#governance | Logs for 2024-01-16

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[00:01:27] <not_kolie2> Anyways, the committee and the people on it had a specific purpose. It isn't my place to dictate what that is for the community or the site, and the board has delegated that power and process to the committee.
[00:01:47] <not_kolie2> It is its own piece of the puzzle, and yes there is other stuff to do, and all of it just as meaningful.
[00:02:55] <not_kolie2> So unless the committee intends to dissolve, those on it are done serving on it and wish to release that role, or it has some form of direction that isn't one individual assuming full control of it without consensus, this is where it is.
[00:03:37] <not_kolie2> While I agree with you janrinok its another layer, and someone could just act, it doesn't seem in the spirit of the community, the site, or any one persons place to just do that unilaterally.
[00:05:37] <not_kolie2> You also relinquished your role on the committee, so, at the very least, I'd like to hear from those who did accept and volunteer and were participating here.
[01:43:27] <chromas> that's why jesus invented znc
[01:43:38] <chromas> then someone came up with something even better: quassel
[01:57:56] <ted-ious> Have you tried this? https://git.sr.ht
[05:45:37] -!- requerdanos has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[08:39:06] -!- requerdanos [requerdanos!~requerdan@Soylent/Staff/Editor/requerdanos] has joined #governance
[09:16:48] <chromas> well we already have a znc installation for staff but I guess nobody uses it anymore
[09:20:16] <janrinok> I use it
[09:21:37] <chromas> the problem with znc and older bouncers is that they're a hack. probably anything supporting ircv3 like soju would work better as far as backlog and stuff, but we hate modern features ;)
[09:22:29] <janrinok> not_kolie2, I may have relinquished my role on the GC, but I am still a member of staff and remain a member of this community. We have never needed a meeting for a member of staff to write and release a Meta. You can do that. It does not require a quorum to approve it.
[09:26:55] <janrinok> The committee is not making any progress. As I am no longer on the GC it is not my place to get the ball rolling again. But nobody seems to be taking a lead. I used to do so, but when my advice is ignored then there was no point in continuing to try continue. You require a Board of only 3 people - the key posts. The GC can, as has already been agreed, fill those 3 posts temporarily while waiting for the voting for community members to take place.
[09:28:18] <janrinok> You may not have noticed but our domains are up for renewal. Who is doing that? If we lose them then there will be no domain to purchase from the existing Board. Who will own the data? YOU are a member of the existing Board - why don't you do your job?
[09:29:58] <janrinok> From where I sit, it seems that you want to be viewed as the site leader but you do not intend doing any of the work expected of such a post. We always had a Governance Committee - but we called them staff. They are all community volunteers.
[09:33:41] <janrinok> Create a company, secure the domains and data, and let the staff continue doing what they have always done (we need full and SECURE access not under the control of anyone else) while you pontificate about how to create a Board that meets your wishes for the next couple of years.
[09:36:18] <janrinok> It is not somebody else's problem - if the board is not functioning then someone should be asking why, what is the problem? That rests with the GC and somebody on it. You do realise that the current chair of the GC (cmn) cannot continue past the end of this month, don't you?
[09:38:40] <janrinok> Who have you got left on the committee? Trying to make this site more like a 'business' is killing the interest of those who do the work.
[17:57:08] -!- not_kolie1 [not_kolie1!~not_kolie@2620:13c:1000:o:kqxu:nymz:ghoh:jjgq] has joined #governance
[18:00:25] -!- not_kolie2 has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[20:57:28] <cosurgi> not_kolie1: did you see what janrinok wrote 9 hours ago. It is relevant, because the domain names are up for renewal or they will expire. And we lose the site.
[23:06:13] -!- halibut has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]