#help | Logs for 2021-06-06
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[15:04:34] -!- jman_ [jman_!~root@136.49.wnz.nq] has joined #help
[15:05:15] <jman_> Hi, having a little trouble with my nick. It's registered, had to reset. IDENTIFY doesn't seem to be working. Keeps adding an underscore to the nick name.
[15:06:05] <jman_> Also setting nick keeps saying "Nick/channel unavailable"
[15:07:08] * jman_ wants my nick back. ;)
[15:08:06] <jman_> Will try resetting pw again.
[15:08:08] -!- jman_ [jman_!~root@136.49.wnz.nq] has parted #help
[15:10:09] -!- jman_ [jman_!~root@136.49.wnz.nq] has joined #help
[15:11:36] * jman_ will leave this channel open. Please advise on nick trouble. Thanks!
[15:14:02] -!- jman_ [jman_!~root@136.49.wnz.nq] has parted #help
[21:15:45] -!- jman_ [jman_!~root@136.49.wnz.nq] has joined #help
[21:16:00] -!- jman_ [jman_!~root@136.49.wnz.nq] has parted #help
[23:33:09] chromas is now known as Hephaestux