#governance | Logs for 2024-01-27

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[00:01:39] <Bytram> cosurgi: Yes, in a moment of frustration I did say that. Upon further reflection, for personal reasons, I withdraw my name from consideration for one of the three board positions (chairman, secretary, or treasurer). I apologize.
[05:29:47] <chromas> lol
[05:30:02] <chromas> Just skip the incorporation
[05:30:14] <chromas> Run it all through tor
[06:42:52] -!- aristarchus [aristarchus!~aristarch@169.150.rmx.gxp] has joined #governance
[06:45:20] <aristarchus> So having destroyed the Governance Committee, janrinok is attempting a coup d'Soylentil, and attempting to foist his own hand-picked Board of Misdirectors?   And _later_ the community will be involved?  Daniel Ortega, is that you?  I thought audioguy was dead.  His email always bounces.
[06:52:28] -!- aristarchus has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[09:54:53] <janrinok> chromas, the existing site will only sell the database and software to a created company. If it wasn't for this point we could have gone elsewhere 8 months ago.
[09:55:49] <chromas> we only need a company for liability purposes for comments and stuff, but if we go through tor or whatever then no problem :D
[09:57:16] <janrinok> so how do we get the database and software?
[09:57:31] <janrinok> Have you got a working copy of either?
[09:58:16] <chromas> ;)
[13:17:28] <cosurgi> janrinok: so we are back to 2 volunteers, and still need to find the third one?
[15:34:32] <janrinok> No, we are back to 1 volunteer and need to find 2 more
[15:35:22] <cosurgi> Is it only fliptop ?
[15:35:48] <janrinok> at the moment, yes
[15:39:17] <janrinok> There are no shortage of volunteers to run a new site - it is just the various risks involved with taking over the current one. The current board do NOT want us to see the details of the last few years it seems, and we wonder what we might be letting ourselves in for.
[15:39:49] <janrinok> It might be nothing, but on the other hand....
[16:27:02] <cosurgi> What problems could they have run into and would be passing onto us?
[16:27:38] <cosurgi> A debt? Nothing else comes to mind. And I somehow doubt that.
[16:31:49] <chromas> They mentioned some mysterious legal issue that only applies if they hand the current company over and step down, but does not apply if they pass all the assets onto a new company and shut down the current one
[16:45:04] <janrinok> ... and because they will not explain what they mean it makes people very suspicious.
[16:50:11] <cosurgi> uhh.. indeed that is fishy.
[17:03:28] <cosurgi> Are we going to make a post that we need 2 volunteers from USA ?
[17:03:44] <cosurgi> if not the "from USA" requirement, we would already have found people in staff.
[18:49:10] <janrinok> cosurgi, the problem is not in the chairman post per se - it can be anybody. But we need 2 people on a Board of 3 to hold the official debit card which is difficult to arrange for non-US volunteers. That will also involve of course identifying oneself to the bank but doing that from overseas is not a simply procedure. I have never done it but some have said it is difficult because of the current laws regarding moving money around and money laundering.
[18:50:50] <janrinok> If anyone has got any answers then I will gladly listen to them.
[19:21:57] <cosurgi> Uh. I meant: Are we going to post a meta on SN website that we need two people from USA ?
[19:22:34] <cosurgi> but yeah. I get the problems ... :(
[19:22:44] <cosurgi> s/get/understand
[19:24:29] <janrinok> I am currently reading the replies to my emails of earlier today on this matter. There are lots of suggestions but nobody actually wants to sit on a board - which is why the staff drafts of new bylaws tried to make it an admin team rather than a board. Without a new company the existing site will not give us the data or domain.
[19:26:54] <janrinok> I am considering writing a Meta for tomorrow but would you be prepared to accept three unknown people being giving total control over the site and its finances? That would be no different than we have today. I can ask and see what the response is but we would be handing the keys to the whole site to a potential stranger from the community.
[19:27:36] <janrinok> It might be a name that we know but it could just as easily be another unknown.
[19:31:01] <janrinok> We are running very short on time - NCommander said that he would fund the site until our 10th birthday, which is only a few working days away. He has been true to his word but we cannot expect his generosity to continue indefinitely.
[19:46:55] <fab23> /o\
[20:27:38] <cosurgi> indeed three strangers holding the keys to the site is bad.
[20:27:56] <cosurgi> I wish AudioGuy and Bytram could do this....
[21:01:01] <cosurgi> Or fliptop could effectively do the job of both chairman, secretary, and treasurer , while the other two people who volunteer from community wouldn't be given the keys to the site. They will only give up their anonymity.
[21:28:14] <fliptop> cosurgi, janrinok: I recently posted a response in a thread and linked to a picture of myself. I'm all in on this no anonymity business, fwiw.
[21:30:16] <fliptop> https://soylentnews.org