#governance | Logs for 2024-02-14
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[17:17:02] <Ingar> I would be totally willing to reveal my identity if it would get rid of aristarchus
[17:27:22] <drussell> +1 Touché
[18:39:58] -!- fab23 has quit [Quit: macOS is user friendly. It is just picky about who his friends are.]
[18:49:47] -!- fab23 [fab23!fabian@ysxbxfyv.wenks.ch] has joined #governance
[20:24:57] -!- aristarchus [aristarchus!~aristarch@109.123.gi.vyp] has joined #governance
[20:25:33] <aristarchus> You can't get rid of aristarchus, he is banned, not even here. There is no Dana, only Zoul.
[20:26:05] <aristarchus> Happy Valentine's, soylentils. The blush is off the rose.
[20:27:06] <aristarchus> And isn't it time for another Governance Committee meeting, at 21:00 UTC?
[20:43:33] -!- technoid_ [technoid_!~technoid_@gcpsxumk.nettek.io] has joined #governance
[20:59:54] <aristarchus> Guess not. More's the pity. Lack of governance will end SoylentNews.
[21:01:10] -!- aristarchus has quit [Quit: Client closed]