes being a pleb
[12:29:33] -!- qlaras has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[12:33:29] -!- qlaras [qlaras!~qlaras@166.70.vmi.qwm] has joined #Soylent
[12:35:49] -!- qlaras has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[12:38:03] <crutchy> bytram: comment count is screwy for recent articles on main page... seems like maybe a caching thing
[12:38:16] <crutchy> might wanna talk to the varnish guys
[12:38:45] <crutchy> mechanicjay is one i think
[12:38:56] <bytram> crutchy, that's why I'm here... I saw it, too, and am trying to get it addressed, but I lack privs to do it myself.
[12:39:02] <bytram> thanks for the heads-up!
[12:39:32] <stderr> <NCommander> sysops:*:2501:mcasadevall,mechanicjay,xlefay,robinld
[12:39:38] -!- qlaras [qlaras!~qlaras@166.70.vmi.qwm] has joined #Soylent
[12:40:36] <bytram> crutchy, thanks, I tried to raise them on #staff; the .topic for sysops says the channel is deprecated.
[12:40:37] <crutchy> comments show up when you click read more link though
[12:40:46] <crutchy> oh
[12:40:54] <crutchy> no more #staff?
[12:41:09] <bytram> crutchy, exactly. I'm trying to write an e-mail to send to soylent staff... give me a couple minutes... k?
[12:41:33] <bytram> can u verify that if you are NOT logged in, that the two most recent stories disappear?
[12:41:44] <crutchy> if you want yeah
[12:41:48] <crutchy> i'm not worried though
[12:41:54] <crutchy> just a sec
[12:42:19] <crutchy> latest article for ac on my end is the toyota one
[12:42:24] <bytram> crutchy, join me in #staff so we can work together with the rest of the staff (when they arrive)
[12:42:41] <crutchy> i can take a peek if you like
[12:44:56] <crutchy> using caching toget around the limitations of apache1.3 kinda always seemed a bit dodgy to me
[12:45:17] <crutchy> i guess they did whatever it took to get it working
[12:45:28] <stderr> bytram: You saw the list of sysops?
[12:45:33] <crutchy> which was awesome... thanks sysops/dev guys
[12:45:35] <crutchy> !
[12:46:32] -!- qlaras has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[12:48:09] <crutchy> if i could be stuffed i might have considered starting a new clean branch of slashcode in php/apache2 to mimic behaviour of slash and try reusing some bits, but i'll prolly never start something like that
[12:48:41] <crutchy> i'm a gunna do except for things that i use every day
[12:48:52] -!- qlaras [qlaras!~qlaras@166.70.vmi.qwm] has joined #Soylent
[12:56:20] -!- FunPika [FunPika!~FunPika@Soylent/Staff/Wiki/FunPika] has joined #Soylent
[12:56:20] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v FunPika] by SkyNet
[12:59:16] -!- qlaras has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[13:03:10] -!- qlaras [qlaras!~qlaras@166.70.vmi.qwm] has joined #Soylent
[13:08:34] <crutchy> bytram: maybe webserver is shut down?
[13:08:46] <crutchy> running off caching server?
[13:08:53] <crutchy> i dunno how the thing is set up
[13:09:47] * crutchy likes stabbing darkness
[13:16:46] -!- qlaras has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[13:19:42] <crutchy> bye bye soylentnews.org
[13:19:49] <stderr> crutchy: Then logged-in users wouldn't see anything. Varnish only caches for not-logged-in users.
[13:20:15] <crutchy> i got a 500 error just then
[13:20:18] <crutchy> now its back up
[13:21:09] <crutchy> commenting still works
[13:21:20] <crutchy> and my comment showed up so that's good :-)
[13:22:24] <crutchy> bytram: prolly not a dire emergency. at least we have irc... where the real action is :-P
[13:22:29] <Bender> [ksuhku] I saw a 500 too earlier today
[13:22:37] paulej72_away is now known as paulej72
[13:23:43] <crutchy> bytram: looks like this might be NCommander's baby
[13:25:16] <crutchy> no problem though
[13:25:30] -!- qlaras [qlaras!~qlaras@166.70.vmi.qwm] has joined #Soylent
[13:25:43] <crutchy> i can save my useless flamebait comments for later :P
[13:25:49] <crutchy> oops did i say flamebait
[13:26:02] <crutchy> i meant thought-provoking contributions
[13:27:53] <crutchy> bytram: maybe the servers are too full of bacon
[13:27:59] <stderr> bacon++
[13:27:59] <Bender> karma - bacon: 187
[13:28:22] <crutchy> stderr: do a !karma bacon in ##
[13:29:03] <stderr> You guys are crazy... :-)
[13:29:20] <crutchy> kobach is the Chief Bacon++ Executive Officer
[13:31:34] <crutchy> bytram: let the helm go and see what happens... go on, you know you wanna :-P
[13:32:10] * crutchy keeps an eye out for reefs
[13:36:01] -!- qlaras has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[13:38:02] <bytram> crutchy, FYI: looks like the powers that can do something have not arrived yet, but we're doing what we can.
[13:38:30] <crutchy> you need NCommander
[13:38:53] <crutchy> if not a varnish problem
[13:39:00] <crutchy> he's a tinkerer :-P
[13:39:19] <stderr> Or xlefay. He got access too.
[13:39:25] <crutchy> he has been a bit paranoid about security lately
[13:39:36] <bytram> yup on both counts.
[13:39:41] <crutchy> access prolly not enough
[13:39:48] -!- qlaras [qlaras!~qlaras@166.70.vmi.qwm] has joined #Soylent
[13:39:54] <crutchy> i'd guess only ncommander knows what he's done
[13:40:14] <crutchy> he's flagged a couple of things today on irc but no details
[13:40:35] <crutchy> there's that wiki page i guess
[13:40:42] <crutchy> maybe that has the answers
[13:41:06] bytram is now known as Bytram|afk
[13:41:36] <Bytram|afk> crutchy, i need to get started on my day and head to work in less than an hour;
[13:42:02] <Bytram|afk> woul you please act as a liason to keep folks, here, up on what's happening?
[13:42:12] <crutchy> server is still up mostly... i wouldn't worry about it too much
[13:42:13] <Bytram|afk> thanks!
[13:42:26] <crutchy> maybe flag it to nc when he gets on
[13:42:40] <crutchy> nobody needs to lose sleep over it
[13:42:43] <Bytram|afk> nope, not worried... just trying to keep *potential* problems at bay.
[13:42:48] <Bytram|afk> ^^^
[13:42:51] <Bytram|afk> ciao!
[13:42:54] <crutchy> i'll be heading off to bed soon though
[13:42:57] <crutchy> cya matey
[13:43:14] -!- qlaras has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[13:43:14] <crutchy> i'm in UTC+10 tz like mrbluze
[13:43:23] <crutchy> +100 with dst
[13:43:33] <crutchy> s/100/11/
[13:43:33] <SedBot> <crutchy> +11 with dst
[13:43:56] <crutchy> i'll hang about till midnight
[13:48:01] -!- qlaras [qlaras!~qlaras@166.70.vmi.qwm] has joined #Soylent
[13:48:24] <crutchy> hi qlaras. u having some trouble with connection?
[13:55:18] <crutchy> mattiep: i wouldn't wake up xlefay unless the sky is falling
[13:55:27] <crutchy> imho of course
[13:55:29] <crutchy> :-P
[13:55:32] <mattiep> yeah, I know
[13:55:38] <mattiep> I'm not really planning on it
[13:55:46] <crutchy> not a mjaor problem
[13:55:50] <crutchy> site is still upo
[13:55:55] <crutchy> can comment still
[13:56:11] <crutchy> just some dicky issue with new articles and comment count
[13:58:38] <crutchy> gnight mrbluze
[13:58:44] <MrBluze> gnite crutchy
[13:58:58] <MrBluze> i submitted 2 stories
[14:00:09] MrBluze is now known as MrBluze|zzz
[14:03:43] <crutchy> stderr: prolly a storm in a teacup
[14:03:47] <crutchy> but storms are fun
[14:04:10] <stderr> Don't know. Don't really care... :-/
[14:04:51] <crutchy> i'm a bit the same, but it's interesting to watch from the sidelines
[14:05:23] <crutchy> like being at a nerd colluseum
[14:06:58] <crutchy> it would be even more fun if soylentnews.org went 500 :-P
[14:07:22] <crutchy> then i would grab some popcorn
[14:09:37] -!- qlaras has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[14:13:30] -!- qlaras [qlaras!~qlaras@166.70.vmi.qwm] has joined #Soylent
[14:20:16] <crutchy> omfg... how big is the slash db?
[14:20:28] * crutchy doing an export to .sql
[14:22:54] <stderr> crutchy: I don't think anyone can answer that question right now.
[14:23:41] <crutchy> slash is so way overblown for soylent it's not even funny
[14:24:25] <crutchy> we need to make "slashkiss"
[14:24:38] <crutchy> slash keep it simple stupid
[14:25:46] <stderr> Sounds like pipedot. Rewriting from scratch.
[14:26:01] <crutchy> basically
[14:26:29] <crutchy> i started exporting data cos i thought i'd have a go at making something siple that reads existing db
[14:26:42] <crutchy> wanna get it out of the vm though
[14:26:48] <crutchy> into apache2 environment
[14:27:51] <crutchy> i don't think it would take much to get some real development momentum going
[14:28:02] <crutchy> just gotta get perl out of the equation
[14:28:12] <stderr> Why?
[14:28:40] <crutchy> i assume not that many people know it well enough
[14:29:08] <crutchy> php guys are a dime a dozen
[14:29:28] <stderr> If it's written in a sane manner, perl shouldn't be a problem.
[14:29:55] <stderr> Personally I wouldn't use PHP for anything serious.
[14:29:56] <crutchy> i guess
[14:30:03] <crutchy> php is ok
[14:30:16] <crutchy> prolly drives more of the interblags than perl does
[14:30:40] <stderr> And has a lot more security issues...
[14:30:42] <crutchy> perl is probably better
[14:31:16] <crutchy> i dunno... i think any language can be used to develop apps full of security holes
[14:31:39] <crutchy> php might make it easier cos it's a more accessible language... a lot of tinkerers use it
[14:31:45] <crutchy> like me :-P
[14:32:04] -!- qlaras has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[14:32:39] <stderr> Does PHP have something like tainting?
[14:33:07] <crutchy> i don't know much about security, but from what i've read it seems like language used isn't the main concern anyway... not like sql injection, xss attacks, poor configs
[14:33:11] <crutchy> dunno
[14:33:25] <crutchy> what's tainting?
[14:33:34] <crutchy> pardon my ignorance
[14:33:40] <crutchy> slash
[14:33:42] <stderr> Taint mode
[14:33:42] <stderr> Perl automatically enables a set of special security checks, called
[14:33:42] <stderr> taint mode, when it detects its program running with differing real and
[14:33:42] <stderr> effective user or group IDs. The setuid bit in Unix permissions is
[14:33:42] <stderr> mode 04000, the setgid bit mode 02000; either or both may be set. You
[14:33:43] <stderr> can also enable taint mode explicitly by using the -T command line
[14:33:45] <stderr> flag. This flag is strongly suggested for server programs and any
[14:33:49] <stderr> program run on behalf of someone else, such as a CGI script. Once taint
[14:33:51] <stderr> mode is on, it's on for the remainder of your script.
[14:34:18] <crutchy> dunno as far as i know php runs under apache user
[14:34:37] <crutchy> which is usually limited
[14:35:00] <stderr> If you got perl installed, see the perlsec man pages.
[14:35:42] <crutchy> lol might have to check if i got doc installed
[14:35:55] -!- qlaras [qlaras!~qlaras@166.70.vmi.qwm] has joined #Soylent
[14:36:02] <crutchy> just doing apt-get install perl-doc
[14:36:33] <crutchy> got it
[14:39:02] <crutchy> in my php configs i just run as www-data with no extra priveliges (not sure why you would need any tbh) and if need be set disable_functions in php.ini to prevent any of the shell exec type functions
[14:39:30] <crutchy> perlsec looks like it would be good for big apps
[14:39:46] <stderr> Like slash? :-)
[14:39:47] <crutchy> not sure why soylent would need any special privs
[14:40:04] <crutchy> slash is big, but soylent doesn't need slash
[14:40:16] <crutchy> i was thing ERP/CRM
[14:40:23] <crutchy> s/thing/thinking/
[14:40:23] <SedBot> <crutchy> i was thinking ERP/CRM
[14:43:16] <crutchy> shit. i gotta get up for work in 5 and half hrs
[14:43:32] <stderr> See you...
[14:43:37] <crutchy> cya stderr
[14:43:47] <crutchy> nice chatting matey
[14:43:56] <crutchy> catch up soon
[14:44:07] -!- crutchy has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[14:49:10] -!- Bytram|afk has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[14:52:19] -!- qlaras has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[14:53:34] <unitron> According to the main page, none of the stories posted today have any comments, so I guess I must have imagined having made one.
[14:53:58] <stderr> Known problem...
[14:54:55] <Bender> [omoc] is it just me or are SN comments stagnating, there has rarely been a story with >30 comments in the past days
[14:56:20] -!- qlaras [qlaras!~qlaras@166.70.vmi.qwm] has joined #Soylent
[14:59:23] <Bender> [stderr_dk] Known problem...
[14:59:49] <Bender> [stderr_dk] Oh, wait, that might be another problem...
[15:19:58] -!- qlaras has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[15:23:51] -!- qlaras [qlaras!~qlaras@166.70.vmi.qwm] has joined #Soylent
[15:26:16] -!- qlaras has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[15:30:01] -!- qlaras [qlaras!~qlaras@166.70.vmi.qwm] has joined #Soylent
[15:40:37] -!- qlaras has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[15:44:20] -!- qlaras [qlaras!~qlaras@166.70.vmi.qwm] has joined #Soylent
[15:46:26] -!- janrinok [janrinok!~janrinok@Soylent/Staff/Editor/janrinok] has joined #Soylent
[15:46:26] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v janrinok] by SkyNet
[15:52:52] -!- qlaras has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[15:53:41] -!- neagix [neagix!~neagix@31.220.yp.otq] has joined #Soylent
[15:54:47] <neagix> I've read about the Khyber banning etc
[15:56:59] <neagix> although it's an old story, I am interested in the theory: banning him from IRC doesn't correspond to completely silencing him? I am thinking that perhaps a lighter punishment was more appropriate
[15:57:58] <neagix> on freenode he would probably have got only a (temporary) channel ban. I know it's about "shall the community spend the attention and keystrokes to talk with a troll/bad guy?" vs "discard the trolls/bad guys"
[15:59:11] <neagix> I would have preferred that everybody would /ignore him, it might have been more educative for him to keep reading and realizing what he was missing in human interactions. just my 2c -.-
[15:59:58] <janrinok> Anyone get any idea why, whenever Khyber's name gets mentioned, I end up getting the same display as if it was a message to me???
[16:00:19] <neagix> janrinok: uh, a bug in the IRC client maybe?
[16:00:25] <neagix> or you have Khyber in your real name :P
[16:00:57] <janrinok> no and no neagix , as far as I can tell. The client is working fine in every other respect.
[16:01:05] <neagix> weird
[16:01:36] -!- qlaras [qlaras!~qlaras@166.70.vmi.qwm] has joined #Soylent
[16:01:49] <janrinok> true
[16:05:24] <neagix> by the way, there is still the "0 comments" issue and the unicode characters issue
[16:06:31] -!- Popeidol has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[16:06:33] <neagix> I get broken UTF-8 both in Firefox and Chrome. it's like before serving them to me, they have been stored internally in ANSI (could have happened at database level or perl level)
[16:06:51] <neagix> but I assume that's a known issue
[16:09:49] -!- mrcoolbp [mrcoolbp!~mrcoolbp@Soylent/Staff/mrcoolbp] has joined #Soylent
[16:09:49] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mrcoolbp] by SkyNet
[16:09:49] -!- qlaras has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[16:12:13] <janrinok> Yes - I believe that both are known but the team are busy on higher priorities at the moment, or at least that is my understanding of it.
[16:24:53] -!- qlaras [qlaras!~qlaras@166.70.vmi.qwm] has joined #Soylent
[16:35:05] -!- mrcoolbp has quit []
[16:45:07] janrinok is now known as janrinok|afk
[16:53:32] -!- Cyprus [Cyprus!~Bob@2001:470:e2cf:hy:yrrr:yyhg:vklo:jmyh] has joined #Soylent
[17:19:15] -!- robind [robind!~robind@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/robind] has joined #Soylent
[17:19:15] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v robind] by SkyNet
[17:43:00] -!- Goodie [Goodie!~607fc297@96.127.kns.ujp] has joined #Soylent
[17:43:21] <Goodie> hi there, just coming up to report that the site is not functional as of now. maybe it was planned all along, if so, sorry
[17:43:33] <Goodie> getting an error from varnish
[17:43:46] -!- wjwlsn [wjwlsn!~ad233b03@fnn470885t49813-jnbo428986n603.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #Soylent
[17:43:48] <Cyprus> staff working on it
[17:43:55] <Goodie> cool
[17:44:19] <Goodie> I figured I wouldn't the frirst one to notice but in case... :)
[17:46:25] -!- wjwlsn has quit [Client Quit]
[17:47:03] <n1> how did i end up with a 1c canadian coin...
[17:47:13] -!- Goodie has quit [Client Quit]
[17:51:16] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - NSA Spied on Chinese Government and Huawei - http://sylnt.us - Shocked,-shocked-I-tell-you || Watson used to Fight Cancer - http://sylnt.us - World-of-Tomorrow || A Sinkhole of Federal Government Bureaucracy - http://sylnt.us - welcome-to-the-1980s-again || BICEP2 results to be taken with a grain of salt - http://sylnt.us - 1 more
[17:53:20] <FoobarBazbot> neagix, from my logs:
[17:53:25] <FoobarBazbot> 2014-03-13 17:58 -!- buttercake changed mode/#Soylent -> +q *!*@61-09-54-64.dhcp.rvsd.ca.charter.com
[17:53:30] <FoobarBazbot> 2014-03-13 19:33 -!- xlefay changed mode/#Soylent -> -q *!*@61-09-54-64.dhcp.rvsd.ca.charter.com
[17:54:57] <FoobarBazbot> AFAICT, Khyber was only temporarily quieted in one channel, exactly as you suggest...
[17:55:03] -!- weeds [weeds!~474845fe@shv-92-79-04-844.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #Soylent
[17:55:37] -!- robind has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[18:21:34] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Police: Stingray Device Intercepts Mobile Phones - http://sylnt.us - but-we-have-to-be-able-track-everyone
[19:18:19] <paulej72> !current_uid
[19:18:36] <paulej72> !current-uid
[19:18:36] <Bender> The current maximum UID is 3935, owned by thestallion
[19:41:04] -!- Cyprus has quit [Quit: ThrashIRC v2.9 sic populo comunicated]
[19:41:56] -!- pbnjoe [pbnjoe!~pbnjoe@Soylent/Users/313/pbnjoe] has joined #Soylent
[19:44:48] janrinok|afk is now known as janrinok
[20:18:30] -!- BadCoderFinger [BadCoderFinger!~BadCoderF@23-663-529-38.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #Soylent
[20:18:35] <BadCoderFinger> Yo
[20:28:20] <xlefay> yo
[20:28:28] <arti> yo
[20:29:05] * arti has successfully removed color bleeding from his ill fated cleaning attempt from all but one shirt
[20:29:20] <BadCoderFinger> Bleach?
[20:29:38] <arti> oxyclean
[20:29:57] <BadCoderFinger> Ugh, git-svn sucks, but it sucks less that subversion.
[20:30:09] * arti prefers git to svn
[20:30:22] <BadCoderFinger> Yeah, git is much nicer.
[20:30:38] <arti> i use svn for work, git for all my stuff
[20:30:45] * arti has been lobbying
[20:30:51] <BadCoderFinger> But that initial git-svn import takes forever.
[20:31:07] <arti> just increase your time dilation
[20:31:15] <arti> or skip to your next turn
[20:31:17] <arti> :D
[20:31:43] -!- Cyprus [Cyprus!~Bob@2001:470:e2cf:hy:yrrr:yyhg:vklo:jmyh] has joined #Soylent
[20:31:59] <BadCoderFinger> Heh. I'm lucky, I got to pick the repo.
[20:32:47] <BadCoderFinger> Gitlab for the kids to use, and gitolite for the release server.
[20:43:07] -!- Anon3 [Anon3!~Anon3___@109.246.vnh.inw] has joined #Soylent
[20:51:27] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - What Happened to the Vision in Open Source? - http://sylnt.us - Bizarre-Cathedrals
[20:53:01] <Cyprus> so... anyone have a suggestion on how i can stream music from my file server to my audio system in another room? I has a chromecast and an xbox360, file server is samba
[20:53:25] <xlefay> mpd?
[20:54:01] <Cyprus> xlefay: thanks thats a new one to me, i'll read up about it
[20:54:18] <xlefay> not sure if it's going to be of much help to you, but it certainly streams
[20:54:21] <BadCoderFinger> Yeah, that's what mpd is supposed to do. Otherwise give shoutcast or icecast a look.
[20:56:22] <Cyprus> hmmm needs a client
[21:09:58] -!- Cyprus has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[21:16:20] MrBluze|zzz is now known as MrBluze|afk
[21:19:17] <Subsentient> lol holy shit
[21:19:27] <Subsentient> I disconnected from Freenode and went to bed
[21:19:32] <Subsentient> but I left this network open
[21:20:49] -!- stderr has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[21:25:47] -!- stderr [stderr!~pohol@GetOffMyLawn/stderr] has joined #Soylent
[21:25:47] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v stderr] by SkyNet
[21:33:27] -!- BadCoderFinger has quit [Quit: Beer to drink.]
[21:42:54] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~cb811792@724-640-25-593.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[22:14:09] <crutchy> morning soylent
[22:14:17] <crutchy> reading #staff log was pretty funny
[22:14:49] <crutchy> hope nobody was hurt :-)
[22:16:53] <xlefay> It's just funny it happened right after NC went to bed and shortly thereafter I went to bed
[22:17:04] <xlefay> I bet, if they had pinged me right away, I would still have been here ;-)
[22:18:39] <xlefay> instead, stderr pinged me while he didn't intent for it, about 15 mins after I actually went to bed ;-)
[22:19:57] <stderr> :-)
[22:21:57] -!- janrinok has quit [Quit: leaving]
[22:23:13] <crutchy> hi xlefay, stderr
[22:25:00] <stderr> Hey.
[22:25:05] <crutchy> stinks like coal outside today :-(
[22:25:17] <crutchy> and it's friggin cold
[22:25:32] <crutchy> hopefully will be nice n warm in orifice
[22:40:46] -!- IT_phreak [IT_phreak!~smuxi@s-69-253-783-290.hsd0.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[22:40:56] -!- crutchy has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[23:14:38] -!- pbnjoe has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[23:16:59] -!- FoobarBazbot_ has quit [Quit: FoobarBazbot_]
[23:17:54] -!- FoobarBazbot_ [FoobarBazbot_!~FoobarBaz@orra-] has joined #Soylent
[23:17:54] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v FoobarBazbot_] by SkyNet
[23:45:01] -!- IT_phreak has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]