#rss-bot | Logs for 2023-12-12
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[00:22:00] <Regurgitator> [BBC Tech] Controversial clothes hook spy cameras for sale on Amazon - https://www.bbc.co.uk
[02:52:00] <Regurgitator> [BBC Tech] Fortnite maker Epic Games wins case against Google Play Store - https://www.bbc.co.uk
[10:27:05] <Regurgitator> [MIT Tech Review] Inside the decades-long fight over Yahoo’s misdeeds in China - https://www.technologyreview.com
[13:27:05] <Regurgitator> [MIT Tech Review] The Download: Yahoo’s misdeeds in China, and AI Act takeaways - https://www.technologyreview.com
[14:47:14] -!- tedious has quit [Quit: IRCNow and Forever!]
[15:00:29] -!- tedious [tedious!tedious@ted.ious] has joined #rss-bot
[15:57:06] <Regurgitator> [MIT Tech Review] Mapping the micro and macro of biology with spatial omics and AI - https://www.technologyreview.com
[16:57:05] <Regurgitator> [BBC Tech] E3: Once world's biggest gaming show permanently axed - https://www.bbc.co.uk
[22:42:02] <Regurgitator> [Krebs] Microsoft Patch Tuesday, December 2023 Edition - https://krebsonsecurity.com