#rss-bot | Logs for 2024-01-29

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[00:22:00] <Regurgitator> [BBC Tech] X blocks searches for Taylor Swift after explicit AI images of her go viral - https://www.bbc.co.uk
[13:27:05] <Regurgitator> [MIT Tech Review] The Download: AI job panic, and concussion-preventing mouthguards - https://www.technologyreview.com
[14:57:05] <Regurgitator> [BBC Tech] Has great white shark newborn been caught on film for the first time? - https://www.bbc.co.uk
[17:27:05] <Regurgitator> [MIT Tech Review] Actionable insights enable smarter business buying - https://www.technologyreview.com
[17:57:05] <Regurgitator> [MIT Tech Review] Three ways we can fight deepfake porn - https://www.technologyreview.com
[19:58:06] <Regurgitator> [MIT Tech Review] Dear Taylor Swift, we’re sorry about those explicit deepfakes - https://www.technologyreview.com
[20:17:55] <chromas> pathetic
[20:19:24] <ted-ious> I'm sure I would be insane if it was my daughter and millions of people were looking at images that looked like her naked.
[20:19:40] <ted-ious> But they're still fake so what's really going on here?
[20:20:05] <chromas> and people have been making fakes of her for years and years
[20:20:08] <chromas> for some reason
[20:20:46] <chromas> but also just two article titles ago is just a bunch of buzzword nonsense
[20:21:14] <ted-ious> The more I hear about taylor swift the more I think she's fake and a creation of marketing and propaganda.
[20:23:17] <chromas> no comments section, of course
[20:24:40] <ted-ious> If twitter wants to ban her deep fakes they have to ban all of them.
[20:25:00] <chromas> a literally impossible task
[20:25:40] <ted-ious> I mean they should have to ban all pornography on the site.
[20:25:52] <chromas> seriously wtf
[20:25:58] <chromas> "However, tapping into procurement’s potential for generating value requires mastering the diverse needs of today’s global and hybrid businesses, navigating an increasingly complex supplier ecosystem, and wrangling the vast volumes of data generated by a rapidly digitalizing supply chain. Advanced procurement tools and technologies can support all three."
[20:26:36] <ted-ious> That sounds like the kind of crap that business school professors write.
[20:26:49] <chromas> GPT5: whip me up an article full of the most buzzwords possible while saying absolutely nothing
[20:26:58] <chromas> GPT5: And for good reason—analytics can significantly enhance supply chain visibility, improve buying behavior, strengthen supply chain partnerships, and drive productivity and sustainability. Here’s how.
[20:28:06] <ted-ious> Oh are we up to gpt5 now?
[20:28:14] <ted-ious> When did that happen?
[20:28:24] <chromas> yeah but I don't think it's released to peons yet
[20:28:32] <ted-ious> Oh.
[20:28:37] <ted-ious> You're special. :)
[20:28:42] <chromas> I don't have it
[20:29:05] <chromas> I'm pretty sure I've read somewhere that it's out though
[20:29:20] <chromas> some guy said is and that's good enough for mt to beliebe it
[20:29:26] <ted-ious> We should create a llm that specializes in writing nonsense for the wef.
[20:29:33] <ted-ious> And send it to them.
[20:29:48] <ted-ious> So they are too busy reading nonsense to actually do anything. :)
[20:30:49] <ted-ious> They love stuff like your quote.
[20:38:36] <chromas> it's from three MIT links up
[20:38:50] <chromas> "Actionable insights enable smarter business buying"
[20:38:58] <chromas> no way that article wasn't a joke
[21:11:16] <Bytram> Way back in 2002: https://en.wikipedia.org(2002_film)
[21:13:00] <Bytram> Reality finally imitates art... imitation reality!