#help | Logs for 2019-01-25
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[13:42:07] -!- jman_ [jman_!~root@136.62.jpw.igv] has joined #help
[13:42:31] -!- jman_ [jman_!~root@136.62.jpw.igv] has parted #help
[13:45:50] -!- jman_ [jman_!~root@136.62.jpw.igv] has joined #help
[13:46:19] -!- jman_ [jman_!~root@136.62.jpw.igv] has parted #help
[13:47:17] -!- _jman [_jman!~root@136.62.jpw.igv] has joined #help
[13:47:59] <_jman> Having trouble setting my nick. Keeps saying Nick/channel temporarily unavailable. Will let me set other nicks. Have previously identified.
[14:23:38] _jman is now known as jman
[14:24:32] <jman> Guess I wasn't paying attention to the "temporarily" part. ;)
[14:24:35] -!- jman [jman!~root@136.62.jpw.igv] has parted #help