#governance | Logs for 2023-12-06

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[15:51:38] -!- halibut has quit [Quit: Timeout]
[15:58:21] -!- halibut [halibut!~halibut@CanHazVHOST/halibut] has joined #governance
[18:18:02] <not_kolie1> I've got to take an ultrasound right now. Should take till past 1 but if im not here im dealing with the dr.
[18:18:06] <not_kolie1> shouldnt*
[18:27:23] <janrinok> good luck!
[18:28:30] <not_kolie1> flight medical, they find the smallest things and they really get into the details.
[18:28:53] <not_kolie1> which is good.
[20:30:24] <not_kolie1> I uhh, am here.
[20:51:43] not_kolie1 is now known as notkolie
[21:00:21] <requerdanos> About meeting time.
[21:00:31] <notkolie> aye.
[21:03:30] <requerdanos> Nov 15 minutes: https://soylentnews.org
[21:03:30] <requerdanos> Nov 29 minutes: https://soylentnews.org
[21:04:50] -!- not_kolie1 [not_kolie1!~notkolie@2620:13c:1000:o:kqxu:nymz:ghoh:jjgq] has joined #governance
[21:04:55] -!- not_kolie1 has quit [Changing host]
[21:04:55] -!- not_kolie1 [not_kolie1!~notkolie@Soylent/Staff/Management/kolie] has joined #governance
[21:04:55] -!- mode/#governance [+o not_kolie1] by Apollo
[21:05:13] <not_kolie1> I dropped.
[21:05:19] <not_kolie1> Minutes look good.
[21:08:10] -!- notkolie has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]
[21:12:32] not_kolie1 is now known as notkolie
[21:13:00] <requerdanos> A quorum would be what, five of eight? We are two.
[21:13:13] <notkolie> Well
[21:13:16] <notkolie> True.
[21:13:45] <notkolie> So that being said - the same discussion is down to - we need to elect a board for newcorp.
[21:14:51] <requerdanos> No argument there. I have said that at least some members of this committee need to be part of the initial board for continuity, regardless of whether they stay or not.
[21:15:36] <notkolie> Ok so I think we pull whos willing to be those people.
[21:15:39] <notkolie> poll*
[21:16:01] <notkolie> I never intended to be in newcorp. For purposes of getting it off the ground I'm willing.
[21:17:15] <requerdanos> Let's look at needs, it needs, what, a president treasurer and secretary, does that sound right? How many members in total does it need?
[21:17:43] <notkolie> As its written we are declaring that there are 3 + 4 community members.
[21:18:24] <notkolie> There's been comments from some that 7 is to many, and we may need to lower, I think that was janrinok's point I don't want to mistate it though.
[21:18:34] <notkolie> Whatever the case, we need to identify and install those people.
[21:19:12] <requerdanos> As far as board size, there are problems with a too-large board and problems with a too-small one, with the perfect size hard to predict.
[21:19:21] <notkolie> And it also remains that the voting component, is still up in the air, due to audioguy's absense and I believe hes the one with the 411 on voting.
[21:19:39] <notkolie> Yea - Ideal to me feels like 7 if theres not enough volunteers than so be it. We can adjust then.
[21:20:03] <notkolie> brb bio
[21:20:18] <requerdanos> Treasurer feels key, not just initially but going forward, as this is probably the most mission-critical role
[21:22:49] <notkolie> yea the book keeping is important to keep things legal and recorded.
[21:23:00] <notkolie> It's pretty basic but you have to know basic corporate accounting.
[21:23:09] requerdanos changed topic of #governance to: SoylentNews Governance Committee - Next Meeting is on Wednesday Dec 13th at 21:00 UTC | This channel IS logged and publicly displayed here https://logs.sylnt.us
[21:23:31] <notkolie> So - open discussion here throughout the week. The meetings are mostly to handle voting and official tallys right.
[21:23:49] <notkolie> I know its holidays and we are at the tail end of this process so I get we aren't all focused.
[21:24:07] <requerdanos> I think some discussion could benefit from real-time participation of the committee members, but otherwise, yes, sounds right
[21:24:21] -!- drussell [drussell!~drussell@2604:3d08:a77f:wltg:khjw:vlhm:ixyw:otnp] has joined #governance
[21:25:11] <notkolie> So points of discussion: Board member election, and voting.
[21:25:19] <notkolie> I know audioguy, that was a medical leave right?
[21:25:36] <requerdanos> Yes, I believe that's correct.
[21:25:39] <notkolie> Anyone know how he's doing or in contact with him?
[21:26:03] <notkolie> I wasn't aware of the specifics. I hope he is well.
[21:26:12] <drussell> w
[21:26:33] <notkolie> Sup drussell.
[21:27:15] <notkolie> Anyways, attention back to work, I'll be monitoring here a few times a day as I normally do.
[21:27:42] <drussell> Hello, goodbye... :)
[21:27:52] <requerdanos> Thanks.
[21:28:00] <notkolie> :)
[21:28:04] <notkolie> I'm hereish.
[21:29:00] <drussell> I currently have nothing to add, I suppose. Carry on. ;)
[21:30:17] <drussell> ALthough I will find the time to proofread the proposed by-laws, haven't got to that yet... I was at one time employed writing, proofreading and generally decyphering legalese.
[21:30:31] <notkolie> Awesome.
[21:30:31] <drussell> I used to be pretty good at it. :)
[21:30:37] <notkolie> Good to have the eyes.
[21:30:51] <drussell> Indeed.
[22:55:04] -!- chromas2 [chromas2!~chromas@Soylent/Staph/Infector/chromas] has joined #governance
[22:56:01] -!- chromas has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]