#irpg-discuss | Logs for 2024-11-21
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[00:53:30] -!- Loggie [Loggie!Loggie@Soylent/BotArmy] has joined #irpg-discuss
[05:52:38] -!- chromas [chromas!~chromas@Soylent/Staph/Infector/chromas] has joined #irpg-discuss
[06:58:25] -!- chromas has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[06:58:39] -!- chromas [chromas!~chromas@Soylent/Staph/Infector/chromas] has joined #irpg-discuss
[07:03:50] <kolie> Bro we're going to start questing at level 40 let's go chromas
[07:05:51] <chromas> I'll be there in just a few days
[07:09:42] <kolie> So when are we getting the fight bot
[07:11:26] <chromas> I could recreate it
[07:11:34] <chromas> unless you're bored and want to
[07:14:15] <kolie> Do you have any more details on it
[07:17:16] <chromas> Yeah it had *ctl commands in honor of systemd, so #fitectl status would show the user's HP, weapon and armor; #fitectl armor (string) to set armor; #fitectl weapon (string)
[07:18:07] <chromas> The amount of damage the players do is based on their HP, which just goes up—I think 1 unit—for each fite won, but it never goes down
[07:18:52] <chromas> it doesn't have to be exact, and I think TMB, Bytram and myself were the main users of it, and crutchy at the beginning
[07:24:17] <kolie> What stops you from spamming flights to level up
[07:24:32] <kolie> I asked tmb for sauce
[07:24:37] <kolie> See what he says
[07:25:15] <chromas> Dying stops you
[07:25:43] <kolie> Why if you die, you dead dead?
[07:25:45] <chromas> You can run fights all you want until you die. Your HP doesn't reset until the magic fairy comes along once a day to reset all the hp
[07:25:53] <kolie> Oh
[07:26:11] <chromas> #fite The good fairy has come along and revived everyone
[07:26:11] <chromas> #fite the gods have smiled upon saxdm
[07:26:17] * chromas scrolled back in the channel
[07:26:31] <chromas> The gods smiling gives an extra hp boost I think
[07:26:33] <kolie> Send logs kolie@soylentnews.org
[07:28:10] <kolie> Is Mr plow a simps reference
[07:30:27] <chromas> it is
[07:30:44] * chromas is pasting snippets
[07:36:27] <chromas> mail sent
[17:17:25] -!- Ingar [Ingar!~ingar@51.15.nj.ri] has joined #irpg-discuss
[17:17:29] <Ingar> ohi
[19:05:50] -!- chromas2 [chromas2!~chromas@Soylent/Staph/Infector/chromas] has joined #irpg-discuss
[19:06:07] -!- chromas has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]