#governance | Logs for 2024-02-11

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[03:17:45] <Bytram> schestowitz[TR]: It has been my pleasure!
[04:07:12] <schestowitz[TR]> the irc part of our sites was targeted
[04:07:18] <schestowitz[TR]> and family members too
[04:07:47] <schestowitz[TR]> unrelated, esp. when the admins had thick skin and could not be easily intimidated
[04:07:58] <chromas> That's why Google and Facebook pushed so hard for real names—so when you do a wrongthink, people everywhere can harass you
[04:08:19] <schestowitz[TR]> yes, exactly
[04:08:33] <schestowitz[TR]> and dox the wife to her employer erc
[04:08:36] <schestowitz[TR]> *etc
[04:09:02] * chromas nods in social-justice-is-served
[04:10:55] <chromas> I don't see a comments section on your site though. How am I supposed to tell you how wrong you are?
[04:13:14] <chromas> it looks like I'm allowing everything on the page, but when I click that Nitter link, I get a giant N...looks like ni**er is trying to say something racist
[04:13:27] <schestowitz[TR]> s #techrights at irc.techrights.org, port 6667 without SSL support and port 6697 for SSL
[04:13:29] <chromas> then a yuuuuge liberapay logo that's taller than the window :)
[04:14:31] <chromas> if I recall correctly, Bender handled twitter and has been missing for quite awhile now. Bender was an instance of one of the many, many, many various forks of JSONBot
[04:14:59] <schestowitz[TR]> "X" is unworthy
[04:15:07] <schestowitz[TR]> focus on a site
[04:15:46] <chromas> well a few people are using various fediverse pages, but most people are still using twitter since it hasn't really changed as much as people like to complain about. it was always dumb
[04:36:19] <chromas> hm...too much news in there
[04:36:26] <schestowitz[TR]> not always
[04:36:33] <schestowitz[TR]> depends on time of day
[09:56:11] -!- aristarchus [aristarchus!~aristarch@37.19.got.m] has joined #governance
[09:57:40] <aristarchus> Scheduled vote of all the real and verifiable (phone and/or credit card) persons of SoylentNews?  Was really wondering how this was going to work
[10:05:08] -!- aristarchus has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[13:15:07] -!- drussell has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[13:16:07] -!- drussell [drussell!~drussell@a4627691kd3g1a0z4.wk.shawcable.net] has joined #governance