#governance | Logs for 2024-01-15

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[10:14:53] -!- aristarchus [aristarchus!~aristarch@37.19.lyt.n] has joined #governance
[10:21:08] -!- aristarchus has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[23:57:01] <not_kolie2> Well MIRC connections drop, the old connection is in, it uses a secondary, and I log in from many different computers and locations because I don't have a permanent residence.
[23:57:07] <not_kolie2> And I have three office computers.
[23:57:20] <not_kolie2> So it is what it is. Don't need my username cause I read the logs and stuff.
[23:57:58] <not_kolie2> If IRC had better concept of transient connections my life style might work better with using IRC in a typical scenario.
[23:58:25] <not_kolie2> Anyways, everyone on the governance committee did accept and volunteer to it.
[23:59:18] <not_kolie2> And what we are doing is part of running the site. funny thing.