#governance | Logs for 2024-01-19

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[02:24:34] <chromas> Hard disagree on auto renew
[08:34:28] <janrinok> GANDI disagree: To date, you have registered the following payment method(s):
[08:34:29] <janrinok> [activation date] [type] [card number] [expiration date]
[08:34:29] <janrinok> 2023-01-15 06:44:00 MasterCard xxxxxxxxxxx4961 1226
[08:34:29] <janrinok> We changed our provider on December 26, 2023 and encountered a technical
[08:34:29] <janrinok> problem during this migration. As a result, we are currently unable to
[08:34:30] <janrinok> debit your payment.
[08:35:16] <janrinok> The card has expired! That is what I am requesting be rectified, and that we be informed when the Board have done so.
[13:14:28] <janrinok> Another reminder from GANDI today that some domains are still needing to be renewed.
[21:01:14] -!- onanschorchis [onanschorchis!~onanschor@212.102.ty.jzm] has joined #governance
[21:04:59] -!- onanschorchis has quit [Client Quit]
[21:06:41] -!- holoscorchus [holoscorchus!~holoscorc@185.24.g.mh] has joined #governance
[21:08:46] -!- holoscorchus has quit [Client Quit]