#governance | Logs for 2024-01-11

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[00:00:46] -!- Core6508 [Core6508!~Core6508@900-945-057-869.res.spectrum.com] has joined #governance
[00:02:26] -!- Core6508 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[00:05:28] -!- Core6508 [Core6508!~Core6508@900-945-057-869.res.spectrum.com] has joined #governance
[00:16:40] -!- Core6508 has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[00:17:37] -!- Core6508 [Core6508!~Core6508@2600:1012:b04e:luwj:yozu:nugm:rkr:hzir] has joined #governance
[00:19:54] -!- Core6508 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[00:28:32] -!- Core6508 [Core6508!~Core6508@2600:1012:b04e:luwj:yozu:nugm:rkr:hzir] has joined #governance
[00:33:23] -!- Core6508 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[00:38:53] -!- Core6508 [Core6508!~Core6508@2600:1012:b04e:luwj:yozu:nugm:rkr:hzir] has joined #governance
[00:43:54] -!- Core6508 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[00:49:24] -!- Core6508 [Core6508!~Core6508@2600:1012:b04e:luwj:yozu:nugm:rkr:hzir] has joined #governance
[00:53:30] -!- Core6508 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[00:54:03] -!- Core6508 [Core6508!~Core6508@2600:1012:b04e:luwj:yozu:nugm:rkr:hzir] has joined #governance
[01:01:09] -!- Core6508 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[01:02:17] -!- Core6508 [Core6508!~Core6508@2600:1012:b04e:luwj:yozu:nugm:rkr:hzir] has joined #governance
[01:06:51] -!- Core6508 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[01:12:44] -!- Core6508 [Core6508!~Core6508@2600:1012:b04e:luwj:yozu:nugm:rkr:hzir] has joined #governance
[01:12:46] -!- Core6508 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[01:23:21] -!- Core6508 [Core6508!~Core6508@2600:1012:b04e:luwj:yozu:nugm:rkr:hzir] has joined #governance
[01:23:55] -!- Core6508 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[01:27:37] -!- schestowitz[TR] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[01:30:52] -!- Core6508 [Core6508!~Core6508@2600:1012:b04e:luwj:yozu:nugm:rkr:hzir] has joined #governance
[01:34:08] -!- Core6508 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[01:36:53] -!- Core6508 [Core6508!~Core6508@2600:1012:b04e:luwj:yozu:nugm:rkr:hzir] has joined #governance
[01:39:57] -!- schestowitz[TR] [schestowitz[TR]!~schestowi@2a00:23c8:7480:hhhv:tmju:mxyl:wiho:wgvz] has joined #governance
[01:40:13] -!- Core6508 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[01:43:03] -!- Core6508 [Core6508!~Core6508@2600:1012:b04e:luwj:yozu:nugm:rkr:hzir] has joined #governance
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[01:47:14] -!- Core6508 [Core6508!~Core6508@2600:1012:b04e:luwj:yozu:nugm:rkr:hzir] has joined #governance
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[01:54:23] -!- Core6508 [Core6508!~Core6508@2600:1012:b04e:luwj:yozu:nugm:rkr:hzir] has joined #governance
[01:57:17] -!- Core6508 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[02:01:46] -!- Core6508 [Core6508!~Core6508@2600:1012:b04e:luwj:yozu:nugm:rkr:hzir] has joined #governance
[02:03:43] -!- Core6508 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[02:13:05] -!- Core6508 [Core6508!~Core6508@2600:1012:b04e:luwj:yozu:nugm:rkr:hzir] has joined #governance
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[02:28:38] -!- Core6508 [Core6508!~Core6508@2600:1012:b04e:luwj:yozu:nugm:rkr:hzir] has joined #governance
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[07:43:26] -!- Core6508 [Core6508!~Core6508@2600:1012:b04d:hiuu:oxry:omqm:pkig:zrop] has joined #governance
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[07:51:31] -!- Core6508 [Core6508!~Core6508@2600:1012:b04d:hiuu:oxry:omqm:pkig:zrop] has joined #governance
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[08:01:52] -!- Core6508 [Core6508!~Core6508@2600:1012:b04d:hiuu:oxry:omqm:pkig:zrop] has joined #governance
[08:27:35] -!- Core6508 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[08:30:37] -!- Core6508 [Core6508!~Core6508@2600:1012:b04d:hiuu:oxry:omqm:pkig:zrop] has joined #governance
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[08:40:57] -!- Core6508 [Core6508!~Core6508@2600:1012:b04d:hiuu:oxry:omqm:pkig:zrop] has joined #governance
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[08:46:17] -!- Core6508 [Core6508!~Core6508@2600:1012:b04d:hiuu:oxry:omqm:pkig:zrop] has joined #governance
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[08:55:57] -!- Core6508 [Core6508!~Core6508@2600:1012:b04d:hiuu:oxry:omqm:pkig:zrop] has joined #governance
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[09:22:48] -!- Core6508 [Core6508!~Core6508@2600:1012:b04d:hiuu:oxry:omqm:pkig:zrop] has joined #governance
[09:27:33] -!- Core6508 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[09:46:41] -!- Core6508 [Core6508!~Core6508@2600:1012:b04d:hiuu:oxry:omqm:pkig:zrop] has joined #governance
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[10:17:00] <janrinok> I'm not sure why we need to vote on the change again. It was put to the community - only one person made a comment. That change was agreed in a meeting IIRC. There were no other objections to the draft. So implement it before we lose the data and the domain. Several GoDaddy domains are also up for renewal - who is doing them? Just create a company - any company - and get the transfer made. We can then spend the next 20 years discussing any changes
[10:17:00] <janrinok> that we think should be made. FFS - do something or pack up.
[10:18:30] <janrinok> This is nothing but dragging feet and pretending that some progress is being made. It isn't - there has been no progress in several months. If you cannot get a quorum make a decision and go with it! Please.
[10:20:09] <janrinok> I don't believe that the lack of people showing up is due to holidays - everyone is just fed up with this system of management. Do something or walk away.
[10:21:24] <janrinok> kolie, Bytram cmn32480 audioguy mechanicjay chromas Fnord666 Deucalion requerdanos ^^^^
[10:22:52] <janrinok> We have a Governance Committee that does not govern...
[10:24:50] <janrinok> We have a Board that is not interested...
[10:25:26] <janrinok> And we have staff that cannot do what they have done for the last 10 years because everything need a meeting...
[10:49:10] <chromas> We need a meeting to discuss the meeting for the next meeting
[10:58:08] <janrinok> it seems so ...
[11:01:45] -!- Core6508 [Core6508!~Core6508@2600:1012:b04d:hiuu:oxry:omqm:pkig:zrop] has joined #governance
[11:02:39] -!- Core6508 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[11:23:38] <chromas> no seeming without meeting
[12:10:39] -!- prg has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[13:02:29] -!- Core6508 [Core6508!~Core6508@2600:1012:b06e:lvll:zwwj:srk:ykqi:rorl] has joined #governance
[13:02:57] -!- Core6508 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[14:12:38] -!- prg [prg!~prg@ryfhuvb.de] has joined #governance
[15:24:54] -!- Core6508 [Core6508!~Core6508@2600:1012:b06e:lvll:zwwj:srk:ykqi:rorl] has joined #governance
[15:49:40] -!- Core6508 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[15:54:43] -!- Core6508 [Core6508!~Core6508@574-069-024-187.res.spectrum.com] has joined #governance
[15:57:50] -!- Core6508 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[16:06:52] -!- Core6508 [Core6508!~Core6508@574-069-024-187.res.spectrum.com] has joined #governance
[16:25:29] -!- Core6508 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[16:27:46] -!- halibut has quit [Quit: Timeout]
[16:29:05] -!- Core6508 [Core6508!~Core6508@574-069-024-187.res.spectrum.com] has joined #governance
[16:33:36] -!- halibut [halibut!~halibut@CanHazVHOST/halibut] has joined #governance
[16:42:36] -!- Core6508 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[16:52:04] -!- Core6508 [Core6508!~Core6508@574-069-024-187.res.spectrum.com] has joined #governance
[16:54:22] -!- halibut has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[16:58:35] -!- Core6508 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[17:00:08] -!- Core6508 [Core6508!~Core6508@574-069-024-187.res.spectrum.com] has joined #governance
[17:03:35] -!- halibut [halibut!~halibut@CanHazVHOST/halibut] has joined #governance
[17:03:38] -!- Core6508 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[17:09:58] -!- Core6508 [Core6508!~Core6508@574-069-024-187.res.spectrum.com] has joined #governance
[17:15:10] -!- Core6508 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[17:19:16] -!- Core6508 [Core6508!~Core6508@574-069-024-187.res.spectrum.com] has joined #governance
[19:27:08] -!- Core6508 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[19:27:40] -!- Core6508 [Core6508!~Core6508@574-069-024-187.res.spectrum.com] has joined #governance
[19:42:06] -!- Core6508 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[19:47:09] -!- Core6508 [Core6508!~Core6508@574-069-024-187.res.spectrum.com] has joined #governance
[19:49:18] -!- Core6508 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[19:59:20] -!- Core6508 [Core6508!~Core6508@574-069-024-187.res.spectrum.com] has joined #governance
[19:59:44] -!- Core6508 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[20:18:30] -!- Core6508 [Core6508!~Core6508@574-069-024-187.res.spectrum.com] has joined #governance
[20:20:43] -!- Core6508 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[20:27:03] -!- Core6508 [Core6508!~Core6508@574-069-024-187.res.spectrum.com] has joined #governance
[20:36:34] -!- Core6508 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[20:39:21] -!- Core6508 [Core6508!~Core6508@574-069-024-187.res.spectrum.com] has joined #governance
[20:47:58] -!- Core6508 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[20:51:28] -!- Core6508 [Core6508!~Core6508@574-069-024-187.res.spectrum.com] has joined #governance
[20:53:30] -!- Core6508 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[21:10:58] -!- Core6508 [Core6508!~Core6508@574-069-024-187.res.spectrum.com] has joined #governance
[21:11:56] -!- Core6508 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[21:27:07] -!- Core6508 [Core6508!~Core6508@574-069-024-187.res.spectrum.com] has joined #governance
[21:30:25] -!- Core6508 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[21:32:06] <Bytram> Core6508: HELLO?! Your connection keeps bouncing. Please correct ASAP!!!
[21:32:12] <Bytram> Core6508: HELLO?! Your connection keeps bouncing. Please correct ASAP!!!
[21:32:12] <Bytram> Core6508: HELLO?! Your connection keeps bouncing. Please correct ASAP!!!
[21:32:13] <Bytram> Core6508: HELLO?! Your connection keeps bouncing. Please correct ASAP!!!
[21:36:00] -!- Core6508 [Core6508!~Core6508@2600:1012:b010:hjww:pwqo:mmpn:xygv:nrp] has joined #governance
[22:55:17] <chromas> #smake Core6508
[23:10:21] -!- ted-ious has quit [Quit: IRCNow and Forever!]
[23:10:56] -!- Core6508_ [Core6508_!~Core6508@47.156.mgv.xyk] has joined #governance
[23:14:38] -!- kolie__ [kolie__!~kolie@47.156.mgv.xyk] has joined #governance
[23:14:58] -!- Core6508 has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[23:15:32] -!- Core6508_ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[23:18:16] -!- Core6508 [Core6508!~Core6508@47.156.mgv.xyk] has joined #governance
[23:22:36] -!- tedious [tedious!tedious@ted.ious] has joined #governance
[23:24:23] tedious is now known as ted-ious
[23:35:59] -!- Core6508 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[23:38:41] -!- Core6508 [Core6508!~Core6508@47.156.mgv.xyk] has joined #governance
[23:40:37] -!- Core6508 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[23:46:46] -!- Core6508 [Core6508!~Core6508@47.156.mgv.xyk] has joined #governance
[23:53:54] -!- Core6508 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[23:56:53] -!- Core6508 [Core6508!~Core6508@47.156.mgv.xyk] has joined #governance
[23:58:07] <Bytram> chromas: What can we do? Kick?
[23:58:34] <chromas> that would only last until the next quit/join
[23:58:58] <chromas> #smake kolie kolie__ fix yo' shit mang
[23:59:23] -!- Core6508_ [Core6508_!~Core6508@2600:1012:b010:jnkn:yhvr:hqsv:nzps:riwl] has joined #governance